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View Full Version : Reverse Engineering at University

September 27th, 2007, 02:48
It's interesting how RE has moved into the mainstream in recent years, it's such a desired skill that it's finally being taught at the academic level. Most of us have had, and continue to, learn whatever we could pick up in the trenches, but it's good that the young'uns have an opportunity to get a structured introduction to it.

Here are a couple of current course outlines I happened upon that have some course material available that might be of some interest:

CS675 Software Reverse Engineering

This particular paper stood out..

A Survey of Reverse Engineering Tools for the 32-bit Microsoft Windows Environment

CS 592: Security Practicum: Cheating in On-line Games


September 27th, 2007, 03:26
This course is intended primarily for advanced graduate students with considerable programming experience.
It seems like this particular instructor set a rather high entrancy limit...

I also teach some programming courses, mainly Asm and C, and there are a few assignments that could be considered reversing, but I haven't designed and applied for a full course in RE yet. (If/when I do, it'll probably be for 2nd or 3rd-year level.)

Definitely a positive thing, that particular article you linked is a good read; certainly many times better than the "cracking tutorials" we've seen.

September 27th, 2007, 04:52
They describe OllyDbg as the Swish Army Knife and their PE information is less than the basic.
I think these classes is a trend to get more ppl.

Cheating in On-line Games course looks good though

September 27th, 2007, 09:07
nice to know this discipline is being accepted and being taught at university levels

the pdf should have a few more reviews and research


OllyDbg, however, has one major shortcoming: its inability to trace into SYSENTERcalls. This command, introduced by the Intel Pentium II processor, was designedfor making fast system calls. It is often invoked by Windows Structured Excep-tion Handler, and thus employed by many advanced protection schemes. Theseprotection schemes use the exception handler to execute necessary code, check ifa program is being debugged, and clear the debug registers. When OllyDbg hitsa SYSENTER command, however, it is unable to trace into it, and simply executesuntil the next exception. This is a major shortcoming of the debugger, and requiresthe user to break at SYSENTER commands, analyze the registers, and then deter-mine where the target code of the SYSENTER command is, in order to trace intoit.

is sysenter the only culprit was it able to enter int 2e and int 2bs in processors where sysenter didnt exist

simply executes until the next exception ??? which exception?? whats he talking about ??


Call stack of main thread
Address Stack Procedure / arguments Called from Frame
0012FD2C 77F42DF7 Includes 7FFE0302 ntdll.ZwQueryInformationProc 0012FEE0
0012FD30 77E4A011 Maybe ntdll.ZwQueryInformationProcess kernel32.77E4A00F 0012FEE0
0012FD38 00000001 InfoClass = 1
0012FD3C 0012FEB8 Buffer = 0012FEB8
0012FD40 00000020 Bufsize = 20 (32.)
0012FD44 00000000 pReqsize = NULL
0012FEE4 004A320C ? <JMP.&KERNEL32.GlobalMemoryStatus> OLLYDBG.004A3207 0012FEE0
0012FEE8 0012FEEC pMemStat = 0012FEEC
0012FF28 004A3059 OLLYDBG.004A2AD4 OLLYDBG.004A3054
0012FF2C 00000001 Arg1 = 00000001
0012FF3C 004A3020 OLLYDBG.004A3024 OLLYDBG.004A301B 0012FF38
0012FF48 004A2861 OLLYDBG.004A2FFC OLLYDBG.004A285B 0012FF44
0012FF54 004A27C1 OLLYDBG.004A2FFC OLLYDBG.004A27BB 0012FF50
0012FF64 00000100 Arg1 = 00000100
0012FF6C 004AD151 Includes OLLYDBG.004ACBDF OLLYDBG.004AD14E 0012FF90
0012FF94 004AD2F3 OLLYDBG.004AD0C8 OLLYDBG.004AD2EE 0012FF90
0012FF98 0050A658 Arg1 = 0050A658
0012FF9C 00000000 Arg2 = 00000000


0012FD2C 77F42DF7 RETURN to ntdll.ZwQueryInformationProcess+0C

Log data
Address Message
7FFE0302 Unable to set breakpoint
7FFE0302 Unable to set breakpoint
7FFE0302 Hardware breakpoint 1 at 7FFE0302
7FFE0302 Hardware breakpoint 1 at 7FFE0302
77F42DF7 Hardware breakpoint 2 at ntdll.77F42DF7

77F42DEB >/$ B8 A1000000 MOV EAX,0A1
77F42DF0 |. BA 0003FE7F MOV EDX,7FFE0300
77F42DF7 \. C2 1400 RETN 14

the user to break at SYSENTER commands, analyze the registers, and then determine where the target code of the SYSENTER command is, in order to trace in to it.

if he knows the register how come he could trace into it with ollydbg does someone have any ideas (user mode only)?

anyway nice to see some momentum

September 27th, 2007, 13:07
Very interesting. So to open the discussion further, what do you guys think should be on a syllabus for an RE course. Eg:

Semester 1:
- Reversing on Windows
- win32api review
- .....?

September 27th, 2007, 19:15
[Originally Posted by Kayaker;68864]
CS 592: Security Practicum: Cheating in On-line Games

I saw this one a while ago and was quite surprised to see such a class - I wish my university has something like it... I think a professor was a bit of an overachiever - as far as I can see most students had only basic RE skills and most of them were faced with advanced packers and it was no surprise they didn't get far.

September 27th, 2007, 20:38
I could suggest one or two among this board's members to be invited faculty for this class!

September 27th, 2007, 22:14
[Originally Posted by Silver;68877]Very interesting. So to open the discussion further, what do you guys think should be on a syllabus for an RE course.

- Introduction and Principles of Reverse Engineering
- Review of x86 Architecture
- Models of Execution Flow
- Hex Editing
- Disassemble and Modify simple .COM and .EXE file
- Introduction to 32-bit PE
- Disassemble and Modify simple 32-bit PE

That should be enough for one term.