UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct UFO UpDates Mailing List Oct 1999 Oct 1: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Terry Evans [18] Strieber & Ventura Country UFO Footage - Steve Neill [188] What's New At Magonia - Mark Pilkington [13] Re: Processed MGS Data - Maybe The 'Face' _Is_ - Michael Christol [62] Marcel's Previously Unknown Last Words On Roswell - Stig Agermose [152] Re: Get Real - Sue Kovios [66] Re: Can You 'Hear' A Meteor? - Jacqueline Cosford [13] Re: Get Real - Martin Murray [31] Re: RPIT - A Reminder - Gildas Bourdais [42] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Jerome Clark [26] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Kenny Young [56] Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? - Amy Hebert [13] Re: The Challenge - John Velez [155] Oct 3: 10/1: This Week on Destination: Space - Diana Botsford [70] NASA Speaks in English but the Control Panel is - From: Jim Mortellaro [18] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Jerome Clark [69] Re: RPIT - A Reminder - James Bond Johnson [93] Re: The Challenge - Kevin Randle [19] Re: Sightings Of Fast Moving Lights - Minna Laajala - UFO-Finland [48] Alfred's Odd Ode #319 - Alfred Lehmberg [86] UFO Desk - 'Witnessed' - Paul C. WIlliams [15] Filer's Files #39 -- 1999 - George A. Filer [411] Nick Pope - The Ministry of Defence Respond - James Easton [311] Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? - Amy Hebert [10] Re: Strieber & Ventura Country UFO Footage - Jsmortell@aol.comFrom: Jim Mortellaro [71] Re: Processed MGS Data - Maybe The 'Face' _Is_ - Jim Mortellaro [72] Re: Get Real - Jim Mortellaro [71] OZ Files 03.10.1999 - Diane Harrison - Keith Basterfield Network [179] 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - John Velez & - UFO UpDates - Toronto [47] Re: NASA Speaks in English... - GT McCoy [36] Re: Nick Pope - The Ministry of Defence Respond - Donald Ledger [65] Re: Get Real - Terry Evans [40] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Terry Evans [57] Re: Nick Pope - The Ministry of Defence Respond - Georgina Bruni [13] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Kenny Young [36] Abducted? - Sean Jones [43] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Joseph Polanik [94] Oct 4: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Joseph Polanik [76] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Jerome Clark [93] Re: Abducted? - Jim Mortellaro [86] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Jerome Clark [87] Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? - Greg Sandow [17] Re: NASA Speaks in English... - Larry Hatch [34] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Dennis Stacy [75] Re: Britain's Astronomer Royal Publishes - Stig Agermose [66] Re: Processed MGS Data - Maybe The 'Face' _Is_ - Michael Christol [27] Re: RPIT - A Reminder - Dennis Stacy [62] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Kevin Randle [157] Re: Can You 'Hear' A Meteor? - Bob Young [15] Re: Marcel's Previously Unknown Last Words On - Bob Young [37] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Dennis Stacy [94] Steve Moreno: US Flap September '99 - Stig Agermose [326] Re: 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - John Velez - Gavin A. J. McLeod [22] Re: Mechanics Illustrated Flapjack 1947 - John E.L. Tenney [12] Glennys Mackay In Hospital - Revista UFO [31] Re: Nick Pope - The Ministry of Defence Respond - Roy J Hale [19] Re: NUFORC: Elk Abduction in Washington State - Asgeir W. Skavhaug [74] Re: RPIT - A Reminder - Gildas Bourdais [40] Re: NASA Speaks in English... - Jim Mortellaro [53] Oct 5: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Jim Mortellaro [129] Re: Get Real - Amy Hebert [112] Re: - Amy Hebert [49] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Jerome Clark [46] Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? - Wendy Christensen [34] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Mark Cashman [74] Re: Abducted? - Harry Miller [15] Re: NUFORC: Elk Abduction in Washington State - Steven W. Kaeser [57] Funny What You Can Find Near Bundoran... - Daev Walsh - Blather [494] Re: RPIT - A Reminder - Steven Kaeser [32] Re: NUFORC: Elk Abduction in Washington State - Stephen MILES Lewis [25] UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? - Stig Agermose [41] Re: Get Real - Bob Young [24] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Jenny Randles [108] Re: Abducted? - Jim Mortellaro [49] Re: Get Real - John Rimmer [45] Oct 6: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Dennis Stacy [72] Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? - Will Bueche [29] Re: Get Real - Jim Mortellaro [92] Re: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? - Steven J. Dunn [21] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Kenny Young [73] Re: Abducted? - Sean Jones [77] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Bill Weber [59] Re: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? - Stig Agermose [32] From Maxwell Burns - C. <xxxxx.net> [120] Re: Get Real - Sue Kovios [89] Re: Get Real - Sue Kovios [39] The Purpose Of Abductions - Henny van der Pluijm [129] Oct 7: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Bruce Maccabee [377] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - bruce maccabee [146] Re: Get Real - Amy Hebert [36] Re: Get Real - Amy Hebert [40] Re: AIC Website - John Velez [33] Re: RPIT - A Reminder - Neil Morris [95] Re: NASA Speaks in English... - Sue and John Strickland [42] Re: RPIT - A Reminder - UFO UpDates - Toronto [99] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Greg Sandow [32] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Pat McCartney [60] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Jerome Clark [64] New 'Angel' Dead Sea Scroll Contains Astral - UFO UpDates - Toronto [84] Re: Abducted? - Jim Mortellaro [119] Re: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? - Nick Balaskas [44] Re: Filer's Files #39 -- 1999 - Nick Balaskas [49] Re: Get Real - John Rimmer [66] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Dennis Stacy [27] Re: Rocket Booster Re-entry 25761 - Terry Blanton [6] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Joseph Polanik [70] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Joseph Polanik [61] Re: Get Real - Sue Kovios [31] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Roger Evans [71] Re: Review: 'Roswell' - Lesley Cluff [36] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Tim Matthews [48] UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 4, Number 24 - Joseph Trainor Masinaigan@aol.com [424] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Jenny Randles [77] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Mark Cashman [107] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Jenny Randles [77] Re: RPIT - A Reminder - Neil Morris [47] Re: RPIT - A Reminder - Neil Morris [47] Oct 8: Re: RPIT - A Reminder - Gildas Bourdais [71] British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jenny Randles [162] Re: The Purpose Of Abductions - Sean Jones [21] Re: The Purpose Of Abductions - Asgeir W. Skavhaug [98] Re: Get Real - Dave Bowden [62] Max Burns - Let It Go - Mark Haywood [14] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Brian Cuthbertson [26] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Greg Sandow [20] Re: Filer's Files #39 -- 1999 - Ignatius Graffeo [25] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Jim Mortellaro [97] Re: Rocket Booster Re-entry 25761 - Nick Balaskas [26] Filer's Files #40 -- 1999 - George A. Filer [366] Re: Rocket Booster Re-entry 25761 - Bob Young [16] TMP News: New Planet in Our Solar System? - Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada [37] Re: From Maxwell Burns - David Clarke [84] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Roy J Hale [17] Re: Tampa UFO Video Summary Report - Ignatius Graffeo [38] CPR-Canada News: Update 2 on Edmonton #2 Crop - Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada [50] Re: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? - Kevin Randle [118] Re: The Purpose Of Abductions - Stephen MILES Lewis [51] Oct 9: Roy Hale's Site Updated - Roy J Hale [5] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Stephen MILES Lewis [74] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Serge Salvaill [97] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Stephen MILES Lewis [83] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Stephen MILES Lewis [83] Re: RPIT - A Reminder - Neil Morris [98] Re: Get Real - Jim Mortellaro [95] Re: Max Burns - Let It Go - Jim Mortellaro [29] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jim Mortellaro [30] Re: Get Real - Jim Mortellaro [98] [UFOR] Re: Information Request (KGB UFO Files) - Francisco Lopez [14] SpaceViews -- 1999 October 8 - Moderator, UFO UpDates - Toronto [679] 'Planet X' Beyond Pluto? - Blair Cummins [114] NASA speaks English... But Kilo-meters? - Michael J. Woods [141] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Sue Kovios [78] Re: The Purpose Of Abductions - Bruce Maccabee [60] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Dennis Stacy [39] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Dennis Stacy [19] Re: Max Burns - Let It Go - Roy J Hale [23] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Lesley Cluff [48] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - John Velez [65] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Jim Mortellaro [146] Re: Get Real - Amy Hebert [55] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Jerry Black [158] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Amy Hebert [20] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Larry Hatch [61] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jenny Randles [93] Re: Alfred's Odd Ode #320 - Alfred Lehmberg [170] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Joseph Polanik [53] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Jerome Clark [87] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Larry Hatch [47] Re: 'Planet X' Beyond Pluto? - Larry Hatch [42] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Bruce Maccabee [91] UFO Tower To Become A Reality In Valley - Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk [82] Oct 10: New UFO Pics From Istanbul - Erol Erkmen [8] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Jim Mortellaro [105] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - John Rimmer [36] Re: Get Real - Dave Bowden [102] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Jonathan Dyton [62] Re: 'Planet X' Beyond Pluto? - Nick Balaskas [39] UFOR: Project Paperclip/Overcast - Francisco Lopez [191] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Jim Mortellaro [43] Re: The Purpose Of Abductions - Larry Hatch [70] Re: NASA speaks English... But Kilo-meters? - Terry Blanton [12] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Larry Hatch [13] Re: Alfred's Odd Ode #320 - Jim Mortellaro [61] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Tim Matthews [101] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Stephen MILES Lewis [148] Re: Feds Curious About High-tech Meeting On ETs - Amy Hebert [56] 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - Lynne Bishop & - UFO UpDates - Toronto [46] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Amy Hebert [37] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Jim Mortellaro [164] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Dennis Stacy [54] Re: 'Planet X' Beyond Pluto? - Stan Friedman [40] Re: Roy Hale's Site Updated - Michael Christol [17] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Jim Mortellaro [58] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Sue Strickland [66] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Martin Phillips [21] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Andy Roberts [51] Oct 11: Alfred's Odd Ode #320 - Alfred Lehmberg [170] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Dave Baker [29] Re: Get Real - Brian Cuthbertson [36] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Martin Phillips [38] Re: Get Real - Amy Hebert [193] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Sue Kovios [55] Re: Get Real - Amy Hebert [193] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - John Rimmer [33] Aeribarque! - Kenny Young [18] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Serge Salvaille [120] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Kenny Young [30] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Joseph Polanik [69] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Roy J Hale [36] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Henny van der Pluijm [39] Re: Roy Hale's Site Updated - Roy J Hale [12] Re: Feds Curious About High-tech Meeting On ETs - Chuck Sutton [30] Alien Ineptitude - Joseph Polanik [54] Re: Alien Ineptitude - Joseph Polanik [245] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Bruce Maccabee [165] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Sue Kovios [89] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Sue Kovios [54] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Greg Sandow [50] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Greg Sandow [43] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - John Velez [50] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jenny Randles [108] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Neil Morris [79] Nick Pope's Weird World - Georgina Bruni [121] Gary Schultz? - Philip Mantle [10] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Stephen MILES Lewis [281] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened - Todd Lemire [36] Oct 12: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case - Erol Erkmen [24] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Jerome Clark [37] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Jerome Clark [31] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Lesley Cluff [39] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Michel M. Deschamps [37] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Michel M. Deschamps [56] Re: Nick Pope's Weird World - Greg Sandow [26] Re: Alien Ineptitude - Greg Sandow [120] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Jim Mortellaro [56] Re: Alien Ineptitude - Lesley Cluff [63] Re: Alien Ineptitude - Brian Cuthbertson [22] Oz Base Nurrungar Closed - John Auchettl [51] Australian Ufology + Imperial College Prof - John Auchettl [48] Re: Get Real - Sharon Kardol [62] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Dennis Stacy [15] Oct 13: More TOP SECRET MAJESTIC UFO Documents - Ryan Wood [213] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - GT McCoy [70] Re: Alien Ineptitude - John Velez [95] Re: Aeribarque! - Larry Hatch [30] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Rory Lushman [24] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Tim Matthews [15] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Tim Matthews [19] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Sue Strickland [83] Re: Alien Ineptitude - Christophe Meessen [109] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Roy J Hale [54] Re: Get Real - Roy J Hale [14] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Andy Roberts [27] Re: Get Real - Dave Bowden [58] Re: Get Real - Dave Bowden [130] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Jonathan Dyton [185] Steven Greer On Compuserve's UFO Forum - Sue Addison [16] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jenny Randles [60] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Jenny Randles [64] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jenny Randles [50] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Mark Cashman [122] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - David Clarke [48] Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case - Stan Friedman [43] Philip K. Dick [was: Re: Abductions: A Funny - Stephen Lewis [117] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Stan Friedman [62] Re: Nick Pope's Weird World - Dennis Stacy [49] Re: Alien Ineptitude - Dennis Stacy [48] TMP News: The Millennium Forum Lecture Series - Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada [101] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - bruce maccabee [826] Trapper recounts UFO sighting - Stig Agermose [42] The Prophets Conference - Dr. Edgar Mitchell - prophets@maui.net [71] Re: From Maxwell Burns - John Rimmer [30] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Larry Hatch [49] Oct 14: Re: Australian Ufology + Imperial College Prof - Jenny Randles [59] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jenny Randles [93] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jenny Randles [51] Re: Get Real - Amy Hebert [73] Links For Web-Site - Roy J Hale [8] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Roy J Hale [36] Re: Steven Greer On Compuserve's UFO Forum - Roy J Hale [17] Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case - Bruce Maccabee [115] Re: Get Real - Marc BelL [78] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Dennis Stacy [196] Re: Nick Pope's Weird World - Sean Jones [12] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Sean Jones [77] Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case - Erol Erkmen [45] Re: From Maxwell Burns - David Clarke [117] King Island UFO Search No Hoax - John W. Auchettl [65] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Dennis Stacy [22] Re: Philip K. Dick - Greg Sandow [52] (eS) Questioning the fundamentals - exoScience [32] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Roy J Hale [26] Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude - Mark Cashman [57] Re: Alien Ineptitude - Greg Sandow [73] Re: Alien Ineptitude - Melanie Mecca [29] Oct 15: Re: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower - Don Allen [34] Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case - Serge Salvaille [42] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Andy Roberts [60] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Jenny Randles [92] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Andy Roberts [76] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Jenny Randles [65] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jenny Randles [86] Re: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower - Don Allen [34] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Jenny Randles [76] Dr. Johannes Fiebag 1956 - 1999 - Sue Kovioss [27] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Mark Cashman [376] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Roger Evans [113] Oct 16: Electrogravitics Systems - Sue Kovios [23] Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude - Bruce Maccabee [31] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Bruce Maccabee [122] Filer's Files #41 -- 1999 - George A. Filer [350] CPR-Canada News: Formation #6 at Midale, - Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada [64] Electrogravitics Systems - UFO UpDates - Toronto [29] Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex - Stig Agermose [69] Re: Get Real - Dave Bowden [97] Re: Get Real - Sharon Kardol [104] Re: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower - Kevin Randle [20] Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case - Bruce Mccabee [5] Re: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower - Larry Hatch [43] Jeff Rense Weekly E-News 10-15-99 - Rense E-News [244] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Bruce Maccabee [222] Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case - Bruce Maccabee [75] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Roy J Hale [24] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Roy J Hale [16] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Sue Kovios [42] Re: Phoenix Police Helicopter Accosted By UFO - Stig Agermose [20] Oct 17: UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 4, Number 25 - John Hayes [308] Tornado Crash Puzzle - David Clarke [129] Alfred's Odd Ode #321 - Alfred Lehmberg [117] 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - Neil Freer - UFO UpDates - Toronto [172] Re: From Maxwell Burns - John Rimmer [38] Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude - Amy Hebert [57] Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case - Larry Hatch [14] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Jenny Randles [111] Re: Alien Ineptitude - Joseph Polanik [75] Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude - Larry Hatch [57] Re: Cooper/Woods MAJESTIC Leak Grows Into Paper - Larry Hatch [26] Oct 18: Re: Get Real - Sue Kovios [75] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Roger Evans [205] Re: Get Real - Amy Hebert [50] Santilli Film Stills? - Philip Mantle - QUEST [23] 'Alien Autopsy' Archive - Philip Mantle - QUEST [12] UFOIN - Announcement - Robert Moore [17] Re: Nick Pope's Weird World - Martin Phillips [53] ATIC Research Update - Wendy Connors [16] Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case - Bruce Maccabee [19] Please Check Links - Roy J Hale [9] Re: Alien Ineptitude - Henny van der Pluijm [32] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Dennis Stacy [49] Re: Alien Ineptitude - Lesley Cluff [72] Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case - Dennis Stacy [30] Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude - Mark Cashman [19] Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex - Joachim Koch [78] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Lesley Cluff [42] Re: Alien Ineptitude - Christophe Meessen [94] PRG/X-PPAC Programming Announcement - Stephen G. Bassett [50] [bwwma] BWWMA Flash! Firmage On TV Tonight - Bufo Calvin [32] Oct 19: RPIT Salutes Neil Morris For Roswell Crash - James Bond Johnson <JBONJO@aol.com [47] NASA Report On 'Unidentified Visual Phenomena...' - Stig Agermose [20] Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case - Greg Sandow [18] Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude - Greg Sandow [23] MoD Lessens Scope Of Pope's X-Files Work - Stig Agermose [105] Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex - Henny van der Pluijm [30] Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case - Greg Sandow [18] Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude - Greg Sandow [23] A&E's 'Celebrity Close Encounters' - Lesley Cluff [64] Re: Get Real - Sharon Kardol [109] Re: Geller On Nazi Saucers - GT McCoy [69] Re: Get Real - Amy Hebert [95] Re: Get Real - Amy Hebert [28] Re: Alien Ineptitude - Jim Mortellaro [136] Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude - Larry Hatch [28] ATIC History Update - Wendy Connors [88] Researcher Presents Findings At University Of - Blair Cummins [27] Re: From Maxwell Burns - Pat McCartney [78] NASA Unveils New, Most Accurate Antarctic Map - NASANews@hq.nasa.gov [100] Oct 20: Polygraph Standards & Principles of Practice - Serge Salvaille [117] Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude - Tim D. Brigham [55] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Bruce Maccabee [390] Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case - Paul C. WIlliams [36] Re: Get Real - Sue Kovios [52] Re: MoD Lessens Scope Of Pope's X-Files Work - Jenny Randles [118] Re: Colorado Professor To Present Seminar On - Stig Agermose [31] 'The Abduction Enigma' - Thiago Ticchetti [38] Re: Santilli Film Stills? - James Easton [41] McDill AFB 1967 - Brian Cuthbertson [37] Missile Intercept Mistaken as UFO? - Blair Cummins [21] Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case - Dennis Stacy [56] Re: RPIT Salutes Neil Morris For Roswell Crash - Rick Goldsmith [35] Re: MoD Lessens Scope Of Pope's X-Files Work - royjhale [25] Re: Get Real - Amy Hebert [87] Where is Japan's "Planet-B" Mars Probe? - Ignatius Graffeo [18] RPIT More New Findings - Neil Morris [65] Correction: Where is Japan's "Planet-B" Mars Probe? - Ignatius Graffeo [23] Re: Geller On Nazi Saucers - Maurizio Verga [11] The Legend Of The Piri Reis Map - Erol Erkmen [40] Oct 21: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case - Jim Mortellarko [35] ATIC History Update #3 - Wendy Connors [49] Re: Get Real - Marc Bell [80] eS) Moon Mystery - exoScience [23] Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex - Joachim Koch [23] PRG/X-PPAC Program Addendum - Stephen G. Bassett [16] WBAI's 'UFO Desk' [was: Ed Walters' Photos...] - Greg Sandow [20] Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case - Greg Sandow [35] Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude - Greg Sandow [25] RAMS - The Beat Still Goes On - UFO UpDates - Toronto [65] The Missing Nozomi (Planet B) Probe - Gavin A. J. McLeod [4] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Roger Evans [81] Re: Geller On Nazi Saucers - GT McCoy [21] Re: Get Real - Amy Hebert [38] Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude - Mark Cashman [59] Some Questions For Nick Pope - Tim Matthews [94] Re: Get Real - Dave Bowden [54] Oct 22: 'The Grey Dude' - Brian Cuthbertson [6] Japan's Mars Probe In Mars Orbit January 2004 - Ignatius Graffeo [139] Re: Where is Japan's "Planet-B" Mars Probe? - Perry Mick [10] Re: RPIT Salutes Neil Morris... - Neil Morris [49] Re: UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 4, Number 26 - Joseph Trainor [255] Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex - Bob Kathman [45] Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex - Jim Deardorff [35] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Sean Jones [117] Re: RAMS - The Beat Still Goes On - Alfred Lehmberg [33] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Bruce Maccabee [106] Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude - Amy Hebert [72] Re: Get Real - Sue Kovios [51] Re: RPIT More New Findings - Bruce Maccabee [34] Armstrong: "...life probably exists out there..." - Stig Agermose [116] Laura Lee E-News - October 23, 1999 - webmaster@lauralee.com [122] Ice-Age Nanotechnology? - UFO UpDates - Toronto [152] Re: Get Real - Amy Hebert [56] Filer's Files #42 -- 1999 - George A. Filer [421] JJG Passes - More Than Swamp Gas - Jim Mortellaro [26] An Invitation To Messrs Black & Maccabee - UFO UpDates - Toronto [10] Oct 23: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jenny Randles [62] Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex - Joachim Koch [56] UFOcity.com Report 10/99 - Peter Robbins [347] Re: Armstrong: "...life probably exists out - Alfred Lehmberg [39] Re: RPIT More New Findings - James Easton [36] Alien Abduction: What's Going On? - Tara Wood [7] Jupiter, Saturn and Venus (and the Northern - Nick Balaskas [14] UFO Conference Oct. 30 & 31, 1999 - New Jersey - Tom Benson [32] Re: Japan's Mars Probe In Mars Orbit January 2004 - Jim Mortellaro [154] Oct 24: Virginia Tech Prof Makes 'Out Of This World' - Stig Agermose [66] SETI@home Project Reaches Major Milestone - Stig Agermose [82] UFO Research - Focus On Nuclear Weapons Incidents - Stig Agermose [45] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Roger Annette Evans [127] 'Cigarette-Smoking Man' A CSICOP Member - Speaks - Stig Agermose [100] 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - Stan Friedman & - UFO UpDates - Toronto [46] Oct 25: Re: Get Real - Amy Hebert [49] Alfred's Odd Ode #322 - Alfred Lehmberg [79] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jerome Clark [54] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - David Clarke [57] Re: RPIT More New Findings - Neil Morris [46] Re: UFOcity.com Report 10/99 - Nick Balaskas [73] Re: Alien Ineptitude - Joseph Polanik [70] Re: Alien Bodies Recovered After UFO Crash In - Roy J Hale [14] Australian UFO Sighting Reports OZ Files 24.10.1999 - Diane Harrison [183] CPR-Canada News: WAIF Radio Interview - October - Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada [46] When Disclosure Serves Secrecy - Stephen MILES Lewis [304] More Web Links - royjhale [10] Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... - Stephen MILES Lewis [149] Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies - Stig Agermose [176] Re: RPIT More New Findings - neil morris [93] Re: Alien Bodies Recovered After UFO Crash In - Andy Roberts [82] Re: Get Real - Dave Bowden [84] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Chris Kelly [8] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Sean Jones [86] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Bruce Maccabee [226] Oct 26: Alien Contact Would Ignite Media Frenzy - Stig Agermose [188] Re: Alien Ineptitude - John Velez [108] Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy - Tony Spurrier [76] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jenny Randles [191] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jerome Clark [32] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Roy J Hale [18] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Stephen Lewis [70] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Pat McCartney [55] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jenny Randles [92] Re: Get Real - Amy Hebert [105] PRG/X-PPAC 'Beyond Little Green Men And SETIi's - Stephen G. Bassett [118] Re: Gore Is Asked About UFOs At N.H Forum - Karl T. Pflock [11] Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies - Scott Hale [19] Re: RPIT More New Findings - Bruce Maccabee [25] Re: Get Real - Sharon Kardol [164] Top UFO News Stories of 1999 Poll Starts Today - Ignatius Graffeo [12] [canufo] UFS 10-24-99 Whitehorse, Yukon - UFO UpDates - Toronto [76] Re: Alien Contact Would Ignite Media Frenzy - Robert Gates [28] Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy - Rebecca Keith [13] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jerome Clark [88] AA Film In Popular Culture - Philip Mantle - QUEST [27] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Andy Roberts [105] [lunascan] Re: Warning - Ted Phillips [32] Oct 27: Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO - David Clarke [18] Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO - UFO UpDates - Toronto [35] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - David Clarke [73] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Sean Jones [79] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Sean Jones [22] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Sean Jones [98] Re: Armstrong: "...life probably exists out - Jim Mortellaro [43] Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos - Bruce Maccabee [28] Re: Gore Is Asked About UFOs At N.H Forum - Jerome Clark [17] Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies - Greg Sandow [61] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Thiago Ticchetti [18] Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies - Bob Young [11] Re: Get Real - Sue Kovios [74] Oct 28: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jerome Clark [81] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Henny van der Pluijm [49] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Henny van der Pluijm [47] Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy - Robert Gates [348] Re: Get Real - Amy Hebert [206] Re: Get Real - Dave Bowden [68] Ways To Make Sight-Observations? - Minna Laajala - UFO-Finland [144] Top Events And Publications Ltd. - Philip Mantle - QUEST [57] Re: British ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jenny Randles [63] Re: British ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jenny Randles [63] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - John Rimmer [52] New UFO Crash In Brazil Forest? - Thiago Ticchetti [83] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Roy J Hale [16] Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO - Neil Morris [64] Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO - Jenny Randles [49] Re: Gore Is Asked About UFOs At N.H Forum - Karl T. Pflock [20] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jerome Clark [107] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - David Clarke [100] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - John Rimmer [46] Federal Notice on Groom Lake/AREA 51 status, Oct. - Norio Hayakawa [94] Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies - Dennis Stacy [10] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Henny van der Pluijm [48] Oct 29: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jerome Clark [43] Re: Get Real - Amy Hebert [51] Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy - Terry Blanton [29] Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO - Roy J Hale [28] UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 4, Number 27 - Joseph Trainor [541] Heathrow 06-09-98 UFO Full Report - David Clarke [78] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Andy Roberts [45] Re: Ways To Make Sight-Observations? - Mark Cashman [15] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jerome Clark [36] 'Chupacabra' Attacks Again - Thiago Ticchetti [22] Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies - Greg Sandow [10] Article: Marfa Lights - Blair Cummins [8] Ways To Ignore Reality - GT McCoy [32] CPR-Canada News: Another Formation - Viscount, - Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada [60] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Todd Lemire [25] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Todd Lemire [34] Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO - Jenny Randles [38] Dark Object - Donald . Ledger [18] Re: - Steven M. Greer [37] Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy - Steven M. Greer [37] Re: Get Real - Sharon Kardol [34] Re: Get Real - Sharon Kardol [114] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jerome Clark [76] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jerome Clark [30] Sheriff Recalls 1966 UFO Encounter - Blair Cummins [123] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Gildas Bourdais [91] Where's Bill Barry? - Karl T. Pflock [11] Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy - Kim Burrafato [47] Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy - Stefan Duncan [46] Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy - Jim Mortellaro [139] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - David Clarke [194] Re: Alien Contact Would Ignite Media Frenzy - Stephen G. Bassett [37] Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy - John Velez [75] Re: Get Real - Dave Bowden [35] Filer's Files #43 - George A. Filer [322] Cali/Colombia 1976 - Joachim Koch [46] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jenny Randles [180] Oct 30: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Todd Lemire [38] New Yorkers Watch Skies For UFOs - Blair Cummins [90] Re: Huge Fireball Leaves Canadians Puzzled - Don Ledger [31] Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy - Jim Mortellaro [69] Re: Ways To Ignore Reality - Jim Mortellaro [47] Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy - Amy Hebert [18] Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy - Joe Murgia [39] Re: Cali/Colombia 1976 - Larry Hatch [62] Alfred's Odd Ode #323 - Alfred Lehmberg [108] Oct 31: New at Magonia - Mark Pilkington [21] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jerome Clark [44] Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy - Robert Gates [101] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jerome Clark [268] Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy - Serge Salvaille [40] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Jenny Randles [132] Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy - Tony Spurrier [28] 'War Of The Worlds' Revisited - Blair Cummins [14] Aliens Stole My Title - Jenny Randles [56] 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - Bassett & - UFO UpDates - Toronto [41] Whitley Striber to speak at MindScience Foundation - Stephen MILES Lewis [22] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Gildas Bourdais [180] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - Andy Roberts [109] Re: Aliens Stole My Title - Karl T Pflock [18] FYI - Alien Base by Timothy Good - Lucius Farish [45] Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! - David Clarke [136] The number enclosed in brackets is the number of lines of new text in

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 1 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Terry Evans <tevans@tranquility.net> Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 13:06:58 -0500 Fwd Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 02:37:44 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Wed, 29 Sep 99 22:30:23 PDT >>Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 12:51:54 -0400 >>From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>From: Brian Straight <brians@mdbs.com> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 12:01:05 -0500 >Patient and gentle listfolk: <snip Mr. Clark: Your polemics are tiring. You write for yourself. I no longer read anything you write. Terry Evans.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 1 Strieber & Ventura Country UFO Footage From: Steve Neill <neill@gte.net> Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 11:20:00 -0700 Fwd Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 15:08:43 -0400 Subject: Strieber & Ventura Country UFO Footage [Non-Subscriber Post] >Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 07:35:01 >To: updates@globalserve.net >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Subject: Strieber Rallies UFO Faithful, Rails Against 'Denial' <snip> >A glowing sphere lopes across the night sky over Camarillo, CA, >on Thanksgiving, 1998. With a long rigid projection fixed at a >skewed angle and tipped with a smaller spherical projection, it >is unlikely to be a weather balloon. It teases the camera, then >explodes in a blast of flaming debris�. To whom it may concern. The video tape of the UFO over Camarillo was shot by me, Steve Neill. Whitley doesn't bother to mention this and I alone with Roger Leir as an observer video taped the UFO. Whitley, months ago, asked for the tape to take for this lab and I have not been able to get back the original tape. I'm being avoided which puts Whitley in a worst spot light than he already is. All I want is the tape back. These kind of actions on his part are not good. Thought you should know. It's this kind of thing that caused my departure from the UFO community for good. If you didn't see my message attached is a copy. Sincerely, Steve Neill STEVE NEILL FX ----- SIGHTINGS Steve Neill, Renowned UFO Researcher and Artist, Quits UFOlogy From Steve Neill <neill@gte.net> 5-15-99 After being involved in the most serious UFO research and direct experiences with ET all my life, the behavior of most of the UFO community has become such a disgrace, so vile and demented, that I have decided to withdraw from the field permanently. All the petty, infantile mudslinging and politics, the backstabbing and throat-slitting, the egos and the liars, the radio cult figures, the betrayal of 'friendships' have all overshadowed the critical issues at hand...and have often made a virtual laughing stock of anyone who innocently tries to tell the truth. The UFO 'community' is its own worst enemy. Any respect this field might have had or been due to receive has been destroyed by the actions of many, if not most, of the key players involved. I say *most* involved because there are some very good professional people in the field...but they are a relative few and maintain low profiles for the most part. After many, many years of involvement and serious study, I have regrettably had to accept that many of the good people who come into contact with this subject are often destroyed by it, and can lose family, friends and even their careers because of the fighting and manipulation and treachery running rampant. Perhaps the people who designed and implemented the 50 year UFO cover-up are right. Perhaps they know exactly what they were - and are - doing. Perhaps they realized it by simply watching the behavior of the UFO 'community' and knew better than to give this biggest secret of all to the masses. Without doubt, if the world at-large acted like the UFO 'community'...the world might well stop...the engine of society gagging itself to a dead stall after choking on the outrageous lies, deceit, fraud, hate, and hoaxes that so permeate the UFO 'culture' these days. In retrospect, perhaps some of my own actions have been irresponsible and may have unwittingly contributed to the stress and downfall of some...in the sense that my experiences terrified them and set up an opportunity for hustlers to play on the underlying current of exaggeration, fear, and anxiety that hearing these experiences can bring about. Somewhat naievely, I thought it was important that people know and that it might help some of them. But for all those I helped, I may have done a disservice to many more. It can be reckless to alarm the public, even if you do have proof. We should think more of what the 'truth' could do to those who hear it...instead of what it can do for we who know. This isn't a warning about pollution or some social injustice but of an invasion by beings from another world(s) who have *total control* over us. And we, as a species, haven't a clue. That kind of knowledge can destroy one's ambition, social parameters, and, in some extreme cases, even the will to live. This we cannot allow to happen. Certainly, many humans may be 'ready' for the 'truth' but given the current state of the world...and the strangle hold on over half the world's population by organized 'religion'...the results would be catastrophic. Finally, it would be a much better use of our time if we pursued issues we CAN control in order to provide a real future for our children...those who can still think for themselves. Have any of you talked to a 16 year old lately? Many of our own children, tomorrow's 'leaders,' have very little hope for the future. They often live for the moment and the next high (drugs or otherwise) and their heroes are all too often dark 'movements,' and dark rock bands with their dark and ugly lyrics, dark video games of death and terror, and dark thought which is spawned and nurtured in their young minds by the greed-obsessed 'entertainment' industry and other mass-mind control mechanisms. What happened to the The Beatles and John Glenn? What happened to at least the idea of morals and positive values? Responsibility? Accountability? What happened to the concept of 'giving'? The same egomania and self-aggrandizement that fuels the morons who top the pop music charts is found in the UFO 'community' as well. Oh yes, the vocabulary is a little more astute but don't kid yourself, it's the same old rocket-to-stardom "I wanna be a star" syndrome. In the UFO 'community' theft of others' research has replaced the real thing. Many 'researchers' go to conferences and on radio programs and simply spew various mixtures of other peoples' data...begged, borrowed, and just plain stolen. When is the last time you heard someone unique...who actually said something 'new'? It doesn't happen very often. It's time to try to reach back to being the great beings we were...and are...so that we may reach ahead and make it to that future which holds so much promise. We went to the Moon over 30 years ago and what a proud moment it was. Now it's time to journey to Mars...and the stars beyond...where one day WE will become the aliens. Let's give the world something positive for a change. For starters, let's stop knocking NASA. Sure, every agency has its problems but overall they've done more to help this planet and its people then any of you UFO folks will ever hope to do. It's stupid to make an enemy out of the very people who have the keys to our own Starship. I know some of you will be offended by my actions and my words. You wouldn't expect it from Steve Neill of all people. Well, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee, you don't know 10% of what you think you do. After all, there is life after UFOs and it's a great one I plan on living. My efforts at this point are to shift back to what I was doing before all this started...to promoting manned space exploration anyway I can. You will already see examples of this redirected energy on my website and there will be more to come. All the Universe or Nothingness. The choice is ours. -Steve Neill <neill@gte.net www.alienfx.com A brief comment on one Robert A. M. Stephens. If you strip away the foul language (which he claims to use only to respond to people who abuse him), you might just see the UFO community's own karma coming home to roost. The chances of this man 'just happening' to stumble into this arena are about zero. If nothing else, he has exposed many of the biggest frauds and egos, and most guilty corruptors of reality. He has also held up a mirror to UFOlogy...forcing it to look at it's own ugly face. He has shown how it has defiled its own opportunity to make an orderly and intelligent advance into our immediate future. Robert A. M. Stephens is a symptom of serious trouble...and, just perhaps, he is the bitter medicine that could start a cure. Only time will tell. ---- Commentary Mr. Neill, Four years ago I went to work for a company that supplied its software engineers with access to the internet. I began reading alt.aliens.visitors at that time. This was about the time that the Alien Autopsy film was debuting. Also there was Bob Lazar and the tunnels and Jim Lear's stories. For the first time I was able to see a large piece of the picture as I have been a UFO follower since the '50s when I was a boy. Since then I have an internet connection in my home as well and my first web page each day is the Jeff Rinse Sightings page. I have never listened to Jeff's radio programs as they are not available in this area (DFW), but the type of news his page reports is what I'm interested in. Current events including the UFO news! If it were not for people like yourself in the UFO field dedicated to the truth, I would not be as informed as I am today in these matters. Truly it must be very frustrating to have to deal with the liars, thieves and debunkers, but somehow we the public thinkers can pretty well tell who is lying and who is not. We have time on our side and can watch the communities credible member's reactions and wait 'til the dust settles. We are not stupid! I have known for years that the alien presence is here, don't ask how, I just have known. Call it a slow arousal from a deeper sleep, call it higher concious- ness or whatever, the point is most thinking people know the truth. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your effort in this field and wish you the best in the future. Mars is an exciting next step and I have been aware that NASA's effort has redoubled toward it. Thinking back a few years, the thing that stands out in my mind is that panoramic composite picture sent back from the tiny Mars rover. Incredible! The problems that plague our world are gripping to say the least. Such varying awareness spans the planet, from primitive natives to sophisticated engineers and technicians, from the spiritually deprived to corrupt politicians. The span is great, but time is on our side, time has a way of bringing birth to new thoughts, to new beginnings and peace. Have a nice day, Woody Pope Engineer, guitar player and UFO buff SIGHTINGS HOMEPAGE

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 1 What's New At Magonia From: Mark Pilkington <m.pilkington@virgin.net> Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 23:55:23 +0100 Fwd Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 03:52:55 -0400 Subject: What's New At Magonia http://www.magonia.demon.co.uk/newmag.htm 01/10/99 Roger Sandell memorial competition �100/$160 prize Winter book reviews by Peter Rogerson Keep your head down for the millennium passover period Untangling "The Abduction Conundrum" Magonia answers critics of the psychosocial school Mark Pilkington "A heathen perhaps, but not, I hope, an unenlightened one." Lord Summerisle ------------------------------------------------ Magonia Online http://www.magonia.demon.co.uk

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 1 Re: Processed MGS Data - Maybe The 'Face' _Is_ From: Michael Christol <mchristo@mindspring.com> Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 15:17:38 -0700 Fwd Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 03:29:59 -0400 Subject: Re: Processed MGS Data - Maybe The 'Face' _Is_ >From: Mac Tonnies <Alintelbot@aol.com> >Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 18:49:57 EDT >Subject: Re: Processed MGS Data - Maybe The 'Face' _Is_ >To: updates@globalserve.net >Steven J. Dunn writes: >>In April 1998, NASA released imaged of the Cydonia region and >>the "face on Mars" that looked to most, including this humble >>correspondent, to be a very natural formation. The "face" was >>dead. >The MGS shot of the "Face" on Mars was handled horribly from the >beginning--by the news media, predictably, but also by NASA, who >released an unprocessed version of the Face to the media in an >arguable attempt to kill the issue before any intelligent >discourse could materialize. >In a way, NASA was being honest: it released the first halfway >intelligible image it had right away, killing the otherwise >inevitable attempts to shout "cover-up"! But for an agency who >publicly claimed a "neutral stand," the horrid April image was >used as a "straw man" by the very geologists who insisted it was >a non-issue and not worthy of discussion. <snip> >Sadly, NASA has also informally retracted its earlier promise to >rephotograph the site "until everyone is satisfied." It wasted >a perfect opportunity to do just this on Aug. 26--a chance to >get a clean overhead shot of the Face under good light and >weather conditions (even NASA grudgingly conceded that the April >'98 image was taken through a layer of atmospheric haze). >Our next chance is in November. >The Face and its associated landforms represent a legitimate >scientific anomaly, and one that can be falsified--but only with >good data! A failure to pursue this mystery, whether out of >cowardice or bureaucratic apathy, may well turn out to be the >defining intellectual catastrophe of our era. >--Mac Tonnies NASA is supposed to be a "public funded" organization, receiving it's money from Congress and supported by tax payers. Since NASA chooses to "exclude" the very people who are funding their space exploration, why do we continue to support them and request Congressional funding??? If they feel we are not entitled to "know" what their machines along with the "sensors and cameras," are detecting, then why should we "collectively," not demand of Congress a complete cut off of "public funds?" I personally feel and have felt for over 25 years that most of the work done by NASA was for the Military Complex anyway. When you understand that the majority of astronauts have been Military Test Pilots in the past, then I think this may support my contention. I realize there are more civilians involved with the "shuttle" missions now, but still, who is reaping the benefits from NASA's budgets? Do we really want to know what they have kept from us over the years? If so, then let us demand it now or forever "shut up!" I am the first to admit I am a "dunce." The fact that I have sat idlely by for all these years and said nothing should prove that. REgards, Mike Download ICQ at http://www.icq.com/ ICQ#:7508455 BBS: (270) 683-3026 Fax: (270) 686-7394 Home: (270) 683-6811 ---

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 1 Marcel's Previously Unknown Last Words On Roswell From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 01:56:11 Fwd Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 03:55:07 -0400 Subject: Marcel's Previously Unknown Last Words On Roswell Source: 'space.com' http://www.space.com/area51/marcel_990930.html Stig *** Marcel's Last Words on Roswell Crash By Robert Scott Martin Staff Writer Sep 30 1999 12:21:09 ET ** [Images: Jesse Marcel, late in his life. Click to enlarge. Marcel unfurls a sheet of unidentified debris in 1947 (credit: Fort Worth Star-Telegram). Click to enlarge.] According to a previously unknown 1981 interview, Jesse Marcel, the Roswell Air Force Base intelligence officer who transformed UFO history when he recovered pieces of an unidentified object in the desert, maintained to the end of his life that the object was no weather balloon. Linda Corley, who interviewed Marcel five years before his death, closed the 1999 National UFO Conference with a largely impressionistic portrait of the man's last years in Houma, LA, where she still lives. Corley contacted Marcel after a college professor told her class to interview "an interesting person." The resulting four-hour conversation between Marcel, his wife, Viaud, and Corley took place around the Marcels' kitchen table on May 5, 1981, and was recorded on an inexpensive student cassette player. One of the most significant details to emerge from the discussion, believed to be Marcel's last in-depth public statement on the Roswell affair, was the fact that Marcel firmly denied having seen alien corpses in the wreckage. "Had there been bodies of aliens in the debris, I would have picked them up and brought them in," Corley quoted him as saying. The absence of corpses flies in the face of orthodox Roswell crash mythology. Stanton Friedman, author of Top Secret/MAJIC, Crash at Corona and other UFO exposes, has previously stated that other sources told him that both debris and bodies were recovered from the crash site, and the possible existence of alien passengers in the crashed object has been one of the main factors fuelling the Roswell industry. Theoretically, of course, Marcel could simply have been unaware of any alien bodies, which may have been taken away before he toured the wreckage. However, this is unlikely. Why would a super-secret effort to recover any bodies before Marcel arrived on the scene leave the strange wreckage behind? Why not take everything? Not a balloon Even in the absence of aliens, Marcel remained convinced that the wreckage was not, as the Air Force has since maintained, part of a downed top-secret balloon. "The material was unusual," Corley said he told her. " It couldn't have been a balloon. It was porous, it couldn't hold air." To the best of Marcel's knowledge, the military kept all of the strange metallic fabric that predominated the debris, along with the structural elements that looked like wood but didn't burn. He had little patience for either the original explanation that the "flying disk" recovered from Roswell was part of a weather balloon, or the official story of a highly classified Mogul spy balloon that emerged later. The infamous photograph of Brigadier General Roger Ramey displaying the wreckage was unquestionably a fake, he said, staged later "strictly for the press." "Publicity is not what I want" Significantly, Marcel does not come across in the Corley interview as a man making up an outlandish story to get attention and possibly money as well, as skeptics have claimed. "Publicity is not what I want," she quotes him as saying. "I feel like I'm a nobody and I'm going to stay a nobody � talk about these things and they get a net after you." Nor was he a "true believer" interested in spreading his story to win public support for the UFO cause. "I became disinterested" with UFOs, he said. "There's something wrong with me -- I'm still curious, but I'm not reading." Patriotism, silence and their rewards Marcel described himself as a young man to Corley as being extremely ambitious, "like ten cats on a hot tin roof," a characterization borne out by more than 8 years of active military duty. Still, he left the army at a relatively young age in 1950, whereupon he learned he had received a "stealth promotion" to the rank of lieutenant colonel in December, 1948. The file explaining the promotion had been misplaced, he told Corley. Corley now says Marcel felt unable to tell her everything he knew about certain subjects, quoting him as saying, "I left the service, but remain loyal to the country and a vow I took to keep my mouth shut." That very vow may explain why he called her a few weeks after the interview in a "frantic" mood to tell her that everything he had said had been a lie. He insisted that she not release the information to the press, and so she kept the interview out of the public eye for more than a decade, not even turning it in as part of her school assignment. "My heart really went out to him because he sounded so scared," she said. Even Memorex fades Instead, she kept the tapes on the shelf, unplayed but preserved as a testament to the possibly "unique information" they held. By the time Stanton Friedman heard of the interview and asked Corley to release the tapes, they had already decayed and were of dubious use to him. "It seemed I had waited too long," she said. Instead, the faded recordings forced her to transcribe the interview herself, she said, using her likewise transitory memories to fill in the gaps. She also made use of a new cassette player that "cleaned" the tapes during playback. Although Friedman returned two of the three tapes to her in 1995 and the third in 1996, Corley held back on releasing the material until Mrs. Marcel's recent death, she said. Working with the tapes evidently stirred a profound wave of nostalgia in Corley, as she waxed rhapsodic about the feeling of listening to the innocent and enthusiastic voice of her girlhood after all the years. She framed the afternoon with the Marcels as an almost holy moment, an event somehow set outside time by her own proximity to the golden age of flying saucers and the catastrophic interruption of Roswell. Corley named the trees in the Marcels' backyard, showed slides of the suburban house and the elderly couple slouched over their kitchen table. The event has so ingrained itself in her emotional makeup that she has spent apparently vast amounts of time and energy doodling the "pink and purple" marks -- often called an example of some alien alphabet in the literature -- in various patterns and color schemes. Earnestness or artifice? If Corley can exude such apparent yearning and personal attachment to a hoax, then her hoax is one of extraordinary complexity. Her somewhat formal public speaking style and outsider's willingness to retrace details that are common knowledge in the Roswell field may be the marks of an authentic novice thrust by circumstance into the eye of UFOlogy, or they may be only an artful mask designed to draw attention away from an interview that never took place. What motivation could she (or, in theory, Friedman) have in going to such extreme lengths to sugar-coat a hoax? Her prepared speech -- of a dozen NUFOC speakers, she is the only one I remember reading from pre-written sheets -- wandered down blind alleys of recollection with all the apparent earnestness of the college psychology paper that it was once meant to be. Would a brilliant deception of the kind required to fake such earnestness even stoop to such a pose? Complicating the issue is Corley's newfound desire to publish a book -- presumably to at least a small material gain -- containing her transcripts of the tapes, which are of course sadly no longer readily useable by independent researchers. The book will reportedly focus on Marcel's patriotism and his recollections of his own golden youth at the dawn of the saucer age, but the question of why she would make the material available for wide release now after letting the tapes fade for so long remains to be adequately answered. Until that answer emerges (or more independent parties evaluate the tapes), her story must sadly remain at least a little suspect. ** Copyright �1999 space.com, inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You can read our terms of service

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 1 Re: Get Real From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 20:38:20 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 04:03:02 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 09:49:22 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Last night while my kids were flipping through the channels >searching for something to watch, they happened across "Close >Encounters Of The Third Kind" so we watched the last hour of the >show. Remember the part where a "mother ship" lands, or hovers, >whatever, and a huge ramp lowers? After a suspenseful pause, >these people who were abducted 50, 40, 30 years ago or just last >week come walking down the ramp in a daze. Onlookers are shown >smiling these great big smiles and one technician comments, "He >hasn't aged a day. I guess Einstein was right." >Now, what is wrong with this picture? >Abductees, taken from their lives years ago, are finally >returned by their abductors and everyone thinks this is just >hunky-dorey. These abductees may not have aged a day since they >were abducted but their lives have been totally disrupted. Most >of their family and friends, if still alive, have continued to >age in their absence. They have no jobs, their education would >be out of date compared to today's standards and they will have >to adjust to a very changed world. So why is everyone smiling? >No one knows what was done to these abductees yet these UFOs and >"aliens" are welcomed with open arms. It doesn't seem to matter >that citizens of this planet were taken against their wills and >returned years and years later. To hell with the abductees, we >have made _contact_! >Then to top it off (this one really got me), we give them _more_ >humans to take with them....no questions asked!!! >(ROFL...and crying) Amy, I sympathize with abductees and experiencers. This is happening in the Real world, you're right. Close Encounters was made 23 years ago, before the general public really knew what abduction was all about. It wasn't really until 'Communion' that people became aware of the reality (even though there were many who already knew, those being the abductees). I'm sure the intention of the movie was not to discredit the reality of abduction. It is not based on a true story, although some of it may have been indirectly, it is fantasy/sci-fi. Is it wrong for someone to imagine what it could be like? CE3K is more of a kids movie. The scenario you refer to is meant for children. If it contained scenes such as some in Fire In The Sky, it would not have been as successful as it was. Spielberg caught the attention of the world. I think that was a good start, don't you? Perhaps there were many people who came forward because of this movie. It's not horrific, new age or totally unbelievable. And it may even be comforting to a child that has been abducted allowing him/her to talk about something that may have happened to them. I can see how some would see it doesn't reflect reality, but it wasn't intended to. Which would you rather have your child watch, CE3K or Fire In The Sky? Let kids see something good out of all this. Next we'll be picketing in front of Spielberg's home protesting for Human Rights. Then I'll say 'Get Real' or 'Get a Life' or 'Go back to your day job'. It's a PG13 movie. I don't believe I'm even responding to this. I'm going to play with my stuffed ET now, the real one, not the fake furry one. (That's a joke and no Dr.J I don't mean EBK.) And no, I'm not making a joke of all this, I take it seriously, to an extent, but sorry this is too much. Did you realize Spielberg, Stephen King, Letterman? were born in 1947 and Demi Moore (who is an amazing acrobat) is from Roswell? Why _does_ Letterman like his theatre so cold? Sue

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 1 Re: Can You 'Hear' A Meteor? From: Jacqueline Cosford <millpond@home.com> Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 22:40:31 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 04:27:46 -0400 Subject: Re: Can You 'Hear' A Meteor? >Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 15:31:47 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) >From: Nick Balaskas <nikolaos@YorkU.CA> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Can You 'Hear' A Meteor? >http://dsaing.uqac.uquebec.ca/~mhiggins/MIAC/fireball.htm >Nick Balaskas Thanks for the hot tip on the Canadian Fireball Reporting Centre, unfortunately their server is down and I can't submit the report! heheh...always the way! It's quite an interesting site though and I plan to read up on the subject. For those of you who didn't see the previous post I've left the link on this letter. Jacquie

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 1 Re: Get Real From: Martin Murray <bubastis@warplink.com> Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 03:22:53 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 15:52:56 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 10:29:47 EDT >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: updates@globalserve.net <snip> >To our perceived captors, we may be so low down on the sentient >pole as to be animals in the field by comparison with their >intellects and technologies. >Should this be the case (it's a theory which I do not favor, but >admit to the possibility), what makes a difference is our >intellectual level. It does not permit such invasion. Again, >should this be the case, in order for the alien to be righteous, >he (she or it) just have to have one hell of a good reason(s). >If not, I and people like me, should remain pissed to the gills. Hi Jimmy and all! My own take on this is that although the beings may perceive us in the same way that we perceive the animals of this world that we capture and test, sometimes for their own good, they are not that much above us, despite their extremely advanced technology. They are not all that much brighter than us, nor are they better than us. In many ways we humans are far superior to them. They can never have or experience many of the things that all of us take for granted every day. They lack our emotions, our passions, and our ability to think and act as individuals. Computers are able to process incredible amounts of information in seconds, yet are they intelligent, or smarter than a human being? I think not. The more I learn the less these beings impress me, and I would certainly love to know what it is that they think gives them the right to do what they do. Take care, Marty

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 1 Re: RPIT - A Reminder From: Gildas Bourdais <GBourdais@aol.com> Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 10:18:49 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 17:45:32 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 16:12:30 +0100 >From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder Dear Neil, Thanks again for answering me. You say: >I've no doubt the pouch flight _did_ take place, my only query >is as to the date it happened and by what means Dubose managed >to linked it to a specific day/date, Tuesday July 8th. Please listen to me !! What I have been supposing (I am not 100% sure of course) is that there was _another_ flight with another pouch. General DuBose, for his part, described _two_ different flights: - the one in his affidavit. Sealed pouched directly sent to Washington, presumably on Sunday evening (he does not give the date in his affidavit). -the one he describes in the Shandera interview: the canvas pouch with balloon debris which he received from a B-29, carried and displayed on Ramey's floor. Presumably on Tuesday, although he did not specify the date, but it had to be the date since the debris was displayed after the visit of Marcel do Ramey. So, if we pay attention to what general DuBose said, he described _two_ different flights with a pouch. Why did he mention only one in his affidavit? Possibly because the second one was much less important to him. Sufficed to say in his affidavit: "The material shown in in the photographs... was a weather balloon". On the other hand, he did not describe the flight carrying the real debris, carefully wrapped, with Marcel and other officers, because he was not there at the arrival of the plane. It does not mean he was ignorant of that flight: he just did not witness it. All this seems clear enough to me! Let me add this. We may suppose that, if General DuBose had been entirely "in the loop" of the whole operation, he probably would never have said a word about it. He may assume the same for Major Marcel. Both men knew only part of it. Remember how Cavitt refused to show Marcel his report, if that is true? Gildas Bourdais

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 1 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Fri, 01 Oct 99 13:12:18 PDT Fwd Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 17:48:49 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 13:06:58 -0500 >From: Terry Evans <tevans@tranquility.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Wed, 29 Sep 99 22:30:23 PDT >>>Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 12:51:54 -0400 >>>From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>>From: Brian Straight <brians@mdbs.com> >>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>>Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 12:01:05 -0500 >Your polemics are tiring. You write for yourself. I no longer >read anything you write. Translation: You know you lost the argument but can't bring yourself to offer the apology I would happily accept. I don't think you're a bad guy. I can tell as much from other posts you've made, unrelated to our dispute. It's my judgment you simply stepped into something without realizing what you were getting into. I guess the old warning applies: Look before you leap. Jerry

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 1 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 11:57:04 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 17:46:59 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Wed, 29 Sep 99 22:30:23 PDT >Patient and gentle listfolk: >What does Mr. Young mean by "private investigators"? Private >detectives? Does he think that witnesses ought to be treated as >potential criminals? I guess so, since he tells us that >"polygraph tests" -- judged virtually useless by an army of >critics in criminology and science -- are "a major part of >investigations." Along the way he perpetuates the tired and >mindless slander that ufologists are in it for the money. Jerome Clark; It seems as if you are now accusing me of perpetuating �tired and mindless slander.� Gosh! I wonder why this is the case, especially since I have not previously entered the Gulf Breeze discussions. Wasn�t my message simply a brief commentary on your previous vitriolic approach to those who you are in dissent with? I am quite humored how you go on to charge that �like the self- righteous everywhere,� I [and fellow associates] want to �dish it out without having to take it.� Well, I don�t know what I have dished out which I couldn�t take, except to illustrate an overbearing and sordid level of discourse that you have mustered out in the past few days. Recall that I sought to address certain comments from Brian Straight regarding your alleged �voice of reason� while in dispute, only instead, I find myself cast as one who �demonstrates what happens when ufology is treated as an excuse to short-circuit real debate by trashing those with whom one disagrees.� Further, I find myself affiliated with �character assassins,� accused of �coming on as a judge, juror, and executioner,� again, I stress, without ever having said a word about the current discussions [except some past non-specific comments from several months back in a separate thread where I possibly eluded to a general skepticism of the Gulf Breeze affair], and am also charged with being �baffled and outraged when my intended victims complain about the unfairness of a trial� and am further said to �show the bankruptcy of the prosecution's case.� I am unimpressed with such juvenile vitriol. Hmm� where are you, Brian Straight, and what do you think of your officer of civility during UFOlogical dissent? Mr. Clark sounds more like someone who obsessively attacks anyone for no purpose when in dispute mode, whether or not that person has voiced any issue-related comments or not. Perhaps Mr. Brian Straight, who has since slightly clarified his original comments on dissent in UFOlogy vs. dissent in astronomy, might reconsider his earlier comments and offer a gentle illustration of how the UFO field is comprised of mud-flingers who promote personal attacks that are beneath the esteem of respected science. If so, maybe he can begin his list with Jerome Clark. Respectfully, Kenny Young -- UFO Research http://home.fuse.net/ufo/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 1 Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 03:24:27 -0500 Fwd Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 17:50:03 -0400 Subject: Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? >Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 00:21:48 -0400 >From: Wendy Christensen <christensen@catlas.mv.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? >Poor Whit! He's really lost it... Whitley Strieber has never won >"a Caldecott award" in 1985 or any other year. Either he >misspoke, someone misreported or the greys have really taken >control of poor Whit's brain cells more than even he assumes! Actually, Wendy, anyone who knows James Moseley and his newsletter, Saucer Smear, would know that being honored as "UFOlogist Of The Year" is a tongue-in-cheek award. ;> Amy Home Page: "http://members.tripod.com/TheVanguard"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 1 Re: The Challenge From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 16:58:52 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 17:58:12 -0400 Subject: Re: The Challenge >From: Kevin Randle <KRandle993@aol.com> >Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 09:17:40 EDT >Subject: Re: The Challenge >To: updates@globalserve.net >>Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 16:48:43 -0700 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Lynne Bishop <lynnebishop@softhome.net> >>Subject: Re: The Challenge >>>From: Kevin Randle <KRandle993@aol.com> >>>Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 12:09:42 EDT >>>Subject: Re: The Challenge >>>To: updates@globalserve.net >>>Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 10:28:51 -0700> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: Lynne Bishop <lynnebishop@softhome.net> >>>Subject: Re: The Challenge >>>John Velez said <snipped for brevity>: >>>Everyone should take the time to write to Budd Hopkins, David >>>Jacobs, John Mack, Ray Fowler, John Carpenter et al and -ask >>>them- to collectively contribute any materials they may be in >>>possession of that may help to advance what little is known >>>about UFO abductions. If it turns out that they _don't_ have >>>anything of value in stock then that fact should also be known. > ______________________________ >>>KRandle responded: >>>I think you might have found the problem. There is nothing in >>>stock of value. > ______________________________ Kevin wrote: >Okay, since this is the comment that has evoked the majority of >the responses, let us revisit it. > >John Velez suggested that if there was nothing of value in the >hidden data of the abduction researchers, then we should know >it, meaning, I believe, that all information should be shared. >John, if I have misinterpreted your meaning here, I apologize. > >The key words are "all information." And I didn't try to weight >it all to one side, or to paint it all one color. I meant, after >an independent analysis of any materials gathered, the results >(whether fer or agin) should be made known to the general >public. It would be nice to see the results of such a study >published in an 'acknowledged' academic journal. In your >original response you had admonished me to be ready to face the >possibility that there is nothing of value (or nothing at all) >in the evidence bins of the more well known authors and >investigators. That's fine. But, as Lynne has already pointed >out, the possibility that there -may be- 'something' there is >just as credible at this early stage. A point that you neglected >to mention in your first response. Kevin, what I had hoped would happen was that folks would begin to think about ways to get the people who claim to have this physical evidence to finally -do something- with it. As in, having an independent analysis performed. Unless pressure is brought to bear on these individuals, there is simply no way it'll ever happen on its own. "Someone" has to get the ball rolling on this one. The debate/argument over abduction has raged on for over 20 years. Isn't about time somebody -not connected to the abduction authors and investigators- finally took a close and thorough look at this material? That, was the "Challenge." With this I agree. However, I added the condition that the researcher who discovered the information be allowed to reveal it for the proper credit. Those who have conducted the research are certainly the ones who should determine when, where and how it will be revealed. It's been twenty+ years Kevin. So far, no one has stepped up to the plate and volunteered their data for independent analysis. Of course -all- credit and acknowledgement should go to those who collected it. I even mentioned that they could all be invited to submit individual 'White Papers' to be included in the final published version of the analysis results. "Proper credit" is not the issue. 'Voluntary participation' in such a study is. How long is the public supposed to wait to find out what, if anything, these folks have in terms of 'hard evidence.' Frankly I grow weary of waiting for it to happen by itself. If past is prologue, then I believe you'd have a better shot at seeing Hell freeze over before any of them voluntarily submit their data for analysis by third party! I then added the comment that I believed that John might have discovered the problem and that was that there were no hidden data that would answer our questions. This means, quite simply, that there may not be any evidence of a conclusive, independent, and scientific nature that would lead to the extraterrestrial, or any of the other hypotheses, that surround the tales of abduction. I meant, quite simply, that this might be the reason that nothing has been revealed because there is nothing to reveal. No Kevin. I went out of my way not to weight it one way or the other. -Both- possibilities exist with equal chance. They 'may' or 'may not' have anything. The point (once again) is that no one knows because these guys haven't submitted any of it for testing! Until/unless -public pressure- is applied I don't see them voluntarily submitting it themselves. If it turns out as you say, that they have nothing at all, then that fact will become very clear early in the proceedings. We will have gotten some answers to important questions (ie; do they have any physical evidence) immediately. And with a minimum of expended effort. If they do have materials to submit for testing, for God's sake let's see it and find out if has any value as "proof" for a physical phenomenon. Here, until all the data are in hand, we have little more than speculations. Now you're coming around to where I started out at! I was hoping that folks would begin to brainstorm what it would take to make such a thing happen. (Strategy) It was my speculation that the reason here was that the physical, independent, corroborative data simply did not exist. That would be the reason that nothing had been revealed. There was nothing to reveal. I -could have- speculated that there may be hard evidence there. I refrained from it. You should have done the same. The object would be to remove the element of 'speculation' by replacing it with proven/known fact. "Speculations" (whichever way they are slanted) is about all we've had since the beginning. (Re; abductions) Hey man, I thought you were the Dr! Why am -I- telling -you- all this! <eg> Does this mean that we shouldn't look? Of course not. We always have to look, because the one time we don't might be the one time that there is something of substance there. I would not advocate a position of refusing to look. Yet you give voice to speculations that there is nothing there without giving equal time to its opposing possibility. Think about that Kevin. It's why Lynne responded to the thread originally. So, not to put too fine a point on it, I was merely speculating that John might have been right when he suggested that if there was nothing of value in these hidden files, we should learn that. I was suggesting that the reason the files have not been made public is because there was nothing of value in them... meaning that the evidence would not be conclusive. It was a speculation based on prior experience and was a suggestion that we not be too disappointed if nothing new was learned. Let's all band together and -find out- once and for all! I "challenge" you and anyone else who reads this to do what they can (I suggested writing to the investigators as one possible course of action) to make a study of this material a reality. Unless everyone gets involved and the demand made with a collective strong voice there is simply no motivation for them to comply on their own. Hit em in the book sales and conference attendance and watch how rapidly they become willing to participate! I'm an -activist- Kevin. I didn't want to spark another 'debate.' I was hoping to rouse folks to -action.- We desperately need some answers to basic questions. Unless all of us grab the bull by the horns and shake it out, it will not be forthcoming on its own. I hope this clears up any questions you may have had as to what I did or did not mean. John Velez, abductee/experiencer ________________________________________________ jvif@spacelab.net ABDUCTION INFORMATION CENTER http://www.if-aic.com/ "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind." ________________________________________________

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 10/1: This Week on Destination: Space From: Diana Botsford <Diana_Botsford@hotmail.com> Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 20:38:37 -0500 Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 02:08:07 -0400 Subject: 10/1: This Week on Destination: Space ***JPL declares Mars a dead planet. Again. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/ On the heels of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) admitting to 'pilot error' on yet another unsuccessful robotic mission to Mars (the Climate Orbiter), JPL has decided to rescind any of its earlier support for the wet Mars theory. Look for an announcement later this week from Destination: Space regarding our hosting an upcoming chat event with NASA and independent Mars scientists to discuss the Dead Mars/Wet Mars theories in detail. And why JPL is really backtracking to its earlier position on the red planet's past. ***The Great Space Race Goes Private? In decades past, the only race off the Earth was between the USA and the USSR. But in the world of private finance, this may all change as entrepreneurs such as Bigelow Aeronautics and Rotary Rockets put their money where their dreams are. Destination: Space is currently developing a detailed section on the privatization of Space Exploration which will premiere later this fall. In the meantime, we recommend listening to The Laura Lee Show (http://www.lauralee.com) this Saturday evening as Bob Bigelow will be on to discuss his organizations plans to get Mr. & Mrs. Regular Person into space. ***The Politics of UFOs Chat with UFO Lobbyist Stephen Bassett Sunday, 6pm, PT / 9pm, ET Political activist Stephen Bassett will begin a new series with Destination: Space this Sunday on the path to UFO Disclosure. This Sunday join him along with DS's UFO Editor Bill Stockstill for an important update on the political process. According to Bassett, there will also be several "surprises" he intends to discuss. Bassett's organization is The Paradigm Research Group (http://www.paradigmclock.com). He is also the founder of the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (http://www.x-ppac.org/). See below for more information on how to access our chats. ***STAR TREK VOYAGER CHAT SERIES ON DESTINATION: SPACE Every Wednesday Starts at 9pm, East Coast Time Ends at 10pm, Pacific Coast Time Join the Destination: Space SciFi staff for a weekly chat on the latest Voyager episode. The chats will start at 9pm, ET and run until 10pm, PT so everyone can join the chat and talk about the night's episode. EPISODE TITLE: "Barge of the Dead" SYNOPSIS: Torres confronts a dark side of her Klingon ancestry when she asks a skeptical Janeway to allow doctors to induce a coma-like experience that will allow her to aid her condemned mother who is held aboard a mythic Klingon death barge. A note on our chats: As the Destination: Space website continues to develop, we are beginning to test a web chat system (java) that is useable by all operating systems and browsers. You therefore have two ways of entering the chat: 1)Using IRC software. Chat server: chat.solarcafe.com channel: #briefing 2)Using our web chat system (please note that there is no special design to this section yet - it is still in the developmental phase). Just go to http://www.destinationspace.net and click on the bottom right portion of the screen where it says "web based chat". We look forward to seeing you online. Diana Botsford Producer Destination: Space http://www.destinationspace.net - - - - - - "To follow knowledge like a sinking star, Beyond the utmost bound of human thought . . To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield." Tennyson's Ulysses

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 NASA Speaks in English but the Control Panel is From: From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 21:49:02 EDT Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 02:14:06 -0400 Subject: NASA Speaks in English but the Control Panel is "NASA said confusion over whether measurements were made in metric or English units led to the crash of a $125 million spacecraft as it approached Mars last week." According to the New York Times today (10-1-99). Am I the only idiot who thinks this "mistake" is the most lame sort of none sense ever perpetrated on US since the president sinned? How two major Military and NASA contractors can each work in different systems boggles this Gripple brain big time. I cannot imagine such an error folks. I've worked for several NASA contractors as well as at NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, and knowing (less than some of you do) what I do, it just can't happen. It's like Jethro Bodine cypherin to the base ten while everyone else is doin it to another base _and_ in metric! The new NASA call sign: "Help! It's fallen down and I can't get it up..." Jim Mortellaro

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Fri, 01 Oct 99 18:44:18 PDT Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 02:46:03 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 11:57:04 -0400 >From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Wed, 29 Sep 99 22:30:23 PDT >>What does Mr. Young mean by "private investigators"? Private >>detectives? Does he think that witnesses ought to be treated as >>potential criminals? I guess so, since he tells us that >>"polygraph tests" -- judged virtually useless by an army of >>critics in criminology and science -- are "a major part of >>investigations." Along the way he perpetuates the tired and >>mindless slander that ufologists are in it for the money. >It seems as if you are now accusing me of perpetuating �tired >and mindless slander.� Gosh! I wonder why this is the case, >especially since I have not previously entered the Gulf Breeze >discussions. Wasn�t my message simply a brief commentary on your >previous vitriolic approach to those who you are in dissent >with? Nope. You conveniently failed to mention, as I pointed out to you last time around (and as Brian Straight has also pointed out to you), that I was responding to vile accusations against my character -- accusations, moreover, that were hurled without a shred of supporting evidence. Apparently, in these things, it's the victim, not the perpetrator, who's the guilty party. I'm certainly glad you're not a cop. >I am quite humored how you go on to charge that �like the self- >righteous everywhere,� I [and fellow associates] want to �dish >it out without having to take it.� Well, I don�t know what I >have dished out which I couldn�t take, except to illustrate an >overbearing and sordid level of discourse that you have mustered >out in the past few days. Recall that I sought to address >certain comments from Brian Straight regarding your alleged >�voice of reason� while in dispute, only instead, I find myself >cast as one who �demonstrates what happens when ufology is >treated as an excuse to short-circuit real debate by trashing >those with whom one disagrees.� I stand by what I said, and I remain appalled at your defense of the judge, jury, and executioner school of ufology. Maybe it's high time, guy, that you did some serious soul-searching. My contributions to ufology are out there for anybody to see. What are yours, besides to apologize for the most degraded sort of discourse in this field, where people's good names are out there to be trashed? And when they defend themselves in richly merited tones of outrage, why can you only hurl yet more baseless charges against them? >Further, I find myself affiliated with �character assassins,� >accused of �coming on as a judge, juror, and executioner,� >again, I stress, without ever having said a word about the >current discussions [except some past non-specific comments from >several months back in a separate thread where I possibly eluded >to a general skepticism of the Gulf Breeze affair], and am also >charged with being �baffled and outraged when my intended >victims complain about the unfairness of a trial� and am further >said to �show the bankruptcy of the prosecution's case.� >I am unimpressed with such juvenile vitriol. Apparently, in your Kafkaesque world, the innocent are expected meekly to plead guilty. If they insist on setting the record straight and turning the tables on their accusers, that only proves that somehow they were guilty in the first place. I am not impressed. Juvenile vitriol, alas, is all we hear from you. What is this strange obsession you have with character assassination? Back in the '60s we used to say, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." You're part of the problem, Mr. Young. Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Re: RPIT - A Reminder From: James Bond Johnson <JBONJO@aol.com> Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1999 00:46:35 EDT Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 02:50:15 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >From: Gildas Bourdais <GBourdais@aol.com> >Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 10:18:49 EDT >Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >To: updates@globalserve.net >>Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 16:12:30 +0100 >>From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >Dear Neil, >Thanks again for answering me. >You say: >>I've no doubt the pouch flight _did_ take place, my only query >>is as to the date it happened and by what means Dubose managed >>to linked it to a specific day/date, Tuesday July 8th. >Please listen to me !! >What I have been supposing (I am not 100% sure of course) is >that there was _another_ flight with another pouch. >General DuBose, for his part, described _two_ different flights: >- the one in his affidavit. Sealed pouched directly sent >to Washington, presumably on Sunday evening (he does not give >the date in his affidavit). >-the one he describes in the Shandera interview: the canvas >pouch with balloon debris which he received from a B-29, carried >and displayed on Ramey's floor. Presumably on Tuesday, although >he did not specify the date, but it had to be the date since the >debris was displayed after the visit of Marcel do Ramey. >So, if we pay attention to what general DuBose said, he >described _two_ different flights with a pouch. Gildas, Neil and List: Perhaps my foggy memory can add a bit of illumination here. I was in AAF pilot training at Sheppard Field, Texas, when the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan on August 6th and 9th, 1845. Japan surrendered on the 14th. I was up flying and heard the wonderful news when I landed. All AAF flight training was halted immediately. While waiting to be discharged on October 29, 1945, I worked in the base post office. We used those large heavy canvas mail sacks common to every post office. They were about four feet long and about 18 inches wide at the top. They were secured with a big keyed brass lock. One of those mail sacks likely could have held all the packages that were brought to General Ramey's office by Major Marcel on July 8, 1947. As I reconstruct that scene I believe there were at least five packages wrapped in meat wrapping paper. The largest would have held the "long sticks" and "foil sheets". Two others held the "miscellaneous" broken beams and other pieces and two were still unwrapped and are seen on the floor in the Ramey office photos that I took. > >Why did he mention only one in his affidavit? Please don't rely too heavily on the details of any affidavit executed more than 40 years after an event. I know I was confused as to how many shots I had taken until I had an opportunity to review the pictures again in 1997. I suspect that General Dubose, who was about 20 years older than I am and who had not seen the photos from 1947 until he was interviewed by Jamie Shandera 40+ years later, also would have been unclear on many details. > >Possibly because the second one was much less important to him. >Sufficed to say in his affidavit: > >"The material shown in the photographs ... was a weather >balloon". If General Dubose actually said that then he was continuing the original AAF cover-up, if the official Air Force published reports of 1994-95 of a MOGUL train are to be believed! >On the other hand, he did not describe the flight carrying the >real debris, carefully wrapped, with Marcel and other officers, >because he was not there at the arrival of the plane. It does >not mean he was ignorant of that flight: he just did not witness >it. But he certainly was around when the debris was being unpacked and spread out on the floor in General Ramey's office. Remember, it was Colonel Dubose who met me in General Ramey's office and informed me that the general was not there but expected to return momentarily. Does that help to clarify things? >All this seems clear enough to me! >Let me add this. We may suppose that, if General DuBose had been >entirely "in the loop" of the whole operation, he probably would >never have said a word about it. He may assume the same for >Major Marcel. Both men knew only part of it. If you knew how the AAF operated you would know that the Chief of Staff of the 8th Air Force was the "pivotal" figure on the staff. All staff actions must cross the desk of the CofS. He is the hub of the operation! Remember that General Ramey had just been promoted from that same job a few weeks before when General McMullen, former 8th AF commander, was promoted and reassigned. As the Intelligence Officer for the elite 509th "Atomic Bomb" Group Major Marcel had not just fallen off a turnip truck either. >Remember how Cavitt refused to show Marcel his report, >if that is true? Cavitt was a CIC type and not in the same chain of command as Major Marcel. He would have had no reason to show any report to Marcel. >Gildas Bourdais

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Re: The Challenge From: Kevin Randle <KRandle993@aol.com> Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1999 08:58:15 EDT Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 02:52:07 -0400 Subject: Re: The Challenge >Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 16:58:52 -0400 >To: updates@globalserve.net >From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> >Subject: Re: The Challenge >>From: Kevin Randle <KRandle993@aol.com> >>Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 09:17:40 EDT >>Subject: Re: The Challenge >>To: updates@globalserve.net <major snip> John, List, All - We seem to be on the same page here. Yes, we should look. Yes, we should have the information now. Yes, we should demand to see all the "hidden" evidence. All of this would advance research and answer questions. And yes, I suspect that had the evidence existed, we would have seen it by now, rather than be entertained by Derrel Sims' box of alien and CIA implants, or shown pictures of an empty beach and the like. But count me in. Let's get to the bottom of this. KRandle

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Re: Sightings Of Fast Moving Lights From: Minna Laajala - UFO-Finland <ufofinland@saunalahti.fi> Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1999 19:04:22 +0300 Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 03:06:42 -0400 Subject: Re: Sightings Of Fast Moving Lights >From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 13:48:04 EDT >Subject: Re: Sightings Of Fast Moving Lights >To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: UFO-Finland <ufofinland@saunalahti.fi> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Sightings Of Fast Moving Lights >>Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 16:31:36 +0300 >>Jim, could you please tell me a bit more, in detail? Did you see >>one light at the time, or many lights? If only one light at >>the time, me and some of my acquaintances saw the same thing. >There was only one light at any time I witnessed this phenom >here in Lower Westchester County (Lower NY State) and one only >in the upper part of our county, when witnessed by another >person. >Thank you Minna. The thinking is excellent, but what we saw was >(we think) not a meteor, and for several reasons. >First, the light was so pure white, with no trail (and no sound, >which I usually 'hear' 70% of the time a meteor appears). >Secondly, the light curved sharply and reversed it's direction, >then curved sharply again and continued it's travel, all while >we were watching it. The thought struck that I might have moved >my eyes in an attempt to focus and/or track the light, and in >doing so, may have confused the movement of my eyes and/or head, >with the movement of the light. However this was not so, as the >other witness saw the same track as I did. We compared notes. >Also, it happened the same way too many times for coincidence, >we think. <snip> Hi Jim, hi Erroll, hi listmembers! Thank you Jim for more details. In Finland a UFO research group publishes the reports they have during each year as a book. Now 6 has been published, and there are some alike cases. The light I saw made its zigzag up-down way, not left-right or right-left way. One of these cases denied the publishing, but was still interesting: it was seen before satellites were on the space, sometimes during 50`s. One explanation could indeed be some optcial error, but as a meteor, satellite etc. they all are hypothesys. I don�t think it`s a flying saucer, but I do also think it would be nice to find out what is it. I�m living now with a man, who knows the stars and the wonders of the space much better than me. Some evening, when we are on our daily walk I hope I�m so lucky to see this odd light again, so I could ask what he thinks about it. If we�ll get any reasonable solution I�ll share it with you Jim. And if you Jim, will find a explanation before me, would you share it with me, too? Asks Minna from Finland

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Alfred's Odd Ode #319 From: Alfred Lehmberg <Lehmberg@snowhill.com> Date: Sat, 02 Oct 1999 12:38:13 -0500 Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 03:08:22 -0400 Subject: Alfred's Odd Ode #319 Apology to MW #319 (For October 2, 1999) You can walk the song filled hallways as the music wraps around you. It can whisper from the portraits you may pass. You can step off from an edge and fall through space to sighing fountains. You can hear peculiar music. It's a gas! Call it candy for the eye attached to verse you've never seen, and please, try to keep your bearings on the way. One way trips all seem so final as you click the colored signs, and the way back's hard to find I'm pleased to say. You can wander in the gardens that you only dream about, or fly to real castles in the sky. You can float along astonished while the pictures curl and dance, you can warp to other places if you try. You can almost smell the greenness of the lushly crafted leaves as they move around in winds you almost feel. You can almost taste the flowers that are growing under bushes that are spread out like they may as well be real. This is real as some golf course that you over-fertilize, and so poison all the wildlife downstream. Rather, satisfy an urge to get away from all that hassle, for awhile, and just wander in your dreams. Jump through *holes* in space to see its alternate dimensions, and then walk, amazed, distracted by the sights. Visit links you click on for a different kind of view, and be _thankful_ for a conscience starting fights. And, yes, you may be _lucky_ if I poke you in the eye, or I *scare* you with the stories I might tell. The fact they MAY be real is a fact you might consider if you snort and swell up big -- get mad as hell! Remember the proportion of your rage may coincide with suggestions that you're grossly incorrect. I'm right, it makes you angry, you lose your bearings, and your focus, so descend to crass attacks . . . and disrespect? I just stroll the halls (the parapets of airy castles) I have built, with a but a gesture and a nod! Convenience is a virtue when not kept to just the *few*, so I'll build these odd realities that might question Christian gods. I rake muck (to make my point) on shiny shoes of *greater* persons (who would sooner shut me up, or put me out). Elitists have their way; they write the rules; they ARE foreclosure; they are sum and tat and total, and they SHALL NOT go without. Stand atop a pillar that is placed there for your use, and then vent your righteous spleen on what you'd feel. I can take it, or can leave it, but I'm better for the hearing, and the same would go for you, so that's the deal. Care to hear a sunrise? Then a visit to my grotto is the coolest place you'd ever think to be. Run and spread your arms to warp or fly, but cleave the heavens that are spreading wide like curtains, yes! You're free! Build your own and we'll be neighbors -- an idea marketplace, where the usual laws of physics won't apply. Unhindered by the *rules* you're freely thinking for the first time, and then thinking for yourself the reasons why. Don't believe the priests and kings that bother and distract you with convenient rules they make to stay on top. Learn to take your counsel from the mirror of your life -- then learn to wonder why, and learn to cop. And this, a tiny plot of all the places you can wander that provide their own *distraction*, I admit. But who is making money when you cash out buying in and begin to see who profits _most_ by it. Come on in and talk, leave a message, walk the walk, and we'll share out all the things that we have found. Come and look and you might find that it's your culture strikes you blind, and the teachings that you've _scorned_ are more profound. Lehmberg@snowhill.com It's as real as you want it to be, can link to anywhere, and can do it right now. Additionally, it's going to get a lot better -- a LOT better. Own a little paradise. Don't buy a few packs of something harmful or frivolous (to provide the fundage) -- take a chance. Buy in. But come to wander, that's as free as it gets. Restore John Ford! -- Visit a Virtual Art Gallery in Cyberspace! Ponder the Wit & Wisdom of Ching Chow! View "Unstill Life" -- Animation . . . and more. Consider Matter, Mind & Movement. See the current HTML "Apology to MW" with illustration. Take a ride in the Teleporter and check the inexplicable. EXPLORE Alfred Lehmberg's Alien View" at his Fortunecity URL. http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/arecibo/46/ **<Updated 2 October>** http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/witches/237/lehmberg.html JOHN FORD RESTORATION FUND -- Send your checks and money orders to _me_, Alfred Lehmberg (cut out the lawyers, they got theirs) at: 304 Melbourne Drive, Enterprise AL, 36330. Strict records kept. $350.00 pledged -- $200.00 collected! "I cleave the heavens, and soar to the infinite. What others see from afar, I leave far behind me." - Giordano Bruno, burned at the fundamentalist's stake.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 UFO Desk - 'Witnessed' From: Paul C. WIlliams <paulw@escape.com> Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1999 09:10:06 -0300 Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 03:13:01 -0400 Subject: UFO Desk - 'Witnessed' All, Sorry about last week, had technical problems. Tonite at one am eastern drop by the UFO Desk website and hear the interview I conducted with Bud Hopkins, Linda Cortile, John Velez, Eugenia Macer Story, and Greg Sandow. Link to webcast is word "here". Hope you can drop by. There are some problems with recording, gaps as tape had to be turned, all that will be worked out in future. I wll be online so please drop email or ICQ during webcast. Much thanks to all. Paul Williams Executive Producer UFO Desk http://www.anomalies.net/~ufodesk Kewl ufo posters, books, and sci-fi videos at my store. http://shop.affinia.com/paulw/store ICQ# 32519151

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Filer's Files #39 -- 1999 From: George A. Filer <Majorstar@aol.com> Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1999 12:41:35 EDT Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 03:20:16 -0400 Subject: Filer's Files #39 -- 1999 Filer's Files #39 -- 1999, MUFON Skywatch Investigations George A. Filer, Director, Mutual UFO Network Eastern September 30, 1999, Majorstar@aol.com (609) 654-0020 Visit our Web Site at www.filersfiles.com The purpose of Filer's Files is to enlighten and give the reader insight into the real world around them. My computer crashed this week and it was only the kindness Robert Kocher, Chuck Warren, and Camelot Computers that were able to get me up and running with a better system. These men deserve thanks and recognition as modern Knights in our search for truth. Without their help you would not be reading these files. This week, we have numerous sightings and we'll cover a half dozen of the best ones. I also have some very disturbing news from the Falun Gong organization whose 100 million practitioners follow a regimen based on self-control and Buddhist enlightenment. Their leaders continue to be arrested in China. They have sent me the following excerpt from a speech by their leader, Master Li. His revelations are perhaps the reason our news media has failed to reveal information on UFOs. He explains his amazing beliefs concerning extraterrestrials and their goals. Without financial support I'm unable to verify his statements. However, I'm very concerned that the Communist Chinese government continues to arrest thousands of Falun Gong practitioners. FALUN GONG RESPOND TO MY COMMENTS ABOUT CHANGE IN CHINA Dear George: Thank you very much for your concern of situation in China towards Falun Gong practitioners. We hope more and more kind hearted people would be interested to know the true story about Falun Gong and the truth of the universe. After reading your report, we cannot help smiling at the same time being concerned because we feel that your understanding of the Falun Dafa has not touched its essence. If you don't mind, may we suggest you read Zhuan Falun again from the first to the last word? We hope you would obtain deeper understandings of the universe far beyond of UFOs. Again, we should emphasize that Falun Dafa can solve all of the mysteries in this universe, but if we want to know the truth, we must cultivate ourselves to assimilate to the cosmic character of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. With filthy thinking in mind we will never see the truth of the universe. Thanks again for your report and with best wishes, info@falundafa.ca. During Master Li's lecture at the Frankfurt Conference in Europe he was asked this question about extraterrestrials. Question: Is there any channel to communicate with intelligent beings outside the earth? Master Li responds, "It seems that your attachment is still quite sizable. Many of the questions today are raised by those who have come for the first time. Man, having seen many movies, having read many imaginary stories, having been gradually influenced by many things in society, developed a metamorphosed thinking that indulges in fantasy. You asked how to communicate with intelligent beings. Let me tell you all that an ordinary person cannot do such a thing nor is he able to. If you indeed can communicate with intelligent beings, yet you are not a cultivator yourself without any energy, you are then in danger. You may lose your life at any time. Besides, you will see those gruesome spirits but none of the higher lives because your level is too low and is limited only to that of the human. Thus it is a terrifying circumstance. It is even more terrifying if you want to communicate with intelligent beings outside the earth. Lives outside the earth are no more than lives on other planets within this material dimension that our human eyes can perceive. These lives, however, do not regard man as human. They think man is a beast, a kind of animal. They willfully slaughter man and willfully experiment on you. They kidnap people to their planets, lock them in cages as animals, and put them on display for their people. Many of the people missing on earth were captured by them. In addition, I tell you that the present-day science of mankind was produced by them. Why have these aliens assembled this present-day science for man? That is because what they have on their planet is something of this sort. They plan to bring it to this planet and eventually substitute man. They discovered that the human body is most perfect and the best. Therefore, they covet the human body and want to eventually replace man. In one of the planes of human molecule cells, they have added their substances. By now, this has been done and has been formed on a large scale. Therefore, for me to save you today, not only do I have to deal with the issue of purging all attachments and karma that you have to relinquish, but I also have to clean up these things for you. The development of mankind is quite dreadful. One day, computers will control humans. It has already developed to this tendency. Man will become the slaves of computers and machinery, and eventually will be replaced by aliens. Why has the computer been developed so quickly and the human brain suddenly become so active? All of this has been carried out by aliens when they have controlled the human mind. Aliens have cataloged and assigned a number to everyone who operates a computer. This is absolutely true. For our students, I have cleaned it all up for them. When you use computers, you will not be interfered with by them. Why are there aliens? Some aliens originated from those planets. Why do some aliens always come to the earth? Because they were once humans on earth. But, it was not the earth of our time. It was the previous earth that existed in the same location as this earth. The earth has been replaced many times. Every time it was replaced, there was a portion of lives, living beings created by God with different appearances, that were relatively good at the time and were then preserved. They were not destroyed. Some were similar to the present-day humans; some were various forms of lives created. However, they were not allowed to enter the period of human development on the next earth and were thus sent to another planet. It was done this way every time. Meanwhile, this has left a historic record for the universe, for they were humans on earth in different time periods. It serves such a purpose. However, due to the slackening in overseeing them, they have developed. Through scheming, they have created a variety of scientific approaches, including the one currently present on earth and some other types, a variety of modes of development. Of course, they do not use the term "science." The name they use belongs to their languages, their concepts. These things have deteriorated further and further. Following the deviation of Dafa of the universe, they have become worse and worse. That is why all aliens are in the process of being completely cleaned up. The entire universe is cleaning them up. At present, those up there have been cleaned up. What's left are those who have come to the earth. Some have sneaked into people; some have possessed the human body. There are still some other types. I am watching all of them. Let them commit their terrible deeds for the time being. It won't be long before they will be eradicated. The deterioration of mankind is also directly associated with them. This is evil and, therefore, must be eradicated." (see www.falundafa.ca/works/eng/frankfurt.htm). Thanks to the Falun Gong. Editor's Note: Master Li indicates the aliens are evil and kidnapping people! Yesterday, I walked into Wal Mart store and there were 29 pictures of missing persons. I contacted the State of New Jersey missing persons and they explained each year about 50,000 people are missing in this state, but about 49,000 are eventually found. About 1000 a year disappear forever. I wonder where all these people have gone including my wife's cousin Bruce Konigsfeld? GEORGIA DISCS MCDONOUGH � On September 23, 1999, the witness was traveling on I-75 North and at the Jonesboro Rd exit spotted a perfect "saucer" shape object. The metallic silver object descended about 250 feet then moved to the left towards Hampton, GA and stopped and hovered. The witness stated, "This object was definitely an UFO to me as there was absolutely no tail or wings or propeller visible." It struck me as a perfect saucer shape. I am a skeptic but to me this was an UFO. I told a few of my friends and one of them reported her experience on Wednesday, the previous day. JACKSON -- She and two co-workers went outside for a smoke break at 3:00 PM and saw a very "saucer"-like black object hovering over the trees behind her office in Butts County. She said that they went inside to get more witnesses and when they returned the object was gone. FLORIDA FLYING TRIANGLE OR SPACE JUNK TAMPA -- Ignatius Graffeo writes that he has obtained a video tape of the FOX-13 Tampa September 7th, UFO news report. Seeing it again confirmed my original impression that it was definitely not a disintegrating rocket booster or a meteor!! The video clearly shows a close-up of a huge gun-metal-gray "V," triangular or wedge-shaped craft. It is perhaps the best video ever taken of this type of sighting. It is not a bright light or a flash across the sky like space junk claimed by NORAD. It's an unbelievable videotape of a slow moving and stealthy huge craft. It looks like a surveillance type of UFO or Black Project plane. The report does not say who took the video, but it is very impressive! I am amazed how such a sighting could be mistaken for anything else but a UFO. It is truly frightening how this type of craft can flaunt itself in our skies and be explained away as space junk. I will try to post a good photo of the craft within the next couple of days. Meanwhile I did get the audio portion transferred to RealAudio (289K). Listen carefully! Ignatius Graffeo Ufoseek@aol.com UFOSEEK.org http://members.aol.com/ufoseek/ ORLANDO � On August 21, 1999, three witnesses saw glowing circular objects above them at 11:45 PM. "We were sitting outside in the drive way when my Mom looked up and said what is that?" I stood up and observed two objects then one appeared out of no where. Now there were three criss crossing each other erratically in the sky very rapidly. They just disappeared after twenty minutes. Thanks to Morgan Clements Director World Wide Reporting Center, uforeports@aol.com MONTANA LIGHTS GALLATIN NATIONAL FOREST - There is UFO activity in the beautiful state of Montana. I recently took a four day back packing trip to Gallatin park. On all three nights little satellite like lights could be seen. At first they just seemed like satellites and cruised at the same speed and light intensity across the sky. Little by little I started to see more objects. Some UFOs could be seen stopping and changing direction. Others could be seen following one another across the sky. I did not see any move at extremely fast speeds, but they seemed to be at the edges of our atmosphere. They would move extremely fast from the two to ten o'clock position in the sky in three seconds. Still others seemed to flash and then just disappear. These sightings occurred between August 28th and 31st at approximately 11:00 at night. In the spring and summer of 1997, I was living in Missoula, Montana and my friends and I had similar experiences in the Bitteroot Mountains and the Lolo National Forest. One night in particular, I was with three friends and we all saw activity like UFO dog fight. The lights were moving at incredible speeds circling around one another and chasing one another across the entire sky. You can see them on any clear night. Thanks to Jeffrey M. Smith; hippisjs@aol.com. OREGON SHERIDAN -- Jerry Burgess writes when I was twelve years old, some fifty years ago I had a sighting. On September 10, 1999, five family members were involved with a new dramatic sighting. I was visiting my daughter and son in law 37 miles southwest of Portland. My daughter's home is on a hill top that gives a panoramic view of the surrounding country side at about 7:15 PM. We were sitting on the front patio, when my grandson pointed out an object low in the northeast sky about 15 degrees above the horizon. The object was dark in color and seemed to be stationary and bobbing up and down like a cork on water. My son-in-law and I both retrieved our 10X50 binoculars. Through the glasses the object appeared to be a narrow triangular shape. Even though there was plenty of sunlight the object did not show any reflection or lights. It hovered in one place for 15 minutes, then it started to move at approximately 15 miles per hour directly west toward our location against a ten mph wind. Suddenly the object put on amazing burst of speed going from 20 degrees off the horizon to almost directly over head in a matter of seconds. It slowed down again and hung almost stationary. The object was triangle in shape and about the size of two 747's or perhaps larger. There was no markings or lights visible. The object seemed to be drifting with the wind when suddenly it just winked out and was gone. It didn't seem to accelerate out of sight. One-second it was there the next it was gone. The object was about the size of a dime at arm's length. It was much higher than the normal 11,000 foot aircraft approach altitude traffic into Portland Airport. Thanks to MUFON�s Jerry Burgess ARIZONA RAINBOW VALLEY -- CAUS reports that John Edmonds and his wife saw a strange object on September 22, 1999. An unidentified object was seen hovering in the foot hills about a mile west of 195th Avenue and Ray Road at 9:33 PM. John was cleaning his pool when he observed an object with a bright light in the center with six smaller indirect pulsating white lights on the outer edge. Twice in four minutes the smaller lights went off completely and then turned on again. A nonsynchronous pattern was detected. A large red orange cloud of smoke was noticed soon after object blinked out. When John attempted to drive toward the object, it blinked out at a distance of 800 feet. John said, "The glare of the object was so bright he could not discern a shape." The next night, on September 23, 1999, three small groups of triangular craft were sighted heading southwest into the Goldwater air artillery range at 9:18 PM. Three minutes later the sky lit up with the deafening roar of afterburners as F-18 fighter jets passed over in pursuit. The jets attempted to pursue the triangular objects at a sound breaking pace, but the pursuit was futile. Shortly a pair of attack helicopters began sweeping the desert floor for an unidentified target without success. Thanks to Peter A. Gersten Director CAUS and John Edmonds --rottijohn@earthlink.net. POSSIBLE PHOTOGRAPH OF ALIEN OBTAINED Early in September of 1999, Marilyn Ruben of Alien Abduction Experience and Research (AAER) received a possible photograph of an alien. Marilyn asked we inform our readers about the amazing photographs. The photo was taken outside at night by an abductee. The alien's body glows in a plasma like electrical light showing its right arm and side. The entity appears to be standing still or almost still as the arms appear to hang in a resting position at its sides. There is an orange glow around the alien's head, neck, shoulders, and backside of its body, but the front of the alien does not seem to glow. The glow may be from the alien's energy field that is picked up by the film, but may not be apparent to the photographer. The alien appears muscular in structure and very different from humans. The skin appears to have a red orange striping. Due to the cloudiness surrounding the striping, it could also be part of the alien's energy field. Thanks to Marlyn Ruben. If you have any further information or comments please contact me or AAER at abductions@aol.com. These spectacular photographs can be observed at www.filersfiles.com or http://www.abduct.com/aaer2/r2.htm CANADIAN WITNESS SAW ENTITIES GRAND MERE, QUEBEC -- Robert Leblond reports the Association Quebecoise d'Ufologie, (AQU) is investigating a case where two small alien beings in white were surveying a garden. Mrs. H. coming out of her shower, saw two biological entities completely covered in white from head to toe similar to astronaut' clothing on October 24, 1998. They wore some kind of helmet and were picking specimens off the ground. The entities seemed to float rather than walk. Their size and physical appearance were similar to humans." About 75 feet behind them, there was a thick brown fog made up of different bright colors with a bright glow about 27 feet in diameter. She watched for three minutes before leaving the window. When she returned, the entities had disappeared and the fog was moving away. There were ground traces noted by the investigators that were examined and photographed. There were four traces; two measured twelve inches in diameter and two were ten inches. Soil samples were taken and are being analyzed. The investigators discovered several holes two inches in diameter and eight inches deep filled with dirt that was different from the rest of the garden. AQU commented the soil texture inside the holes was brown in color and seemed to have been sieved. The dirt outside the holes was of a thick consistency and rich like normal garden black earth. Some footprints that seem to correspond to club-feet were also noted. Thanks to Michel M. Deschamps ufoman@ican.net and Louise A. Lowry World Of The Strange Weekly Newsletter. AZERBAIJAN BAKU -- The Moscow newspaper 'Komsomolskaya Pravda' has published an article concerning a UFO seen above Baku, the capitol of Azerbaijan. A huge glowing rotating UFO was escorted by three small 'classic' flying saucers according to a witness who is a Doctor of Sciences in Baku. The Doctor was able to capture 40 minutes of video on his hi quality digital Sony camcorder with 300 x zoom magnification. Some 5000 frames are available and the full 3-D picture of the UFO, is clearly seen. Thanks to Anatolij. AUSTRALIAN JELLYFISH UFOs Barry Taylor comments, the recent UFO sightings are strange. The size and color are the same as the huge daylight sighting of a blue and orange 'cluster' on June 26, and July 6, 1999. When the object took-off at around 3,000 klm/hr they seemed to be the same type of objects. The one video taped on September 15, had a strange dangling 'ribbon,' that was not seen on the others. The ribbon seems more like a 'special' device for use in what ever they are doing. It could be some type of 'antenna' or 'information gathering' device. I now have a 2x telephoto lens for my video camera so hope to get a closer look if one comes around again. Thanks to Barry Taylor UNITED NATIONS WARNS OF GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), paints a grim picture of the environmental crisis facing humanity at the turn of the millennium and places prime responsibility for both problems and remedies squarely upon the world's most developed nations. Based on contributions from UN agencies, 850 individuals and 30 environmental institutes, GEO-2000 outlines problems and points to serious new threats. Its key finding is that "the continued poverty of the majority of the planet's inhabitants and excessive consumption by the minority are the two major causes of environmental degradation. The present course is unsustainable and postponing action is no longer an option." UNEP's Executive Director Klaus Topfer said, "Despite successes on various fronts, time for a rational, well-planned transition to a sustainable system is running out fast. In some areas, it has already run out. In others, new problems are emerging which compound already difficult situations." The world water cycle seems unlikely to be able to cope with demands in the coming decades. Land degradation has negated many advances made by increased agricultural productivity. Air pollution is at crisis point in many major cities. And global warming now seems inevitable. Tropical forests and marine fisheries have been overexploited, while numerous plant and animal species and extensive stretches of coral reefs will be lost forever -- thanks to inadequate policy response by national governments and international agencies. Thanks to Richard F. Haines more details at (http://www.unep.org). ANOTHER NASA MARS ORBITER LOST IN SPACE PASADENA, CA.-- Our $125 million Mars Climate Orbiter that traveled 416 million miles to Mars vanished September 23, 1999. It was entering orbit when for the second time in six years a NASA satellite was lost just as it reached Mars. The Russian Phobus satellite was lost in a similar mishap a few years ago. UNDERGROUND VAULTS AT WRIGHT PATTERSON AFB? Robert Collins has collected a great deal of information concerning alleged vaults at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The 'Vault Report' is just the tip of a greater iceberg that contains "truths" from many sources that the government chooses not to reveal. The 'Vault Report' includes information from many dedicated UFO researchers as well as our government which is reported to have enough Sensitive Compartment Information (SCI) documentation to fill a full size Mayflower moving van from front to back, bottom to top. For amazing information go to the URL http://www.pufori.org/researchers/rmc_sanctuary_ot_birds.htm BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL A HOME SEE MY FREE REPORT -- All real estate agents are not the same? Some real estate agents or sales representatives are part timers and inexperienced. Others are experts with an excellent experience and capabilities. When you are selling or buying your home, you need to make sure you have the best real estate agent working for you before you make any important financial decisions on one your biggest investments! Remember, the majority of people do not know the right questions to ask, and what pit falls can cause major problems. Picking the right real estate agent can be a wonderful experience, and picking the wrong one can be a big mistake that can waste your time and cost you thousands! Find out, "What you need to understand prior to hiring any real estate agent!" These are the questions that many agents do not want your to ask. Learn how you can obtain the best real estate agent for your needs. To get a free copy of this report, just call (609) 654-0020 or e-mail us at Majorstar@aol.com. U.S. GOVERNMENT UFO PROOF RELEASED: Audio tapes of a genuine UFO Alert at Edwards Air Force base and studied by the Foreign Technology Division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, are now available for distribution to the public. Lunar Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell was at Edwards the night the UFO chase occurred. The 6th person to walk on the moon said, "The night it happened I investigated it myself and this was a real event." Sam Sherman's audio documentary tape called THE EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE ENCOUNTER on the night of October 7, 1965, uses the actual voice recordings provided by the Air Force. During this event 12 high tech luminous UFOs invade secure air space and came down low over the runways at Edwards AFB. Tower operator Sgt. Chuck Sorrels spotted them and notified the Air Defense Command. Sgt. Sorrels is heard on the original tapes and in a new segment where he verifies the event as it is heard on the archival recordings. The UFOs are described and a decision is made to launch F-106 fighter interceptors. You are there for an important part of UFO history. Hear it for yourself, its the best UFO tape ever made. Tape cost is $14.95 each plus $2.00 for shipping -- total $16.95 --(for overseas orders- out of US - add $6.00 shipping cost - total - $20.95) you can send either a personal check or money order to: Independent International Pictures Corp, Box 565, Dept. GF, Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857. MUFON JOURNAL For more detailed investigative reports subscribe by contacting Mufon@aol.com. Filer's Files Copyright 1999 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post items from the Files on their Websites provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue that the item appeared. Send your letters to me at Majorstar@aol.com. If you wish to keep your name confidential please so state.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Nick Pope - The Ministry of Defence Respond From: James Easton <voyager@ukonline.co.uk> Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 05:47:53 +0100 Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 03:37:30 -0400 Subject: Nick Pope - The Ministry of Defence Respond Voyager Newsletter - Issue No. 8 * Nick Pope - The Ministry of Defence Respond * On 7 August, 1999, I published the following: 'An Open Letter to Nick Pope' Dear Nick, In the July issue of 'NICK POPE'S WEIRD WORLD', you wrote: "Over the past few months I'd been becoming more bullish in my response to certain people within ufology who'd been sniping at me over the years. Nobody likes criticism, and I'd been getting a fair bit - little of it constructive in nature. If people were criticising my views on, say, Roswell, then fine. I wasn't there, and so my view probably counts no more or no less than anybody else who's followed the case with a reasonable degree of interest. But it rankled when outsiders who'd probably never even visited MOD Main Building started casting doubts on my knowledge about - and access to - government and military UFO files. I've worked for the MOD for over fourteen years now, and three of those were spent researching and investigating UFO sightings, alien abductions, crop circles, animal mutilations and any other weird and wonderful reports that came my way". I trust I'm not one of the aforementioned 'critics' and perhaps you can help clear up some of the confusion which surrounds a number of claims. To recap; your appointment with the Ministry of Defence (MoD) was as an Executive Officer. To clarify for the 'uninitiated' (I'm a former Civil Servant), the standard grading hierarchy is clerical assistant - clerical officer - executive officer - higher executive officer - and upwards. Although your affirmation clearly gives the impression of being HM Government's full-time investigator of "UFO sightings, alien abductions, crop circles, animal mutilations", etc., I understand that was not the situation. Weren't your duties varied and 'UFO etc. reports' only one aspect? In possibly the first 'promotional' interview you gave, to 'UFO Magazine' (UK) on 5 May, 1996, it was stated: UFO Magazine: When did you join this office, and indeed, were you aware of its function? Nick Pope: I've been in the Ministry of Defence since 1985. We are just 'posted around' every two or three years to acquire experience. I had just finished various duties associated with the Gulf War and it just so happened that there was a vacancy which cropped-up. Also in this office was a chap I had worked with quite closely with Gulf War duties and he offered me the job. I was aware that UFO research was one of its functions. UFO: Was this the reason you switched departments? Nick Pope: I was certainly interested, it sounded fascinating, but I was quite keen to get out of my old job. [End] As you said, "UFO research was one of its functions". Can you please clarify what the job title was and its other functions? What percentage of your appointment was actually spent on 'UFO etc.' related matters? Was it, for example, a situation where the 'UFO etc.' duties took up, approximately, 75 percent of your time, 50 percent, or did they only perhaps demand a few hours per week, maybe even, over a period of three years, average a few hours each month? It's obviously of interest to know how much emphasis our government put on this and whether it continues to do so. On the question of any 'cover-up', you helpfully confirmed and have maintained this had no substance whatsoever. Typical of your response was the one given to Michael Lindemann, editor of 'CNI News', on November 17, 1996, during a 'UFO conference' at Blackpool. Lindemann asked, "This seemingly irrational denial of significant UFO events could be interpreted as evidence of a deliberate cover-up. What are your views on that?". To which you replied, "I found no evidence to support a cover-up in Britain. I think, without trying to sound too arrogant, that I would have gotten a few hints in three years if there had been someone doing my job but on a covert basis, not least because the one thing they would have needed beyond anything else was access to the raw data of the witnesses, and never once in three years had any witness complained that I had sent someone around to the house". >From your experiences, the Ministry of Defence's opinion on the subject was emphasised in the 'UFO Magazine' interview. Asked, "One gets the impression that the MoD consider the UFO phenomenon totally irrelevant?", you accepted, "That's correct". Naturally, this included the 1980 'Rendlesham forest' case, where it's now proven from the original witness testimonies I obtained, that the 'UFO' sightings involved a two mile pursuit of a light which turned out to be the Orfordness lighthouse beacon. Your assessment on the MoD's reaction to Col. Halt's 'UFO' report was again perhaps best clarified in that pivotal 'UFO Magazine' interview: "My best assessment of what happened next is - absolutely nothing! The report was written on the 13th January and when it arrived at Whitehall, whoever was doing the job didn't have the faintest idea what to do with it, probably took one look at it and said, what am I supposed to do? I am afraid to say it simply ended up in a file". Also from that interview: UFO Magazine: Was there a cover-up? Nick Pope: No. Not in the MoD - I think the MoD's response was just ineffective. UFO Magazine: That's a very big statement? Nick Pope: Yes, but if something of that magnitude was reported and simply placed on file, then what else can you say? [End] As you may know, there will be a book published on the 'Rendlesham' case next year, with the stated intention of exposing a grandiose cover-up, witnessed threatened, etc. We trust your 'inside knowledge' is a more reliable appraisal and you can be called on to testify to same, although it has been stated you will be writing the foreword to this book, which seems difficult to equate. Does that imply you maybe didn't have access to the 'secret' information after all, or is it simply that any cover-up didn't involve the MoD? One comment you made to 'UFO Magazine' was, "There is not some great mysterious organisation which is actually getting on with the bread and butter of investigation, whilst I sent out standard letters". In a later interview, given to Clas Svahn of UFO Sweden and published in 'Narkontakt', you reportedly stated, "And I get the impression that, too use a coin of phrase - the X-Files has been closed down. They've gone back to the bad old days where they just send out standard letters and I think the investigation they do now is at absolute minimum". If you were sending out standard letters, what had changed? I'm sure you will agree that our Government's position on 'UFO research' would benefit from overall clarification and Secretariat(Air Staff)2a1a have been asked to comment on these points, especially how much time has been and remains allocated to, as you put it, "researching and investigating UFO sightings, alien abductions, crop circles, animal mutilations and any other weird and wonderful reports". It would be remiss not to take this opportunity to attempt one final elucidation. In the 'Narkontakt' article, it's noted: "Nick Pope is now completing the manuscript of his next book. The theme is 'abduction'. And we have information that the crescendo of the book will be Nick Pope's own abduction. The previous defence-expert suspects that he as well as his girlfriend was taken aboard a spaceship when the passed a car-toll some years ago". The transcript of an on-line question and answer conference dated 23 May 1998, records that that your response to the question 'why did you think you had been abducted by aliens', was, "I don't recall ever claiming that I had been!" Apparently _someone_ claimed you had been and the story was included in the draft manuscript for your 'alien abductions' book. As you can imagine, a number of people are confused by this paradox. Is there an emphatic denial that this story was ever in the draft manuscript? I trust this are all reasonable and relevant questions. Your reply would be greatly appreciated and certainly not only by myself. Please feel free to reply directly. Best wishes, James Easton. E-mail: voyager@ukonline.co.uk [END] Although Nick Pope hasn't to my knowledge responded to these questions and is of course absolutely under no obligation to, I have now received a reply from 'Secretariat(Air Staff)2a' concerning some of the aforementioned questions. The Ministry state: "Mr Pope was employed as an Executive Officer in Secretariat (Air Staff) 2. His post was designated Sec(AS)2a. The main duties of the post concern non-operational RAF activities overseas and diplomatic clearance for military flights abroad". It would therefore appear that Nick Pope's principal function was generally more mundane than "researching and investigating UFO sightings, alien abductions, crop circles, animal mutilations and any other weird and wonderful reports that came my way". On the significant question of how much emphasis is placed on 'UFO' related matters in the post which Nick Pope occupied, the Ministry confirm: "A small percentage of time is spent dealing with reports from the public about alleged 'UFO' sightings and associated public correspondence". Asked if they would please comment on Pope's publicised claim that, "I've worked for the MOD for over fourteen years now, and three of those were spent researching and investigating UFO sightings, alien abductions, crop circles, animal mutilations and any other weird and wonderful reports that came my way", the Ministry write: "The Ministry of Defence has not investigated a case of alien abduction, crop circle formations or animal mutilation". Seemingly greatly at odds with Pope's recollections of his tenure, one can only surmise how this can be reconciled, as with his own 'abduction by aliens', which it has been verified was seen in the draft manuscript of Pope's book on 'alien abductions', yet for some reason didn't appear in the subsequent publication. My extreme gratitude to the Ministry for responding to enquiries and providing an unprecedented clarification, especially as they are normally reticent to commit such information to print. Having hopefully established a congenial rapport, I have asked if they could additionally clarify whether any 'UFO' or related reports are currently handled outwith 'Secretariat(Air Staff)2a' and if so, could they please provide full details. Consequent to the Ministry of Defence's official statements, some may surmise that Nick Pope's memoirs, together with his literary agents' presumably approved promotion of same, require to be reviewed in perspective. Perhaps now able to be fully appreciated in this new, directly MoD involved context, is the following, posted to the 'UFO UpDates' mailing list: Date: Sun, 26 Sep 1999 07:38:08 To: updates@globalserve.net From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Subject: Nick Pope's New Book A press release by KULTURE SHOCK (sic!) of Norwich, England. Source: 'uk.rec.ufo'. From: who@kulture.demon.co.uk (Kulture Shock) Newsgroups: uk.rec.ufo Subject: UFO SPECIALIST APPEARING Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 00:00:17 GMT KULTURE SHOCK 10-12 St Benedicts Street, Norwich. NR2 4AG Tel: 01603 625557 Fax: 01603 625558 email: info@kulture.demon.co.uk SUNDAY 10TH OCTOBER 1999 MAIL ORDER AVAILABLE PRESS RELEASE 'Operation Thunder Child' by Nick Pope Although ostensibly a techno-thriller, the Ministry of Defence insisted on seeing the manuscript and making some changes. They had the book for three months - longer than for most of the books written by former SAS soldiers - before giving it final clearance to publish. Nick Pope has dipped into the 'real x-files', and packed the book with references to formerly classified UFO events investigated by the MOD. Many of the events are thinly disguised versions of the real events. Fictionalisation is the only way that MOD official Nick Pope can talk about some of the more controversial incidents. Examples of reality disguised as fiction include: 1 The Rendlesham Forest incident, which appears in the prologue, inspired some of, and reflects, what Nick Pope was told by United Nations Air Force officers. 2 The alleged downing of an RAF Lightning by a UFO in 1970, which inspired some of the aerial battles that appear throughout the book. 3 The UFO briefing that the Minister receives in chapter four is based on a brief Nick Pope gave to a Defence Minister in 1982. All the incidents described actually occurred. 4 The potential biological hazard from extraterrestrial contact as described in chapter nine was an issue that Nick Pope raised with his MOD bosses while on the UFO desk. 5 The descriptions of the shape and capabilities of the UFO's, and the physical description and behaviour of the aliens are based on actual UFO reports and alien abduction claims investigated by Nick Pope as part of his official MOD duties. Many scenes give insights into 'spin-doctoring' techniques, showing how Governments manipulate Parliament and the public, and manage the media. Nick Pope has worked for the Ministry of Defence for fourteen years. As well as a tour of duty spent researching and investigating UFOs he has been involved in highly classified work on the Gulf War, Bosnia and Kosovo. This book contains a wealth of authentic detail about rules of engagement, weapons systems and tactics although some details have had to be changed for national security reasons. Nick Pope will be appearing at KULTURE SHOCK on Sunday 10th October 1999, from 12.30 when he will be talking about his work, answering questions and signing copies of his books. Advance booking is advised! Contact DAVID for further details [END] Some notes: "Examples of reality disguised as fiction include: 1 The Rendlesham Forest incident, which appears in the prologue, inspired some of, and reflects, what Nick Pope was told by United Nations Air Force officers". The 'Rendlesham Forest' incidents primarily involved a misidentification of Orfordness lighthouse, as documented in the original witness statements I obtained during 1998. See: http://web.ukonline.co.uk/voyager/enigma.htm Nick Pope is aware of this. "5 The descriptions of the shape and capabilities of the UFO's, and the physical description and behaviour of the aliens are based on actual UFO reports and alien abduction claims investigated by Nick Pope as part of his official MOD duties". Pope's alleged investigation of 'alien abductions' [does this include his own, reported, 'abduction by alien entities'?] "as part of his official MOD duties" is now formally refuted by the Ministry. Perhaps Nick Pope could comment on these fundamentally controversial claims. "Many scenes give insights into 'spin-doctoring' techniques, showing how Governments manipulate Parliament and the public, and manage the media". Some might say that 'spin-doctoring' and media management is particularly the domain of 'book promotion' press releases! "Nick Pope has worked for the Ministry of Defence for fourteen years. As well as a tour of duty spent researching and investigating UFOs...". Seems it was more a 'tour of duty' which required his attention to "non-operational RAF activities overseas and diplomatic clearance for military flights abroad". "Nick Pope has dipped into the 'real x-files', and packed the book with references to formerly classified UFO events investigated by the MOD. Examples of reality disguised as fiction include..." Alternatively... are Nick Pope's claims now proven to be fiction disguised as reality? You might think so, I couldn't possibly comment on that. James Easton, Editor. E-mail: voyager@ukonline.co.uk Voyager On-line: http://web.ukonline.co.uk/voyager/ (c) James Easton October 1999

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Sat, 02 Oct 1999 23:07:36 -0500 Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 09:38:45 -0400 Subject: Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? --- Date: Sat, 02 Oct 1999 16:25:45 -0400 From: Will <willb3d@mindspring.com> Subject: Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? To: yelorose@swbell.net I don't seem to see a way to post messages to the UFOMIND site, but I wanted to relate that Strieber's Caldecott was probably for his children's book about nuclear winter, 'Wolf Of Shadows'. I know it won several awards but I do not know the particulars. Maybe you could post that for me? Thank you. Home Page: "http://members.tripod.com/TheVanguard"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Re: Strieber & Ventura Country UFO Footage From: Jsmortell@aol.comFrom: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 00:24:37 EDT Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 09:52:54 -0400 Subject: Re: Strieber & Ventura Country UFO Footage >Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 11:20:00 -0700 >From: Steve Neill <neill@gte.net> >To: updates@globalserve.net >Subject: Strieber & Ventura Country UFO Footage >[Non-Subscriber Post] >>Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 07:35:01 >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >>Subject: Strieber Rallies UFO Faithful, Rails Against 'Denial' ><snip> >>A glowing sphere lopes across the night sky over Camarillo, CA, >>on Thanksgiving, 1998. With a long rigid projection fixed at a >>skewed angle and tipped with a smaller spherical projection, it >>is unlikely to be a weather balloon. It teases the camera, then >>explodes in a blast of flaming debris…. >To whom it may concern. >The video tape of the UFO over Camarillo was shot by me, Steve >Neill. Whitley doesn't bother to mention this and I alone with >Roger Leir as an observer video taped the UFO. >Whitley, months ago, asked for the tape to take for this lab and I >have not been able to get back the original tape. I'm being >avoided which puts Whitley in a worst spot light than he already >is. All I want is the tape back. >These kind of actions on his part are not good. Thought you >should know. It's this kind of thing that caused my departure >from the UFO community for good. If you didn't see my message >attached is a copy. >Sincerely, >Steve Neill >STEVE NEILL FX >----- >SIGHTINGS >Steve Neill, Renowned >UFO Researcher and >Artist, Quits UFOlogy >From Steve Neill <neill@gte.net> >5-15-99 >Snipped respectfully Dear Steve and List; I was extremely and overly critical of your leaving UFOlogy. First words out my mouth (or in this case, fingers) is that I apologize for being so critical. I was less critical of you, or of anyone who has worked hard and done something positive in this business, than I was of this business. That there are some really selfish bastards, some mean hearted, some cruel, some just plain stupid and a few really sincere but on the wrong frequency, in this business, is a given. But to give in to them is a sin in my book. Well, since your announcement, I've had my own bunch of bitter pills to chew on before swallowing. While I don't know what lies ahead, I do know that I will never give in to bastards, no matter who they may be. In my 56 years I've NEVER given in to those who would deny not merely truth, but their own truth, some of which is distorted. I merely pack my bags and go somewhere where what I have to offer, is appreciated. I hope that you someday change your mind. Because when anyone who wears a white hat gives in to the selfish bastards, the self-serving and the just plain stupid, then they win. And that's a shame. When Velez issued the challenge, I was hoping that something would come of it. Maybe something will, but only when the aliens drop happy gas. Which is why I feed them Gripple. So, I am sorry I was critical of you. I've learned a lot since then. But I will never let the bastards wear me down. My motto used to be "Make it happen!" My new motto is "Illigitimum non carborundum est!" Loosely translated, this is pig Latin for what I wrote above, "Don't let the bastards wear you down." Bastards should never win, Steve. They should lose. With great respect, and to quote my Dylan yet again, I admire you for "Doin' what you did and gettin' free." Only the best, Jim Mortellaro

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Re: Processed MGS Data - Maybe The 'Face' _Is_ From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 00:34:16 EDT Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 10:19:25 -0400 Subject: Re: Processed MGS Data - Maybe The 'Face' _Is_ >Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 15:17:38 -0700 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Michael Christol <mchristo@mindspring.com> >Subject: Re: Processed MGS Data - Maybe The 'Face' _Is_ >>From: Mac Tonnies <Alintelbot@aol.com> >>Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 18:49:57 EDT >>Subject: Re: Processed MGS Data - Maybe The 'Face' _Is_ >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>Steven J. Dunn writes: >>>In April 1998, NASA released imaged of the Cydonia region and >>>the "face on Mars" that looked to most, including this humble >>>correspondent, to be a very natural formation. The "face" was >>>dead. >>The MGS shot of the "Face" on Mars was handled horribly from the >>beginning--by the news media, predictably, but also by NASA, who >>released an unprocessed version of the Face to the media in an >>arguable attempt to kill the issue before any intelligent >>discourse could materialize. > >>In a way, NASA was being honest: it released the first halfway >>intelligible image it had right away, killing the otherwise >>inevitable attempts to shout "cover-up"! But for an agency who >>publicly claimed a "neutral stand," the horrid April image was >>used as a "straw man" by the very geologists who insisted it was >>a non-issue and not worthy of discussion. > ><snip> > >>Sadly, NASA has also informally retracted its earlier promise to >>rephotograph the site "until everyone is satisfied." It wasted >>a perfect opportunity to do just this on Aug. 26--a chance to >>get a clean overhead shot of the Face under good light and >>weather conditions (even NASA grudgingly conceded that the April >>'98 image was taken through a layer of atmospheric haze). > >>Our next chance is in November. > >>The Face and its associated landforms represent a legitimate >>scientific anomaly, and one that can be falsified--but only with >>good data! A failure to pursue this mystery, whether out of >>cowardice or bureaucratic apathy, may well turn out to be the >>defining intellectual catastrophe of our era. > >>--Mac Tonnies > > >NASA is supposed to be a "public funded" organization, receiving >it's money from Congress and supported by tax payers. > >Since NASA chooses to "exclude" the very people who are funding >their space exploration, why do we continue to support them and >request Congressional funding??? > >If they feel we are not entitled to "know" what their machines >along with the "sensors and cameras," are detecting, then why >should we "collectively," not demand of Congress a complete >cut off of "public funds?" > >I personally feel and have felt for over 25 years that most of >the work done by NASA was for the Military Complex anyway. >When you understand that the majority of astronauts have been >Military Test Pilots in the past, then I think this may support >my contention. > >I realize there are more civilians involved with the "shuttle" >missions now, but still, who is reaping the benefits from NASA's >budgets? > >Do we really want to know what they have kept from us over the >years? If so, then let us demand it now or forever "shut up!" > >I am the first to admit I am a "dunce." The fact that I have >sat idlely by for all these years and said nothing should >prove that. > >REgards, Mike You've already done something. You said something. Now, all you must do is say it again, and again and again. And to some folks who you helped elect. It's still a free country. It's still a place where you may more easily than ever, communicate with your erected.l... uh, sorry, "elected," representatives via the Internet no less. Just do it. This is one time and one place where if it feels good, you can and should do it. See!? You aint no dunce. You've managed to stay way from Gripple haven't you? Jim Mortellaro

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Re: Get Real From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 02:15:38 EDT Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 10:22:39 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >From: Martin Murray <bubastis@warplink.com> >To: "Errol Bruce-Knapp" <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 03:22:53 -0400 >>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 10:29:47 EDT >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>To: updates@globalserve.net ><snip> >>To our perceived captors, we may be so low down on the sentient >>pole as to be animals in the field by comparison with their >>intellects and technologies. >>Should this be the case (it's a theory which I do not favor, but >>admit to the possibility), what makes a difference is our >>intellectual level. It does not permit such invasion. Again, >>should this be the case, in order for the alien to be righteous, >>he (she or it) just have to have one hell of a good reason(s). >>If not, I and people like me, should remain pissed to the gills. >Hi Jimmy and all! >My own take on this is that although the beings may perceive us >in the same way that we perceive the animals of this world that >we capture and test, sometimes for their own good, they are not >that much above us, despite their extremely advanced technology. >They are not all that much brighter than us, nor are they better >than us. In many ways we humans are far superior to them. They >can never have or experience many of the things that all of us >take for granted every day. They lack our emotions, our >passions, and our ability to think and act as individuals. >Computers are able to process incredible amounts of information >in seconds, yet are they intelligent, or smarter than a human >being? I think not. The more I learn the less these beings >impress me, and I would certainly love to know what it is that >they think gives them the right to do what they do. >Take care, >Marty Hi Marty, Errol and List members, some of whom are gentle... Of course all of which you speak may be true. No one really knows what the truth is. Or if they do, they do not appear to be sharing their knowledge with the rest of us. In any case, there is a hypothesis (since there are trivial and/or inadequate grounds for anything but speculation) that these entities may not be the real alien. That perhaps, they are entities genetically designed to do a specific series of jobs. Some of these jobs are to withstand time, space and the otherwise emotional strain of doing what they do to us without going Postal. In other words, living machines, capable of making on the spot decisions without having to "call home" for instructions on how or what to do next to their "guests." This may explain the lack of emotion which many have described as having experienced during an abduction. Just a theory of course. By now there must be ten zillion theories. However my point is that people who perceive that they are abductees generally share a great deal in common, relative to their personalities, or lack of same. Some are extremely sensitive to the feelings of others. It may be overcompensation for the lack of sensitivity they received from their abductors. Others seem to be oblivious to how they affect the feelings of others. Pain is relative. Physical pain is not what I am referring to. It's the pain of the emotions. Emotional pain is what each of us share, we who perceive we've had such experiences. And since each of us is different, we suffer our pain in different ways. As for the entities, I prefer them completely inebriated, the little bastards, preferably one who (or "which") has consumed mass quantities of my special "Little Alien Bastard Corn Squeezins!" Makes them very mellow. I've colored the stuff yellow. I should have called it "Yellow Mello." Gosh, what a song title that would make, eh? Jimmy Morte de Fam (It's a Sicilian thing, you wouldn't understand)

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 OZ Files 03.10.1999 From: Diane Harrison - Keith Basterfield Network <tkbnetw@fan.net.au> Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 17:26:23 +1000 Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 10:28:33 -0400 Subject: OZ Files 03.10.1999 Australian Sighting Reports OZ Files 03.10.1999 Hi Everyone Well the reports keep coming in the Hotline is running hot. Our Australian Independent UFO Researchers & AUFORN Reps have been busy investigating all kinds of sightings. EG: Airship the Blimp to Venus to Orange balls and yes some UFObjects. Keep up the Great work everyone >From The "A Team" in Australia Regards Diane Harrison Co Director The Australian UFO Research Network Australian Skywatch Director ______________________________________ FOLLOWUP Peter Johnson AUFORN South Australia Hi Di, the initial report for callin 00309 14.09.1999 is as follows: I rang Beverly B of Parafield Gardens Adelaide 13:30 Thursday 16.9.99 Beverly said : My son (20) came inside and said "Come and have a look at this so Beverly (48) and her other son (22) and husband (52) went outside to see two bright glowing yellow balls of light about the size of a golf ball at arms length and about 12 inches apart at arms length moving across the night sky directly above their house. The objects made no noise, at one stage a smaller light moved of at right angles from one of the larger objects, and one picked up speed in relation to the other one. Beverly said the lights were perhaps a little higher than cloud level ? but could not be sure how high they were. She went inside to ring Parafield airport to see if they had any explanation but they said they were probably balloons, (typical) she said if that were the case then how come one of them had a light shoot out from it? When she came outside after ringing the airport the objects were gone Beverly lives near the Parafield airport and is quite used to seeing all sorts of planes, but said the objects did not have any navigational lights just they were just a bright glowing yellow. She also rang Colin Norris and he said that he had received another report from a gentleman on Monday night of the same description. ~~~~~~~~~/////////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1800 Callin Code: 00315 to 00321. 22.09.1999 FOLLOWUP Diane Harrison AUFORN 1800 Callin Code:00315 to 00321 Report: by Diane Harrison Date: 19.09.199 Time Observation: 7.45pm Location: Boronia Victoria in a North Easterly direction Shape: No clear shape Star Like Size: 5 cent piece Objects: 3 Colour: Dull orange Sound: None Speed: Faster than a plane Duration: 1 minute or so. Witnesses: 1 Reportee: Chris Sh Report By Diane Harrison AUFORN Christen said she was walking her dog on Sunday evening when she saw 3 strange looking lights in the sky. At first she thought they were stars but they were in a V formation. I was scared of what I saw and went straight home. That's when I called 013 and they gave me your number. These objects things moved apart then they moved back together then they formed a perfect V formation. and traveled away getting smaller. (Q) Do you think they could have been the RAAF or some kind of plane? (A) "No" I have lived here for quite a while and have never seen planes with those kind of lights before. Any way when they went away they formed a straight line and faded off in the distance. Report form sent out. ~~~~~~~~~/////////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1800 Callin Code: 00321.26.09.1999 FOLLOWUP by Keith Basterfield SA for AUFORN 1800 Callin Code: 00321.26.09.1999 Date: 26/9/99 Time: 9 p.m. CST Location: North Plympton, Adelaide suburb, SA Witnesses: Robert & Lisa Report: by Keith Basterfield Robert was outside looking at the night sky when he noticed an object "as high up as a star." It was in the SW sky, "going round in right hand circles." It flashed quickly several times, stopped flashing, then flashed again 2 or 3 times. After about 2 minutes, he then went inside his house to fetch his wife Lisa, who came out. She also saw the same light. Whereas Robert though the colour of the light was white, Lisa felt that it was orange. They watched it for some 5 minutes, then both went inside to fetch their daughter. However, when the 3 of them returned outdoors the light had gone. Regards Keith Basterfield>parklake@camtech.net.au GPO Box 1894, Adelaide, South Australia 5001 ~~~~~~~~~/////////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOLLOWUP Robert Frola AUFORN 1800 Callin Code: 00321 25.09.99 Date: 25.9.99 Day; Saturday Time Reported: 1:52am Source: Kerry B Location: Laverton & Pointcook. Victoria Tel: 03 9369 Report given to rep Robert Frola AUFORN Date: 24.09.199 Day: Friday Time of Observation: 9.55pm Location: Laverton Pointcook Shape: No clear shape Size: 50 cent piece Objects: 1 Colour: Dull orange Sound: None Speed: Faster than a plane Duration: 3 minutes or more Witnesses: 4 Reportees: Kerry , 2 chefs 1 security officer Kerry stated: I had just finished work and was walking to my car when one of the chefs I work with called out to me to look up. This was when l saw what he was looking at. It was this huge orange ball of light. It was very high up the size of 50cent piece at arms length I guess. The chef I worked with that night called out to the security guard to come outside and have a look at the object. He came out with another chef and we all watched this thing "I didn't know what it was" and they didn't . We all watched it and I tell you I thought I was a scared but the guys stood there trying to work out wether to run back inside "big brave men" ha!!. I have be honest I just wanted to hide but the funny thing about it all we didn't move from the spot. (Q) Could it have been one of the RAAF planes ? Kerry stated: "Hell no" we all watched it and tried to figure out what hell it was. We all figured out what it wasn't (it was NO plane) we all work out near the Laverton RAAF base and we see their planes coming and going all the time (so we do no our planes). We did observe a plane fly under the object, the plane looked quite small. The pilot of that plane must have seen the object I'm sure. When I got home I called the police but they hadn't had any ca lls but they informed me I could call your hotline so I did. Can you tell me what we saw because it scared the hell out of us. Still under investigation Report By Robert Frola AUFORN ~~~~~~~~~/////////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please welcome Matt Pearce Ghost.who.Walks@Bigpond.com The New member of AUFORN Alice Springs Matt will be helping Keith Douglass with UFO investigations in Outback Australia "Pine Gap" Area. Report from Matt Hi All, Matt from Ayers Rock here, Another report from a few months ago has just come to my attention, and would just like to share it with y'all. This sighting occurred on the morning of the 11th of June, at 5.55 am (seems to be a bit of a trend in time and direction) in the east. The witnesses reported seeing to objects moving together at quite close range, jiggling up and down as they went. They then split up in and sped off in opposite directions. One going North and one heading south, at quite a speed and then vanished. Now in June sunrise is quite late, and therefore the chances of being any satellites reflecting light is slim. (mind you I haven't seen too many satellites perform such manoeuvrers) The jiggling motion could have been contributed to atmospheric distortion, except June mornings are freezing, the images of all objects in the sky are very clear. Also the objects were 70 degrees above the eastern horizon heading east, and therefore at that angle the atmosphere is quite thin. Therefore it can only lead me to place this unexplained phenomena into my X-files, which is getting quite thick quite fast. E-Mail tkbnetw@fan.net.au http://www.fan.net.au/~tkbnetw/new http://www.powerup.com.au/~ufologist UFO Australian Research Network Hot Line Number 1800 77 22 88 Free Call

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - John Velez & From: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 15:37:46 -0400 Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 15:37:46 -0400 Subject: 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - John Velez & --------------- /// John Velez --------------- � Has been actively and very publicly trying to raise the public's awareness and consciousness about the reality of UFOs, their occupants, and more importantly, the reality of the intervention of these beings, into our own lives. � It is his 'belief' that each one of us carries around a small piece of the puzzle. A little piece of truth. Maybe by sharing and communicating with each other we can begin to put those pieces together and build a foundation for future generations. If what we suspect is happening is true,...then this is very serious business and should be treated that way. � He has a background in human services with ten years experience as a crisis intervention counselor and Senior addiction specialist in New York City. Sixteen years as a graphic artist and currently works freelance. Plays the drums and a little guitar, other peoples electric guitars. Hobbies include oil painting, drawing, photography, hot-rodding and is also one fine chess player � This is a man I first met outside the stage-door of the 'Shirley Show' here in Toronto. A man who after his experience on that show made a beeline for me, saying "I need a hug!". He got it. He'd just been subjected to the way media typically has treated people who stand up and say "I'm an abductee!". He'd just been jeered and laughed at on a TV show that promised him compassion, understanding and a platform to tell his story. And that got him pissed enough to start and fight back against 'them' and against the way abductees have been treated in our society - ebk. --------------------- /// Michael J. Woods ---------------------- Mike Woods works in the newsroom of a local Toronto TV station and has some very definite views on UFOs and the phenomena surrounding them and is not shy about expressing them - listen..... Join John Velez, Mike Woods, Jonn Kares and I this evening as we discuss these Strange Days... Indeed on: CFRB 1010 AM - 50,000 watts 'Clear-Channel' 6070khz Shortwave you can also listen via Media Player at: www.cfrb.com/ You'll need to access the site using Internet Explorer since Media Player seems to choke using any version of Netscape - thanks Mr. Bill! To call the program dial: On-Air 416-872-1010 1-800-561-CFRB [all over North America] *TALK [local mobiles] Errol Bruce-Knapp

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Re: NASA Speaks in English... From: GT McCoy <gtmccoy@harborside.com> Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 06:25:17 -0700 Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 17:13:44 -0400 Subject: Re: NASA Speaks in English... >From: From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 21:49:02 EDT >Subject: NASA Speaks in English but the Control Panel is in Cyrillic Ubangy >To: updates@globalserve.net Hello, List ,Jim Jim Wrote: >"NASA said confusion over whether measurements were made in >metric or English units led to the crash of a $125 million >spacecraft as it approached Mars last week." According to the >New York Times today (10-1-99). >Am I the only idiot who thinks this "mistake" is the most lame >sort of none sense ever perpetrated on US since the president >sinned? The Metric system is the measurement of science has been literally for centuries-No body of science like NASA would use the english system in planetary navigation . I have a friend who used to work for JPL, on the Mariner Missions and Surveyor Moon Missions. If I can track him down, (The Salmon are running - it may be a few days) I'll bet he confirms that this is, at best, the Ruptured Duck of Excuses-worse than lame. >How two major Military and NASA contractors can each work in >different systems boggles this Gripple brain big time. I cannot >imagine such an error folks. >I've worked for several NASA contractors as well as at NASA >Goddard Spaceflight Center, and knowing (less than some of you >do) what I do, it just can't happen. >It's like Jethro Bodine cypherin to the base ten while everyone >else is doin it to another base _and_ in metric! >The new NASA call sign: "Help! It's fallen down and I can't get >it up..." I agree. "It's not so much they are trying to do it, it's the credit they're giving our intelligence!" -from an old 'Garfield' comic.- GT McCoy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Re: Nick Pope - The Ministry of Defence Respond From: Donald Ledger <dledger@ns.sympatico.ca> Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 09:57:58 -0300 Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 17:16:52 -0400 Subject: Re: Nick Pope - The Ministry of Defence Respond >From: James Easton <voyager@ukonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Nick Pope - The Ministry of Defence Respond >Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 05:47:53 +0100 >Voyager Newsletter - Issue No. 8 >* Nick Pope - The Ministry of Defence Respond * >On 7 August, 1999, I published the following: >'An Open Letter to Nick Pope' >Dear Nick, >In the July issue of 'NICK POPE'S WEIRD WORLD', you wrote: >"Over the past few months I'd been becoming more bullish in my >response to certain people within ufology who'd been sniping at >me over the years. Nobody likes criticism, and I'd been getting >a fair bit - little of it constructive in nature. If people were >criticising my views on, say, Roswell, then fine. I wasn't >there, and so my view probably counts no more or no less than >anybody else who's followed the case with a reasonable degree of >interest. But it rankled when outsiders who'd probably never >even visited MOD Main Building started casting doubts on my >knowledge about - and access to - government and military UFO >files. I've worked for the MOD for over fourteen years now, and >three of those were spent researching and investigating UFO >sightings, alien abductions, crop circles, animal mutilations >and any other weird and wonderful reports that came my way". >I trust I'm not one of the aforementioned 'critics' and perhaps >you can help clear up some of the confusion which surrounds a >number of claims. >To recap; your appointment with the Ministry of Defence (MoD) >was as an Executive Officer. To clarify for the 'uninitiated' >(I'm a former Civil Servant), the standard grading hierarchy is >clerical assistant - clerical officer - executive officer - >higher executive officer - and upwards. Snipped for brevity..... Hi James and List, I know little about Nick Pope and his involvement with the British Government, but to suggest that any government is not associated with spin doctoring when in fact it is probably 75 percent spin doctoring, if not more, indicates a naive view of how government works. So-called democratic governments usually work on the myopic 4-5 year plan, or whatever term they have in office and worry little about the long term. They channel most of their energies into getting re-elected, and controlling information is part and parcel of how they do it. Having worked myself for a government for nearly 30 years, I have little hesitation in endorsing that view. Public relations and spin doctoring are not the sole property of the media. To suggest that once assigned to a department or specific job that other duties cannot be added to your original duties in government is a seeming lacking of understanding of the trade, or a misrepresentation of same. Your defence of the British government in this regard is touching, but in keeping with your views on the UFO subject. Like the government I find that your suppositions are often straw dogs supported by little evidence other than your own and your dogged determination to repeat them over and over as the solution. This is a ploy often used by government. I was prepared a year or so ago to accept your explanation as to the causes of the Rendlesham Forest sighting but since then your proofs on other cases have left me cold and wondering. I am sure that again you will repeat them over and over to whomever will listen. Whether indeed there is anything to Rendlesham is yet to be seen, however I now look upon that case as unresolved. Also, James, you stated that you worked for the British Government. Do you still? Don Ledger

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Re: Get Real From: Terry Evans <tevans@tranquility.net> Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 10:29:03 -0500 Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 17:19:35 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >From: Martin Murray <bubastis@warplink.com> >To: "Errol Bruce-Knapp" <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 03:22:53 -0400 >>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 10:29:47 EDT >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>To: updates@globalserve.net ><snip> >>To our perceived captors, we may be so low down on the sentient >>pole as to be animals in the field by comparison with their >>intellects and technologies. >>Should this be the case (it's a theory which I do not favor, but >>admit to the possibility), what makes a difference is our >>intellectual level. It does not permit such invasion. Again, >>should this be the case, in order for the alien to be righteous, >>he (she or it) just have to have one hell of a good reason(s). >>If not, I and people like me, should remain pissed to the gills. >Hi Jimmy and all! >My own take on this is that although the beings may perceive us >in the same way that we perceive the animals of this world that >we capture and test, sometimes for their own good, they are not >that much above us, despite their extremely advanced technology. >They are not all that much brighter than us, nor are they better >than us. In many ways we humans are far superior to them. They >can never have or experience many of the things that all of us >take for granted every day. They lack our emotions, our >passions, and our ability to think and act as individuals. >Computers are able to process incredible amounts of information >in seconds, yet are they intelligent, or smarter than a human >being? I think not. The more I learn the less these beings >impress me, and I would certainly love to know what it is that >they think gives them the right to do what they do. >Take care, >Marty Excellent points. One comment. My wife is an abductee, and one thing that she commented on was that she felt that she was being monitored and "they" wanted her emotions, they somehow were experiencing whatever she felt. Terry Evans.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Terry Evans <tevans@tranquility.net> Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 10:59:02 -0500 Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 17:24:46 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Fri, 01 Oct 99 13:12:18 PDT >>Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 13:06:58 -0500 >>From: Terry Evans <tevans@tranquility.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>Date: Wed, 29 Sep 99 22:30:23 PDT >>>>Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 12:51:54 -0400 >>>>From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> >>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>>>From: Brian Straight <brians@mdbs.com> >>>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>>>Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 12:01:05 -0500 >>Your polemics are tiring. You write for yourself. I no longer >>read anything you write. Ooops. This slipped through. Guess I'll respond. Lucky you. >Translation: You know you lost the argument but can't bring >yourself to offer the apology I would happily accept. You are funny. Ever thought about taking your act on the road? >I don't think you're a bad guy. I can tell as much from other >posts you've made, unrelated to our dispute. It's my judgment >you simply stepped into something without realizing what you >were getting into. I guess the old warning applies: Look before >you leap. (You are even condescending when you feign niceness.) First, I don't care what you think of me, caring what someone thinks comes when you respect that person. I don't respect you any longer. (I know, Booo hooo). Second I stand by what I said before and let me tweak it up a bit. You are part of the problem with Ufology not the solution. There has always been a private elite within Ufology who have controlled who did what, and what information was released back to the to the field investigators who did most of the collection. This was mostly MUFON. As for CUFOS, I know from past personal experience, that there is a clique. Third, I have no idea who you are talking about, but the person you think is my "source" is not my source on you and Gulf Breeze. My source was then and is now, a CUFOS insider. (Part of the non- existent clique.) Fourth, I firmly believe that you did not want to step on Dr. Maccabee's toes regarding Gulf Breeze. (That should probably include Mr. Hopkins since he wrote a chapter.) Dr. M was then and still is a major player in the Fund. And while the Fund is supposed to be non-partisan its not nice to piss off people who someday you might need. Fifth, I know exactly what I stepped into. Terry Evans.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Re: Nick Pope - The Ministry of Defence Respond From: Georgina Bruni <georgina@easynet.co.uk> Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 19:49:19 +0100 Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 17:51:16 -0400 Subject: Re: Nick Pope - The Ministry of Defence Respond >From: James Easton <voyager@ukonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Nick Pope - The Ministry of Defence Respond >Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 05:47:53 +0100 <snip> >Perhaps Nick Pope could comment on these fundamentally >controversial claims. Perhaps you should write to him via his publisher, I understand he always replies to his letters. You know full well he does not have an e-mail address and yet with that knowledge you continue to write open letters attacking him. In fact you may like to post the entire reply from the MOD instead of your usual selective quotes.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 15:24:19 -0400 Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 17:53:14 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Fri, 01 Oct 99 18:44:18 PDT >You conveniently failed to mention, as I pointed out to >you last time around (and as Brian Straight has also pointed out >to you), that I was responding to vile accusations against my >character -- accusations, moreover, that were hurled without a >shred of supporting evidence. Mr. Jerome Clark; I am most curious to learn what specific and exacting comments that were hurled against you which you might consider 'vile accusations against your character.' Might it be possible for you to please clarify your statement with an issue-related example? By all means, I would speak out against any character digs against you if you could demonstrate that which you claim. From my recall of the Gulf Breeze discussions, Jerry Black has afforded you inclusion in his "Old Boy's Network." Could this be what has caused you to think yourself the victim of a 'vile accusation against your character?' If so, then it might be your thin-skinned interpretation of issue-related discourse that has left you feeling hurt. Your interpretation of issue- related dissent and the usual posturing that accompanies such discourse does not justify your mean-spirited defensiveness and abrasive name-calling. While lamenting others for being judge, jury and executioner in ufology, you seem to have no problem tackling such a position yourself. Perhaps, Mr. Clark, your hot-dog hostility through this bizarre episode has left you as first among the wounded resulting from Black's exposure of this "Old Boy's Club." Thanks, Kenny Young -- UFO Research http://home.fuse.net/ufo/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Abducted? From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 21:17:58 +0100 Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 17:54:37 -0400 Subject: Abducted? Hi John, James, Errol and any others that might be interested. I have had an interesting discussion with someone about other things but my interest in all things ufological is well known and he posed me a question. This is not a direct quote, but along the lines of what he said. As a small child I had "dreams" of floating through walls and pipes and when I got a little older they stopped. I was five or six at the time. As a teenager I read a lot about astral projection and put it down to that. Also as a teenager I always had the feeling that I was being watched, or followed but this never amounted to anything. In my early twenties some times when I woke up I felt as if I had not been to sleep. Another time I felt as if I should be missing some time, but wasn't. In my thirties I found out about abductions and the like from having my curiosity roused by watching Fire in the sky and reading a few books. Then I wondered if any of my previous experiences might have been something to do with being an abductee. So the question is, have I been abducted? I asked him more questions about his "astral projection" *dreams*, as he is an honest chap I believe his answers about his memories being somewhat fragmented and he can only clearly recollect one instance, but he is sure that he "did it" many times. I asked him more about his feelings of being watched all the time, or being followed, to which he can only recollect the feeling nothing else. I asked him about his lack of missing time and he said it was like waking up and thinking that he should be missing time, days even one a few occasions, but he never was actually missing any time, he couldn't really put into words exactly just how he felt about this. I asked him about his not feeling like he had slept and he said its like when you go to bed and it seams like you only switched the light out minutes before, when the alarm clock sounds. I suggested that many children can astrally project themselves, and that astral projection is a verified thing. I suggested that his teenage feeling where paranoia, and that his early twenties could have been his pace of life. All are possible I said but not conclusive. He said in the end, I can easily believe that it is a case of all of these things being true but I can't help but have this niggling feeling. -- In an infinite universe, infinitely anything is possible. Sean Jones http://www.tedric.demon.co.uk/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 3 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 21:11:19 GMT Fwd Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 17:57:37 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Kevin Randle <KRandle993@aol.com> >Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 09:12:22 EDT >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 22:38:13 GMT >>Why is it that we _assume_ that one phenomenon (UFOs) has >>anything to do with the other (abduction/contact experiences)? >>There is a widespread willingness to consider evidence that >>radar contact has been made with objects (presumably craft) not >>produced on Earth. >>There is a lesser, but growing, willingness to consider that >>something extraordinary is happening to so-called abductees and >>contactees. >>Where is the willingness to soberly evaluate the evidence as to >>whether one phenomena is related to the other, and, if so, how? >We (Russ Estes, Bill Cone and I) have tried to do this in 'The >Abduction Enigma'. Maybe you could explain a little more specifically, Kevin, how you and your co-authors attempted to evaluate the evidence for/against the alleged link between UFOs as physical craft and Alien Abduction Experiences, AAEs. As I see it, "The Abduction Enigma" treated the AAE as a hallucination associated with sleep paralysis or regurgitated birth memories, or as a false memory imposed by unethical or incompetent therapists and researchers. Once its reality status was assumed to be that of an illusion, there was no need to consider whether there was an actual evidence of a link between AAEs and UFOs. There _was_ considerable insightful analysis of the relationship between _reports_ of abduction experiences _reports_ of Satanic Abuse. It may be that differences in the theoretical perspectives of abduction researchers and satanic abuse researchers have led to classifying a single phenomenon into two categories depending on who is doing the investigating. However, the possibility that we might be able to consolidate these two areas of research doesn't automatically mean that both groups of researchers were investigating an illusory experience rather than a real one. Consider an analogous situation involving research into cattle mutilations. For better or for worse, I live in the Bible belt and we just don't see many dead cows mutilated by aliens. Bible belt cows are much more likely to be mutilated by satanic ritualists. (My theory is that around here the sheriff's deputy who takes a report about a cattle mute calls a researcher specializing in satanic rituals rather than a researcher specializing in aliens harvesting genetic material.) In any event, we might say differences in theoretical perspectives among researchers explain why the phenomenon of cattle mutilation is divided into two categories. But even if we eliminated the artifical distinctions between the two field, we still have to admit that both groups were investigating a real phenomenon. There really were dead cows. >>Is there any evidence that would selectively discriminate >>between these theories: >>1. That the same off-world beings that pilot the craft are also >>perpetrating the abductions. >>2. That abductions are Out-of-Body Experiences, Lucid Dreams or >>cases of Awareness during Sleep Paralysis that are unrecognized >>or incompletely recalled. >You have left out sleep paralysis, vivid dreams, hoax, >psychological manipulation by hypno-therapists and a couple of >other explanations. Did I leave out sleep paralysis or did you leave out Awareness during Sleep Paralysis? Sleep paralysis by itself explains nothing. Since we all experience sleep paralysis 4 to 6 times each night as we cycle into REM sleep, the presence of sleep paralysis does not discriminate between those who report abductions and those who do not. What _may_ discriminate between these two groups is the presence of _Awareness_ during Sleep Paralysis, ASP. I don't mean to belabor the semantics of the situation, but I think we should distinguish between a physiological state (sleep paralysis) and a state of consciousness (Awareness of the physiological state) >>I know that there are advocates of each point of view. But if we >>were to sit down to soberly sift the evidence available now, do >>we find any that is simultaneously consistent with one theory >>but inconsistent with the other? >We find that abduction stories have existed since humans began >recording their thoughts. We find parallels in pop culture. We >find parallels in the tales of Satanic Ritual Abuse and tales of >Multiple Personality Disorder. We find that there are historical precedents for reports of abduction experiences and for reports of UFOs. This establishes that both phenomena are old. It doesn't say whether they are related. Joseph Polanik _____________________________________________________ Joseph Polanik, jpolanik@mindspring.com Trionic Research Institute, http://trionica.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 21:52:57 GMT Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 16:07:29 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 >>From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 >>Is there any evidence that would selectively discriminate >>between these theories: >>1. That the same off-world beings that pilot the craft are also >>perpetrating the abductions. >>2. That abductions are Out-of-Body Experiences, Lucid Dreams or >>cases of Awareness during Sleep Paralysis that are unrecognized >>or incompletely recalled. >>I know that there are advocates of each point of view. But if we >>were to sit down to soberly sift the evidence available now, do >>we find any that is simultaneously consistent with one theory >>but inconsistent with the other? >Very lucid thinking. To me, though, there are some intermediate >stages -- are abductions physical experiences at all? And if >they are, how do we know they involve the same beings >responsible for UFOs? Some abductees say that they suffered a psychic or spiritual abduction. I take this to mean that they believe that their Soul or spiritual essence was taken but that their physiological body was left behind in bed or in the car where it was before the abduction. Consequently, we would want to ask: What is the nature of the abduction currently under consideration (as not all abductions may be of the same type)? Do we have any evidence that this abduction involved other beings? And, if so, what sort of beings? Human covert agents? Temporally displaced humans? Physically embodied aliens? Spiritual/Demonic? Interdimensional? etc. >I understand Joe's point, though. These two theories are the >main ones out there. One hurdle in answering Joe's question, of >course, is to know what "evidence" is. Abductees claim, with >abduction researchers seconding them, that they have marks on >their bodies that can't be explained, that they wake up in >clothes they didn't go to bed in, that they wake up with >unexplainable stains on their bodies. Are these claims -- and >the visible marks, and garments still bearing the stains -- >"evidence"? If we were talking about a kidnapping, would we consider marks on the body and these other items as evidence? If so, then what rational reason would we have to deny that these items are evidence just because we're talking about an abduction? Certainly these items are evidence. Evidence of what, that is the question? >If we accept these assertions, then abductions would >seem to be real experiences, not lucid dreams or awareness >during sleep paralysis. (Unless we want to assume that the marks >are like stigmata, generated by the mind.) I wouldn't want to assume that the marks are generated by the mind, but I might want to consider that and similar possibilities. >Then there are many abductees who claim to remember abductions >in which they're taken away in UFOs. The Hill case is only the >most famous of these. Often enough abductees claim to remember >these abductions without hypnosis. Are these accounts >"evidence"? If they are, then they establish an apparent >connection between abduction experiences and UFOs, Yes, experiencer reports do establish an apparent link between abduction experiences and UFOs. Those who wish to deny that there is a real link between the two would have to explain why there is an apparent link. If someone claimed it was due to intentional deception by human covert agents and/or demonic beings, we'd expect him/her to present some evidence. If someone said that the apparent link is due to a real link between the two phenomena, we should also expect to see a presentation of evidence. But we don't. Joseph Polanik ***************************************************** Joseph Polanik, jpolanik@mindspring.com Trionic Research Institute, http://trionica.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Sun, 03 Oct 99 17:46:43 PDT Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 16:15:48 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 10:59:02 -0500 >From: Terry Evans <tevans@tranquility.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Fri, 01 Oct 99 13:12:18 PDT >>>Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 13:06:58 -0500 >>>From: Terry Evans <tevans@tranquility.net> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>>Date: Wed, 29 Sep 99 22:30:23 PDT >>>>>Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 12:51:54 -0400 >>>>>From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> >>>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>>>>From: Brian Straight <brians@mdbs.com> >>>>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>>>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>>>>Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 12:01:05 -0500 Mr. Evans, with apologies to patient and gentle listfolk: >>I don't think you're a bad guy. I can tell as much from other >>posts you've made, unrelated to our dispute. It's my judgment >>you simply stepped into something without realizing what you >>were getting into. I guess the old warning applies: Look before >>you leap. >(You are even condescending when you feign niceness.) Actually, it wasn't meant condescendingly. I guess that's what I get for trying to be a nice guy. Okay, I've learned my lesson. >First, I don't care what you think of me, caring what someone >thinks comes when you respect that person. I don't respect you >any longer. (I know, Booo hooo). I am crushed. Life has now lost all meaning and purpose. How can I go out into the world and admit to people that ... uh, what was your name again? ... oh yeah, Terry Evans ... doesn't respect me? I guess I'll just have to crawl into a cave. >You are part of the problem with Ufology not the solution. Nah, I don't think so. As far as I can tell, you're neither. I'd never even heard of you till this exchange began. Exactly what _have_ you done for this field, by the way, besides trash those who really have tried, in their admittedly imperfect human ways, to advance ufology? Want to match credentials with Bruce Maccabee and me? Or are you going to try to argue that having no credentials at all affords you superior virtue? >There has always been a private elite within Ufology who have >controlled who did what, and what information was released back >to the to the field investigators who did most of the >collection. This was mostly MUFON. As for CUFOS, I know from >past personal experience, that there is a clique. I'm afraid the meaning and significance of the above are unclear to me. Unless you're reviving that ancient paranoid fear that "elites" within ufology suppress information in an effort to keep all others in the dark, no doubt at the behest of their CIA or New World Order masters. (Yes, we elites in ufology have fleets of black helicopters at our beck and call. Next time you go out the door, it might be a good idea to scan the skies. We'll be watching you.) Simple fact of the matter is this: It is both the glory and the tragedy of our field that anybody (even you) can call him- or herself a ufologist and find a forum, whether a newsletter, a website, an e-list, or a media interviewer who will quote the self-described expert. Under these circumstances -- full, even anarchic, free expression, in other words -- everything and anything gets said, printed, broadcast, and otherwise circulated, even if overwhelmingly it is ... uh, silly stuff. >Third, I have no idea who you are talking about, but the person >you think is my "source" is not my source on you and Gulf >Breeze. My source was then and is now, a CUFOS insider. (Part of >the non- existent clique.) You know what? Since none of what your alleged source alleges happened, I can state with supreme confidence that I don't believe you for a second. I think you're making this up. In fact, I am certain of it. That makes you a big ... uh, fibber. >Fourth, I firmly believe that you did not want to step on Dr. >Maccabee's toes regarding Gulf Breeze. (That should probably >include Mr. Hopkins since he wrote a chapter.) Dr. M was then >and still is a major player in the Fund. And while the Fund is >supposed to be non-partisan its not nice to piss off people who >someday you might need. If you believe that, you'll believe anything, so long as it suits your purposes, even if it does not correspond in any recognizable way with events in the real world. And you expect me -- or anybody who knows better -- to take you seriously? Is it your position that just because you "firmly believe" something, it must be true? >Fifth, I know exactly what I stepped into. And I know exactly what's on the bottom of your shoes, and believe me, it doesn't smell like roses. Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: Abducted? From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 19:16:55 EDT Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 16:18:10 -0400 Subject: Re: Abducted? >Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 21:17:58 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Abducted? >Hi John, James, Errol and any others that might be interested. >I have had an interesting discussion with someone about other >things but my interest in all things ufological is well known >and he posed me a question. >This is not a direct quote, but along the lines of what he said. >As a small child I had "dreams" of floating through walls and >pipes and when I got a little older they stopped. I was five or >six at the time. As a teenager I read a lot about astral >projection and put it down to that. Also as a teenager I always >had the feeling that I was being watched, or followed but this >never amounted to anything. In my early twenties some times when >I woke up I felt as if I had not been to sleep. Another time I >felt as if I should be missing some time, but wasn't. In my >thirties I found out about abductions and the like from having >my curiosity roused by watching Fire in the sky and reading a >few books. Then I wondered if any of my previous experiences >might have been something to do with being an abductee. >So the question is, have I been abducted? >I asked him more questions about his "astral projection" >*dreams*, as he is an honest chap I believe his answers about >his memories being somewhat fragmented and he can only clearly >recollect one instance, but he is sure that he "did it" many >times. I asked him more about his feelings of being watched all >the time, or being followed, to which he can only recollect the >feeling nothing else. I asked him about his lack of missing time >and he said it was like waking up and thinking that he should be >missing time, days even one a few occasions, but he never was >actually missing any time, he couldn't really put into words >exactly just how he felt about this. I asked him about his not >feeling like he had slept and he said its like when you go to >bed and it seams like you only switched the light out minutes >before, when the alarm clock sounds. >I suggested that many children can astrally project themselves, >and that astral projection is a verified thing. I suggested that >his teenage feeling where paranoia, and that his early twenties >could have been his pace of life. All are possible I said but >not conclusive. >He said in the end, I can easily believe that it is a case of >all of these things being true but I can't help but have this >niggling feeling. Hi all; This is an issue which carries extreme importance to the potential abductee. I refer to the question of whether or not the person has been abducted. This must be an intellectual conclusion, not an emotional one. It is crucial for this person to accept only his own opinion, and that opinion must be based on his own research. That research must be based on the best information available from multiple, dependable sources. He should spend his time doing everything he can to study information already written and prepared by the best authorities, pro and con. There are places on the Internet he can go in order to help him with this study. In the opinion of many, including myself, this person should avoid hypnosis until such time as he has reached an honest and firm conclusion regarding his experiences and is having difficulty living a normal healthy life. Only then should he consider hypnosis, if at all. The "Abduction Information Center" is a good place to start. Frankly, I have found that in my experience at least, _no one_ person or entity can tell you whether or not you are an experiencer. Only you can do that. >From what I've read above, your friend has experienced some of what I and many others have experienced. Means _nothing_! The only one who can make the decision is him, and only after knowing himself. That's the tough part. Further, he must be prepared to learn and accept that he may or may not have had these experiences and be satisfied with that conclusion to the extent that it does not cloud or distort his ability to think clearly and objectively on the subject. Some perceived abductees, on finding that it was merely a piece of undigested beef, go completely the other way in their belief system. If they thought they were abducted and find they were not, they then become lunatics when it comes to anyone who believes he has been abducted. The opposite is true. It takes a strong person to understand the truth about himself, whatever that truth may be. And stronger still to accept the truth of others in similar situations. Capeesh? There are others monitoring this list, members, who can better advise than I. I suggest that one or two of you answer this post. For I may only speak for myself. And everyone knows, I'm nuttier than aunt Mary's fruitcake, eh? Jim Mortellaro

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Sun, 03 Oct 99 18:15:28 PDT Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 16:20:21 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 15:24:19 -0400 >From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Fri, 01 Oct 99 18:44:18 PDT Mr. Young, with apologies to patient and gentle listfolk: >>You conveniently failed to mention, as I pointed out to >>you last time around (and as Brian Straight has also pointed out >>to you), that I was responding to vile accusations against my >>character -- accusations, moreover, that were hurled without a >>shred of supporting evidence. >I am most curious to learn what specific and exacting comments >that were hurled against you which you might consider 'vile >accusations against your character.' Might it be possible for >you to please clarify your statement with an issue-related >example? Do you know what the adjective "disingenuous" means? If not, suffice it to say that you have just provided a living example. And if you aren't being disingenuous -- which I find hard to believe -- and genuinely did not know what the discussion is about, why did you join it at all? >By all means, I would speak out against any character digs >against you if you could demonstrate that which you claim. >From my recall of the Gulf Breeze discussions, Jerry Black has >afforded you inclusion in his "Old Boy's Network." Could this be >what has caused you to think yourself the victim of a 'vile >accusation against your character?' Self-appointed judge, juror, and executioner Jerry Black began this whole sorry business with an attack on Bruce Maccabee. Its focus, as you should know (did you even read it?), was less on Maccabee's Gulf Breeze analysis -- which Black had every right to take issue with -- than on Maccabee's character -- which is another matter altogether. Black conjured up what struck me as a paranoid, even laughable, vision of an "Old Boys' Network" of intellectually corrupt "leaders" (this field has leaders?) who covered for each other and who, according to Judge Black, are nothing but lying, craven opportunists driven by unsavory, self-serving interests. Maccabee was one, I was another, Walt Andrus a third. I don't recall the others, but you can look them up in the archives if you wanted to. I recall that for the most part they were people not well acquainted or even actively antagonistic to each other. I am not corrupt. I don't belong to an Old Boys' Network, and I don't cover for others. I have always been forthright in stating my views, even when they disagreed with those of good friends. As I've said before, I don't know Bruce all that well, though I like and respect him. Walt Andrus and I aren't even on speaking terms and haven't been for years. Yeah, I don't like being at the receiving end of nasty slurs, and anybody who is going to throw them my way is not going to like my response. Nor do I like to see the good names of hard-working, honest, conscientious investigators like Bruce Maccabee trashed, either. You inserted yourself into the middle of this discussion by making it appear as if the victims of the slurs were the slurers. >While lamenting others for being judge, jury and executioner in >ufology, you seem to have no problem tackling such a position >yourself. Nah, I don't think so. Not my style, personality, temperament, or intellect. I guess that's why I get riled when I have the misfortune of running into those who act that way. >Perhaps, Mr. Clark, your hot-dog hostility through this bizarre >episode has left you as first among the wounded resulting from >Black's exposure of this "Old Boy's Club." In so doing, I'm afraid, Black exposed himself not only as self-appointed judge, juror, and executioner but also as a man with a wild imagination not much constrained by mundane reality. And you have exposed yourself as his apologist. Let me put it this way: If I were going to make unprovoked charges which cast serious doubt on the integrity of a colleague, I would make damned sure I had my facts right. I would not level the charges casually. And when challenged, I could defend myself by citing chapter and verse. I would think any decent human being would operate by the same set of principles. What we've gotten from your pal Mr. Black, and from your attempt to change the subject from his baseless charges to my response to them, is a depressing recklessness, a supreme indifference to the reality of well-meaning, honest colleagues whose only sin is to hold views different from Black's. Is this any way to run ufology? Is it any way that an honest man would want to conduct himself? I certainly hope not. Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 19:27:12 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 16:21:57 -0400 Subject: Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? >Date: Sat, 02 Oct 1999 23:07:36 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >I don't seem to see a way to post messages to the UFOMIND site, >but I wanted to relate that Strieber's Caldecott was probably >for his children's book about nuclear winter, 'Wolf Of >Shadows'. >I know it won several awards but I do not know the particulars. "Wolf of Shadows" may have won awards, but not a Caldecott. I was curious to know the truth when the first post here questioned whether Strieber had won, so I went to the Caldecott website, http://www.ala.org/alsc/caldecott.html. According to the lists posted there, no Strieber book has ever won the Caldecott medal or been named one of the runnerups (the Caldecott "honor books"). Greg Sandow

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: NASA Speaks in English... From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 16:52:10 -0700 Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 16:24:48 -0400 Subject: Re: NASA Speaks in English... >From: From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 21:49:02 EDT >Subject: NASA Speaks in English but the Control Panel is in Cyrillic Ubangy >To: updates@globalserve.net >"NASA said confusion over whether measurements were made in >metric or English units led to the crash of a $125 million >spacecraft as it approached Mars last week." According to the >New York Times today (10-1-99). >Am I the only idiot who thinks this "mistake" is the most lame >sort of none sense ever perpetrated on US since the president >sinned? >How two major Military and NASA contractors can each work in >different systems boggles this Gripple brain big time. I cannot >imagine such an error folks. >I've worked for several NASA contractors as well as at NASA >Goddard Spaceflight Center, and knowing (less than some of you >do) what I do, it just can't happen. >It's like Jethro Bodine cypherin to the base ten while everyone >else is doin it to another base _and_ in metric!> >The new NASA call sign: "Help! It's fallen down and I can't get >it up..." Dear Jim: I agree it sounds fantastic, like accelerations in furlongs per second squared. The last I saw any physics done in english units was in high school, early 1960s. All the college physics, chemistry.. any science whatever was in metric. Maybe an archeological dig in the USA will go down so many feet, and yes pilots still report altitude in hundreds or thousands of feet, but this is rocket science! Literally! Could it be that this is a cover for a different human error, i.e. something even dumber? If so, I haven't a clue what that could be. - Larry Hatch

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 19:33:42 -0500 Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 16:30:16 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 21:11:19 GMT >>From: Kevin Randle <KRandle993@aol.com> >>Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 09:12:22 EDT >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>To: updates@globalserve.net >Maybe you could explain a little more specifically, Kevin, how >you and your co-authors attempted to evaluate the evidence >for/against the alleged link between UFOs as physical craft and >Alien Abduction Experiences, AAEs. As I see it, "The Abduction >Enigma" treated the AAE as a hallucination associated with sleep >paralysis or regurgitated birth memories, or as a false memory >imposed by unethical or incompetent therapists and researchers. >Once its reality status was assumed to be that of an illusion, >there was no need to consider whether there was an actual >evidence of a link between AAEs and UFOs. <snip> >Joseph Polanik Not to speak for Kevin, but once upon a time in UFO Land abductions tended to follow a straight line from the sighting of the UFO to the physical abduction itself, viz. Villas-Boas, the Hills, Herbert Schirmer, Travis Walton and so on. In other words, a distant UFO was seen which drew nearer and disgorged alien beings, who summarly hauled the unwilling Earthling into the bowels of the UFO. Pretty straightforward stuff, when you think about it. But I think I'm also safe in saying that that's not the way most abductions are reported (or experienced) nowadays. True, the insides of what is alleged and what appears to be a UFO is frequently described, but in many cases no UFO is seen or reported from an external point of view, either coming or going. This raises questions for both the sleep paralysis and literal abduction camps. In the case of the sleep paralysis school, why the introduction of the insides of a saucer to the experience? Why couldn't the medical exam (and any accompanying ET sexual hanky-panky) simply take place right there in the familiar surroundings of the victims' bedroom? On the other hand, if ET is virtually omnipotent, why not simply beam the victim up to the examining room and be done with it? Why first send aliens down to scare the bejabbers out of people in their bedrooms and _then_ beam the victim up? In the same vein, given the technology that would be required to transport people through solid objects, you'd think by now that those selfsame superintelligent little greys would have come up with some handy, transportable medical devices like the ones we've all seen on endless episodes of Star Trek and its several sequels for the last couple of decades. You know, the handheld Full Body Scanner Mark IV, the Sperm Extractor VI, and the Ovum Incubator Series V, maybe even the Anal Probe Number Nine? There's some serious scale of inefficient energy expenditure or transfer here that simply doesn't compute. For that matter, why not coordinate the transport beam on the desired sperm and ova and beam _them_ up, leaving all that extraneous biological material lying on the bed, no one the wiser that they've been visited and sexually robbed in the night. Of course this leads to the next obvious question: After a few extractions of this sort, why the need for any further repetitions of same, let alone reputed millions of repetitions over decades or centuries? Wouldn't the supersmart, space-faring greys have figured out how to clone or replicate human DNA by now? Wouldn't they already be churning out far better, purer stuff to work with than the defective product we keep producing on a daily basis the old-fashioned, labor-intensive way via the old in and out? The only explanantion I can think of for a literal interpretation of the abduction phenomenon as presently and popularly presented is that we've been invaded by a race of creepy old ET voyeurs, senile but still somehow horny. (Think of them as Venusians on Viagra.) Just our luck! No wonder we evolved sleep paralysis. Otherwise we'd lie awake all night thinking about this stuff. Dennis

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: Britain's Astronomer Royal Publishes From: stig.agermose@get2net.dk (Stig Agermose) Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 00:46:03 GMT Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 16:32:52 -0400 Subject: Re: Britain's Astronomer Royal Publishes Britain's Astronomer Royal Publishes Controversial Book On Multiple Inhabited Universes Source: The Sunday Times. Stig *** Sunday October 3 1999 NEWS: BRITAIN Answer to the meaning of the universe is six Jonathan Leake Science Editor THE astronomer royal has boldly gone where few astrophysicists have dared to go before. Sir Martin Rees has unveiled a new theory that we live in a Star Trek-style cosmos in which our universe is just one of millions existing in parallel - many of which could harbour other forms of life. In a new book, which has caused controversy even before publication, he has also suggested that there is no such thing as empty space; that our universe could exist in a bubble destined to be crushed by the implosion of a much larger universe surrounding it; and that future civilisations could find a way of creating miniature black holes, within which entirely new universes could grow. He also hints at universes populated only by insects. Rees, professor of astronomy at Cambridge University, is internationally renowned, but is generally seen as conservative. His book shows this is a mistake. "I know not everyone will agree with my ideas," he said this weekend, "but a lot of people will talk about them." Even the title of his book, Just Six Numbers, is provocative. It claims the essence of the universe is determined by six constants - all of which have to be right to allow a universe in which life was possible. The numbers include the relative strength of the forces binding atoms compared to that of gravity. If gravity had been even a fraction stronger, he argues, our universe would probably have lasted a short time before imploding. If life had evolved in that time, it would have been restricted to the size and shape of insects, the only organisms able to withstand high gravity. In a profession in which suggestions that the universe may owe its existence to a benign creator are often treated with derision, Rees also notes that the fact that all six numbers are so "finely tuned" may be the first real evidence collected by astronomers for the existence of God. He is, however, careful not to go too far down that road, preferring an alternative, but equally controversial, suggestion that there is an infinity of other universes, most of which are sterile. More are being continually created, he suggests. According to this theory, the huge number of universes created meant that sooner or later one of them would have the "six numbers" at exactly the right values. He calls his new vision of the cosmos the "multiverse". He argues: "Our big bang may not have been the only one. Separate universes may have cooled down differently, ending up governed by different laws. This is a natural deduction for some (albeit speculative) theories and opens up a new vision of the universe as just one 'atom' among an infinite multiverse." Dr Victor Clube, an astrophysicist at Oxford University, said Rees's theories were merely a fashionable construct that would not stand the test of time. "There is no evidence for other universes. He is just using the theory as a way to explain our existence without recourse to religion. But, without evidence, believing in other universes is just as unscientific as believing in God." ** Copyright 1998 Times Newspapers Ltd. This service is provided on Times Newspapers' standard terms and conditions. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material from The Times, visit the Syndication website.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: Processed MGS Data - Maybe The 'Face' _Is_ From: Michael Christol <mchristo@mindspring.com> Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 20:20:10 -0700 Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 17:07:46 -0400 Subject: Re: Processed MGS Data - Maybe The 'Face' _Is_ >From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 00:34:16 EDT >Subject: Re: UFO UpDate: Re: Processed MGS Data - Maybe The 'Face' _Is_ >To: updates@globalserve.net <snip> >You've already done something. You said something. Now, all >you must do is say it again, and again and again. And to some >folks who you helped elect. It's still a free country. It's >still a place where you may more easily than ever, communicate >with your erected.l... uh, sorry, "elected," representatives via >the Internet no less. >Just do it. This is one time and one place where if it feels >good, you can and should do it. >See!? You aint no dunce. You've managed to stay way from >Gripple haven't you? >Jim Mortellaro Grin...Thanks Jim. Now if we can just get our voices in harmony we can raise them to the point that they are not "noise" but "Harmony!" Let each of us here sound with a loud "Trump!" I'm putting the hat in the corner for now. <G> REgards, Mike Download ICQ at http://www.icq.com/ ICQ#:7508455 BBS: (270) 683-3026 Fax: (270) 686-7394 Home: (270) 683-6811 ---

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: RPIT - A Reminder From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 21:40:39 -0500 Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 17:17:39 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >From: Gildas Bourdais <GBourdais@aol.com> >Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 10:18:49 EDT >Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >To: updates@globalserve.net <snip> >Remember how Cavitt refused to show Marcel his report, >if that is true? >Gildas Bourdais Yes, and does everyone remember that Marcel described only two types of recovered debris in the last interview he gave? No fiber-optic cables, no memory-retaining metal, and, most importantly of all, no goddamned bodies! In other words, an interstellar spaceship made up of only two types of material: short beams and some sort of cloth-like material, whatever it's alleged extraordinary properties. That's it. Period. Nothing more. Now, can someone please explain how only two types of debris, in whatever quantity, can be re-engineered into a flying spaceship of a circular, disc-like shape? No, you can't. Even if we throw in a third, bake-lite material, the basic problem remains: This stuff doesn't constitue a spaceship that anyone can conceive of and no amount of wishful thinking renders it otherwise. It doesn't even suggest a saucer shape, for that matter. For all we know the material that Marcel recovered could just as easily have been shaped like a box-kite, a flying wing, or a balloon as opposed to a flying disc. The so-called extraordinary nature of the material stems from Marcel's subjective impressions of same, which may or may not be reliable, or reliable to different degrees. However much weight one wants to assign Marcel's own 40-plus years memory of events, it is a leap of faith to equate Marcel's vocal remembrances with unequivocal proof of extraterrestrial visitation, any way one wants to slice it. The two simply don't amount to one and the same, never have, and never will. This applies equally to charges of cover up leveled against DuBose and Ramey, the assumption being that if they were covering up something it had, ipso facto, to be the extraterrestrial nature of UFOs in general and specifically the one that crashed at or near Roswell, maybe in three, four, five or more separate places (what the hell), strewing some limited debris here and bodies and other kinds of debris there. Oh, what a web we weave! Multiple flights with multiple bags. Multiple crash sites with multiple recoveries of multiple debris and multiple bodies, and all of it absolutely true, Corso, too! (Where is Rudiak now that we really need him?) Yes, I believe in Roswell, and the recovery of extraterrestrial technology and bodies in New Mexico in the summer of 1947 that ultimately led to us winning the Cold War against the Soviet Union, never mind that no government cover up could ever guarantee that another saucer (or two, three or four) couldn't crash near or just outside Moscow or in downtown Cincinatti, Paris, London, Berlin, or Cleveland. I also believe that the same ignorant grey fools who crashed in the New Mexico desert are to this day conducting millions of abductions per year, using their selective invisibility techniques and their ability to beam living organisms through solid objects to their advantage. All covered over worldwide by MJ-12. In fact, I believe any and everything, just as long as orthodox ufology tells me it's so. And as long as it dates to Roswell, New Mexico, June (or is it July?), 1947. Dennis Stacy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Kevin Randle <KRandle993@aol.com> Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 09:49:44 EDT Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 17:37:54 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 21:11:19 GMT >>From: Kevin Randle <KRandle993@aol.com> >>Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 09:12:22 EDT >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>>From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 22:38:13 GMT >>>Why is it that we _assume_ that one phenomenon (UFOs) has >>>anything to do with the other (abduction/contact experiences)? >>>There is a widespread willingness to consider evidence that >>>radar contact has been made with objects (presumably craft) not >>>produced on Earth. >>>There is a lesser, but growing, willingness to consider that >>>something extraordinary is happening to so-called abductees and >>>contactees. >>>Where is the willingness to soberly evaluate the evidence as to >>>whether one phenomena is related to the other, and, if so, how? >>We (Russ Estes, Bill Cone and I) have tried to do this in 'The >>Abduction Enigma'. >Maybe you could explain a little more specifically, Kevin, how >you and your co-authors attempted to evaluate the evidence >for/against the alleged link between UFOs as physical craft and >Alien Abduction Experiences, AAEs. As I see it, "The Abduction >Enigma" treated the AAE as a hallucination associated with sleep >paralysis or regurgitated birth memories, or as a false memory >imposed by unethical or incompetent therapists and researchers. The original assumption, as has been played out first in The October Scenario (1989), Faces Of The Visitors (1997) and finally in The Abduction Enigma (1999) reveals an evolution in thought. My first magazine article on abductions appeared in the mid-1970s, and the main thrust was that the case represented a real abduction. The Abduction Enigma is the result of the long study, not only by me, but by Russ Estes and Bill Cone. Estes, as he interviewed over 150 abductees (in the beginning) began to see some things that suggested to him, that the answer to questions might lie, not in space, but on Earth. We nave never endorsed the idea of birth trauma as an explanation for an abduction experience. We agreed with Lawson's conclusion on the Garden Grove abduction was probably hoax, but his birth trauma theory failed for a number of reasons, not the least of which is infantile amnesia. He couldn't answer the simple question of how the fetus knew what it looked like because there are no reflective surfaces in the womb, and certainly no light. >Once its reality status was assumed to be that of an illusion, >there was no need to consider whether there was an actual >evidence of a link between AAEs and UFOs. But that link had already been broken by the lack of undisputed physical evidence, a failure to produce, during our study, anything independently, that would link UFOs to abduction other than the testimony of those who claimed abduction, and the realization that other answers provided the keys. >There _was_ considerable insightful analysis of the relationship >between _reports_ of abduction experiences _reports_ of Satanic >Abuse. It may be that differences in the theoretical >perspectives of abduction researchers and satanic abuse >researchers have led to classifying a single phenomenon into two >categories depending on who is doing the investigating. However, >the possibility that we might be able to consolidate these two >areas of research doesn't automatically mean that both groups of >researchers were investigating an illusory experience rather >than a real one. Not initially, no. But once we began to examine Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), we saw the same forces operating. Little in the way of conscious memories, but a whole range of horrifying tales told under the influences of the researchers, hypnotic regression, and even various drugs. However, when the search for physical and corroborative evidence began, the tales started to fall apart. A major difference between abduction and SRA is that there are more recanters in SRA. Yes, there are a few in abductions. >Consider an analogous situation involving research into cattle >mutilations. For better or for worse, I live in the Bible belt >and we just don't see many dead cows mutilated by aliens. Bible >belt cows are much more likely to be mutilated by satanic >ritualists. (My theory is that around here the sheriff's deputy >who takes a report about a cattle mute calls a researcher >specializing in satanic rituals rather than a researcher >specializing in aliens harvesting genetic material.) >In any event, we might say differences in theoretical >perspectives among researchers explain why the phenomenon of >cattle mutilation is divided into two categories. But even if we >eliminated the artifical distinctions between the two field, we >still have to admit that both groups were investigating a real >phenomenon. >There really were dead cows. Which is a form of physical evidence. However, isn't it true that there is a disagreement about the cause, or causes, of that physical evidence? With abductions, the little bit of physical evidence that exists, say the alien implants, produce little in the way of corroboration. That's why we looked at that as well and were left with nothing in the way of a scientific finding, except for negative results. John Velez was right when he called for a release of the "hidden proof." If it exists, is should be brought out into the light of day for independent and scientific examination instead of parceled out to one or two researchers who have a vested interest. >>>Is there any evidence that would selectively discriminate >>>between these theories: >>>1. That the same off-world beings that pilot the craft are also >>>perpetrating the abductions. >>>2. That abductions are Out-of-Body Experiences, Lucid Dreams or >>>cases of Awareness during Sleep Paralysis that are unrecognized >>>or incompletely recalled. >>You have left out sleep paralysis, vivid dreams, hoax, >>psychological manipulation by hypno-therapists and a couple of >>other explanations. >Did I leave out sleep paralysis or did you leave out Awareness >during Sleep Paralysis? >Sleep paralysis by itself explains nothing. Since we all >experience sleep paralysis 4 to 6 times each night as we cycle >into REM sleep, the presence of sleep paralysis does not >discriminate between those who report abductions and those who >do not. >What _may_ discriminate between these two groups is the presence >of _Awareness_ during Sleep Paralysis, ASP. >I don't mean to belabor the semantics of the situation, but I >think we should distinguish between a physiological state (sleep >paralysis) and a state of consciousness (Awareness of the >physiological state) But the problem is little more than semantics. Without awareness, there is no report. And remember, we suggested that only some of the abductions were the result of sleep paralysis, not that all of them were. >>>I know that there are advocates of each point of view. But if we >>>were to sit down to soberly sift the evidence available now, do >>>we find any that is simultaneously consistent with one theory >>>but inconsistent with the other? >>We find that abduction stories have existed since humans began >>recording their thoughts. We find parallels in pop culture. We >>find parallels in the tales of Satanic Ritual Abuse and tales of >>Multiple Personality Disorder. >We find that there are historical precedents for reports of >abduction experiences and for reports of UFOs. This establishes >that both phenomena are old. It doesn't say whether they are >related. With which we would agree. We believe that there is no connection between UFOs and abduction reports. We are suggesting that abduction, in different forms have existed throughout human history but that these reports can be explained in terms of Earth bound traditions rather than extraterrestrial intervention. The evidence for alien abduction is not persuasive. When it failed to lead to the extraterrestrial, we began to look in other directions, just as have John Mack and David Jacobs. Both have suggested, indirectly, that the therapist or researcher retrieves the type of experience that he or she believes to be core of the report. We agree, suggesting that dreams, sleep paralysis (or awareness during sleep paralysis) among other factors are responsible. KRandle

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: Can You 'Hear' A Meteor? From: Bob Young <YoungBob2@aol.com> Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 21:34:48 EDT Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 17:10:46 -0400 Subject: Re: Can You 'Hear' A Meteor? >From: Jacqueline Cosford <millpond@home.com> >Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 22:40:31 -0400 >Fwd Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 04:27:46 -0400 >Subject: Re: Can You 'Hear' A Meteor? >Thanks for the hot tip on the Canadian Fireball Reporting >Centre, unfortunately their server is down and I can't submit >the report! heheh... Ladies & Gents: The International Meteor Organization's Fireball Data Center accepts on-line reports at: http://www.imo.net/fireball/index.html Also, the North American Meteor Network has report forms at: http://www.imo.net/fireball/index.html Clear skies, Bob Young

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: Marcel's Previously Unknown Last Words On From: Bob Young <YoungBob2@aol.com> Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 21:45:09 EDT Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 17:12:56 -0400 Subject: Re: Marcel's Previously Unknown Last Words On >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 01:56:11 >Fwd Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 03:55:07 -0400 >Subject: Marcel's Previously Unknown Last Words On Roswell >Source: 'space.com' >http://www.space.com/area51/marcel_990930.html >Marcel's Last Words on Roswell Crash >By Robert Scott Martin >Staff Writer >Sep 30 1999 12:21:09 ET <snip> >Linda Corley, who interviewed Marcel five years before his >death, closed the 1999 National UFO Conference with a largely >impressionistic portrait of the man's last years in Houma, LA, >where she still lives. >Corley contacted Marcel after a college professor told her class >to interview "an interesting person." The resulting four-hour >conversation between Marcel, his wife, Viaud, and Corley took >place around the Marcels' kitchen table on May 5, 1981, and was >recorded on an inexpensive student cassette player. >One of the most significant details to emerge from the >discussion, believed to be Marcel's last in-depth public >statement on the Roswell affair, was the fact that Marcel firmly >denied having seen alien corpses in the wreckage. <snip> >That very vow may explain why he called her a few weeks after >the interview in a "frantic" mood to tell her that everything he >had said had been a lie. He insisted that she not release the >information to the press, and so she kept the interview out of >the public eye for more than a decade, not even turning it in as >part of her school assignment. >"My heart really went out to him because he sounded so scared," >she said. Did I read this correctly? Marcell later called her up and told her that it was all a lie? This was in May, 1981? __Holy Cow__ Bob Young

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 00:02:49 -0500 Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 17:24:30 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 15:24:19 -0400 >From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Fri, 01 Oct 99 18:44:18 PDT >>You conveniently failed to mention, as I pointed out to >>you last time around (and as Brian Straight has also pointed out >>to you), that I was responding to vile accusations against my >>character -- accusations, moreover, that were hurled without a >>shred of supporting evidence. >Mr. Jerome Clark; >I am most curious to learn what specific and exacting comments >that were hurled against you which you might consider 'vile >accusations against your character.' Might it be possible for >you to please clarify your statement with an issue-related >example? <snip> >Kenny Young Dear Gentlle Listfolk, For whatever reason(s), Jerry Clark seems to have become a lightning rod for personal criticism on this list. I've been trying to figure out why this is so, and here are a couple of tentative thoughts (as opposed to ultimate solutions) on the matter. As an authority figure (UFO historian & encyclopediast), Clark is assumed to have the answers, all the answers, and nothing but the answers when it comes to ufological matters. When it comes to the lack of an answer, or no answer at all, however, others with their own answers to a particular case or aspect will naturally disagree, as will those with answers different than the ones Clark does supply. Nothing preternatural or unusual about this. The emotionalism of the dispute, then, has to be attributed to something else other than a simple difference of interpretation about this or that case, or this or that aspect of the phenomenon. It has to do with issues of chuminess and conclusions. Critics seem to wonder whether the two are as easily separable as Clark says they are. The Gulf Breeze case may serve as an example. On the one hand, Clark says that he remains personally suspicious (or dubious) of the Ed Walters pictures and of Walters himself as a reliable witness. On the other, he professes faith in Bruce Maccabee both as a friend, fellow ufologist, and photoanalyst. In the end, Clark seems to say, we've simply agreed to disagree about the nature (and ultimate reality) of Gulf Breeze, differences of opinion being permitted among all honorable ufologists. What drives Clark's critics to extremity, I think, is precisely this perceived disconnect between a difference of opinion and the evidence allegedly at hand. After all, Maccabee is either an accomplished photoanalyst -- or something less in that particular field. If Maccabee _is_ an accomplished photoanalyst, by Clark's own admission, then upon what other doubts are his own dismissal of the Walters' photos based? Similarly, if Clark has serious doubts as to the authenticity of the Walters' photographs, then he must have at least something less than total confidence in Maccabee's resounding analysis of same as the real thing. So which is it? Clark raises the ire of his critics by continually maintaining that it's neither one nor the other. Maccabee is a dutiful, reliable photoanalyst -- I just happen to have a different opinion of his conclusions and the case as a whole. Which some may interpret as begging the question. If ufology wants to stand on scientific footing, then we wouldn't normally expect the assessment of particular cases to be based on the agreement, or disagreement, of opinion, or the presence or absence thereof, but on the evidence itself. Did Maccabee supply same in the case of Gulf Breeze or not? On the other hand, if one disagrees with Maccabee's photoanlysis of the Gulf Breeze case, upon what feeling or opinion will his next photoanalysis be accepted or dismissed? Is the man the real thing, or are his analyses subject to which way the wind (and other evidence) happens to be blowing on any given day? One can't have it both ways. Without being criticized left and right. Just as one can't conveniently consign Roswell to benign neglect. Either Roswell happened as advertized, thus initiating the cover up, or it didn't, in which case a helluva lot of people are lying and exaggerating, and the subsequent testimony regarding same is demonstrably worthy of a sociological study in myth-making. (Your statement that Roswell wasn't worthy of its own entry in your UFO encyclopedia also seems somewhat curious, given the space IUR has devoted to the subject over the last few years, not to mention the individual books devoted to same. How so?) Roswell and Gulf Breeze are not amountable or equatable to differences of opinion among honorable ufologists; they are fundamental to ufology if ufology is to be anything other than a difference of opinions among individuals. If it can't resolve either of these cases, then it's hard to see how it can resolve much of anything else -- without a difference of opinion -- in which case nothing has been resolved at all. Dennis

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Steve Moreno: US Flap September '99 From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 01:46:33 GMT Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 17:15:48 -0400 Subject: Steve Moreno: US Flap September '99 Source: Steve Moreno, Founder & Managing Director of Psi APPLICATIONS, http://psi-app.com/SeptSightingA.htm The second part of my e-mail is taken from 'alt.ufo.reports'. Stig *** SEPTEMBER 99' FLAP IN DEPTH STUDY & ANALYSIS CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Local Sighting Report III. September Flap Stats, Data, & Queries IV. Florida & West Africa Data V. Analysis & Assessments I. INTRODUCTION The following research report was inspired by a sighting reported in my local home town area of Fairfield, located aprox. 60 miles north of the San Francisco Bay Area in California. Fairfield is located adjacent to Travis A.F.B. My residence is aprox. 2 miles from Travis's main gate and I can actually view the control tower from my back yard deck. This local sighting occurred during a 1/2 hour flap which occurred on September 1st from aprox. 9:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. Numerous eye witness accounts, details, events, explanations, and the interpretations thereof have occurred since that evening. To this date there has been no coordinated correlation of these details and data done by any researcher or organization. Additionally there appears to be related flaps which occurred on the east coast in the Florida area, and also in the West Africa region up to over a week later. This report will focus on the West Coast activity but will leave an open door on these other related areas. This open door respectfully invites the research efforts of other researchers or organizations to contribute into this coordinated effort. Please contact me if interested. This report's format will consist of information and data drawn from the efforts and work of other independent researchers and organizations. Permission has been received for the use of other's work and full credit is indicated to the originating parties who produced it. This report will be available to the general (non-UFO) public and media in an effort to raise awareness and knowledge of this event. II. LOCAL SIGHTING REPORTS 1ST WITNESS REPORT This sighting was reported to me on September 2nd by my 13 year old neighbor Ben. Having witnessed the object the prior evening on the 1st, he handed me a detailed diagram indicating all pertinent information any investigator would begin to ask for. At that point I had no knowledge of the overall events that had occurred on the 1st. It was clear he was adamant over what he saw, and his mother verified his claim, in that she witnessed his extreme exhilaration, and also saw the last seconds of a dark object before it just disappeared. She was vague about seeing this object however and without any other firm witnesses I could not help but be amused, and reserved, at the same time. As with most reports I began by checking my online services for any other reports for that evening. I was amazed at what I saw within 2 minutes of going online. It appeared that some type of flap had occurred during this exact time across the 3 state western region of California, Orgeon, and Washington. As I looked at my neighbor's sketch I began to analyze similar details and aspects related to other reports. I began to realize this was a very significant sighting within this recent flap of activity. Click *here to see the original report as accounted to me personally by Ben. INVESTIGATIVE QUERRIES The next day I began my trek to locate any other possible reports of this sighting. I contacted all local law enforcement agencies only to come up empty. I contacted Lt. Seydel at Travis A.F.B. and solicited her interest in checking out the control tower and Rap Com for any anomalous returns or awareness of the issue. She was interested in receiving a copy of the sketch with all details that were gathered up to that point. My last avenue to explore was our local paper the Daily Republic. They had helped me before in these types of matters so I initiated contact and got the ball rolling. Lt. Seydel got back to me within 3 days with a negatory on any officially acknowledged radar returns or awareness of this object. She also stipulated that it was not any type of craft which belonged to Travis. My only hope at this point was with the Daily Republic. Through several correspondences they became aware of the significance this sighting's synchronism with the anomalous events of that evening. At that point in time there had been existing investigative queries with a resulting statement and explanation from N.O.R.A.D. However considering some of the existing eyewitness accounts and particularly this local incident, it all didn't quite match up. A major problem with the local case was its strength without a strong secondary witness, at the very least. It was clear if this sighting occurred as indicated by Ben, that someone else most certainly would have witnessed its occurrence. So in the interest of the investigation the Daily Republic ran the following article on September 17. Click *here to see the actual eye witness sketch and front page article. Please note: The D.R. article is in minor error in the statement, "These sightings were publicized on the Art Bell radio show 9:30 p.m. the night of the alleged sightings -- two nights before Moreno's neighbor shared his account with him, Moreno said." My neighbor shared his account with me on the evening of the 2nd, the night directly after the sightings. Additionally after further interview with my neighbor Ben, he realized his comparisons in dimensions were related to a football field. He meant for footage to actually represent yardage, meaning that the craft represented in his sketch was actually 3X larger! ** Online archives from the Fairfield Daily Republic. Starting April, 1999 September 16, 1999 Boy, 13, documents backyard UFO By Inga Miller FAIRFIELD -- Bright blue lights reportedly seen in the Fairfield sky two weeks ago have once again shed light on that ever looming question. Is it a flying saucer? A rocket? Or a plane off its course? Local UFO expert Steve Moreno says it's too early to tell, but that he won't be surprised if the craft spotted near Travis Air Force Base turns out to be a UFO reportedly witnessed gliding across Oregon, Washington, and into Utah the same night. "This is a pretty significant sighting," Moreno said of an account given to him by a 13-year-old neighbor. The 13-year-old described to Moreno an airborne craft flying 300 feet above. He estimated it was 300 feet long and trailed 75 feet of glowing blue flame as it sailed silently through the night sky. "It's got to be either something the (Air Force) base made or a spacecraft from a different world," the neighbor told the Daily Republic. "There were huge blue flames coming out of a triangular object. It looked like it was heading for the base, but it wasn't like any type of airplane I've ever seen around here." Down the road under his own roof at the time, Moreno said he had no idea that anything unusual was transpiring in the sky above. The neighbor visited Moreno the next night to describe how the stars disappeared in a large, moving space, and how he could just barely see the dark gray craft as it moved towards Vacaville. It was stripped of all the regular plain stuff, the neighbor said, as if the color had been scraped away with a potato peeler, leaving pipes its only decorations. It was Thursday, Sept. 2, and Moreno got on the computer immediately to see what he could find. "When I checked with my online services, his report correlated really well with what was noticed that same night through Oregon, Northern California, and even into Utah." Moreno said residents of Oregon experienced a black-out the same night, and enthusiasts have linked it to the unidentified craft. "The only reason I've pursued this sighting this far is because a major flap occurred at the same time," Moreno said. These sightings were publicized on the Art Bell radio show 9:30 p.m. the night of the alleged sightings -- two nights before Moreno's neighbor shared his account with him, Moreno said. But Moreno stressed that he believed the account his neighbor gave is true. He added that two local accounts, one from Napa and another from Novato, were included in the ones faxed to the radio show. UFO commentators speculate the UFO was part of a Russian rocket falling from space. But the young Fairfield resident has a different idea. He compared what he saw to the Blue Falkin in "Star Wars." "I ran inside to get my mom, and she came out and leaned against the railing, but she didn't get a good look at it," the neighbor said. The Tower Command at the base had few clues to offer, either. "Nothing abnormal was logged that evening," said Lt. Carie Seydel. Just two types of planes are housed at the base -- the C-5 Galaxy, which is a cargo plane, and the KC-10 Extender, a refueling craft. Neither fits the description of the triangular craft the 13-year-old described. Reports of bright lights and shadowy crafts are nothing new in Solano County. UFO sightings date back to the 1960s when hundreds of Rio Vista residents reportedly witnessed a red glow stream from an unidentified craft, the legend goes. Steve Moreno urges anyone who thinks they have spotted a UFO to contact him at 434-1212. ** The same day the article ran 13 calls came in. 11 of those calls were related to other previous non related UFO reports. 2 were messages with no return number, which did indicate multiple witness observation of the 9-1 sighting. However with no return call they remained unsubstantiated. 2ND WITNESS REPORT The remaining call resulted in a very strong and credible secondary witness. The time and location of his sighting placed him in the projected proximity of the object, based upon its last observed flight path. His description mirrors the first witness's account in many ways, yet he carefully explains and examines any possible variables. Ironically he is a reporter for a Bay Area newspaper. That along with the fact he has never had a prior interest in UFO's, and is well versed in conventional USAF aircraft makes his report very strong. It is clear he experienced something very unusual as he was moved to stop his vehicle despite the fact he was running late. This allowed for a concentrated stationary observation, so he could make sure this was not a jet or a trick of light. His report is further validated by the fact he revealed this sighting to work associates, when he arrived at work, later that evening. Since their response was humorous non-believing sarcasm, he intended to not pursue it any further, and to just keep it to himself. However he was astonished to see the image and article on the front page of the Daily Republic 2 weeks later. Similarities within the sketch and article inspired him to call and grant me a full interview and report. He expressed his certainty as being so strong that it could bear testimony in a court of law. ( as an example) He expressed valid concerns over possible repercussions his credibility and reputation as a reporter might suffer. Yet he also expressed a willingness and courage to allow his identity to be revealed. As I fully respect and understand his concerns we decided to utilize his first name, John, with reference to his employer as a local Bay Area newspaper. This will be the reference to this secondary witness in the general distribution of his sighting report. However he has agreed to confidentialy release his identity for verification purposes to appropiate querries, so his identity and occupation may be a checked out and authenticated. Click *here to see the original report as accounted to me personally by John. Click *here to see a map or the sighting area & objects trajectory path. {more work to continue.....will be updated soon} Psi APPLICATIONS home page link. ******* From: Haunter@castles.com (Haunter) Newsgroups: alt.fan.art-bell,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports,uk.rec.ufo Subject: Sept.1st Sightings-Western U.S. Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 11:40:01 GMT Organization: AlteredState Imaging/Psi App/WCS Gentlemen, To the disappointment of some the story goes on. I have finally acquired a very substantial secondary witness, named John, to a very significant local sighting which occurred on 9-1 between 21:13 and 21:30. Our secondary witness is a reporter for a S.F. Bay Area newspaper and he confirms our first 1st witness's sketch and details. What makes this significant gentlemen is the fact it appears to be the only solid object which was witnessed at this close range. Also it appears to be one of the only singular objects witnessed, yet it has characteristics which were reported in so many of the other sighting reports. In particular the streaming sparkling trail behind it. It is clear from the detailed reports that this is not a returning rocket booster. Please take a moment to review the detailed report at http://psi-app.com/SeptSightingA.htm - you won't be sorry. I showed Peter Davenport, Virgil Staff, and Peter Gersten this diagram down in San Mateo at the U.F.O. Expo, however I waited to file this report until I could locate another witness. Our local paper ran a front page article which helped net this very strong secondary witness. I have filed the reports on Peter's online database forms, with links to the fully detailed reports on our site. These were two unrelated witnesses to the same 'craft'. Please check out the map which shows the plotted trajectory, passing right by the outskirts of Travis A.F.B., and a Naval Radio Station on a government reservation. In view of all of this, combined with the heated ongoing debates, I have elected to embark on a detailed report on the ENTIRE September flap. I will concentrate primarily on its relationship to the West Coast incidents, however I am seeking investigators in the Florida and West Africa areas to help fill in those gaps also. My embarking on this project is inspired by our local sighting, which literally passed right by my bedroom window while I was lying in bed.)-: I have also been prompted by Virgil Staff (Mufon's Western Regional Director), and Ruben Uriarte (California State Director). I have been in contact with Jerry Rolwes, Space.Com, Peter Davenport and others regarding this project, the use of their materials, opinions, input etc... I plan to create a graph which will depict the characteristics of the various sightings reported through this flap. We will also plot all sightings with there directional coordinates on a Western Region Map. I will then call N.O.R.A.D. to ask them a series of questions which will stipulate what typical characteristics a returning rocket booster would display. I will also be very interested to engage in a dialog with John Locker and his associates on his information, and opinions within these regards. Then eventually perhaps we can match up the data and see what it may reveal. This reporter (John) has agreed to talk publicly. It would be great for a public venue (Art or Jeff ??) to present such positive examples in journalism. Both the local paper which helped us out, and this reporter whom as our secondary witness, has no fear to speak out. Perhaps it would motivate other reporters to get on with their job, and report the facts with "no fear". It is very interesting to hear John's take on why the media is hushed. It is also interesting to hear his fascination over his experience, as prior to that event he had no inclination or interest in UFO's. Sorry to add 'hot sauce' to the pot gentlemen, however as I stated to Jerry Rolwes, I can not avoid this hand just because it has the wild cards. In fact to the contrary I believe this to be a very relevant case which may blow the rocket booster story (at least as a 100% explanation) out of the water. Don't get me wrong here, cursory examination of reported data shows it very possible that indeed both events may have occurred at the same time. Obviously there was hard data out there which existed early on, in full anticipation of plundering space debris. In some cases debris did plunder and disintegrate. However it appears a higher majority of reports stipulate multiple 'lights' traveling in formations, in slow controlled trajectories, on parallel courses with the earth, etc... Now I admit I am using logic here, not an astrophysics degree, so perhaps there is something I am missing. That's where the experts come in. The similarities of the 'tails' or 'trails' is amazing. Particularly with this local sighting which appears to be the only singular 'object' observed as a near close encounter, yet it displays this peculiar 'star-dust' sparkling effect in its tail. Additionally it appears to have a semi-cloaking ability, as the reports reveal. If anybody has anything productive, or further information to add to this investigation, please email me or call me at 707-249-7065. I am particularly interested in talking with anyone who is an investigator or witness in the Florida or West Africa events. Any investigators whom may wish to help with this small project please contact me. Full credit will be given to contributions. We are all here to seek truth in mutual cooperation. That is why I salute organizations like MUFON and Skywatch International. Eventually I hope to do the same with Psi APPLICATIONS, only across the entire paranormal spectrum, from which I believe many cross-correlations, and discoveries will be found. Updates will follow as this investigation progresses. Looking Forward...... -- To Truth & Advancement Steve Moreno Founder & Managing Director Psi APPLICATIONS Humanity's Right To Know !! http://psi-app.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - John Velez From: Gavin A. J. McLeod <gavin_mcleod@bc.sympatico.ca> Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 22:21:51 -0700 Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 17:31:27 -0400 Subject: Re: 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - John Velez >From: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >To: <02 - UFO UpDates Subscribers :;> >Sent: Sunday, October 03, 1999 12:37 PM >Subject: UFO UpDate: 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - John > Velez & Mike Woods >Joining Co-Host Jonn Kares and I on 'Strange Days... Indeed' >tonight will be: > --------------- > /// John Velez >--------------- <snip> Hi Errol: I listened to the show tonight for the first time. I loved it! Regarding our search for the truth. I think that there are two assumptions that are being made regarding the abduction phenomena. 1. That our minds are capable of comprehending the total phenomenon. 2. That we can do anything about the phenomenon even if we could comprehend it. My opinion for whatever it's worth: 1. Probably not (the aliens are really really alien). 2. Almost certainly not. (they have total control) Gavin McLeod

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: Mechanics Illustrated Flapjack 1947 From: John E.L. Tenney <jelt2000@email.msn.com> Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 04:15:14 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 17:33:03 -0400 Subject: Re: Mechanics Illustrated Flapjack 1947 For anyone interested. The full Mechanics Illustrated article on the Navy's "FlapJack Airplane" from the May 1947 issue can be downloaded from : http://members.tripod.com/~ufoseti/mi51947.pdf The file is just over a meg in size so it will take a few minutes to download. You will also need Adobe Acrobat to view it. If you have any problems downloading it please contact me. Thanks. John E.L. Tenney Michigan Anomalous Information Network http://members.tripod.com/~mainorg

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Glennys Mackay In Hospital From: A. J. Gevaerd (Revista UFO) <gevaerd@ufo.com.br> Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 09:39:41 -0300 Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 17:41:03 -0400 Subject: Glennys Mackay In Hospital Dear Friends: I am attaching the message I just received from George Mackay, husband of Glennys Mackay [glenmack@thehub.com.au], informing that she has had a heart attack. Most of you know that Glennys is one of the leading UFO researchers in Australian and that she has been doing a great work in this field for decades. She organized two extraordinary congresses in Brisbane in 1996 and 1997, has been invited speaker in several conferences all over the world, including Brazil. So I thought that you may want to say a prayer or send her a message. George can certainly deliver the message to her while she is in hospital. Thanks. A. J. Gevaerd, editor Brazilian UFO Magazine www.ufo.com.br gevaerd@ufo.com.br > Greetings to you all, > > Just thought I would let you know that Glennys Mackay > of Brisbane is in hospital after suffering a heart attack > and is also being treated for blood clots, has been > in hospital for ten days now and is recovery well > the doctor who is treating her Dr. Sinnathamby of Auchenflower > Private hospital here in Brisbane is pleased with her progress. She > will be in for a few more weeks yet. Knowing Glennys > and her determination, will not let this beat her, her > progress is good. Please place her in your prayers. > Kind regards, > > George Mackay. > Brisbane, Australia.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: Nick Pope - The Ministry of Defence Respond From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 03:19:34 +0100 Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 17:45:52 -0400 Subject: Re: Nick Pope - The Ministry of Defence Respond James Easton- wrote: >From: James Easton <voyager@ukonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Nick Pope - The Ministry of Defence Respond >Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 05:47:53 +0100 >Voyager Newsletter - Issue No. 8 >I trust I'm not one of the aforementioned 'critics' and perhaps >you can help clear up some of the confusion which surrounds a >number of claims. Hi All, I met Nick only once at a local lecture he was giving in town at the time, and he drew quite a crowd. Seemed a decent chap to talk to. For the life of me I can't recall the name of the present MOD UFO desk occupier (if there is one) but obviously tack has changed down the line, no books as yet! I take it UFO sightings in the UK have carried on regardless of who sits in the chair? Roy.. Keep smiling!

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: NUFORC: Elk Abduction in Washington State From: Asgeir W. Skavhaug <asge-s@online.no> Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 21:58:04 +0200 Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 18:02:20 -0400 Subject: Re: NUFORC: Elk Abduction in Washington State >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 02:40:32 +0100 (MET) >Fwd Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 07:09:57 -0500 >Subject: NUFORC: Elk Abduction in Washington StateSource: > http://www.nwlink.com/~ufocntr/CB990225.htmlStig >*** >National UFO Reporting Center Case Brief >February 25, 1999 >Elk Abduction in Washington State >NUFORC Home Page >** >On Monday, March 01, 1999, the National UFO Reporting Center >(NUFORC) received a call over its telephone Hotline >(206-722-3000) from an individual who identified himself as an >employee in the forestry industry in Washington State. The >individual left a message, in which he reported that a team of >forestry workers allegedly had been witness to an incident on >Thursday, February 25, 1999, during which time an elk was lifted >off the ground and carried away by a very peculiar, disc-shaped >object. <snip> >The witnesses stated that once the object had started to ascend >and had climbed to an altitude above their vantage point, they >no longer could see the animal suspended below the craft. Their >presumption was that the animal had somehow been taken into the >craft, although the witnesses could discern no "door," or any >kind of aperture through which the animal might have been >conveyed into the craft. >The witnesses also stated that following the incident, the herd >of elk remained in the same general area, although remained more >closely huddled to one another than had been the case earlier in >the morning. The workers added that they, too, had remained >closer to one another until their departure from the area at the >end of the work day. >Investigation summary prepared by Peter B. Davenport, Director, >National UFO Reporting Center, and Robert A. Fairfax, Director >of Investigations, Mutual UFO Network, for the Washington State Hello List, I also came across this story in the Sept/Oct issue of UFO Magazine, and I think this story requires some comments (from a skeptic), and some important questions should be raised, such as: - Most important: Did the witnesses, or someone else, tell the police about this alleged elk abduction? I guess the first thing they (or someone) should be thinking of was to call the police, and not the UFO Hotline! After all, something illegal was apparently going on! (I guess this was not taking place during the elk hunting season, and it seems to me that this was a rather unusual and illegal hunting method.) In case they did call the police, this should add _some_ credibility to their story, as they should have made the report under oath. Else the whole story sounds more like a fairytale; a science fiction story. The police should threfore also conduct some investigations. - Apparently they knew the UFO Hotline telephone no. (!?) Could it be that this was this just an elaborate hoax, conspiracy and collusion, created during some boring lunch / spare time at work in the forest? (I've been doing something similar myself, using my mobile phone, during some boring time when having a night watch in a military excercise, in the local Home Guard....) Maybe the workers were inspired by the following (manipulated??) photo from Brunchillii, N. Australia. March 28, 1992, (manipulated??) by Neil Godfried: http://www.eldisco.com/ (click on Archives on the left side of the page, and click on the photo down at the lower, left corner of the photo collection.) Washington state is also known for the location for Arnold's UFO sightings in 1947, and maybe some inspiration also came from the Arnold stories.... - Apparently, the elk "fell off", the craft, did the workers go to search for a possible dead elk among the trees? Best regards, Asgeir

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: RPIT - A Reminder From: Gildas Bourdais <GBourdais@aol.com> Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 17:09:51 EDT Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 18:06:49 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >From: James Bond Johnson <JBONJO@aol.com> >Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1999 00:46:35 EDT >Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >To: updates@globalserve.net <snip> To J Bond Johnson, Neil Morris and List, Thank you again for your answer. The accumulation of contradictory testimonies tends to obscure things more and more. What remains clear in my opinion is this: on the photographs, at least those with Ramey and DuBose, what we see is balloon and radar target debris. DuBose and Marcel stated clearly that the balloon story was a cover up. DuBose says that he never saw the real debris. If I quoted the Shandera interview, it is not that I trust him particularly, very far from that, but it seemed to me that it contained some elements of interest: when General DuBose said he took delivery of the pieces of "garbage" in a canvas pouch and carried it himself to Ramey' office. Now I have read again this long interview, and I realize that I may have stretched its meaning. Perhaps the purpose of Shandera was to promote the idea that the real debris had been shown in Ramey's office. And, since everyone can see on the photos that it was balloon debris: Roswell case closed! Which brings me to the question: who was Jaime Shandera, who knows him, can he be contacted, what is his curriculum ? He popped up on the UFO scene with the MJ 12 film received in his mail box, he was supposed to be a sort of film producer but according to a friend he did not produce much of anything. He teamed with Moore who confessed having cooperated on disinformation operations, and spying on APRO for AFOSI. He appeared with Moore on the peculiar TV show UFO Cover-Up Live with two masked agents. Last but not least, rumors say that he was a CIA agent, although Stan Friedman has told me he has no proof of that. Now he has apparently completely withdrawn from the UFO scene, without leaving an address. What was his agenda? Who can tell more about Jaime Shandera? Gildas Bourdais

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 4 Re: NASA Speaks in English... From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 17:07:02 EDT Fwd Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 18:10:06 -0400 Subject: Re: NASA Speaks in English... >Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 16:52:10 -0700 >From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: NASA Speaks in English... >>From: From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 21:49:02 EDT >>Subject: NASA Speaks in English... >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>"NASA said confusion over whether measurements were made in >>metric or English units led to the crash of a $125 million >>spacecraft as it approached Mars last week." According to the >>New York Times today (10-1-99). >>Am I the only idiot who thinks this "mistake" is the most lame >>sort of none sense ever perpetrated on US since the president >>sinned? >>How two major Military and NASA contractors can each work in >>different systems boggles this Gripple brain big time. I cannot >>imagine such an error folks. >>I've worked for several NASA contractors as well as at NASA >>Goddard Spaceflight Center, and knowing (less than some of you >>do) what I do, it just can't happen. >>It's like Jethro Bodine cypherin to the base ten while everyone >>else is doin it to another base _and_ in metric!> >>The new NASA call sign: "Help! It's fallen down and I can't get >>it up..." >Dear Jim: >I agree it sounds fantastic, like accelerations in furlongs per >second squared. >The last I saw any physics done in english units was in high >school, early 1960s. All the college physics, chemistry.. any >science whatever was in metric. >Maybe an archeological dig in the USA will go down so many feet, >and yes pilots still report altitude in hundreds or thousands of >feet, but this is rocket science! Literally! >Could it be that this is a cover for a different human error, >i.e. something even dumber? >If so, I haven't a clue what that could be. >- Larry Hatch Me neither. Not a clue. But I do know this, the odds of this kind of "error" happening at NASA and/'or their contractors is beyond what is normally considered remote. If it was an error (Hah!) then this particular "error" just destroyed every single probability formula that ever was. And yes, I concur that it is a cover for something. And it may have been something stupid. Or something worse. But good gosh almighty, that this did not draw more derision here, there and everywhere, is a sure sign of the deterioration of intellect in this country. Lemmings all. Believe what they tell you or just don't give a crap. Hey Errol, maybe we should repair to Toronto. You guys seem to be a little better off than us. Except in the area of your gun laws, you got a little more Motts than we do. J. Jaime Gesundt, With portfolio. I just got one.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 5 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 17:38:02 EDT Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 09:46:32 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 19:33:42 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 21:11:19 GMT >>>From: Kevin Randle <KRandle993@aol.com> >>>Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 09:12:22 EDT >>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>To: updates@globalserve.net >>Maybe you could explain a little more specifically, Kevin, how >>you and your co-authors attempted to evaluate the evidence >>for/against the alleged link between UFOs as physical craft and >>Alien Abduction Experiences, AAEs. As I see it, "The Abduction >>Enigma" treated the AAE as a hallucination associated with sleep >>paralysis or regurgitated birth memories, or as a false memory >>imposed by unethical or incompetent therapists and researchers. >>Once its reality status was assumed to be that of an illusion, >>there was no need to consider whether there was an actual >>evidence of a link between AAEs and UFOs. ><snip> >>Joseph Polanik >Not to speak for Kevin, but once upon a time in UFO Land >abductions tended to follow a straight line from the sighting of >the UFO to the physical abduction itself, viz. Villas-Boas, the >Hills, Herbert Schirmer, Travis Walton and so on. In other >words, a distant UFO was seen which drew nearer and disgorged >alien beings, who summarly hauled the unwilling Earthling into >the bowels of the UFO. Pretty straightforward stuff, when you >think about it. Good Lord! I had no idea there were rules of abduction at any given point in time. Thanks Dennis. I mean, for the information. Now I am certain that in 1945, when I perceived I was invited to join some short little duds, uh, sorry, dudes (I was 2 or 3 at the time and couldn't speel rite) I was mistaken. Or was I? Maybe back then your "once upon a time rule was different. At that time, I did not see a saucer come or go. I just wound up in some bowel, eh? The one you were referring to. Or is that just a warm wet place where the sun don't shine? >But I think I'm also safe in saying that that's not the way most >abductions are reported (or experienced) nowadays. True, the >insides of what is alleged and what appears to be a UFO is >frequently described, but in many cases no UFO is seen or >reported from an external point of view, either coming or going. Whew! Good news again. Now I won't have to worry whenever I see an object I cannot identify. It's when I don't see one and wind up in that bowel again. Say, and I am quite serious, did you know that I suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Coincidence of Consiracy!? Or maybe my bowel just gets irritable when folks speak from a similar orifice. >This raises questions for both the sleep paralysis and literal >abduction camps. In the case of the sleep paralysis school, why >the introduction of the insides of a saucer to the experience? >Why couldn't the medical exam (and any accompanying ET sexual >hanky-panky) simply take place right there in the familiar >surroundings of the victims' bedroom? Yet again, your logic is evident. You establish a methodology for abduction which just happens to coincide with a reason it doesn't exist. Take any round hole and place any square peg in it, just ream the hole from round to square and you got it made in the shade. Have you noticed all the similarities and coincidences in your theories? Bowels, reaming, holes, etc. >On the other hand, if ET is virtually omnipotent, why not simply >beam the victim up to the examining room and be done with it? >Why first send aliens down to scare the bejabbers out of people >in their bedrooms and _then_ beam the victim up? In the same >vein, given the technology that would be required to transport >people through solid objects, you'd think by now that those >selfsame superintelligent little greys would have come up with >some handy, transportable medical devices like the ones we've >all seen on endless episodes of Star Trek and its several >sequels for the last couple of decades. You know, the handheld >Full Body Scanner Mark IV, the Sperm Extractor VI, and the Ovum >Incubator Series V, maybe even the Anal Probe Number Nine? >There's some serious scale of inefficient energy expenditure or >transfer here that simply doesn't compute. Well of course, there is an answer to at least one of these questions. ET's don't watch Startrek. Makes 'em laugh and everybody knows they can't laugh. No emotions! A little like Spock only shorter and skinnier. On the other hand, since you've considered the possibility that ET may be omipotent, then there is no way a mere mortal such as you can understand their methodology or motivation, is there? And maybe as in Dune, these jive turkeys are not allowed to use machines. Maybe it's against their religion or something. Maybe them tall aliens, the ones who look so intelligent, are really Mentats. Say, you wouldn't have a picture of yourself so we could see if your ears are pointy would you? >For that matter, why not coordinate the transport beam on the >desired sperm and ova and beam _them_ up, leaving all that >extraneous biological material lying on the bed, no one the >wiser that they've been visited and sexually robbed in the >night. What a silly question that one is! Now listen up bub, what kind of fun would that be, beaming up sperm and ova? When you could get it the fun way? Silly boy. >Of course this leads to the next obvious question: After a few >extractions of this sort, why the need for any further >repetitions of same, let alone reputed millions of repetitions >over decades or centuries? Wouldn't the supersmart, space-faring >greys have figured out how to clone or replicate human DNA by >now? Wouldn't they already be churning out far better, purer >stuff to work with than the defective product we keep producing >on a daily basis the old-fashioned, labor-intensive way via the >old in and out? Boy that sure was a next obvious question. Let me address it. Just suppose, for purposes of this argument, that you are correct in your estimation of their intelligence. Then how in the name of sanity can you assign or attribute your puny human logic to such massive intelligence? Huh? If true, they are aliens and are abducting us, then please tell me how it is that anyone may assign human attributes, reasoning and/or intellect, to theirs? Maybe, just maybe, you are correct. That makes you real smart do it not? >The only explanantion I can think of for a literal >interpretation of the abduction phenomenon as presently and >popularly presented is that we've been invaded by a race of >creepy old ET voyeurs, senile but still somehow horny. (Think of >them as Venusians on Viagra.) Just our luck! No wonder we >evolved sleep paralysis. Otherwise we'd lie awake all night >thinking about this stuff. If that's the only explanation you can think of for a literal interpretation of the abduction phenomenon, then I take back everything I said about your being so smart. I gotta hand it to you, Dennis. Unfortunately, it's illegal. Jim Mortellaro

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 5 Re: Get Real From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 18:24:25 -0500 Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 09:51:16 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >From: Martin Murray <bubastis@warplink.com> >To: "Errol Bruce-Knapp" <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 03:22:53 -0400 >My own take on this is that although the beings may perceive us >in the same way that we perceive the animals of this world that >we capture and test, sometimes for their own good, they are not >that much above us, despite their extremely advanced technology. <snip> >The more I learn the less these beings >impress me, and I would certainly love to know what it is that >they think gives them the right to do what they do. My point exactly - what is it they think gives them the right to do what they do? I got several messages in response to the comments I made in the original "Get Real" post explaining to me that the movie was only fiction (allegedly) and was not intended to reflect reality. The fact that so many reacted only to the surface connotation of the movie and my post indicates how little thought is given to the subliminal messages and cues we put out and take in every day. I began researching abductions in 1992. Over the years I have noticed all kinds of trends in how abductions are perceived. On the one hand, some people perceive abductions as "for our own good" or for "their" good but it must be OK because they are so advanced and we are not dead yet. On the other hand, there are those who view abductions as horrific experiences perpretrated upon minds, bodies and souls and a gross violation of human rights. For many years I tried to understand the abduction enigma and tried to decide if abductions were OK or not OK. Some assumed abductees claimed their abduction experiences were terrifying at first but later they came to view them as "enlightening" and since they couldn't stop the process, they learned to relax and just accept the situation. Some assumed abductees claimed they were "chosen", "special" and trained by the abductors to "help save the earth". And always there were those who found nothing redeeming about being taken against their wills and only wanted the abductions stopped. One day I got tired of sitting on the fence and decided to make up my mind as to whether abductions were right or wrong. I found my answer in the very word used to describe these experiences - "abductions". I asked myself, "Is it OK to abduct someone or something?", "When is it OK to abduct another person or another being?", "Who has the right to abduct others?", etc. When I thought of abductions, I thought of what it _means_ to be taken by someone or some being against one's will. My decision was easy. All I had to do was _listen_ to the words being used to describe abductions. Day after day I listened to people discussing abduction experiences on lists, at meetings and in support groups (local and on-line). People seemed to spend more time debating what abductions were, whether or not they were really happening, who was being abducted by whom and what they meant than they spent acknowledging the fundamental violations of rights we take for granted in this country. I have interviewed and investigated enough individuals who claim to have been abducted to know that people _are_ being abducted. I have seen the scars, the marks, the fear these individuals experience. Saddest of all, I have talked with the children who must endure being ripped from the security of their families and homes and subjected to "alien" environments and procedures in every sense of the word. When it comes to the children, my anger boils and I become able to fully understand the extent of these violations. _No_ child should _ever_ have to endure these atrocities. It's the pictures the children draw, the nightmares they must live and the inability to feel safe...anywhere...that makes the true nature of abductions horribly clear. If we spent as much time debating the meaning, purpose and intent of abductions, murders and rapes as we spend debating the rights of aliens or governments to abduct humans, our prisons would be empty and there would be even more politicians. (Ah, 'tis nearly so.) If we do not tolerate abductions, murders or rapes of citizens in our countries and laws, then we must not tolerate _any_ beings, human or otherwise, who commit these acts on our planet for _any_ reason. No offers of advanced technology, spiritual "enlightenment" or alleged world peace is worth even one human being's rights to freedom, self determination and free will. I don't care if these abductors believe they do have the right to abduct humans, animals and earth's resources, I, for one, refuse to give up my rights or the rights of others for their presumed rights to abduct whomever whenever they please. If they need something from us, let 'em ask and make darned sure they get our permission and cooperation first. And I don't mean "clearance" by the few who have set themselves above and apart from other humans but consent from _all_ human citizens on the face of this planet. The Abductors and their allies (human or otherwise) know that as long as we remain confused, awed and afraid in the face of "superior" technology, we believe ourselves powerless, impotent and therefore, will not resist or defend our rights. As long as we remain focused on whether or not abductions are real, who are the Abductors - government, aliens or demons and who has the right to abduct, we do nothing. The contingency for our ambivalence has always been part of the abduction agenda. The movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, reflects the state of indecision and complacency in which humankind slumbers. As long as we can look forward to "contact" little else matters. As long as the final climax results in confirmation of our beliefs about other life in the cosmos, the irradication of our citizens, abductions of men, women and children and "forced intercourse" with our minds is...but a trivial concern. Let us not think upon these concepts and the issues too long or we will lose our ability to submerse our minds in vats of alcohol and illusion. Bring on the popcorn and fantasies so that we may escape reality and make no commitment to react. "Sssqqqqqhhhhhhhshshsh" (loud static) - We apologize for this temporary interruption of the Coma and now return you to your regularly scheduled programs... ;> Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 5 Re: From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 19:11:30 -0500 Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 10:10:25 -0400 Subject: Re: >Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 20:38:20 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >I can see how some would see it doesn't reflect reality, but it >wasn't intended to. Which would you rather have your child >watch, CE3K or Fire In The Sky? Let kids see something good out >of all this. Sue, I'd rather have my children watch both movies and they have. I prefer to let them make up their own minds than to present a biased opinion of either "good aliens" or "bad aliens". However, since Close Encounters of the Third kind was not based on reality and Fire In the Sky presented more fantasy than the true story it was based on, I have supplemented my children's educations with material from my own investigations, the investigations of others and take them with me to UFO conferences, meetings and lectures. They have seen the good, the bad and the ugly and are growing up informed citizens capable of drawing their own conclusions and suppositions without being told what to believe or not to believe. I do not want my children to "see something good out of all of this", I want them to see the _reality_ of the situation. I do not want my children growing up as I did believing all kinds of BS as presented by the government, the entertainment industry and the religious institutions by which we are so heavily influenced. I teach my children to enjoy fantasy and reality but above all, to know the difference between the two. My daughters can now indicate, point by point, most of the subliminal messages aimed at every level of the human psyche ejected by commercials, news reports and political campaigns. They can read between the lies in history books, sit coms and movies. And every day we struggle to free ourselves from those who would have us view the world through rose-colored glasses with polorizing lens. >It's a PG13 movie. I don't believe I'm even responding to this. >I'm going to play with my stuffed ET now, the real one, not the >fake furry one. (That's a joke and no Dr.J I don't mean EBK.) >And no, I'm not making a joke of all this, I take it seriously, >to an extent, but sorry this is too much. Obviously, Sue, my post was not stated within the parameters of your perceptions. I apologize for not making my point more decipherable. >Did you realize Spielberg, Stephen King, Letterman? were born in >1947 and Demi Moore (who is an amazing acrobat) is from Roswell? >Why _does_ Letterman like his theatre so cold? Thank you for enlightening us with these tidbits of theatrical trivia. ;> Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 5 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Mon, 04 Oct 99 19:04:33 PDT Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 10:13:03 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 00:02:49 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 15:24:19 -0400 >>From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>Date: Fri, 01 Oct 99 18:44:18 PDT Mr. Stacy, with apologies (again) to patient and gentle lisfolk: I guess it was too much to ask for you to come to my defense. I guess it's easier to join the lynch mob. Thanks a lot. I'm glad that you feel you have all the answers to the abduction phenomenon, Roswell, and all else, as you continually remind us on this list and elsewhere. From now on, when people want the final answers to everything, I will refer them to you. I'm afraid I don't have them. I see nothing that baffling about anything I've said about Bruce Maccabee, Gulf Breeze, Roswell, or whatever. I should think it wouldn't be that difficult for you to figure out. Ever heard of tolerance of ambiguity? Ever heard of intellectual modesty? Intellectual tolerance? The feeling that there are some things for which no easy answers -- or maybe no answers at all -- are findable? The sense that about some things -- Gulf Breeze, Roswell, the UFO phenomenon itself -- reasonable people can come down on different sides, even as none of us (all huffing and puffing aside) really knows for sure? Or maybe even conceding that when it comes to photoanalysis, optical physics, and the like, Maccabee knows a hell of lot more than you, I, Jerry Black, and Kenny Young put together (probably with much to spare), and that therefore only comparably educated colleagues are in any position to agree or disagree meaningfully? I am always amazed to read the absolute certainty with which you decry people, ideas, and cases that don't mean the Stacy Standard of Obvious Truth. Me, I'm just going to stay confused -- and respectful of those with whom I may disagree but who make their arguments thoughtfully and even plausibly. I am _utterly_ baffled by your equation of what I wrote in The UFO Encyclopedia and of what appeared, written by other persons, in IUR about Roswell. And you're an editor? Or maybe just a guy who's in hard pursuit of a despised heresy? Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 5 Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? From: Wendy Christensen <christensen@catlas.mv.com> Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 21:04:08 -0400 Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 10:37:27 -0400 Subject: Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? >Date: Sat, 02 Oct 1999 23:07:36 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >I don't seem to see a way to post messages to the UFOMIND site, >but I wanted to relate that Strieber's Caldecott was probably >for his children's book about nuclear winter, 'Wolf Of >Shadows'. >I know it won several awards but I do not know the particulars. No, no, no. Whitley Streiber, whether or not he actually penned a children's book, has _never_ won the Caldecott award, has _never_ been a Caldecott honoree, has _never_ won a Newbery medal, has _never_ been a Newbery honoree. These are facts. I have no doubt the man has won some awards(s). But one award is not interchangeable at will with other awards. My purpose in pursuing this is, if Whitley Streiber is willing to 'mis-speak' or 'mis-remember' and not correct his mis-statement, upon which other matters can he be trusted, or not trusted? The Caldecott Award is the highest honor in children's book illustration. It is neither bestowed nor acceptd lightly. The Newbery Medal is the highest award in children'e book writing. Likewise. The winners of these prestigeous prizes worked hard for them and are justly proud. They are no more amused at seeing random claimants to their hard-won professional recognitions than real USNavy SEALS are to see all the fake psuedo-seals running around bragging about their exploits. Misrepresentation is misrepresentation. It is not excusable. The fact that Strieber actually wrote a children's book does NOT give him license to somehow imagine a Caldecott for it into being. How many other things, we might wonder, has Streiber imagined into being? And for what purposes? Purrrrrs... Wendy Christensen

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 5 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 22:20:09 -0400 Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 11:30:28 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 00:02:49 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >The Gulf Breeze case may serve as an example. On the one hand, >Clark says that he remains personally suspicious (or dubious) of >the Ed Walters pictures and of Walters himself as a reliable >witness. On the other, he professes faith in Bruce Maccabee both >as a friend, fellow ufologist, and photoanalyst. In the end, >Clark seems to say, we've simply agreed to disagree about the >nature (and ultimate reality) of Gulf Breeze, differences of >opinion being permitted among all honorable ufologists. >What drives Clark's critics to extremity, I think, is precisely >this perceived disconnect between a difference of opinion and >the evidence allegedly at hand. After all, Maccabee is either an >accomplished photoanalyst -- or something less in that >particular field. If Maccabee _is_ an accomplished photoanalyst, >by Clark's own admission, then upon what other doubts are his >own dismissal of the Walters' photos based? Similarly, if Clark >has serious doubts as to the authenticity of the Walters' >photographs, then he must have at least something less than >total confidence in Maccabee's resounding analysis of same as >the real thing. So which is it? Actually, it shouldn't be difficult to understand Jerry's ambiguity on this case - but perhaps I find it easier because I share it. On the one hand, experience tells us that multiple encounter cases, especially when accompanied by photos are _typically_ hoaxes. Further, the extension of these encounters across an extended period is suspicious. Also, there are many aspects of the UFO itself which differ from what we might expect - especially in regard to the configuration and presentation of luminosity on the object. Finally, the reporting of a case to newspeople rather than police is yet another suspicious indicator. At the same time, photoanalysis poses some real problems. Attempts to construe these photos as double-exposures have not survived additional tests. Attempts to discover a motive for a hoax have not found one. Attempts to find model making equipment and expertise have foundered. A model found in a house was discovered under controversial circumstances. The stereo photos are even more difficult to hoax than the original photos, especially when compared with the Nimslo photos. Ultimately, Bruce can have done an excellent job of analysis, failed to find a way to hoax the photos, and then it might turn out that a slightly different way of looking at things can show how this could be done. No fault of Bruce's or even his methodology. For instance, imagine that, instead of trying to determine if a set of UFO photos are fake, we are trying to reverse engineer a scene from a Hollywood movie or a modern commercial. The image might be of real objects, it might be a montage, it might be computer generated imagery - but it is possible that photo analysis would not be able to tell which. Photoanalysis of UFO photos can never be conclusive. The photoanalyst operates in a context of available information and uses his imagination to contrive ways to fake what he has available in such a way as to not violate any of the characteristics of the photos themselves. But his imagination may be unable to find the method the hoaxer found. In other words, the analyst can be competent and the photos can still be faked. This isn't so strange. Every science has multiple voices speaking about the same data. Not all of them are right, but it doesn't mean that those who are wrong are incompetent. ------ Mark Cashman, creator of The Temporal Doorway at http://www.temporaldoorway.com - Original digital art, writing, music and UFO research - UFO cases, analysis, classification systems, and more... http://www.temporaldoorway.com/ufo/index.htm ------ Content-Type: application/rtf Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Beyond.rtf" X-BeyondMail: rtf1 [] Beyond2.rtf

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 5 Re: Abducted? From: Harry Miller <Airknight@webtv.net> Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 01:22:59 -0400 (EDT) Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 11:52:33 -0400 Subject: Re: Abducted? >From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 19:16:55 EDT >Subject: Re: Abducted? >To: updates@globalserve.net >>Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 21:17:58 +0100 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >>Subject: Abducted? I think it is the missing-time thing that bothers me the most. Hell, biology, anatomy, physics... we're learning. My problem is trying to figure out how I _really_ lost an hour. The bruise on my neck, above the left carotid artery, quarter-sized as it was, went away after 10 days or so... Dreams? Hell!, they are _all_ bizarre! But, this missing-time thing...

