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View Full Version : Operating System information

September 12th, 2008, 12:51
Hi All,
I would like to know if any of the windows/linux internals structures contians the details about the Operating System information. Like
Operating System Name,
Service Pack,
Kernel Version,

Please suggest me if anyone has in idea on this.


September 12th, 2008, 14:43
if you would like to know then you have to seek to know

how about ver
how about winver
how about wmic os list full /format:list
how about GetVersion, GetVersionEx
how about uname -a
how about cat /proc/version

how about reversing them all and finding out how they get the info thay deliver

how about looking at !peb


Dump - 7FFDE000..7FFDEFFF
Address Hex dump Decoded data Comments
7FFDE0A4 . 05000000 DD 00000005 ; OSMajorVersion = 5
7FFDE0A8 . 01000000 DD 00000001 ; OSMinorVersion = 1
7FFDE0AC . 280A DW 0A28 ; OSBuildNumber = 2600.
7FFDE0AE . 0002 DW 200 ; OSCSDVersion = 512.
7FFDE0B0 . 02000000 DD 00000002 ; OSPlatformId = 2

how about google
how about actually liking to know and seeking for your liking