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View Full Version : Opinions on VB6 reference

March 21st, 2006, 03:49
Hi all.

I came across a program, with nice error recovery that can handle most bloopers while tracing/patching, but I'm wasting too much time trying to figure out the calls.
It's a VB6 program, using a VB6 DLL, to access a Rockey dongle and a license file.

Not being a VB user, the question to you is, what would you consider a nice API reference for VB6 to have a click away on the desktop.


March 22nd, 2006, 06:02
IDA pro identifies and correctly names the functions...

You should consult Microsoft MSDN reference for more information.

March 22nd, 2006, 13:38

MSDN takes up too much desktop space. Ida shows the functions but doesn't explain the parameters. (Also, on a non-related point, Ida, even though a great piece of software, is pitiful in identifying references to unicode strings and I spend enough time as is, identifying them properly one at a time).

I might have found a reference though. I'll know soon as the eDonkey download finishes.
It's Dan Appleman's "Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to the Win32 API". I've read good reviews about it and it sounds like a winner.

I've also come across a nice freebie to use as a Win32 API reference.
API-Guide. Whoever needs it, can get it from its site: _http://www.mentalis.org/agnet/apiguide.shtml


March 22nd, 2006, 15:45
[Originally Posted by roocoon]I've also come across a nice freebie to use as a Win32 API reference.
API-Guide. Whoever needs it, can get it from its site: _http://www.mentalis.org/agnet/apiguide.shtml

That's the one I was trying to think of/find again in reply to your question. I used to use it a few years ago. I think there's an associated API Viewer that is handy for listing constants values. Not updated anymore but may still be useful.

March 23rd, 2006, 04:54
Good memory Kayaker.

I had found that too but I prefer the API-Guide.

The API Viewer is here:


I got eventually the Appleman e-book. All 57MB of it!! Very nice book to read through but I don't like its navigational structure concerning APIs. It's an HLP file with minimal hyperlinking.

March 23rd, 2006, 07:23
Kayaker, wow, I've not come across that before. That's extremely handy!