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 5 Re: NUFORC: Elk Abduction in Washington State From: Steven W. Kaeser <steve@konsulting.com> Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 07:53:06 -0400 Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 12:04:11 -0400 Subject: Re: NUFORC: Elk Abduction in Washington State >From: Asgeir W. Skavhaug <asge-s@online.no> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: NUFORC: Elk Abduction in Washington State >Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 21:58:04 +0200 <snip> >Hello List, >I also came across this story in the Sept/Oct issue of UFO >Magazine, and I think this story requires some comments (from a >skeptic), and some important questions should be raised, such >as: >- Most important: Did the witnesses, or someone else, tell the >police about this alleged elk abduction? I guess the first thing >they (or someone) should be thinking of was to call the police, >and not the UFO Hotline! After all, something illegal was >apparently going on! (I guess this was not taking place during >the elk hunting season, and it seems to me that this was a >rather unusual and illegal hunting method.) > In case they did call the police, this should add _some_ > credibility to their story, as they should have made the > report under oath. Else the whole story sounds more like a > fairytale; a science fiction story. > The police should threfore also conduct some investigations. >- Apparently they knew the UFO Hotline telephone no. (!?) Could >it be that this was this just an elaborate hoax, conspiracy and >collusion, created during some boring lunch / spare time at work >in the forest? The points you raise are valid, but make hidden assumptions. While this has been covered on Peter Davenport's UFO Hotline, I would like to have greater detail regarding who had reported it. My understanding is that the witnesses were hispanic, and don't speak english. The report was (I believe) submitted by someone else who had heard their story, which prompted UFO researchers in that part of the northwest to investigate it further. Unfortunately, I believe the language barrier, and the mobility of those workers has impacted that effort. But I have read at least one article which describes an interview with the workers and it appears that they honestly viewed something that they cannot explain. These workers have been identified and do, indeed, exist. Contrary to World opinion (created in part by the popular media), not everyone in the US has a cell phone, or access to one. There are also many who don't watch the popular media, and some who are still existing at a level that hasn't changed in decades. One would also have to take into account the education and economic levels of the witnesses, as it is unlikely that someone who is working very hard just to make ends meet is likely to take the time to construct an elaborate hoax. I honestly don't know if this was reported to authorities, as I'm not one of the on-site investigators. But I would not find it surprising if the witnesses didn't want to become involved in something that they couldn't explain by contacting the police. But they obviously told someone and the story reached the Internet, as well as the UFO Reporting Center. This is an interesting tale, but certainly not a major event. The lack of physical evidence, and the annecdoal nature of the incident, makes it less than ideal. Steve

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 5 Funny What You Can Find Near Bundoran... From: Daev Walsh - Blather <daev@blather.net> Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 01:05:28 +0100 Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 12:01:28 -0400 Subject: Funny What You Can Find Near Bundoran... ______________________________________________________ B L A T H E R p a r a n o r m a l p r o v o c a t e u r i s m By Dave (daev) Walsh daev@blather.net Web: http://www.blather.net _______________________________________________________ October 5th 01999, Dublin, Ireland Vol 3. No. 6 _______________________________________________________ MALCONTENTS: 1. Are we totally wired to the Perseids? ( Blather gives more stuff away) 2. Blather's 100th issue competition results 3. De Editorial 3b. Plug 4. Funny what you can find near Bundoran... 5. 'Extraterrestrial Intelligence: A Reality' 6. Black Rays! 7. UFOs over Atha Cliath? 8. News just in - ABC in Belfast? 9. Strange noises from Norwegian lakes _______________________________________________________ ARE WE TOTALLY WIRED TO THE PERSEIDS? WIN STUFF! AGAIN! http://www.blather.net/winstuff.html Yes, Blatherskites, we're giving 'more' stuff away. Actually, to be more precise, Blather is facilitating the giving away of stuff by other people, and this time there will be 'three' winners, each of which will win one of three prizes: PRIZE ONE 'The Complete Books of Charles Fort' This 401 page weighty tome contains THE four Fortean classics, 'The Book of the Damned', 'LO!', 'Wild Talents' and 'Strange Lands', an dispensable addition to any Blatherskite's bookshelf. 'The Complete Books of Charles Fort' was kindly donated by Phyllis Benjamin of INFO (International Fortean Organization) who are, incidentally, putting on 'Fortfest 01999', November 5-7th: Fortfest: http://www.research.umbc.edu/~frizzell/frtfst9.html http://www.blather.net/fortfest.html INFO: http://www.research.umbc.edu/~frizzell/info PRIZE TWO 'Everything Is Under Control: Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups' By Robert Anton Wilson & Miriam Joan Hill RAW has kindly seen fit to donate his 'Encyclopedia of Conspiracy Theories', a tongue-in-cheek, but incredibly useful guide to worldwide weirdness. It's all in here folks, Kennedy, Oswald, Men in Black, The Holy Order of the Lemon, Jesus and Mary Magdalene's illegitimate child, 'government as criminal conspiracy', Mothman, Freemasons, Robert Calvi and the Vatican, greys, James Jesus Angleton, UFO/Satanic Conspiracies, you name it, it's in here. Check out RAW's site at http://www.rawilson.com/ Read an excerpt of 'Everything Is Under Control' http://www.rawilson.com/undercontrol.html Buy it at: http://www.rawilson.com/bookstore.html or http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0062734172/qid=938710929/sr=1-2 9/002-9925397-9238019 Or enter the competition. Fnord. PRIZE THREE '1900' By Mike Jay & Michael Neve 'An anthology of the 19th-century "fin-de-siecle" focusing on late-19th-century versions of the end as broadcast within the social sciences. It presents attempts to categorize the varieties of human failing related to heredity, sexual perversity, race, atavistic regression, insanity and criminality.' Mike Jay has been good enough to toss a copy into the Blather swagbag... we've been dipping into it here at Blather HQ, and we give it the thumbs up. Read more about it, or purchase '1900' at: http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0141180838/qid=935690365/sr=1 -1/026-4856908-7573657 Mike Jay is also the author of 'Blue Tide: The Search for Soma': http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1570270880/qid=938711640/sr=1-2 /002-9925397-9238019 WIN STUFF! AGAIN! http://www.blather.net/winstuff.html _______________________________________________________ BLATHER'S 100TH ISSUE COMPETITION RESULTS And there was a winner - Robert Kirbo, Arroyo Grande, California was the lucky winner of $50 of prizes from D. Scott Apel of The Impermanent Press (http://www.impermanentpress.com). The questions were: 1) In August 1998, Blather's Dave Walsh attended a 'monster hunt' on Lake Seljord. In which country is Lake Seljord situated? ANSWER: Norway NOT: Sweden NOT: Turkey 2) Philip K. Dick's 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' was made into a 1982 sci-fi movie, starring Harrison Ford. What was this movie called? NOT: Raiders of the Lost Ark NOT: Star Wars ANSWER: Bladerunner 3) 'In what European city was Robert Anton Wilson's play 'Wilhelm Reich in Hell' first performed? ANSWER: Dublin NOT: Zurich NOT: Prague There wwere a mere 130 entries, 82 of which were correct. Congratulations to Robert, and commiserations to MD Christenson who was too late to enter, but wants to know if we 'Know anybody who'd want to trade an autographed copy of "Cosmic Trigger" for a live owl?' MD doesn't elaborate as to which one he owns. Contact: dr.pinky@hotbot.com Again, thanks to D. Scott Apel of The Impermanent Press (http://www.impermanentpress.com) - check out the site for lots of Philip K. Dick, Robert Anton Wilson, B-Movie guides, and more. http://www.impermanentpress.com WIN STUFF! AGAIN! http://www.blather.net/winstuff.html _______________________________________________________ DE EDITORIAL Some observant readers may notice that we don't release Blathers quite as regularly as we used to. This is due to a number of factors including other commitments, and a decision to publish Blather when we feel like it, rather than on arbitrary dates, e.g. weekly, and so aiming for quality rather than quantity. And so, it seems like months - nay, it 'is' months - since we last touched on the subject of UFO reports in Ireland. In fact it's only a few issues back, but there's been a plethora of reports, media coverage and bizarre tales in recent times, inspiring Blather to comment on at least some of them. _______________________________________________________ PLUG Oh, and a small announcement before we hand over to ourselves - this Blatherskite will be stumbling onto the podium of 'Octocon', the 10th Irish National Science Fiction Convention on Saturday 9th of October, to take part what appears to be a plethora of panel discussions on various topics during the afternoon. At 16:00, for instance, we're pitted against one Alan Sewell of the Irish Centre for UFO studies in 'UFOs Exist. A debate'. Where's it happening? The Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Be there, we have to be. Read yet more at: http://www.iol.ie/~jshields/octocon/ _______________________________________________________ FUNNY WHAT YOU CAN FIND NEAR BUNDORAN... It seems that there has recently been a split in the ranks of IUFOPRA (Irish UFO and Paranormal Research Association), which has lead to the formation of UPRI (Ufo & Paranormal Research Ireland), seemingly involving Dermot Butler and Karl Nally. The original lead cast of IUFOPRA seem to be still enthroned, i.e. Pat Delaney & Co. Blather hasn't heard a peep from them in nearly two years, since we received a badly written erroneous letter from them, laden with spelling mistakes, accusing us of writing a nasty article about them in a certain print publication. In fact, we had only mentioned them once, and that was in Blather, and it was merely a review of a conference they had organised in November 1997. This was pointed out to them by return post, and we never heard a thing since. But we digress... Blather has received a photocopied 'UPRI Newsletter', issue 2,01999. The page has two subtitles - 'Views herein are personal ones, and are not "official policies" of UPRI', and 'Independent and objective research'. The newsletter deals with one story - with a large picture beside it, of yes, you may have guessed it, 'something' in a jar. UPRI seemingly tracked down the story in the 'Mirror' tabloid newspaper, after hearing 2FM's Ray D'Arcy joking about it on his breakfast show. We haven't seen the 'Mirror' article, but UPRI tell us that it was on June 15th, titled 'Is This a Baby Alien?', and penned by Robert Cullen and Lynne Kelleher. The article told of a butcher, Gerry Condon, who lives in Co. Donegal, who was driving south to his premises in Sligo, and was passing by Finner Army Camp, between Bundoran and Ballyshannon. Finner is situated at the mouth of the River Erne - a waterway mentioned in the last issue of Blather... The newsletter says that Mr. Condon saw a flash of light overhead, and thought something had crashed, so he stopped and entered a field beside the base. There he apparently found the 'creature', in a hollow, covered in soot. He is said to have taken it to the local Garda station where, unsuprisingly, they 'could shed no further light on the mystery'. It's not really the kind of thing taught to recruits in Templemore now is it? Oddly enough, Templemore 'was' the centre of attention in 1920, when in the home of Thomas Dwan, statues and holy pictures began to bleed. The alleged phenomenon centred around 16-year old Thomas Walsh (no, no relation). Templemore went berserk, with thousands of pilgrims arriving from all over, including from Britain. Charles Fort, in 'Lo!' (1931), Part 1 Chapter 6, covers the story in some detail, exploring other factors in the matter, such as the War of Independence. But we're digressing again, and wildly so. The newsletter winds up by expressing doubts about the story, especially the alleged labeling of the 'creature' by 'a' Belfast University as "Alien embryo - origin unknown". Oddly enough... or perhaps not that odd at all, when this Blatherskite was delivering a synopsis of the tale to our esteemed colleague, the Hon. John Maguire, Mr. Maguire pointed out that one can purchase mass manufactured 'aliens in jars' at several Dublin city centre retail establishments, complete with "Alien embryo - origin unknown" labels. In fact, 'aliens and jars' come in all kinds of wonderful shapes sizes and pigments, as can be seen by the smattering of links foraged from five minutes with a search engine. Buy one today! Aliens in Jars: http://www.alienwave.com/ http://www.nightmarefactory.com/alienmsk.html http://www.ukwebs.co.uk/aliens/dynamic/prodserv.htm http://www.telalink.net/~chamber/86150.jpg http://locutus.ucr.edu/cool/Alien.html Charles Fort, 'Lo!',Part 1 Chapter 6 (http://www.aracnet.net/~fortean/lo106.htm) Watching the Skywatchers (Review of IUFOPRA conference from ages ago) http://www.blather.net/archives/issue1no27.html _______________________________________________________ 'EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE: A REALITY' On a very wet Saturday 18th September, while mooching about the stalls of the Dublin Food Co-op, who did we bump into but our old acquaintance Eamon Ansbro of PEIR (Programme for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Research), oft mentioned, if not criticised in this publication. We had an affable enough discourse, even though he did reassure me that there was an awful lot more to the 'Alien Embryo' story than meets the eye. Quite. He was flogging a new 30-page booklet, 'Extraterrestrial Intelligence: A Reality', co-written with his wife, Catherine. It seems to be a form of concise autobiography, illustrating, as Eamon told us, where he's 'coming from' his background in meteorology and astronomy, and how he got involved in the whole UFO thing. In essence, it tells us where he 'came from', but not really where he's 'coming from', going no further to explain the leaps of logic that we notice in many extraterrestrial claims, and thus leaving us none the wiser. In fact, Eamon told us that the Roy Dutton's 'Astronautical Theory' is so complicated that he's not surprised that others don't understand it. Astronautical Theory is the methodology used by Ansbro, and others, to 'predict' UFO appearances along 'flight paths' criss-crossing the Earth's surface. Part 2 of 'Extraterrestrial Intelligence: A Reality', however, seems to cover new ground. Written by Catherine Ansbro - an acupuncturist, and Zero balancer - and titled 'Relationship with Extraterrestrial Intelligence - A Healthy Foundation', a short treatise on physical, environmental and spiritual well-being, an interesting departure from traditional ufology. We've got to admit, we did a bit of head-scratching over this bit, never before having come across ufological documentation which advises the reader on health and nutrition. To purchase a copy of 'Extraterrestrial Intelligence: A Reality' (we paid the princely sum of IEP�3.00), write to: P.O. Box 6284 Dublin 3 Ireland See http://www.blather.net/archives2/issue2no32.html for more fun. Dublin Food Co-Op: (http://www.clubi.ie/dfc/) _______________________________________________________ BLACK RAYS! Joseph Trainor's UFO Roundup (Volume 4, Number 21, September 16th, 01999) reported - thanks to Northern Irish ufologist Miles Johnston - that UFOs had been sighted over Ulster's Lough Neagh. Apparently - according to Johnston, on August 15th, around 11 p.m., telephones at Armagh Planetarium and RUC (police) stations in Northern Ireland were ringing off the hook with reports of UFOs and 'strange phenomena' over Lough Neagh. If we may quote; 'according to Miles Johnston, the flap continued for five straight days, ending on Monday, August 22nd, 01999'. Surely five days after the Sunday the 15th was Friday the 20th? Besides, the 22nd was a 'Sunday'. Good grief Miles, get your dates right, please. Anyhow, apparently each bunch of overflights "began at 11 p.m. each night and ended at 4 o"clock the following morning", with the alleged sightings including "large rings of light, with inner rings, over a several-hundred-square-mile area," not to mention "groups of flying discs flying in formation", as well as a reported "U.S. Air Force AWACS plane accompanied by two red triangular aircraft," which "flew over Northern Ireland at only 4,000 feet". As if that wasn't mad enough, Johnston reports '"rays of black light" streaming down from the night sky and "some illuminations identical to the Aurora Borealis but due south" of Lough Neagh'. Any readers in the North care to corroborate 'any' of this? - By the way, we would like to point out that the best of the annual meteor showers, the Perseids, takes place between July 23rd and August 20th, the peak, or maximum of which was expected for August 13th, but as 'Astronomy & Space' magazine tells us, 'don't just view on the night of the maximum. There are good Perseids to be seen for several nights either side of Maximum date. 'Astronomy & Space', August 01999 UFO Roundup, Volume 4, Number 21, September 16th, 01999 ( _______________________________________________________ UFOS OVER ATHA CLIATH? Blather was recently invited to a showing of a video of "UFOs Over Dublin", footage taken from somewhere, seemingly on the northside of the city, possibly towards Fairview or Drumcondra, around the Royal Canal. This little movie is apparently causing a fantastic frenzy amongst UK-based UFO groups. The footage, all taken at night (except a daylight reference shot, for comparison), shows the skyline of the city, with a partially illuminated tower crane, and Liberty Hall peeking above the buildings. Several apparent light sources can be seen rising or falling over or around Liberty Hall, passing into clouds, flying in formation parallel with the river. Some are slow, some are fast... It's very impressive stuff, not least the voice recordings of the film makers, whose hilarious cacophony of profanities seems to suggest that they were genuinely convinced of what they were filming. If all of the material had been taken on one night, we may have been more impressed - instead it was filmed on the 29th and 31st of July, and the 1st and 2nd of August. It has been pointed out to us by a colleague that the camcorder used is 'very low light sensitive', and that the objects recorded may not have been as bright as they appear on tape. Blather would suggest - and we're not alone in this suggestion - that at least some of the objects are merely seagulls wheeling about above the river, their feathers reflecting the strong floodlights trained on buildings such as the Customs House. Some of the footage, in particular the footage taken on the 29th of July, shows one or two objects moving close to a floodlight within 'metres' of the film - apparently in the yard of the building that they're filming from. The objects then hover, just a little bit away from the light... moths, anyone? Liberty Hall, Dublin http://www.blather.net/images/featured/libertyhall.gif _______________________________________________________ NEWS JUST IN - ABC IN BELFAST? Some time ago - January of this year in fact, Blather talked about the Belfast Telegraph's coverage of an alleged Alien Big Cat (ABC) on the loose in Co. Tyrone. Now, one of our northern Blatherskivers, Iain Bryson, was in touch with the latest news from the 'Belly Telly'. As might realise, 'alien' in this sense means merely 'out of place', rather than 'extraterrestrial. In a 27th September article by Martin Breen, it was reported that a 'puma-like animal' was on the loose in the outskirts of Belfast, and the police had been warning people to stay away from it. Sightings had taken place around a quarry on the Ballygowan Road at 5:50pm on the 26th, and again at 10:45 in a children's play area in Ballygowan village, six miles from the earlier sighting. Subsequent police searches had been fruitless. Witness reports suggest that the 'dark black animal is between 6 and 10 feet long and four feet in height', but the newspaper holds that 'zoological experts', including Belfast Zoo manager John Strong, have been expressing some scepticism. 'Belfast's big cat may be a shaggy dog...', Belfast Telegraph 27th September 01999 (http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/today/sep27/News/fatcat.ncml) Blather, 'Furry Cat Stories', January 8th, 01999 (http://www.blather.net/archives2/issue2no34.html) _______________________________________________________ STRANGE NOISES FROM NORWEGIAN LAKES We recently received email from one Torfinn Oermen, mentioned a couple of Blather issues from a year and a half ago, when he was criticising Jan-Ove Sundberg's claims of lake monsters in Lake Seljord. Long-ailing readers will recall that this daft writer ended up on Lake Seljord last year, and subsequently on Discovery Channel and Channel 4 in the UK and Ireland (see links below for details). Meanwhile, Jan-Ove has released recordings, apparently made of 'Selma', the name that seems to have stuck to the alleged monster in Lake Seljord. Read all about, hear the recording... and make up your own minds! http://www.bahnhof.se/~wizard/gust/index1.htm And as if that wasn't enough, GUST 2000 is already being wheeled out! http://www.bahnhof.se/~wizard/gust/ __________________ From: Torfinn Oermen Email: torfinn.ormen@toyen.uio.no I just discovered your articles about Jan-Ove Sundberg's expedition to Seljord, and too late or not I have to set matters straight. Unfortunately I have no control over how I am quoted in the media. A press agency can botcher a story completely. Of course I didn't personally debunk the "Suldal monster", nor did I ever claim so. But the "monster" was proven conclusively to be other than animal: People rowed out to examine it closely. What looked like the slimy back of a large animal was actually a huge mat of rotting sawdust and algae. The mat was kept floating for a short time by an enormous bauble of methane. The "monster" had been observed each spring for many years before someone had the courage to take a closer look. I don't know if the "monster" was observed again later, and I never said anything about it. The 250 years spate of observations of serpents in Norwegian lakes coincides with the increase in the sawmill industry, and it does not seem far fetched that more lakes than Suldalsvatn owe their monsters to fermenting saw dust. (Without the saw dust connection I agree my arguments sound like gibberish.) And I suppose that the press report also failed to mention that I am a member of the International Society of Cryptozoology and have time after time been presenting the "cryptozoological cause" in interviews and public lectures... The press asked for my opinion regarding Jan-Ove's expedition since I am Norway's only "public" and university employed cryptozoologist. I wish Jan-Ove luck, but I am not optimistic. -But to quote myself in numerous interviews: one is allowed to hope, and I would love to be proved wrong in this. Regards Torfinn Oermen __________________ 'GUBU Norge' http://www.blather.net/archives2/issue2no16.html 'A Monster Hunting We Will Go' http://www.blather.net/archives/issue1no42.html See 'Layman's Privilege' at: http://www.blather.net/archives/issue1no43.html Dave (daev) Walsh October 5th 01999 ______________________________________________________ BLATHER GOES STATESIDE! FortFest '99-29th annual conference on anomalous phenomena When: November 5-7, 1999 Where: Grand Ballroom, Holiday Inn, College Park, Maryland USA (fly into DCA-Washington-National Airport or BWI-Baltimore Washington International Airport in order to link up with cheap subway! Check the airlines for cheapie fares on sale until Sept. 2. Cheap domestic airlines include Metrojet (especially Manchester, New Hampshire to BWI), Southwest from the West Coast, USAIR for bargain go on Sat. morn. and return Sun. eve. fares, Air Canada into BWI from Toronto , Midway into DCA from Chicago. Best fares from the U.K. are on Virgin from LHR to IAD (Washington-Dulles). $65 round trip bus available from NYC. Accommodations: $79, free parking and subway (the Metro) pick-up, indoor pool and group jacuzzi Rates: to be announced. Always cheap! Who: featuring John Michell on both Saturday and Sunday (new book on sacred geometry of Jerusalem and the celestial connection), Budd Hopkins on Invisibles, John Keel (The Grand Daddy-O of Forteana), Dr. Michael Grosso on Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and Miracles, Blather's Dave Walsh on Hell-Fire Clubs and Accidental Satanism, Ivar Zapp from the University of Costa Rica on the Atlantean Origins of the Alphabet, Fate columnist Antonio Huneeus on Soviet and other rare UFO sightings and evidence, Doug Skinner with a hilarious talk on the Scientific Method, and other soon to be announced surprises! Includes Friday nite Ultimate Connection-networking party, Saturday Luncheon Buffet, Saturday Banquet with Entertainment and 'till the wee hours gab fest, Sunday Proper Breakfast Buffet, The I-Would-Almost-Sell-My-Mother-Giant-Sale of New and gently Used Books! Questions?: Call us at 301-294-4315 and leave the best time to call back, email at davesvideo@aol.com and also send a copy of it to be sure to pucabob@aol.com. Or write us at INFO, P.O. Box N, College Park, MD 20740, USA. Flyers with rates, descriptions and directions will be available around Sept. 8. Send for yours today and close out the twentieth-century with the BEST time of your life! The International Fortean Organization http://www.research.umbc.edu/~frizzell/info Fortfest Details: http://www.research.umbc.edu/~frizzell/frtfst9.html ______________________________________________________ HIGH-TEMPERATURE LINKS: http://www.resurgence.org/ "There is too much to read and too little time, so choose reading that carries value for the future - Resurgence" - James Hillman ______________________________________________________ Octocon X The Tenth National Irish Science Fiction Convention Guest of Honour: Robert Rankin Bestselling author of The Brentford Trilogy and Apocalypso Other Guests Include: Eugene Byrne, Storm Constantine, Maggie Furey, Robert Holdstock, Graham Joyce, Tom Mathews, Ian McDonald, Kim Newman, Geoff Ryman, Michael Scott, Brian Stableford and Dave (daev) Walsh 9-10 October 1999 Royal Marine Hotel Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland http://www.iol.ie/~jshields/octocon/ ______________________________________________________ SPONSORSHIP: While Blather will always remain free to the subscriber, we're always willing to talk to interested parties with regard to sponsorship. Contact: daev@blather.net _______________________________________________________ For the Blather archives, please go to: http://www.blather.net/archives/index.html _______________________________________________________ SUBSCRIBING TO BLATHER Send an email to: <list@blather.net> with the word subscribe in the body of the message. An automatic acknowledgement should be returned to you by e-mail within a few minutes. UNSUBSCRIBING Send an email to <list@blather.net> with the word unsubscribe in the body of the message. TECHNICAL PROBLEMS If you are having any technical problems, please email admin@blather.net _______________________________________________________

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 5 Re: RPIT - A Reminder From: Steven Kaeser <steve@konsulting.com> Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 09:32:34 -0400 Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 12:12:09 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 21:40:39 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder <snip> >>Remember how Cavitt refused to show Marcel his report, >>if that is true? >>Gildas Bourdais >Yes, and does everyone remember that Marcel described only two >types of recovered debris in the last interview he gave? No >fiber-optic cables, no memory-retaining metal, and, most >importantly of all, no goddamned bodies! > >In other words, an interstellar spaceship made up of only two >types of material: short beams and some sort of cloth-like >material, whatever it's alleged extraordinary properties. That's >it. Period. Nothing more. > >Now, can someone please explain how only two types of debris, in >whatever quantity, can be re-engineered into a flying spaceship >of a circular, disc-like shape? No, you can't. <snip> Dennis- If your goal here is to point out the fact that there are a variety of stories related to Roswell that are in conflict with one another, you've made the point. Is there anyone who really believes that all of the witnesses are accurately describing the event, whatever it was? I understand your frustration in dealing with "true believers", and the popular media certainly hasn't help the situation. But let's not lower our standards to that of CISCOP and simply lump it all in one big pot and indicate that we have to either accept it _all_, or accept the fact that it's all nonsense. This is a tactic that is used far too often, and doesn't deserve much bandwidth.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 5 Re: NUFORC: Elk Abduction in Washington State From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 08:34:38 +0000 Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 12:07:23 -0400 Subject: Re: NUFORC: Elk Abduction in Washington State >From: Asgeir W. Skavhaug <asge-s@online.no> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: NUFORC: Elk Abduction in Washington State >Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 21:58:04 +0200 Below is the specific URL code to go directly to the (obviously faked) UFO photo to which Asgeir is referring: http://www.eldisco.com/showslide.cfm?ID=53 >>From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 02:40:32 +0100 (MET) >>Fwd Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 07:09:57 -0500 >>Subject: NUFORC: Elk Abduction in Washington StateSource: >>http://www.nwlink.com/~ufocntr/CB990225.htmlStig >>*** >>National UFO Reporting Center Case Brief >>February 25, 1999 >>Elk Abduction in Washington State >>NUFORC Home Page >Maybe the workers were inspired by the following (manipulated??) >photo from Brunchillii, N. Australia. March 28, 1992, >(manipulated??) by Neil Godfried: >http://www.eldisco.com/ >(click on Archives on the left side of the page, and click on >the photo down at the lower, left corner of the photo >collection.) http://www.eldisco.com/showslide.cfm?ID=53

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 5 UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 15:34:10 Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 12:14:03 -0400 Subject: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? Source: 'alt.ufo.reports'. Stig *** From: smurf345@webtv.net Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: Anybody else heard this Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 22:38:16 -0500 (CDT) I first heard this while attending a Navy school back in 76. A Vietnam War movie on earlier in the week triggered some memories, this is one. ** Supposedly two F-4's had a dogfight with an UFO over South Vietnam. The UFO made a controlled crash landing in the middle of a firefight between a squad of American M-60 tanks and an undetermined number of NVA/Viet Cong. Things sort of stopped for awhile until the NVA/VC fired a RPG [rocket propelled grenade] at the UFO. The first RPG had no affect, so more were fired. The UFO somehow neutralized the RPG's and started attacking the NVA/VC. At this point the American tanks opened fire on the UFO. The UFO could not stop the 90mm tank rounds and was destroyed. The NVA/VC broke off and left. The Americans found several alien bodies and at least one survivor in the UFO wreckage. When the American commander, a Major, called for a medivac, he was told nothing was available. Everything was being in used in the search for the UFO. He told them he had it and a chopper was immediately sent. When it arrived, the CIA type in charge refused to take the wounded American GI's onboard. Instead insisting he would only take the aliens. At this point the Major, shot the surviving alien and had his tanks grind the wreckage and bodies into the ground. The chopper pilot overruled the CIA type and medivaced the wounded. ** After this was told, two of my classmates claimed to have seen the message traffic about this. One of them had been a crypto tech on the OKLAHOMA CITY which was usually the flagship. This meant that he had access to everything that came in, even the "EYES ONLY" material. Anybody else ever hear anything about, or related to, this?

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 5 Re: Get Real From: Bob Young <YoungBob2@aol.com> Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 11:05:54 EDT Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 12:15:25 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 18:24:25 -0500 >Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 09:51:16 -0400 >Subject: Re: Get Real <snip> >I have interviewed and investigated enough individuals who claim >to have been abducted to know that people _are_ being abducted. >I have seen the scars, the marks, the fear these individuals >experience. Saddest of all, I have talked with the children who >must endure being ripped from the security of their families and >homes and subjected to "alien" environments and procedures in >every sense of the word. When it comes to the children, my >anger boils and I become able to fully understand the extent of >these violations. _No_ child should _ever_ have to endure these >atrocities. It's the pictures the children draw, the nightmares >they must live and the inability to feel safe...anywhere...that >makes the true nature of abductions horribly clear Dear Amy: What if you are wrong, and the "alien" interpretation of these events is terribly wrong? What if this interpretation is encouraging and stimulating this thing? What would you tell these children, then? Clear skies, Bob Young

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 5 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 17:33:24 +0100 Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 13:10:47 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos Hi, I have been following this debate but trying to keep out of its personal edges as I don't wish to say anything that might offend people that I consider friends. When in truth I don't have fundamental disputes with Bruce, Dennis or Jerry. However, I guess I should say my piece about Gulf Breeze. I think it is pretty reflective of views amongst many UK researchers given what I have heard in various debates. Like Jerry I have serious reservations about this case. Have had from day one. My reasons are many and varied, but as a for instance I know (from first hand investigation of similar cases) that a lot of video taken from there depicts home made balloons. You can even see the plastic dribbling down. Subsequent hoaxes does not mean the starting case was a fake, of course. But there is sufficient contradictory evidence to be at least open to doubt. If asked about the case I usually say, to my mind truthfully, that Gulf Breeze is not an encounter I would cite as part of a strong scientific defence of UFO reality. And really that is the only fair assessment. It is not proven nor disproven but (unlike McMinnville for instance) far more in the balance to be unduly optimistic and so not, for me, a case I would ever base any conclusions around. One day the truth may out. I somehow suspect that this will prove more embarrassing to the believers than to those being cautious. But that is merely my assessment of the evidence I have seen. What is certainly true with Gulf Breeze, like any other widely touted incident, is that its hype is bigger than its value to science. But also the PR is sure to have trawled in some local cases that we might never have heard about and that may be in the long run of more interest. I find this, for instance, with the hype of the Bonnybridge, Scotland 'window'. In my research into the genesis of this area it is no such thing even though Japanese and American tourists are flocking there on weekend vacations right now as if it were. The way this small town was promoted is a great example of UFO PR but its not a reflection on its true status as a window area. This came about through an interesting combination of social circumstances that is indeed useful as a way to see the difference between what we might call real windows (which I do believe exist) and pseudo windows that come about for reasons not directly connected with the UFO phenomenon. Yet even in Bonnybridge the phenomenal hype has ensured that quite a few good cases have come to light we would never have discovered without the belief that the location is special. I think the same is true of Gulf Breeze. We may have more good cases from here because of the (incorrect) assumption that it is a special place. This occurs largely because if you take any place - call it Anytown - this might, for instance, have 100 sightings per year. Research shows that at best 5 of these will be publicly reported. The rest will not for fear of ridicule etc. If that happens Anytown looks like, well any town. But if through social factors Anytown is made into a special case circumstances combine to up the percentage of cases reported. Anytown might thus produce 50 cases in the next year - ten times the norm and ten times the level of other similar places. It looks special but in truth it isn't. Yet we gain from its false specialness because we obtain cases we might not see. As such Gulf Breeze is not a simple case of real or fake, its a maelstrom of different forces at work. It is proper not to be totally committed to one view or another for this reason. As for Jerry distrusting the essence of the main Gulf Breeze case but trusting Bruce Maccabee. I don't find that odd. I feel the same way. Bruce clearly knows his stuff. I listen to what he says about photo cases. Like Jerry I don't always agree with his findings, but I sure do respect them as I would any person with a proven track record that is clearly an expert in a field. Thus to me there is no dichotomy here. The case is a confusion. The evidence is in parts conflicting. I know how I feel instinctively about its status from a summation of that evidence. But I also recognise that Bruce is better able to judge photographs than I am and to simply wave that away because I don't feel at ease with the case would not be objective investigation. It is proper to give his assessment due weight, without having to make it the basis for total belief in any case. Exactly this is true of the Ilkley alien case that occurred contemporary to Gulf Breeze (something I have always pondered ). This photo just looks all wrong (an image of a little green man for goodness sake!) Even the MIT symposium pulled my paper from 'Alien Discussions' - so far as I know the only paper given at the event that was not to appear in the proceedings. I guess this might partly be that they felt an analysis of a LGM photo was not going to enhance scientific aims. If so I totally understand. But the truth is that - regardless of this ill at ease sense I have about the photo, despite my inner suspicion it must be a hoax, despite some negative evidence to point that way, the majority of evidence is pro the case and I find it very hard indeed to distrust this witness. It is an invidious position for an investigator - which led to me and colleague Peter Hough spending a decade trying to show the case was a hoax. We failed. Bruce was a big help and did not seek to say more about the photo than was possible through its grainy structure - unlike a few daft ufologists who have pontificated about all manner of tosh. How they can see a baby alien in the backpack on the main figure. How goblin ears are visible (in their mind perhaps). And so on. Ufology is not often a precise science. It is possible to have a gut feeling about a case, to weigh the totality of evidence and suspect one thing but not to be able to prove such a suspicion. When that happens you do as I believe Jerry is here suggesting. You listen to what everyone says. You believe what nobody says. You weigh up in your mind what you think. And you comment publicly in defence of only what can be shown beyond reasonable doubt to be true. I don't find that an unreasonable philosophy to live by. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 5 Re: Abducted? From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 12:42:30 EDT Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 13:12:49 -0400 Subject: Re: Abducted? >From: Harry Miller <Airknight@webtv.net> >Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 01:22:59 -0400 (EDT) >To: updates@globalserve.net (UFO UpDates - Toronto) >Subject: Re: Abducted? >>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 19:16:55 EDT >>Subject: Re: Abducted? >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>>Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 21:17:58 +0100 >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >>>Subject: Abducted? >I think it is the missing-time thing that bothers me the most. >Hell, biology, anatomy, physics... we're learning. >My problem is trying to figure out how I _really_ lost an hour. >The bruise on my neck, above the left carotid artery, >quarter-sized as it was, went away after 10 days or so... >Dreams? Hell!, they are _all_ bizarre! >But, this missing-time thing... You are not alone. When I lived in the Bronx and was a very young boy (I was _too_ a young boy!) of about five or six, I never strayed more than a half block from home. And since my mom could wake the dead at two blocks (truth!), I was in that safe zone where she could break an eardrum and ensure my presence within nonoseconds of the first scream. Also, I was never brave enough to explore the woods around our home. There were virgin woods (but no virgins), streams, wild berries and waterfalls. Yup. The Bronx in 1948. And we lived in the northernmost part of it in a place called "Wakefield." One day right after lunch, I went out to play. The next thing I remember it looked like late afternoon, and I was walking up the side entrance to our house, my mom in tears asking, "Jamey, where have you been." It was the very first time I ever saw her in tears. She was so freightened, she wasn't even yelling. I had been gone for more than 2 and a half hours, no one could find me, the neighbors were all looking, the next step was to call the police. I lived in the 47th pct. where I volunteered my services as an AP for years. IT had the lowest crime rate in the City of NY in those days. No one ever figured out where I was, and neither could I. Because I had just finished lunch and went out to the front of the house to play and just decided to come into the back yard. To me, only a couple of seconds had passed. One night I went to bed and closed my eyes, only to open them a second later, less than a second later, and it was morning. I was in the same position I was in when I closed my eyes. The little scumbuckets are not often that accurate. You are not alone. Jim

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 5 Re: Get Real From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 16:19:44 +0100 Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 13:30:22 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 18:24:25 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Martin Murray <bubastis@warplink.com> >>To: "Errol Bruce-Knapp" <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 03:22:53 -0400 >>My own take on this is that although the beings may perceive us >>in the same way that we perceive the animals of this world that >>we capture and test, sometimes for their own good, they are not >>that much above us, despite their extremely advanced technology. ><snip> >>The more I learn the less these beings >>impress me, and I would certainly love to know what it is that >>they think gives them the right to do what they do. >My point exactly - what is it they think gives them the right to >do what they do? Is this a peculiarly American thing, this emphasis on whether or not aliens have the "right" to do this or that? Or the similar concern that an individuals "rights" are being violated by aliens. I've noticed it in a few posting on this list and elsewhere, and it always seems to be Americans who raise the point. Quite apart from the fact that any extraterrestrial aliens that might be hanging around are probably not very bothered by the US Constitution (for all we know their own Constitution might specifically *give* them the right to abduct off-planet life forms), it does suggest that many Americans have an incredibly parochial view of the universe, of which they seem to consider themselves the centre, and where their Constitution has the status of universal Holy Writ. The powers of the American Constitution do not run beyond the borders of the USA, and even the UN Declaration of Human Rights does not extend far beyond the surface of this planet. If aliens are coming from another planet, they can do what the hell they like to us, except in as much as we have the physical power to stop them. To talk about a "right" not to be abducted by aliens is as absurd as talking about a "right" not to be killed in an earthquake or drowned by a tidal wave. Scary thought. Makes you glad no aliens have ever landed here, doesn't it! -- John Rimmer Magonia Magazine www.magonia.demon.co.uk

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 6 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 13:35:02 -0500 Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 04:24:10 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Mon, 04 Oct 99 19:04:33 PDT >>Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 00:02:49 -0500 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Mr. Stacy, with apologies (again) to patient and gentle lisfolk: >I guess it was too much to ask for you to come to my defense. I >guess it's easier to join the lynch mob. Thanks a lot. <snip> >Jerry Clark Calling All Patient & Gentle Listfolk Everywhere! Dear People, Jerry Clark is a personal friend of mine. We have already kissed and made up offline. I was attempting to explain what I see as the Clark Problem, but see that I mucked up rather badly. The Clark Problem is this: Jerry has explained himself and his thinking numerous times on this list, both eloquently and emotionally. Yet he gets flamed more than I do when I'm trying to pick an e-mail spat, more than any of us, in fact. Clark is an authority figure in the field, and that automatically makes him a lightning rod for criticism by those who disagree with some of his actions, or, conversely, some of his non-actions. In other words, he's in a no-win situation, damned if he does, damned if he doesn't, according to the dammer. If he calls for a tolerance of opinion and ambiguity, he's seen as either wishy-washy or protective of friends all as venal and vile as he sometimes made out to be. Jerry Clark is not a perfect person, but I don't remember him ever claiming to be. In fact, that person has yet to log onto this thread last time I looked. Jerry and I do not agree on everything (and everyone) in this field, never have, never will. If we did, it would probably make for a pretty boring friendship. It certainly wouldn't make for much in the way of mental stimulation. As a fellow writer and editor, I, more than most, am aware of the restraints and conditions under which one labors in this field, low pay on which to support a family being hardly the least of it. I have a complaint or two myself about his UFO encyclopedia, but I stand absolutely in awe of the mountainous amount of time, energy and research that went into its writing. It's not the encyclopedia I or anyone else would have written by definition. But if the world were waiting for my encyclopedia at the beginning of the second millennium, they'd probably still be waiting for it at the ending of the third. Clark's career has been long and encyclopedic, too. With such a prodigious output (and assuming the encyclopedia itself wasn't channeled), it would be an unheardof miracle if he hadn't made his fair share of honest mistakes here and there. That's the nature of the beast, and a burden we all bear, whatever activity we're engaged in. In closing this little sermonette, let me repeat a story told about a famous TCU football coach whose name escapes me. They were playing Texas and all afternoon the Texas tailback, James Saxon, ran off long sweeps around the TCU left defensive end. The coach approached the bench. "Jackson!" he yelled. "Get in there for Billy Joe and stop Saxon on those sweeps!" "I'll try, coach," Jackson said, pulling on his helmet. "Sit down, Jackson," coach said. "Hell, Billy Joe's _trying_!" Jerry Clark tried. If he hasn't gotten everything right each and absolutely every time out, who among us could? At least he had his helmet on, and not all of us benchwarmers can say that. Agree or disagree with him, but Clark has been defending our right to play this game for decades now. So let's stop the clipping and blindsiding. Just because you put on the pads doesn't mean you have to get personal. Anyone ever heard of a level playing field? Dennis Stacy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 6 Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? From: Will Bueche <willb3d@hotmail.com> Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 08:08:06 -0500 Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 09:46:07 -0400 Subject: Re: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? [Non-subscriber post] >Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 00:21:48 -0400 >From: Wendy Christensen <christensen@catlas.mv.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Strieber Won A Caldecott? Come Again? <snip> >The Randolph Caldecott medal is awarded annually to an >illustrated children's book. There _is_ an illustrated >childrens' book about alien abduction, called "Ceto's New >Friends." But Whit didn't write it or illustrate it and, in any >case, it's not exactly Caldecott material. <snip> ALA seems to be the group that presents the Caldecott. That may partially explain the confusion, for it seems that Wolf of Shadows was honored by the ALA. You said that the Caldecott is for an illustrated children's book. Wolf of Shadows has no illustrations (besides the cover art) so it wouldn't make sense to intentionally claim that award. But if we look back fourteen years to the time Whitley Strieber was thinking of, we see reason for confusion: Wolf of Shadows Published 1985 Awards: - Outstanding Children's Book of the Year by the American Library Association, - 1986 Olive Branch Award as the outstanding book of the year for young people on the subject of world peace, - Outstanding Science Book for Children by the National Science Teacher's Assoc.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 6 Re: Get Real From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 14:49:47 EDT Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 10:13:21 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 16:19:44 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: Get Real >>Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 18:24:25 -0500 >>From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: Martin Murray <bubastis@warplink.com> >>>To: "Errol Bruce-Knapp" <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: Get Real >>>Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 03:22:53 -0400 >>>My own take on this is that although the beings may perceive us >>>in the same way that we perceive the animals of this world that >>>we capture and test, sometimes for their own good, they are not >>>that much above us, despite their extremely advanced technology. >><snip> >>>The more I learn the less these beings >>>impress me, and I would certainly love to know what it is that >>>they think gives them the right to do what they do. >>My point exactly - what is it they think gives them the right to >>do what they do? >Is this a peculiarly American thing, this emphasis on whether or >not aliens have the "right" to do this or that? Or the similar >concern that an individuals "rights" are being violated by >aliens. I've noticed it in a few posting on this list and >elsewhere, and it always seems to be Americans who raise the >point. It is an American thing, this emphasis on whether or not aliens have the "right" to do this or that. Especially when the "this or the that" is stalking, abducting and performing medical intrusions on our bodies. Actually, it should be a human thing, as Americans are not the only ones in this world with rights as human beings. In the UK, there are, I presume, safeguards against the violations of your human rights, are there not? "Are there no prisons, and the workhouses, I presume they are still in operation?" Cripes, John, even Dickens had a little troube with human rights, eh? >Quite apart from the fact that any extraterrestrial aliens that >might be hanging around are probably not very bothered by the US >Constitution (for all we know their own Constitution might >specifically *give* them the right to abduct off-planet life >forms), it does suggest that many Americans have an incredibly >parochial view of the universe, of which they seem to consider >themselves the centre, and where their Constitution has the >status of universal Holy Writ. In the United States, the Constitution _is_ the holy writ, John. It is the basis of everything having to do with government here. This Constitution also contains our Bill of RIghts and Amendments which are designed by the fathers of our country, to protect us then, now and in the future. Most Americans live by it, quote it and refuse to bargain with it. Which may be why you hear so much about "RIGHTS" by Americans. There are other words you may hear often spoken and written by Americans. One word is freedom. It is applied to many different thingies, like the freedom to speak out, the freedom to gather, to practice the religion of our choice, etc. There is one word you don't hear a lot of from Americans, that is these days. That word is "responsibility." Which is too bad. But we're working on that. >The powers of the American Constitution do not run beyond the >borders of the USA, and even the UN Declaration of Human Rights >does not extend far beyond the surface of this planet. Uh huh. So? >If aliens are coming from another planet, they can do what the >hell they like to us, except in as much as we have the physical >power to stop them. To talk about a "right" not to be abducted >by aliens is as absurd as talking about a "right" not to be >killed in an earthquake or drowned by a tidal wave. If you feel compelled to give in to Aliens, John, then I suspect you may feel compelled to give in to other forms of alien. As I understand it, the European Common Market is the precursor to the Country of Europe. Presumably, as time goes by, you guys are gonna be happy over that. Perhaps such is inevitable. It is likely inevitable here in North America. But see, the difference between US and the ROW (the United States and the Rest of the World) is that it's gonna take one hell of a longer time for us to feel compelled to give up or give in... t aliens, or to anyone person, or entity who decides that our Constitution precludes someone else's right to mess with me or mine. >Scary thought. Makes you glad no aliens have ever landed here, >doesn't it! The really scarey thought from my perspective, is that someone has such little respect for his rights as a human being, let alone a Brit, or a Yank, or Gort from Mongo. Get real, John. You do have rights. Even if you don't depend on a piece of paper for them. And if you choose to forgo those rights, there are places on this planet you may go to live and have very few rights indeed. You don't need aliens as an excuse to give in. With all due respect, Jim

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 6 Re: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? From: Steven J. Dunn <SDunn@logicon.com> Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 12:11:22 -0700 Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 10:29:04 -0400 Subject: Re: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? >Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 15:34:10 >To: updates@globalserve.net >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Subject: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? >Source: 'alt.ufo.reports'. >Stig >*** >From: smurf345@webtv.net >Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports >Subject: Anybody else heard this >Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 22:38:16 -0500 (CDT) >I first heard this while attending a Navy school back in 76. A >Vietnam War movie on earlier in the week triggered some >memories, this is one. >** >Supposedly two F-4's had a dogfight with an UFO over South >Vietnam. List: The "incident" described is the plot of the David Drake story "Contact!" which can be found in _The Military Dimension Mk II_ put out by Baen Books. It is a excellent story, but it *is* fiction. Steven.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 6 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 15:02:37 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 10:43:09 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Sun, 03 Oct 99 18:15:28 PDT >>Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 15:24:19 -0400 >>From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>I am most curious to learn what specific and exacting comments >>that were hurled against you which you might consider 'vile >>accusations against your character.' Might it be possible for >>you to please clarify your statement with an issue-related >>example? >Do you know what the adjective "disingenuous" means? If not, >suffice it to say that you have just provided a living example. >And if you aren't being disingenuous -- which I find hard to >believe -- and genuinely did not know what the discussion is >about, why did you join it at all? Mr. Jerome Clark, You have been given the opportunity to support some of the wild charges that you have made in the past few days concerning 'character assassination' attempts that you claimed to have dealt with, and from your message to UFO UpDates (dated October 3, 1999), you have failed to clarify your comments or uphold those wild allegations. For the record, Jerome Clark, let's take note of this failure and of your apparent 'ducking' of this fair issue, for as I have authenticated, your rabid approach to those you disagree with and your issuance of unsupportable charges renders you in the same light that you seek to cast onto your opponents. Your demonstrable chest-beating, trashing of opponents and hurling specious comments through argumentation has caused me to think of you in a new and unfortunate manner. You sought to deflect my fair questions to you by stating a 'disingenuous' motive behind the challenge, and obfuscated the issue by again reverting to vague and ambiguous charges said perpetrated by Jerry Black, which you were felt were 'paranoid and laughable visions.' But let's take a moment to further explore some pertinent items that all of this will ultimately lead to. You said, "If I were going to make unprovoked charges which cast serious doubt on the integrity of a colleague, I would make damned sure I had my facts right." (UFO Updates, October 3, 1999) Yet why, Jerome Clark, do you support the integrity of a colleague whose facts you believe to be totally amiss? As Dennis Stacey keenly pointed out, your personal (and publicly professed) suspicion of Ed Walters and Gulf Breeze has not inhibited you from heartily endorsing colleague Bruce Maccabee, the same one who has actively worked to promote Ed Walters and Gulf Breeze. This flaming double-standard serves as a top-notch example of everything that is wrong with ufology, for it incisively highlights your lack of ideological strength and your inability to stand behind the research of the one you promote. Although there is nothing wrong with being a personal friend of a fellow researcher (who may be 'in the wrong'), I see it as a mistake to promote that researcher on a professional or conjectural level while in fundamental disagreement. In other words, I do not believe that the promoter of what you suspect to be a 'hoax' can be also be a competent investigator that can be endorsed and promoted. There is something gravely wrong with this picture. Whether or not you would like to admit your inclusion in an "Old Boy's Club", from this we can see that you are a partaker by your actions, willful or otherwise. Now, Jerome Clark, perhaps it is time for you to get off the fence and stand behind the research of Bruce Maccabee, who you have so heartily promoted, or give us some other reason why anyone should pay serious attention to your future comments. Thanks again, Kenny Young -- UFO Research http://home.fuse.net/ufo/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 6 Re: Abducted? From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 20:53:42 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 11:02:13 -0400 Subject: Re: Abducted? >From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 19:16:55 EDT >Subject: Re: Abducted? >To: updates@globalserve.net Hello young James Please be reminded of this point. >>He said in the end, I can easily believe that it is a case of >>all of these things being true but I can't help but have this >>niggling feeling. >Hi all; Err ditto <g> >This is an issue which carries extreme importance to the >potential abductee. I refer to the question of whether or not >the person has been abducted. This must be an intellectual >conclusion, not an emotional one. Would you care to elaborate please. >It is crucial for this person to accept only his own opinion, >and that opinion must be based on his own research. That >research must be based on the best information available from >multiple, dependable sources. He should spend his time doing >everything he can to study information already written and >prepared by the best authorities, pro and con. There are places >on the Internet he can go in order to help him with this study. I will point him to A.I.C. I have looked at this site created by John and I think it is superb. >In the opinion of many, including myself, this person should >avoid hypnosis until such time as he has reached an honest and >firm conclusion regarding his experiences and is having >difficulty living a normal healthy life. Only then should he >consider hypnosis, if at all. I totally agree. >The "Abduction Information Center" is a good place to start. >Frankly, I have found that in my experience at least, _no one_ >person or entity can tell you whether or not you are an >experiencer. Only you can do that. I tried to convey that to this person. >From what I've read above, your friend has experienced some of >what I and many others have experienced. Means _nothing_! I'm sorry what do you mean by this? >The only one who can make the decision is him, and only after >knowing himself. That's the tough part. Further, he must be >prepared to learn and accept that he may or may not have had >these experiences and be satisfied with that conclusion to the >extent that it does not cloud or distort his ability to think >clearly and objectively on the subject. >Some perceived abductees, on finding that it was merely a piece >of undigested beef, go completely the other way in their belief >system. If they thought they were abducted and find they were >not, they then become lunatics when it comes to anyone who >believes he has been abducted. The opposite is true. >It takes a strong person to understand the truth about himself, >whatever that truth may be. And stronger still to accept the >truth of others in similar situations. Capeesh? So if I read this correctly, if this person works out for himself, using his brain not his emotions that he is the subject of abduction, then he must have the strength of character to deal with it? >There are others monitoring this list, members, who can better >advise than I. I suggest that one or two of you answer this >post. For I may only speak for myself. And everyone knows, I'm >nuttier than aunt Mary's fruitcake, eh? Why Mary's I thought Farmhouse fruitcake was best? >Jim Mortellaro Thank you for your thoughts on this Jim. I would like to point out. >>He said in the end, I can easily believe that it is a case of >>all of these things being true but I can't help but have this >>niggling feeling. A point I pointed out at the start of this post. At the moment he is unsure of his experiences. I have offered him _some_ _possible_ answers but at the end of the day _I_don't_know_ if he is the victim of an abduction experience. He thinks that he probably is not, _but_, and its a big but, he still has this niggling feeling. -- In an infinite universe, infinitely anything is possible. Sean Jones http://www.tedric.demon.co.uk/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 6 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Bill Weber <koran@cchat.com> Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 16:31:14 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 10:54:45 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 00:02:49 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 15:24:19 -0400 >>From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>Date: Fri, 01 Oct 99 18:44:18 PDT >>>You conveniently failed to mention, as I pointed out to >>>you last time around (and as Brian Straight has also >>pointed out to you), that I was responding to vile >>accusations against my character -- accusations, moreover, >>that were hurled without a shred of supporting evidence. >>Mr. Jerome Clark; >>I am most curious to learn what specific and exacting comments >>that were hurled against you which you might consider 'vile >>accusations against your character.' Might it be possible for >>you to please clarify your statement with an issue-related >>example? ><snip> >>Kenny Young >Dear Gentlle Listfolk, >For whatever reason(s), Jerry Clark seems to have become a >lightning rod for personal criticism on this list. I've been >trying to figure out why this is so, and here are a couple of >tentative thoughts (as opposed to ultimate solutions) on the >matter. Hi, Here are some other thoughts as well. Ufology's legitimacy doesn't hinge on Jerry Clark's complete agreement with Maccabee's protocol for saucer picture analysis. (I thought that since photos could be hoaxed, photographer credibility is a factor in photo analysis as well. That is an issue on which reasonable minds may differ. Yes? No?) Clark has produced what in any other area would be standard issue texts, and edits the best scholarly review on the subject I know of. He has steadfastly refused to support the paranoid wing of Ufology and he hasn't hesitated in pointing out the unique stupidity and hypocrisy of pelicanists and psychosocial skeptism. All in all, it makes him an easy target for the ego challenged and both sides of a particularly wacky Ufological isle. Not only that, Jerry Clark is supremely communicative and approachable (if you don't begin an introductory letter with a string of insults), and with all due respect for people like David Jacobs and Budd Hopkins, both of whom seem like admirable people, I don't see either of them on an open list taking any hits for their work. Clark, on the other hand, makes himself accessible. Brian Straight nailed it when he called Clark "the voice of reason" in this most recent fracas. I'd hate to think Clark is a lightening rod for personal attacks simply because he _is_ reasonable, rational and accessible, but I'm beginning to think it's true. Best, Bill

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 6 Re: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 03:24:08 Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 13:49:28 -0400 Subject: Re: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? >Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 15:34:10 >To: updates@globalserve.net >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Subject: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? >Source: 'alt.ufo.reports'. >Stig >*** >From: smurf345@webtv.net >Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports >Subject: Anybody else heard this >Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 22:38:16 -0500 (CDT) <snip> An illuminating post from 'alt.ufo.reports'. Stig *** *** From: john708@webtv.net (John Anderson) Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: Re: Anybody else heard this Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 00:42:40 -0500 (CDT) Hey Smurf Let me guess, you were at ET C-7 in San Diego the first part of 76, right. Several of us there then were scifi fans and regularly read all the magazines. One of them [I want to say Analog, but I'm not sure] featured a story just like what you recounted. Names escape me, it has been over twenty years, but a couple of guys in my class decided to see if they could fish anybody in. One would tell the story, then the other would chime in with the 'I saw the message traffic' routine. It lasted about three weeks, we even talked about it during our class leader meeting once. ETCS thought it was hilarious. Hope this jogs your memory some more. jay ***************

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 6 From Maxwell Burns From: C. <xxxxx.net> Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 18:35:18 -0000 Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 14:03:04 -0400 Subject: From Maxwell Burns Posted for Maxwell Burns ----- To UFO UpDates: This is the first legal opportunity I have had to speak about the case. If the dogs have finished tearing at my flesh I would like to enlighten you as to this travesty of British justice. I would also like to talk about the rules of evidence which you have heard Matthews, Roberts and Clarke talk about so much. On the day of the trial the co-accused Suzanne Bradley and Louise Goodison cut an immunity deal with the police and turned 'Queens' evidence which meant they gave evidence for the crown. On the stand Goodison admitted under cross-examination that she had previously lied and accused her housemate Bradley of lying. Bradley took the stand and accused Goodison of lying. My barrister then listed a large list of convictions that Bradley has already (this was unknown to me and incidentally Bradley's ex-fellow, the father of her son, has just finished a 14 year sentence for heroin importation). These previous convictions include four offences of theft, handling stolen goods and, 1 month before she was arrested with me, a drug-raid at her home found her in possession of cocaine. She admitted to being the target of Operation Morph (the name given to the operation during which I was arrested). Before this time the police had never heard of me. One amazing thing about this case is the complete lack of forensic evidence. Four police officers (whose statements all at one point or another contradict each other) claim I handled this large plastic bag which I supposedly touched with both hands without gloves and then pushed under the cars handbrake. Yet not one fingerprint was found on it. Not one unique little fingerprint on a bag I was supposed to have held and then pushed between two car seats. My barrister in light of this fact asked if I had seen or handled this bag. I replied no. He asked all four officers if they had seen me with the bag and they said yes. My barrister asked if the bag had been sent for testing - it had. Now for fingerprint evidence to be admissible in court 14 reference points are required but there were none. My barrister asked all of the officers if I had been wearing gloves or if gloves had been found in the car. They had not. The bag was tested and no prints were found. So how could I have handled it? My barrister accused all four men of lying and attempting to fabricate evidence. He directly asked the officer in charge of the case if my fingerprints had been found, they had not! Now all I have just said is a matter of public record in a court of law. I have been convicted with no evidence, the four police officers had only conflicting stories to back up their allegations. No one in the car was wearing gloves, whoever placed the package in the car either was wearing gloves or was very careful. I could say more but I am in the process of putting together an appeal. When DC [Detective Constable] Guite - the officer in charge took the stand my interview tapes were played in full from 2 years ago, DC Guite was one of the officers who had questioned me at the time during all three of the interviews. My barrister asked Guite "my client answered every single question you asked him during questioning didn't he?" Guite replied yes. My barrister then asked "My clients version of events did not waiver at all in the three interviews did it?" Guite replied "No it did not" Guite admitted on the stand that I had supplied details of the second hand car dealer who I had arranged to meet that night, the one the crown barrister had stated did not exist. Under the law in a police investigation it is the investigating officers' duty to follow all the leads supplied by a defendant even if the finger of guilt may lead away from the defendant because of it. I had supplied the phone number of the man while detained so that the police could verify my story. My barrister asked if they had contacted the car dealer, to check out the information supplied by me. Guite replied that he had not and had to admit that he had not followed up this lead effectively breaching operating procedure. In fact all four officers had to admit that they had breached procedure in investigating and bringing this case to court. Now whilst you read this next paragraph keep in mind that in sentencing the judge said I am high up in the drugs world, a 'wholesaler'. My barrister asked Guite if he had carried out a full financial check on myself to discover if I had any secret stashes of money, gold, cars, share, houses etc. that could be confiscated in the event of a conviction. Guite replied they had. My barrister asked if they had found any of the trappings associated with such a lifestyle, he replied they had not. My barrister asked Guite if I had any previous convictions or cautions. Guite replied that I did not. My barrister asked about the search of my home and whether any evidence such as drugs, money, lists of names or scales had been found. Guite replied that they had not found any evidence at my home but when prompted admitted they had found drug dealing paraphernalia at the home of Suzanne Bradley. There was no evidence offered to back up the allegations of four police officers (who all admitted breaching procedure) and the two co-defendants. There is no evidence and I should not have been found guilty. Here is an interesting thought for all of you who have been following the Sheffield case. Do you think that it would be a big break in deciding the true facts about the incident if someone were to produce an audio cassette of the launch of the Tornado jets from the base. All the jet-to-base chatter and the pilot-to-pilot chatter and all the police-radio chatter between Ecclefield police station and officers on the ground that night - recorded by a radio ham? It would certainly settle the matter or whether the jets were scrambled on red alert or were just on a training mission, wouldn't it? Watch this screen! I am due for release on the 19th December 2000 if I do not win the appeal. Those of you in ufology who know me know I am not a drug dealer, anyone who would like to keep in touch with me and maybe send me some reading material or articles etc. for which I would be very grateful can do so by writing to: Maxwell Burns DL8712 HMP Oultcourse Higher Lane Fazakerley Liverpool L9 7LH I remain and am most sincerely Maxwell Brierley Burns Convict DL8712 (As relayed via letter to a trusted friend)

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 6 Re: Get Real From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 22:30:12 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 14:23:39 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 19:11:30 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: UFO UpDate: Re: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 20:38:20 -0400 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>I can see how some would see it doesn't reflect reality, but it >>wasn't intended to. Which would you rather have your child >>watch, CE3K or Fire In The Sky? Let kids see something good out >>of all this. >I do not want my children to "see something good out of all of >this", I want them to see the _reality_ of the situation. I do >not want my children growing up as I did believing all kinds of >BS as presented by the government, the entertainment industry >and the religious institutions by which we are so heavily >influenced. I teach my children to enjoy fantasy and reality >but above all, to know the difference between the two. Does this mean there is no good in any experiences? The government denies everything, the entertainment industry is just that, entertainment, and religious institutions believe in a God. Where's the BS (except for maybe the govt.)? I hope your children teach you to enjoy fantasy and realty so you know the difference between the two. Is that why you criticized an entertaining fantasy movie? The logic confuses me, but then again ask anyone, it doesn't take much. <snip> ... And every day we struggle to free ourselves from those >who would have us view the world through rose-colored glasses >with polorizing lens. Being one of those struggling to be free, there is little truth or accountability left in the world. But this is not a subject the whole world is ready for and if we are being conditioned in a mild manner with toys and movies like 'My Stepmother Is An Alien', getting a little less subtle with 'Fire In The Sky', then eventually we will 'all' be ready and someone out there will say "ok, it's time". My girlfriend wouldn't see Fire In the Sky because she was afraid it would give her nightmares and she's 38. Do you think she's ready? You and your's may be ready and educated in this field, but take the 80% of the planet that isn't. You've experienced the horror of it, that 80% hasn't. I'm not saying it's something that should be accepted as good because I know it's not. I know JV, I know he's telling the truth and I'm sure you are just as strong in your convictions as he is. But where's the productivity in ripping apart a fantasy movie? Perhaps Spielberg will now do a CE3K, The Sequel, based on the facts and if it ever happens, I hope for all the abductees' sakes, he interviews everyone who has been abducted to get the facts straight because, this time, it will be for real. >Obviously, Sue, my post was not stated within the parameters of >your perceptions. I apologize for not making my point more >decipherable. >Amy >Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com" I meant no disrespect, but why do people have to disect something that was not based on reality at the time? If we assume it was based on reality because we know it is real, then I guess we can start criticizing the Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, Lost in Space, My Favourite Martian, Back to the Future, ET, Casper the 'Friendly' Ghost... take your pick. My parameters are often alot broader than others. I'm also sorry you could not see the direction of my message and for what it's worth, I wish you success in your endeavours. And I wish the world was as Norman Rockwell painted it. I know it could be, but it ain't that rosey either. But he saw the good in life and I call that 'humanity damage control'. He also saw and experienced the horrors of life but didn't shove it down our throats because alot of people didn't want to see it. Saving Private Ryan, The Cold War Series, Trinity, Unit 731... the timing of these is called 'anger control'. Picture the world 50 years ago knowing and, more importantly, seeing the 'facts'. It's a pathetic tool the governments use until the threat, horror and pain have eased over time to become less a threat to their own accountability. "Oh yah, that happened but you can't do anything now, it's history." The more something becomes public knowledge the more likely the governments will eventually confess they knew all along. They've proven that they were not totally honest or open on alot of issues and I wouldn't be at all surprised if they fess up someday about aliens and abductions, etc. I hope it's in our lifetime. I _am_ on your side. Sue "Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant, never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion of which the human spirit is capable." -Bertrand Russell

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 6 Re: Get Real From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 23:08:01 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 17:18:27 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >From: Bob Young <YoungBob2@aol.com> >Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 11:05:54 EDT >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >>Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 18:24:25 -0500 >>Fwd Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 09:51:16 -0400 >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>I have interviewed and investigated enough individuals who claim >>to have been abducted to know that people _are_ being abducted. >>I have seen the scars, the marks, the fear these individuals >>experience. Saddest of all, I have talked with the children who >>must endure being ripped from the security of their families and >>homes and subjected to "alien" environments and procedures in >>every sense of the word. When it comes to the children, my >>anger boils and I become able to fully understand the extent of >>these violations. _No_ child should _ever_ have to endure these >>atrocities. It's the pictures the children draw, the nightmares >>they must live and the inability to feel safe...anywhere...that >>makes the true nature of abductions horribly clear >Dear Amy: >What if you are wrong, and the "alien" interpretation of these >events is terribly wrong? What if this interpretation is >encouraging and stimulating this thing? What would you tell >these children, then? >Clear skies, >Bob Young Perhaps the 'alien' interpretation is that humans can and do endure all kinds of pain and suffering. If they've been watching us, they must know we can and we do. As they have small and tall ones, perhaps they can't differentiate between children and adults. Or perhaps they're dissecting us because we did it to them first or because they see us doing it to our own. Perhaps it's of our own fault these things are happening to us. Heaven forbid we would have an influence on our celestial neighbours. Maybe if we stopped hurting each other, they would stop hurting us. Just another ramble from Sue

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 6 The Purpose Of Abductions From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 05:46:05 +0200 (MET DST) Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 17:21:42 -0400 Subject: The Purpose Of Abductions Hi listfolk, In the thread 'Get Real' a debate was started about what right the 'aliens' had to abduct people. This debate touched upon the question what the purpose of abductions really was. A remark by Terry Evans struck me. His wife had told him: "It seems like they are stealing my emotions." I have a suspicion this goes some way toward understanding what 'abductions' are about. Anyone who has read the abduction stories by Strieber, Mack, Hopkins et al. will note that 'abductees', once they are brought inside the spaceship, are being fed images of apocalyptic scenario's. The earth explodes, the moon breaks up, the ocean level rises, shit will happen in the future. Many 'abductees' come back from these sessions believing that the aliens are in their own way trying to warn us of impending disaster. If we go on like this we will destroy the earth. The rain forest will disappear, climatic changes will happen in such a way that the earth will become inhabitable, etc. Many 'abductees' have asked their abductors why they have been abducted. The response by the aliens has always been something in the sense that the 'abductees' were 'chosen'. 'Chosen' was never specified. Chosen for what? An assessment of the purpose of abductions can start with an evaluation of what we know about the apocalyptic visions that the abductees were being fed. Have they happened? Are they happening? Will they happen? The answer to those questions is in all three cases no. Has the world come to a virtual end? No, of course not. Things have been improving steadily for most of the world's population. This while abductions seem to have been going on for decades. According to anecdotal testimony in any case, the first abductions started before World War II at least. Is the world as we know it going to end in the foreseeable future? In the last months I have taken up an interest in all things environmental. The brief, and somewhat blunt, conclusion I have drawn from the articles I have read about various environmental topics is that there is literally nothing that indicates that the earth's ecosystem is going to be out of balance in the coming decades or that natural fossils will dry up before alternative energy resources are available. There is enough oil, natural gas and coal to fuel the world for decades to come. New reserves are being found as quickly as old reserves are being used up. Alternative energy resources, like solar electricity and wind energy, can take over large parts of energy consumption even in our age should the necessity occur. All kinds of measures have been taken against chemical pollutants, like led in gasoline, CO2s, CFC's. Advanced filters can filter even the tiniest particles of pollutants out of gas emissions. Some decades from now most western countries will have their gasoline consuming cars replaced by cars with fuel cells. California and Iceland have introduced legislation to start this process a few years ago in their respective areas. Furthermore, the greenhouse effect has never been demonstrated to exist, the ozone layer is growing again and, most important of all, the growth in world populations is likely to stall somewhere in the middle of the 21st century. And the western security regime based on 'mutual assured destruction' (you throw an A-bomb at us, you get one back) has ceased to exist. Worldwide corrupt governments are being replaced by democratically elected ones. Hardly evidence that the world is going in the tank. To the contrary, the world is a far better place than it was, say 50 years ago, and things will have improved considerably 50 years from now. So the 'aliens' have been feeding their abductees total bogus. Many abductees don't seem to realize this. Strieber is a prime example. His writings (books, website) contain somber material about changes in the earth's climate, material that Strieber thinks is information that he should convey to the world, in his way trying to help fending off real disasters that lie in the future. Strieber is apparently buying the notion that he was 'chosen' to do a certain kind of work that will help save the world. But the real purpose of his 'abductions' was IMO only to study his emotions. Strieber himself gives a clue to this in his earliest work 'Communion'. At one point he is shown the image of his son in a remote, silent place. He gets the feeling that 'his son is dead'. Now of course, his son hasn't died, has grown up and is an adult now. In other words the image of his dead son, like the apocalyptic images, was bogus. While Strieber observed the various horror scenario's - end of the world or dead son - the aliens did only one thing: they watched and observed. Now my suggestion is that this observation of emotions lies at the core of the purpose of abductions. Many 'abductees' and students of the phenomenon have concluded that 'we' have something and 'they' want it. The suggestion that they want our emotions seems to be the answer. That could also explain an observation that several researchers have made. When studying the characteristics of abductees several students have noted that abductees tend to be working in professions that require some amount of artistic creativity, in other words the skill of expressing emotions in an artistic product. For that, one has to 'understand' emotions. Other researchers noted that abductees have higher than average empathic skills. In other words, the ability to 'feel what another person feels'. So abductees seem to have a richer emotional life. Furthermore, one could also assume that this category of people has a higher potential for telepathic reception, the means of communication that the 'aliens' employ. This 'Quest for Emotions' hypothesis also ties in with another reported aspect of the abduction scenario: reproductive interbreeding. Instead of simply copying human sperm and ova to crossbreed with alien DNA, the aliens continually insist on involving the 'donor' in the reproductive process, so to speak. The result seems to be that the 'parent' is aware, during the abduction at least, of his or her own offspring and develops an emotional bond with the child. Again the aliens 'get' some of our emotions. Now most of the previous has been expressed in some form or another in various books and magazines. But when I realized that most of the apocalyptic visions that have been shown to abductees haven't materialized and, to all appearances, will not materialize in the foreseeable future, some of the pieces of the puzzle fell into place for me. Of course, I could be wrong, but for the moment, I find it an attractive hypothesis. One more thing. A recent article in a Dutch newspaper mentioned a study that was done to compare the empathic abilities of the Dutch compared to Americans. It appeared that the Americans were on average far more capable of sensing another person's emotions that the Dutch. I am not aware of any other studies in which other nationalities were studied on this topic. If the Quest for Emotions theory is right and if Americans score better compared to other nationalities as well, this could yet explain another aspect of the abduction phenomenon, namely that so many reports come out of the US. Of course, the media factor does certainly play a role here, but there might be other causes as well.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 01:06:01 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:26:43 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> >Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 22:20:09 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 00:02:49 -0500 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>The Gulf Breeze case may serve as an example. On the one hand, >>Clark says that he remains personally suspicious (or dubious) of >>the Ed Walters pictures and of Walters himself as a reliable >>witness. On the other, he professes faith in Bruce Maccabee both >>as a friend, fellow ufologist, and photoanalyst. In the end, >>Clark seems to say, we've simply agreed to disagree about the >>nature (and ultimate reality) of Gulf Breeze, differences of >>opinion being permitted among all honorable ufologists.> >>What drives Clark's critics to extremity, I think, is precisely >>this perceived disconnect between a difference of opinion and >>the evidence allegedly at hand. After all, Maccabee is either an >>accomplished photoanalyst -- or something less in that >>particular field. If Maccabee _is_ an accomplished photoanalyst, >>by Clark's own admission, then upon what other doubts are his >>own dismissal of the Walters' photos based? Similarly, if Clark >>photographs, then he must have at least something less than >>total confidence in Maccabee's resounding analysis of same as >>the real thing. So which is it? >Actually, it shouldn't be difficult to understand Jerry's >ambiguity on this case - but perhaps I find it easier because I >share it. >On the one hand, experience tells us that multiple encounter >cases, especially when accompanied by photos are _typically_ >hoaxes. Further, the extension of these encounters across an >extended period is suspicious. Also, there are many aspects of >the UFO itself which differ from what we might expect - >especially in regard to the configuration and presentation of >luminosity on the object. Finally, the reporting of a case to >newspeople rather than police is yet another suspicious >indicator. >At the same time, photoanalysis poses some real problems. >Attempts to construe these photos as double-exposures have not >survived additional tests. Attempts to discover a motive for a >hoax have not found one. Attempts to find model making equipment >and expertise have foundered. A model found in a house was >discovered under controversial circumstances. The stereo photos >are even more difficult to hoax than the original photos, >especially when compared with the Nimslo photos.> >Ultimately, Bruce can have done an excellent job of analysis, >failed to find a way to hoax the photos, and then it might turn >out that a slightly different way of looking at things can show >how this could be done. No fault of Bruce's or even his >methodology. Those of you who have been following this increasingly "exruciating" thread have no doubt noticed that, although this discussion has been carried on "in my name" (see title above), I have studiously avoided it and let poor Jerry take the slings and arrows of cruel fate. Now we have Dennis and Mark trumping in, so I guess I should make some comments. First, note how the initial reason for this discussion has evaporated into thin air... in fact a lot of hot air. Recrimination has replaced scientific discussion. Dennis brought back some sanity by pointing out the seeming illogic in (a) accepting that I have some skills as a photoanalyst while (b) doubting the results of my analysis. Or, to be more specific, where is the logic in rejecting the Walter's case as a hoax and yet being ambivalent about rejecting my photoanalysis in the Walters (and other) photo case? After all, if Walters hoaxed his photos, then photoanalysis should prove the hoaxing....right? (wrong) Mark has pointed out that, in a sense, both choices could be correct: I might be good at photo analysis and my analysis might be correct, yet I might have missed something. However, it's not quite that simple, Mark, because, there is also the "battle of the Titans" aspect. Black has declared Titan Hyzer the winner. People who, for non- technical reasons, doubt Ed's veracity (i,e, they don't know beans about photoanalysis but base their "gut feels" on the circumstantial evidence), would tend to agree with Black (who, himself is not capable of deciding on technical grounds who is correct... in spite of "years" of indirect instruction by me!). Unfortunately I do not have a "shill" to stand up and declare me the winner. But that's understandable. The pro-UFO position is always the underdog. So, what should the poor untechnical ufoloist do? Hand the crown to the guy who screams the loudest (Black) or sit back and wait. Consider my approach to the Meier case. I can't say that Meier never had a UFO sighting... and he might even be an abductee. But I never use his sightings/photos as evidence that UFOs are real....and, believe me, many people have asked why not? (The answer is I have found faults with some of his films..and this little statement will probably start yet another pro-Meier discussion! PLEASE, NO!) One could take the same approach to the Walters case: never use it as evidence of ufo reality. But, of course, it won't go away. And, for those who feel it is a complete hoax, it becomes a matter of embarrassment. And I suppose it is even more of an embarrassment to find that I have supported the case. It is an embarrassment because if I endorse an "obvious" (to the skeptic) hoax, then how can anyone trust anything else I have done? Consider one "serious" implication of doubting about my analysis of the GB case (and by this I mean Ed Walters' sightings and photos between Nov' 1987 and May 1988; there is MUCH MUCH never gets discussed): if you can't trust my GB analysis, then you can't trust my other analyses and that means that all the work I have done in the past MUST BE REDONE BY SOMEONE OF COMPARABLE (or greater?) COMPETENCE..... and there probably isn't someone willing to undertake that job! Well, I had the same problem of whom to believe when I was "growing up." Back in the dark ages of the '60's and 70's similar questions were raised but the names were different. Could you believe Keyhoe? Could you believe Lorenzen? There were arguments between Keyhoe/NICAP and the Lorenzens/APRO, representing the largest UFO groups at the time. They disagreed on certain cases. And then there was another entity, the absence of which has caused the ire of ufologists to be turned against each other. I refer, of course, to "The Government" as represented by Project Blue Book. Without such a "universal antagonist" ufologists have nothing to attack but each other. Oh, yes, there are always the traditional skeptics, but they just do not have the high profile that Blue Book did. I should point out that I felt the sting of nearly universal disapproval 11.5 years ago (!) when the GB case investigation was underway but far c from completed.. And, I could understand the reason for the disapproval: ufology and ufologists already suffer the rejection of society in general (there are no UFOs/ETs so ufologists are misguided, dreamers, con men or just plain jerks) and so there is no need for another reason to be rejected. There was plenty of desire to find "one great case" that would justify ufology once and for all (by proving "UFOs are real") but there was ABSOLUTELY NO desire for another hoax that would make ufologists look ridiculous...again (for the nth time, in the limit that n goes to infinity). Therefore when the GB case came along looking like another albatross to hang around the neck of ufology some people apparently decided it was better to drown the bird immediately than to give it a chance to fly. They concluded in short order that the Walters case was a hoax and all the other reports were part of the "me too"syndrome that often accompanies a UFO flap. In other words, the other reports, if truly inspired by actual sightings, were only misidentifications (and, perhaps a couple of non-walters hoaxes). The public cry of "hoax" began in April, 1988, about 5 months after the first Walters photos. This was before I had finished my investigation (and, of course, the local GB investigators were still "on the job" nearly twenty four hours a day). IUR took a leading position in promoting the "hoax" theory based largely on the claims by Robert Boyd and Willy Smith. MUFON, by contrast, took a neutral to pro stance based on personal investigation by Walter Andrus (who visited GB himself) and Budd Hopkins (who was the person who initially contacted me to see if I could do a photo analysis; my initial impression was that this was another Meier-type case; however, I was not able to prove that impression). By the time I presented the results of my investigation at the 1988 MUFON symposium.... in a 2 1/5 hour lecture Saturday evening to a packed house....the "world" had neatly divided into two camps. The anti camp was, I presume, aghast at the fact that I did not call the case a hoax. The neutral to pro camp probably wasn't overjoyed at the fact that I stated I couldn't prove it was a hoax,but I couldn't positively establish reality either, but it was too early to rule Ed out. The investigation did not end with the July 1988 MUFON symposium, It continued unabated through the following years. And, of course, so did the sightings, by Ed and by hundreds of others. So, where do we stand now? If you look at J. Black's pronouncements, it all comes down to photo 19. Is it a double exposure or a photo of a real object "out there" over the road? He claims that Hyzer has proved it a double exposure because there is no reflection in the truck hood. This lack of a reflection was first analysed in the summer of 1988, two years before Hyzer and Black appeared on the scene, and the reason for a lack of a reflection was discovered. That has been explained numerous times but the explanation has not been accepted by Black et al. SO, what is the onlooker to do? Appeal to another authority? (The only photoanalyst other then myself to have Ed's original photo to look at is Jeff Sainio, and he also rejects the hoax hypothesis.) How about ignore photo 19 as an enigma and look at other data? Now, there's a neat idea. Note that Hyzer looked at 8 by 10 blowups (copies) of 10 or 12 of Ed's two dozen photos. He based his analysis on these and did not study all the other photographic and non-photographic information. Of particular interest, as mentioned by Mark above, Hyzer did not analyze the stereo photos of February (Nimslo camera) and May (SRS camera). It was these sets of photos which put it over the top for me. I managed to figure out how to hoax them AFTER Ed had taken the photos. I also realized there was no way Ed would have figured it out before I did. (You can't read about this stuff in books..descriptions of stereo cameras such as Ed made just ain't there!) I also had done something that neither Black nor Hyzer had done: I had talked to Ed for hours by phone, had visited his house, had visited the sites of the photos, etc. I was always probing for information that could break the case but I never found any. I had done something else neither Black nor Hyzer had done: I studied dozens of related sightings that had been investigated by the local investigators and met many of the other witnesses myself. (I also had a sighting of my own in GB in Sept. 1991) Returning to Mark's writing: >Photoanalysis of UFO photos can never be conclusive. The >photoanalyst operates in a context of available information and >uses his imagination to contrive ways to fake what he has >available in such a way as to not violate any of the >characteristics of the photos themselves. But his imagination >may be unable to find the method the hoaxer found. A lawyer once told me that a case is not made on physical evidence because the physical evidence can always be disputed by experts. The case is made on circumstantial evidence. Here in the GB case the skeptics have put all their money on proving that Photo 19 is a hoax . If they could prove this they could argue by extension that all the photos are a hoax. They would like to ignore the circumstantial evidence. The also ignore the following counter argument: there are photos which Ed took which contain photo information that rejects the hoax hypothesis. That is, the simple double exposure hypothesis which has been claimed by Hyzer and numerous others, CANNOT explain some of the photos (neither can models, etc..... this is all presented ad nauseum in my MUFON Symp paper). Does that mean that the photos must, therefore be real? Note the asymmetry here: if photo 19 has photographic information consistent with a double exposure then it must be so, and all the other photos (and sighting testimony, and video, and stereo photos) must be a big hoax. On the other hand, if photographic information in photo 19 cannot be shown to absolutely prove a hoax, and if other photos have information that conflicts with the hoax hypothesis, this does not prove that the photos were not hoaxed. Why? Because IN PRINCIPLE, one can always escalate the assumed complexity or difficulty of the hoax. This, of course, also requires an escalation of the assumed capability of the hoaxer. And here is where the CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence mentioned above plays a key role. I realized during my initial investigation (spring, 1988) that the technical sophistication needed to produce the single Polaroid photos as double exposure hoax photos did not seem at all consistent with what I could determine to be Walters' photographic' capability.... which was nearly nil! But, even granted that he might have been figured out how to use the Polaroid camera to create double exposures (which I proved could be done with his camera by someone who knew what he was doing - me - and I did it right in front of his face, but he didn't realize when I was hoaxing him with a double exposure I made!), I could not accept the idea that he knew enough to hoax the stereo photos taken with the SRS camera.. Back to Mark: >In other words, the analyst can be competent and the photos >can still be faked. This isn't so strange. Every science has >multiple voices speaking about the same data. Not all of them >are right, but it doesn't mean that those who are wrong are >incompetent. Yes, and based on what Mark says above, you can't trust photo analysis to tell you anything EXCEPT, perhaps, to provide positive evidence of a hoax. For example, a photo that shows a UFO image with a fine straight line above it is probably a photo of a model hanging on a string. To look at this another way, anyone would be hard pressed to argue that such a picture was real. On the other hand,the most perfect photo could, in principle, have been faked.Therefore you need to study the CIRCUMSTANTIAL INFORMATION in the case (testimony, etc.) to arrive at a conclusion. A perfect example of the failure of photoanalysis to take into account the circumstantial evidence in the Walters' case is in Hyzer's analysis of photo 1. Hyzer invented or discovered a technique that could, in principle, result in a photo such as photo 1 in which the UFO image is partially blocked by the darker tree image. This could NOT be a simple double exposure of the type Ed could do with his camera because in a simple double exposure the image of the brighter UFO (model) would "bleed through" the darker image of the tree. Hyzer knew this. Therefore he invented a much more sophisticated technique, and then implied that Ed has used that technique. In other words, Hyzer was implying that Ed was as photographically sophisticated as Hyzer, even though Ed had had NO training in scientific photography and Hyzer had years of such training. When I learned of Hyzer's technique I tried to duplicate it..and was unable to do so because the requirements on brightness were so stringent. (Then Sainio discovered a certain aspect of photo 1 which proved that the brightness requirements of Hyzer's technique had not been met at the time the photo was taken and that discovery removed the Hyzer technique from consideration.... leaving the photo as it was before, impossible to be a simple double exposure). Of course, the bottom line is that the circumstantial evidence played a role here: it pointed strongly against the assumption that Ed would have had sufficient knowledge to independently develop and use Hyzer's special double exposure technique. So where does this leave us? I know a heck of a lot more about this case than all of the skeptics combined and all this information tells me to gird up my loins and stand pat. I'm not budging, barring some new and convincing proof of a hoax (and, yes, I've already been through the model and Tommy Smith, both of which have been thoroughly discredited). The anti-Ed faction will assume that I am doing this all for money and because I am reluctant to admit I was wrong. Well, of course I would be reluctant to admit I was wrong, but I see no reason to at the present. Please keep in mind that I started out as skeptical as some and more skeptical than most in this case. Furthermore, I was in a unique position of being able to investigate while things were happening and even to have an effect on the types of photos taken (SRS stereo photos were my idea). There were also numerous other investigators also running around doing their own things and keeping the heat on. But most important for my investigation was the fact that I asked Ed to do many experiments with his cameras (Polaroid and SRS), experiments that could have blown his case out of the water many times over within the first couple of months of my investigation had I detected any faking. But Ed was always very cooperative and he did the experiments. I was left with the choice of assuming that he was a supremely confident hoaxer with an extremely good knowledge of the scientific principles behind photography and was also a supremely good extemporaneous actor who could construct, in a moments notice, the correct or logical response to questions and comments that he could not foresee, and who could present these responses as the natural responses of a photographically uneducated person, and maintain the consistency of the lies over a period of months (never forgetting the tall tales he made up on the spot)...... or else he was telling the truth, which is a hell of a log easier than remembering a pack of lies. . I also spoke many times with his then-wife, Frances. She backed Ed up 100%. (NOTE: Frances was involved in several sightings herself, most notably the "Frances and Blue Beam" event which Hyzer did not analyze, but Sainio did. This photo shows Frances running in through the left side of the door, from the perspective of the camera, while a vertical blue beam is seen at the left side near her right arm. Jeff discovered that the blue sweater Frances was wearing had an odd, unexplainable glow on the right sleeve closest to the blue beam, as if radiation from the beam had caused this portion of the sweater to glow a bit. Sainio's conclusion was based on analysis of the ORIGINAL photo along with comparison photos made during several hours of attempts to reconstruct the photographic scene with Frances wearing the same sweater suit and Ed using the same camera and the same type of film. I was present during these reconstruction photo tests and could verify the amount of time spent and film used in trying to get the reconstruction accurate. Had Ed and Frances hoaxed the original photo I'm sure they would have refused to cooperate with the extensive experimental "program" I put them through. Photos of the sweater sleeve made during the reconstruction attempts did not have an excessive glow. This work was presented in Sainio's 1992 MUFON Symposium paper. This photo, to the best of my knowledge, has never been mentioned by the skeptics.... and I can imagine why! It cannot be explained as a double exposure or as some other kind of trick that Ed could have carried off using the Polaroid camera.) As a final clue, consider the following: Ed and Frances divorced in late 1992. For about a year before that Frances was going through an emotion state which caused her to talk to various friends and acquaintances about her relationship with Ed. I have talked to some of the people Frances talked to. Anyone who has been through such a thing is aware that one person is likely to say as nasty things as possible about the other under these circumstances. I have been told that never once did Frances imply that the UFO sightings had been made up be Ed. When asked, she always asserted that the UFO events did happen as she and Ed reported. The skeptics will say, "Well, of course she wouldn't say anything. After all, she was getting part of the royalties from the book!" Well, guess what guys, the royalties were a trivial matter. Certainly no more than a few K per year, if that much. Small potatoes as compared to the $2M they split when they separated. And most of that money had come from years of building houses, not from selling a UFO book. For those of you antiGB skeptics who question the accuracy of my analysis of the New Zealand case, I should warn you to STAY AWAY FROM a recent paper published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. the title is ATMOSPHERE OR UFO: A RESPONSE TO THE SSE UFO PANEL. This is the only paper so far) to respond directly to the disappointing UFO review panel that report published in the JSE in the summer of 1998 (the review panel took place 2 year ago) DANGER: this paper contains a discussion of FILM (as well as radar ), so caveat emptor. Another paper you should be wary of is PROSAIC EXPLANATIONS: THE FAILURE OF UFO SKEPTICISM which can be found at www.isso.org under "writings". This to contains (shudder) analysis of the New Zealand film. So, BEWARE!

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: bruce maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 01:06:07 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:26:43 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 17:33:24 +0100 >Hi, >I have been following this debate but trying to keep out of its >personal edges as I don't wish to say anything that might offend >people that I consider friends. When in truth I don't have >fundamental disputes with Bruce, Dennis or Jerry. >However, I guess I should say my piece about Gulf Breeze. I >think it is pretty reflective of views amongst many UK >researchers given what I have heard in various debates. >Like Jerry I have serious reservations about this case. Have had >from day one. My reasons are many and varied, but as a for >instance I know (from first hand investigation of similar cases) >that a lot of video taken from there depicts home made balloons. >You can even see the plastic dribbling down. Whoops. You must be referring to the "Bubba" videos taken between Nov. 1990 and July, 1992. Whatever was "dribbling down" was not melted/burning plastic. The most reasonable conventional explanation would be burning chemicals from flares. Keep in mind that some of these things were videoed from as far as 5 miles away according to triangulation. That placed them at high altitude and required considerable brightness. However, I have rejected the simple gas bag balloon/flare hypothesis based on the fact that several of these objects were determined to triangulation to have moved against the known wind direction and in som cases at speeds over 30 mph. Tough job for gas bag balloons. The only hoax hypothesis that meets the technical criteria (the observed and recorded physical phenomena) is the following: a motor-driven "blimp" of small size with special pyrotechnic compositions that can change color (white to red and then to white) and can flash white at a high rate of speed (recorded on video; brightness changes from zero to maximum in 1/30 sec or less) like fast strobe lights. >Subsequent hoaxes >does not mean the starting case was a fake, of course. But there >is sufficient contradictory evidence to be at least open to >doubt. If asked about the case I usually say, to my mind >truthfully, that Gulf Breeze is not an encounter I would cite as >part of a strong scientific defence of UFO reality. And really >that is the only fair assessment. It is not proven nor disproven >but (unlike McMinnville for instance) far more in the balance to >be unduly optimistic and so not, for me, a case I would ever >base any conclusions around. One day the truth may out. I >somehow suspect that this will prove more embarrassing to the >believers than to those being cautious. But that is merely my >assessment of the evidence I have seen. So, Jenny states here what I have said about th Meier case in another message: if you don't "believe" in it, don't refer to it. >What is certainly true with Gulf Breeze, like any other widely >touted incident, is that its hype is bigger than its value to >science. Yes, but even from a neutral point of view (don't know whether real or not) one could say that if there were any scientific value to it, that value has been severely compromised by the controversy. > But also the PR is sure to have trawled in some local >cases that we might never have heard about and that may be in >the long run of more interest. This is true, and happened. Unfortunately the skeptics are so dead set against Ed that they find they have to throw out all the GB cases in order to be consistent. >I find this, for instance, with the hype of the Bonnybridge, >Scotland 'window'. In my research into the genesis of this area <snip> >without the belief that the location is special. I think the >same is true of Gulf Breeze. We may have more good cases from >here because of the (incorrect) assumption that it is a special >place. There certainly are a lot of good non-Ed cases from GB, ranging from Nov 1987 through recent years. However the "specialness" of Gulf Breeze is now in the past. Although there have been bried periods of multiple sightings, like a volcano that bursts forth and castes its ejecta widely and then settles back for another long nap, Gulf Breeze has returned to its previous condition of .... a few good sightings a year. >This occurs largely because if you take any place - call it >Anytown - this might, for instance, have 100 sightings per year. >Research shows that at best 5 of these will be publicly >reported. The rest will not for fear of ridicule etc. If that >happens Anytown looks like, well any town. But if through social >factors Anytown is made into a special case circumstances >combine to up the percentage of cases reported. Anytown might >thus produce 50 cases in the next year - ten times the norm and >ten times the level of other similar places. It looks special >but in truth it isn't. Yet we gain from its false specialness >because we obtain cases we might not see. Yes. >As such Gulf Breeze is not a simple case of real or fake, its a >maelstrom of different forces at work. It is proper not to be >totally committed to one view or another for this reason. Yeah, and I nearly got stifled in that maelstrom! >As for Jerry distrusting the essence of the main Gulf Breeze >case but trusting Bruce Maccabee. I don't find that odd. I feel >the same way. Bruce clearly knows his stuff. I listen to what he >says about photo cases. Gee, thanks.... but how would you know? Just because I say things that SOUND or APPEAR logical doesn't mean they are. > Like Jerry I don't always agree with his >findings, Are you referring to photographic findings? And by what logic do you reject my photographic findings? Is is because what I say does not seem consistent with non-photoraphic information from other sources? Or are you able to independently evaluate my photographic findings? And, if so, why pay any attention to what I say? (NOTE: I'm not trying to refer to a specific case here, but rather to echo the cry of illogic brought up by Dennis ealier. You say "he knows his stuff" and "I listen to what he has to say about photo cases" and then you say you don't always agree with my findings. Bad girl! Forty Lashes with a wet Noodle!) >but I sure do respect them as I would any person with >a proven track record that is clearly an expert in a field. >Thus to me there is no dichotomy here. >The case is a confusion. The >evidence is in parts conflicting. I know how I feel >instinctively about its status from a summation of that >evidence. But I also recognise that Bruce is better able to >judge photographs than I am and to simply wave that away >because I don't feel at ease with the case would not be objective >investigation. It is proper to give his assessment due weight, >without having to make it the basis for total belief in any >case. Sometimes in an ambiguous situation, or at least a situation that APPEARS ambiguous to an investigator, the only "solution" is to agree to disagree. <snip> >Ufology is not often a precise science. It is possible to have a >gut feeling about a case, to weigh the totality of evidence and >suspect one thing but not to be able to prove such a suspicion. >When that happens you do as I believe Jerry is here suggesting. >You listen to what everyone says. You believe what nobody says. >You weigh up in your mind what you think. And you comment >publicly in defence of only what can be shown beyond reasonable >doubt to be true. I don't find that an unreasonable philosophy >to live by. Question Everything. Believe Nothing. And get Nowhere! Ultimately you have only yourself to trust... and sometimes you can't even trust yourself. When confronted with an argument between experts in a field for which you have no training, whatever that may be, you may have to decide to ignore the situation and go elsewhere. That would be my advice to kindly young Jerry Black: you've made your point. Now go do something else.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Get Real From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 02:35:21 -0500 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:26:43 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >From: Bob Young <YoungBob2@aol.com> >Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 11:05:54 EDT >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: updates@globalserve.net >What if you are wrong, and the "alien" interpretation of these >events is terribly wrong? What if this interpretation is >encouraging and stimulating this thing? What would you tell >these children, then? Me, wrong? I suppose it could happen. ;> As for the "alien" interpretation of these events, please note that I refer to them as the "abductors" not as "aliens". I recognize them by what they _do_ not by what they are or are not. The Abductors have been described as everything from robots, aliens and hybrids to humans, demons, angels and multidimensionals. I do not profess to know who or what they are only that someone or something _is_ abducting people against their wills. I do not interpret who is doing the abductions or for what reasons. I focus on the behaviors and the events described. I know full well the deceptive natures of the abduction phenomena. But until more information is forthcoming, I try not to speculate too far beyond the obvious. I know something is happening to people and I study the phenomenon without drawing premature conclusions or poo-pooing it. Not all who claim to have been abducted are actually abductees but some are. As a psychotherapist, I know how the mind can deceive oneself and others. I also know how hard we tend to fight to maintain familiar paradigms in the face of the unknown. I do not tell anyone they are or are not abductees nor do I say anyone has or has not been abducted by aliens (or anything else). I do not tell the children anything now or at anytime. I only listen and research. How I can or anyone tell them anything when we do not know what is really going on? Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Get Real From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 03:11:20 -0500 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:26:43 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 16:19:44 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: Get Real >If aliens are coming from another planet, they can do what the >hell they like to us, except in as much as we have the physical >power to stop them. To talk about a "right" not to be abducted >by aliens is as absurd as talking about a "right" not to be >killed in an earthquake or drowned by a tidal wave. Dear John, _If_ "aliens", beings, entities or some consciousness (I'm trying to be more politically correct here) are encountered, then we have only our time tested morals and laws to guide us in relationships with other worldly beings. It does not make sense to allow beings with superior technology to automatically override our own standards of conduct just because we feel helpless or inferior. To assume beings of other worldy or multidimensional origins have the right to abduct people just because they have the might does not give them the right to so no matter what you or anyone may say. Obviously you do not understand what rights are or what they mean. All beings of the universe have rights. Whether they give up or fight it makes no difference. Neither superior intellect nor superior technology can void one's rights to self-determination and free will. We all have rights whether we acknowledge them or not. Aliens or any beings that abduct are not acts of nature, they commit acts upon others by choice. Earthquakes cannot make choices. Nuf said. Until we establish our rights within our _own_ consciousness as well as to any beings we may encounter we may be abused and discounted. It is not that we do not have rights, only that we have not upheld those rights for all. Look at how we tolerate our governments' lies claiming there is nothing we can do about it. We all have rights. Whether or not we exercise those rights is another matter entirely. Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: AIC Website From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 16:52:02 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:26:43 -0400 Subject: Re: AIC Website Hello All, Today I closed down the AIC Interactive e-mail list which was a service I provided for those who suspected they were having UFO/abduction related experiences. The website has always (up until now) been a private resource for the members of AIC. I am now opening it up to the general public. All are welcome to peruse its contents and study the material that is archived there. A couple of the pages have become disabled. (The "Articles" pages and some of the Stewart Appelle articles) I am working to correct it. In the meantime, some 90% of the site -is- online and available. Go to: http://www.if-aic.com/AIC/Members/ A log on dialog box will appear asking you for a 'username' and 'password.' Type in the following: username: john password: grey98 The dialog box is 'cAsE sEnSItiVe' so type it in _as_written_ or it won't let you in. AIC is too valuable an archive to remove from the web so I'm opening it up to all. It will shortly become available _exclusively_ on Jeff Rense's interactive, 3D website "RenseWorld." I will post a public announcement when I have completed construction. In the meantime, enjoy this offering on the open Web. Sincerely, John Velez, Webmaster AIC ________________________________________________ jvif@spacelab.net ABDUCTION INFORMATION CENTER http://www.if-aic.com/ "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind." ________________________________________________

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: RPIT - A Reminder From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 16:23:11 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:26:43 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >From: Gildas Bourdais <GBourdais@aol.com> >Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 17:09:51 EDT >Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >To: updates@globalserve.net Dear Gildas, and List. >>From: James Bond Johnson <JBONJO@aol.com> >>Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1999 00:46:35 EDT >>Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >>To: updates@globalserve.net ><snip> >To J Bond Johnson, Neil Morris and List, >Thank you again for your answer. >The accumulation of contradictory testimonies tends to obscure >things more and more. >What remains clear in my opinion is this: on the photographs, >at least those with Ramey and DuBose, what we see is balloon and >radar target debris. I respect your opinion, but I do ask you to seriously review the following items which challenge this belief. The attached image is taken from MarcelRight _but_ this same piece of debris _is_ in the RameyDubose image though it has been moved around somewhat. (A) Points to a twisted piece of metalic debris, please note how thick this metal sheet is, far thicker than the "foil" used on the ML307 reflectors, also both sides of this sheeet, due to the twist can be seen, _no_ backing paper in sight _if_ it were a piece of reflector foil. (B'-B") B' points to an embossed of stamped area on the debris sheet, B" indicates a continuation of this further down the sheet seen on the reverse side. (C) Points to an obvious folded lip at the end of this sheet. (E) On an associated piece of debris, more signs of stamping or embossing seen in the regular patterning on this "box-section"?. Points A,B,C and E _should_ _not_ be found on an ML307 style radar reflector. For confirmation please check out the URL: http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ftw-pics/new-1/mglcmpx.gif This shows a section of the original engineering drawing used for the ML307 series targets together with an image of them in use by the NYU research group at Alamagordo, I also include a selection of further items that shouldn't be in the FW debris _if_ it were an ML307 target. Oh...and (D), a small piece of metalic sheet that if you look closely at the end of the pointer you should see the start of a sting of raised symbols, the end one is a "3" style that crops up several times on other pieces of the debris, that too shouldn't be there if this is foil from an ML307 reflector. Other items that "shouldn't be there but are" can be seen in the following images: http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ftw-pics/new-1/button.gif This shows a metalic _button_ attached to a tassle in turn attached to the alleged "balloon" rubber. http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ftw-pics/new-1/theboss2.gif This shows a variety of _hollow_ beams found in the debris, remember _all_ the beams in the ML307 were wooden _and_ solid. Speaking of wooden beams, has anyone noticed the variety of sizes of beams in the FW picture, if you check out images and of the ML307 you'll note that the struts used all seem to be of a uniform thickness and cross sectional shape. http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ftw-pics/new-1/rdb_plug.gif This curious object gives the appearance of a plug or fastener attached to the end of a "ribbon cable", it is associated with the foil panels in the RameyDubose image. ----------------------- >DuBose and Marcel stated clearly that the balloon story was a >cover up. > I suspect the "balloon" story was not original to Ramey or Dubose, recovered text from the Ramey Message appears to say on line 7: ... THRY EVEN PUT FOR AF WEATATN BALLOONS RADAR WERE ... (theory) (weather station) >DuBose says that he never saw the real debris. > Ex CIC Capt Sheradon Cavitt says all that was found on the Foster Ranch was a single Meteo Balloon and a single reflector and he and Marcel picked it up, and returned to RAAF, he also said the "sticks" they collected were made of bamboo!, end of story... He _should_ know, he was there with Maj Marcel, so why don't we believe _his_ _sworn_ testimony, close the book and get on with lives?. <section on Jaime Shandera snipped> Bond might comment on this, he was interviewed by him. Best Regards Neil. -- * * * * * * * * Neil Morris. /101101101 Virtual Bumper Stickers Inc 10110101010\ Dept of Physics. 1 1 Univ of Manchester 0 0 Schuster Labs. 1 Computer Programmers DO IT with BITS of BYTES 1 Brunswick St. 0 0 Manchester. 1 1 UK. \0101010110010110110010110101101011011110101011010/ G8KOQ E-mail: neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk Roswell and Alien Autopsy Archive-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ Dave Willetts Home Page-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/dave_willetts/ Mike Sterling Home Page-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/mike-s/ Tim Morgan Home Page -> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/tim-m/ * * * * * * * * Mr11pnl.jpg

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: NASA Speaks in English... From: Sue and John Strickland <strick@H2Net.net> Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 06:56:49 -0600 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:26:43 -0400 Subject: Re: NASA Speaks in English... >From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 17:07:02 EDT >Subject: Re: NASA Speaks in English... >To: updates@globalserve.net >>Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 16:52:10 -0700 >>From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: NASA Speaks in English... >>>From: From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>>Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 21:49:02 EDT >>>Subject: NASA Speaks in English... >>>To: updates@globalserve.net Hi Jim, Larry, List Members, Jim wrote (snipped for brevity): >And yes, I concur that it is a cover for something. And it may >have been something stupid. Or something worse. But good gosh >almighty, that this did not draw more derision here, there and >everywhere, is a sure sign of the deterioration of intellect in >this country. Lemmings all. Believe what they tell you or just >don't give a crap. Correct me please, if I'm wrong List Members. It's not apathy or ignorance that keeps the rest of us quiet... it's shocking disbelief... that our government would really expect us to believe such a ridiculous answer. I worked for approximately 3 years typing NASA proposals, papers for publication, grants, exams, lab manuals, etc. for 27 professors in the Physics & Astronomy Dept. at the Univ. of New Mexico in the 80's. Not one (1) of those hundreds of thousands of pieces of paper used English measurement. Always metric. Always. And, that was a "tiny" department by comparison to JPL, Goddard, or NASA's list of scientists. I "know" as well as I can, the probability of such a mix-up taking place. So do the rest of the List Members, I think. I hesitate to speculate about what that "bigger" stupidity could have been... but from experience in typing all those papers and checking the 'obvious' math, I would guess it was a mathematical error... a leaving out of some factor or function in an equation (i.e. "What you do to one side of the equation, you must balance on the other"). That I could see. I saw it a lot. But, thanks for polling us and checking up, just to see if we're still out here thinking clearly, or thinking at all. We are. Hugs, Sue

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: RPIT - A Reminder From: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:26:43 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:26:43 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 16:23:11 +0100 From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >From: Gildas Bourdais <GBourdais@aol.com> >Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 17:09:51 EDT >Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >To: updates@globalserve.net Dear Gildas, and List. >>From: James Bond Johnson <JBONJO@aol.com> >>Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1999 00:46:35 EDT >>Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >>To: updates@globalserve.net ><snip> >To J Bond Johnson, Neil Morris and List, >Thank you again for your answer. >The accumulation of contradictory testimonies tends to obscure >things more and more. >What remains clear in my opinion is this: on the photographs, >at least those with Ramey and DuBose, what we see is balloon and >radar target debris. I respect your opinion, but I do ask you to seriously review the following items which challenge this belief. The attached image is taken from MarcelRight _but_ this same piece of debris _is_ in the RameyDubose image though it has been moved around somewhat. (A) Points to a twisted piece of metalic debris, please note how thick this metal sheet is, far thicker than the "foil" used on the ML307 reflectors, also both sides of this sheeet, due to the twist can be seen, _no_ backing paper in sight _if_ it were a piece of reflector foil. (B'-B") B' points to an embossed of stamped area on the debris sheet, B" indicates a continuation of this further down the sheet seen on the reverse side. (C) Points to an obvious folded lip at the end of this sheet. (E) On an associated piece of debris, more signs of stamping or embossing seen in the regular patterning on this "box-section"?. Points A,B,C and E _should_ _not_ be found on an ML307 style radar reflector. For confirmation please check out the URL: http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ftw-pics/new-1/mglcmpx.gif This shows a section of the original engineering drawing used for the ML307 series targets together with an image of them in use by the NYU research group at Alamagordo, I also include a selection of further items that shouldn't be in the FW debris _if_ it were an ML307 target. Oh...and (D), a small piece of metalic sheet that if you look closely at the end of the pointer you should see the start of a sting of raised symbols, the end one is a "3" style that crops up several times on other pieces of the debris, that too shouldn't be there if this is foil from an ML307 reflector. Other items that "shouldn't be there but are" can be seen in the following images: http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ftw-pics/new-1/button.gif This shows a metalic _button_ attached to a tassle in turn attached to the alleged "balloon" rubber. http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ftw-pics/new-1/theboss2.gif This shows a variety of _hollow_ beams found in the debris, remember _all_ the beams in the ML307 were wooden _and_ solid. Speaking of wooden beams, has anyone noticed the variety of sizes of beams in the FW picture, if you check out images and of the ML307 you'll note that the struts used all seem to be of a uniform thickness and cross sectional shape. http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ftw-pics/new-1/rdb_plug.gif This curious object gives the appearance of a plug or fastener attached to the end of a "ribbon cable", it is associated with the foil panels in the RameyDubose image. ----------------------- >DuBose and Marcel stated clearly that the balloon story was a >cover up. > I suspect the "balloon" story was not original to Ramey or Dubose, recovered text from the Ramey Message appears to say on line 7: ... THRY EVEN PUT FOR AF WEATATN BALLOONS RADAR WERE ... (theory) (weather station) >DuBose says that he never saw the real debris. > Ex CIC Capt Sheradon Cavitt says all that was found on the Foster Ranch was a single Meteo Balloon and a single reflector and he and Marcel picked it up, and returned to RAAF, he also said the "sticks" they collected were made of bamboo!, end of story... He _should_ know, he was there with Maj Marcel, so why don't we believe _his_ _sworn_ testimony, close the book and get on with lives?. <section on Jaime Shandera snipped> Bond might comment on this, he was interviewed by him. Best Regards Neil. -- * * * * * * * * Neil Morris. /101101101 Virtual Bumper Stickers Inc 10110101010\ Dept of Physics. 1 1 Univ of Manchester 0 0 Schuster Labs. 1 Computer Programmers DO IT with BITS of BYTES 1 Brunswick St. 0 0 Manchester. 1 1 UK. \0101010110010110110010110101101011011110101011010/ G8KOQ E-mail: neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk Roswell and Alien Autopsy Archive-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ Dave Willetts Home Page-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/dave_willetts/ Mike Sterling Home Page-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/mike-s/ Tim Morgan Home Page -> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/tim-m/ * * * * * * * * Mr11pnl.jpg

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 12:34:18 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:33:49 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 15:02:37 -0400 >From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >As Dennis Stacey keenly pointed out, your personal (and publicly >professed) suspicion of Ed Walters and Gulf Breeze has not >inhibited you from heartily endorsing colleague Bruce Maccabee, >the same one who has actively worked to promote Ed Walters and >Gulf Breeze. >This flaming double-standard serves as a top-notch example of >everything that is wrong with ufology, for it incisively >highlights your lack of ideological strength and your inability >to stand behind the research of the one you promote. This is totally, completely crazy. Jerry has explained it. Mark Cashman, in his usual wise, dispassionate way, has explained it even better. The world is full of people who defend the integrity, competence, and even the wisdom of those they disagree with. You'll find this in science, the arts, even in politics. That doesn't mean these people involved in an old boy network. It means that they're honest. Honest, and I might add, not so in love with their own opinions that they think they have to trash everyone who disagrees. Old boy networks (including old girls) really do exist, of course, whether or not Jerry Clark and Bruce Maccabee belong to one. And along with them comes another, related phenomenon, the irrational, angry outsider, trembling with fury at a real or imagined in-group, and so convinced of his or her own importance that reason, common sense, and even common courtesy fly out the window. Kenny Young and Jerry Black, it seems to me, are stunning examples. Greg Sandow

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Pat McCartney <ElPatricio@aol.com> Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 13:31:19 EDT Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:43:01 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 15:02:37 -0400 >From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Mr. Jerome Clark, >You have been given the opportunity to support some of the wild >charges that you have made in the past few days concerning >'character assassination' attempts that you claimed to have >dealt with, and from your message to UFO UpDates (dated October >3, 1999), you have failed to clarify your comments or uphold >those wild allegations. >For the record, Jerome Clark, let's take note of this failure >and of your apparent 'ducking' of this fair issue, for as I have >authenticated, your rabid approach to those you disagree with >and your issuance of insupportable charges renders you in the >same light that you seek to cast onto your opponents. Your >demonstrable chest-beating, trashing of opponents and hurling >specious comments through argumentation has caused me to think >of you in a new and unfortunate manner. <merciful snip> >As Dennis Stacey keenly pointed out, your personal (and publicly >professed) suspicion of Ed Walters and Gulf Breeze has not >inhibited you from heartily endorsing colleague Bruce Maccabee, >the same one who has actively worked to promote Ed Walters and >Gulf Breeze. >This flaming double-standard serves as a top-notch example of >everything that is wrong with ufology, for it incisively >highlights your lack of ideological strength and your inability >to stand behind the research of the one you promote. >Although there is nothing wrong with being a personal friend of >a fellow researcher (who may be 'in the wrong'), I see it as a >mistake to promote that researcher on a professional or >conjectural level while in fundamental disagreement. Oh, puh-leeze! This dissection of whether or not one UFO researcher should denounce another researcher with whom he disagrees has become incredibly tiresome. Thanks to Jerry Black's intemperate assaults on the integrity of practically everyone who has ever contributed to the field (or who hasn't agreed to submit to a lie detector test from him) has spawned a base, pointless exchange. Kenny Young's principle of "no agreement/no respect" appears closer in spirit to Torquemada or the Stalinist purges than a realistic expectation of professionals or serious amateurs in a field of study. Would one physicist, say, who believes that quarks are the fundamental particle of matter knock the ethics and professionalism of a mathematician espousing the string theory? Or more pointedly, should a left-leaning ideologue denounce the principles of a colleague who mysteriously adopts a reactionary position on a particular subject? Choose your field, whether hard science or fuzzy social science, progress is not made by tearing down the methods of others but by explaining why something's right or explaining why something is wrong. The real goal in any field is to contribute original ideas that stand the test of time. That is something which is sorely lacking in this regrettable thread. Regards, Pat McCartney Auburn, California

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Wed, 06 Oct 99 11:06:04 PDT Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:46:44 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 15:02:37 -0400 >From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Sun, 03 Oct 99 18:15:28 PDT >>>Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 15:24:19 -0400 >>>From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos Patient and gentle listfolk: >>Do you know what the adjective "disingenuous" means? If not, >>suffice it to say that you have just provided a living example. >>And if you aren't being disingenuous -- which I find hard to >>believe -- and genuinely did not know what the discussion is >>about, why did you join it at all? >You have been given the opportunity to support some of the wild >charges that you have made in the past few days concerning >'character assassination' attempts that you claimed to have >dealt with, and from your message to UFO UpDates (dated October >3, 1999), you have failed to clarify your comments or uphold >those wild allegations. Mr. Young, disingenuously or otherwise, is unable to come to grips with any significant issue. Even after I have repeatedly explained my objections to the Black/Young approach -- and nobody else who's remarked on the exchange has expressed the slightest difficulty in understanding what I've said -- our correspondent, arms waving, face reddening, blunders on. >You sought to deflect my fair questions to you by stating a >'disingenuous' motive behind the challenge, and obfuscated the >issue by again reverting to vague and ambiguous charges said >perpetrated by Jerry Black, which you were felt were 'paranoid >and laughable visions.' As they are. >You said, "If I were going to make unprovoked charges which cast >serious doubt on the integrity of a colleague, I would make >damned sure I had my facts right." (UFO Updates, October 3, >1999) Yet why, Jerome Clark, do you support the integrity of a >colleague whose facts you believe to be totally amiss? Again, as recent communications from such ufological luminaries as Jenny Randles and Mark Cashman have made clear, my view of Bruce Maccabee, including his Gulf Breeze investigations and analyses, is not that difficult to grasp. It's held by others of good reputation and demonstrated achievement as well. Mr. Young puts words into my mouth when he claims I believe Maccabee's "facts ... to be totally amiss." I said no such thing, nor do I believe any such thing. Bruce is no doubt right about many things in his Gulf Breeze work. It's just his conclusion that I disagree with. The only thing of interest in Mr. Young's words above is his use of the word "integrity" which, sad to say, proves my case: that in the Black/Young approach it is not the opinion but the person that's at issue. Most of us, even Gulf Breeze doubters, would never think -- it wouldn't even occur to us -- that it's Bruce's _honesty_ that's in question. >Whether or not you would like to admit your inclusion in an "Old >Boy's Club", from this we can see that you are a partaker by >your actions, willful or otherwise. Oh, grow up. This exchange is growingly pointless, and I apologize to listfolk for having to restate, yet again, the obvious. Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 New 'Angel' Dead Sea Scroll Contains Astral From: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 02:14:50 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 02:14:50 -0400 Subject: New 'Angel' Dead Sea Scroll Contains Astral http://www.sightings.com/politics5/astral.htm New 'Angel' Dead Sea Scroll Contains Astral Implications By Barry Chamish <chamish@netvision.net.il> 10-5-99 A "lost" Dead Sea Scroll has reportedly been uncovered and if it is proven authentic, it reveals a new understanding of how the ancient Israelites viewed their God, his angels and their place in the heavens. Called the "Angel Scroll," it is a thousand lines long, was purchased in Jordan in 1970 by a group of Benedictine monks and spirited away to their German monastery. Upon his death in 1977, one of the group, Father Gustav Mateus, bequeathed his photographs and hand transcriptions of the scroll to an unnamed Jerusalem college administrator. He handed the material over to Stephan Phann, a member of the team of scholars translating the scrolls held by the Israeli government, and his findings were released to the newsmagazine The Jerusalem Report. Phann has declared that, "If the scroll is a hoax, it's a very good one. It's a serious literary work." But others are more skeptical. The existence of Father Mateus has not been proven and the Jerusalem Report, little more than a source of disinformation for the Labor Party, is hardly a reliable venue. That said, experts are in general agreement that the text of the scroll so far released "feels" genuine. What little of the scroll that has been released, reveals its storyline is a journey to the heavens accompanied by angels. According to Phann, the text is full of "divine chariot-throne themes with elaborate details of angels ascending heaven's multiple gates." And this should be of great interest to the minions (most inspired by Von Danieken) who take a literal view the bible's words, putting the many references to wheels within wheels, flying scrolls, pillars of fire, etc. into a UFO context. Longtime Israeli ufologist, now a student of kabala, Mordechai Spasser believes it would be a mistake to interpret the new scroll from a UFO viewpoint. "What I've read appears to me to be philosophy on an astral plane, or simply, Jewish mysticism." Keeping that possibility in mind, or melding it with the popular UFO readings of extant Jewish holy scriptures, here are two passages from the Angel Scroll, with my literal interpretation following both: "And the Angel Pnimea said to me: "And son of man, lift up your eyes and see all the secrets...that are in the fourth gate which is the gate of birth. And I saw, and it was like the womb and the chambers of the stomach, and its waters gush and roar like the breakers of the sea on the wall of the cave, which cannot withstand its fury. And here is a seed of life in the water emanating from the seed of man and from the seed of the woman for male and female that He created. And the seed that is joined from the two seeds is not like a clean slate. It is written inside and outside and it has within knowledge and understanding before its creation and before its creation in the womb. And the beginning of the child is not in the birth or in conception nor is its end in death." It appears that the narrator was shown an advanced real-time version of our pathetic ultrasound technology. He stands before a gate, or unknown to him, a monitor and sees male ejaculation into the womb, including a closeup of sperm and egg. He witnesses conception and is then told the secrets of DNA and genes. Pointedly, God has created both within mankind. "According to the plan of that day, the Voice went forth to me and directed me and he drove me by the Spirit. And a vision was revealed to me from the Most High, and Pancimeia, Prince of Angels lifted me up in the Spirit and I ascended heavenward above the high places of the clouds and he showed me the great world and the image of the gods. And I pondered the appearance round about and there was no time and no place and their appearance from the dwelling places of light was like a rainbow in the clouds. And they had no bodies and no bodily structure and the dominion of darkness was over all of the earth round about." Now this is one accurate description of a trip in the Space Shuttle. First the traveller passes above cloud level. He observes the high places of the clouds, possibly those ridges unseen at ground level. Then he sees the earth from space and it is surrounded by darkness. He is shown images of the gods and their homes on a control monitor and marvels at the fine color quality and at the bizarre fact that there is no firmament to the images on the screen. That said and interpreted, I for one, am looking forward to reading the full text of the Angel Scroll. ____________ The author's web sites are: http://members.tripod.com/~ufoisrael http://www.webseers.com/rabin

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Abducted? From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 14:18:39 EDT Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 02:28:23 -0400 Subject: Re: Abducted? >Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 20:53:42 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: Abducted? >>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 19:16:55 EDT >>Subject: Re: Abducted? >>To: updates@globalserve.net >Hello young James >Please be reminded of this point. >>>He said in the end, I can easily believe that it is a case of >>>all of these things being true but I can't help but have this >>>niggling feeling. >>Hi all; >Err ditto <g> >>This is an issue which carries extreme importance to the >>potential abductee. I refer to the question of whether or not >>the person has been abducted. This must be an intellectual >>conclusion, not an emotional one. >Would you care to elaborate please. I was not sure that I had been adbducted by aliens, I am still not sure. I am, however, a lot closer to being sure. I arrived at this point (which normally resides on top of my head) by studying the available data, going to AIC and other sources, by reading, by being psychoanalysed (without telling the shrinks about my experiences) to determine if I was nuttier than Aunt Mary's fruit cake. I spent time with other perceived abductees. The goal was to find out what if any commonality I shared with the others whose direct memory was better than mine, memory not jogged by hypnosis or Gripple. On being shrunk by shrinks, I found that I was more intelligent than I realized and had no mental problems, no illness which could be discerned, except some phobias (due, presumably, to my not picking my nose when other kids were). I was tested thoroughly (umm, lemme think) about three or four times at my own expense from age 20 something through about nine years ago. So while this is a highly emotional issue, affecting one smack in one's affectivity, it was difficult for me to seperate my intellect from my emotions. I tried to do that as much as possible in coming to a conclusion regarding this issue and feel that I accomplished this feat sufficiently enough to make the best decision regarding my experiences. Conclusion? I am Gort from Mongo. Just kidding. >>It is crucial for this person to accept only his own opinion, >>and that opinion must be based on his own research. That >>research must be based on the best information available from >>multiple, dependable sources. He should spend his time doing >>everything he can to study information already written and >>prepared by the best authorities, pro and con. There are places >>on the Internet he can go in order to help him with this study. >I will point him to A.I.C. I have looked at this site created by >John and I think it is superb. It is probably the best compendium of data one can sift through. After searching high and low, speaking on line with people who were famous, infamous and otherwise supposedly smarter and much more experienced than I in these matters, I found AIC to be the best source, for me, it was definitive. >>In the opinion of many, including myself, this person should >>avoid hypnosis until such time as he has reached an honest and >>firm conclusion regarding his experiences and is having >>difficulty living a normal healthy life. Only then should he >>consider hypnosis, if at all. >I totally agree. >>The "Abduction Information Center" is a good place to start. >>Frankly, I have found that in my experience at least, _no one_ >>person or entity can tell you whether or not you are an >>experiencer. Only you can do that. >I tried to convey that to this person. >>From what I've read above, your friend has experienced some of >>what I and many others have experienced. Means _nothing_! >I'm sorry what do you mean by this? I mean that just because one shares some of the "features" and/or other experiences of abductees, does not necessarily mean he or she is one... that is a _conclusion_ to be drawn by the individual. >>The only one who can make the decision is him, and only after >>knowing himself. That's the tough part. Further, he must be >>prepared to learn and accept that he may or may not have had >>these experiences and be satisfied with that conclusion to the >>extent that it does not cloud or distort his ability to think >>clearly and objectively on the subject. >>Some perceived abductees, on finding that it was merely a piece >>of undigested beef, go completely the other way in their belief >>system. If they thought they were abducted and find they were >>not, they then become lunatics when it comes to anyone who >>believes he has been abducted. The opposite is true. >>It takes a strong person to understand the truth about himself, >>whatever that truth may be. And stronger still to accept the >>truth of others in similar situations. Capeesh? >So if I read this correctly, if this person works out for >himself, using his brain not his emotions that he is the subject >of abduction, then he must have the strength of character to >deal with it? Yup! In my view at least. But the emotions... whew! Those are tough birds to mess with. You know the old saw, "When reason comes into conflict with emotion, emotion (or Gripple) wins." >>There are others monitoring this list, members, who can better >>advise than I. I suggest that one or two of you answer this >>post. For I may only speak for myself. And everyone knows, I'm >>nuttier than aunt Mary's fruitcake, eh? >Why Mary's I thought Farmhouse fruitcake was best? >>Jim Mortellaro >Thank you for your thoughts on this Jim. I would like to point >out. >>>He said in the end, I can easily believe that it is a case of >>>all of these things being true but I can't help but have this >>>niggling feeling. >A point I pointed out at the start of this post. >At the moment he is unsure of his experiences. I have offered >him _some_ _possible_ answers but at the end of the day >_I_don't_know_ if he is the victim of an abduction experience. >He thinks that he probably is not, _but_, and its a big but, he >still has this niggling feeling. -- In an infinite universe, >infinitely anything is possible. Whenever I niggle, I Gripple. And speaking of Gripple, Aunt Mary's fruitcake is sprinkled with Gripple Con Gas. It keeps for decades. In fact, I have one I just et which is twenty-five years old. (Hic!) Excuse me. Jim

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? From: Nick Balaskas <nikolaos@YorkU.CA> Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 15:14:21 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 08:39:49 -0400 Subject: Re: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? >From: Steven J. Dunn <SDunn@logicon.com> >To: UFO UpDates <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? >Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 12:11:22 -0700 >>Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 15:34:10 >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >>Subject: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? <snip> >>From: smurf345@webtv.net >>Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports >>Subject: Anybody else heard this >>Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 22:38:16 -0500 (CDT) >>I first heard this while attending a Navy school back in 76. A >>Vietnam War movie on earlier in the week triggered some >>memories, this is one. <snip> >List: >The "incident" described is the plot of the David Drake story >"Contact!" which can be found in _The Military Dimension Mk II_ >put out by Baen Books. >It is a excellent story, but it *is* fiction. >Steven. Hi Steven. Hi everyone. A quick look at the Baen Books web page for the works of David Drake produced many very recent titles including "The Military Dimension: Mark II". In a further search I discovered that David Drake (born in 1945) is a Vietnam War veteran and had several jobs before becoming an author. Since all the books by David Drake I could find are from the late 1990's, if the "Contact!" story was also written around this time period then the alleged UFO incident would predate it. This could be another example of fiction imitating fact. Who knows, maybe David Drake himself heard about (or was even involved in) this UFO incident during his Vietnam days. Talking about someone actually being involved in such a very similar UFO incident during the Vietnam War, aliens included, listen to the July 4 and August 30 1999 archived interviews by Sergeant Clifford E. Stone, U.S. Army (retired) on Jeff Rense's Sightings website. If Clifford Stone's account is true, then this could be another example of fact being even stranger than fiction. http://www.sightings.com/ Nick Balaskas

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Filer's Files #39 -- 1999 From: Nick Balaskas <nikolaos@postoffice.yorku.ca> Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 18:30:08 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 08:37:59 -0400 Subject: Re: Filer's Files #39 -- 1999 >From: George A. Filer <Majorstar@aol.com> >Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1999 12:41:35 EDT >Subject: Filer's Files #39 >To: undisclosed-recipients:; >Filer's Files #39 -- 1999, MUFON Skywatch Investigations >George A. Filer, Director, Mutual UFO Network Eastern >September 30, 1999, Majorstar@aol.com (609) 654-0020 >Visit our Web Site at www.filersfiles.com <snip> >FLORIDA FLYING TRIANGLE OR SPACE JUNK >TAMPA -- Ignatius Graffeo writes that he has obtained a video >tape of the FOX-13 Tampa September 7th, UFO news report. Seeing >it again confirmed my original impression that it was definitely >not a disintegrating rocket booster or a meteor!! The video >clearly shows a close-up of a huge gun-metal-gray "V," >triangular or wedge-shaped craft. It is perhaps the best video >ever taken of this type of sighting. It is not a bright light >or a flash across the sky like space junk claimed by NORAD. >It's an unbelievable videotape of a slow moving and stealthy >huge craft. It looks like a surveillance type of UFO or Black >Project plane. The report does not say who took the video, but >it is very impressive! I am amazed how such a sighting could be >mistaken for anything else but a UFO. It is truly frightening >how this type of craft can flaunt itself in our skies and be >explained away as space junk. I will try to post a good photo >of the craft within the next couple of days. Meanwhile I did >get the audio portion transferred to RealAudio (289K). Listen >carefully! Ignatius Graffeo Ufoseek@aol.com UFOSEEK.org >http://members.aol.com/ufoseek/ <snip> Hi George. I read Ignatius Graffeo's account above and after viewing frames of this celestial event on John Vye's home video found at the web site mentioned above, I failed to see anything other than what one expects to see when space junk burns up in the Earth's atmopshere. Unless my vision is going bad, I have to honestly say that the "King is not wearing any clothes", especially if he is wearing the now fashionable triangular styles in the popular gun-metal-gray colour. ;o) Having seen many bright fireballs while observing the skies and many more images of other re-entering space hardware, including the famous and more spectacular Skylab re-entry which was not suspected of being a UFO, I have to disagree with Ignatius and conclude that I cannot see this object as being anything other than our space junk at best. Furthermore, I also fail to see how this alleged Russian booster re-entry is connected to other very different UFO sightings which were observed elsewhere and days apart. Nick Balaskas

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Get Real From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 21:20:49 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 08:42:16 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 14:49:47 EDT >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: updates@globalserve.net >>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 16:19:44 +0100 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>Is this a peculiarly American thing, this emphasis on whether or >>not aliens have the "right" to do this or that? Or the similar >>concern that an individuals "rights" are being violated by >>aliens. I've noticed it in a few posting on this list and >>elsewhere, and it always seems to be Americans who raise the >>point. >It is an American thing, this emphasis on whether or not aliens >have the "right" to do this or that. Especially when the "this >or the that" is stalking, abducting and performing medical >intrusions on our bodies. Actually, it should be a human thing, >as Americans are not the only ones in this world with rights as >human beings. In the UK, there are, I presume, safeguards >against the violations of your human rights, are there not? <The rest snipped> Of course there are safeguards against violations of our human rights in Britain - you may have heard, for instance of Magna Carta, which I believe still forms one of the bases of the American legal code, and good on you for it. But these safeguards, Constitutions, Bills of Rights (we have one, too) and Human Rights Charters (there's one that covers Europe including the United Kingdom), while they can be very effective in defending individual rights against attacks by governments, legal systems, corporations or other citizens, can't really be invoked when you're dealing with natural or supernatural forces. No Constitutional measures can defend anyone against their home being destroyed in a hurricane, as happened in America a few months ago, or against being killed in an earthquake, as in Taiwan. Human Rights would seem a doubtful concept to invoke against, say, a tiger which killed and ate someone. No Constitutional force can prevent me being abducted by a supernatural alien. We know they must be supernatural, because they can transport people through walls, they can erase all evidence of their existence and they can manipulate time and space at will. Some people, Anne Druffel for instance, have suggested ways in which alien attacks can be fought off. Some people have suggested that prayer, or focussing one's psychic energies, or just giving the creatures a good kick in the balls (if they have any), can cause aliens to back off from abduction. Well and good, and if I should ever face abduction I might give one or all of them a try. The one thing I won't be doing however, is waving the European Convention on Human Rights at them, or sending them a lawyer's letter, or getting my MP to raise the matter in Parliament. Yes, if abductions do exist as physical events performed by aliens - and I've spoken to enough abductees who themselves deny this, to have grave doubts about that - it *is* a violation of my rights, but I don't find that a particularly constructive attitude to take. It seems as pointless as worrying whether my rights are being violated by ghosts, vampires or the tooth-fairy. Maybe I'll change my mind when one of America's celebrity lawyers hauls an alien into the dock on a kidnapping charge, but I think I'm in for a long wait. In the meantime, whinging about "rights violations" when confronted by supernatural alien forces just seems a little naive and, well... wimpish. Don't scream for a lawyer, kick 'em in the balls! -- John Rimmer Magonia Magazine www.magonia.demon.co.uk

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 17:30:38 -0500 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 16:38:28 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 17:38:02 EDT >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >To: updates@globalserve.net <snip> >Good Lord! I had no idea there were rules of abduction at any >given point in time. Thanks Dennis. I mean, for the >information. Now I am certain that in 1945, when I perceived I >was invited to join some short little duds, uh, sorry, dudes (I >was 2 or 3 at the time and couldn't speel rite) I was mistaken. >Or was I? Maybe back then your "once upon a time rule was >different. <snip> >Jim Mortellaro Whatever you say, Jim. I wasn't speaking of any "rules" of abduction, let alone my own specific rules of abduction. I was referring to a progressive change in abduction account and content as reported in the available UFO literature. Argue with that if you want to, not me. Maybe if you'd reported your encounter earlier the existing UFO literature wouldn't read and sequence the way it does. But you didn't and it does. (How, incidentally, did you remember this experience, which allegedly took place at the age of two or three? Just curious.) Meanwhile, get a Gripple, dude. Dennis

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Rocket Booster Re-entry 25761 From: Terry Blanton <commengr@bellsouth.net> Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 19:23:41 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 16:39:12 -0400 Subject: Re: Rocket Booster Re-entry 25761 SPACEWARN Bulletin reports that 25761 actual re-entry was 9/2/99. Weren't those sightings attributed to 25761 on 9/1/99? See: http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx551.html item #4. Terry

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 23:50:46 GMT Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 16:41:14 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Kevin Randle <KRandle993@aol.com> >Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 09:49:44 EDT >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 21:11:19 GMT >>Maybe you could explain a little more specifically, Kevin, how you and >>your co-authors attempted to evaluate the evidence for/against the >>alleged link between UFOs as physical craft and Alien Abduction >>Experiences, AAEs. >The original assumption, as has been played out first in The October >Scenario (1989), Faces Of The Visitors (1997) and finally in The >Abduction Enigma (1999) reveals an evolution in thought. My first >magazine article on abductions appeared in the mid-1970s, and the main >thrust was that the case represented a real abduction. The Abduction >Enigma is the result of the long study, not only by me, but by Russ >Estes and Bill Cone. Estes, as he interviewed over 150 abductees (in >the beginning) began to see some things that suggested to him, that the >answer to questions might lie, not in space, but on Earth. In moving beyond the extraterrestrial hypothesis, you've apparently concluded not only that the 'abduction' is not a physical event, but that it is not an abduction at all --- that experiencers are hallucinating because of some psychological or medical problem or because incompetent/unethical hypnotists have implanted false memories. Another possibility is that, while the abduction is not physical, it is, nevertheless, a real abduction or a real encounter with non-physical beings, most likely occuring during an Out-of-Body Experience or some other psychic event. This is the position of those who believe that the physical body remains behind while the consciousness or Soul or Spirit of the experiencer is 'taken'. It is _this_ theory, not the hallucination theory, that is supported by evidence relating to Awareness during Sleep Paralysis. >>I don't mean to belabor the semantics of the situation, but I think we >>should distinguish between a physiological state (sleep paralysis) and >>a state of consciousness (Awareness of the physiological state) >But the problem is little more than semantics. Who among us is not searching for new paradigms that will faciliatate clarity of thought? Perhaps the problem is nothing less than semantics!? Wittgenstein once observed: The limits of my language are the limits of my world. To which I add: We can change our language. >Without awareness, there is no report. A first class insight! Let us pursue it, by asking "Awareness of what". For those cases involving an experiencer laying down in bed before falling asleep or immediately after awakening, the paralysis reported in connection with the abduction is almost certainly a sign that the experiencer was actually aware of the physiological condition of his/her own body --- the sleep paralysis naturally induced during REM-sleep. And this is a *perception* not a hallucination. Consequently, we are obliged to wonder if there is anything else in the experiencer's report that might indicate an awareness due to perception rather than a hallucination. >And remember, we suggested that only some of the abductions were the >result of sleep paralysis, not that all of them were. And I am merely suggesting that those abduction reports indicating experiencer Awareness during Sleep Paralysis don't fit into the two categories outlined above. They are not completely physical events. And they are not completely illusory events. Joseph Polanik ***************************************************** Joseph Polanik, jpolanik@mindspring.com Trionic Research Institute, http://trionica.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:05:38 GMT Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 16:43:29 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 19:33:42 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >... but once upon a time in UFO Land >abductions tended to follow a straight line from the sighting of >the UFO to the physical abduction itself, viz. Villas-Boas, the >Hills, Herbert Schirmer, Travis Walton and so on. In other >words, a distant UFO was seen which drew nearer and disgorged >alien beings, who summarly hauled the unwilling Earthling into >the bowels of the UFO. Pretty straightforward stuff, when you >think about it. >But I think I'm also safe in saying that that's not the way most >abductions are reported (or experienced) nowadays. True, the >insides of what is alleged and what appears to be a UFO is >frequently described, but in many cases no UFO is seen or >reported from an external point of view, either coming or going. I think you are correct in noting that content of experiencer reports has shown some evolution over the years. However, the explanation for the evolution of abduction accounts may be unrelated to the explanation for abductions. One possible explanation of this sort is that, as the public (or the definable subculture known as ufology) became more accepting, experiencers were able to reveal more without increasing the risk of ridicule. I remember the Joe Pine show from the early '60s. It was a syndicated talk show. Joe Pine, the host, was mercilessly sarcastic toward the contactees he had on his show. Today there are other forums for those who feel compelled to tell the world of their experiences. Back then there weren't any receptive forums. >This raises questions for both the sleep paralysis and literal >abduction camps. In the case of the sleep paralysis school, why >the introduction of the insides of a saucer to the experience? >Why couldn't the medical exam (and any accompanying ET sexual >hanky-panky) simply take place right there in the familiar >surroundings of the victims' bedroom? How reasonable is it to expect intruders to probe or examine the experiencer in his/her own bedroom? How many human doctors make house calls? We go to the doctor's office or to the clinic or hosptial for examination and treatment. When human society perpetrates an involuntary commitment of someone for a psychiatric examination, do we bring the psychiatric hospital on wheels to the hapless victim? No. The subject of the procedure is taken to the hospital. >On the other hand, if ET is virtually omnipotent, why not simply >beam the victim up to the examining room and be done with it? Within the ETH, a lot of speculation about abducting aliens rest upon an unstated assumption of alien ineptitude. Imagine: You are the emissary of a dying race. You travel zillions of miles across the galaxy looking for a precious, life-preserving substance. You find it in the rectum of a cow. You remove said rectum and return home with your discovery. Then, instead of synthesizing the substance, instead of abducting a herd of cows to assure yourself of a steady supply of bovine recta, you make a special trip to Earth every time you need a fix. Bizzare. Joseph Polanik ***************************************************** Joseph Polanik, jpolanik@mindspring.com Trionic Research Institute, http://trionica.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Get Real From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 19:22:16 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 16:44:39 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 18:24:25 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Martin Murray <bubastis@warplink.com> >>To: "Errol Bruce-Knapp" <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 03:22:53 -0400 >>My own take on this is that although the beings may perceive us >>in the same way that we perceive the animals of this world that >>we capture and test, sometimes for their own good, they are not >>that much above us, despite their extremely advanced technology. <snip> >One day I got tired of sitting on the fence and decided to make >up my mind as to whether abductions were right or wrong. I >found my answer in the very word used to describe these >experiences - "abductions". I asked myself, "Is it OK to abduct >someone or something?", "When is it OK to abduct another person >or another being?", "Who has the right to abduct others?", etc. >When I thought of abductions, I thought of what it _means_ to be >taken by someone or some being against one's will. My decision >was easy. All I had to do was _listen_ to the words being used >to describe abductions. <snip> >Amy >Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com" I'd love to be in the woods sitting on a fence listening to what the animals have to say about the horrible creatures called.... humans. Processed food for thought. Sue

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Roger Evans <raka@swbell.net> Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 20:18:48 -0500 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 16:47:41 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >From: Kenny Young >Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 15:02:37 -0400 >Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 10:43:09 -0400 >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto >>From: Jerome Clark >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Sun, 03 Oct 99 18:15:28 PDT >Previously, Jerry had written: >>Do you know what the adjective "disingenuous" means? If not, >>suffice it to say that you have just provided a living example. >>And if you aren't being disingenuous -- which I find hard to >>believe -- and genuinely did not know what the discussion is >>about, why did you join it at all? Mr. Young replied: >You have been given the opportunity to support some of the wild >character assassination' attempts that you claimed to have >dealt with, and from your message to UFO UpDates (dated October >3, 1999), you have failed to clarify your comments or uphold >those wild allegations. <much needed snip of equally snippy remarks> >Now, Jerome Clark, perhaps it is time for you to get off the >fence and stand behind the research of Bruce Maccabee, who you >have so heartily promoted, or give us some other reason why >anyone should pay serious attention to your future comments. Holy Cow!!!! Sorry, Bruce, but the only words that come to mind are: What a huge bunch of crap! Time for a reality check, folks! The chronology for this entire affair is butt-simple: 1. Jerry Black made unwarranted attacks on Dr. Maccabbee's character. 2. Jerome Clark defended him. 3. Jerry Black then made unwarranted attacks on Jerome's character in response. 4. Jerome Clark then defended himself. 5. Terry Evans then made unwarranted attacks on both Jerry and Bruce. 6. They both defended themselves. 7. Then Kenny Young jumps in (obviously too lazy to look through the archives to see what really happened and who started this mess) and declares Jerome's appropriate responses to such attacks as "rabid". Crap. Nothing but Crap. Jerome Clark and I have disagreed on issues in the past. But I have never, ever seen him take the first slug at ANYONE. I have read every posting regarding the Gulf Breeze/Maccabbee affair and nothing Mr. Young, Mr. Evans, or Mr. Black has suggested as truth even remotely passes the smell test. The big question seems to be this: How in the world can Jerome Clark regard Dr. Maccabbee as an expert to be trusted on photo analysis if Jerome Clark's own conclusions are in direct conflict with Dr. Maccabbee's conclusions regarding Gulf Breeze? The answer is very, very simple. Mr. Clark understands Dr. Maccabbee might very well be right about the Gulf Breeze photos even though his own instinct as a researcher tells him otherwise. On the other hand, I have yet to see Dr. Maccabbee say, "These objects are absolutely, without a doubt, alien spacecraft." despite his inspections of the Gulf Breeze photos. They recognize the tenuous nature of their positions despite the confidence in their own skills. More importantly, neither man is working within a framework of solid information or facts, therefore, their results cannot be conclusive nor should they be expected to "jive". As gentlemen, they simply agree to disagree. As Mr. Clark and I have in the past. As a list member, I am embarrassed that Mr. Clark and Dr. Maccabbee have had to endure such, uh... well... crap. Sorry, again, Bruce. later, Roger Evans

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Review: 'Roswell' From: Lesley Cluff <manitou@fox.nstn.ca> Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 00:11:03 -0700 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 16:56:57 -0400 Subject: Re: Review: 'Roswell' >Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 02:38:24 >To: updates@globalserve.net >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Subject: Review: 'Roswell' >Review: 'Roswell' easily one of the season's most appealing new >shows >Source: Star-Telegram, >http://www.star-telegram.com/news/doc/1047/1:ENTNEWS31/1:ENTNEWS31 >100599.html >Stig >*** Just sat through the season premier of 'Roswell' the tv series. How I wish this show had come out back when I was a teenager and had a secret belief in people from other planets, no doubts in my mind, though I had never personally witnessed anything. It successfully pulls off what I was sure would be an impossible act of balancing between believable enough to be interesting, yet with enough sense of reality in attitudes the young people face to ring a bit true, like yeah, I could see these problems as being real, if the premise is to be accepted as real for the purposes at least of enjoying the program. Trouble is, I'm not 16 anymore! And now I have seem a couple of anomalous things in the sky that blew me away, and when I was old enough to know what was and what was not normal up there. I'm very glad the show is on tv and I expect it will find a wide audience in the younger age set. Aliens aside, it, like the best of Star Trek can also be viewed as a commentary on our social prejudices and values and beliefs. The use of aliens as the target or central figures, instead of more readily identified groups of humans, makes the message less personal in a social sense, but very personal as it gets past specific prejudices. Good program, after one episode it gets four stars from me. Need to catch a few more episodes before I would hit the all time 5 star rating though. But as for my personal tv favourites, I'm afraid I'm back to documentaries, the boring kind! The rest of the time I prefer my computer screen to the tv screen. Lesley

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Tim Matthews <matthews@zetnet.co.uk> Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 09:56:08 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 17:03:35 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >From: C. <xxxxx.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 18:35:18 -0000 >Posted for Maxwell Burns >----- >To UFO UpDates: >This is the first legal opportunity I have had to speak about >the case. If the dogs have finished tearing at my flesh I would >like to enlighten you as to this travesty of British justice. I >would also like to talk about the rules of evidence which you >have heard Matthews, Roberts and Clarke talk about so much. Have you ever read such nonsense? Well, on UpDates the answer is probably yes! If anyone wanted evidence of Burn's inability to face facts, to face reality, then it's all shown below! What he entirely fails to mention is that he was found guilty - not by the Police but by a totally independent jury in one of the more liberal cities in Northern England - Sheffield is well known for its;' tolerance in many areas and this is perhaps something to do with the two major Universities located there. The judge said that Burns was "some way up the hierarchy" in terms of drug-dealing in the area and Burns had been targetted by the drugs squad for some time. Now that we know the truth we know that Burns had been involved in this evil world for some time - in other words well before his newly acquired interest in Ufology. Just because Burns chose to lie - and answered questions consistently throughout his interviews with the Police - means nothing. Just because he wore gloves to avoid finger prints on the bag of drugs that he was found with by Police - means very little. What people should not forget is that in interviews with Dave Clarke - an aware-winning local journalist (amongst other things) - Burns admitted he was guilty. He said he expected to go down for his drug-dealing. To the moron world of Ufology - where aliens are all around - Burns probably seems like an innocent man. That's a reflection upon Ufology - not the criminal justice system in the UK. Burns also engaged in a hate campaign against my wife and I. This is a fact. Initially we didn't know who it was - until the hapless Burns admitted it to another local researcher in a 'private' email. I live around 15 miles North of the prison that Burns is in. Perhaps I should drop by with some friends and picket the prison demanding longer sentences for drug dealers. We can be sure of one thing. When Burns comes out, I'll be on his case...... Tim Matthews. ----------

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 4, Number 24 From: Joseph Trainor Masinaigan@aol.com Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 11:11:28 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 17:58:26 -0400 Subject: UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 4, Number 24 UFO ROUNDUP Volume 4, Number 24 October 7, 1999 Editor: Joseph Trainor E-Mail: Masinaigan@aol.com JAPANESE MILITARY SEALED OFF TOKAIMURA FOLLOWING NUCLEAR ACCIDENT On Thursday morning, September 30, 1999, workers at the JCO Company plant in Tokaimura, Ibaraki prefecture, Japan accidentally started a nuclear chain reaction that emitted lethal levels of radiation. About 15,000 REMs (REM stands for Radiation Equivalent Man--J.T.) were emitted at the uranium processing plant, located about 112 kilometers (70 miles) northeast of Tokyo. The JCO Company refines uranium so that it can be used in the nuclear reactors of Japan's electrical industry. About 33 percent of Japan's electrical power comes from nuclear plants. "The accident occurred Thursday after workers mistakenly put too much uranium into a" stainless steel "bucketlike container, setting off an uncontrolled atomic reaction that continued for hours and sent radioactivity into the air." "Instead of relying on the high-tech equipment that is standard at a nuclear facility, the workers were using their hands to pour the potentially deadly material (uranium oxide--J.T.) into the container, company officials said." Overloading the bucket with uranium oxide set neutrons interacting with each other, creating a spontaneous nuclear chain reaction. Forty-nine factory workers were exposed to the radiation, but only three were rushed to the Tokyo University Hospital. One worker, Hisachi Ouchi, "had been exposed to about 17,000 (REM) times what is normal for annual exposure" "It was a lethal dose," said Dr. Kamihiko Maekawa, Ouchi's physician, on Sunday, October 3. Dr. Maekawa added that "doctors have decided to conduct a transplant of blood stem cells sometime in the next few days. Doctors hope the operation helps to restore Ouchi's white-blood-cell count and prevent him from losing the function in his blood-producing bone marrow, which is keenly sensitive to radiation exposure." Later that Thursday, a Chemical Warfare Response Team of Japan's Ground Self-Defense Force (GSDF) entered the JCO factory. An "off-limits zone" 200 meters in diameter was established around the plant. That night, Masaru Hashimoto, governor of Ibaraki prefecture, extended the perimeter of the "off-limits zone" to 10 kilometers (6 miles) and urged residents living within the zone to remain in their homes and not venture outdoors. Within the "off-limits zone" were 310,000 civilian residents, affected by what was rapidly becoming Japan's worst nuclear accident. The Japanese government also closed the Joban line of the East Japan Railway Company, cutting off rail access to Mito and Tsuchiura and stranding thousands of commuters. Gov. Hasimoto also closed schools and advised Japanese farmers not to harvest their crops until a full survey of the radiation damage has been completed. On Sunday morning, October 3, 1999, Akito Arima, director of Japan's Science and Technology Agency, told a news conference that the nuclear mishap was being "seriously investigated" and "We should take steps to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again." On Saturday, October 2, 1999, the Japanese government allowed the 160 people living next door to the JCO plant, who had been evacuated on Thursday, return to their homes. (See Asahi Shimbun for October 1, 1999. See also USA Today for September 30, 1999 and October 4, 1999, "Japan says nuclear leak contained" and "Japan probes 'inconceivable' safety lapses at plant. Domo arigato to Miyuki Tamura, UFO Roundup correspondent in Japan, for the background information.) BRIGHT UFO SIGHTED IN SASKATCHEWAN On Wednesday, September 29, 1999, "a resident of a rural area near Pike Lake Provincial Park," located 30 kilometers (18 miles) southwest of Sakatoon (population 186,058) in western Canada, "reported seeing a bright light in the sky at about 6 a.m." The light changed colour several times. What caught her attention was the way it zipped over Saskatoon from the south, then back again. She took a videotape of her sighting." The video was reportedly broadcasted on STV in Saskatoon, an affiliate of Global Television on Thursday evening, September 30, 1999. (Many thanks to Darrell Noakes for this news story.) WHITE SAUCER SEEN IN EAST DUNDEE, ILLINOIS On Wednesday, September 29, 1999, at about 8 p.m., four people driving through East Dundee, Illinois (population 2,721) saw a strange object in the sky, which they first took for "a blimp of some sort." "My wife, two children and myself were driving westward on Route 72 approaching Route 25 in East Dundee, Illinois," the witness reported. "My wife said, 'Guys, do you see this?'" "I looked off in a southwesterly direction and saw a huge lighted shape in the sky moving less than 10 miles (16 kilometers) per hour, almost appearing to rock...but kind of stationary." The witness described the UFO as "a white saucer, almost like a crystal but as big as a f***ing house!" He added, "We pulled off the road to try to understand what we were seeing...We observed it for at least ten minutes.." East Dundee is on Highway 68 just south of Carpentersville, about 36 miles (57 kilometers) northwest of Chicago. (Many thanks to Morgan Clements, director of the World Wide UFO Reporting Center for this report.) UFO SEEN IN BROCKTON, MASSACHUSETTS On Thursday, September 16, 1999, at 7:25 p.m., a female student at the high school in Brockton, Massachusetts (population 92,788), a city on Route 28 located about 25 miles (40 kilometers) south of Boston, spotted a bright light UFO in the twilight sky. "I was at band practice. On the football field. The way we were facing (west--J.T.), the sun was directly in front of us," the witness reported. "I saw something pass slowly by and disappear. My first instinct is that it was the reflection of the sun bouncing off and shining towards me. Then I realized that the so-called 'plane' had passed in between me and the sun, so it couldn't have reflected at me." "I panicked. I told my friend, but she didn't believe me. I was the only one who saw it." (Many thanks to Morgan Clements, director of the World Wide UFO Reporting Center for this report.) (Editor's Note: The Brockton area has a long history of UFO sightings dating back to the Flynn/Prophett case of October 1908.) ROD-SHAPED UFO SEEN IN LEVITTOWN, NEW YORK On Saturday, October 2, 1999, at 8:45 p.m., Mike, age 38, and a friend "were standing on the deck (outdoor balcony) to my apartment" in Levittown, Long Island, New York state when they spotted "a baton-shaped UFO" in the northern sky. "The deck is attached to the upper level of the house," Mike reported, "It's a really nice clear night. Lots of stars and a pretty good wind blowing. We were standing on the deck looking at the northern sky and talking about football and whatever." "After about five minutes out there, I lifted my head a little higher, and out of nowhere, I saw this thing moving from right to left (east to west--J.T.) on an angle downward toward the treeline at an incredible speed. This thing was huge. It looked like a giant baton with a dimly-lit sphere on each end. I watched it for at least five seconds as it headed from east to west." "As it hit the tree line, it made an exact 90-degree left turn, heading south, and blinked out. I was really blown away. It was huge. It was silent. It made a 90-degree turn into the wind, and its shape was...shall we say, out of this world. My friend ran across the street to my sister's (apartment) to tell her and my wife what happened." Levittown (population 53,286) is on Route 24 on Long Island, about 30 miles (48 kilometers) east of New York City. (Many thanks to Morgan Clements, director of World Wide UFO Reporting Center for this report.) MOTORIST SEES A UFO NEAR FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA On Monday, September 6, 1999, at 10:30 p.m., a motorist saw "a UFO in the western sky traveling north. It was cigar-shaped and made no sound and had no lights.. But I could still see it because it blocked out the stars. It blocked out the last two stars in the handle of the Big Dipper (also known as Ursa Major--J.T.) It traveled pretty fast and was out of view very quickly." Fargo, N.D. (population 74,200) is on Interstate Highway I-94 approximately 191 miles (305 kilometers) east of Bismarck, the state capital. (Many thanks to Morgan Clements, director of the World Wide UFO Reporting Center for this report.) VIDEO AND PHOTOS OF ECLIPSE UFOs SURFACE IN UK AND FRANCE The last eclipse of the Twentieth Century took place on August 11, 1999, but the event is still having ramifications in the UFO community. According to ufologist Chris Evers, a video of a UFO was shot during the eclipse at Hull, East Yorkshire, UK by a 48-year-old amateur astronomer. Hull is about 145 miles (232 kilometers) north of London. On Sunday, September 26, 1999, Chris met with the astronomer, whose first name is John, at the latter's home in Hull. During the eclipse of August 11, Chris explained, the witness "had his videocamera resting on an angled piece of plastic, pointing it towards the moving image of the moon across the sun. He used a welder's mask, with its distinctive green frontpiece." "After watching the (video) clip for a few seconds," Chris added, he saw "something small, red and white, moving extremely quickly. It flew across the TV screen from centre right down the screen to bottom left and below the sun's position. All in all, it (the UFO) only appeared for three to four seconds." (Email Interview) Two weeks ago, UFO Roundup was contacted by a French amateur astronomer who reported that he had seen photos taken of the mysterious sky flashes seen over Fecamp during the eclipse of August 11. "I was in Fecamp on the 11th of August, and I have seen photographs of the several luminous orange spheres that were seen several kilometers (west) from Fecamp," he reported, "There was one also over the Channel Islands and in Cornouaille." (Email Interview) SEVEN CROP CIRCLES FOUND NEAR EDMONTON On Tuesday, September 21, 1999, a formation of seven crop circles was found near Edmonton, the capital of Canada's Alberta province. "The formation consisted of seven circles in barley and is approximately 190 feet across. All of the circles have a 'radial' lay pattern, with the crop radiating out from the centre of the circles., not swirled as in the (usual) rotational lay pattern." "There are many stretched nodes on the plant stalks within the formation." The nodes appear to be stretched 200 to 300 percent beyond normal, according to researcher Nancy Talbott. (Many thanks to Paul Anderson of Circles Phenomenon Research-Canada for this report.) NASA SAYS FAULTY MATH DOOMED THE MARS CLIMATE ORBITER "NASA lost its $125 million Mars Climate Orbiter last week because one set of engineers was working with metric measurements while another set worked with English measurements, officials said Thursday," September 30, 1999. "The error caused the spacecraft to fly too close to Mars, where it either burned or broke up, just as it was beginning to orbit the planet after a nine-month trip through space." "Two teams were responsible for determining the spacecraft's course. One was at Lockheed Martin in Denver, which built the craft, while the other was at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, which controlled it." "In plotting the course for (Mars) Climate Orbiter, Lockheed used English measurements-- standard for (USA) spacecraft builders--and passed them on to JPL. But JPL either assumed the figures were already in metric terms or somehow failed to make the conversion for them." "'Somewhere the translation got lost,' said Doug Isbell, a NASA spokesman." "The error was embedded in the orbiter's software from the beginning, NASA said, but was not apparent to controllers until too late." "At issue was a critical calculation for the orbiter's thrust (which Mars Climate Orbiter needed to drop out of its flight path into a safe orbit around Mars--J.T.). Lockheed used an equation relying on pounds and feet while JPL wanted it in kilograms and meters." "A kilogram is 2.2 pounds and a meter is 39.37 inches, or just over three feet. The error caused the spacecraft to veer too close-- 37 miles--to the Martian surface. That's well below the 53-mile minimum altitude at which a probe could go and survive. NASA had wanted it to fly no closer than 87 miles." "'People sometimes make errors,' said Ed Weiler, NASA's space science chief. 'The problem here was not the error, it was the failure of...the checks and balances in our processes to detect the error.'" "House Science Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) released a two-word statement: 'I'm speechless.'" (See USA Today for October 1, 1999, "Bad math added up to doomed Mars craft" by Paul Hoversten.) (Editor's Comment: If NASA is so certin that the Mars Climate Orbiter crashed, then why don't they use the Mars Global Surveyor, which is already in orbit, to photograph the crash site? If there is a crash site, and I doubt it. Between the nuclear accident in Tokaimura and NASA losing the Mars Climate Orbiter, it's getting a little hard to feel confident about the outcome of the Y2K situation.) ROUNDUP CORRIGENDA: The proper name of the MCO in last week's issue is Mars Climate Orbiter, not Mars Climate Observer. UFO Roundup regrets the error. The Munising, Michigan UFO story in volume 4, issue #22 should have been properly attributed to Morgan Clements, director of the World Wide UFO Reporting Center. Readers, when you email us news stories, be sure to list the source. Thanks. from the UFO Files... 1493: STRANGE ENCOUNTER ON MARTINIQUE Everyone has heard of the legendary voyage of Christopher Columbus to the Americas in the autumn of 1492. But the man's later voyages through the Caribbean Sea are less well-known. Which is a pity because the self-styled "Admiral of the Ocean Sea" had a strange encounter in 1493. On March 4, 1493, Columbus wrote that he had encountered "women warriors on the island of Matinino (today it's called Martinique--J.T.)" who "covered themselves with copper plates" and used "bows and arrows made of sugar cane." Alfonso Ulloa, who accompanied Columbus on all four of his voyages, mentions the mysterious women warriors of Matinino in his book, Historia del Senor Don Fernando Colombo, adding that they were worshippers of the moon. "They related that the day was for the Sun, and the night for the Moon; whence these women told the time by the other stars, or when the Great Bear rose, or another star set." "One of them (a Taino or Carib Indian--J.T.) coming before the Admiral naked as as he was born from his mother's womb, said in a loud voice that he and the rest were Caribs, and that the gulf (Caribbean Sea) cut off Hispaniola from them. He said that the island of Matinino was peopled only with women to whom the Caribs went on certain days of the year. That the women sent the boys to their fathers to be brought up by them." If the Taino canoes arrived at Matinino at the wrong time of year, the warrior women were said to flee into "vast caverns" at the foot of Mount Pelee that extended "deep into the earth." Curiously, the first Spanish conquistadors to reach Cozumel, an island off the coast of Mexico's Yucatan peninsula encountered the same legend of warrior women who worshipped the moon and took refuge in vast caves. An island called Las Mujeres (Spanish for the women) ws said to be their home, and the island was supposed to have large caverns running under the sea all the way to Cuba! Vast underground caverns are a persistent legend among all of the indigenous people of the Americas. One wonders if it has any basis in fact. (See Secret Cities of Old South America by Harold T. Wilkins, reprint Adventures Unlimited Press,, Kempton, Illinois, 1998, pages 152 to 156.) (Editor's Comment: Imagine what would have happened if Columbus had landed in Mexico in 1492 instead of the Bahamas. Chris's last voyage would have been up the stone steps of the pyramid at Teotiahuacan. Meanwhile, up at the top, the high priest of the Aztecs, old Nezalhualpilli, whistles a little tune to himself and sharpens his obsidian knife. One slab--no waiting.) Join us next week for more UFO news from around the planet, brought to you by "the paper that goes home," UFO Roundup. Enjoy your Columbus Day weekend. UFO ROUNDUP: Copyright 1999 by Masinaigan Productions, all rights reserved. Readers may post news items from UFO Roundup on their websites or in newsgroups provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue in which the item first appeared. ------------------------------------------- eFax.com lets you receive all your faxes via email at your existing email address - for FREE! No more chasing paper - No more bulky hardware machines - Increased privacy & confidentiality Pick up your faxes as easily as you pick up email. Go here: http://www.directleads.com/creative/display_ad.html?ad_idx=420&affiliate=cd3 492 ------------------------------------------- E-Mail Reports to: Joseph Trainor <Masinaigan@aol.com> UFO Roundup: http://ufoinfo.com/roundup/ Website comments: John Hayes <webmaster@ufoinfo.com>

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 13:41:48 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 18:09:14 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 01:06:07 -0400 >From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 17:33:24 +0100 >>Hi, >>I have been following this debate but trying to keep out of its >>personal edges as I don't wish to say anything that might offend >>people that I consider friends. When in truth I don't have >>fundamental disputes with Bruce, Dennis or Jerry. >>As for Jerry distrusting the essence of the main Gulf Breeze >>case but trusting Bruce Maccabee. I don't find that odd. I feel >>the same way. Bruce clearly knows his stuff. I listen to what he >>says about photo cases. >Gee, thanks.... but how would you know? Just because I say >things that SOUND or APPEAR logical doesn't mean they are. >>Like Jerry I don't always agree with his >findings, >Are you referring to photographic findings? And by what logic do >you reject my photographic findings? Is is because what I say >does not seem consistent with non-photoraphic information from >other sources? Or are you able to independently evaluate my >photographic findings? And, if so, why pay any attention to what >I say? Hi, I dont wan't to drag this down further with needless argument. Which is why I am stearing clear of many UpDate discussions that I might otherwise get involved with. They can seem to end up being personalised for no good reason. I prefer not to talk people politics but ufology. I dont understand if you view the above as criticism when I clearly thought it was support for your approach. I respect your views on photographic cases so I always listen to them. They have at times made me think again about the doubts I (often) have with photo cases. I am happy to say that. But I cannot proclaim that I agree with everything you said just as I would not expect anyone to say that about me. Independent thought and views on a case is something we should cultivate. We are Ufologists not Ewefologists (oops, sorry British irony humour overload). I approach a photo case expecting it not to be a real UFO but being willing to be convinced that it is. Its the philosophy I teach investigators here, as opposed to assuming the case is real until that verdict is disproven. That subtle difference is an important ethos to my mind but it is merely a practice and I am not suggesting it is the correct approach - simply the one that I follow. >From this premise I had to be persuaded that Gulf Breeze was real, not unpersuaded that it was not. This probably imposes a stricter requirement for evidence but I am happy to live with that. The truth is that any case is a summation of witness testimony, physical evidence, photo analysis and gut feelings about its rightness in the scheme of things. It is perfectly possible to acknowledge your findings on photo analysis whilst not necessarily sharing the empasis you are quite reasonably might place upon them when making conclusions about a whole case. So I say that in some cases I am more cautious than you seem to be, not because I dispute your photo analysis (I would not presume to do so) but because when I weigh this alongside the other factors you have to take into account I dont necessarily regard the full picture in the same light. But I am not suggesting there are many cases of this sort. There are not. Nor am I proposing that I am right and you are wrong in those that do exist. Because the truth is we dont know. There are no absolutes in UFOlogy just gradations of opinion. We all have our balanced verdicts on specific cases. Sometimes they will conflict. My point is that this does not conflict with my ability to regard you as a skilled analyst whose views on a case I regard as important reading because I know it to be based on thorough assessment of the optics involved. In case I have to explain it, that was meant to be a supportative compliment not an attack. Best wishes, Jenny

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 10:44:18 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 18:11:43 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 01:06:01 -0400 From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Mark has pointed out that, >in a sense, both choices could be correct: I might be good at >photo analysis and my analysis might be correct, yet I might >have missed something. Not so much missed something as not imagined something (to imagine all of the techniques by which such photos could be made is certainly possible, but it is also possible (though I would say not probable) that there is some method which might meet all of the requirements and yet not have been thought of except by the hoaxer)). Unlike many, I do not believe that all of the information required to decide the reality of a UFO case is encoded in photos of the UFO. Certainly, if a photo is able to be shown certainly to be a hoax (i.e. a wire is visible in the image), then the reality level of the photo is certain, as it is if the hoaxer confesses. But if that information is not present, then all photoanalysis can do is raise the bar of difficulty and expense. One can come to a conclusion at some point that a hoax is unlikely because the bar is so high. For instance, in Gulf Breeze, there are several things which are clear about a hypothetical hoaxer of the case... 1) He was highly skilled in model making. His models are not only large and detailed, they are round (harder than rectangular), use mostly original parts made for the model, are lit, and, as shown in the videos, the lighting is animated. If you've ever tried to build even a simple model from scratch, you'll know this is hard. Lighted models are even harder, even when all one is doing is adding lights to a kit model. Animated lighted models are top of the art. 2) He had a special location to do model construction, and to store the models, because even while the sightings were being investigated, they were never found. 3) He had a special location to do the trick photography. This is important, because much of this work world be experimental, and would involve unusual lights and objects and possibly even mechanical / optical systems. Again, this location was never found. 4) He either understood typical flaws in UFO hoax photos or accidentally avoided them (photos likely to be real typically center the UFO in the frame - hoaxes or development / exposure flaws typically do not, for instance; most GB photos are centered). 5) He understood double-exposure or did enough experiments to avoid telltale traces from the overprint. 6) He had a second camera for experiments, or he was able to document/remember his experiments well enough to produce multiple photos in a single run without telltale errors (sequential numbering of photos was confirmed for many of GB photos). 7) He kept all this hidden from investigators and friends, and possibly his family, for an extended period of investigation and media attention. This is a pretty high bar. It is difficult to imagine a reason for such intense effort on the part of a successful local businessman. And, as yet, no such reason has been found. Photoanalysis raises the bar still further: 1) The double-exposure claims have not been supported in subsequent investigations. Indeed, the occultation experiments by Hyzer used the wrong film, and his claimed technique would not work with the actual film used. 2) The correlation between the size of the object in the sealed Nimslo camera photos and the consistency between that size and the size shown in the stereo photos, which, when linked to the size of the "typical" GB object, supports the size estimate of that object both in other stereo photos and in photos where occultation or ground references allow size estimates, have not been explained. 3) The smearing characteristic of the UFO and the environment in the early photos are consistent, which they would not be if the photos were double-exposures. 4) The intensity of the blue beam in the distant object / blue beam photo does not have the characteristics of a double exposure line. 5) The closeup blue beam photo does supply indications of an unusual light source. >However, it's not quite that simple, Mark, because, there is >also the "battle of the Titans" aspect. Black has declared >Titan Hyzer the winner. People who, for non- technical reasons, >doubt Ed's veracity (i,e, they don't know beans about >photoanalysis but base their "gut feels" on the circumstantial >evidence), would tend to agree with Black (who, himself is not >capable of deciding on technical grounds who is correct... in >spite of "years" of indirect instruction by me!). Unfortunately >I do not have a "shill" to stand up and declare me the winner. >But that's understandable. The pro-UFO position is always the >underdog. That's because "unidentified" is a much weaker contention than "definitely faked". People like pure, unambiguous answers. Ufology rarely offers unambiguous answers. People should get used to it. >So, what should the poor untechnical ufoloist do? Hand the >crown to the guy who screams the loudest (Black) or sit back and >wait. Continually rebalance probabilities based on new evidence and the refutation of old evidence. As for the screaming - ignore it. One must do the work and deal with the results, even when they make us uncomfortable. Science doesn't care about comfort. ------ Mark Cashman, creator of The Temporal Doorway at http://www.temporaldoorway.com - Original digital art, writing, music and UFO research - UFO cases, analysis, classification systems, and more... http://www.temporaldoorway.com/ufo/index.htm ------

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 13:41:48 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 18:04:33 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 01:06:07 -0400 >From: bruce maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 17:33:24 +0100 >>Hi, >>I have been following this debate but trying to keep out of its >>personal edges as I don't wish to say anything that might offend >>people that I consider friends. When in truth I don't have >>fundamental disputes with Bruce, Dennis or Jerry. >>As for Jerry distrusting the essence of the main Gulf Breeze >>case but trusting Bruce Maccabee. I don't find that odd. I feel >>the same way. Bruce clearly knows his stuff. I listen to what he >>says about photo cases. >Gee, thanks.... but how would you know? Just because I say >things that SOUND or APPEAR logical doesn't mean they are. >>Like Jerry I don't always agree with his >findings, >Are you referring to photographic findings? And by what logic do >you reject my photographic findings? Is is because what I say >does not seem consistent with non-photoraphic information from >other sources? Or are you able to independently evaluate my >photographic findings? And, if so, why pay any attention to what >I say? Hi, I dont wan't to drag this down further with needless argument. Which is why I am stearing clear of many UpDate discussions that I might otherwise get involved with. They can seem to end up being personalised for no good reason. I prefer not to talk people politics but UFOlogy. I dont understand if you view the above as criticism when I clearly thought it was support for your approach. I respect your views on photographic cases so I always listen to them. They have at times made me think again about the doubts I (often) have with photo cases. I am happy to say that. But I cannot proclaim that I agree with everything you said just as I would not expect anyone to say that about me. Independent thought and views on a case is something we should cultivate. We are UFOlogists not Ewefologists (oops,sorry British irony humour overload). I approach a photo case expecting it not to be a real UFO but being willing to be convinced that it is. Its the philosophy I teach investigators here, as opposed to assuming the case is real until that verdict is disproven. That subtle difference is an important ethos to my mind but it is merely a practice and I am not suggesting it is the correct approach - simply the one that I follow. >From this premise I had to be persuaded that Gulf Breeze was real, not unpersuaded that it was not. This probably imposes a stricter requirement for evidence but I am happy to live with that. The truth is that any case is a summation of witness testimony, physical evidence, photo analysis and gut feelings about its rightness in the scheme of things. It is perfectly possible to acknowledge your findings on photo analysis whilst not necessarily sharing the empasis you are quite reasonably might place upon them when making conclusions about a whole case. So I say that in some cases I am more cautious than you seem to be, not because I dispute your photo analysis (I would not presume to do so) but because when I weigh this alongside the other factors you have to take into account I dont necessarily regard the full picture in the same light. But I am not suggesting there are many cases of this sort. There are not. Nor am I proposing that I am right and you are wrong in those that do exist. Because the truth is we dont know. There are no absolutes in UFOlogy just gradations of opinion. We all have our balanced verdicts on specific cases. Sometimes they will conflict. My point is that this does not conflict with my ability to regard you as a skilled analyst whose views on a case I regard as important reading because I know it to be based on thorough assessment of the optics involved. In case I have to explain it, that was meant to be a supportative compliment not an attack. Best wishes, Jenny

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: RPIT - A Reminder From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 16:24:20 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 18:16:00 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 21:40:39 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >>From: Gildas Bourdais <GBourdais@aol.com> >>Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 10:18:49 EDT >>Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >>To: updates@globalserve.net <snip> >The so-called extraordinary nature of the material stems from >Marcel's subjective impressions of same, which may or may not be >reliable, or reliable to different degrees. However much weight >one wants to assign Marcel's own 40-plus years memory of events, >it is a leap of faith to equate Marcel's vocal remembrances with >unequivocal proof of extraterrestrial visitation, any way one >wants to slice it. The two simply don't amount to one and the >same, never have, and never will. > Dennis and List, Maj Marcel _was_ excited by the properties exhibited by the debris, Dr Marcel Jnr still has memories of this when recalling his father's visit on his way back to the base on the night of the 7th. _But_ Maj Marcel would not have had the final say as to the next course of action to be taken, would that not have been up to the base commander, Col Blanchard?. Blanchard also would not just be reacting to Maj Marcel's word alone, Maj Marcel would have been able to demostrate any of the extraordinary properties he claimed for the debris, after all he brought two vehicles-worth of it back from the site, and as by his own account he and Cavitt spent many hours going over the site on the 7th this recovered debris was most likly a very good representative sample of what was out there on the ranch. Had he not verified any claims made for the debris to Blanchard's satisfaction do you think the matter would have gone any further?. Neil. -- * * * * * * * * Neil Morris. /101101101 Virtual Bumper Stickers Inc 10110101010\ Dept of Physics. 1 1 Univ of Manchester 0 0 Schuster Labs. 1 Computer Programmers DO IT with BITS of BYTES 1 Brunswick St. 0 0 Manchester. 1 1 UK. \0101010110010110110010110101101011011110101011010/ G8KOQ E-mail: neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk Roswell and Alien Autopsy Archive-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ Dave Willetts Home Page-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/dave_willetts/ Mike Sterling Home Page-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/mike-s/ Tim Morgan Home Page -> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/tim-m/ * * * * * * * *

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 7 Re: RPIT - A Reminder From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 16:24:20 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 18:14:54 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 21:40:39 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >>From: Gildas Bourdais <GBourdais@aol.com> >>Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 10:18:49 EDT >>Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >>To: updates@globalserve.net <snip> >The so-called extraordinary nature of the material stems from >Marcel's subjective impressions of same, which may or may not be >reliable, or reliable to different degrees. However much weight >one wants to assign Marcel's own 40-plus years memory of events, >it is a leap of faith to equate Marcel's vocal remembrances with >unequivocal proof of extraterrestrial visitation, any way one >wants to slice it. The two simply don't amount to one and the >same, never have, and never will. > Dennis and List, Maj Marcel _was_ excited by the properties exhibited by the debris, Dr Marcel Jnr still has memories of this when recalling his father's visit on his way back to the base on the night of the 7th. _But_ Maj Marcel would not have had the final say as to the next course of action to be taken, would that not have been up to the base commander, Col Blanchard?. Blanchard also would not just be reacting to Maj Marcel's word alone, Maj Marcel would have been able to demostrate any of the extraordinary properties he claimed for the debris, after all he brought two vehicles-worth of it back from the site, and as by his own account he and Cavitt spent many hours going over the site on the 7th this recovered debris was most likly a very good representative sample of what was out there on the ranch. Had he not verified any claims made for the debris to Blanchard's satisfaction do you think the matter would have gone any further?. Neil. -- * * * * * * * * Neil Morris. /101101101 Virtual Bumper Stickers Inc 10110101010\ Dept of Physics. 1 1 Univ of Manchester 0 0 Schuster Labs. 1 Computer Programmers DO IT with BITS of BYTES 1 Brunswick St. 0 0 Manchester. 1 1 UK. \0101010110010110110010110101101011011110101011010/ G8KOQ E-mail: neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk Roswell and Alien Autopsy Archive-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ Dave Willetts Home Page-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/dave_willetts/ Mike Sterling Home Page-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/mike-s/ Tim Morgan Home Page -> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/tim-m/ * * * * * * * *

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 Re: RPIT - A Reminder From: Gildas Bourdais <GBourdais@aol.com> Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 12:20:38 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 04:04:09 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 16:23:11 +0100 >From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >>From: Gildas Bourdais <GBourdais@aol.com> >>Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 17:09:51 EDT >>Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >>To: updates@globalserve.net >Dear Gildas, and List. <snip> >The attached image is taken from MarcelRight _but_ this same >piece of debris _is_ in the RameyDubose image though it has been >moved around somewhat. Dear Neil, I have some admiration for your tenacity in your analysis of the photographs. I have just looked at the attached file and I must admit that the piece you analyse is rather peculiar. Did other Roswell researchers give their opinion about it ? Y would like to have those of Kevin Randle, Stan Friedman, David Rudiak, who are on this list, and also Karl Pflock, I suppose? And why not the opinion of Dennis Stacy, Jerome Clark and others? Or perhaps they have answered already on this List and I am not aware of that ? I would also like very much like to have answers to my questions regarding Jaime Shandera. I am perplexed (again) at the absence of answer to my question. Am I to understand that Shandera does not interest anyone anymore ? I also have a question to Dennis Stacy, in answer to his message of 4 october. You mentioned the "last interview" of Jesse Marcel Sr. Which one is it? I know of several interviews, in which he described the pieces: 22 Feb 1978 with Stan Friedman (tel) 7 April 1978 with Len Stringfield and Steve Tom (see Status report II, Case A-10, Jan 1980) February, May and December 1979, with Moore and Friedman (mentioned in the book of Bill Moore, 1980) 8 December 1979 with Bob Pratt reproduced entirely by Karl Pflockin "Roswell in Perspective" (FUFOR, 1994) And now we discover the Linda Corley interview of 5 May 1981. Are you refering to this one or another one ? Anyway, if we refer to the longest interview on record, the one of Bob Pratt as published by Karl Pflock and the FUFOR in 1994, Marcel describes much more varied material than you quote in your post ! Besides, as you certainly remember, there are other witnesses. Do we need to give the list ? Regarding the Linda Corley interview, I would like to know wher and when she spoke about it. I it find significant that, a week later, Marcel called her to deny everything, apparently very frightened: this happened not very long after the book of Moore (1980), and the report of Stringfield (Jan 80), where he appeared with his name. Any comment on this, Mr Stacy ? Gildas Bourdais ----------------------- >DuBose and Marcel stated clearly that the balloon story was a >cover up. I suspect the "balloon" story was not original to Ramey or Dubose, recovered text from the Ramey Message appears to say on line 7: ... THRY EVEN PUT FOR AF WEATATN BALLOONS RADAR WERE ... (theory) (weather station) >DuBose says that he never saw the real debris.> Ex CIC Capt Sheradon Cavitt says all that was found on the Foster Ranch was a single Meteo Balloon and a single reflector and he and Marcel picked it up, and returned to RAAF, he also said the "sticks" they collected were made of bamboo!, end of story... He _should_ know, he was there with Maj Marcel, so why don't we believe _his_ _sworn_ testimony, close the book and get on with lives?. <section on Jaime Shandera snipped> Bond might comment on this, he was interviewed by him.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 17:05:28 +0100 Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 04:04:09 -0400 Subject: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! UFOIN - A new start for British ufology Some of the UKs most experienced investigators today launched a bold initiative. They have banded together under a common name - UFOIN (UFO Investigators Network) in an attempt to professionalise ufology in Britain. UFOIN is a very different kind of UFO network. It is not a membership group. It is not seeking to replace existing groups. It will operate without bureaucracy, committees or rulers and free of all politics. Its most basic principle is a commitment to openness in all that it does. Its decisions will be taken by a vote of all team members. Its actions will be open to public scrutiny. Its publications and files will be accessible to all participants for research purposes. Anyone who works with UFOIN will feel part of a team, not apart from team leaders. Indeed every UFOIN participant has equal status. UFOIN will be run by investigators for investigators and with 100% of its resources devoted to this task. Nothing will be spent pandering to enthusiasts, putting on lectures or printing magazines. UFOIN will exist purely to conduct objective, in depth investigations to well honed scientific principles . It will also conduct new research that will seek to answer basic questions about the UFO mystery. Here are some of the decisions taken by the founders of UFOIN for immediate implementation. 1: UFOIN is to be a union of ufologists with proven desire to investigate objectively, research through scientific principles, promote solutions to cases whenever they are found but to recognise and speak up for unsolved data when discovered. 2: It will seek to work in harmony with each other and all other responsible aspects of ufology .There will be no members, membership fees, committees, rulers, hierarchy nor structure. The team will be a UK network of people with similar principles working towards a common goal. 3: A professionalised team of investigators will be based upon proven expertise. Entry will be open to anyone who believes that they can meet the rigorous standards. This requires the submission of a recent case investigation report to prove skill, competence, objectivity and a personal quest to find answers behind a sighting. It also requires acceptance of the ban on the use of hypnotic regression and signature to the code of practice. 4: UFOIN will be highly selective in its investigation work - focusing on in depth re-appraisals of important old cases and seeking new reports that offer potential to add to our knowledge. To this end the professional expertise of the team will be offered to science and education. UFOIN will emphasise the 90% track record in case solving as professed by serious ufology and will play down the use of emotive terms such as UFO and alien, focusing instead on anomalies, scientific puzzles and using phrases such as IFO and UAP. It will seek to work with both open minded scientists and sceptics and handle UFO data from a rational perspective, steering away from the extreme views and ideologies expressed by parts of the old style UFO community. 5: Participants will benefit from working as part of a professionalised, experienced investigation team whose only goal will be truth, however mundane that may prove to be. Access to a team of advisers, comprising scientists, MOD officials, etc, is already in development. And a research fund will be offered for use by the team. Grants from that fund for R & I work will be speedily decided without cumbersome committees. Regular meetings of the team will foster exchange of experience and UFO information. 6: UFOIN will not produce a magazine. Publication policy will involve a steady stream of special reports under the UFOIN banner. These will comprise research projects, retrospective case investigations and current case histories. They will be compiled and produced to a common format by the investigator / researcher directly involved in each project. All proceeds will enter the central R & I fund - in turn allowing future projects . UFOIN will aim for at least 3 - 4 reports per year. Assistance and contributions from scientists and experts outside the UFO field will be included to help make these progress reports more definitive. Diverse projects are already under development for early publication. 7: One priority report will involve scientists and sceptics assessing the strengths and weaknesses of UFO investigation to provide UFOIN with guidelines on how to develop its objectives to mutual advantage and furtherance of common goals. 8: Another new venture will be an annual research report. Each January UFOIN members will define the topic for that year's report. An initial briefing paper introducing the topic will define the questions that most need answering within that field. The briefing paper will be circulated widely to ufology and beyond to professional agencies that might assist in fulfilling its objectives. A series of research components will be allocated so that all major areas of exploration are followed within the defined topic. The book length report (a definitive study of these questions) will then be published including all research results and contributions before the year-end. The following year a new research topic will be pursued on a similar basis creating a momentum of ongoing work involving the UFOIN team. 9: A high quality, user friendly web site is under professional design. This will include many features of value to investigators and researchers. Electronic copies of all UFOIN reports will be published on the site after sale of hard copy versions. All local UFO groups who publish their own small run magazines or independent journals are invited to participate in a new electronic magazine here. Each month a selection of highlighted material will be compiled (with full credit and subscription details offered as free promotion to local groups). The result will be both an Internet based 'best of British ufology' digest with the major articles, case investigations etc and a net based advertisement for high quality local UFO groups and their studies. The basic web framework is already in existence and will grow rapidly in the next few weeks. During that time regular updates will be posted showing the response of ufologists all over the world to this announcement. As part of UFOINs ideals your ideas, comments, suggestions and constructive criticisms will all be aired. UFOIN will listen to views of fellow ufologists. 10: The R & I fund that will facilitate investigations, research and publication will be the only money administered by UFOIN. All proceeds from whatever origin (e.g. publication sales, donations, and special ventures) will be devoted exclusively to this fund. No money will be used on administration, organising lectures, or other none R & I pursuits. 11: A number of ventures are to be reviewed to find rapid ways to create and renew this fund.This will allow it to continually fulfill its purpose without courting inactive UFOlogists for membership fees: A: Grant funding for an educational arm of UFOIN, that will offer free lectures to schools, libraries and serve as an information agency B: Exploration of public services from which 100% of all proceeds will go into the fund C: Production of a series of objective UFO videos on the realities of UFO research to be created and marketed by UFOIN with 100% of proceeds into the R & I fund. D: As a 'quick fix' to kick start the fund several members of the UFOIN team (including David Clarke, Andy Roberts and Jenny Randles) are to publish a commercial book that could raise substantial funding . The ethos of this fund, disenchantment with traditional ufology, the need to revolutionise serious investigation and research and aims of the UFOIN project will be used to help market the book. The twelve people below who have founded UFOIN are convinced that it is essential to progress ufology beyond its current stasis. The above plans are being put into practice now because an urgent need exists to coordinate UFO study in the UK towards a more rational perspective. As such a new style of ufology for the 21st century has now arrived. If you feel that you have got what it takes to join the fight to reverse the fortunes of serious UFO study and prove that ufology can be done objectively and scientifically, then what are you waiting for? UFOIN needs you. And if you share the sentiments above then you need UFOIN. Contact: E-mail: enquiries@ufoin.org.uk Snail mail: 1 Hallsteads Close, Dove Holes, Buxton, DerbyshireSK17 8BS Web site: www.ufoin.org.uk Signed (in alphabetical order): Andy Blunn (NARO), Dr David Clarke (IUN), Paul Devereux, Paul Fuller, Rory Lushman (The Labyrinth), Lynda Matthews (LUFOS), Tim Matthews (Beyond), Robert Moore, Jenny Randles (BUFORA), Bob Rickard (Fortean Times), Andy Roberts (IUN), Mike Wootten (SiteOne)

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 Re: The Purpose Of Abductions From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 18:58:10 +0100 Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 04:04:09 -0400 Subject: Re: The Purpose Of Abductions >Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 05:46:05 +0200 (MET DST) >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> >Subject: The Purpose Of Abductions >Hi listfolk, >In the thread 'Get Real' a debate was started about what right >the 'aliens' had to abduct people. This debate touched upon the >question what the purpose of abductions really was. >A remark by Terry Evans struck me. His wife had told him: "It >seems like they are stealing my emotions." <snip> Hi Henny, All Well if your theory is correct that that could explain why there are so little British abductions. Stiff upper lip, reserve and all that dear chap. We British are not known for showing our emotions, so perhaps this might add some more weight to your hypothesis. The only thing it begs however is; WHY? -- In an infinite universe, infinitely anything is possible. Sean Jones http://www.tedric.demon.co.uk/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 Re: The Purpose Of Abductions From: Asgeir W. Skavhaug <asge-s@online.no> Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 20:37:15 +0200 Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 04:04:09 -0400 Subject: Re: The Purpose Of Abductions >From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 05:46:05 +0200 (MET DST) >Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 17:21:42 -0400 >Subject: The Purpose Of Abductions >Hi listfolk, >In the thread 'Get Real' a debate was started about what right >the 'aliens' had to abduct people. This debate touched upon the >question what the purpose of abductions really was. >A remark by Terry Evans struck me. His wife had told him: "It >seems like they are stealing my emotions." >I have a suspicion this goes some way toward understanding what >'abductions' are about. <snip> >This while abductions seem to have been going on for decades. >According to anecdotal testimony in any case, the first >abductions started before World War II at least. >Is the world as we know it going to end in the foreseeable >future? In the last months I have taken up an interest in all >things environmental. The brief, and somewhat blunt, conclusion >I have drawn from the articles I have read about various >environmental topics is that there is literally nothing that >indicates that the earth's ecosystem is going to be out of >balance in the coming decades or that natural fossils will dry >up before alternative energy resources are available. <snip> ------------------------ >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1999 03:28:23 +0100 (MET) >Fwd Date: Mon, 01 Feb 1999 11:03:49 -0500 >Subject: Betty Hill 'Coming In For A Landing'[List only] >Source: Foster's Online, http://www.fosters.com/news99a/january/31/robinson0131a.htm >Stig >*** >Portsmouth's Betty Hill, 'gran'-dame of UFOs,' may be coming infor a landing >By J. DENNIS ROBINSON >Seacoast Rambles >** >Betty Hill is sick of talking about UFOs. The story of her 1961 >abduction by aliens in the White Mountains of New Hampshire is >old news. But the phone in her Portsmouth home never stopsringing. >"I bet I've done 250 radio interviews since last June," Betty >says. "They call from everywhere on Earth. I've done as many as >four and five talk shows in a day." <snip> >A retired _social worker_ who will turn 80 in June, Betty leaps >from an elderly armchair like a gymnast. Actually, she was a >gymnast while a student at the University of New Hampshire >before the war. Back then her acrobatic act almost landed her a >summer job with the circus, but her conservative East Kingston >family did not approve. <snip> Henny and List: It is allways interesting to know something about the background of the persons reporting paranormal phenomena, and Betty Hill should be no exception. Thus, maybe it's worth mentioning that -- according to the text referred to above -- Betty Hill's profession -- before retiring -- was a social worker (she studied at the at the University of New Hampshire). Among the many subjects/courses within sociology (at least today), we can also find such courses as, for instance: - religion and societal change; - space / time; - media studies; - environment; - public policy; - Marxism; - religious nationalism; - conversation analysis; - sexuality; - feminist and gender theory; - social movements; - popular culture; - discrimination; - lesbian/gay studies; - social psychology; - sex roles; - small groups analysis; - anthropology; - race-ethnic relations; - ethnomethodology; - social stratification; - comparative sociology; - and -- hypnosis as a research tool(....) (Ref.: http://www.catalog.ucsb.edu/97cat/l&s/soc.htm .) (Sociology is the systematic study of social life. Through empirical inquiry, sociologists seek to understand the process by which societies, communities, institutions, and organizations are created, maintained, undermined, and transformed, and the ways in which social life shapes individuals.) And we must assume that Betty Hill had, at least, the basic knowledge of _some_ of these sociological subjects.... This doesn't need to mean anything, but.... I can't find anything on the background of Barney Hill. What we do know from photos, however, is that he was a "Coloured"/Black person. Regards, Asgeir

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 Re: Get Real From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 19:40:31 +0000 Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 04:04:09 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 21:20:49 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: Get Real >>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 14:49:47 EDT >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 16:19:44 +0100 >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> >>>Subject: Re: Get Real >>>Is this a peculiarly American thing, this emphasis on whether or >>>not aliens have the "right" to do this or that? Or the similar >>>concern that an individuals "rights" are being violated by >>>aliens. I've noticed it in a few posting on this list and >>>elsewhere, and it always seems to be Americans who raise the >>>point. >>It is an American thing, this emphasis on whether or not aliens >>have the "right" to do this or that. Especially when the "this >>or the that" is stalking, abducting and performing medical >>intrusions on our bodies. Actually, it should be a human thing, >>as Americans are not the only ones in this world with rights as >>human beings. In the UK, there are, I presume, safeguards >>against the violations of your human rights, are there not? ><The rest snipped> >Of course there are safeguards against violations of our human >rights in Britain - you may have heard, for instance of Magna >Carta, which I believe still forms one of the bases of the >American legal code, and good on you for it. That is of course correct, the Magna Carta was drawn up by King John of England in 1215 and eventually became the basis for the American constitution. So I suppose in answer to the previous/previous posting... no it is not an American thing, it's something us Brits have just forgotten about. eg: The fifth amendment guarantees No person shall . . . be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. Whilst written more than 500 years earlier, Magna Carta declares No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, . . . or in any other way destroyed . . . except by the lawful judgement of his peers. To a being from another world this would probably mean squat, local law that's all, stuff the prime directive. >they can erase all >evidence of their existence. This may be getting off subject a bit but 'WHAT?' If as you say they can 'erase all evidence of their existence' then how do you explain the literally thousands of people world-wide who seem to remember being abducted?? Maybe the aliens just haven't got the hang of that 'memory erase' thang. They can dance across the universe in the blink of an eye apparently but when it comes to an implant... they always seem to leave an incriminating mark, now doesn't that just strike you as a teensy weensy bit odd? Perhaps someone out there can answer those simple little questions. Answers on a postcard to: Dave. Wake up Jim, you're on.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 Max Burns - Let It Go From: Mark Haywood <mark.haywood@easynet.co.uk> Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 22:48:13 +0100 Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 11:28:59 -0400 Subject: Max Burns - Let It Go It's nice to see so many people wallowing in anothers person stupidity or misfortune depending on where you stand. I will not condone his actions or condemn them. Unless you were on that jury, you will not have received the full facts - you will have received the facts how the media presented them. I contacted my local newspaper after some sightings and was given a very lengthy write-up. It mentioned me seeing a UFO in America, it shining a beam of light towards the ground at the back of the farm, where the cattle were. It mentioned my lecturing all over Europe. Slight snag here. I don't own a passport, never have been to the USA and have only lectured in the UK. Shall we get back to UFOs, folks? Mark Haywood

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Brian Cuthbertson <brianc@fc.net> Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 17:10:27 -0500 (CDT) Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 11:34:08 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:05:38 GMT <snip> >Within the ETH, a lot of speculation about abducting aliens rest >upon an unstated assumption of alien ineptitude. >Imagine: You are the emissary of a dying race. You travel >zillions of miles across the galaxy looking for a precious, >life-preserving substance. You find it in the rectum of a cow. >You remove said rectum and return home with your discovery. >Then, instead of synthesizing the substance, instead of abducting >a herd of cows to assure yourself of a steady supply of bovine >recta, you make a special trip to Earth every time you need a >fix. >Bizzare. Imagine: You are an emissary from a race zillions of miles away, who is observing the inhabitants of a planet that are slowly but surely polluting the heck out their environment, and apparently determined to cover the planet with asphalt and people. You find that by monitoring substances inside the rectums of cows, you can track progression of certain pollutants and their increasing affect on mammals which are very similar, in many ways, to humans. Bizzare? Inept? Maybe not. Brian Cuthbertson

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 18:11:22 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 16:58:05 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:05:38 GMT >Within the ETH, a lot of speculation about abducting aliens rest >upon an unstated assumption of alien ineptitude. >Imagine: You are the emissary of a dying race. You travel >zillions of miles across the galaxy looking for a precious, >life-preserving substance. You find it in the rectum of a cow. >You remove said rectum and return home with your discovery. >Then, instead of synthesizing the substance, instead of abducting >a herd of cows to assure yourself of a steady supply of bovine >recta, you make a special trip to Earth every time you need a >fix. >Bizzare. Or maybe you stay around, staging interactions with humans, because you need something in their souls, and you need their planet, too. Not so bizarre (and it's more or less that what David Jacobs suggests in "The Threat") Greg Sandow

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 Re: Filer's Files #39 -- 1999 From: Ignatius Graffeo <Ufoseek@aol.com> Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 19:14:13 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 17:05:52 -0400 Subject: Re: Filer's Files #39 -- 1999 To All, Booster debris or space junk reetering and burning up in the atmosphere do not have multi-colored signal lights flashing, hover, then go straight up, nor are triangular-shaped, level-flying objects. Numerous explanations have been given that the sightings must be from the NORAD satellite or soon to be falling debris catalog. Frankly, these bits and pieces do not fit the picture decribed by the actual eyewitnesses. Nor does it account for the object in the Tampa home video taken by John Vye. The Fox-13 video tape is much more clearer than the Avi and RealPlay conversions on my website. This is a triangular craft (period!) More plausibly, whoever is flying these triangular craft probably KNOW about the falling rocket booster and satellite debris schedules and are using them as windows of opportunity for their flight manuevers (as a cover). Ignatius http://members.aol.com/ufoseek/ Poll Results so far: What do you think the Fox 13 Tampa UFO video revealed? Rocket booster (5) 9% Triangular craft (30) 56% Bolide or meteor (2) 4% Not sure what it was (17) 31% http://apps3.vantagenet.com/zpolls/count.asp?id=991103156

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 20:19:55 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 17:04:30 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 17:30:38 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 17:38:02 EDT >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>To: updates@globalserve.net ><snip> >>Good Lord! I had no idea there were rules of abduction at any >>given point in time. Thanks Dennis. I mean, for the >>information. Now I am certain that in 1945, when I perceived I >>was invited to join some short little duds, uh, sorry, dudes (I >>was 2 or 3 at the time and couldn't speel rite) I was mistaken. >>Or was I? Maybe back then your "once upon a time rule was >>different. ><snip> >>Jim Mortellaro >Whatever you say, Jim. >I wasn't speaking of any "rules" of abduction, let alone my own >specific rules of abduction. I was referring to a progressive >change in abduction account and content as reported in the >available UFO literature. Argue with that if you want to, not >me. >Maybe if you'd reported your encounter earlier the existing UFO >literature wouldn't read and sequence the way it does. But you >didn't and it does. (How, incidentally, did you remember this >experience, which allegedly took place at the age of two or >three? Just curious.) >Meanwhile, get a Gripple, dude. >Dennis That's the whole point of a number of my posts. You haven't been paying attention, at least to mine. I've often said that I can't remember where the hell I put my cell phone and sometimes have to call it in order to hear the ring and follow the noise. I can only _rarely_ remember dreams. And then for only a very brief period of time. The only dreams I can recall are those which are recurring and I recognize these as dreams. Ninety nine percent of my dreams I cannot recall unless I wake up in the middle of them and even these, I do not retain for long. And, I know a dream when it is a dream and when it is a memory of an event. Always. Getting it yet, Dennis? Should I spell it out more clearly for you? I remember - make that - I _vividly_ remember every single perceived abduction event as if it were milliseconds ago. And some of these occured in 1944, 1945 and subsequent. I even remember the times (each and every one) when the overhead lights went out as I drove under them on the highway. I remember everything about every single detail surrounding a perceived abduction event. And as well, I know that there are many more I cannot recall and may never recall. Some were so vivid at the time, that even my mother and dad (who thank God are still with us) remember my telling them what I perceived happened that long ago. I am not arguing rule changes, I am debating the fact that there are no rules. And of course, you are quite correct, I should have reported these events to someone at the time they occured. I mean other than my mommy and daddy, perhaps I should have reported them to the Army Air Corps, eh? OK, OK, _I_ am now being sarcastic. Until the very day I retired (at age 54 which was two years ago) it was my intention to get to continue to earn sufficient funds with which to pay off the mortage, feed my family and retire at the early age of 54 so I could be with my wife the rest of our life together. Getting it now Dennis? Same reason I did not come out of my closet as so many. I lived with it, bottled up inside until I met Budd Hopkins and felt his kindness. And John Velez' wisdom. And a few others I won't bother to mention... with whom even a short conversation spoke volumes to me and my terrible suffering over this sh*t all these years. I remember a short conversation with Michael Lindemann that he probably forgot, and a meeeting with several others who reached out and helped me. _Me_! I shall retire to bedlam. >(How, incidentally, did you remember this >experience, which allegedly took place at the age of two or >three? Just curious.) Did I satisfy your curiosity sufficiently, Mr. Stacey? >Meanwhile, get a Gripple, dude. Thanks to the folks I've already mentioned and more, I already got a Gripple, dude. Thanks anyway. May I suggest you get a grip and open up your mind? And if your pair of dimes precludes doing that on the subject, then open up your heart, dude. >Whatever you say, Jim. No, Dennis. Not whatever I say, nor even whatever you say. It's how you say it, dude, that makes my skin crawl. You sound to me as if you've got all the answers and even if you don't, you know what they aint. You know a hell of a lot less than the "experiencer" knows simply because you have not experienced this phenom. And less than a researcher, because your mind is closed. Now Dennis, am I wrong about you? Or is it that you just sound that way? Love, Jim

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 Re: Rocket Booster Re-entry 25761 From: Nick Balaskas <nikolaos@YorkU.CA> Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 20:42:39 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 17:31:06 -0400 Subject: Re: Rocket Booster Re-entry 25761 >Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 19:23:41 -0400 >From: Terry Blanton <commengr@bellsouth.net> >To: updates@globalserve.net >Subject: Rocket Booster Re-entry 25761 >SPACEWARN Bulletin reports that 25761 actual re-entry was >9/2/99. Weren't those sightings attributed to 25761 on 9/1/99? >See: >http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx551.html >item #4. >Terry Hi Terry. You are right that the UFO sightings in western U.S. (which were attributed to re-entering Russian upper stage Proton-K) happened on the evening of September 1, 1999. What you overlook though is that the times for all such re-entry events that occur around the world are recorded in U.T., the time at Greenwich, England. Although it was September 1 in western U.S., it was September 2 in England. The UFO sightings in Florida which occurred in the morning of September 7 can also be safely attributed to other Russian space junk (Proton-K) as is recorded in the SPACEWARN Bulletin for the same day. If these two September UFO sightings were not Russian space junk, it would be a big coincidence for two firey UFO events to occur on the same days as two firey re-entering Russian space junk events which should have also been witnessed by many. Nick Balaskas

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 Filer's Files #40 -- 1999 From: George A. Filer <Majorstar@aol.com> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 00:25:01 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 17:34:13 -0400 Subject: Filer's Files #40 -- 1999 This weeks Filer's Files Sponsored by: www.paranormalnews.com Filer's Files #40 -- 1999, MUFON Skywatch Investigations George A. Filer, Director, Mutual UFO Network Eastern October 7, 1999, Majorstar@aol.com (609) 654-0020 Visit our Web Site at www.filersfiles.com. The purpose of Filer's Files is to enlighten and give the reader insight into the real world and the universe that surrounds us. In a democratic society we have a right to know that numerous Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) are in our skies. They present an enormous challenge to expand our awareness of their possible operations that may be responsible for cattle mutilations, crop circles, abductions and even missing persons. Millions of Internet users choose to read UFO sighting reports from concerned citizens. This interests makes UFOs the second most popular subject on the Internet. Sex is still number one. Most of the following reports are the initial sighting reports and whenever possible the sightings are investigated by trained field investigators. I'm convinced UFOs exist because I chased one as an Air Force officer. President's Carter and Reagan saw and reported UFOs. Representative Gerald Ford asked Congress to investigate them in 1966. Thousands have seen them and the reports continue at over 200 each month with 300 during September. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell the sixth man on who visited our moon told me, "UFO research is the most important endeavor of humanity!" GIANT UFO OVER LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK AGAIN LEVITTOWN -- Saturday night, October 2, 1999, Mike and friend were standing on the deck of his apartment, located not far from Kennedy airport. Mike states, "I lifted my head up and out of no where, I see this thing moving at an incredible rate of speed on an angle downward towards the tree line! It's huge and silent and looks like a giant baton with a very dimly lit sphere on each end. I watched it for at least five seconds as it headed west. At 8:45 PM, as it hit the tree line it made an exact 90 degree left turn heading south and then suddenly blinked out. I was really amazed. It made a 90 degree sharp turn into the wind and the shape was out of this world? The UFO was at least the size of five jumbo jets in length and that might be a conservative estimation! I don't think words can describe how incredible this was! My friend and I ran across the street to my sisters to tell her and my wife what happened. Thanks to Morgan Clements Director, World Wide UFO Reporting Center www.ufosightings.net. Editor's Note: Nearby a large disc was reported on Long Island on July 14, by the owner of a taxi firm and his passengers. On September 1, a college educated family had a similar report. Swiss Air pilots reported a near collision of a UFO with their 747 in the same general area on August 9, 1998. AUSTRALIAN JELLYFISH SIMILAR TO NEW HAMPSHIRE'S UFO GRAFTON � Australian Barry Taylor reports, "I got nine minutes of a great bit of UFO footage on September 15, 1999. At 10:55 AM, I saw an orange UFO trailing something under the object that looked like a shiny 'ribbon.' It was attached to a black thing under the silvery main object and rotating like a tadpole swimming. Joseph Haas writes that Filers Files #39 carried information on a strange dangling 'ribbon.' "Where can I get a copy of the video?" I would like to give copies to the witnesses in Alexandria, New Hampshire USA who saw a similar UFO ten years ago. The details are with Peter Geremiah of MUFON NH. The UFO with a ribbon was seen by a Deputy Clerk of the Plymouth District Court and her spouse. Thanks to Joseph Haas in NH and Barry Taylor in Australia stingray@nor.com.au. Editor's Note: I hope they can exchange data to determine if the witnesses saw similar UFOs? NEW HAMPSHIRE GREEN FIREBALL Douglas and Kathleen Blair write, "On Saturday, September 25, 1999, at approximately 11:25 PM, I was driving on Route 89 North, and suddenly observed in my left peripheral vision, a green fireball in the sky near Exit 13. The color was a startling neon green, or like the electric green color of a Christmas tree light! This was interspersed with a stream of an "electric blue" colored "tail." I definitely saw this fireball. Thanks to Douglas and Kathleen Blair fhdm@together.net CONNECTICUT WEATHERSFIELD � Larry Clark has been in contact with Dean Burgess who reports he was coming home from school on September 29, 1999. We were at a dead stop on I-91 South because of construction work at Exit 24. Dean stated, "I noticed two state police officers pointing at a triangle shaped craft around 100 feet off the ground." It made no noise and hovered for the five minutes. The craft had an intense light on it and a haze that seemed to enclose around it. There must have been thousands of people who passed by and saw it. Thanks to Dean Burgess and Larry Clark . lclark@ibm.net (Larry Clark) FLORIDA TRIANGLE TAMPA � Several persons have reviewed the FOX TV Channel 13 video taken on September 7, 1999. The video shows a colorful object moving across the sky rather slowly at night. Some observers feel they saw a triangle shaped craft, others claim it is a bolide. NORAD claims the object was a piece of space junk. Nick Balaskas wrote: "The visual evidence does not support Ignatius Graffeo's views that the object re-entering the Earth's atmosphere was a UFO rather than a Russian booster. Ignatius responds, "The Fox TV Video tape will refute any ideas you have about the object being a spent rocket booster since it would be fiery, burning up, falling fast, and would not be displaying blinking red, green and amber colored lights in a controlled slow moving flight." This object is characteristic of a triangular craft, origin unknown. Ignatius has taken a poll of people who have viewed the Fox video. The Poll results so far reveal? Rocket booster (3) 7%, Triangular craft (27) 61%, Bolide or meteor (2) 5%, Not sure what it was (12) 27%. Thanks to Ignatius Graffeo Decide for yourself at: http://apps3.vantagenet.com/zpolls/count.asp?id=991103156. Editor's Note: On my four inch viewing area, the object or objects do seem to be falling from space. It appears that the object probably is space junk hit by an unknown object causing it to disintegrate at an unusually massive rate. ORLANDO � On August 21, 1999, at 11:45 PM three of us were talking girl talk. My mom looked up and said, "What is that?" The three witnesses saw glowing circular objects above their driveway. We stood up and observed two objects then another appeared out of no where, and now there were three. They were criss crossing each other erratically in the sky very rapidly and disappeared after twenty minutes. Thanks to WWUFORC http://www.uforeports.com. e-mail uforeports@aol.com WISCONSIN CROP CIRCLE VERONA � Eric writes on October 3, 1999, that there is a crop circle just outside Madison along Highway 151 at Highway 69. Thanks to Eric EHARTZ4U INDIANA MANEUVERING LIGHTS RIPLEY COUNTY -- Dan Mulford reports that a witness saw highly maneuverable lights in the western sky on September 21, 1999. Several lights, seemed like plane lights, but did not move in linear or straight lines. They maneuvered all over the sky at 8:45 PM. The witness called his wife, who counted ten lights to the north, So he phoned his Dad who lives farther north in Osgood. His Dad said, "They move many times faster than any aircraft and come to a complete stop." One clearly visible dove to the ground and flew back up very quickly without any sound. Their son, a high school senior, also saw the UFOs. All are familiar with fighter jets that frequent the area. Thanks to Dan Mulford danm@n2mail.com and Ken Young at UFO Fuse Net. ILLINOIS DUNDEE � On September 29, 1999, four witnesses saw a white saucer lit up almost like a crystal, but as big as a large house. My wife, two children and myself were driving westbound on Route 72 approaching Route 25. At 8:00 PM my wife said, "Guys do you see that?" I looked up and saw a huge lighted shape in the sky moving less than 10 mph. The craft appeared to rock, but was kind of stationary. We pulled off the road to try to understand what we were seeing. We all assumed it to be a blimp, but after observing it for at least ten minutes, we left because we could not believe what we were seeing. Later, my wife sister a teacher told us that a local school teacher had written an article for a local newspaper about a UFO sighting last night. Thanks to Morgan Clements, World Wide UFO Reporting Center NORTH DAKOTA UFO CIGAR SHAPE SIGHTING FARGO � On September 6, 1999, I saw a large cigar shaped object in the night sky at 10:30 PM. It was cigar shaped, and made no sound and had no lights as traveled north. I could see it the western sky, because it blocked out the last two stars of the handle of the big dipper. It traveled pretty fast and was out of view very quickly. Thanks to e-mail WWUFORC-. www.ufosightings.net. uforeports@aol.com COLORADO LOVELAND -- Morgan Clements Director, of the World Wide UFO Reporting Center writes, "We are working on a unique possible abduction case with an experiencer who has been branded with a special undeniable mark on her thigh." We hope to find someone who has seen this mark before. On September 21, 1999, the witness reported very strange dreams that were a little too real to be dreams. The witness states, "I'm not sure if there actually was missing time but I closed my eyes then I opened them-and then it was the morning already. Almost every night I get a very strange feeling that I'm going to get abducted, but have not ever been before to my knowledge. In my dream I am in a very dark place that looks like the field about one half of a mile from my house. I see a landed alien ship. I blink my eyes and the next thing I know I'm in a silver ship. An extremely bright light was pouring from it as if it were liquid-light. Inside there was a bunch of TV monitors that display images of what seemed to be various sections of the interior of the ship. The creepiest thing I saw was an alien with large oval shaped black eyes wearing a shiny blue suit. He seemed to paralyze me. He was lying on the floor and he didn't have eye-lids so I couldn't tell if he was knocked out or just resting. I continued exploring the ship and saw a TV monitor that showed the alien on the floor had disappeared . I saw some movement through the wall of the ship and realized that it was that same being! After everything is a freaked out blur. In the morning and I felt terrible and found two new scratches on my upper lip. Thanks to M. Clements uforeports@aol.com OREGON TRIANGLES ROSEBUD � Jerry Burgess reports that on September 22, 1999, my wife stepped out to the back patio for some fresh air at 10:30 PM. She saw something strange on top of the hill close to our home. At her plea I hurried out to see what was so urgent. In back of our home there is a six miles long ridge of hills with electrical transmission lines on towers. On top of the hill, close to one of towers there was a hovering set of brilliant lights. There seemed to be three small lights surrounding a center light that blinked in red and green less than a mile away. I got my binoculars and ran next door to show my neighbor the object. My spouse and neighbor say they had the impression the object was a truncated triangle. The object moved slowly along the hill top to the south without making any noise. Then suddenly it accelerated very fast and disappeared in a flash of light. On returning to the house our computers had shut down and some of the digital clocks needed to be reset. However the television sets remained on. I have now seen three UFO's, two in the last month. I saw the first one fifty years ago at the age of twelve. I am a member of MUFON and CAUS but a skeptical person. However, after the last two experiences my skepticism is shrinking rapidly. I noticed there was a moderate breeze that came up during the observation and died down on the departure of the UFO. Thanks to Jerry Burgess WASHINGTON AND OREGON LOOKOUTS FREQUENTLY SPOT UFOs! Jim Doerter a retired college professor writes that, I would be happy to send my collection of sightings from fire lookouts. They are mainly linked to US Forest Service (USFS) people. In 1959, I personally had two dramatic sightings on my tower in south central Washington. One fluorescent blue shape was seen over my tower. Later that year we saw a 300 foot long craft sail right past my tower near Mt. Adams. It came from the Mt. Hood area towards us. It was silent and ringed with red and white lights -- moving at high speed. At the end of the summer my family and I went to Penn State to work on my doctorate. Four years ago, I told my experience to a meeting of lookouts and I was surprised when others told me of their own experiences. Since then I have collected 50 stories from USFS people mainly in the Northwest. It's difficult to find lookouts to talk to since many are afraid to tell their stories since they might lose their jobs. There are fewer lookout jobs now and they do not want to be left "off the list." The main reason I started my research was the naive idea that I would get the US Forest Service to encourage people to report their sightings. The USFS is not quite ready for all this so I got no help or encouragement. It's strange, I got your E mail recently and only today saw you on an old 'Sightings" television program. Up until today I never saw your face. This was a common situation as a lookout you would contact people every day but never actually meet them. Thank you for all your hard work. Thanks to: Jim Doerter, 80 -Scenic Drive, Ashland, Oregon 97520 PS- I am better looking than you :- ) NEW MEXICO ALBUQUERQUE -- Submedical writes, "I felt it necessary to come forward with my own 'encounter' in June of 1998. I was driving to work, when I noticed a saucer shaped disk hovering over the Manzano Mountains next to Kirtland Air Force Base. The 'odd' thing I noticed is that it had U.S.A.F. markings on the craft. Now I am an educated person with a bachelor's degree in business, so don't think I'm a 'nut.' I just wanted to tell someone who is in the UFO business that I saw one with American, Yes! American USAF on the side of the craft. The craft has great speed and was only there for a few seconds then, it just disappeared. I'm not sure if telling someone will get me into trouble or not, I just wanted to make the public aware that the US is now capable of building and flying saucers! Thanks to Submedical BRAZIL STRANGE DISAPPEARANCES I am an American who lives in Brazil and I have been doing research here for twenty years. I am always interested in statistics that have to do with disappearing people like the Falun Gong claim is happening in last weeks files. Here in Brazil, every three minutes a person disappears according to last year's statistics and this year its even more alarming. That's 175,000 missing people per year for Brazil alone! People disappear for various reasons to do with drugs, organ harvests, abandoning family, etc. However, there is the possibility (and I say this because of ongoing research into the "UFO" scene) that aliens ARE kidnapping people! In Brazil, there are formal and informal groups trying to discover what is going on. People disappear in the most mundane ways: going to the corner for cigarettes, walking to and from work. These are ordinary people not involved in drugs or with any mental/emotional problems or other motives for disappearing. Some may be kidnapped to remove their vital organs for medical transplant purposes. There seems to be something else going on. I find that whole families, once there has been a UFO sighting, seem sensitized to all sorts of phenomena. One person I know went to a B.B.Q. in a residential area and during the B.B.Q. she thought someone was calling her from the garden. She walked to the gate and was hit with a strange light. That's all she remembers. She was suddenly missing and everyone rushed around trying to find her. Several hours later, she was found some distance away, totally dazed and traumatized curled up in the forest! I know this girl well. She is a teenager and a very sober person who is currently writing a complete report for me. She was returned, but how many people do? Her father has been abducted and even visited by strange men in black here in Brazil. I believe that the whole picture is very complicated and may involve dimensional shifts. I have a lot of data that points to that explanation. Um Abrao as we say here, Thanks to Cynthia Newby Luce cynthia@compuland.com.br UFO HOVERS OVER THE CAPITAL OF AZERBAIJAN BAKU � A respected Doctor of Sciences in geology and mineralogy El'chin Hallilov has used an advanced Sony camcorder to capture 40 minutes of video of a hovering a huge glowing rotating UFO over the capitol of Azerbaijan. A conference of astronomers was being held at the Shemahinskoj Astrophysical Observatory in Azerbaijan at the same time. The 50,000 frames of video was taken to the meeting and viewed by astronomical experts who were amazed by the hi quality digital video. They were shocked by the clarity and length of the film that seems to show a huge hovering spaceship or a confidential American weapons system. The video is considered sensational because it shows a large flashing brightly lit blue craft hanging above the city for several hours starting at 9:45 PM on September 24, 1999. The astronomers could not explain it away as a natural phenomena such as plasma or a comet. The film then shows the craft magnified 300 times showing a surprising technical complex device. It consists of three main parts. The front is in the shape of a full sphere. The rear of the craft rotates around an axis passing all along the object. It seems to radiate high power heat and radiation. The object turns and it is possible to see its full length, and then it is a full-sphere with a truncated bottom. There are flashing lights and portions seem to rotate showing two plate like objects. At times it appears as an isosceles triangle and then forms into an eclipse and disappears. This is a rough translation of the Russian article in the Moscow newspaper 'Komsomolskaya Pravda.' The astronomers agreed that natural objects do not take on these shapes and hold stable for several hours. The object was obviously some type of technical object. It was agreed to create a commission to study the film and acquire data on anomalous objects. Thanks to Anatolij. BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL A HOME SEE MY FREE REPORT -- All real estate agents are not the same? Some real estate agents or sales representatives are part timers and inexperienced. Others are experts with an excellent experience and capabilities. When you are selling or buying your home, you need to make sure you have the best real estate agent working for you before you make any important financial decisions on one your biggest investments! Remember, the majority of people do not know the right questions to ask, and what pit falls can cause major problems. Picking the right real estate agent can be a wonderful experience, and picking the wrong one can be a big mistake that can waste your time and cost you thousands! Find out, "What you need to understand prior to hiring any real estate agent!" These are the questions that many agents do not want your to ask. Learn how you can obtain the best real estate agent for your needs. To get a free copy of this report, just call (609) 654-0020 or e-mail us at Majorstar@aol.com. U.S. GOVERNMENT UFO PROOF RELEASED: Audio tapes of a genuine UFO Alert at Edwards Air Force base and studied by the Foreign Technology Division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, are now available for distribution to the public. Lunar Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell was at Edwards the night the UFO chase occurred. The 6th person to walk on the moon said, "The night it happened I investigated it myself and this was a real event." Sam Sherman's audio documentary tape called THE EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE ENCOUNTER on the night of October 7, 1965, uses the actual voice recordings provided by the Air Force. During this event 12 high tech luminous UFOs invade secure air space and came down low over the runways at Edwards AFB. Tower operator Sgt. Chuck Sorrels spotted them and notified the Air Defense Command. Sgt. Sorrels is heard on the original tapes and in a new segment where he verifies the event as it is heard on the archival recordings. The UFOs are described and a decision is made to launch F-106 fighter interceptors. You are there for an important part of UFO history. Hear it for yourself, its the best UFO tape ever made. Tape cost is $14.95 each plus $2.00 for shipping -- total $16.95 --(for overseas orders- out of US - add $6.00 shipping cost - total - $20.95) you can send either a personal check or money order to: Independent International Pictures Corp, Box 565, Dept. GF, Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857. MUFON JOURNAL For more detailed investigative reports subscribe by contacting Mufon@aol.com. Filer's Files Copyright 1999 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post items from the Files on their Websites provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue that the item appeared. Send your letters to me at Majorstar@aol.com. If you wish to keep your name confidential please so state.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 Re: Rocket Booster Re-entry 25761 From: Bob Young <YoungBob2@aol.com> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 00:42:51 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 17:35:45 -0400 Subject: Re: Rocket Booster Re-entry 25761 >From: Terry Blanton <commengr@bellsouth.net> >Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 19:23:41 -0400 >Fwd Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 16:39:12 -0400 >Subject: Re: Rocket Booster Re-entry 25761 >SPACEWARN Bulletin reports that 25761 actual re-entry was >9/2/99. Weren't those sightings attributed to 25761 on 9/1/99? >See: >http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx551.html >item #4. Dear Terry and List: Times given in the SPACEWARN Bulletin seem to be given as UT, or Universal Time, essentially the same as Greenwich Mean Time. Thus, something which happens on September 1 between 8 PM and Midnight, Eastern Daylight Time, would be September 2, UT. Clear skies, Bob Young

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 TMP News: New Planet in Our Solar System? From: Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada <psa@direct.ca> Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 22:28:38 -0800 Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 17:37:47 -0400 Subject: TMP News: New Planet in Our Solar System? TMP News: New Planet in Our Solar System? - Possible "Mystery Object" Found TMP News Breaking News and Reports from The Millennium Project http://persweb.direct.ca/psa New Planet in Our Solar System? - Possible "Mystery Object" Found October 7, 1999 _____________________________ Editor: Paul Anderson _____________________________ Has evidence for a long-rumoured tenth planet been found? See the following MSNBC news story for full details: http://www.msnbc.com/news/320182.asp The planet, if confirmed, is thought to be significantly more massive than Jupiter, and much farther out than Pluto, as much as an eighth of the distance to the next nearest star, possibly a "rogue" planet or brown dwarf gravitationally captured by our sun. _____________________________ TMP News is the e-mail update service of The Millennium Project, and is published periodically as breaking news develops, and is available free by subscription; to be added to or removed from the mailing list, send your request, including "subscribe TMP News" or "unsubscribe TMP News" and e-mail address to: psa@direct.c Subscribers to The Millennium Report, the monthly e-mail newsletter of TMP will also receive TMP News TMP welcomes your reports and submissions. Forward all correspondence to: THE MILLENNIUM PROJECT Suite 202 - 2086 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1J4 Canada Tel / Fax: 604.731.8522 E-Mail: mailto:psa@direct.ca Web: http://persweb.direct.ca/psa � The Millennium Project, 1999

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 07:01:28 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 17:42:10 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >From: C. <xxxxx.net> >Subject: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 18:35:18 -0000 >Posted for Maxwell Burns >To UFO UpDates: >This is the first legal opportunity I have had to speak about >the case. If the dogs have finished tearing at my flesh I would >like to enlighten you as to this travesty of British justice. I >would also like to talk about the rules of evidence which you >have heard Matthews, Roberts and Clarke talk about so much. The rules of evidence of this case are these: A jury at Sheffield Crown Court during a four-day trial viewed all the evidence - prosecution and defence. During the trial, Burns declined to give evidence he is now prepared to provide to Updates posters. After deliberation the jury reached majority guilty verdicts on both charges. Sentencing, the Judge Robertshaw said to Burns: "There is no explanation forthcoming from you which might have placed this case into a context which might have provided some mitigation. "This offence would have made a significant contribution to the drug scene and the drug scene is one which decent people are heartily sick and tired of. "By pre-appointment and arrangement you were at this motorway junction to pick up this sizeable amount of tablets and I have no doubt that they would have been distributed to people who would have used them upon themselves and passed them onto others." If Max is so sure of his innocence, why did he not take the stand and explain these facts to the Jury which he is now happy to communicate to Updates posters? >From: Tim Matthews <matthews@zetnet.co.uk> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 09:56:08 +0100 >What people should not forget is that in interviews with Dave >Clarke - an aware-winning local journalist (amongst other >things) - Burns admitted he was guilty. He said he expected to >go down for his drug-dealing. In actual fact Tim, Maxwell did NOT admit his guilt to me - he simply said he "expected" to be found guilty and serve time. If Max had pleaded guilty in court he would probably be a free man today - performing community service. That was his decision, and his right within British law. But by pleading not guilty and being found guilty, he has to take the penalty like anyone else in his position. UpDates subscribers should note that despite the exchanges on this list there was a time when Max used to ring me regularly and paid at least one visit to the newspaper office where I worked. On those occasions he was quite open about the fact he had been charged with a serious drug offence and was in a lot of trouble with the police. He lost no time in connecting his drugs charge with his investigation of what he calls the "Sheffield UFO incident" in a number of public places many times. He has said many times that he believes he was set up with the drugs because of what he had discovered about the case. If that is so why did he not use this claim in his defence, and take the witness stand in court? Taking all of this into account, that is is why I could not understand how he and his cohorts could then accuse others of using his personal life to attack his character. If Max's drugs charge and his character have nothing to do with his claims about UFO cases, then he should have kept his mouth shut from the start. You cannot have it both ways. <snip> >Here is an interesting thought for all of you who have been >following the Sheffield case. Do you think that it would be a >big break in deciding the true facts about the incident if >someone were to produce an audio cassette of the launch of the >Tornado jets from the base. All the jet-to-base chatter and the >pilot-to-pilot chatter and all the police-radio chatter between >Ecclefield police station and officers on the ground that night >- recorded by a radio ham? It would certainly settle the matter >or whether the jets were scrambled on red alert or were just on >a training mission, wouldn't it? Watch this screen! It certainly would be a big break and would solve the case once and for all - and I would be the first to admit I was wrong.. But I predict that this audio cassette and its wonderful owner who can apparently tune in to both police and RAF frequencies simultaneously will, like the rest of Burn's "conclusive evidence" on this case, never materialise. As they say in this part of the world - "pigs might fly."

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 01:47:13 +0100 Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 17:44:49 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >To: <nufon@currantbun.com> >Subject: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 17:05:28 +0100 >>UFOIN - A new start for British ufology >>Some of the UKs most experienced investigators today >>launched a bold initiative. >>Nothing will be spent pandering to enthusiasts, putting on >>lectures or printing magazines. Hi All, This sounds so fantastic and to good to be true, but nobody making money from ufology what is going on, surely a lot of career researchers will be up in arms! And pandering to enthusiasts? Blimey.... Now knuckle down and do as you're told boy! Hurry up & land lads and put us out of our misery!! Roy.. Keep Smiling!

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 Re: Tampa UFO Video Summary Report From: Ignatius Graffeo <Ufoseek@aol.com> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 08:57:50 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 17:48:02 -0400 Subject: Re: Tampa UFO Video Summary Report The Fox-13 TV 10PM news report of September 7th was perhaps the best late prime-time news story broadcast in recent memory concerning a UFO sighting. The two news anchors appeared serious and concerned, presenting all sides of the sighting. However, the story as a whole left the viewer somewhat confused and drew a questionable conclusion saying it was "the rocket's red glare." Definitely not so if you review the video. Booster debris or space junk reentering and burning up in the atmosphere do not have multi-colored signal lights flashing, hover, then go straight up, nor are triangular-shaped, level-flying objects. Numerous explanations have been given that the sightings must be an item from NORAD's satellite "predicted debris" catalog list. The Tampa video appears to be an object that is under intelligent control, not a burning hunk of space junk. A more plausible explanation is whoever or whatever is flying these triangular craft _know_ about the falling rocket booster and satellite debris schedules and are using them as windows of opportunity for their flight manuevers. This would explain the multiple sightings and the irreconcilable discrepancies in the eyewitness descriptions. The Fox-13 video tape is much more clearer than the Avi and RealPlay conversions on this page. However, the characteristic triangular shape is evident even in the conversion copies to AVI and _real_ format. You must not simply look at a "flat picture" but perceive the subtle highlights and linear perspective of the object in the video as it moves with the brighter areas. Watch the 2 lights on the left side of the object very carefully. Two photos and a video clip were selected from a portion of the home video taken by John Vye on the morning of September 7th. The video was shot in the early morning, just before sunrise. The sky at the time of the event was still dark. Check website for latest poll results. What do you think the Fox 13 UFO video revealed? Ignatius Graffeo http://www.ufoseek.org Mirror Site: htttp://members.aol.com/ufoseek/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 CPR-Canada News: Update 2 on Edmonton #2 Crop From: Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada <psa@direct.ca> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 06:44:17 -0800 Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 17:49:08 -0400 Subject: CPR-Canada News: Update 2 on Edmonton #2 Crop CPR-Canada News News and Reports from Circles Phenomenon Research Canada http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310 Update 2 on Edmonton #2 Crop Formation October 8, 1999 _____________________________ Editor: Paul Anderson _____________________________ Update - October 8 By Paul Anderson Judy Arndt has done a complete ground survey of the Edmonton, Alberta #2 seven circle crop formation (September 21). A full report with aerial and ground images and diagrams can be found at the following link: http://www.treasurehouseimports.com/cropcircles/edmonton99/edmontoncropformation .html Paul Anderson Director CPR-Canada _____________________________ Circle Phenomena in Canada Report Archive 1999: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310/1999.html A reminder for all Canadian subscribers / readers - your assistance is welcome and needed - ANY reports of other possible circles this year, please do let us know as soon as possible! See Reporting and Field Research Guidelines on the web site for more information: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310/reporting.html REPORTING HOTLINE: 604.731.8522 _____________________________ CPR-Canada News is the e-mail update service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada (affiliate of Circles Phenomenon Research International), and is published periodically or as breaking news develops and is available free by subscription; to be added to or removed from the mailing list, send your request, including "subscribe CPR-Canada News" or "unsubscribe CPR-Canada News" and e-mail address to: psa@direct.c CPR-Canada welcomes your reports and submissions. Forward all correspondence to: CIRCLES PHENOMENON RESEARCH CANADA Circles Phenomenon Research International Main Office Suite 202 - 2086 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1J4 Canada Tel / Fax: 604.731.8522 E-Mail: mailto:psa@direct.ca Web: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310 � Circles Phenomenon Research Canada, 1999

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 Re: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? From: Kevin Randle <KRandle993@aol.com> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 09:59:19 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 17:55:19 -0400 Subject: Re: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? >Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 15:14:21 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) >From: Nick Balaskas <nikolaos@YorkU.CA> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? >>From: Steven J. Dunn <SDunn@logicon.com> >>To: UFO UpDates <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? >>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 12:11:22 -0700 >>>Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 15:34:10 >>>To: updates@globalserve.net >>>From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >>>Subject: UFO Engaged During Vietnam War? <snip> >Talking about someone actually being involved in such a very >similar UFO incident during the Vietnam War, aliens included, >listen to the July 4 and August 30 1999 archived interviews by >Sergeant Clifford E. Stone, U.S. Army (retired) on Jeff Rense's >Sightings website. If Clifford Stone's account is true, then >this could be another example of fact being even stranger than >fiction. >http://www.sightings.com/ >Nick Balaskas Nick, List, all - I have thought long and hard about responding to this post. I have found myself on the "wrong" side in too many debates and have contributed to the ongoing discussions that could be described as "character assassination," though I have attempted to refrain from personal comments. I have not always been successful in that, but I am aware of the difference between an attack on the character of someone and the stating of fact as opposed to rumor, half-truth, and innuendo. That said, I cannot allow this nonsense by Cliff Stone go unchallenged. I have known Cliff for ten years. I have visited his home, been to dinner in his home, and listened as his stories of his UFO related activities have evolved. If we believe him, then he has been involved in every major UFO sighting since before he was born... yes, he wasn't at Holloman when the UFO alleged landed there in 1964, but he saw the films. Somehow he was in a place to see the acorn-shaped UFO from Kecksberg trucked into or out of a military base. He has been consulted by high-ranking military and government officials, been threatened, transferred, and nearly killed or imprisoned ... at least, according to him. And I have told him that I just don't believe it. I told him that sitting in his living room, after he had told his Vietnam tales of sneaking through the wire to meet with the secret UFO people. I have told everyone who asked, after I met Cliff, that I found his stories to be... extreme. The very first day I met him, while he was off duty, yet in his sergeant's uniform, he tried to convince me of his... inside knowledge. After he paced in front of us (Don Schmitt, Ralph Heick, Don Mitchell and me) for a while, smoking a cigar and lecturing on the topic of UFOs, Cliff said he had to go out to the car. He returned carrying a bundle of papers and allowed us to glimpse the Top Secret cover sheet on them. At that moment I knew that Cliff was putting us on. If he had top-secret material, and if he left it in the car, and if he was bringing them now, into the house to store, then he was going to jail because that is not the way that top-secret documents are treated. They are stored in a vault and there wasn't one in Cliff's home office. Yes, I know because I have been in the room. Cliff also showed me a document, recovered through FOIA (and there is no denying that he has worked the FOIA requests long and hard retrieving some interesting material) that he said showed the Chilean Air Force had attacked a UFO, hit it with missiles, and did no damage to it. Well, the document actually said that the Chilean Air Force had fired missiles without results. We could interpret that to mean they missed. Cliff drew a conclusion that wasn't proven by the facts he had. Not a big thing, but it showed that his thinking wasn't as critical as it could be. (And yes, I'm sure there are those here who would say the same as me... but, I do know the difference.) As we left that first night, more than ten years ago, Cliff pointed to the military sticker on his car, which was blue, and asked me, if he was just a sergeant, and officers had blue stickers, why was his blue. I shrugged and said nothing, but I did know the answer. About ten years before that (mid-1970s), the Air Force changed their stickers so that everyone got a big blue sticker that identified the car as registered on base, and a much smaller, color coded one that identified the owner as an officer, NCO, enlisted, retired, civilian, etc. The smaller sticker was the proper color for an NCO but it told me one more thing about Cliff. There are other examples of this... exaggeration. He once showed me a document listing a number of people, including him, that provided their security clearances. Everyone had a secret clearance except Cliff. He had a top secret. He thought this unusual, or rather suggested to me it was unusual. I didn't mention that my clerk/typist had a top-secret clearance as well, not for any sinister purpose but because as a clerk he might be exposed to top-secret material if we were deployed. Cliff's having a top-secret clearance meant nothing. So now we get to his Vietnam adventures. The first I had heard of these was in UFO magazine. I was surprised that they would publish the story. Don Ecker did write a companion piece that suggested he didn't believe what Cliff was claiming. I talked to Don about that and told him that I had a similar reaction. In fact, all of those in the UFO field who are also Vietnam veterans seemed to have a similar reaction. The story is not true. You did not sneak through the wires are night without getting shot at. This smacks of the wannabe stories we hear today of clerks who, at night, sneaked through the wire to got out in search of the enemy. It didn't happen. This is a very long winded way to say that, basically, that these tales now being told by Cliff are simply not true. I have attempted to provide some evidence for my suggestion that they are not true, and provide some background so that you all will understand that I have been in a position to know how these things work and they don't work the way Cliff has said they do. This is not to say that Cliff hasn't contributed a great deal to the field. His understanding of the classification systems, his documenting of various activities, his work on Project Moon Dust and Operation Blue Fly has provided some real insight into the military and UFOs. These have been, and are, important contributions. However, when he begins to speak of inside knowledge and suggest that he has first-hand knowledge, I think we need to leave the lecture. KRandle

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 8 Re: The Purpose Of Abductions From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 09:31:31 +0000 Fwd Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 17:57:35 -0400 Subject: Re: The Purpose Of Abductions >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 18:58:10 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: The Purpose Of Abductions >>Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 05:46:05 +0200 (MET DST) >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> >>Subject: The Purpose Of Abductions >>Hi listfolk, >>In the thread 'Get Real' a debate was started about what right >>the 'aliens' had to abduct people. This debate touched upon the >>question what the purpose of abductions really was. >>A remark by Terry Evans struck me. His wife had told him: "It >>seems like they are stealing my emotions." ><snip> >Hi Henny, All >Well if your theory is correct that that could explain why there >are so little British abductions. Stiff upper lip, reserve and >all that dear chap. We British are not known for showing our >emotions, so perhaps this might add some more weight to your >hypothesis. >The only thing it begs however is; WHY? This theory has been expressed within the UFO community in many forms for a while now. It is a particularly dark take on the "dog eat dog" Darwinian ecological perspective. Even Dr. Karla Turner was expressing such a possible perspective before her untimely death. Like Charles Fort, she had speculated that "We are property." Imagine if you will, a species of creature coexistant on earth which is more energetic than corporeal. Now apply the known EM effects upon human psychophysiology (see this bibliography: http://www.vxm.com/bib.doc.html ) If you follow this line of thinking you can see a possible species which has coexisted here with us and which seems to be bound to us in some sort of ecological feedback loop. When I contemplate this speculative hypothesis and wonder about the _why_ it seems obvious: human emotional experience generates concomitant bioelectrical and biochemical processes throughout our bodies. If "they" are feeding off our emotions it is these by products upon which they probably gain their sustenance. [This very concept was expressed in The Matrix] Isn't it interesting that it is these very bioelectrochemical concomitants which may also play a heavy handed role in the human psychic faculties (crisis telepathy/clarvoyance and psychokinetics), ie-emotion has been shown to have an amplification effect upon Psi. Of course this is only one of a myriad of speculative hypotheses that I entertain and it is not mutually exclusive to any of the others. SMiles http://www.elfis.net

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Roy Hale's Site Updated From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 03:25:06 +0100 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 01:55:10 -0400 Subject: Roy Hale's Site Updated Hi All, Just to mention that I have updated my website. http://memebers.netscapeonline.co.uk/royjhale/ Regards, Roy..

