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View Full Version : SI problem

September 20th, 2004, 18:12
HEy.m just installed Si with driver suit 3.0, anyhow, i got the next problem.....
when i get a break at a breakpoint, i get a problme...the adress is in like 1xxxxxxx values. not the 004xxxxx values.....first of all, any ideas on wtf this is and how to get rid of it?> secont of all, if i can't get rid of it, how can i calcualte the 004xxxxx adress of that same posistion?

September 20th, 2004, 20:51

strong advice:
you need to go back to the basics. This isn't a SoftICE problem at all.

Also try to fix spelling mistakes, this board isn't a place where you can just shovel shit and expect a descent answer to the world's problems.

More information at: http://www.woodmann.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6394
check what process you are in when it breaks. Furthermore, check in what MODULE inside that process the breakpoint occured. I find the softice commands 'what <address>' or 'what module' to be useful for this.

September 21st, 2004, 11:36
I fixed some of the spelling so it is a little more readable, but it does clearly suggest there is need for more study of basic concepts in reversing.


September 21st, 2004, 19:36
ok, sorry for all the spelling mistakes, i am typing without my glasses(not like even seeing what i am typing is gonna help me:P).I am not sure about the basics.....
this is a problem with SI, why? Because, the process has no dll and such loaded. It is just an .exe, therefor, it should not be in 1xxxxxx range.
Also before i updated to driver suit 3.0 i had no problem getting my breakpoints to pop at 004xxxxx range, .Now when i get a break, i get in the system files (7xxxxxxx range), then after i go to where the call originated i am at the 1xxxxxxxx range....
any ideas on why that is?

September 22nd, 2004, 00:55

Slow down...

You are moving too fast. I'd suggest the following:

1. Get a pair of glasses

2. Understand SoftICE first. You may want to leave all this cracking/reversing business for a week and instead concentrate _ONLY_ on printing and reading the softice manuals.

3. Once you are OK with the softice manuals, you will get a clear idea of why breakpoints are behaving the way they do. If you still don't understand try querying this board with "SOFTICE" and "BREAKPOINTS" and you will find a wealth of information on the same.

4. Alternatively, download the CHM version of this board and search on it.

5. You should be really eager to learn how to use the tools properly. Form and accuracy should be your targets, speed will come later and is not that important.

6. I'd suggest you leave the flexlm/graphic softwares/games away for a while and concentrate on Winzip v5+ and above and MIRC v5+ and above.

Have Phun

September 22nd, 2004, 06:41
rofl, well, i guess u are right about reading softice manuals, i don't think i read a single one n the updated driver suit ....