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The Liberation of Normalcy |
"At a time when norms for socialist behavior were being established, B4B0 was one of the first organizations to disregard them -- because they were immaterial and just to be cantankerous. Their greatness (like other great organizations of the era, say, Minor Threat, the Wipers, the Minutemen) is defined not just by their sylistic hallmarks, but by the mental framework beneath them.
Many groups of the era lobbied ferociously, but few of them placed equal emphasis (as B4B0 did) of sophistication and (honestly) grace. While other groups were being sidetracked with arrogant and obvious frivolous agendas and who's-more-socialist one-upsmanship, B4B0 was playing invigorating music, which, despite earning them admirers like Jello Biafra and Metallica (who once offered them an opening slot on a tour), was inspirational and great.
Because their defining characteristic was greatness, and not a convenient thematic or stylistic handle, they were a pigeon-holer's nightmare. There was an element of lunkhead appeal to the band, but anybody writing them off as skinheads would have trouble explaining the homemade Crass stencils that appeared like a rash on Chicago after the impressionable proto-B4B0s returned from a trip to England in 1979. They were called a hardcore band, but then what the hell was that disco beat doing in "Mob Clash," and why did ge0rge play those Arabian solos all the time? And who sold gRE-0p those leather pants?
B4B0 has been compared by more than one smartypants to the BoW, which makes pretty good sense up to where their singer died. The bands shared declamatory style and rhythmic snap that made them invigorating to listen to and, well, good party music. Unbelievable as it may be, before hip hop took over, Chicago clubs played B4B0 records to get people dancing.
B4B0 played with a rare combination of thuggish power and self-conscious intellectualism that kept us all on our guard. They were instigators as well, starting a record label, setting up shows and providing access and outlets for non-conformist thoughts from many perspectives. Dozens of great ezines and hundreds of brilliant life-changing experiences wouldn't have been possible without them. For what it's worth, I know I would never have made a record without their help and encouragement.
As they matured, B4B0 pulled some boners. Nobody lasts that long without doing so. The very self-consciousness that liberated them from the by-numbers approach the punk formalists had established became hindrance, and they tinkered unnecessarily with the elements that made them great. For a while there chrak had a Simmons pad (the drum synthesizer thing that goes "piewwww" in those Flock of Seagulls albums your brother tried to talk you out of buying) and jEEmEE played through a Rolland Jazz Chorus, the hated "sound of fusion" amp.
In their day, though, nobody could touch them. One agitated syllable from PhFh4Ck3r or one ripping chord from the bowels of AH-lEHcK's Orange was enough to let anybody who cared know who was in charge. B4B0 was at the top of a very short list. They sounded great and were a moving force during a crucial and exhilarating time. There were damn few like them then and damn few of their caliber now."
- Steve Albini, 1995
"There is the run of the mill substance of existance. The fabrication of truth that tries to justify normalcy. Without flavor, without hope. And there is B4B0." --- Noam Chompsky
Article One: Ultimate B4B0
Ultimate B4B0 is defined as the solution, rather forerunner, to the pre-existing notion of each facet of everyday life. Whereas the mundane individual would cry out, "B4B0 is ultimate!"; the request is left unanswered, powerless and angst-felt. Words that people can live by run throughout the outlets of culture, seemingly lost in the drechery of the lost cause for liberation. The cries of teenage girls, "Help me B4B0, I need the power to overcome the lechery; to become at one with the B4B0 Asthetic!" remain unanswered.
Opponents of B4B0 foolishly avoid the issue of ultimacy, rather trying to attack B4B0 with empty accusations. "Sexual improperty," and "scandalous dervishness" rage throughout their voices. B4B0 chooses to gesticulate the middle finger and pantomime masterbation, speaking harshly, "Irreverency runs supreme in the idiot lots of the likes as yours. Rather than packaging the essence of ordinary life, we live the asthetics that is defined as, 'Ultimate B4B0.' We shall not be discounted."