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 09:52:43 +0000 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 02:13:22 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 17:30:38 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 17:38:02 EDT >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>To: updates@globalserve.net ><snip> >>Good Lord! I had no idea there were rules of abduction at any >>given point in time. Thanks Dennis. I mean, for the >>information. Now I am certain that in 1945, when I perceived I >>was invited to join some short little duds, uh, sorry, dudes (I >>was 2 or 3 at the time and couldn't speel rite) I was mistaken. >>Or was I? Maybe back then your "once upon a time rule was >>different. ><snip> >Maybe if you'd reported your encounter earlier the existing UFO >literature wouldn't read and sequence the way it does. But you >didn't and it does. (How, incidentally, did you remember this >experience, which allegedly took place at the age of two or >three? Just curious.) >Meanwhile, get a Gripple, dude. >Dennis Dennis is getting at the heart of the "earliest recovered abduction narrative evidence" problem. So many abductees / experiencers exclaim that they have been having these encounters since childhood. I don't doubt or discount this possibility. However, in the absence of confirmatory evidence of any sort (a diary entry, a parents recall, something) it is very difficult to take these assertions as 'chapter and verse' with regard to the actual historic length of the modern bedroom visitation type encounter phenomena. The evidence in consciousness, memory and perception research surely casts much doubt on the validity of this kind of 'recall.' I myself have an image memory in my mind of a light moving across the night sky from my youth. In my mind's eye memory I can absolutely say for certain that, "I remember seeing this light move in a slow straight non-ufo like line across the night sky as I watched it with some other kids at the Summer Camp we were attending. I remember saying then, wouldn't it be cool if the light suddenly stopped and then did a 90 degree turn towards the ground as if it were going to land?! Ever since that moment, and I knew this upon making the statement at the time, I am unable to recall the real light continuing on in a straight line. My memory of it is endellably [sic] etched into the 'ufo' movement." Of course, if I add the coup de grace, some may immediately decide I am in fact an abductee. "On one of the last nights at this Summer Camp vacation I was awoken in the middle of the night by a commotion. My memory of this is all pretty hazy. Everyone in camp was walking off into the Texas underbrush. All I really remember is being very tired and confused, walking through the scrub brush and cedar trees for a distance over typical rolling Texas hills. I started to hear more voices and entered upon a bowl like depression clear of trees but surrounded by cedars on the outer lip of the bowl. All the camp is here and we are bathed in a golden yellow light from a ... camp fire? I remember little else of this night; presenting of bead awards or somesuch, but I don't remember the return to my cabin. I awoke the next morning in my bed." Ok ok, I'm not trying to trivialize the matter. Hardly anyone on this list would seriously entertain the possibility that what I described was at all ufo related. But I have had people suspect the same for less. As someone profoundly interested in ufos I can't express to you the sheer numbers of gullible people who have come up to me and asserted "you're so interested in this you _must_ have been abducted and you just don't remember it." This is why I think a better examination of the "memory" of these encounters, particularly the alleged early childhood ones, should be undertaken. But there are obvious technical and ethical considerations. SMiles http://www.elfis.net

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Serge Salvaill <sergesa@connectmmic.net> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 11:19:55 -0700 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 02:30:46 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 20:18:48 -0500 >From: Roger Evans <raka@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Kenny Young >>Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 15:02:37 -0400 >>Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 10:43:09 -0400 >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto >>>From: Jerome Clark >>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>Date: Sun, 03 Oct 99 18:15:28 PDT <snip> >Holy Cow!!!! >Sorry, Bruce, but the only words that come to mind are: >What a huge bunch of crap! >Time for a reality check, folks! >The chronology for this entire affair is butt-simple: >1. Jerry Black made unwarranted attacks on Dr. Maccabbee's >character. >2. Jerome Clark defended him. >3. Jerry Black then made unwarranted attacks on Jerome's >character in response. >4. Jerome Clark then defended himself. >5. Terry Evans then made unwarranted attacks on both Jerry and >Bruce. >6. They both defended themselves. >7. Then Kenny Young jumps in (obviously too lazy to look through >the archives to see what really happened and who started this >mess) and declares Jerome's appropriate responses to such >attacks as "rabid". >Crap. Nothing but Crap. Adding your comments to the reactions of other interveners in this thread draws a frightening picture of ufology. The real crap starts at 7 where... on September 29... Kenny Young wrote a reply to Brian Straight who had said, concerning Jerome Clark: >Thanks for being the voice of reason here. Kenny Young's reply: >Yes, it is unfortunate that personal attacks go hand in hand >with some of these ufological debates. But since you applauded >Jerome Clark for "voice of reason" during argumentation, let's >take a fresh look at some of his previous comments from this >discussion so that you and the friendly reader can decide >whether or not Clark has demonstrated himself as the keen >officer of courtesy and civility that you proclaim. Kenny Young went on _demonstrating_ the basis of his opinion. The story goes on where Kenny Young, for contesting voice-of-reason Jerome, gets flamed by voice-of-reason Jerome, and, in the process, put on the same stake as Jerry Black. This well-established fact is what makes this affair hair-raising: any member of the List should be familiar with Mr. Young's work. Kenny Young has proven in the past that he is a reliable conscientious and very good UFO investigator. He is not a character assassin. Go back on the List in the past 3 years. Look for one post where Kenny Young indulges in personal attacks. You will find none. On the other hand, Jerry's road sheet does not exactly make him a Peace Nobel Prize candidate. I do suggest you read the September 29 text, and please explain to me where Kenny Young got it wrong? Let's proceed to 8. 8. Obviously, Jerome Clarke's followers let there objectivity in the locker room when they entered the jousts: Pat McCartney - Wed, 6 Oct 1999 13:31:19 EDT: <snip> >Kenny Young's principle of "no agreement/no respect" appears >closer in spirit to Torquemada or the Stalinist purges than a >realistic expectation of professionals or serious amateurs in a >field of study. Greg Sandow - Wed, 6 Oct 1999 12:34:18 -0400 >This is totally, completely crazy. <snip> >Old boy networks (including old girls) really do exist, of >course, whether or not Jerry Clark and Bruce Maccabee belong to >one. And along with them comes another, related phenomenon, the >irrational, angry outsider, trembling with fury at a real or >imagined in-group, and so convinced of his or her own importance >that reason, common sense, and even common courtesy fly out the >window. Kenny Young and Jerry Black, it seems to me, are >stunning examples. Roger Evans - Wed, 06 Oct 1999 20:18:48 -0500: <snip> >As a list member, I am embarrassed that Mr. Clark and Dr. >Maccabbee have had to endure such, uh... well... crap. 9. To sum it up: a. Atheist contests Pope. b. Pope points at contester and yells: HERETIC. c. People jump at the heretic and burn him to a stake. d. Priest contests Pope. e. Goto b. f. Pope gets contested. g. Goto b. Basic. Terrifying. Hello mob. Serge Salvaille

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 10:50:35 +0000 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 02:47:50 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 23:50:46 GMT >>From: Kevin Randle <KRandle993@aol.com> >>Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 09:49:44 EDT >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>>From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 21:11:19 GMT <snip> >>Without awareness, there is no report. >A first class insight! >Let us pursue it, by asking "Awareness of what". >For those cases involving an experiencer laying down in bed >before falling asleep or immediately after awakening, the >paralysis reported in connection with the abduction is almost >certainly a sign that the experiencer was actually aware of the >physiological condition of his/her own body --- the sleep >paralysis naturally induced during REM-sleep. >And this is a *perception* not a hallucination. >Consequently, we are obliged to wonder if there is anything else >in the experiencer's report that might indicate an awareness due >to perception rather than a hallucination. >>And remember, we suggested that only some of the abductions >were the >result of sleep paralysis, not that all of them were. >And I am merely suggesting that those abduction reports >indicating experiencer Awareness during Sleep Paralysis don't >fit into the two categories outlined above. They are not >completely physical events. And they are not completely illusory >events. >Joseph Polanik Hi Joseph, Randle, listers... The bulk of spontaneous and laboratory psi cases suggests that altered states of consciousness play an important role in the reception and perception of psychic information/experiences. It seems to amplify the psychic signal in similar ways as emotion (see my previous post re: The Purpose Of Abductions). Considering all the evidence for dream telepathy it would seem logical to consider these UFO / ASP ASCs as a probable communications channel for many forms of consciousness besides our own. Perception research which encompasses the encountering of apparitions, obes, abductions, ufos and other fantastic phenomena, should show an appreciation for the contention that our entire experience is a VR like hallucination which shows a powerful ability to convince us of its contents being "physical reality." Therefore we should not be surprised to find a real signal and source of the Others whom we encounter within this hypothetical interface. If human laboratory tested dream telepathy is any indication it would seem that other forms of intelligence or consciousnesses could utilize these psi receptive states as a sort of transpersonal communications channel. Especially if said consciousnesses manifest a technology or physiology which exhibits the EM effects evident in both the UFO literature and the psychotronics literature. See the bibliography on the psychoactivty of electromagnetics here: http://www.vxm.com/bib.doc.html The person encountering such a communications "vehicle" would necessarily "misperceive" _some_ of the imagery / experiencer which was beyond the norm. The human mind eithers shuts off (missing time?) or fills in the extraordinary perception with something from its memory banks. It should then also not surprise us that the degree of fear experienced is so high since our society has little in the way of cultural experience with these realms beyond the psychedelic experimentation of the sixties. Other cultures which have had an ongoing dialogue with these entities incorporate a special class of individual with whom they interact as middleman; clergy vs layperson. We now have our own abductee / shamens. If only the would better incorporate the types of evidence I am speaking of here. We would all be better served by such a take I think. It is always with great joy that I find experiencers who haven't automaticly taken the standard modern ET mythos literally. I think an open minded acceptance of ambiguity is ultimately the safest route to integration for the abductee/experiencer. SMiles http://www.elfis.net

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 11:32:30 +0000 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 02:55:19 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:05:38 GMT >>Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 19:33:42 -0500 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>... but once upon a time in UFO Land >>abductions tended to follow a straight line from the sighting of >>the UFO to the physical abduction itself, viz. Villas-Boas, the >>Hills, Herbert Schirmer, Travis Walton and so on. In other >>words, a distant UFO was seen which drew nearer and disgorged >>alien beings, who summarly hauled the unwilling Earthling into >>the bowels of the UFO. Pretty straightforward stuff, when you >>think about it. >>But I think I'm also safe in saying that that's not the way most >>abductions are reported (or experienced) nowadays. True, the >>insides of what is alleged and what appears to be a UFO is >>frequently described, but in many cases no UFO is seen or >>reported from an external point of view, either coming or going. >I think you are correct in noting that content of experiencer >reports has shown some evolution over the years. However, the >explanation for the evolution of abduction accounts may be >unrelated to the explanation for abductions. >One possible explanation of this sort is that, as the public (or >the definable subculture known as ufology) became more accepting, >experiencers were able to reveal more without increasing the risk >of ridicule. I remember the Joe Pine show from the early '60s. It >was a syndicated talk show. Joe Pine, the host, was mercilessly >sarcastic toward the contactees he had on his show. Today there >are other forums for those who feel compelled to tell the world >of their experiences. Back then there weren't any receptive >forums. This is akin to both varieties of "researcher bias": firstly as the researcher usually looks for reports of a certain type and secondly as the experiencer will seek out those who have had or are researcher similar experiences. When early era ufo groups wouldn't fully deal with the occupant reports they began receiving, they necessarily delayed the public emergance of this encounter aspect a good decade at least. Once groups started publicly reporting these encounters, others with similar experiences (and of course a handful of fakers) would start reporting events which had previously been unreported (this again goes to the issues raised in the other thread of this re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... in which Dennis addresses the "emergance of memory" problem). This also bares relevance to Vallee's hilltop theory of UFO reporting; the stranger the experience the less likely anyone is to report it. If they do report it, it will be to an increasingly limited peer group. And tho Vallee's theory doesn't address this, I think it safe to say that until a type of experience is reported publicly it is less likely to be reported at all. (This also touches on researchers who withold details of narrative accounts as a form of validity test applied to newly reported cases) as a related aside .... An interesting comparison study could be attempted by cross examining several important fact/fiction authors who have helped create a following of like experienced or like interested people; Richard Shaver, Philip K Dick, Whitley Strieber to name but three. Each of these people was a fiction writer. Each at some point became professed experiencers of the machinations of strange Others. Richard Shaver's writings triggered a flood of like experienced letter writers. So have Streiber's writings. And what of PKD? Before his death he concluded he would never have a definitive answer to his experiences, perhaps consequently, he doesn't seem to have developed the same kind of experiential following. Tho there certainly is a cult of fans for him as an sf author. There are some reports of PKD like encounters. But mostly his influence has been in the acceptance of ambiguity within certain anomaly communities. SMiles http://www.elfis.net [PKD experienced a series of events which attracted the attentions of such luminaries as Jacques Vallee, Robert Anton Wilson, Timothy Leary and a host of others. PKD's experiences as chronicled in his fiction and non-fiction are an amazing chronology of his wrangling with the multitude of possible explanations for his contact experiences. (for more on PKD see: http://www.ufomind.com/people/d/dick/ ) I think even UFO UpDates venerable Greg Sandow met PKD.]

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: RPIT - A Reminder From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 17:45:56 +0100 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 03:02:02 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >From: Gildas Bourdais <GBourdais@aol.com> >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 12:20:38 EDT >Subject: Re: RPIT - A Reminder >To: updates@globalserve.net Dear Gildas and List, >Dear Neil, >I have some admiration for your tenacity in your analysis of the >photographs. I have just looked at the attached file and I must >admit that the piece you analyse is rather peculiar. As you found the last image of interest I attach a further sample of debris that "should not be there", again from MarcelRight.(and hope Errol will forward this as it might also prove of interest to the list.) Please note the images I have forwarded _are_ _not_ computer enhanced, just sections from high resolution scans of my own set of 11x14 prints. The attached image shows at: (A) What seems to be a "loom" of wires or cables, these seem to be associated or attached(unseen) to a beam. (B) This curious piece of debris is just peeking out from behaind the foil sheet held by Maj Marcel, but unlike most of the debris which consists of sheet foil/metal and beams, it seems to be a solid piece of "manufactured" something, as a technician it reminds me very much of a "fan caseing", the output port towards the camera. The other telling feature in this image is the left foot of Maj Marcel. Please note well it's appearance and reflect, this man is in the private office of his Commanding General. The boot (not regulation footware) is dirty, dusty and well scuffed, the turn-up at the bottom of the pant's leg has on it a bad mark possibly of dried on dirt/mud and threads are also seen where the fabric has been plucked. Here we have a man who has been out in the field and shows it, we can also infer that his journey from RAAF to Fort Worth was made in such great urgency that he had no time to spruce himself up _even_ for his Commanding General! let alone a newspaper photographer. >Did other Roswell researchers give their opinion about it ? Y >would like to have those of Kevin Randle, Stan Friedman, David >Rudiak, who are on this list, and also Karl Pflock, I suppose? >And why not the opinion of Dennis Stacy, Jerome Clark and >others? Or perhaps they have answered already on this List and I >am not aware of that ? Kevin has consistantly maintained the photographs show nothing more than "balloon/reflector" debris, I hope I have shown that there are a number of items within the images to _do_ challenge this belief and warrent a re-evaluation of that stance. There has been a continuing lack of comment from many quarters on the findings that both I and the rest of the RPIT have placed on our websites, the data is there to be viewed and _if_ interested parties wish to replicate our findings we encourage them to do so, the only response we do seem to get is of the "why bother, we _aready_ know it's nothing more than balloon debris" type, the AF have done a wonderful job of drumming this mantra home. A number of groups including our own, are continuing to try and "crack" the text of the Ramey Message, To this end Stanton Friedman went to some expence to have one of the original negatives scaned for his further research. I guess this is a less controversial topic than the "hot potatoe" of the debris itself. _IF_ the problem for further research into the FW photographs is technical, ie obtaining original prints and scanning them, I am willing to offer the original scans I produced for the RPIT on a set of CDROM's (3), the files are huge and you will require a "useful" computer to handle them with something like Photoshop, Please contact me directly to discus this further, there would have to be a charge to cover costs and postage of 15UKP($25US). >I would also like very much like to have answers to my >questions regarding Jaime Shandera. I am perplexed (again) at >the absence of answer to my question. Am I to understand that >Shandera does not interest anyone anymore ? I have suggested to JBJ that he might comment on the interviews Jaime Shandera conducted with him, but as Bond will shortly be away for a few days, you may have to wait for a reply. <snip> >Regarding the Linda Corley interview, I would like to know wher >and when she spoke about it. >I it find significant that, a week later, Marcel called her to >deny everything, apparently very frightened: this happened not >very long after the book of Moore (1980), and the report of >Stringfield (Jan 80), where he appeared with his name. Any >comment on this, Mr Stacy ? My own information is that the "request" to scrub the interview came _far_ sooner than a week after it took place. Neil. -- * * * * * * * * Neil Morris. /101101101 Virtual Bumper Stickers Inc 10110101010\ Dept of Physics. 1 1 Univ of Manchester 0 0 Schuster Labs. 1 Computer Programmers DO IT with BITS of BYTES 1 Brunswick St. 0 0 Manchester. 1 1 UK. \0101010110010110110010110101101011011110101011010/ G8KOQ E-mail: neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk Roswell and Alien Autopsy Archive-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ Dave Willetts Home Page-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/dave_willetts/ Mike Sterling Home Page-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/mike-s/ Tim Morgan Home Page -> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/tim-m/ * * * * * * * *

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Get Real From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 14:06:34 EDT Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 08:07:30 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 19:40:31 +0000 >From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >>Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 21:20:49 +0100 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 14:49:47 EDT >>>Subject: Re: Get Real >>>To: updates@globalserve.net >>>>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 16:19:44 +0100 >>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>>From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> >>>>Subject: Re: Get Real >>>>Is this a peculiarly American thing, this emphasis on whether or >>>>not aliens have the "right" to do this or that? Or the similar >>>>concern that an individuals "rights" are being violated by >>>>aliens. I've noticed it in a few posting on this list and >>>>elsewhere, and it always seems to be Americans who raise the >>>>point. >>>It is an American thing, this emphasis on whether or not aliens >>>have the "right" to do this or that. Especially when the "this >>>or the that" is stalking, abducting and performing medical >>>intrusions on our bodies. Actually, it should be a human thing, >>>as Americans are not the only ones in this world with rights as >>>human beings. In the UK, there are, I presume, safeguards >>>against the violations of your human rights, are there not? >><snip> >>Of course there are safeguards against violations of our human >>rights in Britain - you may have heard, for instance of Magna >>Carta, which I believe still forms one of the bases of the >>American legal code, and good on you for it. >That is of course correct, the Magna Carta was drawn up by King >John of England in 1215 and eventually became the basis for the >American constitution. >So I suppose in answer to the previous/previous posting... no it >is not an American thing, it's something us Brits have just >forgotten about. Just my opinion, but most people with such protections under their laws consider this to be either a local thing, or just do not consider them. Americans consider it to be universal. So sue us. >eg: >The fifth amendment guarantees >No person shall . . . be deprived of life, liberty, or property, >without due process of law. >Whilst written more than 500 years earlier, Magna Carta declares >No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, . . . or in any other way >destroyed . . . except by the lawful judgement of his peers. >To a being from another world this would probably mean squat, >local law that's all, stuff the prime directive. >>they can erase all >>evidence of their existence. >This may be getting off subject a bit but 'WHAT?' If as you say >they can 'erase all evidence of their existence' then how do you >explain the literally thousands of people world-wide who seem to >remember being abducted?? >Maybe the aliens just haven't got the hang of that 'memory >erase' thang. >They can dance across the universe in the blink of an eye >apparently but when it comes to an implant... they always seem >to leave an incriminating mark, now doesn't that just strike you >as a teensy weensy bit odd? >Perhaps someone out there can answer those simple little >questions. >Answers on a postcard to: >Dave. >Wake up Jim, you're on. (Ummm, sniffle, snort, Hic, yawn) Sorry, I was just nipping, I mean napping. Uh, Magnums eh? Yup, we sell Magnums, but only to adults over 32 years of age with specially marked livers. And it only comes in Gripple Dripple. Uh, what was we talkin' aboot? Oh, I remember now. Aliens. As I argued with Dennis, uh, I forgot his last name. Oh yah, Menace! No, Stacey! That's it, Stacey. Anyway, there appears to no rule. Why some of us remember and some of us do not remember as much or perhaps at all is part of the conundrum. That things "tend to be going this way or that" is a waste of Dennis' boundless energy... at least in my view. And one good reason fro this is that people, many people, have experiences which they never report, at least not as being either anomalous or related to UFO's or abduction. In addition, that there appears to be a change in the manner in which most of these events occur (i.e., with or without sighting a UFO, etc.) what the hell difference does this make in light of the _faster_ changing level of technology, communications and reporting of these events faster than spit in a vacuum. What's changed more is the technology. Therefore, it becomes difficult to draw conculsions as to the methods used by "them," assuming there are any "them." Kin I go back to sleep now, Dave? Jim Mortellaro

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Max Burns - Let It Go From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 14:13:18 EDT Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 08:10:13 -0400 Subject: Re: Max Burns - Let It Go >Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 22:48:13 +0100 >From: Mark Haywood <mark.haywood@easynet.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Max Burns - Let It Go >It's nice to see so many people wallowing in anothers person >stupidity or misfortune depending on where you stand. >I will not condone his actions or condemn them. Unless you were >on that jury, you will not have received the full facts - you >will have received the facts how the media presented them. >I contacted my local newspaper after some sightings and was >given a very lengthy write-up. >It mentioned me seeing a UFO in America, it shining a beam of >light towards the ground at the back of the farm, where the >cattle were. It mentioned my lecturing all over Europe. >Slight snag here. I don't own a passport, never have been to >the USA and have only lectured in the UK. >Shall we get back to UFOs, folks? >Mark Haywood That is what it was all about to begin with Mark. It was about a guy who disagreed with some other guys and got his ars in a sling... much to the amusement and personal (apparently) satisfaction of the offended, who turned out to be the offendee(s). That's the part that angered Gesundt. Take our president, please. Now there is a guy who never inhaled and never put it someplace it didn't belong. They let him be and continue to be, president. See? Me neither. Oh well, back to the oral awfice. Jim Mortellaro

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 14:46:26 EDT Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 08:12:42 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >To: <nufon@currantbun.com> >Subject: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 17:05:28 +0100 >UFOIN - A new start for British ufology >Some of the UKs most experienced investigators today >launched a bold initiative. >They have banded together under a common name - UFOIN (UFO >Investigators Network) in an attempt to professionalise ufology >in Britain. <snip> >Contact: >E-mail: enquiries@ufoin.org.uk >Snail mail: 1 Hallsteads Close, Dove Holes, Buxton, >DerbyshireSK17 8BS >Web site: www.ufoin.org.uk >Signed (in alphabetical order): >Andy Blunn (NARO), Dr David Clarke (IUN), Paul Devereux, Paul >Fuller, Rory Lushman (The Labyrinth), Lynda Matthews (LUFOS), >Tim Matthews (Beyond), Robert Moore, Jenny Randles (BUFORA), Bob >Rickard (Fortean Times), Andy Roberts (IUN), Mike Wootten >(SiteOne) Dear Jenny, List Errol and other entities lurking; I applaud the effort. I am a skeptic when it comes to researchers who claim to know the truth. When it comes to an honest effort at arriving at truth, I support such to the Nth degree. From what I've read, albeit quickly, your project sounds like just what the doctor ordered for Ufology. I wish you luck and success. Jim Mortellaro

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Get Real From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 14:37:42 EDT Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 10:02:31 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 21:20:49 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: Get Real >>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 14:49:47 EDT >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 16:19:44 +0100 >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> >>>Subject: Re: Get Real >>>Is this a peculiarly American thing, this emphasis on whether or >>>not aliens have the "right" to do this or that? Or the similar >>>concern that an individuals "rights" are being violated by >>>aliens. I've noticed it in a few posting on this list and >>>elsewhere, and it always seems to be Americans who raise the >>>point. ><snip> >Of course there are safeguards against violations of our human >rights in Britain - you may have heard, for instance of Magna >Carta, which I believe still forms one of the bases of the >American legal code, and good on you for it. But these >safeguards, Constitutions, Bills of Rights (we have one, too) >and Human Rights Charters (there's one that covers Europe >including the United Kingdom), while they can be very effective >in defending individual rights against attacks by governments, >legal systems, corporations or other citizens, can't really be >invoked when you're dealing with natural or supernatural forces. >No Constitutional measures can defend anyone against their home >being destroyed in a hurricane, as happened in America a few >months ago, or against being killed in an earthquake, as in >Taiwan. Human Rights would seem a doubtful concept to invoke >against, say, a tiger which killed and ate someone. >No Constitutional force can prevent me being abducted by a >supernatural alien. We know they must be supernatural, because >they can transport people through walls, they can erase all >evidence of their existence and they can manipulate time and >space at will. Some people, Anne Druffel for instance, have >suggested ways in which alien attacks can be fought off. Some >people have suggested that prayer, or focussing one's psychic >energies, or just giving the creatures a good kick in the balls >(if they have any), can cause aliens to back off from abduction. >Well and good, and if I should ever face abduction I might give >one or all of them a try. >The one thing I won't be doing however, is waving the European >Convention on Human Rights at them, or sending them a lawyer's >letter, or getting my MP to raise the matter in Parliament. Yes, >if abductions do exist as physical events performed by aliens - >and I've spoken to enough abductees who themselves deny this, to >have grave doubts about that - it *is* a violation of my rights, >but I don't find that a particularly constructive attitude to >take. It seems as pointless as worrying whether my rights are >being violated by ghosts, vampires or the tooth-fairy. >Maybe I'll change my mind when one of America's celebrity >lawyers hauls an alien into the dock on a kidnapping charge, but >I think I'm in for a long wait. In the meantime, whinging about >"rights violations" when confronted by supernatural alien forces >just seems a little naive and, well... wimpish. Don't scream for >a lawyer, kick 'em in the balls! Greetings and salivations to you, Sire.... Sir... Of course I agree with most everything you wrote. Only a Gripple headed looney bin would disagree. My point was meant to be more of an intellectual, attitudinal and mind set objections to your original post. Except for you sarcasm but then, I am guilty of that on rare occasion, eh? What I perceived when I read your post about "rights" was something a young lady once told me about rape. She said, and I quote: "If God forbid it happens, I will merely lay down and spread my legs with not a whimper or a struggle. It's better than getting killed or badly hurt." When I heard that I thought that I should turn away, for fear that my stare would stop her heart from beating. I do hope you will excuse me for screaming, yelling and fighting about my rights as a human and their obligations at being living entities whilst they are probing my whatsis for my sperm. "MY" sperm! I read a comment once, and darned if I can recall where it was. It was a comment ostensibly made by an alien when the male "it" was taking sperm from objected on the grounds that it was his body. The alien said (or thought) a comment, which was something to the effect that men wasted their spem all the time, why should they object to taking it this way. Or something of that nature. Both stories need no response, nor do they require an explanation, at least from my perspective. If it pleases you to greater acceptance, in lieu of stating anything about my "inalienable (excuse the juxtaposition of woids) rights" then let me use the statement that whether I am an American, a Brit, or just a bum sampling Gripple on Canal street, I have power and control over me. It's why I live here. Although I must admit to getting a tad nervous these days. No one controls me except me. As long as I follow the rules I helped establish and/or enforce. As long as the Constitution rules here, I think I'll hang around. But don't do anything to me that is illegal, immoral or fattening. I can take care of that all by myself, thank you! J. Jaime

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 [UFOR] Re: Information Request (KGB UFO Files) From: Francisco Lopez <d005734c@dc.seflin.org> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 15:42:24 -0400 (EDT) Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 10:06:04 -0400 Subject: [UFOR] Re: Information Request (KGB UFO Files) From: Graham William Birdsall <106151.1150@compuserve.com> [Note from the UFOR Editor: This is a response to a request from Geoff Wheeler regarding KGB UFO Files material. Graham W. Birdsall is the Editor of UFO Magazine, UK.] * George Knapp travelled to the Siberian site some years ago. The debate rages as to whether the mysterious metals originated from a Soviet rocket programme or came from elsewhere. Michael Hesemann told the audience at Leeds Conference that the KGB Files was a hoax - full stop. He did offer some details but we didn't tape his lecture. I'll write to Michael and see if he can put together an article for the mag. Best regards, Graham

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 SpaceViews -- 1999 October 8 From: Moderator, UFO UpDates - Toronto Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 10:20:26 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 10:20:26 -0400 Subject: SpaceViews -- 1999 October 8 There are many subscribers who will find the following interesting. This is a one-time posting of this news letter. UpDates subscribers who would like to receive SpaceViews on a regular basis should make their own arrangements. ebk ===== Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 10:34:07 -0700 (MST) Subject: SpaceViews -- 1999 October 8 From: jeff@spaceviews.com To: undisclosed-recipients:; S P A C E V I E W S Issue 1999.10.08 1999 October 8 http://www.spaceviews.com/1999/1008/ *** News *** ISS Service Module Launch Delayed Conference Committee Restores NASA Budget Shuttle Launches Delayed Again New Observations Eliminate Asteroid Impact Threat House Passes Launch Indemnification Bill X-34 Completes Test Flights for Year Delta 2 Launches GPS Satellite Taxpayers Group Calls for NASA Privatization Mars Images Show No Evidence of Ancient Ocean SpaceViews Event Horizon Other News *** Articles *** Thinking About Mars *** Cyberspace *** The Astronomy Net SpaceWatch Astrobiology at NASA Hubble Heritage Project Editor's Note: We have completed the transition to a new mailing list server that has proven to be much faster than our old one: you should now receive each issue within hours of its publication! If you wish to unsubscribe, send a message to: majordomo@spaceviews.com with unsubscribe spaceviews in the body of the message. Be sure to use the address above, as other, older addresses are no longer valid. We'd also like to welcome subscribers from thespaceport.com's mailing list, who will now receive issues of SpaceViews through an agreement with thespaceport.com's owners. If you don't want to receive future issues, please send an unsubscribe message as described above. If you're having problems unsubscribing, or have any other questions or comments about SpaceViews, please contact me personally. Ad astra, Jeff Foust Editor, SpaceViews jeff@spaceviews.com *** News *** ISS Service Module Launch Delayed International Space Station partner nations have agreed to delay the launch of the Zvezda service module until no sooner than the end of December, more than a month later that previously planned, NASA announced Friday, October 1. NASA and Russian Space Agency officials concluded during a Joint Program Review that "it is no longer prudent to proceed with the current service module schedule," according to a NASA statement. Instead, the launch has been pushed back from November 12 to between December 26 and January 16. The reason why Zvezda will not be ready for a November launch was not clarified in the NASA release. However, there had been unofficial reports of issues with American software that would be used on the module, as well as concerns that Russian officials would not have completed all the testing of the module. An exact date for the launch of the module is expected to be announced later in the month, after a General Design Review goes over the status of the module and can more accurately assess its readiness for launch. The delay is the latest in a string of setbacks for the module, which was originally set for launch more than a year and a half ago. Delays with the assembly of the module, variously attributed to a lack of funding as well as to technical challenges, pushed back the launch of the first modules for more than a year, from late 1997 to late 1998. This latest delay should have little impact on the rest of the station assembly schedule, though, NASA officials said. The shuttle launch schedule was already in flux because of delays caused by wiring inspections and Hurricane Floyd, and the next shuttle mission to ISS was not scheduled for launch before January 22. Any adjustments in the assembly schedule caused by shuttle delays were already in the works before the decision to delay the Zvezda launch was made. The announcement of the launch delay comes just one day after the American restaurant chain Pizza Hut announced a deal to have its logo painted on the side of the Proton rocket that will launch the module from Baikonur. There was no word whether this launch delay would have any effect on that deal. Conference Committee Restores NASA Budget A House-Senate conference committee decided Thursday, October 7, to restore NASA's fiscal year 2000 budget to the levels requested by the President, averting potentially disastrous budget cuts faced by the space agency. The conference committee, working to resolve differences between the House and Senate versions of an appropriations bill that includes NASA, decided on a final figure for NASA's 2000 budget that was actually slightly higher than requested. The committee settled on a final figure of $13.65 billion for NASA in fiscal year 2000, which started October 1. That figure is about $100 million higher than what President Clinton requested for the space agency in his original budget proposal and what was approved by the Senate last month. It is about $1 billion higher than what the House passed in late July, though. The committee did keep the transfer of $120 million out of the space science budget to fund future space transportation studies, as well as earmarks within the space science account, but mitigated those losses by adding $75 million in extra funding fpr space science. The committee also added $25 million to fund shuttle safety upgrades. The Associated Press, though, reported that the compromise bill included a provision against Triana, the controversial Earth-observing mission proposed by Vice President Al Gore. While funding for Triana was retained in the budget, NASA is prohibited from launching the mission before January 2001, easing Republican concerns that Gore might use Triana for personal political benefit during his 2000 presidential campaign. Despite this provision, this version of the budget will likely be signed into law by the President. Clinton had earlier threatened a veto after the House version of the bill, which also includes funding for the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development as well as other independent agencies, slashed funding for a number of programs, including NASA. "The president is likely to sign it," White House budget spokesperson Linda Ricci told Reuters. "A significant number of the administration's concerns were raised and were resolved in a positive way." The conference committee report must first be approved by the House and Senate, normally a formality. Shuttle Launches Delayed Again Continued wiring inspections and other work on space shuttle orbiters have once again pushed back the launch dates of the next three missions, shuttle managers announced Thursday, October 7. Managers decided to push back the launch of the shuttle Discovery on mission STS-103, a Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission, to the early morning hours of December 2. The mission had previously been scheduled for launch no earlier than November 19. The following mission, the STS-99 radar mapping mission of the shuttle Endeavour, has been pushed back to January 13, 2000. No firm launch date had been officially planned for STS-99, although it had appeared unlikely the shuttle could launch before the end of December. The following mission, the launch of Atlantis on mission STS-101 to the International Space Station, was pushed back from late January to no earlier than February 10. The continuing series of delays caused by wiring inspections has pushed the launch back from its original early December date. The primary reason for the delays has been ongoing wiring inspections of Discovery and Endeavour when damage was discovered to wiring on the shuttle Columbia after the STS-93 mission in July. Those inspections should be complete on Discovery by the end of the week and are 90 percent complete on Endeavour, shuttle managers said. Inspections of Atlantis are just getting underway. Engineers are also replacing a valve in Discovery's right-hand orbiter maneuvering engine pod. The valve was the source of an oxidizer leak discovered in the pod last month. "Our number one priority for the space shuttle is to fly safely, and that is why we delayed our launch preparations and have performed comprehensive wiring inspections and repairs," space shuttle program manager Ron Dittemore said. "As a result of our inspections, we've made significant changes in how we protect electrical wiring. We believe those changes, along with changes to the work platforms and procedures we use in the shuttle's payload bay, will prevent similar wire damage from recurring." Delays in the shuttle schedule contributed to the decision October 1 by Russian and American officials to delay the launch of the next major segment of the International Space Station. With no shuttle mission to the station planned now before February, officials saw no need to rush and launch the Zvezda service module as planned November 12. New Observations Eliminate Asteroid Impact Threat New observations of a near-Earth asteroid have eliminated the extremely small risk reported earlier this week that the object could collide with the Earth next century. Astronomers had reported earlier this week that asteroid 1999 RM45 had a less than 1-in-100 million chance of striking the Earth in either 2042 or 2050. That prediction was based on about a week's worth of observations after its mid-September discovery by the LINEAR telescope in New Mexico. However, Rob McNaught, an astronomer with the Australian National University, was able to recover the asteroid after the announcement of its potential impact risk. The positions from those observations have refined the orbit of the asteroid and eliminated any probability of an impact in either 2042 or 2050. Such observations were the hope of astronomers who first reported the impact hazard of 1999 RM 45. "Such a very low probability of impact means that the risk posed by RM45 is not of serious concern to the public at large," said Steve Chesley of the University of Pisa in a posting to a minor planets mailing list. "However," he added, "I think it is very important for the NEO [Near-Earth Object] community to take all reasonable and practical steps to ensure that this PHA [Potentially-Hazardous Asteroid] is not lost, or at least to improve the orbit as much as possible before it does become lost." The asteroid never went beyond a 0 on the Torino Scale, a 0-to-10 measurement of the threat posed by an asteroid unveiled earlier this year. A 0 on the Torino Scale corresponds to an object with a smaller probability of impact than that for a random undiscovered object of similar size. Several asteroids have been discovered in the last two years that, at least for a time, has a small possibility of a collision with the Earth in the 21st century. In addition to the well-publicized 1997 XF11 affair in March 1998, asteroids 1999 AN10 and 1998 OX4 were found earlier this year to have small impact probabilities. While 1998 OX4 has been lost, an impact by 1999 AN10 has been ruled out by other observations. These discoveries, however, have convinced at least one observer of the need for dedicated telescopes to follow-up NEO discoveries. "Given the faintness of RM45, it would appear that the most important need for the NEO search community is to have at its disposal a large telescope (specifically dedicated for NEO searches) which is powerful enough to search faint objects such as RM45 (i.e. mag 22-23-24) when such observations are really needed," noted Benny Peiser, moderator of the Cambridge-Conference Network mailing list, earlier this week. House Passes Launch Indemnification Bill The U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation Monday, October 4, that extends government indemnification of commercial launches. The House approved by a voice vote H.R.2607, the Commercial Space Transportation Competitiveness Act of 1999, during its session Monday. There was little debate on the House floor, and no arguments against the bill, before the voice vote. The primary purpose of H.R.2607 is to extend government indemnification of commercial launches, set to expire by the end of the year, through 2004. The indemnification agreement requires commercial launch companies to purchase several hundred million dollars' of insurance coverage in the event of a launch accident. The government, in turn, agrees to provide up to $1.5 billion in third-party excess liability coverage in the event of a catastrophic accident that affects people or property not related to the launch site. The bill also requires the federal government to study over the next 18 months whether the current risk-sharing arrangement between the government and commercial launches, dating back to 1988, should be revised. The bill also includes funding authorizations for the Office of Commercial Space Transportation and the Office of Space Commercialization, part of the Departments of Transportation and Commerce, respectively. "America's space transportation industry is becoming very dynamic, with many new reusable as well as expendable launch vehicles under development," noted Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), sponsor of the bill. "Therefore, this legislation sets in place an independent process to advise the Congress on how the government and private sector should share the risk in future space transportation activities." The commercial launch industry supported the bill but had sought a ten-year extension of indemnification, though, fearing that a shorter extension could create "market uncertainty" about American launchers. The industry may still get their wish. The Senate bill that deals with launch indemnification, S.832, would extend indemnification for ten years. That legislation has passed through committee but has yet to be considered by the full Senate. X-34 Completes Test Flights for Year The X-34, a vehicle designed to test reusable launch vehicle technologies, completed its last captive carry test flight of 1999 last month, NASA officials announced Monday, October 4. The X-34 vehicle A-1 completed an eight-hour test flight attached to its L-1011 carrier aircraft on September 14, although the flight was not announced by NASA officials until October 4 for unspecified reasons. The flight, conducted at the Dryden Flight Research Center in California, was the latest in a series of captive carry flights that started June 29. The captive carry tests are designed to test the flight characteristics of the X-34 when attached to the Orbital Sciences Corporation L-1011. The X-34 remained attached to the L-1011 for the entire flight. With this year's captive carry tests completed, the A-1 vehicle used for the tests will undergo a series of upgrades, including avionics and hydraulics systems. Redesignated the A-1A, it will resume captive carry tests from Dryden in late January. Before then, though, it will undergo a series of at least 16 tow tests, as it is pulled down the runway by a tractor at speeds of up to 80 miles an hour. The tow tests will used to examine the vehicles landing gear, brakes, and control and other systems. Meanwhile, the second X-34 vehicle, A-2, is still scheduled for completion by early 2000. The first powered version of the X-34, the A-2 will test-fire its Fastrac engine during a series of ground tests at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, in early 2000. While NASA officials said in August that the first powered test flights of the X-34 would take place by mid-2000 from Dryden, NASA officials said Monday that the location of the test flights -- either Dryden, Holloman, or Kennedy Space Center, Florida -- was pending the result of environmental impact studies. The X-34 is one of three vehicles -- the X-33 and X-37 being the other two -- NASA is working with industry to develop that will test technologies and operational methods for reusable launch vehicles that promise the lower the cost of space access below $2,200 per kilogram ($1,000 per pound.) Delta 2 Launches GPS Satellite A Boeing Delta 2 successfully launched a U.S. Air Force Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite Thursday morning, October 7, from Cape Canaveral. The Delta 2 lifted off at 8:51 am EDT (1251 UT), the beginning of its launch window, from Pad 17A at Cape Canaveral, Florida. Its payload, a Block IIR Navstar GPS satellite, successfully separated from the booster after a series of burns a little over an hour after launch. The launch of the GPS satellite had been scheduled for May, but was delayed when rain from a strong thunderstorm leaked through a mobile structure surrounding the satellite on the launch pad during launch preparations. The rainwater caused an estimated $2.1 million in damage to the satellite and delayed its launch until now. An investigation into the accident concluded that technicians improperly assembled a plastic waterproof rain shroud over the satellite, allowing water to pool on it until its weight caused the shroud to collapse, spilling water onto the satellite. Since then the launch has been pushed back a few weeks because of weather problems, including Hurricane Floyd, which threatened the Cape Canaveral area last month. The Block IIR satellite is the third in a series of 21 such satellites that will replenish the existing constellation of GPS satellites that provide navigational data to civilian and military users. The IIR satellites, built by Lockheed Martin, featured improved performance and navigational accuracy as well as longer autonomous operations. "The GPS IIR satellites are designed to provide significant improvements in the navigational services for users of the system around the globe," said Len Kwiatkowski, a Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space vice president. Boeing has a contract to develop the next generation of GPS satellites, designated Block IIF. These satellites will be launched starting in 2002 on the Boeing Delta 4 booster currently being developed. Taxpayers Group Calls for NASA Privatization NASA's space shuttles and International Space Station should be sold to private companies, and exploration programs replaced with grants and tax credits, according to a recent report by a taxpayers' group. According to the study by the National Taxpayers Union Foundation, released Wednesday, September 29, NASA is a major obstacle to the private development of space. "Americans are no closer to realizing the dream of living and working in space today than they were thirty years ago," said NTUF policy analyst and study author Jennifer DeButts. "The reason is because NASA, the agency entrusted with the space program, is stagnating." According to the study, NASA was an appropriate response to the Cold War-era competition with the Soviet Union, but, because of its need to justify its existence after Apollo, has hindered private development of space by charging below-market costs for services, among other things. The NTUF study analyzed a number of possible solutions, ranging from a complete liquidation of the space agency through to a model such as the one advocated by the Space Frontier Foundation, where NASA explores the "far frontier" beyond the orbit of the Moon, leaving the Moon and Earth orbit in the purview of private interests. The study chose a different route, calling for both a privatization of near-Earth space and government incentives for more distant exploration. Under this plan, the space shuttle and International Space Station would be sold to private companies for commercial operation. However, instead of keeping NASA in place to explore the far frontier, the study advocates a system of government grants and tax incentives that would be used for missions and other projects beyond the Earth until private industry grows to the point where is can support such projects on its own. The study also concluded that the web of regulations concerning space that span several government agencies should be streamlined, preferably under the Department of Commerce's Office of Commercial Space Transportation. "America cannot allow NASA to rest on its laurels," the study concluded. "Instead, private enterprise should lead the way to the next millennium." Mars Images Show No Evidence of Ancient Ocean Images from the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft have turned up no evidence of an ancient ocean of water that many scientists believe existed early in the planet's history, NASA announced Friday, October 1. Scientists looking for evidence of shorelines from those theorized oceans failed to find any in a particularly promising region of the planet, but emphasize that the lack of any obvious shoreline does not mean the planet lacked oceans. Project scientists examined high-resolution images of an area northwest of the giant volcano Olympus Mons. Lower-resolution images from the Viking missions of the 1970s showed evidence of cliffs between two land regions that scientists thought could be formed by wave erosion from an ocean, similar to shoreline cliffs on Earth. The new high-resolution images, however, show that area is not a "wave-cut" cliff, nor are any of the other features in the area clearly associated with a shoreline. "The newer images do not show any coastal landforms in areas where previous researchers proposed there were shorelines," concluded Kenneth Edgett, a staff scientist with Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS), the company that provided the Mars Orbiter Camera on MGS. "Even on Earth, looking for ancient shorelines from the air or space is a challenge," said Michael Malin, principal investigator for the camera at MSSS. "Despite these difficulties, we believe these images of the proposed shorelines are of a high-enough resolution that they would have shown features indicative of a coastal environment had there been an ancient ocean on Mars." The new images strike a blow against the "ocean hypothesis" first proposed in the 1980s, based on the putative shorelines seen in the Viking data, that the northern regions of the planet were covered by an ocean early in the planet's history, when the planet was warm enough to support liquid water on its surface. However, scientists cautioned that the lack of any shorelines visible in the images does not mean such an ocean did not exist at all. "While the suggestion that Mars at one time had oceans cannot be ruled out, the foundation for the 'ocean hypothesis' developed in the 1980s on the basis of suspected shorelines appears now to have been incorrect," said Malin. "However, it should be understood that there is significant other evidence of water on Mars in the past, both from Mars Global Surveyor and from previous missions." A paper by Edgett and Malin summarizing their work was published in the October 1 issue of the Journal of Geophysical Research Letters. SpaceViews Event Horizon October 10 Sea Launh Zenit 3SL launch of the DIRECTV 1R satellite from a mobile platform on the equator in the Pacific Ocean, at 10:28 pm EDT (0228 UT Oct. 11) October 11 Galileo flyby of Io October 18 Soyuz launch of four Globalstar communications satellites from Baikonur, Kazakhstan October 18 Ariane 4 launch of the Orion-2 communications satellite from Kourou, French Guiana November 2-4 International Space Business Assembly, Washington, DC November 13 "The Final Frontier: Open For Business" Space Enterprise Symposium, Seattle, WA December 3-5 Planetfest '99, Pasadena, CA Other News Titan Launch Delayed: The launch of a military weather satellite aboard a Titan 2 booster has been delayed until December to repair faulty electronics on the satellite, the Air Force announced October 5. The Titan 2 was scheduled to lift off this week from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, and place into orbit the latest satellite in the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP). However, the launch was pushed back, initially to late October, when problems were detected in the spacecraft's electronics. The problem was eventually traced to a faulty chip in a solid-state data recorder on the spacecraft. Fixing the problem will push the launch back until December. Marshall Director to Head MCO Panel: Arthur Stephenson, director of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, was named by NASA October 6 to head an independent review panel to investigate the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter spacecraft last month. Stephenson's panel will report its initial findings to NASA headquarters by November 3, one month before the Mars Polar Lander arrives at the planet. Two other review panels, based at JPL, are also looking into the accident, which preliminary accounts blame on differences in units -- metric vs. English -- used by two spacecraft teams. New Moon Weighs in on Asteroid Mass: The discovery earlier this year of a small moon around a main belt asteroid has provided new evidence that some asteroids may be surprisingly light, astronomers announced Wednesday, October 6. The discovery of a small moon around asteroid 45 Eugenia, announced earlier this year, allowed a group of American and European astronomers to measure the mass and density of the asteroid. The result: a density of only about 1.2 grams per cubic centimeter, far less than the 3 grams per cubic centimeter expected for a solid, rocky asteroid. "Either these objects are highly porous rubble-piles of rock, or they are mostly water ice," said team member Clark Chapman of the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI). Searches are ongoing for other asteroid moons which may help astronomers understand how common or uncommon Eugenia's low density is. The Battle of the (Galactic) Bulge: The central bulges of different types of spiral galaxies formed very differently, European astronomers using Hubble Space Telescope images reported October 6. The large central bulges of tightly-wound spirals all formed at about the same time early in the history of the universe, according to one group. Another group noticed that the smaller bulges of barred spirals grow over time as gas and dust from the bars flows into the bulge, providing the raw materials for new stars to form. Chips off Pluto: Some bodies in the Kuiper Belt, a disk of icy bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune, may be debris left over from a collision that formed the Pluto-Charon system, astronomers announced October 6. Astronomers at SwRI noticed that the orbits, sizes, and colors of some Kuiper Belt objects known as "Plutinos" -- so named because they have similar orbits to Pluto -- are consist with them being debris from a collision between a proto-Pluto and another body that created Pluto and its large moon Charon. As the Kuiper Belt is also the source for short-period comets that pass through the inner solar system, a "small but significant" fraction of the comet that pass near the Earth may in fact be pieces of the planet, the researchers concluded. Briefly: A new estimate of the age of carbonates in Martian meteorite ALH 84001 is consistent with, but not necessarily evidence of, a biological origin, scientists reported October 1. The carbonates were found to be 3.9 billion years old, and thus formed on Mars in conditions conducive to the formation of life, although the dating itself doesn't provide any additional evidence that they were in fact formed by biological processes. "It's another piece in the puzzle," said lead researcher Larry Nyquist... If Lucy wants to be in the sky with diamonds, she should consider going to Uranus or Neptune, UC Berkeley scientists concluded October 1. Lab experiments show that methane, exposed to the high temperatures and pressures believed to exist in the interior of those two planets, breaks down and forms diamonds, which then rain into the cores of the planets. The gravitational energy released by the falling diamonds on Neptune is enough to explain its high heat flux, although this explanation fails for Uranus, which lacks such a large heat flux. Scientists plan to see what those high temperatures and pressures do to other atmospheric constituents, such as ammonia and water. Correction: In the article in our last issue about the Space Frontier Conference, we inadvertently misspelled the name of one of the speakers, Brent Sherwood. We apologize for the error. *** Articles *** Thinking About Mars by Jeff Foust Why are there no humans on Mars today, and why it is likely there will be no humans there for at least a decade or two to come? Answers to this question usually come in one of two forms: "why" and "how". The "how" answers usually focus on the lack of technology and infrastructure needed to accomplish a human Mars mission, while the "why" answers note the lack of public and government interest in funding the mission. Yet, most of the technology needed for a human Mars mission already exists, and Mars advocates can point to a wide range of reasons, from scientific to societal, for going there. We are stopped by a fundamental disconnect between perception and reality. One step in the elimination of that disconnect took place on October 1-3, when over one hundred people gathered on the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for the "Mars Week" conference. Sponsored by the "Think Mars" student group, which has created an innovative plan for a "semi-commercial" human Mars mission, the conference brought together experts to talk about the whys and hows of Martian exploration. Why Go? One of the most exciting reasons why to go to Mars has centered on the possibility that the planet once harbored -- or might still harbor today -- life. Everett Gibson, a leading member of a team of scientists in the center of the debate regarding evidence for life in ALH 84001, believes that life still exists on Mars today. Gibson reviewed the several lines of evidence that he says supports his group's conclusion that the meteorite contains evidence of primitive, ancient life on Mars, including tiny features that appear to be nanofossils like those seen in some terrestrial rocks. He then went to two other Martian meteorites, Nakhla and Shergotty. These meteorites are much younger than the 4-billion-year-old ALH 84001 -- Shergotty is only about 165 million years old -- yet these meteorites also contain features that closely resemble nanofossils. If those features do turn out to be evidence of life, then it would mean that life existed on Mars from 4 billion years ago, when ALH 84001 was formed, until 165 million years ago. Since Mars has not been subjected to any major global catastrophes since then, Gibson said this would mean that life would exist on Mars to this day in some protected niche. There are plenty of other scientific reasons to explore Mars, as explained by MIT planetary scientist Maria Zuber. The discovery of a relic magnetic field over portions of the planet has been the "major surprise" of the Mars Global Surveyor mission to date, she said, although there have been a bevy of other discoveries dealing with the geology and topography of the surface. She noted that those looking for evidence of past oceans on Mars should look in the northern hemisphere, given the asymmetric topography of the planet, but the discovery of channels extending farther north into the putative ocean basin than earlier known suggests that early Mars may have had a network of channels, rather than a continuous, deep ocean. However, scientific arguments are neither the only reason to support going to Mars nor necessarily the most important reason. Outlining the philosophy described in his latest book, Robert Zubrin said humanity needs new frontiers like Mars to continue to stimulate human civilization. Without them, he warned, "we are doomed to be inhabitants of our society, not the makers." Go How? Arguments in favor of human exploration of Mars lose their appeal if there's no feasible way to go there. Fortunately, there is no shortage of proposals for such missions, ranging from the grandiose -- and insanely expensive -- Space Exploration Initiative proposals of a decade ago to much less expensive proposals like Mars Direct (which Zubrin discussed at Mars Week) and variations. There is still room for other ideas, though. Astronaut Franklin Chang-Diaz discussed his concept, called VASIMR, a constant-thrust engine that ionizes hydrogen and accelerates it out the back with a magnetic field. Such an engine could be used on a spacecraft that can travel from Earth to Mars in as little as 90 days, about half the best proposals for spacecraft injected on Mars-bound trajectories by ordinary rockets. VASIMR is more than just a paper study. Chang-Diaz and his team of researchers at the Johnson Space Center have been working on a number of small-scale designs. They hope to fly a version of the VASIMR engine on a spacecraft called the Radiation and Technology Demonstrator (RTD), scheduled for launch in 2004. Once you get to Mars, what will you do and how will you live? These are questions being answered by researchers who spend parts of the last several summers on Devon Island, an uninhabited piece of the Canadian arctic that closely resembles the Martian landscape. Scientists such as Pascal Lee of NASA's Ames Research Center have spent parts of the last few summers at Haughton Crater, an impact crater formed 23 million years ago. Soon, he said, their temporary tent homes will be supplanted by the Mars Arctic Research Station (MARS), a larger facility in the form of Mars lander spacecraft. MARS is being sponsored and built by the Mars Society, and should be ready by next summer. Think Mars These answers to "why" and "how" still leave unanswered arguably the most important question: "how to you pay for it?" One solution to that problem, one that involves "substantial" private investment, was at the core of the conference; in fact, it was the reason the conference took place to begin with. Think Mars grew out of a NASA student competition that started a year ago. Called "NASA Means Business", the content challenged students to develop a business plan for a human mission to Mars. A team of MIT and Harvard students developed such a plan, and was one of a half-dozen winning teams. Not content to stop with the end of the competition, the Think Mars team, which grew to dozens of contributors at the two universities and elsewhere, fleshed out the business plan even further, talking with major players within NASA, Congress, and the aerospace industry. Another aspect of the group's efforts was the Mars Week conference. The Think Mars business plan focuses on finding the money for human Mars missions, not the technical details of the mission itself. The plan identifies a number of commercial sources of revenue to fund a mission, from Olympic-style sponsorship to selling crew slots on the mission itself. These funds would not necessarily pay for the mission in total, but could "significantly offset" total costs, according to Think Mars business plan manager Kevin Leclaire. The Think Mars leaders believe that this plan can establish a partnership between the public and private sectors that can lower the costs of the mission to the participating governments while increasing public and political support. There are still plenty of risks to such a project, ranging from the high cost of capital to uncertain regulations to the necessity of establishing credibility, but Think Mars leaders believe they have made a good first step. They acknowledge the need to do additional work identifying markets, products, services, and financing issues, among many other things. It's a step in the right direction, although Robert Zubrin noted that all this talk about Mars should not be construed as the ultimate goal for space exploration and settlement. "Mars is not the destination," he said. "It's the direction." -- Jeff Foust is editor of SpaceViews. *** CyberSpace *** The Astronomy Net The Astronomy Net is intended as a resource for various topics in astronomy. The key features of the site are discussion forums for various astronomy topics, from amateur astronomy to black holes; and an extensive list of astronomy-related Web sites. You can also find astronomy news and articles n the site as well as classified advertising for buying or selling astronomy merchandise. http://www.astronomy.net/ SpaceWatch Looking for quality space and astronomy shows on TV? Maybe you're looking in the wrong medium. SpaceWatch provides three shows -- two weekly and one monthly -- about space and astronomy... on the Web. The shows, viewable through RealVideo, cover a range of topics and include guests such as former NASA astronauts. You can view previously-recorded shows or watch them live, with the opportunity to pose questions to the guests during the show. It's all free, too, save for some commercials from the site's sponsor, the Omega Watch Company. http://www.spacewatch.com/ Astrobiology at NASA Astrobiology (sometimes called exobiology), the study of life outside the Earth, has become a hot topic in recent years, with a number of NASA missions and projects devoted to it. This Web site at NASA's Ames Research Center provides an overview of astrobiology in general and NASA's astrobiology efforts in particular. In addition, the site includes links to astrobiology-related news articles on other sites, as well as conference and research resources. http://astrobiology.arc.nasa.gov/ Hubble Heritage Project The Hubble Heritage Project is a project to build, in its words, "a bridge between the endeavors of scientists and the public." Each month, a team of astronomers at the Space Telescope Science Institute releases an image generated from data in the Hubble Space Telescope's extensive archives. The images are designed to be both aesthetically pleasing and scientifically interesting. The objects featured in the stunning images range from Jupiter's Great Red Spot to nebulae and distant galaxies. http://heritage.stsci.edu/ ======== This has been the October 8, 1999, issue of SpaceViews. SpaceViews is also available on the World Wide web from the SpaceViews home page: http://www.spaceviews.com/ or via anonymous FTP from ftp.seds.org: ftp://ftp.seds.org/pub/info/newsletters/spaceviews/text/19991008.txt To unsubscribe from SpaceViews, send mail to: majordomo@spaceviews.com In the body (not subject) of the message, type: unsubscribe spaceviews For editorial questions and article submissions for SpaceViews, including letters to the editor, contact the editor, Jeff Foust, at jeff@spaceviews.com For questions about the SpaceViews mailing list, please contact spaceviews-approval@spaceviews.com. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____ | "SpaceViews" (tm) -by Boston Chapter // \ // | of the National Space Society (NSS) // (O) // | Dedicated to the establishment // \___// | of a spacefaring civilization. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 'Planet X' Beyond Pluto? From: Blair Cummins <ufoblair@hotmail.com> Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 13:18:23 PDT Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 10:54:44 -0400 Subject: 'Planet X' Beyond Pluto? Greetings list - Found this interesting article about a new scientific report suggesting that there may in fact be a "Planet X" beyond Pluto. Could be a boon to Sitchin's theories if validated. From: http://msnbc.com/news/320182.asp A mystery revolves around the sun Researchers suggest that huge unseen object orbits on fringe of solar system Oct. 7 - Two teams of researchers have proposed the existence of an unseen planet or a failed star circling the sun at a distance of more than 2 trillion miles, far beyond the orbits of the nine known planets. The theory, which seeks to explain patterns in comets� paths, has been put forward in research accepted for publication in two separate journals. SPECULATION ABOUT the existence of unseen celestial companions dates back far before the discovery of Pluto in 1929 - and even figures in more recent fringe phenomena such as the 1997 "Heaven�s Gate" tragedy and talk of a new "Planet X." This latest hypothesis, however, is aimed at answering nagging scientific questions about how particular types of comets make their way into the inner solar system. Some comets, like Halley�s Comet, follow relatively short-period orbits - circling the sun in less than two hundred years. These comets are thought to originate in the Kuiper Belt, a disk of cosmic debris that lies beyond Neptune�s orbit. The best way to think of the distances involved is in terms of Astronomical Units. One AU is the distance from Earth to the sun (93 million miles or 149.6 million kilometers). Pluto, the most distant of the planets, is at 39 AU. The Kuiper Belt extends from 30 AU to perhaps 1,000 AU. Even further out is the Oort Cloud, a spherical haze of comets surrounding the solar system at distances between 10,000 AU and more than 50,000 AU. That�s where long-period comets such as Hale-Bopp are thought to come from. For some time, astronomers have noticed that the directional patterns of these comets are not completely random. And after years of study, some researchers are reporting that the patterns hint at something big out there perturbing the cometary paths. WHAT COULD IT BE? No telescope has yet detected this object. But on the basis of its gravitational effect, John B. Murray, a planetary scientist at Britain�s Open University, speculates that the object could be a planet larger than Jupiter, the biggest of the solar system�s known planets. Murray puts the object�s orbit at 32,000 AU, or 2.98 trillion miles from the sun. His proposal appears in the Oct. 11 issue of the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Meanwhile, researchers at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette say the object could be a planet or brown dwarf - that is, a dark, failed star - roughly three times the size of Jupiter and orbiting at 25,000 AU. The researchers, led by physicist John Matese, say their paper is to be published by the journal Icarus. Both studies acknowledge that other factors could influence the pattern seen in long-period comets: for example, the Milky Way�s gravitational tidal effects. But the Louisiana researchers say the cometary patterns are best explained by the existence of "a perturber, acting in concert with the galactic tide." Matese said the proposed object should make one orbit around the sun every 4 million to 5 million years. Murray said the object he had in mind would make one orbit every 6 million years, circling the sun in a direction counter to that followed by the nine traditional planets. The two researchers said they were familiar with each other�s work but hadn�t taken a close look at each other�s studies. They acknowledged that their estimates for the mass and orbit of a mysterious object were similar, but couldn�t say whether they were talking about the same object. MORE QUESTIONS How could such a massive object exist so far from the sun? The researchers say a planet or dark star could have coalesced during the formation of the solar system billions of years ago, but more probably would be a passing celestial body that was captured by the sun�s subtle gravitational pull. Another question: Why hasn�t such an object been seen? Murray says that even a Jupiter-scale planet could not be observed at the immense distances involved. Matese and his colleagues say that their hypothetical brown dwarf wouldn�t have been detected even by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite, which surveyed the heavens in 1983 - but that the yet-to-be-launched Space Infrared Telescope Facility just might be able to pick it up. All this may sound like science fiction, but an expert in the field notes that the hypothesis has been a subject of serious speculation for years. "We�ve all wondered whether there was something out there," said Brian Marsden, who heads the International Astronomical Union�s Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams as well as the Minor Planet Center at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. However, Marsden also expressed some skepticism about the evidence behind the latest research. "I�m not convinced it is not due to chance," he told MSNBC in an e-mail message. "In any case, the data may not be as good as one would like." If the research holds up, it could open the door for renewed speculation on even spookier questions: Some theorists have proposed that the gravitational effect of a massive unseen object in a distant orbit - nicknamed "Nemesis" or the "Death Star" - could set off periodic cometary storms, which would increase the chances of a catastrophic impact with Earth. Indeed, physicist Daniel Whitmire, a colleague of Matese�s who is a co-author of the new research, laid out just such a scenario in 1985 to explain mass extinctions on Earth, such as the demise of the dinosaurs. Matese also speculated back then about such an effect, but he emphasized that the newly detected object didn�t fit the doomsday profile. "This object is not a Nemesis," he told MSNBC. "It does not create comet storms." He said his proposed object would cause a mere 25 percent increase in the influx of comets from the Oort Cloud. "It�s very modest, but we believe this very modest signal requires a dynamical explanation," he said. --- Best regards, - Blair Cummins ufoblair@hotmail.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 NASA speaks English... But Kilo-meters? From: Michael J. Woods <mike.woods@sympatico.ca> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 17:02:41 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 11:18:33 -0400 Subject: NASA speaks English... But Kilo-meters? Dear List-ers, Lurkers and any other entities which have slipped into this segment of space/time. I recently had the opportunity to rant for 'five minutes', on the excellent UFO program hosted by our lovely, talented but oh-so modest moderator, Errol Bruce-Knapp, 'Strange Days... Indeed'. For those of you who might have missed it (and if so, WHY did you miss it? You can catch it on the web, on short-wave, hell, you can probably catch it from a toilet seat. May you come down with a bout of Gripple Gripe and be a prisoner in your bathroom for a minimum 24 hours). I am posting a slightly edited version, the language tightened and some typos removed. Don't know if (or why) anyone would be interested, but if nothing else, it might give you a smile! NASA, The Red-Faced Agency NASA has got to wonder what a space agency has to do to get a little respect, and some exploring done at a neighboring planet. Mars might be our near-neighbor in the solar system, but, boy, does it like its privacy! Russia wasted a pair of probes in the first wave of Mars exploration back in the 70�s when they arrived during massive sand storms and sent back almost zilch information. But in the 90�s the red-planet has left NASA with a red face, having lost two of its last three missions to Mars - at a cost of about one and a half billion dollars. The Mars Climate Observer was supposed to be the first weather satellite to take station around another world, and provide a full Martian year of weather observations. Instead, on Sept 23rd at 5 in the morning, as the MCO was starting a 17 min burn to put it into orbit, NASA lost contact. Late last week, NASA came up with its explanation for the loss of the MCO - and I still don�t know whether to laugh or cry at the excuse. HOUSTON, WE HAVE A MATH PROBLEM. It seems the big brains at NASA, you know, the best minds on the final frontier, Armageddon�s "smartest man on the planet, you might want to listen to what he has to say" NASA, had a little problem converting miles to kilometers so instead of coming at Mars about 149 kilometers up, it came in at 59 kilometers above the ground, too close to avoid the Martian atmosphere, what there is of one. At the speeds the probe was traveling at, contact with the atmosphere means it probably burnt up or broke up. Kiss a 125 million dollar satellite goodbye. Makes you wonder, does NASA stand for Not A Science Agency? Not Always Smart Asses? Actually, its not too surprising. We Canadians have long known that the metric system of measurement is a complete mystery to Americans. You can see them driving at 100 mph on Canadian highways, because the post speed limit is 100 kilometers an hour. The big signs posted at the border crossing into the Great White North, the ones that point out this difference between the two nations are routinely ignored. So, for the alleged rocket scientists at NASA, here�s a little tip from a Frostback who admittedly has a slow leak in his head: There are 1.6 kilometers in a mile or .62 miles in a kilometer if you prefer. Write that down. You might want to remember it next time you wander beyond the boundaries of Kennedy Space Centre. I think the one NASA spokes-geek that really ticked me off said "We got millions of things right with this mission, and one thing wrong, but we�ll learn from our mistakes and move on." The equivalent: a pilot stumbles from the wreckage of a crashed 737 and says "I got most of the flight right, just one mistake towards the end." And what happened to triple redundancy and safe guards on safe guards. I know budget cuts have forced NASA into a faster, better, cheaper posture - but how about somebody check the math, at least for the crucial stages. Now, you might be thinking that this has got to stand as NASA�s biggest mistake ever - but I wouldn�t agree. No, that distinction goes to the NASA�s other failed mission to Mars, the 1993 Mars Observer. That one and a quarter BILLION dollar probe also died as it was about to fire its engines to go into orbit. Unlike the MCO, mission control had to use a hands-on approach to lose that satellite. According to NASA�s official explanation, which wasn�t released until months afterwards, the 1993 Mars Observer mission went down the toilet when a mission controller turned off communications with the probe just before the orbital rocket burn. The reason he switched off: there was a remote possibility vibrations caused by firing the rockets could knock out communications. So, to prevent loss of communications with its probe, NASA cut off communications with its probe. Huh? This is very much like the U.S. military�s Vietnam-era mind set: To save the village, we had to destroy it. For those not clear on the workings of a satellite mission to a distant planet - the satellite is basically a robot, remote controlled by mission control back on earth. The satellite will carry a full set of operating instructions within its computer brain - but Mission Control is the final authority. Those on-board instructions are the back-up. So, you�re controlling a billion dollar plus satellite as it approaches a planet about 300 million kilometers away at a speed of over 20-thousand kilometers an hour. You are entering the most crucial phase of the mission, getting the satellite to its orbital destination - so you shut down your remote-controller and go have a beer. Again, HUH? For some reason, the back-up on-board instruction didn�t get the radio turned back on, either. Probably confused about how many miles or kilometers away Mars was supposed to be. No surprise, NASA never got hold of the Mars Observer, for all we know it could be orbiting the red planet as we speak. So what? Well, the Mars Observer was sent equipped with the best cameras ever, as the public interest in the "Face on Mars" was at fever pitch. It was better equipped than the Mars Sojourner mission of 1998, which sent back the blank face pictures from Cydonia. The paranoid can assume NASA took a secret, early look at Cydonia and decided to slap the lid on it - .or that the Galactic Overlord, in the final stages of Operation: Invade Earth, decided to take care of the spy probe in its midst. Whatever. And finally, a short word on paranoia - its uses and abuses. I can�t help but notice that in my years in the UFO field, curiosity and paranoia seem to be the two main features of most researchers. We�re paranoid the government is covering up the TRUTH about UFOs and alien intervention. We�re paranoid other researchers are faking their facts, are getting rich while we go broke or are undermining our own work. We�re paranoid the public is too sheep-like in accepting the government line. We�re curious about the phenomena - and paranoid about aspects of it. So take note, [Canada's] Globe and Mail columnist Ian Dowbiggin has written a book called 'Suspicious Minds - The Triumph of Paranoia in Everyday Life'. A fabulous read, not the least of which is because he DOESN�T point out us UFO-types as the biggest paranoids - he says that for political correctness and its fellow travelers. But he writes a very intelligent response to the old line we all like to trot out now and then, the one that reads, "Just because you�re paranoid, doesn�t mean the world isn�t out to get you. His response, which I am considering having tattooed on the foreheads of some overly suspicious members of the UFO community - "Just because you have enemies, doesn�t mean you have to get paranoid." Amen, kiddies, amen. Michael J. Woods The truth can STAY out there, send in a good fantasy!

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 21:56:49 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 11:23:46 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >From: Tim Matthews <matthews@zetnet.co.uk> >To: "UFO UpDates - Toronto" <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 09:56:08 +0100 >>From: C. <xxxxx.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: From Maxwell Burns >>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 18:35:18 -0000 >>Posted for Maxwell Burns >>To UFO UpDates: >>This is the first legal opportunity I have had to speak about >>the case. If the dogs have finished tearing at my flesh I would >>like to enlighten you as to this travesty of British justice. I >>would also like to talk about the rules of evidence which you >>have heard Matthews, Roberts and Clarke talk about so much. >Have you ever read such nonsense? >Well, on UpDates the answer is probably yes! If anyone wanted >evidence of Burn's inability to face facts, to face reality, >then it's all shown below! >What he entirely fails to mention is that he was found guilty - >not by the Police but by a totally independent jury in one of >the more liberal cities in Northern England - Sheffield is well >known for its;' tolerance in many areas and this is perhaps >something to do with the two major Universities located there. >The judge said that Burns was "some way up the hierarchy" in >terms of drug-dealing in the area and Burns had been targetted >by the drugs squad for some time. Now that we know the truth we >know that Burns had been involved in this evil world for some >time - in other words well before his newly acquired interest in >Ufology. >Just because Burns chose to lie - and answered questions >consistently throughout his interviews with the Police - means >nothing. Just because he wore gloves to avoid finger prints on >the bag of drugs that he was found with by Police - means very >little. >What people should not forget is that in interviews with Dave >Clarke - an aware-winning local journalist (amongst other >things) - Burns admitted he was guilty. He said he expected to >go down for his drug-dealing. >To the moron world of Ufology - where aliens are all around - >Burns probably seems like an innocent man. That's a reflection >upon Ufology - not the criminal justice system in the UK. >Burns also engaged in a hate campaign against my wife and I. >This is a fact. Initially we didn't know who it was - until the >hapless Burns admitted it to another local researcher in a >'private' email. >I live around 15 miles North of the prison that Burns is in. >Perhaps I should drop by with some friends and picket the prison >demanding longer sentences for drug dealers. >We can be sure of one thing. When Burns comes out, I'll be on >his case...... >Tim Matthews. Your bone to pick is with Burns. If he's guilty or not, what if he's telling the truth about his ufological issues? Do we just let it all slide through the prison bars and down the drain? Or has is all been fabricated as we all assume a 'druggy' would do? Let's all condemn the man in all aspects of his existence and deny him the right to share any truths that may exist that may contribute to the rest of ufology's puzzle. Would you disown a prostitute and her claims of having an alien living in her basement, that well known researchers have witnessed and spoken to in secrecy, being one of the most compelling cases ever to exist, because she's a prostitute? Probably. If you found out I was a politician, would you not care about my abduction or sighting experiences anymore? Probably. Funny, no one thought to discredit the man until he hit the news stands. How righteous. I'm not saying I believe everything from everyone, but he was a respected person on this list until his name had mud thrown on it. At what level of being human do we decide someone is no longer believable or not worthy of our attention? When someone else has a bone to pick with them? I make up my own mind, thanks. And what shall we find out about those so quick to discredit? ;) Sue "The pure and simple truth is rarely pure, and never simple" - Oscar Wilde

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: The Purpose Of Abductions From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 23:18:55 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 11:35:34 -0400 Subject: Re: The Purpose Of Abductions >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 18:58:10 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: The Purpose Of Abductions >>Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 05:46:05 +0200 (MET DST) >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> >>Subject: The Purpose Of Abductions >>Hi listfolk, >>In the thread 'Get Real' a debate was started about what right >>the 'aliens' had to abduct people. This debate touched upon the >>question what the purpose of abductions really was. >>A remark by Terry Evans struck me. His wife had told him: "It >>seems like they are stealing my emotions." <snip> >Hi Henny, All> >Well if your theory is correct that that could explain why there >are so little British abductions. Stiff upper lip, reserve and >all that dear chap. We British are not known for showing our >emotions, so perhaps this might add some more weight to your> >hypothesis. ".....stealing my emotions...." In the opinion of Quentin Fogarty, who was on the airplane that flew along the coast of New Zealand in December 1978, they are "soul eaters". He got this impression while watching a "performance" by unexplained lights off the coast of NZ. (He was not an abductee.) Yes, I know, Ed Walters is considered to be one of the lowest forms of life by some on this list. That's tough! For those of you willing to listen, you ought to consider what came out under hypnosis with Dr. Dan Overlade: Ed was made to sit on a table and above his head was a "helmet" consisting of semicircular bars that crossed perpendicular to one another at the junction point at the top of this "helmet", above the top of his head. This helmet was hanging from the ceiling. When it was lowered onto his head it contacted at four points: forehead, left right temples and back of the head. (After the May 1 early morning event, and weeks before the first hypnosis session, Ed reported to me that he found a red mark on his forehead above his nose, red marks on his temples and a small bump on the back of his head. These marks were confirmed and photograped by Gulf Breeze investigators. At the time no one knew the significance of these marks except that they were found after a period of missing time that was precided by a sighting and stereo photo). A similar "helmet:" was then placed on a small alien creature that was seated next to him. Suddenly he would start to relive an experience. either a "real-life experience from his history or an experience that the aliens had arranged for him just prior to the use of the "helmet." After he had relived the scene the small alien would be removed from the helmet and another small alien would be placed in th small helmt and Ed woul relive the same event again. Sometimes this would happen with a number of aliens, as if he were a videorecorder that was being repeatedly operated to shw the same scene and events to many people. Ed was given the impression that this was a way of "teaching" the aliens about human emotions. See "ABDUCTIONS IN GULF BREEZE" by Ed and Frances Walters, Avon, 1994

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 23:00:24 -0500 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 11:53:00 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 18:11:22 -0400 <snip> >Or maybe you stay around, staging interactions with humans, >because you need something in their souls, and you need their >planet, too. Not so bizarre (and it's more or less that what >David Jacobs suggests in "The Threat") >Greg Sandow Yes, and Jacobs (with his unerring ear for who's doing this hypnosis stuff right and who's not) would be more right than, say, Mack, Sprinkle, or Strieber, or any other interpreter of the phenomenon, including Kevin Randle? You're starting to go soft on me, Greg. What you're really implying is that no objections can be made, or questions asked of the Jacobs scenario, because we can always ultimately refer to alien intentions, desires, or whatever, when it has yet to be established that these aliens that supposedly need our souls and/or planet even exist as physical beings in the first place. When people the least skeptical of such claims raise an objection, the other side (you, in this case) responds by saying, ah, but you can't judge alien psychology & logic by reference to human psychology & logic -- and then proceeds to promote your own interpretations of so-called alien psychology. If we can't do it, then why should you and yours be allowed to? Because of the "evidence"? But who's evidence? Are aliens that, by most accounts, don't eat, shit, pee, or screw, really in need of a planet of their own? What for? Are they after our purple mountain's majesty and endless seas of golden grain? What for? And what about those elusive souls of ours? Times are when I wish I had one to spare. Last night, for example. So let's not raise any questions about alien abductions. Because the aliens have all the answers. Just ask them. But choose your asker carefully. Otherwise, your answer may vary. Bizarre, eh? Apologies to Dr. Gripple, who really does have all the answers because he told me I didn't. Dennis Stacy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 22:00:54 -0500 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 11:54:43 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 20:19:55 EDT >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >To: updates@globalserve.net <snip> >No, Dennis. Not whatever I say, nor even whatever you say. >It's how you say it, dude, that makes my skin crawl. You sound >to me as if you've got all the answers and even if you don't, >you know what they aint. <snip> >Love, >Jim Whatever you say, Jim. Others have had different experiences and different interpretations. Would you agree? Again, I was addressing the abduction literature as it exists. Not establishing rules or insinuating anything about your own experiences. Sorry if you took it otherwise. Dennis

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Max Burns - Let It Go From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 17:10:59 +0100 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 11:59:01 -0400 Subject: Re: Max Burns - Let It Go >>Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 22:48:13 +0100 >>From: Mark Haywood <mark.haywood@easynet.co.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Max Burns - Let It Go >>It's nice to see so many people wallowing in anothers person >>stupidity or misfortune depending on where you stand. >>I will not condone his actions or condemn them. Unless you were >>on that jury, you will not have received the full facts - you >>will have received the facts how the media presented them. >>Shall we get back to UFOs, folks? >>Mark Haywood Hi All & Mark I received a letter from Max the other day, and I can relay that he is in good spirits and has been kept informed by many friends across the globe on UFO affairs and the many kind & generous ' heart warming statements being released hither to! I doubt very much if the fun is over yet for some people' in fact it's just begun. Ban blood sports I say... Mind you them Fox's are clever buggers...... Now who was the kid I knew in 76, stealing a mars bar out of the corner shop..... Peace man! Roy.. Keep Smiling

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Lesley Cluff <manitou@fox.nstn.ca> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 00:26:16 -0700 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 12:12:20 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 20:19:55 EDT >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >To: updates@globalserve.net >>Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 17:30:38 -0500 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>>Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 17:38:02 EDT >>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>To: updates@globalserve.net >>Maybe if you'd reported your encounter earlier the existing UFO >>literature wouldn't read and sequence the way it does. But you >>didn't and it does. (How, incidentally, did you remember this >>experience, which allegedly took place at the age of two or >>three? Just curious.) The subject of early childhood memory ability is one of great debate, but it seems if an event was sufficiently emotionally charged (ie fear, rejection, abuse), the memory either stands out clearly or maybe forgotten only to be recalled later. (no I am not talking about recovered memories under hypnosis) One woman I know of, recalled an event and even her thought concerning an action by her mother. Years later as an adult, she mentioned this piece memory fragment and asked about the rest of the event. All she knew was it was it was some kind of emergency involving danger and she wondered why her mother bothered to stop and pick up the bootie that had fallen of her foot as her mother raced along a sidewalk holding her. Her mom was shocked that daughter recalled that event. She too recalled it. It was in Glasgow, Scotland, during the German bombing of the British island and mom was running to a bomb shelter as the nightly raid began. Daughter was about 6 months old. I have a memory that goes back to before I could talk very much - age 24 months. My mom was shocked I recalled it. I told her what I was thinking as I screamed in that hospital room and she told me about the agony she was experiencing just outside the room listening to me! I would tend to suspect that the experience of being taken by strange little creatures out of my crib or tiny bed and into a very strange place where strange being did hurtful things to my body, might be even more traumatic, and from my experience, would definitely leave a lasting detailed memory! I do not doubt Jim's memory! And while I recall an event some 48 years ago, I too have a terrible time trying to recall where I left the portable phone and just about anything else if its too recent! Lesley

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 03:08:50 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 12:16:25 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 18:11:22 -0400 >>From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:05:38 GMT >>Within the ETH, a lot of speculation about abducting aliens rest >>upon an unstated assumption of alien ineptitude. >>Imagine: You are the emissary of a dying race. You travel >>zillions of miles across the galaxy looking for a precious, >>life-preserving substance. You find it in the rectum of a cow. >>You remove said rectum and return home with your discovery. >>Then, instead of synthesizing the substance, instead of abducting >>a herd of cows to assure yourself of a steady supply of bovine >>recta, you make a special trip to Earth every time you need a >>fix. >>Bizzare. >Or maybe you stay around, staging interactions with humans, >because you need something in their souls, and you need their >planet, too. Not so bizarre (and it's more or less that what >David Jacobs suggests in "The Threat") >Greg Sandow Hi Greg, hi Joe, & All, Re: cattle/humans Anal fixations aside, I think you should switch your focus from excised cow rectums to missing cow's -blood!- We (modern science) use cow's blood to 'extract' some of its substances for use in -transfusions- for human patients. (Because of its unique compatibility with human blood.) Cows and humans, what's the connection? You have only to look to the (ubiquitous) lack of blood in the animals and on the scene when they are discovered. Time and again one of the striking features of reported cattle mutilations is the lack of blood at the scene or in the animal itself. Even the taking of certain organs during a mutilation may be a 'side issue' to the complete removal of the animals blood. There were some cases where the liquid portions of the blood were missing altogether and all that was found was the powdery remains in the vascular system and portions of the heart chambers. (Re: autopsy reports from Linda Moulton-Howe's case studies.) The use of animal substances (female horse urine for estrogen etc) in connection with treatments intended for human recipients has a history and the list of new drugs/substances that are being created or obtained via that method continues to grow daily. There may be important clues about the "alien agenda" hidden in the selection of an animal whose blood composition is closest to/most compatible with its human keepers. The "aliens" don't seem quite so "inept" when their mutilation activity is viewed in that light, do they? I would be less disturbed at the possibilities if it were otherwise. Even the cattle mutilations (as nonsensical and 'far out' as they may at first appear to be on the surface) bespeak an -intimate- knowledge of human chemistry and physiology. Food for thought and something that should not be 'blown over' lightly. Just speculating. :) "To err is human, to forgive is ~bovine!~" (Sorry!) John Velez ________________________________________________ jvif@spacelab.net "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind." ________________________________________________

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 03:14:55 EDT Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 12:23:06 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 09:52:43 +0000 >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 17:30:38 -0500 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>>Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 17:38:02 EDT >>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>To: updates@globalserve.net >><snip> >>>Good Lord! I had no idea there were rules of abduction at any >>>given point in time. Thanks Dennis. I mean, for the >>>information. Now I am certain that in 1945, when I perceived I >>>was invited to join some short little duds, uh, sorry, dudes (I >>>was 2 or 3 at the time and couldn't speel rite) I was mistaken. >>>Or was I? Maybe back then your "once upon a time rule was >>>different. >><snip> >>Maybe if you'd reported your encounter earlier the existing UFO >>literature wouldn't read and sequence the way it does. But you >>didn't and it does. (How, incidentally, did you remember this >>experience, which allegedly took place at the age of two or >>three? Just curious.) >>Meanwhile, get a Gripple, dude. >>Dennis >Dennis is getting at the heart of the "earliest recovered >abduction narrative evidence" problem. So many abductees / >experiencers exclaim that they have been having these encounters >since childhood. I don't doubt or discount this possibility. >However, in the absence of confirmatory evidence of any sort (a >diary entry, a parents recall, something) it is very difficult >to take these assertions as 'chapter and verse' with regard to >the actual historic length of the modern bedroom visitation type >encounter phenomena. The evidence in consciousness, memory and >perception research surely casts much doubt on the validity of >this kind of 'recall.' Actually Stephen, I've already told the List in several posts that my parents remember three of the more strange experiences I had as a child in the mid forties. They remember my story to them the very next morning after it occured and they also vividly remember hearing it for years afterward. At age three, I did not keep a diary. So sorry. Neither did my mom or dad. We have only our memories to go by. There is great doubt over the validity of recall, most especially at the age of two years or three. But such must be combined with and integrated into the greater history of the individual, and without any such memory aid as hypnosis. For example ... I very rarely recall dreams for more than a few moments after I've awakened. I have always been able to distinguish between a memory of an event and a dream. Certain dreams are recurring in the theme. Most of us have them. The history test is tomorrow and I've not opened the book. Not only that, but I cut every class. Ad infinitum. Last, the memories I recall are vivid in great detail for over a half century. >I myself have an image memory in my mind of a light moving >across the night sky from my youth. In my mind's eye memory I >can absolutely say for certain that, "I remember seeing this >light move in a slow straight non-ufo like line across the night >sky as I watched it with some other kids at the Summer Camp we >were attending. I remember saying then, wouldn't it be cool if >the light suddenly stopped and then did a 90 degree turn towards >the ground as if it were going to land?! Ever since that moment, >and I knew this upon making the statement at the time, I am >unable to recall the real light continuing on in a straight >line. My memory of it is endellably [sic] etched into the 'ufo' >movement." Cogito, ergo, so what? With all due respect.... one memory does not a theory make, not does it substantiate one. >Of course, if I add the coup de grace, some may immediately >decide I am in fact an abductee. "On one of the last nights at >this Summer Camp vacation I was awoken in the middle of the >night by a commotion. My memory of this is all pretty hazy. My memories are not pretty hazy. Some are memories of a room with a haze, as if cloudy but the memory is vividly real and in great detail. I am able to describe the detail of what I saw at age three or four, laying on a table in what I imagined was a hospital room. I'd never been to one. I was taken there by ambulance. I'd never seen one, yet the picture is indelibly imprinted in my memory. This particular ambulance took me up into the sky. >Everyone in camp was walking off into the Texas underbrush. All >I really remember is being very tired and confused, walking >through the scrub brush and cedar trees for a distance over >typical rolling Texas hills. I started to hear more voices and >entered upon a bowl like depression clear of trees but >surrounded by cedars on the outer lip of the bowl. All the camp >is here and we are bathed in a golden yellow light from a ... >camp fire? I remember little else of this night; presenting of >bead awards or somesuch, but I don't remember the return to my >cabin. I awoke the next morning in my bed." You speak of hazy memories which someone may call UFO related. I speak of vivid and (to my mind, my intellect and memory) - real. You and I are speaking different languages. We are on different frequencies. What's your point? >Ok ok, I'm not trying to trivialize the matter. Hardly anyone on >this list would seriously entertain the possibility that what I >described was at all ufo related. But I have had people suspect >the same for less. As someone profoundly interested in ufos I >can't express to you the sheer numbers of gullible people who >have come up to me and asserted "you're so interested in this >you _must_ have been abducted and you just don't remember it." And I can point you to many individuals who share my distinctively real memory in the most intricate matched detail, of things which I described to my parents 50 years ago. So they didn't write it down. So what? This makes a difference? Well, maybe to you. But not to me my friend out there in the ether. Dennis understands his hell bent for leather view better than you may imagine. And yet, he understands little about the experiences which he decries. > >This is why I think a better examination of the "memory" of >these encounters, particularly the alleged early childhood ones, >should be undertaken. But there are obvious technical and >ethical considerations. I volunteer. Any other takers? Or is there going to be another Challenge, as in the one Velez posed last week. Come on folks. The one piece of evidence most avoided, most referred to as "non evidence," is that of the experiencer's memories. Doesn't matter who it is, postal worker or PhD. IBM executive or CEO of a fortune 100 corporation. Most don't accept this. It's not evidence. To you.... not necessarily "you" personally, but the collective "researcher you!" AKA, yous. John Velez asked that we all pull together with our evidence and have it evaluated by independent scientists. That goes for me too when it comes to the so-called "anectotal" evidence. The testimony of people like me. Which is as worthless to some (all too many) researchers as swamp gas. Which by the way, has more validity in some circles. Swamp gas. Pelicans. But witness testimony? Nah! Before I retired I was CEO of a company, my own, which did a goodly volume with fortune ten companies. Prior to that I was director of marketing for multimillion to multibillion dollar firms. Does that make me a better witness to my own experiences? Apparently not. Ah the smell of it. Stench is more like it. And what stinks is the truth which some people have in commone with others of their clan. Their truth. Which is indisputable. But not ours. Ours sucks big time. Sour grapes? Of course. We use that stuff in our best Gripple. Jim Mortellaro

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Get Real From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 02:08:38 -0500 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 12:25:29 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 21:20:49 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: Get Real <snip> >The one thing I won't be doing however, is waving the European >Convention on Human Rights at them, or sending them a lawyer's >letter, or getting my MP to raise the matter in Parliament. Yes, >if abductions do exist as physical events performed by aliens - >and I've spoken to enough abductees who themselves deny this, to >have grave doubts about that - it *is* a violation of my rights, >but I don't find that a particularly constructive attitude to >take. It seems as pointless as worrying whether my rights are >being violated by ghosts, vampires or the tooth-fairy. When I refer to rights, John, I am not talking about anything written on a piece of paper or in law books - in _any_ country. I refer to the rights to dignity, security in our own homes and all the basic rights we claim not only as citizens of our respective countries but as citizens of the earth, this galaxy and the universe. If we do not acknowledge our rights, we will not have them. If we forsake our beliefs, morals and ethics when faced with realities and technologies we do not understand, what's left? Who are we if we lay down our rights, our needs, our primitive but functional drives to survive even in the face of all odds? When we encounter beings from another planet/dimension, we need to know ourselves, our beliefs and our standards for diplomatic relations with alternate entities. Should ET land and make open contact tomorrow, we need not sign over the deed to earth, our souls, our rights nor bow and worship them as gods. This scenario may already be upon us. Contact seems to be occurring on many levels with many groups of people, covert and overt. It is time for us to discuss these issues and understand our position when it comes to interactions with other worldly beings. Perhaps knowing who we are and where _we_stand on the issue of rights will go a long way to helping other beings understand us. It's a lot better than giving up. It doesn't matter whether or not some beings with advanced technology recognize our rights. What's most important is that _we_ recognize and acknowledge our rights first to ourselves and extend the same rights to other beings in the universe. It may not keep us from being abducted. It may not keep us from being used as guinea pigs. But it does keep us from becoming like those who may not acknowledge our rights and I think _that_ is what makes all the difference. Maybe it's time to decide just how far our rights extend. Do human rights extend only as far as our geographic borders, earth's atmosphere, the moon, Mars, the next galaxy or to the ends of the universe? What's most important to us that makes us who we are? Are the rights of other beings more important than our rights? And most importantly, without rights, who are we? It's time we grow up and out into a universe and reality greater than we have yet perceived. Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Jerry Black <blackhole60@hotmail.com> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 01:11:15 PDT Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 13:42:11 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos To Bruce Maccabbee: Mr. William G. Hyzer has staked his [and his son Jame's] reputation on the analysis from a first-generation copy of Photograph #19. And without a doubt, Photograph #19 is a double-exposure due to the fact that there is no luminance seen on the road, nor is there a reflection of the UFO on the hood of the truck. You, Bruce Maccabee, have contended that there was a dent in the hood, or the top of the hood was muddy, or there were bricks in the back of the truck causing it to be slanted in an upward position near its front. I will again stress to you and those on the internet that William G. Hyzer informs that even if all of those things were true, there would still be a reflection of the UFO on the hood of the truck. Likewise, there should still be luminance reflecting from the highway. You state, Bruce Maccabee, that all of these aforementioned points concerning the condition of the truck are fact. But you were not there that evening; you only have Ed Walters word [which you have used so many times in the past without any thorough investigation] that the hood of the truck was muddy and there were numerous building bricks in the back of the truck. I even question whether you had even seen a dent in the hood of the truck. Had you seen this dent, you should have [as a UFO investigator] taken a picture of this dent. If you cannot produce for me a picture of this dent, then obviously sir, you have never seen such a dent in the hood of the truck. I have been aware, for years, of the testing that Bruce Maccabee has done on Photograph #19, where the truck allegedly had a dent on the hood. His findings were that the alleged dent in the hood might cause there to be no reflection of the light from the UFO on the truck. However, Hyzer has stated [during his testing of Photo #19], that a dent in the truck would have no bearing on the reflection that should have shown on the hood of the truck. I stated that William G. Hyzer, with all of his sophisticated equipment, has proven that there was no luminance seen on the road on the famous "road-shot," Photograph #19. Your feeble response was: "Wrong." I will let the common sense of the people on the internet dictate their decision. We have here, a young man who was at the time of this analysis, State Director of Wisconsin for the Mutual UFO Network. Sainio, by his own admission, had NEVER investigated a UFO case. Yet he was a State Director of Wisconsin of the Mutual UFO Network. So here we have a gentleman with 12-years of experience in photographic analysis claiming that he can see [with the naked eye] on a first generation copy [the same that Hyzer had to work with] luminosity coming down the road on Photograph #19, the famous "road-shot." However, William G. Hyzer with 38-years of experience, and his son James B. Hyzer, with 20-years of experience at that time, using their sophisticated equipment, can find no luminosity coming down the road. So when you simply say "wrong" to this, Bruce Maccabee, you insult our intelligence. According to a letter you sent me some years ago, you stated that you had received $20,000.00 for writing a chapter in a book written by Ed Walters entitled: "The Gulf Breeze Sightings." You stated that you had received checks from the book publisher in January of 1989, and you further state that your investigation was completed at that time, so in your mind, you feel you were justified for writing in this book. However, the Ed Walters/Gulf Breeze investigation was a continuing matter for years after you had accepted this $20,000.00 for writing this chapter. While you might state that your investigation was complete, a re-investigation of the case was requested by Mr. Walt Andrus, and Rex Salisberry had taken charge of that re-investigation after you had accepted the $20,000.00 from the book publisher. I still find this to be a conflict, as do others associated with this case. I would also like to state that the $20,000.00 that you had received for this chapter of the book came out of Ed Walters' advance. The book publisher did not give you an additional $20,000.00. You were paid directly out of Ed Walters' pocket, not from the book publisher. When I stated in my letter that each sighting or picture from Gulf Breeze must be evaluated and handled on its own, you replied as follows: "I certainly agree that each case should stand on its own." How could you make such a ludicrous statement based on your past record? The whole book, "UFOs Are Real, Here's The Proof," is based upon other letters sent to Ed Walters from people claiming to have seen an object similar to his, or other pictures or video that was taken� yet you have the audacity to tell me that you believe each case should be handled on its own? Even as we explore further in this letter, you stated that Fenner and Shirley McConnell reported seeing Ed's Craft [as you state] with windows, hovering for several minutes near the shore, not far from his home. So right away, you are again referring to someone else's alleged sighting to attempt a vindication of Ed Walters' photographs. You can't even go one page without referring to someon else's sighting to confirm Ed Walters' pictures. Even further down you go to reference a Mr. Polack and two others of an egg-type that appeared in May of '88. You just can't seem to stay away from using other people's sightings or photographs to try to validate your good friend Ed Walters. So don't embarrass yourself by making such ludicrous, ridiculous statements that you believe each case should handled on its own merits. You obviously do not believe that for one minute. Finally, Bruce Maccabee, you state that the explanation for Photograph #1 was a very special type of double exposure which William G. Hyzer "discovered." There is no way, you claim, that Ed Walters could not have known about it. Now we both know that is a false statement. You are trying to misinform the internet readers that during Hyzer's analysis, he came across some special way to double-expose photographs. That is incorrect. Hyzer simply said that he discovered how this photograph, with very little experimentation, could be double-exposed. You had taken the word "discover" and made it sound like something he had never came across or knew of before. That is a total lie, and you know it to be a lie. Hyzer has stated emphatically that Ed Walters, or anyone else, would be able to produce Photograph #1 as it appears, with very little experimentation. And why, Bruce Maccabee, did Hyzer's analysis of Photograph #1 show signs and indications of double exposure? Yet you and Jeff Sainio had never once implied that any photograph -much less Photo #1- showed any signs whatsoever of double-exposure. Hyzer, and his work with 10-photographs, explained in his preliminary report how ALL of the photos showed signs of double-exposure. You will have to explain why Hyzer, who you admit has more expertise in photographic analysis [as well as his son James], would make such a statement while you or Sainio have never once mentioned anything at all that would indicate the photos were double-exposed. And on the stereo photographs, Bruce Maccabee, I don't ignore them. Hyzer was sent copies of the stereo photographs, but because he could not determine the distance between the cameras, he decided that he did not want to do any analysis without having the direct information for himself, to make a credible analysis. He would not take the word of myself, you or anyone else concerning the distances and rely on that. Finally, Bruce Maccabee, you have claimed for years that Jeff Sainio's analysis of Photograph #19 shows that there is luminosity coming down the road. In fact, as I have reported to the internet readers, Jeff Sainio told me that he could even see this luminosity on a first-generation copy with the naked eye. Now, for the record, I would like you to state what your findings were on Photograph #19 concerning the luminosity coming down the road. Obviously, when Hyzer's final report came out declaring there to be no luminosity coming down the road and that Photograph #19 was a double-exposure, you certainly should have done your own analysis on this photo to determine for yourself whether or not there was any luminosity coming down the road. Certainly, even though Jeff Sainio was your good friend, you would not have relied on his 12- years of experience when you had more experience under your belt. It seems likely that you would have done your own analysis and came up with your own conclusions. Therefore, would you state to the internet reader your analysis of Photograph #19 concerning the luminance on the roadway? If you have determined, through this analysis, that there was luminance on roadway, would you also please tell us if you could see luminosity on the first generation copy of Photograph #19 with your naked eye? Sincerely, Jerry Black 6276 Taylor Pike Blanchester, Ohio 45107 (513)625-2613

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 02:26:01 -0500 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 13:46:23 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... At 04:41 PM 10/7/99 -0400, you wrote: >From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 23:50:46 GMT <snip> >And I am merely suggesting that those abduction reports >indicating experiencer Awareness during Sleep Paralysis don't >fit into the two categories outlined above. They are not >completely physical events. And they are not completely illusory >events. I'm curious, Joe. How do you know they are not completely physical and not completely illusory events? How do you know when someone is really "aware" or just dreaming they are aware? Would you please describe, for interested readers, investigators, researchers and therapists, the techniques you use to validate and evaluate these experiences? Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 02:13:33 -0700 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 13:55:35 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 20:19:55 EDT >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >To: updates@globalserve.net >>Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 17:30:38 -0500 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>>Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 17:38:02 EDT >>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>To: updates@globalserve.net <snip> >>>Good Lord! <snip> >>>... I was 2 or 3 at the time and couldn't speel rite .. <snip> >>>Jim Mortellaro >>Whatever you say, Jim. <snip> >>... ( How, incidentally, did you remember this >>experience, which allegedly took place at the age of two or >>three? Just curious.) >>Meanwhile, get a Gripple, dude. >>Dennis >That's the whole point of a number of my posts. <snip> Having read about Jim's toddler memories reminded me of one of my own. Nothing frightening or sinister, but vivid nonetheless. My Mom had taken me to the clinic, apparently for a routine checkup. She and an attractive looking nurse, a brunette as I recall, were amusing me ( and no doubt themselves ) by shining a thin penlight beam on my leg. I was wearing short pants, and tried to "catch" the beam with my little hands. They laughed. I recall the leg, my leg. It was the leg of a toddler, although that didn't seem strange to me at the time. The only thing that bothered me was trying to talk. I didn't know how! I would estimate I was 2 or 3 years old at the time. So yes, a few memories from even those early years can and will surface, if they are somehow notable enough to the child. I have another memory regarding ant poison from the same era. Back to the clinic! (I didn't eat any) Now. Anything as odd as an abduction scene, "real" or otherwise perceived, would have stuck out like a sore thumb. I have no doubt that a fellow aficionado of Gripple (or in my case Fizzy Burple) and the Italian Opera as Jim is, could recall such scenes vividly. Otherwise, I wish to bow out of the entire abduction matter. I'm not an experiencer, and I'm in no position to take sides; other than to agree with Dennis that the huge numbers of alien abductions some people claim seem insupportable. <snip> >Some were so vivid at the time, that even my mother and dad (who >thank God are still with us) remember my telling them what I >perceived happened that long ago. Sadly, my Mom passed away years ago. If she were here, I have no doubt she would remember the ant-poison matter, but wouldn't have a clue about the magic penlight in the doctor's office. Best wishes - Larry Hatch

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 13:51:00 +0100 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 14:01:45 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 01:47:13 +0100 >From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>To: <nufon@currantbun.com> >>Subject: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>UFOIN - A new start for British ufology >>>Some of the UKs most experienced investigators today >>>launched a bold initiative. >>>Nothing will be spent pandering to enthusiasts, putting on >>>lectures or printing magazines. >Hi All, >This sounds so fantastic and to good to be true, but nobody >making money from ufology what is going on, surely a lot of >career researchers will be up in arms! >And pandering to enthusiasts? Blimey.... >Now knuckle down and do as you're told boy! >Hurry up & land lads and put us out of our misery!! >Roy.. Keep Smiling! Hi, Too good to be true, maybe. But its true and it will be good, so let time be the judge. Nobody is suggesting this will change the world. Especially as the world needs to want to change and we all know it doesn't. A band of about 20 of us (likely to grow to 40 or so we expect) is doing this and you can judge if it works or not by its results. The web site is being developed now (its up and running) and will have a lot of investigator friendly sections - eg IFO Warnings, Investigator Tips, Ideas for what to do next, a free posting of the code of practice, the six month investigator training course and on line Q & A where experienced investigators will offer help to newcomers. Most of the above have emerged and been set up within days as a consequence of the UFOIN team working as it is hoped to do in future. Having no committees to report to or leaders to get permission from means if someone in UFOIN has a good idea then they just tell the rest of the team, ask for help and get on with doing it. Within days (not weeks or months or sometime never) the thing is happening. That's what UFOIN will be about. Publications are also well advanced. The first is likely to be an in depth study of the l967 UK wave - although at least three other such special reports under the UFOIN banner are well progressed and all should be out within six months or so. We are setting the standards now for investigator recruitment and UFOIN will have strict criteria. Elitist you might call it, but that's not the point. There are dozens of groups that anyone can join. UFOIN is open to any UK Ufologist to aspire towards and their acceptance will not be decreed by their views on UFOs (ETH supporters and outright sceptics are equally welcome and there are likely to be some of each), The only thing that will matter is their ability to conduct thorough, objective investigations. We know this idea can work because UFOIN is a name from British Ufology's past. Between l977 and l981 it existed in similar form to now, tied to FSR magazine under Charles Bowen and was responsible for some in depth cases (many now famous in Ufology's) - eg Aveley, Risley, Livingston etc. UFOIN became the BUFORA NIC as a way to ease UFO politics and reduce 'rival groups' and produced much good Ufology's. But it has now been decided that the freedom of investigators working as investigators whilst not tied to a membership group is worth another try. AS for telling anybody what to do, that's silly. This will be the most open, democratic, individually free UFO team in Britain - possibly the world. By 'not pandering to enthusiasts' we are not decrying such people. Most serious ufologists start that way. And many groups and magazines exist to fill their needs. We are simply by passing that aspect of ufology's to do pure R & I with no distractions. But it wont stop me lecturing and writing for enthusiasts or talking to them first hand or on updates or any such thing. WE are not removing ourselves above and beyond Ufology's - just banding together as a partnership to get things done we feel need to be done. That's all. We are doing is creating a professionalism team to work on cases. It is in no way aimed at destroying the current UFO structure - just adding a missing link we perceived to exist. And if career ufologists are upset - why? Nobody is asking them to have anything to do with UFOIN. People will decide for themselves where their priorities lie - and if their priorities lie in doing good R & I working with similar minded people and seeking to reflect high standards of scientific work that is made freely available to all then they'll join UFOIN. If their priorities are selfish - like making money, getting fame and fortune and being a big fish in the little UFO pond, then they wont. UFOIN wont be rushing to try to make them see things differently. We are happy working simply with whoever agrees that what we are doing makes sense - whether that is 10 people or 1000. Although we already know which end of the scale its going to be! Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Alfred's Odd Ode #320 From: Alfred Lehmberg <Lehmberg@snowhill.com> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 08:11:10 -0500 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 14:03:39 -0400 Subject: Re: Alfred's Odd Ode #320 Apology to MW #320 (For October 9, 1999) I don't believe _in_ UFOs, and I'm not splitting hairs, but *something* haunts the skies above, and shames us _well_ down here. And not just _now_, but way back *when* 'twas flight was just a dream. Yes, well before the pyramids that began it all, it seems. Back before we sailed our seas we prayed to brutal gods -- gods as thick as errant fleas to give that needed nod. Back before, when just a few, we wandered plains in bands askew, and we were *almost* innocent then, an uncorrupted kith and kin. Back before we wrote in books, we scratched cave walls with paint and soot, and we recorded saucers, flying, (scaring the observers spying) -- pulsing inner lights in waves that we, then, chipped in stone, OK? Kings of fearful ancient times would see them hover there, and scurry to their *high* priests, their witchdoctors, and sayers. Pharos of old Egypt ran, and raised up armies that would stand in fearful awe of flying craft that, silent (days long!) flew on past! They could, even, smell their odors -- alien and acrid motors! This was taken down (but hidden) by a man of some *religion*, but the papyrus is real and good translation's solid seal. I say this and _forget_ the Bible -- how all its stories make it libel as a record of abduction, UFOs and piqued destruction! Consider Alexander as he strides his *conquered* planet, as he crosses raging rivers to secure a grip upon it. His elephants and horses and, yes, most of all his men were panicked by two UFOs that _dove_ upon them, friend. They drove them from their crossing (why?) these craft that sailed air; they flew like massive birds of prey that owned the sky up there. Described as silver shields spitting fire to the ground, they danced and burned and threatened, but they did not make a sound. Squealing like Ned Beatty, and (yes!) scared beyond his wits, Alexander *wrote* it down, so he'd _remember_ it. And sober (pre-Christ) Romans were observers, then, as well. Of skies, well nigh, INFESTED are the tales they would tell. Spectacles of "fleets of ships" would course through troubled skies, they wrote it down as point of fact, and not as *charming* lies. They would HEAR terrific noises, and the sky would turn to gold. Men and women _trembled_ like they all had gotten cold. Globes of fire fell to Earth and landed on the ground. Taking off they'd go straight up and flash their lights around. Described as brighter than the sun, these terrified plain folks (who'd run) to hapless priests or scared officials who'd write it down, and sign _initials_. Pliny wrote of burning shields that danced across his eye, annealed. Others wrote of missiles, then, that roared and soared their skies again. The birth of Christ won't cure the air of errant flying craft. Josephus wrote of phantom ships, and no one thinks he's daft. Respected as a scholar, and revered as circumspect, he wrote of flying chariots, and of beings WITHIN them yet! He wrote of _armies_ of them that would course their way through clouds! He wrote "surrounded cities" so there really is no doubt. He wrote that all this happened in fullest light of day -- he wrote of frightened peoples who went down on knees to pray. This wasn't science fiction, but was well beyond his scope. He wrote it as he saw it. All agree that he's no dope. The Byzantine were not immune to unknown *flying* craft, they wrote of ships called brilliant, more like burning globes -- as fast. They hovered over cities (!), and presented beams like swords; folks looked up and cringed in fear for judgement of those lords! Nobles watched the pagans as the dark age was to end, and reddish brown in color flying saucers flew again! They hovered over churches, and they scared the people blind who ran in "bug" confusion from the castles if outside. They had never seen the like! They cowered in their awe. They _survived_ and wrote it down. It sticks, yes (!), in your craw. And what is seminal history, but Saint Gregory of Tours who reported on one Alcuin, a biographer of stars. Charlemagne's assaulted by a light-fast glowing globe! It flickers inexplicably like a psychedelic strobe! It's so damned strange it spooks his horse, which rears in the attack. Charlemagne, in armor, is then thrown right off its back. This injures him severely; he's dead in four more years, and kingdoms fall to ruin as the Vikings bring their cheer. The Japanese saw their fair share and they will not be excluded. Yoritsumi saw the "flying lights" and here will be included. Yoritsumi was a general with his army in the field, and he saw them loop their circles in the sky like hurled shields. They swung all night to morning light and then some hours still, so he, then, asked his *wise* men who would shuck _their_ jive and shill, "Be unconcerned, most gracious lord. Let smiles adjourn your frown -- it's a typhoon, heaving mightily, to blow the stars around." This takes us from -- "way back" BC . . . to about the thirteenth century. There's more to say another day -- eight hundred years of saucers -- hey! Forgetting tablets Sitchin translates, UFOs remain debated. History's a smoking gun that people did _not_ write for *fun*. It was, then, too damned expensive; they only wrote what common sense was. Written in the words they _had_ in concepts they could understand, they wrote that we are _not_ alone, and wrote that down in ink and stone! Lehmberg@snowhill.con No. I don't believe in UFOs. I _believe_ UFOs. The difference is NOT that subtle. And what is there not to believe. Seriously -- it crawls _all_ over the written record, and yet collectively we continue to laugh inappropriately up our damp sleeves. Why? We can't let it disturb our future plans? Rofl! And, what is it but our belief in a phony-baloney, and likely unjust, *future* ((awarded to us if we stay our *profitable* but world sodomizing course)) that allows the shimmering scales of a court jester ufology to be glued to our hapless eyes in the first place? Yeah! Phony -- baloney! The conservative establishment smirks and continues to celebrate a conservatism that is born out of the *satisfactions* it has discovered in having *things* remain _just_ as they ARE. Further -- it is an establishment that recently finds itself needing to demonstrate some reinvention as a *compassionate* party, proof of it's sociopathy! That future that we hope for (and that they promise) is a red herring (for a carrot) on the end of their long stick. And even IT evaporates (as a red herring is wont to do) the moment they feel they HAVE to have another platinum fixture on the downstairs bidet of their autumn home. In a contrived and manipulated denouement that too few are availing themselves of -- these few are very comfortable indeed. We are embroiled in a gigantic and pyramidal ponsi-scheme for a sociopathic minority. This corrosive minority believes that they will be able to insulate themselves from the very worst, FORGETTING they are in a position to elevate the whole to truly _cosmic_ levels. Free power, as example, has such a *problem* NOT because there is nothing to it. Rather, a huge amount of old (and new) money feels it has a lot *invested* in the early, fossil, twentieth century concepts presently employed. Energy problems in this country could be eliminated with an _incentive_ to generate power and supply it to a grid, presently, enslaving us, but I digress. <puff -- puff . . . deep breath> <g.> This group (of the, ah, uh -- . . . conservatively minded) is the same bunch that fills the trough for our news media and mainstream science impetus. It is also the major proponent of a campaign to keep ufology in the under-funded-court-jester status it presently occupies. UFOs suggest change -- this is a change that may not be compatible with the present ease of luxury and control now enjoyed by selected persons presently disrespecting _your_ individuality and quality of life. How much control _do_ you have? No, we hang by threads. At the complete whim of the arbitrary, we are song and danced by a cloying appeal to tradition and ceremony. These traditions of Aristotle, and these ceremonies of elitist convenience do nothing but beg the inevitable question; however, a question largely unanswered but for a smirking retort that maintains a status quo leading to an increasingly exclusionary and suicidal dead end. Somebody knows. UFOs are, by definition, change, and point to worlds with much more breadth and scope -- potential and expansiveness. It gets no easier to maintain a faade of normalcy for the smirking denial of these few, so fearlessly -- ask your own questions though the answers (or the suggestions of answers) offend you, shock you, or shame you. There is joy beyond the shame, satisfaction beyond the shock, and fellowship beyond the offense. And it's real. Restore John Ford! -- Visit a Virtual Art Gallery in Cyberspace! Ponder the Wit & Wisdom of Ching Chow! View "Unstill Life" -- Animation . . . and more. Consider Matter, Mind & Movement. See the current HTML "Apology to MW" with illustration. Take a ride in the Teleporter and check the inexplicable. EXPLORE Alfred Lehmberg's Alien View" at his Fortunecity URL. http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/arecibo/46/ **<Updated 8 October>** http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/witches/237/lehmberg.html JOHN FORD RESTORATION FUND -- Send your checks and money orders to _me_, Alfred Lehmberg (cut out the lawyers, they got theirs) at: 304 Melbourne Drive, Enterprise AL, 36330. Strict records kept. $350.00 pledged -- $200.00 collected! "I cleave the heavens, and soar to the infinite. What others see from afar, I leave far behind me." - Giordano Bruno, burned at the fundamentalist's stake.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 15:07:43 GMT Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 14:05:44 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 17:10:27 -0500 (CDT) >From: Brian Cuthbertson <brianc@fc.net> >To: updates@globalserve.net >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:05:38 GMT ><snip> >>Within the ETH, a lot of speculation about abducting aliens rest >>upon an unstated assumption of alien ineptitude. >>Imagine: You are the emissary of a dying race. You travel >>zillions of miles across the galaxy looking for a precious, >>life-preserving substance. You find it in the rectum of a cow. >>You remove said rectum and return home with your discovery. >>Then, instead of synthesizing the substance, instead of abducting >>a herd of cows to assure yourself of a steady supply of bovine >>recta, you make a special trip to Earth every time you need a >>fix. >>Bizzare. >Imagine: You are an emissary from a race zillions of miles away, >who is observing the inhabitants of a planet that are slowly but >surely polluting the heck out their environment, and apparently >determined to cover the planet with asphalt and people. >You find that by monitoring substances inside the rectums of >cows, you can track progression of certain pollutants and their >increasing affect on mammals which are very similar, in many >ways, to humans. >Bizzare? Inept? Maybe not. This motivation may be less bizarre or it may just be different. But the ineptitude remains. Human scientists who monitor pollutants in the environment seem capable of finding ways to do this without sacrificing so many cows. Indeed, so far as I know (which may not be very far) there is nopollutant known to human science which must be monitored in bovine recta. Consider human scientists who want to monitor the presence of pollutants in human breast milk. They take samples of breast milk from lactating females. Do they cut off the breast? Of course not. Consider all the other ways in which scientists and/or doctors can take tissue and fluid samples from inside the body without harming the subject. Biopsies, Spinal Taps, etc. Consider proctologists and oncologists. These specialists can inspect and take samples from the colon without harming the patient. But aliens don't seem to duplicate this finesse. If they can't then their ineptitude speaks for itself. If they can but just don't want to, then their ineptitude consists in their inability to cover their tracks. Joe Polanik ***************************************************** Joseph Polanik, jpolanik@mindspring.com Trionic Research Institute, http://trionica.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 99 10:29:16 PDT Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 14:08:37 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >From: Serge Salvaill <sergesa@connectmmic.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 11:19:55 -0700 >>Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 20:18:48 -0500 >>From: Roger Evans <raka@swbell.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>>From: Kenny Young >>>Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 15:02:37 -0400 >>>Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 10:43:09 -0400 >>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto >>>>From: Jerome Clark >>>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>>Date: Sun, 03 Oct 99 18:15:28 PDT Patient and gentle listfolk: >The real crap starts at 7 where... on September 29... Kenny >Young wrote a reply to Brian Straight who had said, concerning >Jerome Clark: >>Thanks for being the voice of reason here. >Kenny Young's reply: >>Yes, it is unfortunate that personal attacks go hand in hand >>with some of these ufological debates. But since you applauded >>Jerome Clark for "voice of reason" during argumentation, let's >>take a fresh look at some of his previous comments from this >>discussion so that you and the friendly reader can decide >>whether or not Clark has demonstrated himself as the keen >>officer of courtesy and civility that you proclaim. >Kenny Young went on _demonstrating_ the basis of his opinion. Unfortunately, no. What he displayed was an odd, self-righteous disingenuousness which accomplished precisely nothing. >>The story goes on where Kenny Young, for contesting >voice-of-reason Jerome, gets flamed by voice-of-reason Jerome, >and, in the process, put on the same stake as Jerry Black. This is an odd sort of revisionist history unsupported by a reading of the thread, as other people have pointed out. >This well-established fact is what makes this affair >hair-raising: any member of the List should be familiar with Mr. >Young's work. Kenny Young has proven in the past that he is a >reliable conscientious and very good UFO investigator. He is >not a character assassin. Go back on the List in the past 3 >years. Look for one post where Kenny Young indulges in personal >attacks. You will find none. False. >On the other hand, Jerry's road sheet does not exactly make him >a Peace Nobel Prize candidate. What an odd remark. I can only scratch my mind, and I think I hear a whole lot of heads having the same done to them. >>Kenny Young's principle of "no agreement/no respect" appears >>closer in spirit to Torquemada or the Stalinist purges than a >>realistic expectation of professionals or serious amateurs in a >>field of study. I thought this was a particularly insightful observation, as one who knows something about the terrible history of Stalinism and its bloody purges. What Young and Black seek to do, sadly, is to reduce ufological discourse to personal denuniciation. (It's instructive -- our correspondent's attempt here to hide it in the memory hole notwithstanding -- to go back to the strange Black screed that started it all, to which Young, "Evans," and our present correspondent have never expressed the slightest whisper of criticism. Their quarrel is only with those who take exception to it.) It is not enough to disagree, in this approach, with Bruce Maccabee's photoanalysis; one has to denounce Maccabee himself as being dishonest and without integrity. One has also to denounce all others, including the undersigned, who may be in some way implicated, however imaginative the leap must be, with Maccabee's crimes. And then one has to wax indignant when the recipients of the slanders react angrily to outrageous charges which they are unable to document, having to resort instead to declarations of faith (as in "Evans's" "I firmly believe...."). It is this sort of dangerous and destructive self-righteousness that I objected to, as did virtually all others who contributed to the thread. I'm sorry that our correspondent here disagrees with what has struck most of us as the only sane course. >Terrifying. Indeed. Thank God, as we've seen from the good words we've had from listfolk who observed what Black, Young, and "Evans" were up to, most people have more sense. I hope that next time we hear from Black and Young (as well as our present correspondent), they have something more constructive to say -- presumably on another subject, presumably on actual UFO cases and ufology, and presumably not on somebody else's pretended venality. Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 09:04:31 -0700 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 14:13:17 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 14:46:26 EDT >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>To: <nufon@currantbun.com> >>Subject: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 17:05:28 +0100 >>UFOIN - A new start for British ufology >>Some of the UKs most experienced investigators today >>launched a bold initiative. >>They have banded together under a common name - UFOIN (UFO >>Investigators Network) in an attempt to professionalise ufology >>in Britain. ><snip> >>Contact: <snip> Dear Jim, Jenny, and others properly disinterested: I hereby announce the formation of the RCFSHES which is the Redwood City Flying Saucer Highly Exclusive Society. According to International Director for Life (Larry Hatch) "Internal discord shall be held to an absolute minimum, as membership is restricted to one person at a time. " To prevent pandering to the masses, there simply are none. The only publication will be the *U* Database, which has already earned the highly esteemed Larry Hatch award, and is a front runner for the Larry Hatch's Sister's award as well. Internal disputes, should they arise, will be decided by an executive committee of the president for life, and the sole member, should he choose to attend the proceedings. The RC (whatever) will establish no liaisons, official or otherwise, with other UFO groups. Annual dues are $150 per year; the Director for Life is officially exempted from these duties. . Oh! One last thing: No cultists, contactees, reborn- religionists, publicists or yogurt-excessive types are allowed within this highly circumspect little group of old farts! Only one fart at a time, that's the rule. With the very snottiest (burp) intentions, I remain - Larry Hatch, President-in-exile of Ananaguay, Discoverer of Bingo Beach Uruguay, Gods gift to cash-poor Dutch and Deutch Breweries, the first [ex] Catholic to complain about the taste of the next parishioners spit at Hooly Communion, and other noteworthy exploits and adventures, too dripping wet to recount. PS: This information appears as a public notice only. = = = = = =

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: 'Planet X' Beyond Pluto? From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 10:06:42 -0700 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 14:15:50 -0400 Subject: Re: 'Planet X' Beyond Pluto? >From: Blair Cummins <ufoblair@hotmail.com> >To: updates@globalserve.net >Subject: 'Planet X' Beyond Pluto? >Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 13:18:23 PDT >Greetings list - >Found this interesting article about a new scientific report >suggesting that there may in fact be a "Planet X" beyond Pluto. >Could be a boon to Sitchin's theories if validated. >From: http://msnbc.com/news/320182.asp >A mystery revolves around the sun Researchers suggest that huge >unseen object orbits on fringe of solar system <snip> There is a satisfying circularity to this, should it prove true. One of my minor personal heroes is/was one Clyde Tombaugh who discovered Plutah, in 1932 I think, and renamed it Pluto after having visited Utah. Clyde ground his own lenses, like a lot of kids did then. But, he pushed his personal obsession into a professional career at a time when no jobs were available. By some luck, Pluto fell within the lenses, and could be made out by the "blinkers" they used then, and probably do now. Later on, scientists discovered that Pluto was a "lightweight", i.e. Pluto had a proper mass so small that if could not possibly explain the perturbations attributed to it! This meant, by conventional physics, that some larger, fatter, (presumably dumber and happier) body had to be out there! I have always liked Clyde Tombaugh, ( for someone who never met the fellow ) and I really like this latest apparent discovery. It is a Clyde Tombaugh, not a Clyde Beatty, that adds to human knowledge, and some partial understanding of how the world, rather the universe itself, actually works. No religion can do this. No philosophy. No politics. Only clear-minded (myself excepted of course), rational, scientific (in the very best sense of the word) and reasonable examination of the facts presented can ever hope to answer our most fundamental questions. Touchy-feely beliefs are sort of like pissing in cotton clothing. It only feels good for a little while. (signed) El Presidente de Ananaguay AKA Larry Hatch

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 16:29:54 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 14:21:20 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 10:44:18 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 01:06:01 -0400 >From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Mark has pointed out that, >>in a sense, both choices could be correct: I might be good at >>photo analysis and my analysis might be correct, yet I might >>have missed something. >Not so much missed something as not imagined something (to >imagine all of the techniques by which such photos could be >made is certainly possible, but it is also possible (though I would >say not probable) that there is some method which might meet >all of the requirements and yet not have been thought of except >by the hoaxer)).> >Unlike many, I do not believe that all of the information >required to decide the reality of a UFO case is encoded in >photos of the UFO. Certainly, if a photo is able to be shown >certainly to be a hoax (i.e. a wire is visible in the image), >then the reality level of the photo is certain, as it is if the >hoaxer confesses. But if that information is not present, then >all photoanalysis can do is raise the bar of difficulty and >expense. One can come to a conclusion at some point that a hoax >is unlikely because the bar is so high.> I have said many times over the years, "a photo a ufo does not make." I said the same thing in many more words in the message to which Mark was responding. >For instance, in Gulf Breeze, there are several things which are >clear about a hypothetical hoaxer of the case... >1) He was highly skilled in model making. His models are not >only large and detailed, they are round (harder than <snip> >2) He had a special location to do model construction, and to <snip> >3) He had a special location to do the trick photography. <snip> >4) He either understood typical flaws in UFO hoax photos or >accidentally avoided them (photos likely to be real typically <snip> >5) He understood double-exposure or did enough experiments to >avoid telltale traces from the overprint. >6) He had a second camera for experiments, or he was able to >document/remember his experiments well enough to produce <snip> >7) He kept all this hidden from investigators and friends, and >possibly his family, for an extended period of investigation and >media attention. >This is a pretty high bar. It is difficult to imagine a reason >for such intense effort on the part of a successful local >businessman. And, as yet, no such reason has been found. >Photoanalysis raises the bar still further: >1) The double-exposure claims have not been supported in >subsequent investigations. Indeed, the occultation experiments <snip> >2) The correlation between the size of the object in the sealed >Nimslo camera photos and the consistency between that size <snip> >3) The smearing characteristic of the UFO and the environment >in the early photos are consistent, which they would not be >if the photos were double-exposures. >4) The intensity of the blue beam in the distant object / blue >beam photo does not have the characteristics of a double >exposure line. >5) The closeup blue beam photo does supply indications of an >unusual light source. <snip> Mark forgot two more "bar raising" aspects of the Gulf Breeze sightings and photos a) if a hoax, then Ed was very fortunate to be able to have strangers come forward and claim to have seen the same UFO.. which was certainly not a CLASSIC shape (most "flying saucers" reports tend to fall into standard categoris as roud, disc, triangle, etc.). Several of these witnesses were well known, ustanding members of the society who had nothing to gain and a lot to lose by backing a man who was unknown to them b) the "lie detector"/psychological bar. How many witnesses do you know, whose stories are generally accepted and 1) taken two lie detector tests and a professionally done voice stress test and 2) have allowed themselves to be subjected to a battery of psychological tests by a clinical psychologist who worked with criminal types (Dr. Dan Overlade) In Black's Book, Travis Walton stands out because he passed lie detector tests, but even Walton wasn't given a psychological evaluation. At any rate, the polygraph information is consistent with the psychological test information: Ed is not a siociopath/con man.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 9 UFO Tower To Become A Reality In Valley From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose.nul> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 05:39:04 Fwd Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 09:59:14 -0500 Subject: UFO Tower To Become A Reality In Valley Source: Denver Rocky Mountain News, October 8, http://insidedenver.com/news/1008ufo6.shtml Stig ** UFO tower to become a reality in valley Cattle rancher intends to build an alien-theme gift shop, too By Deborah Frazier Denver Rocky Mountain News Staff Writer ** Judy Messoline used to joke about building a UFO watch tower and alien-theme gift shop on her ranch in the San Luis Valley. Now, she's doing it. "We need something different down here so maybe this is it," said Messoline, who's never seen an unidentified flying object, but would dearly love to. "We're even going to have a landing pad for UFO's." The valley, bounded by the Sangre de Christo and the La Garita mountains north of Alamosa, has a century-old reputation for UFO sightings. Old timers talk of hovering lights. Ranchers speak of flying objects buzzing by. And, yes, some say there have been cattle mutilations. Messoline said her cattle haven't been touched -- as far as she knows. This week, Messoline got a special use permit from the Saguache County Commissioners for a 10-foot high observation tower on her land near Hooper. "This is the first UFO watch tower that anyone has ever asked to build," said Vendi Maez, the county land use administrator. Messoline, who moved to the valley four years ago from Golden and raises cattle, plans let up to 20 vehicles park at the tower. It only will be open in the summer and she won't allow overnight stays. Messoline is going to charge $2 for adults, $1 for kids and rent out binoculars. The tower will open Memorial Day. "Even if people don't see a UFO, they'll see the beautiful stars," said Messoline, who also works at a local convenience store. Joshua Hillman of Crestone said couples dating in the 1940s and 50s used to drive out to the Great Sand Dunes National Monument to watch the lights on the sand. "These are people with no New Age affiliation," Hillman said. "The county has quite a few UFO watchers. We have lots of reports, but not much documented," said Undersheriff Mike Norris. "On patrol, it's not unusual to find 30 vehicles parked in one area with everyone out looking at the sky." In fact, Christopher O'Brien moved to Crestone, population 27, to chronicle the strange occurrences. O'Brien wrote "The Mysterious Valley," and produced two episodes of the television series "Sightings." That's part of what gave Messoline the idea -- and years of watching the television series "X Files." "There's some really interesting things on that show and I'd like to experience it," said Messoline. ** October 8, 1999 Copyright, Denver Publishing Co.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 New UFO Pics From Istanbul From: Erol Erkmen <andromeda1@turk.net> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 21:29:19 +0300 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 09:53:36 -0400 Subject: New UFO Pics From Istanbul photo of the day http://members.tripod.com/~ufolojist/foto2/gft.html Info about ALP's, Join Project ALP, The ones that support the Project ALP, ALP reports (with password) http://members.tripod.com/~ufolojist/deprem.html The name of the participians that support ALP project will be posted in our page. Please send your ideas briefly to andromeda1@turk.net along with your banner or logos

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 14:54:12 EDT Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 09:59:43 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 21:56:49 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>From: Tim Matthews <matthews@zetnet.co.uk> >>To: "UFO UpDates - Toronto" <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 09:56:08 +0100 >>>From: C. <xxxxx.net> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: From Maxwell Burns >>>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 18:35:18 -0000 >>>Posted for Maxwell Burns >>>To UFO UpDates: >>>This is the first legal opportunity I have had to speak about >>>the case. If the dogs have finished tearing at my flesh I would >>>like to enlighten you as to this travesty of British justice. I >>>would also like to talk about the rules of evidence which you >>>have heard Matthews, Roberts and Clarke talk about so much. >>Have you ever read such nonsense? >>Well, on UpDates the answer is probably yes! If anyone wanted >>evidence of Burn's inability to face facts, to face reality, >>then it's all shown below! >>What he entirely fails to mention is that he was found guilty - >>not by the Police but by a totally independent jury in one of >>the more liberal cities in Northern England - Sheffield is well >>known for its;' tolerance in many areas and this is perhaps >>something to do with the two major Universities located there. >>The judge said that Burns was "some way up the hierarchy" in >>terms of drug-dealing in the area and Burns had been targetted >>by the drugs squad for some time. Now that we know the truth we >>know that Burns had been involved in this evil world for some >>time - in other words well before his newly acquired interest in >>Ufology. >>Just because Burns chose to lie - and answered questions >>consistently throughout his interviews with the Police - means >>nothing. Just because he wore gloves to avoid finger prints on >>the bag of drugs that he was found with by Police - means very >>little. >>What people should not forget is that in interviews with Dave >>Clarke - an aware-winning local journalist (amongst other >>things) - Burns admitted he was guilty. He said he expected to >>go down for his drug-dealing. >>To the moron world of Ufology - where aliens are all around - >>Burns probably seems like an innocent man. That's a reflection >>upon Ufology - not the criminal justice system in the UK. >>Burns also engaged in a hate campaign against my wife and I. >>This is a fact. Initially we didn't know who it was - until the >>hapless Burns admitted it to another local researcher in a >>'private' email. >>I live around 15 miles North of the prison that Burns is in. >>Perhaps I should drop by with some friends and picket the prison >>demanding longer sentences for drug dealers. >>We can be sure of one thing. When Burns comes out, I'll be on >>his case...... >>Tim Matthews. >Your bone to pick is with Burns. If he's guilty or not, what if >he's telling the truth about his ufological issues? Do we just >let it all slide through the prison bars and down the drain? Or >has is all been fabricated as we all assume a 'druggy' would do? >Let's all condemn the man in all aspects of his existence and >deny him the right to share any truths that may exist that may >contribute to the rest of ufology's puzzle. >Would you disown a prostitute and her claims of having an alien >living in her basement, that well known researchers have >witnessed and spoken to in secrecy, being one of the most >compelling cases ever to exist, because she's a prostitute? >Probably. If you found out I was a politician, would you not >care about my abduction or sighting experiences anymore? >Probably. >Funny, no one thought to discredit the man until he hit the news >stands. How righteous. >I'm not saying I believe everything from everyone, but he was a >respected person on this list until his name had mud thrown on >it. At what level of being human do we decide someone is no >longer believable or not worthy of our attention? When someone >else has a bone to pick with them? I make up my own mind, >thanks. And what shall we find out about those so quick to >discredit? ;) > Sue > "The pure and simple truth is rarely pure, and never simple" > - Oscar Wilde Right on the money Sue ... While it is true that one's credibility is diminished whenever something such as this occurs, it is also quite true that: 1) It is sick for some to take such righteous pleasure over the man's troubles and ... 2) It may (key word) not diminish his credibility in the matter of his UFO beliefs and/or knowledge. 3) And it all may be a plot to thicken an already corn starched pot of Oy. Truth be known, the truth be not known. These days, when justice is a game all too often, one cannot even trust those charged with the administration, determination, investigation and mitigation of the truth. The system has lied one too many times. And as I once opined, the truth shall set it's fee. See our Juice Representative, Oy Jay Simpleton... Sampson... whatever.... See also: Hurricain Rubin Carter, John Ford, J. Jaime Gesundt. Oy, I can't stay sober even when I try. I am quite hopeless, you know. Jim

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 20:56:45 +0100 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 10:02:38 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Lesley Cluff <manitou@fox.nstn.ca> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 00:26:16 -0700 >The subject of early childhood memory ability is one of great >debate, but it seems if an event was sufficiently emotionally >charged (ie fear, rejection, abuse), the memory either stands >out clearly or maybe forgotten only to be recalled later. (no I >am not talking about recovered memories under hypnosis) It's worth pointing out that the vast majority of "Satanic Abuse" false-memories are not recovered by hypnosis, but by therapy and counselling methods that involve strong one-to-one contact between the "abuse vitim" and the therapist. A big like abductee support groups. Although groups like the new UFOIN in the UK are wise to keep a moratorium on the use of hypnosis, it is not the only way of producing confabulated memories. >One woman I know of, recalled an event and even her thought >concerning an action by her mother. Years later as an adult, >she mentioned this piece memory fragment and asked about the >rest of the event. All she knew was it was it was some kind of >emergency involving danger and she wondered why her mother >bothered to stop and pick up the bootie that had fallen of her >foot as her mother raced along a sidewalk holding her. Her mom >was shocked that daughter recalled that event. She too recalled >it. It was in Glasgow, Scotland, during the German bombing of >the British island and mom was running to a bomb shelter as the >nightly raid began. Daughter was about 6 months old. Early childhood "snapshot" memories like these are remarkable, but not unique, and many do not have any traumatic content (I can remember being weighed on scales at a clinic, aged about one year). Typically, abduction and abuse false-memories usually involve "memory" of a long series of traumatic events which do not surface until decades later. -- John Rimmer Magonia Magazine www.magonia.demon.co.uk

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: Get Real From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 20:57:28 +0000 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 10:06:58 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 14:06:34 EDT >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: updates@globalserve.net >>Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 19:40:31 +0000 >>From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>>Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 21:20:49 +0100 >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> >>>Subject: Re: Get Real >>>>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>>>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 14:49:47 EDT >>>>Subject: Re: Get Real >>>>To: updates@globalserve.net >>>>>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 16:19:44 +0100 >>>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>>>From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> >>>>>Subject: Re: Get Real >>>>>Is this a peculiarly American thing, this emphasis on whether or >>>>>not aliens have the "right" to do this or that? Or the similar >>>>>concern that an individuals "rights" are being violated by >>>>>aliens. I've noticed it in a few posting on this list and >>>>>elsewhere, and it always seems to be Americans who raise the >>>>>point. >>>>It is an American thing, this emphasis on whether or not aliens >>>>have the "right" to do this or that. Especially when the "this >>>>or the that" is stalking, abducting and performing medical >>>>intrusions on our bodies. Actually, it should be a human thing, >>>>as Americans are not the only ones in this world with rights as >>>>human beings. In the UK, there are, I presume, safeguards >>>>against the violations of your human rights, are there not? >>><snip> >>>Of course there are safeguards against violations of our human >>>rights in Britain - you may have heard, for instance of Magna >>>Carta, which I believe still forms one of the bases of the >>>American legal code, and good on you for it. >>That is of course correct, the Magna Carta was drawn up by King >>John of England in 1215 and eventually became the basis for the >>American constitution. >>So I suppose in answer to the previous/previous posting... no it >>is not an American thing, it's something us Brits have just >>forgotten about. >Just my opinion, but most people with such protections under >their laws consider this to be either a local thing, or just do >not consider them. Americans consider it to be universal. So >sue us. Consider yourself sued >>>they can erase all >>>evidence of their existence. >>This may be getting off subject a bit but 'WHAT?' If as you say >>they can 'erase all evidence of their existence' then how do you >>explain the literally thousands of people world-wide who seem to >>remember being abducted?? >>Maybe the aliens just haven't got the hang of that 'memory >>erase' thang. >>They can dance across the universe in the blink of an eye >>apparently but when it comes to an implant... they always seem >>to leave an incriminating mark, now doesn't that just strike you >>as a teensy weensy bit odd? >>Perhaps someone out there can answer those simple little >>questions. >>Answers on a postcard to: >>Dave. >>Wake up Jim, you're on. >There appears to no rule. >Why some of us remember and some of us do not remember >as much or perhaps at all is part of the conundrum. >That things "tend to be going this way or that" is a waste of >Dennis' boundless energy... at least in my view. And one good >reason fro this is that people, many people, have experiences >which they never report, at least not as being either anomalous >or related to UFO's or abduction. >In addition, that there appears to be a change in the manner in >which most of these events occur (i.e., with or without sighting >a UFO, etc.) what the hell difference does this make in light of >the _faster_ changing level of technology, communications and >reporting of these events faster than spit in a vacuum. What's >changed more is the technology. Therefore, it becomes difficult >to draw conculsions as to the methods used by "them," assuming >there are any "them." Well exactly, assuming there are any "them" is the point I've tried to make but it always seems to get side-stepped by the quick talking used car salesmen of ufology. If they really wanted to wipe your memory... you wouldn't remember a thing, therefore you would not be able to write to a mailing list and whine about being abducted right! Oh, and while we're on the subject, of all the thousands who claim to be repeatedly abducted, who has ever taken a photograph of an alien? the odds are that amongst the thousands there must be someone who set a camera up linked to a motion detector, not hard to do these days considering our 'changing level of technology'. Unless the aliens are only interested in the people who wouldn't have even thought to do that. >Kin I go back to sleep now, Dave? Of course you can, sweet dreams. ZZZZZZZZZZ Dave. I have no memory of ever being abducted. Or perhaps I have... by the more professional aliens.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Jonathan Dyton <jon@wibble.powernet.co.uk> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 21:31:41 +0100 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 10:12:10 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 21:56:49 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns Hi Sue wrote...... >Let's all condemn the man in all aspects of his existence and >deny him the right to share any truths that may exist that may >contribute to the rest of ufology's puzzle. Has Max produced one word of evidence to back up his claims yet? I don't think so. However theres been a superb explanation put together hasn't there - thats mundane and boring and doesn't have aliens in it. - so it's ignored.... >Funny, no one thought to discredit the man until he hit the news >stands. How righteous. Oh, he's been descredited over here on a continual basis for some time, the damage he's done by making unprovable claims has annoyed a lot of people - that case wasn't an alien crash retreval till Max got involved. >I'm not saying I believe everything from everyone, but he was a >respected person on this list until his name had mud thrown on >it. No he wasn't - some people swallowed what he said without questioning or saying "show me the evidence". A plane is hard to make just disapear - there's records, the people who fix them etc. A pilot has a family, birth records, tax records, friends etc,etc,etc,etc. Can the "spooks" make all the school records & photo's disapear as well? There has to be a name for this missing pilot and a number for the missing plane. Until he produces those he hasn't got a case. >At what level of being human do we decide someone is no >longer believable or not worthy of our attention? When he makes claims and the can't back them up - how many times must this darn well happen? When will people learn? how many times have people come into the field, made claims the when challenged put up a smoke screen, made excuses, refused to allow the examination of "evidence2 etc? Just for a start, it amazes me how many cases there are involving "military personel" in this field. The witnessesd won't allow their names to be given to the public, ok fair enough. But then we get enough told about the witness to identify him to anyone in the know - I mean how many people can be the driver of an Alien body from wales down to London in 1974?? That's gonna stick out........... And people swallow this. Time after time without asking questions. >When someone >else has a bone to pick with them? I make up my own mind, >thanks. And what shall we find out about those so quick to >discredit? ;) That in Max's case the guys discrediting him are the ones who have to clean up after him and the guys who actually investigated the event's - and ripped his case to shred's. It's People like Max that make it harder for everyone else - not the people who disproved his claims or showed him for what he was, but people who Make huge claims and don't back it up - they make us all look stupid (some times by association) in others eyes. Now lets put him behind us until he produces his evidence.. Cheers to all of you. Jon

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: 'Planet X' Beyond Pluto? From: Nick Balaskas <nikolaos@YorkU.CA> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 16:58:56 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 10:14:35 -0400 Subject: Re: 'Planet X' Beyond Pluto? >From: Blair Cummins <ufoblair@hotmail.com> >To: updates@globalserve.net >Subject: 'Planet X' Beyond Pluto? >Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 13:18:23 PDT >Greetings list - >Found this interesting article about a new scientific report >suggesting that there may in fact be a "Planet X" beyond Pluto. >Could be a boon to Sitchin's theories if validated. >From: http://msnbc.com/news/320182.asp Greetings Blair. A planet that far from our Sun (about 30,000 times more distant than the Earth is to the Sun) would orbit once every few million years, much longer than the once every 3,600 years for Zecharia Sitchin's Nibiru. It is possible to reconcile these two differences if the postulated new planet's orbit was assumed to be circular. Then Nibiru's orbit which is a very flat elliptical one and which also brings it close to Earth would also extend to the vicinity of the postulated new planet. They could thus turn out to be the same planet. Of course the existence of Nibiru is also far from proven, but if Sitchin is right, then our nearest E.T. neighbours are not from a planet orbiting a distant star but from within our own solar system. Close enough for our E.T. neighbours to visit Earth in their UFOs during their holidays. ;o) I am currently taking a course on Extrasolar Planets which is taught by Dr. John Caldwell. He is now at the same astronomy conference in Italy with his colleague Dr. John Murray who will be presenting his findings on the postulated new planet. Another scientist, Dr. John Matese has also done a similar study to Dr. Murray's which supports his findings. It is due to be published in the journal "Icarus" soon. It is interesting that Dr. Carl Sagan, who did not support many of Sitchin's views, was once editor of this journal. There are so many astronomers now doing work on extrasolar planet detection which have yet to publish their findings that I predict Betty Hill, Margorie Fish and Terence Dickinson will be given special recognition in this field by these same astronomers. Nick Balaskas

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 UFOR: Project Paperclip/Overcast From: Francisco Lopez <d005734c@dc.seflin.org> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 17:17:01 -0400 (EDT) Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 10:28:51 -0400 Subject: UFOR: Project Paperclip/Overcast From: Chosa <chosa@chosa.com> I recently had an exchange of emails with Stanton Friedman about Project Paperclip and it's possible relationship with Roswell via White Sands and V-2 rockets. I have been given permission by Stanton to post our exchanges to the internet. The following is a chronological and exact duplication of our exchanges. Byron Weber Beginning October 1, 1999, Stanton Friedman and I discussed Project Paperclip/Overcast and any possible relationship it may have had with the events at Roswell in 1947. He has given permission to post our conversation. October 1, 1999 Hi Stan, I was looking over the comments of Bennewitz with respect to disimformation he may have been feed and one item struck me as particularly interesting. He stated that the German scientists in the US following WWII had nothing at all to do with the UFO thing. So I researched it. I found a couple of references to a project in 1946 in El Paso, TX in which a V-2 was launched, lost it tracking and landed in a cemetery in Juarez, Mexico. In 1947, there was reference to an airforce project assisted by German scientists at White Sands, NM, to launch a V-2 with primates on board. An aeronautical medical board was being assembled and about 230 scientists and doctors were housed in temporary facilities at Wright Air Field. By 1949 a high altitude record was achieved, some 250 some nautical miles with a WAC corporal strapped onto a second stage capsule. The record stood for seven years. Have you come across this information in your research of Roswell? If so, can you recommend any source information for clarification as to the extent of the test flights from White Sands? If not, might this offer an explanation for the Roswell events? Looking forward to your response, Byron Weber October 2, 1999 Byron: I really don't understand the Question. There were indeed hundreds of German rocket scientists working in NM.at White Sands(usually Based at Ft. Bliss on the NM -TX border) in the 1946-1950 time period. They were certainly concerned with Aerospace medicine and trying to use chimps for such research. This is discussed in hundreds of papers and in books about WSMR. Naturally it has been discussed as possibly related to Roswell. There has NOT been any connection established. This does NOT mean that none of the Germans such as Steinhoff and Von Braun were called in on Roswell. There were no V-2 Launches that Match. No monkeys were launched at the time. There is a book The Holloman Story by George Meeter. There is a base Historian at Holloman and one at WSMR. STF October 4, 1999 Stan, The question, of course, is whether or not anyone has researched the V-2 launches from White Sands sufficient to rule out the possibility that the Roswell incident was actually a V-2/M-42 test. The M-42 is known to have been considered in manned and unmanned versions. However, the records I found are not detailed enough to draw conclusions and despite the fact that Von Braun had designed a similar cruise missile mounted on a V-2 which later became the Navaho cruise missile, it seems the Russians were the ones to develope the M-42 and M-44 Buran trisonic ramjet missles, manned and unmanned. There is no doubt though that plans were designed in 1947 for primate flight by the air force and the logical method would have been the use of the V-2/M-2. The best records I have been able to find lists only a dozen or so dates for V-2 launches from 46-48. But, the air force library records state 64 V-2 rockets flew from White Sands with some modified as two stage vehicles. Common sense, if there is such a thing in this day and age, says the first explanation for Roswell would be a closely guarded air force project. Still, I don't seem to be able to come up with a reasonable explanation for the air force protecting such information except that the concept of "space planes," continues to be stuff of black projects. I have several queries out about V-2 launches in New Mexico. If anything comes of it, I will let you know. In the meantime, I get ahold of the book you recommended. Thanks, Byron October 6, 1999 Byron: Many have tried to find a connection between V-2 launches and Roswell. To date none has been found. Don't forget the topography... some mountain ranges between WSMR and the Brazel ranch. It seems to me that "Common Sense" tells us nothing about what happened.There was plenty of publicity about monkeys and rockets.If a missile or other "secret" military system had been launched there would have been radar tracks and search teams sent out to look for it. Blanchard would have been informed etc. There was a chemical rocket fire on July 3.1947, at WSMR.Launch cancelled. The Public Affairs office V-2 story fact sheet says that by June 30, 1951, 67 V-2 missiles had been launched. The USAF also looked into Missiles as an explanation.. Didn't find anything. Stan October 6, 1999 Stan, Rockets, Missiles, and Men in Space by Willy Ley has an appendix with the record, by date, of V-2 firings from WSPG. None were shown in July 1947 until the 10th. None were shown for the month of June.. If there is a connection, it may have been with a classified Project MX-774. This was an Air Force project with three objectives, a subsonic self navigating jet plane, an ICBM (5000 mile rocket) and a test missile to be used with the ICBM. Thrust to weight ratio was a key consideration so to reduce the weight, one of the contractors Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft Corp (later) Convair revived an Oberth 1928 patent (also used by the Germans) to "roll stainless steel so thin it had to be inflated." Throughout 1946-1947 there was a political upheaval for control of nukes and science technology. The National Science Foundation was put on hiatus and several bills were introduced to determine who would maintain control. On one side was the military supported to some extent by Forrestal (although they were fighting one another in a fierce battle for funding) and on the other side was Bush (Truman's science advisor) and his buddy's. Eventually Bush won out with the formation of the AEC (Johnson-May Bill), just prior to which he publicly denounced the feasibility of developing anything close to an accurate ICBM or useful space plane and the Russians were not expected to develop nuclear capabilities for many years. There was considerable public pressure on Truman to cut the military budget. After a number of sporatic successful/unsuccessful tests of the V-2, one which could have resulted in a political crisis (the one that landed in Juarez, Mexico) and recriminations by Bush, on July 1, 1947 the Air Force was forced to cancel the MX-774 program due to budget cuts. Had there been an errant flight and crash of a rocket/space plane that week, any hope of refunding the project would have been lost. Also canceled was Martin's MX-771, and North Americans MX-770 and Bells MX-776 were limited in scope and budget. Despite the cancellation of the project it was continued with private funding from Convair. The records of the event, since the project was officially canceled, would not have been maintained by the Air Force. The engines for the project had already been developed in 1946 by Reaction Motors, a four chambered engine similar to those used on the X-1. The rockets were ready and a space plane had already been designed, in 1946, by Von Braun in a delta wing configuration, not unlike a design by North American which with was later used in the Navaho Project and later still redesigned by Lockheed as the D-21 ramjet drone carried on the A-12. The Air Force cancellation of the MX-700 series was eventually rescinded, but apparently not until 1949. Now, on the one hand we have most of the components of an explanation for the Roswell crash in the MX-700 series projects, in close proximity to Roswell and with an explanation as to why it would have been covered up. On the other hand we have an alien crash which would have occurred at exactly the same time the project was canceled. Which explanation is more reasonable? Byron October 6, 1999 I can't see anything here that would lead to a missile explanation for Roswell.The 509th had high security as the only group ever to have dropped nuclear weapons. The crash sites are NOT close to where missiles were being launched and you haven't suggested a launch or why it would not have been tracked by those doing the testing. There seems to be no connection between any such program and what happened on the Brazel ranch or out in the Plains of San Augustin.Yes, certainly anybody would have desired very thin very strong very flexible metal... so where is it if it was ours.? Obviously based on the testimony of a bunch of witnesses, the more reasonable explanation is that 2 alien spacecraft crashed and were recovered. If the air force could dig out Mogul, they could certainly have dug out a test project which was hardly near Roswell. Surely Southeastern NM would have been a unique target for alien visitors as the only area of the world at which one could check on the 3 technologies clearly indicating that Earthlings would soon (less than 100 years) he heading to the stars.. Nuclear weapons (Trinity site), captured high flying V-2s, and powerful radar. You might want to read my book Crash at Corona.Evidence takes precedence over hypothesis. STF October 6, 1999 Stan, Points well taken. I have my copy of Crash at Corona in my hand and I fully intend to re-read it. Since I have thrown in everything but the kitchen sink to make my point, I would like to add one curious coincidence that enlivens the imagination, figuratively the kitchen sink. The first real rocket research and launch site used by Robert H. Goddard with a grant from Daniel Guggenheim and later augmented by a grant from the Carnegie Foundation between 1930 and 1936 was located at the Mescalero Ranch near Roswell. Whether or not it was still in tact in 1947 I do not know, but I will try to find out. One other thing, least others tread this gnarled path without road signs, I would like to make our exchanges titled Overcast public by posting them. Do you have any objections? Thanks Byron October 7, 1999 No objections. There is a Goddard Museum in Roswell and a Goddard High School.Well recognized.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 17:23:43 EDT Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 10:31:05 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 02:26:01 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >At 04:41 PM 10/7/99 -0400, you wrote: >>From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 23:50:46 GMT ><snip> >>And I am merely suggesting that those abduction reports >>indicating experiencer Awareness during Sleep Paralysis don't >>fit into the two categories outlined above. They are not >>completely physical events. And they are not completely illusory >>events. >I'm curious, Joe. How do you know they are not completely >physical and not completely illusory events? >How do you know when someone is really "aware" or just dreaming >they are aware? >Would you please describe, for interested readers, >investigators, researchers and therapists, the techniques you >use to validate and evaluate these experiences? >Amy >Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com" Dear Ms. Herbert, Doctor Kannapy, et. Al., Please excuse me for a moment, whilst I get Dr. J. Jaime Gesundt. He informs me that he has the answer to your question. One moment please, he is taste testing some new brew or other and is somewhat.... er, in his cups, in a manner of speaking. Oh, here he is now. . "Oooo, Oooo, Oooo ... " (his arm stabs the air with a desire to have the teacher pick him), "I know, I know, Mr. Cotter!" Darn! You got me so excited, Sue ... I just (hic, excuse me) forgot the answer. (Uh, it's the brew, Amy, he thinks you are Sue Some one or other, so sorry). Gimme a half hour an' mebbe ah'll merember it! Al's I needs is a nudda one halfa ouwa an I kin do anytings more'n once... Hic! Jaime J. Masundtle... sumpin... Dear Ms. Herbert; We pray this has answered your question. Further, it is probably the best one you'll get round these here parts. Doctor James Morte de Fam, Assistant to the assistant to Docca J.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: The Purpose Of Abductions From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 14:41:10 -0700 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 10:37:49 -0400 Subject: Re: The Purpose Of Abductions >Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 23:18:55 -0400 >From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: The Purpose Of Abductions >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 18:58:10 +0100 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >>Subject: Re: The Purpose Of Abductions >>>Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 05:46:05 +0200 (MET DST) >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> >>>Subject: The Purpose Of Abductions <snip> >>Hi Henny, All> >>Well if your theory is correct that that could explain why there >>are so little British abductions. Stiff upper lip, reserve and >>all that dear chap. We British are not known for showing our >>emotions, so perhaps this might add some more weight to your> >>hypothesis. >".....stealing my emotions...." >In the opinion of Quentin Fogarty, who was on the airplane that >flew along the coast of New Zealand in December 1978, they are >"soul eaters". He got this impression while watching a >"performance" by unexplained lights off the coast of NZ. (He was >not an abductee.) >Yes, I know, Ed Walters is considered to be one of the lowest >forms of life by some on this list. >That's tough! >For those of you willing to listen, you ought to consider what >came out under hypnosis with Dr. Dan Overlade: >Ed was made to sit on a table and above his head was a "helmet" >consisting of semicircular bars that crossed perpendicular to >one another at the junction point at the top of this "helmet", >above the top of his head. This helmet was hanging from the >ceiling. When it was lowered onto his head it contacted at four >points: forehead, left right temples and back of the head. >(After the May 1 early morning event, and weeks before the first >hypnosis session, Ed reported to me that he found a red mark on >his forehead above his nose, red marks on his temples and a >small bump on the back of his head. These marks were confirmed >and photograped by Gulf Breeze investigators. At the time no one >knew the significance of these marks except that they were found >after a period of missing time that was precided by a sighting >and stereo photo). >A similar "helmet:" was then placed on a small alien creature >that was seated next to him. Suddenly he would start to relive >an experience. either a "real-life experience from his history >or an experience that the aliens had arranged for him just prior >to the use of the "helmet." >After he had relived the scene the small alien would be removed >from the helmet and another small alien would be placed in th >small helmt and Ed woul relive the same event again. Sometimes >this would happen with a number of aliens, as if he were a >videorecorder that was being repeatedly operated to shw the same >scene and events to many people. >Ed was given the impression that this was a way of "teaching" >the aliens about human emotions. >See "ABDUCTIONS IN GULF BREEZE" by Ed and Frances Walters, Avon, 1994 Dear Bruce, and others. Unable to add anything of substance to this discussion, I hereby rule myself out, except to say that I believe Bruce is an honorable and honest man. My impressions, distant and ill-trained as they are, suggest that Ed Walters has a Florida style Credibility problem. In short, I think or opine, in spite of Bruce's, best evidence and opinions, that Ed Walters is a complete fake. None of this will detract from the fine work done Maccabbee and others. ( signed ) Presidente de Ananaguay.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: NASA speaks English... But Kilo-meters? From: Terry Blanton <commengr@bellsouth.net> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 17:52:34 -0700 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 10:39:09 -0400 Subject: Re: NASA speaks English... But Kilo-meters? >From: Michael J. Woods <mike.woods@sympatico.ca> >To: <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: NASA speaks English... But Kilo-meters? >Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 17:02:41 -0400 <snip> >Well, the Mars Observer was sent equipped with the best cameras >ever, as the public interest in the "Face on Mars" was at fever >pitch. It was better equipped than the Mars Sojourner mission of >1998, which sent back the blank face pictures from Cydonia. Actually, the current orbiter has identical cameras to the Observer. They used the ground spares. Terry

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 14:57:00 -0700 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 10:43:27 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Lesley Cluff <manitou@fox.nstn.ca> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 00:26:16 -0700 Dear Lesley: If you must trouble us, please at least put a few facts right up front. These are: 1) Precise location; If you are as geologically deprived as you sound, then give good distances and directions to some places people might find. 2) Precise time of day, exact date, and time zone. - Larry Hatch

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: Alfred's Odd Ode #320 From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 18:06:32 EDT Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 10:54:01 -0400 Subject: Re: Alfred's Odd Ode #320 >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 08:11:10 -0500 >From: Alfred Lehmberg <Lehmberg@snowhill.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Alfred's Odd Ode #320 >Apology to MW #320 (For October 9, 1999) <snip> >No, we hang by threads. At the complete whim of the arbitrary, >we are song and danced by a cloying appeal to tradition and >ceremony. These traditions of Aristotle, and these ceremonies of >elitist convenience do nothing but beg the inevitable question; >however, a question largely unanswered but for a smirking retort >that maintains a status quo leading to an increasingly >exclusionary and suicidal dead end. >Somebody knows. >UFOs are, by definition, change, and point to worlds with much >more breadth and scope -- potential and expansiveness. It gets >no easier to maintain a faade of normalcy for the smirking >denial of these few, so fearlessly -- ask your own questions >though the answers (or the suggestions of answers) offend you, >shock you, or shame you. There is joy beyond the shame, >satisfaction beyond the shock, and fellowship beyond the >offense. >And it's real. Dear Errol, List and Al, especially you, Al... I am positive certain I shall be castrated... uh, castigated, (sorry, I have been imbibing on the elixer of joy and am presently in my cups, as Tiny Tim's daddy was that fate filled Christmas Day, oolong ago - no - twasn't tea, twas a Dickens).... uh, where the hell was I? Oh, I remember now. Lehmberg's a lot (to me anyway) like a new Dylan song, when Docca Zimmy was maken' 'em new all the time. At first you got this feeling that the words had a ring of truth, but you saw only the exterior. You had to listen to it again and again in order to force the truth from the words. And what was the truth in them? Easy boy, this is gonna be a bitch to bite. The truth was not the truth ... that is, the ultimate truth, the truth was what it meant to you. How it's Rimbaudian inagery affected and effected you. That is the proof of great poetry. The meaning, the truth, it contains for you, personally. But in addition, there is also some kernel of absolute truth therein. But Rimbaud had nuttin on you Lemme. I vote for Lemme as Poet Lauriate of the United States. I seriously doubt if the "I never inhaled" and the "I never nailed her" president would even consider such, but he should. It's probably the only truth we'll see from this most pubicly indulgent president this nation has ever seen. Al, you are one in a million. That makes you an ascended master to us and dangerous to them. If they come take our weapons, you can come live with Rosie and me in the north woods, where we have a good view of the surrounding area. An easily defended home with an arsenal of powerful and dangerous words.... yours. They'll never even THINK of invading us with you there. Even if they take my guns. All I want is Lemme and just my one ten inch mortar and the 50 calibre machine gun. Maybe the rocket launcher, you know, for 4th of July celebrations. Thank you sir. If anyone is soaring, it's you. By the way, I liked the bovine part a lot.... tee hee. Jim Mortellaro "I soar, I cleave. But damned if I can land all that good."

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Tim Matthews <matthews@zetnet.co.uk> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 22:54:55 +0100 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 10:48:34 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 21:56:49 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>From: Tim Matthews <matthews@zetnet.co.uk> >>To: "UFO UpDates - Toronto" <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 09:56:08 +0100 >>>From: C. <xxxxx.net> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: From Maxwell Burns >>>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 18:35:18 -0000 >>>Posted for Maxwell Burns >>>To UFO UpDates: >>>This is the first legal opportunity I have had to speak about >>>the case. If the dogs have finished tearing at my flesh I would >>>like to enlighten you as to this travesty of British justice. I >>>would also like to talk about the rules of evidence which you >>>have heard Matthews, Roberts and Clarke talk about so much. >>Have you ever read such nonsense? >>Well, on UpDates the answer is probably yes! If anyone wanted >>evidence of Burn's inability to face facts, to face reality, >>then it's all shown below! >>What he entirely fails to mention is that he was found guilty - >>not by the Police but by a totally independent jury in one of >>the more liberal cities in Northern England - Sheffield is well >>known for its;' tolerance in many areas and this is perhaps >>something to do with the two major Universities located there. >>The judge said that Burns was "some way up the hierarchy" in >>terms of drug-dealing in the area and Burns had been targetted >>by the drugs squad for some time. Now that we know the truth we >>know that Burns had been involved in this evil world for some >>time - in other words well before his newly acquired interest in >>Ufology. >>Just because Burns chose to lie - and answered questions >>consistently throughout his interviews with the Police - means >>nothing. Just because he wore gloves to avoid finger prints on >>the bag of drugs that he was found with by Police - means very >>little. >>What people should not forget is that in interviews with Dave >>Clarke - an aware-winning local journalist (amongst other >>things) - Burns admitted he was guilty. He said he expected to >>go down for his drug-dealing. >>To the moron world of Ufology - where aliens are all around - >>Burns probably seems like an innocent man. That's a reflection >>upon Ufology - not the criminal justice system in the UK. >>Burns also engaged in a hate campaign against my wife and I. >>This is a fact. Initially we didn't know who it was - until the >>hapless Burns admitted it to another local researcher in a >>'private' email. >>I live around 15 miles North of the prison that Burns is in. >>Perhaps I should drop by with some friends and picket the prison >>demanding longer sentences for drug dealers. >>We can be sure of one thing. When Burns comes out, I'll be on >>his case...... >>Tim Matthews. >Your bone to pick is with Burns. If he's guilty or not, what if >he's telling the truth about his ufological issues? Do we just >let it all slide through the prison bars and down the drain? Or >has is all been fabricated as we all assume a 'druggy' would do? >Let's all condemn the man in all aspects of his existence and >deny him the right to share any truths that may exist that may >contribute to the rest of ufology's puzzle. He has nothing to share. >Would you disown a prostitute and her claims of having an alien >living in her basement, that well known researchers have >witnessed and spoken to in secrecy, being one of the most >compelling cases ever to exist, because she's a prostitute? Yeah, probably! >Probably. If you found out I was a politician, would you not >care about my abduction or sighting experiences anymore? >Probably. No, I'd just be more concerned about why you had concluded that you had been physically 'abducted'..... and whether the episode emerged via hypnosis. >Funny, no one thought to discredit the man until he hit the news >stands. How righteous. He had no credibility from day one as far as we are concerned. >I'm not saying I believe everything from everyone, Thank God for that, I was getting a little worried. >but he was a >respected person on this list until his name had mud thrown on >it. WHHAAATT!! The man who sent supposedly anonymous hate mails, lied to witnesses, admitted that he'd bribed witnesses with drugs? Which postings have you been reading here? Have you a selective version of UpDates?? >At what level of being human do we decide someone is no >longer believable or not worthy of our attention? When they're as much of a waster, liar, criminal and bad egg like Max, I should say. >When someone >else has a bone to pick with them? I make up my own mind, >thanks. And what shall we find out about those so quick to >discredit? ;) Well, good for you. >Sue >"The pure and simple truth is rarely pure, and never simple" > - Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde - another degenerate......

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 17:31:50 +0000 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 11:07:49 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 03:14:55 EDT >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >To: updates@globalserve.net Hiya Jim, list and all. My replies inserted (painlessly) below. >>Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 09:52:43 +0000 >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> >>>Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 17:30:38 -0500 >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>>>Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 17:38:02 EDT >>>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>>To: updates@globalserve.net >>><mega snip><< >>Dennis is getting at the heart of the "earliest recovered >>abduction narrative evidence" problem. So many abductees / >>experiencers exclaim that they have been having these encounters >>since childhood. I don't doubt or discount this possibility. >>However, in the absence of confirmatory evidence of any sort (a >>diary entry, a parents recall, something) it is very difficult >>to take these assertions as 'chapter and verse' with regard to >>the actual historic length of the modern bedroom visitation type >>encounter phenomena. The evidence in consciousness, memory and >>perception research surely casts much doubt on the validity of >>this kind of 'recall.' >Actually Stephen, I've already told the List in several posts >that my parents remember three of the more strange experiences I >had as a child in the mid forties. They remember my story to >them the very next morning after it occured and they also >vividly remember hearing it for years afterward. At age three, >I did not keep a diary. So sorry. Neither did my mom or dad. >We have only our memories to go by. Yes Jim, I've read the posts, at least the ones since I've been subscribed for the last year. I do assign more value to your experiences, even the early childhood ones, because of the many factors you are speaking of. In my paragraph above I was speaking of abductees in general. I'm glad, for your sake, that you do have confirmatory evidence via your parents; this certainly would make me personally feel a little more sane if I had experienced what you describe. >There is great doubt over the validity of recall, most >especially at the age of two years or three. But such must be >combined with and integrated into the greater history of the >individual, and without any such memory aid as hypnosis. For >example ... >I very rarely recall dreams for more than a few moments after >I've awakened. >I have always been able to distinguish between a memory of an >event and a dream. Certain dreams are recurring in the theme. >Most of us have them. The history test is tomorrow and I've not >opened the book. Not only that, but I cut every class. Ad >infinitum. >Last, the memories I recall are vivid in great detail for over a >half century. I'm glad you acknowledge the doubt over validity of recall. About the dreams, have you ever tried repeatedly to begin better recaling your dreams? As an aside, I find it highly interesting that every night we each spend several hours in an alternate reality which while we are there totally convinces us of its physical reality. And yet we awake from it and impose a form of amnesia upon it creating missing time. I didn't suggest that you or any abductee can't distinguish a dream event from an abduction event. Tho there is referance to a British woman who reported an abduction which she did dream after she had watched the abduction episode of the television show Dallas. I believe this case is from one of Jenny Randles fine books. >Cogito, ergo, so what? With all due respect.... one memory >does not a theory make, not does it substantiate one. Wasn't trying to make a theory outta my bad memory. For theory, see my other recent posts under this same thread. >My memories are not pretty hazy. Some are memories of a room >with a haze, as if cloudy but the memory is vividly real and in >great detail. I am able to describe the detail of what I saw at >age three or four, laying on a table in what I imagined was a >hospital room. I'd never been to one. I was taken there by >ambulance. I'd never seen one, yet the picture is indelibly >imprinted in my memory. >This particular ambulance took me up into the sky. >You speak of hazy memories which someone may call UFO related. I >speak of vivid and (to my mind, my intellect and memory) - real. >You and I are speaking different languages. We are on different >frequencies. What's your point? I was simply stating that I've met some abductees who are so "hazy." Again, I wasn't speaking to your specific experiences. We aren't speaking different languages. >And I can point you to many individuals who share my >distinctively real memory in the most intricate matched detail, >of things which I described to my parents 50 years ago. So they >didn't write it down. So what? This makes a difference? Well, >maybe to you. But not to me my friend out there in the ether. Yes I'm sure you can. I've met a few myself, having led a support group for such experiencers for nearly a decade. For those who seek "objective" evidence it matters a lot. For someone who has experienced this phenomena it matters little. It, the presence or lack of physical evidence, makes a difference to those, like myself and many on this list, who require more evidence. We can ask for and look for this evidence and still believe and know that you and others are indeed experiencing and interacting with a real phenomena. I can believe you interacted with something, even an ET intelligence. What I doubt most in all the cases of abductions and ufo close encounters is the infallibility of human perception. A person can interact with an unknown entity, physically and/or psychicly, but that very perception can be shown to be very maleable from within and without. (see my perpetual referencing of the bibliography of the psychoactivity of electromagetics in previous posts) >Dennis understands his hell bent for leather view better than you may >imagine. And yet, he understands little about the experiences which >he decries. >I volunteer. Any other takers? Or is there going to be another >Challenge, as in the one Velez posed last week. >Come on folks. The one piece of evidence most avoided, most >referred to as "non evidence," is that of the experiencer's memories. >Doesn't matter who it is, postal worker or PhD. IBM executive or >CEO of a fortune 100 corporation. Most don't accept this. It's not >evidence. To you.... not necessarily "you" personally, but the >collective "researcher you!" AKA, yous. >John Velez asked that we all pull together with our evidence and >have it evaluated by independent scientists. That goes for me >too when it comes to the so-called "anectotal" evidence. The >testimony of people like me. Which is as worthless to some >(all too many) researchers as swamp gas. Which by the way, >has more validity in some circles. Swamp gas. Pelicans. >But witness testimony? >Nah! >Before I retired I was CEO of a company, my own, which did a >goodly volume with fortune ten companies. Prior to that I was >director of marketing for multimillion to multibillion dollar >firms. Does that make me a better witness to my own experiences? >Apparently not. >Ah the smell of it. Stench is more like it. And what stinks is >the truth which some people have in commone with others of their >clan. Their truth. Which is indisputable. But not ours. Ours >sucks big time. >Sour grapes? Of course. We use that stuff in our best Gripple. >Jim Mortellaro I'm sorry if you feel our perspectives are so far apart. Perceptions are powerfully convincing. If we could experience what you have we would certainly be more sympathetic and likely to believe the exact same things you do. But I suspect there'd still be as much debate over the details of what happened and what it all means as there are now. SMiles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: Feds Curious About High-tech Meeting On ETs From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 16:02:23 -0500 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 11:10:51 -0400 Subject: Re: Feds Curious About High-tech Meeting On ETs >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 05:25:03 >To: updates@globalserve.net >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Subject: Feds Curious About High-tech Meeting On ETs >Source: San Francisco Examiner, >EXAMINER TECHNOLOGY WRITER >>Oct. 8, 1999 >�1999 San Francisco Examiner >NASA agent probes Silicon Valley meeting with UFO theorist >An upcoming private meeting between Silicon Valley high-tech >executives, NASA scientists and a high-profile UFO enthusiast >has sparked an investigation by a government agency. >Special Agent Keith Tate, an investigator with the Long Beach >branch of NASA's Office of Inspector General, has been calling >Silicon Valley sources, including The Examiner, seeking >information about a planned Tuesday meeting between research >scientists and Silicon Valley high-tech executives. Hold on a minute. First the San Francisco Examiner reports this upcoming meeting, seriously as opposed to tongue-in-cheek, now they report that a government/NASA agent has been calling "Silicon Valley sources" _and_ the Examiner asking questions?!! What's wrong with this picture? Since when do "Special Agents" go around asking questions _and_ stating their alleged position with the government and/or NASA?! When I first read this article (and thanks to Stig for sharing this with us!), I immediately wondered, "Well, how did the Examiner find this out? Did someone with Firmage's team call the Examiner and tell them? Why would they want this information spread? Could it be some kind of advertisement campaign for this meeting?" Sure makes this meeting sound important. So I re-read the article and noted that the alleged "agent" is indicated as calling the Examiner as well as "Silicon Valley sources" (no identification given for these alleged "sources"). Now why would someone claiming to be with the government/NASA call a *newspaper*, _identify himself_ and ask a bunch of questions about a meeting to discuss UFOs? Are we to believe the "agent" believed the Examiner would keep it's mouth shut and not tell anyone or is this some kind of new "open" policy on the part of NASA and our government? I study behavior. These behaviors are _not_ normal for newspapers, NASA or the US government. Red flags going up. Could someone have gotten the facts mixed up resulting in a more "sensationalized" story - accidently, of course? Did the Examiner verify that this "Special Agent" who called them was, in fact, "an investigator with the Long Beach branch of NASA's Office of Inspector General"? And, still I wonder, _why_ would any "government" agency call a newspaper and other "Silicon Valley sources", identifying himself and his job title, and ask a bunch of questions - as if they didn't already know the answers? Does not make sense. Something ain't right with this picture. Anyone smell fish? Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - Lynne Bishop & From: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 16:45:13 -0400 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 16:45:13 -0400 Subject: 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - Lynne Bishop & --------------------- /// Martin Jasek ---------------------- http://www.ufobc.org/yukon/ Our first guest tonight grew up in Edmonton, Alberta where he obtained degrees in Civil and Water Resources Engineering. His work eventually took him to the Yukon about 6 years ago. In 1995 he started to develop an interest in the UFO phenomenon. He started to do local UFO investigations in 1997. In 1998 he formed a partnership with UFO*BC and has been working as part of their group ever since. They provide web page creation and editing support for the Yukon UFO material as well as publish Yukon UFO articles in their UFO*BC quarterly magazine. A while back he got wind of an incredibles series of sightings over the Yukon Territories and conducted an extensive investigation --------------- /// Lynne Bishop --------------- http://www.geocities.com/Athens/3862/ Born in 1953, (the second in a set of fraternal twins), our guest in the second hour describes herself as the typical "Boomer with an Attitude." An Army brat through-and-through, she grew up on Bases in the U.S. and Europe. She watched wide-eyed as the satellite Echo silently sailed the starry skies -- and with other members of her family, questioned the possibility of intelligent life on other planets. As an intellectual exercise, distantly removed from everyday reality, she found it was fun to contemplate contact with a non-human life-form, but was hardly prepared for the mind-boggling discovery in 1992 that several family members and she had already had that contact -- not once, but repeatedly throughout their lives. The contact continues to the present -- and the journey toward answers is long and arduous. But her family, spouse, and friends will continue following the road, wherever it may lead. Join Martin Jasek, Lynne Bishop, Jonn Kares and I this evening as we discuss these Strange Days... Indeed on: CFRB 1010 AM - 50,000 watts 'Clear-Channel' 6070khz Shortwave you can also listen via Media Player at: www.cfrb.com/ You'll need to access the site using Internet Explorer since Media Player seems to choke using any version of Netscape - thanks Mr. Bill! To call the program dial: On-Air 416-872-1010 1-800-561-CFRB *TALK [local mobiles] Errol Bruce-Knapp

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 16:34:01 -0500 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 18:28:35 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >To: <nufon@currantbun.com> >Subject: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 17:05:28 +0100 >UFOIN - A new start for British ufology >Some of the UKs most experienced investigators today >launched a bold initiative. >They have banded together under a common name - UFOIN (UFO >Investigators Network) in an attempt to professionalise ufology >in Britain. This sounds great! I have one question...If someone has new information they wish to publish under copyright, will they share it with UFOIN and be assured no authors and/or would-be writers will take the material and publish it in their next book? How will these ego-needs be regulated? What happens if/when one or more of the more published authors in the group takes information shared with UFOIN and puts it in his/her/their next book claiming it as their "discovery" without giving credit or asking permission from the original researcher/investigator? This is just one of the issues I have seen come up time and again in UFO organizations and research groups. This is why so much information never reaches us, the common public, until it is published in an article or book. I am all for a united research effort and have been trying to figure out a way to make these ideals work for over 4 years now. The above issues are only a few of the "bugs" on my list. With everyone and his grandmother trying to become a "well-known expert", lecturer, author, how do we share openly and freely with each other without regard to one's next book or TV appearance? Jenny, can you share with us the standards or "rules" designed by UFOIN that address the issues mentioned above? Thank you. ;> Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 19:03:19 EDT Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 18:33:08 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >From: Jerry Black <blackhole60@hotmail.com> >To: updates@globalserve.net >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 01:11:15 PDT >To Bruce Maccabbee: >Mr. William G. Hyzer has staked his [and his son Jame's] >reputation on the analysis from a first-generation copy of >Photograph #19. And without a doubt, Photograph #19 is a >double-exposure due to the fact that there is no luminance seen >on the road, nor is there a reflection of the UFO on the hood of >the truck. As most of you kinow by now, I, Dr. J. Jaime Gesundt, _never_ butt in where I do not belong. I _never_ stick my rather large proboscis into areas where it would not ordinarily snit, fit.... whatever. Anyway, I will not bore you with my very occasional silly fossifies. I merely wish to convey a few thoughts on some of which I have just read. Boy, this is a long one Massa Black. Even for you. OK, here we go, over the teeth and thru the gummies, look out tummies, here I come. First I noticed right off that Hyszer's son has the same name as mine. Ergo, he must be a mensch of the first order. >You, Bruce Maccabee, have contended that there was a dent in the >hood, or the top of the hood was muddy, or there were bricks in >the back of the truck causing it to be slanted in an upward >position near its front. I will again stress to you and those on >the internet that William G. Hyzer informs that even if all of >those things were true, there would still be a reflection of the >UFO on the hood of the truck. Likewise, there should still be >luminance reflecting from the highway. I have a hood which I wear often on special occasions. And it's white. What does this mean? I dunno. I just you might be interested. Anyway, my pointy white hat goes well with the sheet I usually wear with it. This raiment fails to reflect the torch I usually carry. It also fails to reflect the light from the burning cross. What does this prove relative to your post? Not a thing. Which is interesting. I least as interesting as this story I am reading. I undress.... uh, digress.... But wait, there's more. >You state, Bruce Maccabee, that all of these aforementioned >points concerning the condition of the truck are fact. But you >were not there that evening; you only have Ed Walters word >[which you have used so many times in the past without any >thorough investigation] that the hood of the truck was muddy and >there were numerous building bricks in the back of the truck. I >even question whether you had even seen a dent in the hood of >the truck. Had you seen this dent, you should have [as a UFO >investigator] taken a picture of this dent. If you cannot >produce for me a picture of this dent, then obviously sir, you >have never seen such a dent in the hood of the truck. My white suit got muddy once. It was after a deduction, I mean an abduction. They put me back into a muddy field instead of the place we were burnging down. Somebody's house I think it was. Can't remember. I was inebriating on some corn squeezins at the time. As for the bricks. I never threw _one_ single brick. It's all a black lie, as attempt to intimidate me. I wasn't there. I was home. I wasn't doin nuttin. I was just hangin around. I got me a witness. My dog "Stupid" was there with me all evening. >I have been aware, for years, of the testing that Bruce Maccabee >has done on Photograph #19, where the truck allegedly had a dent >on the hood. His findings were that the alleged dent in the hood >might cause there to be no reflection of the light from the UFO >on the truck. However, Hyzer has stated [during his testing of >Photo #19], that a dent in the truck would have no bearing on >the reflection that should have shown on the hood of the truck. My truck siezed a bearing once. And it had a dent. And it was real muddy. >I stated that William G. Hyzer, with all of his sophisticated >equipment, has proven that there was no luminance seen on the >road on the famous "road-shot," Photograph #19. I never shot nuthin from the road. That's illegal here. I also never married my sister. Even though she looked a lot like Pia Zadora. >Your feeble response was: "Wrong." I didn't find his response feeble. Maybe you should turn up your hearing aid. I usually do that when my battery runs down. >I will let the common sense of the people on the internet >dictate their decision. I am sorry to tell you this, sir, but sense is not as common as some people around here think. >We have here, a young man who was at the time of this analysis, >State Director of Wisconsin for the Mutual UFO Network. Sainio, >by his own admission, had NEVER investigated a UFO case. Yet he >was a State Director of Wisconsin of the Mutual UFO Network. So >here we have a gentleman with 12-years of experience in >photographic analysis claiming that he can see [with the naked >eye] on a first generation copy [the same that Hyzer had to work >with] luminosity coming down the road on Photograph #19, the >famous "road-shot." However, William G. Hyzer with 38-years of >experience, and his son James B. Hyzer, with 20-years of >experience at that time, using their sophisticated equipment, >can find no luminosity coming down the road. Did you know that referring to a man's age is bias and punishable by the goobermint? And the old guy, same thing. Please attempt to be more careful if not politically correct. >So when you simply say "wrong" to this, Bruce Maccabee, >you insult our intelligence. People tell me I'm wrong all the time. And I am never insulted. >According to a letter you sent me some years ago, you stated >that you had received $20,000.00 for writing a chapter in a book >written by Ed Walters entitled: "The Gulf Breeze Sightings." You >stated that you had received checks from the book publisher in >January of 1989, and you further state that your investigation >was completed at that time, so in your mind, you feel you were >justified for writing in this book. However, the Ed Walters/Gulf >Breeze investigation was a continuing matter for years after you >had accepted this $20,000.00 for writing this chapter. While you >might state that your investigation was complete, a >re-investigation of the case was requested by Mr. Walt Andrus, >and Rex Salisberry had taken charge of that re-investigation >after you had accepted the $20,000.00 from the book publisher. I >still find this to be a conflict, as do others associated with >this case. I would also like to state that the $20,000.00 that >you had received for this chapter of the book came out of Ed >Walters' advance. The book publisher did not give you an >additional $20,000.00. You were paid directly out of Ed Walters' >pocket, not from the book publisher. I'll do it for a grand. Think of all the money you guys'll save. >When I stated in my letter that each sighting or picture from >Gulf Breeze must be evaluated and handled on its own, you >replied as follows: "I certainly agree that each case should >stand on its own." > >How could you make such a ludicrous statement based on your past >record? The whole book, "UFOs Are Real, Here's The Proof," is >based upon other letters sent to Ed Walters from people claiming >to have seen an object similar to his, or other pictures or >video that was taken… yet you have the audacity to tell me that >you believe each case should be handled on its own? Uh, could run that by us again? >Even as we explore further in this letter, you stated that >Fenner and Shirley McConnell reported seeing Ed's Craft [as you >state] with windows, hovering for several minutes near the >shore, not far from his home. So right away, you are again >referring to someone else's alleged sighting to attempt a >vindication of Ed Walters' photographs. You can't even go one >page without referring to someon else's sighting to confirm Ed >Walters' pictures. Even further down you go to reference a Mr. >Polack and two others of an egg-type that appeared in May of >'88. You just can't seem to stay away from using other people's >sightings or photographs to try to validate your good friend Ed >Walters. So don't embarrass yourself by making such ludicrous, >ridiculous statements that you believe each case should handled >on its own merits. You obviously do not believe that for one >minute. "Bellow and Bradley and they both all day lied. And the newspapers, they all went along for the ride. How can the life of such a man, be in the palm of some fool's hand. To see him obviously brave, kinda makes you feel ashamed to live in a land, where justice is a game." >Finally, Bruce Maccabee, you state that the explanation for >Photograph #1 was a very special type of double exposure which >William G. Hyzer "discovered." There is no way, you claim, that >Ed Walters could not have known about it. Now we both know that >is a false statement. You are trying to misinform the internet >readers that during Hyzer's analysis, he came across some >special way to double-expose photographs. That is incorrect. >Hyzer simply said that he discovered how this photograph, with >very little experimentation, could be double-exposed. You had >taken the word "discover" and made it sound like something he >had never came across or knew of before. That is a total lie, >and you know it to be a lie. > Snip Now, I hope you will both shake hands and come out fighting. J. Jaime Gesundt, Gulf Wind Researcher

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 18:51:22 -0500 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 18:38:51 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 16:29:54 -0400 >From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> >>Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 10:44:18 -0400 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos ><snip> >>2) The correlation between the size of the object in the sealed >>Nimslo camera photos and the consistency between that size ><snip> Bruce, Mark, Jerry (Black), List: Too bad one of you snipped the above. That said, everyone seems to have forgotten the following. Up until the time Ed Walters was sent the Nimslo 3-D camera, all of his pictures had been of the original object shaped something like a tea pot or a very squat saucer. ALL of the Nimslo pictures (on a sealed roll of film) portrayed a very different "object" entirely, one which Ed originally estimated as being 200 feet in length or longer. After analysis revealed the photographed object to be about 4 and 1/2 feet long, it was explained that Ed didn't have his glasses on, was looking through the viewfinder and overestimated its size, whatever, I don't care. Then it was "explained" that Ed's wife, who didn't have her eyes glued to the camera's viewfinder, also though the object was only a few feet long, and thus Ed's mis-estimate was simply glossed over and shoved under the rug. Think of this as simply another dent in Ed's much-dented pickup truck hood, whatever keeps the story "straight" in the face of contravening evidence. I think it was also on the Nimslo occasion that Ed reported his first "abduction" and all that stinky, smelly stuff under his fingernails (that he didn't keep), but if not, no real matter. Curiously, Ed never photographed the Nimslo "UFO" again, to the best of my knowledge. It appears only on the roll of 35mm film over which Walters had no control whatsoever. Once that roll of film was returned for development, however, Ed went back to his trusty Polaroid (which even Maccabee admits was capable of double exposures, unlike subsequent Polaroid models) and -- surprise! -- produced another series of pictures of his pre-Nimslo UFO, including, if memory serves, the famous road shot. Odd, isn't it? Walters takes pictures of one kind of UFO with one kind of camera, and pictures of another UFO with another camera, one supplied by another party and sealed so that Walters couldn't mess with it. I'm sure there's an explanation for this -- the aliens made him do it, whatever. Just don't expect me to believe it. The Walters Polaroids looked hokey the first time I saw them, they looked hokey the last time I looked at them, and they'll look hokey the next time I look at them. In short, they'll look hokey forever. And for good reason. Dennis

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: 'Planet X' Beyond Pluto? From: Stan Friedman <fsphys@brunnet.net> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 20:52:26 -0300 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 18:41:52 -0400 Subject: Re: 'Planet X' Beyond Pluto? >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 10:06:42 -0700 >From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: 'Planet X' Beyond Pluto? >>From: Blair Cummins <ufoblair@hotmail.com> >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>Subject: 'Planet X' Beyond Pluto? >>Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 13:18:23 PDT >>Greetings list - >>Found this interesting article about a new scientific report >>suggesting that there may in fact be a "Planet X" beyond Pluto. >>From: http://msnbc.com/news/320182.asp >>A mystery revolves around the sun Researchers suggest that huge >>unseen object orbits on fringe of solar system ><snip> >There is a satisfying circularity to this, should it prove true. >One of my minor personal heroes is/was one Clyde Tombaugh who >discovered Plutah, in 1932 I think, and renamed it Pluto after >having visited Utah. >Clyde ground his own lenses, like a lot of kids did then. But, >he pushed his personal obsession into a professional career at a >time when no jobs were available. >By some luck, Pluto fell within the lenses, and could be made >out by the "blinkers" they used then, and probably do now. <snip> I had the good fortune to spend over an hour with Clyde Tombaugh at his office at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces many years ago prior to my lecture that evening at NMSU. He, of course had had an excellent UFO sighting himself. He also had the courage that night to attend my lecture "Flying Saucers ARE Real" to an overflow crowd of 1600 people. I referred one of the questions to him. He was a true gentleman and scientist who probably had more hours of good seeing time of the other planets in the solar system than any other Earthling. His discovery of Pluto was made on February 18, 1930, while systematically comparing photographs taken on January 23 and 29. He was looking for a new planet as directed by Percival Lowell. based upon calculations of the perturbations in the orbit of Neptune. Stan Friedman

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: Roy Hale's Site Updated From: Michael Christol <mchristo@mindspring.com> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 22:20:36 -0700 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 18:44:09 -0400 Subject: Re: Roy Hale's Site Updated >Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 03:25:06 +0100 >From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: Errol Knapp <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Roy Hale's Site Updated >Hi All, >Just to mention that I have updated my website. >http://memebers.netscapeonline.co.uk/royjhale/ >Regards, >Roy.. Uhhhh... hhhmmmm... well I went there and all I got was a "page not available" error message. ???? REgards, Mike Download ICQ at http://www.icq.com/ ICQ#:7508455 BBS: (270) 683-3026 Fax: (270) 686-7394 Home: (270) 683-6811 ---

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 00:18:59 EDT Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 18:46:48 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 22:00:54 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 20:19:55 EDT >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>To: updates@globalserve.net ><snip> >>No, Dennis. Not whatever I say, nor even whatever you say. >>It's how you say it, dude, that makes my skin crawl. You sound >>to me as if you've got all the answers and even if you don't, >>you know what they aint. ><snip> >Whatever you say, Jim. Others have had different experiences and >different interpretations. Would you agree? Yes. >Again, I was addressing the abduction literature as it exists. >Not establishing rules or insinuating anything about your own >experiences. >Sorry if you took it otherwise. >Dennis No need for apology. This is friendly counsel. People are allowed to debate and even get emotional. One must never expect someone who perceives that he or she has had abduction related experiences, especially those who have direct memory of these events, to ever be expected to act normally in such a debate. One may better expect one to react. How can you understand when you've not had the experience, when you do not have the memory and must live with it every day of your life, whilst some folks are telling in lieu of suggesting, that it was that piece of undigested beef yet again? It is one of the most frustrating things in the world for me to sit here and read about how everyone researching this phenom, has the facts. Just the facts. And even when and if someone does not claim truth, just to hear someone tell you that what you know is not at all what you know, it's something else. Now that I have removed myself from the closet, I want each and every one of you to know that what I know is extremely certain in my mind as having occured. Further, that in spite of this "knowledge," I still may cannot be sure what the hell did really happen. And to read such tripe as sometimes is written makes me madder than hell. So you see, the abductee or experiencer, whatever you choose to call us, is already (if he or she is honest) sure of what happened, but not sure of what happened, simultaneously. How's that for living with your own person oxymoron, your own personal hell, your own personal conundrum? Last but not least, it aint easy keeping a sense of humor when this happens. Sometimes, things just happen to make life a lot tougher than it normally is. And one tends to overeact. Which is why I've reduced the price of Gripple by 25%. It is my firm unalterable belief that the UFO problem can be solved through a thorough inebriation of the anterior frontal portion of the brain. Keep it up Dennis, and you are gonna make me go broke _and_ ticked off! Jim

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Sue Strickland <strick@H2Net.net> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 00:18:18 -0600 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 18:48:54 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 10:50:35 +0000 >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Dear Stephen, Dennis, Kevin, and other Asleep-in-the-Deep List Members, Stephen, your theories would be so very comforting, if they were based in reality. I don't know how old you are, so you may not be able to associate with this little comparative metaphor. If not, pick another *very* traumatic experience in your life, it works much the same way. Do you remember what you were doing, where you were, who you were with the afternoon of the day JFK was shot and killed? If you were old enough, you'd probably remember. Thousands of people remember what they were doing at that moment, who they were with, the feelings and conversations they had with those around them at that moment. Just *one* "visit" is exactly like that...except that *they* try really hard to make you forget. Sometimes it works for several months or years, and then the memories (not dreams) begin to creep back in, like a cat stalking you in the pitch black night. Not fun. No welcoming mat out. Now, try and remember *any* dream you've had in the last week, and compare it to those memories you had that day when you heard the news about JFK. One is vivid, conscious recall, as though it happened 5 minutes ago; the other is a clearly a dream, slippery, misty, fades and disappears from memory, especially when talked about. Now, what happens if the JFK memory is purposefully manipulated in your mind to make you think what you experienced that day was all a dream. Therein may lie the crux of a partial answer to the questions, "Did it happen; can we trust our memories? Or were they dreams?" Big difference. Make no mistake, the burns I received from their laser attached to a transporter in my bedroom in 1961 was no dream. Try burning yourself with a laser and tell me it was a dream. Ha! If you don't scream your head off, you're either an alien and/or dead. I still have the scars, and I know exactly where I was, how I got those burns, who was with me (a bunch of inept aliens) and the conversation (screaming rage) that I leveled at them. Please, please wake up people. You say you want to help. John V. gave you a challenge. I will give you another, very direct and specific. Let's see how many of you really want to help. You can reach me at Strick@h2net.net . My husband and I are in the process of moving, but I will give you specific details of information I need to find, if you want to really help "find proof." I only want *true skeptics* and doubting Thomas' to respond. All others need not apply. You probably wonder why I can't do it myself. I've tried, but cannot follow through. I get as far as lifting the receiver or composing the letters and then trash them, or hang up. The fear of ridicule is there, but more strongly is a deep-seated fear that I'm not supposed to be talking about this with *anyone*, or asking the kinds of questions I need to ask to get the answers I need. Maybe it's all hallucinations, but you'll have to prove that this burn scar on my right calf is an hallucination. Sorry, I don't believe in stigmata anymore than you believe in EBEs. Should make for an interesting teaching/learning experience for all involved. Help me find the proof (IF it's there) of my experiences, beyond the *stories* I and thousands of others tell. What is plainly visible as proof to me, may not be to you. But for anyone who has the courage to touch those scars and let reality sink in, it's enough impetus to begin looking...very hard. Help me find me the answers. Sue Strickland

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Martin Phillips <martin.phillips@dtn.ntl.com> Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 21:36:06 +0100 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 18:51:50 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >From: Tim Matthews <matthews@zetnet.co.uk> >To: "UFO UpDates - Toronto" <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 09:56:08 +0100 >>From: C. <xxxxx.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: From Maxwell Burns >>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 18:35:18 -0000 >Have you ever read such nonsense? I agree with that. >To the moron world of Ufology - where aliens are all around - >Burns probably seems like an innocent man. That's a reflection >upon Ufology - not the criminal justice system in the UK. Hmmmm - so if this is a 'moron world', why do you continue to live in it? Mr Burns showed serious signs of paranoia, whereas you seem to have a superiority complex. I really am fed up of your diatribes, telling us all 'the truth' and how gullible we are to believe any extraterrestrial involvement. You can't prove anything one way or the other, and neither can anyone else. Sorry, but dat's the truth. Martin

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 10 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 12:37:29 -0400 Fwd Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 18:59:28 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 21:56:49 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns Y'all, Whilst it's heartening that Max has some supporters it's we mustn't let knee jerk reactions cloud the issue. Max is to continue investigating the Sheffield case from prison and when he gets out. That's all fine and dandy. When he's paid his debt to society he'll be free and untainted by allegations of being a liar etc etc. No doubt some sections of ufology will seek to make him a martyr but in view of his latest pronunciations we shouldn't forget that, despite his other problems, we need to look closely at his claims and not let them be obfuscated with stories of 'set ups' etc. As Jon said in a recent email he still hasn't come up with the name/number of the aircraft which went missing or the name/number of the crew. This was always the crux point of his argument which seemd to get buried beneath his freelance chemical courier activities. His latest claim, that he may have access to a 'cassette' tape of air to ground messages from Tornado jets and inter-police messages from the night of the incident is interesting. We wait with bated breath. Not least because to possess such a tape Maxwell must have contacts with a radio ham or hams who had several radios tuned to different stations, all being taped. I doubt very much that such a tape exists. But Max has made the opening bid in this new hand of belief poker and the other researchers are entitled to reply. So Max, I'll raise you 1) Where's the tape? and 2) What does it say? Max and supporters, should stop the weeping about 'intelligence agents' and 'set ups', and give us some checkable facts - just one would do! Whether Max is innocent or guilty of his criminal charges doesn't affect his core claims nor his critics' response to them. The conceit that he is the 'chosen one' of the secret state may be enough to sustain him through the undoubtedly dark prison evenings but in the long run it will not affect his ability to produce checkable evidence. On a more humorous note one of Max's main supporters, the crop-circle hoaxer Matthew Williams, has claimed that not only is Max the victim of a cover-up and a set-up, it is being run by 'luciferian freemasons', a grouping which one in twenty UK citizens apparently belong to. Now, if that doesn't fill you with confidence about Matthew's ability to get Max off the hook and solve the non- mystery of the Sheffield Incident, nothing will! Happy Luciferian Trails Andy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Alfred's Odd Ode #320 From: Alfred Lehmberg <Lehmberg@snowhill.com> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 08:11:10 -0500 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 10:23:19 -0400 Subject: Alfred's Odd Ode #320 Apology to MW #320 (For October 9, 1999) I don't believe _in_ UFOs, and I'm not splitting hairs, but *something* haunts the skies above, and shames us _well_ down here. And not just _now_, but way back *when* 'twas flight was just a dream. Yes, well before the pyramids that began it all, it seems. Back before we sailed our seas we prayed to brutal gods -- gods as thick as errant fleas to give that needed nod. Back before, when just a few, we wandered plains in bands askew, and we were *almost* innocent then, an uncorrupted kith and kin. Back before we wrote in books, we scratched cave walls with paint and soot, and we recorded saucers, flying, (scaring the observers spying) -- pulsing inner lights in waves that we, then, chipped in stone, OK? Kings of fearful ancient times would see them hover there, and scurry to their *high* priests, their witchdoctors, and sayers. Pharos of old Egypt ran, and raised up armies that would stand in fearful awe of flying craft that, silent (days long!) flew on past! They could, even, smell their odors -- alien and acrid motors! This was taken down (but hidden) by a man of some *religion*, but the papyrus is real and good translation's solid seal. I say this and _forget_ the Bible -- how all its stories make it libel as a record of abduction, UFOs and piqued destruction! Consider Alexander as he strides his *conquered* planet, as he crosses raging rivers to secure a grip upon it. His elephants and horses and, yes, most of all his men were panicked by two UFOs that _dove_ upon them, friend. They drove them from their crossing (why?) these craft that sailed air; they flew like massive birds of prey that owned the sky up there. Described as silver shields spitting fire to the ground, they danced and burned and threatened, but they did not make a sound. Squealing like Ned Beatty, and (yes!) scared beyond his wits, Alexander *wrote* it down, so he'd _remember_ it. And sober (pre-Christ) Romans were observers, then, as well. Of skies, well nigh, INFESTED are the tales they would tell. Spectacles of "fleets of ships" would course through troubled skies, they wrote it down as point of fact, and not as *charming* lies. They would HEAR terrific noises, and the sky would turn to gold. Men and women _trembled_ like they all had gotten cold. Globes of fire fell to Earth and landed on the ground. Taking off they'd go straight up and flash their lights around. Described as brighter than the sun, these terrified plain folks (who'd run) to hapless priests or scared officials who'd write it down, and sign _initials_. Pliny wrote of burning shields that danced across his eye, annealed. Others wrote of missiles, then, that roared and soared their skies again. The birth of Christ won't cure the air of errant flying craft. Josephus wrote of phantom ships, and no one thinks he's daft. Respected as a scholar, and revered as circumspect, he wrote of flying chariots, and of beings WITHIN them yet! He wrote of _armies_ of them that would course their way through clouds! He wrote "surrounded cities" so there really is no doubt. He wrote that all this happened in fullest light of day -- he wrote of frightened peoples who went down on knees to pray. This wasn't science fiction, but was well beyond his scope. He wrote it as he saw it. All agree that he's no dope. The Byzantine were not immune to unknown *flying* craft, they wrote of ships called brilliant, more like burning globes -- as fast. They hovered over cities (!), and presented beams like swords; folks looked up and cringed in fear for judgement of those lords! Nobles watched the pagans as the dark age was to end, and reddish brown in color flying saucers flew again! They hovered over churches, and they scared the people blind who ran in "bug" confusion from the castles if outside. They had never seen the like! They cowered in their awe. They _survived_ and wrote it down. It sticks, yes (!), in your craw. And what is seminal history, but Saint Gregory of Tours who reported on one Alcuin, a biographer of stars. Charlemagne's assaulted by a light-fast glowing globe! It flickers inexplicably like a psychedelic strobe! It's so damned strange it spooks his horse, which rears in the attack. Charlemagne, in armor, is then thrown right off its back. This injures him severely; he's dead in four more years, and kingdoms fall to ruin as the Vikings bring their cheer. The Japanese saw their fair share and they will not be excluded. Yoritsumi saw the "flying lights" and here will be included. Yoritsumi was a general with his army in the field, and he saw them loop their circles in the sky like hurled shields. They swung all night to morning light and then some hours still, so he, then, asked his *wise* men who would shuck _their_ jive and shill, "Be unconcerned, most gracious lord. Let smiles adjourn your frown -- it's a typhoon, heaving mightily, to blow the stars around." This takes us from -- "way back" BC . . . to about the thirteenth century. There's more to say another day -- eight hundred years of saucers -- hey! Forgetting tablets Sitchin translates, UFOs remain debated. History's a smoking gun that people did _not_ write for *fun*. It was, then, too damned expensive; they only wrote what common sense was. Written in the words they _had_ in concepts they could understand, they wrote that we are _not_ alone, and wrote that down in ink and stone! Lehmberg@snowhill.con No. I don't believe in UFOs. I _believe_ UFOs. The difference is NOT that subtle. And what is there not to believe. Seriously -- it crawls _all_ over the written record, and yet collectively we continue to laugh inappropriately up our damp sleeves. Why? We can't let it disturb our future plans? Rofl! And, what is it but our belief in a phony-baloney, and likely unjust, *future* ((awarded to us if we stay our *profitable* but world sodomizing course)) that allows the shimmering scales of a court jester ufology to be glued to our hapless eyes in the first place? Yeah! Phony -- baloney! The conservative establishment smirks and continues to celebrate a conservatism that is born out of the *satisfactions* it has discovered in having *things* remain _just_ as they ARE. Further -- it is an establishment that recently finds itself needing to demonstrate some reinvention as a *compassionate* party, proof of it's sociopathy! That future that we hope for (and that they promise) is a red herring (for a carrot) on the end of their long stick. And even IT evaporates (as a red herring is wont to do) the moment they feel they HAVE to have another platinum fixture on the downstairs bidet of their autumn home. In a contrived and manipulated denouement that too few are availing themselves of -- these few are very comfortable indeed. We are embroiled in a gigantic and pyramidal ponsi-scheme for a sociopathic minority. This corrosive minority believes that they will be able to insulate themselves from the very worst, FORGETTING they are in a position to elevate the whole to truly _cosmic_ levels. Free power, as example, has such a *problem* NOT because there is nothing to it. Rather, a huge amount of old (and new) money feels it has a lot *invested* in the early, fossil, twentieth century concepts presently employed. Energy problems in this country could be eliminated with an _incentive_ to generate power and supply it to a grid, presently, enslaving us, but I digress. <puff -- puff . . . deep breath> <g.> This group (of the, ah, uh -- . . . conservatively minded) is the same bunch that fills the trough for our news media and mainstream science impetus. It is also the major proponent of a campaign to keep ufology in the under-funded-court-jester status it presently occupies. UFOs suggest change -- this is a change that may not be compatible with the present ease of luxury and control now enjoyed by selected persons presently disrespecting _your_ individuality and quality of life. How much control _do_ you have? No, we hang by threads. At the complete whim of the arbitrary, we are song and danced by a cloying appeal to tradition and ceremony. These traditions of Aristotle, and these ceremonies of elitist convenience do nothing but beg the inevitable question; however, a question largely unanswered but for a smirking retort that maintains a status quo leading to an increasingly exclusionary and suicidal dead end. Somebody knows. UFOs are, by definition, change, and point to worlds with much more breadth and scope -- potential and expansiveness. It gets no easier to maintain a faade of normalcy for the smirking denial of these few, so fearlessly -- ask your own questions though the answers (or the suggestions of answers) offend you, shock you, or shame you. There is joy beyond the shame, satisfaction beyond the shock, and fellowship beyond the offense. And it's real. Restore John Ford! -- Visit a Virtual Art Gallery in Cyberspace! Ponder the Wit & Wisdom of Ching Chow! View "Unstill Life" -- Animation . . . and more. Consider Matter, Mind & Movement. See the current HTML "Apology to MW" with illustration. Take a ride in the Teleporter and check the inexplicable. EXPLORE Alfred Lehmberg's Alien View" at his Fortunecity URL. http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/arecibo/46/ **<Updated 8 October>** http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/witches/237/lehmberg.html JOHN FORD RESTORATION FUND -- Send your checks and money orders to _me_, Alfred Lehmberg (cut out the lawyers, they got theirs) at: 304 Melbourne Drive, Enterprise AL, 36330. Strict records kept. $350.00 pledged -- $200.00 collected! "I cleave the heavens, and soar to the infinite. What others see from afar, I leave far behind me." - Giordano Bruno, burned at the fundamentalist's stake.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Dave Baker <davbak@globalnet.co.uk> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 18:10:09 +0100 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 16:26:29 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >From: Jonathan Dyton <jon@wibble.powernet.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 21:31:41 +0100 >Oh, he's been descredited over here on a continual basis for >some time, the damage he's done by making unprovable claims >has annoyed a lot of people - that case wasn't an alien crash >retreval till Max got involved. Hi Y'all, Max's legacy - as that of a now convicted drugs dealer- is that he has soured any relationship ufologists may form with the police of the Sheffield/Yorkshire area. When I first formed the Yorkshire UFO Society one of my first tasks was to try and forge contacts with the local police... my idea was to leave my telephone number with the operations room of Sheffield's main police station, so that they could pass it on to anyone who called reporting a UFO. The Inspector I spoke to was very polite and helpful, but I remember him mentioning that they already had a UFO investigator's name on their books. Did I know a Max Burns? At the time I did not, but this was around the time that Max must have been under investigation. He had also apparently become a pain in the proverbials bothering the police themselves with his antics and accusations. I've got a pretty good idea what the police thought of ufologists in general after that. And do you know something... I have never had a single call from anyone who was forwarded to me by the police. I wonder why? Dave Baker, Yorkshire UFO Society.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: Get Real From: Brian Cuthbertson <brianc@fc.net> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 12:37:46 -0500 (CDT) Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 16:30:51 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 20:57:28 +0000 >From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >Oh, and while we're on the subject, of all the thousands who >claim to be repeatedly abducted, who has ever taken a photograph >of an alien? the odds are that amongst the thousands there must >be someone who set a camera up linked to a motion detector, not >hard to do these days considering our 'changing level of >technology'. >Unless the aliens are only interested in the people who wouldn't >have even thought to do that. Well I suppose Dave considers his remark pretty clever, but I'll bet he's never done any real checking about whether precisely what he suggests has been attempted. It has, and it has failed. Last year or so I had an email exchange with Katharina Wilson, an abductee who has tried, with the help of local UFO investigators, to do exactly what Dave suggests above. On nights she would undergo an abduction, the video camera put in her bedroom mysteriously recorded nothing but static. If you don't believe me, contact her yourself. Her URL follows: http://www.alienjigsaw.com There is also a case, reported in one of Ray Fowler's books, where an abductee woke long enough one night to see an alien in his hallway examining his motion detector. The alien mentally suggested he return to sleep, and he did. Apparently the detector never went off. Sorry I can't cite chapter and verse on this one; I've read too many of Fowler's books by now. Is that a sufficient answer for you Dave? Guess those aliens aren't too intimidated by our "advanced" technology. After all, any civilization like ours which has had the light bulb for all of 100 years (wow!), isn't going to present much of a defense against putative others may have invented it thousands if not millions of years ago. One can only hope their ethics are as far beyond ours as well ... -Brian Cuthbertson

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Martin Phillips <martin.phillips@dtn.ntl.com> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 19:45:45 +0100 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 16:33:56 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 09:04:31 -0700 >From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>>To: <nufon@currantbun.com> >>>Subject: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 17:05:28 +0100 >>>UFOIN - A new start for British ufology >>>Some of the UKs most experienced investigators today >>>launched a bold initiative. >>>They have banded together under a common name - UFOIN (UFO >>>Investigators Network) in an attempt to professionalise ufology >>>in Britain. >><snip> >Dear Jim, Jenny, and others properly disinterested: >I hereby announce the formation of the RCFSHES which is the >Redwood City Flying Saucer Highly Exclusive Society. >- Larry Hatch, President-in-exile of Ananaguay, > Discoverer of Bingo Beach Uruguay, Gods gift to > cash-poor Dutch and Deutch Breweries, the first > [ex] Catholic to complain about the taste of the > next parishioners spit at Hooly Communion, > and other noteworthy exploits and adventures, > too dripping wet to recount. >PS: This information appears as a public notice only. Congrats - I can't believe the pomposity of the announcement of this group, so I'm gald to see someone has treated it in the way it deserved. Can I suggest that the best 'new start' British ufology needs is for the 'investigators' to learn some humility. That's not a xenophobe foreigner view, but that of a Brit who's amazed at the certainty of some of the members of this organisation. It's a shame that the announcement bears all the signs of the stereotype Brit (Englishman) - absolute certainty, elitism and dismissal of any doubt. Martin Phillips

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: Get Real From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 14:01:54 -0500 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 16:35:33 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 20:57:28 +0000 >From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real <snip> >If they really wanted to wipe your memory... you wouldn't >remember a thing, therefore you would not be able to write to a >mailing list and whine about being abducted right! Actually, Dave, in order for any beings or humans to completely wipe out all of one's memory, he/she/it would have to erase the victim's subconscious (or long term) memory as well as conscious (short term) memories. In so doing, you would have an infant-mind on your hands who wouldn't remember anything (much like individuals who have experienced open or closed head trauma, stroke, etc.). If this were done to all abductees, it would begin to attract attention, wouldn't you think? Erasing short term memory only effects memories acquired within a short period of time therefore the subconscious and long term memory is not effected. Even short term or artificially induced amnesia may not be permanent especially if the experience was a traumatic one. People tend to remember traumatic experiences longer and more vividly than mundane experiences because of the heightened emotions involved - that is, of course, if they do not continually reinforce the amnesia. Always remember - the subconscious never forgets. Thus, although an abductee's close encounter can be "erased" from his or her conscious awareness, the experience always remains vividly clear in his or her subconscious. Subconscious memories, especially when repressed and/or traumatic in nature never tend to stay repressed or forgotten. Somewhere along the way, the individual (or abductee) will remember bits and pieces of a repressed experience or even all of the experience if he or she is mentally ready to face the event. The subconscious never sleeps. These memories may begin to surface in dreams or even while one is busy at work or watching a movie (which is, by the way, a form of hypnosis). Perhaps this explains why the Abductors cannot erase all of the abductee's memories of the encounter completely. To erase the encounter from the abductee's subconscious the Abductors would have to do some kind of "psychic" surgery (as in surgery on the psyche rather than with psychic powers) and selectively sort through all of the abductee's memories stored in his or her subconscious, find only those memories related to the encounter and erase only those specific memories -assuming this is possible. This "psychic surgery" may take more time than the Abductors care to bother with or they may not be able to do this any more than we can. >Oh, and while we're on the subject, of all the thousands who >claim to be repeatedly abducted, who has ever taken a photograph >of an alien? the odds are that amongst the thousands there must >be someone who set a camera up linked to a motion detector, not >hard to do these days considering our 'changing level of >technology'. Well, Dave, this _is_ your lucky day! Just so happens I have a case I investigated for almost 3 years in which multiple witnesses - all in a state of conscious, waking awareness - encountered a variety of beings over a three day period _and_ photographs were taken on the third day in which images of what appear to be beings appeared. By the way, although I am a certified hypnotherapist, no hypnosis at all was used during this investigation. All events were recalled according to consciously remembered experiences (events that may have occurred when the witnesses were "knocked out" or unconscious have never been explored). The article and the scanned photographs have been sitting on my web site since December, 1997 but most people tend to reject and/or dismiss it because it does not fit the "typical" abduction scenario. Beings of all kinds of shapes and sizes were observed by a woman, her family members and another witness who arrived on the third day (the photographer). On the third day of encounters, the family, in a state of terror and shock, called one of their neighbors to come help them. The neighbor, pseudonym of "Jill", arrived with a camera and began taking photographs of a red-eyed being standing just beyond a sliding glass door in the back yard. Unfortunately, "Jill" was too afraid or forgot to open the glass door and the flash from the camera reflected off the glass door obscuring any images of the red-eyed being. When she got the photographs back from the photo lab, all she got were pictures with a glare on the glass doors - or so she thought. Upon closer inspection, a friend turned one of the photos over on it's side and recognized the outline of what appeared to be a being in a fetal position going through a sliding glass door or some kind of residue left from the being going through the glass. Of course, this doesn't mean much to people who demand to see a live alien in a cage on exhibit at the local zoo or on TV but it is all we have at this point. Two years later, the photographs were converted to slides for a local presentation. The night before the presentation (yeah, I always wait 'til the last minute), I was putting the slides in the slide tray becoming dyslexic trying to get them right-side-up when up popped a slide with this bug-eyed critter staring right at me. I was so stunned that I just sat there silently staring at this image no one even knew was in the photograph. My kids were watching me work and it was my daughter who pointed to the image and said, "Oh, look. An alien." That's when I knew it was not just my imagination. Some people see these images, some don't. I have tried to share the case, the photographs and what I learned from this investigation (not yet released - there is much more) with many of the more well-known "researchers" and "UFO experts". I have mailed copies of the article and photographs to numerous authors and so-called "researchers" only to be told it is nothing. I have brought the case and photographs to UFO conferences and quietly put them in hotel mailboxes of some of the well known lecturers and alleged "researchers" with an invitation to discuss the details of the case while I am there or at some later date via E-mail or by phone. Never heard a word from any of them. These are the "experts" we all see at UFO conferences, on TV and book covers. I can understand the complexities of this case but I do not understand how someone can call himself or herself a "researcher", "expert" or "investigator" if they do not at least check out leads and information that come their way. That's all I asked - that they at least check it out. They didn't have to believe it or accept any of it as real. All they had to do was look it over and perhaps ask a few questions. They did nothing. Ah, their loss. I once heard my friend and associate, Dr. Turner, lament how little time she had left to investigate and write because she was too busy appearing on TV and lecturing. If becoming "well known" means becoming too busy to "walk the walk", then I am quite happy where I am. I investigate because I want to know the truth not to become popular, well known or sell my next book. I've endured a lot of ridicule and debunking since releasing this story and the photographs but such is the lot of anyone who even attempts to bring any evidence, no matter how small or large, to the public. It has only made me stronger and more determined. I didn't believe the case either, at first, and poo-pooed it myself. It wasn't until I took the _time_ to investigate and interview the witnesses - over and over - and examine the photographs closely that I began to understand the reality before me. To see the sincerity on the witness' faces and hear it in their voices, to spend time with the families - in their homes, to actually go where the events took place and review the information over and over and over for 3 years is what it took to convince me. I do not expect you or anyone to even admit for one moment that this case could be real. The bizarre nature of the events and the beings described are just too much for most people to even begin to accept. But, what if it _is_ true? What if the photographs are genuine? What if there is more to learn from this information? I won't bother you with the...details. I no longer talk about this case or try to share any of my work except with those who express a sincere interest to learn more. Those who want only to sit in their comfy little arm-chairs and debunk can do so to their hearts' content. It is people like me that will be out there learning and finding truths debunkers can only begin to imagine. <grin> You asked for photographs, I give you photographs but you will only ask for more. And you should ask for more! Keep searching for the evidence _you_ need to convince _yourself_. No one can convince you of anything but yourself. It is not my job to provide you with the evidence you seek, you will have to go find it. Here is what you asked for, take it or leave it. (I have a pretty good idea what you will do. ;>) See "Alien Convention" at "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com". You can also check out my interview with Paul Williams for UFO Desk at "http://www.anomalies.net/~ufodesk/authors.html" in which this case is discussed. Paul is a really, really nice guy doing a fine job with little thanks! Also check out UFO Desk at "http://www.anomalies.net/~ufodesk"! Oh, as for why video cameras and sensors/alarms don't work, study the EM effect often reported when the Abductors and/or UFOs are present. Abductees _have_ set up video cameras and other equipment only to have them turn off with the electricity or due to EM effects on batteries. In the ARM (Abduction Resistance Maneuvers) studies through the Vanguard Project, since 1997, those on the Vanguard list continue to study ways to detect presences before the onset of an abduction. How many ways of collecting evidence can _you_ think of, Dave, that do not require electricity or batteries? Hmmmm? Since most of our appliances depend on batteries or electricity which often shut down due to the EM effect, can you suggest a way to make a video camera work without batteries or electricity? If an abductee is paralyzed, can you suggest a sure-fire way he or she can break the paralysis, get up, grab the camera and click off the dozens of photographs you probably wouldn't believe anyway? Oh, and the camera cannot operate on batteries either. Can you suggest a motion detector that does not require batteries or electricity that can also detect beings often reported as "floating" rather than walking? You demand a lot of evidence but you don't seem to know much about the phenomenon. If you have any suggestions, Dave, as in useful _practical_ suggestions, please share these with us or with the ARM project through the Vanguard list. And remember, you must leave out anything that requires batteries or electricity or canines as even animals are sometimes paralyzed or "switched off" during abductions. Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 15:19:52 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 16:38:28 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 14:54:12 EDT >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >To: updates@globalserve.net >>Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 21:56:49 -0400 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>Your bone to pick is with Burns. If he's guilty or not, what if >>he's telling the truth about his ufological issues? Do we just >>let it all slide through the prison bars and down the drain? Or >>has is all been fabricated as we all assume a 'druggy' would do? >>Let's all condemn the man in all aspects of his existence and >>deny him the right to share any truths that may exist that may >>contribute to the rest of ufology's puzzle. >>Would you disown a prostitute and her claims of having an alien >>living in her basement, that well known researchers have >>witnessed and spoken to in secrecy, being one of the most >>compelling cases ever to exist, because she's a prostitute? >>Probably. If you found out I was a politician, would you not >>care about my abduction or sighting experiences anymore? >>Probably. >>Funny, no one thought to discredit the man until he hit the news >>stands. How righteous. >>I'm not saying I believe everything from everyone, but he was a >>respected person on this list until his name had mud thrown on >>it. At what level of being human do we decide someone is no >>longer believable or not worthy of our attention? When someone >>else has a bone to pick with them? I make up my own mind, >>thanks. And what shall we find out about those so quick to >>discredit? ;) >Right on the money Sue ... While it is true that one's >credibility is diminished whenever something such as this >occurs, it is also quite true that: >1) It is sick for some to take such righteous pleasure over the >man's troubles and ... >2) It may (key word) not diminish his credibility in the matter >of his UFO beliefs and/or knowledge. >3) And it all may be a plot to thicken an already corn starched >pot of Oy. >Truth be known, the truth be not known. These days, when >justice is a game all too often, one cannot even trust those >charged with the administration, determination, investigation >and mitigation of the truth. >The system has lied one too many times. And as I once opined, >the truth shall set it's fee. See our Juice Representative, Oy >Jay Simpleton... Sampson... whatever.... <snip> Our mOrning Sunshine was innocent. I saw who did it in a dream the night before like a fly on the wall. I also saw the person who did it testify on the stand, but hey, who am I? I also had a long time- span of seeing Mercedes sports cars wherever I went afterwards. And I also saw the look of shock on someone's face close to him during the verdict. But it's my little secret. Sooz

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: Get Real From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 14:01:54 -0500 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 16:41:25 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 20:57:28 +0000 >From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real <snip> >If they really wanted to wipe your memory... you wouldn't >remember a thing, therefore you would not be able to write to a >mailing list and whine about being abducted right! Actually, Dave, in order for any beings or humans to completely wipe out all of one's memory, he/she/it would have to erase the victim's subconscious (or long term) memory as well as conscious (short term) memories. In so doing, you would have an infant-mind on your hands who wouldn't remember anything (much like individuals who have experienced open or closed head trauma, stroke, etc.). If this were done to all abductees, it would begin to attract attention, wouldn't you think? Erasing short term memory only effects memories acquired within a short period of time therefore the subconscious and long term memory is not effected. Even short term or artificially induced amnesia may not be permanent especially if the experience was a traumatic one. People tend to remember traumatic experiences longer and more vividly than mundane experiences because of the heightened emotions involved - that is, of course, if they do not continually reinforce the amnesia. Always remember - the subconscious never forgets. Thus, although an abductee's close encounter can be "erased" from his or her conscious awareness, the experience always remains vividly clear in his or her subconscious. Subconscious memories, especially when repressed and/or traumatic in nature never tend to stay repressed or forgotten. Somewhere along the way, the individual (or abductee) will remember bits and pieces of a repressed experience or even all of the experience if he or she is mentally ready to face the event. The subconscious never sleeps. These memories may begin to surface in dreams or even while one is busy at work or watching a movie (which is, by the way, a form of hypnosis). Perhaps this explains why the Abductors cannot erase all of the abductee's memories of the encounter completely. To erase the encounter from the abductee's subconscious the Abductors would have to do some kind of "psychic" surgery (as in surgery on the psyche rather than with psychic powers) and selectively sort through all of the abductee's memories stored in his or her subconscious, find only those memories related to the encounter and erase only those specific memories -assuming this is possible. This "psychic surgery" may take more time than the Abductors care to bother with or they may not be able to do this any more than we can. >Oh, and while we're on the subject, of all the thousands who >claim to be repeatedly abducted, who has ever taken a photograph >of an alien? the odds are that amongst the thousands there must >be someone who set a camera up linked to a motion detector, not >hard to do these days considering our 'changing level of >technology'. Well, Dave, this _is_ your lucky day! Just so happens I have a case I investigated for almost 3 years in which multiple witnesses - all in a state of conscious, waking awareness - encountered a variety of beings over a three day period _and_ photographs were taken on the third day in which images of what appear to be beings appeared. By the way, although I am a certified hypnotherapist, no hypnosis at all was used during this investigation. All events were recalled according to consciously remembered experiences (events that may have occurred when the witnesses were "knocked out" or unconscious have never been explored). The article and the scanned photographs have been sitting on my web site since December, 1997 but most people tend to reject and/or dismiss it because it does not fit the "typical" abduction scenario. Beings of all kinds of shapes and sizes were observed by a woman, her family members and another witness who arrived on the third day (the photographer). On the third day of encounters, the family, in a state of terror and shock, called one of their neighbors to come help them. The neighbor, pseudonym of "Jill", arrived with a camera and began taking photographs of a red-eyed being standing just beyond a sliding glass door in the back yard. Unfortunately, "Jill" was too afraid or forgot to open the glass door and the flash from the camera reflected off the glass door obscuring any images of the red-eyed being. When she got the photographs back from the photo lab, all she got were pictures with a glare on the glass doors - or so she thought. Upon closer inspection, a friend turned one of the photos over on it's side and recognized the outline of what appeared to be a being in a fetal position going through a sliding glass door or some kind of residue left from the being going through the glass. Of course, this doesn't mean much to people who demand to see a live alien in a cage on exhibit at the local zoo or on TV but it is all we have at this point. Two years later, the photographs were converted to slides for a local presentation. The night before the presentation (yeah, I always wait 'til the last minute), I was putting the slides in the slide tray becoming dyslexic trying to get them right-side-up when up popped a slide with this bug-eyed critter staring right at me. I was so stunned that I just sat there silently staring at this image no one even knew was in the photograph. My kids were watching me work and it was my daughter who pointed to the image and said, "Oh, look. An alien." That's when I knew it was not just my imagination. Some people see these images, some don't. I have tried to share the case, the photographs and what I learned from this investigation (not yet released - there is much more) with many of the more well-known "researchers" and "UFO experts". I have mailed copies of the article and photographs to numerous authors and so-called "researchers" only to be told it is nothing. I have brought the case and photographs to UFO conferences and quietly put them in hotel mailboxes of some of the well known lecturers and alleged "researchers" with an invitation to discuss the details of the case while I am there or at some later date via E-mail or by phone. Never heard a word from any of them. These are the "experts" we all see at UFO conferences, on TV and book covers. I can understand the complexities of this case but I do not understand how someone can call himself or herself a "researcher", "expert" or "investigator" if they do not at least check out leads and information that come their way. That's all I asked - that they at least check it out. They didn't have to believe it or accept any of it as real. All they had to do was look it over and perhaps ask a few questions. They did nothing. Ah, their loss. I once heard my friend and associate, Dr. Turner, lament how little time she had left to investigate and write because she was too busy appearing on TV and lecturing. If becoming "well known" means becoming too busy to "walk the walk", then I am quite happy where I am. I investigate because I want to know the truth not to become popular, well known or sell my next book. I've endured a lot of ridicule and debunking since releasing this story and the photographs but such is the lot of anyone who even attempts to bring any evidence, no matter how small or large, to the public. It has only made me stronger and more determined. I didn't believe the case either, at first, and poo-pooed it myself. It wasn't until I took the _time_ to investigate and interview the witnesses - over and over - and examine the photographs closely that I began to understand the reality before me. To see the sincerity on the witness' faces and hear it in their voices, to spend time with the families - in their homes, to actually go where the events took place and review the information over and over and over for 3 years is what it took to convince me. I do not expect you or anyone to even admit for one moment that this case could be real. The bizarre nature of the events and the beings described are just too much for most people to even begin to accept. But, what if it _is_ true? What if the photographs are genuine? What if there is more to learn from this information? I won't bother you with the...details. I no longer talk about this case or try to share any of my work except with those who express a sincere interest to learn more. Those who want only to sit in their comfy little arm-chairs and debunk can do so to their hearts' content. It is people like me that will be out there learning and finding truths debunkers can only begin to imagine. <grin> You asked for photographs, I give you photographs but you will only ask for more. And you should ask for more! Keep searching for the evidence _you_ need to convince _yourself_. No one can convince you of anything but yourself. It is not my job to provide you with the evidence you seek, you will have to go find it. Here is what you asked for, take it or leave it. (I have a pretty good idea what you will do. ;>) See "Alien Convention" at "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com". You can also check out my interview with Paul Williams for UFO Desk at "http://www.anomalies.net/~ufodesk/authors.html" in which this case is discussed. Paul is a really, really nice guy doing a fine job with little thanks! Also check out UFO Desk at "http://www.anomalies.net/~ufodesk"! Oh, as for why video cameras and sensors/alarms don't work, study the EM effect often reported when the Abductors and/or UFOs are present. Abductees _have_ set up video cameras and other equipment only to have them turn off with the electricity or due to EM effects on batteries. In the ARM (Abduction Resistance Maneuvers) studies through the Vanguard Project, since 1997, those on the Vanguard list continue to study ways to detect presences before the onset of an abduction. How many ways of collecting evidence can _you_ think of, Dave, that do not require electricity or batteries? Hmmmm? Since most of our appliances depend on batteries or electricity which often shut down due to the EM effect, can you suggest a way to make a video camera work without batteries or electricity? If an abductee is paralyzed, can you suggest a sure-fire way he or she can break the paralysis, get up, grab the camera and click off the dozens of photographs you probably wouldn't believe anyway? Oh, and the camera cannot operate on batteries either. Can you suggest a motion detector that does not require batteries or electricity that can also detect beings often reported as "floating" rather than walking? You demand a lot of evidence but you don't seem to know much about the phenomenon. If you have any suggestions, Dave, as in useful _practical_ suggestions, please share these with us or with the ARM project through the Vanguard list. And remember, you must leave out anything that requires batteries or electricity or canines as even animals are sometimes paralyzed or "switched off" during abductions. Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 21:51:14 +0100 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 16:43:19 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 03:14:55 EDT >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>My memories are not pretty hazy. Some are memories of a room >>with a haze, as if cloudy but the memory is vividly real and in >>great detail. I am able to describe the detail of what I saw at >>age three or four, laying on a table in what I imagined was a >>hospital room. I'd never been to one. I was taken there by >>ambulance. I'd never seen one, yet the picture is indelibly >>imprinted in my memory. The problem with "vivid" memories is that they develop over time. They are not frozen in an instant like a polaroid photograph, or recorded sequentially like a video-tape. Every time we tell someone about our memory we help to fix it in our mind: we create a narrative by repeating it. Doubtful parts are edited out, other parts are reinforced by repetition and by comparison with other accounts we hear and read. The more often we recount our experience the closer we get to a continuous, coherent - and vivid - narrative. Memories are infinitely malleable. They are overlaid with things we have heard and read and been told about. I had a serious operation at the age of three and still bear the scar, but can remember nothing about it. My colleague Peter Rogerson had an operation at about the same age and has strange and vivid memories of it. I doubt that my lack of memories denotes "missing time" or that his involve abduction. But I'm sure if either of us had met an abduction researcher at some time in the past (before we started Magonia, of course), we'd be fully fledged abductees by now. -- John Rimmer Magonia Magazine www.magonia.demon.co.uk

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Aeribarque! From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 17:31:22 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 16:44:38 -0400 Subject: Aeribarque! An unusual item from an 1897 edition of The Cincinnati Enquirer can be reviewed at the following location: http://home.fuse.net/ufo/Aeribarque.html The report tells of an airship sighting accompanied by animal reaction, two occupants [one being of oriental appearance that can't understand English] and a tour of the airship called an 'Aeribarque,' with graphic descriptive features included by the alleged witness. This report was sought after due to a fleeting mention in a December 31, 1985 edition of FOCUS, the monthly newsletter of the Fair-Witness Project, Inc., where writer Jimmy Ward makes note of a 'volatile substance' that negated the force of gravity, as referenced in the1897 newspaper feature. The 1897 newspaper article was retrieved several days ago, and its text can be found at the location listed above. Kenny Young -- UFO Research http://home.fuse.net/ufo/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Serge Salvaille <sergesa@connectmmic.net> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 17:53:21 -0700 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 16:48:53 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 99 10:29:16 PDT >>From: Serge Salvaill <sergesa@connectmmic.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 11:19:55 -0700 >>>Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 20:18:48 -0500 >>>From: Roger Evans <raka@swbell.net> >>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>To: updates@globalserve.net >>>>From: Kenny Young >>>>Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 15:02:37 -0400 >>>>Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 10:43:09 -0400 >>>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos > >>>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto >>>>>From: Jerome Clark >>>>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>>>Date: Sun, 03 Oct 99 18:15:28 PDT Jerome Clark, I can only congratulate you for using state-of-the-art disinformation technics to finally establish that Jerome Clark is interested only in Jerome Clark. Not the truth, not the facts, and especially not honesty. Only himself. <snip> >>Kenny Young went on _demonstrating_ the basis of his opinion. >Unfortunately, no. What he displayed was an odd, self-righteous >disingenuousness which accomplished precisely nothing. Technic 1: Accuse your opponent of your own mishaps. <snip> >>This well-established fact is what makes this affair >>hair-raising: any member of the List should be familiar with Mr. >>Young's work. Kenny Young has proven in the past that he is a >>reliable conscientious and very good UFO investigator. He is >>not a character assassin. Go back on the List in the past 3 >>years. Look for one post where Kenny Young indulges in personal >>attacks. You will find none. >False. Technic 2: When confronted with verifiable evidence and short with facts to support your own position, simply refute the irrefutable evidence with a laconic false. Technic 2a: Don't ever think of proposing a verification of the evidence: you'd be dead meat. <snip> >>On the other hand, Jerry's road sheet does not exactly make him >>a Peace Nobel Prize candidate. >What an odd remark. I can only scratch my mind, and I think I >hear a whole lot of heads having the same done to them. Technic 3: Play dumb and pretend external support. >>>Kenny Young's principle of "no agreement/no respect" appears >>>closer in spirit to Torquemada or the Stalinist purges than a >>>realistic expectation of professionals or serious amateurs in a >>>field of study. >I thought this was a particularly insightful observation, as one >who knows something about the terrible history of Stalinism and >its bloody purges. Technic 4: To assassin a character, never be afraid to whisper horrors. Fumigate the lone shooter with the usual mass-murderer's stench. Technic 4a: ALWAYS show contrition for the poor soul lost in the mazes of its own misery. <snip> >What Young and Black seek to do, sadly, is to reduce ufological >discourse to personal denunciation. Technic 5: Apply pressure where it counts. Associate the honest with the crook, the peaceful with the warrior, the open-minded with the bigot. Technic 5a: Speaking of bigotry... Na, forget about this one. Bigotry, in this kind of matter, is like water in the sea, air in the atmosphere. Let's not engage in too much triviality. <snip> >(It's instructive -- our >correspondent's attempt here to hide it in the memory hole >notwithstanding -- to go back to the strange Black screed that >started it all, to which Young, "Evans," and our present >correspondent have never expressed the slightest whisper of >criticism. Their quarrel is only with those who take exception >to it.) Technic 6: Drown the fish. Keep playing dumb, and, don't forget, throw your dictionary off the train. Mix everything up. Refute your own words and leave no trail. Your own words are not important from the beginning: they are there to serve you. Forget them right away. Technic 6b: Keep the semantic content of your argumentation to zero. Even better if you can lower the bar to minus one by alzheimerizing your own history and clintonizing your own position. Technic 6c: Declare all contextual evidence "out of context". Finally: <snip> <re-snip> <re-re-snip> Technic 7. Don't be afraid to make a fool of yourself. In all circumstances you have your own followers who adore you and your enemies who despise you. Why should you care then? Technic 7c. All objectors will be considered suspicious. Remember, all that counts is _you_. <snip> >...Young, "Evans," and our present >correspondent have never expressed the slightest whisper of >criticism I am 48 years old. As a faithful reader of this List, I can't just stand here and witness the kind of behavior you have shown in this affair. I don't mind the hard discussions in ufology. But your way of dealing with adversity - espacially when it comes from dedicated investigators - is unacceptable for a man in your position. Black is out of order. At least, he's got the excuse of being a skeptic. You are out of order too. Your behavior is inexcusable. Please refrain from doing this in the future. It serves no purpose. Except your own ego. It does show a lack of perspective. <pre-snip> >Patient and gentle listfolk: At least you can't bee accused of talking to yourself. Serge Salvaille

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 18:30:38 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 16:51:14 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 99 10:29:16 PDT >Patient and gentle listfolk: >What Young and Black seek to do, sadly, is to reduce ufological >discourse to personal denuniciation. Mr. Clark; You have been given an adequate chance to clarify your comments, yet you continue to forge ahead with inept allegations. But wait a second... I recall already asking you to reference one issue-related example of 'personal denunciation' or 'vile accusation' against you, to allow yourself the opportunity to bolster your position... so I guess it won't do any good for me to repeat my plea again. Perhaps that is not your intent; to support your remarks. Rather, you seem to derive a particular glee from issuing blanket charges and ducking fair questions. I think my previous messages dated October 5, October 3, October 1 and September 29 sufficiently illustrate the deficiency of your methods. Rather than afford a fair-minded response to the concerns which I sought to illustrate, you evaded, obfuscated and attacked. I see no reason to provide any serious consideration to your bombastic drivel until such time as you would care to defend your comments in a sober-minded forum. Thanks much, Kenny Young -- UFO Research http://home.fuse.net/ufo/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 00:33:05 GMT Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 16:56:30 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net>wrote: >>From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 23:50:46 GMT ><snip> >>And I am merely suggesting that those abduction reports indicating >>experiencer Awareness during Sleep Paralysis don't fit into the two >>categories outlined above. They are not completely physical events. >>And they are not completely illusory events. >I'm curious, Joe. How do you know they are not completely physical and >not completely illusory events? Those who theorize that AAEs are completely physical have trouble explaining how people could be 'abducted' spiritually as some say they are. In a few cases, it is known that the experiencer's contact with the aliens (or whatever they were) occurred in a non-physical state because the physical body was under observation at the time of the experience. This camp also has trouble explaining why abductees would suddenly manifest psychic abilities after their experiences, or why abductees would have a history of previous anomalous experiences such as OBEs and NDEs. Some researchers call this the 'paraphysical' component of abduction experiences. The opposite theory, that AAEs are completely illusory events, was discussed in my previous post. How can the experience by a complete hallucination when some of the report points to accuracy of perception? [Note: I'm saying that some reports indicate some accuracy of perception. I'm *not* saying that *all* reports indicate *only* veridical perception.] Since both camps take an extreme position and since neither camp can prove its case, a more moderate middle path may have some merit. >How do you know when someone is really "aware" or just dreaming they >are aware? Let's try a thought experiment to help me clarify what you see as the difference between awareness and a dream of awareness. You go to bed this evening and fall asleep. Sometime in the night you get up to use the toilet. You have great difficulty finding the bathroom. Finally, in frustration, you decide to 'go' in a cardboard box in your closet. You start to do just that when, suddenly, you snap your body awake and scurry off to the bathroom. While your body was still asleep, were you really aware of needing to relieve yourself or were you merely dreaming the awareness of needing to relieve yourself? If the latter, please explain why such dreams are invariably accurate. This was my point in reflecting on the difference between sleep paralysis and ASP, Awareness of Sleep Paralysis, as an explanation of a certain class of abduction experience. The awareness of being paralyzed is an accurate perception of the body's physiological state. We all have sleep paralysis 4 - 6 times every night as we cycle into REM sleep. So, having sleep paralysis doesn't distinguish abductees from non-abductees. It has no predictive power. But, having Awareness of Sleep Paralysis might well distinguish the abductee from the non-abductee --- at least for that class of cases I was referencing. >Would you please describe, for interested readers, investigators, >researchers and therapists, the techniques you use to validate and >evaluate these experiences? I look for similarities between reports of abduction experiences and reports of other anomalous experiences. The greater the similarities, the less we need to postulate aliens to explain the differences. Joe ***************************************************** Joseph Polanik, jpolanik@mindspring.com Trionic Research Institute, http://www.trionica.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 13:58:45 +0100 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 17:00:42 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 13:51:00 +0100 >>Hi, >>Too good to be true, maybe. But its true and it will be good, so >>let time be the judge. >>AS for telling anybody what to do, that's silly. This will be >>the most open, democratic, individually free UFO team in Britain >>- possibly the world. >>If their priorities are selfish - like making money, getting fame and >>fortune and being a big fish in the little UFO pond, then they >>wont. UFOIN wont be rushing to try to make them see things >>ifferently. We are happy working simply with whoever agrees >>that what we are doing makes sense - whether that is 10 people >>or 1000. Although we already know which end of the scale its >>going to be! Hi All & Jenny, Well Jenny I applaud your efforts to start such an organization, but you seem to be missing a point here. Let's talk about how far certain people within this new framework that you propose would be willing to bend their views on selected aspects of UFO research. Now you have listed some of the people who will sit on this new team of yours, and I have one simple question: Having read some of the views expressed by these researchers over the last 2 years' can I be assured that my opinions someone who has Pro-ETH views could and would be taken on board by such researchers? Are you telling me that such researchers would be happy to share views and opinions and facts , data etc. without confrontation of any sort? I will watch your new group for about a year' and hopefully by then you would have some results underway from cases' and then I shall make a much fuller review of your new group. I wish you all well.. Roy.. Keep Smiling..

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 03:33:34 +0200 (MET DST) Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 17:04:24 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 03:08:50 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >The use of animal substances (female horse urine for estrogen >etc) in connection with treatments intended for human recipients >has a history and the list of new drugs/substances that are >being created or obtained via that method continues to grow >daily. There may be important clues about the "alien agenda" >hidden in the selection of an animal whose blood composition is >closest to/most compatible with its human keepers. The "aliens" >don't seem quite so "inept" when their mutilation activity is >viewed in that light, do they? >I would be less disturbed at the possibilities if it were >otherwise. Even the cattle mutilations (as nonsensical and 'far >out' as they may at first appear to be on the surface) bespeak >an -intimate- knowledge of human chemistry and physiology. >Food for thought and something that should not be 'blown over' >lightly. Hi John, Greg and others, I have some doubts about the relation between animal mutilations and 'aliens'. Some time ago on the Discovery Channel a documentary was aired that showed the areas in which most animal mutilations are reported. To begin with, they were _all_ in the US, while UFOs and 'abductions' are worldwide phenomena. Furthermore, the areas correlated strongly with the direction the wind blows coming from New Mexico. The makers of the documentary speculated that there was a secret US government organization behind the mutilations. Their purpose would be to study the effects of nuclear radiation on animals, most notably cattle. Most, if not all, nuclear tests in the US took place in New Mexico. Such an organization, it was presumed, would also possess the tools to make the precise incisions and the extraction of all blood from the animals. Personally I'm, not sure the mutilation phenomenon is confined to the US. Some years ago Tony Dodd reported the same thing from the UK. Still I give some weight to the hypothesis of Discovery, because I'm not aware of any reports from other countries. Is anyone else?

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: Roy Hale's Site Updated From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 14:56:25 +0100 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 17:16:02 -0400 Subject: Re: Roy Hale's Site Updated >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 22:20:36 -0700 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Michael Christol <mchristo@mindspring.com> >Subject: Re: Roy Hale's Site Updated >>Uhhhh... hhhmmmm... well I went there and all I got was a "page >>not available" error message. ???? >>REgards, Mike > Hi All & Mike, Sorry wrong spelling my fault please go to: http://members.netscapeonline.co.uk/royjhale/ With regards, Roy..

