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View Full Version : Why my dumped apps won't run??

August 10th, 2002, 23:21
Hello to everybody.
I tryied to unprotect Powerstrip 3.21 (protected with Asprotect 1.23) and after having rebuiled with imprec the IT, when I launch the dumped&fixed file I recive a windows arror at address 00401000.

00401000 add eax,dword ptr [edi]
00401002 inc edx
00401003 outs dx,dword ptr [esi]
00401004 outs dx,dword ptr [esi]
00401005 ins byte ptr [edi],dx
00401006 popad

dword ptr [edi] is 00 00 00 00.

What have I to do after having fixed the IT with Imprec??? have I to change something else??? Thanks in advice

August 11th, 2002, 00:04
It looks like you have forgotten to redirect the OEP. The Original Program Entry point. You are still using the OEP of the protected application.

Search the board for unpacking tutorials, (notice the search button on the top of the page You will find plenty of info on how to do unpacking properly. Read several before trying, some tutorials omit important information others include. If you read several of them you can put together all the info you need to get started.


August 11th, 2002, 20:21

Be aware that imprec resolve one api incorrect + one api that it does not resolve. Be shure you have the correct oep.
Analyse the redirected api with your debugger and look at their
F.eks. Getversion = returnvalue C0000A04

My dumped .exe runs fine.