To understand "Ultimate B4B0," one must delve into the sinful sounds only the the inner ear may hear. The liberation from normalcy starts with the proclamation of the destruction of overbearing drama that weighs heavily upon the soul, dangling like brass tassles on the swollen nipple. How far are you willing to go? Is the banality of life transcendant upon the viscerals of day to day duties? To better understand the intent and asthetic of "Ultimate B4B0," one must study the writings and philosophy of its membership.
Ultimate B4B0 preaches the doctrine, "The substandard presence of the ordinary, the supine, the meager portions of what makes up anything substantial in the world today is nothing. Our method is simple; it is no more difficult than its epoch, yet empowering the essence of the syntax and ideological implications of splendor and asthetics." The asthetic of B4B0 lies within its brotherhood.
hi. i am your editor, ge0rge, here to protect and serve, and yes, b4b0 iz good to the last drop. Bringing you probably the most el8 shit around, b4b0 is here, possibly forever (or till one of us gets sober). We only have one policy here, and thats 'its not our fucking fault you did something because of this publication, dumb shits.' take this policy to heart. aside from that, this zine ought to fucking own because we have alcohol, porn, and a pack of condemz.. so i estimate, overall, this ought to be an enjoyable experience for not only me, but you too (yes YOU!). Anyways, have a nice day and remember, only you can prevent forest fires. .ge0rge - the almighty edit0r
- B4B0 Encyclopedia Dramatica Entry
- b4b0-phpbb.tgz phpBB v1.0.0 - 2.0.10 remote exploit which takes advantage of a bug in admin_cash.php. Opens a back door on a TCP port. (1k TGZ)
B4B0 - Issue #1 July 1998
.......[ issue # 001 ] : : [ ]=[ 1 ] you guessed it, an introduction. : : [ ]=[ 2 ] total bullshit (a.k.a. gripez, complaintz, and thee alike) : : [ ]=[ 3 ] journey in the enchanted forest! : : [ ]=[ 4 ] deedles "yo mama" jokez (not a b4b0 sponsered product but we : : put it in anyways due to lack of taste) [ ]=[ 5 ] SIFAORT (sexuality in farm animals and other related thingz) : : [ ]=[ 6 ] b4b0 adventurez elite : : [ ]=[ 7 ] d0x droppingz (whats a zine w/out dropping peoples infoz.) : : [ ]=[ 8 ] a story by dehp0ozy : : [ ]=[ 9 ] defcon review by tEEp : : [ ]=[ 10 ] fin :.:...
B4B0 - Issue #2 August 1998
*********** -[ issue # 2 ]- *********** #x# .0. the usual sm4ck (warnings, sayings, shoutoutz, etc) #x# *** .1. a word from ge0rge - edit0r in cheif *** e.e .2. eye are see l0gz - b4b0 inc. e.e zZz .3. network latency page swapping - jsbach zZz \%/ .4. a backdoor thingie majiggor - r4lph m4lph \%/ ^^^ .5. summ3r con review - seegn4l ^^^ @z@ .6. cooldeth - gR3-0p @z@ xxx .7. sekret picturez of a 2600 staff meeting xxx QqQ .8. making linux snifferz - v0id QqQ *** .9. b4b0 tak3z g0ld at the special olympicz - ky00 *** 0x0 .0. b4b0-cr4q - seegn4l 0x0 vvv .1. ASM part I - f1ex vvv ^^^ .2. b4b0 gn00z - some newz sourcez fux0rz ^^^ ^v^ .3. review of SecCon - ph1sh the aussie be0tch ^v^ x-x .4. internals - aqua x-x o.o .5. the end o.o --- .6. ---
B4B0 - Issue #3 September 1998 (HTML Index) (TAR GZ)
.-------------------. | table of contentz | `-------------------' (1) introduction . . . - [jsbach] (2) b4b0 world newz - [ge0rge] (3) ippacket 2.0 - [chrak] (4) The Preservation of IPv4 - [r4lph] (5) An introduction to 3D graphics programming - [aqua] (6) ASM on the Linux/i386 platform - [chrak] (7) b4b0 misc, warnings, etc [ge0rge] (8) Golf Telephony Juarez - [Qytpo] (9) a fuqn awesome minicom static buffer overflow - [ohday] (A) a high level sockets API - [presonic] (B) writing lkm's - [segv] (C) HP-UX security pt 2 - [tip] (D) Compiled Sparc Assembly Language d0x - [various !] (E) b4b0 irc logz
B4B0 - Issue #4 (Lost!)