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: Feds Curious About High-tech Meeting On ETs From: Chuck Sutton <chuckret@wans.net> Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 19:53:04 -0700 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 17:21:24 -0400 Subject: Re: Feds Curious About High-tech Meeting On ETs >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 16:02:23 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Feds Curious About High-tech Meeting On ETs >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> She said: >Hold on a minute. <snip> >Since when do "Special Agents" go around asking questions _and_ >stating their alleged position with the government and/or NASA?! <snip> >I study behavior. These behaviors are _not_ normal for >newspapers, NASA or the US government. Red flags going up. >Does not make sense. Something ain't right with this picture. >Amy Yes, Amy, you hit the nail right on the head and I can't hold back any longer. I was an undercover agent for various agencies in the new Southern Mexico area (WSMR - Holloman A.F.B.) for about 2 decades in the 1964 to 1987 era. I never once (truthfully) identified either myself or the agency(s) for whom I was making enquiries. In fact I was even provided "Quiet" plates for my cars -- untraceable even by the State D. M. V. -- so that nobody could find out my real identity from the State Vehicle records. When you one is working in this environment one tends to be very careful about who-knows-what about "the real you." I could go on -- and on -- about other reasons for being a *non-agent* of any agency but most of the statements would be obvious and reasonable extensions. You're right -- *something ain't right with this picture.* Quiet Carlos

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Alien Ineptitude From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 09:25:18 GMT Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 18:22:44 -0400 Subject: Alien Ineptitude >Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 03:08:50 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:05:38 GMT >>>Within the ETH, a lot of speculation about abducting aliens rest >>>upon an unstated assumption of alien ineptitude. >>>Imagine: You are the emissary of a dying race. You travel >>>zillions of miles across the galaxy looking for a precious, >>>life-preserving substance. You find it in the rectum of a cow. >>>You remove said rectum and return home with your discovery. >>>Then, instead of synthesizing the substance, instead of abducting >>>a herd of cows to assure yourself of a steady supply of bovine >>>recta, you make a special trip to Earth every time you need a >>>fix. >Anal fixations aside, I think you should switch your focus from >excised cow rectums to missing cow's -blood!- >We (modern science) use cow's blood to 'extract' some of its >substances for use in -transfusions- for human patients. >(Because of its unique compatibility with human blood.) Cows and >humans, what's the connection? You have only to look to the >(ubiquitous) lack of blood in the animals and on the scene when >they are discovered. Time and again one of the striking features >of reported cattle mutilations is the lack of blood at the scene >or in the animal itself. Even the taking of certain organs >during a mutilation may be a 'side issue' to the complete >removal of the animals blood. >The use of animal substances (female horse urine for estrogen >etc) in connection with treatments intended for human recipients >has a history and the list of new drugs/substances that are >being created or obtained via that method continues to grow >daily. There may be important clues about the "alien agenda" >hidden in the selection of an animal whose blood composition is >closest to/most compatible with its human keepers. The "aliens" >don't seem quite so "inept" when their mutilation activity is >viewed in that light, do they? When human scientists find a useful substance in the blood of an animal or the sap of a tree, they synthesize it. If these aliens don't seem to have the same skills at biochemistry that mere human scientists have. If they are not inept, why would they travel so far to get something they could synthesize? Those who have responded to my first post on the assumption of alien ineptitude within the ETH have offered different reasons why aliens might value certain substances found on Earth. But the question is 'Why would they come to Earth to collect a substance they should be able to make?'. Until you can answer that question, you're making my case for me. Joe ***************************************************** Joseph Polanik, jpolanik@mindspring.com Trionic Research Institute, http://www.trionica.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: Alien Ineptitude From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 10:28:04 GMT Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 18:26:07 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude Here is an earlier take on the TAI: Theory of Alien Ineptitude. Joe Polanik Begin Fwd. The SWAMP GAS JOURNAL Special Issue #4 ISSN 0707-7106 Spring, 1996 Alien Incompetency Theory: A Unified Theory to Explain UFO Phenomena by Chris Rutkowski One of the most significant issues in ufology today is the attempt to explain the wide variety of conflicting, confusing and bizarre elements of the UFO phenomenon. In every subfield of ufological studies, there are aspects which strain the logic of even the most seasoned researcher and cause one to doubt the rationality of the genre. To this end, a new theory has been developed by members of Ufology Research of Manitoba (UFOROM) which appears to explain most, if not all, of these baffling elements. The theory, labelled AINT, is the Alien INcompetency Theory, and describes how all the confusing aspects can be explained by assuming one simple tenet: aliens are incompetent. To illustrate the theory, one need only to look at examples from within the phenomenon itself, including its outlying subfields. First, let us look at alien abductions. One of the basic premises of alien abductions is the conscious recall by abductees of their experiences aboard alien spacecraft. Nearly all abductees report that during their ordeal, the aliens create some sort of mental block within their minds so that they cannot remember what has occurred. Yet, as evidenced by the huge number of abduction accounts published and under investigation, these mental blocks are ineffective. This is odd, considering the advanced technology and knowledge reported to be held by the aliens. Some abductees report that their captors claim thousands of years of development beyond our own, yet they, too, have failed to produce a lasting screen memory that can withstand our feeble efforts to unlock it via simple hypnosis techniques duplicable by any charlatan or stage magician. Why would this be? (Vladimir Simosko, a UFOROM associate and noted Fortean researcher, has suggested some alternatives. Aside from sheer incompetence, he notes two other possibilities: 1) aliens have a wacky sense of humor; and 2) they *want* us to remember, despite the pretense of intending us to forget.) Another curious observation is that nearly all abductees report aliens with roughly humanoid shapes and comparable sizes, but with different origins and purposes. Some aliens tell their victims they are from Venus, some from the Pleiades and others from Zeta Reticuli. Since space science has learned Venus cannot support life, this is obvious misinformation. As for the Pleiades, these are stars much younger than our Sun and without hope for planets with suitable living conditions at this time. Some aliens claim their home planet has deteriorated from misuse and pollution, and wish to warn us about our own disruption of our planet. Others suggest they need our biological material to breed new life (literally) into their gene pool, perhaps to regain such things as emotions or other human characteristics. It is interesting that these scenarios imply that the aliens have somehow caused their own demise and that without our help they are lost. In other words, they made some serious mistakes. It is not too much of a stretch to suggest they were incompetent in managing their resources! Of course, some aliens are said to claim that they are superior to us and have their own agendas. This is precisely the claims an incompetent person would say to cover his or her mistakes in order to keep from being embarrassed. We can look at other aspects of abductions for further evidence. One abductee studied by John Mack described how she woke up one morning after her abduction, wearing lavender underwear. This was baffling to her because she didn't own any underwear of that color. Mack quickly interpreted this to mean that the aliens had somehow made a mistake on board their craft during a busy mass-abduction, and mixed-up abductees' clothing. Other abductees have reported returning from their abductions with slippers on the wrong feet and other items of clothing either missing or improperly fastened. In a case studied by Budd Hopkins, an abductee's earrings were found to be in backwards after her ordeal on board a craft. This all speaks to one explanation: the aliens were incompetent. One would hope that superior beings who have been watching humans for many years would have easily picked up nuances such as the color of our clothing and the way jewelry is fastened to our bodies. Simosko would again note that this could be a display of an alien sense of humor, or perhaps an "intelligence test" of some sort. Regarding further refinements of AINT, he offers four postulates: 1) If the aliens are intervening to "help us along," they are incompetent because it isn't working out too well; humans remain relatively unsophisticated and not very "tuned-in" to the universe. 2) If the aliens are intervening by holding us back, it isn't working all that well, either, since although an overwhelming majority of humans are tuned-out, there are a number who are attempting to raise the level of consciousness: Mother Theresa, the Pope, Sun Ra, the Dalai Lama, Sharon Stone, etc. 3) If the aliens are trying *not* to intervene, they're even more incompetent than the other postulates would indicate. 4) If there are several different groups of aliens, some helping and others preventing our advancement, this is proof of incompetence because they cannot "get their act together." Another aspect of the UFO phenomenon is crash/retrievals. Associated with the idea that some alien ships have crashed on Earth is the concept that terran government or military bureaucrats have failed to keep the crashes secret, allowing some documents to be leaked to UFO researchers. (More on this later.) The most famous crash story is that of the Roswell incident, in which a flying saucer apparently crashed during an electrical storm in New Mexico in 1947. While researchers have spent many years tracking down witnesses and speculating as to where the ship might have done down, the obvious question has never been asked: Why did it crash in the first place? One only needs to consider accidents of terrestrial vehicles in order to realize the answer: pilot or driver error. It would be truly remarkable to consider that an alien pilot who has navigated his (or her or its) craft through interstellar space using highly-advanced technology and propulsion would be unable to maintain level flight through a mere thunderstorm. There is only one reasonable and possible explanation: the pilot was incompetent. Considering the large number of saucer crashes now claimed by researchers, it would seem that many aliens have difficulty flying their vehicles. Surely this could imply that many are incompetent. We can look to crop circles as further support for AINT. Allegedly, crop circles constitute a form of "communication" between aliens and ourselves. It is implied they are trying to warn us of or prepare us for some upcoming fateful situation through the creation of "agriglyphs," consisting of complex mathematical patterns and obscure symbols. Why would they attempt to communicate with us in such a fashion? Why not just send a radio message or write something in English or Japanese on a sheet of cardboard? Why 100-foot-wide Mayan lettering in marketable durham? Obviously, their communication skills are less than exemplary, especially since researchers cannot come to an agreement as to the exact messages (other than something about impending "earth changes"). The aliens must be, of course, incompetent. What about the infamous Men-in-Black (MIBs)? They are described as human in appearance, though possessing some characteristics that give them away. Their facial pallor is often olive or grey in color and their eyes are wide and staring. Their movements are jerky and their speech stilted. They may ask people unusual questions or otherwise show an unfamiliarity with terran customs. For example, in response to the query: "Hey, buddy! What you lookin' at? You want a knuckle sandwich?", a MIB might say, "Yes, please, with some mayonnaise." Such actions easily show they are not humans at all; if their purpose was to mimic humans, their imperfections show that they are, again, incompetent. Contactees often will share their imparted knowledge from their alien mentors. Unfortunately, practically all contactees claim contact with different aliens from different planets and with different messages to humankind. (They are similar to abductees in this way.) When pressed to ask their channelled entities for more palpable proof of their claims, or perhaps a useable prediction or two, the contactees are told by the aliens that Earth is "not ready" for the knowledge or, instead, give a vague diatribe about "parallel vibrational states" or "temporal matter disruptions." An examination of other channelled material finds many other examples of alien doubletalk and bafflegab. Rather than accepting the channelled information as revelations from higher beings, the lack of content of the messages suggests something else: the aliens themselves don't know the answers or lack the information as well. Again, we can ask how an incredibly advanced civilization would not be able to give one single example that would prove their superiority. Could it be that they do not know the answers, despite their reputed intelligence? One can also ask why aliens would choose to abduct people from lower castes or social status rather than those in positions of authority. Why don't they land on the White House lawn? Perhaps they don't know to do so. How could they not know this? They are incompetent. Even the implants found inside some abductees are curious. Each one is of a different size, shape and/or compost, and while there is a trend for some to be found in abductees' noses, others are found in feet, shoulders, wrists and knees. Surely, if the aliens are conducting a scientific test, their methodology would be consistent. In fact, the implants appear to be little more than chunks of metal or calcified plastics rather than microtransmitters. Perhaps the alien doctors don't know what they are doing. In all of these examples, it is possible to interpret the aliens' actions as being far from superior. In fact, they seem rather ridiculous. But, if the aliens are really superior beings from an advanced civilization on a distant planet, why are they acting in such an illogical manner? We can point to a parallel situation here on our own planet. Why, given our own relatively-advanced technology and level of knowledge, is bureaucratic infighting delaying the construction of the space station? Why is NASA nearly bankrupt? We also can look at examples in areas other than space science. Why would politicians lobby for tighter controls on cigarettes because of cancer dangers, but pass bills that would subsidize farmers to grow tobacco? Why do bureaucrats create subcommittees to investigate wastes of time and taxpayers' money? Why would politicians sponsor a covert activity to break into a psychiatrist's office in a hotel? (For that matter, why would people vote for politicians, knowing their track records for honesty and integrity?) Why can't my subscription to a magazine get renewed, even when I send the check in four months before the subscription expires? And why are 60% of all automobiles recalled by the manufacturer during the first year they are on the road? The answer, of course, is incompetence. Bureaucratic bungling, political wrangling and general ineptitude are responsible for most of the problems in the world today. Politicians and bureaucrats create such confusion that it is clear they themselves have no idea what they are doing. Now, imagine a highly-evolved technical civilization on a distant planet. Its society functions well, with the exception of a comparatively small number of its population. These would no doubt be their most ineffective politicians and bureaucrats. What better way to remove them from the general gene pool and workforce than to send them off on interstellar voyages that, with relativity, would return them many, many years later, if at all? Because they are incompetent, they would be confused as to their mission. They would be clumsy pilots and navigators and, because they lack the true knowledge of their society, they would be unable to tell anyone anything about their purpose or scientific capability with any degree of understanding or common sense. As evidence that this is true, a cursory study of the terrestrial government cover-up of UFO crashes shows incompetence as well, but this time with regard to human bureaucrats. The presence of a vast number of leaked documents shows that the government (even a "shadow" variety) cannot function effectively because it is, after all, still a government (which, by definition, is incompetent). Therefore, we can observe that bizarre aspects of the UFO phenomenon are explained best by assuming the aliens are incompetent. More to the point, they must be the most incompetent examples of their race, namely the bureaucrats. The Alien Incompetency Theory is borne out by an examination of the available observations and claims of witnesses, and can finally explain what is going on. An understanding of this situation will certainly change the way ufologists will approach their subject. March, 1996 Winnipeg, Canada End Fwd. ***************************************************** Joseph Polanik, jpolanik@mindspring.com Trionic Research Institute, http://www.trionica.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 01:07:06 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 17:25:55 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 18:51:22 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 16:29:54 -0400 >>From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> >>>Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 10:44:18 -0400 >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos ><snip> >>2) The correlation between the size of the object in the sealed >>Nimslo camera photos and the consistency between that size ><snip> >Bruce, Mark, Jerry (Black), List: >Too bad one of you snipped the above. That said, everyone seems >to have forgotten the following. Up until the time Ed Walters >was sent the Nimslo 3-D camera, all of his pictures had been of >the original object shaped something like a tea pot or a very >squat saucer. Had you wanted to know what was snipped you could have dredged up an earlier post. >ALL of the Nimslo pictures (on a sealed roll of film) portrayed >a very different "object" entirely, one which Ed originally >estimated as being 200 feet in length or longer. After analysis >revealed the photographed object to be about 4 and 1/2 feet >long, it was explained that Ed didn't have his glasses on, was >looking through the viewfinder and overestimated its size, >whatever, I don't care. Then it was "explained" that Ed's wife, >who didn't have her eyes glued to the camera's viewfinder, also >though the object was only a few feet long, and thus Ed's >mis-estimate was simply glossed over and shoved under the rug.> Yes, the Nimslo camer itself, after calibration, showed that the UFO was close and therefore small. It passed on the far side of some trees, which upon measurement, were determined to be about 40 ft away, consistent with the distance estimate calculated from the Nimslo photos. The UFO length was calculated from the parallax-determined distance and the image size. The distance was in the range 40 -70 ft and that put the size range at 2.5-4 ft. Unfortunately the parallax measuring capability of th Nimslo camera (2.5 inches between outer lenses) was not very good. >Think of this as simply another dent in Ed's much-dented pickup >truck hood, whatever keeps the story "straight" in the face of >contravening evidence. I think it was also on the Nimslo >occasion that Ed reported his first "abduction" and all that >stinky, smelly stuff under his fingernails (that he didn't >keep), but if not, no real matter. Clearly there are some dents in your understanding of the case. The Nimslo photo was in February, 1988. On May 1 1988 Ed was using a stereo "double camera" when he again photographed the "Nimslo type" object (small UFO). >Curiously, Ed never photographed the Nimslo "UFO" again, to the >best of my knowledge. If this is the best of your knowledge then you may as well pack it in on this case anyway! I have emphasized over and over again and it is in the Gulf Breeze Sightings book, that the Nimslo type UFO appeared in the May 1 stereo photos that. >It appears only tch tch, better luck next time > on the roll of 35mm film >over which Walters had no control whatsoever. Once that roll of >film was returned for development, however, Ed went back to his >trusty Polaroid Wrong. He bought a model 600 Polaroid which ejects the photo immediately after it is taken (unlike the old one where you could click the shutter any number of times before pulling out the film for development) >(which even Maccabee admits was capable of >double exposures, unlike subsequent Polaroid models) and -- >surprise! -- produced another series of pictures of his >pre-Nimslo UFO, including, if memory serves, the famous road >shot. Memory doesn't serve, so perhaps you should butt out of this conversation? The Road shot was January 12, 1988, more than two months before the Nimslo photos on feb. 26. After the Nimslo photos he took no photos until March 8. At that time he took his first Model 600 photo of an object that apparently ascended rapidly during the exposure. When I learned on March 8 that he had bought a new camera I suggested that he get one more and place the two on a board 1 ft apart so that we could ger more stere pictures that would be able to determine the distance to an object with much better accuracy than the Nimslo camera. One might expect a hoaxer at this point to choke and not do it because a stereo camera is a poison pill for a model building UFO faker. A stereo camera of the SRS type would show instantaneously if the UFO was 10 ft away or 100 or really far. Only a genius would know how to fake the SRS photos. (OK, so I'm a genius, but even I would have difficulty.) But Ed said, wow, great, and built the double camera, with a 2 foot spacing between the cameras. Within a week he had taken the first test photos which I used to calibrate the camera. HOwever, I discovered some problems and it required several hours more of experiments and testing by Ed, with me checking everything he did and everything he sent me, to completely calibrate the camera (which I called the Slef Referencing Stereo or SRS camera). I estimated it could resolve distances out to several hundred feet. (You can learn about this in the 1988 MUFON SYmp proceedings.) On March 17 h e took the first ever stereo photos with the SRS. Analysis of the pictures indicated that the object was more than 100 feet away, over water. On March 20 he took his second stereo photo pair with the SRS camera. Then he took no more pictures until May 1, early in the morning. It was after these pictures and after a period of missing time that he found himself lying face down on the beach and had a bad smelling stuff under his fingernails. The missing time began immediately after Ed took a stereo photo that night. His photo (two pictures, one from each camera) showed two UFO. ONe was the typical "Ed type 1"UFO that had been the first type he had photographed and the second type in th pucture was the Nimslo type. Fortunately the two photos of the stereo pair also showed distant lights on a bridge. These were used to provide an excellent parallax calibration (that impressed even Robert Nathan of JPL). Using this calibration the "type 1" UFO was determined to have been about 475 ft away and the Nimslo type was about 132 ft. Combining the image sizes with the parallax- determined distances I calculated the size of the type 1 at about 15 ft (diameter of the "power ring" and also the height from the power ring up to the top light) and I calculated the length of the Nimslo type at 2.5 ft. This size is consistent with the minimum size calculated from the Nimslo photos (see above). Oh, and by the way, the direction to the UFOs was out over the Santa Rosa Sound.... in other words, Ed was on the beach and they were over water! And not just above te water. The type 1 was about 150 ft up and the Nimslo type was abou t 120 ft All this stereo camera stuff was done because Ed was willing to put in lots of time building, calibrating, measuring, etc. All this work he did would have blown his faking sky high, had be been faking. Too bad many people don't understand this. I have said before and will say again, IMHO, Ed has done more experiments directly related to UFO sightings than all UFO investigators combined, and he has provided more tests and experiments than any witness in the history of the subject. Because I know more about this than you do, Dennis, this startled me. I was surprised, perhaps even flabbergasted to find this Nimslo size agreement in stereo photos that were taken with hugely different cameras. That meant at the very least that Ed had to have used a 2.5 ft large Nimslo type UFO for both pictures and that he ad to have some way of suspending it in the May 1 stereo photos. Talk about "raising the bar" (a la Cashman in a previous message). >Odd, isn't it? Walters takes pictures of one kind of UFO with >one kind of camera, and pictures of another UFO with another >camera, one supplied by another party and sealed so that Walters >couldn't mess with it. Odd, isn't it... perhaps not .. that you only know part of what you're talking about,. >I'm sure there's an explanation for this -- the aliens made him >do it, whatever. Just don't expect me to believe it. The Walters >Polaroids looked hokey the first time I saw them, they looked >hokey the last time I looked at them, and they'll look hokey the >next time I look at them. In short, they'll look hokey forever. >And for good reason.> >Dennis Yeah, and your comments are hokey. But let's kiss and make up Dennis, because as we both know, there are other irons in the fire.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 01:10:01 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 17:33:23 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >From: Jonathan Dyton <jon@wibble.powernet.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 21:31:41 +0100 >Has Max produced one word of evidence to back up his claims yet? >I don't think so. >However theres been a superb explanation put together hasn't >there - thats mundane and boring and doesn't have aliens in it. >- so it's ignored.... >Oh, he's been descredited over here on a continual basis for >some time, the damage he's done by making unprovable claims has >annoyed a lot of people - that case wasn't an alien crash >retreval till Max got involved. Where's _your_ proof. >No he wasn't - some people swallowed what he said without >questioning or saying "show me the evidence". That's some people, others have questioned and been given answers. >A plane is hard to make just disapear - there's records, the >people who fix them etc. A pilot has a family, birth records, >tax records, friends etc,etc,etc,etc. Can the "spooks" make all >the school records & photo's disapear as well? There has to be a >name for this missing pilot and a number for the missing plane. >Until he produces those he hasn't got a case. Only if someone wants it made available. They used orphans during the Cold War so no one would miss them. >When he makes claims and the can't back them up - how many times >must this darn well happen? >When will people learn? how many times have people come into the >field, made claims then when challenged put up a smoke screen, >made excuses, refused to allow the examination of "evidence", >etc? Many times. It seems to be 'company standard' in ufology. I would like to know what you think Max is putting a screen in front of. Perhaps this is just convenient timing now that he is in prison and any trace of what he _was_ trying to communicate to us in the field has now vanished thus proving your claim, that there is and he has nothing to prove his claims. >Just for a start, it amazes me how many cases there are involving >"military personel" in this field. The witnessesd won't allow >their names to be given to the public, ok fair enough. But then >we get enough told about the witness to identify him to anyone >in the know - I mean how many people can be the driver of an >Alien body from wales down to London in 1974?? That's gonna >stick out........... And people swallow this. Time after time >without asking questions. Are you saying all UFO researchers just sit around with their thumbs up their bums? Also witness credibility in the community is a reliable way to form an opinion even before doing the research thus less battery of questions. But even someone who is thought of as less than credible, could still be telling the truth. It's like 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' syndrome. Well he lied about this, and this, and this, and this, and when something really does happen well there's no way he's telling the truth this time, is there? >That in Max's case the guys discrediting him are the ones who >have to clean up after him and the guys who actually investigated >the event's - and ripped his case to shred's. Perhaps the only thing in the garbage bags used to clean up, is his evidence. Does anyone have any credible evidence to prove him wrong that we can all see, or is a smoke screen going to be put up around it with excuses as to why we can't see it? In this field, I would vote on the latter. You can say alot of things too. Am I just supposed to _swallow_ this like all these 'stupid' ufo people do on a regular basis? I don't have a PhD, any degree of any kind, I'm no Stephen Hawking, or rocket scientist (well after MCO even I could be one without a degree so it would seem), but I do have a brain that functions on logic, the senses, gut instinct, and the motives of others. I am perceptive and quite often see things others wouldn't even give a second look at by reading between the lines. I'm not saying Max is telling the truth or lying. I just don't like the righteous attitude I've seen in many threads proving to me it's not I who does not have an open mind. If I'm being gullible, prove it to me, otherwise how can I be gullible of something that no one can prove to me I'm being gullible of. Not being too intelligent, that's the only way I could word it. >It's People like Max that make it harder for everyone else - not >the people who disproved his claims or showed him for what he >was, but people who Make huge claims and don't back it up - they >make us all look stupid (some times by association) in others >eyes. >Now lets put him behind us until he produces his evidence. And I shall do the same to you sir. >Cheers to all of you. >Jon A toast to you also. Sue

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 01:31:26 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 17:36:30 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >From: Tim Matthews <matthews@zetnet.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 22:54:55 +0100 >>Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 21:56:49 -0400 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>Would you disown a prostitute and her claims of having an alien >>living in her basement, that well known researchers have >>witnessed and spoken to in secrecy, being one of the most >>compelling cases ever to exist, because she's a prostitute? >Yeah, probably! You didn't need to answer. I already knew that. >>Probably. If you found out I was a politician, would you not >>care about my abduction or sighting experiences anymore? >>Probably. >No, I'd just be more concerned about why you had concluded >that you had been physically 'abducted'..... and whether the >episode emerged via hypnosis. Why the concern? Would it ruin my reputation? (I'm not a politician but I sense your response would apply to any public figure not being fit to fill.) >>Funny, no one thought to discredit the man until he hit the news >>stands. How righteous. >He had no credibility from day one as far as we are concerned. I don't know who ' we' are. >>I'm not saying I believe everything from everyone, >Thank God for that, I was getting a little worried. Don't worry, be happy. Do do do dododo dododododo do do do. >>but he was a >>respected person on this list until his name had mud thrown on >>it. >WHHAAATT!! >The man who sent supposedly anonymous hate mails, lied to >witnesses, admitted that he'd bribed witnesses with drugs? Are you talking about witnesses to his ufological claims? >Which postings have you been reading here? Have you a selective >version of UpDates?? I have the same privileges to the postings as everyone else. >>At what level of being human do we decide someone is no >>longer believable or not worthy of our attention? >When they're as much of a waster, liar, criminal and bad egg >like Max, I should say. >>When someone else has a bone to pick with them? I make >>up my own mind, thanks. And what shall we find out about >>those so quick to discredit? ;) >>Sue >Well, good for you. >>"The pure and simple truth is rarely pure, and never simple" >> - Oscar Wilde >Oscar Wilde - another degenerate...... And based on that, I rest my case. Sue

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 01:32:59 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 17:49:07 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 23:00:24 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>Or maybe you stay around, staging interactions with humans, >>because you need something in their souls, and you need their >>planet, too. Not so bizarre (and it's more or less that what >>David Jacobs suggests in "The Threat") >>Greg Sandow >Yes, and Jacobs (with his unerring ear for who's doing this >hypnosis stuff right and who's not) would be more right than, >say, Mack, Sprinkle, or Strieber, or any other interpreter of >the phenomenon, including Kevin Randle? >You're starting to go soft on me, Greg. What you're really >implying is that no objections can be made, or questions asked >of the Jacobs scenario, because we can always ultimately refer >to alien intentions, desires, or whatever, when it has yet to be >established that these aliens that supposedly need our souls >and/or planet even exist as physical beings in the first place. ??????? Dennis -- relax! I didn't say there couldn't be objections to Dave's scenario. I didn't even say I supported it. Joseph Polanik (one of the clearest thinkers here, in my view) had said he found the aliens' reported behavior bizarre. All I did was point out that there's a theory to account for it. End of story. What we make of that theory -- and even whether the aliens do exhibit that behavior, or whether they're here at all -- was way beyond the scope of my very simple remark. >When people the least skeptical of such claims raise an >objection, the other side (you, in this case) responds by >saying, ah, but you can't judge alien psychology & logic by >reference to human psychology & logic -- and then proceeds to >promote your own interpretations of so-called alien psychology. >If we can't do it, then why should you and yours be allowed to? ?????? >Are aliens that, by most accounts, don't eat, shit, pee, or >screw, really in need of a planet of their own? What for? Are >they after our purple mountain's majesty and endless seas of >golden grain? What for? And what about those elusive souls of >ours? Times are when I wish I had one to spare. Last night, for >example. Ah. At last something that's related to what I said. Maybe the aliens want to shit, pee, eat, and screw. These are delightful activities, especially the last two. Maybe they're breeding hybrids because -- that creaking you hear is the sound of an ancient science-fiction hypothesis being dragged into view once more, something I'm sure I read in dozens of stories -- their race has become too cerebral to survive. The thing you want to remember, Dennis, is that all this is speculation, quite harmless if not taken too seriously. Greg Sandow

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 01:23:30 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 17:46:18 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 11:32:30 +0000 >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >I think even UFO UpDates venerable Greg Sandow met PKD.] I'm not going to touch "venerable" (makes me feel old!), but I did know Philip K. Dick. I met him in California a year or so before his death, after getting his phone number from another science fiction writer, Thomas M. Disch, who'd been the librettist for two operas I'd composed. Tom knew I loved Dick's writing, and thought I'd enjoy meeting him. "Enjoy," though, wasn't quite the word. My wife (now ex-wife) went to visit Phil, and found him morose (I'm sure we weren't the first people to find him that way). He announced that he'd been to the doctor, and was going to die. I still don't know whether this was an accurate report of something the doctor had told him, a fear based on a serious diagnosis, or simple panic. Phil then went on to tell us about the paranormal experiences -- constant contact with what he believed to be a non-human intelligence, which put thoughts in his head, and struck him with a purple being (I hope I'm remembering this right), at which point he knew beyond any doubt that his young son was desperately ill with something never diagnosed by any doctor. And when Phil rushed the kid to the hospital, he really was found to have the condition Phil said he had. All this had been related in Phil's novel "Valis," but not about him -- it all happened, in the book, to one of his characters. it wasn't widely known, as it is now, that Phil was relating his own reported experiences. What struck me, first, was that he'd tell two perfect strangers about all this. Maybe he told lots of people. And, second, I was almost dumbfounded by something missing in the way he interpreted what happened to him. He spend endless hours trying to make sense of both his experience and the knowledge he felt it conveyed to him. He read widely about western mysticism, to find precedents and, more generally, to find a framework for all his thoughts. But he didn't read anything in Eastern thought. I think I asked him why not (my memory of all this is now a little dim), and his answer was noncommittal. Never once did he suggest that aliens of any sort were contacting him. His theories were more along the lines of some vast disembodied cosmic intelligence. Greg Sandow

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 03:13:11 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 17:58:49 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Sue Strickland <strick@H2Net.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 00:18:18 -0600 >>Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 10:50:35 +0000 >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Dear Stephen, Dennis, Kevin, and other Asleep-in-the-Deep List >Members, <snip> >Help me find the proof (IF it's there) of my experiences, beyond >the *stories* I and thousands of others tell. What is plainly >visible as proof to me, may not be to you. But for anyone who >has the courage to touch those scars and let reality sink in, >it's enough impetus to begin looking...very hard. Help me find >the answers. >Sue Strickland Hi Sue, Your heart rending appeal for help is touching and illustrates a deep need that for _many_ people continues to go un-addressed. About all your going to get in terms of 'help' from some of the skeptics is a hard sell on _their_ particular pet theory. Some day, I don't know when, -someone- is going to conduct a serious study of the 'physical' marks, scars, and bruises that many of carry and can directly associate with a UFO experience. You are quite correct in labeling some folks as, "Asleep-in-the-Deep." When _thousands_ of individuals worldwide are claiming/demonstrating a phenomenon that has never been seen before and it goes uninvestigated or completely ignored by the academic community, it is not the fault of those who are courageous enough to report. It is the fault and the shame of those who have the knowledge and expertise to find answers yet choose not to do so. It's funny. Both abductees _and_ the academics claim that fear of ridicule is to blame for the lack of action on this matter! What a world eh? It is _only_ because of you and people like you that I stay involved. Under any other circumstances I would have taken my leave of the 'circus macabre' that is called modern ufology long ago! May you find your answers Sue. I promise I'll keep in there swinging the bat until 'something' begins happening. Hope you do too. We need each other. Regards, John Velez, abductee ________________________________________________ jvif@spacelab.net "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind." ________________________________________________

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 11:53:23 +0100 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 18:42:55 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 16:34:01 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>To: <nufon@currantbun.com> >>Subject: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 17:05:28 +0100 >>UFOIN - A new start for British ufology >This sounds great! >I have one question...If someone has new information they wish >to publish under copyright, will they share it with UFOIN and be >assured no authors and/or would-be writers will take the >material and publish it in their next book? >How will these ego-needs be regulated? >What happens if/when one or more of the more published authors >in the group takes information shared with UFOIN and puts it in >his/her/their next book claiming it as their "discovery" without >giving credit or asking permission from the original >researcher/investigator? >With everyone and his grandmother trying to become a "well-known >expert", lecturer, author, how do we share openly and freely >with each other without regard to one's next book or TV >appearance? >Jenny, can you share with us the standards or "rules" designed >by UFOIN that address the issues mentioned above? Hi, Thanks for this salient point - although I suspect it is not so much of a problem in the UK as you suggest it is elsewhere. The people I regularly work with would never dream of stealing work and claiming credit for it. Ufology, of course, does often involve cross fertilisation of research and ideas but to me giving credit to the people who do the work is a fundamental principle. I think others share that view. There are two ways UFOIN has decided to address the issue. The first concerns the code of practice. Several of us involved in UFOIN helped draw this up in l982. We are currently updating, tightening it up and issues like the one you raise will form a part of it. The code self regulates the behaviour of an investigator towards other UFOlogists, witnesses, the authorities and the public at large. It aims to set ethical standards of the type that you define. The updated code will be permanently located on the UFOIN web site. Here everyone can read it. If any UFOIN investigator is considered by anyone to have breached it then that person (UFOIN team member or not) will be urged to formally complain and the matter will be debated by a jury of the alleged offenders peers (ie all other members of UFOIN). After both parties are allowed to have their say a free vote will determine what action to take and this action will not be decreed by a ruling council (as there will not be one). It will be determined by every other member of UFOIN in our perception of devolved open government. The other way the issue is being addressed is in the publications policy of UFOIN. We intend to go for full openness. A research project or case investigation conducted by any team member will be fully disclosed at all stages to other UFOIN members. Indeed their assistance in the work will be solicited. This is happening now with a study of the l967 wave (likely to be UFOINs first published report this side of Christmas). Two members (Andy Roberts and Dr David Clarke) have done the initial research at the Public Records Office. Now that other aspects of work to be done have been isolated members of the team are chipping in and doing necessary research modules within the overall project. The UFOIN principle is that the ones starting the research have the right to publish it and so others chipping in send their results to that person or persons to be collated. I imagine it would be considered a serious breach of etiquette and probably the C of P if anyone jumped the gun before in this case Andy and Dave had chance to publish via UFOIN. They'd view it that way. So would I . The report will be published in hard copy form in the name of the investigators/ researchers with full credit to those who chipped in. After a period not yet agreed (but we will not be talking years, probably just months) an electronic copy of that report will go onto the UFOIN web site. This will be a UFOIN report, not copyrighted as such, because UFOIN believes in making its data publicly accessible. I am not sure what we would do if a person requested to publish a report through UFOIN and retain its copyright. I dont think it will happen because UFOIN is not a publishing outlet or a medium for other peoples work. These already exist. Its a team of voluntary members in the UK who have agreed to our joint aims and are working together to fulfill them. If they dont like our plans to publish all our work openly for the benefit of all UFOlogists then they wont stay with UFOIN. Its their choice. Nobody is asking anyone who cares to protect their data or who wants to steal other peoples to join UFOIN. All we are asking is that those who do agree to our principles. Once out in hard copy form and on the net we will not object to anyone using our research anywhere - subject, of course, to fully crediting the source (UFOIN) and the main researchers involved in that project. In our view ufology is about doing research and sharing it with everyone so that as a community we can try to figure out what is going on. It is likely that if the primary researchers want to write a book or journal articles on their work they will do so, but they, like everyone, has agreed this to be after the data goes on open access. In other words nobody will hold it back for selfish reasons. That means that if a UFOIN member, yourself or any other UFOlogist wants to do so they can also write about what we do once it is put into the public domain. Indeed we would hope that some would follow our work and use it to aid their own studies. UFOlogy should not be about withholding information from others for personal motives and that wont be what UFOIN is about if things happen as we intend. Hope this clarifies things a little. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 12:03:32 +0100 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 18:45:05 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 12:37:29 -0400 >From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >His latest claim, that he may have access to a 'cassette' tape >of air to ground messages from Tornado jets and inter-police >messages from the night of the incident is interesting. We wait >with bated breath. Not least because to possess such a tape >Maxwell must have contacts with a radio ham or hams who had >several radios tuned to different stations, all being taped. I >doubt very much that such a tape exists. But Max has made the >opening bid in this new hand of belief poker and the other >researchers are entitled to reply. Andy and List, As a UK Radio Ham (though rather QRT at the moment) I thought I might throw in my 2d's worth re the quoted comments. The above _is_ quite easy to do with just one piece of kit. Although not an essential piece of "shack" equipment I think if you did a straw pole of "hams" you'd find very many had in their list of equipment a "scanner", I know I have a rather ageing circa 1980's one. Even this old beastie can scan "all modes" in 5 khz steps from 50 mhz to 850 mhz and though limited to 16 presets these can be any mode and any frequency within that range. The latest models can easily scan 50-1000+mhz and have hundreds of preset channels and scanable ranges. Aircraft who still use AM modulation use the VHF band that used to be just below the old VHF land mobile allocation aprox 110-135mhz the UK police had use to use a small section of band just above this, though over the last few years they have migrated to the UHF bands just above 400mhz as the VHF allocation has been given over to long range pagers and similar generators of electromagnetic "noise". Regarding UK police comms, each "division" has a set of UHF channels and usually operates what a commercial operator would call a "Comm Rep" in semi-duplex mode, mobiles TX to base on one freq, base tx's back to mobile on another, so unless you know both freq's you usually only hear the stonger transmission of the base station, BUT at a flick of a switch these stations can be placed into "talkthrough" or duplex mode. Through a set of filters on the transmitter the station can both transmit _and_ receive at the same time on the frequency split and a listening station will hear both sides of the conversation on the base stations frequency. The stations are actually in this mode all the time but the "receive" audio is normally blocked and replaced by a set of "pip" tones. The "full duplex" mode is normally used in operations where a number of low powered handhelds and mobiles need to talk with each other outside the individual equipments own range, ie for the emergency services, say in search and rescue operations where a number of hand mobiles might be in use over a large area. Though encrypted TX is talked about, they still use "clear" FM. Before my current post, I ran a few of these type of setups for a commercial comms company, and the radio amateurs in the UK have a large network of such "repeaters" on VHF and UHF, the US even more so. A "nosey" ham or short wave listener, and there are lots of 'em<g>, wouldn't have a big problem and I believe the one's that do it on a regular basis _do_ have recorders "at the ready". Max may or may not have a recording but don't rule it out just on technical grounds. Years ago on said ageing scanner I monitored the companies UHF base stations but also for light relief, Manchester Airport's tower freq plus approach radar, Liverpool approach and the CAA's frequency for the controlled air space over the North West _and_ still had lots of presets to spare. Neil. - * * * * * * * Neil Morris. /101101101 Virtual Bumper Stickers Inc 10110101010\ Dept of Physics. 1 1 Univ of Manchester 0 0 Schuster Labs. 1 Computer Programmers DO IT with BITS of BYTES 1 Brunswick St. 0 0 Manchester. 1 1 UK. \0101010110010110110010110101101011011110101011010/ G8KOQ E-mail: neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk Roswell and Alien Autopsy Archive-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ Dave Willetts Home Page-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/dave_willetts/ Mike Sterling Home Page-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/mike-s/ Tim Morgan Home Page -> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/tim-m/ * * * * * * * *

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Nick Pope's Weird World From: Georgina Bruni <georgina@easynet.co.uk> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 13:10:24 +0100 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 18:47:58 -0400 Subject: Nick Pope's Weird World Hot Gossip UK October'99 www.hotgossip.co.uk Welcome to the October column, bringing you the latest news and views about UFOs, alien abduction and other weird stuff. Operation Thunder Child My new book, Operation Thunder Child, is out this month. The official publication date is 4th October, but copies should have found their way into the shops towards the end of September. Operation Thunder Child is a science fiction novel set in the near future, and deals with the concept of an escalating and hostile alien presence. What I've tried to do is to tell the story in as realistic way as possible, drawing on my official knowledge and experience of working at the Ministry of Defence. Accordingly, I use knowledge about UFOs and abductions picked up during my three years researching and investigating these phenomena, and also utilise information picked up while working in the Air Force Operations Room (part of the Joint Operations Centre) during the Gulf War. I've really tried to write as accurate an account as possible, giving people an insight into the way in which the government and the military would really respond to hostile alien contact. What I've tried to do is give readers a seat at the Top Table in the MOD, and show people how decisions are made in times of national crisis (although the book deals with alien contact, details about crisis management would apply equally to any normal conflict). Authenticity was a paramount concern: I discuss Rules of Engagement, weapons systems, operational doctrine and tactics and other real-life details. I also explore the way in which this situation would be reported to parliament and dealt with in the media. That said, some details have been changed to ensure that no classified information is included - this is the first time in publishing history that a science fiction novel has needed to be officially cleared by the Government! Another interesting fact concerns the disclaimer. Most novels have to contain a statement that all the characters and events are entirely fictitious. But my book draws on real UFO incidents from the Government's files, and reflects other things that have actually happened. For legal reasons, therefore, my book had to contain a specially worded disclaimer that points this out. Unsurprisingly, the book is already proving to be controversial, and there is as much - if not more - bad feeling about this book in certain quarters as there was about either of my two non-fiction books. I should be making various media appearances in late September/early October, so look out for me, talking about this new book. Operation Thunder Child is published by Simon & Schuster as a large format paperback, and costs #39.99. New Abduction Book Another new book has been published about the alien abduction mystery. The Complete Book of Aliens and Abductions is the latest offering from Jenny Randles, and is a brave attempt to give an overview of the whole alien abduction/alien contact mystery. It covers a lot of ground, looking at links between abductions and folklore and examining the possibility that cultural factors (e.g. science fiction films and television series) may have an influence on the phenomenon. Lots of potential explanations are offered, and there are plenty of case studies - some well-known and some less so. This is a welcome addition to the number of books devoted more to abductions than UFOs, and is a well-written and comprehensive overview of this intriguing mystery. The book is published by Piatkus, and costs =A317.99. New Magazine After the demise of Sightings, Alien Encounters, Uri Geller's Encounters and UFO Reality, it seemed as if magazines on UFOs and the paranormal were dropping like flies. Now a new title has appeared. Beyond is a monthly magazine which hit the news-stands in September, and promises to reflect all shades of opinion, whether people be believers, sceptics or neutrals on the topics covered. There's considerable diversity in the subjects featured: the first issue contained plenty of news and articles about UFOs, but other featured subjects included ghosts, crop circles, psychic detectives, synchronicity and much more besides. The Unopened Files On the subject of magazines, an established title which I consider to be one of the most interesting and thought-provoking publications currently available is The Unopened Files. This magazine covers ufology, but also carries a range of fascinating articles on secret technology, conspiracies and suppressed information. The Autumn issue (Number 12) is now out, and should be available from all good newsagents. One of the features is a lengthy interview with me in which I make some candid remarks about Operation Thunder Child, and explain why my new book is already proving so controversial. Psychic Development For those with an interest in all things spiritual and psychic, check out an interesting new book: The Psychic World of Derek Acorah. This new publication is part autobiography, part psychic self-development guide, and is packed with interesting accounts of occasions where Derek's powers were demonstrated. There are also various tests to judge your own psychic powers, and suggestions for developing such skills. It's informative but fun, and is well worth a look. It's published by Piatkus, and costs =A39.99. Alternative Therapy Every now and then my work with abductees can throw up a bizarre and abstract moment. One such moment occurred a few weeks ago. There's a particular abductee who I've been working with for about three years, and we've got to know each other socially. We went out one evening for a drink, and found ourselves in a karaoke bar. After some encouragement from her, I volunteered to do a song, and found myself belting out a number to a packed pub. The song I chose, somewhat appropriately, was the classic David Bowie number, Life on Mars. I'm sure there'll be some people who might think this a tad unprofessional, and I'm not quite sure what other abduction researchers will make of this. In reply to any criticisms, I'd simply point out that having fun is pretty good therapy for just about anything. Leeds Conference The annual conference held by UFO Magazine took place in Leeds on 17th, 18th and 19th September. Next month's column will contain a full report on this event, with all the conference news and gossip. ____________________________________________________ Ed's Note: Nick Pope's three books, Open Skies, Closed Minds, The Uninvited and Operation Thunder Child are available from all good bookshops. His UK publishers are Simon & Schuster. In America, The Overlook Press publish his books in hardback while Dell Publishing produce paperback editions. ____________________________________________________

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Gary Schultz? From: Philip Mantle <pmquest@dial.pipex.com> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 16:05:34 +0000 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 18:53:41 -0400 Subject: Gary Schultz? Dear Colleagues, I am trying on behalf of a colleague to locate Area 51 researcher Gary Schultz. If anyone can supply mith a contact for him (address, phone, fax or e-mail address) I would be extremely grateful. Please reply direct to me on e-mail at: pmquest@dial.pipex.com Many thanks for your kind cooperation with this request and please feel free to forward this message on to others. Yours Sincerely, Philip Mantle.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 10:36:32 +0000 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 18:58:51 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Sue Strickland <strick@H2Net.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 00:18:18 -0600 >>Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 10:50:35 +0000 >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Dear Stephen, Dennis, Kevin, and other Asleep-in-the-Deep List >Members, >Stephen, your theories would be so very comforting, if they were >based in reality. I don't know how old you are, so you may not "... if they were based in reality." Judging by the date stamp on the message of mine to which you were responding I can only wonder what in my post you find "unreal." Just like you must be wondering what part of your or other abductees experiences I find "unreal." You seem to think I consider yours and others encounters as "unreal." I said no such so if you want to criticize the data I find convincing of being "real" just let me know and I will try and better explain it as it is quite "real." But then again, that's what this entire discussion is about isn't it? What each person allows to qualify as "real evidence" for ufos and abductions as some sort of encounter with "Others." Onward into the smog... >be able to associate with this little comparative metaphor. If >not, pick another *very* traumatic experience in your life, it >works much the same way. >Do you remember what you were doing, where you were, who you >were with the afternoon of the day JFK was shot and killed? If >you were old enough, you'd probably remember. Thousands of >people remember what they were doing at that moment, who they >were with, the feelings and conversations they had with those >around them at that moment. Firstly, I am too young to remember that particular horror story of Amerikan history. Tho nearly everytime I am forced to "relive" a memory I wasn't even alive at the time to experience, I cry my heart out at this conspiracy which murdered the valient heart of the United States. The psyche of America was never the same - it had transmutated into the rigidified National Security State. So on to "equally" potent memories of traumatic events (not necessarily against my own person in your example). Let's see, how about the memory of my being shot at during the San Antonio Battle de Flowers parade when I was in about 4th grade? See my account of that experience which I wrote when I was in high school here: http://www.elfis.net/ELFOL6/smlehe2a.htm As much as I know this event happened and I can even speak to my mother about it and consult the newspaper reports, my memory of it is _not_ crystal clear. Oh sure the images I wrote in the piece are imbedded in my mind but do I necessarily think of them as an _exact_ representation of "actuality?" I think they are fairly accurate but I would be hard pressed to state so unequivocaly. How about another example, more in line perhaps with your original JFK analogy (tho the shooting at a parade seems similar enuf). Here is the entry from my high school journal for 1/28/86: "I have been putting off making this sort of "diary" you might say for a while now for many reasons. Today though I have changed my mind and decided to start it. Today, when I was on my way to third period I heard a teacher telling a student something. What caught my attention was the student asking the teacher "was anybody hurt?" He replied, "I don't think there were any survivors." In a hurry I rushed off to Algebra. When I got there I went and sat down in my seat. When my friend Rhonda entered the room she rushed over to me and said "It's so sad." "What is," I asked her. She said the space shuttle had blown up. My first thought was that the shuttle had either blown up on the launch pad, had blown up in space, or that it was a sick rumor someone had told her. Throughout the day I learned more of what had happened. This was to be the 25th space shuttle mission. It was the one that was to have the first teacher in space. At 1 minute and 18 seconds after the launch, a huge explosion of flames engulfed the space shuttle challenger. All seven people aboard were killed. What caused the explosion is not known yet. I'm having trouble believing this has happened. It could have been Mr. Warren, one of the teacher's at my school. He was one of the finalists. He had come to be a friend of the teacher who was on the last flight of the challenger. I'm just hoping that people won't lose support for the space program. I think ... " And that is where my diary ends. I didn't write in it again till November of that year. Do I remember these events? Yes. Do I remember them clearly? Pretty much. I cried a lot over the shuttle disaster. But if I try to remember other details of both the above events I can't honestly say I would trust my memories of them. Sorry, that's just the nature of _my_ memory. Some things are cyrstal clear and I feel I can trust - tho becuz of what I know of perception I would never allege to be 100% sure of _anything_ perceived by _anyone_. >Just *one* "visit" is exactly like that...except that *they* try >really hard to make you forget. Sometimes it works for several >months or years, and then the memories (not dreams) begin to >creep back in, like a cat stalking you in the pitch black night. >Not fun. No welcoming mat out. I'm quite aware of the various descriptions of encounters with with entities of every variety, shape, form, size, behavior from the world over. From the Nordics, reptoids, "greys", insectoids, amoeboids, robotic and exotic types (in Patrick Huyghe's terminology), and my favorites... the South American hairy dwarf type which tends towards the same Grey Alien like activities only without all the groovy lights and bedroom visitations. As to the amnesia which "they" impose... before we assume "they" did it, could it not be that humans tend to black it out themselves? Vallee and other more qualified medical doctors have studied the effects on consciousness of the perception of certain shocking stimuli and generally, the two effects noted were either the blacking out of consciousness so as to hinder the input of said stimuli (missing time?) or the confabulation of the perception by the human mind itself to portray the shocking perception as something more palatable to human awareness. I believe this can be found in Richard Haines UFO Phenomena and the Behavioral Scientist. I assume that you believe that "they" impose the amnesia due to feelings or perceptions of these visitors "telling" you so. Any search of the abduction and contact literature will show many experiencers and researchers believe we shouldn't take these entities at their words. "They lie!" And besides not telling us the truth (or doing so in symbolic, metaphoric, metalogical, analogous fashions as I suspect) their very nature seems to distort human perceptions of reality. >Now, try and remember *any* dream you've had in the last week, >and compare it to those memories you had that day when you heard >the news about JFK. One is vivid, conscious recall, as though >it happened 5 minutes ago; the other is a clearly a dream, >slippery, misty, fades and disappears from memory, especially >when talked about. Continuing your suggested experiment... I have always remembered my dreams more than anyone else I know. In fact, in trying to trace they "why" of my obsession with these subjects I am confronted with the realization that it mostly stems from an early age dream recall, lucid dreams, psychic experiences, and a love of science fiction. Cosmos and Star Wars were perhaps the most formative media complexes which influenced my interests and beliefs. I'm sorry but your analogy just doesn't work in my case. I still to this day remember my dreams of the past few nights (and years) just as murkily as I remember being shot at during the San Antonio parade as well as during my discovery of the challenger space shuttle disaster. And actually, dream recall is entirely contrary to what you state above... the more one talks about a dream, the more one cements the images and experiences into one's "memory." At least for me and all those whom I've read books about as well as all the people who've shared their dreams with me over the years. One further example of dream memory versus waking memory. Another time back in high school I had a dream wherein I asked a girl out on a date. I was real nervous but finally had asked her out for a Saturday night rendezvous. I'd had a crush on her for ages. I woke up the next day, amnesiac of the night's dream, went to school. As I was walking through a stairwell I saw the girl and was walking up to her about to say something like "see ya saturday!" When I suddenly stopped myself dead in my tracks. It hit me in a wave of memory... I had only _dreamed_ it! I had never actually spoken to this girl in my entire life. Similarly I have had dreams within which I had _memories_ both from previous _real_ dreams as well as memories of dreams I _know_ I had never actually had - tho how can anyone say for sure as we all induce amnesia of these midnight encounters every single day. >Now, what happens if the JFK memory is purposefully manipulated >in your mind to make you think what you experienced that day was >all a dream. Therein may lie the crux of a partial answer to >the questions, "Did it happen; can we trust our memories? Or >were they dreams?" Big difference. Your suggestion of a purposeful twisting manipulation of certain memories is indeed powerful. Unfortunately we know of some incidents wherein this very thing has been done to people. Vallee has evidence of certain prominent abduction researchers "misrepresenting" the abductees experiences as told to him by those disgruntled abductees. He also has evidence of "abductees" who were in fact abused by cults utilizing hypnosis and or drugs as well as masks and props to convince the victims of the "alien" nature of the experiences. We have numerous court cases of satanic ritual and child abuse being overturned and the therapists jailed for what they have done. We have pseudo-prominant abduction therapists whose name(s) can't be mentioned on this list who have lost their licenses over similar practices. We have experiments which show how easily a memory can be induced in the average person. _But_ we also have a very real phenomena which probably involves contact with intelligences and consciousnesses of a number of equally valid "sources." Some of which are probably extraterrestrial if not ultraterrestrial. To say otherwise is to be as closed minded as I seem to be perceived by you. >Make no mistake, the burns I received from their laser attached >to a transporter in my bedroom in 1961 was no dream. Try >burning yourself with a laser and tell me it was a dream. Ha! >If you don't scream your head off, you're either an alien and/or >dead. I still have the scars, and I know exactly where I was, >how I got those burns, who was with me (a bunch of inept aliens) >and the conversation (screaming rage) that I leveled at them. Good. You have evidence and want to investigate it in order to prove the validity / reality of your sense perceptions and physiological after-effects (the scar). But tell me, _how_ is the documenting of your scar going to prove any of what you claim? I am not asking this to disavow your experiences as real. I am simply trying to ask, what evidence would it take to prove (to me, you, or most of the world) that, a- your scar was caused by a laser, b- that said laser was of an extraterrestrial origin, c- that the sense perceptions you perceived were exact representations of what you were actually interacting with? I want to know what it would take to convince most people as well as scientists and governments. Honestly, I sadly think that there is nothing, short of open continued public contact in daylight, that can or will prove what you believe. However, I applaud any efforts to do so. >Please, please wake up people. You say you want to help. John >V. gave you a challenge. I will give you another, very direct >and specific. Let's see how many of you really want to help. >You can reach me at Strick@h2net.net . My husband and I are in >the process of moving, but I will give you specific details of >information I need to find, if you want to really help "find >proof." I only want *true skeptics* and doubting Thomas' to >respond. All others need not apply. I guess I am a doubting Thomas, however I have no idea how I could help you. My approach to "helping" people like yourself when they came to the UFO Abductee/Experiencer Support group I ran was to give them as many theories and perspectives as possible so that they didn't rush to any conclusions about the nature of their experiences. To my mind this is the only fair thing to do. It bypasses the needs of the researcher who only wants data to so as to better understand the phenomena while the therapist is only concerned with helping the experiencer integrate the experience and get on with life. I think my approach does a better job than either approach on its own. >You probably wonder why I can't do it myself. I've tried, but >cannot follow through. I get as far as lifting the receiver or >composing the letters and then trash them, or hang up. The fear >of ridicule is there, but more strongly is a deep-seated fear >that I'm not supposed to be talking about this with *anyone*, or >asking the kinds of questions I need to ask to get the answers I >need. Maybe it's all hallucinations, but you'll have to prove >that this burn scar on my right calf is an hallucination. Sorry, >I don't believe in stigmata anymore than you believe in EBEs. >Should make for an interesting teaching/learning experience for >all involved. Whether you believe in stigmata or not it is a fact that people under the influence of hypnosis (and other altered states of consciousness) can have welts and blisters raised on their skin after someone tells them they are about to be touched with a substance they are known to be physically allergic to. When they are told this and then touched with a substance which is _not_ said allergen, they develop a welt. If this isn't actualized stigmata I guess you are right and it doesn't exist. I feel for your struggle as I have felt for all those whom I have interacted with who are coming to grips with these phenoms. >Help me find the proof (IF it's there) of my experiences, beyond >the *stories* I and thousands of others tell. What is plainly >visible as proof to me, may not be to you. But for anyone who >has the courage to touch those scars and let reality sink in, >it's enough impetus to begin looking...very hard. Help me find >me the answers. >Sue Strickland Good luck Sue. Really, I mean that. I'm sorry to say but the only way scientists and the public will start taking this seriously is if instrumented science finds its way into the bedrooms of experiencers like you and can finally get some sort of physical data on _something_ actually occurring during one of these encounters. There is in fact such a project underway, so perhaps someone on this list (or I could) should put you in contact with these researchers. I think it is one of the most valid studies to be attempted in this arena. However I still wonder if such an instrumented approach will find anything other than elevated EM emissions saturating the bedroom environment. The problem here is that, yet again, the superior technology/magic angle can and will be induced, ie- these beings could be in and out of our frame of reference in the blink of an eye and so our instruments may not record a thing. Or the phenomena, whatever it is, may simply stay away until the devices are out of the picture. But Sue, thanks for responding. All the non-experiencers on this list need to be reminded of the impact this phenom has on you and others interacting with an aspect of it directly. Here's to continued communications between all of us humans and hope for more direct profound communications with our Grey brethren. SMiles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 11 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened From: Todd Lemire <tlemire@earthlink.net> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 16:34:46 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 19:01:17 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened >From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 20:19:55 EDT >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >To: updates@globalserve.net >>Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 17:30:38 -0500 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>>Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 17:38:02 EDT >>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>To: updates@globalserve.net >>Dennis > ><snip> >I can only _rarely_ remember dreams. And then for only a very >brief period of time. The only dreams I can recall are those >which are recurring and I recognize these as dreams. Ninety >nine percent of my dreams I cannot recall unless I wake up in >the middle of them and even these, I do not retain for long. >And, I know a dream when it is a dream and when it is a memory >of an event. Always. Hello List Members and especially researchers and investigators, I'm just curious of something mentioned within this message to Dennis. Has anyone considered and/or studied the "inability", for lack of a better word, to remember dreams as a possible "side effect" of abductions? And also if this "inability to remember" was present before the abductees' abductions, or did it start occuring after the abductions? Does anyone maybe see a correlation between abductions and dreaming, other than the obvious? Sincerely, T. Lemire -- "Know that there is a Creator-Sustainer, who has made Himself knowable to Creation in direct proportion to the creatures ability to comprehend and respond." - Taken from the Andreasson Legacy by Raymond E. Fowler

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 12 Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case From: Erol Erkmen <andromeda1@turk.net> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 01:51:00 +0300 Fwd Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 11:42:43 -0400 Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case *On June 10, 1990, the Pensacola News Journal ran a story announcing that a UFO model had been found in the attic of Ed Walters' former residence. One week later, the newspaper announced that a Gulf Breeze teenager, later identified as Tommy Smith, had helped Walters hoax the UFO photos. On June 19, Charles Flannigan, MUFON State Director for Florida, announced MUFON was reopening the Walters' case to investigate these new allegations. He assigned then State Section Directors, Rex and Carol Salisberry, to assist him in this investigation. When the Salisberrys failed to deliver a complete report on the allegations (as outlined by MUFON's Deputy Director of Investigations, Dan Wright), the MUFON Chief Investigator for Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties, Gary Watson, was assigned to the task. Watson completed his investigation and submitted his report on May 23, 1991; his report was 29 pages long with 27 attachments. The following paragraphs summarize the central facts brought out in Watson's investigation. -Bruce Maccabee, Physicist, photoanalyst and a MUFON state director accepted professsional fees for his work on the photos from Ed Walters' publisher. (from Robert Collins ) more info: http://members.tripod.com/~ufolojist/ed.html

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 12 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 99 17:43:00 PDT Fwd Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 11:45:23 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 18:30:38 -0400 >From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> >To: updates@globalserve.net >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Sat, 09 Oct 99 10:29:16 PDT Mr. Young, with apologies to patient and gentle listfolk: >You have been given an adequate chance to clarify your comments, >yet you continue to forge ahead with inept allegations. But wait >a second... I recall already asking you to reference one >issue-related example of 'personal denunciation' or 'vile >accusation' against you, to allow yourself the opportunity to >bolster your position... so I guess it won't do any good for me >to repeat my plea again. Oh, for crissake. If you must persist, why don't you go back to the Jerry Black screed which you entered this discussion to second, and then explain to us (1) why you chose to defend it and (2) why you believe, as Black does, that personal denunciations of ufologists are an acceptable method of discourse? While you're at it, you can tell us why the objects of those slanders have no right to respond in righteous anger -- in other words, why you prefer to blame the victims for the crime. You could also try to explain the issue you're so uncleverly trying to obfuscate here: namely, why the other listfolk who remarked on our exchange had no difficulty understanding what I was talking about when I objected to the personality-centered approach you and your friends (including the amusingly unmasked "Terry Evans") have either regaled us with or apologized for. Allow me to remind you again of the word "disingenuous," and then to urge you to find something more interesting to contribute to the list. Aren't you supposed to be a big investigator or something? How about postings about actual UFO cases you've studied? Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 12 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 99 17:48:04 PDT Fwd Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 11:47:02 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >From: Serge Salvaille <sergesa@connectmmic.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 17:53:21 -0700 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Sat, 09 Oct 99 10:29:16 PDT >>>From: Serge Salvaill <sergesa@connectmmic.net> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 11:19:55 -0700 >>>>Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 20:18:48 -0500 >>>>From: Roger Evans <raka@swbell.net> >>>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>>To: updates@globalserve.net >>>>>From: Kenny Young >>>>>Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 15:02:37 -0400 >>>>>Fwd Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 10:43:09 -0400 >>>>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto >>>>>>From: Jerome Clark >>>>>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>>>>Date: Sun, 03 Oct 99 18:15:28 PDT Patient and gentle listfolk: >I can only congratulate you for using state-of-the-art >disinformation technics to finally establish that Jerome Clark >is interested only in Jerome Clark. Not the truth, not the >facts, and especially not honesty. Only himself. Whatever. Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 12 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Lesley Cluff <manitou@fox.nstn.ca> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 19:07:00 -0700 Fwd Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 11:50:40 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 14:57:00 -0700 >From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>From: Lesley Cluff <manitou@fox.nstn.ca> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 00:26:16 -0700 >Dear Lesley: >If you must trouble us, please at least put a few facts right up >front. >These are: >1) Precise location; If you are as geologically deprived as >you sound, then give good distances and directions to some >places people might find. Well, I think some people might know where Scotland was as mentioned in my last post. And the easiest way to give anyone an exact location that will be immediately identifiable by anyone into UFOs for more than a week, is to say I live about 20 miles south of the Carp sighting, filmed by the infamous Guardian. >2) Precise time of day, exact date, and time zone. Ahhh, first I think most people have some idea the dates of the second world war, or they were too busy reading UFO books and not paying attention in history class And in the personal example, to give that much detail would give away my age and since I'm a woman of 'certain years' no one can expect me to do that. Suffice it to say it happened in a Toronto, Ontario, Canada hospital! And to be sure this is UFO-related, this second event at the age of 2 years, was only a few years before I learned in social studies class that there were other places besides what I called home, other countries where people lived just like we did and from there stared up into the night sky and having read that there were also other places called other planets, then there was of course, people who lived there just like us too! The rest is history. Lesley ;-)))

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 12 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Michel M. Deschamps <ufoman@ican.net> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 19:43:30 -0400 Fwd Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 11:55:28 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 03:33:34 +0200 (MET DST) >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... <snip> >Personally I'm, not sure the mutilation phenomenon is confined >to the US. Some years ago Tony Dodd reported the same thing from >the UK. Still I give some weight to the hypothesis of Discovery, >because I'm not aware of any reports from other countries. Is >anyone else? Dear Henny, There have been several cases of mutilations in Canada, although not too many people know about them, with the exception of the leading authority, Linda Moulton Howe. I, myself, was given three newspaper articles when I went to Alberta in 1992 to visit a friend. They described 12 mutilations, 6 near the town of Drayton Valley (60 miles west of Edmonton) and the other six near Leduc, a town a few miles southeast of Edmonton. And don't forget about the sheep mutilations in France and Isral. Mutilations are definitely not confined to the US and, in my personal opinion, are definitely related to the UFO phenomena. Repeatedly, I've seen headlines of American newspapers that keep saying the same thing: "Answers actively sought in bizarre cattle mutilation. We are going to continue to see these types of headlines until someone realizes that something really odd is going on. How else can people explain the fact that no one has ever been arrested and prosecuted for cruelty to animals? In every classic case, there is no physical evidence of any kind: no footprints, no cigarette butts, no tire tracks, no helicopter landing gear marks, nothing! To those who keep asking the same stupid questions about mutilations: "Keep looking, guys. Maybe the truth will bite you on the ass, someday!" Cordially, Michel M. Deschamps MUFON Provincial Section Director for Sudbury, Ontario, Canada & UFO Eyewitness/Researcher/Historian

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 12 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Michel M. Deschamps <ufoman@ican.net> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 20:00:54 -0400 Fwd Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 19:29:11 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 21:51:14 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>>Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 03:14:55 EDT >>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>To: updates@globalserve.net >>>My memories are not pretty hazy. Some are memories of a room >>>with a haze, as if cloudy but the memory is vividly real and in >>>great detail. I am able to describe the detail of what I saw at >>>age three or four, laying on a table in what I imagined was a >>>hospital room. I'd never been to one. I was taken there by >>>ambulance. I'd never seen one, yet the picture is indelibly >>>imprinted in my memory. >The problem with "vivid" memories is that they develop over >time. They are not frozen in an instant like a polaroid >photograph, or recorded sequentially like a video-tape. Every >time we tell someone about our memory we help to fix it in our >mind: we create a narrative by repeating it. Doubtful parts are >edited out, other parts are reinforced by repetition and by >comparison with other accounts we hear and read. The more often >we recount our experience the closer we get to a continuous, >coherent - and vivid - narrative. >Memories are infinitely malleable. They are overlaid with things >we have heard and read and been told about. I had a serious >operation at the age of three and still bear the scar, but can >remember nothing about it. My colleague Peter Rogerson had an >operation at about the same age and has strange and vivid >memories of it. I doubt that my lack of memories denotes >"missing time" or that his involve abduction. But I'm sure if >either of us had met an abduction researcher at some time in the >past (before we started Magonia, of course), we'd be fully >fledged abductees by now. >-- >John Rimmer >Magonia Magazine >www.magonia.demon.co.uk Dear John, I guess you've never seen a UFO? I know that abductions are not the same as seeing a UFO, but neither is the experience of undergoing an operation. For one thing, they "put you under", so how could you remember the operation!? As for UFOs or anything of that caliber, I've often said (and I speak from experience) that an eyewtiness will remember the details of such an event until the day he/she dies. It is not like witnessing a 2-second car crash and then asked to remember the licence plate number under hypnosis. You won't remember it, no matter how hard you try. But when you see a UFO, which is something totally out of the ordinary, it becomes instantly etched in your mind because you focus in on all its details, whether it lasts seconds or hours. I suppose the same could be said about conciously recalling an abduction experience; the witness will remember the parts that got his attention the most, and vaguely remember those events which were visually "hazy". I'm not positively sure if I'm on the right track, but that's what I think. Cordially, Michel M. Deschamps MUFON Provincial Section Director for Sudbury, Ontario, Canada &

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 12 Re: Nick Pope's Weird World From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 20:16:58 -0400 Fwd Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 19:36:25 -0400 Subject: Re: Nick Pope's Weird World >From: Georgina Bruni <georgina@easynet.co.uk> >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 13:10:24 +0100 >To: updates@globalserve.net >Subject: Nick Pope's Weird World <snip> >this is the first time in publishing history that a science >fiction novel has needed to be officially cleared by the >Government! I won't argue with that, but a science fiction writer did draw U.S. government attention during World War II. His name was Cleve Cartmill, and he wrote a story about a nuclear bomb in Astounding Science Fiction, the American science fiction magazine that (despite its name) was the most strongly oriented toward real science. Nuclear bombs, of course, didn't exist back then, though, unknown to Cartmill and his editor, the U.S. government was trying to develop one. Cartmill, drawing on scientific information in the public domain, apparently came very close to describing the actual design the scientists and engineers in the Manhattan Project were working on. When the story was published, the FBI visited him, to find out where he'd gotten his information! What an impossible position for them. By doing this, they revealed that something was really going on. But if they hadn't investigated, and there really had been a leak, there could have been serious trouble. Greg Sandow

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 12 Re: Alien Ineptitude From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 20:52:44 -0400 Fwd Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 19:44:53 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >To: updates@globalserve.net >Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 10:28:04 GMT >Here is an earlier take on the TAI: Theory of Alien Ineptitude. >Joe Polanik >The SWAMP GAS JOURNAL >Special Issue #4 ISSN 0707-7106 >Spring, 1996 >Alien Incompetency Theory: >A Unified Theory to Explain UFO Phenomena >by Chris Rutkowski This is all very amusing and thoughtful, but sometimes I'm staggered by the lack of imagination we tend to show, when we're speculating about aliens. Case in point: SETI scientists, who've sometimes wondered what advanced races, a billion years ahead of us, might be like. Frank Drake imagined they might be immortal. Ronald (I think that's his first name) Bracewell, imagined they might be sexless most of the time, and go into heat as animals do. Meanwhile, the wonderful Argentine writer Borges wrote a story in which he imagined a civilization with no nouns, and no concept of nouns. He imagined their philosophy -- they wouldn't be able to conceive the existence of objects -- and their language. Now, obviously Borges -- one of the great literary figures of the 20th century -- wasn't speculating about aliens. Many of his stories might be called philosophical fantasies, investigations of unusual lines of thought, or states of mind. (Another one concerns someone with a photographic memory, who lies awake nights making up names for each number, from one to several million.) But Borges, imagining things that aren't, shows intensely more imagination than most of us -- scientists, science fiction writers, ufologists, skeptics, you name it -- who do speculate about aliens. He imagines stuff that's really out there -- in a word, really alien. (There's a wonderful phrase in one of Gregory Benford's science fiction novels about the galactic rim (and Benford, for what it's worth, is a serious physicist, in his day job): "The thing about aliens is, they're alien.") Not, of course, that this gives us license to imagine absolutely anything. But even our own experience here on earth gives us a perspective wider than that shown in the document Joe so helpfully forwarded. >One can also ask why aliens would choose to abduct people from >lower castes or social status rather than those in positions >of authority. Why don't they land on the White House lawn? >Perhaps they don't know to do so. How could they not know >this? They are incompetent. Or maybe they think one of our problems is our belief in hierarchy. Rather than reinforce it, they'd rather proceed in ways we think are inefficient. There are precedents for this kind of thinking in all sorts of new age philosophy (including serious stuff, like the Course in Miracles). We, of course, can't easily see beyond the hierarchies we take for granted. So we can't imagine why aliens with an agenda here on earth wouldn't go to our "leaders." Or, for that matter, maybe they have an advanced social science, and have genuinely learned that they'll accomplish their goals more quickly and thoroughly by infiltrating us from below. Maybe they don't even need an advanced social science to believe this. When the Bolsheviks wanted to make a Russian revolution, they didn't go to the Czar and try to bring him to their side. They organized the Russian workers. >One of the basic premises of alien abductions is the conscious >recall by abductees of their experiences aboard alien >spacecraft. Nearly all abductees report that during their >ordeal, the aliens create some sort of mental block within their >minds so that they cannot remember what has occurred. Yet, as >evidenced by the huge number of abduction accounts published and >under investigation, these mental blocks are ineffective. >This is odd, considering the advanced technology and knowledge >reported to be held by the aliens. Some abductees report that >their captors claim thousands of years of development beyond our >own, yet they, too, have failed to produce a lasting screen >memory that can withstand our feeble efforts to unlock it via >simple hypnosis techniques duplicable by any charlatan or stage >magician. Why would this be? >(Vladimir Simosko, a UFOROM associate and noted Fortean >researcher, has suggested some alternatives. Aside from sheer >incompetence, he notes two other possibilities: 1) aliens have >a wacky sense of humor; and 2) they *want* us to remember, >despite the pretense of intending us to forget.) Suppose aliens want us to become aware of them, but slowly. Suppose their agenda includes a lot of secret infiltration, implantation, etc., etc., etc. Suppose they want to carry that out in secret. But then suppose they eventually want to reveal themselves, maybe to openly take over. ("The Threat," again.) Suppose they'll find that last stage easier if we aren't entirely unprepared. Wouldn't it then make sense to use a form of blocking that wasn't 100% efficient? That would give them time, maybe lots of time, to work underground (so to speak), but also make it possible for us to become slowly aware of them. A word of caution, considering some responses I've gotten in the past. I'm not saying I necessarily believe these things. I'm only saying that it's not hard to make up scenarios to account for many of these supposedly inexplicable alien behaviors. For more provocative speculation, I'd refer everyone to "Preparing for Contact," a book by the channeler Lyssa Royal. Think what you like about channeling, and about the ET messages Lyssa believes she's received. But the scenario laid out in that book is worth thinking about, and it's something I've never seen anywhere else. Lyssa suggests that every planet goes through a period of denial when it's about to learn it's not alone in the universe. Other races try in various ways to break through that denial, trying to reveal themselves in ways -- and at a speed -- specially tailored to each new situation. Some of these procedures are faster than others, but almost all are relatively slow. Our planet, says Lyssa, is a somewhat difficult case. That is, we resist more strongly than many races do. For us, then, a long period of slow discovery -- of aliens slowly allowing their ships to be seen, and slowly finding other ways to make us aware of them -- would be entirely appropriate. (And again, just to avoid unnecessary arguments -- I'm not saying I believe Lyssa really channels aliens. I don't have a clue. I'm only saying that her books have ideas in them that, taken simply as speculation, make a lot of sense -- and that in this case one of those ideas would help understand how aliens could behave in ways that don't make sense to us.) Greg Sandow

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 12 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 21:03:11 EDT Fwd Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 20:02:00 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 21:51:14 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>>Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 03:14:55 EDT >>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>To: updates@globalserve.net >>>My memories are not pretty hazy. Some are memories of a room >>>with a haze, as if cloudy but the memory is vividly real and in >>>great detail. I am able to describe the detail of what I saw at >>>age three or four, laying on a table in what I imagined was a >>>hospital room. I'd never been to one. I was taken there by >>>ambulance. I'd never seen one, yet the picture is indelibly >>>imprinted in my memory. >The problem with "vivid" memories is that they develop over >time. They are not frozen in an instant like a polaroid >photograph, or recorded sequentially like a video-tape. Every >time we tell someone about our memory we help to fix it in our >mind: we create a narrative by repeating it. Doubtful parts are >edited out, other parts are reinforced by repetition and by >comparison with other accounts we hear and read. The more often >we recount our experience the closer we get to a continuous, >coherent - and vivid - narrative. >Memories are infinitely malleable. They are overlaid with things >we have heard and read and been told about. I had a serious >operation at the age of three and still bear the scar, but can >remember nothing about it. My colleague Peter Rogerson had an >operation at about the same age and has strange and vivid >memories of it. I doubt that my lack of memories denotes >"missing time" or that his involve abduction. But I'm sure if >either of us had met an abduction researcher at some time in the >past (before we started Magonia, of course), we'd be fully >fledged abductees by now. I must disagree, however only on one part of your theory, which on the surface, appears valid. However I am no psychologist. The reason you are mistaken, is that my memories, which are verifiable from day one (parents, psychologist, psychiatrist and fellow perceived abductees over a period of fifty plus years, are "snapshot memories." The detail has remained the same all this time. It's not what happened as in a dream, it is a snapshot, single frame memories of a series of events which ocurred over a number of different experiences. The "picture" has never changed. And there are many such pictures in my memory. What has evolved over the years, is that more detail has come to the forefront of my memory, without speaking about it to anyone, merely coming to me as in a flashback kind of memory. The original snapshots are, were, and likely always will be the same. I've shared these with very few people, wife, two researchers and one other abductee. The "story" never changed. If this is not clear, please respond and I will attempt to clarify any points which may be unclear. Jim Jim Mortellaro

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 12 Re: Alien Ineptitude From: Lesley Cluff <manitou@fox.nstn.ca> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 22:53:29 -0700 Fwd Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 20:05:47 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Alien Ineptitude >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 09:25:18 GMT >>Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 03:08:50 -0400 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>>From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>>Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:05:38 GMT <snip> >>hidden in the selection of an animal whose blood composition is >>closest to/most compatible with its human keepers. The "aliens" >>don't seem quite so "inept" when their mutilation activity is >>viewed in that light, do they? >When human scientists find a useful substance in the blood of an >animal or the sap of a tree, they synthesize it. If these aliens >don't seem to have the same skills at biochemistry that mere >human scientists have. If they are not inept, why would they >travel so far to get something they could synthesize? >Those who have responded to my first post on the assumption of >alien ineptitude within the ETH have offered different reasons >why aliens might value certain substances found on Earth. But >the question is 'Why would they come to Earth to collect a >substance they should be able to make?'. >Until you can answer that question, you're making my case for >me. There is a limit on what can be synthesized, and in some cases, the synthesized product is not effective in the same way as the original product or may cause unacceptable side effects. I recall reading in book about research done on an ancient South American inner tree bark that was supposed to cure cancer. The active ingredient was identified and then synthesized and used in a study. The patient's on the 'real' pills suffered such horrible side effects (not described) that the study was immediately stopped and the old remedy was labelled toxic. In another book, the raw product, in its natural state, prepared the old way, was used on some cancer patients who were in hospital dying. Only about nine of them I believe. At least five recovered and went home. There were no negative side effects. Our beloved medical scientists have yet to synthesize blood. Supposedly we have the technology and have had it for a very long time - so why don't we have synthesized blood and still have to collect it from real human donors along with all the associated risks of various horrible diseases? ]Now, someone may have a better memory than I, but wasn't a cure for some cancers or a treatment, discovered in a Yew tree that grows on the Pacific north coast? It was a few years ago. Last I heard, synthesization had not been successful, only the raw real product would work, so while there had been great hope, it was realized that there just isn't enough of the trees to go around. Synthesizing just isn't a miracle answer - yet. So if we can't do it here with a constant and consistent success rate, why do we think everyone else in the universe can? We haven't unlocked all the mysteries of our own human biology much less that of our environment, so why should we believe every other 'alien' race can? Does that maybe shed some light on an answer to your question? Lesley Cluff

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 12 Re: Alien Ineptitude From: Brian Cuthbertson <brianc@fc.net> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 21:22:16 -0500 (CDT) Fwd Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 20:10:49 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Alien Ineptitude >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 09:25:18 GMT >Those who have responded to my first post on the assumption of >alien ineptitude within the ETH have offered different reasons >why aliens might value certain substances found on Earth. But >the question is 'Why would they come to Earth to collect a >substance they should be able to make?'. >Until you can answer that question, you're making my case for >me. And I'd counter that monitoring of "something" by destructive animal abduction still makes sense. It might be very quick to get what they need by killing the animal, which apparently doesn't bother them. Saying they needn't kill to monitor presupposes we can fathom what they're looking for. Do you claim to speak for them on that? And the ethics of killing? Well, anyone monitoring us probably knows by now that most of our cattle wind up in meat packing plants anyway. Its not like we hold some moral high ground down here. Enjoy that non-abducted hamburger, -Brian Cuthbertson

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 12 Oz Base Nurrungar Closed From: John Auchettl <Praufo@aol.com> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 22:50:49 EDT Fwd Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 20:26:32 -0400 Subject: Oz Base Nurrungar Closed Oz & ASIA DATA RESEARCH Phenomena Research Australia SIGHTINGS EBK Researchers, Oz SPY BASE NURRUNGAR CLOSED The Joint Defence Facility spy base "Nurrungar" in South Australia [s31:22 e137:10] designed to analyse satellite data was closed today 12 Oct 99. A DoD report tells us that a new modern ground relay system will begin operating at (that alleged hot UFO location) Pine Gap. The decision to close Nurrungar was reported to be made largely for technological reasons. The equipment at Nurrungar was developed in the 1960s, but more modern technology allows data analysis to be done back in the United States. The relocation of the Nurrungar spy base in South Australia to Pine Gap would mean that Australian analysts would no longer be working closely with their US counterparts. As a result, many American analysts will be transferred home. To make things even stranger, a senior Australian official confirmed that the redeployment of American staff to the US gave Australia an opportunity to maintain expertise in monitoring ballistic missile launches [?]. Oh boy! About 400 Australians and Americans are employed at Nurrungar. About 40 Australian intelligence officers were involved in analysing some of the data. The United States satellite station Nurrungar is a ground station for the US Defence Support Program (DSP). It is said to control a set of Pacific/Asia geostationary satellites that are designed to detect and track objects. Using infrared telescopes, visible light and ultraviolet sensors, and a nuclear detonation detection (NUDET) sensors. The IR detectors & UV sensors are designed to sense the radiation emitted by missile boosters & fluorescing gases from flight dynamics. High Resolution cameras on the satellites transmit pictures important ground data images to Defence Facility Nurrungar. In an E-mail to PRA Post dated 1998/09/14 Author: Allen Thomson <thomsona@netcom.com> said: "Is there any indication of a Regional Sigint Operations Centre [RSOC] being created in Australia? With the move of the DSP/SBIRS relay station from Nurrungar to Pine Gap, the latter is starting to look a bit like an austral version of the Denver RSOC -- and I wouldn't be surprised if it were to be designated an RSOC itself. Have any of the service cryptology agencies (e.g., NSG) set up shop down there?" We [PRA] would like also like to know! Can you help? Regards John W. AUCHETTL - Director PRA Research DR Ron BARNETT - Deputy Director Phenomena Research Australia [PRA] Australian & Asia UFO

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 12 Australian Ufology + Imperial College Prof From: John Auchettl <Praufo@aol.com> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 22:51:40 EDT Fwd Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 20:29:28 -0400 Subject: Australian Ufology + Imperial College Prof Oz & ASIA DATA RESEARCH Phenomena Research Australia SIGHTINGS EBK Researchers, Australian Ufology + Imperial College Prof A most interesting event will take place next month in Australia. One of Australia's [if not the worlds] impressive thinkers, Prof Paul Davies will be speaking at the Australian Skeptics, National Conference to be held on the 6 and 7 November 1999. Prof Paul Davies has listed his speaker's topic as - "Aliens on our doorstep? Some thoughts about the UFO phenomenon." Although, on many occasions when we have met him, he has displayed an open mind to unusual subjects, and has in the past produced a number of papers on the UFO subject [from a negative point of view]. Prof Paul Davies ideas and opinions are always welcome and we have enjoyed his questions. His position is that of a skeptic, however, he has other positions that are not well known and on a number of occasions the Australian Skeptics have not been too kind to him. Yet it's in their interest to claim him as their own. We believe them? Prof Paul Davies currently holds the positions of Visiting Professor at Imperial College London and Honorary Professor at the University of Queensland. >From 1990 until 1996 he was Professor of Mathematical Physics, and later Natural Philosophy, at The University of Adelaide. In 1995 Prince Philip at Buckingham Palace awarded Davies the Templeton Prize for progress in religion, the world's largest prize for intellectual endeavour. 700 people attended the prize ceremony, held at Westminster Abbey. * Speakers and Topics - * Professor Paul Davies Biography - PRA researchers will be at the conference and may present, at a future date, a report on his lecture. His topic "Aliens on our doorstep? Some thoughts about the UFO phenomenon", is a most curious topic. We have pointed out on many occasions "why" lecture on a subject that does not exist - unless you feel something may be there? In a recent conversation with the Australian Skeptics we asked if the topic was changed to "Santa on our doorstep? Some thoughts about the Rudolph red nose phenomenon." would that topic be on their agenda? Regards John W. AUCHETTL - Director PRA Research DR Ron BARNETT - Deputy Director Phenomena Research Australia [PRA] Australian & Asia UFO

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 12 Re: Get Real From: Sharon Kardol <sharon@hotmix.com.au> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 10:43:23 +0800 Fwd Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 20:31:58 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 14:01:54 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 20:57:28 +0000 >>From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real ><snip> >>If they really wanted to wipe your memory... you wouldn't >>remember a thing, therefore you would not be able to write to a >>mailing list and whine about being abducted right! >Actually, Dave, in order for any beings or humans to completely >wipe out all of one's memory, he/she/it would have to erase the >victim's subconscious (or long term) memory as well as conscious >(short term) memories. In so doing, you would have an >infant-mind on your hands who wouldn't remember anything (much >like individuals who have experienced open or closed head >trauma, stroke, etc.). If this were done to all abductees, it >would begin to attract attention, wouldn't you think? >Erasing short term memory only effects memories acquired within >a short period of time therefore the subconscious and long term >memory is not effected. Even short term or artificially induced >amnesia may not be permanent especially if the experience was a >traumatic one. People tend to remember traumatic experiences >longer and more vividly than mundane experiences because of the >heightened emotions involved - that is, of course, if they do >not continually reinforce the amnesia. Always remember - the >subconscious never forgets. Isn't this the human way of thinking about science and medicine? Aren't we dealing with beings who quite possibly have mastered the art of faster than light travel? Beings who according to documented experiences have extremely well developed mental capabilities? Capable of things we have yet to slot into "our" definitions of physics and science. I just mean perhaps we shouldn't be placing human limitations on their capabilties, just because we can't imagine it, doesn't mean it's so. <snip> >>Oh, and while we're on the subject, of all the thousands who >>claim to be repeatedly abducted, who has ever taken a >photograph >of an alien? the odds are that amongst the thousands >there must >be someone who set a camera up linked to a motion >detector, not >hard to do these days considering our 'changing >level of >technology'. >Well, Dave, this _is_ your lucky day! Just so happens I have a >case I investigated for almost 3 years in which multiple >witnesses - all in a state of conscious, waking awareness - <snip> >On the third day of encounters, the family, in a state of terror >and shock, called one of their neighbors to come help them. The >neighbor, pseudonym of "Jill", arrived with a camera and began >taking photographs of a red-eyed being standing just beyond a >sliding glass door in the back yard. Unfortunately, "Jill" was >too afraid or forgot to open the glass door and the flash from >the camera reflected off the glass door obscuring any images of >the red-eyed being. When she got the photographs back from the >photo lab, all she got were pictures with a glare on the glass >doors - or so she thought. I have yet to view these photos and I will do shortly, but doesn't this seem just a little tooooo convenient? Cheers Sharon

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 12 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 23:31:35 -0500 Fwd Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 20:40:01 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 01:32:59 -0400 <snip> >The thing you want to remember, Dennis, is that all this is >speculation, quite harmless if not taken too seriously. >Greg Sandow Whew! Now I can get back to my income taxes. Which, admittedly, I had been trying to take as speculatively as possible until I realized that Uncle Sam didn't permit that as an allowable response. And so it goes with abductions. Interesting, but not yet a permissable deduction. Dennis

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 More TOP SECRET MAJESTIC UFO Documents From: Ryan Wood <rswood@igc.org> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 19:29:21 -0800 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 01:50:06 -0400 Subject: More TOP SECRET MAJESTIC UFO Documents Press Release - More TOP SECRET MAJESTIC UFO Documents FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MORE TOP SECRET MAJESTIC UFO DOCUMENTS ARRIVED THIS SUMMER NEWPORT BEACH, California, October 13, 1999 -- During the summer of 1999 Timothy S. Cooper continued to receive alleged TOP SECRET MAJESTIC UFO documents both by mail and in person from several sources. Overall, the classified documents received from 1994 to present comprise over 2,100 pages of leaked documents and photographs with over 200 pages stamped TOP SECRET/MAJIC or an equivalent derivative. One mail delivery from Ft. Meade, Maryland included a 334-page manuscript that had been submitted to Project Blue Book for review with several chapters stamped in red "TOP SECRET/MAJIC." Unlike previously leaked MAJESTIC documents that came on film or as photocopies these pages are on original watermarked paper, produced on a typewriter identified as a 1939 Underwood Portable," said Ryan Wood. "We think that this exceptional find will lead to a significant validation of the MAJESTIC program because of the handwriting on original paper, with identifiable watermark. Proper analysis of the paper and ink can provide unarguable courtroom proof, which is our primary goal. This new evidence clearly shows the use of the MAJIC classification at least back to the 60s. For the first time, we now have original handwriting to authenticate the involvement of famous Air Force officials in the Majestic program" said Dr. Bob Wood. Of the new material received over the summer most noteworthy are additional pictures of an apparent alien autopsy, MJ-12 personnel and a (retyped) TOP SECRET EYES ONLY intelligence briefing for President Truman dated 30, September 1947. The title of this six page briefing is "Unidentified Aircraft Sightings Over The United States," prepared by Special Studies and Evaluation State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee and the Office of National Estimates Central Intelligence Agency. Another nine page first generation onionskin carbon copy on original paper with watermark, using a 1956 Courier font, was also stamped in red TOP SECRET/MJ-12. "Other documents will be released on the Wood & Wood website http://www.majesticdocuments.com in November. In general, these documents will be released either over the Internet or in a related publication within a year after they have undergone authentication tests. Premature release without quality work only clouds the interpretation of the document and wastes everyone's time," said Ryan Wood. "The preponderance of evidence supporting the high level US Top Secret Research and Development program known variously as MJ-12, Operation Majestic Twelve, using the Top Secret code word MAJIC is as problematic as validating the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Aramaic Gospel by Jesus Christ." said Tim Cooper. "The daunting authentication challenges the documents pose not only to the civilian UFO research community but to disinterested government officials are profound. Which begs the question: are they real or a product of Governmental intelligence disinformation of the Cold War?" "There is a growing body of evidence through the tireless efforts of Dr. Robert M. Wood, Ryan S. Wood, Stanton T. Friedman, and a host of distinguished authors, researchers, and former intelligence officers that the United States had a deeply classified UFO Program since the 1947," said Tim Cooper. A reasonable study of the intelligence and counterintelligence operations of the military, CIA and other defense intelligence agencies of the U.S. Government during World War II, the Cold War, and up to the present offers convincing evidence that the U.S. was engaged in a high level UFO intelligence collection effort. This is abundantly clear from FOIA declassified projects like SIGN, GRUDGE, BLUEBOOK, SNOWBIRD (1954 flying saucer jet aircraft) as well as a dearth of related declassified papers from many agencies including the CIA and NSA. "In all fairness to anti-MJ-12 arguments, some of the objections to security classification, signatures, and dating still pose problems. These arguments can be solved. What is lacking is a concerted effort to secure sworn testimony from individuals of high rank from the Executive Branch, the CIA, and military intelligence to either refute the MJ-12 enigma or validate the existence of the United States Government's UFO Program," said Tim Cooper. Finally, it must be understood that while the data contained in the alleged MJ-12 documents may prove to be valid in a historical context, the assertions and claims made by the author(s) of these documents rest not in the hands of ufologists, skeptics and debunkers, but in what is called in legal jurisprudence "the best evidence" rule in the halls of justice. "Ultimately, it will boil down to what documentary evidence and witness testimony can be presented before a Grand Jury, the Attorney General or Congress, said Ryan Wood." ADDING PERSPECTIVE TO THE NEW MAJESTIC DOCUMENTS In the October 1, 1999 issue of CNI News (CNINews1@aol.com) a secondhand report on a UK presentation made by respected researcher and author Timothy Good about what he may have said at the Leeds Conference has presented incorrect and misleading information. Mr. Cooper was disturbed and somewhat upset to learned of the charges made by Friedman and Good; he chose not to believe that it was their intention to discredit him nor paint him as a common prankster. Cooper believes that their original conclusions were based on limited information and inadequate resolution of conflicting data. "I still have the highest regards for Mr. Friedman and Mr. Good and hope that they will soon redouble their efforts at research to explain, not only what may be disinformation, but how it was created and why, so we can all move on to the other pressing challenges of the UFO enigma," said Tim Cooper. Ryan and Robert Wood wish to respond to the points raised in the 1 October issue of CNINews as follows. We very much doubt that Mr. Good used the phrase "blew the new batch of MJ-12 documents out of the water." Our first-hand knowledge of Mr. Good is that he is a cautious, careful researcher not given to sweeping generalities. Assuming, for the moment that he said what was reported, we note the following, sequenced as in the original 1 October CNINews: 1) Concern: Mr. Tim Good was kind enough to share with Bob Wood the original letter that Cooper wrote to Good dated October 4, 1991. Response: Dr. Wood had this analyzed by his questioned document examiner, James A. Black, who wrote that the fonts of the typewriter for this letter and those of the "Interplanetary Phenomena Unit" report and the "First Annual Report" were the same, probably from a Royal typewriter. He noted that this font is common to tens of thousands of typewriters. He verbally discounted all aspects of similarity of the letter similarities (raised caps, similar letter positioning, identical letter shape) as being exactly what one would expect on two similar machines and two different operators. He did, however, note one defect in the small "L" that occasionally showed up in both documents. Black conceded that the same typewriter might have produced all three documents. However, it may also be a characteristic of that model typewriter being operated by any fast typist. We provided a complimentary copy of Black's evaluation to Tim Good as appreciation for lending us the original, which has been returned. 2) Concern: "The style and indentation of paragraphs is exactly the same." Cooper's letter to Good contains six paragraphs, all indented four spaces. Response: The IPU document contains 14 paragraphs, all indented 11 spaces, and the First Annual Report contains one paragraph indented 4 spaces, 16 paragraphs indented 5 spaces, 5 paragraphs indented 12 spaces, 16 paragraphs indented 10 spaces, 4 paragraphs indented 9 spaces, 4 paragraphs indented 8 spaces, 9 paragraphs indented 5 spaces, and 7 paragraphs indented 6 spaces. Thus, only one of 76 paragraphs has the same indentation as that of the letter from Cooper to Good. 3) Concern: "The classifications on the documents rule out their being genuine." Response: The two pages noted may have been from different documents. In any case, the Cutler to Twining memo of July 14, 1954 is an example found by Stan Friedman of Top Secret Restricted right from the National Archives on original watermarked onionskin paper. "Furthermore, the phrase "Not For Public Inspection" of the table of contents page of the First Annual Report is found in authentic documents from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations on microfilmed rolls from the archives," said Ryan Wood. This is an extremely weak argument when put in the light of numerous examples of the Government not following its own rules sometimes, and following them others. Furthermore, the top-secret markings had been redacted. Most knowledgeable document researchers would reject the reality of classifications SUPER SECRET and DOUBLE TOP SECRET, but Wood & Wood have authentic examples of the use of these classifications. 4) Concern: "Stanton Friedman discovered that portions are lifted..." Stan has found chirography and phrases in the book "Wedemeyer Reports" that are similar to those in some of the documents provided by Cooper. He noted that the book was owned by the library in Big Bear Lake where Cooper lives, and that this would have permitted Cooper or anyone else in Big Bear Lake to copy it. Response: There are thousands of copies of the book across the country; there is no evidence that Cooper ever saw it. In fact, he told Wood & Wood that he did not even know it existed. Furthermore, careful research is underway to determine whether a fake has been created, when, and for what purpose, including the possibility of psychological warfare a long time ago. 5) Concern: "Part of the document number on one page, 1206, is the same as Cooper's Post Office Box address." Response: Coincidence? Note that 4901 Hillbrook Lane, Vannevar Bush address in 1948 is the same four digits as the street address of Bob Wood's grandson-in law; 5484, the branch number for Van Bush's telephone extension, is the same as the middle four digits of Ryan Wood's UAL frequent flyer number. If one looks hard enough for coincidences, one finds them. 6) Concern: "Letters from the now clearly non-existent Salina Cantwheel, daughter of the mythical Thomas Cantwheel, were written in exactly the same handwriting as Tim Cooper's." Response: Our questioned document examiner, James Black, saw no evidence that the Salina note was "disguised writing," and found no indication of handwriting similarities. We cannot imagine the basis for asserting that the Cooper and Salina handwriting are similar. In addition, we have a report from a source that says that there was a Salina (Cantwheel's daughter) working for James Jesus Angleton (Counterintelligence, CIA). There is no reason to think that Cantwheel is a mythical character except wishful thinking by the skeptics. With respect to the alleged comment that the Eisenhower Briefing Document is a fake, questioned document examiner James Black has definitely identified the typewriter for the Truman-Forrestal letter as an Underwood Standard typewriter, the same as a type specimen of May 1940. This is no longer an issue, and the Truman-Bush letter of October 1 was done with the same model typewriter. He also confirms that the paper could have been removed from the typewriter to type part of the date, since it is vertically misaligned. WOOD & WOOD ENTERPRISES Dr. Robert M and Ryan S Wood are partners dedicated to the investigation of Majestic, MAJIC or MJ-12 documents. Our goals are to research, authenticate and publish our results in widely accepted media. We employ a variety of specialists in key fields that contribute to our efforts. We welcome volunteers that are willing to sign non-disclosure agreements and that have a reputation for integrity and a dogged determination to search for the truth. D R R O B E R T & R Y A N S W O O D Majestic Documents Investigators ______________________________ PO Box 2272, Redwood City CA 94064 Orders: 1-800-845-2151

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: GT McCoy <gtmccoy@harborside.com> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 22:00:44 -0700 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 02:32:15 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 03:33:34 +0200 (MET DST) >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... Hello all, Henny >>Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 03:08:50 -0400 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... John may have somthing here but that isn't what I'm about to address-Pards. >>The use of animal substances (female horse urine for estrogen >>etc) in connection with treatments intended for human recipients >>has a history and the list of new drugs/substances that are >>being created or obtained via that method continues to grow >>daily. There may be important clues about the "alien agenda" >>hidden in the selection of an animal whose blood composition is >>closest to/most compatible with its human keepers. The "aliens" >>don't seem quite so "inept" when their mutilation activity is >>viewed in that light, do they? >>I would be less disturbed at the possibilities if it were >>otherwise. Even the cattle mutilations (as nonsensical and 'far >>out' as they may at first appear to be on the surface) bespeak >>an -intimate- knowledge of human chemistry and physiology. >>Food for thought and something that should not be 'blown over' >>lightly. Henny, If you knew about how things worked in the western U.S. >Hi John, Greg and others, >I have some doubts about the relation between animal mutilations >and 'aliens'. Some time ago on the Discovery Channel a >documentary was aired that showed the areas in which most animal >mutilations are reported. To begin with, they were _all_ in the >US, while UFOs and 'abductions' are worldwide phenomena. >Furthermore, the areas correlated strongly with the direction >the wind blows coming from New Mexico. The makers of the >documentary speculated that there was a secret US government >organization behind the mutilations. Their purpose would be to >study the effects of nuclear radiation on animals, most notably >cattle. Most, if not all, nuclear tests in the US took place in >New Mexico. Such an organization, it was presumed, would also >possess the tools to make the precise incisions and the >extraction of all blood from the animals. Ok, if the Gummit's concern was Cows and the exposure to radiation of said filet de' migion, you go to Auction- ya gets yer men in black, put cowboy hats on 'em and bid (always too low)fer old Bossy. After you anaylize her , him, or more likley after roundup, -it- and then sell the carcass to an artist under a grant... sorry, I digress... >Personally I'm, not sure the mutilation phenomenon is confined >to the US. Some years ago Tony Dodd reported the same thing from >the UK. Still I give some weight to the hypothesis of Discovery, >because I'm not aware of any reports from other countries. Is >anyone else? Acutually most of the Tests took place in the 50's -in Nevada- also 'Mutes were more common in the west in the 60's and 70's after atmosphereic testing stopped. What I'd like to know is; some; thing or; some one is doing mighty strange things to a poor critter that if you could buy at the old cattle auction every Thursday afternoon, and you could have the local Cowpunchers load them on yer UFO, -no charge. GT McCoy "The big high and lonesome's a place in my mind. like from Lakeview to Burns, Or up on the Judith, or Promintory where the UP track turns. It's any where you feel tiny when you get a good look at the sky, And, sometimes when it's a'stormin' you can look the Lord in the eye." - Baxter Black Cowboy poet.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: Alien Ineptitude From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 03:41:26 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 02:44:10 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Subject: Alien Ineptitude Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 09:25:18 GMT >Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 03:08:50 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 00:05:38 GMT >>>Within the ETH, a lot of speculation about abducting aliens rest >>>upon an unstated assumption of alien ineptitude. >>>Imagine: You are the emissary of a dying race. You travel >>>zillions of miles across the galaxy looking for a precious, >>>life-preserving substance. You find it in the rectum of a cow. >>>You remove said rectum and return home with your discovery. >>>Then, instead of synthesizing the substance, instead of abducting >>>a herd of cows to assure yourself of a steady supply of bovine >>>recta, you make a special trip to Earth every time you need a >>>fix. >Anal fixations aside, I think you should switch your focus from >excised cow rectums to missing cow's -blood!- >We (modern science) use cow's blood to 'extract' some of its >substances for use in -transfusions- for human patients. >(Because of its unique compatibility with human blood.) Cows and >humans, what's the connection? You have only to look to the >(ubiquitous) lack of blood in the animals and on the scene when >they are discovered. Time and again one of the striking features >of reported cattle mutilations is the lack of blood at the scene >or in the animal itself. Even the taking of certain organs >during a mutilation may be a 'side issue' to the complete >removal of the animals blood. >The use of animal substances (female horse urine for estrogen >etc) in connection with treatments intended for human recipients >has a history and the list of new drugs/substances that are >being created or obtained via that method continues to grow >daily. There may be important clues about the "alien agenda" >hidden in the selection of an animal whose blood composition is >closest to/most compatible with its human keepers. The "aliens" >don't seem quite so "inept" when their mutilation activity is >viewed in that light, do they? Joe wrote: When human scientists find a useful substance in the blood of an animal or the sap of a tree, they synthesize it. If these aliens don't seem to have the same skills at biochemistry that mere human scientists have. If they are not inept, why would they travel so far to get something they could synthesize? 1. You are 'assuming' that they "travelled" to get here from some distant location. No one knows who or what these 'things' are much less 'where' they are from. They may very well have been here for uncounted eons living in a symbiotic relationship with humanity. Since all this is just speculation anyway one 'take' is just as valid as any other. 2. Not knowing _which substances_ 'they' may be seeking or placing value in, there is just no way to know if it is something that -can be- synthesized. You are wrong Joe. The urine of (female) horses is harvested from -living animals- to create a form of estrogen that is usable by humans. There are 'forms' of certain hormones/enzymes that -cannot- be synthesized in a sterile lab without using the life processes and chemistry of a -living organism- as the 'manufacturing plant.' 'Why would they come to Earth to collect a substance they should be able to make?'. I'll see your 'assumption' and raise you more speculation. It's all just assumption based on unknowns. That is why I choose to spend my time trying to get a serious investigation into the reports of the abductees going rather than adding to the cacophony of pointless speculations (noise level) that already surrounds the subject. Some people are in very real distress over this Joe. For them, 'reporting' is like going to an emergency room and instead of receiving treatment the doctors stand around debating and speculating while you slowly bleed to death. "Rome burns while Nero fiddles!" Until you can answer that question, you're making my case for me. You haven't "made" anything that even remotely resembles something that could be called, "a case." How then could I (or anyone else) "make it for you!" :) Joe, 'they' have -you- and a majority of the inhabitants of this rock thoroughly convinced that they don't even exist. Governments (may be) conspiring to help them in their clandestine activities, and all the while they continue to 'mess with' a fairly sizable chunk of the human population with complete impunity. Now how "inept" is that! <LOL> Regards, John Velez, Speculating my a** off just like you! ;) ________________________________________________ jvif@spacelab.net "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind." ________________________________________________

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: Aeribarque! From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 01:42:22 -0700 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 03:01:39 -0400 Subject: Re: Aeribarque! >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 17:31:22 -0400 >From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> >To: updates@globalserve.net >Subject: Aeribarque! >An unusual item from an 1897 edition of The Cincinnati Enquirer >can be reviewed at the following location: > http://home.fuse.net/ufo/Aeribarque.html >The report tells of an airship sighting accompanied by animal >reaction, two occupants [one being of oriental appearance that >can't understand English] and a tour of the airship called an >'Aeribarque,' with graphic descriptive features included by the >alleged witness. >This report was sought after due to a fleeting mention in a >December 31, 1985 edition of FOCUS, the monthly newsletter of >the Fair-Witness Project, Inc., where writer Jimmy Ward makes >note of a 'volatile substance' that negated the force of >gravity, as referenced in the1897 newspaper feature. >>The 1897 newspaper article was retrieved several days ago, and >its text can be found at the location listed above. >Kenny Young >-- >UFO Research >http://home.fuse.net/ufo/ Dear Kenny: That's a real find! A most enjoyable, if not entirely credible account, of a "Great Airship" right smack in the middle of the G.A. wave. I didn't have it listed here, but will put it into the database, for reference sake at least. Best wishes - Larry Hatch

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Rory Lushman <Oubliette@currantbun.com> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 11:49:39 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 03:03:20 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Martin Phillips <martin.phillips@dtn.ntl.com> >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 19:45:45 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Congrats - I can't believe the pomposity of the announcement of >this group, so I'm gald to see someone has treated it in the way >it deserved. >Can I suggest that the best 'new start' British ufology needs is >for the 'investigators' to learn some humility. >That's not a xenophobe foreigner view, but that of a Brit who's >amazed at the certainty of some of the members of this >organisation. >It's a shame that the announcement bears all the signs of the >stereotype Brit (Englishman) - absolute certainty, elitism and >dismissal of any doubt. Elitism, I doubt it. It amazes me how many people do not read properly the original message. UFOIN is not out to replace other groups, it is willing to work with others. What have you got to fear.....nothing. When UFOIN falls flat on its face, then you can shout from the wings, "we told you so" but I think you will have a long wait. UFOIN is made of many different characters with different views and ideas, its not a Borg collective or is that Bjork Rory Lushman.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Tim Matthews <matthews@zetnet.co.uk> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 13:00:13 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 03:35:24 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 01:31:26 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>From: Tim Matthews <matthews@zetnet.co.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 22:54:55 +0100 <snip> >>The man who sent supposedly anonymous hate mails, lied to >>witnesses, admitted that he'd bribed witnesses with drugs? >Are you talking about witnesses to his ufological claims? Certainly; a group of us (around 8 people) were witness to these claims that related DIRECTLY to his so-called "UFO" investigations.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Tim Matthews <matthews@zetnet.co.uk> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 13:02:25 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 03:37:34 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 12:03:32 +0100 >From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> >To: updates@globalserve.net >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns <snip> >A "nosey" ham or short wave listener, and there are lots of >'em<g>, wouldn't have a big problem and I believe the one's that >do it on a regular basis _do_ have recorders "at the ready". Max >may or may not have a recording but don't rule it out just on >technical grounds. Years ago on said ageing scanner I monitored >the companies UHF base stations but also for light relief, >Manchester Airport's tower freq plus approach radar, Liverpool >approach and the CAA's frequency for the controlled air space >over the North West _and_ still had lots of presets to spare. I know a couple of AT controllers and plenty of radio hams and it is true that this type of recording could be achieved - although the listener would have had to have been lucky. Certainly not technically impossible..... Tim M.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Sue Strickland <strick@H2Net.net> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 06:25:38 -0600 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 03:43:01 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 03:13:11 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>From: Sue Strickland <strick@H2Net.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 00:18:18 -0600 >>>Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 10:50:35 +0000 >>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 03:13:11 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>From: Sue Strickland <strick@H2Net.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 00:18:18 -0600 >>>Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 10:50:35 +0000 >>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Dear Stephen, Dennis, Kevin, and other Asleep-in-the-Deep List >>Members, ><snip> >>Help me find the proof (IF it's there) of my experiences, beyond >>the *stories* I and thousands of others tell. What is plainly >>visible as proof to me, may not be to you. But for anyone who >>has the courage to touch those scars and let reality sink in, >>it's enough impetus to begin looking...very hard. Help me find >>the answers. >>Sue Strickland >Hi Sue, >Your heart rending appeal for help is touching and illustrates a >deep need that for _many_ people continues to go un-addressed. >About all your going to get in terms of 'help' from some of the >skeptics is a hard sell on _their_ particular pet theory. Some >day, I don't know when, -someone- is going to conduct a serious >study of the 'physical' marks, scars, and bruises that many of >carry and can directly associate with a UFO experience. >You are quite correct in labeling some folks as, >"Asleep-in-the-Deep." When _thousands_ of individuals worldwide >are claiming/demonstrating a phenomenon that has never been seen >before and it goes uninvestigated or completely ignored by the >academic community, it is not the fault of those who are >courageous enough to report. It is the fault and the shame of >those who have the knowledge and expertise to find answers yet >choose not to do so. >It's funny. Both abductees _and_ the academics claim that fear >of ridicule is to blame for the lack of action on this matter! >What a world eh? >It is _only_ because of you and people like you that I stay >involved. Under any other circumstances I would have taken my >leave of the 'circus macabre' that is called modern ufology long >ago! >May you find your answers Sue. I promise I'll keep in there >swinging the bat until 'something' begins happening. Hope you >do too. We need each other. Dear John V., and Other List Members, First, thank you John for your public letter of support. Your concern is always heart-warming, straightforward and perceptive. It means a lot to me. To date, I have received 6 responses (including yours), all show various degrees of concern and willingness to help. I have not received any offers to help me find answers from any of the true *debunkers* on this list. It may be a bit premature to make *any* assumptions on their hesitantancy to respond at this point. After all, my note was only posted yesterday! Stephen, you are the *only* "doubting Thomas" who has even bothered to respond to my request for help. You need to know that. So do the other list members. Thank you very much. But, you did not directly say that you were willing to help. Are you? Your questions are valid ones, and the very questions to which I need help finding the answers. I only have partial answers, and am deadlocked in discovering the "rest of the story," as Paul Harvey used to say. I need to hear (or read) a commitment from you, "I want to help." If that's not possible, I need to know that too. Please respond personally to Stick@h2net.net and let me know. Sincerely, Sue Stickland

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: Alien Ineptitude From: Christophe Meessen <meessen@cppm.in2p3.fr> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 16:11:21 +0200 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 03:45:52 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude Hello, The topic of this thread and the question raised are very interesting. It is in my opinion a very pertinent question to ask. When trying to understand why ET are mutilating animals, we must be careful to avoid asumptions. In your case you asume that they are interested in getting huge quantities of the substance itself. If we suppose they know how to synthetize any substance in big quantities, the most rational explanation is that they are simply probing and measuring. This is in my opinion the only valid answer to explain why such advanced and distant life form would take flesh and blood sample of animals and maybe humans. There is a similar question with abduction. Why would they keep abducting people in a quasi industrial scale according to Mr. Jacobs hypothesis ? If they know how to engeneer and modify genetical material why do they bother keeping collecting sperm and eggs samples ? Why do they bother interacting whith humans as appear to happen in abductions ? Wouldn't it be much simpler to collect a few humans and start a breeding program on their own planet or spaceship ? Why do they need to collect as much sperm and eggs ? Again we must be careful with asumptions. The most common idea about abduction is that a hybridization process is taking place. People make the assumption that these hybrids are crossbreeds between human and the ET life form. But for the biologist that I am, this is an annoying idea because this implies a lot of things. Most annoying is that this would imply genetical and physiological compatibility between humans and the ET life form. It is quite unprobable a priori that this could be possible. I suspect that hybrids, abductees are talking about, are hybrids of humans with genetically modified humans. This makes much more sense on the biological point of view. ET may be interested in some human features. Accroding to abductee's testimonies, ET might be interested in emotions, reproduction, etc. However, in the same time humans are not adpated to space stravel. Humans are not able, as far as we know, for telepathic communication that looks more efficient than vocal communication. ET may also want to be able to keep humans under control. We all know the problems due to some human's wickedness. And ET may be interested in many more features we might not be aware of. One way to reach this goal would be to select the humans with the appropriate features or event modify the genome of some humans to obtain the desired feature. This is what humans do with animals and plants. One may then clone this special man or breed a very small population with individuals showing similar qualities. But there are two problems with this approach. First by selecting individuals with some specific quality we might also inherit bad features carried by these indivuals that might not be visible in the first place. The modified entity may have lost it's ability to reproduce it self for instance. This is like noise beside a signal. By amplifying the desired feature we amplify the noise with the signal. Second, a population has apparently a lot of useless genes and features. However in some situation these genes and features might be lifesaving. By selecting a subset of a population we drop all this hidden heritage and we loose a huge potential to adapt ourselve to a different context. The diversity of the genetic heritage is a key component in a population stability, viability and ability to adapt ourselve to a context change. Breeding a new population with only a subset of this genetic pool will yield a more vulnerable population from the evolution point of view. Thus when trying to breed a new variant of a population with some amplified features, we need to keep crossbreeding this population with the wild form to dilute the bad features (reduce the noise) and preserve the genetical heritage of the wild form by keeping the new population as large and genetically as diversified as possible. This is exactly how humans process when modifying animals or vegetals for agricultural needs. After having selected or produced a super plant a crossbreeding with the wild form is often need in order to obtain a plant more resistant to deseases, etc. From this point of view the sperm and eggs taking process make sense. This sounds the most plausible explanation I found so far. The reason for the foetus implants may be due to constrains we might not know about. Maybe the interaction with the wild form is not only needed for the genetical material but also for the foetus developpement and child education. And the only reason I see why they keep working "undercover" is that they don't want use to bother them in their project. The less we might bother them, the less undercover they will behave. We still don't know if this modified human variant which might apparently be the product of an accelerated, artificial and directed "evolution" will take the place of the curent human species on earth. I'm afraid it sound very plausible and is apparently supported by some abductee testimonies. But in this case we really don't know how painful and fast it might happen. Mack, and Jacobs in his latest book, suggest that this might happen fast and in a near future. I really have no idea for now about that. If the authopsy film produced by Santilli is not a fake one, it would mean that some humans have at hand a key element regarding this hypothesis. What chocked me about this film is that a surgeon I know recognized quite easely organs in the body like liver, heart, lungs,... and that they were very similar and at the same place as in humans like face features. Other features were very different like the brain and some where additional. We might start to consider that the authospied body might be an instance of those modifed human but in a form still very far and quite distant from us. I really wished it was possible to test if this hypothesis is valid or wrong. Best regards, Ch. Meessen

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 03:46:28 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 03:52:53 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >To: <nufon@currantbun.com> >Subject: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 17:05:28 +0100 >4: UFOIN will be highly selective in its investigation work - >focusing on in depth re-appraisals of important old cases and >seeking new reports that offer potential to add to our >knowledge. To this end the professional expertise of the team >will be offered to science and education. UFOIN will emphasise >the 90% track record in case solving as professed by serious >ufology and will play down the use of emotive terms such as UFO >and alien, focusing instead on anomalies, scientific puzzles and >using phrases such as IFO and UAP. It will seek to work with >both open minded scientists and sceptics and handle UFO data >from a rational perspective, steering away from the extreme >views and ideologies expressed by parts of the old style UFO >community. Hi All, Maybe the above should read. 4. Now that we have formed this highly professional group of people' we can now look at those cases which have been hard to dis-prove or rule out "Other Worldly Intelligence's" and go over the ground once more but to arrive at the only new conclusion that these cases were nothing more than your mis-identified phenomena which some people forgot to mention at the time. We will no longer describe calls we receive from Joe public' of lights in the sky - or structured craft carrying out mind boggling manoeuvres as UFOs, but we will call them NYEOISTONP's <NotYetExplainedOrIdentifiedSecretTechnologiesOrNatrualPhenomena 's> As a new group we need to steer people away from thinking that there maybe (god forbid) other life in the universe as to which just some of them may have found a little holiday resort called Earth. When the new team get bored we will have our Scientific Puzzles to keep us going. All those researchers who have been at it for the last ten years should now us the New enforced terms of UFOlogy, in fact we in this highly new group of professionals are putting forward a new term for UFOlogy <Wehavealltheanswersology> If you can comply with such rules and remember not to be too passionate or get to emotive about <NotYetExplainedOrIdentifiedSecretTechnologiesOrNatrualPhenomena 's> then we need you. We will also have our own councilling section, for those investigators who just happen to have seen anything strange in our skies. We can help remove and solve the mystery of which you have observed. Yours, An old and passionate, highly emotive, quite sensible, and rational, never wrote a book, non PhD, sick to death of bureaucracy, quangos, look at me's, and wannabes, but happy with his new 6 pack! Roy..

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: Get Real From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 03:46:54 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 03:54:55 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 14:01:54 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Well, Dave, this _is_ your lucky day! Just so happens I have a >case I investigated for almost 3 years in which multiple >witnesses - all in a state of conscious, waking awareness - >encountered a variety of beings over a three day period _and_ >photographs were taken on the third day in which images of what >appear to be beings appeared. Hi Amy & All, Are these images for display anywhere/or just private? Thanks, Roy..

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 12:58:44 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 09:32:55 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 12:03:32 +0100 >From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> >To: updates@globalserve.net >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 12:37:29 -0400 >From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >His latest claim, that he may have access to a 'cassette' tape >of air to ground messages from Tornado jets and inter-police >messages from the night of the incident is interesting. We wait >with bated breath. Not least because to possess such a tape >Maxwell must have contacts with a radio ham or hams who had >several radios tuned to different stations, all being taped. I >doubt very much that such a tape exists. But Max has made the >opening bid in this new hand of belief poker and the other >researchers are entitled to reply. >>Andy and List, >>As a UK Radio Ham (though rather QRT at the moment) I thought I >>might throw in my 2d's worth re the quoted comments. >>The above _is_ quite easy to do with just one piece of kit. Hi Neil, Thanks for that - I'll believe it's possible to do. But I still have serious doubts as to whether Maxwell has such a tape. And now he's made such a claim the onus is on him to prove it. Happy Trails Andy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: Get Real From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 17:17:08 +0000 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 09:40:48 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 12:37:46 -0500 (CDT) >From: Brian Cuthbertson <brianc@fc.net> >To: updates@globalserve.net >Subject: Re: Get Real >>Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 20:57:28 +0000 >>From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>Oh, and while we're on the subject, of all the thousands who >>claim to be repeatedly abducted, who has ever taken a photograph >>of an alien? the odds are that amongst the thousands there must >>be someone who set a camera up linked to a motion detector, not >>hard to do these days considering our 'changing level of >>technology'. >>Unless the aliens are only interested in the people who wouldn't >>have even thought to do that. >Well I suppose Dave considers his remark pretty clever, but I'll >bet he's never done any real checking about whether precisely >what he suggests has been attempted. It has, and it has failed. >Last year or so I had an email exchange with Katharina Wilson, >an abductee who has tried, with the help of local UFO >investigators, to do exactly what Dave suggests above. On >nights she would undergo an abduction, the video camera put in >her bedroom mysteriously recorded nothing but static. Hi Brian, Thanks for the info. I don't consider myself being pretty clever at all, I was honestly asking a question. Was the video showing time and date and did it record her sleeping until a certain time (for argument lets say 3 AM) then record static from there on in? If it recorded as you say nothing but static I would have the camera checked, no aliens involved there. >There is also a case, reported in one of Ray Fowler's books, >where an abductee woke long enough one night to see an alien in >his hallway examining his motion detector. The alien mentally >suggested he return to sleep, and he did. Apparently the >detector never went off. Sorry I can't cite chapter and verse >on this one; I've read too many of Fowler's books by now. >Is that a sufficient answer for you Dave? Well the second one could have been a dream. Let's face it, we've all had some weird dreams at one time or another. If the person in this case was hyped up enough about aliens to install a motion detector then surely aliens were foremost in their mind when they went to sleep. And as you said the motion detector did not go off. You have to understand these detectors are not tuned to react to figments of the imagination, or dreams. >Guess those aliens >aren't too intimidated by our "advanced" technology. After all, >any civilization like ours which has had the light bulb for all >of 100 years (wow!), isn't going to present much of a defense >against putative others may have invented it thousands if not >millions of years ago. One can only hope their ethics are as far >beyond ours as well ... And yet they still can't help but leave marks on your body, strange huh? Dave.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: Get Real From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 18:26:24 +0000 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 09:45:05 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 14:01:54 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 20:57:28 +0000 >>From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real ><snip> >>If they really wanted to wipe your memory... you wouldn't >>remember a thing, therefore you would not be able to write to a >>mailing list and whine about being abducted right! >Actually, Dave, in order for any beings or humans to completely >wipe out all of one's memory, he/she/it would have to erase the >victim's subconscious (or long term) memory as well as conscious >(short term) memories. In so doing, you would have an >infant-mind on your hands who wouldn't remember anything (much >like individuals who have experienced open or closed head >trauma, stroke, etc.). If this were done to all abductees, it >would begin to attract attention, wouldn't you think? I'm glad you agree with me. If what you say is true then why even bother to try and wipe a human memory? 'Oh hell, what's the point, they'll only remember in the end anyway!' >>Oh, and while we're on the subject, of all the thousands who >>claim to be repeatedly abducted, who has ever taken a >photograph >of an alien? the odds are that amongst the thousands >there must >be someone who set a camera up linked to a motion >detector, not >hard to do these days considering our 'changing >level of >technology'. >Well, Dave, this _is_ your lucky day! And I don't have many of them, believe me. >Just so happens I have a >case I investigated for almost 3 years in which multiple >witnesses - all in a state of conscious, waking awareness - >encountered a variety of beings over a three day period _and_ >photographs were taken on the third day in which images of what >appear to be beings appeared. By the way, although I am a >certified hypnotherapist, no hypnosis at all was used during >this investigation. All events were recalled according to >consciously remembered experiences (events that may have >occurred when the witnesses were "knocked out" or unconscious >have never been explored). >The article and the scanned photographs have been sitting on my >web site since December, 1997 but most people tend to reject >and/or dismiss it because it does not fit the "typical" >abduction scenario. Beings of all kinds of shapes and sizes >were observed by a woman, her family members and another witness >who arrived on the third day (the photographer). >On the third day of encounters, the family, in a state of terror >and shock, called one of their neighbors to come help them. The >neighbor, pseudonym of "Jill", arrived with a camera and began >taking photographs of a red-eyed being standing just beyond a >sliding glass door in the back yard. Unfortunately, "Jill" was >too afraid or forgot to open the glass door and the flash from >the camera reflected off the glass door obscuring any images of >the red-eyed being. When she got the photographs back from the >photo lab, all she got were pictures with a glare on the glass >doors - or so she thought. Well don't it just always happen. >Upon closer inspection, a friend turned one of the photos over >on it's side and recognized the outline of what appeared to be a >being in a fetal position going through a sliding glass door or >some kind of residue left from the being going through the >glass. Of course, this doesn't mean much to people who demand >to see a live alien in a cage on exhibit at the local zoo or on >TV but it is all we have at this point. >Two years later, the photographs were converted to slides for a >local presentation. The night before the presentation (yeah, I >always wait 'til the last minute), I was putting the slides in >the slide tray becoming dyslexic trying to get them >right-side-up when up popped a slide with this bug-eyed critter >staring right at me. I was so stunned that I just sat there >silently staring at this image no one even knew was in the >photograph. My kids were watching me work and it was my daughter >who pointed to the image and said, "Oh, look. An alien." That's >when I knew it was not just my imagination. Why would your kid say "Oh, look. An alien"? I hope you have not been trying to influence this poor kids mind in any way. My kid would have said "Oh, look. A monster or a creature!" >Some people see these images, some don't. I've seen that before, it's called 'faces in the fire', goes back a long way. >I have tried to share >the case, the photographs and what I learned from this >investigation (not yet released - there is much more) with many >of the more well-known "researchers" and "UFO experts". I have >mailed copies of the article and photographs to numerous authors >and so-called "researchers" only to be told it is nothing. Give us a list of who you mailed this to, some of us might like to follow this up. >I won't bother you with the...details. I no longer talk about >this case or try to share any of my work except with those who >express a sincere interest to learn more. Those who want only >to sit in their comfy little arm-chairs and debunk can do so to >their hearts' content. It is people like me that will be out >there learning and finding truths debunkers can only begin to >imagine. <grin> This may come as a shock to you Amy but I am not a debunker. I simply ask the questions that a lot of people should be asking. >You asked for photographs, I give you photographs but you will >only ask for more. And you should ask for more! Keep searching >for the evidence _you_ need to convince _yourself_. No one can >convince you of anything but yourself. It is not my job to >provide you with the evidence you seek, you will have to go find >it. Here is what you asked for, take it or leave it. (I have a >pretty good idea what you will do. ;>) I will always check out any evidence I am presented with. >You demand a lot of evidence but you don't seem to know much >about the phenomenon. If you have any suggestions, Dave, as in >useful _practical_ suggestions, please share these with us or >with the ARM project through the Vanguard list. And remember, >you must leave out anything that requires batteries or >electricity or canines as even animals are sometimes paralyzed >or "switched off" during abductions. Well you seem to have covered everything. You all seem to be sure you have been abducted by space aliens. God forbid anyone has the audacity to speak out against such a thing. Every effort to gain proof seems to be blocked at every turn. How about a remote power source? Or will the 'aliens' just cut the lines. Look at it this way, there's a lot worse going on in the world, victims of hurricanes, train crashes, floods, wars, famine. I even had a personal tragedy that far outweighs the abduction phenomenon, if only I could exchange mine for yours... but thats in the real world and believe me I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Dave.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Jonathan Dyton <jon@wibble.powernet.co.uk> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 19:22:15 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 09:53:48 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 01:10:01 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>Oh, he's been descredited over here on a continual basis for >>some time, the damage he's done by making unprovable claims has >>annoyed a lot of people - that case wasn't an alien crash >>retreval till Max got involved. >Where's _your_ proof. Actually you mean wheres my evidence? And I meant "Alien craft shooting down an RAF Plane". Anyway. Now those event's have been the subject of massive investigation - and a lot of it happened very very quickly afterwards as well. Quest sent a team over there, the BBC did an (pretty mediocre but sceptical) episode of one of it's paranormal type shows on the events (and didn't mention anything about triangles), there was tons in the Uk forums and in the magazines at the time that were still quite boyant, but I saw not one item about the shooting down of an RAF plane. Now, I can't produce everything written from March '97 until the first thing by Max saying a plane was shot down in ufological circles - but if it someone made those claims before Max and made them publically I haven't seen them in print nor any reporting of a lecture with those claims. If someone has it'll be a darn sight easier to produce the one article or piece of news than for me to produce everything written in that time on this list! If it exists, then I'm wrong, it's that simple.. >>No he wasn't - some people swallowed what he said without >>questioning or saying "show me the evidence". >That's some people, others have questioned and been given >answers. Yes and many people have made nice speeches about freedom of speech, evidence etc to defend Max's right to talk total gibberish. I recall the one about "who makes these decision's about who talks". (Parapharased). Well. for a start BUFORA - they should have asked to see his evidence and his talk - then made a decision based on that - ie there was no case. Also, they should have invited the guys who solved the case down to balance the arguament. Inviting Max to make his claims on top of the Alien Film Farce and the upset subscribers was the final breat of a once well respected organisation. But I digress. Max has given answers - but from what I've personaly seen and heard theres no checkable evidence to prove his claims. And I take no pleasure from that.... >>A plane is hard to make just disapear - there's records, the >>people who fix them etc. A pilot has a family, birth records, >>tax records, friends etc,etc,etc,etc. Can the "spooks" make all >>the school records & photo's disapear as well? There has to be a >>name for this missing pilot and a number for the missing plane. >>Until he produces those he hasn't got a case. >Only if someone wants it made available. They used orphans >during the Cold War so no one would miss them. Still leaves the plane, still leaves a payroll - this wasn't some Stealth Team but a tornado crew. According to Max one survived - well wheres his name? Leaves maintenace records all that sort of thing. This was an event on the British mainland in peace time. There's the name of the "alive navigator smelling of aviation fuel" to come up with ... >>When he makes claims and the can't back them up - how many times >>must this darn well happen? >>When will people learn? how many times have people come into the >>field, made claims then when challenged put up a smoke screen, >>made excuses, refused to allow the examination of "evidence", >Many times. It seems to be 'company standard' in ufology. This is my point - People like Max are the problem. - >I would like to know what you think Max is putting a screen in >front of. Perhaps this is just convenient timing now that he is >in prison and any trace of what he _was_ trying to communicate >to us in the field has now vanished thus proving your claim, >that there is and he has nothing to prove his claims. He's had a year or so to do it -since he made the claims. For him to make the claims he must of had the evidence - that or he's been sold a right pup by someone or he's wildly exagerating.. Sorry, I don't beleive he's quietly out of the way - he's now a martyr to some and he'll be out fairly quickly. He's out of the way in the same way as Red Ken Livingstone's been gagged - we hear more from the pair of them now than we ever did before.. If "they" had wanted to shut him up, I'm sure a Drugs OD would have been arranged... >>Just for a start, it amazes me how many cases there are involving >>"military personel" in this field. The witnessesd won't allow >>their names to be given to the public, ok fair enough. But then >>we get enough told about the witness to identify him to anyone >>in the know - I mean how many people can be the driver of an >>Alien body from wales down to London in 1974?? That's gonna >>stick out........... And people swallow this. Time after time >>without asking questions. >Are you saying all UFO researchers just sit around with their >thumbs up their bums? Nope - you show me where I say that? Some maybe do now you mention it, ;-)) I'm saying exactly what I'm saying above- that I've been to many talks where the identity of a witness is to be kept secret - then information that would pretty much identify them to anyone in the know is told - so the public don't know but the witness superious can clearly identify the "mole" (thats if what were told is the truth). This just seems plain old daft to me - and I'm amazed nobody's picked up on it. How many people can have been part of the SAS, and been the driver of a lorry taking aliens from a crash in Wales to London or somewhere in 1974? Well, nobody would ever have a chance of identifying someone from that would they? Thats if they are telling the truth. The point is that we don't know who he is, but the people who he's supposed to be scared of now know he's blabbing all over the shop..... Maybe it's bad form to ask questions like these..... >Also witness credibility in the community >is a reliable way to form an opinion even before doing the >research thus less battery of questions. But even someone who >is thought of as less than credible, could still be telling the >truth. It's like 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' syndrome. Well he >lied about this, and this, and this, and this, and when >something really does happen well there's no way he's telling >the truth this time, is there? I agree to an extent - but Max's case was already in tatters ages ago - and thats the point I want to make, his case isn't in pieces because he's been banged up - it's the fact he's not delivered on requests for how he came to his conclusions. >Am I just supposed to _swallow_ this like all these >'stupid' ufo people do on a regular basis? No - my point is we as a group and a community should be asking questions of the mans claims from the start. Before he gets his publicity, before something like this is allowed to build up. "Cases" like ACC, Alien Autopsy etc, have got masses of exposure and the like - and caused untold damage. Am I really the only person who wants us as a community to expose these people without damage being caused? My sole point is WE should ask questions before others do........ >I don't have a PhD, any degree of any kind, I'm no Stephen >Hawking, or rocket scientist (well after MCO even I could be one >without a degree so it would seem), but I do have a brain that >functions on logic, the senses, gut instinct, and the motives of >others. I am perceptive and quite often see things others >wouldn't even give a second look at by reading between the >lines. I have only an mcse and other industry certifications to my name - but this sort of thing really is common sense. If someones making claims of a shot down plane then they must have evidence of that event - and if they are saying a death occured then again they must have evidence - >I'm not saying Max is telling the truth or lying. I just don't >like the righteous attitude I've seen in many threads proving to >me it's not I who does not have an open mind. If I'm being >gullible, prove it to me, otherwise how can I be gullible of >something that no one can prove to me I'm being gullible of. Not >being too intelligent, that's the only way I could word it. I don't like the gloating myself - I have very very strong anti Drug Dealer feelings for personal reasons, but I'm not gloating - as he'll be out soon anyway and he'll be back doing the same old stuff - only this time he'll be a martyr, so I take no pleasure in his banging up, not in a UFOlogical sense.. But he's been banged up, he'll do his time and thats that on a personal level for me - I hope the tape he is talking about is real and of some use - and I mean that. >>Now lets put him behind us until he produces his evidence. >And I shall do the same to you sir. Well, I hope I clarified my position. I don't think people are stupid - I just think that we can help ourselves here and learn to ask questions and the right questions. People should not be afraid to challenge what they are presented with - and make up their own minds. Personally I think theres been a concerted attempt to link Triangle sightings with Aliens as a cover story in the last few years - as well as build up a British "Roswell" - Andy Roberts "Unknown Soldier"article in Fortean Times was pretty convincing to me as a few "name" UFOlogists I spoke to had similar experiences - "Sas men" making claims etc. I wonder if Max has been played for an idiot here by a few people who have an agenda of mischeif? Theres only anecdotal evidence for this - and some emails posted to mailing lists and news groups but it'd explain an awful lot....... >A toast to you also. >Sue Thanks! Now, if you've got this far thanks to you. Cheers Jon Collector of video Games such as Atari 5200,Vectrex, Colecovision, Commodore 64, Megadrive,Mega CD,Saturn and Dreamcast The original neoclassic list: Neo_classic-subscribe@topica.com Trade list = http://users.powernet.co.uk/wibble/swaps.txt Wants = http://users.powernet.co.uk/wibble/wants.txt Web's Best & Biggest UFO Web Page =http://www.anomalies.net

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Steven Greer On Compuserve's UFO Forum From: Sue Addison <NevadaFighter@compuserve.com> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 14:42:14 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 09:56:25 -0400 Subject: Steven Greer On Compuserve's UFO Forum Dr. Steven Greer of CSETI will be appearing as a conference guest on Compuserve's UFO Forum on Wednesday 13th October 1999 at 8pm EDT (midnight BST). This interactive conference is also available via the Internet for non-Compuserve subscribers at the following URL: http://go.compuserve.com/UFO Being discussed will be the controversy over the letter received from former CIA director James Woolsey downplaying the meeting with Dr. Greer on 13th December 1993. - CSETI disclosure efforts. - His recently published book 'Extraterrestrial Contact - the Evidence and Implications. - Recent Mt. Shasta encounters by CSETI training teams. If you have a question for Dr. Greer don't miss the opportunity on the UFO Forum this Wednesday. Sue http://go.compuserve.com/UFO

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 17:25:46 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 10:01:39 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 13:58:45 +0100 >From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 13:51:00 +0100 >Hi All & Jenny, >Well Jenny I applaud your efforts to start such an organization, >but you seem to be missing a point here. >Let's talk about how far certain people within this new >framework that you propose would be willing to bend their views >on selected aspects of UFO research. Now you have listed some of >the people who will sit on this new team of yours, and I have >one simple question: Having read some of the views expressed by >these researchers over the last 2 years' can I be assured that >my opinions someone who has Pro-ETH views could and would be >taken on board by such researchers? >Are you telling me that such researchers would be happy to share >views and opinions and facts , data etc. without confrontation >of any sort? I will watch your new group for about a year' and >hopefully by then you would have some results underway from >cases' and then I shall make a much fuller review of your new >group. Hi, Well, I obviously cannot speak for anyone else in UFOIN. Its a one person, one vote, everybody has an equal say affair. Some of them are on this list so egg them to answer that question directly rather than just hear my view. All I can say is what I will personally stand up for and support. Anyone, regardless of their theories about UFO origin, etc, will be welcomed by me into UFOIN on the basis that they can do first class, objective field investigations seeking answers, finding them where possible and if not merely documenting the evidence so that we can theorise from that data. I don't see UFOIN as promoting any theories or any standpoint on UFOs. We are here to do R & I and to document good evidence in as scientific a manner as possible. That's a remit I think is sufficient in by itself in so far as UFOIN is concerned. Speculation beyond that is not unimportant, but I don't see it as UFOIN's job. My views on UFOs are different in many ways from Andy Roberts or Dave Clarke, for instance. Although we share quite a few ideas I suspect they are far more sceptical than I - and whilst I do have a suspicion that another intelligence may be involved in some close encounters, I think they'd both offer a firm no to that. What we all do share is - I hope - an objective approach to UFOs and no vested interest in any theory. I assume that, just as I am willing to be persuaded that any case can be solved and that no UFOs as a consequence have exotic solutions, I trust they would be persuaded by good evidence to the contrary. That's what being objective means - you follow where the evidence trail leads , whether it supports or denies your own ideas. I am up for that and am happy with any UFOIN member who feels the same way even if our personal views on the subject right now are poles apart. Hope that helps. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 17:11:58 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 10:11:34 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >From: Dave Baker <davbak@globalnet.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 18:10:09 +0100 >>From: Jonathan Dyton <jon@wibble.powernet.co.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 21:31:41 +0100 >>Oh, he's been discredited over here on a continual basis for >>some time, the damage he's done by making unprovable claims >>has annoyed a lot of people - that case wasn't an alien crash >>retreval till Max got involved. >Hi Y'all, >Max's legacy - as that of a now convicted drugs dealer- is that >he has soured any relationship ufologists may form with the >police of the Sheffield/Yorkshire area. >When I first formed the Yorkshire UFO Society one of my first >tasks was to try and forge contacts with the local police... my >idea was to leave my telephone number with the operations room >of Sheffield's main police station, so that they could pass it >on to anyone who called reporting a UFO. >The Inspector I spoke to was very polite and helpful, but I >remember him mentioning that they already had a UFO >investigator's name on their books. Did I know a Max Burns? >At the time I did not, but this was around the time that Max >must have been under investigation. He had also apparently >become a pain in the proverbials bothering the police themselves >with his antics and accusations. I've got a pretty good idea >what the police thought of ufologists in general after that. >And do you know something... I have never had a single call from >anyone who was forwarded to me by the police. >I wonder why? >Dave Baker, Yorkshire UFO Society. Hi, Sadly I can second that. Earlier this summer we had another Peak District 'crash' in which a strange plane and an explosion were reported. This time I was a witness to both and they were, er, a plane and an explosion (undoubtedly from a local quarry or possibly an isolated thunder clap). I don't think the two events were even connected in any sense other than that they occurred within a few minutes of each other. Although (as yet) no ufologist has seized on this as another cause celebre the media did and talk of the phantom plane of the Peaks surfaced again. Utter rot. This was a very real plane not a W.W. II spectre. I spoke with the police in Derbyshire (neighbouring county to South Yorkshire) during the above - essentially as I was a witness in their investigation. The senior officer I talked with knew all about the l997 incident, the crashing Tornado farce and had formed his views of ufologists through that. Had I communicated with Buxton police as a UFO investigator I know I would have been written off as another nutter and given short shrift. Dealing with them as a witness convinced nothing untoward had happened and seeking a rational answer left me on a very different level. We should not really need subterfuge to deal with the authorities. Sadly ufologists are regarded as such vacant minded loonies because of the vociferous pronouncements of a few folk the police see via the media that we virtually have to go undercover to do our job. Another sad legacy of making claims about any case you cannot support with that magical missing ingredient - evidence. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 17:36:55 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 10:15:49 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Martin Phillips <martin.phillips@dtn.ntl.com> >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 19:45:45 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 09:04:31 -0700 >>From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>>>To: <nufon@currantbun.com> >>>>Subject: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>>Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 17:05:28 +0100 >>>>UFOIN - A new start for British ufology >>>>Some of the UKs most experienced investigators today >>>>launched a bold initiative. >>>>They have banded together under a common name - UFOIN (UFO >>>>Investigators Network) in an attempt to professionalise ufology >>>>in Britain. >>><snip> >Congrats - I can't believe the pomposity of the announcement of >this group, so I'm gald to see someone has treated it in the way >it deserved. >Can I suggest that the best 'new start' British ufology needs is >for the 'investigators' to learn some humility. >That's not a xenophobe foreigner view, but that of a Brit who's >amazed at the certainty of some of the members of this >organisation. >It's a shame that the announcement bears all the signs of the >stereotype Brit (Englishman) - absolute certainty, elitism and >dismissal of any doubt. Hi, Martin. Look rather than make such a snide comment, why don't you actually tell us what you consider elitist about a group that is literally open to anyone to join (which rather contradicts elitism), or that displays certainty and dismissal of doubt (when I sure as heck don't know what UFOs are and I'm part of UFOIN), or is lacking in humility, since none of us are promising to change the world simply to do as good a job as we can of R & I and publish it freely for everyone to do as they will with our findings. What we are doing is bonding as a team not claiming to be better than anybody else. What makes you think that we are suggesting that? Please point out where we have said that we have all the answers because I don't see it in the statement and I know I certainly don't have them. That's why we are still looking! This is a serious request for a detailed reply. Please explain your feelings as we are trying to do this UFOIN project right and your opinion does matter. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 15:29:26 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 10:18:16 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 18:51:22 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >That said, everyone seems >to have forgotten the following. Up until the time Ed Walters >was sent the Nimslo 3-D camera, all of his pictures had been of >the original object shaped something like a tea pot or a very >squat saucer. Hi, Dennis! Unfortunately, your recollections are not correct. Prior to this event, at least two and possibly three types of UFO had been photographed. Please consult "The Gulf Breeze Sightings" ISBN 0-688-0987-7 for an accurate chronology with photos. >ALL of the Nimslo pictures (on a sealed roll of film) portrayed >a very different "object" entirely, one which Ed originally >estimated as being 200 feet in length or longer. After analysis >revealed the photographed object to be about 4 and 1/2 feet >long, it was explained that Ed didn't have his glasses on, was >looking through the viewfinder and overestimated its size, >whatever, I don't care. Then it was "explained" that Ed's wife, >who didn't have her eyes glued to the camera's viewfinder, also >though the object was only a few feet long, and thus Ed's >mis-estimate was simply glossed over and shoved under the rug. This is commented on at some length in the book, so I am not sure I understand "glossed over" in this context. Obviously, the reason for using the Nimslo camera was to obtain an image from which acutal size could be calculated without being subject to the errors of distance perception. In this it would seem the Nimslo camera was a success. >Curiously, Ed never photographed the Nimslo "UFO" again, to the >best of my knowledge. This is not correct. Indeed, the point I was making, which you seem to have missed, is that the "Nimslo" object not only was photographed again, but it was photographed in the same stereo frame with one of the original form objects (38L / 38R). Because the photo was in stereo, the size of the Nimslo object and the original object could be calculated and compared. In addition, the distance of the two objects could be determined. Please see p 300-302 in TGBS for the basic facts and calculations. When this calculation was completed, the size of the "Nimslo" object was comparable to its size in the original Nimslo photo, and the original form object was comparable to its size in other occlusion, stereo, etc. photos. In addition, because the photo was taken pointing toward the water, and the objects were calculated to be over one hundred feet away out over the water. The difficulty of hoaxing this, mathematically and physically, are very high. As such, this combination of the Nimslo photo and the stereo photo showing the original form object and the "Nimslo" object is strong evidence _for_ the reality of the GB photos - and, to the best of my knowledge, has not been addressed or explained by skeptics, including yourself, Mr. Black, or Mr. Hyzer. Until that occurs, and the proofs offered of falsity are compelling, I must remain uncommitted in regard to the validity of these photos. >It appears only on the roll of 35mm film >over which Walters had no control whatsoever. Once that roll of >film was returned for development, however, Ed went back to his >trusty Polaroid (which even Maccabee admits was capable of >double exposures, unlike subsequent Polaroid models) and -- >surprise! -- produced another series of pictures of his >pre-Nimslo UFO, including, if memory serves, the famous road >shot... This is incorrect. The road shot was taken before the Nimslo photo. On 2/26/88, the Nimslo photo was taken. On 3/7/88, Walters purchased a new Sun 600 Polaroid. The stereo photos were taken with Walters' Sun 600 and another borrowed from Duane Cook. Dennis, these are basic facts about a case you are disputing. It would allow more faith in your judgement if you were to actually demonstrate you know these facts in your attempts at refutation, since that is what a scientific approach requires. >I'm sure there's an explanation for this -- the aliens made him >do it, whatever. Just don't expect me to believe it. The Walters >Polaroids looked hokey the first time I saw them, they looked >hokey the last time I looked at them, and they'll look hokey the >next time I look at them. In short, they'll look hokey forever. >And for good reason. This must be science by proclamation, because it isn't supported by evidence. And I'd like to address that point in more detail. I don't like the GB photos. I have some real problems accepting a long duration multiple photographic case. But science doesn't allow me to engage my dislike - I must instead confront the evidence. Not the weakest evidence, not the evidence I invent because I can't remember the facts of the case, but the strongest evidence. I am also forced to ignore any presumptions I may have about the aesthetics of a particular UFO. There's a simple reason for this: I don't know what a UFO _should_ look like. I can compare the GB photos with sketches of UFOs, and though I cannot find a "hokiness" continuum to range them on, and I can say with some confidence that the GB UFOs are not unusual in that context. For all I know, the design of UFOs observed, sketched, and photographed represents an aesthetic preference or an engineering demand. For all I know, each UFO is uniquely manufactured for the preferences of its occupants. In other words, neither I nor you are privileged to know anything about the "hokiness" of a UFO appearance as a guide to its status in reality. Oddly enough, many UFO photos are of rather featureless objects, and when this is the case, the complaint is that they could be of anything. When a UFO with structural details is shown, the complaint is that it looks "hokey". It is difficult to see how these viewpoints represent a criterion which can actually be satisfied. Science does not allow us to only confront certain data which happens to be to our liking. We need to confront data on the terms of science - which is to say, qualitatively, quantitatively, in the laboratory, in the field, and we need to reject a priori notions of what the data looks like so that we can listen to the data itself. If something is not supported, it can be safely rejected, but until then, we must sometimes live in a painful state of ambiguity. ------ Mark Cashman, creator of The Temporal Doorway at http://www.temporaldoorway.com - Original digital art, writing, music and UFO research - UFO cases, analysis, classification systems, and more... http://www.temporaldoorway.com/ufo/index.htm ------ ------ Mark Cashman, creator of The Temporal Doorway at http://www.temporaldoorway.com - Original digital art, writing, music and more - ------

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 15:45:31 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 10:38:59 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 13:58:45 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 13:51:00 +0100 >Well Jenny I applaud your efforts to start such an organization, >but you seem to be missing a point here. >Let's talk about how far certain people within this new >framework that you propose would be willing to bend their views >on selected aspects of UFO research. Now you have listed some of >the people who will sit on this new team of yours, and I have >one simple question: Having read some of the views expressed by >these researchers over the last 2 years' can I be assured that >my opinions someone who has Pro-ETH views could and would be >taken on board by such researchers? You might be surprised to find, Roy, that Jenny and several other members of the UFOIN team have expressed pro-ETH views on a number of occasions; Jenny certainly did so on this list very recently. There is no prejudice against anyone with ETH views - it is only where those beliefs are allowed to distort evidence and interpretation of that evidence where problems arise. I would be quite willing to "bend my view" as you, so delightfully, put it if we found evidence in support of the ETH. I keep looking for it. But after nearly 20 years as a field investigator I haven't found any yet. And after investigating hundreds of cases I've found lots of evidence of some very odd human beings, even stranger natural phenomena and supernatural phenomena, but no ETs. What UFOIN is looking for are investigators who are not belief-driven, but who are able to put personal beliefs to one side and evaluate cases in an objective fashion, on their own merits. So no matter how rabidly ET anyone is, if they can submit a balanced case report which takes other possible explanations into account, and they adhere to the Code of Practice and hypnosis ban, then they would be welcomed. Despite what you may think I have no axe to grind either way - I would love to find hard evidence for ETs. But there are many other possible explanations for Unexplained UFOs, some of them far more challenging than the simplistic and naive ETH. Unfortunately, the problem we seem to have here is that not all of us share the same definition of what constitutes evidence; but if we can agree to differ and still work together then we are getting somewhere. But perhaps I'm being wildly optimistic.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case From: Stan Friedman <fsphys@brunnet.net> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 18:25:36 -0300 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 16:01:40 -0400 Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >From: Erol Erkmen <andromeda1@turk.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 01:51:00 +0300 >*On June 10, 1990, the Pensacola News Journal ran a story >announcing that a UFO model had been found in the attic of Ed >Walters' former residence. >One week later, the newspaper announced that a Gulf Breeze >teenager, later identified as Tommy Smith, had helped Walters >hoax the UFO photos. >On June 19, Charles Flannigan, MUFON State Director for Florida, >announced MUFON was reopening the Walters' case to investigate >these new allegations. He assigned then State Section Directors, >Rex and Carol Salisberry, to assist him in this investigation. >When the Salisberrys failed to deliver a complete report on the >allegations (as outlined by MUFON's Deputy Director of >Investigations, Dan Wright), the MUFON Chief Investigator for >Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties, Gary Watson, was assigned to >the task. Watson completed his investigation and submitted his >report on May 23, 1991; his report was 29 pages long with 27 >attachments. >The following paragraphs summarize the central facts brought out >in Watson's investigation. -Bruce Maccabee, Physicist, >photoanalyst and a MUFON state director accepted professsional >fees for his work on the photos from Ed Walters' publisher. >(from Robert Collins ) >more info: >http://members.tripod.com/~ufolojist/ed.html The discussion is horribly biased and incomplete and inaccurate. Dr. Maccabee has discussed all these objections in great detail. He never denied getting paid for an incredible amount of effort.. almost none of it discussed in this harrangue. It seems funny to me that nobody brings up the fact that Dr. Carl Sagan received a million dollar advance for the Book 'Contact' and made huge royalties on Cosmos. If I had to have surgery done on one of my children, I would certainly expect that the surgeon would be paid. I would not say his efforts are not to be trusted because he wants to be paid for them. Give me a break here. How much time does Bruce have to spend pointing out the details over and over again that refute Black's arguments? Stan Friedman

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Philip K. Dick [was: Re: Abductions: A Funny From: Stephen Lewis <stephen.lewis@tsl.state.tx.us> Date: 12 Oct 1999 18:21:33 -0500 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 16:17:14 -0400 Subject: Philip K. Dick [was: Re: Abductions: A Funny >From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 01:23:30 -0400 >Fwd Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 17:46:18 -0400 >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... Hello Greg, list and all, >>Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 11:32:30 +0000 >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>I think even UFO UpDates venerable Greg Sandow met PKD.] >I'm not going to touch "venerable" (makes me feel old!), but I >did know Philip K. Dick. I met him in California a year or so >before his death, after getting his phone number from another >science fiction writer, Thomas M. Disch, who'd been the >librettist for two operas I'd composed. Tom knew I loved Dick's >writing, and thought I'd enjoy meeting him. Oops. Thanks for not being offended Greg. And thanks for responding. I had hoped you'd notice my reference to you and PKD. Not enuf people are familiar with his contributions to SF or UFOs. >"Enjoy," though, wasn't quite the word. My wife (now ex-wife) >went to visit Phil, and found him morose (I'm sure we weren't >the first people to find him that way). He announced that he'd >been to the doctor, and was going to die. I still don't know >whether this was an accurate report of something the doctor had >told him, a fear based on a serious diagnosis, or simple panic. I just recently finished reading the PKD biography by fan Lawrence Sutin. It's towards the end of the book that he mentions you meeting PKD. The biography title is derived from PKD's own book Divine Invasion. Morose wasn't the word most people would have chosen. At least not those I've read of who met him. Quirky, weird, eccentric or some such, maybe. Phil was a hypochondriac and often had fears of medical problems - he institutionalized himself several times. Towards the end of his life he began to realize he was going to die. Whether this was a self-fulfilling prophecy or not is for others to decide. He had high blood pressure and the last years of his life was questionging more and more what he had to live for. As an aside - yer lucky he didn't hit on yer (then) wife. He had a history of falling for certain types of women very quickly. He was married a number of times. >Phil then went on to tell us about the paranormal experiences -- >constant contact with what he believed to be a non-human >intelligence, which put thoughts in his head, and struck him >with a purple being (I hope I'm remembering this right), at >which point he knew beyond any doubt that his young son was >desperately ill with something never diagnosed by any doctor. >And when Phil rushed the kid to the hospital, he really was >found to have the condition Phil said he had. Pink beam! Right square in the forehead, tween the eyes. You know. Where the psychic third eye is supposed to be. And the psychic diagnosis of his kid's impacted hernia was most amazing - whether he obtained the information via his own psi abilities or from VALIS. Its hard to sum up the paranormal experiences of Phil. There was certainly something going on there, more than schizophrenia, IMHO. He had multiple "witnesses" to some of the phenomena. There were no overt UFOs or Alien Entities. But like much of the Contactee and Channel literature, he seemed to be "plugged into" something. >All this had been related in Phil's novel "Valis," but not about >him -- it all happened, in the book, to one of his characters. >it wasn't widely known, as it is now, that Phil was relating his >own reported experiences. I didn't find this out myself until the early 1990s. I found Austin's own Crash Collusion magazine as well as Greg Bishop's Excluded Middle magazine were "in the know" regarding PKD as a contactee. Then the idea was reinforced in me when I saw Jacques Vallee speak at the MUFON conf in Albuqurque in 1992. He cited PKD as an example of the plight of the experiencer who may never know the true origin of the encounters. Vallee further drew on PKD's perspectives for his recent (no-show) presentation at the London Otherworld Reality conference: "Rise of the Replicants: Five Scenarios Impacting Consciousness in the years 2012-2025" >What struck me, first, was that he'd tell two perfect strangers >about all this. Maybe he told lots of people. And, second, I was >almost dumbfounded by something missing in the way he >interpreted what happened to him. He spend endless hours trying >to make sense of both his experience and the knowledge he felt >it conveyed to him. He read widely about western mysticism, to >find precedents and, more generally, to find a framework for all >his thoughts. But he didn't read anything in Eastern thought. I >think I asked him why not (my memory of all this is now a little >dim), and his answer was noncommittal. Phil was a paradoxical person; he was an introvert in some respects and yet, as you say, felt at ease telling people about his ideas and experiences upon first meeting. Phil was also a Christian, or rather, a Gnostic. His reluctance, if any, to read Eastern mystic perspectives probably stemmed from that. However, I was under the impression (perhaps falsely) that he was at least semi fluent in some Eastern philosophy. >Never once did he suggest that aliens of any sort were >contacting him. His theories were more along the lines of some >vast disembodied cosmic intelligence. >Greg Sandow Well, yes and no. In his fiction he utilized many sci fi conventions to get across his ideas, however, as you say, his idea was more of a Mind At Large conception of the hierarchy of Intelligences which he thot he might've been encountering. He speculated (endlessly) on several other ideas, including one akin to Trevor James Constable's space critters, ie- the Intelligences which contacted him may have been more energetic than corporeal. He even considered the possibility that these etheric entities could influence human perception and thus appear however they wished - he alluded to this in his fiction as a sort of adapted mimicry. Along this same line he wondered if such a race could actually be walking amongst us. Perhaps even living in symbiosis. Gee, that sounds an awful lot like what I was suggesting in that other UpDates thread: the purpose of abductions. ;-) Thanks again Mr Sandow. SMiles http://www.elfis.net ps-Is Mr Williams of UFODESK fame the Williams who interviewed PKD a number of times?

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Stan Friedman <fsphys@brunnet.net> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 18:59:05 -0300 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 16:09:23 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 03:33:34 +0200 (MET DST) >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 03:08:50 -0400 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>The use of animal substances (female horse urine for estrogen >>etc) in connection with treatments intended for human recipients >>has a history and the list of new drugs/substances that are >>being created or obtained via that method continues to grow >>daily. There may be important clues about the "alien agenda" >>hidden in the selection of an animal whose blood composition is >>closest to/most compatible with its human keepers. The "aliens" >>don't seem quite so "inept" when their mutilation activity is >>viewed in that light, do they? >>I would be less disturbed at the possibilities if it were >>otherwise. Even the cattle mutilations (as nonsensical and 'far >>out' as they may at first appear to be on the surface) bespeak >>an -intimate- knowledge of human chemistry and physiology. >>Food for thought and something that should not be 'blown over' >>lightly. >Hi John, Greg and others, >I have some doubts about the relation between animal mutilations >and 'aliens'. Some time ago on the Discovery Channel a >documentary was aired that showed the areas in which most animal >mutilations are reported. To begin with, they were _all_ in the >US, while UFOs and 'abductions' are worldwide phenomena. >Furthermore, the areas correlated strongly with the direction >the wind blows coming from New Mexico. The makers of the >documentary speculated that there was a secret US government >organization behind the mutilations. Their purpose would be to >study the effects of nuclear radiation on animals, most notably >cattle. Most, if not all, nuclear tests in the US took place in >New Mexico. Such an organization, it was presumed, would also >possess the tools to make the precise incisions and the >extraction of all blood from the animals. >Personally I'm, not sure the mutilation phenomenon is confined >to the US. Some years ago Tony Dodd reported the same thing from >the UK. Still I give some weight to the hypothesis of Discovery, >because I'm not aware of any reports from other countries. Is >anyone else? It is simply not true that most nuclear tests were conducted in New Mexico. The very great majority, especially of atmospheric tests within the continental United States, were at the Nuclear Testing facilities in Nevada, West of Las Vegas, many hundreds of miles West of NM. The first nuclear test was indeed at Trinity site on White Sands Missile Range in NM. I understand that there have been some underground Nuclear explosions in NM as well. But the Testing Grounds were in Nevada. On a related matter, I keep hearing people connecting Area 51 and Roswell. Area 51 might well house artifacts from the Roswell Incident. But it is certainly not less than 600 miles from Roswell. Similarly, several people have told me that the Enola Gay (which dropped the bomb on Hiroshima) left from Roswell. The 509th was indeed based at Roswell _after_ the end of the war, but prior to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it was based at Wendover in Utah. Stan Friedman

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: Nick Pope's Weird World From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 20:32:12 -0500 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 16:19:50 -0400 Subject: Re: Nick Pope's Weird World >From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Nick Pope's Weird World >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 20:16:58 -0400 >>From: Georgina Bruni <georgina@easynet.co.uk> >>Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 13:10:24 +0100 >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>Subject: Nick Pope's Weird World ><snip> >>this is the first time in publishing history that a science >>fiction novel has needed to be officially cleared by the >>Government! >I won't argue with that, but a science fiction writer did draw >U.S. government attention during World War II. >His name was Cleve Cartmill, and he wrote a story about a >nuclear bomb in Astounding Science Fiction, the American science >fiction magazine that (despite its name) was the most strongly >oriented toward real science. Nuclear bombs, of course, didn't >exist back then, though, unknown to Cartmill and his editor, the >U.S. government was trying to develop one. >Cartmill, drawing on scientific information in the public >domain, apparently came very close to describing the actual >design the scientists and engineers in the Manhattan Project >were working on. When the story was published, the FBI visited >him, to find out where he'd gotten his information! What an >impossible position for them. By doing this, they revealed that >something was really going on. But if they hadn't investigated, >and there really had been a leak, there could have been serious >trouble. >Greg Sandow Postscript: The editor of Astounding was of course the inestimable John W. Campbell, Jr., who, I believe, first introduced L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics to the world, now known as Scientology. Under the pen name of Don(ald?) R. Stuart, if my muddled memory serves, Campbell authored the classic "Who Goes There?" You may know it better by its movie name, "The Thing," which starred James Arness as the creature from the crashed flying saucer. That's right, the same James Arness of "Gunsmoke" fame. John Carpenter's recent remake of "The Thing," starring someone who's not a Baldwin brother (Kurt Russell), was an excruciating joke. So Campbell's lengthy influential career is associated not only with the atomic bomb, but with invading aliens, crashed saucers and Dianetics. An impressive portfolio indeed! (Did I forget the Dean anti-gravity drive?) Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, anyone? Actually, look no further than the latest issue of "Saucer Smear" for your first clue. Dennis Stacy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: Alien Ineptitude From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 21:11:54 -0500 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 16:20:58 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 20:52:44 -0400 >>From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >>Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 10:28:04 GMT <snip> >But Borges, imagining things that aren't, shows intensely more >imagination than most of us -- scientists, science fiction >writers, ufologists, skeptics, you name it -- who do speculate >about aliens. He imagines stuff that's really out there -- in a >word, really alien. (There's a wonderful phrase in one of >Gregory Benford's science fiction novels about the galactic rim >(and Benford, for what it's worth, is a serious physicist, in >his day job): "The thing about aliens is, they're alien.") <huge snip> >Greg Sandow Greg, Go back and read a Hugo award winning novella by Michael Bishop, something by the name of "Among the Assadi," in which the aliens truly are alien. That is, incomprehensible to the nth degree. The aliens discussed on this thread aren't truly alien and that's part of the problem, which should be self-obvious. All too often their concerns mimic or replicate human concerns. You want this argument both ways: Super-advanced technology but with outmoded examples of same (scars left behind, implants with no obvious functions, no need to physically milk specimens each time an ovum or sperm is required, etc). And your answer each time is to attribute these objections to an inscrutable alien psychology or psyche. By which means every criticism of perceived alien "logic" can be summarily dismissed. All you need do to obviate any (embarrassing or otherwise) question about alleged alien behavior is just bump it one more step up the ladder. Raise the cross bars, in other words. But isn't this exactly what ufology has been criticizing orthodox science for doing lo these many decades now? In the end, as someone from Magonia once said, nothing can be decided by applying this approach because there is no end to the approach itself, which simply moves the bar another notch higher in reponse to the prior observation or objection. This is David Byrnes's "Stop Making Sense" in algorithms all over again. One can't just continue extrapolating alieness as an ever ready explanation for each and every complaint. At some point someone has got to start making sense. Dennis Stacy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 TMP News: The Millennium Forum Lecture Series From: Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada <psa@direct.ca> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 20:42:05 -0800 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 16:24:18 -0400 Subject: TMP News: The Millennium Forum Lecture Series TMP News News and Reports from The Millennium Project http://persweb.direct.ca/psa The Millennium Forum Lecture Series - Chemtrails in Our Skies? October 12, 1999 _____________________________ Editor: Paul Anderson _____________________________ Paul Anderson, founder and director of The Millennium Project, will be presenting a slide show and updates on the continuing contrail / chemtrail controversy for the New West AM group as part of The Millennium Forum Lecture Series, with firsthand reports (including his own personal sightings and documentation) from Vancouver, BC and Canada, and how these reports relate to the now many hundreds of similar reports from across the United States and several other countries. Is biowarfare and / or weather modification testing being conducted on a mass scale for as yet unknown purposes? See and hear the evidence and judge for yourself. November 5, 1999 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM (breakfast meeting) The Boathouse Restaurant (near the New Westminster Quay Public Market) 900 Quayside, New Westminster, BC Admission: $10.00, at the door For further information: Len Stone NWAM Tel: 604.294.1195 TMP Tel: 604.731.8522 E-Mail: mailto:psa@direct.ca For an overview of this issue and many related reports and links, see Mystery Contrails in Special Research Projects on the TMP web site: http://persweb.direct.ca/psa/contrails.html The Millennium Forum Lecture Series, part of The Millennium Forum, is a continuing series of presentations by TMP and various researchers on a broad range of issues, featuring the latest news and information. Contact TMP for more information on upcoming lectures or presentations for your group or event. _____________________________ Links to additional news stories, reports and updates: http://persweb.direct.ca/psa/news.html _____________________________ Important Notice: TMP News will now be the primary e-mail news service and mailing list of TMP; it will replace The Millennium Report (the former monthly newsletter concept of TMP) it will still be published periodically, covering important breaking news stories as well as TMP-related news, including special reports and upcoming lectures and other events for The Millennium Forum, etc. The objective of TMP is to provide news and reports on a timely basis; this is the wonderful ability we now have via the internet, where we can move away from the traditional "old" newsletter format, and provide information on a much more flexible basis. At this point, this change seems to be the best option for TMP, also largely in consideration of the time constraints of your editor (!) due to other work, projects and commitments. Anyone who has subscribed to The Millennium Report previously, or TMP News, will now receive the "combined" format TMP News instead. Apologies for any confusion. The first edition of Millennia, which will be the print format quarterly journal of TMP, is still due out for spring of 2000, which will feature more in-depth studies of relevant issues. A complete listing of current news, reports and updates is also available on the web site: http://persweb.direct.ca/psa/news.html and is updated frequently. Thank you! Paul Anderson _____________________________ TMP News is the e-mail update service of The Millennium Project, published periodically or as breaking news develops, and is available free by subscription; to be added to or removed from the mailing list, send your request, including "subscribe TMP News" or "unsubscribe TMP News" and e-mail address to: psa@direct.c The Millennium Project is an independent research organization which chronicles the most phenomenal, controversial and enigmatic issues of our time, and their possible present and future implications as we approach the beginning of the 21st Century and the next Millennium. TMP was founded in 1999 by future studies researcher Paul Anderson, also director of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada, as an alternative source of information to both the mainstream and tabloid media to provide a forum for open, serious journalistic enquiry into these issues. Extensive resources are available to interested persons or groups. TMP welcomes your reports and submissions. Forward all correspondence to: THE MILLENNIUM PROJECT Suite 202 - 2086 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1J4 Canada Tel / Fax: 604.731.8522 E-Mail: mailto:psa@direct.ca Web: http://persweb.direct.ca/psa � The Millennium Project, 1999

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: bruce maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 00:55:02 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 17:04:29 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >From: Jerry Black <blackhole60@hotmail.com> >To: updates@globalserve.net >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 01:11:15 PDT It used to be said that there were only two things certain in life: death and taxes. Now, there is a third: Jerry Black. Jerry is back once again with arguments recycled from year ago. Old wine in new bottles. OK, better get yourself a big drink of Gripple or some such. This is going to be a long one! >To Bruce Maccabbee: >Mr. William G. Hyzer has staked his [and his son Jame's] >reputation on the analysis from a first-generation copy of >Photograph #19. And without a doubt, Photograph #19 is a >double-exposure due to the fact that there is no luminance seen >on the road, nor is there a reflection of the UFO on the hood of >the truck.> Staked his reputation? I thought he had left the UFO field years ago and was no longer commenting. I had never heard this rather silly "reputation" claim before. In his MUFON paper (MUFON Journal, July, 1992) he wrote: "It is this author's professional opinion...... that photograph number 19 is a fake produced by multiple-exposure photography." He gave his professional opinion. Is this the same as "staking his reputation" on it? Let's suppose the improbable or impossible (from your point of view) is true and Ed _was_ telling the truth. Is Hyzer going to return all his awards, resign any position he may now have and return all the money he earned an right letters of retraction to all the magazines where he published his work because he was possibly wrong in earlier analyses of other photos or writings of papers or whatever? Will he retract his argument about Ed's photo 1? Anyway, your "without a doubt" certainly states your position. SO, what will you do if you are wrong? Hyzer and others have complained that there was no reflection on the road, apparently ignoring the bright image below the UFO image. In my paper "Analysis of the Road Shot" (MUFON Journal., Oct. 1990) I pointed out that the vertical extent of the reflection image corresponds to length of illuminated road surface about 120 ft long. Revised calculations done since that paper indicate that the length probably was closer to closer to 100 ft. At the same time the width of the reflection image corresponds to a width of the illuminated/reflecting area of about 8 ft at its widest. (Note: I suggested that road reflection was the result of an elliptical beam from the UFO pointed down toward the road. However, a circular beam would also create a long narrow elliptical area on the road, as proven by "low beam" car headlight reflections from a road.) Hence, although it doesn't look that way in the picture, the fact is that the bright image below the UFO corresponds to a long, narrow region of illumination on the road. Next time you drive on blacktop at night look at the reflections in the road of the oncoming headlight beams. They appear very narrow compared to their length because the lights themselves are small (a headlight is about 6 inches wide). If, however, the whole front of the car were a light source beaming forward (or imagine a dense packing of headlights side by side), then the road reflection would appear at least as wide, and probably a bit wider, than the width of the light source (the spacing of the outer headlights) and, at a sufficiently flat viewing angle, the reflection would appear larger in the horizontal direction than in the vertical direction, i.e., more like the reflection in the road shot. >You, Bruce Maccabee, have contended that there was a dent in the >hood, or the top of the hood was muddy, or there were bricks in >the back of the truck causing it to be slanted in an upward >position near its front. I will again stress to you and those on >the internet that William G. Hyzer informs that even if all of >those things were true, there would still be a reflection of the >UFO on the hood of the truck. Likewise, there should still be >luminance reflecting from the highway. >You state, Bruce Maccabee, that all of these aforementioned >points concerning the condition of the truck are fact. But you >were not there that evening; you only have Ed Walters word >[which you have used so many times in the past without any >thorough investigation] that the hood of the truck was muddy and >there were numerous building bricks in the back of the truck. I >even question whether you had even seen a dent in the hood of >the truck. Had you seen this dent, you should have [as a UFO >investigator] taken a picture of this dent. If you cannot >produce for me a picture of this dent, then obviously sir, you >have never seen such a dent in the hood of the truck. I have a picture showing the effect of the accident after the repair had been accomplished. The hood was bent and after repair still did not close completely. Unfortunately there is no picture of the bend itself. However, it's existence of the bend is proven by the image of the sky reflection as recorded in photo 19 itself. >I have been aware, for years, of the testing that Bruce Maccabee >has done on Photograph #19, where the truck allegedly had a dent >on the hood. His findings were that the alleged dent in the hood >might cause there to be no reflection of the light from the UFO >on the truck. However, Hyzer has stated [during his testing of >Photo #19], that a dent in the truck would have no bearing on >the reflection that should have shown on the hood of the truck.> Actually Hyzer accepted the results of my experiment and included them in his MUFON paper. And I have pointed out to Mr. Black numerous times the sky reflection image proves there was an abnormal bend in the hood which could have caused the failure of reflection. What M. Black, and Mr. Hyzer, are aware of is the results of experiments in which flashlights about 200 ft in front of the truck were photograped. At low altitudes the flashlights had NO REFLECTION. Only when the upper flashlight was high enough (more than 6 ft above ground) was there a reflection. These experiments were done without construction blocks in the back of the truck... zero tilt. Mr. Hyzer incorporated these results into his paper and wrote "Based strictly on the above reflected light experiments conducted on Walters' truck and the range of Maccabee's estimates of object sizes and locations, neither the light pattern on the roadway surface nor the power ring would be visible as hood reflections....." because they were too low. However, Hyzer pointed out that based on these experiments the top light would be high enough to appear as a reflection. What Mr. Hyzer did not take into account is the effect of tilt of the truck caused by the weight of construction blocks in the back. Ed was carrying construction blocks and shingles in th back of his truck at the time of the road shot. During a test series blocks were place in a (similar) truck and were found to tilt it. It was determined that under the conditions likely during photo 19 the truck was tilted, rear lower, by a degree or more. Because of the mirror effect of the hood, this raised the minimum height for reflection in the hood. The exact amount of tilt could not be determined because the exact weight of blocks and shingles was unknown. However, the experiments showed that a weight close to what Ed had in th back would tilt the truck by a degree or so and this would rotate upward the minimum height to an altitude above the top light of the UFO. To summarize: the bent hood would not reflect light incident on the hood below a certain minimum elevation angle (experimentally this was about 2 ft at 200 ft or 0.01 radians = 0.6 degrees) when the truck was level. When the truck was tilted (back lower) this minimum angle was increased. Because of the mirror rotation effect of rotating the reflected ray by twice the angle of rotation of the mirror, the minimum angle was increased by twice the rotation of the truck tilt angle. That is, for a 1 degree tilt of the truck the minimum angle was increased from about 0.6 degrees to 0.6 + 2 x 1 = 2.6 degrees. Experiments determined that the effect of the weight was such that the load Ed was carrying could have tilted the truck by more than a degree thereby raising the minimum elevation angle such that even the top light of the UFO was not high enough to reflect. >I stated that William G. Hyzer, with all of his sophisticated >equipment, has proven that there was no luminance seen on the >road on the famous "road-shot," Photograph #19. He should have found luminance. Sainio with his sophisticated equipment did, >Your feeble response was: "Wrong." >I will let the common sense of the people on the internet >dictate their decision. I stated a one word response because I have given many word responses to the same argument many times in the past 7 years (or however long it has been). >We have here, a young man who was at the time of this analysis, >State Director of Wisconsin for the Mutual UFO Network. Sainio, >by his own admission, had NEVER investigated a UFO case. Yet he >was a State Director of Wisconsin of the Mutual UFO Network. So >here we have a gentleman with 12-years of experience in >photographic analysis claiming that he can see [with the naked >eye] on a first generation copy [the same that Hyzer had to work >with] luminosity coming down the road on Photograph #19, the >famous "road-shot." However, William G. Hyzer with 38-years of >experience, and his son James B. Hyzer, with 20-years of >experience at that time, using their sophisticated equipment, >can find no luminosity coming down the road. This is strange. At the very least they should have found a luminosity resulting from skylight. At any rate, Sainio has published the result of his analysis in the MUFON Symposium proceedings of 1992. So anyone can see for himself what Sainio found. >So when you simply say "wrong" to this, Bruce Maccabee, >you insult our intelligence. And you insult my memory, and probably that of the few others who have closely followed this argument over the years. >According to a letter you sent me some years ago, you stated >that you had received $20,000.00 for writing a chapter in a book >written by Ed Walters entitled: "The Gulf Breeze Sightings." You >stated that you had received checks from the book publisher in >January of 1989, and you further state that your investigation >was completed at that time, so in your mind, you feel you were >justified for writing in this book. However, the Ed Walters/Gulf >Breeze investigation was a continuing matter for years after you >had accepted this $20,000.00 for writing this chapter. While you >might state that your investigation was complete, a >re-investigation of the case was requested by Mr. Walt Andrus, >and Rex Salisberry had taken charge of that re-investigation >after you had accepted the $20,000.00 from the book publisher. I >still find this to be a conflict, as do others associated with >this case. Better not let yourself get paid for anything you do in UFO research, Mr. Black... If you do people will say "AHA!! He just did it for the money!" >you had received for this chapter of the book came out of Ed >Walters' advance. The book publisher did not give you an >additional $20,000.00. You were paid directly out of Ed Walters' >pocket, not from the book publisher.> Incidently, everyone seems to have forgotten that in January or February (I forget the exact date) a book publisher offered Ed $300,000 for right to publish his story. Ed refused the offer. Strange, if he was a nasty hoaxer who was only in it for $$$. >When I stated in my letter that each sighting or picture from >Gulf Breeze must be evaluated and handled on its own, you >replied as follows: "I certainly agree that each case should >stand on its own." >How could you make such a ludicrous statement based on your past >record? The whole book, "UFOs Are Real, Here's The Proof," is >based upon other letters sent to Ed Walters from people claiming t>o have seen an object similar to his, or other pictures or >video that was taken yet you have the audacity to tell me that >you believe each case should be handled on its own? The "whole book" is based on letters set to Ed? What sort of disinformation is this? The first sections of the book discuss more recent sightings by Ed and my analysis of those sightings. There is another section where I have discussed some of his older photos, including the photo 11 blue beam photo that Black studiously avoids. Furthermore the title is 'UFOs Are Are Real, Here'S The Proof'. The title is not, 'Analysis Of Ed's Sightings And Photos'. That is, it wasn't restricted to a discussion of Ed's sightings. One could remove Ed's sightings from the book and still find "something of interest".... sightings and photos from around the world. Of particular interest is the Foreword by George Filer, who did his own independent investigation of the Gulf Breeze sightings, including Ed's. His comments are particularly illuminating. Incidently, anyone who has not been able to find 'UFOs Are Are Real, Here's The Proof' in a bookstore and wants to get a copy I can send a copy for $6.00 including shipping anywhere in the USA (add $1.00 outside USA). Send email and address to brumac@compuserve.com >Even as we explore further in this letter, you stated that >Fenner and Shirley McConnell reported seeing Ed's Craft [as you >state] with windows, hovering for several minutes near the >shore, not far from his home. So right away, you are again >referring to someone else's alleged sighting to attempt a >vindication of Ed Walters' photographs. Amusing, isn't it. Here we have a sighting report by reputable people who say they saw the same thing that Ed photographed. Isn't it fortunate for Ed that he invented a UFO model that was distinctly different from the classic UFO disc/triangle/sphere shapes but which, nevertheless, matched what other people - strangers to him - said they saw. Now it should be known to investigators that Ed also _drew_a_picture_ of what he saw. Suppose he had _not_ taken any photos. Then his drawn picture could be compared with that of Shirley and Fenner McConnell... and they would be shown to be _very_ smilar. Would we ten consider that one case strengthens the other? Of course!. Ed's problem is that he was "guilty of photography." > You can't even go one >page without referring to someon else's sighting to confirm Ed >Walters' pictures. Sure, and you can't go one page without trying to reject the other sightings because you know that if many other people were reporting the same thing, then the probability was high that there was such a thing in the area to see.... and to photograph. >Even further down you go to reference a Mr. >Polack and two others of an egg-type that appeared in May of >'88. You just can't seem to stay away from using other people's >sightings or photographs to try to validate your good friend Ed >Walters. >So don't embarrass yourself by making such ludicrous, >ridiculous statements that you believe each case should handled >on its own merits. You obviously do not believe that for one >minute. Each sighting and each picture MUST stand on its own in the following way: it must be investigated and it must be shown that it is not a hoax. You see, Jerry, any UFO case could be a hoax... even Walton, in spite of your lie detection tests. In that case each witness had to be "vetted" to determine whether or not the sighting could have taken place as stated. In the Gulf Breeze situation, investigators interviewed the witnesses and studied each case that was clearly of importance such as the Pollack and MConnell cases. Each sighting in GB had to be studied to determine whether or not it was likely to be a hoax. It was determined that numerous witnesses who said they saw the same thing that Ed photographed were not likely to be hoaxers. (A complete tabulation of sightings in this time period was published in Gulf Breeze Without Ed in the 1991 MUFON Symposium Proceedings. That tabulation shows that in this time period there were 117 reports, 24 by Ed and 93 by others; there were about 200 witnesses other than Ed and his family. ) So, you and readers ask, isn't it inconsistent to say that on the one hand that each case must stand on its own but on the other hand, taken together they strengthen each other? I say it isn't inconsistent because by "stand on its own" I mean that each case must be investigated to determine the probability of hoax, misidentification(a mundane explanation) or delusion (mental problem of the witness). If there is a high probability of a hoax or mundane explanation it must be rejected even if there are similar sighting reports. But if the probability of a hoax or mundane explanation is low or zero then it strengthens the other cases. Mr. Black yells loudly that the road shot MUST be a hoax. Therefore it cannot be used to strengthen the Ed's other photos. I say that at worst the information in photo 19 is ambiguous with regard to being a hoax. There is no absolute proof of a hoax in it. Hence it must be set aside and other photos looked at as possible absolute proof of a hoax. (Black in fact mentions photo 1.) Look at this another way: if there had been _no_ other sightings in the Gulf Breeze area at the time Ed's case likely wouldn't have even gotten off the ground. But, on the other hand, if Ed hadn't allowed his first pictures to be published it is likely that none of the other witnesses would have spoken up. And now consider a counter example: a photo which I claim contains evidence that rejects the double exposure hypothesis. Photo 11 shows the object at a distance with a blue line coming down. Hyzer studied this photo and says it could be a model with a blue ribbon illuminated properly to make a "blue beam" or perhaps a blue light beam (laser?) shining through smoke. The double exposure hypothesis is that the first exposure was of the model and "beam". The second was of the rather dark area behind Ed's house, showing a very dim sky above the skyline and no brightness at all below the skyline.. I say this hypothesis is inconsistent with the evidence within the photo itself: the brightness of the image of the blue beam does NOT suddenly decrease at the skyline where the background brightness goes from a low value above the skyline to to zero below the skyline. However, if it were a double exposure there would be such a decrease. In a double exposure as proposed by Hyzer, the total image brightness is the sum of the foreground (the brightness of the assumed ribbon "beam" attached to the model UFO) and the background. Above the horizon the background brightness is the the dull glow of the sky, plainly visible at the left and right side of the blue beam image. The sum of these two brightnesses above the skyline is (blue ribbon brightness plus sky background brightness) . The sum of the foreground plus background brightness below the horizon is (blue ribbon brightness plus zero tree brightness). Clearly the second sum is lower than the first. Hence, if this were a hoax, at the horizon line there would be a drop in brightness as one moves down the beam image from the UFO toward the end of the beam image. There is, however, no such drop. I published the graph of brightness in UFOS ARE REAL..... so anyone could see for himself. Hence photo 11 is NOT a double exposure hoax. I might mention that the other blue beam photo, with Frances, also has evidence that rejects the double exposure hoax hypothesis (added brightness to the sleeve of her sweater closest to the beam and added bluish brightness of some other objects in the photo... see Sainio's MUFON 1992 Symp paper) Now, at very least, one can say the double exposure hoax hypothesis is rejected by these two pictures showing a beam. Of course one can always postulate a much more complex sort of hoax... one that would be difficult or impossible for Ed to create, at least not without competent help (of which none has ever been discovered). But at the same time one is confronted with the following: Nov. 11, 1987: Billie Zammit sees UFO with blue beam about 2:30 in the morning (same day as Ed's first photos, by the way) March 20, 1988: Roger McCann and several other adults report seeing several UFOs, one of which repeatedly emitted a blue beam April 28, 1988: Truman Holcomb reported seeing an "Ed type" UFO hovering not far his house (and not far from the location of the "road shot" sighting). This UFO emitted a blue beam. (There probably were other blue beam reports but these are the ones I recall now, after more than 10 years!) Should we now reject Ed's photo on the basis that, well, ANY photo could be faked, given enough time, money, capability and desire ( I would say Ed had only one of these... money... and skeptics have loudly attributed all 4 to Ed, without proof, of course) and then accept the other sightings as probably real events reported by honest people? Or should we reject all such sightings because UFOs and beams are impossible, or should we admit that the sightings and photos actually seem to strengthen one another:? If so, then Ed's photos may be the first photographic evidence of what a UFO beam could look like. (They have generated considerable speculation as to what known physical phenomenon might make a blue beam such as shown in the pictures.) (Need I point out that there are lots of reports of beams, including blue beams, from UFOs. Even Travis Walton reported a beam.......!) >Finally, Bruce Maccabee, you state that the explanation for >Photograph #1 was a very special type of double exposure which >William G. Hyzer "discovered." There is no way, you claim, that >Ed Walters could not have known about it. Now we both know that >is a false statement. We both know it is a false statement? Speak for yourself, Jerry. I know it is a false statement. You think it is a false statement. I say again, there is no way Walters would have known about it. It is not something one would find in a typical photography book (no investigator ever found any photography books in Ed's house, nor did I or anyone else discover any evidence that Ed was "photographically sophisticated." Rather, he was "photographically challenged.") >You are trying to misinform the internet >readers that during Hyzer's analysis, he came across some >special way to double-expose photographs. That is incorrect. >Hyzer simply said that he discovered Oooooopppppsssss! What's that you say? Hyzer "simply said that he discovered?" He _discovered_? I presume that means that he had no previous knowledge of it. I presume it means that when he began his analysis of Photo 1 he did not already know of this special double exposure method. He had never heard or read about it before. So, he discovered it. And so he assumes Ed, whom even you would put below Hyzer on the scale of photographic knowledge and ability, must have "discovered" this first. Imagine that. Ed as a photographic scientist. My, my! Who is misinforming whom? >how this photograph, with >very little experimentation, could be double-exposed. You had >taken the word "discover" and made it sound like something he >had never came across or knew of before. That is a total lie, >and you know it to be a lie. I know it to be a lie? That is a stupid statement. How can I "know" it to be a lie. Hyzer said he "discovered" it. He didn't say I knew about this all along. He even did experiments to prove his theory was correct and then took the time to write an article about it which he published in Photomethods magazine. I conclude, therefore, that he at least thought it was interesting enough to merit a publication because he had "discovered" it. Look at this another way. If it were common knowledge that Polaroid film could be used to create "Hyzer type" double exposures, why did he go to the trouble of proving that it would work by making careful measurements and publishing the ranges of exposure level over which it would work? Why didn't he just look up in a table somewhere the necessary exposure levels? (See below for a description of the importance of exposure levels.) >Hyzer has stated emphatically that Ed Waltersr anyone else, >would be able to produce Photograph #1 as it appears, with very >little experimentation. >And why, Bruce Maccabee, did Hyzer's analysis of Photograph #1 >show signs and indications of double exposure? Yet you and Jeff >Sainio had never once implied that any photograph -much less >Photo #1- showed any signs whatsoever of double-exposure. "Never once implied..." Wait a minute. Let's get this right here. Neither Jeff nor I ever said a photograph WAS a double exposure. On the other hand we both examined these photos for clear evidence of double exposure. I certainly "implied" that the photos could, in principle. have been created by double exposure in my first Gulf Breeze paper (A History Of The Gulf Breeze Sightings). The _first_) But to suggest that a photo might be a double exposure and to state positively that it was a double exposure are two different things. The problem always is to try to RULE OUT the hoax hypothesis. Sometimes that is not possible, but one can still determine the level of difficulty of the photo if a hoax. As for photo 1, when I saw the photo I immediately thought "double exposure." Let me be a bit more explicit. I first saw black and white copies of photos 1-5 at the office of Dr. Robert Nathan who has been called the "father of digital image processing" at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This was in late January, 1988. Nathan had copies because the originals had ben brought to him for analysis in December, 1987. (This is a side story I won't get into now.) I had heard about the Gulf Breeze sightings by that time but had never seen any good copies of the pictures. When Nathan handed me photo 1 I looked at it for a few seconds, saw th UFO image "behind" the darker tree image and said to Nathan, "This would be a tough double exposure." Now, why on earth might I have qualified the statement with the word "tough?" Because I knew that to make a bright model appear to be _behind_ a darker part of the scene (tree branches) would require a special technique known as "masked double exposure" or else the edge of the model would have to be cut to match the outline of the part of the scene blocking the image of the model. In either case it would be necessary to have exact registration between the edge of the model and the edge of the scene. Specifically, in photo 1 the right side of the known-to-be nearby (30 ft) tree blocks the view of the left side of the UFO image... or it appears to do so. So, Mr. Black... my first thought was double exposure. Later on in the investigation I realized just how tough that was with Ed's camera and ruled out the masked double exposure or model-with-an-side-cut-to-match-the-tree -outline as techniques that Ed could have used (impossible to get the correct regisration or alignment with a and held camera). If you read A History Of The Gulf Breeze Sightings you will find double exposure mentioned numerous times. Furthermore, I even proved it possible with Ed's camera by creating a double exposure. I did it right in front of the MUFON investigator who didn't realize what I had done when I showed him a picture of a 'UFO' in the sky in front of Ed's house. He knew there had been no such UFO, but suddenly there it was in the picture. When I showed my "UFO" picture to Ed he acted completely surprised and walked around his yard looking at the sky to see if it was still there somewhere. At this point either he was an excellent extemporaneous actor--- able to make up a plot line in real time and recall it later as needed - - or else he didn't know a thing about double exposure. After numerous interactions and experiments and tests with Ed I concluded the latter was the explanation. You say that, according to Hyzer, anyone with a "little experimentation" could create such a picture. Well, following Hyzer's prescription I tried numerous times to create a convincing double exposure in which a dark background scene object covered up a brighter foreground scene object. I used the same type of camera and film. I couldn't do it. But, let's be a little more theoretical here so the amuzed/ puzzled/bored readers can learn just how unique the Hyzer method is. Perhaps I shouldn't say that Hyzer "discovered" the phenomenon, but it would be correct to say Hyzer somehow became aware of it and was the first to apply it to intentional double exposures. Anyway, the phenomenon Hyzer used is demonstrated as follows. (Hang on, It's a long ride!) Suppose a film is exposed to a very low light intensity, and/or the shutter time is very fast and/or the f-stop is large (small aperture). The EXPOSURE is low. At this point there is a LATENT IMAGE on the film. (A "latent" image is an area of the film in which the chemistry of image making has begun. A latent image must be developed by another sort of chemistry to "fix" the image and make it visible.) Suppose that the film is now developed. If the exposure was low enough when the film is developed there will be NO, I repeat NO, detectable image. In other words, it does not require ZERO light source intensity to make no image. It does require the exposure level (a product of the source brightness, the shutter time and divided by the f# squared) to be so low that the film doesn't respond in a normal way. The latent image must be UNDEVELOPABLE.... meaning that it can't be seen after the film is developed. In Hyzer's terminology, the exposure of the film must be below the Exposure Response Threshold (ERT). Hyzer gives 0.002-0.004 meter-candle-seconds (mcs, or lumens-seconds per square meter) as the useful range of exposures, although an exposure as low as 0.001 might work.. On the other hand, the exposure level can't be TOO low. If it is too low there won't even be an undevelopable latent image. If the exposure level is between certain bounds there will be a Latent (undevelopable) image on the film which IF developed at this time, would not result in a detectable image, BUT if ADDED TO ANOTHER IMAGE, WOULD be detectable! (Get that? There is an image but it is "invisible" until added to another image!) IMPORTANT POINT: if the exposure is too low this won't work. If the exposure is too high, this won't work. You have to adjust the model brightness or the shutter time or the fstop to get into the useable range of exposure values. In principle you could do this with a light meter. However, a series of exposures at varying model brightnesses could produce a collection of pictures, some of which would work properly when the second step of the process was carried out. This would be the trial and error approach. Let's begin again. Using the same light source and exposure conditions take another photo, just as before, thereby making a LATENT but "undevelopable" image. However, this time, but BEFORE developing the film, photograph another somewhat brighter, but not TOO bright, light source is also filmed. Hyzer gives a range for this, too: 0.012 mcs to 0.05 mcs. This second light source must make a large enough image on the film to completely "cover" the (latent) image of the first light source. Now when the film is developed, outside the boundary of the image of the first light source there will be the image of the second light source. This is expected. What is not expected, but what Hyzer realized could be used for double exposure faking. is the following result: THERE WILL ALSO BE AN IMAGE OF THE FIRST LIGHT SOURCE. In other words, adding two images together makes visible a latent image which, by itself, was undevelopable. VERY CLEVER! Get it? If not, read Hyzer's Photomethods article, October 1991. So, you ask, before you fall asleep (you are still awake, aren't you?) how does this apply to Ed's photo 1? Ed would have to know beforehand about this method before he took photo 1. He couldn't just go out and make this work the first time without experimentation because he would have to know how to make his first exposure (of the model) at such a low exposure that, if he pulled the film out and developed it, there would be NO image. I would like to point out that this is counterintuitive for the hoaxer. A person who does a typical double exposure will want to have the initial exposure (of the model) good enough to ASSURE that there is a bright image of the model...actually a LATENT but DEVELOPABLE image .... on the film. A typical hoaxer would likely take and develop several pictures of the model alone to make sure he got the correct exposure of the model image. The model image should be quite bright. Then he would take yet another picture of the model, but not develop it. Instead he would photograph the background scenery and THEN develop, thereby creating the double exposure. Why would the typical double exposure hoaxer want a bright first image? Because he knows it must overlay the background image and he doesn't want the normal "bleed through" of the background into the model mage to be obvious. Since "bleed through" always occurs, the best circumstance for a hoaxer is to create a photo that looks like a bright UFO image against a dark sky. The sky image would "bleed through", but if the UFO image were bright enough the bleed-through would be difficult or impossible to detect. ......................... NOTE OF AMUSING DIVERSION: a reporter for the Pensacola TV station, in June, 1988, wanted to create double exposure hoax photos to prove that the double exposure method would create photos such as Ed's, with Ed's camera. Ed, that nasty, clever, unrepentent hoaxer, allowed the TV reporter to use his camera to prove it could take double exposures. ( He also allowed me and others to use his camera numerous times in ways that could have proven him to be that liar Black wants Ed to be. If a hoaxer, Ed was either supremely stupid or supremely confident.) The reporter told me about his experiment over the phone. I asked him did you make a model with black paper "windows?" (The "Ed-type" UFO had dark rectangular or square areas around the outer circumference which were called "windows" although, according to Ed,. they actually moved about on the surface and, in any case, were probably not windows as we think of them.) The reporter said he did in fact have a model with black "windows." They would photograph the model against a black screen and then hold the camera up to the sky and take the second photo with the clear blue sky as the background. I told him that nailing the fake would be a piece of cake... or words to that effect....because the sky would "show through" the windows. I don't think he believed me. But a couple of days later he called and said... "you're right!" He even put my prediction of the sky showing through the windows into the little documentary he made about hoaxing. ....................... . Ed's situation was poor from the hoaxer's perspective because, even though the sky was dark (favorable) the main body of the UFO (model) was also dark (unfavorable), so there would be the possibility that analysts could detect the background sky "bleeding through" as I mentioned in the paragraph above. Naturally this possibility this was checked immediately. There was no clear evidence that the brightness variations of the UFO images were a result of background light. You can bet that if there had been clear evidence the case wouldn't have lasted more than a few weeks after I got the photos to work with and Hyzer would never even have had the opportunity to devise a much more sophisticated double exposure hypothesis. ......................... So, where were we. Oh, yes. Back to the Hyzer method as applied to Ed. What Hyzer's method requires is considerable sophistication on the part of the hoaxer to realize that his first exposure of the model should be so dim that he couldn't see an image if he developed the film right away. Not only that but, it should lie within a partcular range of exposure levels. Can't you just imagine a guy like Ed taking the first exposure, pulling out the roll of film, letting it develop, and then peeling the picture and seeing NO image of the model saying "Ah, that's just right. " I ask HOW THE HELL WOULD HE KNOW IF "THAT'S JUST RIGHT IF THERE IS NO IMAGE? Oh, yes. He would do a series of experiments that "any rank amateur" (to use Hyzer's phrase in his final report) would do to establish the range of exposures needed to create this sort of "simple" double exposure. Then Ed would use the following steps to create photo 1.. Step 1: photograph the model against a black background There is a problem here with the bright light at the bottom and the other at the top of the model. The body of the model must be isolated from these bright lights so that the body makes NO DEVELOPABLE EXPOSURE while the bottom and top lights make very developable exposures. IN other words, IF the film were developed after this first exposure only the top and bottom lights would be detectable images (and bright ones at that). Step 2: having the latent undevelopable image of the main body of the UFO (and also bright, developable images of the top and bottom lights) on the film, Ed goes outside and holds the camera up. Now he MUST know where in the field of view the UFO image is so that he can point the camera in the correct direction such that the left portion of the UFO body image is "on top of" the image of the right side of the tree. (Hey, if you don't get this, go look at photo 1. It is posted on some web sites, I'm sure.) Holding the camera just right he would take the second exposure. (A side note: this is a hand held camera,. Ed got a certain image smear length and direction as the camera shook a little during the first exposure. He must duplicate the smear direction and amplitude in the second exposure by shaking the camera in the same way so that the nearby street light image is smeared the same way as the UFO light image. (Rotsa Ruck!) ) Step 3: pull out the film and develop. (Actually Hyzer also recommended developing much longer than the rated 1 minute to increase contrast of the latent image. Hyzer recommended developing for 15 minutes. But of course, Ed could have "stumbled" on the importance of increased development time, too, right?) The result is that the image of the body of the UFO, which would not have been visible had the film been developed BEFORE the second exposure, is now visible! What happened? Recall that above... far above (too far above?) I said that what Hyzer "discovered" or made use of was the fact that the sum or superposition of a second image onto the undevelopable first image would make the first image developable. In this case, according to Hyzer, the brightness of the sky image superimposed on the main body of the UFO (model) image was sufficient to make the main body visible. AND NOW, what you've all been waiting for, here's what makes it appear that the UFO is beyond the tree... Hyzer's solution to the "tough double exposure problem" I recognized in January, 1988. PUNCHLINE: If Hyzer were right, then the tree brightness was so low that the exposure level from the tree was still _too_low_ to make the ufo model image appear. That is, Hyzer assumed that the tree image brightness did not provide sufficient added exposure to make developable the portion of the (latent, undevelopable by itself) model image that was overlying the tree image. Hence where the UFO model image overlay the tree image there was no development of the model image and the 'UFO' was effectively "hidden behind" the tree! (NOTE: this is the result he demonstrated in his Photomethods paper in which he "hid" a "bright" UFO behind a black church steeple. The UFO model was white paper and the church steeple was black paper silhouetted against a low brightness sky background. . The brightness of the black church steeple was essentially zero, so where the UFO image overlay the steeple image the sum of the two brightnesses was not great enough to make the UFO image visible. Of course, the UFO image was visible at the left and right of the steeple image because the background sky brightness made the image visible.) This is a "beautiful" method. Very elegant. And also, IMHO, impossible for Ed to have known about! Note that it requires the tree brightness to be so low that the sum of the tree exposure plus model exposure is not great enough to make the model image developable. If the tree image were too bright... and we are discussing a small range of allowable brightness... then the model image would become developable and begin to "bleed through" the tree image and it would appear that the UFO was overlapping the tree... clearly a no-no if the hoaxer wants the UFO to appear to be more than 30 ft away (and hence large, as opposed to within 30 ft and hence small). There Are Three "Small" Problems With This Explanation: 1) Ed wouldn't think of this in a million billion years! (How many of you bright, sophisticated photographers can honestly say you realized how this was going to work out before I got to the last paragraph above?) 2) Sainio found a "fly in the ointment." The tree image brightness is not zero. In fact the image of the tree had a reflectivity that indicated it was bright enough to make the hypothetical undevelopable UFO model image developable. That is, Hyzer's method applied to the creation of photo 1 would have resulted in the image of the UFO overlapping the tree image. 3) I haven't discussed overall scene brightness, but experiments I did showed that the overall scene brightness was not in the range of brightnesses that would create the proper exposure levels for Hyzer's method to work I might also add that I attempted to follow Hyzer's prescription using Polacolor film and made numerous double exposures with a camera similar to Ed's. In no case was I able to hide a simulated UFO behind a darker tree image. I guess I must be less than a "rank amateur." Hence, IMHO, Hyzer's method was _not_ used to create photo 1. QED. Want more details? See Sainio's Symposium paper mentioned above. >Hyzer, >and his work with 10-photographs, explained in his preliminary >report how ALL of the photos showed signs of double-exposure. Just because a photo _could_ have been created by a sufficiently sophisticated double exposure method (e,.g. masked double exposure), doesn't mean it was. >You will have to explain why Hyzer, who you admit has more >expertise in photographic analysis [as well as his son James], >would make such a statement while you or Sainio have never once >mentioned anything at all that would indicate the photos were >double-exposed.> True. We have not once said "the photos were double exposed." Wonder why that is? Could it be because we couldn't prove they were double exposed? Just because a photo could have been created by double exposure doesn't mean it was. I presume that if Sainio or I had at any time said "the photos were double exposed" we wouldn't be having this discussion 'right now. It is not, of course, that we weren't aware of double exposure. "Double Exposure" is mentioned numerous times in Sainio's paper as well as in mine. To suggest we were so "naive" as to not know about double exposure is to demonstrate your own ignorance of what we have written. >And on the stereo photographs, Bruce Maccabee, I don't ignore >them. Hyzer was sent copies of the stereo photographs, but >because he could not determine the distance between the cameras, >he decided that he did not want to do any analysis without >having the direct information for himself, to make a credible >analysis. He would not take the word of myself, you or anyone >else concerning the distances and rely on that. And this I find incredible. I could have supplied him with pictures of the SRS camera. Knowing the sizes of the individual Polaroid Model 600 cameras he could have figured out for himself what the spacing was. I could have supplied him with all the data he needed. When I first learned of his work, in July 1991, I wrote him a letter. I sent him copies of two of my papers on the GB sightings (I also sent him a copy of my analysis of the Japan Airlines sighting of Nov. 1986 which was investigated by the FAA.) He never responded. However in his final report done a year later he did make reference to some of my work, so I know he got it. Fortunately Robert Nathan (JPL) was not so uncommunicative. He studied the May 1 photos himself and did not dispute my calculations. Note: the May 1 photos had a "built in" calibration -- lights that were at a known distance. >Finally, Bruce Maccabee, you have claimed for years that Jeff >Sainio's analysis of Photograph #19 shows that there is >luminosity coming down the road. In fact, as I have reported to >the internet readers, Jeff Sainio told me that he could even see >this luminosity on a first-generation copy with the naked eye. And any interested readers should look up Sainio's MUFON symp article and see the result of the computer enhancement which he made..... >Now, for the record, I would like you to state what your >findings were on Photograph #19 concerning the luminosity coming >down the road. Obviously, when Hyzer's final report came out >declaring there to be no luminosity coming down the road and >that Photograph #19 was a double-exposure, you certainly should >have done your own analysis on this photo to determine for >yourself whether or not there was any luminosity coming down the >road. Certainly, even though Jeff Sainio was your good friend, >you would not have relied on his 12- years of experience when >you had more experience under your belt. It seems likely that >you would have done your own analysis and came up with your own >conclusions. Therefore, would you state to the internet reader >your analysis of Photograph #19 concerning the luminance on the >roadway? I did not have, nor do I now have, equipment capable of doing the very sophisticated analysis that Sainio was capable of doing. Therefore, in spite of your assumption that I "certainly would have done my own analysis" that fact is that I didn't. Furthermore, I had plenty else to do with the equipment I did have, such as the analysis of the lack of a reflection in the hood. .......................... All good listfolk who made it this far..... deserve the Noble Prize for Patience and Diligence (I did not spell Noble incorrectly!)

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Trapper recounts UFO sighting From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 06:01:08 GMT Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 17:15:08 -0400 Subject: Trapper recounts UFO sighting Source: Calgary Herald, http://www.southam.com/calgaryherald/newsnow/cpfs/national/991012/n101264.html Stig *** Trapper recounts UFO sighting WHITEHORSE (CP) - Don Trudeau was hiking his trap line under a dark sky one December evening when he spotted a row of lights among the stars in the west. It was between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m., and at first he thought it was a large airplane about to crash. But he quickly realized the object was moving too slowly and steadily for it to be any type of aircraft. And he said it didn't make any noise. Trudeau reached to cover his flashlight, and as he did the unidentified flying object rushed toward him, stopping just 300 metres away. "I had to turn my head from one side to the other to view the whole thing," Trudeau told UFO investigator Martin Jasek. "It must have been about a mile long. For some reason, I wasn't frightened. I just stood there and watched it." There were 21 others who reported similar sightings the night of Dec. 11, 1996, according to a report released by Jasek last week. An engineer by trade, Jasek is a member of the non-profit group UFO*BC. He researches UFO sightings throughout the territory. Jasek spoke to all 22 witnesses. Trudeau was the only who was willing to be identified. Witnesses said the object was massive, with two rows of massive yellowish lights. Trudeau said it hovered silently. Trudeau said a single beam of white light emanated from the bottom and swept across the ground in front of him. It then drifted to his right, as slow as nine to 16 kilometres an hour, he said. Other beams of light shot out of the craft horizontally and at a 45-degree angle. After the UFO drifted behind some trees, Trudeau dashed across a clearing to get a better view but the object suddenly vanished, he said. It all took about four minutes. Jasek's report, with Trudeau's account, is available at www.ufobc.org/yukon/22index.htm. (Whitehorse Star) � The Canadian Press, 1999 Copyright � 1998 Calgary Herald New Media

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 The Prophets Conference - Dr. Edgar Mitchell From: prophets@maui.net Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 21:28:26 -1000 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 17:21:47 -0400 Subject: The Prophets Conference - Dr. Edgar Mitchell Notes From The Prophets Conference - Dr. Edgar Mitchell on "Non-Locality" The Prophets Conference ~ Port Townsend, which took place during the weekend of August 27-29, 1999, brought together an extraordinary visiting faculty, including Dr. Edgar Mitchell, a graduate of MIT with a doctorate in aeronautics and astronautics, and founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences. As an astronaut, he flew on Apollo missions 10 and 16, and was the lunar module pilot for Apollo 14. He has spent twenty years studying human consciousness and psychic and paranormal phenomena in the search for a common ground between science and spirit. The following is an excerpt from his remarks made during the panel entitled The UFO: Anomaly, Reality, Implications. Joining Dr. Mitchell were panelists Joe Firmage, Dr. Robert Anton Wilson, Dr. John Mack, Dr. Steven Greer, Marcia Schafer, and moderator G. Cody Johnson. Visit: http://www.greatmystery.org/pt-tapes.html Seattle Weekly Prophets Conference cover story -- http://www.seattleweekly.com/features/9939/features-downey.shtml ______________________________________________________________ Dr. Edgar Mitchell I would like to begin by pointing out that the speed of light does not seem to be a speed limit anymore. It cannot be if we are going to go out into the Universe. The little curious artifact called "non-locality" that came out of quantum mechanics, and has been kind of iffy, and not very comfortable for 75 years, has within the last 15 years been validated. We've now found another non-local structure called the quantum hologram that leads us to understanding more about the way information is processed in nature. Nature is a learning organism it now appears. And, these notions of the UFO sightings - perhaps extraterrestrials, well we're talking about energetic phenomena. We're talking about informational phenomena. Those who have been abducted, or presumably have received information from alien beings - well it is information. Those of us who work at that level look at this as information, and we ask: How is it propagated? How do they perceive it? Where is it coming from? There's a statement that I have not used in many, many years, since talking 30 years ago with the late Brendan O'Regan, who was our research director at the Institute of Noetic Sciences in the very beginning. Let me share that with you. At that time we were looking at consciousness while other people were looking at gravitation. And we were all right on the frontier - we didn't know what we were talking about. But Brendan and I talked about the fact that consciousness and gravitation seemed to have some of the same aspects. One of them is that gravitation holds the universe together, consciousness organizes it, and they're probably both non-local. And that is exactly what's starting to come out of this 30 years later. Non-locality, which accounts for so much at the root of what we call the numinous experience is just now becoming a buzzword and will be a serious part of 21st century science. And with that, I'm sure that many of the predictions, much of the faith at this conference table this morning, will start to come into a model of reality that more and more people can endorse. And that if non-locality is that which causes us to realize we are One, and when we start to think about many of these issues as One, from a common and consensus point of view, then we will start to achieve that which we're talking about here at this gathering. Thank you. ______________________________________________________________ Audio tapes of The Prophets Conference ~ Port Townsend are available. You will find ordering information at http://www.greatmystery.org/pt-tapes.html. You may also call toll-free 1-888-777-5981 for information. Thank you for forwarding this information to your friends and member lists. Questions, unsubscribe, subscribe, inquiries, comments, issues? Send email to Cody@greatmystery.org explore... http://www.greatmystery.org

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 09:04:46 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 18:42:46 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 01:10:01 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns <snip> >Perhaps the only thing in the garbage bags used to clean up, is >his evidence. Does anyone have any credible evidence to prove >him wrong that we can all see, or is a smoke screen going to be >put up around it with excuses as to why we can't see it? In >this field, I would vote on the latter. You can say alot of >things too. Am I just supposed to _swallow_ this like all these >'stupid' UFO people do on a regular basis? If a person is claiming that a UFO has shot down a RAF fighter aircraft over a populated area of the North of England (we're not exactly talking about the Nevada desert here) surely it's up to _them_ to provide proof that it happened, rather than for others to prove them wrong. The only person who's asking anyone to swallow anything here is Burns (and no, I'm not talking about "certain substances") It seems that to a lot of people the mere assertion that a UFO event took place is enough to guarantee its reality (Stanton Friedman's "research by proclamation" in reverse) and anybody who tries to challenge such an assertion must automatically be part of the cover-up, spreading "smoke screens". David Clarke has produced a fully documented, immensely detailed account of what happened over Yorkshire and Derbyshire that night, and if you asked him nicely I'm sure he'd send you a copy. -- John Rimmer Magonia Magazine www.magonia.demon.co.uk

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 13 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 01:57:43 -0700 Fwd Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 18:48:23 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Rory Lushman <Oubliette@currantbun.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto"<updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 11:49:39 +0100 >>From: Martin Phillips <martin.phillips@dtn.ntl.com >>Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 19:45:45 +0100 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Congrats - I can't believe the pomposity of the announcement of >>this group, so I'm gald to see someone has treated it in the >>way it deserved. >>Can I suggest that the best 'new start' British ufology needs >>is for the 'investigators' to learn some humility. >>That's not a xenophobe foreigner view, but that of a Brit who's >>amazed at the certainty of some of the members of this >>organisation. >>It's a shame that the announcement bears all the signs of the >>stereotype Brit (Englishman) - absolute certainty, elitism and >>dismissal of any doubt. >Elitism, I doubt it. It amazes me how many people do not read >properly the original message. UFOIN is not out to replace other >groups, it is willing to work with others. >What have you got to fear..... nothing. >When UFOIN falls flat on its face, then you can shout from the >wings, "we told you so" but I think you will have a long wait. >UFOIN is made of many different characters with different views >and ideas, its not a Borg collective or is that Bjork >Rory Lushman. Dear Rory and list: Oh heck, oh dear! I didn't mean to slam UFOIN! I was pretty full of beer, and mainly making fun of myself! The formation of UFOIN (if I have the acronym right) merely served as inspiration for one of my well-hopped burp-rants. I hope all goes well with them, and that they are able to at least partly achieve their high goals. As for the RCHEFSS (or whatever I called the Redwood City Highly Exclusive Flying Saucer Society)... it will have an easier time meeting its goals, since there is only one member allowed! RCHEFSS Ufology is not reborn, it just isn't likely to change very much, any time soon. Very best wishes to all concerned: - Larry Hatch PS: As for Redwood City,CA : A very recent post to this list from Ryan Wood is offering some more information about recent "Majestic" documents. I cannot over stress, that I had absolutely nothing to do with this, in spite of the Redwood City Post Office Box address that Wood provided. -LH

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: Australian Ufology + Imperial College Prof From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 12:30:47 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 08:40:53 -0400 Subject: Re: Australian Ufology + Imperial College Prof >From: John Auchettl <Praufo@aol.com> >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 22:51:40 EDT >Subject: Australian Ufology + Imperial College Prof >To: updates@globalserve.net > > Oz & ASIA DATA RESEARCH > Phenomena Research Australia > SIGHTINGS >EBK Researchers, >Australian Ufology + Imperial College Prof >A most interesting event will take place next month in >Australia. One of Australia's [if not the worlds] impressive >thinkers, Prof Paul Davies will be speaking at the Australian >Skeptics, National Conference to be held on the 6 and 7 November >1999. >Prof Paul Davies has listed his speaker's topic as - "Aliens on >our doorstep? Some thoughts about the UFO phenomenon." >Although, on many occasions when we have met him, he has >displayed an open mind to unusual subjects, and has in the past >produced a number of papers on the UFO subject [from a negative >point of view]. Prof Paul Davies ideas and opinions are always >welcome and we have enjoyed his questions. >His position is that of a skeptic, however, he has other >positions that are not well known and on a number of occasions >the Australian Skeptics have not been too kind to him. Yet it's >in their interest to claim him as their own. We believe them? Hi, Good to hear this news. I should point out that I first met Paul Davies over 20 years ago when he lived in the UK and we worked on opposite sides on a case involving police witnesses for a TV show. We ended up pretty well agreeing on the answer. His interest in UFOs - although then in the background due to the peer pressures placed on such heretical interests here - was tangible. His approach I would characterise as objective, not sceptical and to my mind he's one of the most important scientists who are not specifically identified as a ufologist but who are willing to empathise with what we are doing. Ufology should recognise him more than we do. One of Dr Davies' main reasons for being interested in UFOs, so he told me all those years ago, was the possibility that ball lightning has never been fully appreciated by physicists because they ridicule UFOs when some UFOs are probably the very physical data they need to resolve the BL riddle. This enlightened attitude impressed me then and I have used it often with other scientists to challenge their dismissal of ufology as worthless to science. As I point out, irrespective of whether there are any aliens involved, which is still an open question, science is involved and if you laugh the evidence away you are the loser. Paul Davies saw that decades ago when many less broad thinking colleagues still have not grasped this key point. Peter Hough and I feature as a full chapter an interview which Dr Davies kindly granted to us before he left for Australia. This appears in our book 'Looking for the Aliens'. This was first published in the UK and US about 8 years ago. It became a mass market edition in the US from Barnes & Noble and Cassell have just last month issued a new UK mass market paperback edition to sell to supermarkets. I think this is likely to be available in the US via Sterling before too long. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 13:17:32 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 08:45:30 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 03:46:28 +0100 >From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>To: <nufon@currantbun.com> >>Subject: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 17:05:28 +0100 >>4: UFOIN will be highly selective in its investigation work - >>focusing on in depth re-appraisals of important old cases and >>seeking new reports that offer potential to add to our >>knowledge. To this end the professional expertise of the team >>will be offered to science and education. UFOIN will emphasise >>the 90% track record in case solving as professed by serious >>ufology and will play down the use of emotive terms such as UFO >>and alien, focusing instead on anomalies, scientific puzzles and >>using phrases such as IFO and UAP. It will seek to work with >>both open minded scientists and sceptics and handle UFO data >>from a rational perspective, steering away from the extreme >>views and ideologies expressed by parts of the old style UFO >>community. >Hi All, >Maybe the above should read. >4. Now that we have formed this highly professional group of >people' we can now look at those cases which have been hard to >dis-prove or rule out "Other Worldly Intelligence's" and go over >the ground once more but to arrive at the only new conclusion >that these cases were nothing more than your mis-identified >phenomena which some people forgot to mention at the time. >We will no longer describe calls we receive from Joe public' of >lights in the sky - or structured craft carrying out mind >boggling manoeuvres as UFOs, but we will call them NYEOISTONP's ><NotYetExplainedOrIdentifiedSecretTechnologiesOrNatrualPhenomena's >As a new group we need to steer people away from thinking that >there maybe (god forbid) other life in the universe as to which >just some of them may have found a little holiday resort called >Earth. >When the new team get bored we will have our Scientific Puzzles >to keep us going. >All those researchers who have been at it for the last ten years >should now us the New enforced terms of UFOlogy, in fact we in >this highly new group of professionals are putting forward a new >term for ufology <Wehavealltheanswersology> >If you can comply with such rules and remember not to be too >passionate or get to emotive about >NotYetExplainedOrIdentifiedSecretTechnologiesOrNatrualPhenomena's >then we need you. >We will also have our own councilling section, for those >investigators who just happen to have seen anything strange in >our skies. We can help remove and solve the mystery of which >you have observed. >Yours, >An old and passionate, highly emotive, quite sensible, and >rational, never wrote a book, non PhD, sick to death of >bureaucracy, quangos, look at me's, and wannabes, but happy with >his new 6 pack! Hi, Yes, all very funny, but also very tiresome. I dont think I will bore list members yet again trying to justify in detail what UFOIN is all about. Results matter more than words as proof. But the above is a ludicrous parody that is not what is going on at all. It reflects maybe the ultra sceptical attitude of some members of the UFOIN team but by no means all. I have stated on this list several times that my views are not anti ETH. Several other UFOIN team members have views other than all things are solvable. Evidently, though, Roy either chooses not to believe this or just regards it as a joke. Fine. Thats up to him. But I suggest the rest of you actually read what the UFOIN statement says. We will work to solve cases where that is possible and not be afraid to say so. But whenever a case cannot be solved or offers evidence for a genuine mystery we will say that just as loudly. How this equates to the amusing joke above I dont see. I drafted the UFOIN statement and I know its what we will be doing. Are you saying that you dont believe me on this? If not, how can you argue as above when it is blatantly in contradiction to the stated plans of the team? The beauty of UFOIN will be that it has sceptics, scientists, ultra rational ufologists and ETH supporters in its number. That blend will bring dynamism to the debate, I trust. But if you believe UFOIN's aim is to destroy any evidence for unexplained phenomena then I can only assume you are unfamiliar with my own writings because thats not how I work and I could not work alongside any group that hid unsolved cases under the mat because they might argue in favour of some exotic answer to the UFO mystery. Truth is truth - whether it is the news that a promising case can be resolved or that another case appears to be exciting evidence for a real UFO phenomenon. You mistake objectivity for debunking. We will try not to make the same mistake. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 13:24:05 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 08:48:56 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Martin Phillips <martin.phillips@dtn.ntl.com> >Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 19:45:45 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 09:04:31 -0700 >>From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>>To: <nufon@currantbun.com> >>>Subject: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 17:05:28 +0100 >>>UFOIN - A new start for British ufology >>>Some of the UKs most experienced investigators today >>>launched a bold initiative. >>>They have banded together under a common name - UFOIN (UFO >>>Investigators Network) in an attempt to professionalise ufology >>>in Britain. >><snip> >Congrats - I can't believe the pomposity of the announcement of >this group, so I'm gald to see someone has treated it in the way >it deserved. >Can I suggest that the best 'new start' British ufology needs is >for the 'investigators' to learn some humility. >That's not a xenophobe foreigner view, but that of a Brit who's >amazed at the certainty of some of the members of this >organisation. >It's a shame that the announcement bears all the signs of the >stereotype Brit (Englishman) - absolute certainty, elitism and >dismissal of any doubt. >Martin Phillips Hi, Martin. Look rather than make such a snidey comment, why don't you actually tell us what you consider elitist about a group that is literally open to anyone to join (which rather contradicts elitism), or that displays certainty and dismissal of doubt (when I sure as heck dont know what UFOs are and I'm part of UFOIN), or is lacking in humility, since none of us are promising to change the world simply to do as good a job as we can of R & I and publish it freely for everyone to do as they will with our findings. What we are doing is bonding as a team not claiming to be better than anybody else. What makes you think that we are suggesting that? Please point out where we have said that we have all the answers because I don't see it in the statement and I know I certainly dont have them. Thats why we are still looking! This is a serious request for a detailed reply. Please explain your feelings as we are trying to do this UFOIN project right and your opinion does matter. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: Get Real From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 02:45:16 -0500 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 08:50:50 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >From: Sharon Kardol <sharon@hotmix.com.au> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 10:43:23 +0800 >>Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 14:01:54 -0500 >>From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>On the third day of encounters, the family, in a state of terror >>and shock, called one of their neighbors to come help them. The >>neighbor, pseudonym of "Jill", arrived with a camera and began >>taking photographs of a red-eyed being standing just beyond a >>sliding glass door in the back yard. Unfortunately, "Jill" was >>too afraid or forgot to open the glass door and the flash from >>the camera reflected off the glass door obscuring any images of >>the red-eyed being. When she got the photographs back from the >>photo lab, all she got were pictures with a glare on the glass >>doors - or so she thought. >I have yet to view these photos and I will do shortly, but >doesn't this seem just a little tooooo convenient? Are you saying, Sharon, that the glare on the glass door was intended? Actually, it was an accident. I think I too would be afraid to open a glass door if some red-eyed being stood on the other side, wouldn't you? But read the story because the second image that showed up was even better than the first image. The second image was also discovered by accident two years after the encounters - my kids and I were the ones who discovered it. No one said, "Keep looking because you might find another critter in the photos." The witnesses involved had pretty much gone on with their lives and forgotten the events. No one sought recognition - that's why all names are pseudonyms. You'd think that if it were a hoax, the individuals involved would want some kind of attention brought to themselves. Not in this case. Sharon, I investigated this case and I am a healthy skeptic. In fact, there are even those who call me a debunker because I am so hard to convince. It wasn't just the witnesses and their story, it wasn't just the photos that convinced me but all the information put together. You can't take one without the other. You can't always manage the events that occur during a close encounter so that the evidence stacks up the way critics and skeptics demand to their satisfaction. These things can happen so fast that few people even have the sense to grab a camera. The neighbor that joined the others on the third night knew to take a camera because she had had experiences all her life and knew some of the traces that can be found after such encounters. Her story alone is incredible. The beings probably came searching for her but she was out of town and something attracted them to "Cathy's" house (what was it that attracted them? you'd be surprised <grin>). Ya know, if people would just allow some things to be possible without believing, and ask questions, explore, they would learn so much more. I have learned so much from this investigation and just wanted to share it with others. I didn't even tell very many people it was posted on my web site because I hate the way abduction stories are sensationalized. Recently I began offering it to various magazines and others because I decided maybe it would mean something to someone and I need to make it more available as I have moved on to other projects. I will not forget those who have had enough of an open mind (and manners) to at least express an interest. Those who have told me it didn't happen or the photos look fake or cannot be published because they'd rather print stories about Bigfoot will also stay in my memory and amuse me through all my endeavors. Give people fuzzy photos of alleged UFOs and they gather in awe. Give 'em photos of alleged aliens and they turn away in disbelief. UFOs can exist but not aliens. Bigfoot can exist but not aliens. Go figure. I've learned a lot about the status of the consensual reality and the limits of our beliefs. Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Links For Web-Site From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 04:52:16 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 08:53:08 -0400 Subject: Links For Web-Site Hi All, I am constantly updating the Links on my web site, it also seems that my site is getting some interest, if you would like to put your link on my site please forward me your details, and I will post them on at the weekend. If you wish to advertise on the site please e-mail me for details. http://members.netscapeonline.co.uk/royjhale/ Roy.. Keep Smiling..

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 04:52:31 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 08:55:39 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns A&R wrote: >>Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 12:37:29 -0400 >>From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Y'all, >>As Jon said in a recent email he still hasn't come up with the >>name/number of the aircraft which went missing or the >>name/number of the crew. This was always the crux point of his >>argument which seemd to get buried beneath his freelance >>chemical courier activities. Hi All, Yes the "Crux" of the Sheffield Case has seen to be focused on the name of the pilot. So let us clear the case once and for all. A little request for those researchers who don't believe that there was some kind of Incident on the night in Question March 27th 1997' would you be able to produce all of the names of the Nato Pilots who took part in this flight? This way other researchers could then check to see if those Nato Pilots named by those researchers are in fact still walking about today? Surely these researchers must know all of the names of the Nato Pilots who flew on that mission on the night as they are adamant that they all arrived back safely' for this reasoning at least one of those researchers must have a list of the Nato Pilots names / numbers who returned to the base intact? If they haven't' would they care to enlighten everyone as to how they know that no Nato Pilot was lost? Hopefully the researchers denying that any incident had occurred and that no pilot was lost, can then safely assure us all by printing the full names / numbers of all those pilots concerned, from which everyone could check, and if proved right' then this will be a closed case once and for all. Regards, Roy.. Keep Smiling..

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: Steven Greer On Compuserve's UFO Forum From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 05:19:48 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 08:57:52 -0400 Subject: Re: Steven Greer On Compuserve's UFO Forum SA wrote: >>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 14:42:14 -0400 >>From: Sue Addison <NevadaFighter@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Steven Greer On Compuserve's UFO Forum >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Dr. Steven Greer of CSETI will be appearing as a conference >>guest on Compuserve's UFO Forum on Wednesday 13th October 1999 >>at 8pm EDT (midnight BST). Hi All & Sue, I was flicking through my old bookmarks and tried your Research Group Hertfordshire UFO Research web-site: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/nevadafighter/homepage.htm I was unable to connect to the page, as it came back with unable to connect to server? Is your web-site still running? Thanks, Roy.. http://members.netscapeonline.co.uk/royjhale/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 12:46:36 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 09:05:34 -0400 Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >From: Erol Erkmen <andromeda1@turk.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 01:51:00 +0300 >*On June 10, 1990, the Pensacola News Journal ran a story >announcing that a UFO model had been found in the attic of Ed >Walters' former residence. >One week later, the newspaper announced that a Gulf Breeze >teenager, later identified as Tommy Smith, had helped Walters >hoax the UFO photos. >On June 19, Charles Flannigan, MUFON State Director for Florida, >announced MUFON was reopening the Walters' case to investigate >these new allegations. He assigned then State Section Directors, >Rex and Carol Salisberry, to assist him in this investigation. >When the Salisberrys failed to deliver a complete report on the >allegations (as outlined by MUFON's Deputy Director of >Investigations, Dan Wright), the MUFON Chief Investigator for >Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties, Gary Watson, was assigned to >the task. Watson completed his investigation and submitted his >report on May 23, 1991; his report was 29 pages long with 27 >attachments. >The following paragraphs summarize the central facts brought out >in Watson's investigation. -Bruce Maccabee, Physicist, >photoanalyst and a MUFON state director accepted professsional >fees for his work on the photos from Ed Walters' publisher. > >(from Robert Collins ) >more info: >http://members.tripod.com/~ufolojist/ed.html This is all old recycled stuff. The responses to these arguments have been available for years. Old wine in a new (Turkish) bottle. No one ever proved that the Gulf Breeze sightings were a "giant fraud." Mr. Black's arguments have been responded to (and are being responded to). 1. Oechsler did "accept $5000" to cover the costs of a photo lab and materials and labor for making numerous copies of the original photos, said copies being both prints and slides. Each photo was copied at two or more exposure levels for research purposes. Each photo was cleaned carefully before being copied and special care was taken to eliminate glare or reflections when the originals were brightly illuminates ("light blasted" ) to show the details in the very low brightness areas. This copying operation took several weeks and produced well over a hundred slides and prints. It was an expensive operation. 2. I accepted a payment for writing the last chapter in the book, Gulf Breeze Sightings. 3. William Hyzer claims the "road shot:" is a hoax. However, his argument regarding the lack of a reflection in the hood of the truck has been refuted. The hood was bent in an accident. The bending changed the reflection. poperties. 4. The videotape Ed took on Dec. 28, 1987 has not yet been explained. 5. There is no doubt that he said he wasn't abducted on the Oprah show even though the the last chapter that he wrote in the book has in its title the claim that he was abducted. At the time Ed thought his story was already a subject of ridicule and he didn't want further ridicule that would occur if he discussed the information which indicated an abduction. (This ultimately was published in his 1994 book, Abductions In Gulf Breeze, Avon Pub. company) 6. The model in Ed's old house was found under circumstances which indicate that it was placed there by someone who wanted the model to be found. Certainly if Ed had placed it where it was found he wouldn't want anyone else to find it. In fact, if Ed had made it and wanted no one to fin it, why wouldn't he just destroy it? 7. Ed arranged for a single polygraph test with Harvey McLaughlin, who told me he had done thousands of such tests for companies that had hired him. When Ed passed the test McLaughlin didn't believe the result. Therefore when Ed returned for the results of the test McLaughlin said that there were a few things he wanted to check and he connected up the polygraph a second time. In between the tests he had checked up on Ed's UFO sightings and asked some different questions. Ed was not expecting a second test, so it was a complete surprise. Ed passed the second test as well.... no indications of deceit, so McLaughlin wrote in his report that , in his opinion, Ed was being truthful. McLaughlin told me that Ed was not a sociopath or "con man" type of person who would be likely to tel lies. Dr. Dan Overlade, clinical psychologist who gave Ed a collection of personality and psychological tests, told me the same thing. Neither of these men foun evidence that Ed had lied. 8. Tommy Smith's claim of having seen Ed fake photographs was shown to be completely at odds with th evidence. Smith said that Ed told him how he faked some of the pictures. Smith's descriptions of these faking techniques were temselves fakes. Smith's description of how a model was photographed has been found to be incorrect. The "Smith Method" of mounting a model on a pipe and shining a flashlight up through it to light the inside has been tested in numerous ways and found to fail. It just would not create UFO images such as are in Ed's photos. According to Mr. Smith, a circular area of dead grass found in the high school athletic field behind Ed's (old) house was created by Ed in te following way: Ed turned a trampoline upside down and jumped up and down on it. This is, of course, ridiculous. One would have to leave said trampoline on the grass for days to kill it. During that time someone at the school certainly would have noticed it. Furthermore, the grass stayed dead for months and it took years for the grass to return to normal. (A test was made by a government scientist to determine whether or not there were chemicals in the ground tat could have killed the grass. None were found.) 9. It is true that Believer Bill and Jane have never been "turned themselves in." There were also a few less distinct photos. However, there were many witnesses in the area (117 sightings, 93 not involving Ed, between Nov. 11, 1987, and July 10, 1988.) It is amusing to note that in this web page presentation one of the UFO photos is #11 showing the blue beam. This photo could not have been taken by the double exposure method claimed by Hyzer and others. The reason why it couldn't is explained in UFOs Are Real, Here'S The Proof (by Ed Walters and Bruce Maccabee, Avon, 1997).

