View Full Version : RE: A request to all.

September 18th, 2014, 10:49
From http://www.woodmann.com/forum/announcement.php?f=55 -

[Originally Posted by Woodmann]The Woodmann needs your help. I have recently become unemployed and, contrary to popular belief, I am not wealthy. Woodmann.com provides a valuable repository of tools and information. I therefore am asking (sadly) for donations to keep this place up and running. The money raised will go exclusively to this place. I will remove this request once I am able to pay for it myself. Thanks, Woodmann

Can you please list the services (and software?) you're paying for, and their associated costs?

For example:
• Domain registration - $15/year
• Web hosting - $20/month
• etc.

September 18th, 2014, 10:57

Please give us (PM, if you wish) a breakup of your costs per month. If you feel that's too intrusive, you can give us a ballpark figure for the year. This will help people in understanding the kind of donation they can afford. People love to see a target which their donation can help reach. It will help towards a better contribution.

I, and many others here surely, are not going to let Woodmann go down.

Have Phun

September 18th, 2014, 22:13
It costs $80.00 per month for the server (which is legacy now)
I am hoping it will keep on keeping on. We have been babying it for a while now.

The reg fees are insignificant per year. (maybe $15.00)

If you need more details just let me know.

Thanks, Woodmann

September 19th, 2014, 03:24
can I hande this request across all the arteam communication channels? I think a lot of people will participate..

September 19th, 2014, 05:27

I started to spread the word myself, as soon as we're not spamming everyone like "give money ffs, bitchez ain't for free" i agree we should get some cool support from the RE community.

September 19th, 2014, 07:35
Ah ops I already prepared a custom ramsonware for this -haha-

September 19th, 2014, 10:42
[Originally Posted by Woodmann;96658]
It costs $80.00 per month for the server (which is legacy now)
Thanks, Woodmann

I just logged on to it to see if its the same as it has been a few years ago and it is,
man that thing is old

how about when funds are collected doing a backup and complete reset up and upgrade,
you can even use my reverse-engineering.info domain to create an additional front end
for links to sites, resources etc.

Just a thought... on the other hand you might not have an interest in doing that since
its a lot of work and you have other things to do/worry about.

all the best!
/ 'ol yates :-]

September 19th, 2014, 16:05
[yAtEs] is back (alive) to save us \o/

September 19th, 2014, 22:39
Thank you all.

You have wonderful ideas and none of them will be discarded.

Without giving out too many details, yATEs and some others
who mod here will tell you that an upgrade is definitely need.

Right now I need to arrange for our host to be paid and then I will talk to
the other mods about an upgrade.
Yes, it is a complete pain in the ass to do but it WILL need to be done at some time.

Thanks everyone, Woodmann

September 21st, 2014, 12:54
[Originally Posted by Silkut;96666][yAtEs] is back (alive) to save us \o/

he's always been here, just silently lurking... stealthy [yAtEs]

September 21st, 2014, 16:09
Per http://www.reddit.com/r/ReverseEngineering/comments/2gqudi/woodmanncom_needs_your_help_with_hosting_costs/cklrgzm, thoughts on accepting donations via Bitcoin?

September 21st, 2014, 21:51
I have opened an account at coinbase.
I am learning this process so be patient with me.


September 27th, 2014, 18:18
In case someone missed it, Bitcoin donations are online now.

October 1st, 2014, 20:10
How are the donations stacking up? A kickstarter goal format would be a nice draw and show engagement from the community. Just a thought.

Is there a monetary goal that can be shared? Other then the $80 a month noted above.

Has the crisis been averted due to a landslide of help, or are the waters still murky for the future? i.e. What are the plans for a way forward other then a update to the system the forums are running on of course.

October 1st, 2014, 21:08
As of this moment we are stable with this shitty server we are on.
It is back to asking for a reboot daily again.
We have been dealing with this problem for quite some time so,
while it is an inconvenience, it is not impossible to deal with.
The only problem being the down time until someone tells me the server is down.

I am waiting on a price to upgrade but for the time being donations are not desperate.

October 1st, 2014, 21:21

if ping woodmann.com not Success then
Alert ProviderOrWoodmannToReset
Wait 1hr

Im sure something like that could be cobbled together..Again just a thought.

Good to hear it isn't do or die at the moment. If there is a gap in the upgrade costs please let us know so we can do something to help.