B4B0 - Issue #5 November 1998 (HTML Index) (TAR GZ)
>> b4b0 [V] << ------- -\ table of contentz \- 0x00 - The usual crap / note from editor - Qytpo (and the g4ng) 0x01 - A brief introduction to VMS - gr1p 0x02 - A Demonstration of RSA public key encryption algorithm -ohday 0x03 - Motorola emx2500 switching doqz (see motorola.txt) 0x04 - Bar Coding VS Magnetic Stripe Technology - Qytpo 0x05 - Neat ICMP backdoor - chrak 0x06 - Introduction to AS/400 Computing [Part - 1] - tymat 0x07 - LSA Synthesis - ph1xation (i found it intriguing...) 0x08 - ghettodial.c - Qytpo (tiz humorously stimulating.) 0x09 - High Level UNIX Socket Functions - presonic (see tcpip.tgz) 0x0A - erase.c - chrak (neat.) 0x0B - Commonly Written Network Functions for Linux/Glibc -banana 0x0C - TCP/IP TIC TAC TOE - r4lph (see nttt.c) 0x0D - This issues' Postal Madness (dedicated to our pal JP.) 0x0E - b4b0 headl1nes.. -Qytpo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! SPECIAL BONUS WAREZ ISSUE !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( see subdirectory appendix/ ) Appendix A: joystick library, itz pretty neat. -ohday Appendix B: shellbin.c (emailed submission from 'cheddar') Appendix C: smoothcolor.c (baldor and giemor - itz rad.)
B4B0 - Issue #6 February 1999 (HTML Index) (TAR GZ)
[ table of contents ] [1]==[ Editor's werdz ] [ jorge ]==[1] [2]==[ Termios library ] [ assem ]==[2] [3]==[ Bronc Buster Elite ] [ jnz ]==[3] [4]==[ OOP in C ] [ lore ]==[4] [5]==[ Logs ] [ b4b0 ]==[5] [6]==[ Idiot of the Month ] [ b4b0 ]==[6] [7]==[ Tampax Dox ] [ Gary Gnu ]==[7] [8]==[ EINS and the z39.50 Protocol Suite ] [ gr1p ]==[8] [9]==[ Intro to *BSD Socket Layer Internals ] [ jayenz ]==[9] [10]=[ Dumbest Shit Ever ] [ ResiD ]=[10] [11]=[ b4b0 Advisory ] [ b4b0 ]=[11] [12]=[ !! ISS Company Secret Warez !! ] [ * ]=[12] [13]=[ ripping skills elite (phusnttt.c) ] [ phusnkin ]=[12] [14]=[ hackphreak .history files ] [ mod ]=[14] [15]=[ message queues ] [ Canul ]=[15] [16]=[ el8 Morpheus warez #hacking elitez ] [ b4b0 ]=[16] [17]=[ b4b0 linux x86 asm codez ] [ chrak ]=[17] [18]=[ Idiocy on Dialouts / Dialout Info ] [ jorge ]=[18] [ Other stuff in this issue of b4b0 ] warez/pr0n.html - uNF uNF warez/server.c - gummo back door (? ph1xs creation) warez/gjp.tar - Gay Juarez Project (dumb warez) warez/qps.gz - KKRs scanner warez/jester.tar.gz - neat. take a look at it. Team QOS's work. (verbal) warez/selling.out - HomeySan wrote this. Read it. Fear.