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: Get Real From: Marc BelL <MARC@wufog.freeserve.co.uk> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 20:08:11 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 09:11:54 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 17:17:08 +0000 >From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >>Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 12:37:46 -0500 (CDT) >>From: Brian Cuthbertson <brianc@fc.net> >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>>Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 20:57:28 +0000 >>>From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: Get Real >>>Oh, and while we're on the subject, of all the thousands who >>>claim to be repeatedly abducted, who has ever taken a photograph >>>of an alien? the odds are that amongst the thousands there must >>>be someone who set a camera up linked to a motion detector, not >>>hard to do these days considering our 'changing level of >>>technology'. >>>Unless the aliens are only interested in the people who wouldn't >>>have even thought to do that. >>Well I suppose Dave considers his remark pretty clever, but I'll >>bet he's never done any real checking about whether precisely >>what he suggests has been attempted. It has, and it has failed. >>Last year or so I had an email exchange with Katharina Wilson, >>an abductee who has tried, with the help of local UFO >>investigators, to do exactly what Dave suggests above. On >>nights she would undergo an abduction, the video camera put in >>her bedroom mysteriously recorded nothing but static. >I don't consider myself being pretty clever at all, I was >honestly asking a question. >Was the video showing time and date and did it record her >sleeping until a certain time (for argument lets say 3 AM) then >record static from there on in? >If it recorded as you say nothing but static I would have the >camera checked, no aliens involved there. Hi Dave, Havn't you ever thought these 'aliens' (entities or whatever?) are:- Advanced enough to understand all our technology, behaviour patterns etc Therefore making a video look like just static shouldn't be beyond them, should it? Perhaps we should be asking a) why 'they' do this b) how can we proof that would convince everyone? >>There is also a case, reported in one of Ray Fowler's books, >>where an abductee woke long enough one night to see an alien in >>his hallway examining his motion detector. The alien mentally >>suggested he return to sleep, and he did. Apparently the >>detector never went off. Sorry I can't cite chapter and verse >>on this one; I've read too many of Fowler's books by now. >>Is that a sufficient answer for you Dave? >Well the second one could have been a dream. Let's face it, >we've all had some weird dreams at one time or another. >If the person in this case was hyped up enough about aliens to >install a motion detector then surely aliens were foremost in >their mind when they went to sleep. >And as you said the motion detector did not go off. >You have to understand these detectors are not tuned to react to >figments of the imagination, or dreams. A couple of points here Dave.... A dream doesn't rip your bed clothes off & dump you in the corner of the room 2 or so hours later covered in brusies etc! Esp: with with the house alarm still on..... Point 2, you have filmed the 'entity' in the studio here, but it has never tripped the motion detectors in the alarm system. >>Guess those aliens >>aren't too intimidated by our "advanced" technology. After all, >>any civilization like ours which has had the light bulb for all >>of 100 years (wow!), isn't going to present much of a defense >>against putative others may have invented it thousands if not >>millions of years ago. One can only hope their ethics are as far >>beyond ours as well ... >And yet they still can't help but leave marks on your body, >strange huh? >Dave. Well maybe they'll pay you a visit at 3am eh Dave? All the best, Marc

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 14:34:42 -0500 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 09:17:02 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 15:29:26 -0400 >From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 18:51:22 -0500 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>That said, everyone seems >>to have forgotten the following. Up until the time Ed Walters >>was sent the Nimslo 3-D camera, all of his pictures had been of >>the original object shaped something like a tea pot or a very >>squat saucer. >Hi, Dennis! >Unfortunately, your recollections are not correct. Prior to this >event, at least two and possibly three types of UFO had been >photographed. Please consult "The Gulf Breeze Sightings" ISBN >0-688-0987-7 for an accurate chronology with photos. >>ALL of the Nimslo pictures (on a sealed roll of film) portrayed >>a very different "object" entirely, one which Ed originally >>estimated as being 200 feet in length or longer. After analysis >>revealed the photographed object to be about 4 and 1/2 feet >>long, it was explained that Ed didn't have his glasses on, was >>looking through the viewfinder and overestimated its size, >>whatever, I don't care. Then it was "explained" that Ed's wife, >>who didn't have her eyes glued to the camera's viewfinder, also >>though the object was only a few feet long, and thus Ed's >>mis-estimate was simply glossed over and shoved under the rug. Different camera, different object. Point still applies. If it doesn't arouse your suspicion, so be it. >This is commented on at some length in the book, so I am not >sure I understand "glossed over" in this context. Obviously, the >reason for using the Nimslo camera was to obtain an image from >which acutal size could be calculated without being subject to >the errors of distance perception. In this it would seem the >Nimslo camera was a success. I know. I was involved with the people who prepared it and sent it to Ed. What was glossed over was how wrong Ed was in his original assessment of the object's size. 200 feet down to 4 1/2 is a pretty good percentage by anyone's count. You can gloss over something at great length, or short length, or by ignoring it altogether. There are all sorts of ways to gloss over something, in other words. The point here, in case you didn't get it, is that a 4 and 1/2 foot-long model is well within human ability. So is attaching same to a boat. For that matter, how do we know it _was_ over water, scientifically speaking, of course. By oral testimony? >>Curiously, Ed never photographed the Nimslo "UFO" again, to the >>best of my knowledge. >This is not correct. Indeed, the point I was making, which you >seem to have missed, is that the "Nimslo" object not only was >photographed again, but it was photographed in the same stereo >frame with one of the original form objects (38L / 38R). Because >the photo was in stereo, the size of the Nimslo object and the >original object could be calculated and compared. In addition, >the distance of the two objects could be determined. Please see >p 300-302 in TGBS for the basic facts and calculations. >When this calculation was completed, the size of the "Nimslo" >object was comparable to its size in the original Nimslo photo, >and the original form object was comparable to its size in other >occlusion, stereo, etc. photos. In addition, because the photo >was taken pointing toward the water, and the objects were >calculated to be over one hundred feet away out over the water. Good God, man, ain't ye never heard of _boats_? They float on water. >The difficulty of hoaxing this, mathematically and physically, >are very high. As such, this combination of the Nimslo photo and >the stereo photo showing the original form object and the >"Nimslo" object is strong evidence _for_ the reality of the GB >photos - and, to the best of my knowledge, has not been >addressed or explained by skeptics, including yourself, Mr. >Black, or Mr. Hyzer. Until that occurs, and the proofs offered >of falsity are compelling, I must remain uncommitted in regard >to the validity of these photos. Or for the existence of two models. No one has ever denied that the Gulf Breeze photos are real -- it's their contents at issue. The Cottingley Fairy pictures exist, too. >>It appears only on the roll of 35mm film >>over which Walters had no control whatsoever. Once that roll of >>film was returned for development, however, Ed went back to his >>trusty Polaroid (which even Maccabee admits was capable of >>double exposures, unlike subsequent Polaroid models) and -- >>surprise! -- produced another series of pictures of his >>pre-Nimslo UFO, including, if memory serves, the famous road >>shot... >This is incorrect. The road shot was taken before the Nimslo >photo. Good! In other words, taken with the Polaroid capable of producing double-exposures. >On 2/26/88, the Nimslo photo was taken. On 3/7/88, Walters >purchased a new Sun 600 Polaroid. The stereo photos were taken >with Walters' Sun 600 and another borrowed from Duane Cook. >Dennis, these are basic facts about a case you are disputing. It >would allow more faith in your judgement if you were to actually >demonstrate you know these facts in your attempts at refutation, >since that is what a scientific approach requires. I could go back and get my all ducks in a row, if I had the time or inclination. By way of investigating this case scientifically, you could also do the following. Go back and read Irwin Weider's article in the Journal of Scientific Exploration to see how he solved the famous Willamette Pass, Oregon, photo case. (Pretty convincingly to my satisfaction, at least, if not yours.) The "witness" in this case was a biochemist and distinguished former WWII naval officer, if memory serves. Now, how would you take the same approach to the GB photos? You'd duplicate the same equipment and play around a lot to see if you couldn't produce the same results. If you could, it wouldn't necessarily "scientifically" disprove the GB photos, but it would sure as hell cast a pall of doubt over them. When all is said and done, science works in many ways, not just one. Hyzer's science confirms what I see when I look at Ed's original Polaroid series -- evidence of double-exposure, especially by the washed-out color contrast of the UFO itself. Someone else comes along and uses their science to explain the obvious complaint. Well, we don't know how UFO's illuminate themselves, to what blueprints they're built, and so on. This isn't science. It's simple circular reasoning. Using alien psychology to confirm the existence of that which hasn't yet been confirmed _without_ reference to alien psychology, motives, intentions and so on. Putting the cart before the proverbial horse, in other words. You express your own doubts about multiple photograph cases, but Gulf Breeze goes far beyond that. It is uniquely unique among UFO cases. Everytime Ed was handed a challenge (or a new camera set up) he came through with supposedly shining colors. This came to be taken as proof of the phenomenon rather than, say, Ed's own ingenuity. ("I know Ed and he's no sociopath," to paraphrase Maccabee, as if one had to be sociopathological to indulge a harmless prank. But perhaps Maccabee believes that all crop circle makers are sociopaths for all I know.) The problem with GB was not that it had too many investigators, but too many apologists. If Ed screwed up, the "investigators" helped get him out of one jam after another. No reflection on his hood of the "road shot" ufo? Dent in the hood, cinder blocks in back. Mis-estimated the length of a four-foot-long ufo to one 200 feet long? Didn't have his glasses on. And so on. All of which could conceivably be true, admittedly. But all of which also resonates with an endless series of special pleadings. Or professional UFO science, if you prefer. >This must be science by proclamation, because it isn't supported >by evidence. >And I'd like to address that point in more detail. >I don't like the GB photos. I have some real problems accepting >a long duration multiple photographic case. But science doesn't >allow me to engage my dislike - I must instead confront the >evidence. Not the weakest evidence, not the evidence I invent >because I can't remember the facts of the case, but the >strongest evidence. See above. I was going to address all your paragraphs in sequence but I got lazy. >I am also forced to ignore any presumptions I may have about the >aesthetics of a particular UFO. There's a simple reason for >this: I don't know what a UFO _should_ look like. I can compare >the GB photos with sketches of UFOs, and though I cannot find a >"hokiness" continuum to range them on, and I can say with some >confidence that the GB UFOs are not unusual in that context. >For all I know, the design of UFOs observed, sketched, and >photographed represents an aesthetic preference or an >engineering demand. For all I know, each UFO is uniquely >manufactured for the preferences of its occupants. In other >words, neither I nor you are privileged to know anything about >the "hokiness" of a UFO appearance as a guide to its status in >reality. No, but something like old-fashioned common sense ought to seep into the picture at some point, even if it does originate from a skeptical base. Ufologists don't like to hear it, because Carl Sagan (that damn traitor!) turned it into a personal mantra, but extraordinary claims really do require at least more than ordinary evidence. >Oddly enough, many UFO photos are of rather featureless objects, >and when this is the case, the complaint is that they could be >of anything. When a UFO with structural details is shown, the >complaint is that it looks "hokey". It is difficult to see how >these viewpoints represent a criterion which can actually be >satisfied. It's not necessarily the details of the GB UFO that are in question, but how out of place the whole looks in the pictures in which it appears. There's a vast difference between the two. I'm not objecting to the overall shape or window arrangement, but to how they ultimately play out in the picture. Are you saying that the crew ordered up a hokey-looking ufo so that if they got photographed everyone would just say, oh, that looks hokey? Well, that's a pretty scientific approach, isn't it? >Science does not allow us to only confront certain data which >happens to be to our liking. We need to confront data on the >terms of science - which is to say, qualitatively, >quantitatively, in the laboratory, in the field, and we need to >reject a priori notions of what the data looks like so that we >can listen to the data itself. If something is not supported, it >can be safely rejected, but until then, we must sometimes live >in a painful state of ambiguity. >------ >Mark Cashman I feel your pain. Dennis Stacy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: Nick Pope's Weird World From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 22:28:10 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 09:26:23 -0400 Subject: Re: Nick Pope's Weird World >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 20:32:12 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Nick Pope's Weird World > John >Carpenter's recent remake of "The Thing," starring someone who's >not a Baldwin brother (Kurt Russell), was an excruciating joke. >Dennis Stacy Dennis, I disagree, I think the remake was better. -- In an infinite universe, infinitely anything is possible. Sean Jones http://www.tedric.demon.co.uk/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 21:29:47 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 09:25:19 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 17:25:46 +0100 Hi Jenny >Hi, I have been determined not to get embroiled over this "new" approach to British Ufology but some things beg for me to say something. >Well, I obviously cannot speak for anyone else in UFOIN. Its a >one person, one vote, everybody has an equal say affair. I hope it remains so for all the very best reasons. >Some of >them are on this list so egg them to answer that question >directly rather than just hear my view. Some are more _outspoken_ compared to you as well Jenny. >All I can say is what I will personally stand up for and >support. Anyone, regardless of their theories about UFO origin, >etc, will be welcomed by me into UFOIN on the basis that they >can do first class, objective field investigations seeking >answers, finding them where possible and if not merely >documenting the evidence so that we can theorise from that data. I do not see one person's name on your published list who is not a skeptic or disbeliever in aliens Jenny so how do you plan to prove this statement? >I don't see UFOIN as promoting any theories or any standpoint on >UFOs. We are here to do R & I and to document good evidence in >as scientific a manner as possible. That's a remit I think is >sufficient in by itself in so far as UFOIN is concerned. >Speculation beyond that is not unimportant, but I don't see it as >UFOIN's job. OK >My views on UFOs are different in many ways from Andy Roberts or >Dave Clarke, Jenny I have seen your opinion _change_ a few times in your career in Ufology. Not that this is a bad thing or shows unwillingness to learn, but it does indicate that your _position_ is not _hardened_ into a core belief. I would also like to mention, and please correct me if I misquote you Andy. When I was at Tim Matthews conference in the early part of this year Andy Roberts said to me, "I believe _ALL_ UFO's can be explained with sufficient research" Now if that isn't someone who has already made up his mind what is? >for instance. Although we share quite a few ideas I >suspect they are far more sceptical than I - and whilst I do >have a suspicion that another intelligence may be involved in >some close encounters, I think they'd both offer a firm no to >that. What we all do share is - I hope - an objective approach >to UFOs and no vested interest in any theory. I assume that, >just as I am willing to be persuaded that any case can be solved >and that no UFOs as a consequence have exotic solutions, I trust >they would be persuaded by good evidence to the contrary. That's >what being objective means - you follow where the evidence trail >leads , whether it supports or denies your own ideas. What about if the answer does not become available? This _game_ that is ufology has yielded no answers in fifty years. With a crew of hardened skeptics do you expect to solve the riddle? >I am up for that and am happy with any UFOIN member who feels >the same way even if our personal views on the subject right now >are poles apart. As I stated when I wrote "101 Possible explanations for UFOs" for all the explanations supplied and others, there are _still_ some cases that there are no answers for. Which would leave us with two options, ET or the paranormal. It would seem that some people just cannot accept these options. So with a line up of skeptics, do you think that a Pro-ETH person is likely to volunteer his/her time to assist in debunking? Jenny I honestly do wish you the very best with your new organisation but I feel that with the line up of people already involved, the outcome of many investigations will be directed/steered/cajoled into one debunked set of answers. The only thing that could change this for me was if you was able to get an equal number of Pro-ETH people and an equal number of middle of the road people to join this new organisation, and as I said with your current line up, do you think that will happen? -- In an infinite universe, infinitely anything is possible. Sean Jones http://www.tedric.demon.co.uk/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case From: Erol Erkmen <andromeda1@turk.net> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 01:59:22 +0300 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 09:38:12 -0400 Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case I don't want to go into lengthly details about the arguments presented in their article but here are a few of the significant points they made: Bob Oechsler accepted a 5000 dollar fee from Ed Walters for Lab expenses. Bruce Maccabee, Physicist, photoanalyst and a MUFON state director accepted professsional fees for his work on the photos from Ed Walters' publisher. William Hyzer a distinguished photoanalyst and free of charge analyzed the Walters' photos with his son Dr.James B. Hyzer: These analysts with a combined experience of over 60 years concluded that Walters' "road shot" (photo 19 in the batch) is a double exposure. The videotape: To test wheather the UFO video tape Ed Walters had taken was a hoax Bruce Maccabee had Ed Walters and Frances (wife) among his lab assistances. Not exactly the "scientific" sort of thing to do. So, by using Walters in this and other controlled experiments, he Walters, was allowed to influence the outcome. Ed Walters was showed to have lied about his own reported abduction experiences: On the Oprah Winfrey show he lied to Phil Klass saying he never had any abductions but in his book pages 256, 263 and 264 he talks in detail about those supposed "abduction" events. Robert Menzer who bought the Walters' house discovered a styrofoam plate model of a UFO striking similar to the ones in the Walters' photos: This was only found after Menzer moved insulation out of the way: For something that some claim was planted it certainly was well hidden. And the model was very similiar but but not identical to the Walters' UFO photos: Now, if one were going to "plant" a model etc wouldn't one make it identical to the Walters' UFO photos to make the "frame-up" stick ? MUFON's Charles Flannigan setup a polygraph test for Walters with Hugh Jones, a fully accredited and licensed polygrapher. Walters failed to show for the appointment, opting instead to arrange two sessions with a Harvey McLaughlin. McLaughin was apparently not a member of any polygraph association which adhere to standards of practice, principle, and ethical conduct of polygraph examinations. Walters has denied investigators access to his polygraph printouts. A boy at the time Tommy Smith claimed to have helped Walters fake some photos and had inside knowledge on how others were hoaxed. The famous believers "Bill" and "Jane" have never surfaced so in essence there are no other photos or witnesses to back-up Ed Walters' claims..... http://members.tripod.com/~ufolojist/ed.html

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 16:35:00 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 09:32:41 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >From: Jonathan Dyton <jon@wibble.powernet.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 19:22:15 +0100 >>Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 01:10:01 -0400 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Anyway. Now those event's have been the subject of massive >investigation - and a lot of it happened very very quickly >afterwards as well. Quest sent a team over there, the BBC did an >(pretty mediocre but sceptical) episode of one of it's >paranormal type shows on the events (and didn't mention anything >about triangles), there was tons in the Uk forums and in the >magazines at the time that were still quite boyant, but I saw >not one item about the shooting down of an RAF plane. That's because no one in the real world would ever have given such an absurd claim the time of day without some pretty good evidence to back it up. All we have ever got - and are still getting from behind prison bars - are promises of new and conclusive evidence which never arives Remember the guy out walking who happened to bump into some Tornado pilot (as you do) who said a plane had been lost that night. Remember the patience we were all sposed to have as Max was going to come up with the name of this mysteriously dead but unmissed pilot? Well we're still waiting more than two years later but people are still hawking this rubbish around. I well remember one of the researchers from BBC Mysteries cracking up in hysterical laughter when I explained Max's theory to her. But I still asked her to give him a chance to air it live on TV, so the whole country could share the joke.. She didn't bother in the end, which was a shame. But in the wacky world of ufology any kind of ludicrous story can be floated on the grapevine nowadays and there will always be some gullible soul out there waiting to swallow it whole, and set up some new cult or other to promote it ad infinitum. That's how myths are created - and I would have thought enough had been deflated by now for people to realise this. Those new to the subject know little if anything about the history of ufology, hence the continual credulity which prevails. Oh hum. >Now, I can't produce everything written from March '97 until the >first thing by Max saying a plane was shot down in ufological >circles - but if it someone made those claims before Max and >made them publically I haven't seen them in print nor any >reporting of a lecture with those claims. If someone has it'll >be a darn sight easier to produce the one article or piece of >news than for me to produce everything written in that time on >this list! If it exists, then I'm wrong, it's that simple.. Well I can help you out there old chap, because I was present from the word go with my notepad and pen ready as helicopters whirred over my head and police dragged their tired and cold carcasses off that God-forsaken moorland. No one mentioned UFOs at all until Max showed up on the scene - as the witness Sharon Aldridge later testified. Yes there was talk of Ghost-Planes (see my article in current issue of The Unopened Files), and this was even taken seriously by the police themselves. The UFO connection with the Howden Moors case is entirely the product of Max Burns imagination and I give him all due credit for creating a modern-day myth. I distinctly remember discussing the case with the Maxwell Burns Cult [as surely it now is] at the 1997 BUFORA Conference, about five months after the incident had occured. Then the Maxwell Burns Cult was hawking the story round that a UFO had crashed on the moor and had been retrieved by one of those blue-beret type retrieval things. During the discussion (Andy Roberts was witness to this) it became obvious that Max was not familiar with the area he was talking about, did not recognise some of the well-known areas of the Peak District moors we fielded to him, and was quite plainly "making it all up as he went along." Obviously imagination was working overtime henceforward as the case underwent a mysterious metamorphosis from this point and lo and behold the Tornado jet shot down by Flying Triangle appeared - no doubt after a lengthy and vivid brainstorming session with the assistance of whatever subtances Max was ingesting at the time. Anyway Jonathon, I digress, as the question you were asking concerned when was the first appearance of the RAF jet nonsense in the media or in public. The answer is (and I claim first prize here) or was the Summer 1997 issue of now defunct Alien Encounters magazine, where after a mish-mash of misreporting and selective use of facts, Max puzzled about the sonic booms recorded near Sheffield and asked that immortal question: "Could this have been the UFO making a crash landing, or a Tornado crashing after being attacked by a UFO?" So that was the monstrous birth which started the Max Burns Cult, which has taken a life of its own ever since. Those of us who have watched events unfold, including Martin Jeffrey who undertook an independent investigation and reached the same conclusion as myself, have often mused over how and why Max dreamed up this particularly detailed fantasy when the "crashed UFO retrieved by blue berets" would have been far more inviting and less easy to disprove. I can only guess it must have been some sub-plot in an episode of the X-Files or maybe he just made it up (the simplest explanations are often the best). The only conclusion I have been reach does not relate to Max himself, but more to the credulity of those who have taken his claims seriously for more than a millisecond. In the days when people had to write letters to each other to discuss the pros and cons of UFO cases, the barely literate characters who populate the airways today would have had a hard time promoting such a huge confidence trick, and hoodwinking so many for so long. But in the days of the Internet any old tripe can be dished up to the great unwashed, and be taken seriously regardless of the lack of one single checkable piece of evidence. As they say, there's one born every minute! Still it's all been vastly amusing, and I wouldn't have missed it for the world - to actually be present at the birth of a myth. Thanks Max - what a privilege it's been!

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 King Island UFO Search No Hoax From: John W. Auchettl <Praufo@aol.com> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 03:37:51 EDT Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 10:26:22 -0400 Subject: King Island UFO Search No Hoax Oz & ASIA DATA RESEARCH Phenomena Research Australia SIGHTINGS EBK, Researchers, THE KING ISLAND UFO SEARCH NO HOAX On the night of the 24th July 99 and later that day there was a set of sightings of an unusual aircraft near King Island TASMANIA [s39:53 e143:52]. Officials brushed away the report as nothing important. On investigation, officials would not comment on the subject and listed the alleged event as a "hoax balloon". Our DoD Report states that the event was not that simple. Although it was not resolved, a limited but unofficial search was undertaken for SAR reasons. The light source was beyond balloon specifications and although visual contact was made no report was concluded. A visiting US Navy P-3C Orion [405] with the latest advance optical and search facility joined the hunt and was reported seen at the location by Fishing Boat Crews. [ See Image Pra405.Jpeg 34.4K ] The attached image (c)Steve Stefani [jpeg] is the alleged P-3C. The aircraft 405 photo was taken at Royal Australian Air Force [RAAF] Base Richmond in NSW [s33:35 e150:46] on the 22nd July 1999. The same craft was spotted at RAAF Base Edinburgh SA [s34:42 e138:37] on 25th July 1999. EBK, Researchers will remember King Island TASMANIA [s39:53 e143:52] was the location of MUFONs Walter H. Andrus Jr address topic "The Disappearance of Frederick Valentich in Australia." The disappearance of a pilot and his airplane in 1978. REF: UFO UpDates: >Date: Sun, 26 Sep 1999 05:29:43 >To: updates@globalserve.net >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Subject: MUFON's International Director To Retire >The Frederich Valentich case was first researched by the >Victorian UFO Research Society, Melbourne, Victoria [VUFORS] by >well known researchers Mr Paul Norman and Mr John Auchettl, and >extensively reported by them. [ Paul Norman - vufors@ozemail.com.au ] A Phenomena Research Australia [PRA] team has visited King Island on many occasions especially over SEPT/OCT 1998 after a large number of reports of UFOs & lights hit the press. A special I.R. Camera was taken to a location on King Island over two weeks that year but was unable to captured any image of the night lights. A number of 35mm Film photographs were taken by some locals and they were analysis by PRA. The next attached image [jpeg] is on of the objects seen over King Island that Oct 1998 event period. A senior Australian official commented on the 24th July 1999 event, said; "There is no record of a search, there are no such things as UFOs, no such event occurred"? Australian researcher Mr Paul Jackson, tufoic@netspace.net.au of TUFOIC in their TUFOIC Newsletter JUL-OCT 1998 - Ed 84, has a great listing of the 1998 King Island sightings. I recommend that you visit the site at; http://www.netspace.net.au/~tufoic/Newsletter_84.htm Look down the page about half way. The headings are: * KING ISLAND SIGHTINGS * KING ISLAND SIGHTINGS - FOOTNOTE Regards John W. AUCHETTL - Director PRA Research DR Ron BARNETT - Deputy Director Phenomena Research Australia [PRA] Australian & Asia UFO 1961-1999 - 38 YEARS OF RESEARCH SERVICE

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 19:50:23 -0500 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 10:10:12 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 00:55:02 -0400 >From: bruce maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> <snip> >Let me be a bit more explicit. I first saw black and white >copies of photos 1-5 at the office of Dr. Robert Nathan who has >been called the "father of digital image processing" at the Jet >Propulsion Laboratory. This was in late January, 1988. Nathan >had copies because the originals had ben brought to him for >analysis in December, 1987. (This is a side story I won't get >into now.) I had heard about the Gulf Breeze sightings by that >time but had never seen any good copies of the pictures. When >Nathan handed me photo 1 I looked at it for a few seconds, saw >th UFO image "behind" the darker tree image and said to Nathan, >"This would be a tough double exposure." Well, let's get into it now. What, exactly, did Robert Nathan opine? Did he agree with your assesment of same or not? And if not, why not? After all, we're only uninterested scientists here, are we not? And presumably unpaid ones at that. The truth wherever it leads us and all that. Dennis Stacy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: Philip K. Dick From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 19:16:21 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 10:09:03 -0400 Subject: Re: Philip K. Dick >Date: 12 Oct 1999 18:21:33 -0500 >From: Stephen Lewis <stephen.lewis@tsl.state.tx.us> >Subject: Philip K. Dick [was: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing...] >To: UFO UpDates <updates@globalserve.net> >>I'm not going to touch "venerable" (makes me feel old!), >Oops. Thanks for not being offended Greg. I was teasing, really. I took "venerable" as a compliment. And my hair _is_ white. >And thanks for >responding. I had hoped you'd notice my reference to you and >PKD. Not enuf people are familiar with his contributions to >SF or UFOs. >>"Enjoy," though, wasn't quite the word. My wife (now ex-wife) >>went to visit Phil, and found him morose (I'm sure we weren't >>the first people to find him that way). He announced that he'd >>been to the doctor, and was going to die. I still don't know >>whether this was an accurate report of something the doctor had >>told him, a fear based on a serious diagnosis, or simple panic. >I just recently finished reading the PKD biography by fan >Lawrence Sutin. It's towards the end of the book that he >mentions you meeting PKD. The biography title is derived from >PKD's own book Divine Invasion. >Morose wasn't the word most people would have chosen. At least >not those I've read of who met him. Quirky, weird, eccentric or >some such, maybe. "Depressed" might be the best word. I didn't know Phil well, and of course might have seen him, the few times I did, on bad days. But it's pretty clear from his books that he may well have suffered from depression. Think of the main characters in "Galactic Pot-Healer" (that's gotta be one of the worst titles ever found on any book), "The Divine Invasion," or "A Scanner Darkly" (surely one of the most unhappy books I've ever read. All these people are seriously depressed, as are many other protagonists of his books. Or look at the compassionate portrait of a depressed Abraham Lincoln robot, in "We Can Build You." One of my first conclusions, after meeting Phil, was that he put his own misery into these characters. >As an aside - yer lucky he didn't hit on yer (then) wife. He had >a history of falling for certain types of women very quickly. He >was married a number of times. Oh, he fell in love with her. And she wasn't even the thin, dark-haired, angry type so many of his main characters fall for. He called me -- very weird phone call, this -- to tell me about it, and to tell me he'd overcome his desire for her. >Phil was also a Christian, or rather, a Gnostic. His reluctance, >if any, to read Eastern mystic perspectives probably stemmed >from that. However, I was under the impression (perhaps falsely) >that he was at least semi fluent in some Eastern philosophy. He may well have been, but didn't draw on any of it in our lengthy discussion -- or maybe it was his monologue -- about how to understand his paranormal experiences. Greg Sandow

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 (eS) Questioning the fundamentals From: exoScience <davew@exosci.com> Date: 14 Oct 1999 07:07:42 -0000 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 10:17:52 -0400 Subject: (eS) Questioning the fundamentals exoScience - http://www.exosci.com/ Hey everyone, After a brief :) hiatus, I am back. I've been working on a revamped website (you may notice some changes :). I've got some interesting news for you: There have been some assertions recently that question the 'fundamentals' of physics and astrophysics: * Firstly, a theorist has claimed that the speed of light may be variable, rather than constant: http://www.newsreality.com/localnews/?id=18 * I've also posted an interesting article that questions our current notion of "time" as a framework for the universe: http://www.newsreality.com/localnews/?id=28 Also, some interesting news from astronomy: * There has been talk regarding the discovery of a 10th (and perhaps 11th) planet orbiting the sun. Check out all the news at: http://www.newsreality.com/showbindings/?section=science.astrono my&id=4068 * The impressive Chandra telescope has delivered a new image for us to look at: http://www.newsreality.com/showbindings/?section=science.astrono my.hubble&id=4209 * MagLev (magnetic levitation) orbital launch systems are becoming more a reality now that NASA has built an experimental launch track: http://www.newsreality.com/localnews/?id=23 I welcome any comments on the new site design. The site is still brand new, and there is *much* more to come in the near future. thanks, Dave Watanabe davew@exosci.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 17:30:24 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 10:14:04 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 17:11:58 +0100 >>We should not really need subterfuge to deal with the >>authorities. Sadly ufologists are regarded as such vacant minded >>loonies because of the vociferous pronouncements of a few folk >>the police see via the media that we virtually have to go >>undercover to do our job. Another sad legacy of making claims >>about any case you cannot support with that magical missing >>ingredient - evidence. Hi All & Jenny, Jenny in an e-mail to this list you discussed the fact that you and some of your colleagues views would differ on certain cases. You happen to mention that you hold the view that some "Close Encounters" had taken place within some of the cases you investigated. Does this answer mean that you believe "Extraterestials" were the initiators of such "Close Encounters"? And if so does this mean that you are satisfied that at least some of the sightings from around the world are of "ET Origin? And if you could publish the evidence you have on those "Close Encounters" proving they were of "Extraterrestrial" origin it would be kindly appreciated. Regards, Roy.. Keep Smiling..

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 02:43:48 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 10:15:34 -0400 Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude Given that only a tiny amount of research has been done classifying and analysing even _raw reported_ UFO and occupant behavior, and that the resulting database contains an unknown amount of noise, very likely increasing almost asymptotically in the cases whose strangeness exceed CE2 and CE3, attempts to class reported behavior as inept or expert are doomed to founder. Why? First of all, assessment of expertise requires a knowledge of goals. In other words, you can't know if actions are appropriate or not until you know the intended result. Leaving aside channelers, contactees, and abductees who claim to have been told what the intended result is (which is reasonable, since, as anyone in intelligence knows, sources of intelligence and _their_ sources can and do lie, for strategic, tactical, or trivial reasons), it can be said that little or none of the groundwork required to assess intent has yet been done. That groundwork includes classification, statistical analysis, and behavior analysis. Secondly, even with categories and statistical analysis, there is wide room for misinterpretation. For instance, is painting a deck with clear material that doesn't cause any visible change expert or inept? We know it is expert, because the quality of the coating does not lie in its color, but in its water repellency; but would we know that if our observations were made from a satellite without prior information? Is replacing parts which are not visibly damaged in a jet engine expert or inept? If it is following a standard replacement schedule based on known characteristics of wear, it is expert. Is standing in the rain expert or inept? It might just be fun. Are the fins on old cars aerodynamic? No, just aesthetic and symbolic. We make a serious error if we assume that concepts such as these are not in the data - in other words if we proceed from the (unstated) assumption that UFOs are the product of humorless little Nazi midgets with no art, no sense of humor, whose actions, sliced out of context, must make sense, and who are driven by some grim purpose. It's just not that easy. Blanket pronouncements about the irrationality of some specific behavior evidenced by reports of UFOs beg all of the following questions: 1) Are the accounts in question true or false? 2) If false, are they exclusive exemplars of the behavior in question (in which case that behavior can be discounted)? 3) How would non-humans behave in a specific context? How can we identify the context? 4) Can non-human goals be extracted from out-of-context slices of behavior and, if so, how is that to be done reliably? If we are going to be scientific, we have a long way to go in answering the above questions before we start claiming higher level knowledge about the phenomenon. If nothing else, UFOs raise fascinating questions of epistemology. ------ Mark Cashman, creator of The Temporal Doorway at http://www.temporaldoorway.com - Original digital art, writing, music and UFO research - UFO cases, analysis, classification systems, and more... http://www.temporaldoorway.com/ufo/index.htm ------

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: Alien Ineptitude From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 19:00:40 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 09:58:28 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 21:11:54 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >You want this argument both ways: Super-advanced technology but >with outmoded examples of same (scars left behind, implants with >no obvious functions, no need to physically milk specimens each >time an ovum or sperm is required, etc). And your answer each >time is to attribute these objections to an inscrutable alien >psychology or psyche. <snip> >One can't just continue extrapolating alieness as an ever ready >explanation for each and every complaint. At some point someone >has got to start making sense. No, Dennis. I did no such thing. Read my post again. I described scrutable alien psychology, alien intentions that, to me, are comprehensible, and make sense. Yes, I said that speculations about aliens that I've read have been far too limited. But that's not nearly the same thing as saying that the aliens _can't_ be understood. In fact (to go a little further with these thoughts), the main limitation of many people who speculate about aliens is pretty ironic. It's not that they don't let their aliens be alien enough -- it's that they don't seem to know enough about how humans have behaved. As I said in my post, it really isn't surprising that aliens might not go straight to our so-called leaders. There are plenty of earthly situations where mere humans don't proceed that way. And take your contention that >You want this argument both ways: Super-advanced technology but >with outmoded examples of same (scars left behind, implants with >no obvious functions, no need to physically milk specimens each >time an ovum or sperm is required, etc). You make two assumptions here. One, as before, is that aliens don't want us to know that they're around. As I pointed out, it's easy to invent scenarios suggesting why they'd want us to gradually find out. Leaving scars -- intentionally -- could be part of that. And the second assumption is that you know what an advanced technology could do. Essentially -- and this is a big mistake a lot of people make, in my opinion, when they speculate about aliens -- you look at certain aspects of our own technology, and imagine that they'd develop in a straight line into the future. But already we've seen that our technology doesn't always work like that -- and, in particular, that our ideas at any given time of where our technology might go can be wildly incorrect.. I'll give you two examples. In the '50s, lots of people thought that atomic power would be used everywhere -- in private cars, for instance. The press was full of avid speculation to that effect; atomic cars (which would never need to be refueled) were a staple of science fiction. Funny thing, though. Turns out that atomic power is cumbersome, and sometimes dangerous. So it's not used nearly as widely as all those pundits in the '50s naively -- as we now can see -- expected. Second example: canned food, frozen food, packaged cake mixes. When these began to appear, many people assumed they'd be as tasty as home cooking. This was the wave of the future -- prepared food that would free us from the drudgery of making meals ourselves. Well, surprise. It didn't work that way. I'm not saying that the prepared food industry didn't vastly expand; of course it did. But we know now that fresh-cooked food tastes better. Nobody can prepackage the work of a serious chef. Nobody can synthesize fresh-squeezed orange juice. So it's not unreasonable to speculate that aliens, advanced as they might be, run into limitations of this sort. Maybe one fruit of advanced technological wisdom is that technology has limits, and that, so to speak, abducting aliens need to use "organic" human eggs and sperm, harvested from real people, and not synthesized. Greg Sandow

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 14 Re: Alien Ineptitude From: Melanie Mecca <natural.state@erols.com> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 20:11:19 -0700 Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 10:03:30 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Alien Ineptitude >Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 09:25:18 GMT >>Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 03:08:50 -0400 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >When human scientists find a useful substance in the blood of an >animal or the sap of a tree, they synthesize it. If these aliens >don't seem to have the same skills at biochemistry that mere >human scientists have. If they are not inept, why would they >travel so far to get something they could synthesize? When you are already hanging around here (made the investment of bases, cloning space-hardened bodies, (perhaps) treaties with earth governments (read: The Man), and there's plenty of cattle (and people) for the rustling, why bother to synthesize? Besides, as you well know, synthetic substances don't always have the same effects. There are many examples, but let's just take one: artificial hormones in birth control pills can cause high blood pressure in healthy women of normal blood pressure - some women's livers can't handle the synthetics. >Those who have responded to my first post on the assumption of >alien ineptitude within the ETH have offered different reasons >why aliens might value certain substances found on Earth. But >the question is 'Why would they come to Earth to collect a >substance they should be able to make?'. See above. Melanie Mecca

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 15 Re: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower From: Don Allen <dona@amigo.net> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 14:51:54 -0600 Fwd Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 08:17:22 -0400 Subject: Re: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower >Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 01:38:49 -0700 >From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower >>From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>Subject: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower >>Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 05:56:19 GMT >>http://www.space.com/area51/colorado_ufo_wg_991012.html >>Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower >>Oct 12 1999 08:11:32 ET >>DENVER (Reuters) - A Colorado cattle rancher hopes that if she >>builds a UFO watch tower, aliens -- and tourists -- will come. (snippage) >>"The county has quite a few UFO watchers. >>Messoline plans to charge $2 for adults and $1 for children.. >>.. She said >>the watch tower would even have an alien-themed gift shop. >If I were a space alien, I would avoid the place like the plague. Hooper is 35 miles due south from me. It is an ideal UFO landing area as there is absolutely nothing there but a tiny post office, the only gas station before Alamosa and lots of land with scrub brush and rocks. They aren't too far from the Sand Dunes, a real tourist draw. About the only significant air traffic between Hooper, Moffat and Crestone/Baca has been overflights of the National Guard, a very controversial issue with the locals here, since the flights are just barely above the mountain top level over Crestone, and Kit Carson peaks, two of the highest peaks in Colorado. A good book containing the UFO lore of the San Luis Valley ("The Mysterious Valley") is Chris O'Brien's "Enter the Valley". Cattle mutes, abductions, sightings, and just plain wierdness. Don http://www.fwpd.net/dona/tesla/teslacoil.htm

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 15 Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case From: Serge Salvaille <sergesa@connectmmic.net> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 11:24:24 -0700 Fwd Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 05:20:31 -0400 Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 12:46:36 -0400 >From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Erol Erkmen <andromeda1@turk.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 01:51:00 +0300 Hello Bruce, Will you ever find rest? >7. Ed arranged for a single polygraph test with Harvey >McLaughlin, who told me he had done thousands of such tests for >companies that had hired him. When Ed passed the test McLaughlin >didn't believe the result. Therefore when Ed returned for the >results of the test McLaughlin said that there were a few things >he wanted to check and he connected up the polygraph a second >time. In between the tests he had checked up on Ed's UFO >sightings and asked some different questions. Ed was not >expecting a second test, so it was a complete surprise. Ed >passed the second test as well.... no indications of deceit, so >McLaughlin wrote in his report that , in his opinion, Ed was >being truthful. >McLaughlin told me that Ed was not a sociopath or "con man" type >of person who would be likely to tel lies. Dr. Dan Overlade, >clinical psychologist who gave Ed a collection of personality >and psychological tests, told me the same thing. Neither of >these men foun evidence that Ed had lied. I am looking for a clarification. I went to the mentioned site where it is said: "MUFON's Charles Flannigan setup a polygraph test for Walters with Hugh Jones, a fully accredited and licensed polygrapher. Walters failed to show for the appointment, opting instead to arrange two sessions with a Harvey McLaughlin. McLaughin was apparently not a member of any polygraph association which adhere to standards of practice, principle, and ethical conduct of polygraph examinations. Walters has denied investigators access to his polygraph printouts." The polygraph printouts are not available to investigators? If this is true, then why not? If this is false, then where can one get the printouts? Thanks for your time. Serge Salvaille

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 15 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 13:48:46 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 05:46:22 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 04:52:31 +0100 >From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns Y'all, As Rimmer has pointed out eleswhere the onus is on Maxwell Burns to prove his allegations, not his critics. >Yes the "Crux" of the Sheffield Case has seen to be focused on >the name of the pilot. So let us clear the case once and for >all. >A little request for those researchers who don't believe that >there was some kind of Incident on the night in Question March >27th 1997' would you be able to produce all of the names of the >Nato Pilots who took part in this flight? Well, I suppose so. We've done harder things. But, Roy, as there is no indication other than Maxwell's deluded rantings that there _was_ an incident that night we have no need to waste our time naming the names. Otherwise we are doing Maxwell's research for him into a case where only he has any belief invested that something did happen! Tell you what - why don't I do his prison sentence as well? Let's not have Max troubled by anything like evidence when a simple pronunciation will do. >This way other researchers could then check to see if those Nato >Pilots named by those researchers are in fact still walking >about today? No - how about doing it in the correct sequence Roy? Maxwell gives us the name of the pilot and or co-pilot and we will then do research as to whether those individuals ever existed etc etc That's a promise. >Surely these researchers must know all of the names of the Nato >Pilots who flew on that mission on the night as they are adamant >that they all arrived back safely' for this reasoning at least >one of those researchers must have a list of the Nato Pilots >names / numbers who returned to the base intact? You're looking down the wrong end of the telescope Roy! >If they haven't' would they care to enlighten everyone as to how >they know that no Nato Pilot was lost? Or indeed whether or not he crashed into Santa and his sleigh, or perhaps the guy in the helicopter on the Barrett Homes ad. Or, well you get the picture. Sensible UFO reserachers Roy do not just check things up because _one_ person has imagined they happened and cannot provide any further evidence or proof other than, ahhh, other than because he says so. Puhleees! >Hopefully the researchers denying that any incident had occurred >and that no pilot was lost, can then safely assure us all by >printing the full names / numbers of all those pilots concerned, >from which everyone could check, and if proved right' then this >will be a closed case once and for all. See above. Put in idiot's language Roy: 1 - Maxwell Burns makes serious allegations about loss of life by UFO. 2 - He fails to come up with names. 3 -You then expect us to check everyone who was flying that night. You see the flaw in this at all? Gawd, I get home after a hard day working with criminals and junkies, then we have to go back to UFO investigation basics class, and all before tea! Happy Trails Andy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 15 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 17:05:10 +0100 Fwd Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 06:45:46 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 04:52:31 +0100 >From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >A&R wrote: >>>Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 12:37:29 -0400 >>>From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >>>Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Y'all, >>>As Jon said in a recent email he still hasn't come up with the >>>name/number of the aircraft which went missing or the >>>name/number of the crew. This was always the crux point of his >>>argument which seemd to get buried beneath his freelance >>>chemical courier activities. >Hi All, >Yes the "Crux" of the Sheffield Case has seen to be focused on >the name of the pilot. So let us clear the case once and for >all. >A little request for those researchers who don't believe that >there was some kind of Incident on the night in Question March >27th 1997' would you be able to produce all of the names of the >Nato Pilots who took part in this flight? >Surely these researchers must know all of the names of the Nato >Pilots who flew on that mission on the night as they are adamant >that they all arrived back safely' for this reasoning at least >one of those researchers must have a list of the Nato Pilots >names/numbers who returned to the base intact? >If they haven't' would they care to enlighten everyone as to how >they know that no Nato Pilot was lost? >Hopefully the researchers denying that any incident had occurred >and that no pilot was lost, can then safely assure us all by >printing the full names / numbers of all those pilots concerned, >from which everyone could check, and if proved right' then this >will be a closed case once and for all. Hi, I think there is a basic misinterpretation here. Nobody to my knowledge is saying that no incident occurred. There are things we do know for sure about that night and some about which we are still speculating but everyone agrees something at least on the surface baffling did happen. There were sounds that appear to have been a sonic boom. There was a military exercise in force (I know I saw it). There was an unexplained and still untraced aircraft like object. There was a flash in the sky. What matters is how you interpret these things - separately or together (for we are not even sure they are one phenomenon or a series of coincidental separate events). Dave Clarke does so (sensibly in my view) by assessing the most likely scenario for each. Max offers a far more imaginative interpretation. Dave's view involving the likes of bolides, light aircraft and a straying military jet all fit well the cumulative evidence, all match what we have seen happen in the same area before and since and are basically what all the professionals who were out there that night (police, mountain rescue, etc ) believe is the most likely answer to explain what happened. Now Max's theory about a UFO shooting down an RAF plane in an area that is literally straddled by two of Britain's biggest cities (both Manchester and Sheffield are under 20 miles away in case you had the impression this is the back of beyond) is far harder to sustain. Of course it is not impossible. If it had any real evidence supporting it I'd be glad to take it seriously and fired up to do so given how near here it happened. But beyond speculation and Nick Pope novels you need real solid on the record data to argue for such an event and against the interpretation of all the people out there that night who say nothing of the sort took place. Whilst I can accept cover ups and conspiracies can happen I don't buy that half of the public services in South Yorkshire and Derbyshire were silenced by some grands dictat. All of us who live in this area rely on the police, mountain rescue, the water authorities etc. I would be deeply concerned if a Tornado fell into our water supply gushing gallons of aviation fuel and I would be deeply worried if dozens of people conspired to cover up the massive recovery operation that would have been entailed. I would also have been more than a little surprised to have got no inkling of any of these things happening on my doorstep. Ergo, without saying the whole idea is rubbish what I do ask is to know where is there any actual evidence that it is true. This is surely a not unreasonable request. The onus is not on anyone to prove a highly improbable event did not happen. It is on the person who says it did to offer reasonable grounds for anyone to believe him. I think unless and until anything of that sort and that can be independently verified is published we have a responsibility to remain properly sceptical. If these things happened someone will be able to offer more than speculation - as in cases such as Roswell and Rendlesham. As yet we are still waiting and all the ifs ands and buts in the world wont change that. Best wishes, Jenny

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 15 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 13:48:38 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 05:54:49 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 21:29:47 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 17:25:46 +0100 Sean Jones wrote: <snip> >I would also like to mention, and please correct me if I >misquote you Andy. When I was at Tim Matthews conference in the >early part of this year Andy Roberts said to me, "I believe >_ALL_ UFO's can be explained with sufficient research" Now if >that isn't someone who has already made up his mind what is? I think you're exactly right there Sean. But what am I supposed to say? "I believe some UFOs can never be explained?" Presumably we _all_ think that all UFOs are explicable but may differ as to our beliefs about the as yet unresolved ones. Please correct me if I'm wrong, because otherwise it means you are quite happy to have some UFOs remain unexplained. So yes, my mind is made up, I believe that _all_ UFOs can be explained with sufficient research. Who thinks different and why please. >What about if the answer does not become available? This _game_ >that is ufology has yielded no answers in fifty years. Where y'been Sean? We have learned one hell of a lot in 50 years. The problem is so few ufologists stay in the field for more than a few years that we are endlessly re-inventing the wheel as it were. >With a >crew of hardened skeptics do you expect to solve the riddle? Why not? >As I stated when I wrote "101 Possible explanations for UFOs" >for all the explanations supplied and others, there are _still_ >some cases that there are no answers for. There are. >Which would leave us >with two options, ET or the paranormal. Not so - it merely leaves us with some unexplained cases and people's _belief_ that the explanation for some of these may be ET or paranormal. Big difference there Sean. > It would seem that some >people just cannot accept these options. I'd happily accept them as options if they weren't merely beliefs. > So with a line up of >skeptics, do you think that a Pro-ETH person is likely to >volunteer his/her time to assist in debunking? That's their problem. No one is press being ganged into UFOIN. If someone who beliefs in the ETH or any of the other belief systems kicking about in ufology that's up to them. >Jenny I honestly do wish you the very best with your new >organisation but I feel that with the line up of people already >involved, the outcome of many investigations will be >directed/steered/cajoled into one debunked set of answers. Debunking and scepticism are poles apart Sean. None of the people involved in UFOIN are debunkers. All are ufologists of many years standing who have all spent thousands of hours in the field and thousands of pounds in research. Their conclusions are based on investigations - not an Armchair Ufologist among them I'm afraid. >The only thing that could change this for me was if you was able >to get an equal number of Pro-ETH people and an equal number of >middle of the road people to join this new organisation, and as >I said with your current line up, do you think that will happen? That's your opinion Sean - but it won't happen. The UFOIN founders came together purely because of a belief that organised ufology in this country, as exemplified by BUFORA, is rotten to the core, riven with politics and under-hand dealings. So we do something completely different. Hopefully we will be judged on the quality of research and investigation we produce. If this end product doesn't agree with your belief system that can't be helped but I can assure you despite what you think (and you ought to read some of the stuff Dave C and I have written, most notably Phantoms of the Sky) you would find we are extremely open-minded, but not gullible.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 15 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 17:21:32 +0100 Fwd Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 06:49:19 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 16:35:00 -0400 >From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jonathan Dyton <jon@wibble.powernet.co.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 19:22:15 +0100 >>>Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 01:10:01 -0400 >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >No one mentioned UFOs at all until Max showed up on the scene - >as the witness Sharon Aldridge later testified. Yes there was >talk of Ghost-Planes (see my article in current issue of The >Unopened Files), and this was even taken seriously by the police >themselves. >The UFO connection with the Howden Moors case is entirely the >product of Max Burns imagination and I give him all due credit >for creating a modern-day myth. >I distinctly remember discussing the case with the Maxwell Burns >Cult [as surely it now is] at the 1997 BUFORA Conference, about >five months after the incident had occured. Then the Maxwell >Burns Cult was hawking the story round that a UFO had crashed on >the moor and had been retrieved by one of those blue-beret type >retrieval things. Hi, Perhaps Dave can enlighten us on another version of the story that seems to have got covered up. I first heard this in the green room at a TV station whilst waiting to record a program on time travel (Channel 4). This was January l998 I believe. In the studio were people filming another show for the series (how Princess Diana was a descendant of Jesus and was assassinated by a robot dog in the back of a car that has never been traced) (as you can see real down to earth stuff). Somewhere in the pre show discussion the Peak District crash saga emerged and I recall being told that the alien spaceship story was a ruse and the real truth was different. In fact it was a futuristic RAF plane that flew through a time warp, mistook the Tornado for an enemy fighter and blasted it out of the sky with some sort of 21st century weapon. Was that just someone's idea of a joke? Or has this idea really been suggested by somebody? Or am I now revealing the awesome truth behind March l997 that we are not supposed to know about - hence the disinformation about that alien dog fight? This conversation really did occur and at the time I thought it was 'serious' (well as serious as most of the rest of the stuff being uttered in that studio) (one chap had built a time machine in his garage and brought it with him to try out...sadly nothing much happened because he told us he would have to set up an experiment in advance and had not done so... he rather lost the plot when I suggested that he go home after the show, prepare the experiment and then do it next week, sending someone back in time so they would pop up in this studio in - oh - five minutes from now right in front of the cameras thus effectively overcoming his lack of time to prepare the experiment ...unfortunately the laws of space/time seemingly prevented this possibility). Anyhow, if I recall Tim Matthews and Jon King were in the green room when the amazing truth about the Peak District crash was revealed. Do either of them recall the RAF time machine aircraft claim about this case - or am I slipping into fantasy ufologist mode and merely thinking that I remember this? Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 15 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 17:42:51 +0100 Fwd Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 06:59:09 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 21:29:47 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 17:25:46 +0100 >I do not see one person's name on your published list who is not >a skeptic or disbeliever in aliens Jenny so how do you plan to >prove this statement? Hi, well I don't know the precise views of all the names on the list. But I think that one or two of them are at least open to that possibility. I certainly am not a disbeliever or a skeptic. But we did not come together as a result of our views. It is true that in the UK many researchers are cautious and that characteristic links the names on the list. But it was not - and is not - a prerequisite. The final make up of UFOIN will probably include a wider range of views than right now. I hope so. >Jenny I have seen your opinion _change_ a few times in your >career in Ufology. Not that this is a bad thing or shows >unwillingness to learn, but it does indicate that your >_position_ is not _hardened_ into a core belief. I don't think my basic ideas have changed that much, but you are totally correct in saying I dont have a hardened belief. I am willing to heed the evidence that crops up. I would hope others in UFOIN feel the same, regardless of present ideas. But - as I suggested - encourage them to speak up! > >What about if the answer does not become available? This _game_ >that is ufology has yielded no answers in fifty years. With a >crew of hardened skeptics do you expect to solve the riddle? I don't see any of us solving the mystery. Thats an egotistical view. I think all we can ever do is gather evidence and make it available to the community. Thats the UFOIN principle. We are not trying to explain everything - or explain everything away - just to gather data in a better manner. Frankly what ufOlogy does with that data is another matter entirely. For instance, in researching Rendlesham I have simply published in my books what I have found (from the NSA experiments on Orford Ness, to eyewitness testimony and so forth). I did not do this to prove a theory because I dont know what happened. It is possible to interpret the data for this case in many ways and I am happy with that because anyones view is as likely to be true as mine. Andy, for example, has his interpretation of the Llandrillo case in l974 (and its impressed Jerry Clark as its in the next IUR). Whilst I am 100% happy with his data I have a different view on what happened that night. But I cannot prove it. Nor can Andy. What matters is the case study - which Andy did extremely well. That he is a skeptic is ultimately irrelevant because facts are facts and if you couple that with integrity (which I believe Andy has) you merely publish what you find and allow others to interpret what it means (whilst no doubt having your own opinion). Thats how UFOIN will do its job. >As I stated when I wrote "101 Possible explanations for UFOs" >for all the explanations supplied and others, there are _still_ >some cases that there are no answers for. Which would leave us >with two options, ET or the paranormal. It would seem that some >people just cannot accept these options. So with a line up of >skeptics, do you think that a Pro-ETH person is likely to >volunteer his/her time to assist in debunking? Well, some already have. And I actually agree with you that some cases are indeed most likely to be either paranormal or ETH so thats another one for you. >Jenny I honestly do wish you the very best with your new >organisation but I feel that with the line up of people already >involved, the outcome of many investigations will be >directed/steered/cajoled into one debunked set of answers. All I can say is I will make my own mind up how I interpret the evidence for any case. Nobody would direct me! Its up to other UFOlogists to read the data that we produce (as we intend to make it freely accessible) and if they think it supports a theory other than one proposed by the investigator (certainly a possibility!) then what is to stop them saying so? UFOIN is here to investigate cases and not to tell the world or other ufologists what to think. >The only thing that could change this for me was if you was >able to get an equal number of Pro-ETH people and an equal >number of middle of the road people to join this new >organisation, and as I said with your current line up, do you >think that will happen? Who knows? Probably not. But I wont lose any sleep over the beliefs of UFOIN investigators because it really isnt an issue for any of us. Skilful investigation is all we are looking for. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 15 Re: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower From: Don Allen <dona@amigo.net> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 14:51:54 -0600 Fwd Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 08:52:32 -0400 Subject: Re: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower >Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 01:38:49 -0700 >From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower >>From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>Subject: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower >>Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 05:56:19 GMT >>http://www.space.com/area51/colorado_ufo_wg_991012.html >>Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower >>Oct 12 1999 08:11:32 ET >>DENVER (Reuters) - A Colorado cattle rancher hopes that if she >>builds a UFO watch tower, aliens -- and tourists -- will come. (snippage) >>"The county has quite a few UFO watchers. >>Messoline plans to charge $2 for adults and $1 for children.. >>.. She said >>the watch tower would even have an alien-themed gift shop. >If I were a space alien, I would avoid the place like the plague. Hooper is 35 miles due south from me. It is an ideal UFO landing area as there is absolutely nothing there but a tiny post office, the only gas station before Alamosa and lots of land with scrub brush and rocks. They aren't too far from the Sand Dunes, a real tourist draw. About the only significant air traffic between Hooper, Moffat and Crestone/Baca has been overflights of the National Guard, a very controversial issue with the locals here, since the flights are just barely above the mountain top level over Crestone, and Kit Carson peaks, two of the highest peaks in Colorado. A good book containing the UFO lore of the San Luis Valley ("The Mysterious Valley") is Chris O'Brien's "Enter the Valley". Cattle mutes, abductions, sightings, and just plain wierdness. Don http://www.fwpd.net/dona/tesla/teslacoil.htm

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 15 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 20:27:19 +0100 Fwd Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 08:57:02 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 17:30:24 +0100 >From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 17:11:58 +0100 >Hi All & Jenny, >Jenny in an e-mail to this list you discussed the fact that you >and some of your colleagues views would differ on certain cases. >You happen to mention that you hold the view that some "Close >Encounters" had taken place within some of the cases you >investigated. >Does this answer mean that you believe "Extraterestials" were >the initiators of such "Close Encounters"? And if so does this >mean that you are satisfied that at least some of the sightings >from around the world are of "ET Origin? > >And if you could publish the evidence you have on those "Close >Encounters" proving they were of "Extraterrestrial" origin it >would be kindly appreciated. Hi, I have talked on this list about the ETH a few weeks ago and it (and many other theories for alien contact) is argued in more detail in my current book (just published in the UK last month). Essentially, I believe that most UFO cases are resolvable in terms other than alien. However, in a few close encounter situations there are good grounds for surmising that an intelligence is conveying some kind of message to the witness. The data match between cases is so exact this is implicit. I have other reasons too. For example, the pattern surrounding the Levelland, Texas cases in l957, the way these blend with the launch of Sputnik and the simultaneous appearance of UFOs at the site of the worlds first atomic test and the then most recent one - thousands of miles apart and in total independence. You can either see this as a massive coincidence or part of some intelligently driven sign to humanity. I have yet to see a good answer from the sceptics for this concentration of evidence. Then there is the pattern linking genetic experiments together from the l950's onward. This is a chain of evidence totally unrecognised even by UFOlogists for decades as it unfolded - so I dont buy it as some sort of witness fantasy building on previous stories as the mythic elements just were not established until well after the data. The cases created the belief here - clearly not as the psycho-social theorists argue. Yet it is so consistent across cases from many countries it is hard to escape the idea that someone is responsible for a pattern here. There is also what I call in my book 'the Star Trek effect'. Essentially this argues that if you compare the l960's and l990's Trek series you see the way technology has advanced in the real world. Our imagined spacecraft of 30 years ago look like museum pieces now (no lasers, LEDs, microchips etc - because nobody could imagine their invention far sooner than the time period in which the series is set). No doubt todays Enterprise and Voyager will seem just as quaint when overtaken by real scientific progress in years to come. Thus if alien contact stories are purely imaginative we should see unmistakable signs of the same Star Trek effect because we have data spanning even longer than 30 years. Witnesses should have invented alien craft in the l950's that are pure Dan Dare in comparison with todays UFOs. They generally dont. The remarkable thing is that we see a consistent magical technology in cases from 1959,1969,1979,1989 and l999. Things that even now seem just as fantastic as they did all those years ago. These are some of the things that persuade me. Amidst the UAP and misperceptions that I am sure account for 99% of the evidence there appears to be a low level of contact with another intelligence more advanced than we. But note that I did not say extraterrestrial intelligence. Thats a theory and a possibility but by no means the only one. I am actually personally quite amenable to the argument that these entities are so human and so interested in our DNA for one very good reason. They are us - or rather one day they will be. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 15 Dr. Johannes Fiebag 1956 - 1999 From: Sue Kovioss <bradford@globalserve.net> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 17:53:14 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 09:02:20 -0400 Subject: Dr. Johannes Fiebag 1956 - 1999 Forwarded Message: Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 22:55:39 +0200 (MEST) From: Holger Isenberg <H.Isenberg@ping.de> To: cydonia@admin.listbox.com Subject: [M-TRAC - MSAA] Dr. Johannes It is our sad duty to report that after a long and vicious struggle our friend and colleague Dr. Johannes Fiebag, Editor in Chief of the German edition Legendary Times, has passed away on October 11, 1999. He will forever be remembered. For address of the family and biography of Dr. Johannes Fiebag the A.A.S. Germany created a separat web page. Giorgio Tsoukalos & Ulrich Dopatka. http://www.aas-ra.org Johannes Fiebag, 43, wrote several books about UFOs, alien abduction, the search for the holy grail and one controversial book about the Pathfinder Mission and the ALH86001 Mars-Meteorite. Holger Isenberg H.Isenberg@ping.de http://mars-news.de -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Mars Surface Anomaly Analysis Possible artifacts on Mars http://www.mufor.org/ares/ The M-TRAC Project A private, unmanned mission to Mars http://www.mufor.org/mtrac/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 15 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 13:45:06 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 09:12:30 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 14:34:42 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Different camera, different object. Point still applies. If it >doesn't arouse your suspicion, so be it. Dennis, you seem to see this as obvious and telling evidence of a hoax, esp. due to the small size. Yet we all know that there are reports of small UFOs. In addition, as I pointed out, there had been apparently three different geometries photographed prior to the Nimslo object, all of different sizes, later apparently confirmed by occultation, angular size/ ground placement, and stereo photos analyses. Let me outline a number of different arguments, along these lines, all of which have potential validity: 1) The Walters photos are fakes because his UFO doesn't look like previously reported UFOs. 2) The Walters photos are fakes because he always photographed a UFO with pretty much the same appearance. 3) The Walters photos are fakes because the object doesn't show the types of luminous features we expect in a UFO. 4) The Walters photos are fakes because the object has an apparent opening in the bottom, and "real UFOs" don't. 5) The Walters photos are fakes because when given a different camera, he photographed a different type of UFO. 6) The Walters photos are fakes because at least one of the photos is of a smaller object within a range of size reasonable to hoax with a model. Now, in evaluating the above, let's assume that Walters has not confessed to a hoax (he hasn't), that a motive for the hoax hasn't been found (it hasn't, not at least to some basic level of supportability (i.e. documents showing financial trouble in his business, documents showing a propensity to lie in public about non UFO matters (i.e. pathological personality), etc.)) Then, let's take a look at what needs to be done to prove the above assertions: 1) Comparative analysis of a fairly complete sample of pre-Walters sighting reports, preferably with sketches. However, given the typical variations in UFO appearance, and the probable appearance of the GB UFO at a distance at night (ring or disk with light above it), it may be difficult to confirm this hypothesis for such cases. Perhaps the best we would be able to do is to say "The GB UFO does not appear in DD and CE cases prior to the Walters case", assuming that were the result of such a study. 2) This one is espcially difficult to prove, because there is strong evidence that UFOs seen during a local concentration are the same types. Southwest US / fall 1957, Exeter / 1965, Hudson Valley / 1980s, Belgium / 1990s, and more all show these characteristics - one or a few different geometries of objects. The reasons for this may be (for OEH supporters) same geometry of object observed, or (for OEH critics) contamination of the witness pool. 3) Again, this would require a comparative study with luminous features from a variety of pre-Walters reports. As with (1), the problem is that there are many reports which might show similar luminous features where the physical geometry of the object may or may not match the GB UFO. For instance, in Ray Fowler's "UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors", which contains, AFAIK the largest published collection of UFO sketches, allowing for some variation in lighting and color (i.e. "portholes" can glow, ring may be of different color, etc,), the following entries _could_ be GB UFO configurations (there are, I believe 4, counting the Nimslo object): Assuming the types are (my own classifications): Type 1: The original photographed object, largely dark grey, illuminated base ring exterior, full bottom opening illumination, short dome light... Type 2: The road shot object, near white below disk area and above disk area, dark base ring exterior, flat luminous ring in "power light" with additional structure (including possible projection) in opening, tall dome light... Type 3: "Energy veil object" Type 4: Nimslo object Then we have Type 1 & 2: 65-32, 66-26A, 67-37, 68-32, 70-8 Type 3: 64-6, 67-33, 69-6 Type 4: 66-46, 67-31 from the Fowler reference having some commonality with the GB object. Obviously, there may be factors in the reports cited above which could change this assessment, but to find this many in a mere 160 reports, spanning 20 years before the GB photos is certainly a problem for the hypothesis. 4) A similar study to that shown above is needed. 5 & 6) Considering that 3 types of UFO were photographed prior to the Nimslo photos, one of which (Type 3) appears to have been small), this is not as strong an argument as it seems. But it does have its points. One can assume that Walters spent the "dry" period prior to the Nimslo photo constructing the new model. One can only assume that he knows it will be seen to be small, since size determination is the stated objective of the Nimslo photos. But then one is left wondering why he claimed it was so large. Let's remember that he is smart enough to defeat the stereo photos taken later, so he knows how stereo photography works. But let's assume he gave the large estimate to make it seem he hadn't faked the photo. Then he reused the model, hanging it from a balloon above a boat, along with the other model. Unfortunately, then, the result is that the SRS photos are correct in the size estimate, which means the Type 1 object model is 15-20 feet across. So there is a very large balloon hanging it in the air to hold that one up. Or, Walters has not only done the deal with the boat, but he has done that AND he has defeated the stereo for a much closer and smaller Type 1 model. Indeed, if both are from the same boat, the Type 1 model is still about ten feet across. Either that, or there are now two boats, and at least three conspirators (Ed and one for each boat). BTW, at least theoretically, the Nimslo could be defeated. Four small transparencies of a model, taken from mathematically selected positions, held in front of the lenses, could convey any stereo size needed (none of this is easy, though). I am not sure the SRS can be defeated in this way - Bruce would have to address that. But given the possibility, and the cleverness of the hoaxer, why not do that with one of the original models. Or why not use the already believed to be smaller energy veil UFO? Why construct a complex switchable lighting model of a completely different geometry? Again, these hypotheses are not impossible, but it is fairly difficult to sustain them. One hypothesis which makes all this easier is to assume a conspiracy between Ed and an effects house. The house does the modeling and the math and Ed is the front guy. Unfortunately, no evidence for this conspiracy has been found, though I do not know if anyone has looked. But if this is the case, then the model found in the old house is a fake, because the effects people a) would not use Walter's blueprints for structural material and b) would not let the models out of their control. BTW, I have a friend who is quite intelligent and handy and who makes railroad building models in his spare time, some of which have very simple lighting. It is not an easy task, and it is very time consuming. >I know. I was involved with the people who prepared it and sent >it to Ed. What was glossed over was how wrong Ed was in his >original assessment of the object's size. 200 feet down to 4 1/2 >is a pretty good percentage by anyone's count. You can gloss >over something at great length, or short length, or by ignoring >it altogether. There are all sorts of ways to gloss over >something, in other words. As investigators we all know witnesses can be right or wrong in judging size. Obviously, the object lighting looked a lot like an airliner. Is it improper to think that might affect a size and distance estimate? Another part of the context is that reportedly Walters spent almost the entire observation taking pictures. This would seem to also affect accuracy of distance estimation. And lastly, if we take the account at face value (i.e. the witness is_not_ lying), he was under internal and external pressure to take a picture of something great. If he failed, his reputation might be destroyed. This could also assist in damaging the accuracy of his distance estimate. Roughly half of page 204, and three paragraphs on p 205 (from Frances), and 1 paragraph on p 211 are devoted to discussing this discrepancy. Can you outline what steps you expect more than this to note it for the public? >The point here, in case you didn't get it, is that a 4 and 1/2 >foot-long model is well within human ability. So is attaching >same to a boat. For that matter, how do we know it _was_ over >water, scientifically speaking, of course. By oral testimony? It is known by the analysis done of the SRS photos. p 300-302 The boat issue is addressed above. >>The difficulty of hoaxing this, mathematically and physically, >>are very high. As such, this combination of the Nimslo photo and >>the stereo photo showing the original form object and the >"Nimslo" object is strong evidence _for_ the reality of the GB > >photos - and, to the best of my knowledge, has not been >>addressed or explained by skeptics, including yourself, Mr. >>Black, or Mr. Hyzer. Until that occurs, and the proofs offered >>of falsity are compelling, I must remain uncommitted in regard >>to the validity of these photos. >Or for the existence of two models. No one has ever denied that >the Gulf Breeze photos are real -- it's their contents at issue. >The Cottingley Fairy pictures exist, too. Not two models. At least four. Three of the models available at the start of the hoax.All with internal / external lighting of somc complexity. All with fairly complex geometries. At least two of which are robust enough to be suspended in the air from a boat and pulled in quickly. At least one which can be videoed. Possibly as many as three of one type (photo 18). Clandestine radio contact with the boats for coordination. Multiple conspirators. We're not talking engravings stuck on pins and soft focused here. (reference to the aforementioned fairy photos). We have the following photos providing distance and size info for the object, with the determination made by different means for each: Stereo: photos 36, 37 (stereo and occultation with min 60 foot distance), 38, Nimslo Occultation: 1, 7, 11 (beam location?), 14, 19 Flashcube / light source attenuation: 13, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23 >Good! In other words, taken with the Polaroid capable of >producing double-exposures. Capable of and proving that one has done so are two different things, at least scientifically. So far, you have not attempted to prove that scientifically, and Hyzer's analysis is, as Maccabee has shown, not conclusive on Photo 19 or 1 or 7. >I could go back and get my all ducks in a row, if I had the time >or inclination. By way of investigating this case >scientifically, you could also do the following. Go back and >read Irwin Weider's article in the Journal of Scientific >Exploration to see how he solved the famous Willamette Pass, >Oregon, photo case. (Pretty convincingly to my satisfaction, at >least, if not yours.) The "witness" in this case was a >biochemist and distinguished former WWII naval officer, if >memory serves. I've read it long ago, and was quite convinced. I always had some interest in it, because it was an important factor in claims that UFOs were non-physical. It's relevance to GB is not clear to me. Did Bruce give a positive analysis of the photo? It's a blurry photo and the GB photos are clear. How are they alike? And please remember that I conclusively exposed the Beaver PA photo hoax. I am not shy about bringing out conclusively false material into the light of day. >Now, how would you take the same approach to the GB photos? >You'd duplicate the same equipment and play around a lot to see >if you couldn't produce the same results. If you could, it >wouldn't necessarily "scientifically" disprove the GB photos, >but it would sure as hell cast a pall of doubt over them. Bruce is more compentent than I or you to comment on the validity of these attempts. As I read his work it is clear that he has tried to do this himself many times. >When all is said and done, science works in many ways, not just >one. >Hyzer's science confirms what I see when I look at Ed's original >Polaroid series -- evidence of double-exposure, especially by >the washed-out color contrast of the UFO itself. Someone else >comes along and uses their science to explain the obvious >complaint. Well, we don't know how UFO's illuminate themselves, >to what blueprints they're built, and so on. Actually, bluish tint is not surprising in twilight images. If you look at the first two sets of photos, you can see that some of this is an effect of the long exposure - the street light, for instance has a bluish halo. In addition, the sky actually emits bluish light and can fill shadows or reflect from whitish areas. Let me remind you of the ultimate proof of double-exposure - seeing something through the object. This is not present, in Photo 19, Photo 1, or Photo 7. That is not "my" science, it's just science. If that feature was present, we wouldn't be having this discussion, because every investigator would have found it. Hyzer's special effect needed for Photo 1 and 7 is, as Bruce has conclusively shown, a very, very, narrow and technical effect. And Sanio has shown that it does not operate on the type of film used by Walters, in any event. So how scientific was Hyzer, when he did not even test on the appropriate film? Your other comments refer to my critique of your "hokiness" assessment. I was not using science in that statement. I was simply pointing out that your subjective feelings about the geometry or features of these objects were not any kind of testable hypothesis, and that there are many ways for accounting for your aesthetic displeasure that have nothing to do with the truth or falsity of the photos. No doubt there are many scientists who would think that certain fossils look "hokey". Some trilobites, most Ordovician fish, and certain large mammals definitely fall into that category. Yet scientists do not write papers disputing the existence of these creatures based on their "hokiness". >This isn't science. It's simple circular reasoning. Using alien >psychology to confirm the existence of that which hasn't yet >been confirmed _without_ reference to alien psychology, motives, >intentions and so on. Putting the cart before the proverbial >horse, in other words. Please see the above. I am certain my reasoning was not so hard to follow that one can actually believe the above interpretation of my comments. >You express your own doubts about multiple photograph cases, but >Gulf Breeze goes far beyond that. It is uniquely unique among >UFO cases. Everytime Ed was handed a challenge (or a new camera >set up) he came through with supposedly shining colors. This >came to be taken as proof of the phenomenon rather than, say, >Ed's own ingenuity. ("I know Ed and he's no sociopath," to >paraphrase Maccabee, as if one had to be sociopathological to >indulge a harmless prank. But perhaps Maccabee believes that all >crop circle makers are sociopaths for all I know.) The problem lies in using Walters' ingenuity as a given. This is not scientific. It needs to be demonstrated. Please show me where it has been proven that a) Walters has model making experience at any level. b) Walters has model making experience of the level required to construct complex-geometry lighted models. c) Walters has the mathematical knowledge needed to defeat a stereo camera. d) Walters had any location in which to make such models which was observed by anyone. e) Walters had someone else make and / or photograph the models (i.e. professionals). f) Walters had other conspirators (the boat people). To simply _assert_ these factors is not science of any kind. >The problem with GB was not that it had too many investigators, >but too many apologists. If Ed screwed up, the "investigators" >helped get him out of one jam after another. No reflection on >his hood of the "road shot" ufo? Dent in the hood, cinder blocks >in back. Mis-estimated the length of a four-foot-long ufo to one >200 feet long? Didn't have his glasses on. And so on. >All of which could conceivably be true, admittedly. But all of >which also resonates with an endless series of special >pleadings. Or professional UFO science, if you prefer. Let me give you an example of how this actually works, which is not special pleading, but just the actual job of the investigator: I have a DD case where the primary witnesses later observed about 15 people in what they thought was a position to observe what they had seen. I canvassed those people, and they had seen nothing, though the fact that they had indeed had a party lent some credibility to the witness account. At this point, remaining neutral toward the witnesses and the reality of what they observed, the crux of the matter is whether or not a reasonable explanation for these people not seeing anything exists. If so, no problem. If not, then big problem. On-site measurements show that the object has to fall into specific altitude and angular direction constraints to be seen by these other witnesses. Trees obscure much of the elevation, eliminating a wide range of altitudes, except in two small places, both on the opposite side of the house from the party. Given a reasonably estimated speed for the object (based on observations and calculations too much to go into here), there is a very narrow window during which the object might have been seen by those witnesses. Even if it had been seen by them, the window was narrow enough that they might not have noted it as anything strange before it was out of sight. As a consequence, it is reasonable that these potential witnesses did not see the object. Is this special pleading? No, it is simply posing and working to prove or disprove a hypothesis. >It's not necessarily the details of the GB UFO that are in >question, but how out of place the whole looks in the pictures >in which it appears. There's a vast difference between the two. >I'm not objecting to the overall shape or window arrangement, >but to how they ultimately play out in the picture. Can you define this in some sort of quantitative way? Do you expect a UFO hovering over a field to look _in_ place? Like it belongs there? If you are not objecting to the shape or window arrangement or anything about the geometry or the surface features then just what are you actually objecting to? That the photos are poorly composed? But if they weren't, Ed would thereby have shown photographic and artistic skill, and stood convicted of that sin. It seems impossible to win, if this is your standard. >Are you >saying that the crew ordered up a hokey-looking ufo so that if >they got photographed everyone would just say, oh, that looks >hokey? Well, that's a pretty scientific approach, isn't it? That's a strange interpretation of my comments, which boiled down to: 1) Hokiness is in the eyes of the beholder. 2) Plenty of human artifacts look hokey. 3) If UFOs exist and are created by an intelligence, their aesthetics may be different from yours, mine, and at the staff at Lucasfilm. 4) Engineering constraints may also play a part in the appearance of any given UFO if it is a physical and engineered object. Many purely engineered objects look "hokey". Have Stan Freidman show you some nuclear rocket engine pictures sometime. 5) The unique appearance of UFOs may represent the use of manufacturing techniques (such as custom unit manufacturing by automation, "growth" of manufactured objects, etc.) which we would currently find impractical. Is that clear enough to avoid misinterpretation? I realize it is unlikely that any of the above will change your opinion. You have clearly made up your mind (though on what basis is unclear) that the GB photos are hoaxes. I have not made up my mind, and I welcome the contributions of those who study the information and draw conclusions with clear and open reasoning, so that I can work to reach my own conclusions. But I remain interested in scientifically or investigatively oriented proofs, not claims which are based in wishful thinking one way or the other. ------ Mark Cashman, creator of The Temporal Doorway at http://www.temporaldoorway.com - Original digital art, writing, music and UFO research - UFO cases, analysis, classification systems, and more... http://www.temporaldoorway.com/ufo/index.htm ------

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 15 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Roger Evans <raka@swbell.net> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 20:46:37 -0500 Fwd Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 09:19:01 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >From: Dennis Stacy >Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 14:34:42 -0500 >Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 09:17:02 -0400 >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 15:29:26 -0400 >>From: Mark Cashman >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto >Previously, Dennis had opined: ><snip> >>You express your own doubts about multiple photograph cases, but >>Gulf Breeze goes far beyond that. It is uniquely unique among >>UFO cases. Everytime Ed was handed a challenge (or a new camera >>set up) he came through with supposedly shining colors. This >>came to be taken as proof of the phenomenon rather than, say, >>Ed's own ingenuity. <snip> Hi Dennis. I must agree. I understand Bruce's position that Ed could have gotten rich off of this whole affair since someone offered him big money for his story. The fact that Ed turned it down could add some credibility to his story. On the other hand, maybe Ed simply thought it was worth more and the people said "No deal". I see it happen all the time in the entertainment business; you get one chance. More to the point at hand in your posting; much has been made of the difficulty of producing double exposures using Polaroids. In a previous posting I pointed out the error in that line of thinking. In addition, it has been pointed out that the photo(s) showing the UFO going behind trees would have been too complicated for Ed to figure out how to do, especially if he used the "newly discovered Hyzer method" requiring a latent image to pre-sensitize a given area of the negative. I'm sorry, but this technique is not new nor is it particularly complicated. Photographers have known about it for years. In fact, a variation of it called "pre-flashing" was/is used to lower the contrast of motion picture film on a regular basis when available light is going to be the source of illumination. It is also used in the darkroom to lower the contrast of prints done from slides or other positive to positive reproduction methods. Did Ed use the "Hyzer" method? Bruce seems to believe that he did not because Ed isn't clever enough. I tend to agree, but not because Ed isn't clever. On the contrary, the "Hyzer" method would not even be necessary, ESPECIALLY if one is using Polaroids. Why? Because a Polaroid is unique among cameras in that it's "film gate" (the opening surrounding the actual film) is not a fixed part of the camera. Instead, it is part of the disposable film cartridge. Therefore, it is possible to attach masks to the cartridge that would prevent exposure in the "tree area". Additionally, because Polaroids can be processed immediately and (most importantly) privately, numerous tests could be made to be sure the masking is dead on. Even older "wait and peel" Polaroids would allow variations on this technique. The recipe would be this simple: 1. Lock the camera down on a tripod pointed at the treeline intended for use as the background. Snap off a print and process. 2. Using a piece of acetate and a fine tip marker, technical pen, fine tip paint brush or other marking tool, trace over the area of the tree line that is supposed to pass infront of the UFO. A steady hand would not be necessary. In fact, the more random the pattern, the better. 3. Using the "film gate" as a registration device, tape the acetate square over the opening and place in the camera during photography of the model. 4. Without changing anything, double expose the background into the shot. Now, someone might suggest that the "hand drawn" treeline would be a permanent part of the picture if the acetate is not removed. This is correct. But so what? Unless someone compares the actual tree line with the one photographed, no one would notice. It's my bet that no one ever did. The "fake" treeline would simply merge with the darkness of the "real" treeline. The mask would not be perfect, but it would not have to be. As long as some parts of the tree obscure the UFO, the illusion would be complete. But the point is this: The camera could already have the latent image of the UFO on its film negative, complete with "tree" masking, at the time the background is shot. Even if someone nearby were watching Ed, they would never see him shooting the model (the model having already been shot). He could literally point to the sky, yell "Look at that UFO!" and click a picture. For those nearby that "looked too late to see it" he would provide proof 60 seconds later after processing the Polaroid right in front of them. I'd be willing to bet that, given such on-the-spot astounding photographic proof, there would be those that said they saw it, even if they didn't. No one wants to admit the were a head turn away from witnessing something so important! The other point that Bruce brings up is the matching blur of the UFO and the surrounding lights of the background. If they were produced separately they would, indeed, be hard to match. On the other hand, if the master Polaroid were copied on a Polaroid copy stand, it would simply be a matter of moving the print or the camera during exposure time. This would produce a uniform blur on all information within the photo. By careful manipulation of the exposure times and masking, even selected areas could be blurred within the frame. Did Ed use the "Evans" method to produce the GB photos? If Ed were clever enough to know how, he'd certainly be clever enough not to admit it. But the truth is that neither act requires a great deal of brain-work. I do special effects for a living and I can tell you this is all old hat technology dating back to the earliest days of photography. If in doubt, go to the library and check it out. Nothing new here. Are the GB photos fake? Who knows? Obviously just because someone can copy the Mona Lisa does not make them a Da Vinci. On the other hand, all this discussion about how technically vexing it would be to produce these photos on Polaroids is pointless. It would be a breeze. Maybe even a Gulf Breeze. Later, Roger Evans

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Electrogravitics Systems From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 02:02:11 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 07:40:27 -0400 Subject: Electrogravitics Systems List, Very interesting site: http://www.padrak.com/ine/index.shtml#NEN_4_7_4 And almost at the bottom of the page you'll find: "Electrogravitics Systems," The Definitive Report, 1956! http://www.padrak.com/ine/INE24.html ELECTROGRAVITICS SYSTEMS An examination of electrostatic motion, dynamic counterbary and barycentric control. Prepared by: Gravity Research Group Aviation Studies (International) Limited Special Weapons Study Unit 29-31 Cheval Place, Knightsbridge London, S.W.7. England Report GRG-013/56 February 1956. AF Wright Aeronautical Laboratories Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Technical Library Dayton, Ohio 45433 In other words, how to make a disc fly. Happy reading. Sue Electrogravitics Systems.rtf

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 22:36:30 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 07:15:46 -0400 Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >Subject: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> >Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 02:43:48 -0400 >To: updates@globalserve.net >Given that only a tiny amount of research has been done >classifying and analysing even _raw reported_ UFO and occupant >behavior, and that the resulting database contains an unknown >amount of noise, very likely increasing almost asymptotically in t>he cases whose strangeness exceed CE2 and CE3, attempts to >class reported behavior as inept or expert are doomed to >founder. <snip> >It's just not that easy. Blanket pronouncements about the >irrationality of some specific behavior evidenced by reports of >UFOs beg all of the following questions: >1) Are the accounts in question true or false? >2) If false, are they exclusive exemplars of the behavior in >question (in which case that behavior can be discounted)? >3) How would non-humans behave in a specific context? How can we >identify the context? >4) Can non-human goals be extracted from out-of-context slices >of behavior and, if so, how is that to be done reliably? >If we are going to be scientific, we have a long way to go in >answering the above questions before we start claiming higher >level knowledge about the phenomenon. >If nothing else, UFOs raise fascinating questions of >epistemology. Yes, yes, yes. Question Everything! Believe Nothing! Get Nowhere!

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 22:36:25 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 07:22:24 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 19:50:23 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 00:55:02 -0400 >>From: bruce maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> ><snip> >>Let me be a bit more explicit. I first saw black and white >>copies of photos 1-5 at the office of Dr. Robert Nathan who has >>been called the "father of digital image processing" at the Jet >>Propulsion Laboratory. This was in late January, 1988. Nathan >>had copies because the originals had ben brought to him for >>analysis in December, 1987. (This is a side story I won't get >>into now.) I had heard about the Gulf Breeze sightings by that >>time but had never seen any good copies of the pictures. When >>Nathan handed me photo 1 I looked at it for a few seconds, saw >>th UFO image "behind" the darker tree image and said to Nathan, >>"This would be a tough double exposure." >Well, let's get into it now. What, exactly, did Robert Nathan >opine? Did he agree with your assesment of same or not? And if >not, why not? After all, we're only uninterested scientists >here, are we not? And presumably unpaid ones at that. The truth >wherever it leads us and all that.> Well, I notice you ignored most of my response, including the part where your failure to recall accurately resulted in false allegations. Be that as it may I would be delighted to tell you what Nathan thought of Ed's photos. First, he agreed with my assessment of photo one. HOwever, Bob told me "I believe they are fakes." Lest you feel a modicum of vindacation let me point out that in all the times I visited Bob and discussed photo cases with him I never once heard him say "This is real." Even the Heflin case which made Bob "famous" and which he spent a LOT of time investigating in 1965 and years following was not good enough for a "that's real" comment from him. ON THE OTHER HAND consider this: Bill Spaulding (for you newbies, he was a photoanalyst 20 some years ago who founded "Ground Saucer Watch, the organization that initiated the lwsuit against the CIA!) claimed to have discovered "linear features" in prints of Heflin's photos. (Recall that Heflin's photos were Polaroids which were "lost" after several people had made copies on 35 mm film and, at El Toro Marine base, on larger format film.), I showed Nathan some of Spaulding's color coded enhancements (color correlated to brightness of the black and white picture). Some of the "edge enhanced" photos show vertical or nearly vertical lines above the UFO images.... prima facie evidence of a hoax... IF THE LINEAR FEATURES THEMSEL VES WERE NOT A HOAX! (I won't get into that) POINT: Nathan looked at these pictures, laughed and said "Where did he get those lines?" or words to that effect. Nathan proceeded to prove that there wre no such features on the negatives he had (Nathan had the negatives which had been professionally made at El Toro Marine Base in 1965). In other words, Nathan debunked a debunking. NOw, he didn't HAVE to do that, if he really thought the Heflin case was a fake he could have gone along with Spaulding's analysis. But he didn't just accept Spaulding's analysis and, in fact, rejected it. NEXT POINT: Nathan was scientific about it. He was careful to separate his "gut feel" from what he could prove. He did some photo analysis work for me on the McMinnville case. He subjected the original negatives to careful photoanalysis looking for any evidence of a thread or string above the UFO image. Nothing suspicious was found. Nevertheless, he said he thought they were fakes but he _couldn't_ prove it. Same with Heflin, perhaps he thought they were real (perhaps deep down inside he believed Heflin, to whom he had spoken many times, unlike the Trents or Ed walters, whom he had never met ), but he never said so, at least not to me. But he _couldn't_ prove Heflin a fake. Nathan looked at many photos during his JPL career, always as "personal interest," of course. He shot down a bunch where he found obvious flaws. He acted as a consultant to me (and others) over the years. I would bring him photos to look at and he would comment. A good example are the "Peter Beard" photos that hardly anyone here in the "colonies" would be aware of, but this was known in the Kingdom (Britain) where the photos were taken. Nathan gave me a clue to pursue which showed ultimately that it was impossible to prove that the "UFO" was not a paper cutout pasted on a window. In other words, it did nothing photographically that a paper cutout couldn't have done. Over the years I interacted with him on the NEw Zealand case (color movie film) and others that I can't recall at present. As for Ed's photos, I think Nathan was genuinely puzzled. It would have been easy to say that he had proved they were double exposures, but the fact is he never proved they were double exposures and he said to me "I think they are fakes, but I can't prove it." Furthermore, Ed's photos became more photographically difficult Nathan had to admit that, if a hoaxer, Ed was certainly much cleverer than Nathan would have expected. And then came the stereo photos. Here were pictures that Nathan analyzed himself (NOTE:I gave him the originals to work with...in fact, he studied a number of Ed's originals, including the first 5). Nathan agreed with my calculations.... the objects were at a considerable distance and a considerable height over water (_Not_ at the water'S surface). Nathan told me he the parallax effect (which results when a distant object is viewed from two locations) was large enough that he could detect it while looking at the photos with only his eyes! He subsequently made measurements to quantify the parallax ad thus derive the distance. He agreed with my calculations. Unlike Hyzer, Nathan was willing to accept the "possibility" that (a) I might have some useful information and (b) I might be telling the truth. Now, I should point out that my interactions with Bob and his analyses were taking place during the spring of 1988 while all the other investigative activities and sightings were happening and long before there was any book contract, etc. Nathan's failure to explicitly prove any of Ed's photos to be fakes played a roll in my opinion as stated in the MUFON Symposium paper. Unfortunately Nathan did not want to be publicly associated with UFO photo analyses, presumably because of his job, so I could only make oblique references, if at all. You will note, however, that Nathan did allow a statement to be published in 'UFOs Are Real', which was published in 1997 (after he retired from JPL). He wrote: "There is nothing I can prove that would establish that these pictures are artificial."

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Filer's Files #41 -- 1999 From: George A. Filer <Majorstar@aol.com> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 22:54:04 EDT Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 07:25:16 -0400 Subject: Filer's Files #41 -- 1999 This weeks Filer's Files sponsored by: www.paranormalnews.com Filer's Files #41 -- 1999, MUFON Skywatch Investigations George A. Filer, Director, Mutual UFO Network Eastern October 14, 1999, Majorstar@aol.com (609) 654-0020 Visit our Web Site at www.filersfiles.com. NASA FILM SHOWS UFOs CAPE KENNEDY � A recent visitor to the Space Center attended the IMAX theater movie being shown to the public. One scene shows the US Space Shuttle near the Russian MIR space station. The NASA footage shows three disc shaped UFOs approaching MIR. Two UFOs fly slowly past and the third UFO stops and appears to observe the space station. The UFOs do not appear to be ice crystals. They appear to be space ships that either belong to a nation of this Earth or from some where else in the universe. Editors Note: Can anyone else confirm seeing UFOs in this film? NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin may be trying to let the public know there is something else out there so the public will help prevent Congress from cutting NASA's budget again. Astronaut Eugene Cernan was commander of Apollo 17. In a Los Angeles Times article in 1973, he stated, "I've been asked (about UFOs) and I've said publicly I thought they (UFOs) were somebody else, some other civilization." RHODE ISLAND WOOSOCKET - MUFON Assistant State Director (ASD), Janet Bucci reports that in the early evening on August 16, 1999, several witnesses, including four law enforcement personnel, watched as an UFO displaying lights, put on a fantastic aerial show. As the unidentified object roamed the sky, it flew above or near neighboring towns. At around the same time, a woman in a near by town also saw a strange lighted object in the sky while she was in her car on the way home. She reports she also experienced missing time. State Section Director for Northern RI Bill Masuck, and Assistant State Director Janet Bucci have asked, "If you think you may have seen this same object, please call MUFON's hotline number (401) 736-8680 and leave your full name, home telephone number, and briefly describe what you saw. Thanks to Janet Bucci at bucci@hotmail.com NEW YORK LAKE GEORGE - Linda reports that on Friday, October 1, 1999, I saw two very bright flashing white lights in the treeline. The lights were heading directly north. They gained altitude and shot up zigzagging into the northwestern sky at 6:01 PM. When the white lights were very high up a second object with a red light came from the west and lined up right behind the white lights. They both continued northwest. The complete sighting took five minutes. Thanks to Linda, pdshadow@hotmail.com Glens Falls, NY 12801 MARYLAND TRIANGLE VISITS FOOTBALL GAME BEL AIR � A nurse writes, "We had an unusual sighting on Friday night October 8, 1999. I do emergency medical aid at the Bel Air High School football games. I was standing on the sidelines watching for injured players when I saw two lights about an inch apart over the school building at 8:30 PM. They were too far apart for airplane landing lights and too high to be attached to the building. The UFO's lights were white and very bright almost as bright as the stadium lights The two lights hovered for about 5 minutes or so. Two students came over to me and said "Hey you see that UFO?" I then started to look for the red and green wing tip lights but there was none. The craft started to move towards us and into an east wind. It moved very slowly then turned to the right and flipped over on its side and flew slowly south on its side. I could see it was a large triangular shaped craft. The undercarriage had a strobe light in line with the nose and two white lights on the tip. It flew to the south on its side speed estimate would be less than 20 mph and we heard no noise. Distance from us was about 1000 feet and its altitude was less than 1000 feet. It flew the length of the school then completed the roll and flew to the east and disappeared rather quickly behind the trees. Conditions were cloudy and humid, temperature was 50 F. A number of planes flew over providing a good comparison of size. You could have lined up about 5 single engine planes to equal the width of the unknown craft. The kids asked me "Was that a real UFO?" I told them it was not a plane or helicopter. Only a few witnesses saw the UFOs, because most people were watching the game. I wonder what THEY think of high school football? Thanks to Runningpony GEORGIA OCTAGON SHAPED UFO FORT MOUNTAIN - MUFON State Director Tom Sheets reports that an unusual craft was observed hovering over Fort Mountain at about 9:30 PM, on Tuesday, September 28.1999. The craft was glowing a bright white, and was octagon shaped, with more octagon like shapes within it's diameter, giving the appearance of a honeycomb. It was estimated to be about the size of a softball held at arm's length. Event duration was several seconds, as craft was observed by the approaching motorist/witness on Ft. Mountain. Altitude of the craft over the top of the 2800 feet mountain was about 1/4 mile off the top. Other well-documented reports of UFO activity and objects have been investigated in this vicinity, including observations by MUFONGA personnel during the last year. EAST ELIJAY � Assistant State Director Mark Ausmus has been setting up an investigation into an event that occurred on September 26, 1999, over this small mountain town 13 miles east of Fort Mountain. The witness was interviewed Ausmus and Olivia Newton. The witness awoke during the early AM and found a bright, intense white light with a pointed bottom hovering about 40 degrees off the horizon. The size 1 1/2 times of the moon. During the 15 minute observation it moved to about 80 degrees and was observed to eject 15 or 20 small "sparkly prism like objects" downward at about a 45 degree angle. Later, the friend of the witness indicated that similar events had been witnessed during the past 6 months in the area. Two days later, he witnessed an intense bright white light in the night sky, in the distance. This would be September 28, the same date as the Fort Mountain sighting. The Ausmus/Newton team is continuing to investigate. An unidentified thick purple substance was discovered on the property. COLUMBUS -- MUFONGA's Jim Steen of Columbus Georgia reports that he has established initial contact with a male witness that reports observing triangle shaped objects on three occasions since May of this year. One fly over was observed by a second witness. The witness has provided Jim with a written account and excellent sketches, but interviews have not as yet been conducted to establish witness' credibility. Jim agreed to re-contact the witness for a more in-depth investigation. The sketches indicate an isosceles triangle shape, with large amber/white lights at each point. There appears to be a protrusion attached to the underside of what would be considered the 'tail' of the craft, a sort of 'rectangle' looking protrusion. COMMENT � Other Georgia cases are developing at this time. We may be in for another active autumn season this year! Semper Fi, Tom Sheets, SD MUFONGA KENTUCKY BURKESVILLE -- This was really weird, as I was lying in my pickup truck bed just studying the sky and pondering the full moon around 8:30 PM on September 23, 1999. Although there was not a structured object visible, there was a strange pattern "probing" light. It started to the NW and came to the SW...first making an upward dart...then completing this pattern, coming back to an imaginary midline, then it would go up again. Surprisingly, at times even drop beneath the midline. Altogether, making maybe 6 to 8 peaks, as it took only a minute, perhaps, but left me breathless! It moved in an up and down zigzag pattern that reminded me of Chinese writing. Quickly darting upward and back to midline in no particular sequence. The colors of this particular line pattern were gold's, reds, blues, greens, shimmering variously as it "drew" it the sky. When I turned around, I saw the rising Full Moon. Thanks to Herbwmn2 ILLINOIS UFO IDENTIFIED AS PROBABLE BLIMP DUNDEE - On September 29, 1999, four witnesses saw a white saucer lit up almost like a crystal, but as big as a large house. They were driving westbound on Route 72 at 8:00 PM and saw a huge lit shape in the sky moving less than 10 mph. Further investigation indicates that the object observed was most likely a blimp with an electronic advertising apparatus that made it appear like a UFO from distance. Thanks to Morgan Clements, Director World Wide UFO Reporting Center. Editors Note: These advertising blimps have often been mistaken for UFOs when a person is unable to make out the writing. OREGON PARKDALE - On October 2, 1999, while driving home two friends driving separate cars on Dee Highway witnessed very bright lights with flashing colors at 11:35 PM. They both felt it was no ordinary aircraft. It hovered for 35 to 40 seconds with different colored lights flashing when it suddenly disappeared. Thanks to WWUFORC www.ufosightings.net, uforeports@aol.com CALIFORNIA EDWARDS AFB -- William Hamilton wrote, "Yesterday, my wife and I attended Edwards Air Force Base, 50th air show." One of the best ever. We saw one of the last flights of the SR-71 Blackbird that flew high over our heads at 78,000 feet at Mach 3.2. The double sonic boom from the leading and trailing edges of the plane set off car alarms. The Blackbird came in for a low pass near the awestruck crowd. The X-15 experimental airplane holds the speed record when Sen. Pete Knight flew her at Mach 6.7+ back in the sixties. It also attained an altitude of over 370,000 ft. Another first, the F-22 Raptor and F-16 chase plane went around for some touch and goes. We also saw over flights of the B-2 stealth bomber with a height of only 17 feet and a wingspan of 172 feet. It looks like a thin black line when it comes in. In contrast, the B-1 engines are very noisy, the B-2 is quiet in comparison. The F-117 stealth fighter also made quiet passes. It was a fantastic air show, but was someone watching from above? Just as one of the aerobatics planes was doing loops, I looked straight up beyond his smoke trail to see what looked like a shiny cylindrical object sitting motionless at a very high altitude. Using the smoke trails as a reference, it seemed to sit there and then turned and moved off rapidly as I tried to train my video on it. Alas, it was gone faster than the smoke! Was it a UFO? I could not identify it. It just left me wondering. Thanks to Bill Hamilton, Director Skywatch International, Inc. Website: home.earthlink.net/~skywatcher22 CANADA CROP CIRCLES EDMONTON � There are new crop formations near Edmonton, Alberta as of September 28, 1999. Another crop circle was reported near Midale, Saskatchewan on September 28. Farmers also report sighting UFOs in the general area. The complete reports, links, analysis and commentaries are posted at: http://caus.org/home.html. Thanks to CAUS. Peter A. Gersten Director NEWFOUNDLAND VAN SIZED LIGHTS STEPHENVILLE -- On July 10, 1999, reports he obtained a siting report of a fast moving object. It was a bright yellow light and made no sound. The witness states, "I had just exited my house at 8:15 PM when I saw a very bright light directly in front of him about a distance of one kilometer." He watched it for about 20 seconds that disappeared very rapidly in the scattered clouds. The object was about the size of a full-sized van I then continued to meet with my friends. Thanks to Jeroen Wierda at jeroen@wierda.com. HAWAII SIGHTING HONOLULU -- My name is Nicholas Cone and I would like to report a sighting. It was on Friday, October 1, 1999. It was a round silver ball that moved slowly across the sky and disappeared. Thanks to Nicholas Cone, NConesk8r IMMENSE TRIANGLE UFO OVER INDONESIA LOVINA, BALI On September 17, 1999, Allison Williams was vacationing in Indonesia walking on the beach with a friend at 1:00 AM. They sighted an immense triangular shape craft with pulsing lights hovering above. The sky is exceptionally clear there and the stars are very brilliant so it was difficult to tell the altitude of the triangle. They continued to watch from the beach and a smaller object with lights departed from the triangle moving south towards Australia. The huge triangle continued to hover in the sky for more than hour when they decided to leave the UFO was still there. The friend seemed more interested in romance, but did admit seeing the UFO. Thanks to Allison Williams. STEALTH BLIMP The September issue of Popular Mechanics carries an article "Skunk Works Magic" by Jim Wilson. The article includes an illustration by Mark McCandlish of an alleged Stealth Blimp. It thought the craft may be operated by the United States Air Force and built by Lockheed-Martin. These craft may be responsible for many large triangular sightings frequently reported. POSSIBLE NEW PLANET FOUND IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM A British astronomer appears to have discovered a new planet orbiting the Sun, 1,000 times further away than Pluto. The new planet may not be an original part of our solar system and may have been captured on the outskirts of our own solar system. Thanks to Chris Evers HUFOS/FTL SPACE JUNK REENTRY PREDICTIONS John Locker provides a list of excellent decay prediction calculations from Alan Pickup for use over the next few months. Alan provides information on each piece of debris, including reentry position, time, etc. Many re-entries occur over water, but as with the September incident, are often visible from land. 24168 94- 29 HT STEP-2 Pegasus deb. October 15 25507 98- 60 C SCD-2 Pegasus deb. October 17 25680 99- 19 E Glblstar 19 Soyuz r1 October 18 24235 94- 29 LJ STEP-2 Pegasus deb. October 19 25500 98- 25 F C 2350 aux motor October 21 21379 75- 52 CZ Nimbus 6 Delta 1 deb October 23 25917 99- 48 E Foton 12 deb. October 25 25921 99- 51 C Ikonos Athena deb. October 26 5093 70- 91 AQ Cosmos 375 deb. October 27 24744 97- 10 A Zeya October 30 25550 98- 69 B SAC-A October 30 24349 94- 29 PA STEP-2 Pegasus deb October 31 24993 94- 29 ADA STEP-2 Pegasus deb. October 31 23563 91- 47 E PAM-D deb November 2 24632 94- 29 AAL STEP-2 Pegasus deb November 2 13738 82-118 C DMSP F6 deb November 4 12134 81- 2 B Molniya 3-14 r2 November 5? 24832 97- 28 E C 2344 SOZ ullage r November 8 24590 94- 29 YS STEP-2 Pegasus deb November 11 25494 98- 56 D Eutelsat W2 Spelda November 11 5533 71- 15 BX Cosmos 397 deb November 12 24972 97- 57 B IRS-1D r November 12 24586 94- 29 YN STEP-2 Pegasus deb November 13 23995 94- 29 AQ STEP-2 Pegasus deb November 15 4222 69- 97 B AZUR Scout r November 25 22016 92- 39 C GPS 2-14 Delta r2 December 4 24291 96- 50 A Microsat December 4 19377 88- 69 A Molniya 1-73 December ? 25551 98- 69 C MightySat December ? Thanks to John locker" <satcom@cybase.co.uk G7MIZ Satellite and Communications Consultant at http://www.cybase.co.uk/satcom/ FALUN GONG CONTINUE TO BE ARRESTED W. Owens writes, I read your article on the Falun Gong "take" on ET's. I'm certainly all for religious freedom. I think it's terrible that these people are being harassed. But do we really need this type of paranoia right now? This group is Buddhist. Buddhists are fine, nice people; like the rest of us in this vast, mysterious universe, they don't have all the answers. Their philosophy, while original, is a confusing + contradictory melange of agnosticism + Eastern /philosophy/superstition. And, to be quite candid, it seems rather empty + pointless. As for this wonderful gentleman who has all the answers about space aliens (and everything else)? -- "Yea, sure." Editor's Note: My point is that 100 million Chinese believe in extraterrestrials and UFOs. The US has 275 million people, China has 1 Billion 250 million people and the worlds largest Army. "China claims to be a military superpower and recently announced it can fire ballistic missiles from nuclear submarines. The Falun Gong are the only large organized group other than the Communists in the country. The future of the world may be effected by the Falun Gong who believe UFOs are visiting us. Now they are being arrested by the thousands. Most UFO investigators consider themselves a small minority, but with Falun Gong we have one hundred 100 million believers. That's roughly the population of Japan. UNDERGROUND VAULTS AT WRIGHT PATTERSON WRIGHT PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE -- See URL below for images and drawings used to support the "Underground Vault" theory at Wright-Patterson AFB:. This web site has interesting engineering plans of the various buildings on base. These images and drawings are supportive data and there are no explicative texts http://home.sprintmail.com/~rigoletto/wrightpatterson/ THE GREAT UFO / ET AUTUMN FESTIVAL will be held at the Days Inn, Bordentown, NJ by Pat Marcattilio on October 30 and 31. Speakers include Antonio Huneeus, Wendelle Stevens, myself and many others. (609) 631-8955 BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL A HOME SEE MY FREE REPORT -- All real estate agents are not the same? Some real estate agents or sales representatives are part timers and inexperienced. Others are experts with an excellent experience and capabilities. When you are selling or buying your home, you need to make sure you have the best real estate agent working for you before you make any important financial decisions on one your biggest investments! Remember, the majority of people do not know the right questions to ask, and what pit falls can cause major problems. Picking the right real estate agent can be a wonderful experience, and picking the wrong one can be a big mistake that can waste your time and cost you thousands! Find out, "What you need to understand before hiring any real estate agent!" These are the questions that many agents do not want you to ask. Learn how you can obtain the best real estate agent for your needs. To get a free copy of this report, just call (609) 654-0020 or e-mail us at Majorstar@aol.com. U.S. GOVERNMENT UFO PROOF RELEASED: Audio tapes of a genuine UFO Alert at Edwards Air Force base and studied by the Foreign Technology Division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, are now available for distribution to the public. Lunar Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell was at Edwards the night the UFO chase occurred. The 6th person to walk on the moon said, "The night it happened I investigated it myself and this was a real event." Sam Sherman's audio documentary tape called THE EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE ENCOUNTER on the night of October 7, 1965, uses the actual voice recordings provided by the Air Force. During this event 12 high tech luminous UFOs invade secure air space and came down low over the runways at Edwards AFB. Tower operator Sgt. Chuck Sorrels spotted them and notified the Air Defense Command. Sgt. Sorrels is heard on the original tapes and in a new segment where he verifies the event as it is heard on the archival recordings. The UFOs are described and a decision is made to launch F-106 fighter interceptors. You are there for an important part of UFO history. Hear it for yourself, it's the best UFO tape ever made. Tape cost is $14.95 each plus $2.00 for shipping -- total $16.95 --(for overseas orders- out of US - add $6.00 shipping cost - total - $20.95) you can send either a personal check or money order to: Independent International Pictures Corp, Box 565, Dept. GF, Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857. MUFON JOURNAL For more detailed investigative reports subscribe by contacting Mufon@aol.com. Filer's Files Copyright 1999 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post items from the Files on their Websites provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue that the item appeared. Send your letters to me at Majorstar@aol.com. If you wish to keep your name confidential please so state.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 CPR-Canada News: Formation #6 at Midale, From: Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada <psa@direct.ca> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 22:54:17 -0800 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 07:31:25 -0400 Subject: CPR-Canada News: Formation #6 at Midale, CPR-Canada News News and Reports from Circles Phenomenon Research Canada http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310 Formation #6 at Midale, Saskatchewan October 14, 1999 _____________________________ Editor: Paul Anderson _____________________________ Preliminary Report - October 14 By Paul Anderson Yet another crop circle formation has been found in the Midale area of Saskatchewan, reported yesterday by pilot John Erickson and Nancy Talbott of the BLT Research Team. This is the sixth formation in that region and the eighteenth for Canada reported now this year. First found on October 8 by the farmer (name still kept confidential at this point) who also owns the field with the first Midale and Midale #4 formations. Formation is in a duram wheat field about two miles south-east of Midale. Three circles close together in a straight line, spaced about twenty feet apart. Largest (eastern) circle is approximately 60 feet diametre, the second about 40 feet and the third about 20 feet. Description of floor lay inside the smallest circle is of a swirled lay which ends in a straight "radial" type lay out to the edge of the circle. The other two circles have normal swirled lay patterns. Further details when available. There is also a new article on the recent Saskatchewan and Alberta formations in the October 14 edtion of The Western Producer farming newspaper. Paul Anderson Director CPR-Canada _____________________________ Circle Phenomena in Canada Report Archive 1999: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310/1999.html A reminder for all Canadian subscribers / readers - your assistance is welcome and needed - ANY reports of other possible circles this year, please do let us know as soon as possible! See Reporting and Field Research Guidelines on the web site for more information: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310/reporting.html REPORTING HOTLINE: 604.731.8522 _____________________________ CPR-Canada News is the e-mail update service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada (affiliate of Circles Phenomenon Research International), is published periodically or as breaking news develops and is available free by subscription; to be added to or removed from the mailing list, send your request, including "subscribe CPR-Canada News" or "unsubscribe CPR-Canada News" and e-mail address to: mailto:psa@direct.ca CPR-Canada welcomes your reports and submissions. Forward all correspondence to: CIRCLES PHENOMENON RESEARCH CANADA Circles Phenomenon Research International Main Office Suite 202 - 2086 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1J4 Canada Tel / Fax: 604.731.8522 E-Mail: mailto:psa@direct.ca Web: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310 � Circles Phenomenon Research Canada, 1999

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Electrogravitics Systems From: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 07:41:38 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 07:41:38 -0400 Subject: Electrogravitics Systems Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 02:02:11 -0400 To: updates@globalserve.net From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> Subject: Electrogravitics Systems List, Very interesting site: http://www.padrak.com/ine/index.shtml#NEN_4_7_4 And almost at the bottom of the page you'll find: "Electrogravitics Systems," The Definitive Report, 1956! http://www.padrak.com/ine/INE24.html ELECTROGRAVITICS SYSTEMS An examination of electrostatic motion, dynamic counterbary and barycentric control. Prepared by: Gravity Research Group Aviation Studies (International) Limited Special Weapons Study Unit 29-31 Cheval Place, Knightsbridge London, S.W.7. England Report GRG-013/56 February 1956. AF Wright Aeronautical Laboratories Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Technical Library Dayton, Ohio 45433 In other words, how to make a disc fly. Happy reading. (I've attached this particular document in case someone doesn't like to, or can't, surf.) Sue

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 15:38:41 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 08:18:05 -0400 Subject: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex Source: The Western Producer http://www.producer.com/articles/19991014/news/19991014news08.ht ml Stig ** October 14, 1999 Crop circles become more frequent, complex By Mary MacArthur Camrose bureau * Rusty Manuel and Thelly Whitman have always joked that the strange lights near their grain fields on the outskirts of Edmonton are UFOs. Cereal circles found near Edmonton A set of seven circles was recently discovered near Edmonton. Farmer Rusty Manuel swathed around the circles, leaving them intact for study. The formation was almost 58 metres across. The crop was flattened from the centre out to the edge, rather than in the swirling patterns found in other crop circles. But they're not laughing after circles were found in their barley field. "We're not going to joke about that any more," said Whitman. A custom sprayer operator hired to spray Roundup on a barley field infested with thistles spotted the circles first. Without bothering to look at the field, Manuel put the circles down to animals or wind. "I thought it was some animal rolling around in it. I hadn't seen it. When I started to cut it I got pretty inquisitive." Now, neither Manuel nor Whitman thinks animals made the circles. "This here is a big deal, the way it's knocked down," he said. The centre circle is 30 metres across with four smaller circles on all four quadrants. Off two of the smaller circles are another two circles. What's strange is that Whitman noticed circles in the same field a year earlier when she was swathing the crop, but attributed it to animals. Thinking back, she can't remember if the circles were in any sort of formation. "I contributed it to animals bedding down in our grain. That, and I don't like that end of the field. I get an eerie feeling in that end of the field." Whitman doesn't know what made the circles, but she hasn't ruled out some other life form. "I've always been a strong believer there's something more than us around. There's something more than our little world." Gordon Sopczak, Alberta co-ordinator for Circles Phenomenon Research Canada, said he's sure whatever is creating the circles will "delight us and astound us again." Members of a crop circle investigative team took grain and soil samples from within the crop circle on the farm near Edmonton to test for abnormalities. Manuel plans to harvest the grain separately. He wants to see if there's anything unusual about it next spring when it's reseeded. More intricate Sopczak said crop circles like the one in north Edmonton are becoming more complex. No longer are they simple circles in a field. In 1999, 17 crop circles were reported across Canada. One on the University of Alberta farm was a hoax, another was caused by fairy rings, but several others were complex patterns, he said. As in Britain, many of the crop circles are reappearing in areas where they have been reported in previous years. Sopczak doesn't know if more crop circles are being reported because there are more circles, or if people are learning how to report them. According to a website run by Circles Phenomenon Research Canada, there were 14 circles reported in Canada in 1998, two in 1997, three in 1996, two in 1995, four in 1994, nine in 1993, 21 in 1992, 12 in 1991 and 22 in 1990. Nine circles were reported between 1969 and 1989. The website can be found at www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310. * Copyright

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Re: Get Real From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 14:56:16 +0000 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 08:21:33 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >From: Marc Bell <MARC@wufog.freeserve.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 20:08:11 +0100 >>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 17:17:08 +0000 >>From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>>Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 12:37:46 -0500 (CDT) >>>From: Brian Cuthbertson <brianc@fc.net> >>>To: updates@globalserve.net >>>Subject: Re: Get Real >>>>Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 20:57:28 +0000 >>>>From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>>Subject: Re: Get Real > >>>>Oh, and while we're on the subject, of all the thousands who >>>>claim to be repeatedly abducted, who has ever taken a photograph >>>>of an alien? the odds are that amongst the thousands there must >>>>be someone who set a camera up linked to a motion detector, not >>>>hard to do these days considering our 'changing level of >>>>technology'. >>>>Unless the aliens are only interested in the people who wouldn't >>>>have even thought to do that. >>>Well I suppose Dave considers his remark pretty clever, but I'll >>>bet he's never done any real checking about whether precisely >>>what he suggests has been attempted. It has, and it has failed. >>>Last year or so I had an email exchange with Katharina Wilson, >>>an abductee who has tried, with the help of local UFO >>>investigators, to do exactly what Dave suggests above. On >>>nights she would undergo an abduction, the video camera put in >>>her bedroom mysteriously recorded nothing but static. >>I don't consider myself being pretty clever at all, I was >>honestly asking a question. >>Was the video showing time and date and did it record her >>sleeping until a certain time (for argument lets say 3 AM) then >>record static from there on in? >>If it recorded as you say nothing but static I would have the >>camera checked, no aliens involved there. >Hi Dave, >Havn't you ever thought these 'aliens' (entities or whatever?) >are:- >Advanced enough to understand all our technology, behaviour >patterns etc >Therefore making a video look like just static shouldn't be >beyond them, should it? It's not beyond us either. It is however interesting to note that my earlier question: "Was the video showing time and date and did it record her sleeping until a certain time (for argument lets say 3 AM) then record static from there on in?" went completely unanswered. >Perhaps we should be asking a) why 'they' do this b) how can we >proof that would convince everyone? Well isn't that the sort of thing I am asking? Where is the evidence?? >>>There is also a case, reported in one of Ray Fowler's books, >>>where an abductee woke long enough one night to see an alien in >>>his hallway examining his motion detector. The alien mentally >>>suggested he return to sleep, and he did. Apparently the >>>detector never went off. Sorry I can't cite chapter and verse >>>on this one; I've read too many of Fowler's books by now. >>>Is that a sufficient answer for you Dave? >>Well the second one could have been a dream. Let's face it, >>we've all had some weird dreams at one time or another. >>If the person in this case was hyped up enough about aliens to >>install a motion detector then surely aliens were foremost in >>their mind when they went to sleep. >>And as you said the motion detector did not go off. >>You have to understand these detectors are not tuned to react to >>figments of the imagination, or dreams. >A couple of points here Dave.... >A dream doesn't rip your bed clothes off & dump you in the >corner of the room 2 or so hours later covered in brusies etc! >Esp: with with the house alarm still on..... I do recall the time you were thrown across the room and left with bruises, but this was because you were electrocuted and had to go to hospital. The whole thing left you with a very poor short term memory for a few weeks. There could be some confusion here unless you have any witnesses to show the above was a separate event. >Point 2, you have filmed the 'entity' in the studio here, but it >has never tripped the motion detectors in the alarm system. This is very true, I along with others did see what you refer to as the 'entity' and was lucky enough to capture it on camera. The image is on Roy Hale's website if anyone's interested. I sent a full report along with picture to Nick Pope who rang me to say that although interesting as it was, it would seem to be a little out of his field of expertise. I agree, I do not believe it was anything to do with aliens, I had the feeling I was watching an (as of yet unexplained) natural phenomena. >Well maybe they'll pay you a visit at 3am eh Dave? Doubtful, I have mostly happy dreams, normally involving some Scandinavian woman with a cleavage you could ski down and a large tub of lard. Anyway, see you on Monday Marc Dave.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Re: Get Real From: Sharon Kardol <sharon@hotmix.com.au> Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 22:58:41 +0800 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 08:34:41 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 02:45:16 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Sharon Kardol <sharon@hotmix.com.au> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 10:43:23 +0800 >>>Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 14:01:54 -0500 >>>From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >>>Subject: Re: Get Real >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>On the third day of encounters, the family, in a state of terror >>>and shock, called one of their neighbors to come help them. The >>>neighbor, pseudonym of "Jill", arrived with a camera and began >>>taking photographs of a red-eyed being standing just beyond a >>>sliding glass door in the back yard. Unfortunately, "Jill" was >>>too afraid or forgot to open the glass door and the flash from >>>the camera reflected off the glass door obscuring any images of >>>the red-eyed being. When she got the photographs back from the >>>photo lab, all she got were pictures with a glare on the glass >>>doors - or so she thought. >>I have yet to view these photos and I will do shortly, but >>doesn't this seem just a little tooooo convenient? >Are you saying, Sharon, that the glare on the glass door was >intended? Not at all Amy, I'm not one for inferences without facts. All I said was the excuse was convenient for something so important. >Actually, it was an accident. I think I too would be afraid to >open a glass door if some red-eyed being stood on the other >side, wouldn't you? Not if that was the purpose of me being there, as you pointed out. If I had the courage to be there intentionally in the first place I would make sure of something as simple as the door being open >But read the story because the second image that showed up was >even better than the first image. The second image was also >discovered by accident two years after the encounters - my kids >and I were the ones who discovered it. No one said, "Keep >looking because you might find another critter in the photos." >The witnesses involved had pretty much gone on with their lives >and forgotten the events. No one sought recognition - that's >why all names are pseudonyms. You'd think that if it were a >hoax, the individuals involved would want some kind of attention >brought to themselves. Not in this case. I never said it was a hoax, but there always seems to be a convenient explanation for the lack of evidence or as in this case, 'ruined' evidence. >Sharon, I investigated this case and I am a healthy skeptic. In >fact, there are even those who call me a debunker because I am >so hard to convince. It wasn't just the witnesses and their >story, it wasn't just the photos that convinced me but all the >information put together. You can't take one without the other. If the photos are not clear, and contain obscured objects, they are not a very good back up of the story. It's been so easy for people to run around saying I have a story, I was abducted by aliens and here are the photos to prove it but I forgot the flash, or it was so dark. >You can't always manage the events that occur during a close >encounter so that the evidence stacks up the way critics and >skeptics demand to their satisfaction. These things can happen >so fast that few people even have the sense to grab a camera. >The neighbor that joined the others on the third night knew to >take a camera because she had had experiences all her life and >knew some of the traces that can be found after such encounters. >Her story alone is incredible. The beings probably came >searching for her but she was out of town and something >attracted them to "Cathy's" house (what was it that attracted >them? you'd be surprised <grin>). So the enighbour went to the house with a camera and the sole intention of capturing the most elusive 'thing' in history, I am extremely surprised the door wasn't open waiting for the creatures to appear. We're not talking about some spur of the moment incident. You said she herself experienced it all her life. She was experienced in this matter. And everything was set but the one thing that would put doubt over the situation, a barrier that glared the photo and therefore the true reality of the situation. >Ya know, if people would just allow some things to be possible >without believing, and ask questions, explore, they would learn >so much more. I have learned so much from this investigation >and just wanted to share it with others. I didn't even tell >very many people it was posted on my web site because I hate the >way abduction stories are sensationalized. Recently I began >offering it to various magazines and others because I decided >maybe it would mean something to someone and I need to make it >more available as I have moved on to other projects. I will not >forget those who have had enough of an open mind (and manners) >to at least express an interest. Those who have told me it >didn't happen or the photos look fake or cannot be published >because they'd rather print stories about Bigfoot will also stay >in my memory and amuse me through all my endeavors. >Give people fuzzy photos of alleged UFOs and they gather in awe. >Give 'em photos of alleged aliens and they turn away in >disbelief. UFOs can exist but not aliens. Bigfoot can exist >but not aliens. Go figure. I guess people running around with blurry photos and exclaming proof doesn't really help the situation much. >I've learned a lot about the status of the consensual reality >and the limits of our beliefs. Limits of our belief, or the lack of limits on our gullability? Guess it depends on what you see in the glare.... Cheers Sharon

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Re: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower From: Kevin Randle <KRandle993@aol.com> Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 11:18:16 EDT Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 08:54:52 -0400 Subject: Re: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower >Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 01:38:49 -0700 >From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower >>From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>Subject: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower >>Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 05:56:19 GMT >>Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower >>Oct 12 1999 08:11:32 ET >>DENVER (Reuters) - A Colorado cattle rancher hopes that if she >>builds a UFO watch tower, aliens -- and tourists -- will come. <snippage> >>"The county has quite a few UFO watchers. >>Messoline plans to charge $2 for adults and $1 for children.. >>.. She said >>the watch tower would even have an alien-themed gift shop. >If I were a space alien, I would avoid the place like the plague. Does the term 'Cargo Cult' mean anything here? KRandle

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case From: Bruce Mccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 22:36:39 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 07:13:23 -0400 Subject: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case Anyone who would like to read a technical discussion of the reflection characteristics of the hood of Ed's old truck (reference, the discussion of his photo 19) email me at brumac@compuserve.com. This is not a small email (41K text and over a meg of illustrations)

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Re: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 14:09:24 -0700 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 11:18:47 -0400 Subject: Re: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower >Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 14:51:54 -0600 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Don Allen <dona@amigo.net> >Subject: Re: Colorado Woman to Build a UFO Watch Tower <snip> >Hooper is 35 miles due south from me. It is an ideal UFO landing >area as there is absolutely nothing there but a tiny post >office, the only gas station before Alamosa and lots of land >with scrub brush and rocks. They aren't too far from the Sand >Dunes, a real tourist draw. About the only significant air >traffic between Hooper, Moffat and Crestone/Baca has been >overflights of the National Guard, a very controversial issue >with the locals here, since the flights are just barely above >the mountain top level over Crestone, and Kit Carson peaks, two >of the highest peaks in Colorado. >A good book containing the UFO lore of the San Luis Valley ("The >Mysterious Valley") is Chris O'Brien's "Enter the Valley". >Cattle mutes, abductions, sightings, and just plain wierdness. Hello Don: I agree that ordinarily this would be ideal UFO-turf, if past history is any key. Relative remoteness, lack of scheduled air traffic, previous sightings etc. all seem to fit the mold. _But_ (and I should have made this more clear) the slightest hint that somebody is trying to invite or lure UFOs down for a landing, on a special "landing pad" etc., has to make one chuckle. I read someplace that if duck-decoys look the slightest bit "hokey", the ducks will avoid the pond like poison (as well they should). I presume that anyone who can direct a UFO from "there" to "here", will have the intelligence of a duck. I have toyed with the idea of a place just as you describe, with very subtle lures, and I stress the word subtle. I recall reading about some fellow in western Canada with plans for an "Alien Spaceport", complete with a full-sized fake flying saucer! I don't recall the location, but it might be in Sasketchewan. Very best wishes - Larry Hatch PS: There is still the problem of proper toilet and dining facilities for the aliens if they should land regardless. As a human, I wouldn't mind visiting at all... But, aliens?

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Jeff Rense Weekly E-News 10-15-99 From: Rense E-News <jocelyn@dewittec.net> Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 19:47:51 -0500 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 11:24:28 -0400 Subject: Jeff Rense Weekly E-News 10-15-99 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Rense Weekly E-News ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Week Ahead 10-17-99 thru 10-23-99 Guests, Announcements, Week's Top Stories From sightings.com Jeff Rense E-News is distributed exclusively by Free Subscription. --<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>-- * FROM JEFF'S DESK * The tabs continue to feed voraciously on the ET issue. Here are some of the latest. There is no shame with these publications... and they sell by the millions each week. Occasionally, some legitimate and important material is published but it is lost in the downpour of garbage. With their endless supply of 'unnamed sources'...and computer graphics wizards... there is no end in sight. All we can do is laugh... 2 Ton Alien Hairball Found In Oz Weekly World News <http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/ According to Weekly World News reporter Mike Foster, "leading geneticist" Ian McCaulway says a two-ton spherical object found in the Australian outback is actually a memento of some enormous extraterrestrial's digestive tract. Foster said DNA testing performed on the sphere had produced inconclusive results, although the inclusion of some kangaroo and cow material in the sphere indicated that the object's creator had fed on those creatures shortly before extruding the sphere. The sphere had originally been found by UFO buff Pat Tambrush a few days after a large UFO was sighted over the Great Sandy Desert of northwestern Australia. Upon ascertaining that the object was not in fact a spacecraft, Tambrush rolled it back to display in front of his bar. McCaulway speculated that the object -- actually a 15-foot [5 meter] diameter mass of hair and digestive matter -- was the product of some alien pet. "It's possible this hairball comes from a domesticated animal of extraterrestrial origin," he told the News. "Human explorers since the days of Christopher Columbus have brought pets such as cats along on their journeys." Although Foster said the sphere was now under study at "a research center near Sydney," no additional details were forthcoming to independently confirm the story. Likewise, no record of McCaulway or his undoubtedly distinguished genetic career was immediately available. Holy Water Found On Moon Weekly World News <http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/ Although NASA spokesmen recently confirmed that the Lunar Prospector found <http://www.space.com/news/planetarymissions/lunarprospector_991013.ht ml> no water on the lunar surface, the Weekly World News stubbornly insists that the probe not only discovered water, but holy water at that. According to "a high-level NASA insider," the probe found at least 120 gallons of water shortly after crashing on the moon July 31. However, in a dramatic turn of events, the informant told the News that NASA "began to get signals back from the craft indicating that every system was coming back on line -- as if it had somehow been 'healed.'" Surprised technicians were then able to bring the revived Prospector -- along with a sample of the miraculous substance -- back to earth under its own power, the supermarket tabloid reported in its <http://www.space.com/area51/tabwrap_991013.html> October 19 issue. When analyzed, the lunar water turned out to be "natural holy water," in the insider's words, with a chemical composition more or less identical to the healing waters at the pilgrimage center of Lourdes, the source told the News. As such, it is perhaps not surprising that the substance's curative properties extended beyond broken space vehicles to human beings as well. NASA researchers were dumbfounded to discover that four cancer patients went into complete remission within hours of being exposed to the moon water, the News said. As far as <http://www.space.com/news/planetarymissions/lunarprospector_991013.ht ml> official sources at the space agency know, the probe did not actually find any water on the moon, nor did it enjoy a miraculous resurrection and return to earth. Japanese Woman And ET Near 7 Year Anniversary Weekly World News <http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/> A Japanese woman and the space alien she learned to love are nearing their 7-year wedding anniversary, the Weekly World News reported recently. Receptionist Miyoki Tanaka, 25, married the extraterrestrial known only as "X1431" on March 29, 1993, in a traditional Shinto ceremony, the supermarket tabloid said in its <http://www.space.com/area51/tabwrap_991013.html> October 19 issue. The couple lives in an isolated area near Nagoya, Japan, where they were married after an involved two-year negotiation between their families. The aliens, who were hoping to bolster the cause of interplanetary cooperation and peace by arranging the nuptials, have since acted in an unspecified capacity to help the Tanaka family's restaurant business. "We've both had to make a lot of adjustments," Tanaka told the News. "He has a nasty habit of floating around the room at night, which is distracting when you're trying to sleep." While undoubtedly fascinating, any parallels between X1431 and Japanese folkloric entities remain obscure as yet. However, it is noteworthy that the alien hates Tanaka's cooking, preferring to subsist on a diet of "shoe polish and brine," and is given to producing earsplitting shrieks when excited. Because X1431 has never bothered to learn Japanese or English, the couple communicates telepathically. In a wedding photograph credited to the "Japan News Press," he is shown as a classic small-nosed Gray in formal kimono. Tanaka appears sullen but resigned. No children are mentioned. --<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>-- All human beings are becoming humanoids. All over the world, not just in America. We're just getting there faster since we're the most advanced country. -- from the movie "Network" --<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>-- HOLLOW PLANETS by Jan Lamprecht Do we live in a solar system composed of hollow planets? http://www.immunotex.com/books/agharta/ --<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>-- * TOP STORIES * Just a few of last week's most intriguing! http://www.sightings.com * 'Someone's Watching Over Us' - Major Donald Keyhoe * Y2K - Extremely Useful List Of Embedded Systems And Equipment Failures * Hitler Suicide Bunker Unearthed * Canada Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex * Clinton Shuts Out Loggers/Miners From 2/3 Of Remaining US Wild Lands * China Executes Millennium Sect Founder For 'Satanic Activities' * Provable Accusations Against American Public Schools * Triangle Observes HS Football-Octagon Craft Over Georgia - Cops See UFO Show * New Chinese ICBM Passes Test Simulations - Can Hit Most Of US * National Physicians And Surgeons Assn Advises Stopping Mandatory Vaccinations * US Doctors Kill More People That Guns And Traffic Accidents * Huge Unseen Planet Proposed Circling Our Sun - Nibiru? * Colt Firearms Owned By Jewish Iraqi Citizen Out To Dismantle It? * The Next Bilderberg Meeting Set For November 4-5 In DC * Gold Battling Price Fixers & Manipulators To Break Into A Truly Free Market * Caffeine Causes Physical Changes In Brain Cells * EXCLUSIVE: The Bay of Pigs - What Really Went Wrong * NASA Quite Curious About Firmage's Private Top-Level Meeting * CIA Probing NY Virus As Possible Terrorist Bio-Terrorism * The Evil Empire Lives...With US Support * Staggering Implications: US Scientists Use Computer To Watch What Cat Brain Sees * Immortality On Ice * David Icke Under Severe Attack - Efforts To Silence Him Increase * Wealth Of Archived Remote Viewing Programs Available * Another Ancient 'City' Found On Mars? Read the entire text of these stories and more at http://www.sightings.com --<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>-- Just WHY were those 14 books removed from the Bible by the church? Could it be the prophecies they didn't want you to read? http://www.immunotex.com/books/apocrypha/ --<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>-- * THIS WEEK'S GUESTS * 10-17 thru 10-23 (Please note Jeff's Guest schedule can change due to late breaking stories, etc) SUN 10-17 ENCORE Beverly Eakman: Losing A Generation Of Children Larry Patterson: 6 Year Clinton Bodyguard Talks MON 10-18 Bill Parrish: Microsoft Financial Wrongdoing? John A. Quinn: JFK Jr News Conspiracy Evidence TUE 10-19 John Thompson: UFO Sightings In The South Marcia Schafer: Intergalactic Archaeologist WED 10-20 Michael Lindemann UFO/ET World Report Dr. Joseph Chiappalone, MD: Terminal Madness Of The End Time THU 10-21 Dr. Louis Turi: Nostradamus Divine Astrology FRI 10-22 John Chambers: Victor Hugo's Channeled Revelations Live Real Audio Broadcasts & Archives: http://www.sightings.com --<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>-- Get Paid to Surf the Net. AllAdvantage has already issued checks for over $1000. Not bad! http://alladvantage.com/go.asp?refid=AMR609 --<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>-- * PROGRAM INFORMATION * Program Show Times Live Coast-To-Coast Monday-Friday 7-10pm Pacific 10-1am Eastern Sundays 8-11pm Pacific 11-2am Eastern Call in Line: 800 TRN 4123 Program Transcripts at http://www.immunotex.com/rense/ Sightings Artwork/Neff Galleries/Webmastering: http://www.anc.net/~neff/ Program Audio Tapes 888 456-4340 Live Real Audio Broadcasts & Archives http://www.sightings.com Advertising-Over 3 MILLION visitors to sightings.com each month Cost effective exposure for YOUR product or service mailto:jocelyn@dewittec.net?Subject=Advertising Sightings.com info/email center http://www.sightings.com/1.mail/infocenter.html Jeff Rense Y2K RESOURCE CENTER http://www.sightings.com/y2kresource/y2k1r.html Discussion Forum http://www3.bravenet.com/forum/show.asp?userid=hj135985 Free Greeting Cards featuring the artwork of James Neff: http://www.immunotex.com/rense/cards/cards.html --<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>-- Share with your friends! 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UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 00:14:59 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 11:33:02 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 20:46:37 -0500 >From: Roger Evans <raka@swbell.net> >Subject: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Dennis Stacy >>Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 14:34:42 -0500 >>Fwd Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 09:17:02 -0400 >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 15:29:26 -0400 >>>From: Mark Cashman >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto >>Previously, Dennis had opined: >><snip> >>>You express your own doubts about multiple photograph cases, but >>>Gulf Breeze goes far beyond that. It is uniquely unique among >>>UFO cases. Everytime Ed was handed a challenge (or a new camera >>>set up) he came through with supposedly shining colors. This >>>came to be taken as proof of the phenomenon rather than, say, >>>Ed's own ingenuity.> <snip> >Hi Dennis. >More to the point at hand in your posting; much has been made of >the difficulty of producing double exposures using Polaroids. In >a previous posting I pointed out the error in that line of >thinking. Dear KAGE (Kinder and Gentler Evans) Didn't require you to point it out. I demonstrated a double exposure "UFO" hoax with Ed's camera in feb. 1988 as written in the book 'Gulf Breeze Sightings'. Only those with little knowledge of Polaroid photogtraphy have ever suggested it was difficult. But of course, it requires a "non-normal" use of the camera and so one must be aware of that capability of the camera to use it. You can bet your boot disc (modern version of "bet your boots") that the local investigators watched Ed like hawks to find out if there was any hint of photographic interest beyond minimal, and I payed attention to his photographic understanding, which I found negligible. >In addition, it has been pointed out that the photo(s) >showing the UFO going behind trees would have been too >complicated for Ed to figure out how to do, especially if he >used the "newly discovered Hyzer method" requiring a latent >image to pre-sensitize a given area of the negative. I'm sorry, >but this technique is not new nor is it particularly >complicated. Photographers have known about it for years. In >fact, a variation of it called "pre-flashing" was/is used to >lower the contrast of motion picture film on a regular basis >when available light is going to be the source of illumination. >It is also used in the darkroom to lower the contrast of prints >done from slides or other positive to positive reproduction >methods. Sure, pros use this stuff. Astronomers sensitize film... or they used to.... by "preflashing" (they use another term I believe). Anyway, Hyzer applied scientific reasoning and experiments to determine how to do it. I particular it required a restricted range of light levels for the initial exposure.. As I have p;ointed out, the chance of Ed having known about is vanishingly small. But there is a more important point that rules this out regardless of what Ed might have known. Hyzer's method requires that the "dark covering image" (the tree in this case) be so dark that even with the very slight exposure of the UFO image (which, by itself is not enough to make a developable picture) there is not enough total exposure to make a visible image (the photo reflectivity hardly changes). Operationally this means that the tree image in photo 1 should have been so dark that there was no other portion of the picture that was darker. But Sainio, using the original, did find areas of photo 1 that were darker (less reflective) than the tree image. Hence Hyzer's method was not used. (Had it been used, under te lighting conditions of the photo the UFO image would not have appeared "hidden" behind the tree... it would have appear ON TOP OF (or in front of) the tree). Incidently, I strove mightily using Ed's type of 108 film to create a Hyzer double exposure, even to the point of calculating luminances, etc. I was never able to hide even a very dim UFO image "behind" a totally dark "tree" image. >Did Ed use the "Hyzer" method? Bruce seems to believe that he >did not because Ed isn't clever enough. I tend to agree, but not >because Ed isn't clever. On the contrary, the "Hyzer" method >would not even be necessary, ESPECIALLY if one is using >Polaroids. Why? Because a Polaroid is unique among cameras in >that it's "film gate" (the opening surrounding the actual film) >is not a fixed part of the camera. Instead, it is part of the >disposable film cartridge. Therefore, it is possible to attach >masks to the cartridge that would prevent exposure in the "tree >area". Additionally, because Polaroids can be processed >immediately and (most importantly) privately, numerous tests >could be made to be sure the masking is dead on. Even older >"wait and peel" Polaroids would allow variations on this >technique. I must admit that I hadn't thought of a "masked double exposure" in which the mask was effectively at the film plane. Of course, if you're going to take the film pout of the camera you have to be in a dark room... a "darkroom". >The recipe would be this simple: Simple? >1. Lock the camera down on a tripod pointed at the treeline >intended for use as the background. Snap off a print and >process. No place for a tripod. But for the purpose of argument assume that Ed could make the camea rigid on a tripod in some way. You now have the camera placed at the location of the background scene. Better mark that place accurately cause you will have to replace the camera there for the second expsure of the double exposure. >2. Using a piece of acetate and a fine tip marker, technical >pen, fine tip paint brush or other marking tool, trace over the >area of the tree line that is supposed to pass infront of the >UFO. A steady hand would not be necessary. In fact, the more >random the pattern, the better. Yup, Nice. >3. Using the "film gate" as a registration device, tape the >acetate square over the opening and place in the camera during >photography of the model. Probably could get close enough this way. Of course, the real problem is the registration (pointing direction) of the camera for the second exposure. This is the first exposure,. Light from the complete model hits the area of the "film gate" but is blocked by the cutout. (Note: my version of masked exposure involved putting a mask between the model and the camera lens, or actually cutting the model in some way.) >4. Without changing anything, double expose the background into >the shot. Without changing anything? Whooops. The model is in a dark room and silhouetted against a black background, but with appropriate lighting (and being CAREFUL that the light which illuminates the very bright bottom light of the model does not illuminate the background cloth). The outdoor scene is outdoors. Surely you have to change something. For example, you have to open the camera and remove the mask. If you leave the mask, then you won't get the real tree in your second exposure. Then take the camera, still on the tripod, out to the location where you first photographed the background scene. Now somehow manage to assure that it points in exactly the same direction so that the latent image (undeveloped) of the left edge of the model where it is supposed to be cut by the tree is perfectly aligned with the edge of the real tree. I don't know how you do this. You can't see the latent image. This is not a reflex camera (the view point is about 3" from the lens... really sloppy stuff). And Ed managed to take his first three pictures in a succession that shows clouds moving at a speed and direction consistent with the known weather. That is, there were many minutes or many hours between photos. I suppose he could have used any number of test photos BEFORE #1, but after #1 he proceeded in a timely manner (presumably to hoax the rest of them on that first fateful evening). >Now, someone might suggest that the "hand drawn" treeline would >be a permanent part of the picture if the acetate is not >removed. This is correct. But so what? Unless someone compares >the actual tree line with the one photographed, no one would >notice. It's my bet that no one ever did. The "fake" treeline >would simply merge with the darkness of the "real" treeline. The >mask would not be perfect, but it would not have to be. As long >as some parts of the tree obscure the UFO, the illusion would be >complete. I wouldn't worry about the hand drawn treeline. That would be the least of my worries with any masked method. >But the point is this: The camera could already have the latent >image of the UFO on its film negative, complete with "tree" >masking, at the time the background is shot. True,. As I said aboe, my masked method was not exactly like yours, but it would create the latent model image with the left edge "cut" where th tree image would then be "placed" during the second exposure. <snip> >The other point that Bruce brings up is the matching blur of the >UFO and the surrounding lights of the background. If they were >produced separately they would, indeed, be hard to match. On >the >other hand, if the master Polaroid were copied on a Polaroid >copy stand, it would simply be a matter of moving the print or >the camera during exposure time. This would produce a uniform >blur on all information within the photo. By careful >manipulation of the exposure times and masking, even selected Yes, yes yes..... all things are possible (?) given enough time, experience/capability. equipment, money and desire. The idea that the original pictures were NOT polaroids but large prints which Ed photographed with his Polaroid camera was also considered, like 11 years ago? All this takes photographic sophistication. In order to be in focus in the final Polaroids it would have been necessary to have large prints so that the Polaroid camera could be far enough from them to get a good focus. Of course, in the "full up" hoax scenario the final Polaroids would not have been taken with Ed's camera, but some camer with adjustable lenses so that good focus on primary prints coul be made. The primary prints themselves would have been blowups from 35 mm fine grained color film. Naturally the copying process would have been done very carefully so that there was no indication of glare or unwanted reflections of the light(s) illuinating the prints. (Ed's photos were checked diligently for all this stuff. Nothing was found.) >Did Ed use the "Evans" method to produce the GB photos? If Ed >were clever enough to know how, he'd certainly be clever enough >not to admit it. But the truth is that neither act requires a >great deal of brain-work. I do special effects for a living and >I can tell you this is all old hat technology dating back to the >earliest days of photography. If in doubt, go to the library and >check it out. Nothing new here. Sure, Any old "hack" could do it. But not Ed. I recall a pro photo from Florida...name escapes me now... who was very suspicious of all this until he actually saw Ed taking some photos (not UFO photos!) with his old camera. AFterward he said to me something like this "I could tell by the way Ed held his camera that he doesn't know anything about photography.) >Are the GB photos fake? Who knows? Obviously just because >someone can copy the Mona Lisa does not make them a Da Vinci. On >the other hand, all this discussion about how technically vexing >it would be to produce these photos on Polaroids is pointless. >It would be a breeze. Maybe even a Gulf Breeze. As in any photo case about the best one can hope for is clear evidence of a fake. Lacking that one has a toss up and then the proof must fall back on other things, like circumstantial evidence. One can ask, if the photos are fakes, then would the photographer have been capable of creating these fakes. My answer is no. Also, in this case, Ed's sightings are backed up by other witnesses who claim to have seen the same thing. Few people are aware these days of all the argumentation that went on endlessly from 1988 through 1992 or so and then continued sporadically over the years. There's hardly a thing discussed now that wasn't discussed way back when.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 00:16:16 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 11:43:09 -0400 Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >From: Serge Salvaille <sergesa@connectmmic.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 11:24:24 -0700 >>Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 12:46:36 -0400 >>From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: Erol Erkmen <andromeda1@turk.net> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >>>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 01:51:00 +0300 >Hello Bruce, >Will you ever find rest? No, >>7. Ed arranged for a single polygraph test with Harvey >>McLaughlin, who told me he had done thousands of such tests for >>companies that had hired him. When Ed passed the test McLaughlin >>didn't believe the result. Therefore when Ed returned for the >>results of the test McLaughlin said that there were a few things >>he wanted to check and he connected up the polygraph a second >>time. In between the tests he had checked up on Ed's UFO >>sightings and asked some different questions. Ed was not >>expecting a second test, so it was a complete surprise. Ed >>passed the second test as well.... no indications of deceit, so >>McLaughlin wrote in his report that , in his opinion, Ed was >>being truthful. >>McLaughlin told me that Ed was not a sociopath or "con man" type >>of person who would be likely to tel lies. Dr. Dan Overlade, >>clinical psychologist who gave Ed a collection of personality >>and psychological tests, told me the same thing. Neither of >>these men foun evidence that Ed had lied.> >I am looking for a clarification. >I went to the mentioned site where it is said: >"MUFON's Charles Flannigan setup a polygraph test for Walters >with Hugh Jones, a fully accredited and licensed polygrapher. >Walters failed to show for the appointment, opting instead to >arrange two sessions with a Harvey McLaughlin. McLaughin was >apparently not a member of any polygraph association which >adhere to standards of practice, principle, and ethical conduct >of polygraph examinations. Walters has denied investigators >access to his polygraph printouts."> >The polygraph printouts are not available to investigators? >If this is true, then why not? >If this is false, then where can one get the printouts? Eleven years ago Ed didn't want the polygraph printouts to be discussed among among UFO investigators and non-professionals. At the time of the tests his integrity was in question and he was not happy with all the rumors running around. Perhaps if another polygraph professional had asked for them he would have allowed them to be reviewed. Unfortunately no one thought of that at the time, so far as I know. I spoke to McLaughlin on Sept. 3, 1988. I was probably the last persion to have any communication with him on this UFO case. Haven't a clue as to whether or not he's still in the area or whether the polygraph charts still exist. McLaughlin's report was clear, however. He stated that Ed passed the tests, meaning that in McLaughlin's opinion Ed really believed in the truth of what he was saying about the UFO sightings. McLaughlin was quite clear that he was rather rigorous with ED. He qusetioned Ed for several hours before each test while watching closely to determine whether or not there were changes in Ed's speech patterns or demeanor. M<cLaughlin told he he was checking to see if there was evidence that Ed was on any drug that he might have taken before entered the polygrapher's office in order to "beat" the "lie detector." In other words, Ed's "belief in th truth of what he was saying" might be an effect of certain drugs. McLaughlin said he had had lots of experience with that sort of thing. But the effects of drugs wear out over time and the person's speech and or demeanor changes. But he detected no such effects on Ed, whose speech and demeanor never changed. The fact that McLaughlin wasn't a member of a polygrapher's association doesn't mean he wasn't a capable person.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 17:28:41 +0100 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 11:55:08 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 13:48:46 -0400 >From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >As Rimmer has pointed out eleswhere the onus is on Maxwell Burns >to prove his allegations, not his critics. Well I would go for that line, only his critics are also the ones shouting loudly that nothing of the sort that Max is referring to happened. Most critics would either show us evidence to the contrary, saying "here is a list of NATO pilot's names for that night and they can all be checked independently by everyone who cares to. This would be the quickest and easiest way to close the case for good, I would imagine even Max would go for that. So have you got a list for all to check against? You can prove to everyone that all pilots returned safely because you have the list of all the pilot names & numbers right! Put downs are great, I love em' I deal with hits like that all the time. "East London' your joking this is paradise!" Roy.. Keep Smiling.. "We didn't inherit this land from our ForeFather's, we are borrowing it from the children"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 17:35:43 +0100 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 11:54:27 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 20:27:19 +0100 >>These are some of the things that persuade me. Amidst the UAP >>and misperceptions that I am sure account for 99% of the >>evidence there appears to be a low level of contact with another >>intelligence more advanced than we. >>I am actually personally quite amenable to the argument that these >>entities are so human and so interested in our DNA for one very >>good reason. They are us - or rather one day they will be. Well, if that isn't a confused answer I dont know what is. So now they are Yesterday's People... No, sorry they are Tommorow's People right? Pray, enlighten us more with your theory. Roy.. Keep Smiling..

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 01:31:49 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 11:57:09 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 17:11:58 +0100 >Hi, >Sadly I can second that. Earlier this summer we had another Peak >District 'crash' in which a strange plane and an explosion were >reported. This time I was a witness to both and they were, er, a >plane and an explosion (undoubtedly from a local quarry or >possibly an isolated thunder clap). I don't think the two events >were even connected in any sense other than that they occurred >within a few minutes of each other. >Although (as yet) no ufologist has seized on this as another >cause celebre the media did and talk of the phantom plane of the >Peaks surfaced again. Utter rot. This was a very real plane not >a W.W. II spectre. >I spoke with the police in Derbyshire (neighbouring county to >South Yorkshire) during the above - essentially as I was a >witness in their investigation. The senior officer I talked with >knew all about the l997 incident, the crashing Tornado farce and >had formed his views of ufologists through that. Had I >communicated with Buxton police as a UFO investigator I know I >would have been written off as another nutter and given short >shrift. Dealing with them as a witness convinced nothing >untoward had happened and seeking a rational answer left me on a >very different level. >We should not really need subterfuge to deal with the >authorities. Sadly ufologists are regarded as such vacant minded >loonies because of the vociferous pronouncements of a few folk >the police see via the media that we virtually have to go >undercover to do our job. Another sad legacy of making claims >about any case you cannot support with that magical missing >ingredient - evidence. >Best wishes, >Jenny Randles Thank you Jenny for displaying a sense of maturity, dignity and clarity-without-knives, in your responses to this thread. It's much more attractive to the list than the belligerence I've been reading and thus responding to. Dealing with your critique on this subject is more manageable. Sincerely, Sue

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 16 Re: Phoenix Police Helicopter Accosted By UFO From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 08:19:56 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 11:59:35 -0400 Subject: Re: Phoenix Police Helicopter Accosted By UFO Source: 'alt.ufo.reports'. Stig *** From: MitchLeary@webtv.net (Mitchell Leary) Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: Phoenix Foo Fighter Accosts Police Helicoptors Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 14:16:34 -0700 (MST) A report on KFYI News Radio in Phoenix Arizona. In the late evening of October 14, 1999 a Phoenix Police helicopter was accosted by what was described as a ball of light playing cat and mouse with the the aircraft. The radio transmission between the police helicoptor and another officer was captured on tape... "It went in all directions, north, south, east, west, up, down... I tried to fly toward it but it flew out of my way and then just hovered there..." Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix was contacted to confirm the object. Their official response to the police was that the object was invisible to radar, nothing but the police helicoptor was visible on the radar. KFYI News Radio can be contacted at www.kfyi.com if anyone would like to confirm my story.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 17 UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 4, Number 25 From: John Hayes <webmaster@ufoinfo.com> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 16:30:08 +0100 Fwd Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 10:13:02 -0400 Subject: UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 4, Number 25 UFO ROUNDUP Volume 4, Number 25 October 14, 1999 Editor: Joseph Trainor NEW RADIATION LEAK AT PLANT IN SOUTH KOREA Less than a week after Japan's worst nuclear accident at Tokaimura, a new nuclear mishap occurred in South Korea. On Tuesday, October 5, 1999, workers at a nuclear power plant in Wolsung, South Korea were repairing a cooling water pump when the pump began gushing radioactive water. "At least 22 people were exposed to low-level radiation after radioactive water leaked at a South Korean power plant Tuesday, officials said." ""The incident came five days after a major nuclear leak in Japan, which prompted a flurry of safety checks at South Korean plants...This was the first reported leak of radioactive material at a power plant in South Korea." "South Korea has 14 nuclear power plants, which provide 40 percent of the electricity in the nation of 44 million." Wolsung is located 304 kilometers (190 miles) southeast of Seoul. (See USA Today for October 6, 1999, "S. Koreans exposed to radiation at power plant," page 12A.) TOKAIMURA LEADS TO NEW SAFETY CHECKS "Investigators probed Japan's worst-ever nuclear accident, focusing on a series of irregularities and missteps that led to and exacerbated last week's release of radiation." The accident took place when workers at the JCO Company plant in Tokaimura, Ibaraki prefecture, Japan accidentally poured too much uranium oxide into a stainless steel container, setting off a nuclear chain reaction. Japanese police and military imposed a 10-kilometer "off-limits zone" around the town, effectively quarantining 330,000 people. "The (Japanese) government also widened its scrutiny of the country's nuclear facilities, issuing notice that the operating procedures of all nuclear power companies will be up for appraisal." "Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi, chairing a meeting of the government task force on the accident, ordered emergency safety checks at all facilities in Japan handling nuclear fuel. The Science and Technology Agency also plans to search the offices of 20 nuclear facilities." (See USA Today for October 5, 1999, "Japan Nuclear Accident.") UFO Roundup has learned more about the Japanese military's efforts to respond to the nuclear accident at Tokaimura. The response "was the fastest in the (50-year) history of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces (JGSDF)." According to Sankei news service, the JGSDF Chemical Warfare Response Team entered the JCO factory in a specially- constructed "protective vehicle," a kind of modified Armored Fighting Vehicle (AFV) like the USA's M2 Bradley The vehicle "was effective against alpha and beta radiation" but was unable to offer the team protection against neutrons and high-energy gamma radiation. As a result, the "off-limits zone" was extended out to 10 kilometers. The JGSDF also requested "complete protective suits" from the USA Embassy. "They were told that a complete protective suit does not exist." The JGSDF has now embarked on a crash program to develop just such a protective "moon suit" for use by its forces. (Domo arigato to Miyuki Tamura, UFO Roundup's correspondent in Japan, for the Sankei report.) UFO FLAP ERUPTS IN NORTHERN ITALY On Thursday, September 30, 1999, at 10:40 p.m., pedestrians in the Centrocette section of Rome, Italy's capital, spotted a strange bright object in the sky. According to Aurelio Nicolazzo of Centro Ufologico Nazionale d'Italia, the UFO "was represented as a comet with a short body, very brilliant but small. It moved in a westerly direction at a low angle and at an unusual speed. It first appeared as a point high in the sky" and was in view until right after 11 p.m. Earlier that evening, a motorist returning home to Verona from work spotted "a strange luminous object high in the air" over Mantova. The UFO "was at 1,400 meters (4,620 feet) and fluttering in the air. The object had a triangular shape and was composed of two colors, one a shade of silver, the other leaning a little towards greenish-yellow. The object remained in view for 15 to 20 seconds. The OVNI (Italian acronym for UFO--J.T.) was at a distance of one kilometer (0.6 miles) from the motorist." Mantova is 150 kilometers (90 miles) southeast of Milano (Milan). On Sunday, October 3, 1999, "an OVNI with a red and violet contrail" was seen over Scanno, a small town on the Adriatic Sea near Pescara, about 210 kilometers (125 miles) east of Rome, "drawing the curiosity of dozens of people. Most saw it as a point of molten luminous glow in the upper sky." (See the Italian newspaper Il Centro for October 4, 1999. Grazie a Alfredo Lissoni e Massimo Marasi di CUN-Parma per questo rapporto.) (Editor's Comment: "Red and violet contrail," eh? This could be Italy's first sighting of those mysterious chemtrails.) UFO SQUADRON SEEN EAST OF MELBOURNE On Saturday, October 2, 1999, at 7 p.m., residents of Ferntree Gully, Victoria state, Australia, a suburb just east of Melbourne, "report sighting six or seven lights, slow- moving orange fireballs," passing overhead from south to north. "At first respondents reported sighting a group of five illuminations about 1,500 to 2,000 feet up, slowly heading away. The illuminations did not flicker and were very high, with a huge glow, passing under the local hills horizon. A second group followed." The weather in eastern Australia that evening, from Tasmania to northern Queensland, consisted of heavy to light fog. (Many thanks to Australian ufologist Ross Dowe for this report.) MORE UFOs SPOTTED IN DANDRIDGE, TENNESSEE More UFOs were seen in Dandridge, Tennessee (population 1,540) last week, but the current flap came to an abrupt end on Saturday night, October 9, 1999. Eyewitness Patricia G. reported, "What we have been seeing (every night) is simply a pulsating white light with bluish-green and red lights blinking within it. Most times the blinking can be seen with the naked eye. The objects were oval and sometimes stayed in place for a few hours. I have seen it at 8:30 p.m. and at 2 o'clock in the morning." "Sometimes there are many of them scattered throughout the sky. We have counted up to six one evening. We have watched these things through two telescopes, each with a tripod. We just refer to them as 'the guys in the sky.' I am really a bit tired of this." On Sunday, Patricia reported that the nightly visitations had ended the previous midnight. Another eyewitness, Angela T., age 20, who lives in Jefferson City, Tennessee (population 5,494), reported a strange UFO incident that took place in July 1999. "One evening in July, I was coming home from school," Angela reported, "I go to school at night, get out at 10 p.m. I live about 25 to 30 miles from school. I left college at 10:07 p.m. I remember that distinctly because I looked at my watch before I left to get into my car, thinking it will take me about a half-hour (30 minutes) to get home." "On my way home this Thursday night, on Dumplin Valley Road, I saw this bright white light rise from the left side of my car and go right over the top of me. It moved swiftly to the right and disappeared into the sky. It seemed very close to me and was very bright." "When I came home, nearly in a panic, and told my husband, I froze when I looked at the clock. It said 10:15 p.m. There's no possible way that I came home in (only) eight minutes. It was very odd." (Email Interviews) Dandridge is 23 miles (36 kilometers) east of Knoxville, Tennessee. Jefferson City is on Highway 11 about 24 miles (38 kilometers) northeast of Knoxville and 9 miles (14 kilometers) north of Dandridge. (Editor's Comment: I've heard of "missing time" before, but this is the first case of "accelerated time" I've ever reviewed. Nor are these the only strange doings in the Knoxville area. Read on.) BRIGHT UFO SEEN IN EASTERN KENTUCKY On Sunday, October 3, 1999, at 8:46 p.m., Ray Lynch was in the town of Middlesboro, Kentucky (population 11,328) when he saw a UFO. "I was standing in the field across the street, looking into the sky when I saw it," Ray reported. "An oval-shaped object moved across the sky. It must have been going no more than 40 miles per hour (64 kilometers per hour). It had brightly colored lights and looked to be spinning. It looked like the shape was changing as it moved across the sky. Then it split into three ships. It was heading south by southeast (towards Knoxville--J.T.). It looked to be about (at an altitude of) 130 feet high and moved at about 40 miles per hour." Middlesboro is on Highway 74 just north of the Tennessee state line and 50 miles (80 kilometers) north of Knoxville. (Email Form Report) UFO SEEN TWICE OVER WICHITA, KANSAS On Thursday, September 30, 1999, at 7:15 p.m., Bob V. was driving on Kellogg Street, a.k.a. Highway 54, in Wichita (population 304,011), the largest city in Kansas, when he spotted a UFO. "I was traveling west when I spotted a huge bright object in the western sky. It was not any plane. It was moving towards the south or the southwest, and upwards." Bob saw the same UFO again on Monday, October 4, 1999 at about 7:30 p.m. This time, he added, "the object appeared to be very large and illuminated. The shape was difficult to make out, but it seemed like a large boat or ship. The object appeared to be heading towards the west/southwest and was in my view for 15 to 20 seconds. This was definitely something other than a regular aircraft." (Email Interview) Wichita is on Interstate Highway I-235, approximately 140 miles (204 kilometers) southwest of Topeka, the state capital. UFO PHOTOGRAPHED IN NORWAY DURING THE 1954 ECLIPSE The UFOs photographed and videotaped in the UK and France during the August 11, 1999 eclipse are not the first of their kind. A UFO was photographed in Norway during the total eclipse of July 1, 1954. Norwegian scientists were flying in a rented airliner at an altitude of 13,000 feet, over the Hardangervidde National Park 240 kilometers (150 miles) west of Oslo, the national capital. As the eclipse reached totality, "a photographer named Bjornulf took a 35mm color film from the window of the cabin, as did two other cameramen." "When the pictures were processed, all the photographers were surprised to see in the center, below the solar corona, an oval glowing white disc standing out against the blackness of the sky. The disc moved rapidly across the skyline." (See the Norwegian newspaper Fremtiden Drammen for July 2, 1954.) Y2K: DEFENSE CHIEF SETS UP NEW MILITARY COMMAND On Thursday, October 7, 1999, USA Defense Secretary William Cohen "established a new military command here (in Norfolk, Virginia)... that will direct troops and equipment in response to terrorist attacks on U.S. soil." "The (USA) military must 'deal with the threats we are most likely to face,' Cohen said, brushing aside concerns about federal troops operating at home. 'The American people should not be concerned about it. They should welcome it.'" "Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Hugh Shelton joined Cohen at ceremonies establishing U.S. Joint Forces Command and retiring the U.S. Atlantic Command. The new command will make sure U.S. troops are prepared to fight abroad or to respond if terrorists strike with nuclear, chemical or biological weapons." "Federal troops have been legally barred since 1878 (by the Posse Comitatus Act--J.T.) from taking part in domestic law enforcement. Only the National Guard of the state and territorial governors, performs those tasks when local authorities are overwhelmed. But terrorist incidents in recent years, including the release of poison gas in the Tokyo subway and the World Trade Center bombing (in New York City--J.T.) have prompted Congress and the Clinton administration to ease some restrictions." "Only the military has enough equipment to operate in a poisoned environment or manage a massive decontamination effort. Cohen said federal law will not be violated because the military would only respond if requested. 'It is subordinate to civilian control,' he said." "Military involvement in domestic issues has not always gone smoothly. Marines beefing up patrols along the border with Mexico mistakenly shot and killed an 18-year-old gost herder in 1997. That force has since been withdrawn. And questions remain regarding the presence of the military's Delta Force during the deadly 1993 raid on the Branch Davidian compound in (Waco) Texas." "'We should keep scenes from movies like The Siege and Enemy of the State in the theaters, not on the streets,' said Gregory Nojeim, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union." (See USA Today for October 8, 1999, "Military chiefs set up command to address U.S. terrorist threats.") (Editor's Comment:Since the last terrorist attack was the Oklahoma City bombing four years ago, I wonder what the new JOINTFOR is all about. I see two possibilities. Either there is an imminent terrorist threat the Clinton administration is not discussing with the public. Or the new command may be part of Operation Abacus, the planned NATO military response to civil unrest caused by the Y2K computer crisis.) from the UFO Files... 1912: YOWIE SIGHTED IN NEW SOUTH WALES The southeastern tip of New South Wales, near Bombala, N.S.W. and the Victoria state line, has long been the stamping grounds of the yowie, Australia's hair-covered hominid. Indeed, the Bombala area is much like the Blue Mountains near Walla Walla, Washington state, USA, with its many, many reports of Bigfoot sightings. One of the earliest reported yowie sightings took place on October 12, 1912 when George Summerell, riding on horseback along a trail, spotted a creature on all fours drinking from a small stream. Summerell's first thought was, What an immense kangaroo! "But, on hearing the horse's feet on the track, it (the creature) rose to its full height, of about seven feet, and looked quietly at the horsemen. Then, stooping down again, it finished its drink, and then, picking up a stick that lay by it, walked steadily away up the slope to the right, or eastern side of the road, and disappeared among the rocks and timber 150 yards away." "Summerell described the face as being like that of an ape or man, minus forehead and chin, with a great trunk all one size from shoulders to hips and with arms that nearly reached to its ankles." Summerell rode to the nearest town and brought back several people to view the scene of the encounter. They found "about a score of footprints (that) attested to the truth of Summerell's account, the handprints where the animal had stooped at the edge of the water being especially plain. These handprints differed from a large human hand chiefly in having the little fingers set much like the thumbs." "A striking peculiarity was revealed, however, in the handprints; these, resembling an enormously long and ugly human foot in the heel, instep and ball, had only four toes--long (nearly five inches), cylindrical, and showing evidence of extreme flexibility. Even in the prints which had sunk deepest into the mud, there was no trace of the 'thumb' of the characteristic ape's 'foot.'" "Beside perhaps a score of new prints, there were old ones discernible, showing that the animal had crossed the creek at least a fortnight previously." (See the Sydney Morning Herald for October 23, 1912. See also Unexplained Mysteries of the Twentieth Century by Janet and Colin Bord, Contemporary Books, Chicago, Ill. 1989, pages 211 and 212.) Well, that's it for this week. Join us in seven days for more UFO news from around the planet, brought to you by "the paper that goes home-- UFO Roundup." See you then. UFO ROUNDUP: Copyright 1999 by Masinaigan Productions, all rights reserved. Readers may post news items from UFO Roundup on their websites or in newsgroups provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of the issue in which the news item first appeared. MyPoints: The MyPoints(R) Program pays you for using the Internet. You can get Points for activities like visiting Web sites, clicking on ad banners, making a purchase, reading an email and much more. The Points you earn are redeemable for merchandise and services from MyPoints(R) partners such as The Sharper Image, Marriott, Hyatt, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Spiegel, T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, Olive Garden and Red Lobster. What could be easier! http://www.directleads.com/ad.html?o=149&a=cd3492 E-Mail Reports to: Joseph Trainor <Masinaigan@aol.com> UFO Roundup: http://ufoinfo.com/roundup/ Website comments: John Hayes <webmaster@ufoinfo.com> UFOINFO: http://ufoinfo.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 17 Tornado Crash Puzzle From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 06:33:09 -0400 Fwd Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 10:13:17 -0400 Subject: Tornado Crash Puzzle For those following the debate over the imaginary "Tornado crash" in the English Peak District during 1997, the following may be of interest. On the morning of Thursday, October 14, 1999 a REAL Tornado GR1 ground attack aircraft crashed into a field near Kirkheaton in Northumberland, killing both the pilot and the co-pilot. Witnesses told of seeing an "horrendous fireball" as the Tornado - which had been involved in a low-flying exercise - impacted into the ground, leaving wreckage strewn some 400 metres across the area and a hole five to six feet deep in a field. Please note these details: many witnesses, enormous fireball, wreckage strewn 400 metres, six foot hole in the ground. Furthermore, within minutes of the crash police, fire fighters, ambulance, RAF military police and mountain rescue - not to mention dozens of Press - were swarming around the area. You can take a car and drive to the scene today as the wreckage could take weeks to remove while the MOD inquiry kicks into action. Last night military personnel were openly guarding the crash site, 20 miles from Newcastle-upon-Tynem awaiting an air accident team to arrive. Note also that within hours of the tragedy unfolding, the RAF Press Office had released the names of the pilot and co-pilot, Flight Lieutenant Richard Wright and navigator Flight Lieutenant Sean Casabayo, both 30. Within minutes of this information arriving, colleagues of mine had obtained the addresses and phone numbers of both men's families and had spoken to the devastated girlfriend of Casabayo, who is three months pregnant. The grief of the families of these two brave fliers, both of whom had ten years experience, was very real and puts into context those claims that the death of an airman could be successfully concealed for more than 2 years. This is real life; This is how news breaks about real aircrashes - and the facts are that it would be impossible for a 20 tonne Tornado jet to crash into an area sandwiched between two of the largest and heavily populated cities in northern England without the Press hearing about it. As John Rimmer has pointed out the Peak moors are not the Nevada Desert - they are criss-crossed by roads, and literally hundreds of people from Sheffield and Manchester hike across them every weekend. On the night in 1997 we are discussing, police and civilian mountain rescue teams were scouring the area within minutes of the reports of a low-flying aircraft being received. Hundreds of mountain rescue volunteers, all of whom are highly skilled and are familiar with every nook and cranny of those moors, were present and found nothing to indicate a crash had taken place. It is also clear the RAF did not take the incident seriously, as it took them over an hour to authorise a single search and rescue helicopter to join the civilian search effort. All the civilians involved including PDMRO chief Mike France, a personal friend of mine, noted the "half-hearted" attitude of the military to the whole incident. If there had been even a whiff of suspicion that a military jet had been really been lost, those area would have been crawling with RAF personnel. Heat-seeking equipment was used to scour every inch of the moors - equipment which can pick out a man smoking a cigarette on the ground, that is how sensitive it is (I have seen this equipment in operation). No signs of any wreckage were found - no signs of any fire either. When I arrived at the scene early on the morning of March 25 it was clear from all the evidence given by the police, fire fighters and mountain rescue that there was no possibility that a crash site could have been overlooked. None of the 500 plus team had seen any evidence of ground activity by military personnel, other than the single RAF Sea King (and that had been directed by civilians from the ground!). When a privately owned Hawker Hunter jet crashed into that same area of Peak District hole it left an enormous crater in the peat and smoking debris scattered over hundreds of metres (testimony from Brian Jones, senior Peak Park Ranger, January 1998) This, Roy Hale, is the evidence. It is not necessary to produce the names of every single RAF/NATO pilot who was flying that night to "prove" they all returned safely. Only a fool or the ignorant would continue to claim such nonsense in the wake of expert evidence. These are the facts which lay to rest once and for all the claims made by ignorant people who have used the imaginary deaths of others to promote their lurid fantasies. But at the end of the day, the Northumberland Tornado crash contains one interesting and significant detail which may be relevant to the Howden Moors event. Witnesses have told Press reporters how they saw a light aircraft flying very low in the area seconds before the Tornado jet came over. Horse-rider Gale Brown, 37, said: "We get jets over all the time, but the little passenger plane was like a stranger in the camp. It looked like a ten-seater aircraft with windows down the side." Another witness, Jeremy Bolam, said: "It was not a fighter plane, it looked like a small passenger jet. It definitely had the RAF markings on it, though. It flew over the village of Belsay and disappeared." The RAF have so far denied that any other aircraft were in the area at the time. But drawing comparisons with the events of March 24, 1997, those who have followed the case will remember that a number of people in Sheffield reported seeing a low-flying aircraft with unfamiliar lighting configurations just minutes after the low-flying exercise by Tornadoes ended. One of them, Police Special Constable Marie France Tattersfield, told me: "It was the weirdest thing I have ever seen..it was big and it was well below the legal altitude for night-flying. All its windows were lit up which made it look even more odd as no pilot would fly blind at that time of night over these hills." The Northumberland incident makes me suspect more than ever that the aircraft which triggered the 999 calls to Sheffield police on March 24, 1997, belonged to the RAF and had been involved somehow in the low-flying exercise over the Peak which had finished minutes before. Max Burns was right about one thing - there has certainly been a cover-up over this incident. However, the cover-up did not conceal evidence of ETs, but simply a clumsy training mission by the military. Full background details about the Howden Moor case can be found at: www.pufori.org/articles/howden_moor/index_nf.htm and www.iun.org/index2.htm All best wishes, Dave Clarke "The Skeptick doth neither affirm, neither denie any position; but doubteth of it." - Sir Walter Raleigh

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 17 Alfred's Odd Ode #321 From: Alfred Lehmberg <Lehmberg@snowhill.com> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 06:48:20 -0500 Fwd Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 10:13:54 -0400 Subject: Alfred's Odd Ode #321 Apology to MW #321 (For October 16, 1999) I'm berated for intelligence you're advised that I'm without, but it's not me that's laughing up my sleeve -- _you_ do without. It's not me that figures with my metrics all mixed up in an English that is awkward, and outdated, clumsy, -- rough. And this is what they'd have you think if they would have their way, that this is why the probe was lost -- was burnt up, "gone" they say. It was teaspoons used for liters (?), or a gram was used for pounds; English used for metric? It's astounding! It confounds! On the face a simple problem that Joe Sixpack understands. The *bother* of translation was an _early_ problem, Stan. But science has a language that it prides itself upon, and metric is that measure that they drag their carts along! This insult to intelligence will, likely, _not_ be challenged, and makes me wonder what _else_ hides -- so equally unchallenged. These were figures checked and rechecked 'till they fairly shrieked and screamed. These figures were not *pen and ink*, and wrought by hand, you see? Computers crunched _these_ numbers, and they'd done it fine before. Why was _this_ time different? Did a monkey mind the store? Dimensional analysis is what they would have used... for someone _needing_ (?) English so "a probe" is not abused. Computers count parameters that WE can _not_ keep straight! The numbers are exceeded and alarms should go off -- great! Apples used for oranges in the midst of it's correction? How can we assume that's right -- entertain the mere suggestion? It transcends the simply ludicrous, and exceeds the merely stupid. Profoundly so retarded, it is dumb, and just not lucid. It is, in fact, so _dumb_, you see, it cannot be an accident. It must be, somehow, sabotage (?), or some *other* kind of happenstance. Perhaps these craft are flying _well_, and tucked down in position. They're right where we could WANT them, and they're working in precision. What they *see* we cannot say, but what if *weird's* the case; they're seeing ancient cities or another solemn face! We're not privy to the info that has bled our pockets dry (the Russians sold us "Dreamland" -- our own lies to us is why). What is hidden from us, truly, so deep within the bowels of a cold-as-ice bureaucracy that festers, creeps, and fouls? What "national security", that's had _no_ oversight, has kept at bay corruption that infests the _rest_ -- alright? What of all these satellites, these high tech probes and such. Do you really think it likely that we screw up quite _that_ much. This is stuff we _pay_ for, and the value back to us is the knowledge they've been hiding (?) which betrays the public trust. Distrust is plain, there are no good guys -- Waco makes this clear. Wherever there's no oversight the cost is just too dear. What falls through *cracks* by some design would probably save us grief in time, but that would *upset* all the plans of those that live well -- understand? The multiverse is such a creature... filled with all the tricks and features -- quite beyond the common pale a man would think could _be_ detailed!!! This is what our probes are seeing, change that's rampant, fluid -- breathing. Someone knows the secrets that would light this powder keg. Lit off SOONER I propose that it would not have been as great! Lit off sooner makes it useful as a righteous tool for change. Lit off sooner keeps it interesting; we improve when things get strange! Lit off sooner it's a profit, found out later -- missed the boat, and all that's left to take its place still has you by your throat. Someone knows the secrets that are fanned to some distinction by apologists for darkness fanning murky imprecision. Someone knows the secrets that would point to weak foundations that are, likely, built on thinking that won't work, or be courageous. A nation shall not prosper if it fears its very own. A nation not forthcoming is a tyrant on a throne. A nation that routinely preys upon the public trust is a nation one revolts against, or Jefferson's a bust. He said -- " . . .by its operation in [the slowness of design] power becomes tyranny, and is corrupted so in time." He said it's operation must be thwarted at all cost, so folks _must_ be enlightened or, it's all we've gained that's lost. SHOW us what our money buys! Open wide _our_ doors! Let us see what's cooking at the center -- at the core. Let us know *reality* so plans get made that fly, and we can soar, then, to our fate, and know the reason why! Lehmberg@snowhill.com Somebody knows, perceives it as an upset to personal apple carts -- and so diligently fans the ubiquitous murk. The worst with a passionate intensity, and the best bereft of all conviction... to paraphrase elitist dead poets. A conservative estimate puts three full blown sociopaths in with every ninety-seven people. Sociopaths take care of themselves at the expense of other people by definition, and are, by definition, not crazy. A sociopath can fan your murk for profit and never bat an eye, and only a sociopath would use profit as an excuse to keep the rest of us from inevitable and unavoidable change. With 3% at a minimum it is likely that one is making your decisions for you -- profiting at your expense. If it can be unethically, but profitably done there are those that will find it out and take their profit from it. They're _not_ shielding your delicate sensibilities, they are not saving you from some awful truth -- they are hiding something it would be to your profit to know... and making a killing in the bargain! Killing hell -- it's murder. And, all the time, they laugh as they train YOUR kid not to be a leader in the next century. Lehmberg@snowhill.com Restore John Ford! -- Visit a Virtual Art Gallery in Cyberspace! Ponder the Wit & Wisdom of Ching Chow! View "Unstill Life" -- Animation... and more. Consider Matter, Mind & Movement. See the current HTML "Apology to MW" with illustration. Take a ride in the Teleporter and check the inexplicable. EXPLORE Alfred Lehmberg's Alien View" at his Fortunecity URL. http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/arecibo/46/ **<Updated 16 October>** http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/witches/237/lehmberg.html JOHN FORD RESTORATION FUND -- Send your checks and money orders to _me_, Alfred Lehmberg (cut out the lawyers, they got theirs) at: 304 Melbourne Drive, Enterprise AL, 36330. Strict records kept. $350.00 pledged -- $200.00 collected! "I cleave the heavens, and soar to the infinite. What others see from afar, I leave far behind me." - Giordano Bruno, burned at the fundamentalist's stake.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 17 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - Neil Freer From: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 16:04:59 -0400 Fwd Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 16:04:59 -0400 Subject: 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - Neil Freer --------------- /// Neil Freer ---------------- Neil Freer Author: Breaking the Godspell God Games: What Do You Do Forever? Our guest for the second hour tonight is a researcher, writer, lecturer and creator of philosophical 'models'. He holds a BA in English and did his graduate work in Philosophy and Psychology at the New School for Social Research. He has taught college courses in Philosophy and History of Religion, gives private and public seminars and lectures and has done over one hundred thirty radio and TV interviews. He's the author of the book 'Breaking The Godspell' which explores the startling ramifications of the archaeological, genetic and astronomical proofs for our being a genetically engineered species and presents the consequences of this new paradigm of human nature that resolves and subsumes the Creationist-Evolutionary conflict. Zecharia Sitchin, author of The 12th Planet, wrote: "It is gratifying that a mere decade after the publication of my work, an author with the grasp that Neil Freer displays in Breaking The Godspell has set out to probe what the recognition of the existence and Earth-visits of the Nefilim can mean -- not just to scientists and theologians -- but to each human being upon this planet Earth." Our guest has recently finished a second book, 'God Games', in which he explores the ways in which we will live beyond religion when, individually and racially, we attain the unassailable integrity afforded by the restoration of our true genetic history. He outlines the racial maturity of a new planetary civilization on the horizon and describes the depth, characteristics and multi-dimensional aspirations of the new human. Synopsis: The current context within which The Alien Presence Paradigm is viewed and dealt with is too narrow and limited. The Alien Presence Paradigm should be seen as having two parts, separate but related: 1> the recognition of the presence of an alien culture or cultures from outside our solar system, and the ramifications of that presence and contact. In this paper this part of the paradigm will be called the UFO/Alien phase. 2> the recognition and restoration of our true history as a genetically engineered species, half alien Annunaki, half indigenous Homo Erectus, according to the thesis paradigm of the Sumerian scholar, Zecharia Sitchin, and its ramifications for our future. In this paper this part of the paradigm is called the Human History phase. ===== Neil came to our attention in the past week because of the following: ===== To: Dr. David Whitehouse, On Line Science Editor Judy Hobson BBC NEWS From: Neil Freer Author: Breaking The Godspell God Games email: freer1@concentric.net website: http://www.concentric.net/~freer1 Re: Announcement by Dr. John Murray, U;K.'s Open University of possible tenth planet in our solar system through analysis of cometary data I wish to call to your attention that Zecharia Sitchin, Sumerian scholar and author of the Earth Chronicle Series of books, revealed the existence, size, orbit, and detailed characteristics of the tenth planet in our solar system 25 years ago through the translation of the Enuma Elish (When in the heights....), a major document unearthed at the archaeological digs at Nineveh by Layard, and translated by L.W. King. It gives a complete account of the formation of our solar system, including the gravitational capture into the system of this tenth planet (known to the Sumerians as Nibiru and the Babylonians as Marduk) , its subsequent collision with a large planet, Tiamat, orbiting then between Mars and Jupiter, the formation of the asteroid belt, comets and meteorites from the impact, the translation of the larger part of the impacted native planet into our orbit to become Earth. The Enuma Elish says that the intruder planet settled into a huge elliptical orbit of 3600 years around our sun in the "wrong" direction, counter to the orbital direction of the other planets, that it returns to the inner solar system through the asteroid belt area periodically. It gives the details of the path it can be observed taking through the constellations as it approaches and the disruptive events its close passing causes on Earth. Tombaugh, searching for the tenth Planet X, discovered Pluto in 1930. Christie, of the U.S. Naval Observatory, discovered Charon, Pluto's moon, in 1978. The characteristics of Pluto derivable from the nature of Charon through the two Pioneer spacecrafts' data, demonstrated that there must still be a large planet undiscovered because Pluto could not be the cause of the residuals, the "wobbles" in the orbital paths of Uranus and Neptune which had to be caused by a large planet. The IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite), during '83 -'84, produced observations of a tenth planet so robust that one of the astronomers on the project said that "all that remains is to name it" -- from which point the information has become curiously guarded. In 1992 Harrington and Van Flandern of the U.S. Naval Observatory, working with all the information they had at hand, published their opinion that there was, at least, an 85% possibility of a tenth planet, even calling it an "intruder" planet. Andersen of JPL later publicly expressed his belief that it could possibly be verified any time Harrington invited Sitchin, having read his book and translations of the Enuma Elish, to a meeting at his office and they correlated the current findings with the ancient records and Harrington acknowledged the detail of the ancient records while confidently narrowing its current location to below the ecliptic in the southern skies, even acknowledging the possibility of a retrograde orbit. Sitchin definitively answers the question How could our earliest civilizations know of this planet ? with the thoroughly substantiated thesis that the transcultural "gods" known to all the ancient civilizations were not mythological but flesh and blood humanoids whose home planet was, is, indeed, this tenth planet. They came here 432,000 years ago, created our species as a slave race for their gold mines by crossing their genes with those of Homo Erectus, moved us up to limited partnership subsequently and taught us civilization and science and astronomy, eventually phased off and left us on our own to find our own species identity. Regardless of whether one accepts his evidence and thesis or not, one must face the clear and simple fact --- as Harrington was enough of a real scientist to do --- that the information about this tenth planet - and all the others in our system --- is there in the ancient documents and is continually being verified in finer and finer detail. The obstacle to Sitchin's thesis is not scientific. It is the very unscholarly, traditional, pervasive, preclusive mindset, of academicians and scientists, long fostered by the religious absolutism that put Galileo under house arrest and burnt Bruno at the stake, that this history and information is to be disregarded as mythological. This is not to denigrate the impressive, sophisticated and astute work of Dr. Murray or to detract from his findings. Credit, however, should be given to whomever it is due in proper measure. The recognition of the information that Sitchin has published on the tenth planet and its utilization would save the astronomers great time and effort and is precise and robust enough to provide all data necessary for a computer modeling of our solar system from its beginnings. The Enuma Elish describes Nibiru's visual path through the constellations as it approaches the inner solar system to perigee in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. A computer modeling would furnish a prediction of the time and path of Nibiru's return to the inner solar system, highly significant because the Enuma Elish details the disruptive physical effects it creates on Earth by its close passing. The work of Harrington, Van Flandern, Ritchie, the IRAS project, and now that of Murray and Matese continue to reinforce and refine the details already known to humans for thousands of years, lost and recovered, and uncovered and revealed again by Sitchin 25 years ago. As to naming the planet, Sitchin already has written years ago to the Planetary Society, charged with naming planets, to formally notify them of the fact that it already has been named Nibiru for thousands of years. Although too modest a scholar to put himself forward in this case, I personally think that Sitchin should receive a Nobel prize for his research and master thesis. Let proper credit be given in due measure where it clearly should. ===== Joining us tonight, on the phone from his home in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is Neil Freer Join Neil Freer, Jonn Kares and I this evening as we discuss these Strange Days... Indeed on: CFRB 1010 AM - 50,000 watts 'Clear-Channel' 6070khz Shortwave you can also listen via Media Player at: www.cfrb.com/ You'll need to access the site using Internet Explorer since Media Player seems to choke using any version of Netscape - thanks Mr. Bill! To call the program dial: On-Air 416-872-1010 1-800-561-CFRB *TALK [local mobiles] Errol Bruce-Knapp

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 17 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 20:37:12 +0100 Fwd Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 17:51:15 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 17:28:41 +0100 >From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 13:48:46 -0400 >>From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>As Rimmer has pointed out eleswhere the onus is on Maxwell Burns >>to prove his allegations, not his critics. >Well I would go for that line, only his critics are also the >ones shouting loudly that nothing of the sort that Max is >referring to happened. Most critics would either show us >evidence to the contrary, saying "here is a list of NATO >pilot's names for that night and they can all be checked >independently by everyone who cares to. >This would be the quickest and easiest way to close the case for >good, I would imagine even Max would go for that. >So have you got a list for all to check against? >You can prove to everyone that all pilots returned safely >because you have the list of all the pilot names & numbers >right! I've just learned that one of the new Croydon trams [street cars] on a test run from Wimbledon to New Addington was vapourised by a UFO which zapped it as it headed away from East Croydon Station. Obviously, the only way you can prove me wrong is to find out the names of all the drivers who have been taking trams out today, and checking that they all arrived safely home tonight. What tosh >"East London' your joking this is paradise!" Best place for bagels, though! >Roy.. Keep Smiling.. > >"We didn't inherit this land from our ForeFather's, we are >borrowing it from the children" -- John Rimmer Magonia Magazine www.magonia.demon.co.uk

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 17 Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 04:06:02 -0500 Fwd Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 17:52:37 -0400 Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >Subject: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> >Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 02:43:48 -0400 >To: updates@globalserve.net >4) Can non-human goals be extracted from out-of-context slices >of behavior and, if so, how is that to be done reliably? Interesting concepts, Mark. Perhaps we cannot understand non-human beings, their behaviors, their goals from a human point of view. It would be like saying birds, reptiles and primates all think and act alike. However, there is one common point at which we all meet to some extent or another - we exist in the same reality, whatever it may be. That we perceive them and they perceive us indicates one common ground where we meet. We interact in this time and space dimension on some level or another and that is where it all begins. It is not necessary to classify other worldly/dimensional beings according to what it means to be human or what we _think_ it means to be "alien". We can allow them to exist - anywhere in the universe whether here or there - without making them extensions of ourselves or us extensions of them. We may not understand them but we can accept their existence as a part of this universe we all share. Just as we accept the existence of elephants, ants and turtles, we can accept their existence and our own. I think we, as humans, are coming to realize these facts about all life in the universe no matter how many lies and illusions surround the truth. And this does not make us one but rather one of _many_ lifeforms that exist in the universe. We may not know the intent of other worldly/dimensional beings any more than they may understand us. All that can be done is to speculate intent based on behavioral patterns we have studied before. And since most behavioral studies thus far have been based either on human, plant or animal behavior, we naturally generalize our theories to all beings we encounter. Considering the difficulty of observing beings of other worldly/dimensional origins, we have little to correlate with previous behavioral studies and therefore speculate and theorize far beyond the meager data obtained thus far. With so little to go on and such a need to understand, any data - accurate or false - is used in attempts to know the unknown. Although there is much room for improvement, I see these attempts to understand other worldly/dimensional beings (you may call them "non-human' or whatever turns your crank) as a natural growth process that occurs when one species encounters another hitherto unknown species. And this applies to "them" as well no matter how long "they" may have been here observing us. I evaluate behaviors according to what one does stopping just short of assigning intent. I look for consistancies that transcend illusion and imagination. As my old psych professor used to say, "We can't observe thoughts so don't tell me what the client is thinking, tell me what they are _doing_." Without deducing intent, describe the behaviors. What one _does_ speaks louder than what one says or what we think they are saying. Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 17 Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 13:45:39 -0700 Fwd Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 17:54:23 -0400 Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 22:36:39 -0400 >From: Bruce Mccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> >Subject: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Anyone who would like to read a technical discussion of the >reflection characteristics of the hood of Ed's old truck >(reference, the discussion of his photo 19) email me at >brumac@compuserve.com. This is not a small email (41K text and >over a meg of illustrations) Dear Bruce: I have made up my mind. Please do not confuse me with evidence. Very best wishes (I mean that) - Larry Hatch = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 17 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 19:27:21 +0100 Fwd Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 18:01:32 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 17:35:43 +0100 >From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >>>Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 20:27:19 +0100 >>>These are some of the things that persuade me. Amidst the UAP >>>and misperceptions that I am sure account for 99% of the >>>evidence there appears to be a low level of contact with another >>>intelligence more advanced than we. >>>I am actually personally quite amenable to the argument that these >>>entities are so human and so interested in our DNA for one very >>>good reason. They are us - or rather one day they will be. >Well, if that isn't a confused answer I dont know what is. >So now they are Yesterday's People... No, sorry they are >Tommorow's People right? >Pray, enlighten us more with your theory. Hi, Okay. I'll try to make it simple as ABC. A - A lot of UFOs (90% plus) are misidentifications of ordinary things (ie IFOs) B - But that leaves up to 10% that are novel phenomena. Of these I reckon most are UAP - natural, physical atmospheric phenomena that push back the frontiers of science - but only slightly. Most on this list wil switch off because they are not exotic enough, but I think they are crucial to UFO research because this is the ey to interesting real science in data we can verify. C - Contact with some other intelligence is apparently occurring in a very few cases (under 1% of all sightings I believe). It is possible this evidence will find an explanation in terms of human consciousness and its as yet unexplored limits when we chart how the mind works over the coming decades. However, for reasons cited in my last e mail I suspect there are reasons to support the liklihood that an intelligence is involved other than the mind of the witness . D - Despite the phenomenon itself professing an extraterrestrial origin that is merely an option, but it has problems too that make we suspect it not to be the answer. E - Extraterrestrials are most likely to look, think and act very different from us. Until we meet one for sure we cannot know but thats what science and logic implies. The entities in UFO cases are too human in not just appearance but all of their attributes. Consequently, it is at least tenable to look for another option that involves an outside intelligence (that is one other than the witness) - displaying technology beyond what we have now, acting and appearing unusual but essentially doing this in a terrestrial manner. F - Future humans will, we trust, evolve, develop new technology and be interested by their ancestors. If at any point (next week, next year, next millennium, whatever) they develop technology that can traverse time it is possible they would visit us, study us, and happily allow the myth of alien contact to continue. Why? Because it is part of their past and did happen and it provides the perfect smokescreen to future historians to study their own roots. This is not my theory or an especially original one. But it is an argument I find plausible for many reasons. One is deeply personal. Whilst I have never met an alien I have to my mind conclusively experienced time travel. As such I believe it is a fact of the universe and I think it is almost certain it will become possible to use technology to travel in time at some point . If that is the case then logic tells you one thing - time travellers should be visible in our past and our present. We might not recognise them as time travellers (they would be unlikely to announce themselves as such). But they would be here. So we have two options - seek out possible evidence for futuristic humans visiting our past and present in what would be flying craft. They would probably be taking inordinate interest in us and yet pretending to be anything other than time travellers. If we find this evidence (and I think UFO entities are pretty good candidates) the prospect of time travel ever happening is vindicated. If we do not find any time travellers then it probably means that time travel simply never will be achieved. Because I know that time travel is a distinct possibility I have no problem accepting it as a mechanism for the visitors we confront. I regard this as easy as accepting these visitors to be from an a distant star system. It then comes down to a choice between which of these options best fits the appearance, actions, thought patterns etc of the entities reported. As already indicated if you balance the aliens versus humans equation human is in there fighting for top spot. So, I support this possibility and have been researching it quite a bit in recent years. I will continue to do so. But I dont say its the truth - just that its an idea worth deeper study. I suggested in my book 'Time Travel' (Sterling l994) ways to seek this evidence. I gather one US TV station has picked up on these and an TV movie is appearing this autumn staring Catherine Bell of JAG. In that she plays a reporter doing one of the experiments I propose and finding proof of time travellers amongst us. So look out for that. And in case you are wondering - no the TV station did not pay for using this idea! You might also note that Jim Penniston, the key witness to the Rendlesham Forest case, says his deeper memories of the close encounter in the forest are that the entities involved were time travelling humans - not aliens. What is certainly true is that in cases such as this (as demonstrated markedly by the Oz Factor state described by so many CE witnesses) a distortion of time/space is central to the incident. A time travelling machine probably would create precisely this effect in its local environment as a natural by product. As you might expect I have been seeking a reason for why the Oz Factor state occurs for many years. Hope this helps. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 17 Re: Alien Ineptitude From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 20:53:55 GMT Fwd Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 18:08:06 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 16:11:21 +0200 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Christophe Meessen <meessen@cppm.in2p3.fr> >Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >When trying to understand why ET are mutilating animals, we must >be careful to avoid asumptions. How reasonable is it to theorize, from what little evidence we have, that ETs are the ones responsible for animal mutilations? >In your case you assume that they are interested in getting huge >quantities of the substance itself. Someone questioning the ETMT (ET as Mutilator Theory) might ask 'Why would ETs want to mutilate cattle?'. If the reply is that the mutilators need some substance found in the rectums of Earth cattle, we should be able to ask 'How reasonable is it to assume that ETs having the technology to travel to Earth would be *required* to travel to Earth again and again to collect the precious BRS [Bovine Rectum Substance] because they are ... 1. Unable to find the BRS anywhere closer to home; 2. Unable to synthesize the substance at home; 3. Unable to steal a bull and a few cows to establish their own herd; 4. Unable to genetically engineer any of their own bacteria, plants or animals to produce the precious BRS. 5. Etc. In another strand of this thread Lesley Cluff answers question 2 as follows: >Synthesizing just isn't a miracle answer - yet. So if we can't >do it here with a constant and consistent success rate, why do >we think everyone else in the universe can? We haven't unlocked >all the mysteries of our own human biology much less that of our >environment, so why should we believe every other 'alien' race >can? How convenient. We explain ETs presence on Earth by assuming they have technology far superior to our own. We explain ETs behavior while on Earth by assuming that they don't have technology much advanced over our own. Trying to have it both ways is a good example of ad hoc reasoning. >If we suppose they know how to synthetize any substance in big >quantities, the most rational explanation is that they are >simply probing and measuring. It _is_ far more reasonable to suppose that ETs are probing and measuring than it is to suppose that they need the precious BRS for their own use. However, we should be able to question this theory (if we can assume that this supposition is a full grown theory) by asking 'Why would they have to kill the cattle?'. If ET was genuinely concerned about secrecy, why would they leave all those dead cows lying around? Why not use the same sample extraction techniques on the cattle as they do on the humans? When abducting and extracting body fluids from humans, ETs show great skill and an obsessive need for secrecy yet they leave a memory block any amateur hypnotist can penetrate. If they really wanted abductees not to know why wouldn't they use rohypnol or some other 'date rape' drug which actually does blot out short term memory? Or are we supposed to assume that their knowledge of chemistry lags behind our own? Conversely, if ET is genuinely concerned with secrecy, is it reasonable to suppose they they'd use their use their advanced surgical techniques on cattle but not on abductees where they leave all sorts of scars, scoop marks, burns and blotches? >There is a similar question with abduction. ... If they know how to >engeneer and modify genetical material why do they bother keeping >collecting sperm and eggs samples ? ... Wouldn't it be much simpler to >collect a few humans and start a breeding program on their own planet >or spaceship ? A very good question. Of course, any ETs capable of doing this could also raise their own cattle. Joe ***************************************************** Joseph Polanik, jpolanik@mindspring.com Trionic Research Institute, http://www.trionica.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 17 Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 14:18:20 -0700 Fwd Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 18:17:43 -0400 Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 22:36:30 -0400 >From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >>From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> >>Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 02:43:48 -0400 >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>Given that only a tiny amount of research has been done >>classifying and analysing even _raw reported_ UFO and occupant >>behavior, and that the resulting database contains an unknown >>amount of noise, very likely increasing almost asymptotically in >t>he cases whose strangeness exceed CE2 and CE3, attempts to >>class reported behavior as inept or expert are doomed to >>founder. ><snip> >>It's just not that easy. Blanket pronouncements about the >>irrationality of some specific behavior evidenced by reports of >>UFOs beg all of the following questions: >>1) Are the accounts in question true or false? <snip> >>4) Can non-human goals be extracted from out-of-context slices >>of behavior and, if so, how is that to be done reliably? >>If we are going to be scientific, we have a long way to go in >>answering the above questions before we start claiming higher >>level knowledge about the phenomenon. >>If nothing else, UFOs raise fascinating questions of >>epistemology. >Yes, yes, yes. >Question Everything! >Believe Nothing! >Get Nowhere! The first time I heard the word "epistemology" was during teacher training in the late 1960s. This and other 5-6 syllable words were used, at that time, to up the ratio of white folks with long verbal attention spans. A bit later in this "Ed-370" course, I learned - after an hour's lecture, complete and replete with graphs, charts etc. - that smart children do better than dumb kids in school. I asked - not axed - the Ph.D. driving this hootenanny, whether he thought it were useful to tell a bunch of post-grads [ many as dumb as I was ] something as simple and obvious as this. His answer was something like "Herpistomatically speaking, not to mention, ahem, rhinoscropy of course, which is irrelevant, your question could be placed upon the fergoniomic plane ....." In other words, he was just flat f***ing full of shit. I tried to be a secondary school teacher. I lasted exactly 18 months, during which time I could have earned more money making honest pizzas, or playing string bass for some Italian weddings or whatever. I cannot, and will not stand junk any more. I apologize publicly to the Lesley Cluff from Canada who could not specify time, place or whatever. I ask her indulgence as I explain how terrible, and goofy, and somehow hilarious this all is. Best wishes - Larry Hatch.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 17 Re: Cooper/Woods MAJESTIC Leak Grows Into Paper From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 17:02:12 -0700 Fwd Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 18:22:24 -0400 Subject: Re: Cooper/Woods MAJESTIC Leak Grows Into Paper >Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 15:04:21 >To: updates@globalserve.net >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Subject: Cooper/Woods MAJESTIC Leak Grows Into Paper Flood >Source: 'space.com'. >Stig >** >Cooper/Woods MAJESTIC Leak Grows Into Paper Flood >By Robert Scott Martin >Staff Writer >Oct 14 1999 10:15:36 ET >Tim Cooper's mailbox is still packed with documents relating to >the U.S. government's role in UFO activity, especially as it >relates to the shadowy super-secret operation code-named >"MAJESTIC-12," researchers Dr. Robert Wood and Ryan Wood said >Wednesday. <huge justifiable snip> >Critics of the material have noted that Cooper did not "do well" >on a polygraph test in August and that the typewriter on which >at least two of the new documents were prepared is highly >similar to that Cooper has used in his personal correspondence. <more snits> >Dr. Robert Wood is a member of the board of the Fund for UFO >Research (FUFOR). Dr. Wood also identified the California origins of his Phuds. I have not had time to CV these. - Larry Hatch.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 Re: Get Real From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 23:28:02 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 17:31:53 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >From: Sharon Kardol <sharon@hotmix.com.au> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 22:58:41 +0800 >>Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 02:45:16 -0500 >>From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> <snip> >So the neighbour went to the house with a camera and the sole >intention of capturing the most elusive 'thing' in history, I am >extremely surprised the door wasn't open waiting for the >creatures to appear. We're not talking about some spur of the >moment incident. You said she herself experienced it all her >life. She was experienced in this matter. And everything was >set but the one thing that would put doubt over the situation, a >barrier that glared the photo and therefore the true reality of >the situation. >>Ya know, if people would just allow some things to be possible >>without believing, and ask questions, explore, they would learn >>so much more. I have learned so much from this investigation >>and just wanted to share it with others. I didn't even tell >>very many people it was posted on my web site because I hate the >>way abduction stories are sensationalized. Recently I began >>offering it to various magazines and others because I decided >>maybe it would mean something to someone and I need to make it >>more available as I have moved on to other projects. I will not >>forget those who have had enough of an open mind (and manners) >>to at least express an interest. Those who have told me it >>didn't happen or the photos look fake or cannot be published >>because they'd rather print stories about Bigfoot will also stay >>in my memory and amuse me through all my endeavors. Let me get this straight. You don't like the way abductions are sensationalized so you run to the magazines. Hmmmmm. You won't forget the ones who have had an open mind to express an interest (the good guys) and you will also remember those who don't agree with your beliefs (the bad guys with, obviously, a closed mind). Hmmmmm. That's how I see it. You're a behavioural what? >>I've learned a lot about the status of the consensual reality >>and the limits of our beliefs. And what is the limit, when someone disagrees with you? I've learned alot in the last few years, that there is a lot of hypocrisy. So far all you've taught me is that either I believe you or I believe you, either my opinion isn't valid or my opinion isn't valid, either this is the way it is and the way you see it or this is the way it is and the way you see it. No one else is allowed to make a judgement call if it doesn't validate your beliefs and opinions. When did this woman find out she'd been abducted all her life? When she found out, did she have a 'religious-type' conversion in her personality? In other words, is she a different person today than she was before she found out this was happening to her? Or has she grown up knowing all this was going on? Does she take it with a grain of salt, or does she seem sincerely disturbed by it all? Do they tell her when they're coming to visit so she and her neighbours can be ready? Does she get some kind of signal to forewarn her? >Limits of our belief, or the lack of limits on our gullability? >Guess it depends on what you see in the glare.... >Cheers >Sharon No Sharon, I think it depends only on what Amy sees. It doesn't seem to matter what disagreeable people think. And while I'm at it, did anyone ever think that maybe Mr. Firmage's meeting was private because it was industry-related to his current non-UFO ventures, like computers, ecommerce and all that 90's stuff business people today get involved in? He's Mormon (reliable) and has always given us a hint of something in the works, and I think he would've done so if this 'meeting' were related to his UFO involvement. And no, I'm not a JF groupie. I stand behind anyone in this field, except when the contradictions start pouring out of 'em. I'll second that Cheer Sharon. Sue

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Roger Evans <raka@swbell.net> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 20:17:03 -0500 Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 17:29:23 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >From: Bruce Maccabee >Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 00:14:59 -0400 >Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 11:33:02 -0400 >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 20:46:37 -0500 >>From: Roger Evans >>Subject: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>To: updates@globalserve.net >Previously, Bruce responded: >>You can bet your boot disc (modern version of "bet your >>boots") that the local investigators watched Ed like hawks >>to find out if there was any hint of photographic interest >>beyond minimal, and I payed attention to his photographic >>understanding, which I found negligible. Hi, Bruce! You know, every time I write a check at the local supermarket, the cashier asks,"Is everything on the check correct?" What does she really expect me to say? What would she do if I suddenly said,"Gosh, you're too fast for me! I was gonna try and slip a phony check by you but you caught on and had to ask!" Do you really think Ed would fess up if his original intent was to fool you? Come on... Just kidding, but I think you get my point. As a photo analyst, you are supreme. But what can you scientifically base you're assessment of Ed's skills on? His demeanor? His apparent lack of photographic knowledge? The way he dresses? How he parts his hair? Any one of the above is as good as the other IF he wanted to fool you. I truly mean no disrespect, but a "gut feeling" that Ed was telling the truth just won't do. Now the truth may be that Ed knows nothing about photography. But you have to admit that you really can't be sure just by looking at him or by what he says. If you believe that he is telling the truth about his lack of photographic skills, then you might as well take the plunge and believe that he really saw an extraterrestrial space craft. If his word is good enough for one statement, then why not the other? Moving on, I had offered: >....a Polaroid is unique among cameras in >that it's "film gate" (the opening surrounding the actual film) >is not a fixed part of the camera. Instead, it is part of the >disposable film cartridge. Therefore, it is possible to attach >masks to the cartridge that would prevent exposure in the "tree >area". Additionally, because Polaroids can be processed >immediately and (most importantly) privately, numerous tests >could be made to be sure the masking is dead on. Even older >"wait and peel" Polaroids would allow variations on this >technique. To which Bruce responded: >I must admit that I hadn't thought of a "masked double exposure" >in which the mask was effectively at the film plane. Most (non digital) optical effects are achieved in just this fashion. Fan magazines about the special effects industry are available by the hundreds that explain just how this is achieved. The average person would have no difficulty comprehending the articles and emulating themIn addition, Bruce offered: >Of course, >if you're going to take the film pout of the camera you have >to be in a dark room... a "darkroom". Sorry, Bruce, but this is incorrect. If you are using a NEW pack of SX-70 or One-Step Polaroid film, there is a light tight card that protects the film. On older "peel and wait" versions, there is an opaque wrapping that allows for daylight loading. In either case, the entire registration could be achieved in bright daylight, before loading the camera. It would make no difference at all. To continue, I had offered this recipe for deception: >1. Lock the camera down on a tripod pointed at the treeline >intended for use as the background. Snap off a print and >process. To which Bruce responded: >No place for a tripod. But for the purpose of argument assume >that Ed could make the camea rigid on a tripod in some way. Wrong, again. Most Polaroids had/have tripod sockets in the bottom (particularly SX-70's). There are a variety of plastic clip-on mounts that allow for tripod mounting of cheaper Polaroids that don't. Continuing this saga, I offered the next step: >2. Using a piece of acetate and a fine tip marker, technical >pen, fine tip paint brush or other marking tool, trace over the >area of the tree line that is supposed to pass infront of the >UFO. A steady hand would not be necessary. In fact, the more >random the pattern, the better. >3. Using the "film gate" as a registration device, tape the >acetate square over the opening and place in the camera during >photography of the model. Bruce responded: >Probably could get close enough this way. Of course, the real >problem is the registration (pointing direction) of the camera >for the second exposure. In actuality, I used the reference of a tripod to help simplify the concept. Acceptable registration could easily be achieved hand held. Why? Because all one needs to obtain correct alignment for the second exposure are two reference points to line up at the corners of the viewfinder, even if the viewfinder isn't reflex (through the lens). You know from your own experience that the further away the subject, the less a difference of even a foot or two would make in parallax. The tree line, effectively existing at "infinity" (beyond 30 feet) would appear identical, even if the camera moved several feet between exposures, as long as the reference points in the distance were lined up with the corners of the viewfinder. The exposure of the model (made BEFORE the shot of the background) would always line up with the masking since it exists at the film plane. For that matter, since the mask would create a treeline of it's own, hand held registration is even more simplified. You'd simply need to be "in the ballpark". You could shoot a blue sky and STILL get a tree line. In fact, you really couldn't avoid it. >4. Without changing anything, double expose the background into >the shot. Bruce's response: >Without changing anything? Whooops. The model is in a dark room >and silhouetted against a black background, but with appropriate >lighting (and being CAREFUL that the light which illuminates the >very bright bottom light of the model does not illuminate the >background cloth). As I pointed out above, the model would be shot first. Since the mask is carried by the camera at the film plane, you could "guess" at the positioning of the model and not mess up. The masking will always be in the right place, and that's what counts, right? After all, exactly WHAT part of the model is obscured is not important as long some of it is. The treeline, on the other hand would never be off. On another point, the original model would not really be necessary, nor would it be desirable for best results. A back lit transparency or print mounted on black poster board (with a form fitting "window" following the contours of the ship) would give excellent results without contamination of the black surrounding the model. Cheap and easy. In fact, a color Xerox overhead transparency would do the trick nicely. Total cost would be about $3.00. <snip> Bruce then offered: >This (Polaroid) >is not a reflex camera (the view point is about 3" from the >lens... really sloppy stuff). Makes no difference. Since the only things he would have to remember are his two alignment points that are relative to the viewfinder he's looking through when he made his "alignment print" (line up the top of that tree with the top corner of the frame and the rock on the ground with the bottom corner or such). In fact, I am positive that you could go out on one day and shoot a picture; then return the next day and shoot another. Reflex viewing or not, if you line up those marks, shots of any subject at infinity will be identical. I guarantee it. Even hand held. (I've documented enough construction jobs early in my career to know that his works, even across months) >And Ed managed to take his first >three pictures in a succession that shows clouds moving at a >speed and direction consistent with the known weather. That is, >there were many minutes or many hours between photos. Actually, since the film pack's advance is easily defeatable, the camera could literally be loaded with latent images just waiting for a second exposure. The masking will always line up since it "goes along for the ride". Further, I had offered: >The other point that Bruce brings up is the matching blur of the >UFO and the surrounding lights of the background. If they were >produced separately they would, indeed, be hard to match. On >the >other hand, if the master Polaroid were copied on a Polaroid >copy stand, it would simply be a matter of moving the print or >the camera during exposure time. This would produce a uniform >blur on all information within the photo. By careful >manipulation of the exposure times and masking, even selected Bruce's response: >Yes, yes yes..... all things are possible (?) given enough time, >experience/capability. equipment, money and desire. Yeah? Well that's the point, isn't it? Time would be minimal. Experience would be minimal. Equipment he already had. His investment is nothing more than the film itself and the model (which would not have to be big). As far as desire....Well, he made something happen, didn't he? >All this takes photographic sophistication. Perhaps, if used the "Hyzer method". I maintain that a much simpler and more predictable method was used; one that Ed or anyone else could grasp and exploit. >In order to be in >focus in the final Polaroids it would have been necessary to >have large prints so that the Polaroid camera could be far >enough from them to get a good focus. Again, you are perhaps misinformed about Polaroids. As I mentioned in a previous posting, Polaroid has always offered a copystand for their cameras. It comes complete with a close-up lens for copying other Polaroid prints (that way they can sell more film!). Is it your assertion that he didn't have one of these simply because you didn't see it or simply because he said he didn't have one? Is the information on my check really correct? Did the man really saw the lady in half? (just kidding). Again, there's nothing you can do if he intended to deceive. IF his intent was thus, then investigators would not find models, photographic equipment or anything else laying around. Any conclusions from such personal observations or "searches" would be false. Finally, Bruce wrote: >Few people are aware these days of all the argumentation that >went on endlessly from 1988 through 1992 or so and then >continued sporadically over the years. There's hardly a thing >discussed now that wasn't discussed way back when. Really? Seemed pretty fresh to me.... Take care, Roger Evans

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 Re: Get Real From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 16:27:52 -0500 Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 17:34:29 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >From: Sharon Kardol <sharon@hotmix.com.au> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 22:58:41 +0800 I said: >>Are you saying, Sharon, that the glare on the glass door was >>intended? And you replied: >Not at all Amy, I'm not one for inferences without facts. All I >said was the excuse was convenient for something so important. Ah, Sharon, I have discussed this case with many with view points like yours. No matter what I say you will doubt. No matter how much information or evidence is put before you, you will scoff. That's OK because if someone else were presenting this case to me, I would probably scoff too. ;> However, the biggest difference between you and I is that if someone else were sharing this info with me, I would ask more questions and make less statements. As a researcher/investigator I have learned there is much more going on out there than I can fold into my paradigms. Because I have seen things that have shaken my belief systems to the core, I know how little I actually know about the phenomena I study. Even with stories that strike me as absolutely impossible, I allow for the possibility it may only be beyond my realities and never declare it false. Since I know I do not know everything nor pretend to know all the answers, I allow everything to be possible until proven otherwise. I do so wish I could bring forth the evidence you and so many require to accept the many possibilities that will open your mind and enable you to see more. I realize this case is lacking in many ways which leaves ample room for you and others to find fault with the information. I could have kept it all to myself but wanted to share it via the internet because it is information and other researchers/investigators may find correlations in the course of their work. I think it's rather sad that you make these comments, Sharon, when it is obvious to all that you have never even seen the photographs in person, talked to the witnesses or spent more than a few minutes reviewing the information. That's like trying to tell someone what's in a book without ever reading it. I am sorry that you reject this opportunity to learn something. But, that is your choice. I really wish I could share with you because I've found some fascinating information. However, I will continue to present studies as they are completed on my web site and you may take them or leave them. I do this work to learn not to convince people. That's not my job and I certainly don't get paid for it. Nice talking with you, Sharon! Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 Santilli Film Stills? From: Philip Mantle - QUEST <pmquest@dial.pipex.com> Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 11:08:55 +0000 Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 17:39:25 -0400 Subject: Santilli Film Stills? Dear all, I wonder could you possibly be of some assistance. I am trying to obtain hard copy prints of some stills taken from the Santilli film, not the autopsy section, but the debris film instead. I did have copies but these were loaned out and never returned. The stills I am interested in are the 'markings' or 'lettering' on the wreckage in the debris film. If you can help me obtain hard copy prints (or slides) of these stills I would be extremely grateful. Please feel free to distribute this message to others who might be able to help if you are unable to do so. Many thanks, Philip Mantle, 1 Woodhall Drive, Batley, West Yorkshire, England, WF17 7SW. E-mail: pmquest@dial.pipex.com [Philip, I'm sure Batley Women's Guild would be happy to recreate both the Alien Autopsy & the lettering in a muddy field close to you - just call Ewic--ebk]

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 'Alien Autopsy' Archive From: Philip Mantle - QUEST <pmquest@dial.pipex.com> Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 11:20:47 +0000 Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 17:40:55 -0400 Subject: 'Alien Autopsy' Archive REMINDER. This is just to remind researchers that Mark Lee Centre's 'Alien Autopsy Archive' is now housed on our web site at: www.beyondroswell.com Should anyone have any information either for or against the alien autopsy film released by Ray Santilli in l995, I would be glad to hear of it for possible use in the archive. Any such information can and should be e-mailed to me direct at: pmquest@dial.pipex.com Please feel free to forward this message onto your colleagues. Yours Sincerely, Philip Mantle.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 UFOIN - Announcement From: Robert Moore <ENGIMA9@compuserve.com> Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 12:26:16 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 17:44:54 -0400 Subject: UFOIN - Announcement Dear all, Due to temporary technical problems, things are not moving as fast - in regards to us firmly establishing an internet presence for UFOIN - as we all initially anticipated! Our website is still currently being built, but we do nonetheless exist NOW as a collective of UK UFO investigators & researchers, with a number of projects and other efforts ongoing as I type this! To all and any UK UFO researches interested in joining UFOIN, I would ask them to email me at the following e-address: - enigma9@compuserve.com. I will ensure any and all enquries are dealt with swiftly and that we, together, can start to build a better future for British Ufology. Regards, Robert Moore, UFOIN.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 Re: Nick Pope's Weird World From: Martin Phillips <martin.phillips@dtn.ntl.com> Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 19:01:43 +0100 Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 17:49:48 -0400 Subject: Re: Nick Pope's Weird World >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 20:32:12 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Nick Pope's Weird World >>From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Nick Pope's Weird World >>Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 20:16:58 -0400 >>>From: Georgina Bruni <georgina@easynet.co.uk> >>>Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 13:10:24 +0100 >>>To: updates@globalserve.net >>>Subject: Nick Pope's Weird World >><snip> >>>this is the first time in publishing history that a science >>>fiction novel has needed to be officially cleared by the >>>Government! >>I won't argue with that, but a science fiction writer did draw >>U.S. government attention during World War II. >>His name was Cleve Cartmill, and he wrote a story about a >>nuclear bomb in Astounding Science Fiction, the American science >>fiction magazine that (despite its name) was the most strongly >>oriented toward real science. Nuclear bombs, of course, didn't >>exist back then, though, unknown to Cartmill and his editor, the >>U.S. government was trying to develop one. The story was called Deadline, wasn't it? >Postscript: >The editor of Astounding was of course the inestimable John W. >Campbell, Jr., who, I believe, first introduced L. Ron Hubbard's >Dianetics to the world, now known as Scientology. Under the pen >name of Don(ald?) R. Stuart, if my muddled memory serves, >Campbell authored the classic "Who Goes There?" You may know it >better by its movie name, "The Thing," which starred James >Arness as the creature from the crashed flying saucer. That's >right, the same James Arness of "Gunsmoke" fame. John >Carpenter's recent remake of "The Thing," starring someone who's >not a Baldwin brother (Kurt Russell), was an excruciating joke. >So Campbell's lengthy influential career is associated not only >with the atomic bomb, but with invading aliens, crashed saucers >and Dianetics. An impressive portfolio indeed! (Did I forget the >Dean anti-gravity drive?) I think I remember reading an account of how the story came about, and John Campbell was a big influence on the story, as he was with a lot of Astounding stories. John Campbell also was interested in the works of Richard Shaver, a man who believed that the earth was hollow and inhabited by the true rulers of the Earth. I think JC also promoted the idea that 'we are property'. All in all, JC was involved in publicising many elements that are contained in conspiracy theories of all types. He was also, like many Americans of the time, anticommunist and xenophobe, so that might underpin his views that the world was not run by good (ieAmerican) people. Martin

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 ATIC Research Update From: Wendy Connors <ProjectSign@email.msn.com> Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 19:09:28 -0600 Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 17:56:54 -0400 Subject: ATIC Research Update Greetings: Mike Hall and Wendy Connors wish to announce the acquisiton of the official Air Technical Intelligence Histories for the year 1952 and the first half of 1953. This completes the known official histories for ATIC from the second half of 1951 through the first half of 1953 accomplished by the United States Air Force. These histories are important due to the fact that they present the officiality of what ATIC was doing during these important years regarding their investigation of unidentified flying objects. A complete report of what these histories contain will be made at a latter date due to an up-coming research trip by Wendy and Mike. Thank you, Wendy Connors and Mike Hall

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 22:04:12 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 17:59:58 -0400 Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 13:45:39 -0700 >From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case <snip> >Dear Bruce: >I have made up my mind. >Please do not confuse me with evidence. >Very best wishes (I mean that) >- Larry Hatch = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Dear Larry, Thanks for telling me. Don't worry, I won't send you any evidence..... unless it happens to agree with your mind (I assume you would like to see evidence that agrees with your mind.... on the other hand, perhaps any evidence is too much for your mind.) Anyway, since you have made up your mind you can go back to adding sightings to your beautiful data base! (get the U DATA BASE folks... Don't fly to the Pleiades without it!)

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 Please Check Links From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 15:03:15 +0100 Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 18:01:12 -0400 Subject: Please Check Links Subject: Please check links. This is a short letter simply requesting that all of you who sent me their Links for my web site, to go and check my World Links page not my Link directory to see if your link is working properly. http://members.netscapeonline.co.uk/royjhale/ If it isn't then please e-mail me at the above address. Regards. Roy.. Keep Smiling..

