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View Full Version : Protected Mode Segmentation as a powerful anti-debugging measure

j00ru vx tech blog
June 18th, 2011, 18:18
The segmentation functionality has been present on the Intel processors since early stages of the CPU manufacturing. In real-mode, segments were the basis of 16-bit memory management, allowing the operating system or application to specify separate memory areas for different types of information, i.e. code, regular data, stack and so on. When a more complex [...]


June 19th, 2011, 06:56

POC((c) Indy): Switch to V8086 mode(and back) to bypass APC-dispatcher(KiUserApcDispatcher()).
%NTERR macro
.if Eax
Int 3

CreateHiddenThread proc uses ebx esi edi Ip:PVOID
Local Context:CONTEXT
Local RegionAddress:PVOID, RegionSize:ULONG
Local ThreadHandle:HANDLE
Local ClientId:CLIENT_ID
mov RegionAddress,4
mov RegionSize,PAGE_SIZE
invoke ZwAllocateVirtualMemory, NtCurrentProcess, addr RegionAddress, 0, addr RegionSize, MEM_COMMIT or MEM_RESERVE or MEM_TOP_DOWN, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE
invoke RtlCreateUserThread, NtCurrentProcess, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, -1, 0, addr ThreadHandle, addr ClientId
invoke ZwGetContextThread, ThreadHandle, addr Context
; Cs:Ip
mov Context.regEip,2
mov Context.regSegCs,0
mov Context.regEFlags,EFLAGS_VM or EFLAGS_MASK
mov ebx,Context.regEsp
mov dword ptr ds:[2],90FEEBF9H ; Stc/Jmp $
invoke ZwSetContextThread, ThreadHandle, addr Context
invoke ZwResumeThread, ThreadHandle, NULL
invoke ZwGetContextThread, ThreadHandle, addr Context
test Context.regEFlags,EFLAGS_CF
.until !Zero?
invoke ZwSuspendThread, ThreadHandle, NULL
mov ecx,Ip
mov Context.regSegCs,KGDT_R3_CODE or RPL_MASK
mov Context.regSegDs,KGDT_R3_DATA or RPL_MASK
mov Context.regSegEs,KGDT_R3_DATA or RPL_MASK
mov Context.regSegSs,KGDT_R3_DATA or RPL_MASK
mov Context.regSegFs,KGDT_R3_TEB or RPL_MASK
mov Context.regEsp,ebx
mov Context.regEip,ecx
mov Context.regEFlags,EFLAGS_MASK
invoke ZwSetContextThread, ThreadHandle, addr Context
invoke ZwFreeVirtualMemory, NtCurrentProcess, addr RegionAddress, addr RegionSize, MEM_RELEASE
invoke ZwResumeThread, ThreadHandle, NULL
CreateHiddenThread endp

Payload proc Arg:PVOID
Local Response:ULONG
invoke ZwRaiseHardError, STATUS_SUCCESS, 1, 0, 0, OptionOkCancel, addr Response
invoke RtlExitUserThread, STATUS_SUCCESS
Payload endp

Entry proc
Local Context:CONTEXT
mov Context.ContextFlags,CONTEXT_CONTROL
mov Context.regEbp,ebp
mov Context.regEip,offset Cont
mov Context.regSegCs,KGDT_R3_CODE or RPL_MASK
mov Context.regEFlags,EFLAGS_MASK ; !TF
mov Context.regEsp,esp
mov Context.regSegSs,KGDT_R3_DATA or RPL_MASK
invoke ZwContinue, addr Context, FALSE
test eax,eax
invoke CreateHiddenThread, addr Payload
Entry endp
end Entry