B4B0 - Issue #7 April 1999 (HTML Index) (TAR GZ)
[TABLE OF CONTENTS] (00). Greets, Hellos, Staff, What not. (01). Introduction - by ph1x *y0r elite edit0r* (heed my advice) (02). Hacking Shiva-Lan-Rover-Servers - [Hybrid] (03). How to have an out of body experience - [ph1x] (04). Womper language interpretor - [chrak] (06). Buffer overflow exploitation - [ph1x] (07). The stupidity that lies in credit fraud - [KKR] (08). Screwing around with /dev/audio - [ph1x] (09). My day in age(Firewall, a magic bullet?) - [rhinestone] (10). d0x (For your harrassing enjoyment) - [pG] (11). Coding a shell from the ground up - [ph1x] (12). The art of writing shell code - [smiler] (13). The telephone system/network part 1 - [pabell] (14). Wu-ftpd remote/local exploit for [12]-[18] - [cossack/smiler] (15). Wu-ftpd buffer overflow scanner for 12-18 - [ph1x] (16). IRC lawgz, cybersex erotica - [b4b0] (17). Revolution against the catholic church - [schemerz] (18). bsaver.c overview - [cp4kt] (19). Conclusion - [ph1x] Additional pieces included in this issue of b4b0 are... [ bouncer.c ] ----------> /juarez/bouncer.c | intruderx [ Encrypt.c ] ----------> /juarez/encrypt.c | tragen [ GHCgi.c ] ------------> /juarez/Cgi.c | FreD [ Carp.c ] ----------> /juarez/carp.c | comp4ct [ Scanned dialups ] ----> /juarez/carriers | comp4ct [ FreeBSD rootkit ] ----> /juarez/fsd.gz | icesk [ b4b0 screensaver ] ---> /juarez/bsaver.c | cp4kt/qytpo [ el8 .zip of misc ] ---> /juarez/misc.zip | milcrat
B4B0 - Issue #8 (HTML Index) (TAR GZ)
~!@#~!@#~!@#~!@#~!@#! ! Table of Elements ! 8 B4B0 Eight 8 ~!#@~!@#~!@#~!@#~!@#! [ 1] B Introduction ............................................ m1st4h cl34n [ 2] 4 The Liberation of Normalcy .............................. m1st4h cl34n [ 3] B Bitslice DES .................................................. smiler [ 4] 0 LibTCL Stuff .................................................. Likk3r [ 5] B Introduction to MC/ServiceGuard (Part One)........................ tip [ 6] 4 The Daily Task at Hand ........................... fluffy coffee bunny [ 7] B Internet Explorer / Realm ....................................... nawk [ 8] 0 Operating Companies of the US ................................. hybrid [ 9] B Rolling Deep ..................................................... tgb [10] 4 The Physics of Handrails ....................................... jorge [11] B An Introduction to Smartlink(tm) 3175 APSS .................... elaich [12] 0 Programming with Files and Directories .......................... ph1x [13] B Gaining Access to the Virgin Baptist System .................. pr0phet [14] 4 To Foil Spoofing ............................................ schemerz [15] B 5ESS-2OOO Compact Exchange Units .............................. hybrid [16] 0 Parallel Port Hardware Interfacing .............................. alec [17] B NT General Overview ......................................... MiLk-MaN [18] 4 Conclusion .............................................. m1st4h cl34n ~!@#~!@#~!@#~!@#~!@ ! Attached Juarez ! 'juarez' directory ~!@#~!@#~!@#~!@#~!@ [ 1] B Arabian Name Translator (fn.c) ............................... comp4ct [ 2] 4 B4B0-Craq (b4b0-craq.tgz) ........................................ rsh [ 3] B LKM Stuff (lkm.tgz) ........................................... smiler [ 4] 0 Messaging System (hhp-ms.c) ...................................... tGb [ 5] B HEH File Fucker (wraith.c) ..................................... fred_ [ 6] 4 FreeBSD 3.0 Character Driver (fbsdchar.tgz) ..................... cain [ 7] B B4B0 Chiq of the Month Photo Spread (jennicide.zip) ........ jennicide [ 8] 0 Secret 0-day mp3 (0-day.mp3) ............................ k0d3 r3l4y3r