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 Re: Alien Ineptitude From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 04:17:51 +0200 (MET DST) Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 18:04:51 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >From: Melanie Mecca <natural.state@erols.com> >Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 20:11:19 -0700 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >When you are already hanging around here (made the investment of >bases, cloning space-hardened bodies, (perhaps) treaties with >earth governments (read: The Man), and there's plenty of cattle >(and people) for the rustling, why bother to synthesize? >Besides, as you well know, synthetic substances don't always >have the same effects. There are many examples, but let's just >take one: artificial hormones in birth control pills can cause >high blood pressure in healthy women of normal blood pressure - >some women's livers can't handle the synthetics. >>Those who have responded to my first post on the assumption of >>alien ineptitude within the ETH have offered different reasons >>why aliens might value certain substances found on Earth. But >>the question is 'Why would they come to Earth to collect a >>substance they should be able to make?'. >See above. >Melanie Mecca Hi list, The whole debate about why aliens have to travel light years to collect substances they can synthesize assumes that it's the substances they are after. What if they are after something that cannot be synthesized but that is attached to the substances? Like emotions. Emotions are attached to the results of the sperm and ova, namely the kids that come out of it. The typical abductee who has been forced to donate sperm or ova sees his/her own offspring in a later abduction. The purpose is apparently to give some love to the kids, something the greys are unable to, to make sure that the kids develop in an emotionally healthy way.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 22:54:31 -0500 Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 18:10:28 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 00:14:59 -0400 >From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> <giant snip> >Sure, Any old "hack" could do it. But not Ed. I recall a pro >photo from Florida...name escapes me now... who was very >suspicious of all this until he actually saw Ed taking some >photos (not UFO photos!) with his old camera. AFterward he said >to me something like this "I could tell by the way Ed held his >camera that he doesn't know anything about photography.) Bruce, Pardon me, But this is the same sort of specious statement and reasoning you accuse GB skeptics of. You can say that, in your opinion, Ed couldn't haven't pulled it off, but you can't opine or assert absolutely that he couldn't have, because you don't know that to be a fact, despite the anonymous Florida pro's statement, which is itself a subjective assessment (that may or may not be true). For all any of us knows (you included), Ed could have been acting the fool at the time. Ed was a highly successful construction contractor at the time (and still is, for all I know), so he was by no means the simple soul that his protectors and promoters sometimes make him out to be. In person he's quite voluble and playful, and I don't take either of those to represent character defects. Walters is nobody's fool, in the bargain. He routinely used a camera in his business, the results of which must have satisfied both his professional requirements and those of his customers, and mauybe even his insurance agent. It goes without saying that he would have been familiar with the interpretations of blueprints as well. Last time I looked, at least a working knowledge of geometry and various measurements came in handy when interpreting blueprints, or, for that matter, when ordering cement or lumber by the cubic yard or board foot. Or maybe there's a professional Florida architect somewhere who, if asked, could testify: "Hey, I worked with Ed on so-and-so's house and, believe me, that guy didn't know jack about blueprints!" There's a human tendency to believe that if someone is pulling the wool over your eyes, then their motive for doing so must be strictly a) venal, b) financial, or c) both of the above. But this has never been the ultimate and only answer of any hoax in history. Humans are natural-born pranksters as well as story tellers. If money and attention sometimes come of it, well, hey, so much the better. After all, where would we be without an entertainment industry, which includes much current UFO literature? Dennis

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 Re: Alien Ineptitude From: Lesley Cluff <manitou@fox.nstn.ca> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 03:28:07 -0700 Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 18:13:22 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 20:53:55 GMT >>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 16:11:21 +0200 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Christophe Meessen <meessen@cppm.in2p3.fr> >>Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >In another strand of this thread Lesley Cluff answers question 2 >as follows: >>Synthesizing just isn't a miracle answer - yet. So if we can't >>do it here with a constant and consistent success rate, why do >>we think everyone else in the universe can? We haven't unlocked >>all the mysteries of our own human biology much less that of our >>environment, so why should we believe every other 'alien' race >>can? >How convenient. >We explain ETs presence on Earth by assuming they have >technology far superior to our own. >We explain ETs behavior while on Earth by assuming that they >don't have technology much advanced over our own. >Trying to have it both ways is a good example of ad hoc reasoning. You over simplify and obviously haven't taken a close look at human behaviour and ther is no reason to expect aliens are any less illogical than we are - we have accomplished some measure of space travel, use an energy we still do not understand (electricity) to create incredible feats of engineering and technology, have developed miraculous way of healing and prolonging life, while so many die of no medical help in many countries and medical ineptitude even in our developed countries, have developed the means to grow more food than developed countries can eat, while millions are starving and thousands die each day of malnutrition and starvation on this tiny planet, have ways and means of destroying our planet and/or just the people, yet can't build a simple road that won't atrophy into pot holes In a few years. Our level of 'advanced' technology only points out our inconsistent development of technology. I hardly see any reason to expect aliens able to travel here to have solved all their problems at home with technology if we are so inconsistent here! >>If we suppose they know how to synthesise any substance in big >>quantities, the most rational explanation is that they are >>simply probing and measuring. Now this suggestion I can accept as very likely. >However, we should be able to question this theory (if we can >assume that this supposition is a full grown theory) by asking >'Why would they have to kill the cattle?'. >If ET was genuinely concerned about secrecy, why would they >leave all those dead cows lying around? Why not use the same >sample extraction techniques on the cattle as they do on the >humans? Did everyone catch the program on earlier this evening - producer Burgess - on cattle mutilations, the search for the killer? The program made a very good point that it ain't the aliens, its a backroom operation of the US monitoring the aftereffects of its experimental explosions of atomic bombs which coincidentally are mostly in the same area where the testing took place and where there are a lot of known storage sites of radioactive material and air force bases. As you spread out from that area, there are fewer reports. Enough to let us rest assured that they are monitoring even at a distance, probably for comparison. But, a bit but, why would aliens or anyone in the US civil service, just dump the bodies after they have finished with them? The program didn't deal with that. It was a hard program to watch - I would be devastated if I went out one morning and found my bull or one of our heifers mutilated like that! But where I live, we are very far from any testing, and also, to the best of my knowledge, no reports of any cattle having been mutilated recently or in the past. Lesley

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 22:07:32 -0500 Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 18:06:53 -0400 Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 00:16:16 -0400 >From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> <rather large snip> >The fact that McLaughlin wasn't a member of a polygrapher's >association doesn't mean he wasn't a capable person. Bruce, Alternatively, it doesn't mean he was, either. In fact, it raises several doubts about both his seriousness and his professionalism. If he was just a freelance polygrapher (which must be a rather small community), then how did he enter the picture in the first place? Was he just in the Yellow Pages, listed under "Polygrapher"? Seems to me, most people skilled in this business (like any other business) and attempting to derive income from it, either on a full or parttime basis, would want to have some certificates hanging on their walls and membership in a few professional associations on their resume. For example, I'm going to a dentist later this week. If I looked hard enough, I might be able to find a dentist who doesn't belong to any professional organizations, but who is nonetheless regarded as a "capable person" in his or her field. All things being equal, however, I think I'll look for one who is both capable and well associated. Ditto for attorneys, stock brokers, chemists, those people who want to reshape your eyeball with a laser beam, and so on. But that's just me. Help with Windows I'll take wherever I can find it. Dennis

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 22:33:09 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 18:08:50 -0400 Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 14:18:20 -0700 >From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >>>If nothing else, UFOs raise fascinating questions of >>>epistemology. >The first time I heard the word "epistemology" was during >teacher training in the late 1960s. (Larry having fun with professors snipped) For everyone's information, "epistemology" is the study of the ways in which we gain knowledge about the world. What makes UFOs interesting in this context is that being a transient phenomenon, UFOs are resistant to many normal techniques of science. ------ Mark Cashman, creator of The Temporal Doorway at http://www.temporaldoorway.com - Original digital art, writing, music and UFO research - UFO cases, analysis, classification systems, and more... http://www.temporaldoorway.com/ufo/index.htm ------

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex From: Joachim Koch <AchimKoch@compuserve.com> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 06:08:54 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 18:20:13 -0400 Subject: Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex Date: Mo, 18 Oct 1999 09:43:00 GMT From: achimkoch@compuserve.com <Joachim Koch> To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Subject:Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Subject: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex <snip> >Gordon Sopczak, Alberta co-ordinator for Circles Phenomenon >Research Canada, said he's sure whatever is creating the circles >will "delight us and astound us again." <snip> >As in Britain, many of the crop circles are reappearing in areas >where they have been reported in previous years. Hello List, Hans-Juergen Kyborg and I are researching the cop circle phenomenon constantly since 1989 in England and Germany. We have learned a lot about the phenomenon,human interaction -and ourselves in all these years. There is a genuine phenomenon at work which is beyond any doubt. But: -after this phenomenon reached the public interest and only after people came back from Wltshire to their home countries the circles started to appeare there (be honest!) -if you have researched critically and without bias you'll have noticed that the manmade circles became more and more complex and deliberate, that means the skills of these land artists increased enormously. Today, you often cannot distinguish formations in their visual appearance from those genuine ones of 1991 (e.g. the formation at Devil's Den this summer). So far, there is no lithmus test for the genuineness of formations that would be scientifically accepted, maybe Ron Russell has found something like this recently. As I wrote here several times - and all who have witnessed this phenomenon in person in England will agree - this time it is different with a phenomenon of non-human origin. Ths time not our detectors, apparatus and high sophisticated electronic equipments are meant to help us to understand - it is us ourselves who are the target this time by the intelligence which is behind this phenomenon. And the understanding of the crop circles phenomenon depends on how far ones dares to go beyond his/her own limits. Those who have been at Walker's Hill or the Wansdyke Path will know what I am talking about - and those who haven't been there should do so to understand before they start to argue here. Those who have been up there have talked to the wind, have heard the sounds of the skylarks, have glimpsed the leylines nearby - and maybe have shed one tear for this planet. To close with, here is a short report from this summer which will clarify what I wrote. Another loud and very enthusiastic American party arrived at the Barge Inn in late July, the high time of all activities there. There were loudly admiring the beauty of he landscape and the wonders of the circles which usually appear more frequently at this time. We came in contact with this group by Busty and started to talk to them. We made them aware of the direct link of the circles with the energy lines, energy places and the huge stones someone once had erected at just these locations. We do not completely know who once had build these enigmatic monuments with all its astronomical and energetic links all over Western Europe. No is left to tell us, no records were found. So we told the Americans, compared with us here in Germany or England they are in a far better position because they still can ask the survivings of those peoples who build similar monuments and earth works with the same meanings and function because - other than here in Europe - there are still many left in America. And learn from these Old Americans how to treat a planet. This is in fact the true essence of all these UFO-related phenomena: to remind us of who we are and where we are - and of our responsibility for this planet. If there would be a cosmic court, we would be severely accused for one of the heaviest cosmic crimes: the rape and murder of a living planet. For what punishment the cosmic public prosecutor would plead for? The New Americans calmed down. Joachim Koch, Berlin

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Lesley Cluff <manitou@fox.nstn.ca> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 03:28:10 -0700 Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 18:15:41 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 19:27:21 +0100 >F - Future humans will, we trust, evolve, develop new technology >and be interested by their ancestors. If at any point (next >week, next year, next millennium, whatever) they develop >technology that can traverse time it is possible they would >visit us, study us, and happily allow the myth of alien contact >to continue. Why? Because it is part of their past and did >happen and it provides the perfect smokescreen to future >historians to study their own roots. >This is not my theory or an especially original one. But it is >an argument I find plausible for many reasons. One is deeply >personal. Whilst I have never met an alien I have to my mind >conclusively experienced time travel. As such I believe it is a >fact of the universe and I think it is almost certain it will >become possible to use technology to travel in time at some >point . If that is the case then logic tells you one thing - >time travellers should be visible in our past and our present. >We might not recognise them as time travellers (they would be >unlikely to announce themselves as such). But they would be >here. <snip> >Because I know that time travel is a distinct possibility I have >no problem accepting it as a mechanism for the visitors we >confront. I regard this as easy as accepting these visitors to >be from an a distant star system. Don't ya just hate those posts that just quote another note and then say "yup, me too"! Jenny, I agree with your point that there are some cases that the idea that these are time travellers just makes sense. And I too believe that the nature of time is such that we just have to figure out the how, but its there, awaiting us. Heck, I'm old enough that so much that was science fiction when I was born, is not day to day knowledge and in myhome and working for me! What I was taught in grade 11 physics has changed! Metaphysics is now science. The theory of how time can be travelled is out there in many forms, in many minds, and its only a short matter of 'time' before someone figures out how to do it using technology. Of course, there is always the mind! Lesley

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 Re: Alien Ineptitude From: Christophe Meessen <meessen@mailclub.net> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 10:19:45 +0200 Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 18:17:44 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude Hello, I would like to answer some pertinent questions of M. Polanik. >From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 20:53:55 GMT >>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 16:11:21 +0200 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Christophe Meessen <meessen@cppm.in2p3.fr> >>Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >>When trying to understand why ET are mutilating animals, we must >>be careful to avoid asumptions. >How reasonable is it to theorize, from what little evidence we >have, that ETs are the ones responsible for animal mutilations? Exactly. So we must be carefull. For now it is only an hypothesis since we don't have any proof for that. But this does not mean that this hypothesis is false. I personnaly use it as my current working hypothesis. >>In your case you assume that they are interested in getting huge >>quantities of the substance itself. >Someone questioning the ETMT (ET as Mutilator Theory) might ask >'Why would ETs want to mutilate cattle?'. ... >It _is_ far more reasonable to suppose that ETs are probing and >measuring than it is to suppose that they need the precious BRS >for their own use. ... >However, we should be able to question this theory (if we can >assume that this supposition is a full grown theory) by asking >'Why would they have to kill the cattle?'. At first I would say that we have no idea. I guess that the samples they need like all the blood, flesh parts and organs like the eyes and so may not allow the animal to survive after removal. >If ET was genuinely concerned about secrecy, why would they >leave all those dead cows lying around? Why not use the same >sample extraction techniques on the cattle as they do on the >humans? If ET where "genuinely concerned about secrecy", leaving the cattle carcass make no sense. So maybe we have to reconsider the assumption that there are "genuinely concerned about secrecy". Of course they may also be "illogical" ;-) I'm not sure there are so concerned about secrecy. They also show a sort of offhandedness in this secrecy process. I tend to attribute this to a sort of self assurance of the supriority complex. They are just as secret as needed to avoid panic, to keep things under control and not be bothered in their projects. This is of course only my current interpretation of the phenomenon based on the data I had in hand so far. This may thus be subject to revision but currently make more sense regarding to global pattern. >Conversely, if ET is genuinely concerned with secrecy, is it >reasonable to suppose they they'd use their use their advanced >surgical techniques on cattle but not on abductees where they >leave all sorts of scars, scoop marks, burns and blotches? I would be more cautious when reasonning in that direction. It is true that we have some information, but we must also keep in mind that we might bot have all the information. Currently, far what we know, we can't outrule the possibility that humans where also found mutilated as the cows. In France there are more than 2000 human disaperance reported to the plice per year. There is plenty of room for this human mutilation hypothesis event if it is only one human per year for instance. I don't say that it happens. I just want to say that it is possible and that we might not know about because some people prefer to keep it confidential for some obvious reasons. Thus I dont think it is reasonable to make an assumption that this does not happen. We don't know. >>There is a similar question with abduction. ... If they know how to >>engeneer and modify genetical material why do they bother keeping >>collecting sperm and eggs samples ? ... Wouldn't it be much simpler to >>collect a few humans and start a breeding program on their own planet >>or spaceship ? >A very good question. >Of course, any ETs capable of doing this could also raise their >own cattle. Good point. Sooo ... if ET exist, if ET are comming on earth to mutilate cattles, .... it forcibly implies that they have good reasons to do so. There are many. First. cattle may simply not survive in their environement. Second they may need sampling of cattles in the context they where picked from. For a pollution study or for comparing with their own breads, etc. Human scientists do this all the time. They are picking samples and some just pick what they need and live the rest as scaps. For flowers and sometime even with animals. So theorizing on those points is in my opinion an adventurous process. We might explore this when trying to understand what we are talking about. But I would certainly be very carefull when tempted to use those reasoning in a demonstration that the phenomenon is true or false, and make sense or not. We don't have enough data yet in my opinion. They simply may be "illogical" from our point of view and this could explain anything ;-) But this would also be an easy answer that will probably not satisfy you and most sceptics ;-) Best regards, Ch. Meessen

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 PRG/X-PPAC Programming Announcement From: Stephen G. Bassett <ParadigmRG@aol.com> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 15:31:10 EDT Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 18:24:44 -0400 Subject: PRG/X-PPAC Programming Announcement Paradigm Research Group www.paradigmclock.com X-PPAC www.x-ppac.org 10/18/99 Stephen Bassett, consultant, lobbyist and executive director of X-PPAC, will speak on the Politics of UFOs/Disclosure and other topics at the following upcoming venues: What: Internet Chat-The Politics of UFOs: The Road to Disclosure Date: First Sunday of Every Month - ongoing Time: 9 pm EST Where: Solar Cafe's Destination Space [www.destinationspace.net] What: News feature Date: Early November Time: TBA Where: WTTG Fox 5 News, Washington, DC What: News feature Date: Early November Time: TBA Where: KCOP UPN Channel 13 News, LA [www.upn13.com] What: Fox News Channel Documentary Date: Early November Time: TBA Where: Fox News Channel, Nationally [www.foxnews.com] What: UFO Round Table with Larry Jamison Date: Saturday, November 6 Time: 7 pm PDT Where: KGLW 1340 AM, San Luis Obispo, CA [www.kglw.com] What: UFO/ET Autumn Festival - Oct. 30-31 Date: Sunday, October 31, 1999 Time: 4:30 pm EST Where: Days Inn - Bordentown, NJ More Info: Pat Marcattilio 609- 631-8955 What: Sean David Morton's Strange Universe Date: Wednesday, October 27, 1999 Time: 9 am PDT Where: Talk America [www.talkamerica.com/seanmorton.html] What: Rally to End Secrecy [www.endsecrecy.com] Date: Sunday, Oct. 24. 1999 Time: Noon EDT Where: Capitol front steps, Washington, DC [Note: At Rally organizer Remy Chevalier's request, Mr. Bassett will address a small group on the Capitol steps & collect presented white papers.] What: Bob Hieronimus Show Date: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 Time: 10 - 11:30 pm EST Where: Liberty Works Radio & Netcast [www.libertyworksradio.com] The PRG / X-PPAC speaking schedule is located at: http://www.paradigmclock.com/speaking&eventschedule.html

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 18 [bwwma] BWWMA Flash! Firmage On TV Tonight From: Bufo Calvin <BufoCalvin@aol.com> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 15:42:59 EDT Fwd Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 18:29:31 -0400 Subject: [bwwma] BWWMA Flash! Firmage On TV Tonight From: BufoCalvin@aol.com A correspondent (please let me know if you want to be credited when you give me tips... to protect anonymity, I usually don't) gave me a heads-up for Investigative Reports tonight at 9:00 PM on A&E (USA). The episode is Celebrity Close Encounters. Among those interviewed is Joe Firmage, the "CEO UFO", recounting his own experience. Others include Dennis Weaver, Robert Wise (director of the influential and respected The Day The Earth Stood Still), and astronaut Gordon Cooper. The times so far are: Monday, October 18, 9:00 PM Tuesday, October 19, 1:00 AM Saturday, October 23, 3:00 PM The same program does Bringing UFOs Down To Earth on Friday at 9:00 PM and Saturday at 1:00 AM. Looks like Jaime Mausson is a likely guest. ___________________________ This is Bufo saying, "If =everything= seemed normal, that =would= be weird!" ____________________________ Please let me know if there is something in the media you think I should cover. Deadline is Tuesday, the week before. --- You can subscribe to this list by sending an e-mail to bwwma-subscribe@onelist.com. You can unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to bwwma-unsubscribe@onelist.com. --- You may also be interested in Bufo's WEIRD NEWS LINKS (links to weird stories in non-paranormal-dedicated media) by sending an e-mail to bwnl-subscribe@onelist.com. --- You may also wish to subscribe to Bufo's ANOMALIT Review (a monthly review and listings of new books and other items on these topics) by sending an e-mail to anomalit-subscribe@onelist.com.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 RPIT Salutes Neil Morris For Roswell Crash From: James Bond Johnson <JBONJO@aol.com Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 17:36:43 EDT Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 15:00:03 -0400 Subject: RPIT Salutes Neil Morris For Roswell Crash For spectacular and meritorious discoveries which have dramatically unlocked half century old secrets associated with the crash of an unidentified flying object near Roswell, NM in the summer of 1947, the international Roswell Photo Interpretation Team (RPIT) has rendered its special salute to Neil Morris, senior photo interpretation specialist! Morris, a veteran technical staff member of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester in England, is an original member of the RPIT group. His inventive and tenacious dedication to this highly unique and unprecedented scientific research in pursuit of finally solving the Riddle of Roswell is deserving of the highest accolades of the World-Wide Ufology community. Morris' analytical research now has proved conclusively that the United States Air Force erred in drawing conclusions in published reports in 1994 and 1995 that the Roswell UFO Incident of 1947 "most likely" was caused by the crash of a MOGUL train, comprised of a series of neoprene balloons and RAWIN radar target devices. Morris and the RPIT group (reinforced) for more than a year have carefully compared every part described in detailed blueprints of the MOGUL and RAWIN devices with Roswell debris pieces displayed and photographed in the 8th Air Force Headquarters offices of General Roger M. Ramey, commander, on July 8, 1947. The RPIT members have been unable to associate any of the pieces examined through the use of modern computer enhancement techniques with any parts expected to be found in a MOGUL/RAWIN crash. The most recent dramatic research release shows that what originally was reported to be thin, paperbacked foil and solid wooden sticks -- such as might be found in a MOGUL/RAWIN train -- actually appears to be thick, massive sheeting attached to carefully formed and drilled hollow beams. The beams are covered with very unusual glyphs, which are undergoing further examination. The RPIT discoveries have been posted on the Internet individually by various RPIT members. The Roswell Event findings of Morris can be viewed by downloading: File: rdbg8clp.jpg (108255 bytes) DL Time (48000 bps): < 1 minute and at Roswell and Alien Autopsy Archive-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ . and http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ftw-pics/index.htm http://www.ufomind.com/people/j/johnsonj/ James Bond Johnson RPIT Project Director

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 NASA Report On 'Unidentified Visual Phenomena...' From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 02:23:26 Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 15:04:02 -0400 Subject: NASA Report On 'Unidentified Visual Phenomena...' NASA Report On 'Unidentified Visual Phenomena Associated With Space Flight' Source: http://members.aol.com/moonpigeons/ Stig *** Moon Pigeons and other unidentified visual phenomena associated with space flight ** The following pages are from an Apollo-era NASA report provided by James Oberg to be made available on the internet primarily as an instructive tool for those interested in moving objects photographed near inflight spacecraft. Unfortunately an original copy of the report could not be obtained and the photographs in this copy are unusable and were not included here. Attempts will be made to obtain usable photographs for inclusion at a later date. Though the original format of the report has been altered for these web pages, the text is complete and unedited. The text was converted to ascii format using OCR software and errors produced by it have been corrected when found. Spelling errors and typographical errors in the original report have not been corrected here.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 20:19:22 -0400 Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 15:07:01 -0400 Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 22:07:32 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >>The fact that McLaughlin wasn't a member of a polygrapher's >>association doesn't mean he wasn't a capable person. >Bruce, >Alternatively, it doesn't mean he was, either. In fact, it >raises several doubts about both his seriousness and his >professionalism. Dennis won't believe I say this with perfect neutrality, but I do. Are most polygraphers (polygraphists?) members of this organization? For instance, I'm not a member of the Music Critic's Association. Doesn't mean spit. Maybe a dentist who doesn't belong to the proper professional group is, well, not very professional. But polygraph operators? Let's have a reality check. Does anyone know about this? Greg Sandow

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 20:25:44 -0400 Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 15:09:33 -0400 Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >Given that only a tiny amount of research has been done >classifying and analysing even _raw reported_ UFO and occupant >behavior, and that the resulting database contains an unknown >amount of noise, very likely increasing almost asymptotically in >the cases whose strangeness exceed CE2 and CE3, attempts to >class reported behavior as inept or expert are doomed to >founder. <snip> This wise post of Mark's raised -- much more reasonably and in much greater depth than most of what we read here -- fascinating questions. He gave many reasons why, scientifically speaking, we can't think we know anything about alien intentions or capabilities. Mark's post came in the midst of a discussion featuring, among others, Dennis Stacy, Joseph Polanik, and myself. I'm happy to concede that Mark made more sense than anything I've said on this subject. But I'm a little surprised at the silence from Dennis and Joe, especially since Mark raised serious objections to points they were making. If Dennis (whom I know and respect) and Joe (whom I don't know and respect) are serious about what they've been arguing, they really have to address what Mark wrote. Any comments, guys? Greg Sandow

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 MoD Lessens Scope Of Pope's X-Files Work From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 03:02:09 Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 15:11:51 -0400 Subject: MoD Lessens Scope Of Pope's X-Files Work Source: James Easton on 'alt.alien.visitors'. Stig *** From: "James Easton" <voyager@ukonline.co.uk> Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Ministry Do Not Investigate 'X-Files' Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 14:36:09 +0100 _Ministry Do Not Investigate 'X-Files'_ Contrary to the public statements made by Nick Pope, a senior Civil Servant with the Ministry of Defence (MoD), the Ministry have never investigated a case of 'alien abduction', crop circles or 'animal mutilation by aliens'. AND THAT'S OFFICIAL! In a recent issue of 'NICK POPE'S WEIRD WORLD', a monthly Internet column he writes, Pope remarked: "Over the past few months I'd been becoming more bullish in my response to certain people within ufology who'd been sniping at me over the years. Nobody likes criticism, and I'd been getting a fair bit - little of it constructive in nature. If people were criticising my views on, say, Roswell, then fine. I wasn't there, and so my view probably counts no more or no less than anybody else who's followed the case with a reasonable degree of interest. But it rankled when outsiders who'd probably never even visited MOD Main Building started casting doubts on my knowledge about - and access to - government and military UFO files. I've worked for the MOD for over fourteen years now, and three of those were spent researching and investigating UFO sightings, alien abductions, crop circles, animal mutilations and any other weird and wonderful reports that came my way". Now, in response to direct questions I asked of them, the Ministry formally refute any suggestion they have ever been concerned with the investigations Pope alleges. "The Ministry of Defence has not investigated a case of alien abduction, crop circle formations or animal mutilation", they confirm in a letter. It's hardly a surprise to learn this, however, it is a statement now on record and which dispels much of the UK 'X-files' mythology. The Ministry also shoots down Pope's celebrated 'Fox Mulder' image by explaining the full nature of his responsibilities and extent of any 'UFO' involvement, revealing, "Mr Pope was employed as an Executive Officer in Secretariat (Air Staff) 2. His post was designated Sec(AS)2a. The main duties of the post concern non- operational RAF activities overseas and diplomatic clearance for military flights abroad". It's exceptional that the Ministry have disclosed, especially to a member of the public, exact duties which were carried out by one of their staff. I'm not surprised though; colleagues at the MoD are likely to be dismayed by Pope's allegations. In answer to my question of how much emphasis is placed on 'UFO' related matters in the post which Pope occupied, the Ministry confirm, "A small percentage of time is spent dealing with reports from the public about alleged 'UFO' sightings and associated public correspondence". This is the true perspective of HM government's 'UFO' interest. In context, the subject really is no more than a nuisance, justifying only part-time clerical resources. Pope occupied the 'UFO desk' at Secretariat (Air Staff) 2 between 1991 and 1994 and subsequently wrote 'Open Skies, Closed Minds' and 'The Uninvited', the latter containing the accounts of people who claim to have been experimented on by aliens. His latest work, 'Operation Thunder Child' was released last week and Pope declares, "Operation Thunder Child is a science fiction novel set in the near future, and deals with the concept of an escalating and hostile alien presence. What I've tried to do is to tell the story in as realistic way as possible, drawing on my official knowledge and experience of working at the Ministry of Defence. Accordingly, I use knowledge about UFOs and abductions picked up during my three years researching and investigating these phenomena, and also utilise information picked up while working in the Air Force Operations Room (part of the Joint Operations Centre) during the Gulf War". It's difficult to reconcile Pope's view of his part-time tenure at the 'UFO desk' against this unique insight provided by the Ministry. Sensational tales of 'alien encounters' will always sell and perhaps we can safely say that by comparison there's not much of a market for 'Diplomatic Clearance and Military Flights - the Secret Files!'. However, it's now a proven fact, at least according to his employer, that Pope was only a part-time clerical worker, perhaps for only a few hours each month, on the 'UFO desk'. His main duties were completely unrelated and much more mundane. It's a fact which isn't evident from his numerous interviews and conferences. Pope also never officially investigated 'alien abductions', or crop circles or 'alien animal mutilations' - or so say the MoD - as he continues to boldly proclaim. It is of course ludicrous to think that the MoD have even for a moment considered these diverse facets of 'UFO' reports might threaten 'defence of the realm', or feared that 'abductions' had any substance in fact. Still, all good fun and no harm done. What would 'ufology' be without some 'liberal' interpretations of people's experiences! James Easton. NOTES James Easton is Editor of the 'Voyager' newsletter and can be contacted by e-mail at: voyager@ukonline.co.uk 'Voyager On-line' is located on the World Wide Web at URL: http://web.ukonline.co.uk/voyager/ 'NICK POPE'S WEIRD WORLD' can be found at URL: http://www.hotgossip.co.uk/pope.html

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 03:14:34 +0200 (MET DST) Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 15:13:51 -0400 Subject: Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex >Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 06:08:54 -0400 >From: Joachim Koch <AchimKoch@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Dear Joachim, >So far, there is no lithmus test for the genuineness of >formations that would be scientifically accepted, maybe Ron >Russell has found something like this recently. The lithmus test for genuine compared to hoaxed terraglyphs is very simple: the electromagnetic properties and the direction of growth of the corn in the field. However, if you mean by "scientifically accepted" accepted by organized science then I know of no lithmus test that will suffice. >And learn from these Old Americans how to treat a planet. >This is in fact the true essence of all these UFO-related >phenomena: to remind us of who we are and where we are - and of >our responsibility for this planet. >If there would be a cosmic court, we would be severely accused >for one of the heaviest cosmic crimes: the rape and murder of a >living planet. For what punishment the cosmic public prosecutor >would plead for? >The New Americans calmed down. Joachim, calm down. The earth is in far better shape than the environmentalists would have us believe. They are a lobby group themselves and, as any other lobby group, need funding to continue their activities. Injecting fear among the public is a sure way to get funding for them. Groeten, Henny

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 20:19:22 -0400 Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 15:17:28 -0400 Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 22:07:32 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >>The fact that McLaughlin wasn't a member of a polygrapher's >>association doesn't mean he wasn't a capable person. >Bruce, >Alternatively, it doesn't mean he was, either. In fact, it >raises several doubts about both his seriousness and his >professionalism. Dennis won't believe I say this with perfect neutrality, but I do. Are most polygraphers (polygraphists?) members of this organization? For instance, I'm not a member of the Music Critic's Association. Doesn't mean spit. Maybe a dentist who doesn't belong to the proper professional group is, well, not very professional. But polygraph operators? Let's have a reality check. Does anyone know about this? Greg Sandow

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 20:25:44 -0400 Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 15:21:20 -0400 Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >Given that only a tiny amount of research has been done >classifying and analysing even _raw reported_ UFO and occupant >behavior, and that the resulting database contains an unknown >amount of noise, very likely increasing almost asymptotically in >the cases whose strangeness exceed CE2 and CE3, attempts to >class reported behavior as inept or expert are doomed to >founder. <snip> This wise post of Mark's raised -- much more reasonably and in much greater depth than most of what we read here -- fascinating questions. He gave many reasons why, scientifically speaking, we can't think we know anything about alien intentions or capabilities. Mark's post came in the midst of a discussion featuring, among others, Dennis Stacy, Joseph Polanik, and myself. I'm happy to concede that Mark made more sense than anything I've said on this subject. But I'm a little surprised at the silence from Dennis and Joe, especially since Mark raised serious objections to points they were making. If Dennis (whom I know and respect) and Joe (whom I don't know and respect) are serious about what they've been arguing, they really have to address what Mark wrote. Any comments, guys? Greg Sandow

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 A&E's 'Celebrity Close Encounters' From: Lesley Cluff <manitou@fox.nstn.ca> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 23:23:12 -0700 Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 15:34:33 -0400 Subject: A&E's 'Celebrity Close Encounters' Would love to hear the comments of others re this program. Personally, the 'celebrities' interviewed were well interviewed, well spoken, well researched. Learned a lot. But as to the overall program - the producers failed to any research of their own, relying instead on a chap from the sceptic mag. They let him get away with saying the sightings of UFOs over Washington DC in the summer of 52 were essentially delusions caused by too many bad Hollywood movies that year. Project Blue Book is mentioned, but no one read the book by the first Blue Book top investigator, Ruppelt, who in his own book, Report on Project Blue Book, details the event and how many different radar stations in the area picked up the sightings, how they happened over several days with a week in between I believe of none, and all form an official perspective! The man lied! And they didn't catch him on it, in fact they favoured his words with lots and lots and lots of repeated pictures of the saucer movies posters and scenes from the movies. ad infinitum..... Opinion supported by facts and personal research were from the celebrities, unsupported opinion from the official representative of the sceptics (only one really) and a few whose experiences are still opinions but which were enough to balance the program without the idiot liar. Overall opinion of the producers was obvious - celebrities have no right to influence public opinion using their status. I noted at least twice, if not three times that the announcer plainly referred to this possible misuse of the public's trust and that was repeated also by the sceptic. I hope they have another program on the misuse by celebrities of their public trust when they choose to take on medical disease research and political candidates. And I'm sure any Canadian would be happy to play the role of the 'sceptic' on that one! It followed well on the heels of the Sunday night program about the cattle mutilations, targeting American secret black OP.s as the culprits - but missed a few points like why, if its a secret black OP.s would they leave the carcasses littered all around the fields, often dropping them back down to the ground after lifting them up - assuming it would be wise to maintain secrecy if the carcasses were quietly and secretly disposed of, leaving the cattlemen to assume the missing animals were taken by cattle rustlers. And of course, a point well raised by a colleague here on Update - if they want to check out say the effects of the early atomic bomb tests on succeeding generations of animals and people and how the poison may have or how much it has infiltrated our food chain, then why didn't they just don cowboy hat and buy some at the livestock sales barns like everyone else who wants a few good cattle! And the sounds of the program coming up, bringing UFOs down to earth sounds like more of the same - carefully selected facts, ignore the obvious questions that you can't find answers to. I am sure that if the answers were so easy to find, then there is enough collective intelligence on this List alone to have figured out the same conclusions as these programs suggest, plus plugged the obvious holes in their arguments! But then, to someone who knows nothing, even a little bit can seem to make a lot of sense. And since they aren't interested enough to check out what might be missing in the meatless stew they were handed, they will happily and lazily accept the conclusions of these programs as God's word on the subjects! Martha Stewart offers a lot more valid information and always answers those little niggling questions! Where's the TV remote? Lesley

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 Re: Get Real From: Sharon Kardol <sharon@hotmix.com.au> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 09:59:13 +0800 Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 16:37:11 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 16:27:52 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Sharon Kardol <sharon@hotmix.com.au> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 22:58:41 +0800 >I said: >>>Are you saying, Sharon, that the glare on the glass door was >>>intended? >And you replied: >>Not at all Amy, I'm not one for inferences without facts. All I >>said was the excuse was convenient for something so important. > >Ah, Sharon, I have discussed this case with many with view >points like yours. No matter what I say you will doubt. No >matter how much information or evidence is put before you, you >will scoff. That's OK because if someone else were presenting >this case to me, I would probably scoff too. ;> Thanks for admitting that Amy. But I have yet to scoff at anything. Since when is talking about a case considered scoffing? If people don't ask questions and simply accept the facts blindly, we'll never get to the truth about anything. >However, the biggest difference between you and I is that if >someone else were sharing this info with me, I would ask more >questions and make less statements. Well if I were making a statement it would be something like "There are too many conveniences and obstacles in the experience for it to be realistic" That's not what I beleive but it's a statement. What I did say however, was the neighbour was called in specifically to take photos of this encounter and the glass door was left closed. Hmmm, now if i was a police person examining this case as they do, something just wouldn't sit right. >As a researcher/investigator >I have learned there is much more going on out there than I can >fold into my paradigms. Because I have seen things that have >shaken my belief systems to the core, I know how little I >actually know about the phenomena I study. Even with stories >that strike me as absolutely impossible, I allow for the >possibility it may only be beyond my realities and never declare >it false. Since I know I do not know everything nor pretend to >know all the answers, I allow everything to be possible until >proven otherwise. Hey I'm a big believer in the impossible, I have seen some really freaky stuff, like you, it has affected me beyond repair. But it has also strengthened my resolve not to jump to conclusions, and to be sceptical at every angle because there are crazies out there who don't think twice about taking advantage of our willlingness to believe. >I do so wish I could bring forth the evidence you and so many >require to accept the many possibilities that will open your >mind and enable you to see more. Please, I never called for evidence. Just a plausible explanation. >I realize this case is >lacking in many ways which leaves ample room for you and others >to find fault with the information. They are the hardest cases to accept, I'm afraid. I wish it was simple enough to take the word of these folk, but knowing how human nature works, that'll never happen. for me anyway >I could have kept it all to >myself but wanted to share it via the internet because it is >information and other researchers/investigators may find >correlations in the course of their work. That's great, and we are appreciative to be able to learn more about cases researched by others. However that doesn't imply we will accept the facts based on the testimony of some strangers and bleary photos. I'm not saying that's what you want us to do, but that's why, being an objective outsider not attached to the people or the case I was able to consider all the facts and consider those that don't seem to gel. >I think it's rather sad that you make these comments, Sharon, >when it is obvious to all that you have never even seen the >photographs in person, talked to the witnesses or spent more >than a few minutes reviewing the information. That's like >trying to tell someone what's in a book without ever reading it. I appreciate this, and no I have never seen the photos in real, or talked to the witnesses myself, but I can rely on your skills to cover those areas effectively. And I am sure, despite your opposition, you appreciate having another's opinion on the case. I've never said I don't believe the witnesses, or think the photos are fakes etc, I am just curious as to why a detail like the door was not considered by them. >I am sorry that you reject this opportunity to learn something. >But, that is your choice. I don't reject this opp. Amy, I never immediately dismiss any case be it one I have researched myself, or someone else's. And the details themselves are very interesting, but I just have too many questions. I am sure you can appreciate my scepticism. Please don't be offended by my questions or statements pertaining to your case it is nothing personal. Just the way I filter to hundreds of fake cases. >I really wish I could share with you >because I've found some fascinating information. However, I >will continue to present studies as they are completed on my web >site and you may take them or leave them. I do this work to >learn not to convince people. That's not my job and I certainly >don't get paid for it. You said it. We're all amateurs at this, just doing it for the love of it. But sometimes I have seen some researchers get too emotionally invloved and it becomes hard for them to accept any doubt around the case. I'm not saying this is you, I wouldn't dare to speculate on someone I have never met, but it's just my experience. Please, if you get any more information from these folk, let us know, I am still a researcher, whether it's to prove or disprove, I haven't yet determined :) >Nice talking with you, Sharon! You too Sharon

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 Re: Geller On Nazi Saucers From: GT McCoy <gtmccoy@harborside.com> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 21:43:28 -0700 Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 16:44:00 -0400 Subject: Re: Geller On Nazi Saucers >Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 15:42:58 >To: updates@globalserve.net >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Subject: Geller On Nazi Saucers Hello Stig, all:oh, by the buy, I've commented about this before, I smellth a rat. >Source: The (London) Times, >http://www.the-times.co.uk/news/pages/tim/99/10/18/timintint01026.html?999 >Stig >*** >October 18 1999 >INTERFACE > >Hitler's stealth First, if Hitler had all these wonder weapons, and knew how to use them, Why couldn't his Arado Jet Bomber Pilots hit the Bridge ar Remagen? My late Father-in Law -was- there when:"The Krauts thew everything but the Kitchen sink at us!!" then at the height of the attack his buddy , Mac said: "What the hell is that ?!!) as the Arados swooshed by -and missed the Bridge. >Hitler's obsession with the occult and astrology is well known - >but evidence that his aerospace and rocket scientists were >plundering alien technology to build Nazi UFOs has never gripped >the public imagination. I've said this before, but I put this another way (with apologies to Spike Jones) why aren't we goin' "Seig Heil, Seig Heil in der Fhurer's Face!"? >Maurizio Verga's tantalising web pages reveal Werner von Braun >and the Luftwaffe design teams could have been guided by >extraterrestrials, perhaps looting interstellar components from >a crashed spaceship. Oh, Lord, have mercy. >Rumours of the Third Reich's underground bases first surfaced in >the late Forties, coinciding with the birth of UFO sightings. >America's Operation Paperclip was at full throttle, with the FBI >smuggling Nazi war criminals into America to take advantage of >their scientific expertise. Yeah, and so were the Russians, Argentinians and anyone else who could get a Nazi Scientist to come to thier country - no embarrising questions asked. >Former Nazis gave America the space race edge, and von Braun's >career followed a smooth flightpath from pilotless V2 rockets to Note this following: >Apollo 11 and the first manned moon landing. Yes, and he was deserving of that Honor. >Verga believes the Luftwaffe developed a flying disc, in the >classic saucer shape, which flew at Prague on February 14, 1945. >His photographic evidence is almost certainly faked by Fifties >sci-fi fans. Visit his site to enjoy the artist's impressions, >which are a glorious delight. It may not be a coincidence that >Americans began sighting flying saucers within three years of >the alleged Prague test-flight and von Braun's escape to >America. >Countless UFO reports of the early Eighties turned out to be >sightings of America's Stealth Bombers. Is it possible that the Right, Mettalic Disks, Flying Cigars, Orbs Lights in the Sky - clearly F-117s and B-2s by the thousand. >US Air Force did develop Nazi technology to build a fleet of >saucers 50 years ago, producng the first wave of Unidentified >Flying Objects? And if the US did? why haven't we used it just like the Nazis? Why didn't they sweep the skies of Lancasters and Fortresses? Hmmm? Why didn't we put Stalin in jail (sharing the same cell with say, Hesse?) after conclusivie victory over the Soviets? >And if those spacecraft were for real, the chilling question >remains: what are the menacing objects reported nightly in >Nineties skies? Maybe we don't really know, but would like pat, human-based answers? Any answer that is a comfirmation of one's _own_ideas may be at, best silly, at worst, dangerous, GT McCoy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 Re: Get Real From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 23:36:36 -0500 Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 16:48:55 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 18:26:24 +0000 >From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real I wrote: >>When she got the photographs back from the >>photo lab, all she got were pictures with a glare on the glass >>doors - or so she thought. You replied: >Well don't it just always happen. Was this meant to be conducive to stimulating and intellectual conversation? >Why would your kid say "Oh, look. An alien"? I hope you have not >been trying to influence this poor kids mind in any way. >My kid would have said "Oh, look. A monster or a creature!" Oh really, Dave? You mean your kids have not seen the movies, the T-shirts, the pens, pencils, toys, the X-Files and all the alien-related images bombarding kids these days? Most kids who see a picture of a bug-eyed critter call them "aliens" these days not monsters. People who know my work know that I refer to what most people call "aliens" as "beings of unknown origins" and those who abduct as the "Abductors" - whether human or non-human. I do not like calling them "aliens" because we do not know where they are from, why they are here or who they are. The only reason I titled the article "Alien Convention" is because people understand these words and because the main witness, herself, thought they might be "aliens". I didn't want to use the word "alien" in the title but figured people just aren't ready to understand the concept of beings of unknown origins or BUO's as I call them. Since the printed word is used to communicate, that is where I focus and leave "political correctness" up to people like you. >>Some people see these images, some don't. >I've seen that before, it's called 'faces in the fire', goes >back a long way. That's interesting, Dave, because you have never seen these photos in person. Thus far, all you have seen are the scanned images of the photographs yet you feel qualified to make snap declarations based on so little information. I hope you don't do this often because you are probably missing a lot. >Give us a list of who you mailed this to, some of us might like >to follow this up. I will gladly do so via private E-mail for anyone if you (and any other recipients) promise not to publish the information publicly. I do not wish to point out anyone in public because it is only my opinions based on personal experiences. I would love for someone to ask these researchers why they never contacted me or bothered to ask even a few questions. Thank you for volunteering, Dave! >This may come as a shock to you Amy but I am not a debunker. Never said you were. >I simply ask the questions that a lot of people should be >asking. It is good to ask questions, Dave. We should ask questions. It's the statements or snide comments based on so little knowledge that do little to promote understanding and only take up time we could use learning from each other with mutual respect. >Well you seem to have covered everything. Thank you, Dave, but no - I have much more I want to learn. >You all seem to be sure you have been abducted by space aliens. >God forbid anyone has the audacity to speak out against such a >thing. The main witness I inteviewed never quite believed she had been "abducted by space aliens". In fact, the witnesses in the house, being of Hispanic descent, first thought the beings they encountered were demons or devils. The baby in the house woke up shouting the Spanish word for "devil". "Cathy" called them "aliens" because it was the closest explanation for what they looked like. Dave, it's one thing to ask questions, it's one thing to question someone's experiences but it is a completely different matter to "speak out against" something. Look back on this post you submitted and count how many times you asked questions only to answer them yourself. Perhaps the audacities you chase are of your own creation. >Every effort to gain proof seems to be blocked at every turn. >How about a remote power source? Interesting idea, Dave! It will be added to the ARM list of proposed techniques. >Look at it this way, there's a lot worse going on in the world, >victims of hurricanes, train crashes, floods, wars, famine. Well, Dave, we all try to contribute to the needs of this world in our own ways. This is my way of helping. It may not meet your standards of what is important but it meets mine. >I even had a personal tragedy that far outweighs the abduction >phenomenon, if only I could exchange mine for yours... but thats >in the real world and believe me I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I'm sorry to hear of your personal tragedy, Dave. However, I don't think any of us can say one person's experiences outweigh the experiences of another. Each person is unique. If I can help ease your burdens in any way, feel free to contact me via private E-mail and I will listen. Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 Re: Get Real From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 23:38:04 -0500 Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 17:01:32 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 23:28:02 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real > So far all you've taught me is that either I believe >you or I believe you, either my opinion isn't valid or my >opinion isn't valid, either this is the way it is and the way >you see it or this is the way it is and the way you see it. No >one else is allowed to make a judgement call if it doesn't >validate your beliefs and opinions. If this is what you have learned, Sue, perhaps you need to re-evaluate those you allow to influence you. You may think whatever you wish, believe what you wish and judge all according to your own personal standards. Never let anyone tell you you cannot think or judge others if that's what you want to do. >And while I'm at it, did anyone ever think that maybe Mr. >Firmage's meeting was private because it was industry-related to >his current non-UFO ventures, like computers, ecommerce and all >that 90's stuff business people today get involved in? He's >Mormon (reliable) and has always given us a hint of something in >the works, and I think he would've done so if this 'meeting' >were related to his UFO involvement. And no, I'm not a JF >groupie. I stand behind anyone in this field, except when the >contradictions start pouring out of 'em. What does Mr. Firmage have to do with this thread? You seem very confused, Sue. Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 Re: Alien Ineptitude From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 02:37:14 EDT Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 17:08:33 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 16:11:21 +0200 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Christophe Meessen <meessen@mailclub.net> >Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >Hello, >I would like to answer some pertinent questions of M. Polanik. >>From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >>Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 20:53:55 GMT >>>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 16:11:21 +0200 >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: Christophe Meessen <meessen@cppm.in2p3.fr> >>>Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >>>When trying to understand why ET are mutilating animals, we must >>>be careful to avoid asumptions. >>How reasonable is it to theorize, from what little evidence we >>have, that ETs are the ones responsible for animal mutilations? >Exactly. So we must be carefull. For now it is only an >hypothesis since we don't have any proof for that. But this >does not mean that this hypothesis is false. I personnaly use it >as my current working hypothesis. >>>In your case you assume that they are interested in getting huge >>>quantities of the substance itself. >>Someone questioning the ETMT (ET as Mutilator Theory) might ask >>'Why would ETs want to mutilate cattle?'. >... >>It _is_ far more reasonable to suppose that ETs are probing and >>measuring than it is to suppose that they need the precious BRS >>for their own use. >... >>However, we should be able to question this theory (if we can >>assume that this supposition is a full grown theory) by asking >>'Why would they have to kill the cattle?'. >At first I would say that we have no idea. I guess that the >samples they need like all the blood, flesh parts and organs >like the eyes and so may not allow the animal to survive after >removal. >>If ET was genuinely concerned about secrecy, why would they >>leave all those dead cows lying around? Why not use the same >>sample extraction techniques on the cattle as they do on the >>humans? >If ET where "genuinely concerned about secrecy", leaving the >cattle carcass make no sense. So maybe we have to reconsider the >assumption that there are "genuinely concerned about secrecy". >Of course they may also be "illogical" ;-) >I'm not sure there are so concerned about secrecy. They also >show a sort of offhandedness in this secrecy process. I tend to >attribute this to a sort of self assurance of the supriority >complex. They are just as secret as needed to avoid panic, to >keep things under control and not be bothered in their projects. >This is of course only my current interpretation of the >phenomenon based on the data I had in hand so far. This may thus >be subject to revision but currently make more sense regarding >to global pattern. There may be another reason for the apparent cavalier attitude in use by ET, on the assumption that it is ET performing mutilations for whatever purpose. Perhaps these actions and more (i.e., abductions, crop circles, UFO appearances over populated areas, and etc.) are being performed with the knowledge that the goobers goobering in the goobermint are not only aware, but have given tacit approval to these acts. Maybe ET is getting something for giving something.... maybe. I only know one thing for sure, they gotta pay me for Gripple. Of course, it's none of your beeswax how or how much, eh? I've often wondered why it is that so called black helicopters are often seen around UFO's and sometimes, in the areas of abductions, UFO appearances et al. The helicopter is not a fast aircraft, so it is not used to "pursue" the enemy. It is not nearly as well armed as fighter aircraft are. Why helicopters? They are slow, not heavily armed and often show up following, not "chasing" UFO's. Uh, duh, maybe they aren't chasing or chasing away, maybe they are merely "escorting?" I mean, just in case some SOB cattle farmer decides he's had one too many three thousand dollar bovines boned and decides to take a crack at them thar flyin saucer machine thingies, eh? NOTE: Please excuse the number of "eh's" eh? I am trying to get on the good side of Doctor Kanappy. He still owes us money. Thank you. >>Conversely, if ET is genuinely concerned with secrecy, is it >>reasonable to suppose they they'd use their use their advanced >>surgical techniques on cattle but not on abductees where they >>leave all sorts of scars, scoop marks, burns and blotches? >I would be more cautious when reasonning in that direction. It >is true that we have some information, but we must also keep in >mind that we might bot have all the information. Currently, far >what we know, we can't outrule the possibility that humans where >also found mutilated as the cows. In France there are more than >2000 human disaperance reported to the plice per year. There is >plenty of room for this human mutilation hypothesis event if it >is only one human per year for instance. I don't say that it >happens. I just want to say that it is possible and that we >might not know about because some people prefer to keep it >confidential for some obvious reasons. Thus I dont think it is >reasonable to make an assumption that this does not happen. We >don't know. Maybe some folks do and are not saying, eh? >>>There is a similar question with abduction. ... If they know how to >>>engeneer and modify genetical material why do they bother keeping >>>collecting sperm and eggs samples ? ... Wouldn't it be much simpler to >>>collect a few humans and start a breeding program on their own planet >>>or spaceship ? >>A very good question. >>Of course, any ETs capable of doing this could also raise their >>own cattle. >Good point. Sooo ... if ET exist, if ET are comming on earth to >mutilate cattles, .... it forcibly implies that they have good >reasons to do so. There are many. First. cattle may simply not >survive in their environement. Second they may need sampling of >cattles in the context they where picked from. For a pollution >study or for comparing with their own breads, etc. >Human scientists do this all the time. They are picking samples >and some just pick what they need and live the rest as scaps. >For flowers and sometime even with animals. > >So theorizing on those points is in my opinion an adventurous >process. We might explore this when trying to understand what we >are talking about. But I would certainly be very carefull when >tempted to use those reasoning in a demonstration that the >phenomenon is true or false, and make sense or not. We don't >have enough data yet in my opinion. >They simply may be "illogical" from our point of view and this >could explain anything ;-) But this would also be an easy answer >that will probably not satisfy you and most sceptics ;-) Christophe, those last few sentences speak volumes. And what I find so darned fascinating, is that those who claim to have the truth or otherwise believe they do, are always the ones who say it loud and clear. But those who do have the truth, say nothing. On the assumption, of course, that somebody knows the truth, which I frankly doubt. But it would be a gas to be in a position to have a camcorder recording the look on the face and the sounds from the throats of those who have been shouting so loud and so clear, just how much of the truth they know when they hear the real truth. Ah, but God would not allow me, a sinner, to have such happiness in this lifetime. I have not been good enough. Not even to my friends. Friend. Excuse me. J. Jaime Gesundt

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 03:12:50 -0700 Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:44:12 -0400 Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> >Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 22:33:09 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 14:18:20 -0700 >>From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >>>>If nothing else, UFOs raise fascinating questions of >>>>epistemology. >>The first time I heard the word "epistemology" was during >>teacher training in the late 1960s. >(Larry having fun with professors snipped) >For everyone's information, "epistemology" is the study of >the ways in which we gain knowledge about the world. What >makes UFOs interesting in this context is that being a transient >phenomenon, UFOs are resistant to many normal techniques >of science. Hello Mark! Yes, I suppose I could have looked up the word epistemology again. What sent me off was being reminded of a certain professor of Educ. 370 ( Educational Psychology ) who liked using five syllable words to make the perfectly obvious hopelessly arcane. I could say he was blowing smoke, but that doesn't sound very educational does it? In any case, sorry for the irrelevancy. Best wishes - Larry Hatch

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 ATIC History Update From: Wendy Connors <ProjectSign@email.msn.com> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 12:02:02 -0600 Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:45:29 -0400 Subject: ATIC History Update The following is taken from the official ATIC History for 1 January 1953 to 30 June 1953, pages 75-78 inclusive. Project Blue Book (10073) During the first six months of 1953, 249 reports of unidentified flying objects were received by the Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC). The most productive month was February, with 76 reports. This is in contrast with widespread public opinion that since "saucers" are no longer in the newspapers, the Air Force receives no reports. Probably more significant than this is the fact that 55% of all reports received thus far in 1953 came from military observers. Of the remaining 45% from civilian sources, 8% involved some type of radar detection. On 20 May 1953 the project monitor completed a briefing tour of all the Air Divisions in the Air Defense Command (ADC). This briefing tour was set up in the fall of 1952 to educate ADC personnel in the philosophy and background of Project Blue Book, and to show how to improve their reports. Ground visual questionaires were distributed to ADC Intelligence officers with briefing copies to enable them to brief interested personnel in their units. The project monitor, in his briefings, emphasized that analysis of a sighting could be done at division or Aircraft Control and Warning level, eliminating all but the hard-core unknowns to be forwarded to the ATIC for further analysis. All divisions of the Western Air Defense Force, the Central Air Defense Force, and the Eastern Air Defense Force were briefed. ADC produces 35% of all Flying Object Reports. In addition to three ADC temporary duty tours, trips were made to Darlington, Wisconsin, and to Red Lion, Ohio, during the reporting period to investigate flying saucer incidents. In both cases the objects in question turned out to be conventional. In January a scientific advisory panel was called together in Washington by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to review the problem of unidentified flying objects. Members of the panel, including many high-level scientists, reached the following conclusions: (1) National security agencies should institute policies on intelligence training and public education, designed to prepare the material defenses and the morale of the country to recognize most promptly and to react most effective to true indications of hostile intent or action. (2) The evidence presented on unidentified flying objects shows no indication to date that these phenomena constitute a direct threat to the national security. (3) A continued emphasis on the reporting of these phenomena, in these times, results in a threat to the orderly functioning of the Government. (4) National security agencies should take immediate steps to strip the unidentified flying objects of the special status or myster they have unfortunately acquired. Generally the ATIC agrees with these conclusions and at the present time is attempting to implement the panel's suggestions. Seventy-three gridless Videon cameras were distributed to Airways and Air Communications Service (AACS) tower sites and ADC radar sites on 1 June 1953. The original plan for these cameras was to take a diffraction grating picture of an unidentified object which would enable a spectroscopist to identify the spectrum bar. However, it was found that the Videon diffraction gratings deteriorated soon after being received at the ATIC, because of inexpert mounting. It was concluded that the cameras would be used for obtaining photographic intelligence on unidentified objects, without the gratings. When a suitable grating is obtained, the cameras will be recalled and the gratings mounted. The International Business Machine (IBM) statistical analysis of all sightings from 1947 through 1952 continues for Project Blue Book. It is estimated that a final written report will be submitte on 15 August 1953. Statistical curves of probability, indexes of comparison on undentified objects, and a general commentary on the results of the IBM study will be extremely significant in the future evaluation of reports and perhaps in the operation of Project Blue Book. The ATIC has received two notable reports of unidentified objects during this six month's span. A sighting at Port Austin, Michigan, on 17 February 1953 involved both radar and visual detection. It appeared to be a simultaneous sighting and has not as yet been explained. On 3 March 1953, three F-84 pilots from Luke AFB sighted an unidentified object at 25,000 feet. One of the fighter pilots exposed 30 feet of gun camera film in photographing the object. Following extensive analysis, this sighting is now considered to have been a vapor trailfrom probably two or more high flying jet aircraft. McMillin Observatory of Ohio State University, which is cooperating in Project Blue Book by an astronomical program, has ascribed 25% of all sightings in April, May, and June to the planet Venus. End of section. Thank you, Wendy Connors and Mike Hall

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 Researcher Presents Findings At University Of From: Blair Cummins <ufoblair@hotmail.com> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:16:31 PDT Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 17:39:57 -0400 Subject: Researcher Presents Findings At University Of Greetings list - From: http://www.msnbc.com/local/KECI/37183.asp UFO researcher presents findings at University of Montana NBC Montana Staff MISSOULA � A man known for his research on the subject of UFO�s spoke at the University of Montana Monday night, and his message was clear: the government knows a great deal more about UFO sightings than it claims to. Robert Hastings calls his study of UFO�s a grass roots movement. Hastings has lectured at over 500 universities, and Monday night, brought his findings to the University of Montana. Hastings� interest in UFO�s began after an apparent sighting over 20 years ago at a classified military Air Force base. Since then, he�s worked with numerous groups to uncover government documents dealing with UFO sightings. Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, over 40 thousand pages of secret government pages relating to UFO sightings have been released. However, Hastings says he�s not trying to turn skeptics into believers, he just thinks people should have access to the information so they can decide for themselves. The information presented wasn�t based on speculation. According to Hastings, his findings come from previously secret information from the CIA, the FBI, the US Air Force, and the Defense Intelligence Agency. --- Best regards, - Blair Cummins ufoblair@hotmail.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 Re: From Maxwell Burns From: Pat McCartney <ElPatricio@aol.com> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 14:09:20 EDT Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:49:03 -0400 Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: From Maxwell Burns >Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 20:27:19 +0100 >Essentially, I believe that most UFO cases are resolvable in >terms other than alien. However, in a few close encounter >situations there are good grounds for surmising that an >intelligence is conveying some kind of message to the witness. >The data match between cases is so exact this is implicit. <snip> >There is also what I call in my book 'the Star Trek effect'. >Essentially this argues that if you compare the l960's and >l990's Trek series you see the way technology has advanced in >the real world. Our imagined spacecraft of 30 years ago look >like museum pieces now (no lasers, LEDs, microchips etc - >because nobody could imagine their invention far sooner than the >time period in which the series is set). No doubt todays >Enterprise and Voyager will seem just as quaint when overtaken >by real scientific progress in years to come. Thus if alien >contact stories are purely imaginative we should see >unmistakable signs of the same Star Trek effect because we have >data spanning even longer than 30 years. Witnesses should have >invented alien craft in the l950's that are pure Dan Dare in >comparison with todays UFOs. They generally dont. The remarkable >thing is that we see a consistent magical technology in cases >from 1959,1969,1979,1989 and l999. Things that even now seem >just as fantastic as they did all those years ago. Thank you for making the point, Jenny. One of my constant themes in conversations about the UFO phenomenon is our inability to understand our own future, and therefore the difficulty of coming to grips with what _might_ be cultures from other worlds that are conceivably millions of years beyond our own. I will quote again the Christian mystic, Sir Thomas Ockham, who said, "Whatever you say about the nature of God is necessarily false." But rather than echo your speculation about the possibility that some UFOs may represent our own future, I hope I can stimulate some comments about the implications of recent suggestions regarding the string theory. ABC News' summer science series, "Nightline in Primetime," featured a provocative interview with Professor Brian Greene, whose book, "The Elegant Universe," describes his cosmological vision if _and that's a big if_ the string theory proves to be an accurate mathematical description of the physical universe. Greene and some other mathematicians believe the string theory comes close to unifying what we know about nature's fundamental forces and particles. Ultimately, in this view, such elementary particles as quarks could be described as a different vibrational frequency of the same underlying "string." The theory comes close in a mathematical sense to analogies of the universe as a manifestation of an idea and other such fuzzy, mystical ideas. What struck me most in Greene's description of this cutting-edge mathematics, however, was his statement that the string theory would require a fifth, sixth or even seventh dimension beyond the four dimensions that we are familiar with. ABC News' graphics department did a good job representing the dramatic difference that the addition of each dimension makes in the world we are familiar with. Greene's description of the string theory has prodded my curiosity. What, I wonder, would these dimensions be like? Is it possible that these additional dimensions, which ultimately should be discoverable and subject to manipulation, unify not just the fundamental forces of nature but possibly the physical and spiritual, or "superluminal" travel, or time travel, or, or, or ...? While I am an educated generalist, my training has largely been in mathematics for social sciences. While I have an appreciation of certain statistical concepts _regression toward the mean, for instance_ I have never been capable of analyzing such things as Maxwell's Equations or now the string theory and supersymmetry. Could one of our more mathematically minded listfolk tackle this subject, and perhaps suggest ways that the string theory could explain the "magical technology" that Jenny Randles observes in the accounts of abductees? Or is this too much like trying to describe God? Regards, Pat McCartney Auburn, Calif.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 19 NASA Unveils New, Most Accurate Antarctic Map From: NASANews@hq.nasa.gov Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 12:00:18 -0400 (EDT) Fwd Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:51:45 -0400 Subject: NASA Unveils New, Most Accurate Antarctic Map David E. Steitz Headquarters, Washington, DC Oct. 18, 1999 (Phone: 202/358-1730) Allen Kenitzer Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD (Phone: 301/286-2806) RELEASE: 99-122 NASA UNVEILS NEW, MOST ACCURATE MAP OF ANTARCTIC CONTINENT For 18 days during the Southern Hemisphere spring of 1997, a NASA-launched Canadian satellite called RADARSAT collected pieces of a puzzle that will help scientists study the most remote and inaccessible part of the Earth -- Antarctica. Scientists now have the puzzle pieces put together, forming the first high-resolution radar map of the mysterious frozen continent. With detail to the point of picking out a research bungalow on an iceberg, the new map has both answered scientists' questions about the icy continent, and left them scratching their heads about what to make of strange and fascinating features never seen before. "This map is truly a new window on the Antarctic continent, providing new beginnings in our Earth science studies there," said Dr. Ghassem Asrar, Associate Administrator for Earth Science, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC. The new map was produced as part of NASA's Antarctic Mapping Project. The most amazing features scientists now see are twisted patterns of ice draining from the ice sheet into the ocean. "We were surprised to see a complex network of ice streams reaching deep into the heart of East Antarctica," said Kenneth Jezek, a glaciologist from the Byrd Polar Research Center at Ohio State University. Ice streams are vast rivers of ice that flow up to 100 times faster than the ice they channel through, with speeds up to 3000 feet per year. "There are some extraordinary ice streams in East Antarctica that extend almost 500 miles -- nearly the distance along the Mississippi River from New Orleans to Cairo, Illinois," Jezek said. Ice streams form the most energetic parts of the Antarctic ice sheet, and scientists believe that they are quite susceptible to environmental change. Ice streams also transport most of the snow that falls on the continent's interior and dump it into the ocean. "We've recently used RADARSAT and other satellite data to estimate that one ice stream system sends over 19 cubic miles of ice to the sea every year -- an amount equivalent to burying Washington, DC, in 1700 feet of ice every 12 months," said Jezek. Antarctica looks pure, white and mostly featureless to the low-resolution satellites that previously mapped the frozen landscape. With the new RADARSAT map, however, the continent comes alive. Blocks of broken sea ice line the coast and sedimentary rock protrudes from the rocky walls of Antarctica's Dry Valleys. The vast, perplexing Antarctic Ice Sheet flows and twists into the sea, volcanoes poke through the ice sheet and ice streams flow like rivers into the Southern Ocean. Even the tracks of wayward snow tractors on their way to inland stations are visible. "We have a new view of the entire southern continent. It shows us something about an extraordinary part of our world and how humans may be changing it -- on both local and global scales," said Jezek. Jezek and his colleagues have been working to complete the enormous map since the Canadian Space Agency began the mission with a complex in-orbit rotation of the satellite. Researchers chose RADARSAT because its radar collects data day and night, through cloudy weather or clear. Such capability enabled the mapping to be completed in just 18 days, compared to the last satellite map of Antarctica which required images from five different satellites spanning a 13-year period from 1980 to 1994. Even at that time, parts of the continent remained obscured by cloud cover. The map also depends on accurate ground measurements by scientists from many of the nations that study Antarctica. "The entire mission was conducted in a true spirit of international cooperation, and that is why it succeeded," said Verne Kaupp, NASA's Alaska SAR Facility Director and Chief Scientist. RADARSAT-1 is owned and operated by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). Its data is distributed and marketed by RADARSAT International, a Canadian company licensed by the CSA. "We at the Canadian Space Agency are very pleased to make this significant contribution to the international science community," said Dr. Rolf Mamem, Director General, CSA Space Operations Branch. "We are looking forward to the exploitation of these data for the benefit of all." The Antarctic Mapping Mission is only one part of NASA's study of the frozen continent. NASA's study of the Antarctic is part of the Agency's Earth Science Enterprise, a dedicated effort to better understand how natural and human-induced changes affect our Earth's environmental system. RADARSAT images of Antarctica are available on the Internet at: http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/imagewall/antarctica.html -end- * * * NASA press releases and other information are available automatically by sending an Internet electronic mail message to domo@hq.nasa.gov. In the body of the message (not the subject line) users should type the words "subscribe press-release" (no quotes). The system will reply with a confirmation via E-mail of each subscription. A second automatic message will include additional information on the service. NASA releases also are available via CompuServe using the command GO NASA. To unsubscribe from this mailing list, address an E-mail message to domo@hq.nasa.gov, leave the subject blank, and type only "unsubscribe press-release" (no quotes) in the body of the message.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 Polygraph Standards & Principles of Practice From: Serge Salvaille <sergesa@connectmmic.net> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 17:34:46 -0700 Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 12:14:46 -0400 Subject: Polygraph Standards & Principles of Practice >From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 20:19:22 -0400 >>Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 22:07:32 -0500 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >>Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >>Alternatively, it doesn't mean he was, either. In fact, it >>raises several doubts about both his seriousness and his >>professionalism. >Dennis won't believe I say this with perfect neutrality, but I >do. Are most polygraphers (polygraphists?) members of this >organization? For instance, I'm not a member of the Music >Critic's Association. Doesn't mean spit. >Maybe a dentist who doesn't belong to the proper professional >group is, well, not very professional. But polygraph operators? >Let's have a reality check. Does anyone know about this? Hello Greg, How surprising some remarks may lead someone to... http://www.wordnet.net/cape/docs/app1.htm California Association Of Polygraph Examiners Then to... http://www.wordnet.net/cape/docs/casapp.htm for the Standards and Pratices. To finally read: --- Article VI In order to achieve unity of purpose; assure a clear concept of obligations to each other and the profession; and to provide for the continuing welfare and protection of the general public; all members of this Association shall abide by the following Standards and Principles of Practice: <snip> D. No member shall render a conclusive oral or written opinion, decision or report based upon the results of a polygraph examination unless said opinion, decision or report is based upon and supported by not less than two (2) polygraph charts, each of which conforms to a standardized polygraph technique as taught at an accredited school. This shall not preclude the additional use of other techniques, provided such other techniques are generally accepted by the polygraph community. <snip> H. Every polygraph opinion, decision or report, oral or written, shall be a factual, impartial and objective account of the relevant information developed during the polygraph examination, based upon an analysis of the polygrams. <snip> --- Considering Bruce's previous remarks: From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 00:16:16 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 11:43:09 -0400 Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >From: Serge Salvaille <sergesa@connectmmic.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 11:24:24 -0700 <snip> >7. Ed arranged for a single polygraph test with Harvey >McLaughlin, who told me he had done thousands of such tests for >companies that had hired him. When Ed passed the test McLaughlin >didn't believe the result. Therefore when Ed returned for the >results of the test McLaughlin said that there were a few things >he wanted to check and he connected up the polygraph a second >time. In between the tests he had checked up on Ed's UFO >sightings and asked some different questions. Ed was not >expecting a second test, so it was a complete surprise. Ed >passed the second test as well.... no indications of deceit, so >McLaughlin wrote in his report that , in his opinion, Ed was >being truthful. >McLaughlin told me that Ed was not a sociopath or "con man" type >of person who would be likely to tel lies. Dr. Dan Overlade, >clinical psychologist who gave Ed a collection of personality >and psychological tests, told me the same thing. Neither of >these men foun evidence that Ed had lied. <snip> Do still think that being a member of an association is worth zit? In: http://wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us/~btcarrol/skeptic/polygrap.html The Skeptic's Dictionary (ah! Never thought one day I'd...) " There are three basic approaches to the polygraph test: The Control Question Test (CCT). This test compares the physiological response to relevant questions about the crime with the response to questions relating to possible prior misdeeds. "This test is often used to determine whether certain criminal suspects should be prosecuted or classified as uninvolved in the crime" (APA). The Directed Lie Test (DLT). This test tries to detect lying by comparing physiological responses when the subject is told to deliberately lie and to responses when they tell the truth. The Guilty Knowledge Test (GKT). This test compares physiological responses to multiple-choice type questions about the crime, one choice of which contains information only the crime investigators and the criminal would know about. Psychologists do not think either the CCT or the DLT is scientifically sound, but a majority surveyed by the American Psychological Association think that the Guilty Knowledge Test is based on sound scientific theory and consider it 'a promising forensic tool.' " At: http://www.klab.caltech.edu/~seckel/Polygraph.html PINOCCHIO SCIENCE: THE TRUTH ABOUT THE POLYGRAPH By Al Seckel (pub. 1985) [...] The handful of studies that used a truly random selection of cases and scored them blind produced similar results: overall, 83% of guilty subjects were diagnosed as "deceptive", as were 43% of innocent subjects. The accuracy rates of "failed" and "passed" depend, of course, on the proportion of dishonest persons in the group tested. Thus, if 800 of 1,000 persons tested are truthful, a test that is 72% accurate overall will accuse 144 liars and 224 truthful persons. This is not an impressive accuracy record. " etc. Serge Salvaille

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude From: Tim D. Brigham <TBrigham@ksinc.net> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 16:48:33 -0500 Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 12:19:08 -0400 Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 20:25:44 -0400 >This wise post of Mark's raised -- much more reasonably and in >much greater depth than most of what we read here -- fascinating >questions. He gave many reasons why, scientifically speaking, we >can't think we know anything about alien intentions or >capabilities. >Mark's post came in the midst of a discussion featuring, among >others, Dennis Stacy, Joseph Polanik, and myself. I'm happy to >concede that Mark made more sense than anything I've said on >this subject. But I'm a little surprised at the silence from >Dennis and Joe, especially since Mark raised serious objections >to points they were making. >If Dennis (whom I know and respect) and Joe (whom I don't know >and respect) are serious about what they've been arguing, they >really have to address what Mark wrote. Any comments, guys? Hey Greg, Mark, all- Responding just to the excerpt you quoted from Mark's post >>Given that only a tiny amount of research has been done >>classifying and analysing even _raw reported_ UFO and occupant >>behavior, and that the resulting database contains an unknown >>amount of noise, very likely increasing almost asymptotically in >>the cases whose strangeness exceed CE2 and CE3, attempts to >>class reported behavior as inept or expert are doomed to >>founder. If I am reading Mark correctly, perhaps the point that he makes isn/t all that far off from the same point that detractors of the literalist ETH would make. Attempting to speculate about the true purpose and goal of 'aliens' - as many folks who support one view or another often do in scenarios about ecological concern or bovine and human-nappings simply is unjustified for the reasons cited above. This is not to say that experiences might not have a sexual component or an ecological component, but rather, such a simplistic and literal view of such components can not be justified. I don't think that Dennis literally believes that aliens are bumbling idiots(!?), rather I think the point is that _in order to believe the literal scenarios and scale set forth by many proponents_ then they would have to be. Perhaps Dennis discounts _all_ reports where aliens take sperm samples and cow parts, I dont know, or perhaps he is instead getting at the fact that "maybe it aint really the sperm and cow bits that they're after!" Personally I think an arguement could be made that the higher the strangeness, when we speak only within the CE3 cases, the more likely that such reports reflect the genuine mystery involved, but thats another rant and I have a headache..... Tim )+( TBrigham@ksinc.net http://zap.to/DevilsAdvocate The Devil's Advocate http://zap.to/MindPhuck Operation MindPhuck "Better to go hungry than to feast on lies." )+(

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:17:49 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 15:57:24 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 20:17:03 -0500 >From: Roger Evans <raka@swbell.net> >Subject: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: updates@globalserve.net >>Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Previously, Bruce responded >>>You can bet your boot disc (modern version of "bet your >>>boots") that the local investigators watched Ed like hawks >>>to find out if there was any hint of photographic interest >>>beyond minimal, and I payed attention to his photographic >>>understanding, which I found negligible. >Hi, Bruce! >You know, every time I write a check at the local supermarket, >the cashier asks,"Is everything on the check correct?" What does >she really expect me to say? What would she do if I suddenly >said,"Gosh, you're too fast for me! I was gonna try and slip a >phony check by you but you caught on and had to ask!" Do you >really think Ed would fess up if his original intent was to fool >you? Come on...> Come on, Roger. You go through a cashier's line once. How many times can you get away with it going through the SAME cashier's line over and over, day in and out, dozens of times? A better cashier analogy would be this: you slip a bad check through once. Then the next day you do it again. A week later you do it again. Pretty soon the store manager finds the $$$ aren't checking, the checks bounce. Now you come back the fourth time and there are two people at the cashiers booth. You think "I'm smart. I can do it again." So you do and get away with it. Next time there are two cashiers a detective and police standing by. Do you try once again? Ed wasn't "monitored " for one day, or one UFO sighting. "Surveillance " of Ed and his family occurred continuously for days, weeks, months, years. He didn' take just one, or just five pictures. He took dozens!. Each one was a potential disaster for his scheme to defraud the world. Not only that but as time went on the technical difficulty increased. Also the analysis and surveillance increased. I don't want to belabor this point but, although we couldn't mount an FBI level effort, neither was it as trivial as you make it out with your "cashier analogy." >Just kidding, but I think you get my point. Sure, and responded to it. >As a photo analyst, you are supreme. Perhaps I did one thing right? >But what can you scientifically base you're >assessment of Ed's skills on? His demeanor? His apparent lack of >photographic knowledge? The way he dresses? How he parts his >hair? Any one of the above is as good as the other IF he wanted >to fool you. I truly mean no disrespect, but a "gut feeling" >that Ed was telling the truth just won't do. This "gut feeling" wasn't based on an occasional fleeting contact with Ed. And it wasn't just my feeling. It was based on numerous contacts, many of them consisting of many minutes to hours of contact, face to face, or over the phone. If you take the totality of what E produced, not just the 1987-1988 stuff which Black rants about, but everything through 1995 (and some not ever published), one would have to imagine Ed t be a superstar of con men.... able to lie his way out of a cage not onces but dozens of times...a man who culd recall the smallest details of the biggest lies so he could "pass" interviews that occurred as long as years after the events. In all the hundreds of hours of conversation I had with him' he never once indicated any photographic knoweldge other than point and shoot. Oh, yes. He knew how to defocus and focus the camera. Then there is the opion of the "personality professional" Dr. Danielt Ovelade, clinical psychologist. Ed was willing to take a battery of psych tests from Overlade. Then Overlade went through hours of hypnotic regressions with Ed. Overlade probably spent on the order of a hundred hours with Ed (at no charge) and after it was all over stated that (a) Ed was normal and (b) Ed believes what he said about the sightings. This is the most any such testing could prove: that the person is basically honest and that he/she believes in what he/she says. > Now the truth may >be that Ed knows nothing about photography. But you have to >admit that you really can't be sure just by looking at him or by >what he says. If you believe that he is telling the truth about> >his lack of photographic skills, then you might as well take the >plunge and believe that he really saw an extraterrestrial space >craft. If his word is good enough for one statement, then why >not the other? I would agree with your just by looking at him" statement above. However, I didn't make my decision "just by looking at him." In the Gulf Breeze Sightings, page 307, I listed "factors" which I considered. This is a highly abbreviated summary: 1) lots of photos and a video, al of which culd have been hoaxed by someone with the capabiliy and time to devote to hoaxing. I foud no evidence of capability and Ed certainly didn't seem to have the time, even before the investigation started. (He was busy building houses for a living.) Once the investigation started the investigators took up hours of his time (I know this for a fact), and yet he continued to produce UFO photos. Ed was not the only one in his family to report taking UFO photos. France, his (ex)wife took two photos. She was interviewed numerous times. 2) There were non-photographic multiple witness sightings (Ed and Frances, Ed and Frances and the children, Ed and Frances and "Patrick Hanks" a friend 3) The UFO sighting events as reported by Ed and Frances are rich with details. If a hoax it is safest to keep the story as simple as possible (e.g., a big UFO was flying over and I took a picture of it) rather than complex (a big UFO was flying over, I took four pictures, had to go into the house to get more film, took another picture, then walked into the street to get yet another picture looking straight up but suddenly everything turned blue, I heard a humming noise and a voice and saw pictures in my head and noticed the ground was dropping down.. etc,m, etc. and this is just Ed FIRST sighting report) 4) Ed is wealthy.... doesn't need this for money and doesn't need it for te harassment it brings him from UFO investigators. He is well thought of in th community. Hard to imagine that he would decide to pull of a long-duration hoax . thereby taking the chance of being caught and losing all standing in the community. Frances did not like the sightings because of what the reports might do t teir relqationships wth others in the community...hence Ed's official anonymity for several years.... but she never blamed Ed for the sightings. 5) One would expect the hoaxer would resist efforts to uncover the hoax. Ed, however, cooperated with the investigators. In particular, he allowed his camera to be tested by numerous photographers including myself, he carried out numerous tests at my request, including potentially damaging "road shot" experiments and so on. I recall one afternoon and evening we spent trying to duplicate "Frances and the Blue Beam" shot so we could find out if the flash from the camera caused the sleeve of her sweater dress to glow or if that was an effect of the blu beam,. (We did determine that the glow was not caused by the flash). Ed and Frances spent hours at the Road Shot site taking pictures to test the hood reflection theory. Ed built the stereo cameras I asked for. Not reluctantly, as I expected, but with some "gusto". He wanted to be sure it could accurately measure distance. Ed allowed his house to be searched. His personal life was totally researched by the government of Florida AT HIS REQUEST so he could get a pardon for his crime (of car theft and cashing another person's check) when he was19 years old. (Ed was granted a pardon, based on his exemplary life after his 2 year jail term was over. This Florida State justice department investigation INCLUDED an investigation of all the events surrounding his sightings. Had they found evidence of fraud they would not have given him a pardon.) 6 A strange circula area of dead grass was found behind Ed's house in the high school playing field. Had Ed made that circle as part of a hoax, one wuld expect that he would have claimed that it was made by a UFO which he saw hovering over the circle. Instead, afer th circle was discovered the investigators asked Ed if he had seen a UFO over the circle and that incredibly stupid or incredibly brilliant hoaxer said... no. He had seen A UFO over the field (he had reported this earlier UFO sighting before th circle was found) but he had not seen one over the circular area. Here was a gift to the hoaxer, ready to be grabbed, and Ed turned it down! Like I said, if a hoaxer he was either incredibly stupid or incredibly brilliant to deny that he saw a UFO over the dead grass circle. Incidently, that circle was analyzed: no traces of chemicals to kill the grass. It took several years for te grass to return to normal. 7) passed two polygraph tests taken at the suggesion of Budd Hopkins. The second test was a complete surprise to Ed. 8) There were numerous other witnesses in the community who reported seeing similar or identical UFOs. There were five dates starting with November 11, 1987 and ending with March 20, 1988 when other people in Gulf Breeze reported sightings at nearly at the same time as Ed. I wrote as a conclusion: "Considering the large number of sightings by other people in Gulf Breeze it wuold be bizarre, indeed, to reject Ed's sighitngs as a hoax and accept any of the other well-witneses sightings of the same sort of UFO as Ed photographed." ......................... >Moving on, I had offered: >>....a Polaroid is unique among cameras in >>that it's "film gate" (the opening surrounding the actual film) >>is not a fixed part of the camera. Instead, it is part of the >>disposable film cartridge. Therefore, it is possible to attach >>masks to the cartridge that would prevent exposure in the "tree >>area". Additionally, because Polaroids can be processed >>immediately and (most importantly) privately, numerous tests >>could be made to be sure the masking is dead on. Even older >>"wait and peel" Polaroids would allow variations on this >>technique. >To which Bruce responded: >>I must admit that I hadn't thought of a "masked double exposure" >>in which the mask was effectively at the film plane. >Most (non digital) optical effects are achieved in just this >fashion. Fan magazines about the special effects industry are >available by the hundreds that explain just how this is >achieved. The average person would have no difficulty >comprehending the articles and emulating themIn addition, Bruce >offered: >>Of course, >>if you're going to take the film pout of the camera you have >>to be in a dark room... a "darkroom". >Sorry, Bruce, but this is incorrect. If you are using a NEW pack >of SX-70 or One-Step Polaroid film, there is a light tight card >that protects the film. On older "peel and wait" versions, there i>s an opaque wrapping that allows for daylight loading. In >either case, the entire registration could be achieved in bright >daylight, before loading the camera. It would make no difference >at all. Who's sorry? The 108 type film pack is as you claim. Can be loaded in daylight because of the cover over the film..which must be pulled off after the film is loaded. However, photo 1 was not the first picture in the pack. It was the 5th. (The packs had numbers stamped on each picture; pack numbers run 1 - 8, During the investigation we discovered that the pack numbering did not always occur, as if the macine which stamped on the numbers did not always work. But the numbers were clear for Ed's first photos). So there was no opaque cover over the first photo..."photo 1"....which was NOT photo 1 in the pack. Ed's first 5 photos were pack numbers 5, 6, 7, 8 in th first pack he used, then number 1 in a second pack. Incidently, the camera was about 10 years old. >>To continue, I had offered this recipe for deception: >>>1. Lock the camera down on a tripod pointed at the treeline >>>intended for use as the background. Snap off a print and >>>process. >To which Bruce responded: >>No place for a tripod. But for the purpose of argument assume >>that Ed could make the camea rigid on a tripod in some way. >Wrong, again. Most Polaroids had/have tripod sockets in the >bottom (particularly SX-70's). There are a variety of plastic >clip-on mounts that allow for tripod mounting of cheaper >Polaroids that don't. There was no tripod mounting hole.... this was checked. Perhaps there was a plastic clip for that camera, but no one ever produced such a clip. I suppose if I was "wrong" it was in ignoring the plastic clip possibility. However. I nevertheless gave you a "pass" on the possibiltiy of holding on a tripod by pointing out that Ed could have made the camera rigid in some way. >Continuing this saga, I offered the next step: >>2. Using a piece of acetate and a fine tip marker, technical >>pen, fine tip paint brush or other marking tool, trace over the >>area of the tree line that is supposed to pass infront of the >>UFO. A steady hand would not be necessary. In fact, the more >>random the pattern, the better.> >>3. Using the "film gate" as a registration device, tape the >>acetate square over the opening and place in the camera during >>photography of the model. >Bruce responded: >>Probably could get close enough this way. Of course, the real >>problem is the registration (pointing direction) of the camera >>for the second exposure. There is another problem alluded to above. The mask has to be removed before taking the second exposure unless te hoaxer wants zero brightness wherethe tree image is supposed to be. In the actual picture the tree brightness is not zero so in this scenario Ed must have removed the hypothetical mask ...which means opening the camera in the dark (!) since photo 1 was not the first picture in the pack. >>In actuality, I used the reference of a tripod to help simplify >t>he concept. Acceptable registration could easily be achieved >>hand held. Why? Because all one needs to obtain correct <snip> I agree alignment would be possible by eye with practice shots (the first four pictures in the pack?) to get accumstomed to what scene in the viewer corresponds to having the real tree align with the masked area. <snip> >>And Ed managed to take his first >>three pictures in a succession that shows clouds moving at a >>speed and direction consistent with the known weather. That is, >>there were many minutes or many hours between photos. This _should_ have read..."That is, there were _not_ many minutes or many hours between photos." >Actually, since the film pack's advance is easily defeatable, >the camera could literally be loaded with latent images just >waiting for a second exposure. The masking will always line up >since it "goes along for the ride". Well, the mask would have appeared in only one... the first... photo. Then, your idea of preexposing a series of photos, i.e., in this case preexposing pack numbers 5,6,7, and 8 and then #1 of a second pack is questionable. First you would have to figure out how to advance the negative without causing development to occur. In this camera the "film advance" was acomplished by pulling on th film, a procedure which forced th negative and positive material together between rollers. To preexpose would require taking the film pack apart and exposing the negative material alone. That was quite complicated film, as I recall, and I question whether it would be feasible to put it "back together" after exposing just the negative. Unfortunately it has been about ten years since I actually used the camerd and I have used may different types of Polaroid camera, so I'm a little confused as to exactly how that film worked. (It was not the super old double-roll type) But I am sure that the only "adance" was by pulling the film for development after clicking the shutter once (or twice, or a dozen times). If a double exposure hoax, I assumed it wuld have been done by having a model set up ina darkroom, etc. and then Ed would photograph the model (photo 1) with a mask over the left side, run outside and photograph the sky (being careful to align the edge of th masked model with th tree), run inside and pull out the film for developing, then take the second photo of the model, run outside and take the second background picture, then ruin inside and pull the film for developing, then... etc.... running out of film, canging to a new pack, photographing the model, running outside to photograph the background, running inside and pulling out the film for developing... and then collapsing in a chair, figuring 5 mondo UFO photos for the first session ought to be enough to get him rich and famous. >Further, I had offered: >>The other point that Bruce brings up is the matching blur of the >>UFO and the surrounding lights of the background. If they were >>produced separately they would, indeed, be hard to match. On >>the >>other hand, if the master Polaroid were copied on a Polaroid >>copy stand, it would simply be a matter of moving the print or >>the camera during exposure time. This would produce a uniform >>blur on all information within the photo. By careful >>>manipulation of the exposure times and masking, even selected >Bruce's response: >>Yes, yes yes..... all things are possible (?) given enough time, >>experience/capability. equipment, money and desire. >Yeah? Well that's the point, isn't it? Time would be minimal. >Experience would be minimal. Equipment he already had. His >investment is nothing more than the film itself and the model >(which would not have to be big). As far as desire....Well, he >made something happen, didn't he? And investment in the copy stand and investment in the correct lens so that he could properly focus on the composite Polaroid picture. Easy as pie for a pro. >>All this takes photographic sophistication. >Perhaps, if used the "Hyzer method". I maintain that a much >simpler and more predictable method was used; one that Ed or >anyone else could grasp and exploit. Surprising that Hyzer didn't prefer the simpler double exposure method. Perhaps he thought the masked double exposure was too difficult. >>In order to be in >>focus in the final Polaroids it would have been necessary to >>have large prints so that the Polaroid camera could be far >>enough from them to get a good focus. >Again, you are perhaps misinformed about Polaroids. As I >mentioned in a previous posting, Polaroid has always offered a >copystand for their cameras. It comes complete with a close-up >lens for copying other Polaroid prints (that way they can sell >more film!). Is it your assertion that he didn't have one of >these simply because you didn't see it or simply because he said >he didn't have one? Is the information on my check really >correct? Did the man really saw the lady in half? (just >kidding). No doubt there is equipment, possibly even for that poor excuse for a camera, which would have been used. It is true that no one ever found such equipment, no one ever came forth to say he/she saw Ed ever having or using such equipment in the years before or after the sightings (or during the sighting period). Could he have hidden it? Sure. But unless you assume that he bought it specifically for the UFO hoax and never used it before in a casual way and never showed it to anyone (or swore his family to secrecy) it makes little sense to say he knew enough to use a copy stand and appropriate lenses. Actually all he needed was th appropriate lens, since he presumably held the camera by hend to get the appropriate jiggle. >Again, there's nothing you can do if he intended to deceive. IF >his intent was thus, then investigators would not find models, >photographic equipment or anything else laying around. Any >conclusions from such personal observations or "searches" would >be false. He would have to deceive everyone for a long time. No slips when house searches took place. Wife and kids don't know. Friends don' know. And, all this takes TIME...but Ed was still responsible for building houses during these sightings. The road shot event occurred as he was traveling to a job site to photograph the electrical work for his records. >Finally, Bruce wrote: >>Few people are aware these days of all the argumentation that .>>went on endlessly from 1988 through 1992 or so and then >>continued sporadically over the years. There's hardly a thing >>discussed now that wasn't discussed way back when.> >Really? Seemed pretty fresh to me.... You got a lot of catching up to do. The only new idea was putting the mask inside the camera and now your suggestion of a transparency on a piece of glass with the surrounding blacked out instead of a 3D model. Look, the bottom line is, as I said before the 37 photos (last three stereo pairs, and this includes 10 Nimslo photos that were largely -- but not exactly-- redundant) could have been faked given enough time, desire, money and photographic capability. No one ever produced conclusive evidence that Ed had any of these except $$$. Moreover, Ed cooperated fully with the investigators. If a hoaxer he was the ultimate in self confidence and chutzpah.... yet never gave any evidence of that in his attitude toward the sightings events. But these sightings are a lot more than photos. And there were sightings with no photos,. If a hoax Ed could have arranged to have photos for every sighting. I have said before and will sa again, te photos might not prove the sightings (a photo a UFO does not make) but they also don't disprove the sightings. If you ignore the photos there still is a lot of information which must be explained if this is all a hoax.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case From: Paul C. WIlliams <paulw@escape.com> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:23:27 -0300 Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 16:01:18 -0400 Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 20:19:22 -0400 >>Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 22:07:32 -0500 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >>Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >>>The fact that McLaughlin wasn't a member of a polygrapher's >>>association doesn't mean he wasn't a capable person. >>Bruce, >>Alternatively, it doesn't mean he was, either. In fact, it >>raises several doubts about both his seriousness and his >>professionalism. >Dennis won't believe I say this with perfect neutrality, but I >do. Are most polygraphers (polygraphists?) members of this >organization? For instance, I'm not a member of the Music >Critic's Association. Doesn't mean spit. >Maybe a dentist who doesn't belong to the proper professional >group is, well, not very professional. But polygraph operators? >Let's have a reality check. Does anyone know about this? All, A Polygraph test is not admissible evidence in court. Of this I am aware. I've taken a polygraph in the past for a job. Lied all the way through, and got offered the job which I declined. Polygraph works if the person taking the test believes in the test. Very akin to belief in UFOs eh? --- Greg, remember when we had that wonderful time talking with Linda Cortile, Bud Hopkins, John Velez and Euginea Macer Story up at WBAI a few years back. Well you can relive that wonderful evening. I've placed the real audio file of our chat on my site. Check out the Experiencers file. Thanks. Paul Williams Executive Producer UFO Desk WBAI NY http://www.anomalies.net/~ufodesk

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 Re: Get Real From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 19:04:53 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 16:09:29 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 23:38:04 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>And while I'm at it, did anyone ever think that maybe Mr. >>Firmage's meeting was private because it was industry-related to >>his current non-UFO ventures, like computers, ecommerce and all >>that 90's stuff business people today get involved in? He's >>Mormon (reliable) and has always given us a hint of something in >>the works, and I think he would've done so if this 'meeting' >>were related to his UFO involvement. And no, I'm not a JF >>groupie. I stand behind anyone in this field, except when the >>contradictions start pouring out of 'em. >What does Mr. Firmage have to do with this thread? You seem >very confused, Sue. >Amy Many of the threads on this list have stemmed from other threads on this list because people have the tendency to want to change the subject when the thread they are responding to is going nowhere or there is no more information available or it happens unintentionally. Take a look at Max Burns for instance. Jenny Randles and Roy Hale have taken it completely off the main path. I see no problem with this, nor do other people so it does not make me confused, unless of course we are all confused. How many times do you see in the Subject: [Was: XXXXXXXX]? The reason I brought up Firmage was because you were the one who responded to a message on this list regarding his 'meeting' and 'the secret sources' . By the way, you didn't answer any of my questions regarding your investigation. Why is that? (rhetorical question). Perhaps your answers would 'confuse' me? In your message to Dave Bowden: >Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 23:36:36 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 18:26:24 +0000 >>From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real You said: >The main witness I inteviewed never quite believed she had been >"abducted by space aliens". In fact, the witnesses in the house, >being of Hispanic descent, first thought the beings they >encountered were demons or devils. Perhaps I _am_ confused. I thought you said in a previous message, "the woman had been abducted all her life". Are you talking about the same person here? Would you be so kind to clarify this for me (and perhaps the list) so I'm not 'confused'. Regards, Sue

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 Re: MoD Lessens Scope Of Pope's X-Files Work From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 00:41:07 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 16:26:47 -0400 Subject: Re: MoD Lessens Scope Of Pope's X-Files Work >Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 03:02:09 >To: updates@globalserve.net >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Subject: MoD Lessens Scope Of Pope's X-Files Work >Source: James Easton on 'alt.alien.visitors'. >Stig >*** >From: "James Easton" <voyager@ukonline.co.uk> >Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors >Subject: Ministry Do Not Investigate 'X-Files' >Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 14:36:09 +0100 >_Ministry Do Not Investigate 'X-Files'_ >Contrary to the public statements made by Nick Pope, a senior >Civil Servant with the Ministry of Defence (MoD), the Ministry >have never investigated a case of 'alien abduction', crop >circles or 'animal mutilation by aliens'. >AND THAT'S OFFICIAL! Hi, As I have pointed out on previous postings, there are several key things you have to remember here. 1: The Air Staff office always has been mainly clerical. I reported the amount of time per week spent by Nick Pope's predecessors on UFO matters - as I learned this direct from them at the time. It was a couple of hours a week at most. All they did was answer letters and file report forms. No investigation even to the Blue Book level occurred - such as follow up with witnesses on site, very rarely even phone interviews - and I have MoD letters l970 onwards expressing their policy. This said that it did not involve actual research into cases - for instance to seek possible explanations. They established there was no defence threat (eg a radar intrusion into UK airspace) and then dropped all interest. 2: This was presumably Nick Pope's official remit, but equally obviously his own adoption of the job was different. He spent more time and effort due to his personal interest and I suspect maybe did this in extra hours beyond those involved in his MoD role. As such it is not unreasonable to perceive him as more than a clerical officer in this desk job - as he himself seems to do - because he did investigate cases above and beyond the MoD job description. As BUFORA Director of Investigations during much of his tenure I often had dealings with him and saw him work with my team. He offered far more support than we have ever had before or since. There is no question he was using resources at his disposal to do partial case investigations and help UFOlogists in this regard. So whatever the MoD say about this Nick was doing UFO investigation - often in concert with UFOlogists. 3: Although the MoD will say they have never investigated crop circles and abductions thats part of their policy statement on UFOs and means they did not spend money or use technology to do so. It does not mean one particularly zealous MoD officer did not personally do this sort of thing. I know from first hand Nick did probe crop circles and offered data on certain facts and figures in that regard. So the MoD are right to say they did not research this topic, but wrong if you infer from it that Nick himself never could have done so whilst in the office. 4: You also have to remember that the MoD UFO work is more than Air Staff 2A (see my article on this topic in International UFO Reporter). We have cast iron documented proof that departments such as DI 55 and DSTI have investigated UFO cases on site, via witness interrogations and analysis work. Nick's UFO Desk was a public interface and little more. It was not the sole hub of whatever research the MoD may or may not be doing into UFOs. That also occurred at science, technology and intelligence units. 5: The MoD in the l990's released several letters to ufologists (myself included) . These had personal details excluded (but I had investigated two of the cases myself so could put names to the witnesses). These were alien contact/abduction reports submitted to the MoD. From what I have discovered these witnesses were never contacted by the MoD - thus confirming their stance on non research into the matter. I also strongly suspect that Nick Pope never did follow these up. I base this on the fact that I find it highly improbable Nick would have risked the credibility of his work or his book as the media would have had a field day with one of these MoD abduction reports in particular if they had tracked it to source. Although not obvious from the letter from the witness, five minutes talking to this 'abductee' would have established to any MoD officer and certainly to any journalist that this was a tough story to take seriously. I made no effort to 'show up' Nick - of course - by playing the media the taped interview I made with this 'MoD witness' in which he reports an elf on his wardrobe, the battle against the hairy mailbox aliens, the intelligent birds that flew him to safety after a ray-gun battle fought at a local picnic spot, the intergalactic war in which his alien pal was killed, and the awful truth about a local supermarket that had been taken over by aliens. What is pretty obvious from such things is that the MoD received letters from abductees or people who had stories to tell them but not even Nick investigated the data behind them. At least I trust the MoD didn't do any follow up of such a case and simply failed to spot the back story to the saga referred to above. That would give even the most fervent ETH supporter reason to be cautious and if the MoD failed to detect it after any actual investigation it hardly augurs well for their abilities to make discrimatory tactical analysis. So lets hope they are true to their word and have never investigated abduction stories. But they certainly received them and filed them. Anyhow, as you can see its not quite as simple as James suggests. This is a complex issue. Incidentally, I heard Nick on national radio the other day describe his work as the most interesting job in the country (one of his predecessors described it to me differently as a chore dealing with the strange people that wrote to them each day) Nick also reported interest already from sources comsidering the making of a movie out of his serious UFO novel, Operation Thunderchild and (I think as a joke) how he not only wanted to help produce it to restrain any Americanisation tendancies that might arise but also perhaps to be in it. So after Nick Pope X Files desk man, UFOlogist, investigative reporter, and now novelist, Nick Pope the movie star may soon be upon us. One wonders at what point the MoD will regard these sidelines as a distraction to his day job. Hopefully never. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 Re: Colorado Professor To Present Seminar On From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 02:01:05 Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 16:28:25 -0400 Subject: Re: Colorado Professor To Present Seminar On Source: Lincoln Journal Star, http://www.journalstar.com/archives/101899/lif/sto13 Stig *** Colorado professor to present seminar on extraterrestrials The Harvard-Radcliffe Club of Nebraska will present a seminar by Professor Bruce Jakosky on Sunday from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Kiewit Conference Center at Mahoney State Park. Jakosky's presentation is called "The Truth Is Out There: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life." The event is designed for students who may have some interest in attending Harvard University or are particularly interested in Jakosky's presentation. There is no charge for students to attend, but reservations are required. Reservations may be made by calling (877) 268-9348 or by e-mailing harvardne.hotmail. Jakosky, who holds a doctorate, is a professor in the Department of Geological Sciences and the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado at Boulder. His research interests include the geology of planetary surfaces, the evolution of the Martian atmosphere and climate and the potential for life on Mars and elsewhere. He has been involved with the Viking, Solar Mesosphere Explorer, Clementine, Mars Observer, Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Surveyor 2001 Orbiter missions. He also heads the University of Colorado's participation in the NASA Astrobiology Institute. His book, "The Search for Life on Other Planets," was published in 1998 by the Cambridge University Press. Copyright � 1999, Lincoln Journal Star. All rights reserved. This content may not be archived or used for commercial purposes without written permission from the Lincoln Journal Star. 926 P Street Lincoln NE 68508 402 475-4200 feedback@journalstar.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 'The Abduction Enigma' From: Thiago Ticchetti <thiagolt@opengate.com.br> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 15:03:32 -0200 Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 16:31:22 -0400 Subject: 'The Abduction Enigma' I don't know if it is allow in this list, but I would like to let you know about this book by Mr. Kevin Randle. I just received it, and I read a bit, but It's fantastic and very controversial. To be a good ufologist we must keep our minds open, we must see what anybody else can see. So have a look in this little briefing about this book, then, if you get interested read all the book, I'm sure that you will see how fantastic is the UFO Phenomena. * Look, I'm getting no money from Mr. Randle, I'm just giving my opinion. The Abduction Enigma, by Kevin Randle. Is alien abduction real, or are the answers to it's legacy buried in the human psyche? Do we now have the knowledge to understand the forces behind abdution, or are we still stubling in the dark? Finally the evidence to answer these questions has been uncovered. Kevin D. Randle, Russ Estes and Dr. Willian P. Cone have been breaking new ground in the study of the UFOs for the past twenty-five years. Among them, they have expertise in military aviation, a doctorate in psychology, and fisrthand alien contact. Combining thousands of hours of taped interviews with abductees with an overview of the aliens in world mythology and culture, The Abduction Enigma reveals the full story behind the chilling testemonies, examining such controversial issues as: - scars, implants, and the theft of unborn children - hypnosis and recovered memories - parallels between pop culture and abdution phenomena - startling sexual motivation behind many of today's abductions. The pieces of the alien puzzle are finally falling into place. ANd the full picture is much more complex and incredible than anyone suspected. THIAGO LUIZ TICCHETTI Diretor Do Departamento de Publicao e Traduo Especializadas ( DEPTE - EBE-ET / Brasilia-Brasil) Director of the Publication Department and Specialized Translation ICQ - 35119615 http://www.ebe-et.com.br ************************* MAKE THE CHANGE ***************************

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 Re: Santilli Film Stills? From: James Easton <voyager@ukonline.co.uk> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 03:32:27 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 16:55:15 -0400 Subject: Re: Santilli Film Stills? Regarding: >Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 11:08:55 +0000 >From: Philip Mantle - QUEST <pmquest@dial.pipex.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Santilli Film Stills? Philip wrote: >Dear all, >I wonder could you possibly be of some assistance. I am trying to >obtain hard copy prints of some stills taken from the Santilli >film, not the autopsy section, but the debris film instead. I did >have copies but these were loaned out and never returned. >The stills I am interested in are the 'markings' or 'lettering' >on the wreckage in the debris film. Philip, I have one of the 'debris' stills showing these erm... 'Marcel hieroglyphics'... and have uploaded it to: http://web.ukonline.co.uk/voyager/debris.jpg Those of us who can remember the 'alien autopsy' story and how the most impressive and tangible 'ET' evidence ever seen asked such searching questions, might recall that obvious candidates for hoaxing said footage were John Lundberg and Rod Dickinson. Renowned, they are, as artistic impressionists in fields of corn. John especially had experience in model making and for other reasons, which I won't go into, achieved top of the 'suspects' list. Innocent or otherwise, I'm sure he would be suitably amused. A query I haven't had time to raise before now; can it possibly be confirmed we merely have a notable coincidence if I point out that a 'John Lundberg' was responsible for the 'mechanical effects' in subsequent films 'Alien Resurrection' and 'Men In Black' - see respectively: http://www.alien-resurrection.com/digizine/makingof/b_credits.html and http://www.microserve.net/~dinov/cast.htm This 'John Lundberg' is employed by 'Cinovation Studios' in the US. I don't know if he's ever trampled a field of corn and duly become an alien visitor. James. E-mail: voyager@ukonline.co.uk

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 McDill AFB 1967 From: Brian Cuthbertson <brianc@fc.net> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 21:25:47 -0500 (CDT) Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 16:57:44 -0400 Subject: McDill AFB 1967 Folks, Just recieved the following post below from the CSETI group. Is anyone outside of CSETI familar with the McDill incident noted therein? Just curious, -Brian C. ============================================================= Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:08:28 -0700 From: "A.J. Craddock" <webmaster@cseti.org> Subject: Global Warming Have just put up a new video on the CSETI Website which includes an interview with Base Newspaper Editor Jack Pickett who, with his friend, saw four flying saucers parked at McDill AFB in 1967, and the briefing the base Adjutant General gave him about the space flying capabilities of the craft. There is more and more solid evidence such as this that anti-gravity craft using free (zero-point) energy have been operated by terrestrial powers since the 1950s and 1960s - leading one to wonder why we are still forced to use polluting fossil fuels in the non-covert world. This, of course, is why CSETI is pressing so hard for Congress to hold open hearings on the issue. A reminder.....1998 was the hottest year on record due to global warming, and a two-mile ice core extracted from 1992-98 by a U.S.-Russian-French team at Russia's Vostok research station in the Antarctic, the coldest spot on Earth, show that heat-trapping greenhouse gases are at their highest levels in the last 420,000 years. Have YOU written to your Congressional representative to request open hearings on the UFO issue? No-one will upset the status quo without public pressure..........and the nuclear power industry is sitting in the wings waiting. Regards Tony Craddock Web Administrator CSETI <http://www.cseti.org>http://www.cseti.org

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 Missile Intercept Mistaken as UFO? From: Blair Cummins <ufoblair@hotmail.com> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 19:33:56 PDT Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 16:58:56 -0400 Subject: Missile Intercept Mistaken as UFO? Greetings list - From: http://www.abqjournal.com/news/1UFO10-19-99.htm Missile Intercept Apparently Mistaken as UFO The Associated Press GALLUP, N.M. -- An unidentified flying object sighted from the Gallup area may now be identified. Jennifer Canaff of the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization has told the Gallup Independent that a missile launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base on the California coast coincided with the time a UFO sighting was reported by Navajo tribal officials and others, at 8 p.m. Oct. 2. It was a historic launch from Vandenberg -- the first successful intercept of a ballistic missile warhead, Canaff said. A Minuteman-2 missile was the target. And before its warhead re-entered Earth's atmosphere, an interceptor rocket destroyed the Minuteman over the Pacific Ocean. Vandenberg officials say they're told the launch was seen by people as far away as Iowa. --- Best regards, - Blair Cummins ufoblair@hotmail.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 22:28:32 -0500 Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 17:00:57 -0400 Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 20:19:22 -0400 >>Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 22:07:32 -0500 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >>Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >>>The fact that McLaughlin wasn't a member of a polygrapher's >>>association doesn't mean he wasn't a capable person. >>Bruce, >>Alternatively, it doesn't mean he was, either. In fact, it >>raises several doubts about both his seriousness and his >>professionalism. >Dennis won't believe I say this with perfect neutrality, but I >do. Are most polygraphers (polygraphists?) members of this >organization? For instance, I'm not a member of the Music >Critic's Association. Doesn't mean spit. Which may beg the question: Which organizations _are_ you a member of, and why? >Maybe a dentist who doesn't belong to the proper professional >group is, well, not very professional. But polygraph operators? >Let's have a reality check. Does anyone know about this? Greg, My simple point was: most people professing expertise in a particular area tend to inflate (in the best sense) their resume in order to attract business. A writer has his previous clips, etc. What you dodged was the issue of how this particular polygrapher got found (if that's the word) in the first place. Let's say I've got some land and would like to know whether or not there's oil underneath same. A logical approach might be to do a web search for a US Seismological Association in hopes that they could point me to a local _accredited_ seismologist or geologist. Surely nothing wrong with that. Or, presumably, I could take my chances with any old seismologist, be he or she a "capable person" or not -- and how, incidentally, would a layman _know_, if not by professional association and accreditation? So whether you belong to the Music Critic's Association or not doesn't mean spit. Just as it probably doesn't mean spit whether or not you belong to a union in New York City and would like to play a cello in an orchestra for a living. Right? Right. My point stands: most serious professionals in any field join those societies and organizations that in turn support the individual practictioner and keep he or she informed of the latest developments and advances in their respective area of alleged expertise. I'm not saying that because the polygrapher Walters chose didn't belong to any such association that he is by definition an incompetent. Just that I would have felt better if he had been accredited (in which case he might have submitted an article to his society's journal for publication and/or peer review, etc). And I still wonder how he got found to begin with. Anything wrong with that? Dennis

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 Re: RPIT Salutes Neil Morris For Roswell Crash From: Rick Goldsmith <rgoldsm@synapse.net> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 23:40:57 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 17:03:23 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT Salutes Neil Morris For Roswell Crash >From: James Bond Johnson <JBONJO@aol.com >Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 17:36:43 EDT >Subject: RPIT Salutes Neil Morris For Roswell Crash Discoveries >To: updates@globalserve.net >For spectacular and meritorious discoveries which have >dramatically unlocked half century old secrets associated with >the crash of an unidentified flying object near Roswell, NM in >the summer of 1947, the international Roswell Photo >Interpretation Team (RPIT) has rendered its special salute to >Neil Morris, senior photo interpretation specialist! <snip> >The RPIT discoveries have been posted on the Internet >individually by various RPIT members. The Roswell Event findings >of Morris can be viewed by downloading: >File: rdbg8clp.jpg (108255 bytes) >DL Time (48000 bps): < 1 minute >and at >Roswell and Alien Autopsy Archive-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ . >and >http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ftw-pics/index.htm >http://www.ufomind.com/people/j/johnsonj/ 'Very interesting picture although it's provenance seems a little sketchy at present. This is what I managed to glean from the accompanying text. I would like to know if you can ascertain from the higher quality (October) copy if the good General is poking the debris with a stick or something. Is he touching it with his bare hand? It is not apparent in the full-scene picture that is posted at the site I visited. Are there any plans to post the full-sized picture in the clearer format or is the small clip all we can expect for now? I feel this detail (hand or stick?) though circumstantial, is worth pondering. Cheers, Richard Goldsmith

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 Re: MoD Lessens Scope Of Pope's X-Files Work From: royjhale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 17:15:33 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 17:06:54 -0400 Subject: Re: MoD Lessens Scope Of Pope's X-Files Work >>Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 03:02:09 >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >>Subject: MoD Lessens Scope Of Pope's X-Files Work >>Source: James Easton on 'alt.alien.visitors'. >>Stig >*** >>From: "James Easton" <voyager@ukonline.co.uk> >>Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors >>Subject: Ministry Do Not Investigate 'X-Files' >>Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 14:36:09 +0100 >>_Ministry Do Not Investigate 'X-Files'_ >>Contrary to the public statements made by Nick Pope, a senior >>Civil Servant with the Ministry of Defence (MoD), the Ministry >>have never investigated a case of 'alien abduction', crop >>circles or 'animal mutilation by aliens'. >>AND THAT'S OFFICIAL! Hi all, What amazes me and a few others I know, that is certain people are willing to accept anything the government say about not investigating UFOs/Alien abductions etc., when half the time no-one believes anything the government throws out, National Health Service [UK] statistics & unemployment figures included or is this the only subject that the government always come clean with? Roy.. Keep Smiling..

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 Re: Get Real From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 01:22:50 -0500 Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 17:08:30 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >From: Sharon Kardol <sharon@hotmix.com.au> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 09:59:13 +0800 >Thanks for admitting that Amy. But I have yet to scoff at >anything. Since when is talking about a case considered >scoffing? If people don't ask questions and simply accept the >facts blindly, we'll never get to the truth about anything. Yes, asking questions is important. What I have noted is that no one has asked the questions that a skilled researcher would ask. There are many pieces of information - in this case and the photographs as presented on my web site - that no one has even mentioned. Those who know what they are looking at would be asking the necessary questions by now. A good researcher would take note of these aspects not to debunk or ridicule but simply to inquire and file in their data base for comparisons with other cases. There is no way to prove a case real or false simply by reading the details on a web site and viewing scanned versions of photographs. >What I did say however, was the neighbour was called >in specifically to take photos of this encounter and the glass >door was left closed. Whoa. That is not what happened. The neighbor was not called in to specifically take photos. The neighbor was called to come help - if she could - since by that time the family thought maybe the beings resembled "aliens" more than "demons" and the only person they knew who studied phenomena was their neighbor. The neighbor, "Jill", brought her camera as an after thought in case she might catch something on film - as she had been trying to do in her own encounters. The door was _not_ "left closed" deliberately, "Jill" arrived and nervously started snapping pictures as soon as she arrived because "Cathy" was pointing to the back yard and "Jill" just started snapping pictures. A few minutes later, "Jill" and "Cathy's" sister gained enough courage to go into the back yard together to see if they could see anything in the dark. "Jill" also snapped pictures while in the back yard and odd images did show up such as two bright red lights about a foot above the ground as well as other images that have yet to be analyzed and studied. Though neither "Jill" nor "Cathy's" sister saw anything while in the yard, "Cathy" - who remained in the house - could see a being standing by the swing set that would move away every time "Jill" and the sister approached it. Now, allowing the circumstances described above and the information in the article to be possible - for just a moment - think of the implications contained in the information. There are several bits of information that may have come together to create a unique situation in which these images became visible in the photographs. As I said before, there are more details to this case yet to be presented. But since no one seems interested enough to ask pertinent questions or is too busy criticizing the state of the sliding glass door, I will share the rest at a later date through another median. There is a wealth of information in this case if one stops to analyze the data rather than spending more time debating why the witnesses did or did not open the sliding glass door. These were real people experiencing real fear in the face of unknowns they could not explain. I met and talked with the witnesses - in person - so I remember the terror in their voices and the shock they experienced and continue to experience. Until I investigated this case, I wasn't sure if abductions were really happening and I certainly _did not_ believe the stories about "reptilian" beings. In fact, I don't think I will ever totally accept the idea of "reptilian" beings abducting people until I see one in conscious, waking awareness up close and in person (not something I really care to do). For now, it's just too hard for me to stretch my paradigms that far. But I know something happened to those witnesses on the nights in question and whatever it was, it really happened. Over the years since learning of this case, I have spent many hours debating in my own mind whether it was real or not. There were events that occurred while I was investigating the case that are extremely hard for me to accept even though I experienced them myself. I don't know how to explain what it feels like to be empirically oriented and come face-to-face with phenomena that defies explanation. I am basically the type who believes if you can't put something under a microscope and measure it, then it does not exist. Yet I cannot deny the phenomena I and others have personally witnessed. I know how hard it is for people to accept the phenomena that surrounds us especially if you don't see it or experience it in person. How do you explain a reality we have been programmed to deny since the early '50's? How do you remain a "healthy skeptic" yet open minded enough to consider all possibilities? It's a difficult balance. Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 Where is Japan's "Planet-B" Mars Probe? From: Ignatius Graffeo <Ufoseek@aol.com> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 08:09:14 EDT Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 17:57:01 -0400 Subject: Where is Japan's "Planet-B" Mars Probe? On July 4, 1998 when Pathfinder landed on Mars, Japan launched their PLANET-B Nozomi (means hope) to Mars. It was supposed to arrive in Mars orbit earlier this month, and send back pictures. Here is the original Reuters story: Japan Probe Heads For Mars With All Systems Go http://www.ufoseek.org/News/Japmars2.htm Japan's official Planet B website (still online, but seems to have been abandoned) http://www.planet-b.isas.ac.jp/index-e.html There have been no updates there since Dec. 25, 1998!! I don't recall hearing any subsequent announcements about the mission, good or bad. Maybe I missed something. What happened to it? It seems a bit strange nothing has been said about this mission for well over a year. I have sent an e-mail inquiry from their website ( yyoshida@stp.isas.ac.jp ) Anyone who has information about this please contact Ufoseek@aol.com Naz http://www.ufoseek.org

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 RPIT More New Findings From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 13:35:33 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:20:36 -0400 Subject: RPIT More New Findings [Images are not posted to the UpDates Archive - subscription has its advantages -- ebk] All on UpDates, If Errol will indulge me yet again<g>, I'd like to share with you a recent finding which might just be classed as "a smoking gun" in the Roswell case. I realise some on this list have concluded that the RPIT project is nothing more than a wild goose chase reading symbols into "smuge" marks etc, but I hope the attached image will even make these people stop and think. The image is taken from a recently aquired reproduction of one of the "lost" negative what we refer to as the RameyDubose(Grim) shot. The UTA library only holds the sister shot to this image, it's the one that has the Ramey Message in view. The newly aquired print is not in as great a detail as the UTA prints and has had some cropping which is a pity as some of the cropped image area holds further "interesting" debris!. Refering to the attachment, I'd firstly like to draw your attention to items A and B these appear to show the edge of a large _and_ _thick_ piece of metalic debris partially covered by foil sheet C. This debris is far thicker than anything else we have seen and at a guess (looking at the carpet pattern) it could be up to 1/2 an inch thick. For another comparison look at the foil type debris at points D and D'(top right). I cannot resolve this large piece of debris in any way with the standard explanations, I have also tried to "find" it in the other better resolution UTA print and at the moment have to conclude that most of it in these images is covered by foil sheets except for a piece of "odd" debris spotted early on which was dubbed "the moulding", images of this from the MarcelRight shot can be found for comparison at: http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ftw-pics/earlywrk.htm Looking at this image some may think this is nothing more than "camera shake/movement" generating the "edge". Playing devil's advocate when I first spotted this feature I too tried to run with this, _but_ camera shake would "smudge" the whole negative, as it has done with the UTA MarcelLeft shot, look again at the attachment image, items D and D' are perfectly clean "thin" edges and yet A and B show the "thick" edge, this is _not_ camera shake. Ok did the metal move?, fine details on the debris in question show no blur, so it didn't, I'm left with the conclusion that this _is_ a large piece of aprox 1/2 inch thick material which is totally at odds with anything contained in the "usual" explanations for the debris. I'm not saying it's ET at this point, but as sure as hell it's _not_ MOGUL. A final thought, I find it interesting that this debris is in clear view in one of the two photographs were the original negatives have been "lost", I only hope a copy might have been made of the other and it might yet turn up, I wonder if it too might have had "interesting" debris in full view. Best Regards Neil. -- * * * * * * * * Neil Morris. /101101101 Virtual Bumper Stickers Inc 10110101010\ Dept of Physics. 1 1 Univ of Manchester 0 0 Schuster Labs. 1 Computer Programmers DO IT with BITS of BYTES 1 Brunswick St. 0 0 Manchester. 1 1 UK. \0101010110010110110010110101101011011110101011010/ G8KOQ E-mail: neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk Roswell and Alien Autopsy Archive-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ Dave Willetts Home Page-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/dave_willetts/ Mike Sterling Home Page-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/mike-s/ Tim Morgan Home Page -> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/tim-m/ * * * * * * * *

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 Correction: Where is Japan's "Planet-B" Mars Probe? From: Ignatius Graffeo <Ufoseek@aol.com> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 08:41:02 EDT Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:22:48 -0400 Subject: Correction: Where is Japan's "Planet-B" Mars Probe? Pathfinder landed on Mars on July 4, "1997", not 1998. Please remove reference to Pathfinder in any re-postings. No connection with the launch of the Planet B probe on July 4, 1998. Ufoseek Corrected Copy: On July 4, 1998 Japan launched their PLANET-B Nozomi (means hope) to Mars. It was supposed to arrive in Mars orbit earlier this month, and send back pictures. Here is the original Reuters story: Japan Probe Heads For Mars With All Systems Go http://www.ufoseek.org/News/Japmars2.htm Japan's official Planet B website (still online, but seems to have been abandoned) http://www.planet-b.isas.ac.jp/index-e.html There have been no updates there since Dec. 25, 1998!! I don't recall hearing any subsequent announcements about the mission, good or bad. Maybe I missed something. What happened to it? It seems a bit strange nothing has been said about this mission for well over a year. I have sent an e-mail inquiry from their website ( yyoshida@stp.isas.ac.jp ) Anyone who has information about this please contact Ufoseek@aol.com Naz http://www.ufoseek.org

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 Re: Geller On Nazi Saucers From: Maurizio Verga <mverga@wolf.it> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 14:50:33 +0200 (CEST) Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:24:05 -0400 Subject: Re: Geller On Nazi Saucers >From: GT McCoy <gtmccoy@harborside.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Geller On Nazi Saucers >Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 21:43:28 -0700 Hi Folks! The Times article does NOT reflect my thinking about the so-called "Nazi UFOs" legends at all. Anybody can visit my site at http://www.ufo.it/german and realize that. Besides the sensational claims needed by columnists, the historical truth is something really different. Maurizio Verga

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 20 The Legend Of The Piri Reis Map From: Erol Erkmen <andromeda@mail.koc.net> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:56:00 +0300 Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:26:54 -0400 Subject: The Legend Of The Piri Reis Map "Strangely accurate maps were circulating around Europe at the time of Columbus" Let us take a trip into some periods of the past. The first stop on this trip will be Turkey thirty years ago. The first quarter of the present century shows Turkey at the end of the War of Independence, and the Republic established by Kemal Ataturk (1923). The Turkish Republic, now thirty years old, was founded on the remains of another Turkish state, the Ottoman Empire (1299-1923). For the second stop let us take the year 1929. Let us go into the Palace of Topkapi of the Ottoman Sultans, situated on one of the most beautiful spots of Istanbul called Sarayburnu. The palace, which consists of various buildings, each surrounded by vast gardens, testifies to the different characteristics of the Ottoman period. The Turkish Republican Government decided to turn this palace into a museum. Discovery of the map of America In the process of classifying the numerous articles in the buildings, Mr. Halil Edhem, Director of the National Museums, discovered a map* (9 Nov.1929) till then unknown in the world of science. Upon hearing of this discovery of the oldest map of America Ataturk showed great interest in the matter. He asked for the map to be brought to Ankara, studied it and ordered it to be published as it stood and to be submitted to scholarly research. To study this map for the first time with Ataturk was an immense thrill. It had been drawn hundreds of years ago on a roe-skin, with various coloured illustrations and writings on it. As I held it in my hands, I felt as if I were living in the long forgotten past. My emotions are twcnty-four years old now, but let us, with the same national and scholarly pride, take a glimpse into the period when this map was drawn and into the history of the man who had drawn it. This is one of the oldest and yet most perfect maps of America, drawn by a Turkish admiral. Now, if you do not mind being centuries old for a few minutes, come with mc to the XVI th century. In this third stop our journey suddenly covers a vast ground. The Legend of the Piri Reis Map http://members.tripod.com/~ufolojist/pri.html

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 21 Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case From: Jim Mortellarko <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 12:18:27 EDT Fwd Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 08:05:07 -0400 Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 20:19:22 -0400 >>Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 22:07:32 -0500 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >>Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >>>The fact that McLaughlin wasn't a member of a polygrapher's >>>association doesn't mean he wasn't a capable person. >>Bruce, >>Alternatively, it doesn't mean he was, either. In fact, it >>raises several doubts about both his seriousness and his >>professionalism. >Dennis won't believe I say this with perfect neutrality, but I >do. Are most polygraphers (polygraphists?) members of this >organization? For instance, I'm not a member of the Music >Critic's Association. Doesn't mean spit. >Maybe a dentist who doesn't belong to the proper professional >group is, well, not very professional. But polygraph operators? >Let's have a reality check. Does anyone know about this? >Greg Sandow I do. I received one of my numerous PhD's in Polygamy and I can say for a certainty, that most polygamists are polygraphers. Of course this means that polygraphers cannot be trusted as mates. However, since they are all (or mostly all) polygamists, they oughta be quite professional at being married to lotsa women. Cogito, ergo, anyone who can hang out with lotsa women and survive the experience, cannot be believed. As a result, they are not only not organized, but they have no organization. Finally, anyone who decides to test a UFO experiencer of any kind, is a nutcase anyway. Which means that most all of us except Dennis are nuts. The floor is yours, Dennis. Are you on it? J. Jaime Gesundt, Bigapoligamist and dying of thirst

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 21 ATIC History Update #3 From: Wendy Connors <ProjectSign@email.msn.com> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 11:14:57 -0600 Fwd Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 08:10:40 -0400 Subject: ATIC History Update #3 The following is from page 42 of the official ATIC history for the first half of 1953: Stereo Cameras. One hundred stereo cameras with spectroscopic gratings were procured for use in conjunction with Project Blue Book and have been under test for the past six months. Much difficulty was encountered in establishing a reliable shelf-life of the gratings. All seemed to deteriorate rapidly after they had been mounted to the camera. This project was turned over to Battelle memorial Institute for further study and evaluation. Seventy-three of these cameras were transferred to the Technical Analysis Division from where they were shipped to areas where sightings of aerial phenomena have been reported most frequently. End of Section. The following is from the official ATIC History for 1 January 1952 to 30 June 1952, pages 73-74, inclusive: EVALUATION OF REPORTS OF UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL OBJECTS - Project Blue Book (Project No. 10073) (Init, 15 Aug 51; ECD, Cont.; Auth, CO, ATIC; Req by: D/I, USAF; PM, Capt E. J. Ruppelt) This project, in progress for approximately four years, involves the investigation and evaluation of reports of unidentified aerial objects. To date, approximately 900 reports have been received by the Air Force. Recent articles in LIFE, LOOK, and TIME magazines have caused an increase in letters to the public. Ablut [sic] 250 letters were received during May and June 1952. These reports have been filed and cross-indexed so that the maximum amount of data can be utilized. This cross-indexing breaks down the sightings according to color, shape, location, date, etc. It is estimated that about 20 percent of the reports cannot be explained by any proven theory, or by identifying the objects as balloons, aircraft, meteors, or known natural phenomena; however, the remaining 80 percent of the reports can be explained in various degrees of probability. The problem of unidentified aerial objects has been presented to various Air Force agencies in briefings. In most cases the briefing was given to familiarize the groups with the project and to enlist their aid or advice. ADC has put all available radar scope cameras on a 24-hour operational basis. A special electronics questionaire has been sent out to all comera-equipped stations. This questionaire will be completed and forwarded to ATIC with the scope photos. Certain portions of the project have been declassified so that the press may have access to more facts, a step designed to reduce some of the "mysteriousness" heretofore associated with the project. End of Section. Thank You, Wendy Connors and Mike Hall

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 21 Re: Get Real From: Marc Bell <MARC@wufog.freeserve.co.uk> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 20:31:19 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 08:21:56 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 14:56:16 +0000 >From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real Hi Dave, Sorry for the delay, my pc has been down for repairs. >>From: Marc Bell <MARC@wufog.freeserve.co.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 20:08:11 +0100 >>Havn't you ever thought these 'aliens' (entities or whatever?) >>are:- >>Advanced enough to understand all our technology, behaviour >>patterns etc >>Therefore making a video look like just static shouldn't be >>beyond them, should it? >It's not beyond us either. >It is however interesting to note that my earlier question: "Was >the video showing time and date and did it record her sleeping >until a certain time (for argument lets say 3 AM) then record >static from there on in?" went completely unanswered. <snip> >>A couple of points here Dave.... >>A dream doesn't rip your bed clothes off & dump you in the >>corner of the room 2 or so hours later covered in brusies etc! >>Esp: with with the house alarm still on..... Hi Dave It obviously wasn't a dream... & I'm personally very skeptical about MILAB etc... >I do recall the time you were thrown across the room and left >with bruises, but this was because you were electrocuted and had >to go to hospital. The whole thing left you with a very poor >short term memory for a few weeks. There could be some confusion >here unless you have any witnesses to show the above was a >separate event. Yes these were too separate events: a) firstly being thrown across the room... this was the nite that me & 2 friends experienced similar things in the early hours of the morning (I think you have the text file?). The significance being we had met earlier that nite to talk about 'aliens & abductions', we were on our own, each of us about a mile apart, our partners being away at the time in all 3 cases. All I personally remember was i) what I percieved to be footsteps (the house alarm was set), ii) the bed clothes being violently pulled off of me iii) 'fixed' by large dark eyes iv) ending up in a heap the other side of the bedroom, with significant painful brusies, feeling dehydrated & being sick down the toilet, then feeling in a daze for the following day b) the second event was nothing more than being electrocuted. My wife had tampered with the studio alarm system, (could heve been an accident on her part?) This was some weeks later. I was thrown across the studio & rendered un-conscious for at least an hour (and found by a friend). This has seriously affected my short term memory. This to my knowledge has zero ET involvement. >>Point 2, you have filmed the 'entity' in the studio here, but it >>has never tripped the motion detectors in the alarm system. >This is very true, I along with others did see what you refer to >as the 'entity' and was lucky enough to capture it on camera. >The image is on Roy Hale's website if anyone's interested. >I sent a full report along with picture to Nick Pope who rang me >to say that although interesting as it was, it would seem to be >a little out of his field of expertise. >I agree, I do not believe it was anything to do with aliens, I >had the feeling I was watching an (as of yet unexplained) >natural phenomena. I would however keep an open mind about this. I have no evidence to point to this entity (that was caught on camera), was ET or just paranormal? But I (& you) cannot deny it exists, as numerous people have witnessed it. My 'feeling' is it is ET and I just ask people to respect this view, I'm not asking anyone to believe in the existence of ET life without 'substancial' proof, its just I can't personally come to any other conclusion based on my own personal experiences >>Well maybe they'll pay you a visit at 3am eh Dave? >Doubtful, I have mostly happy dreams, normally involving some >Scandinavian woman with a cleavage you could ski down and a >large tub of lard. Never really had any dreams like that actually.... but I don't have problems if you're, Asian, over 40, sing in Hindi & have also been abducted though.....

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 21 eS) Moon Mystery From: exoScience <davew@exosci.com> Date: 20 Oct 1999 21:03:33 -0000 Fwd Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 08:25:09 -0400 Subject: eS) Moon Mystery exoScience - http://www.exosci.com/ Hey everyone, http://www.newsreality.com/redir/?id=5773 "Reports of curious flashes and fleeting clouds on the Moon may not be figments of wild imaginations, astronomers say. A new look at observations by the American satellite Clementine show that a small area on the Moon's surface darkened and reddened in April 1994. Why this happened remains a mystery. For hundreds of years, people have reported seeing flashes, short-lived clouds and other brief changes on the Moon's surface. But astronomers have never been able to confirm the sightings. "The events were observed on many occasions, but most astronomers don't believe in them," says Bonnie Buratti of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. " http://www.newsreality.com/redir/?id=5773 Also, on http://www.exosci.com/ * Speculation that Russia is secretly aiding China's space efforts * New Hubble image of the "Rotten Egg" nebula * and much more! http://www.exosci.com/ Dave Watanabe davew@exosci.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 21 Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex From: Joachim Koch <AchimKoch@compuserve.com> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:23:18 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 09:24:02 -0400 Subject: Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex >Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 03:14:34 +0200 (MET DST) >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> >Subject: Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex >The lithmus test for genuine compared to hoaxed terraglyphs >is very simple: the electromagnetic properties and the >direction of growth of the corn in the field. <snip> >The earth is in far better shape than the >environmentalists would have us believe Dear Henny, So please tell us something about the electromagnetic properties and the direction of growth of the corn in the field. How do which properties change? How can yo measure the growth of corn that was flattened just five hours before? Which are the instruments you use? Regarding our planet: the atmosphere becomes warmer, the glaciers become smaller, CO2 increases, Ozone increases, each day many animals/insects are wiped out, the woods are burning, in Staten Island, N.Y., is the biggest monument ever build by humans - consisting of garbage and we have now 6,000,000,000 humans here - will someone continue this enumeration? Joachim Koch, Berlin

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 21 PRG/X-PPAC Program Addendum From: Stephen G. Bassett <ParadigmRG@aol.com> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 17:48:25 EDT Fwd Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 09:26:30 -0400 Subject: PRG/X-PPAC Program Addendum Paradigm Research Group www.paradigmclock.com X-PPAC www.x-ppac.org 10/20/99 - Addendum Stephen Bassett, consultant, lobbyist and executive director of X-PPAC, will speak on the Politics of UFOs/Disclosure and other topics at the following upcoming venue: What: SciZone with Bill Boshears Date: Saturday - October 23 Time: 9 - 12 pm EST Where: Netcast nationally at: www.scizone.com Broadcast at WLW 700 Cincinnati www.700wlw.com The PRG / X-PPAC speaking schedule is located at: http://www.paradigmclock.com/speaking&eventschedule.html

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 21 WBAI's 'UFO Desk' [was: Ed Walters' Photos...] From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:37:31 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 09:58:26 -0400 Subject: WBAI's 'UFO Desk' [was: Ed Walters' Photos...] >From: Paul C. WIlliams <paulw@escape.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:23:27 -0300 >Greg, remember when we had that wonderful time talking with >Linda Cortile, Bud Hopkins, John Velez and Euginea Macer Story >up at WBAI a few years back. Well you can relive that wonderful >evening. I've placed the real audio file of our chat on my site. >Check out the Experiencers file. Thanks. Hi, Paul, I won't forget that long, long night, because not only was it fun, it was LONG! From midnight, as I remember, till after 3 AM. In my view, the best part came at the end, when we took phone calls. People called to talk about UFO sightings they said they'd had, and two things struck me. First, how reluctant the callers said they were to tell anyone in their regular lives, and, second, how generous and compassionate Linda and John were in talking to the callers. I'm glad this is available for everyone to hear. Greg Sandow

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 21 Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:53:11 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 10:01:52 -0400 Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 22:28:32 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Ed Walters' Photos and Gulf Breeze Case >What you dodged was the issue of how this particular polygrapher >got found (if that's the word) in the first place. Dodged? Dennis, I don't have anything at stake in this discussion, honest. I have no position on Gulf Breeze, and I wasn't trying to support this disputed polygrapher. Why (I'm asking this as someone who likes you) do you treat a simple request for information as if it were a confrontational debate? I completely agree that professionals with solid affiliations in their field seem, well, more professional than those with no affiliations. (Except in music criticism, my own field. But then, you don't need any qualifications to become a music critic. Ka-BOOM!) What I wondered is how many polygraphers belong to this organization. Nearly all of them? Half of them? A small, dedicated, perhaps more competent or responsbile minority? I don't know that, and, I gather from your response, neither do you. I like to evaluate things in their proper context, and if I knew what percentage of polygraphers belonged to this group, I could much better assess what to make of someone who doesn't. Greg Sandow (Comparative situation. In classical music, an American professional orchestra that doesn't belong to the American Symphony Orchestra League would be automatically suspect. I'd immediately assume that its professional claims were bogus. But if the musicians in a professional orchestra belonged to some other union than the American Federation of Musicians, that wouldn't be a blot on their reputation. It would almost automatically make them interesting, refreshing, very much worth paying attention to. And, as I've said, a music critic who doesn't belong to the Music Critic's Association wouldn't be remarkable at all.)

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 21 Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:31:15 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 10:03:40 -0400 Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >From: Tim D. Brigham <TBrigham@ksinc.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 16:48:33 -0500 >I don't think that Dennis literally believes that aliens are >bumbling idiots(!?), rather I think the point is that _in order >to believe the literal scenarios and scale set forth by many >proponents_ then they would have to be. Perhaps Dennis discounts >_all_ reports where aliens take sperm samples and cow parts, I >dont know, or perhaps he is instead getting at the fact that >"maybe it aint really the sperm and cow bits that they're >after!" Hi, Tim. Did you read all of Mark's post. I didn't quote it, to save bandwidth, but I was referring to all of it. Mark thought arguments like Dennis's are too literal (my word, not his). Since we have no context for alleged alien behavior -- we don't know anything about the aliens -- we can't assess whether or not it's plausible. Mark also thought that aliens might be have elements of play or art or humor in some of what they do, and that anyone who expects them always to be logically consistent hasn't allowed for those things. But he said much more, and said it better than I can. Everyone, I hope, will read all of what he said. Greg Sandow

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 21 RAMS - The Beat Still Goes On From: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 15:51:23 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 15:51:23 -0400 Subject: RAMS - The Beat Still Goes On From: Moderator, UFO UpDates - Toronto Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 03:45:11 To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Subject: Robert AM Stephens Has Died (unconfirmed) Source: Shadie Pines Stig =========================== Robert AM Stephens Has Died I just received the following fax attached to an email from an anonymous source. This material has not been confirmed: Robert A.M. Stephens, who showed up on the UFOlogy scene about one year ago, made quite a stir in many UFOlogy camps, including late night talk show host Art Bell. Stephens made a very brief appearance on the Bell show in late December of 1998. Mr. Stephens was to debate a regular guest of Mr. Bells', Richard C Hoagland. For some unknown reason, Mr. Stephens was cut off from the show by Mr. Bell. Apparently intensely angered by this, Mr. Stephens then created a website called "Behold" and "Shady Pines", depicting many of the mainstream "UFOlogists" including Art Bell as "guests" of a fictitious insane asylum. Following a nearly fatal illness and legal action against him by Art Bell, Mr. Stephens has disappeared from the ufology scene. Rest in peace, Robert Stephens.... Shadie Pines Webmaster ** *Stephens Obituary � 1999 4th Dimension Computer Services. All rights reserved. Designed and maintained by Foster VS Contact the *webmaster for any questions, comments or submissions Fax Transcript """""""""""""" 10/18/99 10:56 AM 1/1 Missoulian Article [No Attribution, date, page #, etc. --ebk] Controversial local resident Robert Stephens died yesterday, reportedly from a brain anurism. "Heaven need a dissenter," said a man known only as EJ, "he was some kind of man." Stephens, a former Navy SEAL, had been working on sensitive projects with NASA for the past ten years. He had also been involved with computer imaging and painting. Recently he had become embroiled in a lawsuit with latenight talkshow spook jock Art Bell. He is survived by estranged wife Jennifer, his parents, two sisters and niece Mia. No sevices have been scheduled ============================= Robert A.M. Stephens 'Obituary'? Fax Transcript """""""""""""" 10/18/99 10:56 AM 1/1 Purportedly a 'Missoulian' article [No Attribution, date, page #, etc. --ebk] Controversial local resident Robert Stephens died yesterday, reportedly from a brain anurism. "Heaven need a dissenter," said a man known only as EJ, "he was some kind of man." Stephens, a former Navy SEAL, had been working on sensitive projects with NASA for the past ten years. He had also been involved with computer imaging and painting. Recently he had become embroiled in a lawsuit with latenight talkshow spook jock Art Bell. He is survived by estranged wife Jennifer, his parents, two sisters and niece Mia. No sevices have been scheduled ============================= A simple web search yielded the Missoulian newsroom number: 1-800-366-7186 I talked with 'Roberta' there this afternoon. There has been no obituary for Stephens nor does his name appear in their database of recent stories. Errol Bruce-Knapp

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 21 The Missing Nozomi (Planet B) Probe From: Gavin A. J. McLeod <gavin_mcleod@telus.net> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 20:02:52 -0700 Fwd Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 17:49:38 -0400 Subject: The Missing Nozomi (Planet B) Probe Another Mars Probe thruster malfunction. Check out this link. http://www.tui.edu/STO/Japan/Japan/Planets.html Gavin McLeod

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 21 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Roger Evans <raka@swbell.net> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 21:50:06 -0500 Fwd Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 17:55:13 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >From: Bruce Maccabee >Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:17:49 -0400 >Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 15:57:24 -0400 >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 20:17:03 -0500 >>From: Roger Evans >>Subject: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>To: updates@globalserve.net >Previously, I had offered: >>You know, every time I write a check at the local supermarket, >>the cashier asks,"Is everything on the check correct?" What does >>she really expect me to say? What would she do if I suddenly >>said,"Gosh, you're too fast for me! I was gonna try and slip a >>phony check by you but you caught on and had to ask!" Do you >>really think Ed would fess up if his original intent was to fool >>you? Come on... To which Bruce replied: >>Come on, Roger. You go through a cashier's line once. How many >>times can you get away with it going through the SAME cashier's >>line over and over, day in and out, dozens of times? Actually, Bruce, you just made my point. I can (and do) go through the line over and over, day in and day out, dozens of times......as long as they find no evidence of fraud. And, until they do, every time they ask me if everything on the check is correct, my answer will always be,"You bet!" Why would I fess up voluntarily if everything was going so smoothly? Likewise, IF Ed wanted to deceive you, he certainly would not fess up on his own, now would he? As long as you found no evidence of fraud, he could keep going through that check out line over and over, day in and out, dozens of times.... As you pointed out, the only way he could _not_ continue is if he were found out. Has he been found out? >Moving on, I had opined: >>>The other point that Bruce brings up is the matching blur of the >>>UFO and the surrounding lights of the background. If they were >>>produced separately they would, indeed, be hard to match. On the >>>other hand, if the master Polaroid were copied on a Polaroid >>>copy stand, it would simply be a matter of moving the print or >>>the camera during exposure time. This would produce a uniform >>>blur on all information within the photo. Bruce replied: >>And investment in the copy stand and investment in the correct >>lens so that he could properly focus on the composite Polaroid >>picture. I'm not sure why I can't seem to get this point across: Polaroid made a cheap copystand with a built in close up lens. This copy stand was designed for average, non-sophisticated consumers to make copies of other Polaroid photos. It was very, very, very, very easy to use. Is it so unreasonable that Ed could possibly own one of these copy stands? You can still pick then up at garage sales for less than five bucks. Every shot that Ed produced on Polaroids could have been created using one of these stands. The only basis for the belief that he didn't is that no one saw it. Pretty weak evidence, if you ask me. Continuing, Bruce commented: >>Easy as pie for a pro. >>>All this takes photographic sophistication. Gosh, Bruce. I'm not quite sure how I'd feel if I were Ed. I mean is the guy as much of a dumb ass as you make him out to be? I'm surprised he can tie his own shoes. Finally, Bruce offered: >Surprising that Hyzer didn't prefer the simpler double exposure >method. Perhaps he thought the masked double exposure was too >difficult. I think we've gone about as far as we can on this subject. My position is not necessarily that the GB photos are, indeed, fake. On the other hand, I see nothing in them that could not be created by the average person using consumer based equipment. The fact that Hyzer didn't think of the simpler masked double exposure method is indicative of what I find amiss in the whole GB investigation. Pro or con, it has been assumed that either the photos are genuine or only a very complicated photographic effect could have possibly created the end results on Ed's shots. And since Ed seems to be dumb as a brick, then there's no way he could have pulled them off, right? How can I argue with that? Take care, Roger

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 21 Re: Geller On Nazi Saucers From: GT McCoy <gtmccoy@harborside.com> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 21:12:54 -0700 Fwd Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 18:14:34 -0400 Subject: Re: Geller On Nazi Saucers >Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 14:50:33 +0200 (CEST) >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Maurizio Verga <mverga@wolf.it> >Subject: Re: Geller On Nazi Saucers >The Times article does NOT reflect my thinking about the >so-called "Nazi UFOs" legends at all. Anybody can visit my site >at http://www.ufo.it/german and realize that. Hello, all Sorry Maurizio , didn't mean to imply you as a Pro-Nazi saucerist at all , I assumed it was another attempt by certain ah, forces in the UFO community to ascribe Alien/Nazi cooperation or that the Nazis used Alien tech to achive , well, circular flight giving way to circular thought in this segment of the UFO community. >Besides the sensational claims needed by columnists, the >historical truth is something really different. I absolutely agree, sorry if I offended you, I just want what is historical truth to be brought to the front , and I have a pet peeve with some people who spout the "Nazi superiority" line. thank you, GT McCoy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 21 Re: Get Real From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 02:23:41 -0500 Fwd Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 18:50:45 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 19:04:53 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >The reason I brought up Firmage was because you were the one who >responded to a message on this list regarding his 'meeting' and >'the secret sources' . Well, why didn't you respond to it in that thread? Why bring it to this thread? >By the way, you didn't answer any of my questions regarding your >investigation. Why is that? (rhetorical question). Perhaps your >answers would 'confuse' me? Precisely. The tone of your inquiries thus far have reflected much less than a genuine interest in the case. I felt your questions were only meant to provide more "fuel" for your diatribe than to answer anything you sincerely wanted to know. And since you say you are "tired" of this topic and wish to change the thread to your liking, I won't bore you with any more details. >You said: >>The main witness I inteviewed never quite believed she had been >>"abducted by space aliens". In fact, the witnesses in the house, >>being of Hispanic descent, first thought the beings they >>encountered were demons or devils. >Perhaps I _am_ confused. I thought you said in a previous >message, "the woman had been abducted all her life". Are you >talking about the same person here? >Would you be so kind to clarify this for me (and perhaps the >list) so I'm not 'confused'. Obviously, Sue, you have not read the article in question (see "Alien Convention" on my home page) or you would know the answers to this. Try reading the article first so you will be able to comprehend the discussions in this thread and perhaps not be so bored. Ah, but you have decided to change the topic of this thread to discussions of Mr. Firmage. So....neverminds. ;> Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 21 Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 01:04:04 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 18:48:51 -0400 Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >From: Tim D. Brigham <TBrigham@ksinc.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 16:48:33 -0500 >>>Given that only a tiny amount of research has been done >>>classifying and analysing even _raw reported_ UFO and occupant >>>behavior, and that the resulting database contains an unknown >>>amount of noise, very likely increasing almost asymptotically in >>>the cases whose strangeness exceed CE2 and CE3, attempts to >>>class reported behavior as inept or expert are doomed to >>>founder. >If I am reading Mark correctly, perhaps the point that he makes >isn/t all that far off from the same point that detractors of the >literalist ETH would make. Attempting to speculate about the true >purpose and goal of 'aliens' - as many folks who support one view >or another often do in scenarios about ecological concern or >bovine and human-nappings simply is unjustified for the reasons >cited above. This is a fair reading of my comments. >This is not to say that experiences might not have a sexual >component or an ecological component, but rather, such a >simplistic and literal view of such components can not be >justified. But this part isn't - quite. My point is that the "simplistic" or "literal" views may very well be _justifiable_, but that those who put them forward haven't done the work needed to justify them, core among which is being able to use a very clean standard database and making both methodology and database available. Or even using a not-so clean database but making the methodology clear, so that disputes can be performed on a case by case basis. I did something like this in http://www.temporaldoorway.com/ufo/analysis/toomanylandings/index.htm where I used 6 classifications for the UFO events in the Magonia catalog to try to show whether the record justified contentions that there are too many landings for UFOs to be physical objects. >Personally I think an arguement could be made that the higher >the strangeness, when we speak only within the CE3 cases, the >more likely that such reports reflect the genuine mystery >involved, but thats another rant and I have a headache..... The problem with this is that as the strangeness increases, the probability seems to decrease. In other words, as can be seen at http://www.temporaldoorway.com/ufo/analysis/demographics/ufoexperience/index.htm the demographics of witnesses approach the normal demographics of the population as strangeness increases. However this means more kids, more housewives, and far fewer trained observers. AFAIK, there have been few if any studies of these demographic and probability issues done for CE and above classifications. There is an additional problem in that (except for repeater abductions) the number of cases available decreases with increasing strangeness, making it very hard to do good statistics on higher strangeness cases. ------ Mark Cashman, creator of The Temporal Doorway at http://www.temporaldoorway.com - Original digital art, writing, music and UFO research - UFO cases, analysis, classification systems, and more... http://www.temporaldoorway.com/ufo/index.htm ------

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 21 Some Questions For Nick Pope From: Tim Matthews <matthews@zetnet.co.uk> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 10:28:01 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 20:44:21 -0400 Subject: Some Questions For Nick Pope Dear All, As Editor of BEYOND magazine, the new and exciting bi-monthly British newsstand magazine, I received a gratis copy of Nick Pope's new "technothriller" 'Operation Thunder Child' this morning. The book doesn't read particularly well although I'm sure Nick had a problem moving into the realms of fiction writing. Importantly, there are some serious and misleading comments in the Press Release accompanying the book that warrant our attention. I'll deal with them as they emerge; 1 - "Nick Pope, the Government's official UFO expert". This is not true, he hasn't worked for Air Staff 2a since 1994. When he did his three year tour we know, through our investigations, that he was not a UFO expert of any kind, working on the subject on the most limited basis. 2 - "a novel that has made some at the MOD nervous". Yes, probably because people (taxpayers, that's us), want to know why Nick/his publishers are able to put out these quarter-truths without any comeback. The MOD is probably wondering what people think its staff get up to; 9am, arrive at the office, 10am, meeting with agent, 11am, meeting to discuss newspaper article, 12am, two hour break for dinner with TV executive..... 3 - "this novel has been written by someone with inside knowledge". You wouldn't think so! Although full of weapons details, anyone could have got this from Jane's Defence Weekly. Nick did not have that much knowledge of the UFO subject because he only spent around 30 day looking into it during his tenure. That's a fact! 4 - "From 1991-4 Nick Pope was responsible for investigating UFOs and alien abductions for the MOD". Not true. See above. In a recent letter ro researcher James Easton, the MOD made it _clear_ that it had _not_ investigated _one_ case of so called "abduction". The cases in Nick's "The Uninvited" are worse than ridiculous..... 5 - "Nick Pope has dipped into the 'real X Files' and packed the book with references to "formerly classified" UFO events investigated by the MOD". Really? These must be those same events featured in the Public Records Office files which both myself, Dave Clarke and Andy Roberts have examined in detail recently. There were no shadowy 'secret groups' of investigators, no UFO 'incidents' of merit and no policy on how to deal with cases which were routinely fobbed off onto horrified, low-ranking civil servants - like Nick! The only interesting document is the 24th June 1965 one which states that "it is our policy to play down the subject of UFOs". It is clear why, the MOD was inundated with letters/reports from cranks! 6 - The "Rendlesham Forest Incident......reflects what Nick Pope was told by USAF officers". It'll be interesting to know what they told him as it's clear that there was no 'incident' as such, just a misidentification of some lights in the woods. There is no evidence of merit to suggest an alien landing, an ET event, the existence of a 'craft'. Larry Warren may disagree, but then who takes him seriously? 7 - "The alleged downing of an RAF Lightning BY A UFO in 1970". Alleged by whom.....I think we know and again, there is _no_ evidence to suggest that a UFO downed a Lightning. It's a good a story, that's all. It'll probably fool the gullible reader for a while..... 8 - Get this; "The descriptions of the shape and capabilities of the UFOs, and the physical description and behaviour of the aliens are based on actual UFO reports and alien abduction claims investigated by Nick Pope "as part of his official MoD duties." Which, according to his employers, the MOD, is not the case!!! The official word is that he spent a tiny proportion of his official time investigating UFOs and did not investigate abductions. What he did in his spare time is certainly different - but was, by definition, _not_ official.... 9 - "Nick Pope has worked for the MoD for fourteen years. As well as a tour of duty spent researching and investigating UFOs".....this can _only_ realistically be described as a lie. Maybe it's not Nick's lie; maybe it's the spin doctors (that Nick mentions in the book) at Simon and Schuster. 10 - "They [MoD] had the book for three months - before giving final clearance to publish". The suggestion, of course, is that they were desperate to stifle the publication - or something along these lines. Nick suggested that similar blocking tactics were adopted for 'Open Skies, Closed Minds' but there was _nothing_ vaguely interesting in it, let alone material of a classified nature. So what is going on? I think it's clear. The facts are routinely obscured as part of a mass marketing campaign. I'm not of the belief that Nick is part of some conspiracy to mislead us all although I'm sure if he'd concluded that some UFOS were man-made things would be different. What I think is happening is a ruthless pursuit of money and book sales at all costs. We shouldn't be surprised. What I think is wrong is where claims that we _know_ are wild exaggerations of untruths are allowed to be presented to both press and public as truth. Simon and Schuster are said to be a reputable company and yet they insist upon putting out misleading statements. What is the world coming to? Tim Matthews.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 21 Re: Get Real From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 12:23:32 +0000 Fwd Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 20:47:30 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 23:36:36 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 18:26:24 +0000 >>From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>Why would your kid say "Oh, look. An alien"? I hope you have not >>been trying to influence this poor kids mind in any way. >>My kid would have said "Oh, look. A monster or a creature!" >Oh really, Dave? You mean your kids have not seen the movies, >the T-shirts, the pens, pencils, toys, the X-Files and all the >alien-related images bombarding kids these days? Most kids who >see a picture of a bug-eyed critter call them "aliens" these >days not monsters. My children are aged 2 6 and 7 (all girls). They are interested in Barbie, the Disney channel and Zelda (N64) and are not interested in space aliens. Their description of these creatures as 'monsters' is as good as any since none of us know what they are, assuming that they exist at all. >>>Some people see these images, some don't. >>I've seen that before, it's called 'faces in the fire', goes >>back a long way. >That's interesting, Dave, because you have never seen these >photos in person. Thus far, all you have seen are the scanned >images of the photographs yet you feel qualified to make snap >declarations based on so little information. I hope you don't >do this often because you are probably missing a lot. So the creature doesn't show up in scanned images and I have to be looking at the original photo in order to see anything, is this what you're saying? My faces in the fire comment was only in response to you saying that some people can see something in your images and some people can't. >>Give us a list of who you mailed this to, some of us might like >>to follow this up. >I will gladly do so via private E-mail for anyone if you (and >any other recipients) promise not to publish the information >publicly. I do not wish to point out anyone in public because it >is only my opinions based on personal experiences. I would love >for someone to ask these researchers why they never contacted me >or bothered to ask even a few questions. Thank you for >volunteering, Dave! My pleasure, you know my address. I promise not to publish the information. >I'm sorry to hear of your personal tragedy, Dave. However, I >don't think any of us can say one person's experiences outweigh >the experiences of another. Each person is unique. >If I can help ease your burdens in any way, feel free to contact >me via private E-mail and I will listen. Thank you for the kind offer Amy but it's the kind of thing that my family and I have managed to get over on our own. Dave.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 'The Grey Dude' From: Brian Cuthbertson <brianc@fc.net> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 10:34:23 -0500 (CDT) Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 06:58:46 -0400 Subject: 'The Grey Dude' Folks, Just to point you at an interesting tale, however you choose to interpret it ... http://www.largeruniverse.com/docs/greydude.html Onward, -Brian Cuthbertson

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 Japan's Mars Probe In Mars Orbit January 2004 From: Ignatius Graffeo <Ufoseek@aol.com> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 08:15:51 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 07:01:59 -0400 Subject: Japan's Mars Probe In Mars Orbit January 2004 http://www.tui.edu/STO/Japan/Japan/Planets.html Japan is Third to Probe the Planets Japan, the fourth nation ever to send a satellite to Earth orbit, became the third nation ever to send a spacecraft to Mars when its Planet-B probe blasted off from Japan's Kagoshima Space Center on the southern island of Kyushu on July 4, 1998. While on its way to Mars, Planet-B was renamed Nozomi which means Hope. Unfortunately, an out-of-control thruster necessitated an heroic rescue effort which will lead Nozomi around the Sun on its way to the Red Planet. Arrival at Mars will be four years later than planned. The flight plan. After launch in 1998, the robot science explorer went into a looping orbit around Earth which took it out and around the Moon. Nozomi then made two swings by the Moon to establish its final trajectory to Mars. The swing-by technique would gather speed for the trip to Mars where Nozomi was to have arrived at the end of 1999. Once the spacecraft reached Mars, it would have been placed in a highly elliptical or "egg-shaped" orbit stretching from a low of 93-186 miles out to about 17,000 miles above the planet's surface. What went wrong? Nozomi made a first gravity-assist flyby of Earth on Sept. 24, 1998. Following the second Earth flyby on Dec. 18, 1998, a thruster on the spacecraft stuck open and much fuel was wasted. Nozomi did not receive sufficient acceleration boost to make into orbit around Mars. Controllers at Japan's Institute of Space and Astronautical Sciences (ISAS) ordered the thrusters to burn in a correctional manuever on Dec. 21, 1998. However, that did not leave enough fuel for Nozomi to be able to slow itself down later as it entered Mars orbit. That called for an extraordinary effort to save Nozomi. The controllers radioed orders to the spacecraft, assigning it a new flight plan. Now it would make three trips around the Sun and two more Earth flybys. These gravity assists from the Sun and Earth would give Nozomi just the right speed for entering Mars orbit by January 2004. Nozomi's orbital path around Mars will be elliptical, ranging from a low of 93 miles out to a high of 31,620 miles. ISAS researchers say they believe the spacecraft's science instruments will work properly after the four year delay. A benefit of the longer flight will be extra time to collect and send back data on the solar wind in interplanetary space. Martian atmosphere. Nozomi is designed to perform long-term studies of the upper Martian atmosphere and ionosphere, and its interaction with the solar wind. The low-altitude portion of the orbit will be used for remote sensing of the lower atmosphere and surface, and for direct measurements of upper atmosphere and ionosphere. The more distant parts of the orbit will allow instruments to probe the ions and neutral gas escaping from Mars, which interact with the charged-particle "wind" blowing outward from the Sun. Ionization of the upper atmospheric gas by solar radiation produces the charged-particle atmosphere (ionosphere) that acts as an obstacle to the solar wind. This radiation produces species of gas not seen in Mars' lower atmosphere, such as nitric oxide, or dissociates the atmosphere into single atomic species, such as atomic oxygen. If these neutral or ionized species possess enough energy, they can escape the gravitational pull of Mars, resulting in a net atmospheric loss. Measurements of lighter species such as atomic hydrogen and deuterium also can provide clues about the evolution of the Martian atmosphere. More like Venus. Mars has little or no intrinsic magnetic field to interact with this process, making it more like Venus in this respect than Earth. The upper atmosphere of Venus and its solar wind environment were studied for almost fourteen years by the U. S. Pioneer Venus Orbiter spacecraft from a similar, highly elliptical orbit. Nozomi carries an insturment, known as NMS, which is a state-of-the-art enhancement of the Pioneer Venus mass spectrometer. It weighs only six pounds. To conserve space and weight, electronic items such as transistors and integrated circuits were removed from their outer casings and placed in larger packages called hybrid circuits. Dust storms. Data from previous Mars exploration spacecraft such as Mariner 9 indicate that dust storms near the surface can heat the lower atmosphere and increase the gas density in the upper atmosphere where Nozomi will make its measurements. The U.S. Mars Climate Orbiter carries an instrument called the Pressure Modulated Infrared Radiometer, which will provide complementary information on the lower atmosphere and its response to dust storms. NMS. Nozomi carries 14 instruments from Japan, Canada, Sweden, Germany and the United States. NMS is a U.S. instrument provided by NASA to measure the gas composition of the upper atmosphere of Mars. NMS is short for Neutral Mass Spectrometer and Ultra Stable Oscillator. There also is NASA hardware aboard for a radio science experiment. The Neutral Mass Spectrometer will enable researchers to measure the chemical composition of the upper atmosphere of Mars on a global scale, which has never been done before. Previous upper atmospheric composition measurements were done in only two locations as NASA's Viking landers entered the Martian atmosphere on July 20 and Sept. 3, 1976, respectively. Precise clock. The radio science hardware was built by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, under contract to NASA. The ultra-precise signals generated by the oscillator serve as a very accurate clock to enable analysis of the Martian atmosphere and to help guide the spacecraft as it orbits the red planet. Other science packages aboard Nozomi were contributed by Canada's Calgary University, Germany's Munich Technical University, the French space agency CNES, and Sweden. M5 rocket. The spacecraft was built by the Nippon Electric Corporation and was launched on one of Japan's M-5 rockets. That rocket was designed to expand Japan's launch capability for the inner planets and beyond. The Nozomi project is managed by ISAS and the Japanese Ministry of Education. ISAS personnel operate the spacecraft and its instruments. Information on NMS and the NASA portion of the Nozomi mission is at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Laboratory for Atmospheres in Greenbelt, Maryland. Nozomi's objectives. The main objective is to investigate the motion and structure of the upper atmosphere of the planet Mars. To do this, 14 instruments are on board the spacecraft. The observations by Nozomi will include: Magnetic field of Mars Scientists are not sure if Mars has a magnetic field or not. Nozomi will measure precisely the Martian magnetic field. Atmosphere of Mars Nozomi will investigate the composition and structure of the atmosphere with ultraviolet remote-sensing detectors. A small mass-analyzer will be used to study the composition of the the ionosphere. Plasma in the Ionosphere of Mars Nozomi will study the components, structure, temperature and plasma waves within the ionosphere with detectors. Pictures of Mars and its Moons A small camera will snap pictures of Martian weather and its two moons -- Phobos and Deimos. Those images should help scientists understand how sandstorms and clouds are generated on Mars and the planet's polar icecaps grow and decay. Dust Rings around Mars Scientists suggest there may be a dust-ring along the orbit of Phobos. By using the dust counter aboard Nozomi, they will discover if it exists. --------------------------------

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 Re: Where is Japan's "Planet-B" Mars Probe? From: Perry Mick <bridgingworlds@hotmail.com> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 05:47:08 -0700 Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 07:03:16 -0400 Subject: Re: Where is Japan's "Planet-B" Mars Probe? >From: Ignatius Graffeo <Ufoseek@aol.com> >Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 08:41:02 EDT >Subject: Correction: Where is Japan's "Planet-B" Mars Probe? >To: Updates@globalserve.net >Pathfinder landed on Mars on July 4, "1997", not 1998. Please >remove reference to Pathfinder in any re-postings. No connection >with the launch of the Planet B probe on July 4, 1998. Looking at this picture: http://www.planet-b.isas.ac.jp/neworb.jpg Appears that it doesn't arrive until 2003.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 Re: RPIT Salutes Neil Morris... From: Neil Morris <neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 16:33:18 -0700 Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 07:08:48 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT Salutes Neil Morris... >From: Rick Goldsmith <rgoldsm@synapse.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: RPIT Salutes Neil Morris For Roswell Crash Discoveries >Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 23:40:57 -0400 >'Very interesting picture although it's provenance seems a >little sketchy at present. This is what I managed to glean from >the accompanying text. >I would like to know if you can ascertain from the higher >quality (October) copy if the good General is poking the debris >with a stick or something. Is he touching it with his bare hand? >It is not apparent in the full-scene picture that is posted at >the site I visited. Are there any plans to post the full-sized >picture in the clearer format or is the small clip all we can >expect for now? >I feel this detail (hand or stick?) though circumstantial, is >worth pondering. >Cheers, >Richard Goldsmith Richard and List, I attach a further image with more details from the RameyDubose(grim) image and to answer Richards question Gen Ramey _is_ holding some of the dark "balloon envelope" material and apparently inspecting it closely. The bottom half of the attachment shows the main debris area and the circled areas are the locations of the two detail insets. The larger of these which takes upt the top half of the image is of a section of "white edgetape" attested to by Charles Moore as being a type of Scotchtape with printed flowers, as you can see at B in the inset far from being tape this seems to be a structure like a flattened tube similar again to a structure I have noted some while back which appeared to have an internal wire frame: http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ftw-pics/new-1/edgetape.gif For comparison at A you have the edge of some "normal" foil close by. The smaller inset is the other area from the lower image circled and shows a beam with some very nice regular "smudge marks" at C. Best Regards Neil. PS As for posting the full scale image of RameyDubose(grim), it's _big_, an 11 megabyte scan and the archive that now claims copyright on the duplicate negative might not appreciate it. So far I hope, as this is non profit making research, I have not trodden on any toes in this respect. ------------------------------------------------------- Neil Morris@Home. Email: Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk Web Sites: Roswell and Alien Autopsy http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ The Fort Worth Photographs of James Bond Johnson http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ftw-pics/ -------------------------------------------------------

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 Re: UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 4, Number 26 From: Joseph Trainor <Masinaigan@aol.com> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 17:27:06 +0100 Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 07:43:36 -0400 Subject: Re: UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 4, Number 26 UFO ROUNDUP Volume 4, Number 26 October 21, 1999 Editor: Joseph Trainor UFOs ARE BACK IN DANDRIDGE, TENNESSEE Following a five-day hiatus, UFOs returned to the small town of Dandridge, Tennessee (population 1,540), offering two nighttime viewing experiences. According to eyewitness Patricia G., the UFOs returned at 2 a.m. on Wednesday, October 20, 1999. She reported, "The UFO was in the northwest sky. He was a little lower than usual and, as I noticed the pulsating and flashing of the brilliant colors, he sank lower, and the trees blocked my view. This was no airplane. It was the same light in the sky we have been watching all year." Several UFOs turned up in Dandridge again at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 16, 1999, Patricia added, "Tonight from 8:30 to 9 p.m., there were five UFOs that I could see. They were in their usual position in the northwest sky. Four of them were scattered, and the one to the north-northeast was very, very bright. There was one in the southwest sky of the same intensity. I can't understand for the life of me why others are not reporting these things." Dandridge is located 23 miles (36 kilometers) east of Knoxville, Tennessee. (Email Interview) SMALL SWIFT UFO PUZZLES RANCHERS IN UTAH A small, fast-moving silver UFO "several feet long and a few inches in diameter" has been seen by ranchers in rural Rich County, near Woodruff, Utah (population 50) during the past month. According to eyewitness Mark L., the speedy UFO was last seen on Friday, October 15, 1999 at 5:15 p.m. The object flew from west to east, just above the ankle-high sagebrush on the arid prairie. "Over the month, my wife, sister and brother-in-law have independently seen some sort of thing in our rural area," Mark reported. "A silver tube several feet in length and a few inches in diameter zips across the road in front of them and disappears. They all insist that the object is hardly glimpsed before it is gone. My sister described small 'fins' or something on the side." Woodruff is on Utah Highway 39 about 130 miles (208 kilometers) northeast of Salt Lake City. (Email Form Report) MASS DEATH OF BIRDS REPORTED IN ILLINOIS About 2,000 dead birds fell from the sky in Mascoutah, Illinois last Friday, October 15, 1999. Dead birds included starlings, grackles and red-winged blackbirds. The cause of the deaths is not known, and the case is being investigated by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This was the third mass death of small birds in the USA this year. The first such puzzling occurrence took place in Bastrop, Louisiana back in January 1999. According to USA Today, "State officials suspect a chemical, not strong winds, might have killed thousands of birds in a southern Illinois farm field." "State Department of Natural Resources biologists are running tests on some of the birds and should have the results today, said DNR spokesman Joe Khayyat." Mascoutah (population 5,511) is on Illinois Highway 177 about 25 miles (40 kilometers) east of St. Louis, Missouri. (See USA Today for October 19, 1999, "Illinois," page A7." UFO AIMS SPOTLIGHT AT LIVERPOOL A bright UFO appeared over Liverpool Tuesday night, October 12, 1999, and was also seen in Liscard and across the bay in Wallesay. According to eyewitness Lorraine W., the UFO "first looked like a faint star" when it appeared over the large UK city. "At first it looked like a star, but it was quite fast. A beam of light came out of the bottom right-hand-side of the object." The beam "looked like a cone--narrow at the top but getting wider as it got longer. The light was a smoky white or grey in colour. The light lasted for a second or two and went out. The object itself hung around for a few minutes and vanished." (Email Form Report) MORE UFOs SEEN IN MELBOURNE SUBURBS The UFO flap in Australia's Victoria state entered its second week with multiple sightings in three suburbs just west of Melbourne. On Saturday, October 16, 1999, at 9:15 p.m., "six bright orange illuminations" were seen by 20 to 30 witnesses over Melton, Deer Park and Rockbank, three suburbs on the western edge of Melbourne, Victoria's largest city. The UFOs were "heading east" and "were seen by 20 to 30 people for 20 minutes on the Western Highway between Melton and Deer Park, Vic., western outer suburbs of Melbourne." "The illuminations at times were in an S formation up to periods of some two minutes before flying or running off easterly. They all remained at one height (altitude) and size. In fact, twice the size of the background stars." (Many thanks to Australian ufologist Ross Dowe for this report.) NEW SET OF CROP CIRCLES APPEARS IN MIDALE On Friday, October 8, 1999, researchers found a new formation of crop circles two miles south of Midale, Saskatchewan, Canada. This was the sixth formation of crop circles found in Midale this year. Midale was also the site of heavy crop circle activity in 1998. The formation was found in a durum wheat field two miles south of Midale by pilot John Erickson and researcher Nancy Talbott. The formation consisted of three circles close together in a straight line about 20 feet (6 meters) apart. The largest circle (on the east side of the cluster--J.T.) is approximately 60 feet (18 meters) in diametre, the second about 40 feet (12 meters) and the third about 20 feet (6 meters)." "Description of the floor lay inside the smallest circle is of a swirled lay which ends in a straight 'radial' type lay out to the edge of the circle. The other circles have the usual swirled lay pattern." Midale (population 497) is on Provincial Highway 39 about 98 miles (157 kilometers) southeast of Regina, Sask. (Many thanks to Paul Anderson of Circles Phenomenon Research- Canada for this report.) TOKAIMURA PLANT IS STILL RADIOACTIVE On Friday, October 15, 1999, the Japanese government raised the number of people exposed to radiation during the nuclear mishap at Tokaimura two weeks ago from 49 to 69. Three of the victims remain hospitalized at Tokyo University Hospital. The nuclear accident occurred on September 30, 1999 when workers at the JCO Company plant in Tokaimura, Ibaraki prefecture, Japan mistakenly poured too much uranium oxide into a stainless steel container, thereby setting off a nuclear chain reaction. "A report on the accident submitted Friday by the (Japanese) Nuclear Safety Commission said the new exposures were revealed when investigators belatedly checked badges the workers to monitor radiation levels." "Previously, the government had given the number of those exposed to radiation as 49, including seven people working near the site and three firefighters who rescued the three most seriously injured workers." "Other workers were exposed to radiation levels 50 to 100 times (about 500 to 1,000 REM, meaning Radiation Equivalent Man--J.T.) higher than what is considered safe to receive over the course of a year, Friday's report found." "Also on Friday, JCO Co., which runs the plant, said that a small amount of radiation still was leaking, but that it doesn't pose a health risk to nearby residents." (Editor's Comment: According to Japan's Sankei news service, there are 330,000 people living within a radius of 10 kilometers (6 miles) of the nuclear plant.) "Last week, JCO said a ventilator was still spewing radioactive iodine 131 at about twice the safety limit." "The company sealed the opening and turned off an exhaust fan, but the leak was continuing Friday, said Science and Technology Agency spokesman Ken Maruoka. Workers are to install a filter today to stop the leak, he said." (See the Minneapolis, Minn. Star-Tribune for October 16, 1999, "Those exposed to radiation leak in Japan increased to 69," page A5.) (Editor's Comment: Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi is going to have to bite the bullet and bury that factory under a mountain of concrete--just like in Chernobyl.) Y2K: FBI SAYS BORN-AGAIN CHRISTIANS A "THREAT" "With some extremists attaching apocalyptic significance to the new millenium, the FBI is quietly warning local police about possible threats posed by anti-government militias and hate organizations." "The campaign includes the national distribution of a report titled Project Megiddo in which federal authorities assess threats posed by hate groups and explain the significance of biblical references the groups use to discuss Y2K." "The project, which is named for an ancient battleground in Israel associated with Armageddon, will be the centerpiece of an FBI seminar this month before the International Association of Chiefs of Police in Charlotte, N.C." (North Carolina--J.T.) "Unlike the rest of the meeting, the seminar will be closed to the public, a sign of how sensitive the subject of militias has become." "One workshop is titled 'Millenium, militias and mayhem: what to expect in the coming year.'" "A senior government official said the 10-page report was meant to heighten awareness among local police departments to the possibility that militias might use the new millenium as an opportunity to initiate acts of violence or general disruption." "The FBI has urged police to be alert to changes in behavior of known militias and cult groups and to the possible stockpiling of weapons." "According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the militia movement reached its peak in 1996, when there were 858 such organizations across the country. By last year, there were 435." "What concerns officials now, however, is the possibility that extreme members might undertake missions of their own." "They cite as an example Buford Furrow, who belonged to a white supremacist group (Aryan Nations of northern Idaho--J.T.) and is accused of killing a mail carrier and shooting six people at a Jewish community center in Los Angeles this summer." (See USA Today for October 20, 1999, "FBI: Militias a threat at milleniumm" page A1.) (Editor's Comment:: Yes, there are a lot of militia or "patriot" groups in the USA. Some are Aryan Nations, some neo-Nazi, some constitutionalist and others Bible-believing Christians. Just what does the FBI consider a cult? Stockpiling food? All 10 million of the USA's Latter-Day Saints do that. Musings about the seals of the Bible? There's the Seventh-Day Adventists. Literal belief in the Book of Revelation? That's all of our country's evangelical Christians, which the last time I checked, consisted of about 20 percent of the entire USA population If the Bureau has admissible evidence that certain extremists are planning millenial mayhem, then why don't they take it to the grand jury? Instead of stirring up the nation's police departments against people who might believe that Y2K could be linked to events prophesied in the Book of Revelation. If the prospect of Y2K civil unrest and Operation Abacus were not serious enough, we now have this to worry about. Like our country's second president, John Adams, I can only assess the future by looking at the past. Back in February and March of 1942, the FBI rounded up the Japanese-Americans under circumstances far less threatening than Y2K.) from the UFO Files... 1954: UFO SQUADRON SEEN IN ALGERIA Of all the continents, Africa has the fewest reported UFO sightings, and most of these have taken place south of the Zambezi River. But North Africa has had a few celebrated UFO incidents of their own. On October 26, 1954, amateur astronomer Yves Vernet set up his prismatic telescope in his vineyard near Bou Hanifia in Algeria. "With my prismatic telescope set at 20 magnification, I watched the sky at high altitude. I was stupefied to see a brilliant object fly high above the cloud layer at great speed. Five minutes later, I saw another object pass." "Since October 26, when the first sighting occurred, every day between 1 and 2 p.m., I have not ceased to see flying saucers passing by every five to ten minutes. More are visible at midday than at morning or evening. Their frequency in a (viewing) field so reduced is of great importance. Their performance is far above that of our best terrestrial aircraft, and their number seems greater than the greatest aerial concentration we could effect." Bou Hanifia is on the river el-Hamma (Arabic for the bath), about 88 kilometers (55 miles) southeast of Oran. The valley is one of the oldest archaeological sites in North Africa, with signs of human habitation dating back to 6,000 B.C. (See Flying Saucers Uncensored by Harold T. Wilkins, The Citadel Press, New York, N.Y. 1955, page 247.) That's it for this week. Join us next time for more UFO news from around the planet, brought to you by "the paper that goes home-- UFO Roundup." See you then. UFO ROUNDUP: Copyright 1999 by Masinaigan Productions, all rights reserved. Readers may post news items from UFO Roundup on their websites or in newsgroups provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue in which the item first appeared. ***************************************************** This weeks advertiser: Anyday.com Click here for your FREE online DayPlanner! http://www.directleads.com/ad.html?o=354&a=cd3492 Take control of your time! Schedule meetings easily. Get reminders - automatically! Manage all your contacts in your private address book. Find out about your favorite sports events, TV shows, and more - in advance. Organize your life with AnyDay.com! ***************************************************** E-Mail Reports to: Joseph Trainor <Masinaigan@aol.com> UFO Roundup: http://ufoinfo.com/roundup/ Website comments: John Hayes <webmaster@ufoinfo.com> UFOINFO: http://ufoinfo.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex From: Bob Kathman <BKathman@microprose.com> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 15:44:47 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 08:13:33 -0400 Subject: Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex >Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:23:18 -0400 >From: Joachim Koch <AchimKoch@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 03:14:34 +0200 (MET DST) >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> >>Subject: Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex >The lithmus test for genuine compared to hoaxed terraglyphs >is very simple: the electromagnetic properties and the >direction of growth of the corn in the field. <snip> >The earth is in far better shape than the >environmentalists would have us believe >Regarding our planet: the atmosphere becomes warmer, the >glaciers become smaller, CO2 increases, Ozone increases, each >day many animals/insects are wiped out, the woods are burning, >in Staten Island, N.Y., is the biggest monument ever build by >humans - consisting of garbage and we have now 6,000,000,000 >humans here - will someone continue this enumeration? >Joachim Koch, Berlin You meant Ozone DEcreases, right? >From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:31:15 -0400 >>From: Tim D. Brigham <TBrigham@ksinc.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >>Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 16:48:33 -0500 >Mark thought arguments like Dennis's are too literal (my word, >not his). Since we have no context for alleged alien behavior -- >we don't know anything about the aliens -- we can't assess >whether or not it's plausible. Mark also thought that aliens >might be have elements of play or art or humor in some of what >they do, and that anyone who expects them always to be logically >consistent hasn't allowed for those things. >But he said much more, and said it better than I can. Everyone, >I hope, will read all of what he said. >Greg Sandow In the case of mutilations I'd wonder if they aren't a form of terrorism... attention without logic. Ironically, there is a cow cut into slices on exhibit in the current and notorious Brooklyn NY Museum show, Sensations. Maybe it is art after all! Bob Kathman

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex From: Jim Deardorff <deardorj@proaxis.com> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 13:54:57 -0700 (PDT) Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 08:15:59 -0400 Subject: Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex >Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:23:18 -0400 >From: Joachim Koch <AchimKoch@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 03:14:34 +0200 (MET DST) >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> >>Subject: Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex >>The lithmus test for genuine compared to hoaxed terraglyphs >>is very simple: the electromagnetic properties and the >>direction of growth of the corn in the field. >>The earth is in far better shape than the >>environmentalists would have us believe >Dear Henny, >So please tell us something about the electromagnetic properties >and the direction of growth of the corn in the field. How do >which properties change? How can yo measure the growth of corn >that was flattened just five hours before? >Which are the instruments you use? >Regarding our planet: the atmosphere becomes warmer, the >glaciers become smaller, CO2 increases, Ozone increases, each >day many animals/insects are wiped out, the woods are burning, >in Staten Island, N.Y., is the biggest monument ever build by >humans - consisting of garbage and we have now 6,000,000,000 >humans here - will someone continue this enumeration? >Joachim Koch, Berlin Hello Joachim, You'd better watch your language -- you're beginning to sound like one of those contactees or abductees! :-) (Although if it's in the upper stratosphere that the O3 content is increasing, that's good, not bad.) Here in the U.S., in our Congress, we rarely ever hear the word "planet" used. To think of our planet the way you suggest would detract from nationalism. Jim Deardorff

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 21:55:06 +0100 Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 08:19:45 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 13:48:38 -0400 >From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Sean Jones wrote: Good Afternoon Andy ><snip> >>I would also like to mention, and please correct me if I >>misquote you Andy. When I was at Tim Matthews conference in the >>early part of this year Andy Roberts said to me, "I believe >>_ALL_ UFO's can be explained with sufficient research" Now if >>that isn't someone who has already made up his mind what is? >I think you're exactly right there Sean. But what am I supposed >to say? "I believe some UFOs can never be explained?" Well, yes. I believe that no amount of research can conclusively answer every single UFO case. >Presumably we _all_ think that all UFOs are explicable but may >differ as to our beliefs about the as yet unresolved ones. >Please correct me if I'm wrong, because otherwise it means you >are quite happy to have some UFOs remain unexplained. So yes, my >mind is made up, I believe that _all_ UFOs can be explained with >sufficient research. >Who thinks different and why please. I think different for the previously stated reason. >>What about if the answer does not become available? This _game_ >>that is ufology has yielded no answers in fifty years. >Where y'been Sean? We have learned one hell of a lot in 50 >years. The problem is so few ufologists stay in the field for >more than a few years that we are endlessly re-inventing the >wheel as it were. Andy, yes _we_ have learned a heck of a lot _BUT_ have _we_ got an answer that satisfies all? No! Why's that? Because some UFO's have not, or can not be explained to anyone. But when I was speaking about solving the riddle that is ufology, I was talking generally Andy, not individual cases. > >>With a >>crew of hardened skeptics do you expect to solve the riddle? > >Why not? OK, please elaborate on what you think gives you the _edge_. > >>As I stated when I wrote "101 Possible explanations for UFOs" >>for all the explanations supplied and others, there are _still_ >>some cases that there are no answers for. >There are. But hold on, didn't you just say >So yes, my >mind is made up, I believe that _all_ UFOs can be explained with >sufficient research. ?? >>Which would leave us >>with two options, ET or the paranormal. >Not so - it merely leaves us with some unexplained cases and >people's _belief_ that the explanation for some of these may be >ET or paranormal. Big difference there Sean. To paraphrase a quote from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: "When you have eliminated all the possible explanations, the impossible must be possible". And as I said in 101 Possible, even if you go to the extremes and use the explanation that the witness is lying, you still have some sightings that can not be explained. So what other explanations are you going to offer us that I haven't already offered in 101? As opposed to ET or paranormal, and thinking about it, I even used the paranormal as one of the possible explanations! >>It would seem that some >>people just cannot accept these options. >I'd happily accept them as options if they weren't merely beliefs. Being that I am a man of Christian faith, belief is a fundamental thing to me so for me at least it is easier to believe in ET than some of the half baked _explanations_ offered by some debunkers/skeptics. >>So with a line up of >>skeptics, do you think that a Pro-ETH person is likely to >>volunteer his/her time to assist in debunking? >That's their problem. No one is press being ganged into UFOIN. >If someone who beliefs in the ETH or any of the other >belief systems kicking about in ufology that's up to them. I said volunteered, not press ganged! So answer the question. >>Jenny I honestly do wish you the very best with your new >>organisation but I feel that with the line up of people already >>involved, the outcome of many investigations will be >>directed/steered/cajoled into one debunked set of answers. > >Debunking and scepticism are poles apart Sean. None of the >people involved in UFOIN are debunkers. All are ufologists of >many years standing who have all spent thousands of hours in the >field and thousands of pounds in research. Their conclusions are >based on investigations - not an Armchair Ufologist among them >I'm afraid. Scepticism is poles apart from debunking, sKepticism however, is not. >>The only thing that could change this for me was if you was able >>to get an equal number of Pro-ETH people and an equal number of >>middle of the road people to join this new organisation, and as >>I said with your current line up, do you think that will happen? >That's your opinion Sean - but it won't happen. The UFOIN >founders came together purely because of a belief that organised >ufology in this country, as exemplified by BUFORA, is rotten to >the core, riven with politics and under-hand dealings. Are you saying _all_ UFO groups in the UK are rotten to the core? >So we do >something completely different. Different from what? >Hopefully we will be judged on >the quality of research and investigation we produce. If this >end product doesn't agree with your belief system that can't be >helped but I can assure you despite what you think (and you >ought to read some of the stuff Dave C and I have written, most >notably Phantoms of the Sky) you would find we are extremely >open-minded, but not gullible. Andy, please correct me if I am wrong but how can you say that you are open minded when you said this? >>Now if >>that isn't someone who has already made up his mind what is? >I think you're exactly right there Sean. But what am I supposed >to say? "I believe some UFOs can never be explained?" Andy, I do not mean this as a personal thing, I really do wish UFOIN the very best, I am only expressing my doubts as to the results of the work, not the quality. -- In an infinite universe, infinitely anything is possible. Sean Jones http://www.tedric.demon.co.uk/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 Re: RAMS - The Beat Still Goes On From: Alfred Lehmberg <Lehmberg@snowhill.com> Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 17:03:28 -0500 Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 08:39:33 -0400 Subject: Re: RAMS - The Beat Still Goes On >From: Moderator, UFO UpDates - Toronto >Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 03:45:11 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Subject: Robert AM Stephens Has Died (unconfirmed) >Source: Shadie Pines > >Stig <snip> >I talked with 'Roberta' there this afternoon. There has >been no obituary for Stephens nor does his name appear >in their database of recent stories. >Errol Bruce-Knapp Well -- if RAMS was a SEAL, then I am the WALRUS!!! Lehmberg@snowhill.com -- Visit a Virtual Art Gallery in Cyberspace! Ponder the Wit & Wisdom of Ching Chow! View "Unstill Life" -- Animation . . . and more. Consider Matter, Mind & Movement. See the current HTML "Apology to MW" with illustration. Take a ride in the Teleporter and check the inexplicable. EXPLORE Alfred Lehmberg's Alien View" at his Fortunecity URL. http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/arecibo/46/ **<Updated 16 October>** http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/witches/237/lehmberg.html JOHN FORD RESTORATION FUND -- Send your checks and money orders to _me_, Alfred Lehmberg (cut out the lawyers, they got theirs) at: 304 Melbourne Drive, Enterprise AL, 36330. Strict records kept. $350.00 pledged -- $200.00 collected! "I cleave the heavens, and soar to the infinite. What others see from afar, I leave far behind me." - Giordano Bruno, burned at the fundamentalist's stake.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 21:44:23 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 15:21:42 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 21:50:06 -0500 >From: Roger Evans <raka@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Bruce Maccabee >>Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:17:49 -0400 >>Fwd Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 15:57:24 -0400 >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 20:17:03 -0500 >>>From: Roger Evans >>>Subject: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>>To: updates@globalserve.net >>Previously, I had offered: >>>You know, every time I write a check at the local supermarket, >>>the cashier asks,"Is everything on the check correct?" What does >>>she really expect me to say? What would she do if I suddenly >>>said,"Gosh, you're too fast for me! I was gonna try and slip a >>>really think Ed would fess up if his original intent was to fool >>>you? Come on... >To which Bruce replied: >>>Come on, Roger. You go through a cashier's line once. How many >>>times can you get away with it going through the SAME cashier's >>>line over and over, day in and out, dozens of times?> >Actually, Bruce, you just made my point. I can (and do) go >through the line over and over, day in and day out, dozens of >times......as long as they find no evidence of fraud. And, until >they do, every time they ask me if everything on the check is >correct, my answer will always be,"You bet!" Why would I fess up >voluntarily if everything was going so smoothly? Likewise, IF Ed >wanted to deceive you, he certainly would not fess up on his >could keep going through that check out line over and over, day >in and out, dozens of times.... >As you pointed out, the only way he could _not_ continue is if >he were found out. Has he been found out? If you went through dozens of times... no fraud was committed. What would be the nature of rhe fraud, anyway? Writing checks that bounced? The store would realize soon enough that someone was passing faulty checks and would track carefully. Perhaps your fraud would be using counterfeit money. Or perhaps you were switching prices on items so you paid less? I must confess I don't know what sourt of fraud you could commit that the store would care about (the store doesn't care about you using a false name if the checks or money or credit cards, etc. are honored). In other words, the fraud must hav some substance or it would be ignored as opposed to detected but the crime not solved (that you did it). I think you are trivializing this. >Moving on, I had opined: REGARDING blur: >I'm not sure why I can't seem to get this point across: Polaroid >made a cheap copystand with a built in close up lens. This copy >stand was designed for average, non-sophisticated consumers to >make copies of other Polaroid photos. It was very, very, very, >very easy to use. Is it so unreasonable that Ed could possibly >own one of these copy stands? You can still pick then up at >garage sales for less than five bucks. Every shot that Ed >produced on Polaroids could have been created using one of these >stands. The only basis for the belief that he didn't is that no >one saw it. Pretty weak evidence, if you ask me. Presumably Ed would not need a copy stand if he were to take pictures with no smear. You have him using a tripod to take unsmeared pictures and then saying, :"oh these will be more convincing if I create a smear which will be th same on both the UFO and the streetlight. SoO I'll go out and buy a cheap copy stand, one so cheap that when I click the shutter the camera will move slighting thereby creating the same smear on the UFO and on the streetlight." No matter how you cut it, Roger you are escalating the photographic "sophistication" whether you think of it as sophisticated or not. >Continuing, Bruce commented: >>>Easy as pie for a pro. >>>>All this takes photographic sophistication. >Gosh, Bruce. I'm not quite sure how I'd feel if I were Ed. I >mean is the guy as much of a dumb ass as you make him out to be? >I'm surprised he can tie his own shoes. He can ties his shoes. That doesn't mean he can do any sophisticated photography. >Finally, Bruce offered: >>Surprising that Hyzer didn't prefer the simpler double exposure >>method. Perhaps he thought the masked double exposure was too >>difficult. >I think we've gone about as far as we can on this subject.> >My position is not necessarily that the GB photos are, indeed, >fake. >On the other hand, I see nothing in them that could not be >created by the average person using consumer based equipment. >The fact that Hyzer didn't think of the simpler masked double >exposure method is indicative of what I find amiss in the whole >GB investigation. You should contemplate photo 11, the photo of the UFO supposedly in the distance over a field, with a blue line coming down. Hyzer claims it was a double exposure. By this he means what I call a simple double exposure as opposed to a masked double exposure. The upper part of the "beam" is silhouetted against the dim morning sky. The bottom of the beam is silhouetted against the total dark trees, buildings and ground. So, what do you think? A simple double exposure? >Pro or con, it has been assumed that either the photos are >genuine or only a very complicated photographic effect could >have possibly created the end results on Ed's shots. And since >Ed seems to be dumb as a brick, then there's no way he could >have pulled them off, right? >How can I argue with that? You can't unless you can provide evidence that Ed was considerably smarter than a brick photographically speaking.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 21:20:45 -0500 Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 15:23:40 -0400 Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >Subject: Re: Theories of Intent and Ineptitude >From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> >Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 01:04:04 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> <snip> >The problem with this is that as the strangeness increases, the >probability seems to decrease. <snip> >There is an additional problem in that (except for repeater >abductions) the number of cases available decreases with >increasing strangeness, making it very hard to do good >statistics on higher strangeness cases. The higher the strangeness, does not mean a case is less likely to be real. But it may be accurate to assume the higher the strangeness, the less cases available due to causation reviewed below.... Since much of my research tends to center around high strangeness cases and information, I have been studying the various paradigms that influence not only the reporting of such data but also how they are perceived. Witnesses seem less likely to report observations and/or experiences that do not fit conventional/stereotypical descriptions perhaps because they do not think anyone will believe them and because they, themselves, may have difficulty defining their experiences/observations. High strangeness cases tend to include entities and/or realms and/or objects that are frequently neglected or ignored by mainstream media; books, articles, E-lists, conferences, TV, movies, etc. Thus high strangeness witnesses do not always know what to call their sightings/experiences or who to contact for information or help. Much like the plight of those who claim to have been abducted, high strangeness witnesses are afraid to speak of their encounters for fear of ridicule even among those in the UFO/abductee community. Another factor that obscures high strangeness cases from our awareness is the reluctance of investigators, organizations and research groups to include such reports in their data bases. I have found many cases reported to UFO and other organizations that are deleted or ignored on a regular basis simply because they do not fit the stereotypical, preconceived notions of the investigator or individual who records the information. Many individuals who run reporting centers and keep large data bases have specific criteria as to what is more likely to be real and what is not and regularly screen reports accordingly. Unfortunately, this is how high strangeness cases become deleted from data bases and thus never available for study. If phenomena we study do not fit our preconceived notions of what can or cannot be real, we ignore or debunk the information and reports. If we do not record such cases - no matter how strange or bizarre, they will never be available to study should more cases come along. So, we have nothing to compare new cases to because there are no data bases in which these cases are recorded. There have been many phenomena ignored in the past only to become relevant at a later date. We, as investigators, researchers, and interested parties, must not assume what may or may not be real based on realities evolving faster than our paradigms. We need only observe and record what correlates as the information unfolds, suspending judgement, bias and ridicule. (PS- The book I am currently writing deals directly with high strangeness UFO sightings that do not fit the typical descriptions of UFOs so I have a pretty good idea how much we are missing every day due to reporting and recording bias. I was quite shocked when I discovered just how much we filter from our data bases, our studies and our perceptions. We tend to "cover-up" and deny more information - usually right under our noses - than any governments or entities could possibly be blamed for. We are our own worse enemies when it comes to phenomena.) ;> Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 Re: Get Real From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 02:01:25 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 15:33:25 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 02:23:41 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 19:04:53 -0400 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>The reason I brought up Firmage was because you were the one who >>responded to a message on this list regarding his 'meeting' and >>'the secret sources' . >Well, why didn't you respond to it in that thread? Why bring it >to this thread? >>By the way, you didn't answer any of my questions regarding your >>investigation. Why is that? (rhetorical question). Perhaps your >>answers would 'confuse' me? >Precisely. The tone of your inquiries thus far have reflected >much less than a genuine interest in the case. I felt your >questions were only meant to provide more "fuel" for your >diatribe than to answer anything you sincerely wanted to know. >And since you say you are "tired" of this topic and wish to >change the thread to your liking, I won't bore you with any more >details. Typical. Just what I was expecting, more evasion to someone questioning you. Does that mean anyone with a negative tone doesn't deserve any answers to legitimate questions? >>You said: >>>The main witness I inteviewed never quite believed she had been >>>"abducted by space aliens". In fact, the witnesses in the house, >>>being of Hispanic descent, first thought the beings they >>>encountered were demons or devils. >>Perhaps I _am_ confused. I thought you said in a previous >>message, "the woman had been abducted all her life". Are you >>talking about the same person here? >>Would you be so kind to clarify this for me (and perhaps the >>list) so I'm not 'confused'. >Obviously, Sue, you have not read the article in question (see >"Alien Convention" on my home page) or you would know the >answers to this. Try reading the article first so you will be >able to comprehend the discussions in this thread and perhaps >not be so bored. I'm not referring to the article, I'm referring to what you said in two different messages. I am just trying to get clarification as to who you were referring to in these messages, but I guess that doesn't deserve an answer either. >Ah, but you have decided to change the topic of this thread to >discussions of Mr. Firmage. So....neverminds. ;> >Amy I wasn't trying to change the thread. You just thought I was. "The pure and simple truth is rarely pure, and never simple" - Oscar Wilde

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 Re: RPIT More New Findings From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 00:17:21 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 15:28:41 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT More New Findings >Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 13:35:33 +0100 >From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> >To: UFO UpDates List <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: RPIT More New Findings >I realise some on this list have concluded that the RPIT project >is nothing more than a wild goose chase reading symbols into >"smuge" marks etc, but I hope the attached image will even make >these people stop and think.> >The image is taken from a recently aquired reproduction of one >of the "lost" negative what we refer to as the RameyDubose(Grim) >shot. The UTA library only holds the sister shot to this image, >it's the one that has the Ramey Message in view. The newly >aquired print is not in as great a detail as the UTA prints and >has had some cropping which is a pity as some of the cropped >image area holds further "interesting" debris!.> >Refering to the attachment, I'd firstly like to draw your >attention to items A and B these appear to show the edge of a >large _and_ _thick_ piece of metalic debris partially covered by >foil sheet C. This debris is far thicker than anything else we >have seen and at a guess (looking at the carpet pattern) it >could be up to 1/2 an inch thick. For another comparison look at >the foil type debris at points D and D'(top right). I cannot >resolve this large piece of debris in any way with the standard >explanations, I have also tried to "find" it in the other better >resolution UTA print and at the moment have to conclude that >most of it in these images is covered by foil sheets except for >a piece of "odd" debris spotted early on which was dubbed "the >moulding", images of this from the MarcelRight shot can be found >for comparison at: Upon seeing this image it took me only a few microseconds to realize the Neil is right on this one.... whatever it was, it was thick. Looks like a saw cut through thick aluminum. Does not look like material bent or pulled (stretched) to breaking. Looks like a saw cut! But strangely irregular.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 Armstrong: "...life probably exists out there..." From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 09:38:33 Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 15:36:35 -0400 Subject: Armstrong: "...life probably exists out there..." Source: The Detroit News, http://detnews.com/1999/religion/9910/21/10220003.htm Stig *** Searching for life beyond Earth: Neil Armstrong says it's out there somewhere By Todd Halvorson and Robyn Suriano/Florida Today CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- The first human to set foot on a place beyond Earth found an airless, waterless, lifeless world. Nevertheless, Neil Armstrong is convinced life thrives elsewhere in the cosmos. "We have no proof," said Armstrong, who stepped onto the moon 30 years ago. "But if we extrapolate, based on the best information we have available to us, we have to come to the conclusion that ... other life probably exists out there and perhaps in many places." Two million years after intelligent life emerged on Earth, humans finally have arrived at the moment when science and technology are making possible a systematic search for other life in the universe. During the next 100 years, researchers armed with powerful telescopes, computers and robots could find proof of past or present microbial life in our solar system. And during the next 1,000 years, scientists say, it's no longer pure fantasy to think that the human race could discover and perhaps contact intelligent civilizations on distant worlds. "This is really an incredible time to be living because we've gone from the idea that we're alone on this nice little planet to the idea that anything is possible," said Lou Allamandola, a chemist at NASA's Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif. After all, there are 400 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy and an estimated half-trillion galaxies in the universe. "We know there are planets going around other stars, and we know it's likely that some of those planets have the right conditions for life," said Dan Werthimer, a research physicist at the University of California at Berkeley. "So it would be really bizarre if we were the only ones. It's much more likely that the universe is teeming with life." If that's the case, the discovery would revolutionize our perception of who we are, where we came from and what our place is in the cosmos. On the other hand, the implications will be just as great if scientists conclude the rest of the cosmos is populated by nothing other than gases and carbon compounds. "We'll either find extraterrestrial life and have a great insight into it, or we'll not find it, and basically conclude that we're it. Either answer is important," said Louis Friedman, executive director of the Planetary Society, a space-exploration advocacy group based in Pasadena, Calif. Only in recent years have scientists discovered other planets and solar systems in our Milky Way galaxy, a star-studded pinwheel 600 quadrillion miles across. Those findings raise serious scientific challenges to the idea that our own solar system is a cosmic quirk of nature, and that Earth is the only locale capable of producing and sustaining life. "I think the most moving question is whether or not our own Earth with its lukewarm temperatures, allowing for water in liquid form is a unique type of planet, or whether there are thousands, perhaps millions, of Earthlike planets in our Milky Way," said Geoffrey Marcy, an astronomer at San Francisco State University. An immense number of Earthlike planets would heighten the possibility that ET: The Extraterrestrial, in fact has a home to phone. And radio astronomers at the SETI Institute in California are hoping to eavesdrop on the call. Working with the world's most powerful radio telescopes, the researchers study sunlike stars to see whether alien civilizations are broadcasting signals. Inside mountaintop observatories and cloistered university labs, work is being done by astronomers, biologists, geneticists, geologists, ecologists, paleontologists, physicists, chemists and zoologists. Even though researchers still are unsure exactly how living creatures took root on Earth, they know solving that mystery is crucial to the search for life beyond it. "It's an essential question," said Harley Thronson, an astronomer at NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C. "If we could figure it out for Earth, we could use that for a template as how it might occur on any one of the other worlds that are orbiting other stars." The abundance of life in Earth's deep seas and other hostile environments leads scientists to think it might flourish in equally extreme locales in our solar system. The planet Mars is a top contender. In recent years, scientists have uncovered impressive evidence that Mars once was warmer, wetter and more hospitable to life. The latest theory is that water once raged across its surface, creating planetary nooks and crannies in which life may have emerged. The evidence? A 4.5-billion-year-old Mars meteorite found on a wind-blown glacier in western Antarctica. NASA scientists contend the potato-shaped rock contains evidence of the fossilized remains of primitive, bacterialike organisms that are signs of past life on Mars. Beyond Mars lies another seductive site for life: Europa, one of the four moons of Jupiter discovered by Galileo in 1610. Close-up photos from NASA's Galileo spacecraft show possible evidence of a subsurface ocean, volcanic activity and comet strikes. "You've got liquid water. You've got a strong energy source that's long lasting, and organic chemistry. You put those ingredients together with enough time, and on Earth, those same ingredients in less than a billion years gave rise to life," Richard Terrile, a planetary scientist at JPL, said. All the theories about Europa and Mars are sound, but the missions may turn out to be scientific busts. "Maybe we'll strike out at all these places," said SETI Institute scientist Seth Shostak. "But all we have to do is find life on one other world in our solar system whether it's fossils on Mars or tuna on Europa and that tells you right away that life can spring up in all sorts of places in the galaxy." Added Firouz Naderi, who is heading a NASA project aimed at finding life beyond Earth: "If, in fact, we are able to find life or to answer the question 'Are we alone?' then that certainly is grand enough and noble enough to be the enduring legacy of our civilization." Copyright 1999, The Detroit News

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 Laura Lee E-News - October 23, 1999 From: webmaster@lauralee.com Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 15:38:15 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 15:38:15 -0400 Subject: Laura Lee E-News - October 23, 1999 :: To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Subject: Laura Lee E-News - October 23, 1999 Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 00:09:12 -0700 : : LAURA LEE E-NEWS For Saturday, October 23, 1999 By Laura Lee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBSCRIPTION ONLY is how we send Laura Lee E-News. If you receive this message without subscribing, it means that someone else has entered you for subscription. If you wish discontinue receiving these updates, simply return this message with "unsubscribe" as the subject to: webmaster@lauralee.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SATURDAY UPCOMING TOPIC/GUEST LINE-UP LIVE SHOW HOURS: 7pm-2am PST/10pm-5am EST SHOW DATE: Saturday October 23, 1999 John Horgan: the Limits of Science Has science gone about as far as it can? John Horgan thinks so, in just about every field but that closest to home - the human mind. That's the area he believes has the most potential for really revolutionary advancements, but so far, we're just spinning our wheels. Why? The brain and mind are fantastically complex. We need new approaches to solving consciousness, free will, personality, the self. And in some of our advancements, we're fooling ourselves -- one example: evidence that most of the effect of Prozac is the placebo effect. John Horgan is the author of "The End of Science" and "The Undiscovered Mind: How the Human Brain Defies Replication, Medication, and Explanation" Bob Bigelow: Will UFO Question Ever Be Solved by Science? Does science provide all the tools to solve the UFO question? The National Institute for Discovery Science has a full time staff applying scientific analysis to UFO cases. Hear about some of the more promising case files. Dr. Henry Lai: Cell Phones Safety Alert A research professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington, Dr. Lai has researched the effects of radiation since 1980, finding effects from DNA to learning behaviors. Exposure to the radiofrequency radiation common to cell phones, radar, TV, AM/FM radios, remote controls of all types (for toy cars and airplanes as well as for the television) for 45 consecutive minutes can cause disruption of the neurotransmitters responsible for memory. Another problem is damage to the DNA. Cells repair their DNA, but the danger is in putting it back together. Putting it together wrong can cause mutations, some of which may turn a cell cancerous. Is the effect of radiofrequency radiation cumulative over time? Hear the studies that answer that question. Wade Clark Roof: Spirituality and Religion in America Today If you enjoy this radio show, you're likely pondered the meaning of life, and have explored spirituality and religion in your search for answers. Clark Roof offers insights/surveys/statistics into our nation's collective search in all its diversity. He'll tell us about new emerging subcultures, and why so many of us nowadays value personal spirituality over traditional forms of religion, the impact this trend has, and the shape of religion in the future. Roof is the author of "Spiritual Marketplace: Baby Boomers and the Remaking of American Religion" and "A Generation of Seekers" and a professor of Religion and Society at UCSB. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANSWERS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS FOLLOW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE LAURA LEE SHOW WEBSITE: http://www.lauralee.com WRITE TO US AT: lauralee@lauralee.com REAL AUDIO ARCHIVES: Now formatted in Windows Media Player. http://www.lauralee.com/archives.htm AUDIO CASSETTES: Should you need an audio tape of same to send to a friend, or to listen to when you are not at your computer, call 1-800-243-1438. Tapes are edited of commercial and news breaks, are often on 90-minute cassettes, and only $7 each. 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UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 Ice-Age Nanotechnology? From: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 15:53:31 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 15:53:31 -0400 Subject: Ice-Age Nanotechnology? Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 11:25:15 To: updates@globalserve.net From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Subject: Ice-Age Nanotechnology? Source: http://home.fireplug.net/%7Ershand/streams/science/russcrew2.html Stig *** Translation by George Sassoon Lochbuie, Isle of Mull, PA62 6AA, Scotland and 2 Campbell Place, Sutton Veny, Wilts BA12 7SA tels. 01680-814261 and 01985-840205 From: Ancient Skies, German Edition 2/19/98, pp. 5-7 CH-3803 Beatenburg, Switzerland * [Figure 1 - Example of micro-artefact found in the Urals Click on picture for larger image.] ICE-AGE NANOTECHNOLOGY By Hartwig Hausdorf Frank-Caro-Str. 94a, D - 84518, Garching-a.d.Alz, Germany * Mr. Hausdorf has a travel company which enables him to travel extensively, often to places not normally accessible to foreigners. Recently he was in a remote part of China where there are a large number of pyramids. His book THE CHINESE ROSWELL is to be published by New Paradigm Books, Boca Raton, FL . (Contact John Chambers, jdc@flinet.com) Abstract * The discovery, about a year ago, of possibly-extraterrestrial nano-artefacts from the upper Pleistocene in the Ural mountains, led to violent arguments. Are these really remnants of some unearthly technology, or merely industrial waste from our own times? The present report, by the Central Scientific Research Institute for Geology and Prospecting for Precious and Non-Ferrous Metals (ZNIGRI) in Moscow, which has now been translated into German, emphasises the possibility of an extraterrestrial origin. In my book WENN GOETTER GOTT SPIELEN (When Gods play God) [1] as also in Ancient Skies [2], I reported an unbelievable find of numerous metallic artefacts in Russia. I was told from several quarters that such objects simply couldn't exist, and that I had been carried away by my imagination. But now, new visual material, and a translation of a laboratory report from Moscow by a sworn translator, support my conclusion that we are here dealing with possible technical artefacts of extraterrestrial origin. Let's recapitulate: since 1991, more and more mostly spiral-shaped objects have been found, on the banks of the rivers Narada, Kozim, and Balbanyu in the eastern Ural mountains. They are composed principally of tungsten, molybdenum, and copper [1, 2]. It was extremely fortunate that these discoveries were made in the course of official exploration. The expeditions were mounted with a view to exploiting precious and non-ferrous metals in this regions, and geological and mineralogical analyses were carried out. The work was under the auspices of the Central Scientific Research Institute for Geology and Prospecting for Precious and Non-Ferrous Metals (ZNIGRI) in Moscow, which comes under the Committee of the Russian Federation for Geology and Exploitation of Mineral Resources. As I was told by Dr. Valerii Ouvarov (St. Petersburg), further analyses of the mysterious spiralswere carried out by the out-stations of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg and in Syktyvar (former capital of the Komi ASSR), and also at an independent institute in Helsinki. I have before me the Expertise No. 18/485 of 29th November 1996, by the aforementioned Institute (ZNIGRI) [3], the original Russian text of which I reproduced in my book WENN GOETTER GOTT SPIELEN. Due to the short time before the book went to press, a correct and complete translation was not possible. This was only possible after a sworn translator had been brought in [4]. The author of the Expertise is Scientific Assistant Mme. Dr. E. W. Matveyeva, of the Section for Geology, Prospecting Techniques, and Economics of Precious Metal Alluvial Deposits. She reports first on the development of the discovery site, then the testing procedures used for the analysis of the thread-shaped tungsten spirals in the alluvial deposits of the Balbanyu river. The exact location of the site is given by ZNIGRI as follows: it is a development in the alluvial deposits of the third flood-terrace on the (looking downstream) left bank of the river Balbanyu, oriented along borehole line no. 106. Loose sediments are found in this development, which are represented as follows, working upwards from the oldest to the youngest deposits: 1 A structured weathering-crust (alternating chalk and carbon-containing slate with grey-blue and brown-yellow banding: visible thickness 0.5 - 1.0 metres.) 2. Included lenticles (Einschlusslinsen) of 0 to 0.2 metres of weakly-sorted sand, gravel, clay, and fine detrital material, which can be designated as erosion products of stratum 1. described above. 3. Deposits of grey gravel and detrital material of various grain sizes with well washed-out sands and a visible thickness of 1 to 1.7 metres, which could be investigated for possible gold content. 4 Gravel-containing sand and clay deposits, grey-coloured, with a visible thickness of 2.0 metres. In the upper region of this sediment can be seen evidence of disturbance by grading work. As regards the age of the strata which contain the tungsten and molybdenum artefacts, Dr Matveyeva states as follows: The layer which contains the spiral-shaped objects is characterised as gravel and detritus deposits of No. 3 stratum, which in our view, show inner-sedimentary erosion of polygenetic accumulative layers (i.e. layers composed of material of various origins). From their orientation these layers can be dated to 100,000 years and correspond to the lying parts (i.e. the lower regions) of the Mikulinsk horizon of the upper Pleistocene.[3] In the geological time-scale, the Pleistocene is that part of the Quaternary, the latest geological epoch, which began about 2 million years ago and ended around 10,000 years ago. After that followed the Holocene, in which we are at the moment. The report continues by describing the tests carried out, which include the use of an electrom microscope type JSM T-330 made by the Japanese firm Jeol. This also yielded data of various spectroscopic analyses [5]. [Figure 2 - Micro-artefact found in the Urals Click on picture for larger image.] Particular attention should be paid to the final conclusion reached by the Moscow institute. Report No. 18/485 states that the age of the deposits and the results of the tests give a very low probability to the assumption that the origin of these unusual, thread-shaped tungsten crystals is of a technogenic cosmic nature, due to the rocket take-off route from the Plesetsk space-station over the polar part of the Ural region. In plain language: these objects cannot have originated from earlier test rockets or similar fired from Plesetsk. The key word of the report comes finally to the point: The data obtained allow the possibility of an extra-terrestrial technogenic origin.[3] In view of these conclusions, critics will find it very difficult to accuse me of pseudo-documentationor embarrassing behaviour. On the contrary: I will try to obtain further investigation reports from the independent Finnish research institute, on which greater value might be placed. My hypothesis is that these artefacts are so-called nano-technology, which I can sustain with reference to a recent publication [6]. Researchers all over the world are working on miniature pistons, gear wheels, switches, and other control elements, to be used in nano-robots. These workers will soon be in a position to achieve results which hitherto have been the province of science fiction. Surely the last word has not yet been said about the sensational finds in the Ural mountains! * Literature and remarks 1. Hausdorf H. Wenn Goetter Gott spielen Muenchen 1997 2. Hausdorf H. Sensationeller Fund in Russland Ancient Skies, 2/1997 3. Matveyeva, E.W. Conclusions on the finds of threrad-shaped tungsten spirals in the alluvial deposits of the Balbanyu river. ZNIGRI Analysis 18/485 of 29 Nov. 1996 4. In this connection I must thank the Aldea Translation Bureau in Cologne for good co-operation and much help in the translation from the Russian. 5. I would be glad to send interested readers a copy of the complete ZNIGRI report for the cost and postage, also representative micro-photographs. 6. Nanotechnologie Faktor X, 5/1997

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 Re: Get Real From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 09:16:43 -0500 Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 15:55:57 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 12:23:32 +0000 >From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: UFO UpDate: Re: Get Real >My children are aged 2 6 and 7 (all girls). They are interested >in Barbie, the Disney channel and Zelda (N64) and are not >interested in space aliens. Their description of these creatures >as 'monsters' is as good as any since none of us know what they >are, assuming that they exist at all. My daughters were 9 and 10 when they saw the images in question and called them "aliens". They, too, were into Barbie and Disney. They are still into Disney although the Barbie's are now stored in the attic because they are teenagers. They watch the Disney channel almost every day after school and we listen to the Disney radio station on the way to school, after school and any time we are listening to the radio. By the way, it is the Disney channel that has the program "So Weird" and many movies with alien-related themes. And on the Disney radio channel the other day I heard them doing a little contest where kids call in to an alleged telephone located near Area 51 and if an alien answers, they win (complete with the X-Files theme song). If you don't want your daughters exposed to alien themes and images, better watch out for Disney too. If you are interested to see what your kids are being exposed to these days, you can do this little experiment - they do it in the schools. Talk a little about what your kids think about the possibility of life on other planets then ask them to draw a picture of what they think someone from another planet would look like. Bet ya 9 outta 10 at least one will draw a critter with a big head and large, almond-shaped eyes. Don't worry, doesn't mean they've been abducted - only living in the real world with all the commercialism that surrounds us. >So the creature doesn't show up in scanned images and I have to >be looking at the original photo in order to see anything, is >this what you're saying? That's what I would do before drawing conclusions. >>I will gladly do so via private E-mail for anyone if you (and >>any other recipients) promise not to publish the information >>publicly. I do not wish to point out anyone in public because it >>is only my opinions based on personal experiences. I would love >>for someone to ask these researchers why they never contacted me >>or bothered to ask even a few questions. Thank you for >>volunteering, Dave! >My pleasure, you know my address. I promise not to publish the >information. Can you indicate what you plan to say to these "researchers"/"investigators" about the article in question? Will you simply ask them why they didn't review the material or will you be adding your assessment as well? >Thank you for the kind offer Amy but it's the kind of thing that >my family and I have managed to get over on our own. Glad to hear it no longer bothers you. I was just a little worried since it still seemed to be on your mind as expressed in your post. ;> Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 Filer's Files #42 -- 1999 From: George A. Filer <Majorstar@aol.com> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 14:52:16 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 16:44:12 -0400 Subject: Filer's Files #42 -- 1999 Filer's Files #42 -- 1999, MUFON Skywatch Investigations George A. Filer, Director, Mutual UFO Network Eastern October 22, 1999, Majorstar@aol.com (609) 654-0020 Visit our Web Site at www.filersfiles.com. Chuck Warren Webmaster. This weeks files are sponsored by: www.paranormalnews.com. Congratulations to the National Reporting Center and Director Peter Davenport on their 25th Anniversary. This organization and especially Peter has done a great job in recording and reporting sightings. There were 317 UFO sightings recorded during September. Thank you Peter for your excellent work and long hard hours operating the phones. Their Web site is at: http://www.ufocenter.com. IMAX THEATERS SHOWING NASA FILM WITH UFOs CAPE KENNEDY, WASHINGTON DC � The huge IMAX movie theaters are showing a film called "Mission to Mir." One scene shows the US Space Shuttle near the Russian Mir space station with three disc shaped UFOs approaching Mir. Calls to NASA by MUFON's distinguished Ernest Jahn have failed to confirm the UFOs. The NASA footage shows two unknown objects fly slowly past the Mir and the third UFO stops and appears to observe the space station. The movie features Astronaut Sharon Lucid aboard the Mir. Those who have seen the film insist these are not ice crystals but some unknown space ships. Susan Creden the Founder and Director of the Florida UFO Research & Study Group at Vero Beach, FL is sending me a copy of the film for review. This film was obtained by a free lance researcher and may also be the same one show at the Leeds UFO Conference in England. Barry Taylor from Australia also wrote to tell me this is a wonderful film and it's not ice crystals but UFOs. SOUTH CAROLINA DISK GOOSE CREEK � On October 7, 1999, a school teacher was taking her dog for a walk and noticed a row of blue-white lights up in the sky. She thought it might be a plane until she realized it was not moving. It stayed in one spot in the sky for about ten minutes. The sun was just coming up at 6:45 AM. The UFO was shaped like a hamburger with a row of circle lights across the middle. There were sirens and lights flashing, so I thought the police knew about it and were looking at the same thing. I got my daughter so she could see it too and she called the family next door. We all watched it ascend straight up without any noise and change to a diamond shape. The next morning I looked up in the same spot and there it was again, but higher. It started coming straight down and wobbling side to side. I called the police to report it and when the officer arrived it had moved back up higher into the sky. He said, it looked like a star to him. It is very frustrating to not have people believe you. I'm just glad the neighbors saw it too. Thanks to NUFORC and Peter Davenport UFOs ARE BACK IN TENNESSEE DANDRIDGE -- Following a five-day hiatus, UFOs returned to the small town of 1,540, offering two nighttime viewing experiences. According to eyewitness Patricia G., the UFOs returned at 2:00 AM on Wednesday, October 20, 1999. She reported, "The UFO was in the northwest sky. He was a little lower than usual and, as I noticed the pulsating and flashing of the brilliant colors, he sank lower, and the trees blocked my view. This was no airplane. It was the same light in the sky we have been watching all year." Several UFOs turned up in Dandridge again on October 16, 1999. Patricia added, "Tonight from 8:30 to 9:00 PM, there were five UFOs that I could see. They were in their usual position in the northwest sky. Four of them were scattered, and the one to the northeast was very, very bright. There was one in the southwest sky of the same intensity. I can't understand for the life of me why others are not reporting these things." Dandridge is located 23 miles east of Knoxville, Tennessee. (E-mail Interview) Thanks to UFO Roundup Volume 4, #26, 10/21/99 Editor: Joseph Trainor. FLORIDA FLYING TRIANGLES TAMPA � I phoned MUFON State Section Director Lorraine Gerber to determine the status investigation of the September 7, 1999, UFO sighting. Fox Channel 13 showed a video of a UFO on the 10:00 Nightly News. The two anchors gave a fair and honest appraisal of the UFO. Lorraine had some military personnel examine the film and they felt it showed a triangular shaped craft banking in a turn. The film can be viewed at www.filersfiles.com CASEY KEY -- On October 10, 1999, A large triangular shaped craft flew from horizon to horizon as observed from the stern deck of a motor vessel at 10:30 PM. The witness is a Vietnam vet, pilot and captain of motor vessel. When sitting on the stern deck of my motor vessel I observed a black triangle craft pass over and through my field of vision. Five bright white lights were visible on each arm aspect on the craft the size and shape of the craft was evident as it continued to cover clouds and star fields. No noise was heard. The sighting lasted 30-60 seconds. Thanks to NUFORC and Peter Davenport. NEW JERSEY ABDUCTEE CLIFTON � Henri a possible abductee sent this message concerning his missing time on October 20, 1999. Henri states, "Something happened last night." I left with sensations on my back and neck as if something was lifting me. I went out the back way of my apartment in the middle of last night, different from the direction I was taken from last time. That is all I remember." Sometimes I see a great deal more including craft. At other times hardly anything. OHIO FLYING TRIANGLE ELYRIA � On October 1, 1999, a triangle shaped object with 12 lights was observed moving very slowly at low altitude at 4:40 AM. The object had three lights right at the very tip, shaped like a "V." There were three more lights on each side of the "V." None of the lights blinked. The two wing's tip lights would change color. The witness stated, "The blueish-gray object was moving very slowly, with a low rumbling sound and stopped over our house." It was the size of a football field but it blended with the sky. The stars were so bright tonight, when it passed over you couldn't see the stars. It paused over our house, and then kept moving very slowly southwest. Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC. ARKANSAS UFO INVESTIGATION REVEALS A PRANK After further investigation the September 3, 1999, encounter by Mike and Henry appears to be false. Henry claims he saw the head of a grayish white entity 4 to 5 feet tall outside. They went outside and both saw four flashing colored lights in the sky on a hovering triangle shaped craft. Investigator JoAnne Scarpellini has learned from Billy Dee of UFOSSI that Mike's father who was very reluctant to talk and didn't say much more than Mike is a pathological liar. Among the things I found were Mike had told UFOSSI that he is 34 years old and veteran of military service. He is in fact 16 years old, confirmed by the man with whom he lives. Henry the other witness is 17 years old and is very easily influenced and led. He will instantly agree with anyone about anything. It appears this case is most likely a prank by the two teen agers. Thanks to JoAnne Scarpellini and Billy Dee UFOSSI@ufossi.org alucard90@webtv.net. Editor's Note: The initial reports carried in these files are followed up by in-depth investigations whenever possible. Occasionally we turn up hoaxes. In most cases these pranks are perpetuated by teen agers. I usually avoid carrying teenage reports for that reason. There is an alarming tendency for our teenagers to lie. COLORADO LOVELAND -- Morgan Clements Director, of the World Wide UFO Reporting Center writes, "We are working on a unique possible abduction case with an experiencer who has been branded with a special undeniable mark on her thigh." On September 21, 1999, the witness reported very strange dreams that were a little too real to be dreams. The witness states, "Almost every night I get a very strange feeling that I am going to be abducted, but have not ever been before to my knowledge." In my dream I am in a very dark place that looks like the field about one half a mile from my house. I see a landed alien ship. I blink my eyes and the next thing I know I am in a silver ship. An extremely bright light was pouring from it as if it were liquid-light. Inside there was a bunch of TV monitors that display images of what seemed to be various sections of the interior of the ship. The creepiest thing I saw was an alien with large oval shaped black eyes wearing a shiny blue suit. He seemed to paralyze me. He was lying on the floor and he didn't have eyelids so I couldn't tell if he was knocked out or just resting. I continued exploring the ship and saw a TV monitor that showed the alien on the floor had disappeared. I saw some movement through the wall of the ship and realized that it was that same being! After that everything is a freaked out blur. In the morning and I felt terrible and found two new scratches on my lip. Thanks to M. Clements uforeports@aol.com Ron Hannivig writes, 'The above cited dateline of Loveland, immediately rang a bell.' I passed through this region back in August. Loveland appears to be located within Larimer County, Colorado -- the specific region of a very recent, rather bizarre missing person case that got a lot of national attention. The case did not make much sense to begin with. A three-year-old boy somehow got lost in the Larimer County wilderness, and from the last report I heard, the body was never recovered. One report actually claimed this lost three year old had asked hikers, if there were any bears or other wild animals about? This is indeed odd, since there are not too many boys, especially of that age, wandering alone in the woods. Additionally, the report's provided timeline (Sept. 21, 1999) is extremely interesting, relative to this boy's disappearance. There were more than enough searchers hot on the trail of this missing boy to have quickly found him, his body ... or some parts of his remains -- given the short distance any three-year-old could wander in that sort of rough terrain. Again, from what I currently understand: This remains a missing person case, and we seem to be dealing well within a reasonable window in time (of 10 days, perhaps). Thanks to Ron Hannivig Simpson, PA. Editor's Note: I noticed that when there is a flurry of UFO reports there are often missing persons as well. NEW MEXICO POLICE CHASE UFOs GALLUP � Reporter Jim Maniaci reports, | Not one, but two Navajo police officers chased an unidentified flying object seen in the night sky over northern McKinley County last week. According to Capt. Daniel K. Thomas, acting chief of police of the Navajo Department of Law Enforcement, Sgt. Tommy Rogers tried to reach the unusual light. But each time either he or Officer El Reno Henio approached it, the mysterious object would take off and run away from them. Thomas, who is commander of the NDLE's Crownpoint Police District, said his men described the UFO as a circular disc that projected a cone of light to the ground, with the light being exceptionally bright at the bottom of the cone, where it met the ground. He said reports describing the sighting were received from residents of Bicenti Chapter, Dalton Pass and Standing Rock, which are north and west of Crownpoint and east and north of Gallup. The first report Monday, October 4, from the NDLE came from Henio, who was headed toward Tohatchi when he first spotted the light around 8:00 PM. On Tuesday, Navajo police officers added to the original report, noting that Rogers had also seen the light. Numerous other calls were received by dispatchers at Crownpoint, and the lights also were seen in the Window Rock area. After two hours, the UFO moved off and disappeared. http://www.navajos.com/ "Missile Intercept Apparently Mistaken as UFO" Jennifer Canaff of the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization has told the "Gallup Independent" that a missile launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base on the California coast coincided with the time a UFO sighting was reported by Navajo tribal officials and others, at 8:00 PM October 2. It was a historic launch from Vandenberg -- the first successful intercept of a ballistic missile warhead, Canaff said. A Minuteman-2 missile was the target. And before its warhead reentered Earth's atmosphere, an interceptor rocket destroyed the Minuteman over the Pacific Ocean. CURIOUS MOON FLASHES AND CLOUDS Distinguished researcher Joseph Stefula who is now healing well from surgery sends this report: A new look at observations by the American satellite Clementine show that a small area on the Moon's surface darkened and reddened in April 1994. Why this happened remains a mystery. For hundreds of years, people have reported seeing flashes, short-lived clouds and other brief changes on the Moon's surface. But astronomers have never been able to confirm the sightings. "The events were observed on many occasions, but most astronomers don't believe in them," says Bonnie Buratti of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. On 23 April 1994, around a hundred amateur astronomers reported seeing a darkening of the Moon, lasting 40 minutes, near the edge of the bright lunar crater Aristarchus. At the same time, the US Department of Defense's Clementine satellite was mapping the lunar surface. Intrigued by the amateur reports, Buratti's team has taken a close look at the Clementine data to see if the satellite also recorded the event. Sure enough, they found that the crater looked redder after the amateur reports. Thanks to Joe Stefula, by Charles Seife From New Scientist, 10/23/99 DAN SMITH GIVES HIS VIEWS ON THE UFO PHENOMENON Celebrated researcher Dan Smith writes, 'I am hearing a bunch of hardware people talking to each other.' This phenomenon is not about hardware. It is about the intercourse between cosmic and human intelligence. The appropriate segments of the intelligence community *are* very concerned with ufologists, not for their observations of 'hardware,' but as canaries breathing the cosmic methane. When the ufologists fall off their obsession with hardware, it is time to clear the decks. The Powers-that-Know do what they can to perpetuate your adolescent infatuations with the 'mechanical' end of this phenomenon. At the same time they are willing to play footsie with those of us working the 'business' end of it, that is to say the psychological cutting edge of this phenomenon. So be paranoid. Your grip on the perch is gradually being loosened. When you fall off, it will not be gradual. : "No one has gotten a handle on the phenomenon, and until someone does, the policy people see very little to be gained by stirring the pot. The ball remains in the court of the ET's. It is still their show. What we know mainly is that any unilateral action on our part, particularly of a military sort, has been shown to be counterproductive." Thanks to Dan Smith http://www.clark.net/pub/dansmith/contents.html GEORGIA UFO IN FORMER USSR TBILISI -- On October 7, 1999, a UFO was sighted over the capitol of Georgia. The UFO was videotaped and photographed. The UFOs were first sighed by police on patrol who notified the local newspaper. The local newspaper staff went out to investigate and at first found nothing, Then they noticed deep-leaden-fire coloring the northern sky. To the east in the blue sky a strange object with a huge human face was observed with eyes and nose, that were like a fire color. All this was being videorecorded and suddenly the camcorder stopped working. The UFO was a bent disc shaped form. When the camera zoom was used a disc and small blue objects were visible. On a second photo the objects-modules" are flying out on another course. Thanks to: (Kutovoy, Anatoly) Zaza Edilashvili <lion@mmc.net.ge GUFOA NEWS s uvazenuem Zaza Edilashvili. CANADA MANY NEW CROP CIRCLES APPEAR EDMONTON, ALBERTA -- In a phone call with eminent scientist Nancy Talbot I learned of a new series of spectacular crop circles found in barley fields near Edmonton. One had seven large circles and the lay of the radial extends out from the center of the circle towards the edges. Along the outer edge the lay of the barley is counter clockwise on the ground with the other barley laid on top. Seventy to eighty percent of the ranchers Nancy talks to voluntarily provide sighting information on strange lights in the sky. In addition, their tractor batteries fail, and their cattle behave abnormally during the time when the crop circles are being formed. MIDALE � On October 8, 1999, pilot John Erickson found a new formation of crop circles two miles south of Midale, Saskatchewan. Three separate farms had formations that looked like Indian medicine wheels. This is the sixth formation of crop circles found in Midale this year. A Geiger counter placed in the field stopped working during the investigation, due to the drainage of the battery. A strong magnetic field will drain batteries. The formation was found in a wheat field and consisted of three circles close together in a straight line about 20 feet apart. The largest circle is approximately 60 feet in diameter, the second about 40 feet, and the third about 20 feet." "The smallest circle is a swirled lay that ends in a straight 'radial' type lay out to the edge of the circle." The other circles have the usual swirled lay pattern." In another field in Texas, videocameras have failed when aimed toward the crop circle. While the camera is operating and turned away from the crop circle the video picture will clear and the camera will work normally. This phenomena has also occurred when aircraft fly over the crop circles. In one case, developed photographic film appears to show something that appears like a craft with port holes, but nothing is visible to the eye at the time the photos were taken. Thanks to Nancy Talbot BLT Research. US WANTS RUSSIAN HELP IN TRACKING UFOs AND MISSILES The United States has proposed helping Russia complete their huge missile tracking radar site in Irkutsk, Siberia. The US government claims that it is worried that Iran or North Korea may attempt to launch missiles against Russia or the US. Cooperation could be beneficial to both countries. The Russian radar is oriented eastward and covers the area from the North Pole, the Pacific and south to Korea. The Clinton Administration is trying to keep Russia as an ally in preparations for shooting down missiles that could be launched from the middle east or North Korea. This technology would also be useful in tracking and shooting at UFOs. The US government has also proposed that the Russians and the US share satellite tracking data on the trajectory of missile launches. The government announced that both Russia and the US have a common interest in guarding against attacks from rogue states. The Russians and the US have shared some data in the past. The US is now preparing to build a defensive system with 100 missile interceptors based in Alaska and another 100 in the US. Changes are needed in the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty to allow this system. The government claims it is willing to go quite far in providing the Russian's with advanced technical data in exchange for changes in the treaty. The Soviets were working on an advanced plasma based antimissile system that seemed very promising prior to their forming a new government. The key question is this alliance based on the threat of nations of Earth or from other powers? When President Reagan first proposed his SDI program he stated in an address to students at Fallston High School on December 4, 1985. In his private discussions with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev at last months Geneva summit, he noted that 'We're all God's children.' "I couldn't help but say to him just think how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly if there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet outside in the universe, Reagan said the president went on to say that such an event would force himself and Gorbachev to forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries and they would find out that we really are all human beings here on this earth together. Well, I don't suppose we can wait for some alien race to come down and threaten us, Reagan added. But I think that between us we can bring about that realization. Since 1975, the USA and USSR have a Bilateral Agreement to Reduce the Risk of Nuclear War between the two nations. Article 3 states, "The parties undertake to notify each other immediately in the event of detection missile warning systems of unidentified objects or in the event of signs of interference with these systems or with related communications facilities. if such occurrences could create a risk of outbreak of nuclear war between the two countries." UNDERGROUND VAULTS AT WRIGHT PATTERSON-Update -- See URL below for reports and drawings used to support the "Underground Vault" theory at Wright-Patterson AFB: This web site has interesting engineering plans of the various buildings on base. There are reports and drawings that are supportive data that have recently been added. Please see, http://home.sprintmail.com/~rigoletto/Sanctuary_Of_The_Birds.htm THE GREAT UFO/ET AUTUMN FESTIVAL will be held at the Days Inn, Bordentown, NJ by Pat Marcattilio on October 30 and 31. Speakers include Antonio Huneeus, Steven Basset, Peter Robins, Wendelle Stevens, myself and many others. Call (609) 631-8955 for reservations. RECOGNIZING ABDUCTION EXPERIENCES PROGRAM October 30th in Sedona, Arizona featuring Derrel Sims with Robert Dean and Dr. Ruth Mckinley-Hover Conference begins at 10 AM and ends at 10 PM Lunch is included. Learn the signs and symptoms of having been abducted. Explore both human and alien motives behind the experience. Develop healing and Spiritual techniques for coping and expanding the human potential. By Derrel Sims, see Dr. Chet Snow's website at: http://people.delphi.com/sedonaconf BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL A HOME SEE MY FREE REPORT -- All real estate agents are not the same? Some real estate agents or sales representatives are part timers and inexperienced. Others are experts with an excellent experience and capabilities. When you are selling or buying your home, you need to make sure you have the best real estate agent working for you before you make any important financial decisions on one your biggest investments! Remember, the majority of people do not know the right questions to ask, and what pit falls can cause major problems. Picking the right real estate agent can be a wonderful experience, and picking the wrong one can be a big mistake that can waste your time and cost you thousands! Find out, "What you need to understand before hiring any real estate agent!" These are the questions that many agents do not want you to ask. Learn how you can obtain the best real estate agent for your needs. To get a free copy of this report, just call (609) 654-0020 or e-mail us at Majorstar@aol.com. US GOVERNMENT UFO PROOF RELEASED: Audio tapes of a genuine UFO Alert at Edwards Air Force base and studied by the Foreign Technology Division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, are now available for distribution to the public. Lunar Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell was at Edwards the night the UFO chase occurred. The 6th person to walk on the moon said, "The night it happened I investigated it myself and this was a real event." Sam Sherman's audio documentary tape called THE EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE ENCOUNTER on the night of October 7, 1965, uses the actual voice recordings provided by the Air Force. During this event 12 high tech luminous UFOs invade secure air space and came down low over the runways at Edwards AFB. Tower operator Sgt. Chuck Sorrels spotted them and notified the Air Defense Command. Sgt. Sorrels is heard on the original tapes and in a new segment where he verifies the event as it is heard on the archival recordings. The UFOs are described and a decision is made to launch F-106 fighter interceptors. You are there for an important part of UFO history. Hear it for yourself, it's the best UFO tape ever made. Tape cost is $14.95 each plus $2.00 for shipping -- total $16.95 --(for overseas orders-out of US - add $6.00 shipping cost -- total -- $20.95) you can send either a personal check or money order to: Independent International Pictures Corp, Box 565, Dept. GF, Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857. MUFON JOURNAL For more detailed investigative reports subscribe by contacting Mufon@aol.com. Filer's Files Copyright 1999 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post items from the Files on their Websites provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue that the item appeared. Send your letters to me at Majorstar@aol.com. If you wish to keep your name confidential please so state.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 JJG Passes - More Than Swamp Gas From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 13:44:33 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 15:59:49 -0400 Subject: JJG Passes - More Than Swamp Gas The world has lost a major mojo, a man who will be hissed a man who was once described as, "That jerk!" In fact, he was often referred to that way. J. Jaime Gesundt passed away (rumor has it) just moments ago, from an anurism of the liver. He went quickly. As life faded from his jaded but spade ... uh, eyes, he uttered, "I didn't wanaa tell no body, but I have the truth. I shall take it wit me, cause I don't want no body callin me a jerk, eh?" His last words were, "Tell them, tell them, (gasp), tell them Sal Mineo was a Jew. And tell them, tell them, tell them that UFO's are real, and tell them that, that, (gasp) abductions are real, and they are here. Tell them "they" are among us. And tell them I lied about all them Ph.D.'s. I only got five. "Last, but not least, tell all them mothers what said they had the truth to go (deleted) themselves into oblivion and die of thirst, like that Judas Priest guy." (It was Frankie Lee). J. Jaime will be burried in a "T-shaped" coffin later this afternoon. He wanted it that way. Along side J. Jaime, will be a folded and freshly powdered Julio doll. It was his last wish. According to his last will and testament, everything he owns would have gone to Lehmburg's Ford fund, but after what the poet lauriate said about J's secret friend, Mr. Ramalamading Dong, this will not happen. You see, they were more than friends. Requiacet in pacem, dude. Dr. J. Morty Mortellaro will deliver the eulogy later, after he stops laughing. Jim Mortellaro

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 22 An Invitation To Messrs Black & Maccabee From: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 17:21:23 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 17:21:23 -0400 Subject: An Invitation To Messrs Black & Maccabee From: 'Strange Days Indeed' <updates@globalserve.net> It has been suggested that perhaps Bruce Maccabee & Jerry Black might care to debate their differing takes on 'The Gulf Breeze Photos' via the radio program that Jonn Kares and I host - 'Strange Days... Indeed'. On All-Hallows Eve, Sunday October 31st, we shall be celebrating the programs 1st Anniversary and would like to invite both Bruce and Jerry to join us, via the phone, that evening. We look forward to receiving responses from both Bruce and Jerry. Errol Bruce-Knapp

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 23 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 20:54:23 +0100 Fwd Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 09:08:33 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 21:55:06 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 13:48:38 -0400 >>From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Sean Jones wrote: >Good Afternoon Andy >><snip> >Andy, yes _we_ have learned a heck of a lot _BUT_ have _we_ got an >answer that satisfies all? No! Why's that? Because some UFO's have >not, or can not be explained to anyone. But when I was speaking about >solving the riddle that is ufology, I was talking generally Andy, not >individual cases. Hi, I think the point is that all UFO cases are potentially explicable. There is an answer to everything in the universe. We just have not found all these answers yet. That answer might be a simple thing or an exotic solution but all UFOs will in the end be IFOs by the process of identifying them. Its also highly unlikely that any UFO solution will please everyone for two key reasons. 1: UFOs are not a single phenomenon. There are multiple and different UFO phenomena with a range of explanations. 2: Most people accept this but believe 'some' UFOs are - substitute whatever your own pet theory is. There are many pet theories and most (ETH, Time Travellers, All UFOs are IFOs) are quite unprovable. It can only ever be a value judgement and these can never please everyone. What Andy is saying - and I agree with him - is that all UFOs have the potential to be mundane IFOs - with none any exotic phenomenon at all. You cannot, as you quote from Sherlock Holmes, eliminate all the possibles and thus leave an impossible (i.e. aliens or whatever). The reason is that new types of IFO are always feasible and may simply never have been thought of before now. When they are thought of they can suddenly solve a potentially baffling case. This is the nature of the investigation process in ufology. Our book 'The UFOs that Never were' makes this apparent. But its easy to see by, for instance, the Williamette Pass case. Here you can eliminate all the obvious possibilities. Its not a plane, balloon, meteor, etc. So does that mean by your argument it must be some exotic form of UFO? Many ufologists argued so for years. I felt it did. But clearly it does not. The case remained a UFO for 30 years until Irwin Weider solved it. He solved it as an IFO nobody in the world had dreamed of as a way to explain a UFO case (a road sign). This conclusively shows that the Sherlock Holmes quote does not work in UFO terms and that potentially any UFO case can become an IFO. You may feel some cases never will have mundane causes. I actually agree with you. But its an opinion that we cannot prove and the position Andy adopts (that ultimately all cases will fall in down to earth terms) is perfectly defensible and at least as plausible as the ETH, Time Travellers or any exotic theory. This is not, as you seem to suggest, scepticism or debunking. In fact its just another theory of UFO origin vying like all the others for evidence to back it up. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 23 Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex From: Joachim Koch <AchimKoch@compuserve.com> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 17:18:35 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 09:11:24 -0400 Subject: Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex >Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 13:54:57 -0700 (PDT) >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net>, >From: Jim Deardorff <deardorj@proaxis.com> >Subject: Re: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex >Hello Joachim, >You'd better watch your language -- you're beginning to sound >like one of those contactees or abductees! :-) (Although if >it's in the upper stratosphere that the O3 content is >increasing, that's good, not bad.) Here in the U.S., in our >Congress, we rarely ever hear the word "planet" used. To think >of our planet the way you suggest would detract from >nationalism. >Jim Deardorff >From: Bob Kathman <BKathman@microprose.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Crop Circles Become More Frequent, Complex >Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 15:44:47 -0400 [snip] >In the case of mutilations I'd wonder if they aren't a >form of terrorism... Dear Jim, Dear Bob, I put these two things together and hope that Errol will tolerate this. :-) Thank you for your patience with my English/American, some of the mistakes are due to typing errors. My intention was to sound like someone who deeply is concerned about the state of our planet. This is very old German tradition... :-) I know that the people who lived in your home country before the Europeans conquered did the same. >From my point of historical view - here in Germany, I always thought, when I heard about these mutilations: despite from criminals and sects and so on, what would impress a normal American farmer and with this the whole American pubplic more then violating something they identify themselves with - the cattle? So to raise negative attitudes against aliens - wouldn't it be the best to take the most sensitive part of a nation - its historic links and to violate them? I am a surgeon myself since 22 years and I am working since many years with electric knifes, I know how quick and perfect (clean) they go. Train a team, and within some time, they will produce mutilated, bloodless cattle or whatever you want. I am open to every mundane explanation to the cattle mutilation's secenario because I think this is their (= those we cannot control though we think we live in a democracy)worst card they were forced to play because they have lost the game: - to prevent us from getting knowledge that we are not alone here - since a long time. And that is exactly what this non-human Intelligence in England had shown us with their (at that time) genuine circles: Look (up) and (start to)Think! Best whishes Joachim Koch Berlin, Germany

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 23 UFOcity.com Report 10/99 From: Peter Robbins <ufolist@mail.teamcpm.com> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 17:17:25 -0500 Fwd Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 09:21:08 -0400 Subject: UFOcity.com Report 10/99 The UFO city.com Report "The Truth Matters" October 1999 "We seek a free flow of information... we are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people." John F. Kennedy UFO's and Intolerance, Part II Last month's editorial on televangelist Pat Robertson's alleged statement that people who believe in the existence of aliens from space and UFOs should be put to death by stoning, drew numerous comments and responses, but none from Mr. Robertson, who was forwarded a copy of the editorial. We have since sent for a full transcript of the July 8, 1997 broadcast of "The 700 Show" during which the alleged remark was made and will carefully review the text upon its receipt here. In any case it will be the subject of a follow-up letter to Mr. Robertson which will be reproduced in this newsletter. In the meantime, I have been making an effort to better understand the beliefs which might generate such a shocking statement. They go something like this: New Age leaders are the willing or unwilling henchmen of Satan. They understand that belief in the Anti-Christ will be easier to foist on the public if the public has been conditioned to believe in the existence of aliens - who are actually demons, the minions of Satan, appearing as predicted in the Bible at the present, or "Endtime." After these 'extraterrestrials' and their UFOs are accepted as a genuine, all religions (excluding Biblical, or Fundamental Christianity) will accept a new system of worship - a spiritual paradigm which includes aliens from other planets. The Vatican will then accept these 'space brothers' as fellow creatures of God and establish a new religion - the religion of the Beast. The alien impostures will then convince most Christians that they have no need for a personal savior, which is about as un-Christian as any behavior can be. The ultimate 'logic' here is that even if the aliens (even if there are real ones) are not 'employed by Satan himself, they are laboring in his service and must therefore be his agents, the fallen angels. I for one do not believe in the above scenario, but it does sober me to remember that millions of people do. Food for thought; more next month.. ---------------------------------------------------------------- NASA Says Mars Orbiter Loss the Result of Metric Mix-Up; Others Say, Yeah, Right If we are to take NASA at their word, an elementary math mix-up by world-class scientists who should have known better was the cause of the September 30 loss of the $125 million Mars Climate Orbiter. The alleged error caused the craft to fly too close to the planet's surface (only 35 miles up!) resulting in it's disintegration in the Martian atmosphere How could such a rudimentary error have occurred? Well, the Orbiter team at Pasadena's Jet Propulsion Laboratory was using metric units and the production team at Colorado's Lockheed Martin facility (where the Orbiter was built) were using English measuring units - and NOBODY noticed the discrepancy. "People sometimes make errors. The problem here was not the error, it was the failure of ... the checks and balances in our processes to detect the error. That's why we lost the spacecraft." said Edward Weiler, NASA's associate administrator for space science. I am a layman is such matters, but I have a real problem with this explanation. The Mars Climate Orbiter was able to get to Mars without a hitch, suggesting that it was successfully able to execute numerous orders during its perilous voyage. How could this sophisticated piece of technology have made it all the way to the red planet free of command and execution problems, then be destroyed by a single command at the end of its multi-million mile journey? With apologies to NASA, JPL and Lockeed Martin, the official explanation is extremely problematic. American and Soviet Mars missions began in the early 1960's. Since then, there have been a combined total of 32, 18 of which have met with failure*. Most of these failed missions have never been well explained and some have never been explained at all! Certainly, space missions are risky enterprises, but Mars shots in particular have an outstandingly negative success record. Are Martians to blame? Possibly, but I doubt it. I do however feel there are things on Mars which our government does not want us to see. As such, it may well turn out that it is we who are selectively sabotaging our own missions to Mars, despite the havoc and negative PR is brings down on NASA and the billions of dollars of taxpayers money it wastes. I know many may see this view as extreme, but for me the 'metric explanation' washes about as well as UFO's being swamp gas and the Roswell crash being a weather balloon. In any case, NASA has announced that the fate of the Mars Climate Orbiter is now being investigated by three separate review boards. We expect they will all come to the conclusion that the problem was caused by the aforementioned metric error. *See "Mars Missions Successes and Failures" http://www.ufocity.com/guest/ga-111.cfm Also visit the website of the Mars Surface Anomaly Analysis Group which posts photographs of possible artifacts on Mars http://www.mufor.org/ares/ ---------------------------------------------------------------- Space Sciences Organization Takes Off In Silicon Valley On October 12, a number of Silicon Valley's top corporate executives met with Joe Firmage and members of his International Space Sciences Organization to discuss, among other things, possible links between UFOs and cutting-edge (terrestrial) technology. The details of the gathering (including its location) have been kept private, but we understand that attendees also included research scientists, as well as representatives from NASA's Ames Research Center in Mountain View California. No matter how the meeting may be characterized in the press, NASA is obviously taking it seriously. "We're trying to determine if any proprietary information will be talked about at that meeting," a NASA investigator was quoted as saying in the San Francisco Examiner. The International Space Sciences Organization had no comment on the NASA inquiry. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Tobacco Ad Sparks UFO Controversy Successful advertising has always taken advantage of popular trends, styles and beliefs, but the line between trendy and stupid can be a thin one. Are individuals who have been abducted by UFO's "the dumbest people on earth?" That's what the text of a current print ad for Winston cigarettes would have us believe. UFO's and aliens have been a staple in all types of advertising for years now, but more often than not it's been with some good humor or cleverness. Not so of the Winston ad. Accompanied by a nice grainy photo of an alleged UFO, the copy reads, "If aliens are smart enough to travel through space, why do they keep abducting the dumbest people on earth?" Funny? Hip? Meaningful? No on all counts. Meanspirited and meaningless is more like it. The fact is that the ad makes no sense and the copy is genuinely demeaning to a very real group of individuals. Mocking people who have suffered through traumatic events is simply not funny. Even if one does not take such accounts seriously, most people who maintain that they have been the subjects of alien abduction seem to be suffering the effects of something, and at the very least should be accorded a little respect and sensitivity. Personally, I don't think the folks at R. J. Reynolds' advertising agency though this one through very well. What about those abductees who are - uh oh - Winston smokers? Are they also among "the dumbest people on earth?" Or are abductees who smoke Winstons given some special R. J. Renyolds dispensation? Or, is the message here that smokers - especially Winston smokers - are among the smartest people in the world? Sure they are.. ---------------------------------------------------------------- What Radar Tells About Flying Saucers "U.S. Air Force and civilian radar experts know enough about temperature inversion to be sure that it doesn't explain the strange objects they've seen on their scopes in Washington, and in other places. And the official Air Force gun-camera photos reproduced here for the first time back them up..." So begins a refreshingly nuts-and-bolts article from the golden age of flying saucers. "What Radar Tells About Flying Saucers" was written by one of the true pioneers of ufology, Marine Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe (ret.). The original article appeared in the December 1952 issue of The men's magazine, True. "What Radar Tells.." is one of a series of vintage UFO articles currently posted on the Internet and is still very much worth reading. You can find it at http://users.ev1.net/~seektress/key1.htm ---------------------------------------------------------------- Laser Signal to Travel Across Universe Forever A September 23 Associated Press news story states that beginning next year, a Roswell, New Mexico-based company will begin to attempt communication with extraterrestrial life forms via a powerful laser broadcast array named "Starlite." According to representatives for Light Messenger Inc., the signal will travel across the universe forever. "Think of it as the greeting card for the new millennium," Starlite creator Frank Costantini said. The first messages sent into space by Starlite will feature the words of children with the Starlight Children's Foundation, a nonprofit organization that helps the families of seriously ill youngsters. For a one-time fee of $19.95 however, anyone can have their own message sent into the cosmos. For information. visit http://www.starlite.com, or call Starlite International's toll-free number 1(888)905-STAR. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Video Pick of the Month The Truth About Crop Circles: Colin Andrews Live at Madison Square Garden, Multimedia presentation, running time approximately 2 hours For my money, Colin Andrews has proved himself to be the most accomplished researcher investigating the crop circle mystery. He is co-author (along with Pat Delgado) of Circular Evidence, a genuine international best-seller with more than 250,000 copies now in circulation. An electrical engineer and former civil servant, Colin left Her Majesty's service more than a decade ago to pursue crop circle research full time. His organization, Circles Phenomenon Research International, maintains the largest archive of crop circle images in the world, and thanks in part to a study grant from Laurance Rockefeller, CPRI's research will likely continue to remain in the vanguard of this most fascinating area of study. Having had the pleasure of attending a number of Colin's lectures over the years, I can say without hesitation that his presentations are always compelling and thought-provoking, and no one else in the field can hold a candle to his remarkable archive of aerial photographs. This video covers some of Andrews' best research, and more than establishes the authenticity of this global phenomenon. The powerful beauty of the formations challenge the viewer to delve more deeply into what is easily one of the major paradoxes of our time. The Truth About Crop Circles captures a remarkable evening with a remarkable researcher. Highly recommended. This tape and many other outstanding titles can be found at http://www.UFOcity.com/ufocity.cfm ---------------------------------------------------------------- UFOcity.com Announces Its First Label Release! UFOcity.com takes real pleasure in announcing the upcoming release of Ultimate UFO!, the most ambitious UFO DVD-ROM set ever produced. The double DVD package will include the most comprehensive collection of UFO footage ever with clips spanning almost 50 years. The footage totals more than five and a half hours of viewing and was shot in 26 countries - and outer space, courtesy of NASA. You will be able to watch it accompanied by a music soundtrack, or with running commentary by myself and noted UFO historian and researcher J. Antonio Huneeus, co-author of UFO Briefing Document - The Best Available Evidence, and International Coordinator for the Mutual UFO Network. To compliment this remarkable collection, Ultimate UFO! will feature more than 250 pages of the best authentic declassified government UFO documents available, many of which were formerly classified SECRET and TOP SECRET. These reports, orders, letters and position papers make for hours of fascinating reading and show how seriously the offices and agencies of the United States government have taken the subject of UFO's since they first appeared on the scene in 1947. To characterize these documents as historic is an understatement: America's Post War history is indelibly stamped with 3 letters - U-F-O! In summary, Ultimate UFO! will include: � An in-depth audio commentary by well-known ufologists Peter Robbins and J. Antonio Huneeus � Links to six outstanding UFO websites � Interactive menus � Chapter Stops � The UFO Experience video series trailer � DVD-ROM containing Over 250 pages of government documents More than 50 pages from the now legendary MJ-12 papers -- the most controversial documents in the history of UFO studies. Minimum System requirements: Pentium PC with a DVD-ROM Drive and Windows 95 or higher A SPECIAL OFFER ON ADVANCE DVD ORDERS: If you place your order for Ultimate UFO! between now and December 31, we will send you one of three outstanding UFO CD-ROMs (retail value $29.95 each) absolutely free, no strings attached! For credit card orders, simply go to http://www.ufocity.com/shop/dvd.cfm and place your order. Money orders should be sent directly to: UFO DVD OFFER c/o BMW, 250 West 57th St., Suite 317, NYC, NY 10107. Ultimate UFO! is $39.99 plus $3.95 shipping. $2.00 shipping for each additional DVD. Sorry, no personal checks. New York State residents please add 8.25% sales tax. The free CD-ROM's available are Beyond Roswell, Left at East Gate and Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain. Please let us know your first choice, but we reserve the right to substitute as supplies are extremely limited. Allow 8 to 10 weeks for delivery. ---------------------------------------------------------------- UFOcity.com Welcomes Shadowbox Collectibles Online! Taking UFO's seriously shouldn't preclude having some fun with the subject as well. That is why UFOcity.com is delighted to bring to your attention a series of UFO-related collectibles which should pass muster with even the most scholarly researcher - not to mention with their kids! Shadowbox Collectibles' alien figures and I (for "identified") FO's are based entirely upon first-hand reports of actual encounters. The figures are extremely well cast, beautifully detailed and carefully hand painted. Most come in a carded blister pack complete with a collectible trading card. They also have glow-in-the-dark figures and keychains. Most of the collectibles in the Shadowbox line are very reasonably priced at between $3.00 and $6.00 and are available for view by just clicking on the item at http://www.UFOcity.com/sbox/sbox.cfm The company also has a line of terrific mythological figures (sasquatch, yeti, Loch Ness monster, dragons, etc) to choose from. Shadowbox Collectibles make great gifts and are fine additions to your own UFO-related collection. Check out their online catalogue at UFOcity.com! ---------------------------------------------------------------- From Arcturus Books Online October Catalogue Arcturus Books' new catalogue is out and as always, there are numerous new and ongoing UFO and paranormal titles to choose from. Here are our picks for the month: (Documents) PROJECT BLUE BOOK SPECIAL REPORT NO. 14. 1999, 256pp, large spiral bound. This reproduction of No. 14 differs from the Leon Davidson "Analysis Of" book in the sense that A) this is the complete collection of statistical tables which comprise the report, and B) there is no "analysis" of these statistics. Raw data, waiting for your analysis! $20.00 (Documents) PROJECT GRUDGE. FUFOR, 1999, lg. softbound, about 300pp. All the documentation pertaining to Project Grudge. As such, a must for libraries emphasizing the historical aspects of Ufology. Rob Swiatek contributes the foreword. $25.00 Gruber, Elmar R. PSYCHIC WARS: PARAPSYCHOLOGY IN ESPIONAGE-AND BEYOND. 1999, qual. soft, 288pp, notes, glossary, index. Originally a 1997 German work, this now gets its first English-language exposure. It is full of evidence which reveals something of the true nature of the actual powers possessed within human consciousness, and very reminiscent of the work now being done with various subjects by Dr. Berthold Schwarz. Are we in a degenerative state today, with respect to such powers, or are we only now beginning to awaken these powers in ourselves, after tens of thousands of years of existence as "homo sapiens"? I suspect the latter possibility is correct-and here is an excellent place to start examining the evidence for it. $17.95 Halliday, Ron. UFO SCOTLAND. 1998, qual. soft, 337pp., photos, bibliog, index. Case studies of Scottish UFO encounters, seems to be all-1990s material, good solid reporting from an area not previously well known in UFO circles. $15.95 (Stock due in about 2 weeks) Newman, Paul. LOST GODS OF ALBION. THE CHALK HILL-FIGURES OF BRITAIN. R. Hale, 1997. HC, 216pp, photo-illus, bibliog, index. Reprint of 1987 original. The Uffington Horse, the Cerne Abbot Giant, the Long Man of Wilmington and other hill figures are described here, and some are assigned a date much earlier than previously given. If your interests include Megalithic Britain, this book is sure to please. Priced too low, at $19.95 INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER. Summer, 1999, Vol 24:2. Jerome Clark says "It ain't over (for ufology) yet (without mentioning anything about the fat lady who still has to sing). Also, Argentinian UFO crash-landing; 1997 South Pacific sighting (article by Richard Haines); Part One of "The Mystery of Howden Moors" in the UK; UFOs in Canada, 1998, by Mark Rodeghier, and Michael Swords unveils "Classic Cases from the APRO Files." Always the best, $6.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- In Closing: No Aliens, No UFOs, No Elvis - National Enquirer Revamps It's Image "No Aliens, No UFOs, No Elvis" will be the slogan of the "new" National Enquirer. The Wall Street Journal reports that the venerable supermarket tabloid will be sprucing up it's image and avoiding UFO and Elvis sightings coverage in the future. The strategy is part of an effort to gain new readers, respectability, and a greater share of the gossip market now dominated by "People" and "Us" Magazines. We cannot say whether or not the absence of UFO coverage from the Enquirer will be of any assistance in making the subject more mainstream or respectable, but despite years of griping, some of us will begrudgingly miss the tabloid's more overtly goofy coverage of UFO's. But if you are a member of this group, fear not. We are confident that "Midnight," "The Tattler," and the other tabloid sleaze sheets will more than take up the slack and keep us supplied with as much "I Had Elvis's Love Child Aboard a Flying Saucer" as we can handle. --------------------------------------------------------------- If you have a friend who you think might enjoy receiving the UFOcity.com Report, please tell them about it or forward them a copy. To subscribe, email us at <ufolist@teamcpm.com> and include the word "subscribe" in the subject. To unsubscribe, email us at the same address and include the word "unsubscribe" in the subject.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 23 Re: Armstrong: "...life probably exists out From: Alfred Lehmberg <Lehmberg@snowhill.com> Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 18:27:03 -0500 Fwd Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 09:26:45 -0400 Subject: Re: Armstrong: "...life probably exists out >Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 09:38:33 >To: updates@globalserve.net >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Subject: Armstrong: "...life probably exists out there..." >Source: The Detroit News, >http://detnews.com/1999/religion/9910/21/10220003.htm >Stig >*** >Searching for life beyond Earth: Neil Armstrong says it's out >there somewhere >By Todd Halvorson and Robyn Suriano/Florida Today <snip> ... And if the 'smart money' rests on "they're out there somewhere," wouldn't it be rational good sense to function (down here) in a manner like they were "out there somewhere" -- _close_? I mean, if we're _wrong_ we just treat each other with respect, deference, and consideration... but if we're _right_, we treat each other with respect, deference, consideration -- _plus_ we provide an assuring example to our judge, jury, and (perhaps) executioner. Lehmberg@snowhill.com -- Visit a Virtual Art Gallery in Cyberspace! Ponder the Wit & Wisdom of Ching Chow! View "Unstill Life" -- Animation . . . and more. Consider Matter, Mind & Movement. See the current HTML "Apology to MW" with illustration. Take a ride in the Teleporter and check the inexplicable. EXPLORE Alfred Lehmberg's Alien View" at his Fortunecity URL. http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/arecibo/46/ **<Updated 16 October>** http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/witches/237/lehmberg.html JOHN FORD RESTORATION FUND -- Send your checks and money orders to _me_, Alfred Lehmberg (cut out the lawyers, they got theirs) at: 304 Melbourne Drive, Enterprise AL, 36330. Strict records kept. $350.00 pledged -- $200.00 collected! "I cleave the heavens, and soar to the infinite. What others see from afar, I leave far behind me." - Giordano Bruno, burned at the fundamentalist's stake.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 23 Re: RPIT More New Findings From: James Easton <voyager@ukonline.co.uk> Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 01:39:03 +0100 Fwd Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 09:29:30 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT More New Findings Regarding: >From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 13:35:33 +0100 >Subject: RPIT More New Findings Neil wrote: >I realise some on this list have concluded that the RPIT project >is nothing more than a wild goose chase reading symbols into >"smuge" marks etc, but I hope the attached image will even make >these people stop and think. [...] >I'm left with the conclusion that this _is_ a large piece of >aprox 1/2 inch thick material which is totally at odds with >anything contained in the "usual" explanations for the debris. >I'm not saying it's ET at this point, but as sure as hell it's >_not_ MOGUL. Neil, How do you know that for sure? >A final thought, I find it interesting that this debris is in >clear view in one of the two photographs were the original >negatives have been "lost", I only hope a copy might have been >made of the other and it might yet turn up, I wonder if it too >might have had "interesting" debris in full view. It's clearly the same 'debris' in all photographs taken. [From your website] >After starting out on this little project thinking the debris on the floor WAS a weather balloon, the more I look at these pictures in detail the more I think it's NOT, and the proof of the Roswell Event might have been right there looking out at us for the past 50 years in these 4 photographs.> A difficulty with greatly magnified images is losing sight of the simple picture. See, for example: http://web.ukonline.co.uk/voyager/jbj_1.jpg Does that even conceivably show debris from an alien spacecraft? James. E-mail: voyager@ukonline.co.uk

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 23 Alien Abduction: What's Going On? From: Tara Wood <TSWood65@aol.com> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 19:47:41 EDT Fwd Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 09:33:30 -0400 Subject: Alien Abduction: What's Going On? I just wanted to share my page on the whole Alien Abduction thing. It's at: www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Gazebo/2758/myabductionpage.html It's still in construction mode, but most of it is already up. I've tried to make it with as little mumbo-jumbo as possible. Just writing down what I know and when it happened. Tara

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 23 Jupiter, Saturn and Venus (and the Northern From: Nick Balaskas <nikolaos@YorkU.CA> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 21:24:57 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Fwd Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 09:41:55 -0400 Subject: Jupiter, Saturn and Venus (and the Northern Hi everyone. Although Jupiter never gets quite as bright as Venus (which is now visible in the eastern morning sky and rises several hours before the Sun), it is now about as big and bright as it gets. Jupiter rises in the east after sunset. In binoculars or a small telescope Jupiter and its four largest moons make an impressive sight. Don't forget to also have a look to at Saturn which is also very bright but fainter than Jupiter (Saturn is located a little further east in the sky than Jupiter). If the sky is clear tonight, people living in the mid-northern latitudes of North America and Europe may get a bonus. There is an alert of a big aurora storm now in progress which may produce an impressive light show in the sky. Nick Balaskas

