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Fobbit Stunnel

Here is a quick rundown on how to get fobbit to work for ssl'd connection.

Comment up your vb.ini file like this:

Download stunnel and get that working properly.
On the both sides do something like this:
stunnel -p stunnel.pem -f -D 7 -d 10002 -r

On the connector's side before the connect do something like this:
stunnel -f -c -d -r remoteip:10002

fire up fobbit on both sides, and on the connector's side do a
you have to resetup the tunnel for each different person you are tring to connect to which is sortof a pain. I might add some support into fobbit to automatically setup the stunnel or something but this isn't too hard. Anyway. spoonm [at] hotmail.com if any problems.

Last Updated: Tue May 20 02:04:34 2003