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Electrical and Information Engineering

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Software Security Assessment through ...

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Numerous information security vulnerabilities exist in contemporary software products. The purpose of this paper is to present a practical approach for software security assessment based on fault injection. The approach has been introduced and applied in a real world case, Wireless Application Protocol gateways. The approach has been effective in systematically uncovering robustness problems in the components tested. The main impact is expected from early elimination of trivial vulnerabilities and elevated awareness in robustness problems and their security implications.

Publication details and availability
Title: Software Security Assessment through Specification Mutations and Fault Injection
Publication details: Kaksonen R., Laakso M., Takanen A.. "Software Security Assessment through Specification Mutations and Fault Injection". In Proceedings of Communications and Multimedia Security Issues of the New Century / IFIP TC6/TC11 Fifth Joint Working Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS'01) May 21-22, 2001, Darmstadt, Germany; edited by Ralf Steinmetz, Jana Dittmann, Martin Steinebach. ISDN 0-7923-7365-0.
Keywords: Security assessment, protocol specification, fault injection, syntax testing, Wireless Application Protocol
Availability: [----] Full paper in proceedings (original)
[PDF_] Accompanying presentation (original)
[PS__] Accompanying presentation (original) (gzip)

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