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 23 UFO Conference Oct. 30 & 31, 1999 - New Jersey From: Tom Benson <sparkle@earthlink.net> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 23:04:00 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 09:45:04 -0400 Subject: UFO Conference Oct. 30 & 31, 1999 - New Jersey UFO Conference Oct. 30 & 31, 1999-Bordentown New Jersey : : The 10th Great UFO/ET Alien & Abduction Congress will take place at the Days Inn, Rt.#206 & NJTP Exit #7 on October 30 & 31, 1999. Speakers are:: Saturday Mohammad A. Ramadan - Effects on Society of Public Disclosure of ETs. Wedelle Stevens - Area 51 & S4 Level 2- Security Guard Report Patrick Huyghe - The Alien Horde: A Field Guide to the Unknown Author of several books on ETs, Bigfoot, Ghosts Editor of Anomalist journal (www.anomalist.com) Harry Trumbore - Ilustrator for Pat Huyghe's books. Antonio Huneeus - Ancient History of UFOs, South American update MUFON International Coordinator, FATE magazine columnist Wendelle Stevens - UFO Contact From The Pleiades, Reticulum, Etc, Sunday Peter Robbins - Bentwaters, Great Britain case and continuing activity, (co-author book- Left at East Gate) ( Editor - www.ufocity.com) ======================================= Group Discussion - on WACO, Y2K, MARS probes, etc. ======================================= Larry E. Arnold - Alien Fire: The Burning Evidence for UFOs author - Ablaze: The Mysterious Fires of Spontaneous Human Combustion. Wendelle Stevens - Nazi German & Man Made Flying Discs Steve Bassett - Politics of the UFO- Leading to Disclosure George Filer - Major UFO Reports From Around the World (Eastern Regional Director, MUFON) Compiler Filer's Files Registration 2 days $85 (before October 23), after 23rd, $90, 1 day $50, individual lecture $20, individual workshop $20 Make out checks to Pat Marcattillo, 221 Joan Terrace, Hamilton, N.J. 08629 For more information call Pat at 609- 631-8955 between 11 am-3pm or Sat /Sun after 4pm. Or Tom Benson at 609-883-6921 evenings after 8 pm.. Conference Hotel Site (Days Inn) reservations 609-298-6100.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 23 Re: Japan's Mars Probe In Mars Orbit January 2004 From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 23:16:45 EDT Fwd Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 09:51:30 -0400 Subject: Re: Japan's Mars Probe In Mars Orbit January 2004 >From: Ignatius Graffeo <Ufoseek@aol.com> >Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 08:15:51 EDT >Subject: Japan's Mars Probe In Mars Orbit January 2004 >To: Updates@globalserve.net >http://www.tui.edu/STO/Japan/Japan/Planets.html >Japan is Third to Probe the Planets A translation from the Japanese English to formal English by Dr. J. Jaime Gesundt. Having worked for the Japanese for more than a decade, I can tell you that the language of language is often lost in the translation of language into the language used to relay the message in, but often has a meaning other than that expressed on the surface of the words used. Or soemthing like that, anyway. Here, let me give an example. I was always told "Hi!" by my boss when ever I had a suggestion to make. I'd say, Wasabi- San, what to you have to say regarding my suggestion?" And he would always answer, "Hi!" Meaning "YES!" But he meant "Yes I understand!" Not "Yes I agree!" See? So please, and with all due respect, allow me to translate the following.... >Japan, the fourth nation ever to send a satellite to Earth >orbit, became the third nation ever to send a spacecraft to >Mars when its Planet-B probe blasted off from Japan's Kagoshima >Space Center on the southern island of Kyushu on July 4, 1998. Spacehip not fall fown and go boom! >While on its way to Mars, Planet-B was renamed Nozomi which >means Hope. Japanese engineers know immediately sucker was never get across Baja! >Unfortunately, an out-of-control thruster necessitated an heroic >rescue effort which will lead Nozomi around the Sun on its way >to the Red Planet. Arrival at Mars will be four years later than >planned. Tell 'em it's gonna take four more years, by then, we'll all know that Mars was a set for a Japanese Monster Movie... and they will have forgotten big mistakes. >The flight plan. After launch in 1998, the robot science >explorer went into a looping orbit around Earth which took it >out and around the Moon. Nozomi then made two swings by the Moon >to establish its final trajectory to Mars. The swing-by >technique would gather speed for the trip to Mars where Nozomi >was to have arrived at the end of 1999. We miss! >Once the spacecraft reached Mars, it would have been placed in a >highly elliptical or "egg-shaped" orbit stretching from a low of >93-186 miles out to about 17,000 miles above the planet's >surface. We miss BIG TIME! >What went wrong? Nozomi made a first gravity-assist flyby of >Earth on Sept. 24, 1998. Following the second Earth flyby on >Dec. 18, 1998, a thruster on the spacecraft stuck open and much >fuel was wasted. Nozomi did not receive sufficient acceleration >boost to make into orbit around Mars. Stupid engineer forgot to remember. Is now with honored ancestors. >Controllers at Japan's Institute of Space and Astronautical >Sciences (ISAS) ordered the thrusters to burn in a correctional >manuever on Dec. 21, 1998. However, that did not leave enough >fuel for Nozomi to be able to slow itself down later as it >entered Mars orbit. That called for an extraordinary effort to >save Nozomi. We should have sent stupid engineer on this trip instead of his design. >The controllers radioed orders to the spacecraft, assigning it >a new flight plan. Now it would make three trips around the Sun >and two more Earth flybys. These gravity assists from the Sun >and Earth would give Nozomi just the right speed for entering >Mars orbit by January 2004. Another stupid engineer used Kanji instead of Metric system. >Nozomi's orbital path around Mars will be elliptical, ranging >from a low of 93 miles out to a high of 31,620 miles. Kanji was to base ten. Metric was to base eleven. Hah! Too much sacki.... saki... sorry. >ISAS researchers say they believe the spacecraft's science >instruments will work properly after the four year delay. A >benefit of the longer flight will be extra time to collect and >send back data on the solar wind in interplanetary space. See part above where you are supposed to forget about it. >Martian atmosphere. Nozomi is designed to perform long-term >studies of the upper Martian atmosphere and ionosphere, and its >interaction with the solar wind. Right. >The low-altitude portion of the orbit will be used for remote >sensing of the lower atmosphere and surface, and for direct >measurements of upper atmosphere and ionosphere. Right. >The more distant parts of the orbit will allow instruments to >probe the ions and neutral gas escaping from Mars, which >interact with the charged-particle "wind" blowing outward from >the Sun. Ionization of the upper atmospheric gas by solar >radiation produces the charged-particle atmosphere (ionosphere) >that acts as an obstacle to the solar wind. Right. >This radiation produces species of gas not seen in Mars' lower >atmosphere, such as nitric oxide, or dissociates the atmosphere >into single atomic species, such as atomic oxygen. If these >neutral or ionized species possess enough energy, they can >escape the gravitational pull of Mars, resulting in a net >atmospheric loss. Measurements of lighter species such as atomic >hydrogen and deuterium also can provide clues about the >evolution of the Martian atmosphere. Blah, blah, blah.... etc., just fill in to make us sound like we know what we are talking about. >More like Venus. Mars has little or no intrinsic magnetic field >to interact with this process, making it more like Venus in >this respect than Earth. No one respect earth which is why we trying to leave. >The upper atmosphere of Venus and its solar wind environment >were studied for almost fourteen years by the U. S. Pioneer >Venus Orbiter spacecraft from a similar, highly elliptical >orbit. Nozomi carries an insturment, known as NMS, which is a >state-of-the-art enhancement of the Pioneer Venus mass >spectrometer. It weighs only six pounds. To conserve space and >weight, electronic items such as transistors and integrated >circuits were removed from their outer casings and placed in >larger packages called hybrid circuits. >Dust storms. Data from previous Mars exploration spacecraft such >as Mariner 9 indicate that dust storms near the surface can heat >the lower atmosphere and increase the gas density in the upper >atmosphere where Nozomi will make its measurements. The U.S. >Mars Climate Orbiter carries an instrument called the Pressure >Modulated Infrared Radiometer, which will provide complementary >information on the lower atmosphere and its response to dust >storms. >NMS. Nozomi carries 14 instruments from Japan, Canada, Sweden, >Germany and the United States. NMS is a U.S. instrument provided >by NASA to measure the gas composition of the upper atmosphere >of Mars. NMS is short for Neutral Mass Spectrometer and Ultra >Stable Oscillator. There also is NASA hardware aboard for a >radio science experiment. Parts from NASA will work well because they use wrong system of measuring, but system just right for us. Talk amongst youselves, I'm a little ferklempt! >The Neutral Mass Spectrometer will enable researchers to measure >the chemical composition of the upper atmosphere of Mars on a >global scale, which has never been done before. >Previous upper atmospheric composition measurements were done in >only two locations as NASA's Viking landers entered the Martian >atmosphere on July 20 and Sept. 3, 1976, respectively. >Precise clock. The radio science hardware was built by the Johns >Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, >Maryland, under contract to NASA. The ultra-precise signals >generated by the oscillator serve as a very accurate clock to >enable analysis of the Martian atmosphere and to help guide the >spacecraft as it orbits the red planet. <snipped - but very respectfully> >Scientists suggest there may be a dust-ring along the orbit of >Phobos. By using the dust counter aboard Nozomi, they will >discover if it exists. Konishi wa, or depending on your location, Konban wa. Or Ohio goizimus... or, need more wasabe for sushi. Also, Domo Arrigato and Hajimae mashte, dozo, uroshuku. Uh, means prease pass Gripple. J. Jaime Gesundt, creator of internatioanl incidents as well as good fresh wine.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 24 Virginia Tech Prof Makes 'Out Of This World' From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 05:18:21 Fwd Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 02:40:54 -0400 Subject: Virginia Tech Prof Makes 'Out Of This World' Source: U-WIRE. Stig *** Virginia Tech prof makes an 'out of this world' discovery Updated 12:00 PM ET October 19, 1999 By Karen Hix The Collegiate Times Virginia Tech ** (U-WIRE) BLACKSBURG, Va. -- Water, the basis of life, was thought to only exist on Earth until a Virginia Tech professor proved otherwise. Robert Bodnar, professor of geochemistry, made the discovery in a Martian meteorite after beginning analysis in December. "As far as we know, it was the first water that had been found in an extraterrestrial sample," Bodnar said. This discovery indicates liquid water was present when the solar system formed about 4.5 billion years ago, he said. "Life -- at least the way we think of life -- requires water to develop, evolve and survive," he said. "The earth wasn't unique in terms of a place where life could develop." The meteorite fell in Mohans, Tex. March 22, 1998 in view of seven boys who were playing basketball, he said. "The whole meteorite was about the size of a big potato," Bodnar said. NASA transported the meteorite to a clean room at the Johnson Space Center in Houston less than 48 hours after the fall. NASA scientist Mike Zolensky began studying the meteorite. He noticed that it contained purple halite, or salt, crystals with fluid bubbles inside them, which he thought might contain water. Because the meteorite fell in an arid area and was recovered immediately, there was almost no chance of water getting inside it after it reached Earth, Bodnar said. "Locating the halite in the Mohans meteorite was serendipitous in a way," Bodnar said. "It was very unique and fortunate." Bodnar, who attended graduate school with Zolensky at Pennsylvania State University, traveled to Houston and returned to Tech's Fluids Research Lab with a sample of the halite. To determine whether the bubbles contained water, Bodnar first cooled and heated them under a microscope. The contents of the bubbles froze and melted at the temperatures expected for salt water. Next, he used a Raman Microprobe to compare the light spectrum produced by a laser passing through the sample to the spectrum produced by saltwater. They produced similar graphs. The presence of water in other parts of the solar system could someday be important in space exploration because we may use the moon or asteroids as staging points for missions farther into space, Bodnar said. The water they contain could be used to make fuel for the missions or as drinking water. "In one or two or three hundred years, these things will occur," Bodnar said. "There will be exploration of other parts of the solar system other than the Earth and moon." Now that NASA knows what types of meteorites are good candidates for studies of fluid inclusions, they have identified a second meteorite that fell in Morocco last year. Bodnar is currently analyzing it. "Our goal is to find a meteorite that is large enough, that contains enough of this purple halite so that we can start doing some very detailed chemical analyses of the water," Bodnar said. Bodnar is enjoying the widespread attention his research is receiving. "You can go your whole research career doing work that is just important in your field," he said. "It's kind of fun, actually, when you're doing research and it starts generating interest in the general public." ** (C) 1999 The Collegiate Times via U-WIRE

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 24 SETI@home Project Reaches Major Milestone From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 05:48:00 Fwd Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 09:17:03 -0400 Subject: SETI@home Project Reaches Major Milestone Source: Sun Microsystems, Inc. via PRNewswire. Stig *** Friday October 22, 8:00 am Eastern Time Company Press Release SOURCE: Sun Microsystems, Inc. University of California Berkeley Reaches Major Milestone in Supercomputing History Sun Microsystems Servers Power the World's Largest Supercomputer ** BERKELEY, Calif., Oct. 22 /PRNewswire/ -- The University of California Berkeley's Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence project, SETI@home, today reported a major milestone in supercomputing history. The project has received more than 100,000 years of computing time from over 1.3 million volunteers in 223 countries, creating the world's largest supercomputing project. The SETI@home Project pioneers the use of the Internet as a massive parallel computer for a data-driven task. The combined computing power of SETI@home's participants is far greater than the world's largest single supercomputer, with a combined power of more than 7 Teraflops. Data that would have taken a single desktop computer 100,000 years to analyze was analyzed in nearly five months, thanks to the volunteers. Sun Powers The World's Largest Supercomputing Project The SETI@home Project is run entirely on Sun systems and technologies donated by Sun. Through its Academic Equipment Grant (AEG) Program, Sun has previously given SETI@home 3 Ultra(TM) 10 workstations and a Sun Enterprise(TM) 450 server, each with significant memory and storage capabilities and the Solaris(TM) Operating Environment, to power the world's largest supercomputer. Sun's latest donation of 2 Sun Enterprise 450 servers and an additional 1 GB of memory brings the total value of Sun's equipment donations to SETI@home to $250,000. "This project is a significant step forward in the way that high performance computing projects are undertaken," said Kim Jones, vice president, Global Research and Education, Sun Microsystems. "The donated Sun systems and technologies are helping the Berkeley team communicate with and collect results from a variety of computing platforms worldwide easily and efficiently." Sun has also been a significant contributor of computing cycles to the project, along with SGI, Intel, Compaq, and other companies and schools. Sponsors of SETI@home, in addition to Sun, include The Planetary Society, the University of California, and Fuji Film Computer Products. SETI In Your Home Computer users who are interested in participating in the project simply download software that acts as a screensaver from the project's Website. The software is actually a sophisticated signal-processing program that runs whenever the computer is idle to analyze data collected by the Berkeley computer from the giant radiotelescope at Arecibo, Puerto Rico, seen in Jodie Foster's movie, "Contact." "By harnessing the power of computers worldwide, SETI@home lets us do a much better job of listening for extraterrestrial signals than ever before", said Dr. David Anderson, director of the project. "It's a new way of doing supercomputing that may be useful for other projects besides SETI. And it has the added bonus of teaching people about science and getting them personally involved in it." The goal of the SETI@home project, which is the first distributed, high performance computing project to offer the general public the opportunity to participate in important research, is to help the institution collect and analyze large amounts of critical radio data from space. The SETI@Home software analyzes data in search of strong spikes or repetitive patterns in radio signals in space. As the computer works on the data, the screen displays a three-dimensional graph charting the signal analysis. After the computer finishes with the analysis, it automatically sends the results back to the Berkeley computer via the Internet and grabs another piece of data for analysis. For additional information about SETI@Home, or to download project software go to http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/ NOTE: Sun, the Sun logo, Sun Microsystems, Solaris, Java, Sun Enterprise, Ultra and The Network Is The Computer are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. SOURCE: Sun Microsystems, Inc. ** Copyright � 1999 PRNewswire. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of PRNewswire content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of PRNewswire. PRNewswire shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 24 UFO Research - Focus On Nuclear Weapons Incidents From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 05:59:57 Fwd Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 10:40:24 -0400 Subject: UFO Research - Focus On Nuclear Weapons Incidents Source: U_WIRE Stig *** UFO guru warns U. Montana of alien life Updated 12:00 PM ET October 19, 1999 By Khris Carlson Montana Kaimin U. Montana ** (U-WIRE) MISSOULA, Mont. -- The U.S. government possesses a massive amount of information confirming that UFOs do exist and the time is now for people to begin educating themselves, a UFO researcher and former janitor said Monday night. Speaking to a crowd of two hundred in Urey Lecture Hall at the University of Montana, UFO guru Robert Hastings, a former custodian at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls, presented a lecture and slide show highlighting recently unclassified documents regarding UFO sightings and the government's attempts to hide the truth from the lay-people of America. Citing records from various government agencies, Hastings described sensitive documents confirming UFO sightings over Montana in 1975 and told of his own experience here in 1967 when a similar UFO sighting occurred. According to the documents presented by Hastings, the Defense Department reported a number of UFO sightings at highly sensitive nuclear missile silos and atomic bomb storage units near Malmstrom. "Over the period of my research, dozens of ex-Air Force officers have told me that UFOs have the ability to shut down nuclear launches - their presence over silos creates missile system failures," he said. In other words, if Osama bin-Laden strikes a deal with aliens, we could be in for it. Hastings, who makes $1,850 per lecture, says that it is no coincidence that reported UFO sightings have risen with the increased development of nuclear weapons and energy sites since the mid-20th century. "It is clear that the focal point for UFO investigations is with regard to nuclear weapons," he said. Hastings spent 30 minutes of his two-hour lecture with a slide presentation documenting the history of alien spacecraft sightings in America. "The fact that it has occurred is highly documented," he said. Hastings has gathered hundreds of pages of documents released under the Freedom of Information Act, enabling him to travel across the country to spread the news. "It is a question of time before all the answers come out," he said. "Educate yourselves with information on UFO's." ** (C) 1999 Montana Kaimin via U-WIRE

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 24 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Roger Annette Evans <raka@swbell.net> Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 23:21:54 -0500 Fwd Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 10:43:43 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >From: Bruce Maccabee >Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 21:44:23 -0400 >Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 15:21:42 -0400 >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Previously, I had opined: >>As you pointed out, the only way he could _not_ continue is if >>he were found out. Has he been found out? Bruce responded: >If you went through dozens of times... no fraud was committed. <respected snip> >I think you are trivializing this. On the contrary, Bruce. I truly believe it is you that are trivializing the importance of this particular aspect of the GB investigation. The analogy of the check out line is clear: I could continue through the line as many times as I wanted UNTIL they found out I had committed fraud. In the meantime, I'll never admit it voluntarily. Likewise, if Ed wanted to deceive, he could continue to produce fakes as long as you were willing to believe he knew nothing about photography; thereby adding credence to the authenticity of his photos. He certainly won't voluntarily admit fraud, especially if he is getting away with it. Is it your assumption that all fraud is detectable and, if not detected, then it doesn't exist? In the meantime, you maintain that no evidence exists that Ed faked the photos because of an unnecessarily complex view of just what it would take to fake them. By doing so, you, perhaps unknowingly, artificially enhance the credibility of what appears to me as basic photographic techniques applied by someone with basic, not advanced, photographic skills. This is illustrated by your response to the following. I previously wrote: >I'm not sure why I can't seem to get this point across: Polaroid >made a cheap copystand with a built in close up lens. This copy >stand was designed for average, non-sophisticated consumers to >make copies of other Polaroid photos. It was very, very, very, >very easy to use. Every shot that Ed >produced on Polaroids could have been created using one of these >stands. Your response was: >Presumably Ed would not need a copy stand if he were to take >pictures with no smear. You have him using a tripod to take >unsmeared pictures and then saying, :"oh these will be more >convincing if I create a smear which will be th same on both the >UFO and the streetlight. So I'll go out and buy a cheap copy >stand, one so cheap that when I click the shutter the camera >will move slighting thereby creating the same smear on the UFO >and on the streetlight." This is nonsense, Bruce. The obvious point is that ALL of the GB photos could be produced on the copy stand, whether he wanted them blurred or not. The stand could be rigid as steel; the blur would be created by moving the print during exposure. Butt-simple. Or is this yet ANOTHER basic photographic technique that you didn't think of while investigating every possible explanation about the GB photos? Let's explore that territory a bit... Beyond admitting that you never thought of the masked double exposure technique, you stated that the photos to be copied would have to be "quite large"; large enough to maintain focus. This is false: Using the Polaroid copy stand, no large prints would be needed. He could double expose, cut and paste and alter original Polaroids at will and copy them onto more Polaroid film. You also stated that he would need to be an expert to find the right closeup lens. Again, this is not true. The Polaroid copy stand had the lens built in. You also stated that alignment for doing any effects would be hindered by the Polaroid's lack of though the lens viewing. This is false, since the Polaroid copy stand is prealigned to copy the exact picture area whether you even bother to look though the lens at all! And, yes, the addition of blur WOULD make the final effect more believable. It fooled you, didn't it? Or, rather, you believe that the inclusion of blur makes the photo less likely to be a fake? Why? Because you couldn't think of a way to fake it? Well, now you know how! Does that make the photo more or less likely to be a fake? Moving on, Bruce suggested: >You should contemplate photo 11, the photo of the UFO supposedly >in the distance over a field, with a blue line coming down. >Hyzer claims it was a double exposure. By this he means what I >call a simple double exposure as opposed to a masked double >exposure. The upper part of the "beam" is silhouetted against >the dim morning sky. The bottom of the beam is silhouetted >against the total dark trees, buildings and ground. So, what do >you think? A simple double exposure? A distinction without a difference. It, too, could be created on the Polaroid copy stand. In fact, this is my whole point, Bruce. It doesn't have to be complicated to look good. And the less complicated it is, the more likely Ed (or anyone else) could do it. However, you maintain the false reasoning that the pictures he produced could ONLY be fake if a sophisticated optical technique was used by someone with an advanced degree of knowledge about photography. You are a photo analyst; presumably with said advanced degree of knowledge about photography. Yet the notion of using a cheap copy stand or a masked film cartridge never occurred to you. Does that make me some kind of photographic genius? (Bob Shell would say "No.") Forgive the inclusion, but I believe Hyzer made the same mistake. Instead of looking at what tools were available for the average person to achieve the GB photos through fraud, you and Hyzer both assumed that it MUST be something more exotic and sophisticated; something that would elevate the challenge of discovery and detection to a level worth of your expertise (hence the "Hyzer method") Why? Why must it be so darned complicated? In fact, this has nothing to do with Ed's intent, or whether he's telling the truth or blowing smoke up your skirt. It has nothing to do with what other witness saw or didn't see. It has nothing to do with whether Ed is a simple man or a sophisticated man. Henry Ford couldn't even write his own name. So what? And believe it or not, it has nothing to do with whether the GB photos are real or fake. All it boils down to is this: Can't you just admit that the photos could be faked on a cheap Polaroid copy stand? If not, then why? Because Ed said he didn't have one? Because Ed claims to know nothing about basic photography? Gee, there goes Ed through the check out line again.... At what point does Maccabee's Grocery Store start becoming suspicious? - Sorry, Bruce. I must have stumbled into a smart ass zone ;) Take care, Roger

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 24 'Cigarette-Smoking Man' A CSICOP Member - Speaks From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 06:24:29 Fwd Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 10:47:43 -0400 Subject: 'Cigarette-Smoking Man' A CSICOP Member - Speaks Source: 'space.com'. http://www.space.com/spaceimagined/xfiles_davis_991022.html Stig *** The Cigarette-Smoking Skeptic Speaks By Brian Doherty Special to space.com Oct 22 1999 12:36:11 ET ** The X-Files ** The Cigarette-Smoking Man feels a little guilty about what he's done. Not about his role in a hideous conspiracy to sell out the human race to malevolent aliens, but his role as an actor. William B. Davis, the Canadian actor and acting teacher who plays the human linchpin of the grand conspiracy in Fox TV's cult smash show The X-Files, is a hidebound rationalist and a dues-paying member of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP). He regards evolution popularizer and professional materialist Richard Dawkins as an intellectual hero. Because of this, as Davis told an audience Thursday night at the University of Southern California, when he saw Dawkins attacking The X-Files, he thought for a moment that perhaps he should quit the show. In a CSICOP fundraising letter, Dawkins accused the show of inculcating belief in the paranormal in its audience, spreading irrationalism far and wide. However, Davis saved his job and his self-respect. Like a good skeptic, he asked himself, "Does Dawkins have any evidence for his claim that The X-Files zaps rationality from its fans?" Davis, who meets fans all the time, doesn't think so. Most viewers take the show for fascinating entertainment, not a guide to reality. If he truly believed Dawkins' accusations, he says, he'd have to leave the show. Cutting wit and arguments, but no frills Davis' young audience, composed more of TV fans than skeptics, started at around 100 and thinned out appreciably as they realized they would be lectured to about things other than a TV show. Indeed, the speech could be grim going for the true X-phile. The first blow struck before Davis even took the podium, when it was announced that during the question and answer period, questions about X-Files plots or shooting details were forbidden. "No questions about the color of Scully's underwear," said the representative of the Center for Inquiry West, the skeptical group sponsoring the talk. "I'm afraid I don't know the answer anyway," Davis offered from his seat. Davis began by deflating his own status, asking rhetorically why the audience should assume an actor is any kind of expert in issues related to his role. His abashed, almost shy manner was a far cry from his X-Files character's sinister, hard-bitten edge, and the talk rambled conversationally over topics ranging from a book he's reading on "memes" -- ideas said to replicate themselves like genes -- to the development of perspective in post-medieval painting, to Marshall McLuhan's theories on how the media affect how we see the world. As he noticed more and more crowd members slipping away, Davis quickly jumped back from his speculations about the medieval mindset, joking that he should "get back to the paranormal before they all slip away." Abduction therapist "insults" actors He wrapped up with tales of his debates with Harvard's alien abduction maven John Mack. Since many of Mack's patients are abducted over and over, Davis asked him why the therapist didn't put tracer devices on them to figure out where they are going and what's happening to them there. Mack replied that it wouldn't do any good because these abduction adventures "don't happen on the physical plane anyway." Furthermore, Davis found Mack's insistence that alien abductions must be real because people report them with such complete sincerity and true emotion insulting to actors. "But that's what actors do," Davis points out, "live truthfully within imagined circumstances." Or, in other words, just because the "abductees" believe it with such conviction doesn't mean it's true. As for The X-Files, Davis thinks the show lost some of its charm when it became obsessed with explaining all its mysteries. "I think the fans don't want answers," he says. "I think the mystery was the real appeal." Three years ago, he noted, the USC lecture hall would have been completely packed with fans; mania for the show has faded. Did the shadowy conspirator bring the light of reason and skepticism to his fans at USC? Perhaps. But I noticed early exiters leaving their free copies of the Center for Inquiry West newsletter behind. In connection with this article, Brian Doherty also interviewed William Davis about skepticism, The X-Files and the possibility of alien life. ** more stories: *William B. Davis - An Interview *Book Review: 'Real Science Behind The X-Files' Entertains, Informs *Whitley Strieber Rallies UFO Faithful, Rails Against 'Denial' *New Book Debunks Abduction Evidence *The man behind the Smoking Man *CSICOP *images *related links Copyright �1999 space.com, inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 24 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - Stan Friedman & From: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 19:20:46 -0400 Fwd Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 19:20:46 -0400 Subject: 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - Stan Friedman & ---------------- /// Gilles Milot ----------------- Our first guest tonight is Gilles Milot. Gilles is the chairman and founder of the Association Qubecoise d'Ufologie - The Association of Quebec Ufologists. He's been involved in the field for almost 30 years. His work for a major Canadian engineering firm has taken him around the world and he's met with many UFO researchers who share the same passionate interest in UFOs. Six weeks ago we reported here the story of a 'Madame. H.' who spotted two small beings that seemed to be working in her sisters garden, next door. Joining us from his home in Quebec, to give us some more details on this 'High-Strangeness' case is Gilles Millot..... ----------------------- /// Stanton T. Friedman ------------------------ Our second guest tonight received Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in physics from the University of Chicago. He spent 14 years as a nuclear physicist working on the development of a variety of advanced, highly classified nuclear and space systems for companies such as General Electric, General Motors, Westinghouse and TRW. He has spoken at the United Nations and presented testimony to a Congressional Committee. He speaks at universities, before august professional bodies and associations throughout the world and has given careful and studied opinion on numerous television and radio programs. He's the author of a CD ROM and several books, the most recent, Top Secret Majic reads like a detective story. He's the consummate UFO researcher and a member of the Board of the Mutual UFO Network. Stanton T. Friedman is a rarity; a dynamic, outspoken scientist who communicates in terms that we can all understand. We'll discuss the 'New' MJ-12 documents. Join Gilles, Stan, Jonn Kares and I this evening as we discuss these Strange Days... Indeed on: CFRB 1010 AM - 50,000 watts 'Clear-Channel' 6070khz Shortwave you can also listen via Media Player at: www.cfrb.com/ You'll need to access the site using Internet Explorer since Media Player seems to choke using any version of Netscape - thanks Mr. Bill! To call the program dial: On-Air 416-872-1010 1-800-561-CFRB *TALK [local mobiles] Errol Bruce-Knapp

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 Re: Get Real From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 01:00:52 -0500 Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 00:24:03 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 02:01:25 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >Typical. Just what I was expecting, more evasion to someone >questioning you. Does that mean anyone with a negative tone >doesn't deserve any answers to legitimate questions? Actually, Sue, I have no problem answering your questions. It's the way you keep badgering me that makes it more fun to keep you in stitches waiting for the answers. <grin> If you had indicated a little more respect and hadn't been so demanding, you would have had your answers by now. And as you continue to change the subject every time I ask you a question, it makes one wonder who is really being "evasive" here. >I'm not referring to the article, I'm referring to what you said >in two different messages. I am just trying to get >clarification as to who you were referring to in these messages, >but I guess that doesn't deserve an answer either. Again you demand answers to questions that you can easily gain by simply reading the article. If you are confused, read the article over and over or read it aloud to yourself or read it into a tape recorder and play it over and over until you are able to comprehend. If you do not wish to read the article, that's your choice. I am not going to go over the information with you word-for-word. The answers you seek are stated clearly in the article, read it. >>Ah, but you have decided to change the topic of this thread to >>discussions of Mr. Firmage. So....neverminds. ;> >>Amy >I wasn't trying to change the thread. You just thought I was. First, Sue, you didn't like my comments about a clip from the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" which is where this thread started. Then you found fault with a case I was discussing with Dave, also part of this thread. Then you decided you didn't like something I said, in a completely separate thread, about a newspaper article about Joe Firmage's group. Wonder why I am getting all this "special" attention from you? Perhaps your "questions" and comments are more personal in nature (left over from "discussions" on another list). Since I have not been on any lists for over 6 months, you must have waited a long time to confront me, but this is not the place for that. Let us take this to private E-mail and not bother the fine folks on this list any longer. I promise to answer all your questions if you treat me with mutual respect and I will extend the same courtesies to you. ;> My E-mail address is: "yelorose@swbell.net" Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 Alfred's Odd Ode #322 From: Alfred Lehmberg <Lehmberg@snowhill.com> Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 07:19:44 -0500 Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 00:25:37 -0400 Subject: Alfred's Odd Ode #322 Take someone like this Firmage, an ordinary Joe, but plainly individual, and drives a Chevy, don't you know. He owns a home and won't have three, apparent that he's off _his_ knees. Looking up to see a star, he's asking where the space folk are! He's not fooled by strained ambivalence -- twitchy phactual� insignificance; he's a spirit of true science -- _balanced_ systems, more reliance. He's aware what's watched is changed! He seems calm and non-deranged. His interest is not based on profit, (perhaps a little like a prophet?) he seems oddly genuine for what it's worth -- a man of men! It's hard to hate his message, clear, that I _myself_ have written here. UFO's are all mixed up with attitudes, and greener thoughts. Present mores are complacent, Earth destroying, cloying -- nascent. We are, PLEASE (!), the Earth's disease, and still we scrape our callused knees! This is what he talks about -- that there is _more_ within, without . . . than dreamt of in a current system locked in dogma's stopped up cistern. Perhaps perceived as planet killers, raising rashes, burns, and blisters everywhere we settle down -- we're pus and mucous spread around. We've small respect for one another, crossing borders, lines, and brothers. We have no respect for life surviving us through strike and blight! We are what we make at last, and that's the air you suck and gasp -- begging for that second chance that you let go for cash advance. Slash and burn in ignorance. Practice your belligerence. Blow up nukes like fire crackers; act like selfish, stupid slackers. Firmage wants to touch the stars, and somehow, nobly, make them ours. He would tell us what he's seen, and make it seem like MORE than dreams. Our destiny is in our face? We'll live with others out in space? We'll take our place, and earn our spot, we'll work so they won't have to drop some bolus from an angry sky to wipe us out -- insure we die. Yes -- tell me how we're NOT disease to bring our planet to its knees with poisons that we throw around for *greener lawns* that aren't so sound. Firmage has a bigger gun, he's got the juice -- he thinks it's fun! He has (in fact), straight up, admitted that his joy is not attrited in his struggle for the truth -- though *heavens* fall, and *hell* breaks loose! GIVING IN TO RIGHTEOUS CHANGE IS STEPPING UP OUR SCOPE AND RANGE! It puts us in the asteroid belt, secures a future Firmage felt. Hell is vanquished soon enough if YOU get off your flaccid duff, and make the *search* important business, investigate this *stuff* -- sans glibness. Something crazy's going down -- written records are profound. History is _pregnant_ with it. Crowds of people SEE them -- Jesus! Firmage wants the honest look, SCIENCE used, and by the book -- but using an imagination, taught by ALL the data's lessons. Look for better plans, designs -- newer models, paradigms. Asking ALL the tougher questions, tolerant of new suggestions (empty prisons building schools before we fail, and play the fool?). In-depth study shows the curse that disrespect has made _much_ worse. Firmage has the guts to question CUSTOM and its infestation. Tradition is a suspect tool; abusing, and it's learned in school. Morality from corporations (?), ethics from religious *blessing* (?), dancing to convenient tunes where few MAY win -- but most will lose is NOT what we can really do. We ARE much more than THAT. It's true! Lehmberg@snowhill.com Aren't we? My reach exceeds my grasp, and that's what heaven's FOR! I'd be damned, but for that kingdom that IS at hand! A god's speed, Mr. Firmage. Restore John Ford. -- Visit a Virtual Art Gallery in Cyberspace! Ponder the Wit & Wisdom of Ching Chow! View "Unstill Life" -- Animation . . . and more. Consider Matter, Mind & Movement. See the current HTML "Apology to MW" with illustration. Take a ride in the Teleporter and check the inexplicable. EXPLORE Alfred Lehmberg's Alien View" at his Fortunecity URL. http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/arecibo/46/ **<Updated 23 October>** http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/witches/237/lehmberg.html JOHN FORD RESTORATION FUND -- Send your checks and money orders to _me_, Alfred Lehmberg (cut out the lawyers, they got theirs) at: 304 Melbourne Drive, Enterprise AL, 36330. Strict records kept. $350.00 pledged -- $200.00 collected! "I cleave the heavens, and soar to the infinite. What others see from afar, I leave far behind me." - Giordano Bruno, burned at the fundamentalist's stake.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Sat, 23 Oct 99 10:25:42 PDT Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 00:38:23 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 20:54:23 +0100 >>Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 21:55:06 +0100 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 13:48:38 -0400 >>>From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >>>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Hi, Jenny, >It's also highly unlikely that any UFO solution will please >everyone for two key reasons. >1: UFOs are not a single phenomenon. There are multiple and >different UFO phenomena with a range of explanations. I have sometimes thought along the same lines myself (specifically in the area of high-strangeness cases), but I certainly would not state it, as you have here, as if this were an established fact, because it isn't. I am assuming here that you do not assume that all UFOs are potentially reduceable to IFOs -- a debunking cliche to which history has not been kind -- and that your premise here is that what we call UFOs and what we call IFOs are different in kind. >What Andy is saying - and I agree with him - is that all UFOs >have the potential to be mundane IFOs - with none any exotic >phenomenon at all. You cannot, as you quote from Sherlock >Holmes, eliminate all the possibles and thus leave an impossible >(i.e. aliens or whatever). The reason is that new types of IFO are >always feasible and may simply never have been thought of before >now. When they are thought of they can suddenly solve a >potentially baffling case. This is the nature of the >investigation process in ufology. Why is the idea of alien visitors "impossible"? I suspect that you do not mean what you say quite the way it sounds. >Our book 'The UFOs that Never were' makes this apparent. But its >easy to see by, for instance, the Williamette Pass case. Here >you can eliminate all the obvious possibilities. Its not a >plane, balloon, meteor, etc. So does that mean by your argument >it must be some exotic form of UFO? Many ufologists argued so >for years. I felt it did. But clearly it does not. The case >remained a UFO for 30 years until Irwin Weider solved it. He >solved it as an IFO nobody in the world had dreamed of as a way >to explain a UFO case (a road sign). I think you are making far, far too much of this isolated instance. Historically, the best cases have overwhelmingly stayed unexplained over time, under repeated investigation. Where the best photographic cases are concerned, McMinnville is a more appropriate example than the Willamette photo. Incidentally, note the spelling -- it's not "Williamette." I hope you have it rendered correctly in your book. Cordially, Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 13:10:22 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 00:43:38 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 21:55:06 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 13:48:38 -0400 >>From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Andy, I do not mean this as a personal thing, I really do wish >UFOIN the very best, I am only expressing my doubts as to the >results of the work, not the quality. What an intriguing and revealing statement Sean. If we are likely to produce quality research, ergo we are doing a good job. Therefore, if the results and conclusions reflect that quality, then what is the problem? I get the idea you are trying to imply that somehow any conclusions we reach will be twisted towards debunking or skepticism for its own sake. Where is your evidence to back up this claim? I can only speak for myself, but I certainly do not approach cases expecting to solve them just to upset all the believers. I use my training as a journalist and academic to follow where the evidence leads. If that leads to a rational explanation, then so be it. If there is an explanation to be found, or which is thought to be likely, then surely we owe it to everyone to say so. If we fall back on ifs and buts and 'maybes' then we are harking back to the age of superstition - belief in nebulous powers 'out there' which ultimately lead us to abdicate responsibility for our own actions in the real world (see for example the witchcraft mania of the Middle Ages). The ET explanation for UFOs is simply an artefact of the era in which we live. Go back 500 years Sean and if we had email I would venture to suggest you would be blaming UFOs on the fairies and little folk. What I'm trying to say is that opinions about the ultimate origin of unknown UFOs are legion and ETs are just one tiny, remote possibility, and are themselves a product of our Space Age culture. Everyone is exposed to this stuff, we can't escape it,. But if we expect to be taken seriously by the real world then we need at least to show we can be dispassionate when looking at the evidence upon which we base those beliefs. Speculation can only be based upon good evidence, and if cases are investigated shabbily and by people who are driven by beliefs to such an extent that the facts become distorted before they reach us - then how can we make any definitive conclusions about them? UFOIN welcomes those who can investigate fairly and objectively without allowing beliefs and prejudices to cloud conclusions. Open minds are what we want - but not so open that the contents dribble out! All best wishes, Dave Clarke "The Skeptick doth neither affirm, neither denie any position; but doubteth of it." -Sir Walter Raleigh.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 Re: RPIT More New Findings From: Neil Morris <neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 19:40:48 -0700 Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 01:10:33 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT More New Findings >Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 00:17:21 -0400 >From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: RPIT More New Findings >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 13:35:33 +0100 >>From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates List <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: RPIT More New Findings >>I realise some on this list have concluded that the RPIT project >>is nothing more than a wild goose chase reading symbols into >>"smuge" marks etc, but I hope the attached image will even make >>these people stop and think.> <snip> >Upon seeing this image it took me only a few microseconds to >realize the Neil is right on this one.... whatever it was, it >was thick. Looks like a saw cut through thick aluminum. Does not >look like material bent or pulled (stretched) to breaking. >Looks like a saw cut! But strangely irregular. Bruce and list, I have seen this type of fracture in metal before. I live in the North West of Britain in the area that gave rise to the "Industial Revolution", the builders of the 18/19th century "Dark Satanic Mill's" were great users of "cast iron" and it's grainy, crystaline structure, when subjected to high impact(a demolition hammer<g>) gives just this brittle type of fractured edge. I'm not for one second saying this is cast iron<g>, I'm just suggesting whatever it is might have similar properties of structure, ie tough, crystaline almost ceramic like, but when pushed beyond it's limits brittle, like smashed pottery. Some of these type of fractures can also be observed on the broken ends of some of the "sticks". I also wonder if this thick material is all solid, if you check the thickness around some of the edges you can see that it varies, thinning out in areas which seem to have sustained additional damage. Shadows cast onto the edges also seem to hint that the surfaces of the edges are not all flat, but sometimes slightly "hollowed out" as though an inner "softer" core material might have been eroded by whatever process generated the initial fracture damage. Best Regards Neil. ------------------------------------------------------- Neil Morris@Home. Email: Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk Web Sites: Roswell and Alien Autopsy http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ The Fort Worth Photographs of James Bond Johnson http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ftw-pics/ -------------------------------------------------------

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 Re: UFOcity.com Report 10/99 From: Nick Balaskas <nikolaos@YorkU.CA> Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 16:33:01 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 01:30:18 -0400 Subject: Re: UFOcity.com Report 10/99 >Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 17:17:25 -0500 >Subject: UFOcity.com Report 10/99 >From: Peter Robbins <ufolist@mail.teamcpm.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> <snip> >UFO's and Intolerance, Part II >Last month's editorial on televangelist Pat Robertson's alleged >statement that people who believe in the existence of aliens >from space and UFOs should be put to death by stoning, drew >numerous comments and responses, but none from Mr. Robertson, >who was forwarded a copy of the editorial. We have since sent >for a full transcript of the July 8, 1997 broadcast of "The 700 >Show" during which the alleged remark was made and will >carefully review the text upon its receipt here. In any case it >will be the subject of a follow-up letter to Mr. Robertson which >will be reproduced in this newsletter. >In the meantime, I have been making an effort to better >understand the beliefs which might generate such a shocking >statement. They go something like this: New Age leaders are the >willing or unwilling henchmen of Satan. They understand that >belief in the Anti-Christ will be easier to foist on the public >if the public has been conditioned to believe in the existence >of aliens - who are actually demons, the minions of Satan, >appearing as predicted in the Bible at the present, or >"Endtime." >After these 'extraterrestrials' and their UFOs are accepted as a >genuine, all religions (excluding Biblical, or Fundamental >Christianity) will accept a new system of worship - a spiritual >paradigm which includes aliens from other planets. The Vatican >will then accept these 'space brothers' as fellow creatures of >God and establish a new religion - the religion of the Beast. >The alien impostures will then convince most Christians that >they have no need for a personal savior, which is about as >un-Christian as any behavior can be. The ultimate 'logic' here >is that even if the aliens (even if there are real ones) are not >'employed by Satan himself, they are laboring in his service and >must therefore be his agents, the fallen angels. >I for one do not believe in the above scenario, but it does >sober me to remember that millions of people do. Food for >thought; more next month.. <snip> I admire your correct and fair approach and I too look forward to reading the full transcript of Pat Robertson's remarks. Who are these millions of people who believe in your scenario, Peter? There are people who are searching for truth and will embrace anything that sounds good but certainly you do not mean Christians, including Roman Catholics? >From the very first verse in the Bible we are told that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth." Since God created everything and the Bible describes man's special relationship with our creator, no new knowledge, including 'space brothers' can change this special relationship and establish a new religion where humans honor aliens, which are just a part of creation, rather than our Creator. Many of our top astronomers and scientists who are searching for E.T. life, including those working at the new large Vatican Observatory, are Christians and their faith actually demands that aliens exist. The discovery of E.T.I. won't change their faith. Answers to all our specific questions about the universe and E.T. life are not found in the Bible, but a lot are. Although it is popularly accepted that the Bible does not talk about aliens, in fact there over 300 such references - even more verses than about angels. As for me, I am well satisfied with the Reader's Digest condensed version of the Encyclopedia Galactica (i.e. the Bible) when I am reminded the following in the last verse of the Gospels "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written." I have enough trouble reading everything that comes in on UFO UpDates. ;o) Nick Balaskas

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 Re: Alien Ineptitude From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 22:01:54 GMT Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 01:36:46 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 03:41:26 -0400 >To: updates@globalserve.net >From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> >Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >I ... choose to >spend my time trying to get a serious investigation into the >reports of the abductees going ... >Some people are in very real distress >over this Joe. For them, 'reporting' is like going to an >emergency room and instead of receiving treatment the doctors >stand around debating and speculating while you slowly bleed to >death. A better analogy (IMHO, at least) is this one: Doctors and medical researchers are standing around the emergency room debating about the causes of and cures for bleeding. You arrive bleeding. The doctors and researchers race each other to get to you first. If a doctor wins the race, you get some curative treatment. If a researcher wins you get sucked into a research study into causes of bleeding. You're right, John. Some people are in extreme distress. They _need_ something curative. Such as emotional support and counseling. Too often, what they _get_ is a researcher who wants to get the data before a therapist 'contaminates' it. That poses problems for those of us who are research oriented. We need to realize that therapists and researchers have different aims. And, consequently, successful therapy doesn't always produce much evidence for the researcher, and may even produce red herrings. >Joe, 'they' have -you- and a majority of the inhabitants of this >rock thoroughly convinced that they don't even exist. >Governments (may be) conspiring to help them in their >clandestine activities, and all the while they continue to 'mess >with' a fairly sizable chunk of the human population with >complete impunity. >Now how "inept" is that! <LOL> >Regards, >John Velez, Speculating my a** off just like you! ;) Not everyone who doesn't share your views has been the victim of a government/alien conspiracy. [;-) FWIW, I do believe that 'they' exist and that something real is happening to those who call themselves abductees. I just don't know what. Actually, I'd also like to point out that 2 or 3 changes-of-subject upstream from this post I posed the following question: Is there any evidence that would selectively discriminate between these theories: 1. That the same off-world beings that pilot the craft are also perpetrating the abductions. 2. That abductions are Out-of-Body Experiences, Lucid Dreams or cases of Awareness during Sleep Paralysis that are unrecognized or incompletely recalled. I know that there are advocates of each point of view. But if we were to sit down to soberly sift the evidence available now, do we find any that is simultaneously consistent with one theory but inconsistent with the other? The results were meagre. Kevin Randle responded and we went back and forth for a while. I think it's fair to say that we agree that evidence relating to what he calls 'sleep paralysis' and what I call 'Awareness of Sleep Paralysis' does not support theory 1. However, we disagree (somewhat) over what theory such evidence does support. If you'd like to get a serious investigation going, why not start by taking inventory of the evidence at hand? What evidence do you think discriminates between the two theories (or types of theories) outlined above? Just looking for evidence. Joe ***************************************************** Joseph Polanik, jpolanik@mindspring.com Trionic Research Institute, http://www.trionica.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 Re: Alien Bodies Recovered After UFO Crash In From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 13:02:31 +0100 Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 01:46:03 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Bodies Recovered After UFO Crash In Stig wrote: >Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 03:01:32 >To: updates@globalserve.net >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Subject: Alien Bodies Recovered After UFO Crash In Wales? <snip> >A TOP-SECRET Government research base was used to store alien >bodies after their UFO crashed in a remote Welsh valley, it was >claimed yesterday. >The mysterious craft came down in the Berwyn Mountains, Clwyd, >according to a new book by top UFO investigator Nick Redfern. Hi All, I thought Andy Roberts had cleared this case up for everyone? Roy.. Keep Smiling..

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 Australian UFO Sighting Reports OZ Files 24.10.1999 From: Diane Harrison <tkbnetw@fan.net.au> Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 10:47:00 +1000 Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 01:51:52 -0400 Subject: Australian UFO Sighting Reports OZ Files 24.10.1999 UFO Sighting Reports OZ Files 24.10.1999 Thankyou to everyone for these reports ~~~~~~~~/////////////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) VUFORS Tony cook FOLLOWUP Date: 18.9.99 19:50 Location: Oakleigh, Victoria Source: Margaret Margaret reported that she was leaving the drive through of a fast food outlet in Dandenong Road Oakleigh and noticed a large light towards the North. At first, she thought it to be a landing light of an aircraft, however it became apparent that is was not due to the high speed at which the light passed from the North to the South with the light visible at all times. Margaret thought the colour to be aqua but believes this colouring may be due to the window tinting of her car. Further information has been requested. Regards, Tony Cook VUFORS Secretary http://www.ozemail.com.au/~vufors ~~~~~~~~/////////////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (2) >From VUOFRS Tony Cook Date: Tuesday 31.8.99 22:30 Location: Reservoir, Victoria Source: Phillip Murphy Mr. Murphy was on Cuthbert Rd in Reservoir looking away from the Melbourne CBD. Sky was clear at the time. Witness could a brief glimpse (a few seconds) of what he described as a "green cigar - lit from within" before the object disappeared behind trees. By the time the wittness had moved to view the object again, it could not be found in the sky. The object was thought to be travelling from the direction of Broadmeadows/Cambellfield towards Greensborough. More information has been requested. Regards, Tony Cook VUFORS Secretary ~~~~~~~~/////////////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (3) >From Peter Johnson AUFORN South Australia Mr. & Mrs. Camp and their sighting report is as follows : Place - Elizabeth East - Adelaide Time first noticed - 4:45am Time last seen - 5:45 - 6:00 Direction of object when first seen - N.W. Angle above the horizon - 40 degrees Size at arms length - head of a 4" nail (4-5 millimetres) Colour - Pale yellow . Description - Ball of light with a shaft of light going straight down Mr and Mrs Camp were leaving the Gaming room at Elizabeth East when they noticed a bright light in the N.W. sky which moved overhead slowly, and was still there when they got home 20 minutes later. They looked at it with binoculars and said it appeared to have a shaft of light coming straight down from it. It was still there about 1 hour later. They said they were not drunk. Conclusion: I suggested that it may have been Venus as it has been rising at about that time in the morning, I have seen it , as I was doing security watch at the local field days with the State Emergency Service last week and was still awake at 5:00am (sort of) Mrs Camp was adamant that it wasn't there this morning. I asked her to look for the morning star in the same position at the same time and just see if it looks the same as what she saw, I gave her my number and she said she would ring me and tell me if that is what she saw. I had to ask my self, why do they go to a gaming room so often during the week and stay so late ? That may not have anything to do with what they said they saw. ~~~~~~~~/////////////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (4) >From Peter Johnson AUFORN South Australia Rang Robert who wishes to remain anonymous at this stage, about his sighting on 1.10.99 Thursday. Time sighted - 02:00 am Location - Gray St Adelaide city centre. Direction - Looking East Angle - 45 degrees Duration - 6 seconds Witness - one Size at arms length - index fingers fingernail Statement : My friend Jeff and I were walking down Gray St in the city after leaving a night club. When I noticed a shooting star at about 45 degrees to the horizon travelling down to about 30 degrees above the horizon and it just stopped (sounds familiar)PJ. then it travelled in a triangular pattern very fast and stopped again, a white light shot up to the first object which I could see was disc shaped and then the disc did a series of loops very fast and shot of at incredible speed. Robert said that when he first saw the disc it was travelling at the speed of a meteor and when it took of it was going at approximately 4 times that speed. I asked him if he thought that it could have been man made and he said " Well I know that technology is fairly good these days but I don't think that anyone would survive the G forces involved in the manoeuvres that this object made". Peter Johnson AUFORN SA ~~~~~~~~/////////////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (5) Sighting Report Gold Coast Queensland Still under investigation Robert Frola AUFORN Sent Via VUFORS Tony Cook Over the last two and a half months, i have experienced two sightings on the gold coast and would like to communicate with others either here or elsewhere who may have seen the same thing. the first sighting occured about two and a half months at about 10.15pm on a sunday night. i was on my front patio grabbing some fresh air, which faces an easterley direction, when a bright orange light caught my attention, coming out of the south. it appeared to be travelling at about 200-250 km's an hr., at an elevation of approx 3000-4000 ft. At first i thought it was an aircraft on fire, but as it gotcloser it appeared to be a round shape, with no discernible fueslage, no cabin lights, no nav lights, no rotors of any kind, and the colour was an incredibly bright orange, so bright in fact, that it reflected off the cloud bank directly behind it. also i must stress that there was no sound whatsover from the 'craft' and also that it was a very quiet night with no wind. the area i live in is a very quiet residential suburb. it continued in a northerly direction until it became obvious that it was slowing down and in fact, it came to a complete stop. there was no hovering or sideways motion at this point as a helicopter might do, it stopped at a precise point and stayed there for about four or five minutes before it slowly took off again in a northerly direction and eventually disappeared. The second sighting occurred about three weeks ago. iwas sitting in my lounge room watching t.v. when i happened to look out my window, which faces a northerley direction, and coming out of the northern sky was an incredibly bright light, travellin at a speed a lot faster than the original object and a lot brighter. I called out to my wife, 'it's back again', and we both ran out onto the front porch as the object came closer. as we both watched, the object slowed down and came to a complete stop in the sky, at a point very close to where the first object had stopped. the object seemed to be a lot closer than the first sighting, and again , the light was incredibly bright, this time however, it actually appeared to be a type of flame and actually appeared to be moving around the craft as a flame might move around in a light wind. Unfortunately it came to a stop in such a position that a tree in my front yard stopped me getting a photograph of it. again, it stopped for about four minutes, and waiting for it to move again, camera at the ready, we both observed it start to move very slowly, but unfortunately in a northerly direction. by the time i ran downstairs and out into the street, the object had dimmed greatly and even though i took a photo i doubt it would reveal anything. As we both watched it move off into the northern sky, we were both amazed to see something fall off the craft, or possibly thrown out, which fell to earth at terminal speed and definitely appeared to be on fire. there were definitely flames and apparent burning debris coming from the falling object, and kept burning until it got closer to the surface, when it appeared to be extinguished. it definitely would have been over open ocean by this stage, somewhere north of surfer's and possibly near north stradbroke or moreton island. hope to hear from you , All the best, lee ~~~~~~~~/////////////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More to come Regards Diane Harrison Co Director The Australian UFO Research Network Australian Director Skywatch Keeping you informed :>) _____________________________________________ THE KEITH BASTERFIELD NETWORK (A Non-Profit Organization) E-Mail: tkbnetw@fan.net.a http://www.fan.net.au/~tkbnetw/new ADMINISTRATION: PO Box 805 Springwood Qld 4127 Australia _____________________________________________ Australian UFO Research Network Hotline Number 1800 77 22 88 Freecall _____________________________________________ Disclaimer: The Keith Basterfield List Owners are not responsible for the content or misuse of this. However, personal insults, flaming will not be tolerated. _____________________________________________

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 CPR-Canada News: WAIF Radio Interview - October From: Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada <psa@direct.ca> Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 19:57:43 -0800 Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 02:10:47 -0400 Subject: CPR-Canada News: WAIF Radio Interview - October CPR-Canada News News and Reports from Circles Phenomenon Research Canada http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310 WAIF Radio Interview - October 26, 1999 October 23, 1999 _____________________________ Editor: Paul Anderson _____________________________ Interview with CPR-Canada director Paul Anderson on the Chris and Rob late night talk show on WAIF FM public radio in Cincinnati, Ohio. Tuesday, October 26, 10:00 pm EST. Reports and updates on all the Canadian crop circles of 1999 (the busiest season in years!). See below for web site links to online reports. _____________________________ Circle Phenomena in Canada Report Archive 1999: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310/1999.html A reminder for all Canadian subscribers / readers - your assistance is welcome and needed - ANY reports of other possible circles this year, please do let us know as soon as possible! See Reporting and Field Research Guidelines on the web site for more information: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310/reporting.html REPORTING HOTLINE: 604.731.8522 _____________________________ CPR-Canada News is the e-mail update service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada (affiliate of Circles Phenomenon Research International), is published periodically or as breaking news develops and is available free by subscription; to be added to or removed from the mailing list, send your request, including "subscribe CPR-Canada News" or "unsubscribe CPR-Canada News" and e-mail address to: mailto:psa@direct.ca CPR-Canada welcomes your reports and submissions. Forward all correspondence to: CIRCLES PHENOMENON RESEARCH CANADA Circles Phenomenon Research International Main Office Suite 202 - 2086 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1J4 Canada Tel / Fax: 604.731.8522 E-Mail: mailto:psa@direct.ca Web: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310 � Circles Phenomenon Research Canada, 1999

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 When Disclosure Serves Secrecy From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 22:23:46 +0000 Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 02:21:33 -0400 Subject: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy Hello EBK, list and all, I've been worried about Dr. Greer and others push for "an end to ufo secrecy" for the reasons obvious if you've read any of Vallee's 1979 _Messengers of Deception_ as well as his subsequent books; the probability that such disclosure would be manipulated as a continuance of the manipulations that have gone before. Greer seems to have wisened up to this same scenario's probability. I find this one of the most important statements to have been written in recent ufological history. I hope it will find its way onto the UpDates list and beyond. It deserves to and needs to be circulated widely. Read on... SMiles -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- WHEN DISCLOSURE SERVES SECRECY Copyright 1999 Steven M. Greer M.D. Ending the secrecy surrounding the UFO/ET subject is a laudable goal. It is long overdue. It would transform the world in ways both simple and profound. And yet it is fraught with danger. The covert projects which have been running UFO related programs for nearly 60 years are not interested in a disclosure which upsets their apple cart. They want such a disclosure to transform their apple cart into a freight train. And they potentially have the power and connections to do it. There are multiple scenarios attending the disclosure of the UFO subject-and not all of them have the best interests of humanity at heart. Elsewhere, in the new book 'Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications' (www.DrGreer.com) I write about the kind of disclosure the world needs. An honest one. An open one. One which replaces secrecy with democracy. A disclosure which is peaceful, scientific and hopeful. But then there is the disclosure the powers that be would like to see: Manipulated. Calculated to consolidate power and engender fear. Configured in such a way that chaos and a deepening need for Big Brother is carefully inculcated into the masses. We have seen the plans and it is not a pretty picture. I write this as a warning. A warning that the wolves in sheep clothes are very cunning indeed. And have almost limitless resources. Most who work with them do not even know they are wolves. Indeed, it is likely that many of the wolves have been convinced that they are sheep. The UFO matter is not so much a mystery as a matter deliberately obfuscated and mystified. Confusion and a lack of clarity serves the larger covert goal of keeping it off the long- range radar of society while power and plans are consolidated quietly. And the one thing more dangerous to society than all this secrecy is a planned, contrived disclosure run by the keepers of the secrets. For years such plans have been made - to be unfurled at just the right time. During a time of great expectation. Of social confusion. Perhaps of millennial madness? I have personally met with a number of people who are very involved with such plans. I do not speculate here. Be aware: The disclosure of UFO reality is being planned very carefully. It will assiduously follow a scheme to spin the subject in just the right way - the only way which will further redound to the glory and power of the secret-keepers. It will be a false disclosure - one born out of the age-old bane of human existence: selfishness and greed. Greed for power. Greed for control. Greed for domination. We must be mature and informed on such matters. Only a vigilant and informed public can see through such deceit - and correct it should such a plan be unfurled. Every citizen needs to know that great good can come from the truth being known. But the mature citizen must also recognize that the 'truth' can be spun and spun again -until the goals of those who crave secret and overt power are met. Consider: One scenario for disclosure is that the UFO and Extraterrestrial subject is acknowledged in a way which is scientific and hopeful. Excessive secrecy which lacks executive branch and congressional oversight is ended. Humanity begins to entertain open contact with other civilizations, with peaceful engagement as the goal. Technologies which are currently suppressed are allowed to be disseminated: Pollution ends. An economy of abundance and social justice is firmly established. Global environmental destruction and mind-numbing world poverty become a faint memory. Zero-point based energy devices transform the world. Electro-gravitic devices permit above ground travel without paving over the world's precious fertile farm land. As an ET once told Colonel Philip Corso, " Its a new world, if you can take it...". This is the disclosure which we are working for. But the disclosure envisioned above could have happened in 1950. It did not - Why? For such a disclosure would lead to the total transformation of the status quo. Centralized energy systems would be obsolete. Oil would be useful only for lubricants and synthetics. The geo-political order of today would be a thing forgotten: Every country and people on earth would have such a high degree of progress and advancement that all nations would have a seat at the global table. Power would need to be shared. Peaceful acknowledgment of life from elsewhere would make the earth seem like the very small, organic homeland which it is. The vast trillion dollar global military - industrial sector would be reigned in. And a universal spirituality might dawn... But remember, there are hugely powerful interests who dread this scenario. For them, it is the end of the world as they know it. The end of centralized, elite power. The end of a controlled geo-political order which today leaves nearly 90% of the people of earth barely one step out of the stone age. And they do not wish to share the power they wield. Now, let me describe the 'disclosure' which would make these covert control programs happy. This is the false or contrived 'disclosure' which has only one clear goal: The further consolidation of their power and their paradigm. It has to do with fear, not love. With war, not peace. With division and conflict, not unity. It is the dominant paradigm - but it is slipping away slowly. And a carefully orchestrated disclosure of the 'facts' of the UFO and ET subject could secure their power. This is the disclosure which is to be dreaded. This is the disclosure to watch out for. This is the disclosure which is already occurring. My meetings over the past 9 years with covert operatives who have worked on UFO related programs have introduced me to some characters right out of a spy novel - and then some. Whether in private high tech industry, at the Pentagon or at a midnight meeting in a private mansion, a theme has emerged. It is one of immense, though currently hidden, power. It transcends government as we know it (at this point the government of 'We the people...' has been made irrelevant on this issue). And the theme has two main strands - the eventual covert militarization of the ET subject and a weird covert religious strain which can only be viewed as bizarre. Here, we find some very strange bed-fellows indeed. War mongers and militarists in cahoots with industrialists who share a certain bizarre eschatological bent: A dark view of the future, featuring an extraterrestrial Armageddon - or at least the threat of it. Such a theme supports retrograde and fanatical religious causes as well as deeply covert military-industrial plans to expand the arms race into space. In fact, the big players in the so-called 'civilian UFO community' are tied into such beliefs and agendas. It strains credulity, I admit, but here is what we have found by penetrating these operations. >From a military-industrial perspective, the disclosure of choice is one which frames the UFO/ET issue in a threatening manner. If a threat from space can be established (as President Reagan liked to say) then the entire world can be united around the need to fight such a threat. This would ensure trillion dollar plus military - industrial spending well into the next century, and beyond. If you think the cold war was costly, wait until you see the price tag for this ' protection' from the 'threats' in space: The trillions spent on the cold war will look like a blue light special. Retrograde and fanatical religious groups, similarly, have great vested interests in fulfilling the promise of Armageddon. An eschatological paradigm, well enshrined in the belief systems of those running covert UFO projects, is supported by the portrayal of a cosmic conflict in the heavens. Voila! We have the necessity of spinning the UFO/ET issue in the evil invading aliens (translates in religious terms as demons) direction. Indeed, this has already been accomplished , courtesy of the 'civilian UFO community' and the tabloid media (which at this point is virtually all media...). Additionally, there is a subtext which can only be viewed as thinly veiled racism. You will note that part of the 'new myth' regarding UFOs involves the 'good ET s' , which invariably are described as 'Pleidians' who are 'handsome' white, blue-eyed Aryan appearing types. Naturally, those 'evil, bad ET s' are darker, shorter, look funny and smell funny. Please. Such clap-trap would have us trade age-old human racism for an extraterrestrial variety. This nonsense and propaganda could only make Hitler proud. In one lengthy meeting with a multi-billionaire, I was told that he gave great support to UFO activities which propel the so-called 'alien abduction' subject into public awareness because he wanted humanity to unite around fighting this 'alien threat'. Later, this very influential figure informed me that he believed these demonic ET s were the cause of every set back in human history since Adam and Eve. Sound familiar? Military interests, which are heavily involved in covert projects which hoax ET events, such as human military- related abductions, have a shared goal of demonizing the UFO/ET phenomenon. Doing so lays the foundations for the fear and dread necessary for an organized opposition to all things ET. And this subserves the long - term need to provide a rationale for an expanding global military even should world peace emerge. In fact, under this scenario, 'world peace', or strictly speaking peace on earth, could be secured by the world uniting, eventually, against the 'threat from space' referred to by President Reagan. (By the way, personally I believe Reagan was the victim of disinformation specialists who surrounded him and who manipulated him into the statements he made on this subject.) Under this scenario, currently being gamed and 'disclosed' courtesy of the trial - balloon UFO 'community', we would get peace on earth - in exchange for inter-planetary conflict. One step forward, ten steps back. Wonderful. Such a false and contrived 'disclosure of the truth' regarding UFOs and ET s would, then, subserve agendas held by powerful covert interests in both the military - industrial sector and those of a strange collection of religious fanatics, who pine for Armageddon - and the sooner the better. Lest the reader think such a strange amalgam of militarists and cult-like religious interests are unlikely, remember the weird views of the Third Reich. Or more recently, the views of one US Department of the Interior cabinet secretary during the Reagan years named James Watts. It was he who, not knowing a microphone was still on and recording his comments, stated in the 1980s that we did not need to worry about all these environmental problems since Armageddon was coming soon and the world would be destroyed anyway...This bizarre view, held by a man who shaped and applied policy for the Interior Department of the US Government, was later reported in the general media. At the time a comical footnote perhaps. But what does it say about the degree to which such beliefs may be shaping covert UFO policy - and specifically disclosure plans? We have found that such views - bizarre as they may seem to most - are heavily represented in covert policy development on the UFO subject. And most disconcerting of all: This strange mixture of military cosmic saber - rattling and bizarre religious beliefs are the dominant forces shaping both the 'civilian UFO community' and the planned eventual 'spin' on UFO disclosure. Let the buyer beware. To the rational and intellectual, such views seem ridiculous. Why, you might ask, would anyone want a cosmic war in space, an Armageddon and the destruction of the earth? To comprehend this, you have to get inside the head of people who hold such beliefs - people like James Watts. In his case, why worry about a little bit of deforestation, air pollution and areas of dead oceans if the entire world is going to be destroyed in a couple of years anyway? But the thinking goes further than this. Because such fanatical thinking has within it the concept that as a result of the Armageddon we will see the return of Christ- and with it the good people's salvation. Now, people are free to believe what they want. But what we have found is a deliberate influencing of covert policy on UFOs by such beliefs. Some of these people want Armageddon - and they want it ASAP. Strictly speaking, the militarists and war-mongers, itching to 'kick some alien butt' as it was said in the movie Independence Day, may actually only want a pretext to justify their existence and get the world to eventually spend huge sums of money on a perceived (if contrived) threat from space. But in some cases - high up on the food chain of the covert entity running UFO secrecy - the two views meet. A place where militarism and eschatology merge. Where Star Wars and Armageddon join. In tracing the history of both the UFO civilian community and the covert policy-making group concerned with UFOs, we have found a growing penetration of the latter into the former. So much so that at this point there are projects which ostensibly are innocent civilian initiatives but which in reality are totally controlled and financed by 'cut-outs' from ultra-secret projects. Moreover, our careful penetration of such projects yielded the disturbing finding that deep-cover black project operatives are working closely with alleged civilian researchers, journalists and UFO glitterati. CIA and military intelligence operatives are working with civilian 'think tank' heads, alongside very wealthy business people who are eschatologists, and being advised by 'civilian' technologists and scientists - who are themselves proponents of bizarre religious belief systems involving the end of the world and ET s.... Thus, the new 'chosen ones' have been assembled. They are planning your disclosure on the UFO/ET subject. They are owned by the money whores and power brokers doing the bidding of the secret entity which runs UFO projects to begin with. And it all looks like a civilian initiative. So innocent. So well-intended. So 'scientific'. And by the way, the sky is falling courtesy of ET and we need your money and your souls to defend against it. Do not be deceived. You need to be awake to the darker scenarios which some would like to thrust upon the world. And you need to know that there are alternatives. If a 'disclosure' is unleashed on the world which is xenophobic, militaristic and terrifying, know that it comes from the spinmeisters of secrecy - regardless of how respectable the person or group may appear to be. And remember: Part of this disclosure plan involves the use of UFO look-alike devices made by humans in an attack on earth or military assets of earth. This would be a well-orchestrated use of advanced human technologies to hoax an ET attack - all for the purpose of disclosing the truth with the desired military-oriented spin. In such a scenario, most of humanity will be deceived into believing the threat from space has arrived - and that we must fight it at all costs. This is nothing more than long-term social security for the military-industrial complex. There must be people who can expose this fraud. But why should we wait for these darker scenarios to be unleashed on an unsuspecting world? Here is another idea: Why don't 'we the people' unite and launch a disclosure which resembles the first one described above. An honest one. One which leads to peace, not war. To a sustainable and beautiful world, free of pollution and brimming with abundance, of all types. One which reaches out into the unknown, instead of firing particle beam weapons into the darkness of space. Additionally, we welcome those who can come forward with first hand knowledge of the machinations referred to in this paper and who wish to expose such madness to contact us at http://www.cseti.org. The one thing the darkness of secrecy cannot tolerate is a spotlight shining right on it. And the more of us holding the light, the better. Evil steps in when good people do nothing. This is a lesson taught through thousands of years of human history. We stand at the beginning of a new time, and a new world awaits us. But we must embrace it, and help create it. For if we are passive, others will have their way - at least in the short run. Steven M. Greer M.D. CSETI Director Albemarle County, Virginia 21 October 1999

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 More Web Links From: royjhale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 16:56:15 +0100 Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 08:42:22 -0400 Subject: More Web Links Hi All, Just to mention that I have updated my website again. Updated Links listed. http://members.netscapeonline.co.uk/royjhale/index.htm http://members.netscapeonline.co.uk/royjhale/Stanad1.htm http://members.netscapeonline.co.uk/royjhale/Coollinks.htm http://members.netscapeonline.co.uk/royjhale/MusicLinks.htm Regards, Roy.. Keep Smiling.. AOL Instant Messenger: jackalroy1@netscape.net

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 17:31:50 +0000 Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 08:47:00 -0400 Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 03:14:55 EDT >Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >To: updates@globalserve.net Hiya Jim, list and all. My replies inserted (painlessly) below. >>Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 09:52:43 +0000 >>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 17:30:38 -0500 >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>>From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> >>>>Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 17:38:02 EDT >>>>Subject: Re: Abductions: A Funny Thing Happened... >>>>To: updates@globalserve.net >>><mega snip><< >>Dennis is getting at the heart of the "earliest recovered >>abduction narrative evidence" problem. So many abductees / >>experiencers exclaim that they have been having these encounters >>since childhood. I don't doubt or discount this possibility. >>However, in the absence of confirmatory evidence of any sort (a >>diary entry, a parents recall, something) it is very difficult >>to take these assertions as 'chapter and verse' with regard to >>the actual historic length of the modern bedroom visitation type >>encounter phenomena. The evidence in consciousness, memory and >>perception research surely casts much doubt on the validity of >>this kind of 'recall.' >Actually Stephen, I've already told the List in several posts >that my parents remember three of the more strange experiences I >had as a child in the mid forties. They remember my story to >them the very next morning after it occured and they also >vividly remember hearing it for years afterward. At age three, >I did not keep a diary. So sorry. Neither did my mom or dad. >We have only our memories to go by. Yes Jim, I've read the posts, at least the ones since I've been subscribed for the last year. I do assign more value to your experiences, even the early childhood ones, because of the many factors you are speaking of. In my paragraph above I was speaking of abductees in general. I'm glad, for your sake, that you do have confirmatory evidence via your parents; this certainly would make me personally feel a little more sane if I had experienced what you describe. >There is great doubt over the validity of recall, most >especially at the age of two years or three. But such must be >combined with and integrated into the greater history of the >individual, and without any such memory aid as hypnosis. For >example ... >I very rarely recall dreams for more than a few moments after >I've awakened. >I have always been able to distinguish between a memory of an >event and a dream. Certain dreams are recurring in the theme. >Most of us have them. The history test is tomorrow and I've not >opened the book. Not only that, but I cut every class. Ad >infinitum. >Last, the memories I recall are vivid in great detail for over a >half century. I'm glad you acknowledge the doubt over validity of recall. About the dreams, have you ever tried repeatedly to begin better recaling your dreams? As an aside, I find it highly interesting that every night we each spend several hours in an alternate reality which while we are there totally convinces us of its physical reality. And yet we awake from it and impose a form of amnesia upon it creating missing time. I didn't suggest that you or any abductee can't distinguish a dream event from an abduction event. Tho there is referance to a British woman who reported an abduction which she did dream after she had watched the abduction episode of the television show Dallas. I believe this case is from one of Jenny Randles fine books. >Cogito, ergo, so what? With all due respect.... one memory >does not a theory make, not does it substantiate one. Wasn't trying to make a theory outta my bad memory. For theory, see my other recent posts under this same thread. >My memories are not pretty hazy. Some are memories of a room >with a haze, as if cloudy but the memory is vividly real and in >great detail. I am able to describe the detail of what I saw at >age three or four, laying on a table in what I imagined was a >hospital room. I'd never been to one. I was taken there by >ambulance. I'd never seen one, yet the picture is indelibly >imprinted in my memory. >This particular ambulance took me up into the sky. >You speak of hazy memories which someone may call UFO related. I >speak of vivid and (to my mind, my intellect and memory) - real. >You and I are speaking different languages. We are on different >frequencies. What's your point? I was simply stating that I've met some abductees who are so "hazy." Again, I wasn't speaking to your specific experiences. We aren't speaking different languages. >And I can point you to many individuals who share my >distinctively real memory in the most intricate matched detail, >of things which I described to my parents 50 years ago. So they >didn't write it down. So what? This makes a difference? Well, >maybe to you. But not to me my friend out there in the ether. Yes I'm sure you can. I've met a few myself, having led a support group for such experiencers for nearly a decade. For those who seek "objective" evidence it matters a lot. For someone who has experienced this phenomena it matters little. It, the presence or lack of physical evidence, makes a difference to those, like myself and many on this list, who require more evidence. We can ask for and look for this evidence and still believe and know that you and others are indeed experiencing and interacting with a real phenomena. I can believe you interacted with something, even an ET intelligence. What I doubt most in all the cases of abductions and ufo close encounters is the infallibility of human perception. A person can interact with an unknown entity, physically and/or psychicly, but that very perception can be shown to be very maleable from within and without. (see my perpetual referencing of the bibliography of the psychoactivity of electromagetics in previous posts) >Dennis understands his hell bent for leather view better than you may >imagine. And yet, he understands little about the experiences which >he decries. >I volunteer. Any other takers? Or is there going to be another >Challenge, as in the one Velez posed last week. >Come on folks. The one piece of evidence most avoided, most >referred to as "non evidence," is that of the experiencer's memories. >Doesn't matter who it is, postal worker or PhD. IBM executive or >CEO of a fortune 100 corporation. Most don't accept this. It's not >evidence. To you.... not necessarily "you" personally, but the >collective "researcher you!" AKA, yous. >John Velez asked that we all pull together with our evidence and >have it evaluated by independent scientists. That goes for me >too when it comes to the so-called "anectotal" evidence. The >testimony of people like me. Which is as worthless to some >(all too many) researchers as swamp gas. Which by the way, >has more validity in some circles. Swamp gas. Pelicans. >But witness testimony? >Nah! >Before I retired I was CEO of a company, my own, which did a >goodly volume with fortune ten companies. Prior to that I was >director of marketing for multimillion to multibillion dollar >firms. Does that make me a better witness to my own experiences? >Apparently not. >Ah the smell of it. Stench is more like it. And what stinks is >the truth which some people have in commone with others of their >clan. Their truth. Which is indisputable. But not ours. Ours >sucks big time. >Sour grapes? Of course. We use that stuff in our best Gripple. >Jim Mortellaro I'm sorry if you feel our perspectives are so far apart. Perceptions are powerfully convincing. If we could experience what you have we would certainly be more sympathetic and likely to believe the exact same things you do. But I suspect there'd still be as much debate over the details of what happened and what it all means as there are now. SMiles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 08:21:35 Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 08:49:51 -0400 Subject: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies Many of you know Gleason's story, but fewer Larry Warren's confirmation. Source: 'alt.ufo.reports'. 'UFO Folklore' is at http://www.qtm.net/~geibdan/framemst.html and receives all of my newsitems. You can find a lot of them at http://www.qtm.net/~geibdan/news.html Stig *** From: jesus475073@webtv.net (J C) Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: Interesting Story Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 02:21:48 -0400 (EDT) Well folk, I am just tickled pink to present this one! This article deals with the ole folklore of Jackie Gleason and President Nixon, who were not only supposedly good buddies but UFO believers as well. This one gets me because I remember not only the Honeymooners as a kid but also the Jackie Gleason Show in later years. Maybe UFOs had always played a part in the Great One's life ? If you recall, Ralph Kramden was always threatening to send Alice : "To the Moon Alice !" "One more time and it's to the moon ! " With all repsect to a great entertainer I now bring you "Jackie Gleason & The Little "Men From Mars" This was sent to me via email: I don't know where it came from, so if anyone knows the originting source please let me know so I may post proper credit ! Jackie Gleason & The Little "Men From Mars" by Timothy Green Beckley Way back in the mid-1960s, I got a letter in the mail from Jackie Gleason Productions, Hollywood, Florida, ordering a copy of a mimeographed booklet I had put together relating to UFOs. This, to me, was confirmation of what I had heard rumors about for a long time ... that "the Great One" was personally involved in researching UFOs. Supposedly - and I've since found out that this is true - Gleason had one of the greatest UFO book collections in the world. This is where the tale gets a bit wilder. A story circulated by Gleason's ex-wife, Beverly, has Jackie actually viewing the bodies of several aliens who died when their craft crashed in the Southwest. The story was carried originally in the National Enquirer, and though Beverly Gleason later confirmed it to members of the press who were able to track her down, independent confirmation of Gleason's supposed experience could - for the longest time - not be certified. Now with the striking revelations of a young man who knew Gleason personally, it can safely be said that such an event did take place...Larry Warren was an Airman First Class stationed at Bentwaters Air Force Base in England (a NATO installation staffed mainly by US. servicemen) when an incredible series of events took place over Christmas week of 1980. A UFO was picked up on radar and subsequently came down just outside the perimeter of the base in a dense forest. On the first of several nights of confrontation with the Unknown, three security police ventured into the area across an eerie-looking object hovering just above the ground. One of the MPs was mesmerized by the UFO and was unable to move for nearly an hour. While in this mental state, he received some sort of telepathic message that the craft would return. For the next few nights, up to 80 US. servicemen, British bobbies, as well as civilians from some nearby farms, witnessed an historic event. According to Larry Warren who stood within feet of this craft from another world-three occupants came out of the ship and actually communicated with a high ranking member of the U.S. Air Force. This close encounter at Bentwaters has become the subject of several books (see "From Out Of The Blue", Jenny Randles, Inner Light Publications) and has been given wide publicity on CNN, Home Box Office and more recently "Unsolved Mysteries." Warren has, in a sense, become somewhat of a celebrity himself as he remains in the public eye, willing to talk about what he observed. "Jackie Gleason was interested in hearing my story first hand," Warren offers as a means of explaining how he met the famous comic in May, 1986. "At the time I was living in Connecticut and both CNN and HBO had run pieces on the Bentwaters case. Through mutual friends who knew members of his family, I was told that Gleason would like to talk with me privately in his home in Westchester County, and so the meeting was set for a Saturday when we would both have some time to relax'". After being formally introduced, the two men ventured into Gleason's recreation room complete with pool table and full-size bar. "There were hundreds of UFO books all over the place," Warren explains, "but Jackie was quick to tell me that this was only a tiny portion of his entire collection, which was housed in his home in Florida." For the rest of the day, UFO researcher and UFO witness exchanged information. "Gleason seemed to be very well informed on the subject," Larry says, "as he knew the smallest detail about most cases and showed me copies of the book "Clear Intent" that had just been published, as well as a copy of "Sky Crash", a British book about Bentwaters that was published, actually, before all the details of this case were made public. I remember Gleason telling me about his own sightings of several discs in Florida and how he thought there were undersea UFOs bases out in the Bermuda Triangle." But it wasn't till after Warren had downed a few beers and Gleason had had a number of drinks-"his favorite, Rob Roys"-that conversation really got down to brass tacks. "At some point, Gleason turned to me and said, 'I want to tell you something very amazing that will probably come out some day anyway. We've got em!' 'Got what', I wanted to know? 'Aliens!' Gleason sputtered, catching his breath." According to Warren, Jackie proceeded to tell him the intriguing set of circumstances that led him to the stunning conclusion that extraterrestrials have arrived on our cosmic shores. "It was back when Nixon was in office that something truly amazing happened to me," Gleason explained. "We were close golfing buddies and had been out on the golf course all day when somewhere around the 15th hole, the subject of UFOs came up. Not many people know this," Gleason told Warren, "but the President shares my interest in this matter and has a large collection of books in his home on UFOs just like I do. For some reason, however, he never really took me into his confidence about what he personally knew to be true... one of the reasons being that he was usually sur rounded by so many aids and advisers." Later that night, matters changed radically, when Richard Nixon showed up at Gleason's house around midnight. "He was all alone for a change. There were no secret service agents with him or anyone else. I said, 'Mr. President, what are you doing here?' and he said he wanted to take me someplace and show me something." Gleason got into the President's private car and they sped off into the darkness - their destination being Homestead Air Force Base. "I remember we got to the gate and this young MP came up to the car to look to see inside and his jaw seemed to drop a foot when he saw who was behind the wheel. He just sort of pointed and we headed off." Warren says that later Gleason found out that the Secret Service was going absolutely crazy trying to find out where Nixon was. "We drove to the very far end of the base in a segregated area," Gleason went on, "finally stopping near a well-guarded building. The security police saw us coming and just sort of moved back as we passed them and entered the structure. There were a number of labs we passed through first before we entered a section where Nixon pointed out what he said was the wreckage from a flying saucer, enclosed in several large cases." Gleason noted his initial reaction was that this was all a joke brought on by their earlier conversation on the golf course. But it wasn't, as Gleason soon learned. "Next, we went into an inner chamber and there were six or eight of what looked like glass-topped Coke freezers. Inside them were the mangled remains of what I took to be children. Then - upon closer examination - I saw that some of the other figures looked quite old. Most of them were terribly mangled as if they had been in an accident." According to Larry Warren's testimony (regarding Gleason's lengthy conversation about UFOs and space visitors), "I forget whether he said they had three or four fingers on each hand, but they definitely were not human...of this he was most certain!" For three weeks following his trip with Nixon to Homestead Air Force Base, the world famous entertainer couldn't sleep and couldn't eat. "Jackie told me that he was very traumatized by all of this. He just couldn't understand why our government wouldn't tell the public all they knew about UFOs and space visitors. He said he even drank more heavily than usual until he could regain some of his composure and come back down to everyday reality." Larry Warren is convinced that Gleason wasn't lying to him. "You could tell that he was very sincere - he took the whole affair very seriously, and I could tell that he wanted to get the matter off his chest, and this was why he was telling me all of this." And as far as Larry Warren was concerned, the Great One's personal testimony only added extra credibility to his own first hand experience with aliens while he was in the service. "Jackie felt just like I do that the government needs to 'come clean,' and tell us all it knows about space visitors. It time they stopped lying to the public and release all the evidence they have. When they do, then we'll all be able to see the same things the late Jackie Gleason did!" Hopefully this day may arrive soon. Dan; OK here again is tieing things together: Gleason's description matches fairly closely what my source described in 1982 at WP: Both the containers and physical description. For similar descriptions to Jackie Gleasons experience, read the Valuts at WPAFB section here at UFO Folklore ! Email Comments to UFO Folklore !

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 Re: RPIT More New Findings From: neil morris <neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 11:21:43 -0700 Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 08:53:16 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT More New Findings >From: James Easton <voyager@ukonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: RPIT More New Findings >Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 01:39:03 +0100 >Regarding: >>From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 13:35:33 +0100 >>Subject: RPIT More New Findings >Neil wrote: >>I realise some on this list have concluded that the RPIT project >>is nothing more than a wild goose chase reading symbols into >>"smuge" marks etc, but I hope the attached image will even make >>these people stop and think. >[...] >>I'm left with the conclusion that this _is_ a large piece of >>aprox 1/2 inch thick material which is totally at odds with >>anything contained in the "usual" explanations for the debris. >>I'm not saying it's ET at this point, but as sure as hell it's >>_not_ MOGUL. >Neil, >How do you know that for sure? James, As I said in a protracted private exchange with Phil Klass a couple of months back now on this topic, I _cannot_ be 110% cast iron sure. Nobody can _either_ way, just from the images. _But_ When numerous details within these images fail to match the official blueprints of the ML307a->c radar reflector nominated by the USAF as being identified as the cause of the wreckage within these images, I start to smell a rat. I have footage of the MOGUL launches showing the train configuration, I have details of the equipment packages and instruments they carried, I see none of this in the images, I therefore conclude, in my opinion, this is _not_ MOGUL debris. You are free to continue to believe it as such, _but_ please go through the anomalous items located within the FW images one by one and attempt to identify each within the MOGUL specification. I suggest you may have _extreme_ difficulty resolving the latest "thick" metalic debris findings with this specification as there seems to have been no such material used in the construction. >>A final thought, I find it interesting that this debris is in >>clear view in one of the two photographs were the original >>negatives have been "lost", I only hope a copy might have been >>made of the other and it might yet turn up, I wonder if it too >>might have had "interesting" debris in full view. >It's clearly the same 'debris' in all photographs taken. Not so, though _some_ of the debris is seen in _most_ of the images, the "mix" gets moved round from shot to shot it gets covered and uncovered and as with the later Newton shot some dissapears altogether. >[From your website] >>After starting out on this little project thinking the debris >>on the floor WAS a weather balloon, the more I look at these >>pictures in detail the more I think it's NOT, and the proof of >>the Roswell Event might have been right there looking out at us >>for the past 50 years in these 4 photographs. >A difficulty with greatly magnified images is losing sight of >the simple picture. >See, for example: >http://web.ukonline.co.uk/voyager/jbj_1.jpg Even in the UTA's 552x694 lossy .jpg (the URL above) you can clearly make out the "tram lines" of the "glyph panel" in the lower left, (not part of any MOGUL spec) and just about make out the light coloured sedan parked outside Ramey's window. Of course you'd have no idea exactly what these blobs of pixels were if you hadn't bothered to look any closer, and, when things didn't start to make sense with the "accepted convention" to keep on looking that little bit closer. You are correct in the observation that I look _very_ closely at the images, but this is not done in isolation, I do have the original 11x14's and general overviews of the prints used for "targeting". For example, regarding the above image, my data set comprises of the lower half of this image, using my own 11x14 first generation prints I produced 14 overlapping grid scans covering the area showing the debris, each of these 14 images is 6000x6000 pixels scanned at 2400 dpi. Together with general overviews this comes to aprox 580 megabytes of image data, a similar amount of image data has been generated for the other two usable UTA images, the MarcelLeft image is of no great value for close work as the camera was moved as the flash went off causing image blur. >Does that even conceivably show debris from an alien spacecraft? I prefer to consider it "unknown" at this time as I have yet to come accross the makers "chassis plate". Best Regards Neil. ------------------------------------------------------- Neil Morris@Home. Email: Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk Web Sites: Roswell and Alien Autopsy http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ The Fort Worth Photographs of James Bond Johnson http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ftw-pics/ -------------------------------------------------------

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 Re: Alien Bodies Recovered After UFO Crash In From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 08:43:58 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 08:56:07 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Bodies Recovered After UFO Crash In >Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 03:01:32 >To: updates@globalserve.net >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Subject: Alien Bodies Recovered After UFO Crash In Wales? >Source: The Daily Mirror, London >http://www.ic24.net/mgn/THE_MIRROR/NEWS/P23S12.html >Redfern's book was published months ago. >Stig The recent Berwyn 'UFO Crash' piece in the Daily Mirror cannot be allowed to pass without comment. So....... >HOW ALIEN'S MY VALLEY? >Farmer claims he saw UFO >A TOP-SECRET Government research base was used to store alien >bodies after their UFO crashed in a remote Welsh valley, it was >claimed yesterday. >The mysterious craft came down in the Berwyn Mountains, Clwyd, >according to a new book by top UFO investigator Nick Redfern. >In a chilling echo of the infamous Roswell Incident in New >Mexico, scores of troops were dispatched on a secret mission to >recover the wreckage. >One soldier, quoted in the book under the pseudonym James >Prescott, was ordered to Llandderfel with four others and loaded >two oblong boxes into their armoured truck. The source of this 'information' has always been anonymous. Tony Dodd _claims_ to know who was involved but, as usual, won't share his secrets. No-one actually saw a _craft_ of any kind! >They then ferried the bodies back to the Chemical and Biological >Defence Establishment at Porton Down near Salisbury, Wilts, >under strict orders not to stop for anything. Again this is information derived from an anonymous and almost certainly non-existant source. >Retired Mr Prescott, who is too afraid of reprisals to be named, >said: "Once inside, the boxes were opened by staff at the >faculty in our presence. We were shocked to see two creatures >.which had been placed inside decontamination suits. Consider: Would the 'delivery boys' be allowed to stay around to see the Greatest Secret In The Universe being unveiled? And with no protective garb being worn? Why were the 'bodies' transported by truck and not helicopter? >"It was obvious the creatures were not of this world and, when >examined, were found to be dead. >"The bodies were about five to six feet tall, humanoid in shape, >but so thin they looked almost skeletal with a covering skin. >"Although I did not see a craft at the scene of the recovery, I >was informed that a large craft had crashed and was recovered by >other military units." Research in the villages of Llandrillo, Llanderfel, Bala and Corwen indicates that there were very few military personel around for this 'incident'. Police (who had initially thought a plane had crashed) and a three man team from RAF Valley were involved. There is no evidence, other than the anecdotal, to the contrary. >Farmer Huw Lloyd, 39, was a boy of 14 watching TV at home in >nearby Llandrillo on the night of the crash in January 1974. He >said there was a huge bang followed by a tremor and a blinding >blue light. >Huw recalled: "I was amazed at how quickly the police responded >and how many people came here." In an interview I conducted with Lloyd in 1998 he stated that there were no more than two car loads of police, which is not an unreasonable amount if they suspected a plane crash. They arrived at his father's farm about 30-40 minutes after the earth tremor. Not a particularly fast response time. >The incident has remained classified and the Ministry of Defence >refuses to comment. Utter nonsense! The MOD are quite happy to answer letters about the 'event' but will say they have no knowledge other than the fact that RAF Valley was called out. The squadron log for RAF Valley for the relevant date is entirely freely available and was not classified. >Details were uncovered by expert Mr Redfern after years of >research and are published in his book Cosmic Crashes. Even Nick now says that the Berwyn Case isn't as clear cut as he once thought, although we agree to differ in our conclusions. I hope to be able to post a full analysis of the 'James Prescott' scenario in a week or so. Kevin McClure has done some excellent work on this aspect and I have asked him if he will write a summary. It seems that there are certain UK ufologists who are desparate to turn a mundane incident into our very own Roswell. Fun ahead! Happy Trails Andy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 Re: Get Real From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 15:12:10 +0000 Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 08:59:31 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 09:16:43 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 12:23:32 +0000 >>From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: UFO UpDate: Re: Get Real >>My children are aged 2 6 and 7 (all girls). They are interested >>in Barbie, the Disney channel and Zelda (N64) and are not >>interested in space aliens. Their description of these creatures >>as 'monsters' is as good as any since none of us know what they >>are, assuming that they exist at all. >By the way, it is >the Disney channel that has the program "So Weird" and many >movies with alien-related themes. And on the Disney radio >channel the other day I heard them doing a little contest where >kids call in to an alleged telephone located near Area 51 and if >an alien answers, they win (complete with the X-Files theme >song). If you don't want your daughters exposed to alien themes >and images, better watch out for Disney too. It's not a case of not wanting my daughters exposed to alien themes, as I said before, my kids are just not interested. They can make their own minds up and space aliens just do not grab their attention. >If you are interested to see what your kids are being exposed to >these days, you can do this little experiment - they do it in >the schools. Talk a little about what your kids think about the >possibility of life on other planets then ask them to draw a >picture of what they think someone from another planet would >look like. Bet ya 9 outta 10 at least one will draw a critter >with a big head and large, almond-shaped eyes. Don't worry, >doesn't mean they've been abducted - only living in the real >world with all the commercialism that surrounds us. Living in the real world? living in a world of television imagery more like, I don't see how this is supposed to prove anything. If that experiment was done in say the 1950's I don't think the same results would be found do you? Let's jump forward a decade or so, using _your_ logic (real world commercialism) how do you explain the total lack of 'greys' in any of the sci-fi films and tv shows made in those days? Is there a record anywhere pre-1970's that describes the grey alien as we presently know it?? Your point about commercialism is a good one though, it certainly proves how easily some people (child and adult) can be influenced by what they see on the television. >>So the creature doesn't show up in scanned images and I have to >>be looking at the original photo in order to see anything, is >>this what you're saying? >That's what I would do before drawing conclusions. I am a computer graphic artist by trade, 2D/3D. I asked the question because it has been my experience that scanning a photo actually enhances the picture, I quite often pick out features within a scan I hadn't noticed in the original. I would like to know why nothing can be seen in your scan, do you have a poor scanner or something? A cheap flatbed can normally handle at least 600 dpi optical and generally comes with all the enhancement software needed. >>>I will gladly do so via private E-mail for anyone if you (and >>>any other recipients) promise not to publish the information >>>publicly. I do not wish to point out anyone in public because it >>>is only my opinions based on personal experiences. I would love >>>for someone to ask these researchers why they never contacted me >>>or bothered to ask even a few questions. Thank you for >>>volunteering, Dave! >>My pleasure, you know my address. I promise not to publish the >>information. >Can you indicate what you plan to say to these >"researchers"/"investigators" about the article in question? >Will you simply ask them why they didn't review the material or >will you be adding your assessment as well? I just want to ask why they didn't review the material, I don't plan to add anything. >>Thank you for the kind offer Amy but it's the kind of thing that >>my family and I have managed to get over on our own. >Glad to hear it no longer bothers you. I was just a little >worried since it still seemed to be on your mind as expressed in >your post. ;> Actually it will always be on our minds but life is for the living and we've learned to get on with it, thanks again. Dave.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Chris Kelly <MIBAREA51@aol.com> Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 13:08:11 EDT Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 09:01:23 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos I am wondering with all of the talk about the Gulf Breeze photo's... Did Tommy Smith ever say anything else about his part in faking pictures and or Ed Walters? What about the short video Walters took of the "UFO" coming into view and casting the shadow on the trees. What is the opinion on that? I have not seen anything about it posted. Chris Kelly

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 18:44:30 +0100 Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 09:07:00 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 20:54:23 +0100 Good Afternoon Jenny >>Andy, yes _we_ have learned a heck of a lot _BUT_ have _we_ got an >>answer that satisfies all? No! Why's that? Because some UFO's have >>not, or can not be explained to anyone. But when I was speaking about >>solving the riddle that is ufology, I was talking generally Andy, not >>individual cases. >I think the point is that all UFO cases are potentially >explicable. There is an answer to everything in the universe. We >just have not found all these answers yet. That answer might >be a simple thing or an exotic solution but all UFOs will in the >end be IFOs by the process of identifying them. >Its also highly unlikely that any UFO solution will please >everyone for two key reasons. >1: UFOs are not a single phenomenon. There are multiple and >different UFO phenomena with a range of explanations. >2: Most people accept this but believe 'some' UFOs are - >substitute whatever your own pet theory is. There are many pet >theories and most (ETH, Time Travellers, All UFOs are IFOs) are >quite unprovable. It can only ever be a value judgement and >these can never please everyone. >What Andy is saying - and I agree with him - is that all UFOs >have the potential to be mundane IFOs - with none any exotic >phenomenon at all. You cannot, as you quote from Sherlock >Holmes, eliminate all the possibles and thus leave an impossible >(i.e. aliens or whatever). The reason is that new types of IFO are >always feasible and may simply never have been thought of before >now. When they are thought of they can suddenly solve a >potentially baffling case. This is the nature of the >investigation process in ufology. >Our book 'The UFOs that Never were' makes this apparent. But its >easy to see by, for instance, the Williamette Pass case. Here >you can eliminate all the obvious possibilities. Its not a >plane, balloon, meteor, etc. So does that mean by your argument >it must be some exotic form of UFO? Many ufologists argued so >for years. I felt it did. But clearly it does not. The case >remained a UFO for 30 years until Irwin Weider solved it. He >solved it as an IFO nobody in the world had dreamed of as a way >to explain a UFO case (a road sign). >This conclusively shows that the Sherlock Holmes quote does not >work in UFO terms and that potentially any UFO case can become >an IFO. >You may feel some cases never will have mundane causes. I >actually agree with you. But its an opinion that we cannot prove >and the position Andy adopts (that ultimately all cases will >fall in down to earth terms) is perfectly defensible and at >least as plausible as the ETH, Time Travellers or any exotic >theory. This is not, as you seem to suggest, scepticism or >debunking. In fact its just another theory of UFO origin vying >like all the others for evidence to back it up. >Best wishes, >Jenny Randles Jenny I think that you might be missing the same point that Andy is missing. I am assuming that we are talking about _only genuine_ sighting reports and etc and not hoax's etc. When _you_ have _positively_ identified 99.99 percent of UFO's using every explanation that you have, including outrageous statements such as "piezo electric lights dancing in the swamp gas which was reflected off Venus's glow" Then you _must_ be left with >'some' UFOs are - >substitute whatever your own pet theory is. Are you not? And as to >The case >remained a UFO for 30 years until Irwin Weider solved it. There is still cases that cannot be explained even after fifty years of research, I.E. Kenneth Arnold's sighting, Hogwash to all the pelican theories. Whether alien spacecraft is prove-able or not is too some degree a moot point at this moment in time. Until the proverbial landing on Buckingham Palace lawn (White house lawn for you "yanks" <g>) the ET answer is not going to be "Proved". So until the proverbial landing on whatever public lawn, ET will remain unproved to the general public will it not? So until then, ET is a matter of _belief_ or logical deduction depending on your point of view. So please stop sitting on the fence and make your mind up, does ET exist, yes or no? Simple as that really if you ask me. -- In an infinite universe, infinitely anything is possible. Sean Jones http://www.tedric.demon.co.uk/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 25 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 00:14:03 -0400 Fwd Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 09:26:33 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 23:21:54 -0500 >From: Roger Annette Evans <raka@swbell.net> >Subject: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: updates@globalserve.net >>Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>From: Bruce Maccabee >>Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 21:44:23 -0400 >>Fwd Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 15:21:42 -0400 >>Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >>I think you are trivializing this. >On the contrary, Bruce. I truly believe it is you that are >trivializing the importance of this particular aspect of the GB >investigation. The analogy of the check out line is clear: I >could continue through the line as many times as I wanted UNTIL >they found out I had committed fraud. In the meantime, I'll >never admit it voluntarily. Likewise, if Ed wanted to deceive, >he could continue to produce fakes as long as you were willing >to believe he knew nothing about photography; thereby adding >credence to the authenticity of his photos. He certainly won't >voluntarily admit fraud, especially if he is getting away with >it. >Is it your assumption that all fraud is detectable and, if not >detected, then it doesn't exist? Of course not. But my assumption is that if ed had been creating a fraud it would have been detectable. Not only that, but, if Ed had been commiting photographic fraud, then he was continually getting "better" at it since the conditions were continually getting tougher. You argue that creation of all the pictures was "easy"... I say that it wasn't all that easy. >In the meantime, you maintain that no evidence exists that Ed >faked the photos because of an unnecessarily complex view of >just what it would take to fake them. Unnecessarily complex? Complex for Ed, IMHO. You wish to argue that they were not too complex for Ed. Apparently I can't convince you that they were beyond Ed's knowledge/skill/capability and you can't convince me that they were withing his knowledge/skill/capability/ I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. >By doing so, you, perhaps >unknowingly, artificially enhance the credibility of what >appears to me as basic photographic techniques applied by >someone with basic, not advanced, photographic skills. Yes, "appears to you as basic photographic techniques" But just because it appears to you to be basic doesn't mean it appears to everyone as "basic" or simple. I would classify Ed as in the group of people for whom these techniques are not "basic" but actually rather advanced. <snip> >>Presumably Ed would not need a copy stand if he were to take >>pictures with no smear. You have him using a tripod to take >>unsmeared pictures and then saying, :"oh these will be more >>convincing if I create a smear which will be th same on both the >>UFO and the streetlight. So I'll go out and buy a cheap copy >>stand, one so cheap that when I click the shutter the camera >>will move slighting thereby creating the same smear on the UFO >>and on the streetlight." >This is nonsense, Bruce. The obvious point is that ALL of the GB >photos could be produced on the copy stand, whether he wanted >them blurred or not. The stand could be rigid as steel; the blur >would be created by moving the print during exposure. >Butt-simple. Or is this yet ANOTHER basic photographic technique >that you didn't think of while investigating every possible >explanation about the GB photos? Let's explore that territory a >bit...> Butt-simple... yes. If you think of doing it. If the copy stand were as rigid as steel and the camera fastened and the film lying there with no "wind" around... the natural thing would be to take a picture with no motion of the camera or film being copied. This would produce an unsmeared picture. One would have to _think_ of actually moving the picture while the shutter was open. That requires an escalation of "expertise" over simply making a copy with the copy stand. (And, also requires care in moving the picture in such a way that a reflection glare does not occur during the movement.) >Beyond admitting that you never thought of the masked double >exposure technique, Whoops. Never said that. I described the masked double exposure in my MUFON Symposium presentation. What I didn't think of was putting the mask inside the camera on the film container. This is "easy" to introduce for the first picture of the pack and, of course, can be left in a single position for all the pictures in the pack. But if the position of the mask has to be changed after the first picture the change has to be made in a dark room. Ed's first photo was #5 of the pack. >you stated that the photos to be copied >would have to be "quite large"; large enough to maintain focus. >This is false: Using the Polaroid copy stand, no large prints >would be needed. He could double expose, cut and paste and alter >original Polaroids at will and copy them onto more Polaroid >film. The idea of cut and paste was tested. The edges of the images where a cutout is laid over another picture will generally have a jagged edge or not a smooth variation of brightness from the image on the cutout to the image on the underlying film. Of course the boundary between the cut edge and the lower _background_ film can be "smoothed" by defocus or motion blur... So analyses of photos using a computer were done to determine whether or not defocus was used to hide the "cut and paste". No evidence of that technique was found. SNIP >And, yes, the addition of blur WOULD make the final effect more >believable. It fooled you, didn't it? Or, rather, you believe >that the inclusion of blur makes the photo less likely to be a >fake? Why? Because you couldn't think of a way to fake it? Well, >now you know how! Does that make the photo more or less likely t>o be a fake? It's not that I didn't think of a way to fake it, I just didn't think of doing it exactly the way you have suggested. You are claiming that with the copy stand it is "so easy." Yes, as I pointed out above, easy if you think of doing it. >Moving on, Bruce suggested: >>You should contemplate photo 11, the photo of the UFO supposedly >>in the distance over a field, with a blue line coming down. >>Hyzer claims it was a double exposure. By this he means what I >>call a simple double exposure as opposed to a masked double >>exposure. The upper part of the "beam" is silhouetted against >>the dim morning sky. The bottom of the beam is silhouetted >>against the total dark trees, buildings and ground. So, what do >>you think? A simple double exposure? >A distinction without a difference. It, too, could be created on >the Polaroid copy stand. Yes, this would have to be a cut and paste situation in which the UFO model and blue "beam" are cutouts laid on top of a Polaroid photo of the background and then the combination photographed... essentially a masked single exposure in which a paper cutout (of a photographed model of a UFO) is blocking light from the background photo at the location of the model (and beam). >In fact, this is my whole point, Bruce. It doesn't have to be >complicated to look good. And the less complicated it is, >the more likely Ed (or anyone else) could do it. >However, you maintain the false reasoning that the pictures he >produced could ONLY be fake if a sophisticated optical technique >was used by someone with an advanced degree of knowledge about >photography. You are a photo analyst; presumably with said >advanced degree of knowledge about photography. Yet the notion >of using a cheap copy stand or a masked film cartridge never >occurred to you. Does that make me some kind of photographic >genius? (Bob Shell would say "No.")> I suppose we would have to define "sophisticated". I still say that Ed was not sufficiently sophisticated to do these things. The idea of a "cheap copy stand" and rephotogrqphy was considered and investigated years ago... although I doubt that anyone contemplated the expense of the stand... Ed could have afforded the best photographic equipment available... It is true that the masked film cartridge didn't occur to me. But so what? I contemplated another masked method which, to my way of thinking, would have been more likely what someone would try. >Forgive the inclusion, but I believe Hyzer made the same >mistake. Instead of looking at what tools were available for the >average person to achieve the GB photos through fraud, you and >Hyzer both assumed that it MUST be something more exotic and >sophisticated; something that would elevate the challenge of >discovery and detection to a level worth of your expertise >(hence the "Hyzer method") Look, there were two things you came up with: a mask inside the camera and a "cheap copy stand" with rephotography of a paste on "model." (Don't need the mask inside the camera if you use rephotography) How do you know that Hyzer didn't think of these things himself, or variants, and check for them on photo 1 and then rule them out? >Why? >Why must it be so darned complicated? >In fact, this has nothing to do with Ed's intent, or whether >he's telling the truth or blowing smoke up your skirt. It has >nothing to do with what other witness saw or didn't see. It has >nothing to do with whether Ed is a simple man or a sophisticated >man. Henry Ford couldn't even write his own name. So what? And >believe it or not, it has nothing to do with whether the GB >photos are real or fake. >All it boils down to is this: >Can't you just admit that the photos could be faked on a cheap >Polaroid copy stand? If not, then why? Because Ed said he didn't >have one? Because Ed claims to know nothing about basic >photography? Well, as I have said above, rephotography or whatever you want to call it (paste or lay a "model" on top of the photograph of the background and then photograph the combination) can be done well or can leave "tracks." These tracks... unwanted variations in brightness or even shadows at the edges of the model..can be looked for in the final photo. They were looked for... and not found. Perhaps Ed figured out a way to cover the tracks without using defocus to blur the edges. But if so he was "very good." So I "admit" that the photos could, _in_principle_ be faked using a copy stand and rephotography. HOwever, I cannot "admit" that Ed's photos were done this way because I found no evidence of it.... and not just me. Sainio and other pros looked at the photos. Possibly Hyzer also searched for "rephotography tracks." Of course, Ed's denial of knowing about photo tricks and his apparent zero level knowledge of photography in general means nothing. He could be a fabulous genius with "no tracks." Right? >Gee, there goes Ed through the check out line again.... >At what point does Maccabee's Grocery Store start becoming >suspicious? Oh, about 11 1/2 years ago. I should point out, as have numerous times before, that I would _give_ you the argument that the photos could have been faked. I say, the capability is beyond Ed. Your rejoinder is, hey, all these things are so simple... cheap copy stands, lenses come with it, just slap the photo of the background into the stand, lay a cutout model on top and photograph away... even slide the picture a little if you want convincing smear... all so simple. Well, in the absence of any evidence at all that Ed could have known about any of those things I would have to say simplicity is not "proof"... not even evidence. If you are trying to argue that Ed's photos are fake because it was "so easy" to create them, I would say you are wrong. If you say you don't know whether the photos are fake or real, but at the least they could be done "easily" by someone with the equipment, time and knowledge, I would say you are right (probably... although there are certain technical details for the various photos that make some of them "iffy" to fake in a "simple" way). If you argue that Ed had the equipment, time and knowledge then I would say... OK... prove it, but don't use circular reasoning. That is, don't use the fact that the pictures could have been faked as proof that Ed had the equipment, time and knowledge. that Ed faked the pictures. Find some other evidence such as "sightings" of a copy stand, darkroom, photographic magazines, books, numerous cameras of different types, etc... something to indicate that Ed was not a photo dolt.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Alien Contact Would Ignite Media Frenzy From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 09:26:20 Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 02:40:14 -0400 Subject: Alien Contact Would Ignite Media Frenzy Source: Florida Today, http://www.flatoday.com/space/explore/special/contact/panic.htm Stig *** Alien contact would ignite media frenzy [Image: Aliens blast the White House in this scene from "Independence Day."] Scientists' plan for trying to manage the event: Confirm, verify, tell the world By Todd Halvorson FLORIDA TODAY ARECIBO, Puerto Rico - The Hollywood scenarios always are the same. Soon after we make contact with aliens, hysteria seizes a panicked public, or paranoid G-men in black suits and dark sunglasses put a lid on the news. But in the real world, scientists expect neither mass pandemonium nor a government cover-up if or when intelligent life is found elsewhere in the universe. A media free-for-all in today's wired world - coupled with a carnival-like sideshow - is more likely. "What happens next will be something that we cannot in fact control or orchestrate at all," said Jill Tarter, chief scientist with the SETI Institute of Mountain View, Calif., which is searching for extraterrestrial intelligence. "It will be a huge circus." Imagine the O.J. Simpson trial with a cosmic twist. The initial news flash will be followed by special TV reports with such catchy titles as "Alien Encounter at Arecibo." News crews will scurry to the mountaintop observatory here, and a new genre of "expert" TV analysts - astronomers with a knack for snappy sound bites - will form a lucrative cottage industry. A human wave made of the UFO crowd, strange cults, religious zealots and enterprising T-shirt vendors will crash onto Puerto Rican shores, swamping the media event to beat all media events. "That's one scenario that just might play out," Tarter said. "What is unsettling is the fact that the situation will get away from us, and it will be very difficult to do our work." A plan, however, already is in hand to try to manage the event. Called the "Declaration of Principals Concerning Activities Following the Detection of Extraterrestrial Intelligence," it's a three-page set of instructions adopted in 1989 by the International Academy of Astronautics. Made up of 1,000 researchers from 65 countries, the academy presumes the detection will come in the form of an intercepted radio signal rather than an alien spaceship visiting the White House. The protocol includes the following: �Step One: Confirm, over and over again. The discoverer will not make any announcement until proving - beyond a doubt - that the radio beacon isn't a stray TV signal from The Sci-Fi Channel. �Step Two: Verify, repeatedly and independently. Don't claim an alien contact before scientists at other radio telescopes can unequivocally determine that ET indeed is calling. �Step Three: Tell Everybody. Alert the appropriate "national authorities." Advise astronomers through the Central Bureau of Astronomical Telegrams. Notify the secretary general of the United Nations. Ring up the media. But do not return ET's call. Any response to an alien message, the protocol says, is a matter for "international consultations" - in other words, a worldwide debate over who should say what for humankind. Tarter, who played a major role in putting together the protocol, is one of the many scientists who know full well the announcement won't go by the book. But at the same time, scientists say: Street rioting is unlikely. Without a doubt, a 1938 radio dramatization of "The War of The Worlds" triggered frenzy when thousands of listeners thought invading Martians were spreading death and destruction in New Jersey and New York. The Sunday night broadcast disrupted households, interrupted church services, spawned traffic jams and clogged telephone lines. Some actually left their homes as wide-eyed mobs took to the streets. But scientists say the chances that aliens actually will show up in spaceships, threatening to lay waste to our cities and abduct our women, are slim and none. Even an advanced alien civilization, they say, would find interstellar travel technically difficult, extraordinarily expensive and prohibitively time-consuming. It would, for example, take 100,000 years for an alien spaceship traveling at the speed of light - 186,282 miles a second - to fly from one side of the Milky Way to our little spot in the boondocks. Aliens on board likely would be dead on arrival unless they had discovered a cure for old age. Scientists, as a result, say it's more likely contact will come in the form of a remote radio signal. "The point here is that there would be no immediate danger," said SETI Institute scientist Seth Shostak. "Just because you picked up a radio signal doesn't mean the aliens are hopping in their saucers and coming our way." The announcement won't shock the world. Public opinion polls the past few years show most people already believe life exists elsewhere in the universe - primarily aliens piloting UFOs - so the news won't come as a big surprise. Pseudoscientific literature, supermarket tabloids and talk shows have persuaded many to believe also in ancient astronauts and alien crop circles. "If the headline tomorrow says, `Scientists Prove Existence of Extraterrestrial Intelligence,' Joe Six Pack will say, `Look Marge, they've finally come clean. I knew the aliens were out there. Could you hand me the sports section?' " There will be no government cover-up. Much to the chagrin of the conspiracy crowd, the international protocol clearly states that a confirmed alien detection "should be disseminated promptly, openly and widely through scientific channels and public media." Beyond that, the drill for authenticating a signal from ET effectively spreads the news very fast. Astronomers in countries around the world would be called to work in a harried bid to verify the alien beacon, making leaks to the media unstoppable and a cover-up impossible. In addition, those who think the government successfully could quash the scientific discovery of the millennium "greatly underestimate the urge to share heart-stopping news - and the perceptive powers of the press," Shostak said. Case in point: In June 1997, SETI Institute scientists working at an observatory in West Virginia intercepted a signal that appeared to be the real thing. In the midst of a daylong effort to authenticate it, a New York Times reporter called the observatory control room to ask about "that interesting signal" the scientists tuned in to. "Here was a signal that had us going for 24 hours, and I can tell you there were no government types crashing into the control room. No guys in narrow ties. No guys with black fedoras," Shostak said. But a newspaper reporter hundreds of miles away already had been tipped to what eventually turned out to be a false alarm. "The point is that in the case of a detection, the people who are going to know first are the media, and then it's too late" for a cover-up, Shostak said. "The feds could come in and shut us down, but the signal is in the sky and in The New York Times. Anybody with a big radio antenna could confirm the signal for themselves." The ensuing media blitz would be overwhelming, like the blanket coverage during the Persian Gulf War or the more recent crisis in Kosovo. Just how long it would last depends on the nature of the beacon. Scientists say there are two types of signals that could be detected: Stray radio signals that radiate into space like waves created by a pebble dropped into a pond. Early television shows such as "I Love Lucy" have been rippling outward for a half century, long enough to have traveled past hundreds of stars as far as 50 light years away. A light year is 5.88 trillion miles, or the distance television and radio signals travel in one year at 186,282 miles a second. Who knows? Any day now, an alien version of "My Favorite Martian" might reach Earth. An intentional beacon, one intended to be heard by intelligent civilizations. It might be a simple welcome to the Galactic Club or a signal with an embedded message. Neither a stray signal nor an interstellar hello would tell us much except to provide proof of life elsewhere and scant information about the home of our celestial neighbors. Astronomers, for instance, could use telescopes to focus on the source of the signal and study a farflung planetary home. But that would reveal little about an alien civilization's way of life. "We'd be able to tell a number of things about their planet - its size, its location, the length of their day and the length of their year," said SETI Institute scientist Peter Backus. "But it may be a long time before we find out anything about their civilization." On the other hand, an intentional beacon with an embedded message may shed light on the aliens themselves and the lives they lead. Perhaps ET is broadcasting an Encyclopedia Galactica or advice on how to solve global environmental and geopolitical problems. "The first question Mr. and Mrs. Front Porch are going to ask is, `What are they saying?' " Shostak said. "The second question will be, 'What do they look like?' "And the information we get might not answer either question. The message might be screaming difficult to decipher, like hieroglyphics. Or it might be something that we can never decipher." Media coverage and public interest, consequently, are likely to wax and wane with the speed at which cryptographers can decode the message. In the meantime, SETI Institute scientists will discover long-term job security. "I don't think we'll have trouble getting telescope time anymore," Tarter said. ** Order your personal copy of "Contact" by using this secure order form. Use of this site signifies your agreement to the Terms of Service updated June 1999. Comments or questions? Inquire about advertising *here. This World Wide Web site is copyright � 1999 FLORIDA TODAY.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Re: Alien Ineptitude From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 04:36:38 -0400 Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 02:52:34 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 01:36:46 -0400 To: "02 - UFO UpDates Subscribers":; From: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@mindspring.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 22:01:54 GMT >>Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 03:41:26 -0400 >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> >>Subject: Re: Alien Ineptitude >>I ... choose to >>spend my time trying to get a serious investigation into the >>reports of the abductees going ... >>Some people are in very real distress >>over this Joe. For them, 'reporting' is like going to an >>emergency room and instead of receiving treatment the doctors >>stand around debating and speculating while you slowly bleed to >>death. Joe responds: A better analogy (IMHO, at least) is this one: Doctors and medical researchers are standing around the emergency room debating about the causes of and cures for bleeding. You arrive bleeding. The doctors and researchers race each other to get to you first. If a doctor wins the race, you get some curative treatment. If a researcher wins you get sucked into a research study into causes of bleeding. My point was that the 'experiencers' get lost in the shuffle. I agree Joe. It's a tough call to know 'who' to call in and for which case and under which conditions. There are times when a serious research person is called for, and others where a psychologist is clearly indicated. My sense of it is that a combination of both would be best under the circumstances. That is, if we lived in a 'perfect world.' :) You're right, John. Some people are in extreme distress. They _need_ something curative. Such as emotional support and counseling. Too often, what they _get_ is a researcher who wants to get the data before a therapist 'contaminates' it. It's a P.I.T.A. job and I don't know who would actually 'do it' but -each case/report- needs to be evaluated individually. I'd be happy to see -any kind- of concerted effort made to examine these cases. A big part of the problem is that we can't get any two people to agree with each other even as to what the 'protocols' of such an investigation should be! In the meantime I continue to receive letters from perfectly ordinary family/ working folks from all over the planet who have had their 'world' turned upside down by the possibility that they, or their families, are somehow involved in this mess. Tough call. "Treat" or "investigate?" One case at a time is the only way. BUT- 'treat or investigate' we must because it is our neighbors and coworkers and sometimes even family members that are reporting! It is in -everyone's- best interest that we do so. That poses problems for those of us who are research oriented. We need to realize that therapists and researchers have different aims. And, consequently, successful therapy doesn't always produce much evidence for the researcher, and may even produce red herrings. Why it needs to be taken on a case by case basis. I went to a psychologist for an evaluation before I went to Budd Hopkins. I didn't know (or trust) Budd and I -needed to know- that I hadn't simply 'snapped a bridge cable.' Maybe 'multi-disciplinary' is the right way to go. Strict research people working in tandem with mental health care pro's. If it should ever prove out that there is a real and physical phenomenon happening, it'll be good to know that those who were traumatized by those experiences received help, support, and counselling when they needed it. Not everyone who doesn't share your views has been the victim of a government/alien conspiracy. [;-) I don't know if there is or isn't any "alien/government" conspiracy. What I said was, that governments (may be) involved in keeping the lid on an alien presence. I didn't mean to give the impression that I 'believed' that it was true. or that anyone who "doesn't share my views" has been a "victim" of it. You place meaning in my words that was not there or intended. FWIW, I do believe that 'they' exist and that something real is happening to those who call themselves abductees. I just don't know what. Wish you had been standing at my side a few times along the way. "Tweety" would be whistling a different tune! :) Actually, yours is an intellectually honest response Joe. I respect it. Actually, I'd also like to point out that 2 or 3 changes-of-subject upstream from this post I posed the following question: >Is there any evidence that would selectively discriminate >between these theories: >1. That the same off-world beings that pilot the craft are >also perpetrating the abductions. >2. That abductions are Out-of-Body Experiences, Lucid Dreams >or cases of Awareness during Sleep Paralysis that are >unrecognized or incompletely recalled. <snip> The results were meagre. Bloody shame man. I'd like to think that 'good minds' are coming together to study the question. But then 'apathy' is what has allowed the whole world to sink into its current condition. Just looking for evidence. We're both looking for the same thing Joe. In the final analysis we're all on the 'same side.' Would be nice to know the truth. Whether for or against. Regards, John Velez ________________________________________________ jvif@spacelab.net "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind." ________________________________________________

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy From: Tony Spurrier <TSpurrier@compuserve.com> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 06:04:15 -0400 Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 03:01:39 -0400 Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 22:23:46 +0000 >Subject: UFO UpDate: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> >To: UFO UpDates <updates@globalserve.net> >I've been worried about Dr. Greer and others push for "an end to >ufo secrecy" for the reasons obvious if you've read any of >Vallee's 1979 _Messengers of Deception_ as well as his >subsequent books; the probability that such disclosure would be >manipulated as a continuance of the manipulations that have gone >before. Greer seems to have wisened up to this same scenario's >probability. Stephen What Greer hasn't wised up to is the fact that he has been saying for years that he's on the verge of a paradigm shifting UFO disclosure, yet two and half years after their Washington meeting they are no nearer disclosing anything. If you ever get to question them over this you'll receive standard replies which side step the issue and leave the disclosure just out of grasp. You'll hear that the witnesses will only testify under oath infront of congress, yet the meeting in Washington two years ago wasn't done under oath. You'll then hear that they fear for their lives, yet have names and photographs on their website of those that spoke in Washington. lastly you'll that they need funding for a disclosure documentary, which is apparently under way, but they seem to forget that their witnesses will only speak under oath at a congressional hearing. The action is simple, organise a world wide press conference and get the witnesses to speak enmass and stop pussy footing around demanding funds. >Military interests, which are heavily involved in covert >projects which hoax ET events, such as human military- related >abductions, have a shared goal of demonizing the UFO/ET >phenomenon. Greer allegedly has witnesses who will testify that alien abductions are psychotronic military abductions and/or government cloned et's. He has been sitting on this information, holding it for ransom, rather than put a stop to these experiences. Of course we have to take his word that this information is genuine. If it is true Greer is guilty by association with these covert forces. >And remember: Part of this disclosure plan involves the use of >UFO look-alike devices made by humans in an attack on earth or >military assets of earth. This would be a well-orchestrated use >of advanced human technologies to hoax an ET attack - all for >the purpose of disclosing the truth with the desired >military-oriented spin. In such a scenario, most of humanity >will be deceived into believing the threat from space has >arrived - and that we must fight it at all costs. This is >nothing more than long-term social security for the >military-industrial complex. There must be people who can expose >this fraud. Funny how Greer shirks responsibility, he claims to have a witness who holds this information. At the Washington briefings the witness allegedly pulled out at the last minute because the big bad military had changed their minds. Seems now they've changed their minds again, or is this scare mongering for funds? The witness Greer had is so top secret you can find his photo on their website! >But why should we wait for these darker scenarios to be >unleashed on an unsuspecting world? This is the question that everyone should be asking Greer, why are you sitting on this information? >Here is another idea: Why don't 'we the people' unite and launch >a disclosure which resembles the first one described above. An >honest one. One which leads to peace, not war. To a sustainable >and beautiful world, free of pollution and brimming with >abundance, of all types. One which reaches out into the unknown, >instead of firing particle beam weapons into the darkness of >space. The ransom note arrives. CSETI claim to have the truth, so why don't they simply hire a conference suite, invite the worlds media, and let these witnesses talk? Answer, that's not how holding information for ransom works! Tony

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 12:38:02 +0100 Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 03:10:12 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Sat, 23 Oct 99 10:25:42 PDT >>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 20:54:23 +0100 >>>Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 21:55:06 +0100 >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >>>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>>Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 13:48:38 -0400 >>>>From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >>>>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Hi, Jenny, <snip> >>1: UFOs are not a single phenomenon. There are multiple and >>different UFO phenomena with a range of explanations. >I have sometimes thought along the same lines myself >(specifically in the area of high-strangeness cases), but I >certainly would not state it, as you have here, as if this were >an established fact, because it isn't. Well we can hopefully disagree in amicable terms on that. I believe it is established to my satisfaction. Thats not the same thing as a fact, of course, but I am not forcing the conclusion onto anyone - merely telling you what I, personally, have found from my many hundreds of case investigations. Isn't it odd that when I dont offer conclusions I get told that I 'sit on the fence' and when I do I am told I am issuing as a fact a statement that cannot be said to be fact. If all we ever did was discuss proven facts about UFOs I think Updates could close now through lack of use. We can only offer reasoned premises based upon the evidence and thats what I do here - not claim that I know 'the truth' any more than anybody does regarding UFOs. >From my experience as an investigator I have encountered cases that I am overwhelmingly convinced to be a form of UAP (eg an extreme form of ball lightning is one example). (A first hand instance of this would be the Nelson car stop case from March l977) I do not think all unexplained cases are super BL. This option does not, for instance, explain alien contact encounters. Therefore this means we must have at least two types of UFO to explain different sorts of case. I think the evidence in support of that contention is strong enough to convince me - especially given, for instance, basic differences such as the witness per case ratio for each type. But if it doesnt convince you thats okay by me too. >I am assuming here that >you do not assume that all UFOs are potentially reduceable to >IFOs -- a debunking cliche to which history has not been kind -- >and that your premise here is that what we call UFOs and what we >call IFOs are different in kind. If you read my original reply I think I do actually answer your question there. I quote from it ... (You may feel some cases never will have mundane causes. I actually agree with you. But its an opinion that we cannot prove and the position Andy adopts (that ultimately all cases will fall in down to earth terms) is perfectly defensible... >>new types of IFO are >>always feasible and may simply never have been thought of before >>now. When they are thought of they can suddenly solve a >>potentially baffling case. This is the nature of the >>investigation process in ufology. >Why is the idea of alien visitors "impossible"? I suspect that >you do not mean what you say quite the way it sounds. I did not come up with this possible/impossible analogy if you follow the original posting to which I replied. I was responding to a note that argued by citing Sherlock Holmes, from which this famous quote appears. The point being made by the use of this quote was - as I understood it - that exotic solutions like aliens or time travellers forced themselves upon you when you had ruled out the more mundane ones for any case. As such I did not choose to substitute 'possible' and 'impossible' into this scenario - that was done in the quote to which I was clearly responding ! As you know (because I have said it many times in recent months on Updates) I do not regard alien contact as an impossible theory or even an improbable one. >I think you are making far, far too much of this isolated >instance. Its not just one instance. 'The UFOs that never were' features about 25 cases which have progressed from UFO towards sometimes surprising IFO conclusions as you will see. More than one involved an answer that required guesswork, skill, good luck or good judgement to find. Without that often lengthy research they would have stayed UFOs. In many cases UFOlogists still regard them as such. Our book aims to make that point from various examples - illustrating how UFOs do sometimes become IFOs years down the track and involve quite unsuspected explanations. I think it proves that to occur much more than in just one isolated example - although, of course, most IFOs are not unusual or surprising. We are simply saying that some are and these suggest that presently unsolved cases may one day prove to be IFOs that we have yet to recognise. This should not be a threat to ufologists or ufology. Is not our job to solve cases as and when thats possible? Surely doing so strengthens the scientific value of the evidence we cannot solve? Thats how I see it anyhow. >Historically, the best cases have overwhelmingly >stayed unexplained over time, under repeated investigation. And I have never suggested otherwise. As we have pointed out many times 'The UFOs that Never Were' is not a book that even tries to argue that all UFO cases are solved. It is not a book that claims there are no UFOs (not even exotic UFOs such as aliens). Indeed as I have also noted the three authors disagree on that question appreciably. It is not a book that is in any way about the unsolved cases. But I dont think you can fairly argue I have not written a good deal about such unexplained events in the past. So it is silly to judge too much from one book - its not as if I dont write others! This is an unusual kind of UFO book in that it concentrates on cases that started as UFOs and became IFOs (exactly as the title suggests) and arguing the lessons we can learn from them. The truly impressive data like McMinnville isnt in there. Theres one fairly obvious reason for that. Its an unsolved case, not a UFO that never was. >Where the best photographic cases are concerned, McMinnville is >a more appropriate example than the Willamette photo. Whos arguing otherwise? This book is not a book about the best photographic cases, or the best UFO cases. Its a book about SOLVED UFO cases (or in a few instances cases that appear to be heading for resolution but remain contentious). It at no point suggests (indeed it says pretty clearly otherwise) that because some photo cases have been solved every other case on the UFO records also must be an IFO. I emphatically do not believe that - but as I said in my last reply I support Andy Robert's right to defend such a theory, because its a premise you can justify by way of solved cases. You no doubt reject it in its entirity for sound reasons. So do I. I am well aware of the fundamental difference between UFO and IFO cases and have written about it at length (eg in Science and the UFOs). But I repeat you are arguing at cross purposes here attacking a book for not doing things it has never set out to do. Its interesting that I can write 30 pro UFO books over 20 odd years and now that I am involved in one book that is not about real UFOs but discusses pseudo UFOs instead - suddenly this is perceived as being far more important than it is ever thought to be by us. You have to see it in context - as one book out of many, on a specialised area and making specific points by the medium of a clearly defined exploration of a set of cases. Dont read an entire philosophy of UFOs into it - especially as its authored by three people who have similar ideas but also markedly different ones at times. We agreed up front to allow each of us to say our own piece on cases that we wrote about even if the others disagreed about them. As such individual chapters are credited. Andy thus presents his views on the l974 Llandrillo incident based on a good direct investigation (good enough that you have decided to publish it in the IUR even though it appears to explain away a noted case). I accept many of Andy's findings here and he has clearly illuminated the path towards truth with a first rate follow up - but I dont fully support all of his interpretation of the evidence. However it was his chapter so what he writes is what is in the book. It does not, of course, mean that in this case (or probably any other) controversy will be ended. But again that was not why the book was written. Although I think its true that this is one of the few instances in the book where there is a fundamental dispute over the nature of a case - and even here we are all agreed on more than we do not agree on (eg none of think that an alien spaceship spewing dead bodies crashed at Llandrillo - which is what most others who have written on the case seem to report). If anything this book is a guide to investigators through practical examples as to how to stick with cases beyond the first few days. Thats how I view it. Not as a diatribe against UFOs, a debunking assault or a claim that all UFOs are explicable. But I can of course only give my opinion. >Incidentally, note the spelling -- it's not "Williamette." I >hope you have it rendered correctly in your book. Not sure, as I did not write that page (and its only a one page box). But I'll try to make sure it is corrected if not. I must admit I thought it was Williamette myself. I must have misread it and added the 'i' and then for years falsely read the tiny print on maps that include it. With an 'i' and two 'll's next to each other the eye is fooled easily into seeing another 'i' after the second 'l' because its what your mind tells you is most likely to be there. In fact, thats a pretty good example of selective memory, and how perception can be altered by expectation. This no doubt occurs with many UFO witnesses who see a light, expect a UFO and so perceive things in that light that are not really there (just as I assumed it was William, not Willam, and my mind thereafter saw the missing 'i' whenever I looked at a map). Interesting. Thanks for pointing out this useful example of an optical illision. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 99 09:42:17 PDT Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 03:12:23 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 13:10:22 -0400 >From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 21:55:06 +0100 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 13:48:38 -0400 >>>From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >>>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Dave, >The ET explanation for UFOs is simply an artefact of the era in >which we live. Go back 500 years Sean and if we had email I >would venture to suggest you would be blaming UFOs on the >fairies and little folk. >What I'm trying to say is that opinions about the ultimate >origin of unknown UFOs are legion and ETs are just one tiny, >remote possibility, and are themselves a product of our Space >Age culture. These are not the sorts of statements designed to encourage confidence in your judgment, my friend. They tell us more about you (and maybe about UFOIN as well), I'm afraid, than about the UFO phenomenon or the ETH. One hopes that this sort of empty posturing -- especially coming from someone smart enough to know better -- disappears from ufological discourse soon. It is, as we have already seen demonstrated repeatedly, much less than helpful, and among other things, it betrays a fairly shocking ignorance of the literature of astrobiology. Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 05:04:45 +0100 Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:26:19 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! Sean wrote: >>Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 18:44:30 +0100 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! ><snip> >>So please stop sitting on the fence and make your mind up, >does ET exist, yes or no? Simple as that really if you ask me. Hi All & Sean, If those people around the World writing books and giving Lectures , appearing in magazines and on TV regarding the UFO subject , would answer "YES" to your question, would this then prove the need to write, Lecture and appear on TV anymore talking about UFOs? Surely not if they knew they existed, what would be the point, then alternative careers might be in hand. Regards, Roy.. Keep Smiling..

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Stephen Lewis <stephen.lewis@tsl.state.tx.us> Date: 25 Oct 1999 11:38:35 -0500 Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:45:34 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 18:44:30 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! Hello all patient list folk, Might I inquire as to whether everyone is as sick of this "same ole same old" back and forth pointless diatribe as I am? I for one respect Jenny's scientific fence straddling. I applaud her and her cohort's attempts at correcting the course of ufology (if it's not already too late) thru the new _non-organization_ of British UFO investigators. >>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 20:54:23 +0100 >Good Afternoon Jenny <Mighty Sniparoo> >>Jenny Randles >Jenny I think that you might be missing the same point that Andy >is missing. Not to sound confrontational but it seems like _you_ are the one missing the point. Jenny has responded over and over and over to the likes of this kind of stupid "either / or" mentality. This is why most UFOlks need a healthy dose of The Excluded Middle. >I am assuming that we are talking about _only genuine_ sighting >reports and etc and not hoax's etc. Define genuine. Do you mean "all sightings of 'UFO' which can be positively identified as ET craft?" Or, more in line with Jenny's perspective (or rather my interpretation / explanation of her POV), that some UFO / Alien Encounters, which may be related to UAP or ASP, may in fact contain an "alien / ET" signal within the "noise" of the encounter narrative. Read her books _Beyond Explanation?_, _Mind Monsters_, and _Alien Abduction-Mystery Solved_. >When _you_ have _positively_ identified 99.99 percent of UFO's >using every explanation that you have, including outrageous >statements such as "piezo electric lights dancing in the swamp >gas which was reflected off Venus's glow" Then you _must_ be >left with >>'some' UFOs are - >>substitute whatever your own pet theory is. >Are you not? Yes she is as she herself has stated on this list. Tho she does it with more rationality than most. <snippity doo da day> >So please stop sitting on the fence and >make your mind up, does ET exist, yes or no? Simple as that >really if you ask me. Why the heck should she when she has already adequately expressed her POV. Are you a Republican or a Democrat Sean? Are UFOs _real_ or not? Do answers to these questions always hafta be a yes or no / either or scenario for you Sean? Are all issues black and white? Are there no gray areas in your own perspective? I sincerely hope Jenny will not answer your post as she already has. She has explained her balanced non-commital POV already and for her to do so again would be a waste of her time and yours as you will only see what she has already stated which... is enuf for someone not as polarized as one who must keep asking this question. _Yes_ some UFOs may represent the communication or manifestation of an alien or ET intelligence / consciousness. But is there enuf evidence to prove such? No, not until, as you said earlier, the proverbial landing on public lawns takes place. Aaarrrgh! "Can't we all just agree to disagree"? SMiles http://www.elfis.net >-- > In an infinite universe, infinitely anything is possible. >Sean Jones >http://www.tedric.demon.co.uk/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Pat McCartney <ElPatricio@aol.com> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 13:58:33 EDT Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 05:02:47 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 13:10:22 -0400 >From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 21:55:06 +0100 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Andy, I do not mean this as a personal thing, I really do wish >>UFOIN the very best, I am only expressing my doubts as to the >>results of the work, not the quality. >I get the idea you are trying to imply that somehow any >conclusions we reach will be twisted towards debunking or >skepticism for its own sake. <snip> >If we fall back on ifs and buts and 'maybes' then we are harking >back to the age of superstition - belief in nebulous powers 'out >there' which ultimately lead us to abdicate responsibility for >our own actions in the real world (see for example the >witchcraft mania of the Middle Ages). >The ET explanation for UFOs is simply an artefact of the era in >which we live. Go back 500 years Sean and if we had email I >would venture to suggest you would be blaming UFOs on the >fairies and little folk. >What I'm trying to say is that opinions about the ultimate >origin of unknown UFOs are legion and ETs are just one tiny, >remote possibility, and are themselves a product of our Space >Age culture. Thanks, Andy, for articulating the attitude that prompted Sean to express reservations about the results of your new group's research. As anyone with a passing familiarity of the debate between conventional biology and "creation science" knows, one's basic assumptions of what is possible often determines the outcome of one's conclusions about ambiguous data. I would submit that the premise which Andy boldly outlines, that the ET hypothesis is "just one tiny, remote possibility," practically guarantees his dismissal of evidence that points toward an ET explanation in favor of more conventional explanations. But I would go further, and suggest to Andy that ET visitation is more than a "tiny, remote possibility." All one has to do to realize that is simply extraplolate the human experience of the past century by a thousand years or more. If interstellar travel is possible, humans will achieve it within that time span. And that's discounting a possible exchange of technology with other, more advanced species. Rather than being fuzzy minded adherents of a nebulous power akin to witchcraft, I would submit that backers of the ET hypothesis have a far better grasp of what the universe _in all likelihood_ will prove to be than researchers who view ET visitation a "tiny, remote possibility." Regards, Pat McCartney Auburn, Calif.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 19:35:56 +0100 Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 05:05:40 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 18:44:30 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 20:54:23 +0100 >Jenny I think that you might be missing the same point that Andy >is missing. With respect. I dont think either of us are. There are lots of UFO sightings. Most are sooner or later explained as IFOs. Some IFOs are odd ones and take a long time to be resolved. Potentially any case still termed a UFO (because we have not found an answer) might become an IFO one day when further information comes about. But we will always have at any point in time a few cases that are unresolved and seemingly unresolvable. The argument is whether these are truly new or exotic phenomena (eg alien craft) or simply things we have yet to understand but more mundane in origin. I suspect they are probably both. Andy, I think, argues all these residual UFO cases will probably fall as IFOs one day. I say all potentially could do but in my view there will remain insoluble cases. I say this because there are fundamental differences between IFOs and UFOs in the statistical data base. In my view you cannot just assume IFOs, hoaxes and solved cases are not part of the argument. You have to take them into account and see what lessons they offer for the remaining unsolved cases. The reason is that IFOs represent the only UFO data where we have pretty firm conclusions. We can often prove an IFO to reasonable degrees of certainty. A UFO is simply an unresolved case and may eventually become an IFO or stay a UFO. This means ufologists should pay more heed to IFO cases because they teach us useful lessons. >There is still cases that cannot be explained even after fifty >years of research, I.E. Kenneth Arnold's sighting, Hogwash to >all the pelican theories. I dont think Arnold saw pelicans but I also dont think this is an insoluble case. Its one of those where I suspect eventually the truth will out and it will turn out to be that it was not a fleet of spaceships. However, nobody is arguing that there are unsolved cases after 50 years or 100 years. There are plenty of them. I am not even arguing there are no real UFOs - ie ones that require new science to explain them. In fact I am not sure what you think I am arguing with you about here. >So until the proverbial landing on whatever public lawn, ET will >remain unproved to the general public will it not? So until >then, ET is a matter of _belief_ or logical deduction depending >on your point of view. Yes, thats reasonable. But what you dont seem able to accept is that people can view this same evidence objectively and reach entirely opposite conclusions - ie that ET is not coming to earth. I dont know which option is true. Nor do you. We are both making estimates from the evidence. But both are possible solutions. Thats really all I said. >So please stop sitting on the fence and >make your mind up, does ET exist, yes or no? Simple as that >really if you ask me. I claim a new entry in the Guiness Book of Records. My answer has succeeded in being attacked by you for 'sitting on the fence' and by Jerry Clark for making a too definitive statement that could not be proven. That takes some doing! I have given my views on the ETH several times on this list. And it is not as 'simple as that' as you put it. The evidence is confusing and contradictory. Some of it supports an alien visitation. Some clearly does not. If you wish then you can ignore the half that fits one view and base your conclusions on the rest. That will allow you or anyone to issue a definitive yes/no statement on the matter. But it wont make it true (or not true). I dont see why anyone has to jump in both feet first here and proclaim they believe or do not believe simply because you regard not doing that as sitting on the fence. My summation of the evidence is that the ETH cannot be proven even to reasonable assurance but that it has sufficient suggestive evidence that it would be foolish to dismiss it as a possibility as many sceptics do. Sure, jumping to a conclusion one way or the other would be easy and no doubt please a lot of people (and infuriate others). It would also make me a lot more money because publishers far prefer books that proclaim ET has landed than ones afflicted with terminal honesty saying we just dont know. I honestly believe this is an argument that is too close to call and therefore do not feel it is unreasonable to require better evidence than we have so far to cause me to be firm in support of one option or the other. This is not an election where you have to stand up for a cause or else be branded the enemy. Its a quest for answers. Right now we dont know those answers and the evidence is well balanced and could support either possibility. Sorry but in my opinion it just is. I cannot say other than that just to please you. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Re: Get Real From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 11:16:10 -0500 Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 04:35:08 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 15:12:10 +0000 >From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >Living in the real world? living in a world of television >imagery more like, I don't see how this is supposed to prove >anything. Dave, I wasn't trying to prove anything. I was just indicating what I have seen in children these days because I work as a part-time teacher as well as doing research (gotta eat). I suggested the experiment so that parents who may wonder what their children are being exposed to these days can see for themselves by performing this simple experiment. This train of thought stemmed from your comment about my children calling an image they saw in the photographs an "alien" and your insinuation that they see "aliens" because that's what I have taught them to see. >If that experiment was done in say the 1950's I don't think the >same results would be found do you? I guess not. Perhaps you may wish to do more study on this topic and get back with us. >Let's jump forward a decade or so, using _your_ logic (real >world commercialism) how do you explain the total lack of >'greys' in any of the sci-fi films and tv shows made in those >days? I don't. If you wish to talk about the lack of 'greys' in sci-fi films and tv shows in the '50's, why not start another thread titled "Lack of Greys In The '50's". I am not interested in the topic. I started this thread, "Get Real", in reference to something I observed while watching "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind", then you asked why there weren't any photographs of beings and I offered the photographs from the case I investigated, then you began asking questions about the photographs. Remember? Maybe you want to change the topic of this thread to "Lack of Greys In The '50's". >Is there a record anywhere pre-1970's that describes the grey >alien as we presently know it?? I don't know. Good luck in your research. >Your point about commercialism is a good one though, it >certainly proves how easily some people (child and adult) can be >influenced by what they see on the television. Yep, couldn't agree with you more. >>I am a computer graphic artist by trade, 2D/3D. >I asked the question because it has been my experience that >scanning a photo actually enhances the picture, I quite often >pick out features within a scan I hadn't noticed in the >original. >I would like to know why nothing can be seen in your scan, do >you have a poor scanner or something? Actually, yes, I bought a scanner to scan these photos and didn't know anything about scanners so I didn't get a very good one. It was on sale and seemed to work so I bought it. It has left scratches on some of my photographs and now eats anything put into it (my 13 year old has been using it and seems to have killed it). It's the kind you feed the photographs or paper into. I want to buy a better scanner as soon as I have enough money. Since I don't get paid for the research and investigations I do, I make do with the little money I have. I didn't say "nothing" can be seen on the scanned images. In fact, I've had many people write to me saying how amazing the photographs are so they must see something of what I'm talking about. As indicated in the article and in this thread, the photographs are clearer than the scanned images and the slides are even more clear and bring out more details. I had to learn web site construction and HTML, buy a scanner, and learn how to use it just to present this case to the public. Silly me, I thought people might be interested and wanted to share it with them. I didn't want to send it to some magazine or those that sensationalize the information. I just wanted to get it out to share it for free and let each person make up his or her own mind. This is why I chose to use the internet. I did the work and it took many months to complete the article, the web page and present it. Now I have moved on to other investigations and research and do not care if anyone believes it or not. Now I am quite sure the case will not be sensationalized because so few care or have enough of an open mind to review the information. I figure I am lucky because I have learned much more than shared in the article and the information has led to further research. When ya snooze, ya lose. ;> Those who like to debunk everything they hear and see will do so no matter how much evidence or information is put before them. I've learned to accept this in my work yet continue doing research and investigations. Those who are curious and want to learn, ask serious questions rather than scoffing all the time. _These_ are the people I share with. _These_ people treat others with respect and receive the same. Once you have encountered both kinds of people, you know how to tell the difference between someone with a genuine interest in reviewing the data and those interested only in seeing their name in print. >>Can you indicate what you plan to say to these >>"researchers"/"investigators" about the article in question? >>Will you simply ask them why they didn't review the material or >>will you be adding your assessment as well? >I just want to ask why they didn't review the material, I don't >plan to add anything. Very well, the list of those with whom I have tried to share this case will be sent to your E-mail box tonight. I trust your inquiries will be done with taste and professionalism. However, how will we know you actually contacted them? As usual, enjoyed conversing with you, Dave. ;> Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 PRG/X-PPAC 'Beyond Little Green Men And SETIi's From: Stephen G. Bassett <SGBList2@aol.com> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 14:41:37 EDT Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 18:58:17 -0400 Subject: PRG/X-PPAC 'Beyond Little Green Men And SETIi's X-PPAC www.x-ppac.org Paradigm Research Group www.paradigmclock.com 10/26/99 A copy of the newspaper column below and its web location is being sent out to the PRG/X-PPAC contact list as well as the national media list of several thousand. It is a masterpiece. It is written by Billy Cox, a great media friend of the UFO/Dislcoure movement for "Florida Today," which serves Central Florida - home of the Kennedy Space Center. All receiving this are requested to do everything possible to spread the content of this column and its web location. Post on your website, send to your email list, send to your local media, and send to your political representatives. The UFO/ET cover-up is ending. The media will drive the process, open Congressional hearings will define the process, and disclosure will culminate the process. It is time for American journalists to step forward and take on the biggest news story in history. Colleagues like Billy Cox are showing them the way. Stephen Bassett Paradigm Research Group ---------------------------------------- Spread the word about X-PPAC http://www.x-ppac.org and the politics of disclosure ---------------------------------------- Source: Florida Today http://www.flatoday.com/space/explore/stories/1999b/102399a.htm FLORIDA TODAY Space Online Oct. 23, 1999 Looking Beyond Little Green Men And SETIi's Cult By Billy Cox A FLORIDA TODAY column CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - As cults go, members of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence community are a benign crowd. What's not to love? They're cool. They want to contact ET - using radiotelescopes. They are dreamers with doctorates. They command the vocabularies of science with eloquence and self-effacing humor. They are the underdogs; they fight bland congressional tightwads for funding and lose. They bounce back, resilient. They reside, with the greatest of ease, simultaneously, in opposing worlds of rationalism and faith. And it is that faith - pursued without evidence to support the sanctified medium of radio, dogmatic and selective in its beliefs, closed to alternative possibilities - which makes their science look so insecure. A full house turned out Tuesday night in Cocoa to catch the SETI show at Brevard Community College's Fine Arts Auditorium. Leading the sermon was Dr. Seth Shostak, a brilliant wit at the privately funded SETI Institute of Mountain View, Calif. Given a) the billions of stars orbiting billions of galaxies, b) the ongoing discovery of new planets, and c) amino acids-laden cosmic debris seeding the universe like sperm cells, painting space as a yawning pond wriggling with life forms was easy enough. Audience members were told how they, too, could assist the radio hunt by downloading and crunching signals with the so-called SETI@Home program. The doors slammed when several listeners advanced the UFO heresies, wondering if maybe those alien life forms hadn't already arrived. One woman rattled off a list of related Web sites, prompting Shostak to charge, "None of those sources you've mentioned are credible." Too bad. Because one of the sites Shostak dismissed - www.blackvault.com - as nothing to do with alien implants, ancient astronauts, or any other subjective aspect of the phenomenon. It's jammed solely with scanned-in photocopies of government documents - 7,000 or so, from acronyms such as the CIA, DIA, FBI and USAF - acquired through the Freedom of Information Act. The patterns of high-level interest are clear; what they're onto is not. We get glimpses of what we already know - military and commercial pilot reports of wild UFO evasive maneuvers, associated power failures, radar signatures, etc. - but the best stuff presumably has been blacked out by censors. Pressed further by another listener who asked why UFO researchers and SETI guys couldn't reason through this thing, Shostak replied, "Scientists don't object to a dialogue; it just doesn't go anywhere." Speaking for all scientists, naturally. But not a nine-member Stanford University panel led by physicist Peter Sturrock who, after examining the available evidence in 1998, advocated a rigorous public investigation. Good luck. The data Sturrock's colleagues studied was assembled by billionaire philanthropist Laurance Rockefeller, who circulated a lengthy briefing paper on UFOs to top government officials, reportedly including President Clinton. But the lid remains sealed. In his memoirs, Friends In High Places, now-disgraced former associate attorney general Webb Hubbell states one of his greatest regrets was being unable to get to the bottom of the UFO mystery, which Clinton ordered him to do. Our chief executives often lack the proper security clearances to know what's going on. Witness Ronald Reagan's Iran-contra debacle. Or consider the Venona intercepts of the 1940s. That's when Signals Intelligence monitored the chatter of Soviet espionage rings in the United States and knew everything about the real - but extremely limited - activities of domestic agents. Disclosure could've preempted Joe McCarthy's persecutions of the innocent, since the names of the guilty were known, but protecting the information was evidently more important than protecting American citizens. We didn't learn until Senate hearings in 1996 that then-Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Omar Bradley withheld access to the truth from President Truman. Among the ironies of Shostak's remarks was that the not-credible Black Vault - constructed by 18-year-old John Greenewald Jr., of Mission Hills, Calif. - also offers instructions on how to participate in SETI@Home. Thus, by appropriating "scientists" for the SETI elite and shooing everyone else into the barnyard of cheap laughs over "little green men," Shostak and colleagues create artificial schizoid divides that fail to further the public interest. The Cold War is over, but the pathology of secrecy oozes forward. Consequently, SETI glows in the dark. ** Billy Cox can be reached at (407) 242-3774, or FLORIDA TODAY, P.O. Box 419000, Melbourne, FL 32941-9000. Please e-mail comments or questions about this page to Space Online Editor Mark DeCotis. � 1999 FLORIDA TODAY.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Re: Gore Is Asked About UFOs At N.H Forum From: Karl T. Pflock <Ktperehwon@aol.com> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 19:24:04 EDT Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 19:05:02 -0400 Subject: Re: Gore Is Asked About UFOs At N.H Forum >Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 06:36:51 >To: updates@globalserve.net >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Subject: Gore Is Asked About UFOs At N.H Forum <snip> Stig or Anyone -- Is there any report of what the UFO question was and what Al "Dumb as a Post" Bore answered? BTW, note that Bore was born about a month after the alleged Roswell crash. Note his "alien" demeanor. Hmmmmm... Is a vote for Al a vote for Them?... -- Cheers, KARL

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies From: Scott Hale <scott_hale@american.edu> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 20:11:18 -0700 Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 19:11:05 -0400 Subject: Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies >Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 08:21:35 >To: updates@globalserve.net >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Subject: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies >Now with the striking revelations of a young man who knew >Gleason personally, it can safely be said that such an event did >take place...Larry Warren was an Airman First Class stationed at >Bentwaters Air Force Base in England (a NATO installation >staffed mainly by US. servicemen) when an incredible series of >events took place over Christmas week of 1980. A UFO was picked >up on radar and subsequently came down just outside the >perimeter of the base in a dense forest. Stig Posted I'm simply amazed how much Larry Warren's story continues to grow and expand. I wonder what part of UFO history he'll next be associated with. Does anybody else find this just a little hard to swallow? Suspiciously, Scott Hale

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Re: RPIT More New Findings From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 23:34:11 -0400 Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 19:14:12 -0400 Subject: Re: RPIT More New Findings >Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 19:40:48 -0700 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Neil Morris <neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> >Subject: Re: RPIT More New Findings >>Upon seeing this image it took me only a few microseconds to >>realize the Neil is right on this one.... whatever it was, it >>was thick. Looks like a saw cut through thick aluminum. Does not >>look like material bent or pulled (stretched) to breaking. >>Looks like a saw cut! But strangely irregular. >Bruce and list, I have seen this type of fracture in metal >before. I live in the North West of Britain in the area that >gave rise to the "Industial Revolution", the builders of the >18/19th century "Dark Satanic Mill's" were great users of "cast >iron" and it's grainy, crystaline structure, when subjected to >high impact(a demolition hammer<g>) gives just this brittle type >of fractured edge. I'm not for one second saying this is cast >iron<g>, I'm just suggesting whatever it is might have similar >properties of structure, ie tough, crystaline almost ceramic >like, but when pushed beyond it's limits brittle, like smashed >pottery. Some of these type of fractures can also be observed on >the broken ends of some of the "sticks". Yes, I agree. I was not thinking of brittle material when I made my comments. I was thinking of ductile metal. Clearly brittle material... not just metal... could break like that, depending upon the internal structure of the material.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Re: Get Real From: Sharon Kardol <sharon@hotmix.com.au> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:41:31 +0800 Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 19:19:46 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 01:22:50 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <> >>From: Sharon Kardol <sharon@hotmix.com.au> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 09:59:13 +0800 >>Thanks for admitting that Amy. But I have yet to scoff at >>anything. Since when is talking about a case considered >>scoffing? If people don't ask questions and simply accept the >>facts blindly, we'll never get to the truth about anything. >Yes, asking questions is important. What I have noted is that >no one has asked the questions that a skilled researcher would >ask. There are many pieces of information - in this case and >the photographs as presented on my web site - that no one has >even mentioned. Those who know what they are looking at would >be asking the necessary questions by now. If there is something specific we should know that is so pertinent to the case, why not just tell us? >A good researcher would take note of these aspects not to debunk >or ridicule but simply to inquire and file in their data base >for comparisons with other cases. There is no way to prove a >case real or false simply by reading the details on a web site >and viewing scanned versions of photographs. You seem very defensive Amy, acussing at least three people so far of ridiculing or debunking. There is no way to prove the case real or false, period. It's subjective, each person's own beliefs influence their acceptance/rejection of cases. If something doesn't sit right with me about this case I am sure you can apprectiate it as my opinion. Debunker or ridiculer I am not, or I wouldn't have wasted most of my life so far researching UFO phenomena, and being laughed at by friends and family. >>What I did say however, was the neighbour was called >in >specifically to take photos of this encounter and the glass >>door was left closed. >Whoa. That is not what happened. The neighbor was not called >in to specifically take photos. The neighbor was called to come >help - if she could - since by that time the family thought >maybe the beings resembled "aliens" more than "demons" and the >only person they knew who studied phenomena was their neighbor. >The neighbor, "Jill", brought her camera as an after thought in >case she might catch something on film - as she had been trying >to do in her own encounters. My apologies if I misunderstood you previous post. The neighbour was collected enough to remember the camera as an after thought, but not the door. She had experienced it all her life, and was trying to photograph her own experience, so she was most likely aware of things to do to get a good shot. >The door was _not_ "left closed" deliberately, <snip> In your opinion it was not left closed on purpose. That is the key here. You have their word and their frightened looks to go on, I have your word. As a 'fellow' researcher I accept your skills and analysis of the case, but surely you understand why I might be somewhat sceptical when there are many cases of blurred alien and ufo photos. >"Jill" arrived >and nervously started snapping pictures as soon as she arrived >because "Cathy" was pointing to the back yard and "Jill" just >started snapping pictures. A few minutes later, "Jill" and >"Cathy's" sister gained enough courage to go into the back yard >together to see if they could see anything in the dark. "Jill" >also snapped pictures while in the back yard and odd images did >show up such as two bright red lights about a foot above the >ground as well as other images that have yet to be analyzed and >studied. Though neither "Jill" nor "Cathy's" sister saw >anything while in the yard, "Cathy" - who remained in the house >- could see a being standing by the swing set that would move >away every time "Jill" and the sister approached it. What are the two red lights? Are they supposed to be from the craft? or did the beings emit the light? How did the person standing in the house see the being in the dark, and not the two who were closer to it? Could she perhaps have just been seeing what she wanted to believe was there? afterall, it's a pretty traumatic experience. >Now, allowing the circumstances described above and the >information in the article to be possible - for just a moment - >think of the implications contained in the information. There >are several bits of information that may have come together to >create a unique situation in which these images became visible >in the photographs. As I said before, there are more details to >this case yet to be presented. But since no one seems >interested enough to ask pertinent questions or is too busy >criticizing the state of the sliding glass door, I will share >the rest at a later date through another median. Well, see this is where we differ. Perhaps to you the physical evidence is not important, but I have read case after case of witness testimony, and am just about filled up with people's experiences. I know what they go through (not personally, but the situation they experience) because they have told me over and over again. But at the end of the day it's just unverifiable, unsubstantiated words. I have the tendancy to believe most people tell me the truth, after all why would they want to lie to me? But when they throw in a few blurry photos, it just makes the whole testimony seem that little less credible, like they're trying to hard. If the witnesses had kept the photos secret and just shared their experience verbally, I probably would have been more likely to accept their story, especially as the experience was corroborated by an independant witness (being the neighbour). >There is a wealth of information in this case if one stops to >analyze the data rather than spending more time debating why the >witnesses did or did not open the sliding glass door. Sorry, but it is a very important fact in the case which can't be easliy dismissed. >These >were real people experiencing real fear in the face of unknowns >they could not explain. I met and talked with the witnesses - >in person - so I remember the terror in their voices and the >shock they experienced and continue to experience. Like the time my mum thought she saw someone standing in the backyard looking back at her at night, and upon investigation i found it was just a strategically located, very human shaped shrub. She was absolutley petrified, but also mistaken. It happens. But if these experiences are not one offs, then I anticipate the photos they will capture next time, with the door open. Surely they would be prepared for it next time? >Until I investigated this case, I wasn't sure if abductions were >really happening and I certainly _did not_ believe the stories >about "reptilian" beings. In fact, I don't think I will ever >totally accept the idea of "reptilian" beings abducting people >until I see one in conscious, waking awareness up close and in >person (not something I really care to do). For now, it's just >too hard for me to stretch my paradigms that far. But I know >something happened to those witnesses on the nights in question >and whatever it was, it really happened. See, now you just backed up my point. You don't know what happened that night. Just that something happened. If leaving the glass door closed was an accident, fair enough. But the experience may just have been a bunch of fire flies (sorry, I'm from australia so I don't know much about them, it's just an example), swarming around some alien shaped bushes :) >Over the years since learning of this case, So the case is not a recent one, have they had any other experiences after this? Are they prepared for anymore? >I have spent many >hours debating in my own mind whether it was real or not. There >were events that occurred while I was investigating the case >that are extremely hard for me to accept even though I >experienced them myself. I don't know how to explain what it >feels like to be empirically oriented and come face-to-face with >phenomena that defies explanation. I am basically the type who >believes if you can't put something under a microscope and >measure it, then it does not exist. Yet I cannot deny the >phenomena I and others have personally witnessed. I'm not denying the phenomena, I strongly believe in it as a matter of fact. And I am not an experiencer. I just feel it happens way too much, to unrelated people, all around the world for it to be a coincidence. But that doesn't mean I will blindly accept glared photos as physical evidence of the experience. >I know how hard it is for people to accept the phenomena that >surrounds us especially if you don't see it or experience it in >person. How do you explain a reality we have been programmed to >deny since the early '50's? How do you remain a "healthy >skeptic" yet open minded enough to consider all possibilities? >It's a difficult balance. Here here, I'll agree with you on that. >Amy Cheers Sharon

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Top UFO News Stories of 1999 Poll Starts Today From: Ignatius Graffeo <Ufoseek@aol.com> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 09:00:00 EDT Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 19:22:43 -0400 Subject: Top UFO News Stories of 1999 Poll Starts Today Last year's list generated a lot of interest, and was read on Art Bell's New Year's Eve show. This year we will let _you_ decide what is _The_ Most Important UFO News Story (so far!). A list of 15 news stories with "radio" buttons and links to the actual source article are provided. The poll is conducted by Pollit.com, a profession polling service. We are open to suggestions and comments to include something we might have missed. Please do so by Nov.15. Ignatius Graffeo, Editor http://www.UFOSEEK.org Mirror site: http://members.aol.com/ufoseek/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 [canufo] UFS 10-24-99 Whitehorse, Yukon From: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:12:47 -0400 Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:12:47 -0400 Subject: [canufo] UFS 10-24-99 Whitehorse, Yukon From: UFO UpDates Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 19:14:13 -0600 From: Martin Jasek <mjjasek@yknet.yk.ca> To: canufo <canufo@egroups.com> Subject: [canufo] UFS 10-24-99 Whitehorse, Yukon UFS October 24th, 1999 1:15AM- Whitehorse, Yukon Territories Hello Group Received the following e-mail yesterday. Have spoken to witness on the phone. Interesting! UFS = Unidentified Flying Sound Martin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am __________ __________ of __ Dawson Rd in Wolf Creek, a YTG employee. My wife and I have lived here for 9+years. Phone _________ or work at ________. __ Dawson is on the creek side of the road. I am a smoker who only smokes outside; we have a dog, _______, who before I go to bed is always taken on a leashed walk around our circular driveway, while I have a last smoke or two. This morning (the 24th) at 1:15AM while on the walk and on the south side of the driveway I heard a sound coming from the north which continued in intensity as it approached us. The sound was a cross between a "bruup" and a squeak in composition and was regular in oscillation of noise and silence. The sound went directly over us and between looking at the dog's reaction and at the sky I observed nothing of a physical or material nature. As trees blocked the view the sound continued in a southerly direction. Probably 5 seconds duration. The dog's reaction was one of puzzlement and so was mine. [Investigator's Note: The sound was loud enough to obscure the sound of conversation.] I continued to the house (150') and up on the deck to finish my cigarette and to hear if the sound would return. The deck has views to the south and east. After a minute or so one could here it faintly in the distance traversing a south to north trajectory over Mary Lake or Cowley Creek. The dog did not react. While on my second cigarette and perhaps a few minutes after the last "hearing" the noise returned from a southerly to northerly direction but over where we had initially heard it. This time the dog went to the edge of the deck as if following the sound. The sound was not as pronounced in volume as I had originally heard it so may have been traversing a path farther away from us but in the opposite direction to when initially heard. Again nothing of a physical or material nature was observed. The duration seemed to be less than the initial incident. As the Grey Mountain navigation tower is at the AH end of Dawson Road I see and hear a variety of planes coming from the south following the beacon. This sound was certainly not one I would identify with a plane, jet or otherwise. The noise most closely resembled the laser powered experimental (conical) space craft as shown on PBS last night (and which I have seen a number of times). In all of this - I have no idea what an owl flying at night sounds like - one assumes they fly silently. But the noise seemed more mechanical than feathers pocketing the air. While on the topic of Unidentifieds. Last February or March sometime before midnight while on my deck I observed 3 lights in a triangular formation coming from the south at light plane - slow - speed. The lights were always on and didn't seem to deviate as one would expect if 3 separate planes were flying in formation from one's right to left over Mary Lake. No engine noises were heard which was unusual as the distance seemed to be close enough that one would hear them. The approach seemed to be a normal approach to the airport. The lights disappeared behind trees. No engine noises were heard as would be expected in the down run to the airport to the north of the house. Thus my curiosity as to what they were. In all the 9 years of observing the sky from this location these 2 incidents are the only strange ones I have come across. This info is for your records only. No publication of name, address whatsoever, please. [Investigator's Note: A check with Whitehorse Control tower showed no flight plans in the area for that time. The tower closes at 9:00pm so a direct tower observation/data could not be correlated. Other residences in the area are being contacted to check if they had heard anything.]

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Re: Alien Contact Would Ignite Media Frenzy From: Robert Gates <RGates8254@aol.com> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 09:45:45 EDT Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:05:41 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Contact Would Ignite Media Frenzy >Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 09:26:20 >To: updates@globalserve.net >From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >Subject: Alien Contact Would Ignite Media Frenzy <snip> >The initial news flash will be followed by special TV reports >with such catchy titles as "Alien Encounter at Arecibo." >News crews will scurry to the mountaintop observatory here, and >a new genre of "expert" TV analysts - astronomers with a knack >for snappy sound bites - will form a lucrative cottage industry. Interestingly I suspect that all the so called astronomers who have belittled UFOs, would suddenly "come around" and be claiming that they knew all the time UFOs were real; how it was somebody else in the astronomical community who was saying they were not etc etc. In that said initial media frenzy, the media would be interviewing so called PHd experts from various universitys as well. I suspect that the main stream UFOlogists who have actually been studying UFOs for years would be regulated to a 5 second sound bite while the astronomical and PHd experts would have their faces all over the cameras. After that nobody and I mean nobody (well perhaps Phil Klass) would claim to have ever been skeptical about the existance of UFOs/life elsewhere, although we would hear all the storys about how these same skeptics sincerely believed but until now, the evidence wasn't available blah blah. Cheers, Robert

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy From: Rebecca Keith <xiannekei@yahoo.com> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 08:47:16 -0700 (PDT) Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:25:28 -0400 Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 06:04:15 -0400 >From: Tony Spurrier <TSpurrier@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> <snip> >The ransom note arrives. >CSETI claim to have the truth, so why don't they simply hire a >conference suite, invite the worlds media, and let these >witnesses talk? Answer, that's not how holding information for >ransom works! Bravo Tony! Very well said! If Greer wanted his alleged truth out, then all he'd have to do is call a press conference. Rebecca

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 99 11:07:48 PDT Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:29:59 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 12:38:02 +0100 >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Sat, 23 Oct 99 10:25:42 PDT >>>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 20:54:23 +0100 >>>>Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 21:55:06 +0100 >>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>>From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >>>>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>>>Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 13:48:38 -0400 >>>>>From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >>>>>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Jenny, >>>1: UFOs are not a single phenomenon. There are multiple and >>>different UFO phenomena with a range of explanations. >>I have sometimes thought along the same lines myself >>(specifically in the area of high-strangeness cases), but I >>certainly would not state it, as you have here, as if this were >>an established fact, because it isn't. >>From my experience as an investigator I have encountered cases >that I am overwhelmingly convinced to be a form of UAP (eg an >extreme form of ball lightning is one example). (A first hand >instance of this would be the Nelson car stop case from March >l977) I do not think all unexplained cases are super BL. This >option does not, for instance, explain alien contact encounters. >Therefore this means we must have at least two types of UFO to >explain different sorts of case. I think the evidence in support >of that contention is strong enough to convince me - especially >given, for instance, basic differences such as the witness per >case ratio for each type. But if it doesnt convince you thats >okay by me too. What you're discussing here is a form of ball lightning, a generally recognized, accepted meteorological phenomenon. Why are you lumping BL in with UFOs? I think that no serious ufologist would disagree that on occasion BL, like lots of other things in nature, gets mistaken for a UFO. That, however, doesn't make BL (or any other unusual but known natural phenomenon) a UFO. >>Why is the idea of alien visitors "impossible"? I suspect that >>you do not mean what you say quite the way it sounds. >I did not come up with this possible/impossible analogy if you >follow the original posting to which I replied. I was responding >to a note that argued by citing Sherlock Holmes, from which this >famous quote appears. The point being made by the use of this >quote was - as I understood it - that exotic solutions like >aliens or time travellers forced themselves upon you when you >had ruled out the more mundane ones for any case. As such I did >not choose to substitute 'possible' and 'impossible' into this >scenario - that was done in the quote to which I was clearly >responding ! Sorry for the misunderstanding. >As you know (because I have said it many times in recent months >on Updates) I do not regard alien contact as an impossible >theory or even an improbable one. >>I think you are making far, far too much of this isolated >>instance. >Its not just one instance. 'The UFOs that never were' features >about 25 cases which have progressed from UFO towards sometimes >surprising IFO conclusions as you will see. More than one >involved an answer that required guesswork, skill, good luck or >good judgement to find. Without that often lengthy research they >would have stayed UFOs. In many cases UFOlogists still regard >them as such. Our book aims to make that point from various >examples - illustrating how UFOs do sometimes become IFOs years >down the track and involve quite unsuspected explanations. I >think it proves that to occur much more than in just one >isolated example - although, of course, most IFOs are not >unusual or surprising. We are simply saying that some are and >these suggest that presently unsolved cases may one day prove to >be IFOs that we have yet to recognise. I look forward to reading your book, which I have no doubt will be an excellent one. As you know, I have the greatest respect for you and your work. I think, however, that my point remains. We've seen some dreary instances in recent months on this very list where some strutting, self- styled "skeptic" has announced his explanation for a classic UFO case, only to have it disintegrate virtually upon impact. I am not, I hasten to add, putting you into this category. Cordially, Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 AA Film In Popular Culture From: Philip Mantle - QUEST <pmquest@dial.pipex.com> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:17:19 +0000 Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:32:32 -0400 Subject: AA Film In Popular Culture Dear colleagues, I wonder if once again I can ask for your kind assistance. I am looking for any information on Ray Santilli's 'Alien Autopsy Film' that has appeared in popular culture. For example I know that 'The X-Files' TV show ran their own version of an alien autopsy film and made reference to the Santilli film. I know that you can also obtain a children's game called 'Alien Autopsy'. I am therefore confident that there must be other examples like this. I dare say the the Alien Autopsy Film has been used in cartoons, advertising, TV shows, books and magazine articles, etc, etc, etc. If you know of any such places where the Alien Autopsy Film has appeared in some type of popular culture I would greatly appreciate it if you could contact me direct at: Philip Mantle, 1 Woodhall Drive, Batley, West Yorkshire, England, WF17 7SW. Tele: 01924 444049. E-mail: pmquest@dial.pipex.com Many thanks for your kind cooperation. Yours Sincerely, Philip Mantle. 26 October, l999.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:30:44 -0400 Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:40:26 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! Seeings as various people have been menting my name and my colleagues' I thought I'd better reply before my tea. I fail to understand why saying that _all_ UFOs have the potential to be IFOs causes such a problem. Many, many _good_ cases in the UK, which as Jenny points out have been held as ET and/or unexplained have fallen to the IFO explanation. Surely this is a _good_ thing? Surely a mound of cases which we can't explain must infuriate ufologists? The bald facts are that as a great many cases have been downgraded from UFO to IFO, and that no UFOs have been (yet) proven to be ET in origin. That fact alone makes it reasonable to suggest that _all_ UFOs are thus resolvable. But..... >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Mon, 25 Oct 99 09:42:17 PDT In response to Dave Clarke's >The ET explanation for UFOs is simply an artefact of the era in >which we live. Go back 500 years Sean and if we had email I >would venture to suggest you would be blaming UFOs on the >fairies and little folk. >What I'm trying to say is that opinions about the ultimate >origin of unknown UFOs are legion and ETs are just one tiny, >remote possibility, and are themselves a product of our Space >Age culture. Jerry wrote >>These are not the sorts of statements designed to encourage >>confidence in your judgment, my friend. They tell us more about >>you (and maybe about UFOIN as well), I'm afraid, than about the >>UFO phenomenon or the ETH. Innit great how Jerry uses 'my friend' when he's attempting sarcasm? Dave's (a Doctor of Folklore I hasten to add) statement tells us about his experience after 20 years in the field and his research Jerry. It tells us what _he_ has come to believe about the UFO phenomenon, based on more research than most ufologists will ever be able to shake a stick at. And Dave has changed his views dramatically in the fifteen or so years I have known him from being postive that some UFO cases were ETH in nature to a far more sceptical position. All based on research and investigation. Surely not a bad way of reaching conclusions? >>One hopes that this sort of empty posturing -- especially coming >>from someone smart enough to know better -- disappears from >>ufological discourse soon. It is, as we have already seen >>demonstrated repeatedly, much less than helpful, and among other >>things, it betrays a fairly shocking ignorance of the literature >>of astrobiology. 'Smart enough to know better' - sheer brilliance Jerry! It's not empty posturing - see above. 'Astrobiology'? Yor avin' a laarf incha? Don't we have to actually have some hard biological evidence before we can talk about such a thing? The fact is, as Dave has been making, UFO belief is culture and age-specific. Thirty years from now and it will be as completely different as it was thirty years ago. Three hundred years from now and who knows what people will be experiencing. I'd like to see your evidence to the contrary please. and >From: Pat McCartney <ElPatricio@aol.com> >Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 13:58:33 EDT >Subject: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: updates@globalserve.net >I would submit that the premise which Andy boldly outlines, that >the ET hypothesis is "just one tiny, remote possibility," >practically guarantees his dismissal of evidence that points >toward an ET explanation in favor of more conventional >explanations. No it doesn't! What is actually means is that 'the ET hypothesis is "just one tiny, remote possibility,"' In that there is no evidence or proof that ET either exists or has steered his starcars in our direction. >But I would go further, and suggest to Andy that ET visitation >is more than a "tiny, remote possibility." All one has to do to >realize that is simply extraplolate the human experience of the >past century by a thousand years or more. If interstellar travel >is possible, humans will achieve it within that time span. And >that's discounting a possible exchange of technology with other, >more advanced species. Isn't this just a version of 'there's so many stars etc out there that some of them -must- support life bearing planets'? Again an interesting speculation but as we have no proof of ET it remains just that. You are confusing your _belief_ with reality. I can't discount ET - no-one can, but in lieu of hard evidence it must remain a temporarily held belief and a 'tiny and remote possibility'/ Got any evidence to the contrary Pat? The point I am trying to make is that because so many _good_ (in the UK at the very least) cases have been proved to be IFOs then it is reasonable to suggest _based on that reality_ that all UFO cases may be reduced to an IFO _eventually_. The fact there are cases which are as yet 'unsolved' does not (as Sean Jones appears to be saying) make them _unsolvable_ or ET or paranormal in origin. It may just mean we don't have the relevant information, which if we had would enable us to turn them into IFOs. >Rather than being fuzzy minded adherents of a nebulous power >akin to witchcraft, I would submit that backers of the ET >hypothesis have a far better grasp of what the universe _in all >likelihood_ will prove to be than researchers who view ET >visitation a "tiny, remote possibility." You can submit what you like Pat but the ETH still looks shaky from my pink half of the drainpipe. Happy Trails Andy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 26 [lunascan] Re: Warning From: Ted Phillips <theo2042@gte.net> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 14:52:33 -0500 Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:56:21 -0400 Subject: [lunascan] Re: Warning >From: Francis Ridge <slk@evansville.net> >To: CURRENT-ENCOUNTERS@LISTSERV.AOL.COM >Date: Tuesday, October 26, 1999 12:30 PM >Subject: [lunascan] warning >Anyone, >If for any reason the email does not get answered or the web >pages go down, don't be surprised. We just got caught up in an >MCI scam and our phone bill is now $556.74. I'm paying >Ameritech $40 a week and trying to get credit on $300 worth of >card calls from MCI. We got hit and hit hard. We've been told >by some to just not pay it, but Ameritech expects to be paid or >they will shut off both lines; my home and the computer line if >I don't resolve this. Has anyone had any experience with these >things? >Fran >Please support The Lunascan Project web site by sending donations to: >Lunascan, 618 Davis Drive, Mt. Vernon, IN 47620 >http://www.evansville.net/~slk/lshomepage.html >Note: The Rukl lunar atlas charts are no longer on The Lunascan Project >directories. Please refer to your personal atlas. Fran, MCI talked my wife into a switching and then we received a $500+ internet bill which we have not and will not pay--they are not ones to give up easily and persist. Ted Phillips ---------------------------------------------------------------- THE LUNASCAN PROJECT (TLP): An Earth-Based Telescopic Imaging (EBTI) program using live and recorded CCD technology to document and record Lunar Transient Phenomena (TLPs). The Lunascan Project HomePage http://www.evansville.net/~slk/lshomepage.html The Project's Mission Statement : http://www.evansville.net/~slk/miss.html

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 27 Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:39:44 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:35:21 -0400 Subject: Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO The following appeared in the London Daily Mail, 26 October, 1999: Riddle of UFO at Heathrow A passenger jet's close encounter with a mysterious, fast-moving craft seconds after taking off from Heathrow had experts baffled yesterday. The crew of an MD-81 reported an object 'like a bright light' passing within 20ft of them at 3,500 ft. "Air accident investigators were unable to shed any light on the mystery as radar records show there were no other planes in the area at the time. A dossier on last month's incident is thought to have been passed to the MOD to see if the UFO could have been a radar-invisible spy plane or a stray British test craft. --- Am I correct in thinking this claimed sighting has been mentioned somewhere on UpDates before? Does anyone recognise this case - or is it something completely new?

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 27 Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO From: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:37:44 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:37:44 -0400 Subject: Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO From: UFO UpDates - Toronto >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:39:44 -0400 >From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >Subject: Press Report on Heathrow UFO >To: UFO Updates <updates@globalserve.net> <snip> >Am I correct in thinking this claimed sighting has been >mentioned somewhere on UpDates before? >Does anyone recognise this case - or is it something completely >new? David, From: http://www.ufomind.com/ufo/updates/1999/feb/m22-020.shtml >From: Joseph Trainor <Masinaigan@aol.com> >Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 19:47:04 +0000 >Fwd Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 21:57:15 -0500 >Subject: UFO ROUNDUP Volume 4, Number 8 > UFO ROUNDUP >Volume 4, Number 8 >February 22, 1999 >Editor: Joseph Trainor <snip> >>GIANT CYLINDRICAL UFO SEEN >>OVER GLOUCESTERSHIRE >> On Monday, February 8, 1999, businessman >>Miles J. was relaxing in his seat aboard a British >>Midlands A310 Airbus jetliner when he spotted >>something odd outside his window. He was >>flying home from Belfast, Northern Ireland, and >>the plane "had just begun its descent into >>London's Heathrow Airport. I was seated on the >>right side of the Airbus, and I first saw it as a >>kind of after-image." <snip> >ebk

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 27 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:39:36 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:41:03 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Mon, 25 Oct 99 09:42:17 PDT >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 13:10:22 -0400 >>From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>The ET explanation for UFOs is simply an artefact of the era in >>which we live. Go back 500 years Sean and if we had email I >>would venture to suggest you would be blaming UFOs on the >>fairies and little folk. >>What I'm trying to say is that opinions about the ultimate >>origin of unknown UFOs are legion and ETs are just one tiny, >>remote possibility, and are themselves a product of our Space >>Age culture. Jerry wrote: >These are not the sorts of statements designed to encourage >confidence in your judgment, my friend. They tell us more about >you (and maybe about UFOIN as well), I'm afraid, than about the >UFO phenomenon or the ETH. I beg to differ. My statements are based upon 20 years of field work, research and hundreds of case investigations which turned me from an out-and-out believer in the ETH to a skeptic, or agnostic at best. {Note agnostic - I do not dismiss the possibility that *some* UFOs could be ET craft, only that in my opinion it is a remote possibility, that's all}. Add to that a sound knowledge of folklore and cultural belief which led to a me being awarded a PhD - described by a panel of academics as "a valuable contribution to knowledge" - and I feel I am well qualified to comment, and certainly as qualified as Jerome Clark. So, friend, you might not trust my judgement, but there are plenty of other 'smart' people who do share my views and whose conclusions are equally valid within their own disciplines. Among these I can count equally well qualified and experienced sociologists, folklorists, psychologists and historians, and that's just in one small hick Yorkshire town, noted for its open-minded academics. So your disaproval doesn't make me feel too lonely. As for "UFO phenomenon or the ETH", it's just a theory and despite your 'special pleading' it has not more evidence to back it up than any other. I think I will stick with the idea that the fairy folk are the flying saucer pilots, after all two can play at wearing cultural blinkers if that's the game we're playing. But please Jerry, if you have some evidence which proves the ETH is not a cultural artefact of the late 20th century, then I'm sure we'd all love to hear about it. >One hopes that this sort of empty posturing -- especially coming >from someone smart enough to know better -- disappears from >ufological discourse soon. So my opinions are not welcome on this list? Presumably the "empty posturing" of the ETH believers is OK then... I don't see Jerry objecting as they all happily slap each other on the back, cracking jokes about pelicanists and debunkers along the way. Sounds to me like a spot of intolerance is creeping in. Opinions are fine, as long as they are ones Jerry agrees with. >It is, as we have already seen >demonstrated repeatedly, much less than helpful, and among other >things, it betrays a fairly shocking ignorance of the literature >of astrobiology. Astrobiology? Let's get this one right - the study of alien lifeforms? Pleease. Yes I'm happy to plead ignorance there, along with the rest of the human race. But perhaps you've got one hidden in the freezer, and you know better. And before you retort that I've just taken you too seriously and you were only jesting after a few beers, well so was I. Dave Clarke.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 27 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:49:30 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:43:52 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 13:10:22 -0400 >From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Hi Dave >>Andy, I do not mean this as a personal thing, I really do wish >>UFOIN the very best, I am only expressing my doubts as to the >>results of the work, not the quality. >What an intriguing and revealing statement Sean. Thank you. >If we are likely to produce quality research, ergo we are doing >a good job. Agreed. >Therefore, if the results and conclusions reflect that quality, >then what is the problem? None, _providing_ _all_ possible answers are given a fair and reasonable hearing. >I get the idea you are trying to imply that somehow any >conclusions we reach will be twisted towards debunking or >skepticism for its own sake. >Where is your evidence to back up this claim? I have none, yet. Only time and your results will tell. I am only voicing my concerns. >I can only speak for myself, but I certainly do not approach >cases expecting to solve them just to upset all the believers. >I use my training as a journalist and academic to follow where >the evidence leads. If that leads to a rational explanation, >then so be it. And when it leads to a non-rational explanation, what then? >If there is an explanation to be found, or which is thought to >be likely, then surely we owe it to everyone to say so. Does that include ET? >If we fall back on ifs and buts and 'maybes' then we are harking >back to the age of superstition - belief in nebulous powers 'out >there' which ultimately lead us to abdicate responsibility for >our own actions in the real world (see for example the >witchcraft mania of the Middle Ages). >The ET explanation for UFOs is simply an artefact of the era in >which we live. Go back 500 years Sean and if we had email I >would venture to suggest you would be blaming UFOs on the >fairies and little folk. Your statement here dictates your train of thought before you investigate any case. You have already pre-determined that ET and his cousin ALF do not exist. If you would like I can provide you with copious amounts of historical sighting reports and these go back further than a mere 500 years. And speaking of fairies and little folk, some researchers believe these are historical accounts of ET anyway. >What I'm trying to say is that opinions about the ultimate >origin of unknown UFOs are legion and ETs are just one tiny, >remote possibility, and are themselves a product of our Space >Age culture. In your opinion. And as for one tiny remote possibility, there was one tiny remote possibility that life existed on Mars. Now there's proof. >Everyone is exposed to this stuff, we can't escape it,. But if >we expect to be taken seriously by the real world then we need >at least to show we can be dispassionate when looking at the >evidence upon which we base those beliefs. By dispassionate, do you mean: UFOIN will automatically look for a mundane explanation because the public does not like the ETH? >Speculation can only be based upon good evidence, and if cases >are investigated shabbily and by people who are driven by >beliefs to such an extent that the facts become distorted before >they reach us - then how can we make any definitive conclusions >about them? And you are being different because you are expecting to find a mundane answer to all UFO cases? >UFOIN welcomes those who can investigate fairly and objectively >without allowing beliefs and prejudices to cloud conclusions. >Open minds are what we want - but not so open that the contents >dribble out! You have practically stated that your opinion is a closed mind to the ETH, so does this not prejudice your investigation? >All best wishes, And the same to you. -- In an infinite universe, infinitely anything is possible. Sean Jones http://www.tedric.demon.co.uk/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 27 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:04:33 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:45:42 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 05:04:45 +0100 >From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! Hi Roy >If those people around the World writing books and giving >Lectures , appearing in magazines and on TV regarding the UFO >subject , would answer "YES" to your question, would this then >prove the need to write, Lecture and appear on TV anymore >talking about UFOs? Well yes. Because there is still the matter of abductions to be explained, there is still the matter of crop circles to be explained, there is still the matter of cattle mutilations to be explained. There are many facets of the UFO enigma, and ET are only one part of it Roy. >Surely not if they knew they existed, what would be the point, >then alternative careers might be in hand. >Regards, >Roy.. -- In an infinite universe, infinitely anything is possible. Sean Jones http://www.tedric.demon.co.uk/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 27 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:28:35 +0100 Fwd Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:47:34 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: 25 Oct 1999 11:38:35 -0500 >From: Stephen Lewis <stephen.lewis@tsl.state.tx.us> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates <updates@globalserve.net> Hi Stephen >Might I inquire as to whether everyone is as sick of this "same >ole same old" back and forth pointless diatribe as I am? Do you have a delete key? >I for one respect Jenny's scientific fence straddling. I applaud >her and her cohort's attempts at correcting the course of ufology >(if it's not already too late) thru the new _non-organization_ of >British UFO investigators. Hmm, I don't see how sitting on the fence is scientific, could you explain how it is so? >>Jenny I think that you might be missing the same point that Andy >>is missing. >Not to sound confrontational OK I wont be either then <G> >but it seems like _you_ are the one >missing the point. Stephen, unless you are being deliberately evasive we must be talking about different points? >Jenny has responded over and over and over to >the likes of this kind of stupid "either / or" mentality. This >is why most UFOlks need a healthy dose of The Excluded Middle. Which is? Jenny has her view, I have mine, you have yours. I would like to consider mine very middle of the road, balanced and thought- out. I do not jump to conclusions, I do not automatically jump to ET as being _the_ answer. And I investigate when possible. I also respect the work of others. But to clarify what the point that it appears you are missing: UFOIN has a disproportionate number of out- and-out s(K)ceptics, and some members who have stated that every UFO will have a mundane answer, and I am merely pointing out that if an ET answer was the most likely, because it did not fit into the remit of these people would it get a fair airing? Can I be any clearer for you? >>I am assuming that we are talking about _only genuine_ sighting >>reports and etc and not hoax's etc. >Define genuine. Do you mean "all sightings of 'UFO' which can be >positively identified as ET craft?" Or, more in line with >Jenny's perspective (or rather my interpretation / explanation >of her POV), that some UFO / Alien Encounters, which may be >related to UAP or ASP, may in fact contain an "alien / ET" >signal within the "noise" of the encounter narrative. Read her >books _Beyond Explanation?_, _Mind Monsters_, and _Alien >Abduction-Mystery Solved_. Genuine: _Not_ a deliberately falsified picture, _not_ an account in which the "witness" lied, _not_ hoaxed or faked "evidence", need I go on? A genuine UFO report is a person seeing something that can not be readily identified. As simple as that. >>When _you_ have _positively_ identified 99.99 percent of UFO's >>using every explanation that you have, including outrageous >>statements such as "piezo electric lights dancing in the swamp >>gas which was reflected off Venus's glow" Then you _must_ be >>left with >>>'some' UFOs are - >>>substitute whatever your own pet theory is. >>Are you not? >Yes she is as she herself has stated on this list. Tho she does >it with more rationality than most. Thanks for agreeing with me. >>So please stop sitting on the fence and >>make your mind up, does ET exist, yes or no? Simple as that >>really if you ask me. >Why the heck should she when she has already adequately >expressed her POV. Are you a Republican or a Democrat Sean? Are >UFOs _real_ or not? Do answers to these questions always hafta >be a yes or no / either or scenario for you Sean? Are all issues >black and white? Are there no gray areas in your own >perspective? In answer to your questions. I am neither republican or democratic, I am British. UFOs are real. Yes. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Yes there are grey areas that need further research. >I sincerely hope Jenny will not answer your post as she already >has. She has explained her balanced non-commital POV already and >for her to do so again would be a waste of her time and yours as >you will only see what she has already stated which... is enuf >for someone not as polarized as one who must keep asking this >question. I am a little confused with your statement. I ask the questions of Jenny because her views have changed on a number of occasions, to which she freely admits. So all I am trying to do in this instance to is to clarify her current position on these matters. >_Yes_ some UFOs may represent the communication or >manifestation of an alien or ET intelligence / consciousness. >But is there enuf evidence to prove such? No, not until, as you >said earlier, the proverbial landing on public lawns takes >place. I'm glad that you agree <G>. >Aaarrrgh! "Can't we all just agree to disagree"? Any time you want to <G>. -- In an infinite universe, infinitely anything is possible. Sean Jones http://www.tedric.demon.co.uk/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 27 Re: Armstrong: "...life probably exists out From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 14:57:42 EDT Fwd Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:50:11 -0400 Subject: Re: Armstrong: "...life probably exists out In a message dated 10/23/1999 10:50:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time, updates@globalserve.net writes: >Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 18:27:03 -0500 >From: Alfred Lehmberg <Lehmberg@snowhill.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Armstrong: "...life probably exists out there..." >>Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 09:38:33 >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >>Subject: Armstrong: "...life probably exists out there..." >>Source: The Detroit News, >>http://detnews.com/1999/religion/9910/21/10220003.htm >>Stig >>*** >>Searching for life beyond Earth: Neil Armstrong says it's out >>there somewhere >>By Todd Halvorson and Robyn Suriano/Florida Today ><snip> >... And if the 'smart money' rests on "they're out there >somewhere," wouldn't it be rational good sense to function (down >here) in a manner like they were "out there somewhere" -- >_close_? >I mean, if we're _wrong_ we just treat each other with respect, >deference, and consideration... but if we're _right_, we treat >each other with respect, deference, consideration -- _plus_ we >provide an assuring example to our judge, jury, and (perhaps) >executioner. One aks's for rational good sense from whom? Us? Perhaps our goobers in gooberland. Perhaps the world goobermint. Note, my good friend, that in the word goobermint, the last four letters are related to half of what drives this engine called "La Toillet de Terre," money! Aks me what the other half is. Please. Thank you. The other half consists of lies, disinformation and other assorted puke which is regurgitated at just the right ripeness with which to appear almost palpable. Al, what is needed is a really good purgative. Somehow I think, I feel, deep down, that it's going to have to happen soon. So, I am developing Gripple Lax, a combination of Gripple and Saratoga purgative mineral waters. The good stuff stays and the bad stuff goes. We'll all be better off for it. Available now from your local Good Humour Gripple Truk.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 27 Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos From: Bruce Maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 19:00:56 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:02:57 -0400 Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >From: Chris Kelly <MIBAREA51@aol.com> >Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 13:08:11 EDT >Subject: Re: Bruce Maccabee and Gulf Breeze Photos >To: updates@globalserve.net >I am wondering with all of the talk about the Gulf Breeze >photo's... >Did Tommy Smith ever say anything else about his part in faking >pictures and or Ed Walters? What about the short video Walters >took of the "UFO" coming into view and casting the shadow on the >trees. What is the opinion on that? I have not seen anything >about it posted. Chris Kelly, Tommy Smith has not been heard from since his heyday in the late spring of 1990. His claims about how the photos were taken (he said Ed told him how he (Ed) had taken the pictures) were determined to be at least in error and in some cases impossible. Tommy had his own UFO pictures, by the way, which he claimed Ed faked by double exposure. However (a) the pictures were not double exposures and (b) Tommy had told a friend about his (Tommy's) sighting and pictures taken during the sighting a year and a half before he claimed that Ed took the pictures. Regarding the moving shadow video, which is described completely in the paper ACCELERATION, posted at: www.accessnv.com/nids/articles/maccabee.html It has never been discussed by the skeptics(!). In that case the shadow appears to be on trees about 7000 ft from the camera. To see my own analysis and discussion of th hoax possibilities read ACCELERATION.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 27 Re: Gore Is Asked About UFOs At N.H Forum From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 99 19:12:08 PDT Fwd Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:07:44 -0400 Subject: Re: Gore Is Asked About UFOs At N.H Forum >From: Karl T. Pflock <Ktperehwon@aol.com> >Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 19:24:04 EDT >Subject: Re: Gore Is Asked About UFOs At N.H Forum >To: updates@globalserve.net >>Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 06:36:51 >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >>Subject: Gore Is Asked About UFOs At N.H Forum >Stig or Anyone -- Is there any report of what the UFO question >was and what Al "Dumb as a Post" Bore answered? >BTW, note that Bore was born about a month after the alleged >Roswell crash. Note his "alien" demeanor. Hmmmmm... Is a vote >for Al a vote for Them?... Karl, Nah, any more than a vote for Shrub is a vote for (relatively) intelligent plant life. Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 27 Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 20:36:50 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:11:22 -0400 Subject: Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies >Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 20:11:18 -0700 >From: Scott Hale <scott_hale@american.edu> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies >I'm simply amazed how much Larry Warren's story continues to >grow and expand. >I wonder what part of UFO history he'll next be associated with. >Does anybody else find this just a little hard to swallow? The whole story is suspicious. Does anybody think that Nixon drove Gleason anywhere on his own, let alone to an Air Force base to look at alien bodies? American presidents are always surrounded by Secret Service people, and a miscellaneous, large entourage; they don't go anywhere on their own. Where would Nixon even find a private car? This story, quite apart from Larry Warren, has been around for a long time. It could be checked. The first question to ask might be whether Gleason really told it. If he told two people (Warren and the other source), he might have told others. Can anybody find some friend of his who'll swear he or she heard it from Gleason independently? For that matter, if Nixon showed the alien bodies to Jackie Gleason, he might have showed other people, or at least told them the bodies existed. There are plenty of people around who were close to Nixon. Can we find any other testimony? Is there anything on the famous Nixon tapes? God knows, Nixon shot his mouth off about all sorts of subjects. Did he ever mention the alien bodies? Did Nixon and Jackie Gleason play golf together? That might be the first thing to check. If the Secret Service really was dismayed that Nixon got away from them (as Warren says), that can be verified. Are there active or retired Secret Service people who were working then, and can confirm that Nixon disappeared? Is there anything in Nixon's logs to confirm a disappearance? Here's a story from the memoirs of Charles Colson, one of Nixon's aides, later convicted of some Watergate crime. One night, Colson was on duty at the White House. If World War III broke out, or some other emergency happened, Colson would be the one to tell Nixon; if Nixon needed something, Colson would have to deal with it. Around 9 PM, Nixon, who was restless, told Colson he wanted to go to a show. Was there anything at the Kennedy Center? Colson called the box office, but it was closed. He then called every Kennedy Center number he could find, and -- this is one of those true stories that show not everything in the government or the military follows standard procedures -- finally connected with a waitress at a Kennedy Center restaurant. "This is the White House," Colson told the astonished woman. "What's playing at the Kennedy Center tonight?" Turned out there was a concert by one of the military bands. Nixon insisted on going to it, creating gigantic havoc when he (and his staff and Secret Service squad) arrived all but unannounced in the middle of the performance, forcing the band to stop in the middle of a piece and play "Hail to the Chief." The next morning, Colson reported all of this to Handleman, Nixon's chief of staff. (Is that what he was? I've forgotten my Watergate rogue's gallery.) Handleman said, "If he asks to do something like that again, don't say yes. He rattles his cage, but we can't let him out." Could Nixon really slip away with Jackie Gleason? Greg Sandow

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 27 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Thiago Ticchetti <thiagolt@opengate.com.br> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:03:45 -0200 Fwd Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:14:32 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! I agree with Jerry Clark. I don't beleive that still have people that believe that the UFOs are imagination, and the ETs are a product of our Space Age Culture. Don't you think that the fairies and little folk could be aliens, but the people from that age didn't know how express theirs sightings? I mean, when they saw a UFO in the sky, they associated it with something that they know, like a ship ( see the sketch of an airship over Oakland, California, apperead in the San Francisco Call, in November 1896) You have your opinon, of course, but you have to get arguments to support your claims. See'ya. THIAGO LUIZ TICCHETTI Diretor Do Departamento de Publicao e Traduo Especializadas ( DEPTE - EBE-ET / Brasilia-Brasil) Director of the Publication Department and Specialized Translation ICQ - 35119615 http://www.ebe-et.com.br

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 27 Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies From: Bob Young <YoungBob2@aol.com> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:18:55 EDT Fwd Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:16:09 -0400 Subject: Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies >From: Scott Hale <scott_hale@american.edu> >Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 20:11:18 -0700 >Fwd Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 19:11:05 -0400 >Subject: Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies >I'm simply amazed how much Larry Warren's story continues to >grow and expand. >I wonder what part of UFO history he'll next be associated with. >Does anybody else find this just a little hard to swallow? Scott, everyone: Another Clifford Stone, Boy Wonder. Bob Young

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 27 Re: Get Real From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:33:12 -0400 Fwd Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:40:45 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >From: Sharon Kardol <sharon@hotmix.com.au> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:41:31 +0800 >>Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 01:22:50 -0500 >>From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <> <snip> >You seem very defensive Amy, accusing at least three people so >far of ridiculing or debunking. There is no way to prove the >case real or false, period. It's subjective, each person's own >beliefs influence their acceptance/rejection of cases. If >something doesn't sit right with me about this case I am sure >you can appreciate it as my opinion. Well that is three of us, the only three who took this seriously enough to bother asking questions. It's quite apparent to me, 'judging' by the way we three have been treated by this researcher, that this is all a big waste of time and no matter what questions you ask, you will never be given a straight-forward answer without defense. I say it's time to end this tattered thread and move on to some more productive and interesting items, unless of course Sharon and Dave have more stamina to pursue this never-ending lack of co-operation and continual criticism. Even in private mail, I have received nothing but abuse for asking questions and having an opinion, and am accused of being 'nasty'. I reviewed the web site and the pictures, and see things quite differently, but I'm sure I'm wrong since I've never seen the originals. I'm sure someone more deserving will get some answers somewhere and would have the courtesy to share them with us, perhaps one of these researchers that Amy has shared this with (as she stated). Or perhaps Amy would like to share with the rest of us who has been afforded the privilege of reviewing the information. Like Amy says, we are all in this together, right? But is there room for this attitude towards anyone who asks questions? Sharon, I respect the questions you are asking because these 'are' questions an interested researcher would ask. Unfortunately, they are not being recognized as such, nor were mine. It's very hard to respond any other way when nothing is being given to respond to except defensiveness. I am curious what kind of dog (that is mentioned on the web site) these people had. Is that a legitimate question? Hey Amy, you won't see my 'name in lights' on this topic anymore unless you are willing to share with everyone on this list what you are so willing to share in private. Unfortunately I can no longer take this thread seriously, nor tolerate being called confused and uneducated by someone who can't keep their stories straight and tries to manipulate everything I say. This is a difficult field to balance, but getting defensive answers makes it even more difficult. I'm not giving in, I've just had enough. There is a difference, Amy. Instead of winning, you've lost someone who was interested. And I have observed how you have responded similarly to the other interested parties, but it is their choice if they want to pursue this. You claim I'm picking on you and am constantly trying to change the thread, but looking back it was you changing it. It's no longer about 'Close Encounters' anymore is it? And if it's okay with Amy, I refer to Dave's message in this regard, since it is in the same thread. Sorry for butting in, Sharon, but I didn't want to be accused of 'changing the thread' and I felt your remarks needed validation. Sharon and Dave, good luck in your research. Keep asking all the right questions. Perhaps one of you is more deserving and will get further than I. My shovel broke, so I can't dig anymore. And good luck to you too Amy, sincerely. Thank you for your valuable contributions and enlightenment. You deserve respect for putting time and money into this case, regardless. Sue "Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant, never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion of which the human spirit is capable." -Bertrand Russell

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 99 22:52:54 PDT Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 01:45:08 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:30:44 -0400 >From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Mon, 25 Oct 99 09:42:17 PDT Hey, Andy guy, >In response to Dave Clarke's >>The ET explanation for UFOs is simply an artefact of the era in >>which we live. Go back 500 years Sean and if we had email I >>would venture to suggest you would be blaming UFOs on the >>fairies and little folk. >>What I'm trying to say is that opinions about the ultimate >>origin of unknown UFOs are legion and ETs are just one tiny, >>remote possibility, and are themselves a product of our Space >>Age culture. >>>These are not the sorts of statements designed to encourage >>>confidence in your judgment, my friend. They tell us more about >>>you (and maybe about UFOIN as well), I'm afraid, than about the >>>UFO phenomenon or the ETH. >Innit great how Jerry uses 'my friend' when he's attempting >sarcasm? Dave's (a Doctor of Folklore I hasten to add) statement >tells us about his experience after 20 years in the field and >his research Jerry. It tells us what _he_ has come to believe >about the UFO phenomenon, based on more research than most >ufologists will ever be able to shake a stick at. Interesting that you think a genuine expression of regard and good feeling for Dave Clarke is "attempting sarcasm." (Believe me, Andy, I don't have to "attempt" sarcasm. It ain't that hard to do. You of all people should know that.) I have nothing but respect for Clarke (even if he persists with the unnecessary "e" at the end of his name), who among other accomplishments has a splendid two-part article running in IUR. (And somebody named Andy Roberts -- presumably no relation to our present correspondent -- has a fine article in the upcoming issue.) Can't you grasp the elemental fact, Andy, that people can disagree and still respect each other without "attempting sarcasm"? Whatever "attempting sarcasm" is. Perhaps you could explain. >And Dave has >changed his views dramatically in the fifteen or so years I have >known him from being postive that some UFO cases were ETH in >nature to a far more sceptical position. All based on research >and investigation. Surely not a bad way of reaching conclusions? And all sorts of people can make the identical claim from the opposite direction, most dramatically and visibly the astronomer who for 20 years was the U.S. Air Force's chief scientific consultant on UFOs. Interesting, of course, that this man was a physical scientist, whereas Dave Clarke is a folklorist. There is room for both hard science and softer social science (and folklore, a field in which I have deep interest and for which I have high regard [I once seriously considered pursuing a Ph.D. in it], has been derided as not even a "soft" science but a branch of literary study; most academic folklorists in the US are in the English department) in this field, but I think that on the larger scientific questions about the nature of the UFO phenomenon and its possible relationship to ETI, most of us would go with the hard scientists. >>>One hopes that this sort of empty posturing -- especially coming >>>from someone smart enough to know better -- disappears from >>>ufological discourse soon. It is, as we have already seen >>>demonstrated repeatedly, much less than helpful, and among other >>>things, it betrays a fairly shocking ignorance of the literature >>>of astrobiology. >'Smart enough to know better' - sheer brilliance Jerry! It's not >empty posturing - see above. 'Astrobiology'? Yor avin' a laarf >incha? Don't we have to actually have some hard biological >evidence before we can talk about such a thing? Tell that to the SETI crowd, and then get all those university presses to stop publishing books on extraterrestrial life, such as the one I just read which Oxford University Press will publish in February. I'm sure they'll appreciate your insights, Andy. (See, I did it; no mere "attempt" there.) Congratulations on the Northbritspeak and a brave attempt to change the subject. But as I say, if you reduce astrobiology's concerns to a folklore of elves and fairies, my friend (no sarcasm here, and I assume you'll get the song allusion to follow), you ain't goin' nowhere. Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 06:45:48 +0200 (MET DST) Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 01:53:18 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! Hello Andy and list, At 21:40 26-10-99 -0400, you wrote: >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:30:44 -0400 >From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Seeings as various people have been menting my name and my >colleagues' I thought I'd better reply before my tea. >I fail to understand why saying that _all_ UFOs have the >potential to be IFOs causes such a problem. Many, many >_good_ cases in the UK, which as Jenny points out have been >held as ET and/or unexplained have fallen to the IFO >explanation. Surely this is a _good_ thing? Sure, Andy. >The bald facts are that as a great many cases have been >downgraded from UFO to IFO, and that no UFOs have been (yet) >proven to be ET in origin. That's true, because to begin with, nobody knows how to prove a UFO to be of ET origin. After all, we have no access to ET's home planet and can't verify whether a craft or artefact comes from there. >That fact alone makes it reasonable to suggest that _all_ UFOs >are thus resolvable. Well, that depends. In the first place, it is quite firmly established that some UFO cases stand the test of time, ie they are still unresolved even after decades. If we were talking here about vague light in the sky, glows and obscure photographs and all that, your statement would be true that all UFOs are potentially resolvable. As anyone who professes to be a serious UFO investigator should know however, there are also cases in which solid flying objects fly at several times the speed of sound, suddenly turn on a dime and evade pursuing fighter aircraft. All in such a manner that we can see a technology at display that is clearly not human in origin. Cases such as these are recorded on radar and witnessed by reliable investigators or hundreds of members from the public. The question whether we would call these craft ET seems to me rather academic and is in fact a sidepoint. The real point is that there is an intelligence operating in our skies from time to time that is clearly not ours. And those UFOs are only solved when we label them as such. I have such a suspicion, however, that you are not inclined to put a label on them that suggest "non human intelligently operated craft". Therefore I am afraid that ironically to you, my friend, these tried and true unsolved cases will remain unsolved. Groeten, Henny

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 06:45:48 +0200 (MET DST) Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 01:51:42 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! Hello Andy and list, At 21:40 26-10-99 -0400, you wrote: >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:30:44 -0400 >From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> > > >Seeings as various people have been menting my name and my >colleagues' I thought I'd better reply before my tea. > >I fail to understand why saying that _all_ UFOs have the >potential to be IFOs causes such a problem. Many, many >_good_ cases in the UK, which as Jenny points out have been >held as ET and/or unexplained have fallen to the IFO >explanation. Surely this is a _good_ thing? Sure, Andy. > >The bald facts are that as a great many cases have been >downgraded from UFO to IFO, and that no UFOs have been (yet) >proven to be ET in origin. That's true, because to begin with, nobody knows how to prove a UFO to be of ET origin. After all, we have no access to ET's home planet and can't verify whether a craft or artefact comes from there. > >That fact alone makes it reasonable to suggest that _all_ UFOs >are thus resolvable. > Well, that depends. In the first place, it is quite firmly established that some UFO cases stand the test of time, ie they are still unresolved even after decades. If we were talking here about vague light in the sky, glows and obscure photographs and all that, your statement would be true that all UFOs are potentially resolvable. As anyone who professes to be a serious UFO investigator should know however, there are also cases in which solid flying objects fly at several times the speed of sound, suddenly turn on a dime and evade pursuing fighter aircraft. All in such a manner that we can see a technology at display that is clearly not human in origin. Cases such as these are recorded on radar and witnessed by reliable investigators or hundreds of members from the public. The question whether we would call these craft ET seems to me rather academic and is in fact a sidepoint. The real point is that there is an intelligence operating in our skies from time to time that is clearly not ours. And those UFOs are only solved when we label them as such. I have such a suspicion, however, that you are not inclined to put a label on them that suggest "non human intelligently operated craft". Therefore I am afraid that ironically to you, my friend, these tried and true unsolved cases will remain unsolved. Groeten, Henny

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy From: Robert Gates <RGates8254@aol.com> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 02:14:41 EDT Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 02:10:39 -0400 Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 22:23:46 +0000 >Subject: UFO UpDate: WHEN DISCLOSURE SERVES SECRECY >From: "Stephen MILES Lewis" <elfis@austin.rr.com> >To: UFO UpDates <updates@globalserve.net> >WHEN DISCLOSURE SERVES SECRECY >Copyright 1999 >Steven M. Greer M.D. <snip> >But then there is the disclosure the powers that be would like >to see: Manipulated. Calculated to consolidate power and >engender fear. Configured in such a way that chaos and a >deepening need for Big Brother is carefully inculcated into the >masses. >We have seen the plans and it is not a pretty picture. Please be more specific. Have you viewed classified government documents, or been told storys from alleged government informants? If these storys come from alleged government leakers/informants we must be very careful. Remember the so called government leakers unloading tales of mass landings in the desert SW april 24 of 1997 (never happened) Hoaglands various informants who were telling him tales and storys about the Mars lander several years ago and a landing to happen on Dec 10th 1998 on some peak in AZ...which turned out to be bogus? >I write this as a warning. A warning that the wolves in sheep >clothes are very cunning indeed. And have almost limitless >resources. Most who work with them do not even know they are >wolves. Indeed, it is likely that many of the wolves have been >convinced that they are sheep. I suspect that anybody that doesn't agree 100 percent will probably be labled a wolf, or a sheep that is in fact a wolf or working for the wolves. Darn, going to have to change my Halloween costume. :) >The UFO matter is not so much a mystery as a matter deliberately >obfuscated and mystified. Confusion and a lack of clarity serves Confusion and lack of clarity is how government typically works. I think of this everytime I fill out a new form for the government that has a paper work reduction act notice on the front of a 20 page form. >the larger covert goal of keeping it off the long- range radar >of society while power and plans are consolidated quietly. And >the one thing more dangerous to society than all this secrecy is >a planned, contrived disclosure run by the keepers of the >secrets. >For years such plans have been made - to be unfurled at just the >right time. During a time of great expectation. Of social >confusion. Perhaps of millennial madness? Years ago the storys went, Richard Nixon was going to disclose, then Gerald Ford, then everybody just knew Jimmy Carter was going to blow the lid off of secrecy because he had seen a UFO himself, then Reagan was going to do it because he had seen a UFO while governor of Calif, then we heard Bush was going to do it, then Clinton in 1992, then again both the Republican and Democrats were going to make it a campaign issue in 1996. It never happened then, and likely it won't happen anytime soon, because Americans a more interested in beer, monday night football, baseball playoffs, paychecks and govt retirement checks. >I have personally met with a number of people who are very >involved with such plans. I do not speculate here. Be aware: The So instead of keeping this information secret which is what Greer critiques the government over, why doesn't Greer disclose it? If Greer starts making excuses and telling storys as to why he can't disclose it, he sounds an awful lot like the goverment he is criticizing. >disclosure of UFO reality is being planned very carefully. It >will assiduously follow a scheme to spin the subject in just the >right way - the only way which will further redound to the glory >and power of the secret-keepers. It will be a false disclosure - >one born out of the age-old bane of human existence: selfishness >and greed. Greed for power. Greed for control. Greed for >domination. So even if they disclose ET reality, it will be a false disclosure? Give me a break. The guy paints himself into a position of no matter what happens it will be wrong. Lets look at other govt disclosures of late: CIA and Bay of Pigs report. Did not paint a pretty picture of govt. CIA and Guatamala. Did not paint a pretty picture of govt. Disclosure based upon declassified documents that US stored nuclear weapons at various locations abroad. Did not paint a pretty picture of govt. Everybody pretty well gets the point. The so called disclosures from the government recently have not painted pretty pictures of the officials in power at the time. Same thing will be true of ET/UFO reality if it ever happens. It will be blamed on previous Presidential administrations, and govt officials who are likely dead by now. UNLESS somehow, someway, society has secretly benefitted from the technology, THEN you will have hoardes of people who worked on the program over the years coming forward to be part of the disclosure. <snip> >Consider: One scenario for disclosure is that the UFO and >Extraterrestrial subject is acknowledged in a way which is >scientific and hopeful. Excessive secrecy which lacks executive >branch and congressional oversight is ended. Humanity begins to >entertain open contact with other civilizations, with peaceful >engagement as the goal. Technologies which are currently >suppressed are allowed to be disseminated: Pollution ends. An >economy of abundance and social justice is firmly established. >Global environmental destruction and mind-numbing world poverty >become a faint memory. Zero-point based energy devices transform >the world. Electro-gravitic devices permit above ground travel >without paving over the world's precious fertile farm land. As >an ET once told Colonel Philip Corso, " Its a new world, if you >can take it...". This is the disclosure which we are working >for. This is a modern copy of the old theory that ET's are going to save us and our planet from certain ruin...whether that be global cooling, warming, pollution or whatever the current crisis of the moment is. Back in the 70s, the so called scientific community feared that we were going to have a "global ice age" or global nuclear war which was the popular fears at the time. Naturally some in UFOlogy were claiming that when we made contact, the ET's were going to show us a way to warm the planet, or save humanity from certain nuclear destruction etc etc. <snip> >But remember, there are hugely powerful interests who dread this >scenario. For them, it is the end of the world as they know it. >The end of centralized, elite power. The end of a controlled >geo-political order which today leaves nearly 90% of the people >of earth barely one step out of the stone age. And they do not >wish to share the power they wield. _If_ an ET reality announcement was made, it would be hot news for about a week, then it would fade from the news with the next airplane crash of a famous person or disaster that strikes the US better yet, the next White House/Congressional arguement/scandel. Bottom line for many if the choice is to hear about alien visitation, or find out if they get an increase in their government checks, they will take the checks each and every time. Then the people will be howling about 'well you spent all this money studying aliens from space, when it could have been spent on this planet..' <snip> >My meetings over the past 9 years with covert operatives who >have worked on UFO related programs have introduced me to some >characters right out of a spy novel - and then some. Whether in >private high tech industry, at the Pentagon or at a midnight >meeting in a private mansion, a theme has emerged. It is one of One suspects the so called "midnight meeting in a private mansion" was the hotly debated dinner meeting with the former CIA director, which the CIA director had a totally different take on what was in fact discussed. I would assume that Greer is going to keep all the information the other people allegedly said secret, i.e can't be checked out or verified by anybody else. <snip> >Here, we find some very strange bed-fellows indeed. War mongers >and militarists in cahoots with industrialists who share a >certain bizarre eschatological bent: A dark view of the future, >featuring an extraterrestrial Armageddon - or at least the >threat of it. Such a theme supports retrograde and fanatical >religious causes as well as deeply covert military-industrial >plans to expand the arms race into space. >In fact, the big players in the so-called 'civilian UFO >community' are tied into such beliefs and agendas. It strains >credulity, I admit, but here is what we have found by >penetrating these operations. You mean people will always be broken up into two camps? You know, the glass is either half full, or half empty; it all depends on your perspective and back ground. There will be those that believe that ET's are the saviors of Earth and whose only purpose is to bring humanity to a new level and those that believe that the ET's may have some other motive other then peace and goodwill. You would think that if all the so called abduction accounts are true, that is not the calling card of a race interesting in lifting humanity to a new level of peace and understanding. > From a military-industrial perspective, the disclosure of >choice is one which frames the UFO/ET issue in a threatening >manner. If a threat from space can be established (as President >Reagan liked to say) then the entire world can be united around >the need to fight such a threat. This would ensure trillion >dollar plus military - industrial spending well into the next >century, and beyond. If you think the cold war was costly, wait >until you see the price tag for this ' protection' from the >'threats' in space: The trillions spent on the cold war will >look like a blue light special. If a ET/UFO reality announcement came it would likely validate many of the abduction storys that are out. People reading some of those may want the government to spend 1 trillion dollars protecting them from beings that can kidnap them right out of their bed in the middle of the night and do medical experiments on them without permission. These are the same people who want to ban guns because that will protect them from the criminal elements. Alas I suspect the current "crisis of the moment" is not ET's/UFO but weapons of mass destruction such as CBW and so on. The threat from weapons of mass destruction especially if rogue nations like Iraq, Iran, and or North Korea get them is very viable and likely. In fact the possibility of millions being killed by a fruit cake and his CBW/nuke is probably a greater threat in peoples minds. Needless to say, they are the darlings of funding at the moment. >Retrograde and fanatical religious groups, similarly, have great >vested interests in fulfilling the promise of Armageddon. An >eschatological paradigm, well enshrined in the belief systems of >those running covert UFO projects, is supported by the portrayal >of a cosmic conflict in the heavens. Voila! We have the >necessity of spinning the UFO/ET issue in the evil invading >aliens (translates in religious terms as demons) direction. >Indeed, this has already been accomplished , courtesy of the >'civilian UFO community' and the tabloid media (which at this >point is virtually all media...). This is somewhat of a stretch because you have some religions who believe everybody is going to be taken up before all the so called Armageddon/bad stuff hits the earth. You have others who have believed the end was going to happen every year since the 50s, and yet others who think its pretty far off. During/just after the nuclear tests in the Pacific in the high altitude (in which the EMP turned the lights off in Hawaii) the Rev Billy Graham said Armageddon would happen no later then within 12 months or so. It didn't happen. Remember the Nostradamus theorists/predictors who were unloading the story about the alleged great terror from the sky that was going to happen in 1999 in the 7th month. Well it didn't happen. Point being is people have been speculating about Armageddon/the end for years and while some groups may try and create their own version of Armageddon (Koresch) society will continue on as a whole. >Additionally, there is a subtext which can only be viewed as >thinly veiled racism. You will note that part of the 'new myth' >regarding UFOs involves the 'good ET s' , which invariably are >described as 'Pleidians' who are 'handsome' white, blue-eyed >Aryan appearing types. Naturally, those 'evil, bad ET s' are >darker, shorter, look funny and smell funny. Please. Such >clap-trap would have us trade age-old human racism for an >extraterrestrial variety. This nonsense and propaganda could >only make Hitler proud. The glass is either half full, or half empty depending on perspective. ET's are either good, or evil...again depending on perspective. Several years ago somebody at the Montuak project sent out an email claiming that he had seen a gray alien and that the gray aliens liked to guzzle DRAINO as the drink of choice. I would suspect that continous drinking of Draino may turn a gray Alien a different color. :) >In one lengthy meeting with a multi-billionaire, I was told that >he gave great support to UFO activities which propel the >so-called 'alien abduction' subject into public awareness >because he wanted humanity to unite around fighting this 'alien >threat'. Later, this very influential figure informed me that he >believed these demonic ET s were the cause of every set back in >human history since Adam and Eve. Sound familiar? Sounds like Rockefeller. What he spends his money on, and what his opinion is on various subjects, including who is going to win the world series is just that an opinion and what he is spending his bucks on. In my community we have a local millionaire who spent a ton of bucks on a issue that tickled his hot button. That doesn't mean that he represents everybody in the area. Needless to say his influence wained when he quit spending money on the issue. >Military interests, which are heavily involved in covert >projects which hoax ET events, such as human military- related >abductions, have a shared goal of demonizing the UFO/ET >phenomenon. Doing so lays the foundations for the fear and dread >necessary for an organized opposition to all things ET. And this >subserves the long - term need to provide a rationale for an >expanding global military even should world peace emerge. In >fact, under this scenario, 'world peace', or strictly speaking >peace on earth, could be secured by the world uniting, >eventually, against the 'threat from space' referred to by >President Reagan. (By the way, personally I believe Reagan was >the victim of disinformation specialists who surrounded him and >who manipulated him into the statements he made on this >subject.) Another old theory. Reagan was a great guy (until he made a statement which a person disagrees with) then everybody knows he was manipulated by either the intelligence community, his cabinet, the Vice President, the evil military industrial complex, or which enity and whomever we want to point the finger at as being the evil villain. During Iran/contra Reagan supporters were saying similar things. 'Well he is a good president, but he was manipulated by his evil national security advisor Admiral Pointdexter, or his evil secretary of Defense Weinberger etc etc. Bottom line is they are trying to alabi off statements they don't like to hear. >Under this scenario, currently being gamed and 'disclosed' >courtesy of the trial - balloon UFO 'community', we would get >peace on earth - in exchange for inter-planetary conflict. One >step forward, ten steps back. Wonderful. Sounds like Greer suggesting that the UFO community is the current location for disclosure for govt trial balloons? To those floating government trial balloons, I am still waiting for a good one...please don't disappoint me as you have so often in the past. :) <snip> >In tracing the history of both the UFO civilian community and >the covert policy-making group concerned with UFOs, we have >found a growing penetration of the latter into the former. So >much so that at this point there are projects which ostensibly >are innocent civilian initiatives but which in reality are >totally controlled and financed by 'cut-outs' from ultra-secret >projects. Why does Greer want to keep the information secret? Why can't he step forward and name the so called innocent civilin initiatives that he claims are "in reality are totally controlled and financed by 'cut-outs' from the ultra-secret projects? It is possible that the people telling him storys may have covert manipulation agendas of their own. >Moreover, our careful penetration of such projects yielded the >disturbing finding that deep-cover black project operatives are >working closely with alleged civilian researchers, journalists >and UFO glitterati. CIA and military intelligence operatives are >working with civilian 'think tank' heads, alongside very wealthy >business people who are eschatologists, and being advised by >'civilian' technologists and scientists - who are themselves >proponents of bizarre religious belief systems involving the end >of the world and ET s.... Why don't you start naming names/projects/people? We are left to suspect the only thing this information is based on is tales and storys told to him by alleged government informants. >Thus, the new 'chosen ones' have been assembled. They are >planning your disclosure on the UFO/ET subject. They are owned >by the money whores and power brokers doing the bidding of the >secret entity which runs UFO projects to begin with. And it all >looks like a civilian initiative. So innocent. So well-intended. >So 'scientific'. And by the way, the sky is falling courtesy of >ET and we need your money and your souls to defend against it. If I were creating a list of 'chosen ones' I would put Greer at the top of it merely because of his high level contact/government leakers that come to him to dribble allegedl top drawer/top level UFO information out. <snip> >Here is another idea: Why don't 'we the people' unite and launch >a disclosure which resembles the first one described above. An >honest one. One which leads to peace, not war. To a sustainable >and beautiful world, free of pollution and brimming with >abundance, of all types. One which reaches out into the unknown, >instead of firing particle beam weapons into the darkness of >space. Instead of writing lengthy emails, why doesn't Greer start disclosing information allegedly told to him by all the so called top level/top drawer government informants...or is OK for Greer to keep secrets but not the government? If Greer has all the information he claims to have, he could go public and end the secrecy himself. He doesn't have to wait for Congress, the White House, the so called evil military industrial complex, or some covert govt agency working on the UFO problem to disclose information. Previously it had been suggested that the reason he doesn't go public, is because the witness's would not stand up to independent verification. A position that sounds more credible everyday. Cheers, Robert

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: Get Real From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 03:06:32 -0500 Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 03:15:59 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >From: Sharon Kardol <sharon@hotmix.com.au> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:41:31 +0800 >If there is something specific we should know that is so >pertinent to the case, why not just tell us? Well, ya know, Sharon, I'm not sure what you would consider "pertinent" and what you consider irrelavent so I just don't know what to tell ya. As you state below, it all depends on each person's beliefs. I wouldn't want to influence your belief systems so you pick and scratch whatever you need out of the information and throw the rest back. ;> >You seem very defensive Amy, acussing at least three people so >far of ridiculing or debunking. Naaa, I don't accuse, I state facts. <grin> >There is no way to prove the >case real or false, period. It's subjective, each person's own >beliefs influence their acceptance/rejection of cases. If >something doesn't sit right with me about this case I am sure >you can apprectiate it as my opinion. In the words of Curly, "Why, cewtainly!" >Debunker or ridiculer I am not, or I wouldn't have wasted most >of my life so far researching UFO phenomena, and being laughed >at by friends and family. That is such a sad thing to hear! Sometimes the going gets tough and I get frustrated but I never feel searching for the truth is a waste of my time. I mean, it is my choice therefore nothing is wasted. Even the time I spend talking with you, Sue, Errol and Dave is worth my time because that is how we learn - by sharing and comparing information. My friends and family laugh too but there are also many people who thank me for sharing with them so it pretty much evens out. <winking to my friends and supporters> >My apologies if I misunderstood you previous post. The neighbour >was collected enough to remember the camera as an after thought, >but not the door. She had experienced it all her life, and was >trying to photograph her own experience, so she was most likely >aware of things to do to get a good shot. Isn't it amazing, Sharon, how we react in different situations?! I mean, I've heard so many people describe how they had 2 or 3 cameras hanging around their necks, saw a UFO hovering right over them and not once thought to take a picture. Then there are people who keep a camera in their car for years - just in case they ever see a UFO - yet when the big event finally happens, they totally forget the camera sitting just a few feet away in the car. I know that if I had been in the neighbor's ("Jill's") shoes that night, I'm not sure I would have been able to retain the contents of my bladder let alone remember to open the door for a clearer shot. >>>The door was _not_ "left closed" deliberately, > ><snip> > >In your opinion it was not left closed on purpose. Yes, Sharon, that's what I said. This is my informed opinion as the one who investigated the case for almost 3 years and as the one who interviewed the witnesses in person and recorded their statements on video and tape. I'm curious. If I had only read this case on the internet, viewed the scanned photographs on a web site and never met nor interviewed any of the witnesses in person, who would be more likely to know the details of the case - the one who conducted the investigation or the one who only read about it on the internet? >What are the two red lights? Are they supposed to be from >the craft? or did the beings emit the light? Good question, Sharon. I don't know what those red lights were. As I said there are still photos that have yet to be analyzed. >How did the person standing in the house see the being in the >dark, and not the two who were closer to it? Could she perhaps >have just been seeing what she wanted to believe was there? >afterall, it's a pretty traumatic experience. Another good question, Sharon! How do you do it?!! One right after another! ;> I don't not know how this happened and until I have more information, I would not want to appear so assuming as to conjure my own answers without further study. That's why I do research and investigations - to search for answers hopefully so I will not make a fool of myself by speculating too much. >Well, see this is where we differ. Perhaps to you the physical >evidence is not important, but I have read case after case of >witness testimony, and am just about filled up with people's >experiences. Now, Sharon, where did I say "physical evidence is not important"? Maybe you are just seeing what you want to believe I said. I would never say physical evidence is not important nor would I imply such a thing. In fact, I consider physical evidence _extremely_ important - if and when we can get our hands on some. This is where my current research is focused - in attempts to gather as much physical evidence as possible. After investigating this case, I realized it _was_ possible to gather physical evidence during and/or after an abduction and set about studying ways to achieve these objectives. I have come up with several double and triple-blind experiments that I will be submitting to various abduction researchers soon. Main problem here is discerning genuine abductees from assumed abductees. (I pretty much get it from all sides as I do not believe everyone who claims to be an abductee has actually been abducted and not all abductions are non-physical.) >If the witnesses had >kept the photos secret and just shared their experience >verbally, I probably would have been more likely to accept their >story, especially as the experience was corroborated by an >independant witness (being the neighbour). You probably never would have heard of this case, Sharon, if I hadn't taken the time to transcribe the interviews, written the article, learned web site construction and posted it on a web site. You never would have been able to read the witnesses' story or view the photos if they and I had kept it all secret. So, you prefer it to be by word of mouth only yet demand evidence. Gees, kinda hard to have it both ways - secret yet shared, verbal yet physical. >>There is a wealth of information in this case if one stops to >>analyze the data rather than spending more time debating why the >>witnesses did or did not open the sliding glass door. > Sorry, but it is a very important fact in the case which can't > be easliy dismissed. I'm not dismissing it. I'm just not basing the entire case on one aspect as you are. I don't get it, Sharon. How can you assume to know more about this case than anyone else when you never even met these people in person or talked with them? I don't care if you believe it or not, that is your choice. What I cannot fathom is how you and others can point to the glass door, say it was a hoax or imagination when you can't even point to the actual, physical glass door and present your arguments in person? You say you need physical evidence yet claim this door - you can only imagine - was left closed on purpose. You cannot touch or examine this glass door, have not interviewed the witnesses yourself yet you are so sure the door was left closed for reasons other than accident or poor judgement. I wonder how this would stack up in a courtroom? Hey, that's an interesting concept! You would be the prosecution and I would be the defense. I'd present the actual, physical glass door, the actual, physical photographs, the actual physical negatives, the live, physical witnesses (and the actual, physical fingerprints, sorry, forgot to mention that), and you could present your theories as to why the glass door (that you could only imagine) was left closed (of course, I'd object and indicate it was only not opened rather than "left closed" <hehe>). Before a jury of our peers - probably not anyone directly or indirectly connected with the administration of or stock holders in this list due to conflict of interest - we would present our views as to the validity or lack thereof as pertaining to this case, the witnesses, the sliding glass door and the photographs -assuming, of course, the court allowed for the remote possibility that abductions could be real. You would present your theories calling for physical evidence and I'd present the actual witnesses, the physical as opposed to imagined sliding glass door, the fingerprints, the photos, the negatives and let the jury decide. Wonder what their verdict would be.... ;> >Like the time my mum thought she saw someone standing in the >backyard looking back at her at night, and upon investigation i >found it was just a strategically located, very human shaped >shrub. She was absolutley petrified, but also mistaken. It >happens. You investigated? Why didn't you just stay in the house and tell your "mum" what you believed it was rather than actually checking it out? The shrub was probably planted there on purpose - strategically located and human shaped - just to panic your "mum". I wonder who did this? Did you open the door? Why or why not? Did you remember to take photographs? Why or why not? Sounds a little too convenient to me! I don't have to be there, examine the "evidence" or interview your "mum" to know what actually happened. I have it all figured out. Not. <GBG> >But if these experiences are not one offs, then I anticipate the >photos they will capture next time, with the door open. Surely >they would be prepared for it next time? Ya think so? I do so admire your vision and insight. >>Until I investigated this case, I wasn't sure if abductions were >>really happening and I certainly _did not_ believe the stories >>about "reptilian" beings. In fact, I don't think I will ever >>totally accept the idea of "reptilian" beings abducting people >>until I see one in conscious, waking awareness up close and in >>person (not something I really care to do). For now, it's just >>too hard for me to stretch my paradigms that far. But I know >>something happened to those witnesses on the nights in question >>and whatever it was, it really happened. >See, now you just backed up my point. You don't know what >happened that night. Neither do you. >If leaving >the glass door closed was an accident, fair enough. But the >experience may just have been a bunch of fire flies (sorry, I'm >from australia so I don't know much about them, it's just an >example), swarming around some alien shaped bushes :) "Alien shaped bushes"? Are these related to the "human shaped bushes" your "mum" imagines in the yard? And "fire flies"?!! (Amy whispers to Sharon: I had no idea fire could fly!) You are getting just a little too weird for me, Sharon. How do you come up with these things?! ;> >So the case is not a recent one, have they had any other >experiences after this? Are they prepared for anymore? Actually, Sharon, they have all moved on with their lives. Next time I talk with them, I'll ask them how they are doing. Thank you for your concern. >I'm not denying the phenomena, I strongly believe in it as a >matter of fact. And I am not an experiencer. I just feel it >happens way too much, to unrelated people, all around the world >for it to be a coincidence. But that doesn't mean I will >blindly accept glared photos as physical evidence of the >experience. That is your choice, Sharon. But you can't expect everyone to share your views. G'Day. ;> Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: Get Real From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:26:19 +0000 Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 03:22:56 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 11:16:10 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 15:12:10 +0000 >>From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>Using _your_ logic (real >>world commercialism) how do you explain the total lack of >>'greys' in any of the sci-fi films and tv shows made in those >>days? >If you wish to talk about the lack of 'greys' in sci-fi films >and tv shows in the '50's, why not start another thread titled >"Lack of Greys In The '50's". I am not interested in the topic. And why is that? It is after all relevant, is it not? I thought you were a researcher. Researching something like this involves more than just interviewing people. Check out the history, see how far back it goes, question the reason why there were no lightbulb-headed creatures in the 50's or 60's. Don't just brush aside any information that goes against your own personal beliefs. >I started this thread, "Get Real", in reference to something I >observed while watching "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind", >then you asked why there weren't any photographs of beings and I >offered the photographs from the case I investigated, then you >began asking questions about the photographs. Remember? I am not the one with the 'missing time' of course I remember, I also remember seeing your pictures. The only face I can make out appears to have a black wet nose. Do you by any chance happen to have a dog? >Those who like to debunk everything they hear and see will do so >no matter how much evidence or information is put before them. Debunk? Oh dear oh dear, there's always someone out there roasting that old chestnut. What do you consider to be 'how much evidence'? Pictures of a camera flash reflected in glass showing nothing more than possibly someone's dog. Verbal accounts but nothing else to back it up. And of course you are not interested in researching past accounts (pre-1970's). >you know how to tell the >difference between someone with a genuine interest in reviewing >the data and those interested only in seeing their name in >print. And when your book or books are published, I take it you will have your name in print? Going by what you have just stated above (and if you are to earn the respect of others) you will go by a pseudonym or is there any reason why what you state to others does not apply to you? >>>Can you indicate what you plan to say to these >>>"researchers"/"investigators" about the article in question? >>>Will you simply ask them why they didn't review the material or >>>will you be adding your assessment as well? >>I just want to ask why they didn't review the material, I don't >>plan to add anything. >Very well, the list of those with whom I have tried to share >this case will be sent to your E-mail box tonight. I trust your >inquiries will be done with taste and professionalism. However, >how will we know you actually contacted them? This is a very good question, since your private mail to me indicated that you do not want me to spread around the list (which I obviously will not do). Therefore how can I let anyone know that I actually contacted anyone without everyone else knowing who I contacted? >As usual, enjoyed conversing with you, Dave. ;> Funnily enough enjoyed conversing with you too. ;) Dave.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Ways To Make Sight-Observations? From: Minna Laajala - UFO-Finland <ufofinland@saunalahti.fi> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:08:10 +0300 Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 03:26:42 -0400 Subject: Ways To Make Sight-Observations? Here are the results of my latest adventure, the deep dive in to some encyclopedias of neurology and psychiatry. I belive this is stuff you all know already. To me this has been a new way to study UFOs: As glancing through different encyclopedias and searching for alternative explenations for different happenings I�ll learn a lot lot lot more about the phenomenons called "human and how it functions", a "space and how it may function", and "the nature and how it maybe functioning", and after these travels I always feel a huge need to share the findings with others, even I know I might be the last in line, who comprehenses them. 1) Hallucination is for instance interpreted in some finnish encyclopedias "a observation about a object with has no physically counterpart or which does non exist physically". As speaking about a hallucination generally the first association is some mental problem. In schizophrenia and other psychosis different degrees of a hallucinations are part of symptoms in the same way delusions, which can also be consequence of the hallucinations. 1a) So called optical illusions has typically sundry humane or quite divergent forms from human, even for example only head of devil's or extraterrestrial creature, and also some observers tell they have seen also animals. About human or almost-human- look figures I think the best examples are the ones seen during sleep-paralysis. 1b) Auditory hallucinations. They vary. The most common versios seems to vary from a critical voice to different degrees of other voices. The one that is sometimes commected to sound-hallucinations is called "Tinnitus" in finnish. (= The beeb or a constante annoying sound in a ear.) 1c) In a sensory person experiences that at her/his side is some invisible being or that someone touches to him/her. 1d) In taste- and olfactory hallucinations are common senses about suddenly scent, or a rare sudden taste. For all these is common that there is no perceptions of their physically originator. 2) Neurological optical illusion are typically at least among brain tumour and migraine. The best known optical illusions are supposely - waggleing serrateds appearanced in a purview alarming about the beginning of a migraine attacks. ( even other optical illusions are quite rare in migraine) To these optical illusion belongs also 2a) so called "stars": bright, dazzling points at the purview, 2b) the various sizes of light-balls, which doesn`t have clear outlines, 2c) a additional nimbus nascent around a (e.g. airplane`s) light, 2d) so called double-pictures, in other words beside tha main percepted persons and objects appearances another object or outlines. I think the best example of the double-pictures is when above the horizon appears another horizon, or beside the block of flats appearances another block of flats, looking like made of lig ht. 3) About optical delusions one good example supposely is so called "autokinesia" (: in creek: " move by itself"). There are physical mechanisms which makes to seem, that object located in its position is seen moving. The long staring of star in the sky seems to start moving or rotating even if it in fact were still in its position. This is said to happen when the eyes "gets tired". 4) Another optical delusion are so called "floaters" (= in finnish used term). In the back of the eye is located colloid material, vitreous humour can be floating chop particles, dead cells, which in suitable circumstances creates a shadowto a retina, and are seen bacillary or roundish objects. A "Floater" [musca volitante] can be observed transparently, but in some of them there are also seen darker tones. 5) Photogene that is easiest to cause by staring one bright -coloured or -lighted point a long time (= about 30 seconds normally), and it after that to move the stair e.g. to a white wall or preferably to a page of a book. Then the same starting picture appearances to a white base. If the test about producing photogenes is carried out is possible, that even if every testperson stares the same figure during the test is possible, that evryone can see the colours of the photogene for example in different order. This is - as we all know- a normal test seen in psyhcological teaching- books. Another way to see photogenes is either to stare the lamp`s bright light before slaking it, and when room it is getting dark stays the dazzling, blinding brilliance to the eyes for a small moment. 6) Long-sighted deterioration in other words nearsightedness is one thing, tha makes percepted object to look like what it isn`t. Nearsightedness makes distant points grow dim and impress foggy and blur. Inadvertently out-of-dated eyeglasses don't reply the currently need and distortvperceptible figures. How a nearsightednesses person sees the lights of a oncoming airplane or a train (= in Finland it has triangle-lights in front) lights? The lights miscible as a single (= not 3!) multifilament lightball, where is resolving outlines not seen. 7) People who claims they can see the aura around people answers often to a question "How it shows/looks like?" so, that things they have seen are either light- and/or colourcoat around persons, objects, animals or plants, some describe they have seen so called frames, some sighted e.g. frames around lecturer, and inside the frames beside the head a light-ball which seems to attemt desperately to cope with the person`s move around the estrade, and sometimes it seems the ball has problems to stay close the head. I asked from a neurology specialized physician about the visual perceptions. He had a answer to many optical visions, but he seem not to dare to explain the frames as a neurologist optical illusion. He seemed he couldn`t offer another explanation either. I have heard lighting as a one attempt to explain the frames, because phenomenom seems to be seen only in a dim light, and after putting lights on the frames disappears. I�ve heard the same-looked frames appears around the flame of a candle after stared it for a while. Sounds like a photogenes to me. Would it be at least partly a question of some redolent to a photogenes in these kind of perceptions- even without a physical irritant? And what could be this non- physical irritant? Some psychological irritant? Many of these "visions" could be originators of the extrasensory and even paranormal perceptions. How many persons as agazing the sky sees "floaters", but interpretate them as cigar or ball-shaped, non- physical ships, because he/she doesn`t know that the object is i the person`s own eye? Almost as equally often the star seems to starting to move, and therefore it is interpreted as a ufo, when it isn�t flying across the whole sky, which points to a satellite or to a airplain. One explanation to so called faulse preceptions could be some chemical mal-function in brains: for some unknown reason the sight-association part of brains seems to produce the image, and the non-awared person gots mostly surprised. It seems these mis-perceptions aren�t harmful as long as person him/herself is able to live with them and is no other way un-balanced. Even these events (= especially hallucinations) are often connetced to a psychosis my opinion is, that the person who listens to such experiences from someone shouldn`t make any fast conclusions about should the experiencer need some "treatment" or not, but instead it it could be better to make distant observings during some time before making mind what is the best way to think. I have heard such wild stories from many persons, and only minor part of them did indeed sink to psychosis. Evev they are non-physically seen by others I thik both hallucinations and neurological optical illusions are the same; some mal-function in brains, which might jus vanish. It grows 100 times bigger when it`s denied, questioned (= "are you sure you saw it?") or even attacked. I think that these are temporary phenomenons, and only humans attidute makes them permanent- the people around the experiencer or him/herself. Somehow I�ve noticed in my life, that a thought becomes a problem only, when it�s catched. A thought coming and going isn�t a problem- we have tens of thoughts every day, and we catch only few of them. Our own choice is wich ones. I think tha main problem is to see does the hallucinating or neurological illusions observed perdon need more ears to listen his/hers confusing experiences, explains to them, or is he/she totally unbalanced. Sometimes only once listening is more therapy, than an year in a mental institute. Or what do you think? Wonders Minna Laajala

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Top Events And Publications Ltd. From: Philip Mantle - QUEST <pmquest@dial.pipex.com> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 13:19:34 +0000 Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 03:35:11 -0400 Subject: Top Events And Publications Ltd. TOP EVENTS AND PUBLICATIONS LTD. COMPANY VOLUNTARY ARRANGEMENT. To Whom It May Concern. In the matter of the insolvency act 1986 and in the matter of Top Events and Publications Limited. In the High Court, Chancery Division, Manchester District Registry. Top Events and Publications Limited, owned by Roy Bird, has issued via Hacker Young and Partners (chartered accountants), a proposed Company Voluntary Arrangement. I don't pretend to fully understand the legal jargon but Top Events owes its creditors (myself included) �349,000. I am listed as being owed �550. This is totally incorrect. Among the many things included in the legal documents sent to me by Hacker Young and Partners details the transfer (by payment) of some of Top Events magazine titles to another company called Chesterwell Management Limited. This company is owned (surprise, surprise) by one Roy Bird. What Roy Bird is doing is strictly legal but in my humble opinion is totally immoral. To be honest, as far as I am concerned I have told Roy Bird not to bother me ever again and to shove his money where the sun don't shine. My advice to anyone who is currently writing for any of his titles, including QUEST and BEYOND, is to stay well clear. This does not reflect on the magazines editors (Tim Matthews and John Downes). If anyone wishes to check the facts of this then they can contact Hacker Young and Partners at: St James Building, 79 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 6HT. Tele: 0161 236 6936. Fax: 0161 228 0117. E-mail: manchester@hackeryoung.co.uk Advice I have just received via the Trading Standards Office in Chester is for anyone who is owed money by Roy Bird and/or any of his companies, is to contact the high court and to take him to the small claims court for money owed under �5000. They have also suggested contacting your local Citizens Advice Bureau, and even the police. The latter of which I doubt will be of any use. If there are any investigative journalists out there reading this message, may I respectfully suggest that you look into Roy Bird and his companies as I'm sure their is a colourful story to be told here. It is imperative that others like myself do not fall foul and write things for Roy Birds magazines and then end up not getting paid. Please do whatever you can legally to prevent such happening to others. Please forward this message onto everyone on your mailing list. post on bulletin boards, web sites, and anywhere else you can think of. Yours Sincerely, Philip Mantle. 27.10.99. PS. If you have had any unpleasant dealings with Roy Bird and any of his companies, then why not share it with us. Why not issue a public statement for distribution on the internet.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: British ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:33:25 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 03:38:34 -0400 Subject: Re: British ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: British ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 99 11:07:48 PDT >>>>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>>Subject: Re: British ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>>Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 20:54:23 +0100 >What you're discussing here is a form of ball lightning, a >generally recognized, accepted meteorological phenomenon. Why >are you lumping BL in with UFOs? I think that no serious >ufologist would disagree that on occasion BL, like lots of other >things in nature, gets mistaken for a UFO. That, however, >doesn't make BL (or any other unusual but known natural >phenomenon) a UFO. Of course, it does. Although as you know I prefer the term UAP for such cases to try to form a distinction. If a witness reports something odd in the sky that they do not recognise they do so as an unidentified flying object. My argument is that all too often they do so to a UFO group or the media not to a physicist. As such ufology attracts many BL cases. Further than that I also suspect - from cases I have worked upon and discussions I have had with BL experts - that there is a rare form of 'Super BL' that nearly always gets reported way out of context of a met phenomenon especially when it occurs outside of recognised weather conditions (eg a storm). As such I am pretty certain we have valuable UAP data that would benefit BL researchers but they rarely get to see it because they run a mile from the public image ufology generates. Indeed from people like Dr Paul Davies, who has researched BL, and Ralph Noyes from the MoD, I know this is their view as well. But the basic point is that all sightings reported as UFOs remain so until identified. Even ones that are finally proven to be BL, or Super BL, or related forms of atmospheric phenomena. Otherwise who makes the arbitrary decision that a UFO really isnt a UFO because it was a natural phenomenon? And on what criteria? How can we single out cases that are not UFOs because they are just some sort of energy phenomenon and ones that are because that therory doesnt seem to work. Surely the only acceptable definition is that the phenomenon is unidentified by the witness? It then becomes our task to try to identify what it was. If it turns out to be BL it still started off as a UFO report. These investigations provide key lessons for the rest of the UFO evidence that are all too easy to miss if we junk such cases as 'not really UFOs'. >I look forward to reading your book, which I have no doubt will >be an excellent one. As you know, I have the greatest respect >for you and your work. I think, however, that my point remains. >We've seen some dreary instances in recent months on this very >list where some strutting, self- styled "skeptic" has announced >his explanation for a classic UFO case, only to have it >disintegrate virtually upon impact. I am not, I hasten to add, >putting you into this category. Appreciated. But I dont think you should read too much into this book. It is an exercise in using the experience of three long term field investigators to try to make ufologists think more about the cases that can be solved and what we should do with that knowledge. Its not a treatise on how to do ufology, or a revolutionary idea about how to interpret the evidence or a book that aims to debunk ufology out of existence. Its aims really are very modest ones. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: British ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:33:25 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 03:43:05 -0400 Subject: Re: British ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: British ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 99 11:07:48 PDT >>>>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>>Subject: Re: British ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>>Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 20:54:23 +0100 >What you're discussing here is a form of ball lightning, a >generally recognized, accepted meteorological phenomenon. Why >are you lumping BL in with UFOs? I think that no serious >ufologist would disagree that on occasion BL, like lots of other >things in nature, gets mistaken for a UFO. That, however, >doesn't make BL (or any other unusual but known natural >phenomenon) a UFO. Of course, it does. Although as you know I prefer the term UAP for such cases to try to form a distinction. If a witness reports something odd in the sky that they do not recognise they do so as an unidentified flying object. My argument is that all too often they do so to a UFO group or the media not to a physicist. As such ufology attracts many BL cases. Further than that I also suspect - from cases I have worked upon and discussions I have had with BL experts - that there is a rare form of 'Super BL' that nearly always gets reported way out of context of a met phenomenon especially when it occurs outside of recognised weather conditions (eg a storm). As such I am pretty certain we have valuable UAP data that would benefit BL researchers but they rarely get to see it because they run a mile from the public image ufology generates. Indeed from people like Dr Paul Davies, who has researched BL, and Ralph Noyes from the MoD, I know this is their view as well. But the basic point is that all sightings reported as UFOs remain so until identified. Even ones that are finally proven to be BL, or Super BL, or related forms of atmospheric phenomena. Otherwise who makes the arbitrary decision that a UFO really isnt a UFO because it was a natural phenomenon? And on what criteria? How can we single out cases that are not UFOs because they are just some sort of energy phenomenon and ones that are because that therory doesnt seem to work. Surely the only acceptable definition is that the phenomenon is unidentified by the witness? It then becomes our task to try to identify what it was. If it turns out to be BL it still started off as a UFO report. These investigations provide key lessons for the rest of the UFO evidence that are all too easy to miss if we junk such cases as 'not really UFOs'. >I look forward to reading your book, which I have no doubt will >be an excellent one. As you know, I have the greatest respect >for you and your work. I think, however, that my point remains. >We've seen some dreary instances in recent months on this very >list where some strutting, self- styled "skeptic" has announced >his explanation for a classic UFO case, only to have it >disintegrate virtually upon impact. I am not, I hasten to add, >putting you into this category. Appreciated. But I dont think you should read too much into this book. It is an exercise in using the experience of three long term field investigators to try to make ufologists think more about the cases that can be solved and what we should do with that knowledge. Its not a treatise on how to do ufology, or a revolutionary idea about how to interpret the evidence or a book that aims to debunk ufology out of existence. Its aims really are very modest ones. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 15:01:51 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:08:59 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 99 11:07:48 PDT >>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 12:38:02 +0100 >>From my experience as an investigator I have encountered cases >>that I am overwhelmingly convinced to be a form of UAP (eg an >>extreme form of ball lightning is one example). (A first hand >>instance of this would be the Nelson car stop case from March >>l977) I do not think all unexplained cases are super BL. This >>option does not, for instance, explain alien contact encounters. >>Therefore this means we must have at least two types of UFO to >>explain different sorts of case. I think the evidence in support >>of that contention is strong enough to convince me - especially >>given, for instance, basic differences such as the witness per >>case ratio for each type. But if it doesnt convince you thats >>okay by me too. >What you're discussing here is a form of ball lightning, a >generally recognized, accepted meteorological phenomenon. Why >are you lumping BL in with UFOs? For the same reason that people lump extraterrestrial spacecraft in with UFOs - as a possible explanation for a puzzling event. >I think that no serious >ufologist would disagree that on occasion BL, like lots of other >things in nature, gets mistaken for a UFO. That, however, >doesn't make BL (or any other unusual but known natural >phenomenon) a UFO. What do you mean by this? Ball lightning can be mistaken for a UFO. Agreed. But that does not make ball lightning a UFO? Of course it does. If a report of ball lightning is so described that it is inexplicable to the person making the report then or someone subsequently investigating it, it is, by definition, a UFO. Or are you saying, as you appear to be, that there is an actual object called a "UFO" which exists in its own right and has no other existence? If ball lighting may be mistaken for a UFO, what else might be "mistaken" for a UFO? Time-travellers? Secret aircraft? Fourth-dimensional psychic projections? Extraterrestrial spacecraft? But presumably, Jerry, you just *know* what a UFO is. It's just, well, a UFO. It doesn't have an explanation, even though sometimes it might be mistaken for something else it's still a "UFO". So that's alright then. Foe someone as pedantically obsessed with the meaning of words as you sometimes appear to be, this is very sloppy thinking, Jerry. -- John Rimmer Magonia Magazine www.magonia.demon.co.uk

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 New UFO Crash In Brazil Forest? From: Thiago Ticchetti <thiagolt@opengate.com.br> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 11:55:48 -0200 Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 08:11:37 -0400 Subject: New UFO Crash In Brazil Forest? New UFO Crash In Brazil Forest? - Explosion, Devastation... But No Wreckage A huge UFO was seen by hundreds of witnesses - some of them Kaiapoh Indians - when it crossed over the skies of Sao Felix do Xinguh on October 9th up in Parah State. This UFO fell down in the middle of the forest about 40 kms away from town. It took some time for this information to reach the press because that region is slihgtly out of the day-to-day Brazilian media observation range. But on last Monday, October 25th , the Brazilian Network "Bandeirantes" presented a special report on this occurence. "Destruction, fire, fear" - these were the words used by Bandeirante's correspondent for Parah State, Ronaldo Vilhena, to describe the fall of such a strange object that flew low over Sao Felix city, where the population works mostly with cattle and wood extraction. Although the Bandeirante special report has not dealt specifically with the possibility of this occurrence to be of extra terrestrial nature, the implications were quite clear. It was Saturday, October 9th, around 4 pm. It was a normal, beautiful day when the population of Sao Felix city heard a enormous thundering and right after that, they spotted a bright object flying over the city, leaving this smoke trail behind it - it looked pretty much like a rocket smoke trail. This smoke track clearly indicated the direction followed by this weird flying object, after passing over the city, disappearing among the mountains about 30 kms away. Some seconds later on, the population of Sao Felix [and Kaiapoh indians from 4 different tribes] heard a gigantic explosion - as described by one of the witnesses Gildemar de Souza: "It was more like a big explosion, like a bomb, that trembled the ground". The impact and the explosion of this object became the main subject of talk in town. Bandeirantes Network going beyond its competitors, sent a exploration team to that area to find out what really happened near Xingu river. The hypotheses of a big meteorite was a real possibility among this team - once again, nobody mentioned an alien vehicle. There had been some speculation [inside Bandeirantes] also about the possibility of a spy airplane from somewhere that had suffered an accident, since no red alert was started, in search of any Brazilian aircraft. Two geologists participated in this expedition. No ufologist or airplane crash specialist were informed about the event at that time. Flying in this small mono-engine airplane, this team left Sao Felix, heading towards Maria Preta indian tribe, about 50 kms away. Then, as they approached the impact zone, they used a small boat to go up Xingu river, getting close the border between Parah state and Mato Grosso state. There, they found another Kaiapoh tribe, who was nearer the impact place. "That thing was very...very big,...the ground shook up" said this Kaiapoh indian named Kruakruque. With the help of two other Kaiapoh indians, this exploration team finally got to the crash site, where the some parts of woods were still on fire - "16 days after the incident". What they found out there was impressive: hundreds of trees torn off the ground completely destroyed and still burning/smoking but, no evidence or residue of any aircraft, meteorite - plus no marks on the soil. Something had obviously impacted the ground and left no clues, of what it could have been. Simply "nothing". Very strange!! "It's very frustrating, coming all this way up here to see all this devastation and no evidence of what could have caused this disorder" - said one of the geologists: Romulo Angelica. His colleague, geologist Nelio Rezende also said: "we found this very strange because, we should see at least a crater here; but there is no crater around here. We honestly don't know what has happened". No radioactivity was detected at the supposed crash site. The only things that really caught the team's attention besides the destruction of the trees and the fire, was this very "weird and unrecognizable smell in the air". "It was not burned wood smell, not gunpowder smell, not even burned fuel smell" - confirmed the Bandeirante's reporter. No other information is available at the present time. We'll keep an eye on this story and any developments will be certainly reported. THIAGO LUIZ TICCHETTI Diretor Do Departamento de Publicao e Traduo Especializadas ( DEPTE - EBE-ET / Brasilia-Brasil) Publication Department and Specialized Translation Director. ICQ - 35119615 http://www.ebe-et.com.br

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 03:26:38 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 08:16:23 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk Subject:Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! Andy wrote: >>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:30:44 -0400 >>From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Many, many _good_ cases in the UK, which as Jenny points out have >been >>held as ET and/or unexplained have fallen to the IFO >>explanation. Hi All, I keep hearing that there are "_good_ cases in the UK" which have now fallen into the IFO category. Would Jenny or Andy like to list all of these cases on Updates? Roy.. Keep Smiling..

