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View Full Version : awesome packed file

December 30th, 2001, 06:45
hi there,
perhaps you know image styles a shareware gfx prog.
for practise only i want to register it (only one s/n required)
but 1st i'D like to disassemble it, but no!! w32dasm or ida shows nothinq so i run nearly all file analyzers and ive found out that the compiler was c++, huh wow!!! (ironic) but no packin informations. if i hadnt found a key on astalavista i would think its uncrackable.
what can i do now?

December 30th, 2001, 07:50
If it Image Styles that I downloaded

Then its packed with UPX and modified to hide the fact. Just do a manual unpack as per any other UPX unpacking.

If you can't recognize the packer then you have 2 options
Upgrade your filechecker software that identifies the packer
Manually Unpack the program. This is not hard too do typically just run it in a debugger (like ollydbg) and when you see the program jump to the start of the code. Launch Procdump and dump it. This way the debugger holds the program from executing and it is fully depacked. It may need some revirgining
(Hmmm is this the right terminology).


December 30th, 2001, 12:23
but the file is modified/hacked/protected says UPX
which program shows me the prot.??

December 30th, 2001, 13:35
what version of image styles do you have ON'error

December 30th, 2001, 14:16
i just got version 1.75 if this is the version u got the it is infact packed with upx { upx0.71 or 0.72} according to file insPEctor XL but according to PE iDentifier it showes it as useing UPX-Scrambler RC1 {i always use more then one analyzer}

December 30th, 2001, 23:08

Since you didn't ask specifically about unpacking it, I suggest you attack the keyfile it saves in windows folder.

December 31st, 2001, 07:24
now im informed(?rightword?). good tips,
i wasnt able to unpack it but im a newB so im reading some tuts about packin/unpackin and ill crack the bitch
so long

December 31st, 2001, 07:46
If your new to unpacking UPX then check out http://www.mesa-sys.com/mercution/hf/tutorials/misc/upx.htm
And perhaps http://dghtserver.de/bullets/evd/stuff/files/tutorials/lesson7.zip

UPX is a great packer for a NewB to start with, very simple.

Any other questions then feel free to ask.