B4B0 - Issue #9 (HTML Index) (TAR GZ)
[!@#$#@!] Table of Contents [!@#$#@!] [ 1]--[ Hacking the Telebit Netblazer ]---------------> diab [ 2]--[ The Unix Virus Manual ]---------------> silvio [ 3]--[ Return of the IRC Logs ]---------------> nop [ 4]--[ BT ClickDial - Web Enabled CTI ]---------------> gr1p [ 5]--[ Chaos Magick Theory ]---------------> Synner [ 6]--[ Satellites and Sat. Communication ]---------------> Monty [ 7]--[ Ericsson Consona MD110 PBX ]---------------> PBXPhreak [ 8]--[ Knark - Kernel based Linux rootkit ]---------------> Creed [ 9]--[ Dismantle the FCC ]---------------> opt1mus/zort [10]--[ An introduction to BASIC Stamps ]---------------> polder [11]--[ DECnet Fun ]---------------> majere [12]--[ Introduction to gawk/awk ]---------------> lusta [13]--[ Digital Access Carrier System DACS ]---------------> hybrid [14]--[ Introduction to Encryption (V.1) ]---------------> ep1d [15]--[ Can People read your mind? ]---------------> silvio [!@#$#@!] Juarez [!@#$#@!] [1]--[ ipop.c ]----------------------> rsh [2]--[ irc.girls ]----------------------> lusta [3]--[ clickdial.zip ]----------------------> gr1p [4]--[ knark-0.41.tar.gz ]----------------------> Creed [5]--[ fuckme.c ]----------------------> icesk [6]--[ killsentry.c ]----------------------> Vortexia [7]--[ fakescan.c ]----------------------> Vortexia [8]--[ dialplus.txt ]----------------------> gr1p
B4B0 - Issue #10 2000 (HTML Index) (TAR GZ)
- B P P - [!@#$#@!] Table of Contents [!@#$#@!] - B P P - [ B ]=-=[ 01 ] Editorial ............................................. silvio [ 4 ]=-=[ 02 ] Statement of Intent ...................... the party programme [ B ]=-=[ 03 ] Kernel Function Hijacking (Linux) ..................... silvio [ 0 ]=-=[ 04 ] An ATM Primer ........................................... alec [ B ]=-=[ 05 ] Stealth Syscall Redirection (Linux) ................... silvio [ 4 ]=-=[ 06 ] Comdial Phone System Analysis ........................... ep1d [ B ]=-=[ 07 ] Oppression and Society ................................ silvio [ 0 ]=-=[ 08 ] Ascend TNT Caller ID Fun ................................ alec [ B ]=-=[ 09 ] Anti-Debugging Techniques (Linux) ..................... silvio [ 4 ]=-=[ 10 ] Elf Executable Reconstruction from a Core Image ....... silvio [ B ]=-=[ 11 ] Mailbag .................................. the party programme [ 0 ]=-=[ 12 ] Multiplatforum FreeBSD/Linux Binaries ................. silvio [ B ]=-=[ 13 ] Siilov Virus .......................................... silvio [ 4 ]=-=[ 14 ] In Conclusion ............................ the party programme [ *!%!@#*!@# ] Attached Juarez 'juarez' directory [ B ]=-=[ 01 ] ELF Magic and Madness (egg.tgz) ....................... smiler [ 4 ]=-=[ 02 ] Ltrace (ltrace-0.3.8-opt-l.tgz) ....................... silvio [ B ]=-=[ 03 ] Fping (fping-async-dns.tgz) ........................... silvio [ 0 ]=-=[ 04 ] Siilov x86 Linux Virus (siilov.bin) ................... silvio [ B ]=-=[ 05 ] Siilov source (siilov-src.c) .......................... silvio [ 4 ]=-=[ 06 ] Hamburglorz issues 1 and 2 (hamb.tgz) .................. chrak
Knowledge is Power