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:37:40 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 08:18:32 -0400 Subject: Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:39:44 -0400 >From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >Subject: Press Report on Heathrow UFO >To: UFO Updates <updates@globalserve.net> >The following appeared in the London Daily Mail, 26 October, >1999: >Riddle of UFO at Heathrow >A passenger jet's close encounter with a mysterious, >fast-moving craft seconds after taking off from Heathrow had >experts baffled yesterday. >The crew of an MD-81 reported an object 'like a bright light' >passing within 20ft of them at 3,500 ft. "Air accident >investigators were unable to shed any light on the mystery as >radar records show there were no other planes in the area at the >time. >A dossier on last month's incident is thought to have been >passed to the MOD to see if the UFO could have been a >radar-invisible spy plane or a stray British test craft. >--- >Am I correct in thinking this claimed sighting has been >mentioned somewhere on UpDates before? >Does anyone recognise this case - or is it something completely >new? All, It might reminding readers of this report from 1996. --------------- The Times, London, Friday 2 February 1996. UFO 'buzzed' airliner at Manchester Airport by Harvey Elliott Air Correpondent A British Airways passenger jet had a close encounter with an unidentified flying object while landing at Manchester Airport, an official report disclosed last night. The Boeing 737, with 60 people on board, was overtaken at high speed by a wedge-shaped craft as the plane descended through 4,000ft on the final stages of a journey from Milan. Captain Roger Wills reported that the UFO, which was emblazoned with small while lights and possibly a black stripe down one side, flashed silently down the side of the jet so close that his co-pilot, First Officer Mark Stuart, involuntarily ducked as it went by. There was no sound and no wake but both pilots were so concerned that they filed a formal "airmiss" report. The Civil Aviation Authority launched an invetigation, the fourth such incident since 1987, and after a year-long inquiry concluded yesterday that they could find no likely explanation. The three previous sightings also baffled the CAA expert. ----------------- The near-miss took place Jan 95 the official CAA report concluded: ----------------- Having debated the various hypotheses at length the Group concluded that, in the absence of any firm evidence which could identify or explain this object, it was not possible to assess either the cause or the risk to any of the normal criteria applicable to airmiss reports. The incident therefore remains unresolved. ie it's an official UFO. Neil. -- * * * * * * * * Neil Morris. /101101101 Virtual Bumper Stickers Inc 10110101010\ Dept of Physics. 1 1 Univ of Manchester 0 0 Schuster Labs. 1 Computer Programmers DO IT with BITS of BYTES 1 Brunswick St. 0 0 Manchester. 1 1 UK. \0101010110010110110010110101101011011110101011010/ G8KOQ E-mail: neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk Roswell and Alien Autopsy Archive-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ Dave Willetts Home Page-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/dave_willetts/ Mike Sterling Home Page-> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/mike-s/ Tim Morgan Home Page -> http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/tim-m/ * * * * * * * *

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:35:32 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 08:23:28 -0400 Subject: Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO >From: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >To: 02 - UFO UpDates Subscribers >Date: 27 October 1999 15:32 >Subject: UFO UpDate: Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO >>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:39:44 -0400 >>From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Press Report on Heathrow UFO >>To: UFO Updates <updates@globalserve.net> ><snip> >>Am I correct in thinking this claimed sighting has been >>mentioned somewhere on UpDates before? >>Does anyone recognise this case - or is it something completely >>new? >David, >From: >http://www.ufomind.com/ufo/updates/1999/feb/m22-020.shtml >>From: Joseph Trainor <Masinaigan@aol.com> >>Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 19:47:04 +0000 >>Fwd Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 21:57:15 -0500 >>Subject: UFO ROUNDUP Volume 4, Number 8 >> UFO ROUNDUP >>Volume 4, Number 8 >>February 22, 1999 >>Editor: Joseph Trainor ><snip> >>>GIANT CYLINDRICAL UFO SEEN >>>OVER GLOUCESTERSHIRE >>> On Monday, February 8, 1999, businessman >>>Miles J. was relaxing in his seat aboard a British >>>Midlands A310 Airbus jetliner when he spotted >>>something odd outside his window. He was >>>flying home from Belfast, Northern Ireland, and >>>the plane "had just begun its descent into >>>London's Heathrow Airport. I was seated on the >>>right side of the Airbus, and I first saw it as a >>>kind of after-image." ><snip> >>ebk Hi, I think this is a different case from the l998 incident that was refered to by the Mail. This incident occurred in l998 and was first published in mid September l999 after the CAA report. Incidentally, its presumably just a curious coincidence I trust but Businessman Miles J cited above surely isn't Miles Jonhston the ufologist and David's nemesis over the Peak District crash affair is it? He does come from Belfast and now lives in London. Nah. Couldnt be. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: Gore Is Asked About UFOs At N.H Forum From: Karl T. Pflock <Ktperehwon@aol.com> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:23:54 EDT Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 08:31:38 -0400 Subject: Re: Gore Is Asked About UFOs At N.H Forum >From: Karl T. Pflock <Ktperehwon@aol.com> >Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 19:24:04 EDT >Subject: Re: Gore Is Asked About UFOs At N.H Forum >To: updates@globalserve.net >>Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 06:36:51 >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >>Subject: Gore Is Asked About UFOs At N.H Forum MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: AOL 3.0.1 for Mac sub 84 STIG et al. -- >BTW, note that Bore was born about a month after the alleged >Roswell crash. Note his "alien" demeanor. Hmmmmm... Is a vote >for Al a vote for Them?... In my haste to make a joke, I made a "slight" goof--which make the slight joke even less funny. Bore was born about nine months after Roswell. Still, I'm serious about my query: Does anyone know what the question was that was put to Gore and what Bore's answer was? -- Cheers, KARL

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 99 13:41:10 PDT Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 08:42:10 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:39:36 -0400 >From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Mon, 25 Oct 99 09:42:17 PDT >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 13:10:22 -0400 >>>From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >>>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Dave, >>>The ET explanation for UFOs is simply an artefact of the era in >>>which we live. Go back 500 years Sean and if we had email I >>>would venture to suggest you would be blaming UFOs on the >>>fairies and little folk. >>>What I'm trying to say is that opinions about the ultimate >>>origin of unknown UFOs are legion and ETs are just one tiny, >>>remote possibility, and are themselves a product of our Space >>>Age culture. >>These are not the sorts of statements designed to encourage >>confidence in your judgment, my friend. They tell us more about >>you (and maybe about UFOIN as well), I'm afraid, than about the >>UFO phenomenon or the ETH. >My statements are based upon 20 years of field work, research >and hundreds of case investigations which turned me from an >out-and-out believer in the ETH to a skeptic, or agnostic at >best. {Note agnostic - I do not dismiss the possibility that >*some* UFOs could be ET craft, only that in my opinion it is a >remote possibility, that's all}. You are, of course, entitled to your opinion. I think you're wrong, and yours is not a conclusion other smart, hard- working investigators, including those trained in the physical sciences (McDonald, Hynek, Maccabee, Sturrock, et al., come to mind), have come to. Perhaps your training as a folklorist has given you too narrow a focus. >Add to that a sound knowledge of folklore and cultural belief >which led to a me being awarded a PhD - described by a panel of >academics as "a valuable contribution to knowledge" - and I feel >I am well qualified to comment, and certainly as qualified as >Jerome Clark. But not as well qualified as the physical scientists who have worked on specific cases. You can have all the folklore knowledge in the world, and none of it is going to help you explain the McMinnville photo, the RB-47 case, Socorro, or any of the other classic UFO incidents on which the case for the reality of UFOs as extraordinary unknowns rests. I have no doubt that your Ph.D. amounts to "a valuable contribution to knowledge" -- you're a bright, interesting guy. All I am saying is that it doesn't help you explain the most puzzling UFO cases. >So, friend, you might not trust my judgement, but there are >plenty of other 'smart' people who do share my views and whose >conclusions are equally valid within their own disciplines. >Among these I can count equally well qualified and experienced >sociologists, folklorists, psychologists and historians, and >that's just in one small hick Yorkshire town, noted for its >open-minded academics. I note no physical scientists among them. And those sociologists, folklorists, psychologists, and historians -- do they know anything about UFOs except that they don't exist? And what would a social scientist have useful to say about physical, photographic, or instrumented evidence, anyway? May I venture an answer: say, just about nothing? >As for "UFO phenomenon or the ETH", it's just a theory and >despite your 'special pleading' it has not more evidence to back >it up than any other. I think I will stick with the idea that >the fairy folk are the flying saucer pilots, after all two can >play at wearing cultural blinkers if that's the game we're >playing. Interesting argument for a proclamation without supporting evidence. For a insightful discussion of the limitations of folklore as an approach to UFO study, I urge listfolk to read "Folkloric Dimensions of the UFO Phenomenon," JUFOS 3 (new series, 1991): 1-57. The author, interestingly, is Thomas E. Bullard, who also holds a Ph.D. in folklore from Indiana University, which houses one of the world's best esteemed folklore departments. >But please Jerry, if you have some evidence which proves the ETH >is not a cultural artefact of the late 20th century, then I'm >sure we'd all love to hear about it. If _any_ theory about UFOs were "proved," they wouldn't be UFOs, would they? And the notion that some UFOs are ET spacecraft wouldn't be a "hypothesis," would it? >So my opinions are not welcome on this list? Of course they are. I get the impression, though, that dissent from them isn't. >Presumably the "empty posturing" of the ETH believers is OK >then... I don't see Jerry objecting as they all happily slap >each other on the back, cracking jokes about pelicanists and >debunkers along the way. Sounds to me like a spot of intolerance >is creeping in. Opinions are fine, as long as they are ones >Jerry agrees with. Huh? Should I apologize for presuming to disagree with you? Are we to believe your words are carved on stone and carried down from the mountaintop? Seriously: I did not mean to imply -- as surely you should have known based on our past interaction -- that I deem nothing you say of worth or interest in UFO discussion. To the contrary, you have much to contribute, and I've praised, both privately and publicly, at least one of your investigations, which was a model of thoroughness and sound analysis, to all available appearances. It was just a particularly broad, indefensible statement that I am taking issue with. As far as I can tell, you yourself are backing away from it a little. And that does you credit. Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:48:56 -0400 Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 08:47:45 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Sean Jones <tedric@tedric.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:49:30 +0100 >>Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 13:10:22 -0400 >>From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>I use my training as a journalist and academic to follow where >>the evidence leads. If that leads to a rational explanation, >>then so be it. >And when it leads to a non-rational explanation, what then? Then I admit that the case remains unknown. And if you then want to suggest the ETH as one possible explanation, then fair enough. >>If there is an explanation to be found, or which is thought to >>be likely, then surely we owe it to everyone to say so. >Does that include ET? Yes, I've no problem with that, but in my opinion there would have to be some pretty convincing evidence before I would say 'this case proves ET' (plenty have fallen for that old chestnut). >>The ET explanation for UFOs is simply an artefact of the era in >>which we live. Go back 500 years Sean and if we had email I >>would venture to suggest you would be blaming UFOs on the >>fairies and little folk. >Your statement here dictates your train of thought before you >investigate any case. You have already pre-determined that ET >and his cousin ALF do not exist. No I have not, I have said here repeatedly time after time that I do not dismiss the ETH, but feel it is just a remote possibility. If you cannot understand my point - that the ETH is a product of our culture - then I'm wasting my time. If you want to make it out that I'm prejudiced against the ETH simply because I follow the rest of the world in accepting the argument that one's background and exposure to popular culture affects the interpretation of phenomena, then please go ahead. You are the one who will look silly, not me. >>If you would like I can provide >>you with copious amounts of historical sighting reports and >>these go back further than a mere 500 years. >And speaking of fairies and little folk, some researchers believe >these are historical accounts of ET anyway. Researchers can think what they want, the same sort of people used to take Erich von Daniken's yarns literally too. Really - some people have a lot of catching up to do. I spent ten years in the field recording the stories of people who claim to seen among other things, fairies, demons, giant slugs, aliens, Valkyries, etc etc. They were all equally convinced these things were real, and all of them were influenced by their cultural background. As for fairies, could it not work the other way round and aliens are really fairies in disguise? That's my opinion, and how dare you dismiss it when there is plenty of evidence to support it going back hundreds of years too. >>What I'm trying to say is that opinions about the ultimate >>origin of unknown UFOs are legion and ETs are just one tiny, >>remote possibility, and are themselves a product of our Space >>Age culture. >In your opinion. And as for one tiny remote possibility, there >was one tiny remote possibility that life existed on Mars. Now >there's proof. Granted. But I'm entitled to my opinion as much as you are. And as for Mars - that proof you refer to has been hotly debated and is not as clear cut as you would like to believe. >>Everyone is exposed to this stuff, we can't escape it,. But if >>we expect to be taken seriously by the real world then we need >>at least to show we can be dispassionate when looking at the >>evidence upon which we base those beliefs. >By dispassionate, do you mean: UFOIN will automatically look for >a mundane explanation because the public does not like the ETH? By disapassionate I mean UFOIN will look for rational explanations for reports, rather than jump the gun and run to the press saying "There's no doubt this was an extraterrestrial spaceship" before we have even tried to check with the local airport. The public have got nothing to do with it - there's enough UFO buffs out there to keep them entertained without more of us jumping on the bandwagon. >>Speculation can only be based upon good evidence, and if cases >>are investigated shabbily and by people who are driven by >>beliefs to such an extent that the facts become distorted before >>they reach us - then how can we make any definitive conclusions >>about them? >And you are being different because you are expecting to find a >mundane answer to all UFO cases? We're not expecting to find a mundane explanation for all UFO cases. We're simply going to investigate cases as they should be investigated - quickly, efficiently and calling upon the best technical and scientific advice. You got a problem with that? >>UFOIN welcomes those who can investigate fairly and objectively >>without allowing beliefs and prejudices to cloud conclusions. >>Open minds are what we want - but not so open that the contents >>dribble out! >You have practically stated that your opinion is a closed mind >to the ETH, so does this not prejudice your investigation? Does believing in the ETH make people hard of hearing? One last time, I do not discount the ETH, so your proposition is a non-starter. All best wishes, Dave Clarke

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 21:07:59 +0100 Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 09:36:02 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:30:44 -0400 >From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Mon, 25 Oct 99 09:42:17 PDT >Jerry wrote >>>These are not the sorts of statements designed to encourage >>>confidence in your judgment, my friend. They tell us more about >>>you (and maybe about UFOIN as well), I'm afraid, than about the >>>UFO phenomenon or the ETH. >Innit great how Jerry uses 'my friend' when he's attempting >sarcasm? Dave's (a Doctor of Folklore I hasten to add) statement >tells us about his experience after 20 years in the field and >his research Jerry. It tells us what _he_ has come to believe >about the UFO phenomenon, based on more research than most >ufologists will ever be able to shake a stick at. And Dave has >changed his views dramatically in the fifteen or so years I have >known him from being postive that some UFO cases were ETH in >nature to a far more sceptical position. All based on research >and investigation. Surely not a bad way of reaching conclusions? You forget Andy. Researchers don't come to sceptical positions because they've studied cases and witnesses for many years without finding any evidence for extraterrestrial intervention. It's because, as Jerry explained a while ago, they're frightened of being ridiculed by those nasty scientists. >>>One hopes that this sort of empty posturing -- especially coming >>>from someone smart enough to know better -- disappears from >>>ufological discourse soon. It is, as we have already seen >>>demonstrated repeatedly, much less than helpful, and among other >>>things, it betrays a fairly shocking ignorance of the literature >>>of astrobiology. >'Smart enough to know better' - sheer brilliance Jerry! It's not >empty posturing - see above. 'Astrobiology'? Yor avin' a laarf >incha? Don't we have to actually have some hard biological >evidence before we can talk about such a thing? By "the literature of astrobiology" Jerry means presumably the writings of his friend Michael Swords, someone who has his own agenda of denying Darwinian evolution. Astrobiology (is this what used to be called "exobiology") has the rare distinction of being a science completely without data. -- John Rimmer Magonia Magazine www.magonia.demon.co.uk

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Federal Notice on Groom Lake/AREA 51 status, Oct. From: Norio Hayakawa <GroomWatch@aol.com> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 19:15:56 EDT Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 09:41:42 -0400 Subject: Federal Notice on Groom Lake/AREA 51 status, Oct. Source: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=1999_register&docid=99 -27866-filed ====================================================== [Federal Register: October 26, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 206)] [Notices] [Page 57633-57634] >From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID:fr26oc99-51] ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force Presidential Determination on Classified Information Concerning the Air Force's Operating Location Near Groom Lake, Nevada AGENCY: Department of the Air Force, DOD. ACTION: Notice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the President has exempted the United States Air Force's operating location near Groom Lake, Nevada, from any Federal, State, interstate, or local provision respecting control and abatement of solid waste or hazardous waste disposal that would require the disclosure of classified information to any unauthorized persons. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. W. Kipling At Lee, Jr., Deputy General Counsel (Military Affairs), Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, Washington DC 20330; telephone (703) 695-5663. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 42 U.S.C. Section 6961 makes each department, agency, and instrumentality of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Federal Government (1) having jurisdiction over any solid waste management facility or disposal site, or (2) engaged in any activity resulting, or which may result, in the disposal or management of solid waste or hazardous waste subject to all Federal, State, interstate, and local requirements, both substantive and procedural (including any requirement for permits or reporting or any provisions for injunctive relief and such sanctions as may be imposed by a court to enforce such relief), respecting control and abatement of solid waste or hazardous waste disposal and management in the same manner, and to the same extent, as any person is subject to such requirements, including the payment of reasonable service charges. 42 U.S.C. Section 6961 also states that the President may exempt any solid waste management facility of any department, agency, or instrumentality in the executive branch from compliance with such a [[Page 57634]] requirement if he determines it to be in the paramount interest of the United States to do so and that any exemption shall be for a period not in excess of one year. On September 20, 1999, the President exempted the Air Force's operating location near Groom Lake, Nevada, from any Federal, State, interstate, or local provision respecting control and abatement of solid waste or hazardous waste disposal that would require the disclosure of classified information concerning that operating location to any unauthorized person. Therefore, the text of the Memorandum from the President to the Secretary of the Air Force is set forth below. Janet A. Long, Air Force Federal Register Liaison Officer. Presidential Determination No. 99-37 September 20, 1999 Memorandum for the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency [and] the Secretary of the Air Force Subject: Presidential Determination on Classified Information Concerning the Air Force's Operating Location Near Groom Lake, Nevada I find that it is in the paramount interest of the United States to exempt the United States Air Force's operating location near Groom Lake, Nevada, (the subject of litigation in Kasza V. Browner (D. Nev. CV-S-94-795-PMP) and Frost v. Perry (D. Nev. CV-S-94-714- PMP)), from any applicable requirement for the disclosure to unauthorized persons of classified information concerning that operating location. Therefore, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 6961(a), I hereby exempt the Air Force's operating location near Groom Lake, Nevada, from any Federal, State, interstate, or local provision respecting control and abatement of solid waste or hazardous waste disposal that would require the disclosure of classified information concerning that operating location to any unauthorized person. This exemption shall be effective for the full one-year statutory period. Nothing herein is intended to: (a) imply that in the absence of such a Presidential exemption, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) or any other provision of law permits or requires disclosure of classified information to unauthorized persons; or (b) limit the applicability or enforcement of any requirement of law applicable to the Air Force's operating location near Groom Lake, Nevada, except those provisions, if any, that would require the disclosure of classified information. The Secretary of the Air Force is authorized and directed to publish this determination in the Federal Register. William J. Clinton Editorial Note: The Office of the Federal Register did not receive the original of Presidential Determination No. 99-37. [FR Doc. 99-27866 Filed 10-25-99; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 5001-05-P ======================================================== Boy, oh, boy.....here we go again! -from Norio Hayakawa

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 18:44:23 -0500 Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 09:51:46 -0400 Subject: Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies >From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 20:36:50 -0400 <snip> >Could Nixon really slip away with Jackie Gleason? >Greg Sandow Yes. In Larry Warren's mind. Dennis Stacy http://www.anomalist.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 28 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 03:33:21 +0200 (MET DST) Fwd Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 09:54:55 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! Hello Andy and list, >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:30:44 -0400 >From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Seeings as various people have been menting my name and my >colleagues' I thought I'd better reply before my tea. >I fail to understand why saying that _all_ UFOs have the >potential to be IFOs causes such a problem. Many, many >_good_ cases in the UK, which as Jenny points out have been >held as ET and/or unexplained have fallen to the IFO >explanation. Surely this is a _good_ thing? Sure, Andy. >The bald facts are that as a great many cases have been >downgraded from UFO to IFO, and that no UFOs have been (yet) >proven to be ET in origin. That's true, because to begin with, nobody knows how to prove a UFO to be of ET origin. After all, we have no access to ET's home planet and can't verify whether a craft or artefact comes from there. >That fact alone makes it reasonable to suggest that _all_ UFOs >are thus resolvable. Well, that depends. In the first place, it is quite firmly established that some UFO cases stand the test of time, ie they are still unresolved even after decades. If we were talking here about vague light in the sky, glows and obscure photographs and all that, your statement would be true that all UFOs are potentially resolvable. As anyone who professes to be a serious UFO investigator should know however, there are also cases in which solid flying objects fly at several times the speed of sound, suddenly turn on a dime and evade pursuing fighter aircraft. All in such a manner that we can see a technology at display that is clearly not human in origin. Cases such as these are recorded on radar and witnessed by reliable investigators or hundreds of members from the public. The question whether we would call these craft ET seems to me rather academic and is in fact a sidepoint. The real point is that there is an intelligence operating in our skies from time to time that is clearly not ours. And those UFOs are only solved when we label them as such. I have such a suspicion, however, that you are not inclined to put a label on them that suggest "non human intelligently operated craft". Therefore I am afraid that ironically to you, my friend, these tried and true unsolved cases will remain unsolved. Groeten, Henny

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 99 08:05:34 PDT Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 08:11:06 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 15:01:51 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 99 11:07:48 PDT >>>From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 12:38:02 +0100 John, >>What you're discussing here is a form of ball lightning, a >>generally recognized, accepted meteorological phenomenon. Why >>are you lumping BL in with UFOs? >For the same reason that people lump extraterrestrial spacecraft >in with UFOs - as a possible explanation for a puzzling event. Wrong, old boy. Ball lightning is a known, generally noncontroversial phenomenon. It is not an "unidentified." Extraterrestrial spacecraft are not known, only theorized, to exist. A UFO is by definition a mystery -- in other words, something without identification as either a known or a hypothesized unknown. If UFOs were BL or ET ships, we'd call them one or the other. If we can prove with certainty that someone saw BL, we can state with equal certainty that he did not see a UFO. Of course it's always possible that what you really mean is that UFOs don't exist and that therefore the category is therefore illegitimate. In which case you and I don't have much to talk about. >But presumably, Jerry, you just *know* what a UFO is. It's just, >well, a UFO. It doesn't have an explanation, even though >sometimes it might be mistaken for something else it's still a >"UFO". So that's alright then. From reading the literary journal you edit, I think you have always made a greater claim to "knowing" what UFOs are than I ever have. >Foe someone as pedantically obsessed with the meaning of words >as you sometimes appear to be, this is very sloppy thinking, >Jerry. You continue to amaze me, my friend. Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: Get Real From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:28:52 -0500 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 08:08:04 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:26:19 +0000 >From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >And why is that? It is after all relevant, is it not? I thought >you were a researcher. Researching something like this involves >more than just interviewing people. Check out the history, see >how far back it goes, question the reason why there were no >lightbulb-headed creatures in the 50's or 60's. Don't just brush >aside any information that goes against your own personal >beliefs. Hey, if you are interested in it, go for it. Just because I do research doesn't mean I have to study everything you tell me to study. I am also a mom. But that doesn't mean I want to go around raising everybody's kids. I'm good but not _that_ good. I have enough to research right now so if you want to study this area, do it, don't expect me to do all your work for you. >The only face I can make out appears to have a black wet nose. >Do you by any chance happen to have a dog? So, you claim to see a "black wet nose" in a scanned image and ask if I have a dog. Mmmm, I wonder where this is leading?. Good research there, Dave. I have three cats. Now tell me you see three cat butts in the picture too. Oh, and don't forget the goldfish. See any fish heads in the picture? Really scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one, Dave. By the way, do you wear glasses? Do you suffer from periodic delusion or hallucinations? Do you perhaps use a computer screen that may have dirt on it in the shape of a "black wet nose"? Hey, this is a fun game! Let's play some more! >Pictures of a camera flash reflected in glass showing nothing >more than possibly someone's dog. You see all that in a poorly scanned image of a photograph? Wow. You are incredible, Dave. >Verbal accounts but nothing else to back it up. And what do _you_ have to back up your claims? >And of course you are not interested in researching past >accounts (pre-1970's). So glad a brick doesn't have to drop on your head to finally get that point across. ;> >And when your book or books are published, I take it you will >have your name in print? >Going by what you have just stated above (and if you are to earn >the respect of others) you will go by a pseudonym or is there >any reason why what you state to others does not apply to you? You think I'm in it to "earn the respect of others"? As long as I have self-respect, it doesn't matter what name I use. >Therefore how can I let anyone know that I actually contacted >anyone without everyone else knowing who I contacted? Perhaps we can think of a way to solve this. ;> Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy From: Terry Blanton <commengr@bellsouth.net> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 11:04:26 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 08:20:05 -0400 Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >From: Robert Gates <RGates8254@aol.com> >Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 02:14:41 EDT >Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >To: updates@globalserve.net <snip> >If Greer has all the information he claims to have, he could go >public and end the secrecy himself. He doesn't have to wait for >Congress, the White House, the so called evil military >industrial complex, or some covert govt agency working on the >UFO problem to disclose information. Previously it had been >suggested that the reason he doesn't go public, is because the >witness's would not stand up to independent verification. A >position that sounds more credible everyday. I think loss of control of his organization might play a part in Dr. Greer's refusal to take this public. Recently, Dr. Jack Sarfatti, a well-known "fringe" physicist offered to help Steven expose the coverup. Particularly, Jack was intrigued by Steven's claims that the "black government" was withholding antigravity technology reverse engineered from ET. Dr. Greer refused to work with Dr. Sarfatti even though he was urged by many, including myself, to do so. Steven told me that one reason that he would not deal with Jack was because Jack believed that aliens could be "evil". Of course, CSETI believes that all ET are good. IMO, I suspect that Dr. Greer does not wish to share the limelight with anyone and enjoys being the ET guru. After all, his email address on Compuserve is Dr_ET. Terry Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO From: Roy J Hale <royjhale@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:32:33 +0100 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 08:28:30 -0400 Subject: Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO >>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:39:44 -0400 >>From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Press Report on Heathrow UFO >>To: UFO Updates <updates@globalserve.net> >>The following appeared in the London Daily Mail, 26 October, >>1999: >>Riddle of UFO at Heathrow >>A passenger jet's close encounter with a mysterious, >>fast-moving craft seconds after taking off from Heathrow had >>experts baffled yesterday. >>A dossier on last month's incident is thought to have been >>passed to the MOD to see if the UFO could have been a >>radar-invisible spy plane or a stray British test craft. Hi All, How many "stray British test craft" are flying over our cities? What Base would these "stray British test craft" fly from, and who would write a test program to fly over Heathrow? If it was a "stray British test craft" then surely the M.O.D. would knew who flew it and from whence it came, and I would imagine the Base receiving a bit of a rollocking? Or is this another incident much like the Manchester City Airport incident some years back. And who is sending "radar-invisible spy planes"? Can someone please put a list of such craft on UpDates - relating to the size of the above object? Or could this be a UFO much like the ones that have been seen regulur over East London and the City filmed for anyone to see? Roy.. Keep Smiling..

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 4, Number 27 From: Joseph Trainor <Masinaigan@aol.com> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 17:04:31 +0100 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 08:34:56 -0400 Subject: UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 4, Number 27 UFO ROUNDUP Volume 4, Number 27 October 28, 1999 Editor: Joseph Trainor BRITISH VET CLAIMS UFO CRASHED IN WALES A new book by researcher Nick Redfern makes the claim that a UFO crashed in a remote valley in the Clwyd district of Wales back in January 1974. The bodies of two dead aliens were reportedly recovered from the wreck. "Farmer Huw Lloyd, 39, was a boy of 14 watching TV at home in nearby Llandrillo on the night of the crash in January 1974. He said he saw a large object followed by a train (luminous contrail--J.T.) and a blinking blue light. Huw recalled, 'I was amazed at how quickly the police responded and and how many people came here." Among the arrivals, according to Redfern, were British Army units, one of which took custody of the two alien bodies. "The mysterious craft came down in the Berwyn Mountains, Clwyd...In a chilling echo of the infamous Roswell incident in New Mexico (in July 1947 (or Kecksburg, Pennsylvania in 1965--J.T.), scores of troops were dispatched on a secret mission to retrieve the wreckage." "One soldier, quoted in the book under the pseudonym 'James Prescott,' was ordered to Llanderfel with four others and loaded two oblong boxes into their armoured truck." "The truck ferried the boxes back to the Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment at Porton Down, near Salisbury, Wiltshire under strict orders not to stop for anything." "Retired Mr. Prescott, who is too afraid of reprisals to be named" said that once they arrived, "'the boxes were opened by staff at the facility in our presence. We were startled to see two creatures which had been placed inside decontamination suits.'" "'It was obvious that the creatures were not of this earth, and, when examined, were found to have died.'" "'The bodies were about five to six feet tall, humanoid in shape, but so that they looked almost skeletal with a covering skin.'" "'Although I did not see a craft at the scene of the recovery, I was informed that a large craft had crashed and was retrieved by other (British) military units.'" "The incident has remained classified, and the (UK) Ministry of Defence has refused to comment." (See the Daily Mirror of London for October 22, 1999, "How Alien's My Valley?" (Editor's Comment: Shouldn't that be How Green Was My Alien? Interestingly, Porton Down is not far from the recently-identified secret base at Corsham, Wilts. It looks like Llandrillo, Wales has joined Roswell, Kecksburg, Boyle, Ireland and Varginha, Brazil on the roster of UFO crash sites.) GLOWING FIREBALLS SEEN BY MANY IN SOUTH AFRICA "That spectacular UFO which streaked through the night sky yesterday (Saturday, October 23, 1999--J.T.) was a meteorite shower." "Dreikus Weideman, a marketer for a steel company, thought he was seeing things while driving home from Johannesburg to Suikerbusrand along the (Highway) R59 at 1:55 a.m. yesterday." "'At first I thought it was an aircraft with incredibly strong landing lights,' he said, 'I pulled the car over to the side of the road, switched off the engine and climbed out to watch it. There was a very white light streaming backwards and within it were a string of five smaller lights. I thought maybe it was a military aircraft and smaller craft flying in formation.'" "Weideman said the object was travelling diagonally, heading northeast and 'moving incredibly fast in a straight line.'" "He said a call to Johannesburg International Airport revealed that two aircraft had also spotted the light." "'One plane, which ws headed towards Bloemfontein, was travelling at 31,000 feet (10,300 meters) and it seemd that the light was even higher up. They also had a call from Heidelberg.'" "But an air traffic controller at Johannesburg International Airport poured water on this tale and also commented yesterday, 'It was just a meteorite shower.'" "In Schweizer-Reineke, in North West (about 464 kilometers or 290 miles southwest of Johannesburg--J.T.), Pastor Andre Pieterse and his wife were loading bread into a van when they saw an 'object' coming in low." "'At first we thought it was a landing aircraft, but, as it came closer, we saw it was a fireball, with a piece as big as a house in front and several smaller pieces the size of cars following it in its orange tail,' he said, 'It was travelling very fast and in the direction of Warmbaths. It was very beautiful.'" (See the Sunday Times of Johannesburg for October 24, 1999, "Flying- saucer scare just meteorites in a teacup." Many thanks to Stig Agermose for forwarding this newspaper article.) BRIGHT UFO HOVERS OVER HEEMSKERK, NETHERLANDS On Tuesday, October 19, 1999, at 3:30 p.m., Win M. was at his home in Heemskerk in the Netherlands, a city located 42 kilometers (25 miles) northwest of Amsterdam, the national capital, when he spotted a UFO. "I looked out my window, and I could see a bright object overhead," Win reported. "It was flying from southeast to northwest in a straight line. Estimated speed was about the same as a jet airliner. Estimated altitude was 10 kilometers (6 miles or 31,680 feet--J.T.) No vapor trail could be seen. I watched the UFO with 10x50 binoculars. It took at least three seconds to disappear out of sight" over the North Sea. (Email Interview) MORE UFO SIGHTINGS REPORTED IN AUSTRALIA More UFO sightings were reported in Australia during October. On Thursday, October 1, 1999, at 2 a.m., two men saw a UFO from the downtown area of Adelaide, S.A. (South Australia), the state capital. R.R. reported, "My friend Jeff and I were walking down Gray Street in the city after leaving a night club, when I noticed a startling thing about 45 degrees to the horizon travelling down to about 30 degrees above the horizon, and it just stopped. Then it travelled in a triangular pattern very fast and stopped again. A white light shot up to the first object, that I could see was disc-shaped, and then it also did a series of loops very fast and shot off at incredible speed." "Well, I know that technology is fairly good these days,' he added, 'but I doubt that anyone would survive the G forces involved in the manoeuvres the object made." The case is being investigated by Peter Johnson of the Australian UFO Research Network (AUFORN). On Saturday, October 9, 1999, a woman named Margaret "was leaving the drive-through of a fast food outlet on Dandenong Road" in Oakleigh, Vic. (Victoria), Australia when she "noticed a large light towards the north. At first, she thought it was the landing light of an aircraft." Margaret then became startled by "the high speed with which it passed from north to south" over Oakleigh. She said she believed the UFO "to have been aqua in colour" but is not certain. It might have been bright white but appeared aqua because of her tinted windshield. The case is being investigated by Tony Cook of the Victoria UFO Research Society (VUFORS). (Many thanks to Diane Harrison of AUFORN for these reports.) GIRL SEES THREE UFOs IN ASHLAND, WISCONSIN On Monday, October 25, 1999, at 6 p.m., the eyewitness, Jessica, was walking along Sunset Beach on the shore of Chequamegon Bay on Lake Superior, when she noticed something odd in the sky. Sunset Beach is in Ashland, Wisconsin (population 8,695), located on U.S. Route 2 approximately 377 miles (607 kilometers) northwest of Milwaukee. "I was walking my dog, and I saw three white orbs hovering over the Lake (Superior) for about three minutes," she reported. The UFOs then zipped away to the east, "over the hills across the bay," towards Odanah, Wis. (population 400) (Many thanks to Morgan Clements, director of World Wide UFO Reporting Center, for this report.) (Editor's Note: Odanah is the site of the Bad River Indian Reservation, owned by the Anishinabe people.) TRIANGULAR UFOs SEEN IN MASSACHUSETTS On Friday, October 22, 1999, at 7:30 p.m., a 30-year-old man was hiking in the woods of Brookfield (population 1,037), a small town in central Massachusetts, and stopped to "take a breather" on a hilltop. "I have seen three triangular aircraft," he reported, "They appeared to be sneaking through a smalll valley at night, near where I live. They are probably 75 feet long, and, as a rule, totally silent with no lighting on the outside. I have seen them pretty up close and can tell that there's lighting inside them." "I was scared, reaching to get a cigarette. All of a sudden, three large roaring planes went screaming by, as if they were chasing them. This is the second time I have seen these craft." Brookfield is on Routes 9 and 48, approximately 25 miles (40 kilometers) west of Worcester, second largest city in Massachusetts. (Many thanks to Morgan Clements, director of World Wide UFO Reporting Center for this report.) (Editor's Note: Brookfield was the site of a UFO sighting during the "airship era." The incident took place on October 24, 1908. You can read about it in the Berkshire Daily Eagle for October 25, 1908, page 2.) ROUNDUP MYSTERY VAN SEEN IN LOUISIANA Three months after its initial appearance, the mysterious white surveillance van bearing UFO Roundup's website address surfaced again, this time in southwestern Louisiana. The van was first seen last July in Warsaw, Indiana (population 10,968). See UFO Roundup, Volume 4, Number 16, "Mysterious Van Sighted in Warsaw, Indiana." During the evening of Thursday, October 14, 1999, Gary and Linda K. and a few of Gary's friends stopped at the isle of Capri Casino just off Interstate Highway I-10 in Lake Charles, Louisiana (population 70,580), about 126 miles (211 kilometers) west of Baton Rouge, the state capital. Returning that evening, Gary and Linda sent an email to this newsletter, saying, "Hi, we saw your van." Editor Joseph Trainor informed the couple that UFO Roundup is not the owner of the mysterious white van and asked them for an interview, to which they graciously consented. "We saw the van in Lake Charles, La., in the (parking) lot of the Isle of Capri Casino," Linda reported. "In the lot closest to the door. It was evening. The rear of the van had UFO FIELD INTERCEPT TEAM and your website (URL) on the back door." "It was government-owned. It had (the license plate read) US000000 and a single number at the end. It had two satellite dishes on the roof, a computer on the dash (dashboard--J.T.) and tinted windows." "Me and my husband Gary saw it and also an old friend from Ennis and two of his fellow workers. My husband got a really good look at the UFO van. He spent the time to look it over well. We saw no humans on board." Apparently, the mysterious white van has undergone some changes since its last appearance in Warsaw, Indiana. The word FIELD was added to the back-door logo. And the van ditched its previous Georgia license plates for a pair of phony U.S. Government plates. Real government license plates have a GS prefix. Examples: GS12 5498 or GS10 7642. They don't start with the prefix U.S. The owners and operators of the mysterious white van remain unknown. As does the purpose of its strange odyssey across the USA. (Email Interview) COSMIC CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN KENOSHA The Cosmic Awareness Conference will be held on Saturday and Sunday, November 13 and 14, 1999 at the Parkway Chateau/Brat Stop at the intersection of Interstate Highway I-94 and Route 50 in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Kenosha (population 80,352) is about 55 miles (88 kilometers) north of Chicago. Saturday's conference hours will be 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday's conference hours will be 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Admission is $20 for each day. Keynote conference speakers include abduction researcher John Carpenter, paranormal author Dr. Heather Harder, Joyce Murphy of Beyond Boundaries, author Dr. Joe Lewels, Native American contactee Steven Red Hawk, Iowa state MUFON director Beverly Trout, martial artist Tom Cameron and past-life researcher Harry Garrett. Y2K: MARINES TRAIN IN CENTRAL ARIZONA On Monday, October 18, 1999, at 7:30 p.m., 49 camoflauged Marines of the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) of Camp Pendleton, California, slid down nylon ropes from two helicopters and landed on the runway at Williams Gateway airport in Mesa, Arizona (population 288,091), a large city on Highway 87 about 10 miles (16 kilometers) southeast of Phoenix. "One by one, the Marines jumped out of the craft and landed on a target 25 feet below on a Williams Gateway airport runway." "It was a scene that will be repeated several times this week in different Valley locations as part of the training to prepare them for the rigors of working in urban areas, rathern than open stretches of beach or dense strands of deserted forests often associated with Marine operations." "'We've come to recognize that more and more of our missions will be in urban areas,' said Col. Richard C. Zilmer, commanding officer of the 15th MEU, based at Camp Pendleton, Calif." "(Col.) Zilmer and Marine unit spokesman 1st Lt. David T. Romley coordinated Monday's training exercise with local and federal officials-- agencies ranging from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to local fire departments." "Just after 7:30 p.m., 49 Marines practiced 'insert techniques' in which two helicopters hovered over a target while Marines descended on ropes, a technique called 'fast roping.'" (See the Arizona Republic for October 19, 1999, "Valley is urban training ground for Marines.") In all, about 300 Marines of the 15th MEU participated in MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrain--J.T.) exercises in the Phoenix suburbs, most notably in Goodyear, Ariz. (population 6,258), 12 miles (18 kilometers) southwest of Phoenix, and in Litchfield Park, Ariz. (population 3,303) 14 miles (19 kilometers) west of Phoenix. In Litchfield Park, a local reporter interviewed members of the City Council, who reportedly told her that the FBI was "overseeing" the training operation. (See the West Valley View for October 19, 1999.) However, Capt. Arnoux Abraham, USMC, a spokesman for the 15th MEU, "vehemently denied a locally-published report stating that the FBI was 'overseeing' the exercises." "'That is, emphatically, incorrect,' he said." Capt. Abraham "said that while the FBI was indeed on the scene, these officials were merely acting as a liaison between 'the Marine Corps and local law enforcement officials.'" "The FBI's role, said (Capt.) Abraham, is to coordinate with local police to cordon off training areas and make them safe, and to ensure civilians did not stray into live-fire zones. The Justice Department normally sends an FBI agent to a planned training site 'a couple of weeks' before the training actually begins 'to start the coordination process.'" "Regarding the concern local residents have about seeing armed Marines in town, (Capt.) Abraham said there is no reason to worry." "'The training that we practice is strictly in preparation for our operations abroad,' he said, 'Our purpose...is not to use it on our own citizens. We're all Americans, too, and we took an oath to protect the people we serve.'" "'This is an effort to ensure the U.S. Marine Corps is properly trained to execute its mission abroad,' he added." (See WorldNet Daily for October 20, 1999, "The Marines land in Arizona: Units engaged in urban assault training exercises," by Jon E. Dougherty.) (Editor's Comment: Here we have another instance of intensive military training to deal with some threat that the U.S. government in unwilling to discuss publicly. But...don't worry about it. Go watch Dharma and Greg on TV. Jenna Elfman is cute and funny. And remember, only "kooks" believe in UFOs or Operation Abacus.) from the UFO Files... 1994: REHOBOTH'S HAUNTED CEMETERY Fans of The Blair Witch Project looking for a place to visit Halloween night should visit the Rehoboth Village Cemetery in Rehoboth, Massachusetts (population 7,600), a small town on Route 44 about 40 miles (64 kilometers) southwest of Boston. The cemetery dates back to the Seventeenth Century and was a boyhood haunt (no pun intended--J.T.) of Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937), who lived most of his life in nearby Providence, Rhode Island. "Old Ephraim" is the leading attraction at the Rehoboth Village Cemetery. Since 1994, there have been repeated manifestations of this particular entity. Ephraim was sighted on January 17, 1994 by Daniel and Barbara Miles who "were standing in the center of the cemetery, visiting a relative's grave, when suddenly in a spot at the southwest rear of the graveyard, where there had been no one present just a moment earlier, en elderly man" dressed in Eitheenth Century clothes "who had a prominent hooked nose and a sneering facial expression, was curiously kneeling on the ground next to a gravestone. He seemed to be praying and alternately sobbing and laughing." "After less than a minute, the bizarre figure suddenly dematerialized, and Barbara and Daniel hurried out of the cemetery in a state of alarm." What they saw, Daniel reported, "will upset both of us for the rest of our lives." On August 21, 1995, two sisters, Lisa and Karen Mackey of Rehoboth, Mass. "visited the cemetery to pay respects to their dead mother." "Suddenly, as they prepared to depart, the two women were startled by a strange sound deriving from the southwest corner of the graveyard"--the loudest wolf whistle they had ever heard. "When Lisa and Karen looked in that direction, they were startled to see a strange-looking elderly man" wearing the same Eighteenth Century garb the Miles couple had seen. Old Ephraim was "staring at them intently and making an obscene gesture with his hands." Lisa reported that the apparition "was clearly not natural. Not only did he move in a strange sort of floating slow motion, but the old man's eyes seemed entirely black and hollow...without the spark of life, somehow soul-less." The Mackey sisters beat a hasty retreat and have not been back to the cemetery since. The most recent Ephraim sighting was on April 7, 1996 when he was seen by teacher Sarah Dickerman, 36, of nearby Taunton, Mass. "What I encountered that day has affected every aspect of my life," Sarah reported. "While taking a walk through the cemetery for relaxation, she reportedly observed an elderly man at that southwestern rear part of the graveyard, kneeling on the ground and sobbing." "When she came to within a few yards of the strange character, he suddenly sprang to his feet (in retrospect, says Sarah, with a type of 'liquid' movement that wasn;t natural), and then he burst out in a strange laughter.. A second later, he called Sarah a '(expletive)' to her face." "Profoundly startled, Sarah quickly turned away and began to walk briskly in the direction of her parked car, and behind her she could hear him alternately laughing and yelling, 'Catherine, Catherine, you (expletive)!'" "At that point, in a state of pronounced panic, Sarah broke in a terrified run toward her car, which was parked on the road (Pond Street--J.T.) to the side of the cemetery. Upon reaching her vehicle, she was astonished to observe, in the distance, that the old man had re-materialized back in his original spot in the southwestern part of the cemetery." "As she nervously began to drive away, the astonished woman noticed from her car window that the bizarre old man was now leaning over and beating with his fist a young woman lying prostrate before him on the ground. A moment later, both figures entirely vanished." Charles Turek Robinson, the author who interviewed the witnesses, believes that the haunting involves "some terrible human drama conflict that is re-enacting itself over and over again in the cemetery." However, the Village Cemetery, located about 100 meters (330 feet) south of Route 44 on Pond Street, isn't the only haunted spot in the town of Rehoboth. Ghosts have also been reported on Lake Street, Perryville Dam Road, Danforth Street and the Palmer River Riding Club. Indeed, there are more ghosts in Rehoboth than there are witches in Salem. Or UFOs in Fitchburg! (See the book True New England Mysteries, Ghosts, Crimes and Oddities by Charles Turek Robinson, Covered Bridge Press, North Attleboro, Mass. 1997, pages 38 to 43.) We'll be back next week with more UFO news from around the planet, brought to you by "the paper that goes home--UFO Roundup." It'll be interesting to see what kind of UFO and paranormal activity takes place on Halloween 1999. Have a safe Trick or Treat. UFO ROUNDUP: Copyright 1999 by Masinaigan Productions, all rights reserved. Readers may post news items from UFO Roundup on their websites or in news groups provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue in which the item first appeared. ***************************************************** This weeks advertiser: eTour http://www.directleads.com/ad.html?o=283&a=cd3492 Make eTour.com your start page, and you'll see a different Web site, matched to your interests, every time you log onto the Web. You'll also earn TourPoints while you're at it, redeemable for free gifts from JCrew, eToys, CDNow, and many more. ***************************************************** E-Mail Reports to: Joseph Trainor <Masinaigan@aol.com> UFO Roundup: http://ufoinfo.com/roundup/ Website comments: John Hayes <webmaster@ufoinfo.com> UFOINFO: http://ufoinfo.com Official Archives of the UK UFO Network Bulletin and AUFORN Australian UFO Reports and Experiences also available.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Heathrow 06-09-98 UFO Full Report From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 12:27:36 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 08:38:15 -0400 Subject: Heathrow 06-09-98 UFO Full Report Here follows the text of the Civil Aviation Authority air miss report on the Heathrow incident. I hope this helps to clear up some of the queries on this list. Airprox Report No. 63/98 Date/Time: 09 June 1998, 1245 Position: N5129 WOO32 (2.5 NM WNW Heathrow) Airspace: CTZ Reporting a/c type: MD81 Reported a/c: Unknown Operator: CAT Alt/FL: 3000 ft (QNH 1005mb) Weather: IMC INT CLOUD Summary of Information reported to UKAB: The MD 81 pilot reports that he was passing 3000 - 3500 ft (QNH 1005) at 170 kt having just departed from RW 27L at Heathrow on a BPK SID. He was in IMC flying in and out of cloud. When about 2 NM W of Heathrow, both pilots saw an object pass in the opposite direction down their port side slightly above their a/c. The incident was very quick, the object passing in about a tenth of a second. The PIC describes it as metallic grey and the size of a small a/c with lights on; the FO, who saw it a fraction of a second later as it passed the LH clear view window, describes it as a bright light very close. They estimated that it passed 30-50 metres away. No estimate of risk given. Note: Despite extensive enquiries by AIS (Mil), no explanation for this object can be found. A thorough ground search of the area was carried out by Slough, Metropolitan and Maidenhead police officers and the possibility of models, light a/c, fireworks and flares was investigated. All proved negative. LATCC investigations reports that the MD81 departed from Heathrow for Oslo at 1242 on a BPK 6G SID. Having established contact with the TC NE controller passing 4,000 ft, the pilot reported a "flare or something passed twenty feet from our aircraft". The controller asked at what point this had happened and the pilot replied that it occurred just as the a/c was turning on the BUR NDB QDM 302 degrees. Subsequently the pilot said he was not sure what had passed, it might have been an a/c but the crew were not sure. The controller advised him that he thought it was unlikely that it was another a/c and requested the DME range from Heathrow that the incident had occurred. The pilot reported that it was about 2 DME as the a/c would file an Airprox, commenting that the object "looked like a fighter or something, about 20-50 metres away and moving very fast." The controller was busy and arranged for the Airprox to be filed on the FIS frequency 124.6. Following the Airprox, the Watch Manager carried out an immediate radar replay to determine whether the intruder could have been an a/c; nothing was seen. Additionally, the Heathrow 10cm radar was later replayed as it offered the best resolution for any small object that might have been in the vicinity, and nothing was observed either ahead of the departing MD81 or at the reported position of the encounter. The incident was reported to Slough police and a thorough search of the area revealed no evidence ofm model a/c or fireworks having been ignited.Inquiries with the public in the area have also proved fruitless. Part B. Summary of the Board Discussions. Information available to the Board included a report from the pilot of the reporting a/c, a tape recording of the relevant RT frequency, radar photographs/video recordings, reports from the air traffic controllers involved and reports from the appropriate ATC and operating authorities. It was clear that the MD 81 crew's brief glimpse of the object afforded them little opportunity to describe what they had seen. The pilot's radio transmissions and his written report variously depict it as "metallic" "bright light", a "flare" or "a fighter or something". ATCO members were certain that even a very small craft in such close proximity to Heathrow would have been detected, particularly on the Heathrow 10cm radar. Despite the extensive efforts of the police, AIS (Mil) and the general public, there were no clues as to the nature of the reported object. The Board concluded that owing to the lack of information available to them the incident was unassesable with regard to both cause and risk. Part C: Assessment of risk and cause. Degree of risk: D Cause: Unassesable.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 15:31:12 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 08:51:19 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! Date: Tue, 26 Oct 99 22:52:54 PDT > Whatever "attempting sarcasm" is. Perhaps you could >explain. Sarcasm is as sarcasm does as my grandmother never used to say Jerry! This general interchange of views on what ufologists believe is all very interesting but ultimately we're not going to get very far because we can never reach an agreement. Which is fine but I prefer to discuss the _facts- within ufology rather than the speculation and belief, hence the contents of my previous posts which have only had belief and not fact to counter them. Boring, I know, but relevant. >Tell that to the SETI crowd, and then get all those university >presses to stop publishing books on extraterrestrial life, such >as the one I just read which Oxford University Press will >publish in February. I'm sure they'll appreciate your insights, >Andy. (See, I did it; no mere "attempt" there.) Well, that's all arguable too Jerry. Astrobiology is a purely theoretical 'science' for a start and the interest shown in it is arguably an attempt to make the admirable, but boring, exploration of space somewhat more 'sexy'. Sales of books - academic or otherwise - and popularity of a subject does not imbue that subject with any reality Jerry. You'll be telling su there really _was_ a Blair Witch next! >Congratulations on the Northbritspeak > and a brave attempt to >change the subject. But as I say, if you reduce astrobiology's >concerns to a folklore of elves and fairies, my friend (no sarcasm >here, and I assume you'll get the song allusion to follow), you >ain't goin' nowhere. I didn't reduce astrobiology to a folklore of elves and fairies Jerry. But I would disgregard astrobiology as being of little relevance to what is actually reported in ufology and of no relevance to the physical evidence available. Elves, fairies etc are as interesting as Greys or any other apparent denizens of our culture and consciousness - and I have yet to see evidence which offers much to the contrary (and yes, I'm familiar with Eddie Bullard's work). As for the song allusion, thanks - it's made me dig Sweethert of the Rodeo out for a well deserved listen! Happy Trails Andy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: Ways To Make Sight-Observations? From: Mark Cashman <mcashman@ix.netcom.com> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 17:04:42 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 08:53:05 -0400 Subject: Re: Ways To Make Sight-Observations? >From: Minna Laajala - UFO-Finland <ufofinland@saunalahti.fi> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Ways To Make Sight-Observations? >Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:08:10 +0300 Hi, Minna! At best these might explain some small angular size observations, observations by people suffering from delusions, and some very non-UFO observations. But they fail to explain any multiple witness case, any effect case, and any case with photos, instruments, or radar involved. ------ Mark Cashman, creator of The Temporal Doorway at http://www.temporaldoorway.com - Original digital art, writing, music and UFO research - UFO cases, analysis, classification systems, and more... http://www.temporaldoorway.com/ufo/index.htm ------

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 99 17:38:29 PDT Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 08:54:36 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 21:07:59 +0100 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: John Rimmer <jrimmer@magonia.demon.co.uk> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:30:44 -0400 >>From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>Date: Mon, 25 Oct 99 09:42:17 PDT John, >>>>One hopes that this sort of empty posturing -- especially coming >>>>from someone smart enough to know better -- disappears from >>>>ufological discourse soon. It is, as we have already seen >>>>demonstrated repeatedly, much less than helpful, and among other >>>>things, it betrays a fairly shocking ignorance of the literature >>>>of astrobiology. >>'Smart enough to know better' - sheer brilliance Jerry! It's not >>empty posturing - see above. 'Astrobiology'? Yor avin' a laarf >>incha? Don't we have to actually have some hard biological >>evidence before we can talk about such a thing? >By "the literature of astrobiology" Jerry means presumably the >writings of his friend Michael Swords, someone who has his own >agenda of denying Darwinian evolution. Astrobiology (is this >what used to be called "exobiology") has the rare distinction of >being a science completely without data. You're getting a little wacky in your middle age, John. Mike Swords does not "deny Darwinian evolution." You just made that up, didn't you? You also prove a point I'd intended to make: that self-styled psychosociologists can't be bothered to read the scientific literature on the possibility of ET life, thus your extraordinarily naive treatment of (weirdly coupled with a bizarre obsession with) the ETH. Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 'Chupacabra' Attacks Again From: Thiago Ticchetti <thiagolt@opengate.com.br> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 22:59:54 -0200 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:09:48 -0400 Subject: 'Chupacabra' Attacks Again Hello, Guess what, the goatsucker is back! Released in Correiro Brazilian Journal, 10/28/99. Ten animals - 8 goats and 3 sheep - were killed and had blood sucked by a unknown predator in the last week on two farms in the Cesario Lange region of Sorocaba, in Sao Paulo State. The attacks are attributed to the chupacabra, a mysterious predator that has been killing for almost 2 years in that region. The first attack occured on the Nova Esperana farm, last Saturday at dawn. According the landowner, Marco Antonio de Souza, 5 goats and 3 sheep were killed. They were found dead with a single spot in their necks. "It is very weird, because an animal that kills to eat smashes their victims", said Souza. THIAGO LUIZ TICCHETTI Diretor Do Departamento de Publicao e Traduo Especializadas ( DEPTE - EBE-ET / Brasilia-Brasil) Publication Department and Specialized Translation Director. ICQ - 35119615 http://www.ebe-et.com.br

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies From: Greg Sandow <gsandow@prodigy.net> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 18:40:02 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:17:35 -0400 Subject: Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies >Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 18:44:23 -0500 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Dennis Stacy <dstacy@texas.net> >Subject: Re: Warren On Gleason, Nixon & Alien Craft/Bodies >>Could Nixon really slip away with Jackie Gleason? >>Greg Sandow I got private e-mail, reminding me that Nixon did slip away during an anti-war protest in Washington to mingle with the protesters. So at least that once.... Greg Sandow

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Article: Marfa Lights From: Blair Cummins <ufoblair@hotmail.com> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 19:20:55 PDT Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:23:55 -0400 Subject: Article: Marfa Lights Greetings list - An interesting article presenting some theories about the Marfa Lights can be found at: http://www.austin360.com/entertainment/xl/features/1999/10/28marfa.html Enjoy. Best regards, - Blair Cummins ufoblair@hotmail.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Ways To Ignore Reality From: GT McCoy <gtmccoy@harborside.com> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 20:59:39 -0700 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:32:00 -0400 Subject: Ways To Ignore Reality Ways To Ignore Reality (And Make Your Analyst Very Rich) Hello all, Caution, Humor Ahead... First physical unreality, you see a UFO on landing legs with two guys standing out side (Probably taking a leak) upon your arrival they see you and not wanting to disclose that the anti- gravity drive is powered by a Ford Flathead V-8 they jump in and head back to whence they came. Obivously a Floater in the Observer's eye. Secondly, Photgraphic unreality ,as in: You are some old clodhopper in Oregon assuming that you neither have will or are crafty enough to fake an elaborate hoax you see a UFO fly over you take a Picture. This is a Phenomon known as Photographic Hallucination, The Brownie Complex as it is known, especially prevalent after WWII when Hasselblads and Minoltas came to the U.S. it gave Brownie Owners ( and Brownies themselves inferiority complexes and subsequent deluisions of grandeur) If this occured today, Kodak would've spent spent millions on therapy. Thirdly Multiple witness insanity - Induced by the apparent onset of bright lights in the household the presence of Air Guard jets many miles away, and the Camcorder getting an annoyinlgly real looking ah, well Object(s) -Probably another formof Browine Complex Known as Didgital Envy. Fourthly, (and one that I hold dear, may I never by God's Grace ever be "cured" of) the unbelief in nothing miraculous ever happened.Imagine a unreality in which there are five people standing in a field at twilight, watching with awe , a silver, disc shape cruise silently over another Oregon farm. Pelicans flying in a Saucer shape-why obviously-Nothing like that can happen-can it? GT McCoy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 CPR-Canada News: Another Formation - Viscount, From: Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada <psa@direct.ca> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 20:58:59 -0800 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:34:18 -0400 Subject: CPR-Canada News: Another Formation - Viscount, CPR-Canada News News and Reports from Circles Phenomenon Research Canada http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310 Another Crop Formation - Viscount, Saskatchewan October 28, 1999 _____________________________ Editor: Paul Anderson _____________________________ Still another (!) crop formation reported to CPR-Canada this afternoon by farmers Leon Viols and Debra McCrae at Viscount, Saskatchewan, about forty miles east of Saskatoon. Initially found at the end of September while combining, two circles in wheat. One is about 30 feet diametre, the other about 20-25 feet. Both flattened right down to the ground, in neat, smooth lay patterns. Circles are spaced a just few feet apart. The circles and entire field have been combined, but as in other cases, the circles themselves are still there, being flattened hard to the ground and therefore not cut. Farmers did not know who to report them to initially, then found and contacted CPR-Canada via one of the local university agricultural departments. This is the tenth formation in Saskatchewan reported this year and the nineteenth in Canada. Initial diagram attached (viscount.gif; � Paul Anderson) Further details when available. Paul Anderson Director CPR-Canada _____________________________ Circle Phenomena in Canada Report Archive 1999: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310/1999.html A reminder for all Canadian subscribers / readers - your assistance is welcome and needed - ANY reports of other possible circles this year, please do let us know as soon as possible! See Reporting and Field Research Guidelines on the web site for more information: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310/reporting.html REPORTING HOTLINE: 604.731.8522 _____________________________ CPR-Canada News is the e-mail update service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada (affiliate of Circles Phenomenon Research International), is published periodically or as breaking news develops and is available free by subscription; to be added to or removed from the mailing list, send your request, including "subscribe CPR-Canada News" or "unsubscribe CPR-Canada News" and e-mail address to: mailto:psa@direct.ca CPR-Canada welcomes your reports and submissions. Forward all correspondence to: CIRCLES PHENOMENON RESEARCH CANADA Circles Phenomenon Research International Main Office Suite 202 - 2086 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1J4 Canada Tel / Fax: 604.731.8522 E-Mail: mailto:psa@direct.ca Web: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/3310 � Circles Phenomenon Research Canada, 1999

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Todd Lemire <tlemire@earthlink.net> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:21:00 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:47:40 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Thiago Ticchetti <thiagolt@opengate.com.br> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:03:45 -0200 >I agree with Jerry Clark. >I don't beleive that still have people that believe that the >UFOs are imagination, and the ETs are a product of our Space Age >Culture. Don't you think that the fairies and little folk could >be aliens, but the people from that age didn't know how express >theirs sightings? I mean, when they saw a UFO in the sky, they >associated it with something that they know, like a ship ( see >the sketch of an airship over Oakland, California, apperead in >the San Francisco Call, in November 1896) >You have your opinon, of course, but you have to get arguments >to support your claims. I can't believe there is such closed mindedness here involving folklore and culture. Have we forgotten the book "Dimensions" by Jacques Vallee!? Any serious investigtor CANNOT outright dismiss this as one possibility of MANY! If they are then they are in the wrong mindset to be a competent investigator. Sincerely, T. Lemire -- "Thus these beings appear to us, not in order to stay among us or become allied to us, but in order for us to become able to understand them." Written during the Middle Ages by Paracelsus in "Why These Beings Appear to Us"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Todd Lemire <tlemire@earthlink.net> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:52:45 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:43:43 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 99 22:52:54 PDT >>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:30:44 -0400 >>From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>Date: Mon, 25 Oct 99 09:42:17 PDT >Hey, Andy guy, >>In response to Dave Clarke's >>>The ET explanation for UFOs is simply an artefact of the era in >>>which we live. Go back 500 years Sean and if we had email I >>>would venture to suggest you would be blaming UFOs on the >>>fairies and little folk. ><snipped> >Congratulations on the Northbritspeak and a brave attempt to >change the subject. But as I say, if you reduce astrobiology's >concerns to a folklore of elves and fairies, my friend (no sarcasm >here, and I assume you'll get the song allusion to follow), you >ain't goin' nowhere. >Jerry Clark Jerry would you repeat those same words in your last paragraph to Jacques Vallee while he authographs the copy of "Dimensions" that you might want to re-read. T. Lemire -- "Thus these beings appear to us, not in order to stay among us or become allied to us, but in order for us to become able to understand them." Written during the Middle Ages by Paracelsus in "Why These Beings Appear to Us"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 12:03:02 +0100 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:56:55 -0400 Subject: Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO >Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 16:37:40 +0100 >From: Neil Morris <Neil@adm1.ph.man.ac.uk> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Press Report on Heathrow UFO >>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:39:44 -0400 >>From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Press Report on Heathrow UFO >>To: UFO Updates <updates@globalserve.net> >All, >It might reminding readers of this report from 1996. >--------------- > > The Times, London, Friday 2 February 1996. > UFO 'buzzed' airliner at Manchester Airport > by Harvey Elliott Air Correpondent <snip> >----------------- >The near-miss took place Jan 95 the official CAA report concluded: >----------------- >Having debated the various hypotheses at length the Group >concluded that, in the absence of any firm evidence which could >identify or explain this object, it was not possible to assess >either the cause or the risk to any of the normal criteria >applicable to airmiss reports. The incident therefore remains >unresolved. >ie it's an official UFO. >Neil. Hi, Except, Neil, that its really a meteor - at least in my view - and a good example of how easy it is to read too much into witness testimony. I know most ufologists dont agree with me - which is fine - but this is far from an arbitrary conclusion (see my book 'Something in the Air'). The case is a virtual rerun of the l948 Eastern Airlines saga and differs markedly from the Heathrow sighting under present discussion because the BA crew saw only a well lit mass for a couple of seconds in pitch darkness (almost right on top of my house in Derbyshire - one reason I have spent so much time on this l995 incident). For more see the last weeks debate on this BA sighting on UFORL. Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Dark Object From: dledger@ns.sympatico.ca (Donald . Ledger) Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 10:06:07 -0300 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:58:31 -0400 Subject: Dark Object Hello List, For those of you that have been waiting patiently for the full book version of the Shag Harbour Incident, it appears that your wait will be over shortly. Dell Publishing has entered into an agreement with myself and Chris Styles to publish the book, probably sometime before next Summer. The ISBN number will be made available in the next few weeks. The book, titled, Dark Object - The Shag Harbour Incident, according to my agent, will be available in the United States, Canada, England, Australia and other countries throughout the world. I will be making up a web page in the next couple of days which will be linked through my Maritime UFO Files site. I'll post updates there. Thanks, Don Ledger Maritime UFO FIles http://www.xweb.ns.ca/maritime_ufo_file/

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: From: Steven M. Greer <DrSGreer@cs.com> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:08:37 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 12:14:50 -0400 Subject: Re: >From: Robert Gates <RGates8254@aol.com> >Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 02:14:41 EDT >Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >To: updates@globalserve.net <snip> >If Greer has all the information he claims to have, he could go >public and end the secrecy himself. He doesn't have to wait for >Congress, the White House, the so called evil military >industrial complex, or some covert govt agency working on the >UFO problem to disclose information. Previously it had been >suggested that the reason he doesn't go public, is because the >witness's would not stand up to independent verification. A >position that sounds more credible everyday. On the contrary, we are prepared to come forward immediately as soon as common sense strategic plans can be actuated. This have been described publicly and in writing for a couple of years. Those of you who are naive enough to believe that you simply call a press conference and it is a 'done deal' are badly misinformed. If the Congress will not hold hearings (the best venue) then a civilian led disclosure will need to be done very well and very carefully. In particular, we are not interested in selling out to intel. cut-outs who have only one goal: a disclosure spun in the desired direction of 'Independence Day', the movie. We know who these players are we know who their handlers are. That you are gullible enough to think that a matter this sensitive is not continously being influenced by such assets is your problem. We will not make it ours. Ultimately all we ask is something quite reasonable: that a disclosure be factual, scientific, evidence driven and hopeful We are not interested in a xenophobic 'Alien Invasion' paranoid - fest (besides thats been done already by the media and the UFO organizations and researchers). When the support and means are there to do this right it will be done. Until then, we can be very patient.... Steven M. Greer M.D. CSETI Director

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy From: Steven M. Greer <DrSGreer@cs.com> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:08:37 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 12:26:05 -0400 Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >From: Robert Gates <RGates8254@aol.com> >Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 02:14:41 EDT >Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >To: updates@globalserve.net <snip> >If Greer has all the information he claims to have, he could go >public and end the secrecy himself. He doesn't have to wait for >Congress, the White House, the so called evil military >industrial complex, or some covert govt agency working on the >UFO problem to disclose information. Previously it had been >suggested that the reason he doesn't go public, is because the >witness's would not stand up to independent verification. A >position that sounds more credible everyday. On the contrary, we are prepared to come forward immediately as soon as common sense strategic plans can be actuated. This have been described publicly and in writing for a couple of years. Those of you who are naive enough to believe that you simply call a press conference and it is a 'done deal' are badly misinformed. If the Congress will not hold hearings (the best venue) then a civilian led disclosure will need to be done very well and very carefully. In particular, we are not interested in selling out to intel. cut-outs who have only one goal: a disclosure spun in the desired direction of 'Independence Day', the movie. We know who these players are we know who their handlers are. That you are gullible enough to think that a matter this sensitive is not continously being influenced by such assets is your problem. We will not make it ours. Ultimately all we ask is something quite reasonable: that a disclosure be factual, scientific, evidence driven and hopeful We are not interested in a xenophobic 'Alien Invasion' paranoid - fest (besides thats been done already by the media and the UFO organizations and researchers). When the support and means are there to do this right it will be done. Until then, we can be very patient.... Steven M. Greer M.D. CSETI Director

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: Get Real From: Sharon Kardol <sharon@hotmix.com.au> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 00:00:08 +0800 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 12:21:26 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 22:33:12 -0400 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Sue Kovios <bradford@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >>From: Sharon Kardol <sharon@hotmix.com.au> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:41:31 +0800 >>>Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 01:22:50 -0500 >>>From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >>>Subject: Re: Get Real >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <> ><snip> >>You seem very defensive Amy, accusing at least three people so >>far of ridiculing or debunking. There is no way to prove the >>case real or false, period. It's subjective, each person's own >>beliefs influence their acceptance/rejection of cases. If >>something doesn't sit right with me about this case I am sure >>you can appreciate it as my opinion. >Well that is three of us, the only three who took this seriously >enough to bother asking questions. It's quite apparent to me, >'judging' by the way we three have been treated by this >researcher, that this is all a big waste of time and no matter >what questions you ask, you will never be given a >straight-forward answer without defense. >I say it's time to end this tattered thread and move on to some >more productive and interesting items, <snip> Hear, hear, someone with something productive to add to the thread. :) For what it's worth, I appreciated your view on case. But I guess there always two sides to a tale, I mean story, I mean experience... :) Cheers Sharon

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: Get Real From: Sharon Kardol <sharon@hotmix.com.au> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 00:27:43 +0800 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:38:24 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 03:06:32 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Sharon Kardol <sharon@hotmix.com.au> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:41:31 +0800 <snip> >I'm curious. If I had only read this case on the internet, >viewed the scanned photographs on a web site and never met nor >interviewed any of the witnesses in person, who would be more >likely to know the details of the case - the one who conducted >the investigation or the one who only read about it on the >internet? I guess in that case you probably shouldn't feel upset if people don't believe the experience off the bat with out further information or analysis:) <snip> >I don't not know how this happened and until I have more >information, I would not want to appear so assuming as to >conjure my own answers without further study. That's why I do >research and investigations - to search for answers hopefully so >I will not make a fool of myself by speculating too much. Well thanks for sharing the facts to date, and we do apprciate the time and effprt you put into the web site, but I think it's only correct of us to withhold opinion of the case until all the details are available, as a good researcher would. But based on what we have available to date, I sure wouldn't be putting my life savings into this one just yet :) <snip> >So, you prefer it to be by word of mouth only yet demand >evidence. Gees, kinda hard to have it both ways - secret yet >shared, verbal yet physical. I don't demand evidence, it would make life easier if the photos of cases like these worked out just once though :) All I said was an experience corroborated by an independant witness without suspect photos ranks higher on my believable scale. >I don't get it, Sharon. How can you assume to know more about >this case than anyone else when you never even met these people >in person or talked with them? I never assume things Amy. Just comment on the facts as presented to me. You wrote of a case, no doubt wanting some feedback on it but don't appreciate the feedback you get. You're the expert on this case, why would you care what I think? As you said I never spoke to anyone etc. Take what I write or leave it. Either way it's just an opinion, an opinion not very well based on facts because of the lack of them. I admit this, freely, as anyone would. Gee, I wouldn't even listen to what I have to say :) >I don't care if you believe it >or not, that is your choice. What I cannot fathom is how you and >others can point to the glass door, say it was a hoax or >imagination when you can't even point to the actual, physical >glass door and present your arguments in person? Your arguements are based on someone's personal account of a very emotional situation. Hmmm.... >You say you >need physical evidence yet claim this door - you can only >imagine - was left closed on purpose. You cannot touch or >examine this glass door, have not interviewed the witnesses >yourself yet you are so sure the door was left closed for >reasons other than accident or poor judgement. I wonder how >this would stack up in a courtroom? Just basing my opinion (though poorly informed) on the facts you put forward and my own experiences in dealing with cases like this. It's a debatable opinion, which can be influenced easily as more facts come to light, but till then I have to go with gut instnct. >Hey, that's an interesting concept! You would be the >prosecution and I would be the defense Snipped for stupidity because for starters this whole case wouldn't even get looked at by any sane judge. So there goes the whole legal thing :) >You investigated? Why didn't you just stay in the house and >tell your "mum" what you believed it was rather than actually >checking it out? That's what I do, investigate stuff to get facts, proof etc. >The shrub was probably planted there on >purpose - strategically located and human shaped - just to panic >your "mum". I wonder who did this? My father who had the wrong glasses on when trimming the bush. >Did you open the door? I did. All the way. No glare effect, and a gentle south easterly blowing at the time. I did not have a camera because I knew what it was and didn't want to waste my time. >Why >or why not? So she could see me all the way to the shrub. Seemed logical to me at the time. >id you remember to take photographs? See above. >Why or why >not? See above. >Sounds a little too convenient to me! I don't have to be >there, examine the "evidence" or interview your "mum" to know >what actually happened. I have it all figured out. Not. <GBG> I came to the same opinion on this case as I did on yours. Mistaken experience based on an emotional state at the time. No evidence was presented to you so you did the best based on what you had. <snip> >But you can't expect everyone to >share your views. We finally agree on something. Nice chatting with you on this, but I think as Sue so rightly pointed out it has been exhausted on the facts that we have. >G'Day. ;> >Amy Actaully G'Day is Hi, we just say Goodbye, or the full Good Day if you're not in a rush :) Cheers Sharon

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 99 11:16:14 PDT Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:39:54 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 15:31:12 -0400 >From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 99 22:52:54 PDT Andy, >This general interchange of views on what ufologists believe is >all very interesting but ultimately we're not going to get very >far because we can never reach an agreement. Which is fine but I >prefer to discuss the _facts- within ufology rather than the >speculation and belief, hence the contents of my previous posts >which have only had belief and not fact to counter them. Boring, >I know, but relevant. Of course what self-styled skeptics and psychosociologists love to discuss is belief, and not evidence, and who can blame them? Their operating principle might be expressed this way: What I know I _know_; what you know you only believe. No wonder productive discussion is impossible. >>Tell that to the SETI crowd, and then get all those university >>presses to stop publishing books on extraterrestrial life, such >>as the one I just read which Oxford University Press will >>publish in February. I'm sure they'll appreciate your insights, >>Andy. (See, I did it; no mere "attempt" there.) >Well, that's all arguable too Jerry. Astrobiology is a purely >theoretical 'science' for a start and the interest shown in it >is arguably an attempt to make the admirable, but boring, >exploration of space somewhat more 'sexy'. Sales of books - >academic or otherwise - and popularity of a subject does not >imbue that subject with any reality Jerry. You'll be telling su >there really _was_ a Blair Witch next! Interesting that you compare science's search for ETI to the Blair Witch project. Interesting, too, that you dismiss all exobiologists and exobiological literature with the same sorts of ad hominems you usually reserve for ufologists who disagree with you. That may make you feel better, but from anybody's perspective but your own, it certainly doesn't accomplish anything. >I didn't reduce astrobiology to a folklore of elves and fairies >Jerry. But I would disgregard astrobiology as being of little >relevance to what is actually reported in ufology and of no >relevance to the physical evidence available. Elves, fairies etc >are as interesting as Greys or any other apparent denizens of >our culture and consciousness - and I have yet to see evidence >which offers much to the contrary (and yes, I'm familiar with >Eddie Bullard's work). In fact, there is nothing in the literature of exo- or astrobiology that makes UFOs an outrageous notion. Given a densely populated galaxy (a view widely shared by scientists who have given thought to the subject, as the SETI/ETI literature attests), ET visitors are not only possible but probable. Their absence -- at least to the anti-UFO contingent -- is often used by critics to argue that intelligent life is rare to nonexistent in the universe. Moreover, a number of pro-ETI scientists contend that, for a host of reasons, intelligent, technology-generating beings would likely look like humanoids. This idea is at least mentioned in just about every book I've read on the subject. One well-regarded scientific writer, the mathematician John L. Casti, has even said ETs may well look much like the gray entities of abduction lore -- this even though Casti professes skepticism about UFOs. Another SETI writer, Edward Ashpole, did a whole book (The UFO Phenomena [1995]) documenting the close match between exobiology and what has been reported of UFO appearance and behavior. In short, there is no a priori reason why ETs could not be here or why they would not appear as they do in UFO sightings and encounters. To reduce the various very interesting questions raised by ETI speculations and UFO reports to fairylore or to Blair Witch amounts to little more than an exercise in -- I am trying to be charitable here -- sheer mental laziness. It tells us more about you, Andy, than about the larger questions that should concern all of us. Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 99 11:34:19 PDT Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:41:41 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:52:45 -0400 >From: Todd Lemire <tlemire@earthlink.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 99 22:52:54 PDT >>>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:30:44 -0400 >>>From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> >>>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>>>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>>>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>>Date: Mon, 25 Oct 99 09:42:17 PDT Todd, >>Congratulations on the Northbritspeak and a brave attempt to >>change the subject. But as I say, if you reduce astrobiology's >>concerns to a folklore of elves and fairies, my friend (no sarcasm >>here, and I assume you'll get the song allusion to follow), you >>ain't goin' nowhere. >Jerry would you repeat those same words in your last paragraph >to Jacques Vallee while he authographs the copy of "Dimensions" >that you might want to re-read. I don't want to get sidetracked on a discussion of Jacques Vallee, on whom I have written extensively and critically. If you're interested in my views, please contact me privately, and I'll tell you what I've published on the subject. Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Sheriff Recalls 1966 UFO Encounter From: Blair Cummins <ufoblair@hotmail.com> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 10:11:43 PDT Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:45:02 -0400 Subject: Sheriff Recalls 1966 UFO Encounter Greetings list - Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch, Virginia, USA http://www.gatewayva.com/rtd/dailynews/virginia/ufo29.shtml Sheriff recalls UFO encounter in 1966 / He suspects craft somehow linked to dog's death BY MARK BOWES Times-Dispatch Staff Writer If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Henrico County Sheriff A.D. "Toby" Mathews said, he might not have believed it. On a bright moonlit night 33 years ago this summer, Mathews said, he saw a large unidentified flying object hovering silently near his Varina farm. He suspects whatever was inside the mysterious craft was responsible for snatching and snuffing the life out of his dog. "I really saw the thing, I really did," Mathews, 65, said this week when asked to respond to talk of his close encounter. "And I've never seen anything like that since then." Mathews said he never publicly disclosed what he saw until now because he felt no one would believe him. He talked about his UFO experience this week after The Times-Dispatch learned that he had told the story three years ago to his former chief deputy during a Christmas dinner in Williamsburg. Mathews, who's fond of sharing personal stories about his life, was candid about his UFO experience, which he noted occurred during a time when such sightings were reported with some regularity by Richmond-area residents. During the spring and summer of 1966 --when Mathews said he saw a saucerlike object hover over a cornfield near his farm and then disappear in a flash -- more than a half-dozen people, including three other Richmond-area police officers, reported spotting similar objects hovering over the city, Henrico and Goochland County, according to news accounts in The Times-Dispatch and The Richmond News Leader. One Richmond patrolman told The News Leader that he chased the UFO in his patrol car. "If I live to be 100, I'll never forget it," said former Officer William L. Stevens Jr. in a July 21, 1966, news story. Mathews' UFO encounter had been the subject of gossip for years and recently surfaced again as the local election season draws to a close. Mathews, a two-term sheriff, is running for the Varina District seat on the Henrico Board of Supervisors. With just four days left until the general election, Mathews this week recounted his UFO experience with little hesitation. He said it occurred Aug. 9, 1966, after he returned home from a psychology class at the former Richmond Professional Institute (now Virginia Commonwealth University). He was a road sergeant with Henrico police and was living alone at the time at his farm on Charles City Road in the county's Glendale area. At about 10:30 that evening, Mathews said, his German shepherd, tied to a chain out back, began barking loudly, so he went outside to investigate. After turning him loose, Mathews said the dog, which he had acquired only three weeks earlier, ran to the edge of an adjacent cornfield. He was astonished at what he saw next. "I happened to look up and there was that UFO right above the cornfield, it was just hovering right up above the power lines" about 200 feet in the air, Mathews said. The craft, which Mathews described as white and about 30 feet in diameter, made hardly a sound and emitted no light. The object was about 4 or 5 feet wide at its widest point, which was in the middle, he said. "It was just like the ones you see on TV," Mathews said. "It was a bright moon that night," so he got a good look at it. Mathews said he ran back inside his house to get a flashlight, and when he returned and shined it on the craft, the UFO turned slightly, emitted a burst of light and "took off like a bullet, just tremendously fast." Mathews said he rechained the dog and went to bed after the craft disappeared, and he got up about 5 the next morning and went out to check on his dog. He let it run loose for a few minutes, as was his routine, but the dog didn't come back. Mathews said he canvassed the area, but the dog was nowhere to be found. When he returned home, he was startled to find his dog lying motionless in the middle of the road just beyond his circular driveway. He was dead. "He didn't have a mark on him -- no blood, no singe [marks], no nothing," Mathews recalled. "It looked like he almost was sleeping. And whatever killed him, they had taken his chain collar off" and dropped it on the shoulder of the road. "I couldn't believe how it got off him like it did." Mathews said his neighborhood in those days was remote and largely devoid of traffic at that hour. "I didn't see any cars come through at the time." Mathews said he assumed that his dog was killed by whoever, or whatever, was in the UFO. "The dog let me know that they were there," he said. The dog's death remained a mystery, Mathews said. He buried the shepherd that morning in a meadow on his property. Mathews said the city officer who saw a saucerlike object near the State Fairgrounds a month earlier had urged him to notify the news media about his encounter, but Mathews resisted. Mathews was living alone at the time, and there were no other witnesses, he said. "I wasn't frightened by it; it was kind of awesome," Mathews said of the object. "Of course, back in those days I was still in the military reserve, and it didn't appear to be any type of military craft at all. Because No. 1, it wouldn't have done what it did" had it been a known military aircraft. In December 1996, Mathews told his story to then-Chief Deputy Patrick Haley and his wife, Brenda, during a Christmas dinner party at the Seafarers Restaurant in Williamsburg. "The way he told it was so specific and he was dead serious, he wasn't joking," said Haley, who now is deputy coordinator of law enforcement accreditation for the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. "We talked about this for months." Haley, who resigned abruptly after about a year as the department's No. 2 officer because he believed incompetent leadership and dishonorable management practices by Mathews created a host of problems with the sheriff's office, recalled Mathews telling him a slightly different story about the encounter. Haley said he remembered Mathews saying the craft had landed and emitted some kind of strong "pull" that drew him toward it, although he managed to resist it. Haley also recalled Mathews saying that his dog, after it was found dead, appeared to have been burnt or singed. Mathews, however, said those things didn't happen. And he shrugged off how his strange encounter may be viewed by the public. "Well, I did see it," he said. "I really don't know what it was." � 1999, Richmond Newspapers Inc. --- Best regards, - Blair Cummins ufoblair@hotmail.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Gildas Bourdais <GBourdais@aol.com> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:49:26 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:48:41 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 06:45:48 +0200 (MET DST) >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! Hello, Henny and List, I fully agree with your statement, quite welcome after a long exchange with "new" british ufologist who look rather old hat to me (thank you also to Jerry Clark for his efforts at clarification) : >As anyone who professes to be a serious UFO investigator should >know however, there are also cases in which solid flying objects >fly at several times the speed of sound, suddenly turn on a dime >and evade pursuing fighter aircraft. All in such a manner that >we can see a technology at display that is clearly not human in >origin. Cases such as these are recorded on radar and witnessed >by reliable investigators or hundreds of members from the >public. >The question whether we would call these craft ET seems to me >rather academic and is in fact a sidepoint. The real point is >that there is an intelligence operating in our skies from time >to time that is clearly not ours. And those UFOs are only solved >when we label them as such. I would add that these mysterious non-human manifestations seem to be more frequent and more impressive these days, worldwide. I am not disturbed by the statement that many UFOs may be reduced to IFOs after careful analysis. What really bothers me is the statement made, for instance, by Jenny Randles (message of October 26) : >>We can often prove an IFO >>to reasonable degrees of certainty. A UFO is simply an >>unresolved case and may eventually become an IFO or stay a UFO. >>This means ufologists should pay more heed to IFO cases because >>they teach us useful lessons. Of course, IFO can never mean, I suppose, a craft identified as alien (non-human) ! So, such a statement simply closes the door to the construction of a solid case for UFOs as alien crafts, if I understand well the long discourse displaid on this list by Jenny Randles, Andy Roberts, and David Clarke (I may have missed other names). This seems to be the common viewpoint of UFOIN, if we add the names of Paul Devereux and Tim Matthews. I think this much more an ideological attitude than a scientific one, in sharp contrast with people like astronomer Hynek and prof. MacDonald, for instance. Now, about the methodology, I have some doubts as well. Recently, Jenny Randles questioned the French COMETA report, for its presentation of the famous Lakenheath case (message of July 25) : >>There is a good test of the objectivity of the COMETA report >>noted above that perhaps those who have read it (as I have not) >>can comment upon. >>In reviewing the 1956 Lakenheath/Bentwaters case as a good case >>what data did they use? The Condon report? The Jim McDonald >>assessment? Nick Pope's theories? <snip> >>In l996 I was asked to research, write and >>present a documentary on UFOs and the British government for BBC >>television. As part of my six months working at the BBC I was >>able to use their resources to do some things I never had the >>chance (or money) to do before. One included tracking down and >>interviewing the RAF crew involved in that 1956 intercept case. >>To my amazement I learned that many of the preconceptions about >>this case were wrong. <snip> >>So, the question is - as nobody at COMETA asked me for copies of >>the filmed interviews I made with the now elderly air crew - did >>they find them by some other way? Or did they base their report >>on the now somewhat dubious earlier sources? The answer was the COMETA members were not aware of these new testimonies. However... In answer to this message, journalist Bernard Thouanel, who was the editor of the report published by the magazine VSD, asked Jenny Randles two days later to give him some material of her inquiry, which he would publish in a forthcoming issue of VSD. He gave me a copy of his message with his authorization to reproduce it, and I think it appropriate time to do it : "In fact, I am preparing the next special issue of VSD OVNI" (UFOs) in which I would like to publish the testimony of the RAF Venom crew members (anonymous or not, at their wish, but I would prefer to have them fully named and ranked) concerning the Lakenheath case." Jenny Randles answered that, no, she could not assist him in his request for contact with the RAF crew, for several reasons, the main one being her contract with the BBC. (I have a private copy of her reply). Well, Jenny Randles raised that question as a "test of the objectivity of COMETA". To me it is now a test of her objectivity : how can you play such a trick, Mrs Randles ? BTW, Ms. Randles, what is your appraisal, today, of the Lakenheath case. Still a UFO? Soon to become an IFO? Gildas Bourdais

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Where's Bill Barry? From: Karl T. Pflock <Ktperehwon@aol.com> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:20:59 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:50:53 -0400 Subject: Where's Bill Barry? Dear Colleagues & List Fiends -- Some time ago I made online inquires on the main UFO lists, asking if anyone could tell me where I might find and how to contact Bill Barry, author of 'Ultimate Encounter', the only book about the Travis Walton case by an author with no ax to grind about the case. No luck. So... I'm asking again that anyone who may have a clue as to Barry's whereabouts, etc., please contact me directly. Many thanks. -- Cheers, KARL

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy From: Kim Burrafato <lensman@stardrive.org> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:20:29 -0700 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:32:35 -0400 Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >From: Steven M. Greer <DrSGreer@cs.com> >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:08:37 EDT >Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Robert Gates <RGates8254@aol.com> >>Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 02:14:41 EDT >>Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >>To: updates@globalserve.net >We know who these players are we know who their handlers are. >That you are gullible enough to think that a matter this >sensitive is not continuously being influenced by such assets is >your problem. We will not make it ours. If you know who these nefarious background players are, then you owe it to the public and the Ufology community to disclose the names of these alleged spooks. Your claim that these "assets" are hell bent on spinning any rumored imminent ET-UFO related "disclosure" towards the direction of 'UFOs as threat,' is just that, a claim. You have not backed up your claim by any solid evidence of such an intentional influence program. Just because you say it is so, doesn't mean that it is. >Ultimately all we ask is something quite reasonable: that a >disclosure be factual, scientific, evidence driven and hopeful >We are not interested in a xenophobic 'Alien Invasion' paranoid >- fest (besides thats been done already by the media and the UFO >organizations and researchers). When the support and means are >there to do this right it will be done. Until then, we can be >very patient.... I agree that any kind of ET "disclosure be factual, scientific, evidence driven," but I don't see any reason that it must be "hopeful," when the reality of the situation may indicate otherwise. You seem to ignore the growing body of data that significant numbers of people are apparently being abducted against their will, and subjected to all manner of frightening and intrusive alien procedures. Additionally, according to information released under FOIA requests, UFOs were reported hovering over some of our most sensitive nuclear missile bases, after which missile components were found to have malfunctioned. I'd say that might be cause for a bit of alarm. It doesn't take an intelligence operative to see that there are a number disturbing aspects to the ET-UFO phenomenon. This starry-eyed desire for a "hopeful" disclosure is wish fulfilling fantasy. Until you present your evidence, you will merely be regarded as a marginal voice from the fringe. The time for disclosure is now -- hopeful or not. Show us your evidence, or get out of the political arena and back into the UFO tour business. Kim Burrafato ISEP ================================================================

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy From: Stefan Duncan <swduncan@foto.infi.net> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:48:09 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:41:36 -0400 Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >From: Steven M. Greer <DrSGreer@cs.com> >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:08:37 EDT >Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >To: updates@globalserve.net <snip> Put Greer's claims into his million dollar special he was collecting money for last year would make a good Encounters of a Third Kind II. He seems to tailor himself to the French man of that movie, waving handsigns, sending musical notes into the air, flashing lights, claiming alien intervention to his most certain looking army death-spawn demise; communicating with aliens away from a group of others, sending thoughts to ask if his stomach is upset and with a pointed ET glowing tip finger heal the stomach ailment; the controversial alleged director of CIA/Greer meeting that now has been refuted; charging outrageous seminar prices to learn how to mentally communicate with aliens and coordinate UFO appearences; making claims of evidence but never showing; announcing to the government he should be the spokesperson between the aliens and earth. This reminds me of a certain computer company that announced it had a piece of ET hardware that would make computer chips unbelievably fast - but is never shown. And what is the most sickening, there are honest, nose to the ground, hard working people trying to uncover the truth of UFOs/ETs. They go unnoticed. And then someone appears with outrageous claims gets the media attention, gets aired for average intelligent people to hear such inane ego-centric self-posturing grand illusive UFO/ET b.s. that anything worth truely investigating will be laughed at. I ask all UFO news services to please stop running releases of wild claims. Greer's works belongs in fiction tabloids. A stand must be made on individuals who make a mockery of sincere UFO studies. If it is not, true investigations will never be taken seriously. I cringe to think that this man, tells our government he seems himself as the representative of ufologists and that they should let him stand on top of Mt. Mitchell with the world's biggest spotlight and welcome mat. Please, I ask all UFO news services to stop running their news releases. One major reason for the new services to do so is: Greer has not allowed interviews that question his "questionable" claims. We are not to inquire on any of his statements but to merely publish his news releases and claims. AUFON has stopped running news releases. And I, Stefan Duncan, will respond to every Greer news release to the public with a warning - the man is a fraud.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:36:44 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:54:17 -0400 Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >From: Steven M. Greer <DrSGreer@cs.com> >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:08:37 EDT >Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Robert Gates <RGates8254@aol.com> >>Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 02:14:41 EDT >>Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >>To: updates@globalserve.net ><snip> Dear Errol and List, Recently, I've seen the promised land and it was barren. I've been to the mountaintop and couldn't see a thing from there. I have an announcement to make. As an ex-closet dweller, I can tell you that anyone with truth or answers has the responsibility to say them to the rest of us poor suffering slobs. People like me have kept our mouths shut for years and years and more years. Finally, the time comes for one to exit that closet, to share and hope to learn, and all I get is agita, and from those who say what they want to mean but don't mean what they say. It's all a crock of horse hockey. It's what makes this subject such a joke. And some of the people in this business. And that is part of the problem, people on the outside are given to understand that it is a business. It aint. No one makes much money out of it. A few books, an article or two, a speaking engagement, a buck here, ten there. Nobody gets rich in the business of UFOs, you just get looked at funny. I've therefore come to the conclusion that most of this is ego. People have to see their name in print. Their ideas too. Degrees? What a crock. What I learned in school was information. Knowledge comes from applying the information. You can have all the information in the freaking world, but without the knowledge, you have nothing. You are stupid. It took me thirty years of being in the business of doing business to get knowledge. And unless I get Alzheimer's, I'll go to my grave still learning. And when I get to the other side, if there's nuttin there, I am gonna be one, very pissed spirit! Unfortunately, this business is a very serious and telling tragedy which is perpetrated on innocent people, children even, little boys and girls who never heard of Captain Video or his space cadets, who never heard of Greer or Fromage or even you, Kannappy. Yet like the old TV program, "You, are there!" We are too. And very few of you have a clue. I support truth and the search for it. I decry culpable ignorance and I abhor those who claim to love and speak truth and end up with hurt on their consciences. Truth. Say it or shut up. Ah, but then, where would this list be with only the truth? God Himself even, wouldn't be able to contribute a word. None of us maroons would understand, would we? I do not deny that Greer has the information. Maybe he does, but saying he does and not sharing it is a waste of time, money, bandwidth and breath. For no one will believe until it is proven. So why? Dr. Greer, I don't even know you. In fact, I know very few people in this business by way of personal introduction, and I have no opinion of you one way or another, your veracity or your sincerity. But I do know this, if you've got the facts than either share them or get off the pot, for you are guilty of that which you accuse those who hold the truth from us, those same people whom you claim are doing us harm with untruth and disinformation. So if you don't publish it, it's OK. But if you do, understand all who read this, I ain't the only bugger out here in the wilderness screaming with real pain. And when I hear more horsehockey, it hurts me much more. Then I gotta start with my medication again. And neither Gripple nor thorazine stops the pain. Nothing will make it go away but truth. And so far, I ain't heard it. There is a temporary analgesic though... What does ease the pain, not just for me, but for some other of the crazies out there, for a while at least, is a rant or two. Over the teeth and thru my gummies, look out dummies, here it commies..... (Eat your heart out Lehmburg) ... >>If Greer has all the information he claims to have, he could go >>public and end the secrecy himself. He doesn't have to wait for >>Congress, the White House, the so called evil military >>industrial complex, or some covert govt agency working on the >>UFO problem to disclose information. Previously it had been >>suggested that the reason he doesn't go public, is because the >>witness's would not stand up to independent verification. A >>position that sounds more credible everyday. >On the contrary, we are prepared to come forward immediately as >soon as common sense strategic plans can be actuated. Common sense? By whom? Very uncommon here-a-bouts.... >This have >been described publicly and in writing for a couple of years. I'm a newcomer on the scene. Perhaps you may point me in the correct direction? A vector must have not only magnitude, but direction. Otherwise it's an arrow of energy (or hot air) without a place to point. You say, in essence.... "Yes, they are real, our government(s) know about them, we know they know, we know who they are and what they know, they know we know (etc.) ..." and in the same breath you say, "Nya, nya, but we aren't telling.... !" Would have been believable if you said it when you were able to prove it. >Those of you who are naive enough to believe that you simply >call a press conference and it is a 'done deal' are badly >misinformed. Ya, we know, too much at stake. Panic, loss of faith in the governments of the earth, people with eyeballs bulging at the very thought of killing the infidels and or the believers and or the unbelievers and, etc.... Good, the place is too damned overpoopulated anyway. Aint even enough land for cemeteries. >If the Congress will not hold hearings (the best venue) then a >civilian led disclosure will need to be done very well and very >carefully. In particular, we are not interested in selling out >to intel. cut-outs who have only one goal: a disclosure spun in >the desired direction of 'Independence Day', the movie. How long have you had this information. Obviously not long enough to plan a very well done and careful disclosure. Uh, when will you be ready? Any estimate? A week? A year? When hell freezes over? How about July 4th? >We know who these players are we know who their handlers are. >That you are gullible enough to think that a matter this >sensitive is not continously being influenced by such assets is >your problem. We will not make it ours. It's your problem too pal, especially since you've made it ours. You're the one with the Motts. You said the words. We didn't notice anyone squeezing your neck until you talked or choked to death. >Ultimately all we ask is something quite reasonable: that a >disclosure be factual, scientific, evidence driven and hopeful >We are not interested in a xenophobic 'Alien Invasion' paranoid >- fest (besides thats been done already by the media and the >UFO organizations and researchers). When the support and >means are there to do this right it will be done. Until then, >we can be very patient.... Well, maybe you can be very patient. But there are thousands of us out here in the ether who are living proof that bullshit walks and money talks. Of course, there are those occasions when bullshit walks patently patiently. And sometimes, it talks. But there is hope. The BS sometimes, (rarely, but sometimes) has something to say. Like, "Hey, will somebody please get me outa here? I stink!" >Steven M. Greer M.D. >CSETI Director Jim Mortellaro, Ph.D. MBA

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:40:30 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 19:00:19 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Wed, 27 Oct 99 13:41:10 PDT >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:39:36 -0400 >From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >You are, of course, entitled to your opinion. I think you're >wrong, Well at least we have established that I am entitled to have an opinion, and that opinion is a well-informed one rather than the "empty posturing" you would prefer to regard it as. As to whether I am wrong, time will show that I am right. But because so many people pass through ufology and stay only a little while, I fear we will have to fight this tiresome battle many more times in the future. >yours is not a conclusion other smart, hard- >working investigators, including those trained in the physical >sciences (McDonald, Hynek, Maccabee, Sturrock, et al., >come to mind), have come to. Perhaps your training as a >folklorist has given you too narrow a focus. I've no doubt thosf those "trained in the physical sciences" have arrived at different conclusions, because they are studying a very narrow aspect of the subject themselves. And you have unwittingly hit the nail on the head - it is precisely because the physical sciences are so "narrow" in themselves that the disciplines I have cited are more suited to this subject. You cannot study ufology as you would study the workings of a automobile engine; ufology is a human science, it is bound up in the beliefs and psychology of human beings. You do not employ astronomers and optical physicists to study how myth is created, and how the human brain perceives and interprets anomalous phenomena, One would have thought this concept would be obvious to someone as smart as Jerry Clark. You can talk all you like about "astrobiology" and unprovable arguments about the possibility of life in outer space. The arguments of the SETI crowd might have some validity, but they have absolutely no connection with some funny light someone saw over Arkansas the other night. The facts are we have no UFOs or aliens for your "physical scientists" to study. All we have are human beings, their claims and their beliefs - and that is why only the human sciences, and especially those which are cross-disciplinary (anthropology, folklore, sociology) are of any use in this area. And that's my point - you don't hire an optical physicist to study religious mythology. >>Add to that a sound knowledge of folklore and cultural belief >>which led to a me being awarded a PhD - described by a panel of >>academics as "a valuable contribution to knowledge" - and I feel >>I am well qualified to comment, and certainly as qualified as >>Jerome Clark. >But not as well qualified as the physical scientists who have >worked on specific cases. I disagree. All cases are based upon narratives produced by human beings, the eyewitnesses, describing events which are to all intents and purposes "supernatural" in the traditional sense. Therefore they are as much open to study by the folklorist as to the scientists you cite. >You can have all the folklore >knowledge in the world, and none of it is going to help you >explain the McMinnville photo, the RB-47 case, Socorro, or any >of the other classic UFO incidents on which the case for the >reality of UFOs as extraordinary unknowns rests. I have no >doubt that your Ph.D. amounts to "a valuable contribution to >knowledge" -- you're a bright, interesting guy. All I am saying >is that it doesn't help you explain the most puzzling UFO cases. Yeah but what about all the other "classic" cases which have since been explained: i.e. the Alexander Hamilton 1897 "calf- napping", Aurora crash, the Berwyn Mountains events, dare I mention Sheffield incident, etc etc. They might have been "difficult" to explain from a purely folklore perspective at first sight, but they undoubtedly generated rumour and folklore, whatever their explanation. Some, like the 1897 hoax, continue to do so. That is precisely why I claim UFOs are modern folklore - none of these cases are "isolated" occurrences, removed from the culture that spawned them, or from other "unexplained" UFO events. Any kind of strange light in the sky is now habitually tagged as a UFO equals ET craft by the media and the public, whatever its explanation. My point again: UFOs are modern folklore. So I would maintain that ALL of the cases you cite would benefit from re-interpretation in the way I have dicussed. >>Among these I can count equally well qualified and experienced >>sociologists, folklorists, psychologists and historians, and >>that's just in one small hick Yorkshire town, noted for its >>open-minded academics. >I note no physical scientists among them. And those >sociologists, folklorists, psychologists, and historians -- do >they know anything about UFOs except that they don't exist? And >what would a social scientist have useful to say about physical, >photographic, or instrumented evidence, anyway? May I venture >an answer: say, just about nothing? If there existed any conclusive photographic or instrumental evidence to prove the existence of ET UFOs we would not be having this discussion, so you have killed your own argument. You cannot study something for which there is no physical evidence. Once again, back to my earlier argument, the only way you can do so is via the humanities, and via studying the percipients themselves. Physical scientists are useless in this context. >>As for "UFO phenomenon or the ETH", it's just a theory and >>despite your 'special pleading' it has not more evidence to back >>it up than any other. I think I will stick with the idea that >>the fairy folk are the flying saucer pilots, after all two can >>play at wearing cultural blinkers if that's the game we're >>playing. >Interesting argument for a proclamation without supporting >evidence. For a insightful discussion of the limitations of >folklore as an approach to UFO study, I urge listfolk to read >"Folkloric Dimensions of the UFO Phenomenon," JUFOS 3 (new >series, 1991): 1-57. The author, interestingly, is Thomas E. >Bullard, who also holds a Ph.D. in folklore from Indiana >University, which houses one of the world's best esteemed >folklore departments. I have great respect for Dr Bullard, but his arguments are not shared by any of the eminent folklorists of whom I am acquainted. Among these I can point to the highly respected Professor J.D.A. Widdowson, my PhD supervisor, who trained under one of the mentors of modern folklore study, Herbert Halpert, at the University of Newfoundland. Professor Widdowson and the vast majority of folklorists in this country with whom I am in regular contact share my views, indeed I have been invited to present a lecture on UFOs as modern folklore at the Folklore Society AGM next year. And as for books, I would recommend anyone interested should check out UFOs and Alien Contact by sociologist Robert Bartholemew (James Cook University, North Queensland) and psychologist George Howard (University of Notre Dame), Prometheus Books, New York, 1998, who effectively deconstruct the whole UFO myth in a superbly referenced volume. For a folklore slant on modern UFO narrative, you can't do better than Barbara Rieti's study of the fairy world of Newfoundland in Strange Terrain (Memorial University, Newfoundland, 1991). So, although Jerry Clark likes to champion the views of Dr Bullard, his conclusions are much more measured than Jerry would have us believe, and are certainly not typical of folklore scholarship in general. And as for anthropologists, I dread to think what they would make of Jerome Clark's conclusions! >>So my opinions are not welcome on this list? >Of course they are. I get the impression, though, that dissent >from them isn't. That's precisely the impression I got from your postings, so ditto. >>Presumably the "empty posturing" of the ETH believers is OK >>then... I don't see Jerry objecting as they all happily slap >>each other on the back, cracking jokes about pelicanists and >>debunkers along the way. Sounds to me like a spot of intolerance >>is creeping in. Opinions are fine, as long as they are ones >>Jerry agrees with. >Huh? Should I apologize for presuming to disagree with you? Are >we to believe your words are carved on stone and carried down >from the mountaintop? Nice thought, but sounds a lot of effort to go to when we can tap away sending email messages. Should I too apologise for disagreeing with you, or can we agree to disagree? >Seriously: I did not mean to imply -- as surely you should have >known based on our past interaction -- that I deem nothing you >say of worth or interest in UFO discussion. To the contrary, >you have much to contribute, and I've praised, both privately >and publicly, at least one of your investigations, which was a >model of thoroughness and sound analysis, to all available >appearances. Fair enough then. >It was just a particularly broad, indefensible >statement that I am taking issue with. As far as I can tell, >you yourself are backing away from it a little. And that does >you credit. I've never had any problem with seeing another point of view; and I would certainly never go to the extreme of claiming I know all the answers, and can explain every case and rule out ET visitors completely. No one can make such sweeping statements as this, and I don't believe any of my colleagues have. We are simply approaching the subject in a sensible, analytical way as any bona fide scientist *should* approach data. But it seems doing it this way you just can't win, on the one side you get the ridicule of your peers for having anything to do with a subject that most people believe is completely staffed by nutcases, and then on the other side you are assailed by the ET believers as heretics and debunkers. Caught in the crossfire, at the end of the day I have come to the conclusion that if both extremes of opinion don't like us, then we *must* be doing something right. Thanks for an interesting and stimulating debate anyhow! All best wishes, Dave Clarke "The Skeptick doth neither affirm, neither denie any position; but doubteth of it." -Sir Walter Raleigh.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: Alien Contact Would Ignite Media Frenzy From: Stephen G. Bassett <SGBList2@aol.com> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:51:33 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 19:13:34 -0400 Subject: Re: Alien Contact Would Ignite Media Frenzy >From: Robert Gates <RGates8254@aol.com> >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 09:45:45 EDT >Subject: Re: Alien Contact Would Ignite Media Frenzy >To: updates@globalserve.net >>Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 09:26:20 >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Stig Agermose <stig.agermose@get2net.dk> >>Subject: Alien Contact Would Ignite Media Frenzy >Interestingly I suspect that all the so called astronomers who >have belittled UFOs, would suddenly "come around" and be >claiming that they knew all the time UFOs were real; how it was >somebody else in the astronomical community who was saying they >were not etc etc. >In that said initial media frenzy, the media would be >interviewing so called PHd experts from various universitys as >well. I suspect that the main stream UFOlogists who have >actually been studying UFOs for years would be regulated to a 5 >second sound bite while the astronomical and PHd experts would >have their faces all over the cameras. >After that nobody and I mean nobody (well perhaps Phil Klass) >would claim to have ever been skeptical about the existance of >UFOs/life elsewhere, although we would hear all the storys about >how these same skeptics sincerely believed but until now, the >evidence wasn't available blah blah. >Cheers, >Robert There is a way to prevent this not unlikely outcome. The UFO/ET research/activist world has got to come to together in broad based coalitions around designated projects and build as large a political front as possible. There are hundreds of organizations, websites, email lists, and UFO/ET media outlets representing millions of interested public. Approach that public, enlarge it, and it will be much more difficult for the mainstream press, the government and the newly enlightened grant greedy university Ph.Ds to disregard ufology's past work and future interests. Steve Bassett

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy From: John Velez <jvif@spacelab.net> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 16:45:40 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 19:26:01 -0400 Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >From: Steven M. Greer <DrSGreer@cs.com> >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:08:37 EDT >Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Robert Gates <RGates8254@aol.com> >>Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 02:14:41 EDT >>Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >>To: updates@globalserve.net <snip> Robert writes: >>If Greer has all the information he claims to have, he could go >>public and end the secrecy himself. He doesn't have to wait for >>Congress, the White House, the so called evil military >>industrial complex, or some covert govt agency working on the >>UFO problem to disclose information. Previously it had been >>suggested that the reason he doesn't go public, is because the >>witness's would not stand up to independent verification. A >>position that sounds more credible everyday. Hi Robert, Dr Greer, All, Rob, I couldn't agree with you more if we were both standing in the same shoes! I have asked Dr Greer _repeatedly_ to substantiate some of the truly 'wild/outrageous' claims he has made over the years. I have also taken offense at the fact that he has 'presumed' to _designate himself_ 'our' representative among 'our' elected officials in Washington DC! Balls! This America doc. You want to "represent" me? Then you need my _vote_! You need _consensus_. Otherwise, you are just what you are, a 'self-anointed' joke. But I digress. Dr Greer makes public statements such as: "98% of all reported UFO abductions are the result of 'covert US military/government' operations." Well Mr Greer, if your claims are true, then what is needed is for every able bodied man and woman to pick up a gun and march on Washington immediately! All of those responsible should be strung up in the trees -along with those who protect them- on the lawn of the Capitol Building. You say in your note to Robert; " we can be very patient...." Can "we" afford to be "patient" doc? Can we? Like Dick Cavett Dr Greer is fond of 'name dropping' and using 'hip insider buzzwords' such as the following: a. "intel. cut-outs" - What the hell are, "intel. cut-outs"? is that the latest and greatest 'jargon' in the conspiracy community? I don't 'indulge' doc, you'll have to explain those references for 'simple folk' like myself and the rest of the "Great Unwashed." b. "players" - you've been hanging out in DC too long doc! c. "handlers" - Again, you've been hanging out in DC way too much! Doc, I've said it before and I'll say it again; You cannot elect yourself the 'representative of the people,' or ufology and appear in front of _our_ elected officials _without our (the rest of us) consent!_ You've never really 'grokked' that have you? Like many other things you choose to view it as an attack on your person, or the ramblings of "naive" and "gullible" people. The condescending tone you've chosen in your response to Rob shows that you don't. As demonstrated in the following: 1. "Those of you who are naive enough to believe..." 2. "That you are gullible enough to think that..." And the much 'broader' and 'broad brushed'... 3. "We are not interested in a xenophobic 'Alien Invasion' paranoid-fest (besides thats been done already by the media and the UFO organizations and researchers)." In quote #1 and #2 you call Robert (us) naive and gullible. In example #3 you whip out the shotgun and blast _every_ UFO organisation and researcher with the same color. What an ego! Get help doc. Very few people take you seriously. Much less, as seriously as you seem to take yourself. Sincerely, John Velez ________________________________________________ jvif@spacelab.net "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind." ________________________________________________

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: Get Real From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 22:49:22 +0000 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 22:42:25 -0400 Subject: Re: Get Real >Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:28:52 -0500 >From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> >Subject: Re: Get Real >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:26:19 +0000 >>From: Dave Bowden <grafikfx@netscapeonline.co.uk> >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Subject: Re: Get Real >>Do you by any chance happen to have a dog? >So, you claim to see a "black wet nose" in a scanned image and >ask if I have a dog. Mmmm, I wonder where this is leading?. >Good research there, Dave. I have three cats. Now tell me you >see three cat butts in the picture too. Oh, and don't forget >the goldfish. See any fish heads in the picture? Really >scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one, Dave. By the >way, do you wear glasses? Do you suffer from periodic delusion >or hallucinations? Do you perhaps use a computer screen that >may have dirt on it in the shape of a "black wet nose"? Hey, >this is a fun game! Let's play some more! Yes all very amusing Amy you don't seem to be able to answer the simplest questions, I asked if you have a dog? A simple yes or no answer would have done, I don't recall asking about fish or cats bottoms, or as you people call it 'butts'. >>Verbal accounts but nothing else to back it up. >And what do _you_ have to back up your claims? I have never made any claims! >>Therefore how can I let anyone know that I actually contacted >>anyone without everyone else knowing who I contacted? >Perhaps we can think of a way to solve this. Perhaps not, judging by the evidence presented I don't see why I should spend any more time on this. I hope your chosen line of research will turn up something interesting one day. Until then, goodbye for now. Dave.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Filer's Files #43 From: George A. Filer <Majorstar@aol.com> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 17:49:42 EDT Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 22:55:56 -0400 Subject: Filer's Files #43 Filer's Files #43 -- 1999, MUFON Skywatch Investigations George A. Filer, Director, Mutual UFO Network Eastern October 28, 1999, Majorstar@aol.com (609) 654-0020 Visit our Web Site at www.filersfiles.com. Chuck Warren Webmaster. THIS WEEKS FILES COVER NEW IMPORTANT EVIDENCE ON THE ROSWELL CRASH AND SEVERAL IMPORTANT NEW SIGHTINGS. NEIL ARMSTRONG SAYS LIFE IS OUT THERE SOMEWHERE CAPE CANAVERAL -- The first human to set foot on a place beyond Earth found an airless, waterless, lifeless world. Nevertheless, Neil Armstrong is convinced life thrives elsewhere in the cosmos. "We have no proof," said Armstrong, who stepped onto the moon 30 years ago. "But if we extrapolate, based on the best information we have available to us, we have to come to the conclusion that other life probably exists out there and perhaps in many places." Thanks to Todd Halvorson of Florida Today MASSACHUSETTS TRIANGLES BROOKFIELD - Morgan Clements Director of WWUFORC reports that a witness observed a Flying Triangle craft on October 22, 1999. The witness stated, " I have seen these triangle aircraft several times." I was just walking home in the woods behind where I live from scouting deer for the upcoming hunting season. It was getting pretty dark, so I was in a hurry and got tired walking up the final hill. I stopped to take a quick breather at 7:30 PM. When all of a sudden one then two, three and then four Flying Triangle craft went right by me in the bottom of the small valley. They were totally silent and appeared to be sneaking through the valley. They were triangular in shape and about 75 feet long and as wide. There were no outside lights, but being so close to them I could tell there was lighting inside. I was scared! All of a sudden three large noisy planes came screaming by as if they were chasing the triangles. This is the second night I've seen these craft. I thought I saw two craft the weeks before, but they caught me off guard. I caught them going over the ridge, but was not quite sure what I'd seen. Morgan Clements Director, World Wide UFO Reporting Center www.ufosightings.net uforeports@aol.com. NEW JERSEY DOVER - On October 23, 1999, Anjali Shalit was driving west on Route 10 towards Dover. Anjali wrote, " In the Parsippany area I noticed an extremely bright light which appeared to be stationary in the sky at 10:10 PM." I thought it might be a plane heading directly towards me and looked for blinking lights. I saw, very faintly, a blinking blue light to (my) left near the object. I'm not sure there was one on the right. There was almost a full moon and the light was perhaps between a quarter and a third of the size of the moon. It was not quite as big as the end of my thumb at arm's length. It was much brighter than any star or planet I've seen in the sky, and certainly much closer and stationary as I drove on. I had the light in view for about 5 minutes and when I looked again, there were two. A second light, appeared horizontally across from the first. I saw no small blue blinking light associated with the second light. The second light was maybe half way up to my elbow from the tips of my fingers. The luminosity of both lights appeared identical. Again, there appeared to be no movement. I think I must have watched them for about ten minutes and then they disappeared. Thanks to Anjali Shalit, STARBROOK@prodigy.net. FLORIDA TRIANGLE WITH BLUE IONIZATION NEAR GULF BREEZE PENSACOLA BEACH � On October 9, 1999, the witnesses were Red fishing in Pensacola Pass when a strangely configured craft came into view over Fort Pickens State Park at an altitude of 200 feet at a quarter of a mile. The witnesses are an ex-USAF Security Policeman and a retired US Army Chopper pilot presently a city police officer. The UFO was traveling west over the Gulf of Mexico in a Zig Zag fashion at 7:57 PM. The craft flew slow 100 to 300 knots sliding south and back to north in a continuing forward motion. The craft moved in a Z pattern erratic with no sound. It seemed to be suspended in flight at various positions. The craft was silent with high intensity blue arcing lights that fluctuated around the entire craft. These lights resembled electrical charges coming off an alternator's brushes. Further observation revealed three larger lights in a triangle configuration dimly lit with variable output glowing blue to pale yellow. The UFO appeared triangular in shape but this might be a deception as skin structure could not be seen. The FM radio receiver suffered extreme static during event. The craft changed locations in split seconds covering distances of approximately half a mile to over a two miles instantaneously. At least four times it hovered for 30 seconds with longest delay of about a minute and a half over the southwestern boundary of Pensacola Naval Air Station. One Aircraft was launched from Sherman Field about three minutes into event but, seemed unaware of the UFO and turned away in an easterly direction. When the UFO was first observed a trailing sound of a helicopter could be heard but never could be observed. The UFO left the area after fifteen minutes at 8:12 PM local time moving west along the coast. One witness suffered from nausea for about 10 minutes but the other was fine. "I have never seen a conventional craft operate in this manner nor has my friend." Thanks to Peter Davenport, UFO Reporting Center, http://www.UFOcenter.com WISCONSIN ORBS OVER LAKE SUPERIOR ASHLAND - On October 25, 1999, Jessica, 21 states, "I was walking my dog at 6:00 PM, and saw three orbs hovering over Lake Superior for about three minutes." "They flew off over the hills across the bay." Thanks to: Morgan Clements Director, World Wide UFO Reporting Center www.ufosightings.net. OKLAHOMA DISC HITCHCOCK -- Shelley Ritter writes: "My husband, our two children and I went out target practicing, three miles west of Hitchcock on October 24, 1999. At 6:45 PM, we noticed a jet with contrails. Then all of a sudden out of nowhere appeared a shiny round metallic object that was visible for about 45 seconds, it disappeared for about 30 seconds and then reappeared for another 45 seconds. The object was round, shiny, and extremely bright. It was about 3 to 5 miles away and about the size of a BB held out at arm's length. We thought that it was unusually strange that the sun was setting behind it, but it was still shiny towards us, instead of having a shadow. Thanks to Shelley Ritter. NEW MEXICO SANTA FE - On October 3, 1999, My girlfriend her friend and I were sitting in the hot tub enjoying the sunrise at 6:00 AM, when both of us saw a bright light moving very fast from south to north. It seemed to be around 3,000 feet t above ground and was not blinking like a plane. It was going north much faster than any jet. It only took about 25 seconds to go from horizon to horizon. Thanks to Morgan Clements Director, WWUFORC at www.ufosightings.net. COLORADO ORBS SAN JUAN MOUNTAINS -- Michael Curta State Director of Colorado MUFON reports that Armando had a visual sighting in Ouray and San Miguel County on October 10, 1999. Armando states, "At 7:05 PM, I was hiking along a ridge, in a southerly route after sunset to return to camp. I heard what I thought was a whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, of a bird flying overhead. I looked up and saw what I first thought was a satellite, but the light would suddenly vary it's speed, not traveling at a constant rate. Also, I realized it was nearer to the mountains, which were still quite visible. As the point of light approached the horizon line, I figured the reflection would disappear, and it did, in two to three seconds, The light traveled across the entire mountain range from Whitehouse Mt. to Mt. Sneffels. I estimate it was traveling between 10 to 40 miles per second. Less than ten minutes later two military aircraft (my assumption) were flying in a similar course, parallel to each other, 50 miles apart at an altitude too low for commercial planes in a mountainous region. Thanks to Michael Curta ufomedic@net1comm.com and Arechiga a_arechiga@hotmail.com PILOTS SPOT HUGE FLYING TRIANGLE Initial reports indicate an apparently very large triangle was seen by two commercial jets on October 26, 1999, over Western US. The planes were 100 miles from each other, and the object passed between them, and overtaking them, headed east. Both pilots reported that the object was "huge. It was as big as their fists held at arm's length. Thanks to: Peter B. Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center PO Box 45623 University Station Seattle, WA 98145 director@ufocenter.com http://www.UFOcenter.com NEIL MORRIS FINDS NEW EVIDENCE OF A CRASH AT ROSWELL On July 7, 1947, Colonel Blanchard, Commander of the 509th Bomb Wing at Roswell announced the Army had recovered a flying saucer and it was being sent to Fort Worth, Texas. On July 8, 1947, some debris from the alleged saucer was flown from Roswell to Fort Worth aboard an aircraft and met by Col. Thomas DuBose. He carried the debris to 8th Air Force Commander, General Roger Ramey's office. J. Bond Johnson a photographer for the Fort Worth Star Telegram was sent to General Ramey's office to photograph the debris. When J. Bond Johnson entered the General's office he was met by Col. DuBose who suggested that he unwrap the debris, while DuBose looked for the General. Bond spread the debris out on the floor to set up his photo session. Later the General arrived holding a message. Photographs were taken of General Ramey, Col. DuBose and Intelligence Officer Major Marcel with the debris. These photographs are virtually the only public evidence that remains of the debris. They were used throughout the Air Force's reports and explanations as proof that the debris was a Mogul balloon and a kite like RAWIN radar reflector. One glimpse at the photographs has convinced many the debris was paper covered with thin metallic sheets of foil and a few sticks of balsa wood that was a RAWIN reflector. RPIT Director and now retired Colonel J. Bond Johnson writes: "Almost fifty years later the international Roswell Photo Interpretation Team (RPIT) has undertaken to evaluate these photographs." Neil Morris, senior photo interpretation specialist and a veteran technical staff member of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester in England, is an original member of the RPIT group. Morris and the RPIT group for more than a year have carefully compared every part described in detailed blueprints of the MOGUL and RAWIN devices with Roswell debris pieces displayed and photographed. The RPIT members have been unable to associate any of the pieces examined through the use of modern computer enhancement techniques with any parts expected to be found in a MOGUL/RAWIN crash. Morris and with others have made some amazing discoveries. They have determined that key parts of the debris contains hieroglyphic like writing. What originally was reported to be thin, paperbacked foil and solid wooden sticks -- such as might be found in a MOGUL/RAWIN train -- actually appears to be thick, massive sheeting attached to carefully formed and drilled hollow beams. The beams are covered with very unusual glyphs, which are undergoing further examination. Neil Morris states "I realize some people have concluded that the RPIT project is nothing more than a wild goose chase reading symbols into "smudge" marks etc. But I hope you will take the time to go to the RPIT web sites to see some of the new discoveries." Some of the debris looks like a saw cut through thick aluminum. This does not look like any part of a Mogul Balloon train. It looks like a saw cut or fracture in the metal. I live in the Northwest of Britain in the area that gave rise to the "Industrial Revolution," the builders of the 18/19th century where "cast iron" was often used. It has a grainy, crystalline structure, when subjected to high impact as from a demolition hammer it gives just this brittle type of fractured edge. I'm not for one-second saying this is cast iron, I'm just suggesting whatever it is might have similar properties of structure, e.g., tough, crystalline almost ceramic like, but when pushed beyond it's limits brittle, like smashed pottery. Some of these type of fractures can also be observed on the broken ends of some of the "sticks." I also wonder if this thick material is all solid, if you check the thickness around some of the edges you can see that it varies, thinning out in areas which seem to have sustained additional damage. Shadows cast onto the edges also seem to hint that the surfaces of the edges are not all flat, but sometimes slightly "hollowed out" as though an inner "softer" core material might have been eroded by whatever process generated the initial fracture damage. I'm left with the conclusion that this _is_ a large piece of 1/2 inch thick material which is totally at odds with the "usual" explanations for the debris. Morris states, "I'm not saying it's ET at this point, but as sure as hell it's not part of a Mogul balloon train!" But_ When numerous details within these images fail to match the official blueprints of the ML307a- radar reflector nominated by the USAF as being identified as the cause of the wreckage within these images, I start to smell a rat. I have footage of the MOGUL launches showing the train configuration, I have details of the equipment packages and instruments they carried, I see none of this in the images, I therefore conclude, in my opinion, this is _not_ MOGUL debris. Thanks to: Neil Morris and RPIT Project Director James Bond Johnson, Editor's Note: At first glance I'll admit the debris looks like a RAWIN radar reflector. However, the new findings of the fracture damage to thick metal infers a strong impact with the ground. Several military witnesses describe a large and long crash site that matches this finding. Again the damage to the debris indicates something crashed at high speed or in a free fall from a high altitude. This discovery tends to rule out a Mogul balloon train that normally settles to Earth comparatively gently. These structures only fracture with an explosion or from a high speed impact. These photographs are evidence that tends to prove something other that a MOGUL RAWIN kite like device is in the photographs. If Neil's analysis is correct its apparent thick half inch beams were not used in the Mogul according to the Army Air Force's own specifications. I congratulate Neil Morris and members of the RPIT team for their findings. This debris is much more likely to be part of some type of a craft, but certainly not part of the Mogul balloon. The RPIT discoveries are at http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/. and http://adm2.ph.man.ac.uk/ftw-pics/index.htm MORE INDICATIONS A CRAFT CRASHED AT ROSWELL Excellent researcher Wendy Connors of Project Sign has obtained a taped interview with Colonel Andrew Hemstreet, that states Alfred Loedding was sent to Roswell, and was the only one at T-2 to know the whole story. In 1947, T-2's job was to acquire, collect, analyze and produce foreign aerospace scientific intelligence for the Army Air Force. It later became the Foreign Technology Division. Civilian aeronautical engineer Loedding was an expert in such areas as Vertical Takeoff aircraft, the hydro bomb, rockets/fuel and low aspect ratio aircraft. Documents show Colonel Howard McCoy sent Loedding to the Pentagon as the first liaison between T-2 Intelligence and the AF Office of Intelligence (AFOIN). This was done in July 1947 because General McDonald wanted someone to work with Dr. Charles Carroll in setting up the preliminary outline for a formal and parallel project to investigate the "flying disc" phenomenon that was rapidly developing. Loedding's expertise was necessary because at the time the "boys at the Pentagon" were of the opinion that the discs were advanced technology from Russia and invading US airspace. Loedding wouldn't tell any of them what he knew, even though the Roswell incident was a big topic of conversation with the T-2 boys and Loedding had been sent there. Wendy says, "I had nowhere to go with this statement since it was only his memory and really no way to back it up." Then, from out of nowhere, during a discussion with a new source who knew Loedding well (worked next to him for years), stated that Loedding was not the one ordered to Roswell at the time of the incident. (This source did not know of Hemstreet's admission at the time because neither of us told him.) I was given the name of this person. The Roswell crash is not a dead issue? In my mind, it certainly should be maintained as a valid exercise in Ufological research because at least one person from T-2 was ordered to go to Roswell by Colonel McCoy. Two separate confirmations by two different people who did not know what the other had said. Wendy says, "Our research is on-going. Many yelling for the end of the Roswell research don't have a clue to the reality of actual research." They sold out way too short when there are questions that still need answers. I do understand the simple concept that until enough documentation or circumstantial evidence is presented the Mogul theory, or any other theory can and should be questioned. Theories exist and efforts should be to prove their validity. It is important that those researchers, so inclined, be allowed to continue their work. Those who call themselves researchers who have not either been to Roswell, submitted FOIA's or even talked personally to some of the people involved, have no valid opinion except their own belief system or what they gleen from the work of others. Nothing more. I don't think it was a flying saucer that crashed, but something damn well important happened and that exceeded the secrecy of a balloon laying tattered on the ground. Thanks to: Wendy Conners. Editor's Note: Congratulations to Wendy on some great research. It seems rather doubtful that Colonel McCoy would send aeronautical engineer Loedding from Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio to Roswell, New Mexico to investigate a Mogul Balloon. The balloon train was not classified, only its mission to listen for Soviet nuclear explosions was classified. T-2 personnel were not balloon experts, their expertise was aircraft. Its reasonable to assume that Loedding flew to Roswell saw the wreckage and flew to the Pentagon to brief his findings to the general staff. He was then appointed key man for further technical study of flying discs. Loedding later patented a disc shaped aircraft that is capable of flight. It seems logical that his patent was based on what he saw at Roswell. THE GREAT UFO/ET AUTUMN FESTIVAL will be held at the Days Inn, Bordentown, NJ by Pat Marcattilio on October 30 and 31. Speakers include Antonio Huneeus, Steven Basset, Peter Robins, Wendelle Stevens, myself and many others. Call (609) 631-8955 for reservations. RECOGNIZING ABDUCTION EXPERIENCES PROGRAM October 30th in Sedona, Arizona featuring Derrel Sims with Robert Dean and Dr. Ruth Mckinley-Hover Conference begins at 10 AM and ends at 10 PM Lunch is included. Learn the signs and symptoms of having been abducted. Explore both human and alien motives behind the experience. Develop healing and Spiritual techniques for coping and expanding the human potential. By Derrel Sims, see Dr. Chet Snow's website at: http://people.delphi.com/sedonaconf BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL A HOME SEE MY FREE REPORT -- All real estate agents are not the same? Some real estate agents or sales representatives are part timers and inexperienced. Others are experts with an excellent experience and capabilities. When you are selling or buying your home, you need to make sure you have the best real estate agent working for you before you make any important financial decisions on one your biggest investments! Remember, the majority of people do not know the right questions to ask, and what pit falls can cause major problems. Picking the right real estate agent can be a wonderful experience, and picking the wrong one can be a big mistake that can waste your time and cost you thousands! Find out, "What you need to understand before hiring any real estate agent!" These are the questions that many agents do not want you to ask. Learn how you can obtain the best real estate agent for your needs. To get a free copy of this report, just call (609) 654-0020 or e-mail us at Majorstar@aol.com. We can also help you with your own or corporate Worldwide Relocation to Australia, Benelux, Canada, Cayman Islands, England, France, Guam, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Puerto Rico, and all 50 states of the United States. We also have help with associates that speak languages other than their native tongue. US GOVERNMENT UFO PROOF RELEASED: Audio tapes of a genuine UFO Alert at Edwards Air Force base and studied by the Foreign Technology Division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, are now available for distribution to the public. Lunar Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell was at Edwards the night the UFO chase occurred. The 6th person to walk on the moon said, "The night it happened I investigated it myself and this was a real event." Sam Sherman's audio documentary tape called THE EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE ENCOUNTER on the night of October 7, 1965, uses the actual voice recordings provided by the Air Force. During this event 12 high tech luminous UFOs invade secure air space and came down low over the runways at Edwards AFB. Tower operator Sgt. Chuck Sorrels spotted them and notified the Air Defense Command. Sgt. Sorrels is heard on the original tapes and in a new segment where he verifies the event as it is heard on the archival recordings. The UFOs are described and a decision is made to launch F-106 fighter interceptors. You are there for an important part of UFO history. Hear it for yourself, it's the best UFO tape ever made. Tape cost is $14.95 each plus $2.00 for shipping -- total $16.95 --(for overseas orders-out of US - add $6.00 shipping cost -- total -- $20.95) you can send either a personal check or money order to: Independent International Pictures Corp, Box 565, Dept. GF, Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857. MUFON UFO JOURNAL For more detailed monthly investigative reports subscribe by contacting Mufon@aol.com. Filer's Files Copyright 1999 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post items from the Files on their Websites provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue that the item appeared. Send your letters to me at Majorstar@aol.com. If you wish to keep your name confidential please so state.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Cali/Colombia 1976 From: Joachim Koch <AchimKoch@compuserve.com> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:17:15 -0400 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 23:21:41 -0400 Subject: Cali/Colombia 1976 Dear Friends, This is a request for help to get more information about a strange event that happend in Cali /Colombia in 1976. "We go onboard a UFO" said Conchita Alvarez de Hoyos. She left her family and hometown together with four other individuals and never came back. The story was published in the newspaper EL PAIS on June 17, 1976. It was written that on Tuesday before this date the five members of the center for extraterrestrial studies (CIREX) left the town of Cali at five o'clock a.m. and headed towards the Chisto-Ray mountain. They expected to meet a UFO there to start for a "special mission". "We do not know when we'll come back. Wish us luck", she said to her parents minutes before Mrs. de Hoyos left them. Mrs. de Hoyos was an excellent Parapschologist and worked/studied at the University of Cali (this would need further confirmation, jk). Her father, Mr. Rogelio Alvarez, reported that his daughter fell in trance from time to time since 8 years and has received several messages from extraterrestrials. It had to do with Jupiters moon Ganymede. It was said that several extraterrestrials already had or will contact Conchita. In this context, there is a strange remark that a yugoslavian photographer, Mr. Henry Janschitz photographed a young Lady in Bogota and then collapsed. This Lady should have been an extraterrestrial, too. It was reported that on the day of the disappearance of Mrs. de Hoyos and the the other four a light was seen travelling away very fast from the mountain. On the top of the mountain the abandoned car of Mrs. de Hoyos was found. Mrs. de Hoyos never reappeared neither did her accompanists. The was no sign of suicide, no traces, no dead bodies were ever found. I know that this story sounds a bit weird but we have several points we can check, investigate and verify. This contribution is meant as a challenge for the South American members of the list to help us to clear up what happened in June 1976 in Cali. Maybe we have a real abduction case here that never was thoroughly investigated. I have photocopies of the articles from the newspaper EL PAIS from that day and they are big ones, so there was obviously public interest and a lot of rumour surrounding the incident. Is there anyone who is interested and can provide further information? Thanks, Joachim Koch, Berlin

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 29 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 23:47:10 +0100 Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 23:31:29 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Gildas Bourdais <GBourdais@aol.com> >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:49:26 EDT >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: updates@globalserve.net >>Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 06:45:48 +0200 (MET DST) >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Henny van der Pluijm <hvdp@worldonline.nl> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! > Hello, Henny and List, >I am not disturbed by the statement that many UFOs may be >reduced to IFOs after careful analysis. What really bothers me >is the statement made, for instance, by Jenny Randles (message >of October 26) : >>>We can often prove an IFO >>>to reasonable degrees of certainty. A UFO is simply an >>>unresolved case and may eventually become an IFO or stay a UFO. >>>This means ufologists should pay more heed to IFO cases because >>>they teach us useful lessons. >Of course, IFO can never mean, I suppose, a craft identified as >alien (non-human) ! So, such a statement simply closes the door >to the construction of a solid case for UFOs as alien crafts, if >I understand well the long discourse displaid on this list by >Jenny Randles, Andy Roberts, and David Clarke (I may have missed >other names). Sorry but you do not 'understand well' anything I have said it would appear. I repeat (patiently once again) that I do not reject the possibility, even probability of some close encounters relating to another intelligence. I have said so repeatedly. So the claim that I am closing the door on seeking to build such a case is arrant nonsense. Have you actually read any of my books where I have strived for 20 years to build a positive case for unexplained UFOs? And in many close encounters have done precisely that, I think. But thats another issue not related to the quote above. This refers to the 95% or so of cases we can explain as IFOs. I argue that with these we often can prove a solution. We can never prove any theory for the unsolved cases unless and until physical evidence appears beyond the level we have seen so far . As such IFO cases have a status that I consider under emphasised by UFOlogists. We can learn from them. The remaining cases not proven to be IFOs are, of course, a key to the UFO mystery per se. This is the evidence we should focus most effort upon and it is the very evidence that UFOIN will address. Thats why there are reports in process on major close encounters such as car stops, jet chases, radar trackings, etc . UFOIN is not a negative organisation as so many of you seem to be desperate to believe . I have no idea why this seems to be a cause celebre. But it will emphasise solved cases as and when that is the conclusion we reach about an investigation. I see no need to apologise for that. So much of UFOlogy is concerned with solving cases we have a responsibility not to ignore them. However, there is no expectation of finding that negative position always or often with the data. Nobody will be more pleased than I as and when we find strong positive data on UFOs as we will sometimes do I am sure - and it wont be swept under any mat if we do either. My point was not that UFOs can never become IFOs (where the Identified object is identified as an alien craft). It is simply that in general we can prove an IFO in conventional terms or we can leave a case baffling and thus still a UFO. In those instances the alien interpretation is one possible conclusion to take on from there (strengthened - as many of you seem to forget - by these efforts to find solutions with the best cases). But we can probably not prove by our present methodology that a UFO is a spaceship. At least if anyone has ever succeeded in doing that I would love to hear about it. This is an unrealistic expectation which appears to have one of several explanations. One of these is, of course, that there are no alien craft out there to prove. But another, for instance, is that these craft have a science so far beyond us that they produce effects that are not amenable to our present deductive logic. All that is obvious to me is that IFO data has the edge because we can often reach firm conclusion about it. The unsolved cases are by nature more contentious. This does not demean them. It does not mean that none of them will ever be established as evidence of another intelligence. But it does mean they lack the closure that an IFO case can bring. Really I wasnt arguing much more than that. If you regard this as worrying or scepticism, fine. I am afraid to me its just a fact of a UFOlogists life that we have to try to work with. >This seems to be the common viewpoint of UFOIN, if we add the >names of Paul Devereux and Tim Matthews. I think this much more >an ideological attitude than a scientific one, in sharp >contrast with people like astronomer Hynek and prof. MacDonald, >for instance. I have great respect for both of these men and knew Allen Hynek in the last years of his life. I did not get the impression that our approach to UFOs was that far apart, to be honest - although he was, of course, a far more learned person. But my only ideology, as you put it, is as an investigator. It can be expressed simply. A UFO sighting is a collection of evidence. The job of an investigator is to study that evidence free of any expectation, preconceived theory or bias. All reasonable rational solutions should be explored and matched against the evidence. If these argue in favour of a solution then we should be willing to say so. If they do not the case remains a UFO - ie unsolved - and joins the pile of data supporting UFO reality (strengthened according to how well an investigation was conducted). From then it is the job of the theorist to argue what this unsolved data means. It is not the job of an investigator whose role ends when all reasonable options have been explored and a case is either solved as an IFO or added to the ranks of the unexplained. I am bemused as to why this philosophy - which has always been mine and to my knowledge that of most others in UFOIN - seems to be creating such a fuss. I thought all good UFOlogists acted responsibly like this. Was I mistaken? >Recently, Jenny Randles questioned the French COMETA report, for >its presentation of the famous Lakenheath case (message of July >25) : ><snip> >In answer to this message, journalist Bernard Thouanel, who was >the editor of the report published by the magazine VSD, asked >Jenny Randles two days later to give him some material of her >inquiry, which he would publish in a forthcoming issue of VSD. >He gave me a copy of his message with his authorization to >reproduce it, and I think it appropriate time to do it : >"In fact, I am preparing the next special issue of VSD OVNI" >(UFOs) in which I would like to publish the testimony of the RAF >Venom crew members (anonymous or not, at their wish, but I would >prefer to have them fully named and ranked) concerning the >Lakenheath case." >Jenny Randles answered that, no, she could not assist him in his >request for contact with the RAF crew, for several reasons, the >main one being her contract with the BBC. (I have a private copy >of her reply). >Well, Jenny Randles raised that question as a "test of the >objectivity of COMETA". To me it is now a test of her >objectivity : how can you play such a trick, Mrs Randles ? You are misleading this list attrociously. I was asked by Bernard Thouanel to tell nobody of our private correspondance. I did as I was asked. Evidently either that was a rather one sided request (if he cleared you to comment but has not told allowed me to discuss my own messages!) or you do not regard confidences in the same light that I do. That said I must now of course tell people what really happened. Yes, I was asked to help Mr Thouanel. So I sent him immediately a copy of 'Something in the Air' with an account of the Lakenheath pilots testimony. This would thus allow him to put something in print about their story as soon as he wished. How does that constitute no co-operation? He did request supply of full details of the crew as you note. But I again did not refuse. Witness details cannot just be released here due to a law we have called the Data Protection Act and our own Code of Practice for BUFORA/UFOIN investigators that properly restricts what we can say to journalists such as Mr Thouanel. This exists to protect witnesses and I stand by it. So I reported straight back to Mr Thouanel that there were several reasons why it would not be immediately possible to send the data (one was indeed resolving the BBC copyright issue as my programme was made for them and is still being re-run under contract - although in case you are wondering - I am not being paid for this - so there are no questions here of financial gain preventing release of information to ufology). Another problem was the fact that I had to get proper clearance from the crews and our Official Secrets Act is still a real issue with RAF pilots as you would know if you had ever interviewed any of them. But I told Mr Thouanel that this work would be done (and indeed is being done for a UFOIN report to be issued early in the new year ) . I have for some time committed to producing this report (for which again I wont be paid a penny ). And I added that I'd be happy to let Mr Thouanel have a copy of this data when it was completed . Here is exactly what I told him (clearly Mr Thounels's embargo on my talking in public is meaningless)... 'I do intend to document all of this material when I am freed by both (the BBC) and by the witnesses to do so. I will happily provide a copy to you at that time. ' Now kindly tell me and this list how the above actions and my above reply equate with a refusal to cooperate or can be termed a trick? As far as I can see I did what I could to assist Mr Thouanel - although evidently my trust and my sincere offer to provide further material to him was misplaced. I now hope that you will issue an apology for your unfounded allegation to this list. Sincerely. Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 30 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Todd Lemire <tlemire@earthlink.net> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 20:47:22 -0400 Fwd Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 09:10:37 -0400 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Wed, 27 Oct 99 13:41:10 PDT >>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:39:36 -0400 >>From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> <snip> >Dave, >You are, of course, entitled to your opinion. I think you're >wrong, and yours is not a conclusion other smart, hard- >working investigators, including those trained in the physical >sciences (McDonald, Hynek, Maccabee, Sturrock, et al., >come to mind), have come to. Perhaps your training as a >folklorist has given you too narrow a focus. >>Among these I can count equally well qualified and experienced >>sociologists, folklorists, psychologists and historians, and >>that's just in one small hick Yorkshire town, noted for its >>open-minded academics. >I note no physical scientists among them. And those >sociologists, folklorists, psychologists, and historians -- do >they know anything about UFOs except that they don't exist? And >what would a social scientist have useful to say about physical, >photographic, or instrumented evidence, anyway? May I venture >an answer: say, just about nothing? Jerry, How we Oh So manipulate the data to suit our purposes... tsk... tsk...tsk... On your above paragraph, I have one statement and one statement only: Jacques Vallee - Computer Scientist. You obviously haven't read his book entitled "Dimensions" have you? I believe it is you with too narrow of a focus. T. Lemire - FI Trainee -- "Thus these beings appear to us, not in order to stay among us or become allied to us, but in order for us to become able to understand them." Written during the Middle Ages by Paracelsus in "Why These Beings Appear to Us"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 30 New Yorkers Watch Skies For UFOs From: Blair Cummins <ufoblair@hotmail.com> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:02:25 PDT Fwd Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 09:14:58 -0400 Subject: New Yorkers Watch Skies For UFOs Greetings list - From: http://www.msnbc.com/local/WNBC/588318.asp NYers watch skies for UFOs Stillwater, NY, Oct. 29 � As the last Halloween of the millennium approaches, the hundreds of members of UFO groups in New York state are watching the skies more than ever and investigating reports of unusual sightings. The 1990s have produced more sightings in New York than in any decade since a small New Mexico town called Roswell made unidentified flying objects a mainstream topic. Consider these reports: April 10, 1978 � A shiny oval object is reported over the treeline of Saratoga Lake. Witnesses said that it moved sideways, hovered, then descended and disappeared 40 minutes later. April 6, 1978 � A police officer and his family report a large oval object hovering near their home in Baldwinsville, Onondaga County. A bright flash of light followed 10 minutes later and power was cut off to 3,000 homes. They said a helicopter appeared and the object flew away. Four others in two separate sightings in the county report similar sights the next night. Oct. 17, 1973 � Sixteen witnesses, including a policeman, report a rotating object in the sky with alternating colored lights. For 40 minutes it hovered over Gloversville, then darted away. These kinds of sightings are no joke to those who take them seriously. Databases are being compiled to track for the first time sightings nationwide and New York state�s more than 200 reports since a Saturn-shaped object was reported flying slowly over Norwood, St. Lawrence, on July 3, 1884. "More and more people are starting to be open to this," said James Bouck, a state regional director for the New York chapter of the Mutual UFO Network, and a UFO investigator. "More people believe there is something out there, something visiting us, or something the government isn�t telling us." A Gallup poll in 1996 found that 71 percent of Americans said they believe the government is hiding something and that officials know about UFOs. Forty-five percent said they believe UFOs have visited, and 12 percent said they have seen a UFO. UFOs and aliens are linked to the Halloween season by more than costumes and Orson Wells� 1938 broadcast of a Martian invasion that panicked thousands. Bouck, who is compiling the state database, said that now is the busiest time for reports, despite the fact that more people are outside in warmer months. However, skeptics maintain that there are simple, everyday causes for 90 percent to 95 percent of these reports. Two who will tell you that are Bouck and Mike Scritchfield of Rochester, a UFO investigator with the group Skywatch. Their objective is to prove the sightings are anything but out of this world. They almost always do. But among the cases for which no Earthly cause is determined, a few patterns appear to be emerging: These investigators aren�t the techno-geek conspiracy theorists of the X-Files or other TV programs and movies. Bouck is a state auditor. Scritchfield, a retired chief warrant officer in Army Intelligence, is a college tennis coach working on his doctorate in education. They don�t say "these are reports of alien ships." They call them as they see them � objects that are unidentified, flying. "Some say we�ve been visited for breeding, or to warn us of impending doom, or just studying us. It depends on who�s idea you want to consider," said Bouck. "We want to stay open to the possibility of whatever we learn � we don�t have enough information, we don�t have a smoking gun." Critics from government officials to science-based magazines such as The Skeptical Inquirer also point to a lack of proof. Where is even one chunk of hardware? One undeniable photo? A footprint? The counter-argument is as fervent as it is unprovable. "I think there�s substantial evidence that the government knows a lot more than it�s talking about," said Dana Schmidt, state director of MUFON. "If there�s nothing to it, one wants to know why are they are keeping the secretive approach?" The theory has it that hardware and more have been collected and secreted away by the government for research and to avoid mass panic. One of these research sites was long rumored, but never proven, to be at the former Rome Air Force Base in Oneida County. The explosion of interest in UFOs fueled by television, movies, books and magazines could be because the government duped the entertainment industry. "What better way to acclimate the public to the idea of extra-terrestrial life?" said Scritchfield, who worked in an Army Intelligence unit unrelated to the paranormal. "In a counter-intelligence mode, you start feeding bits and pieces. You get the public accustomed to thinking there is extra-terrestrial life out there, and somewhere down the road a ship lands in the mall in Washington or the government makes an announcement." --- Best regards, - Blair Cummins ufoblair@hotmail.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 30 Re: Huge Fireball Leaves Canadians Puzzled From: Don Ledger <dledger@ns.sympatico.ca> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 00:16:09 -0300 Fwd Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 09:24:40 -0400 Subject: Re: Huge Fireball Leaves Canadians Puzzled >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 06:44:44 -0400 >From: Kenny Young <ufo@fuse.net> >To: updates@globalserve.net >Subject: Huge Fireball Leaves Canadians Puzzled >Source: http://www.vny.com/cf/News/upidetail.cfm?QID=124592 >Huge fireball leaves Canadians puzzled >Friday, 29 October 1999 1:03 (GMT) >(UPI Spotlight) >Huge fireball leaves Canadians puzzled >HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, Oct. 28 (UPI) - Canadian officials and >scientists were trying Thursday to determine the nature of a >huge fireball seen streaking over the Maritime provinces >Wednesday night. Lt. Cmdr. Glenn Chamberlain, at the search and >rescue center in Halifax, Nova Scotia, said several people >called to say they had seen the fireball, which was visible for >about 12 seconds. Hi List, No two ways about it, this was a fireball of considerable size. A local astronomer, David Lane, estimated that it could have run upwards of a ton or so. Part of it broke up into a meteor train. It was seen all up and down the eastern seaboard with reports coming in from as far south as Bostton and as far north as northern New Brunswick. It was seen by thousands near the coast. Reverberations and shock waves were felt as it broke up. It hasn't been determined yet as to exactly where it might have impacted or whether it hit land or water. Make no mistake. This was an IFO. Even my daughter observed it, strung out in a chain of 6 or 7 golden colored objects streaming down to the east. Best, Don Ledger

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 30 Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 00:44:34 EDT Fwd Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 09:31:51 -0400 Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >From: Stefan Duncan <swduncan@foto.infi.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto" <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:48:09 -0400 >>From: Steven M. Greer <DrSGreer@cs.com> >>Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:08:37 EDT >>Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >>To: updates@globalserve.net ><snip> >Put Greer's claims into his million dollar special he was >collecting money for last year would make a good Encounters of a >Third Kind II. He seems to tailor himself to the French man of >that movie, waving handsigns, sending musical notes into the >air, flashing lights, claiming alien intervention to his most >certain looking army death-spawn demise; communicating with >aliens away from a group of others, sending thoughts to ask if >his stomach is upset and with a pointed ET glowing tip finger >heal the stomach ailment; the controversial alleged director of >CIA/Greer meeting that now has been refuted; charging outrageous >seminar prices to learn how to mentally communicate with aliens >and coordinate UFO appearences; making claims of evidence but >never showing; announcing to the government he should be the >spokesperson between the aliens and earth. This reminds me of a >certain computer company that announced it had a piece of ET >hardware that would make computer chips unbelievably fast - but >is never shown. >And what is the most sickening, there are honest, nose to the >ground, hard working people trying to uncover the truth of >UFOs/ETs. They go unnoticed. And then someone appears with >outrageous claims gets the media attention, gets aired for >average intelligent people to hear such inane ego-centric >self-posturing grand illusive UFO/ET b.s. that anything worth >truely investigating will be laughed at. >I ask all UFO news services to please stop running releases of >wild claims. Greer's works belongs in fiction tabloids. A stand >must be made on individuals who make a mockery of sincere UFO >studies. If it is not, true investigations will never be taken >seriously. >I cringe to think that this man, tells our government he seems >himself as the representative of ufologists and that they should >let him stand on top of Mt. Mitchell with the world's biggest >spotlight and welcome mat. >Please, I ask all UFO news services to stop running their news >releases. One major reason for the new services to do so is: >Greer has not allowed interviews that question his >"questionable" claims. We are not to inquire on any of his >statements but to merely publish his news releases and claims. >AUFON has stopped running news releases. And I, Stefan Duncan, >will respond to every Greer news release to the public with a >warning - the man is a fraud. Yah, shut the guy up. Turn him off. Limit only truth to this venue. While I am outraged as much (if not more) than the next guy at such claims without portfolio, I am not for supressing anyone's right to express them. Even if it's horse hockey. Whassamatta with you, S. Duncan? Shutting anyone up is against the rules. Suppose someone vehemently objected to your opines? Would we have the right to stop running your kaka? Come on dude, lighten up. Aint nobody who has not the God given right to make a complete ass of him or her self. Or even say something stupid. I do it all the time. And quess what, so did you, just now... altho I really can't assign a whole lot of angst your way, under the circumstances. Plead guilty with an excuse and you'll get off without a fine or even a reprimand. I promise. Oh, and have one on Gesundt. I'll send you a case. J. Jaime Gesundt PS: Thanks Docca Kanappy, for helping to make me literate. It's a tough job but somebody's gotta['q' removed --ebk] do it.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 30 Re: Ways To Ignore Reality From: Jim Mortellaro <Jsmortell@aol.com> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 00:59:32 EDT Fwd Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 09:35:45 -0400 Subject: Re: Ways To Ignore Reality >From: GT McCoy <gtmccoy@harborside.com> >To: <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Ways To Ignore Reality(and make your anaylist very rich) >Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 20:59:39 -0700 >Ways To Ignore Reality (And Make Your Analyst Very Rich) >Caution, Humor Ahead... >First physical unreality, you see a UFO on landing legs with two >guys standing out side (Probably taking a leak) upon your >arrival they see you and not wanting to disclose that the anti- >gravity drive is powered by a Ford Flathead V-8 they jump in and >head back to whence they came. Obivously a Floater in the >Observer's eye. >Secondly, Photgraphic unreality ,as in: You are some old >clodhopper in Oregon assuming that you neither have will or are >crafty enough to fake an elaborate hoax you see a UFO fly over >you take a Picture. This is a Phenomon known as Photographic >Hallucination, The Brownie Complex as it is known, especially >prevalent after WWII when Hasselblads and Minoltas came to the >U.S. it gave Brownie Owners ( and Brownies themselves >inferiority complexes and subsequent deluisions of grandeur) If >this occured today, Kodak would've spent spent millions on >therapy. >Thirdly Multiple witness insanity - Induced by the apparent >onset of bright lights in the household the presence of Air >Guard jets many miles away, and the Camcorder getting an >annoyinlgly real looking ah, well Object(s) -Probably another >formof Browine Complex Known as Didgital Envy. >Fourthly, (and one that I hold dear, may I never by God's Grace >ever be "cured" of) the unbelief in nothing miraculous ever >happened.Imagine a unreality in which there are five people >standing in a field at twilight, watching with awe , a silver, >disc shape cruise silently over another Oregon farm. Pelicans >flying in a Saucer shape-why obviously-Nothing like that can >happen-can it? >GT McCoy To my fiend Docca GT McCoy goes the coveted, "Best Rant of the Year" award for excellence in expressing in better woids what Gesundt can't express wit any woids. The prize is two, not one but _two_, ten gallon jugs of our latest brew, GrippleViagra Con Gas Sin Aiello. We aint sure how to spell aiello but after a sip or two, it won't matter diddly how you spell it. Of course, with all that help, we can't let it go with just the ViVinno... we also send along a gross of Pia dolls. You gonna need 'em all, Doc! Here's to you GT. A man after me own heart. J. Jaime Gesundt (Docca of most stuff)

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 30 Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy From: Amy Hebert <yelorose@swbell.net> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 00:17:32 -0500 Fwd Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 09:40:30 -0400 Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >From: Steven M. Greer <DrSGreer@cs.com> >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:08:37 EDT >Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >To: updates@globalserve.net <snip> >Ultimately all we ask is something quite reasonable: that a >disclosure be factual, scientific, evidence driven and hopeful >We are not interested in a xenophobic 'Alien Invasion' paranoid >- fest (besides thats been done already by the media and the UFO >organizations and researchers). In other words, you want only disclosure that is "hopeful", positive and promotes "aliens" as the good guys. What if this is not the case? Will you allow other scenarios to exist even if they do not support your belief systems? When asking for disclosure, we cannot specify the type of disclosure we will accept. The goal is truth not warm fuzzies. Amy Home Page: "http://TheVanguard.tripod.com"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 30 Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy From: Joe Murgia <Ufojoe1@aol.com> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 01:22:10 EDT Fwd Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 09:44:48 -0400 Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:20:29 -0700 >From: Kim Burrafato <lensman@stardrive.org> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net>, >Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy <snip> >according to information released under FOIA requests, UFOs >were reported hovering over some of our most sensitive nuclear >missile bases, after which missile components were found to >have malfunctioned. I'd say that might be cause for a bit of alarm. >It doesn't take an intelligence operative to see that there are a >number disturbing aspects to the ET-UFO phenomenon. Alarm? Actually, and I'm obviously speculating here, I would say those nuclear incidents bode well for Dr. Greer's belief that most ETs are benevolent. The ETs allegedly shut down these missiles. They didn't set them off. To me, it's an obvious warning to us that we need to grow up and do away with nukes. Just an opinion. Also, it isn't as easy as most people think for Greer to just come foward with his witnesses. Many, not all, need some promises that they will not be prosecuted or punished for breaking any security oaths. The ones that testified in DC a couple of years ago were willing to do that without that promise. At least Greer is trying. I don't agree with a lot of what he says but so what. He's trying to get things done. That's a lot more than most people on this field are doing. I agree that there are disturbing aspects to the UFO/ET matter but let's find out who/what is behind it before we jump to conclusions. BTW, some people say Greer broke protocol by writing about his 1993 meeting with James Woolsey. Well, if he did, and some doors have closed on him in Washington and he has burned bridges, so what? Woolsey & Congress have had some of this evidence of the reality of UFOs for almost 7 years and what have they done? Nothing. Screw protocol, this is too important a subject. The clean energy implications alone should make this topic the number one story in the news every night. Joe speculating in Tampa

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 30 Re: Cali/Colombia 1976 From: Larry Hatch <larryhat@jps.net> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 05:05:18 -0700 Fwd Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 10:08:40 -0400 Subject: Re: Cali/Colombia 1976 >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:17:15 -0400 >From: Joachim Koch <AchimKoch@compuserve.com> >Subject: Cali/Colombia 1976 >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Dear Friends, >This is a request for help to get more information about a >strange event that happend in Cali /Colombia in 1976. >"We go onboard a UFO" said Conchita Alvarez de Hoyos. She left >her family and hometown together with four other individuals and >never came back. >The story was published in the newspaper EL PAIS on June 17, >1976. It was written that on Tuesday before this date the five >members of the center for extraterrestrial studies (CIREX) left >the town of Cali at five o'clock a.m. and headed towards the >Chisto-Ray mountain. They expected to meet a UFO there to start >for a "special mission". >"We do not know when we'll come back. Wish us luck", she said to >her parents minutes before Mrs. de Hoyos left them. >Mrs. de Hoyos was an excellent Parapschologist and >worked/studied at the University of Cali (this would need >further confirmation, jk). >Her father, Mr. Rogelio Alvarez, reported that his daughter >fell in trance from time to time since 8 years and has >received several messages from extraterrestrials. It had >to do with Jupiters moon Ganymede. >It was said that several extraterrestrials already had or will >contact Conchita. In this context, there is a strange remark >that a yugoslavian photographer, Mr. Henry Janschitz >photographed a young Lady in Bogota and then collapsed. This >Lady should have been an extraterrestrial, too. >It was reported that on the day of the disappearance of Mrs. de >Hoyos and the the other four a light was seen travelling away >very fast from the mountain. On the top of the mountain the >abandoned car of Mrs. de Hoyos was found. >Mrs. de Hoyos never reappeared neither did her accompanists. The >was no sign of suicide, no traces, no dead bodies were ever >found. >I know that this story sounds a bit weird but we have several >points we can check, investigate and verify. >This contribution is meant as a challenge for the South >American members of the list to help us to clear up what >happened in June 1976 in Cali. Maybe we have a real abduction >case here that never was thoroughly investigated. I have >photocopies of the articles from the newspaper EL PAIS from that >day and they are big ones, so there was obviously public >interest and a lot of rumour surrounding the incident. >Is there anyone who is interested and can provide further >information? >Thanks, >Joachim Koch, Berlin Dear Joachim: This will probably help very little. The *U* Database lists an event for 17 July 1977 East (Ost) of Cali. Numerous observers saw 3 white glowing rings apparently maneuvering over a nearby hill. Virtually no other information is available from the source, which was the Republicaine (de?) Lorraine in France. My direct source is LDLN (Lumieres dans la Nuit, then a very good journal) Issue #159. I am sorry that I cannot help much more than that. Best wishes regardless - Larry Hatch

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 30 Alfred's Odd Ode #323 From: Alfred Lehmberg <Lehmberg@snowhill.com> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 09:17:59 -0500 Fwd Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 19:56:51 -0400 Subject: Alfred's Odd Ode #323 I sense divergent consciousness, between the stars it's free -- as speculation pushes me beyond what science sees. And not the science we'd respect, but the science of malfeasance. The science of the narrow band. That science of convenience. You want (you sneer?) examples -- I provide you just two men (thanks to Aristotle all the women won't be factored in). They couldn't be more polarized, each stares across the gulf at the ethics of the other, with but ONE concerned with self. Scientists like Edison are a sullen, craven lot. Scientists like Tesla ARE torpedoed, ruined -- shot. Tesla might have freed folk-kind. Thomas wanted wage slaves. Tesla wanted all the stars, and Thomas was, at last, unbrave. They _talk_ impartiality, these men of *sacred* science; they wear the cloak so admirably, so *convincing* their reliance. They smirk and point around them at the grandeur of their work, like it's them that gives the gold ring at the *ride*, and you're the jerk. But, then, they look away from what you've SEEN with sober eyes. They ridicule the stuff that hovers high in day/night skies. Ignoring what they want to (and addicted to their dollars), their knots are cinched up high and fast; they've leashes on their collars. "Somewhere there is other life, as smart or smarter (yeah!)." They all admit this frequently in a yarn that they may yell. "But *they're* not *here*," is their advice, "they cannot make the trip"! And "why?" -- "well, WE can't do it"! What hubris, then, is THIS? I think there's more than they let on. I think their shop's controlled. I think that they're not living UP to what they would extol. I think they're NOT impartial. I think that they're too proud. I think that they've forgotten what the ancients said out LOUD! I think they sell us way too short (they grovel, bow and please). I think they think they're centered, but they're thinking on their knees. I think they lead us down the dimmest SLOPE of prim rose paths. I think they wound egregiously -- do disservice at the last. I'm a conscious mote of conscience and I want to know the truth . . . (good or bad) it's likely preferable -- to a *scientist's* abuse. Plato knew the difference, and included what's unmeasured; Aristotle used his hubris to diminish what we'd treasure. We should reexamine Plato for imagination's value, and diminish Aristotle who has mislead, duped, and failed you. The FACT that *something's* happening is apparent in the "word". Written and historical it's there -- you may have heard. This is stuff NOT learned in schools where we are trained to be mere tools -- bereft of our identities, and shoved to callused, bloody knees! We would stand upon our feet, and live what's REAL -- a real treat! We would ask the bigger questions, take along our heart's suggestions -- build to last for just rewards and breed less folks, for less is MORE! Very few are *hurt* (some churches) those *contrived* -- suppressing urges they employ in unfair ways to cripple spirits they DELAY. Bad news won't improve with age. Crass denial never pays. Change is coming, not all bad, most of it will make you glad; all the misery that is caused is caused by those who set proud jaws. Prepare for new foundations that are pushed up by degrees. Prepare to leap to settled feet, and rest your callused knees. Prepare to have the skies spread wide with bracing winds of change denied by those that live upon the flesh of those without a clue or guess. Feel its fingers touch your face, and pull you to a higher place (that you have earned for being born!) -- you stand respected and (yes!) un-scorned! Soar and cleave, be unafraid! Be filled with purpose, bright -- ablaze! You're the center of it all! You have free will! You've heard the call! You're important! You're the man! Your history's nothing but the plan to keep you down and worthless, beaten -- useful as their neutered cretin! Take a breath and feel virtue. Let these winds of change alert you! Know that you are not alone to bear what changes change proposed. YOU'RE "divergent consciousness" -- I've found between the stars! And just like me you know there's MORE; you're lucid, and you ARE. Lehmberg@snowhill.com We locally demonstrate it disaster after natural disaster, tirelessly, over and over again -- NOT taking advantage if those times where we are at our best as transient conditions provide their worst. Later on, some *David* covets someone else's desirable ass, the *rules* aren't flexible enough for rational sharing (of an inexhaustible resource I might add <g>) -- reptile brained prerogatives work out their conveniently short sighted calculations, and the general suffering is increased. It's clear we have to struggle against something to stay sharp, but we grind against each other while the common problem continues to kick our unbalanced and misdirected ass. It doesn't have to be that way. . . we should be living on healthy island planetoids, pregnant with satisfaction and vitality . . . endless gardens of technological *magic* out in the asteroid belt -- by now . . . but for the ubiquitous tyrannies and pernicious pogroms of the conspiring, and *convenient* sociopathic conservative. Restore John Ford! -- Visit a Virtual Art Gallery in Cyberspace! Ponder the Wit & Wisdom of Ching Chow! View "Unstill Life" -- Animation . . . and more. Consider Matter, Mind & Movement. See the current HTML "Apology to MW" with illustration. Take a ride in the Teleporter and check the inexplicable. EXPLORE Alfred Lehmberg's Alien View" at his Fortunecity URL. http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/arecibo/46/ **<Updated 30 October>** http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/witches/237/lehmberg.html JOHN FORD RESTORATION FUND -- Send your checks and money orders to _me_, Alfred Lehmberg (cut out the lawyers, they got theirs) at: 304 Melbourne Drive, Enterprise AL, 36330. Strict records kept. $350.00 pledged -- $200.00 collected! "I cleave the heavens, and soar to the infinite. What others see from afar, I leave far behind me." - Giordano Bruno, burned at the fundamentalist's stake.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 31 New at Magonia From: Mark Pilkington <m.pilkington@virgin.net> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 17:14:57 +0100 Fwd Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 10:22:06 -0500 Subject: New at Magonia I should say, what's new at new improved Magonia! http://www.magonia.demon.co.uk/ 30/10/99 More Secrets Than Lies Kevin McClure continues his investigation into the evidence for Nazi UFOs (NB: 65K file download) Magonia Monthly Supplement #20 Hudson Valley - the controversy continues: a microlightist writes; Phil Klass spills the beans; Martin Kottmeyer on the Aston CE3K; Nigel Watson and Granville Oldroyd on Spithead UFOs of 1914; more! Magonia Monthly Supplement #19 Pelicans, making ufology hard to swallow; ridicule and ufology by John Rimmer; WWI UFOs by Nigel Watson Mark Pilkington "A heathen conceivably, but not, I hope, an unenlightened one." Lord Summerisle ------------------------------------------------ Magonia Online http://www.magonia.demon.co.uk

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 31 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 99 10:19:40 PDT Fwd Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 10:25:03 -0500 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 20:47:22 -0400 >From: Todd Lemire <tlemire@earthlink.net> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Wed, 27 Oct 99 13:41:10 PDT >>>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:39:36 -0400 >>>From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >>>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Todd, >>>Among these I can count equally well qualified and experienced >>>sociologists, folklorists, psychologists and historians, and >>>that's just in one small hick Yorkshire town, noted for its >>>open-minded academics. >>I note no physical scientists among them. And those >>sociologists, folklorists, psychologists, and historians -- do >>they know anything about UFOs except that they don't exist? And >>what would a social scientist have useful to say about physical, >>photographic, or instrumented evidence, anyway? May I venture >>an answer: say, just about nothing? >How we Oh So manipulate the data to suit our purposes... tsk... >tsk...tsk... On your above paragraph, I have one statement and >one statement only: Jacques Vallee - Computer Scientist. >You obviously haven't read his book entitled "Dimensions" have >you? I believe it is you with too narrow of a focus. Of course I've read Dimensions. I've read virtually everything -- including magazine articles and journal papers (though not, I confess, his science fiction) -- Vallee has ever written, sometimes more than once. I've actually read Passport to Magonia -- Vallee's first venture into occult ufology -- three times. Vallee and I even once spent a long evening, in an Italian restaurant in Chicago, in a cordial and comprehensive discussion of our differing views. You seem to assume that the simple act of reading Vallee is synonymous with the decision to take his word for it. Ironically, in the instance you provide, the problem is the reverse of what I'd been criticizing in my exchanges with Roberts and Clarke. Here, instead a folklorist attempting physical science, in Vallee we have a physical scientist attempting folklore. Not a pretty sight. Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 31 Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy From: Robert Gates <RGates8254@aol.com> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 14:02:38 EDT Fwd Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 10:29:20 -0500 Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >From: Steven M. Greer <DrSGreer@cs.com> >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:08:37 EDT >Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 12:26:05 -0400 >Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >>From: Robert Gates <RGates8254@aol.com> >>Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 02:14:41 EDT >>Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >>To: updates@globalserve.net <snip> >>If Greer has all the information he claims to have, he could go >>public and end the secrecy himself. He doesn't have to wait for >>Congress, the White House, the so called evil military >>industrial complex, or some covert govt agency working on the >>UFO problem to disclose information. Previously it had been >>suggested that the reason he doesn't go public, is because the >>witness's would not stand up to independent verification. A >>position that sounds more credible everyday. >On the contrary, we are prepared to come forward immediately as >soon as common sense strategic plans can be actuated. This have >been described publicly and in writing for a couple of years. I recall some of these disclosure tales that are always being talked about for 3 years as happening shortly/very soon and so forth. Although always in the future tense. Bottom line on those is 5 years from now we will still be getting lengthy emails about how its going to happen soon blah blah. >Those of you who are naive enough to believe that you simply >call a press conference and it is a 'done deal' are badly >misinformed. You are the one claiming to know all the plans, is aware of all this information, and you sit around waiting for somebody else to disclose the information in a manner that suits you. > >If the Congress will not hold hearings (the best venue) then a >civilian led disclosure will need to be done very well and very I recall various stories how folks were working with this or that committee and or Congressional staffers. Supposedly the Congressional people claiming that "they" were interested in holding hearings and were sympathetic to ending UFO coverup. Like I said at the time, this is the same story they tell everybody that walks through Congressional doors with an issue they want somebody to do something about. The bottom line is Congress will not hold hearings UNLESS the issue is politically expiedent and or has some massive public out cry behind it. For example, if the country was in the middle of a UFO flap like 52 and or 66, you would stand a far better chance at getting hearings because people by the millions are calling the Congress people up. If Republicans or Democrats thought they could one up each other with an issue such as this you MIGHT generate some intest. >carefully. In particular, we are not interested in selling out >to intel. cut-outs who have only one goal: a disclosure spun in >the desired direction of 'Independence Day', the movie. So, in your mind (bias is more accurate) anything that doesn't go along with your apparent theory that ET's are the most wonderful race of beings in the galaxy, further that are the savior of the planet and only GOOD can flow from them is apparently an "intel cut-outs who only one goal..." As I mentioned before, if the many abduction accounts are true, those accounts are not from a race of beings intent on the good of the planet. Naturally I would expect you to rationalize these away by claiming that any "bad" abduction was in fact part of the evil military industrial intelligence community, WHILE all the so called good that came from ET abductions was in fact this wonderful race of beings, bent on ending the ills of humanity .. blah blah. >We know who these players are we know who their handlers are. One would suspect that since you won't name them, or the civilian UFO initiatives that are involved, you lack the necessary proof needed to make your case. >That you are gullible enough to think that a matter this >sensitive is not continously being influenced by such assets is >your problem. We will not make it ours. Been listening to this story about so called informants/insiders and upcoming UFO/ET reality claims for years, but no one including yourself has every stepped forward and offered any kind of evidence. Only shadowy storys, from shadowy figures that can't ever be totally checked out or verified by anyone other then the person unloading the story to the general UFO community. You weren't around then, but years ago one of these so called government insiders in a one hour TV special we learned the vital, can't live without fact, that supposedly aliens just adore strawberry icecream. >Ultimately all we ask is something quite reasonable: that a >disclosure be factual, scientific, evidence driven and hopeful So _if_ the disclosure dosen't have lots of "hope" about how wonderful aliens are, it is unreasonable..at least in your mind? I guess it goes along with your personal opinion. >We are not interested in a xenophobic 'Alien Invasion' paranoid >- fest (besides thats been done already by the media and the UFO >organizations and researchers). When the support and means are Define "support and means." One could suspect that this means pumping loads of cash into CETI coffers, while others would think that you are just using this as a means to put people off. >there to do this right it will be done. Until then, we can be >very patient.... Its called 5 years from now we will still be hearing talk about something to happen sometime in the immediate future. Cheers, Robert

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 31 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 99 11:23:38 PDT Fwd Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 10:45:40 -0500 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:40:30 -0400 >From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Wed, 27 Oct 99 13:41:10 PDT >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:39:36 -0400 >>From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Dave, >>You are, of course, entitled to your opinion. I think you're >>wrong, >Well at least we have established that I am entitled to have an >opinion, and that opinion is a well-informed one rather than the >"empty posturing" you would prefer to regard it as. I regard as empty posturing the assertion that the ETH and the larger notion of ETI are equivalent to a belief in elves and fairies. I would like to think that you would have a more interesting argument than that by now well-worn cliche. Notions such as ETH and ETI may be right or wrong, but they are not mere superstition. >As to whether I am wrong, time will show that I am right. Uh huh. You don't mind if I don't hold my breath, do you? >But because so many people pass through ufology and stay only a >little while, I fear we will have to fight this tiresome battle >many more times in the future. Sorry to have to tell you this, Dave, but I plan to stay right here. >>yours is not a conclusion other smart, hard- >>working investigators, including those trained in the physical >>sciences (McDonald, Hynek, Maccabee, Sturrock, et al., >>come to mind), have come to. Perhaps your training as a >>folklorist has given you too narrow a focus. >I've no doubt thosf those "trained in the physical sciences" >have arrived at different conclusions, because they are studying >a very narrow aspect of the subject themselves. Yes, they are. They're studying the cases at the core of the UFO phenomenon, the cases that will eventually determine whether or not UFOs exist as extraordinary unknowns, namely CE2s and the like. No elves and fairies here. >And you have unwittingly hit the nail on the head - it is >precisely because the physical sciences are so "narrow" in >themselves that the disciplines I have cited are more suited to >this subject. Nope. The disciplines you have cited are not qualified to study physical evidence. >You cannot study ufology as you would study the workings of a >automobile engine; ufology is a human science, it is bound up in >the beliefs and psychology of human beings. And so is just about everything human beings participate in. So what? But it takes a physical scientist to analyze landing traces, radar records, photographs, and other hard evidence. Of course, as you reveal, you harbor a strange notion of the very process of scientific inquiry, as is revealed in what follows. >You do not employ astronomers and optical physicists to study >how myth is created, and how the human brain perceives and >interprets anomalous phenomena, One would have thought this >concept would be obvious to someone as smart as Jerry Clark. Since you have already decided UFOs are a "myth," I guess those physical scientists -- whose evidence suggests otherwise -- are unwelcome at your table. From my perspective, however, you're serving up empty calories while vehemently declaring your meal to be the only nutritional one. >You can talk all you like about "astrobiology" and unprovable >arguments about the possibility of life in outer space. >The arguments of the SETI crowd might have some validity, but >they have absolutely no connection with some funny light someone >saw over Arkansas the other night. I am sure you are sincere in your belief, Dave, but your touching sincerity does not make your statement of faith any more persuasive to those of us who think such questions will be settled by evidence. >The facts are we have no UFOs or aliens for your "physical >scientists" to study. We have all sorts of UFO evidence to study. If you want to learn how a physical scientist goes about investigating reports, may I suggest a trip to the University of Arizona and a week or two's immersion in the James McDonald files? Here you'll learn the difference between hard science and soft science, and perhaps you'll shake your fatal addiction to the latter. You might also read Peter Sturrock's brand new book, The UFO Enigma, which also documents how physical scientists can -- and do -- study UFO evidence. >All we have are human beings, their claims and their beliefs - >and that is why only the human sciences, and especially those >which are cross-disciplinary (anthropology, folklore, sociology) >are of any use in this area. >And that's my point - you don't hire an optical physicist to >study religious mythology. Apparently you harbor the strange view that I have argued physical scientists should be studying contactee literature. I'll leave that up to the religious scholars and the folklorists, who can actually make themselves useful in this area. >>>Add to that a sound knowledge of folklore and cultural belief >>>which led to a me being awarded a PhD - described by a panel of >>>academics as "a valuable contribution to knowledge" - and I feel >>>I am well qualified to comment, and certainly as qualified as >>>Jerome Clark. >>But not as well qualified as the physical scientists who have >>worked on specific cases. >I disagree. All cases are based upon narratives produced by >human beings, the eyewitnesses, describing events which are to >all intents and purposes "supernatural" in the traditional >sense. Therefore they are as much open to study by the >folklorist as to the scientists you cite. The sorts of arguments you're using have been thoroughly trashed by a number of folklorists, including David Hufford, Thomas E. Bullard, Bill Ellis, and more. You tend to speak as if from on high -- as if your degree grants you the authority to render sweeping judgments to which we lesser mortals can only nod our heads in unison, and vigorously -- when in fact, as I know from my own interactions with folklorists, many are sympathetic to anomalous claims, closet or not-so-closet heretics. (An example: a book written by two prominent British folklorists on the lore of merfolk; at the end they conclude that a real mystery exists and probably a real unknown animal at its core.) They have more respect for human experiences than you seem to have. What you're falling victim to here is what Hufford ably skewers as the "tradition of disbelief." In any case, "all cases" are not "based upon narratives produced by human beings," at least any more than any other human experiences are. CE2s can give us evidence that can be taken into the laboratory or otherwise analyzed. Any assessment of the UFO evidence that expects us to take it seriously has to take it into account. >>You can have all the folklore >>knowledge in the world, and none of it is going to help you >>explain the McMinnville photo, the RB-47 case, Socorro, or any >>of the other classic UFO incidents on which the case for the >>reality of UFOs as extraordinary unknowns rests. I have no >>doubt that your Ph.D. amounts to "a valuable contribution to >>knowledge" -- you're a bright, interesting guy. All I am saying >>is that it doesn't help you explain the most puzzling UFO cases. >Yeah but what about all the other "classic" cases which have >since been explained: i.e. the Alexander Hamilton 1897 "calf- >napping", Aurora crash, the Berwyn Mountains events, dare I >mention Sheffield incident, etc etc. They might have been >"difficult" to explain from a purely folklore perspective at >first sight, but they undoubtedly generated rumour and folklore, >whatever their explanation. Some, like the 1897 hoax, continue >to do so. Weird. I don't recall saying anywhere that hoaxes or misperceptions don't occur. In fact, I debunked the Hamilton case myself, back in 1976. I didn't do it, however, as a folklorist; I did it as an investigator. With the arguable exception of the Hamilton story (which appeared in Jacques Vallee's first book), none of the other cases you cited could be considered "classics." I think you've made my point. >That is precisely why I claim UFOs are modern folklore - none of >these cases are "isolated" occurrences, removed from the culture >that spawned them, or from other "unexplained" UFO events. >Any kind of strange light in the sky is now habitually tagged as >a UFO equals ET craft by the media and the public, whatever its >explanation. My point again: UFOs are modern folklore. So I >would maintain that ALL of the cases you cite would benefit from >re-interpretation in the way I have dicussed. On what evidence, may I ask? I hope you plan to apply sounder reasoning than you've shown us so far, or any we've seen from eager-beaver would-be skeptics who in recent months have regaled us with ludicrous, easily disprovable "explanations" for several classics.. >>>Among these I can count equally well qualified and experienced >>>sociologists, folklorists, psychologists and historians, and >>>that's just in one small hick Yorkshire town, noted for its >>>open-minded academics. I'm sure Sheffield is a nice town, Dave. Don't put it down, or I'll be forced to follow your example and judge my own beloved Canby "one small hick Minnesota town. " Actually, come to think of it, John Rimmer did it for me the other week on this very list. Oh well, we can't _all_ live in London. >>I note no physical scientists among them. And those >>sociologists, folklorists, psychologists, and historians -- do >>they know anything about UFOs except that they don't exist? And >>what would a social scientist have useful to say about physical, >>photographic, or instrumented evidence, anyway? May I venture >>an answer: say, just about nothing? >If there existed any conclusive photographic or instrumental >evidence to prove the existence of ET UFOs we would not be >having this discussion, so you have killed your own argument. If "conclusive" evidence one way or another existed, they wouldn't be UFOs, would they? Science, alas, continues its work in all sorts of areas even when conclusive answers and evidence aren't there, or have yet to be uncovered. (Do you ever read books on the hard sciences? Sure doesn't sound like it.) If science demanded "conclusive evidence" before it even started, there would be no science. Nature and the universe do not yield their secrets easily. You are underscoring, I am afraid, the strong -- though, I hope, unconscious -- antiscientific bias you bring to your work. Your focus, I am learning, is even narrower than I had suspected. >You cannot study something for which there is no physical >evidence. Once again, back to my earlier argument, the only way >you can do so is via the humanities, and via studying the >percipients themselves. Physical scientists are useless in this >context. See above. >>>As for "UFO phenomenon or the ETH", it's just a theory and >>>despite your 'special pleading' it has not more evidence to back >>>it up than any other. I think I will stick with the idea that >>>the fairy folk are the flying saucer pilots, after all two can >>>play at wearing cultural blinkers if that's the game we're >>>playing. >>Interesting argument for a proclamation without supporting >>evidence. For a insightful discussion of the limitations of >>folklore as an approach to UFO study, I urge listfolk to read >>"Folkloric Dimensions of the UFO Phenomenon," JUFOS 3 (new >>series, 1991): 1-57. The author, interestingly, is Thomas E. >>Bullard, who also holds a Ph.D. in folklore from Indiana >>University, which houses one of the world's best esteemed >>folklore departments. >I have great respect for Dr Bullard, but his arguments are not >shared by any of the eminent folklorists of whom I am >acquainted. Among these I can point to the highly respected >Professor J.D.A. Widdowson, my PhD supervisor, who trained under >one of the mentors of modern folklore study, Herbert Halpert, at >the University of Newfoundland. And I'll bet you any amount of money you want to offer that neither has done remotely the amount of research and analysis of UFO matters that Eddie Bullard has. David Hufford, one of America's most respected and influential folklorists, has told me of his deep admiration for Bullard's work, which -- I might add -- has been published in the flagship Journal of American Folklore. I hope I am not telling tales out of school, but mainstream academia is taking note of his splendid scholarship, and a university press has approached him to do a booklength study of abductions and the UFO phenomenon. I'm afraid that on UFOs, I'll take Bullard over Widdowson and Halpert any day of the week, any minute of the hour, any second of the minute. >Professor Widdowson and the vast majority of folklorists in this >country with whom I am in regular contact share my views, indeed >I have been invited to present a lecture on UFOs as modern >folklore at the Folklore Society AGM next year. Where I'm sure you will tell them exactly what they want to hear. No heretic is Dr. David Clarke. >So, although Jerry Clark likes to champion the views of Dr >Bullard, his conclusions are much more measured than Jerry would >have us believe, and are certainly not typical of folklore >scholarship in general. Eddie Bullard is a friend of mine. I've known him for years, and we have, over time, talked for many hours. I've read everything he's ever written. We agree about 95% of the time. (Our one significant area of disagreement is over the significance of the 1896-97 wave.) Nobody has ever written more intelligently, more knowledgeably, and more even-handedly than Bullard on the abduction phenomenon. I believe that the best (relatively) short essay ever written on the subject, a model of how a difficult, contentious subject can be approached with reason, restraint, and intellectual rigor (and, I might add, without polemics), is Bullard's entry "Abduction Phenomenon" in The UFO Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed., pp. 1-26. I urge all of you who are interested to go to the reference section of your local library and read it. If you're lacking intellectual nourishment in your consumption of UFO literature, Bullard's piece will give you all the vitamins and minerals you could want. Most of all, it shows how a folklorist can make a genuine contribution to this subject without ever straying into areas beyond his particular expertise. Here you'll find no ringing bloviations about "myths" and "religion," or the futility of scientific inquiry in the face of uncertainty, just a sober effort to get discern signals, if they exist, amid noise. All of us, including me, including Clarke, including Clarke's folklore colleagues, could learn from this brilliant, modest man. Jerry Clark

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 31 Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy From: Serge Salvaille <sergesa@connectmmic.net> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 14:06:30 -0700 Fwd Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 10:49:25 -0500 Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >From: Steven M. Greer <DrSGreer@cs.com> >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:08:37 EDT >Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >To: updates@globalserve.net >>From: Robert Gates <RGates8254@aol.com> >>Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 02:14:41 EDT >>Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >>To: updates@globalserve.net <snip> >On the contrary, we are prepared to come forward immediately as >soon as common sense strategic plans can be actuated. This have >been described publicly and in writing for a couple of years. >Those of you who are naive enough to believe that you simply >call a press conference and it is a 'done deal' are badly >misinformed. >If the Congress will not hold hearings (the best venue) then a >civilian led disclosure will need to be done very well and very >carefully. In particular, we are not interested in selling out >to intel. cut-outs who have only one goal: a disclosure spun in >the desired direction of 'Independence Day', the movie. <snip> >Ultimately all we ask is something quite reasonable: that a >disclosure be factual, scientific, evidence driven and hopeful >We are not interested in a xenophobic 'Alien Invasion' paranoid >- fest (besides thats been done already by the media and the UFO >organizations and researchers). When the support and means are >there to do this right it will be done. Until then, we can be >very patient.... Dear Dr. Greer, I know _everything_. But I wont tell you. The conditions for disclosure are not right. Since they can _never_ be, I will keep my secret. And the rest of you people are full of it. What secret? I know _everything_. But I won't tell you. The conditions for disclosure... <yawn> The trick is an old one. I will tell you only that I can't tell. Please state your purpose, sir.

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 31 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 20:18:04 +0100 Fwd Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 11:05:00 -0500 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:40:30 -0400 >From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>Date: Wed, 27 Oct 99 13:41:10 PDT >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 16:39:36 -0400 >>From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >You cannot study ufology as you would study the workings of a >automobile engine; ufology is a human science, it is bound up in >the beliefs and psychology of human beings. Actually it is both. There are clearly physical stimuli behind many UFO sightings. What these are range from mundane things like the fireball meteor I argue can explain the British Airways l995 case, through novel scientific energy phenomena akin to ball lightning, and on to perfectly feasible (but as yet unproven) exotic craft crewed by another intelligence. It is not wrong to rely on physical scientists to study the data appropriate to them. The problem comes when they do so in isolation unaware of the contribution of sociologists and folklorists. These peoples role comes precisely because we have a sequence of evidence in UFOlogy: There is the stimulus - the thing that triggers the UFO sighting There is the perception of that stimulus as a UFO There is the report of that perception to the world. Generally we only get to see the final stage, as rarely are UFOs captured raw and we have the stimulus itself to study. A few automatic photo cases offer this (eg one case I worked on was the Birchwood Mall video footage where an object was captured by security camera and we were called in to troubleshoot.) However, because nearly all the time we are dealing with the perception and the report (not the stimulus) we all have to track back to try to identify what was seen. in that process it is not the astronomer or engineer who is best qualified, surely, but the perceptual psychologist, the sociologist and, yes, the folklorist. They can help us to understand how what was seen becomes what was reported for very rarely are the two quite the same thing. As such it is foolish to argue about who is the right person to comment on UFOs. This is truly a cross disciplinary study and the real danger comes when either physical science or social science assumes omnipotence and claims sole custody of the mystery. I think one of ufology's greatest problems is that it straddles this middle ground. It is a physical science without any real physical evidence and a social science that has the unexpected complication that it is not illusionary or imagintive but based upon a living reality. I am not sure either side of this divide fully appreciates the problems that this brings to their role. Both have to learn to compromise. Few seem mindful to do that. When I get accused of sitting on the fence, what is really happening, I think, is that people are not recognising - as I hope that I do - that ufology literally is something that is unique. I mean that in the sense that it does sit between two warring opinions. A real war of the worldviews in fact. But as with many wars neither side is entirely right or entirely wrong. The two opposing quotes from the messers Clark/e sum this up for me. Viz: >Any kind of strange light in the sky is now habitually tagged as >a UFO equals ET craft by the media and the public, whatever its >explanation. My point again: UFOs are modern folklore. So I >would maintain that ALL of the cases you cite would benefit from >re-interpretation in the way I have dicussed. >>And >>what would a social scientist have useful to say about physical, >>photographic, or instrumented evidence, anyway? May I venture >>an answer: say, just about nothing? Both these statements - rather than be in vicious opposition as offered - are actually both true. But they are also both wrong. What I mean is that UFOs themselves are not folklore. UFOs are usually real. The folkore is the spin off from the UFO events via the beliefs, perceptions and cultural responses. We do need to understand these processes because they help us appreciate the full picture. All cases will gain from a folklore or social once over as Dave says. But like Jerry says there will be cases that this spring clean will not resolve. Because some UFOs are physically real and genuinely perplexing. Social science will help us appreciate how these anomalies were perceived, reported, believed in etc. It may not tell us what they were. But in some events it clearly will unravel how a mundane stimulus becomes a believed in UFO myth. Both things happen in this confusing, complex mesh we call 'Ufology'. In other words, both these approaches have their value in all cases but one or other will be dominant and will ultimately lead us towards resolution according to the nature of the specific case in question. McMinnville, for instance, wont be solved by folkore studies. The Peak District non crash can be unravelled that way. We should wake up to that recognition and appreciate this is not a battle between two sides slugging it out but a joint attack on a very tough mystery into which we are all contributing. >So, although Jerry Clark likes to champion the views of Dr >Bullard, his conclusions are much more measured than Jerry would >have us believe, and are certainly not typical of folklore >scholarship in general. One thing that really strikes me about Eddie (whose work I personally consider invaluable) is his willingness to be truly open minded. He accepts both the strengths and weaknesses of both perspectives and doesnt jump to conclusions. I think hes right. He knows the value of soft science in understanding the process of how UFOs become UFO reports. But he accepts the limitations of folklore. He knows it cannot alone explain everything. But whilst he emphasises that some physical reality seems to lurk behind the UFO mystery his insight allows useful perceptions. One that struck me was his comment as to how we seem not to really believe that aliens are physically abducting us because if we did those of us aware of that fact would have a hard time coping day to day with the knowledge. Thus, because we dont all seem to never want to be alone, or refuse to drive over the moors late at night, or take anti alien karate lessons, or whatever, then deep down we appear to know this is not a reality. But it is not a myth either. To me thats why ufology is so fascinating. The answer just isnt as obvious as many people think it is. It truly is the greatest riddle of the millennium. Thats how I see UFOIN developing and I am frankly shocked and disturbed that so few ufologists appear able to regard what we are doing in the spirit that we intend but want to regard us as some sort of debunking avenging angel. What that may hint at (so someone recently put it to me) is an inferiority complex about the strength of ufology's hard evidence. I hope not. But if anyone is seriously worried that a tiny band of British UFOlogists - who are not even trying to commit ufological homicide - might actually have a chance of succeeding then perhaps we should all ask ourselves why that prospect is causing such disquiet? Best wishes, Jenny Randles

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 31 Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy From: Tony Spurrier <TSpurrier@compuserve.com> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 17:57:34 -0400 Fwd Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 11:06:46 -0500 Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >From: Steven M. Greer <DrSGreer@cs.com> >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:08:37 EDT >Fwd Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 12:26:05 -0400 >Subject: Re: When Disclosure Serves Secrecy >If the Congress will not hold hearings (the best venue) then a >civilian led disclosure will need to be done very well and very >carefully. In particular, we are not interested in selling out >to intel. cut-outs who have only one goal: a disclosure spun in >the desired direction of 'Independence Day', the movie. It is my understanding that your witnesses are only prepared to discuss their testimonies under oath infront of formal congressional hearings. If this is the case then how do you propose to initiate a civilian led disclosure? Discussions in another forum suggest that a UFO documentary is in preparation, the questions are if the witnesses will only talk under oath what is the content of CSETI's documentary? What actual plan is in place to disclose the witness testimony? It is also my understanding that a large sum of money is required for this documentary and that CSETI are requesting donations. Obviously these donations are requested on behalf of CSETI which is a non-profit organisation, yet your speaker fees are paid to you personally, and also the royalties from your book go to a company called Crossing Point Inc of which you are a director. As the founder and international director of CSETI how do you justify requesting donations for a non profit organisation when your are profiting personally from the information gained by CSETI? Tony

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 31 'War Of The Worlds' Revisited From: Blair Cummins <ufoblair@hotmail.com> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 15:21:27 PDT Fwd Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 11:16:44 -0500 Subject: 'War Of The Worlds' Revisited Greetings list - As we approach the 61st anniversary of the Orson Welles "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast, Space.com presents a trio of interesting articles looking back at the event. War of the Worlds: Could It Happen Now? http://www.space.com/area51/war_worlds_main_991029.html War of the Worlds: Why the Hoax Worked http://www.space.com/area51/war_worlds_hoax_991029.html War of the Worlds: Why Do We Fear Martians? http://www.space.com/area51/war_worlds_fear_991029.html Enjoy. Best regards, - Blair Cummins ufoblair@hotmail.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 31 Aliens Stole My Title From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 13:58:21 -0000 Fwd Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 11:22:57 -0500 Subject: Aliens Stole My Title Hi, I want to report a terrible new phenomenon - biblionapping - or abduction of book titles. I have been victim of this awful crime too often for chance to be an explanation. My title 'Alien Contact' (first published in l982) was adopted by Tim Good (he had the grace to apologise - telling me that his US publisher reported that my books were unknown outside Buxton and his were not so it didnt matter) (a rather liberal reading of what he told me, of course, I freely admit). When my book called 'Abduction' (l988) was adopted by Professor John Mack I knew something was up - even though my US publisher had for some bizarre reason retitled mine for its New York release to 'Alien Abductions - Mystery Solved' (not a clue why as I never make such a claim in the book!) So Professor Mack did have an excuse, I guess. Still... Worried thoughts that this was a campaign to stop my work reaching the US mounted by Update list members began to swirl between bouts of paranoia. But I decided that two examples were not enough upon which to jump to conclusions. But in l995 Peter Hough and I wrote a book on claims about what life was like after death (via mediums etc). We called it 'Postcards from Heaven', but this was relegated to a sub title by our publisher who adopted their alternative inspired title - 'Life after death and the world beyond'. A year later the Lighthouse Family had a number one album and made millions with our title - 'Postcards from Heaven'. Now I knew that the aliens were behind this sinister plot. I now hear this week that an American author has published 'The Paranormal Sourcebook' and is confusing people who think it is my book (first released in l996 and updated early this year as a fully revised 'Millennium' version). Coincidence is no longer an option. There has to be a dastardly cover up of some occult purpose. After discussion with my editor we are now to rename ours 'The Paranormal Sauce Book' (with newly revised chapters such as Bechemel from Betlegeuse, How ghosts make sauce go white, UFO authors join the gravy train). I have decided to take swift action and ensure no further titles are hijacked. I therefore announce that my next book (Time Storms) is to be retitled Zeepglipbxxxcqyziklyrpr. If anyone pinches that title they can expect a visit from the Mooblipops (my new copyright name for MIB). Sorry but extreme measures are clearly necessary to protect my work. PS: In case anyone doesnt get it. Whilst the above facts about book titles are quite true this is of course all in fun. I do know titles cannot be copyrighted. I also got my own back on Tim by naming a l997 book 'Alien Contact' (and it did far better than the original 15 years before!) Mind you I still got attacked in Magonia for 'recycling titles' as it was put. Evidently they did not appreciate this UFOlogical in joke. For now Time Storms is still to be called Time Storms. I think. Best wishes, Jzxlptrroy Rndlseeessqprty (Jenny Randles) (authors names might be next so I am playing safe)

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 31 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - Bassett & From: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 17:36:47 -0500 Fwd Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 17:36:47 -0500 Subject: 'Strange Days... Indeed' Tonight - Bassett & Our first guest tonight is the founder of Paradigm Research Group, author of the Paradigm Clock website and the only lobbyist registered to represent the interests of UFO/ET research/activist organizations in Washington, DC. He was with us several weeks ago when he gave us some insight into his work and the clients he represents. He also announced the formation of X-PPAC - The Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee. Tonight Steve will update us on his current projects. -------------------- /// Victor Viggiani --------------------- Our second guest tonight has a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology and psychology and currently is an education administrator with a Masters degree in educational administration. He's been involved in ufology for over 25 years. Initially his major interest was research and investigation of sightings, but over the last 8 years he has directed his research efforts to a more journalistic approach, with a keen interest in disclosure and public education about UFO phenomena. He's had articles published by local Toronto magazines, Ryerson Press, various internet web sites and professional journals on UFO issues. He's worked closely with individuals who claim to have been abducted by 'alien beings'. He has met and worked with Dr. John Mack and Budd Hopkins to further extend understandings of the abduction phenomenon. Victor will be discussing some of his current cases with us. Join Steve Bassett, Victor Viggiani, Jonn Kares and I this evening, at 9:00pm Eastern, as we discuss these Strange Days... Indeed on: CFRB 1010 AM - 50,000 watts 'Clear-Channel' 6070khz Shortwave you can also listen via Media Player at: www.cfrb.com/ You'll need to access the site using Internet Explorer since Media Player seems to choke using any version of Netscape - thanks Mr. Bill! To call the program dial: On-Air 416-872-1010 1-800-561-CFRB *TALK [local mobiles] Errol Bruce-Knapp

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 31 Whitley Striber to speak at MindScience Foundation From: Stephen MILES Lewis <elfis@austin.rr.com> Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 11:00:56 +0000 Fwd Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 18:37:37 -0500 Subject: Whitley Striber to speak at MindScience Foundation Hello all, Was thumbing through Austin's Nov/Dec 1999 issue of Whole Health-Your Guide to Health & Well Being. There is also info at the url below. SMiles -=-=-=-=- http://www.mindscience.org/calendar.htm Mind Science Foundation Speakers Series Presents UFO's: THE NEW PROOF Whitley Strieber Monday, Nov. 1, 1999 6:30pm McAllister Auditorium 1300 San Pedro Avenue Call (210) 821-6094 Widely recognized for 'personalizing' contacts with apparent aliens through his blockbuster novels Communion, Transformation and Breakthrough, Whitley Strieber explores provocative new evidence proving that strange objects are sighted within our atmosphere. Materials from his NBC special based on NASA video footage, film taken by private citizens, and footage never before shown to the public, impact what we now believe about UFO's and aliens. In the wake of increased civilian sightings, is declassification of government UFO archives next?

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 31 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Gildas Bourdais <GBourdais@aol.com> Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 12:25:46 EST Fwd Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 18:45:11 -0500 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 23:47:10 +0100 >>From: Gildas Bourdais <GBourdais@aol.com> >>Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:49:26 EDT >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>To: updates@globalserve.net >>Recently, Jenny Randles questioned the French COMETA report, for >>its presentation of the famous Lakenheath case (message of July >>25) : ><snip> >>Well, Jenny Randles raised that question as a "test of the >>objectivity of COMETA". To me it is now a test of her >>objectivity : how can you play such a trick, Mrs Randles ? >You are misleading this list attrociously. <snip> To Mrs Jenny Randles and the List In order to answer to your message of October 30, I have asked journalist Bernard Thouanel his reaction : you will find it as a second part of this message, sent with his approval of course. I admit that I have used his private exchange a bit too fast. He did authorize me to use abstracts of his E-Mail message to you and mention your answer (and he explains the reason why), but he had asked for me to submit my message to him before sending it, which I forgot to do. However, as you will see, apart from that, we are fundamentally in agreement. First, I inform you that I made my message at the request of the Cometa. I can tell you that they were quite upset by your questioning, coming just after violent attacks by two French ufologists, Pierre Lagrange in the French press and Perry Petrakis on the Internet, a few days after the publication of their report by the magazine VSD "Special Issue" in July. UFO UpDates subscribers may recall the very negative message of Petrakis which was passed on this list on July 22, less than one week after the publication of the report in France. Then came your message of July 25 questioning the quality of their work, before having had any chance to look at it. It was resented as a very unfriendly attitude by Cometa. These attacks led me to write urgently a summary of their report, although I had no connection with them at the time. They approved it, I passed it on the Internet at the beginning of August, and they thanked me for that. You claim now that your statement was perfectly normal. Well, I maintain it was not, and the reason why is very simple to grasp : You reproached the Cometa to not have asked you for your new testimonies of pilots on the Lakenheath case. But you knew that, if they had asked for a documented file on them, you could not have given it ! So, if we juge the situation from an objective viewpoint, all you could give was a few pages in your book " Something in the Air " (" Danger in the Air " in the American edition), and maybe a copy of the BBC show. Clearly not enough to attack them the way you did. OK, they did not have your book. I suspect that, even if they had it, they might have decided not to mention it and preferred to wait for more solid official documentation. I maintain that it was a pretty bad trick on your part, just at the moment when the report was under violent attack by Petrakis on the Internet, and by Pierre Lagrange in the French press. For the record, Lagrange signed a full page article in the well known newspaper " Liberation ", as soon as July 21, with this grotesque accusation : " Between " X Files " and " Independance day ", the report of " experts " published by VSD feeds the disinformation on UFOs by ridiculing the subject. But ufologists are far from being all crazy people ". And the French weekly " L’Express ", quoting the same Lagrange, titled " UFOs : A delirious report ". After that, there was deafening silence in the French medias (recently, a CableTV debate show on UFOs did not even mention it). Very recently, there has been an article by Perry Petrakis in his own UFO review," Phenomena ", attacking again violently the Cometa report. In this article, your message of July 25 is entirely reproduced, translated in French, and presented as a major argument against the report. What is going on ? Why all these violent attacks against a report which surely is not perfect, but has the merit of voicing a positive opinion on UFOs from a batch of senior military officers ? I suspect that the answer is that they have thrown a stone in the pond of UFO secrecy, and some people don't like that ! They had the courage to consider seriously the Roswell case and to question the American policy of secrecy regarding UFOs. Pretty embarassing, coming from several French generals, isn't it? One more word on the never ending question of evidence of alien presence on this planet. To me, there is a mountain of evidence of that presence, and it’s a kind of surrealistic debate to question it. You just have to read the Twining letter of September 1947, for instance, to begin to grasp that. Gildas Bourdais Now herewith is the message sent to me by journalist Bernard Thouanel, with his authorization to transmit it on UFO UpDates (written in English for that purpose) : Dear Gildas, After the recent publication this autumn of an article written by ufologist Perry Petrakis in his magazine "Phenomena" n° 42, entitled "The War of the Worlds as viewed by COMETA", and precisely the last part (pages 18 and 19) showing the position of the british ufologist, Mrs Jenny Randles about the 1956 Lakenheath case, and after an in depth discussion of it with several Cometa members, on one side, and yourself on another side, I decided to react and communicate an abstract of my E-Mail private correspondence I had this summer with Mrs Randles, precisely on lastJuly 26th. Several days later, in october, you mentionned over the phone that you intented to publish a message on the UFO Updates list using some elements of these E-Mail messages between Mrs Randles and myself. At this time, and regarding the situation, I gave you my full agreement to use parts of this exchange on the only condition that you would submit your message to me before sending it, in the view of verifying that any private details could be wrongly given to the List. I would have greatly appreciated to receive a copy of your message before it was sent on UFO Updates, but for a reason I could not explain, you did not do it. Secondly, Mrs Randles is right when she says that our exchange was done under privacy at this time. I proposed her such an agreement because at this time the Cometa and my publisher, Mr. François Siegel, advised me not to make publicity over the web, as objectively, I was involved officially in the publication of the Cometa Report. But I disagree when Mrs Randles explains to you that she supplied me with a copy of his book entitled "Danger in the Air", with her permission to use information she wrote in it on the Lakenheath case, for making an article in the next V.S.D. "Hors-Serie". Anyway, acting such a way without having the written permission of both author and publisher would mean a possible copyright infringement. It was simply and purely an exchange, by which I mailed her a copy of the Cometa Report published by VSD "Hors-Serie", and Mrs Randles sent me a copy of her book "Danger in the Air" just for a possible review in the magazine. Period. I note that Mrs Randles never aknowledged to have well received the copy of the report mailed to her address. Third, although I proposed her an exchange of documents involving UFO sightings by French pilots (and possibly an introduction to the pilots), I confirm that Mrs Randles seems very reluctant, and did not want to (or could not) introduce me to the RAF retired crews involved in the 1956 Lakenheath case (nearly 44 years ago!) or give me any official documents she obtained, mainly because of her contract with BBC, as she claimed, and (right or wrong), because of the Official Secrets Act regarding RAF crews. I respect her position as she is totally free to cooperate or not with a foreign aerospace journalist. But I am very amazed to discover what she claimed in her last message to UFO Updates. Incidently, she never informed or proposed me that next year I could receive a UFOIN report about the 1956 case in the near future. As a matter of fact, this association (as British Ufology rebirth!) did not exist at the time of our correspondence in July. As far as I know, Mrs Randles did not propose either to send me a video tape showing the BBC interview with the RAF retired Venom crews, which was aired several years ago on the T.V. channels in England, and presumably in the USA. It goes without saying that I would have appreciated such a proposal, and possibly would have introduced Mrs Randles to the Cometa, for an additional information on the Lakenheath case. But she did not. So, I am wondering why Mrs Jenny Randles made so much noise about the Cometa investigation policy concerning the 1956 Lakenheath case on the UFO Updates list and possibly on other lists, if she could not provide them with all the details she has, or if she would not have the will to communicate the official documents and the interview transcript she obtained to the Cometa or/and journalists. There is a nonsense here I could not understand from Mrs Randles. I don't find personally this is effectively a very cooperative way of thinking. That's all I can say about this. Sincerely, Bernard Thouanel Editor-in-Chief V.S.D. "Hors-Serie"

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 31 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: Andy Roberts <Brigantia@compuserve.com> Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 12:28:50 -0500 Fwd Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 18:47:11 -0500 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Fri, 29 Oct 99 11:16:14 PDT >Of course what self-styled skeptics and psychosociologists love >to discuss is belief, and not evidence, and who can blame them? >Their operating principle might be expressed this way: What I >know I _know_; what you know you only believe. No wonder >productive discussion is impossible. This is a poular misconception among the saucerian faithful Jerry. All the sceptical and PS people I know are _more_ than happy to get out in the field and study whatever evidence they can find. Unfortunately this is usually very little. But to argue that we don't is just silly and completely untrue. As you well know from seeing work done by Dave, Jenny and myself we do whatever is necessary when we work on a case. That our conclusions are often (but not always) that of an IFO nature only reflects what we find, and can demonstrate we have found, not our believe systems. >Interesting that you compare science's search for ETI to the >Blair Witch project. No Jerry, that bit was a _joke_,, one which clearly didn't make it across the Atlantic in one piece! >Interesting, too, that you dismiss all >exobiologists and exobiological literature with the same sorts >of ad hominems you usually reserve for ufologists who disagree >with you. That may make you feel better, but from anybody's >perspective but your own, it certainly doesn't accomplish >anything. Had you read more carefully Jerry you would have noticed I used no ad hominems, merely questioned the motives which lay behind the popularisation of all things space. >In fact, there is nothing in the literature of exo- or >astrobiology that makes UFOs an outrageous notion. Given a >densely populated galaxy (a view widely shared by scientists who >have given thought to the subject, as the SETI/ETI literature >attests), ET visitors are not only possible but probable. I don't doubt that for a second. But the disciplines you mention are, at present, purely theoretical as they have nothing to study. That's just a teensy bit problematic when applied to the study of UFOs etc, because there is no biology to study there either, as the entities only exist in narrative form. And just because _some_ scientists believe the galaxy is densely populated it doesn't mean it is! > Their >absence -- at least to the anti-UFO contingent -- is often used >by critics to argue that intelligent life is rare to nonexistent >in the universe. Moreover, a number of pro-ETI scientists >contend that, for a host of reasons, intelligent, >technology-generating beings would likely look like humanoids. They may well do - but at this moment on planet earth, in the subject of ufology, their contentions have no relevance because of the lack of evidence to back them up. And that _despite_ the interest shown by the physical scientists you mention. >This idea is at least mentioned in just about every book I've >read on the subject. One well-regarded scientific writer, the >mathematician John L. Casti, has even said ETs may well look >much like the gray entities of abduction lore -- this even >though Casti professes skepticism about UFOs. Another SETI >writer, Edward Ashpole, did a whole book (The UFO Phenomena >[1995]) documenting the close match between exobiology and what >has been reported of UFO appearance and behavior. All very interesting but again, in view of the lack of evidence, amounting to zilch. Just because it's in a book doesn't make it true Jerry! >In short, there is no a priori reason why ETs could not >be here or why they would not appear as they do in >UFO sightings and encounters. Well, no, Jerry - assuming of course that they exist in the first place... and your evidence for that is? > To reduce the various >very interesting questions raised by ETI speculations and >UFO reports to fairylore or to Blair Witch amounts to >little more than an exercise in -- I am trying to be charitable >here -- sheer mental laziness. Discounting my feeble attempt at humour with the Blair Witch we must agree to disagree about the fairylore aspect. I've gone both ways on this. At first I was sure fairylore was relevant to ufology, then I changed my mind (after speaking to Eddie Bullard and reading his stuff). Now I'm back at my original position again. >It tells us more about you, >Andy, than about the larger questions that should >concern all of us. This is number four in Jerry's tried and tested 'Sarcasm for beginners' series. I think I've collected 'em all now! Do I get an album to stick 'em in. You could give them away on the front of IUR Jerry! Elsewhere in a reply to the esteemed Dr Clarke you noted that some of the case he mentioned weren't 'classics'. Unfortunately the somewhat American-centric world view of ufology mentions very few UK cases (there aren't that many in your excellent UFO Encyclopedia Jerry). But they exist and the UK ones dave mentioned _are_ classics here at least. I would also content that the Aurora case he mentions is a classic too. I realise that by Jerry's spin-doctoring listers may get the idea that certain UK sceptics are convinced that everything can be reduced to an IFO. Let's clear this up again. What we _are_ saying is that as many cases - even 'good' cases _are_ reducable to IFOs then _all_ UFO cases have that potential. I fully accept there are many as yet unsolved cases, but that fact, coupled with the prevailing myth of the late 20th century does not make them ET in origin. On that subject I happen to think that the Shag Harbour case is a really good example of a UFO and I look forward to reading Don Ledger's book about it in due course. Is anyone aware of anything critical which has been written on that case? Happy Trails Andy

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 31 Re: Aliens Stole My Title From: Karl T Pflock <Ktperehwon@aol.com> Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 12:44:30 EST Fwd Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 18:49:34 -0500 Subject: Re: Aliens Stole My Title >From: Jenny Randles <nufon@currantbun.com> >To: <updates@globalserve.net> >Subject: Aliens Stole My Title >Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 13:58:21 -0000 Jenny & List Fiends -- >PS: In case anyone doesnt get it. Whilst the above facts about >book titles are quite true this is of course all in fun. I do >know titles cannot be copyrighted. I also got my own back on Tim >by naming a l997 book 'Alien Contact' (and it did far better >than the original 15 years before!) Mind you I still got >attacked in Magonia for 'recycling titles' as it was put. >Evidently they did not appreciate this UFOlogical in joke. For >now Time Storms is still to be called Time Storms. I think. >Best wishes, >Jzxlptrroy Rndlseeessqprty >(Jenny Randles) >(authors names might be next so I am playing safe) Lovely Halloween laugh, Jzxlptrroy! -- Cheers, Kzrilarghgliphznix

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 31 FYI - Alien Base by Timothy Good From: Lucius Farish <weblf123@webtv.net> Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 12:19:41 -0600 (CST) Fwd Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 18:53:29 -0500 Subject: FYI - Alien Base by Timothy Good [Non-Subscriber Post] ALIEN BASE by Timothy Good Praised by Arthur C. Clarke, ALIEN BASE represents nearly forty years of research by best-selling author and internationally acknowledged expert Timothy Good into claims of actual contacts with extraterrestrial beings. Nowadays, stories of abductions by small, bug-eyed beings have become fashionable. This has led to an unbalanced perspective. In redressing the balance, Timothy Good, author of ABOVE TOP SECRET and ALIEN CONTACT, shows in his latest book, ALIEN BASE, that descriptions of extraterrestrial beings are far more diverse than we suppose. He recounts, for example, numerous encounters with human-appearing aliens dating from the turn of the century, many from his own unpublished files. ALIEN BASE also includes a truly astonishing collection of photographs, some showing actual extraterrestrial beings. Written by an author renowned for his scholarly and unsensational approach to the UFO subject, ALIEN BASE nevertheless makes the sensational claim that several alien species have established bases on Earth. "...certainly very impressive" -- Sir Arthur C. Clarke "An astonishing work which contains new reports of USO (unidentifed submergible object) sightings, animal mutilation files, grounded UFOs and a fascinating photo section" -- UFO MAGAZINE "ALIEN BASE is packed with new, startling and hitherto unpublished reports of interplanetary encounters - including retrievals of alien craft and bodies, eye-witness accounts from military and civilian pilots, and one-to- one meetings with visitors from outer space - based on an impressive weight of testimony" -- The Scotsman "...will come to be regarded as pivotal in shaping our understanding of the phenomenon of alien contact" -- MUFON UFO JOURNAL ALIEN BASE is published by Avon Books (a HarperCollins Company) at $15.00. ISBN 0-380-80449-2. www.avonbooks.com

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White' Location: VirtuallyStrange.net > UFO > UpDates Mailing List > 1999 > Oct > Oct 31 Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 13:29:56 -0500 Fwd Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 18:58:12 -0500 Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >From: Jerome Clark <jkclark@frontiernet.net> >Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >Date: Sat, 30 Oct 99 11:23:38 PDT >To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >>Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:40:30 -0400 >>From: David Clarke <crazydiamonds@compuserve.com> >>Subject: Re: British Ufology Has Been Reborn! >>To: UFO UpDates - Toronto <updates@globalserve.net> >I regard as empty posturing the assertion that the ETH and the >larger notion of ETI are equivalent to a belief in elves and fairies. >I would like to think that you would have a more interesting >argument than that by now well-worn cliche. Notions such as >ETH and ETI may be right or wrong, but they are not mere >superstition. That's where we will have to agree to disagree. I find the notion quite an interesting argument, and certainly as interesting as the "now well-worn cliche" that UFOs are visitors from outer space. Your adherence to that particular theory, to use the phrase you are so fond of, says more about you than it does about UFOs and their ultimate origins. >>And you have unwittingly hit the nail on the head - it is >>precisely because the physical sciences are so "narrow" in >>themselves that the disciplines I have cited are more suited to >>this subject. >Nope. The disciplines you have cited are not qualified to study >physical evidence. You miss my point. What physical evidence? We hear a lot about physical evidence, viz the "highly significant" radiation supposedly left by the UFO in Rendlesham Forest. Eventually, a physical scientist looked at the so-called evidence and found it was not significant at all. The "evidence" was only significant because someone like you proclaimed it to be - folklore in the making, I would say. How much more of the "physical evidence" you make so much of will equally melt away when it is looked at by physical scientists who have no vested interest in the subject? Going back to Rendlesham, radiation experts quickly dismissed the significance of those readings, but that in itself tells us nothing about what the people who *believed* those initial claims (including me!) then went on to do - i.e. use the Rendlesham "radiation" as further evidence to suggest UFOs are real and extraterrestrial because the evidence proves they *do* leave ground traces. That claim, added to the growing folklore of the subject, helped convince a few more people, and added to the growing mythology. That's just one example of why claims about "physical evidence" leave me unconvinced. But that's not to say there isn't more convincing physical evidence elsewhere, and I'm ready to see what properly qualified physical scientists have to say about it. Jenny has made a good point elsewhere that both physical scientists and the disciplines I have cited can complement each other in the study of UFOs. I was not trying to suggest that physical scientists have no role to play, but countering your "empty posturing" which I interpreted as a sweeping dismissal of the contribution which human and social scientists can make to the study of this phenomenon. Only someone with a completely closed mind could suggest that; and I don't believe you have one. >Since you have already decided UFOs are a "myth," I guess >those physical scientists -- whose evidence suggests otherwise -- >re unwelcome at your table. From my perspective, however, >you're serving up empty calories while vehemently declaring your >meal to be the only nutritional one. Nice prose but this meal is simply fairy food. I don't dismiss the usefulness of physical scientists, because if you were to take a look at my writings on this subject I regularly invoke the work of Persinger, Derr and others who have studied earthquake lights/earthlights and other geophysical/meteorological aspects of the phenomena that *are* undoubtedly real, and of which there is plentiful evidence. Where I don't see the evidence, is in regards to the much trumpeted "proof" of extraterrestrial UFOs, which seems to be a particular obsession of Jerry Clark. >>You can talk all you like about "astrobiology" and unprovable >>arguments about the possibility of life in outer space. >>The arguments of the SETI crowd might have some validity, but >>they have absolutely no connection with some funny light someone >>saw over Arkansas the other night. >I am sure you are sincere in your belief, Dave, but your >touching sincerity does not make your statement of faith any >more persuasive to those of us who think such questions will be >settled by evidence. I agree - so let's see the evidence! >The sorts of arguments you're using have been thoroughly trashed >by a number of folklorists, including David Hufford, Thomas E. >Bullard, Bill Ellis, and more. You tend to speak as if from on >high -- as if your degree grants you the authority to render >sweeping judgments to which we lesser mortals can only nod our >heads in unison, and vigorously -- when in fact, as I know from >my own interactions with folklorists, many are sympathetic to >anomalous claims, closet or not-so-closet heretics. Not so - I may be sweeping, but I'm certainly not dismissive of anomalous claims. I agree with the tradition you are describing, that there are real anomalous phenomena at the core of much of the UFO/paranormal pantheon and much folklore itself. My writings on this subject - dating back to 1981 - demonstrate that has always been my stance. It's just that I do not accept that this core experience _has_ to be extraterrestrial in nature - to me, that is where the modern myth takes its place. A modern myth, born in the USA and exactly what you would expect in the late 20th century. In 1897 people expected to see Jules Verne airships, and saw them; in 1913 people expected to see Zeppelins, and saw them. Why are ET UFOs any different in 1999? That's the cultural part - ie. the interpretation, as Isaac Asimov is supposed to have said when told "so many people have seen objects that looked like spaceships that 'there must be something in it'... "Maybe there is, but think of all the people in the history of the world who have seen ghosts and spirits and angels. It's not what you see that's suspect, but how you interpret what you see." That is my whole point, and what you seem to be missing - there can be a real phenomena - and one which physical scientists can study - without it necessarily being ET in nature. So there may be some folklorists who subscribe to a "tradition of unbelief", but I'm not one of them. >>>Among these I can count equally well qualified and experienced >>>sociologists, folklorists, psychologists and historians, and >>>that's just in one small hick Yorkshire town, noted for its >>>open-minded academics. >I'm sure Sheffield is a nice town, Dave. Don't put it down, or >I'll be forced to follow your example and judge my own beloved >Canby "one small hick Minnesota town. " Actually, come to think >of it, John Rimmer did it for me the other week on this very >list. Oh well, we can't _all_ live in London. Sheffield's a lovely place actually - if you don't mind the odd Tornado jet crashing into the moors while pursuing ET, that is. It would be great if you could pay the home of the Full Monty a visit sometime, join me for a Guinness or two in one of the plentiful pubs, and you might find that our views are not as divergent as what you seem to believe! All best wishes, Dave Clarke