Hi, You do not have a problem let me explain how POCSAG is encoded so that you can understand why you are getting these results................ 00000000000000000011101101001001 Cap Code 8 seen as 32 bits- Alphanumeric In the example above the MSB is the bit on the left and is called bit 32. bit 32 is a zero if the codeword is a cap code and a 1 if it is data. bit 31 to bit 14 is where the Capcode is placed, the lower 3 bits of the capcode are discarded and not sent (I will explain why in a moment) bits 13 and 12 are the function bits setting the page as Alphanumeric/Numeric/Tone one/Tone two. bits 11 to 2 are a CRC (Cyclic Redundency Checksum) this can be used to correct up to 2 bit errors in the sent data. (This is a huge subject in its own right) bit 1 is an even parity bit.... if all the bits that are a 1 in the codeword add up to an uneven number then this bit is set to one, if not then its set to zero. POCSAG data is sent as 32 bit codewords and after 16 codewords have been sent then a syncronization codeword is sent and then another 16 codewords and then another syncronization codeword and so on and so on. Each 16 codewords is called a FRAME. The Frame is further split into double codewords, that gives us a total of 8 pairs of codewords....... now if you remember we dropped the last 3 bits of the CAP code..... 3 bits gives us a number from 0 to 7...... 0 to 7 is eight numbers. Because we dropped these 3 bits it means that pager 7 wil have the same codeword value as pager 0 and pager 1 and pager 2 etc etc. So in order to make sure that each pager only gets the pages its meant to get what we do is to send pager zero's capcode and message in the first double pair after a syncronization codeword and pager one's capcode and message in the second double pair after a syncronization codeword...... etc etc. So to recap......... If you enter the Cap code 8, then the first thing my PE software does is to convert it to 1....... If you enter a Cap code of 9 then that is also converted to 1....... infact all capcodes from 8 to 16 are all converted into 1...... but when they are transmitted they are sent at different points in time.... the point in time that a page is sent decides its value for the lower 3 bits that we discarded. So Cap Codes 0 to 7 have a POCSAG codeword of 0 So Cap Codes 8 to 15 have a POCSAG codeword of 1 So Cap Codes 16 to 24 have a POCSAG codeword of 2 And so on.......... There are over 2 million different Cap codes but only just over 250 thousand Cap Code codewords transmitted. So what you are experiencing is exactly what is supposed to happen with POCSAG data. I hope this helps, All the best Clive Cooper. ******************************************* clive@nemesis.ltd.uk http://www.whatpage.com/clive PE Version 3 is now available at my website DONT FORGET TO REGISTER. *******************************************