GBPPR Advanced Development Projects

"There ain't no rules around here.  We're trying to accomplish something."

    --- Quote from Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)

Random collection of newer and older projects, mostly for historical purposes.

Internet censorship is out of control!  Please mirror any files/information/webpages, if you can.  Email if you need a directory tar'ed up or FTP'ed or whatever.

A full website mirror (~50 GB) is now up on!

Email:  gbppr [at]    24-hour Scientific Services and Answer Center

  1. Radio Scanner Modifications and Information
  2. Low-Power FM Transmitter Circuits
  3. Pager Programming, Monitoring, and Applications
  4. Electronic Design Notes
  5. Various Repeater Controllers
  6. RF Design Perl Scripts / CGIs
  7. Simple TV Transmitter
  8. Green Bay / Brown County, Wisconsin Frequency Search
  9. Click My Light
  10. 46/49 MHz Cordless Phone Talker Over'er
  11. Web Controlled Amateur Radio Beacon
  12. Surveillance Bugs That Work
  13. Cable TV & Video Projects
  14. Remote Control PPP
  15. Web Controlled Railroad Crossing Gate
  16. Linux Amateur Packet Radio Setup for Green Bay, Wisconsin
  17. :Cue:C.A.T. Login Card Reader
  18. Weather Radio Alert Beacon
  19. GBPPR 'Zine & GBPPR Vision
  20. Homebrew Military & Espionage Electronics
  21. Old Skool Hackerz
  22. Bell System Practices
  23. $2600 Magazine - Downloads & Information
  24. Hacker Magazine Archives
  25. L0pht Heavy Industries Shrine
  26. DEFCON MP3 Audio Archive
  27. Group 42 Archive CD-ROM
  28. GBPPR Audio & Video Collection
  29. Hacking the N.F.L.
  30. Obama FAIL!
  31. My Space Ship
  32. Forbidden Science / Suppressed Information / Mirrors of Censored Websites
  33. Miscellaneous Random Chaos
  34. Total Information Awareness (TIA): Large Data Collections
  35. Other People's Projects

Radio Scanner Modifications and Information

Collection of scanner (radio receiver) related documents, software, notes, etc.

Low-Power FM Transmitter Circuits

Collection of low-power FM (pirate) radio related schematics, documents, notes, etc.

Pager Programming, Monitoring, and Applications

Collection of pager programming & monitoring software, schematics, notes, etc.

Electronic Design Notes

Collection of electronic and RF design notes, programs, links, etc.

Various Repeater Controllers

Experimental ham radio repeater controllers.

RF Design Perl Scripts

Perl scripts to help the RF engineer.

Simple TV Transmitter

Easily built TV transmitters with baseband video input.

Green Bay / Brown County, Wisconsin Frequency Search

Green Bay / Brown County, Wisconsin radio information.

Click My Light

Do it, but not when I'm sleeping.

46/49 MHz Cordless Phone Talker Over'er

Talk over people's cordless phones.  One of the coolest and funniest projects to date.

Web Controlled Amateur Radio Beacon

The beacon was taken down, but will remain here for informational purposes.

Surveillance Bugs That Work

Surveillance bugs with power and no drift.

Cable TV & Video Projects

Playing around with that messed up video signal.

Remote Control PPP

Turn on your PPP dialup using a 2-way radio.

Web Controlled Railroad Crossing Gate

This lets people control those railroad crossing gates.

Linux Amateur Packet Radio Setup for Green Bay, Wisconsin

Old scripts for setting up a network.

:CueCat Login Card Reader

Build a card swipe reader for logging into your computer.

Weather Radio Alert Beacon

Use the National Weather Service's alert tone to send a packet radio message.

Homebrew Military & Espionage Electronics

Homebrew your own cool military gear or spy equipment!!

Old Skool Hackerz

Overview of some common hacker/phreak tools and sites.

Hacking-Related Website Mirrors

Bell System Practices

Archive of AT&T Bell System Practices and other telco documents.

GBPPR 'Zine & GBPPR Vision

Technical journal of the American hacker.

$2600 Magazine - Downloads & Information

Help fight Evil Corley and the One Percent.

Hacker Magazine Archives

Local copies of some awesome hacker magazines.

L0pht Heavy Industries Shrine

These guys rule - Making the theoretical practical since 1992.


DEFCON MP3 Audio Archive

Coverting DEFCON audio files from crappy RealAudio to MP3s.

Group 42 Archive CD-ROM

Group 42 sells out.  Quite an amazing little archive of hacking information.

From Mycal:  "The first CDROM ever published in HTML format that you could browse with a webbrowser.  Very successful and although of questionable content, set the standard for CDROM publishing.  Very cutting edge and widely hailed at the time.  It was a very interesting exercise in content creation, publishing, sales and marketing.  I used some of the profits to later start Silicon Valley North."

GBPPR Audio & Video Collection

Miscellaneous interesting video and audio bits from the global interwebs.

Hacking the N.F.L.

Helmet radio frequency information and other little tips and tricks.

Obama FAIL!

Large collection of information to counter Obama's propaganda.

Space Ship

I'm going to be the first normal person in space.

Bob Lazar Information & Notes

Forbidden Science / Suppressed Information / Mirrors of Censored Websites

Public Schools = Reeducation Camps

Miscellaneous Random Chaos

Freestyle BMX

Total Information Awareness (TIA): Large Data Collections

File collections hosted on (bless them!) because they are too large to host locally.

Other People's Projects


Knowledge is Power