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View Full Version : How can use Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Documenta

January 3rd, 2003, 17:29
Sometime the win32 programmer's Reference do not find the API.
In OllyDbg in Select API help file I can put WIN32.HLP.

But Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Documentation they use another kind of file:

"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Help\dexplore.exe" /helpcol ms-help://ms.vscc

any idea are welcome

January 4th, 2003, 02:04
just make plug-in

January 4th, 2003, 06:49
Well, just some hints if someone really needs to:

Use the MSDN Help COM object that the MS document explorer (dexplore.exe) exports. This way you wont have any (future) version conflicts.
The corresponding type library ships in
"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSEnv\vshelp.tlb".

Here is some short example how i would do it (VC++ using ATL):

// generate C++ wrappers for COM interfaces
#import <vshelp.tlb> no_namespace

// filescope MSDN automation interface instance
HelpPtr g_pHelp;

// initialization somewhere (plugin entry)
::CoInitialize( 0);


void some_shortcut_handler_method( const char* keyword)
if( g_pHelp == 0)
// instanciate the generated wrappers via COM smart ptr
HelpPtr ptr( __uuidof(DExploreAppObj));
g_pHelp = ptr;
// use the interface (e.g. we have a keyword and want api doc on it)
g_pHelp->DisplayTopicFromKeyword( _bstr_t( keyword));
catch( _com_error& ex)
// handle any com errors, e.g. log to ollydbg whatever
Addtolist( 0,0, "Plugin COM error: %s", ex.ErrorMessage());


// deinitialization somewhere (plugin unload...)
if( g_pHelp != 0)
// release instance

// deinit COM




Anastasius Focht

PS: Im working on a C/C++ interpreter (scripting) plugin using open source interpreter which covers about 95% of ANSI C and 85% of C++. Even ollydbg api can be accessed from the interpreter. Due to limitations in the ollydbg plugin api (and limited spare time) the progess is not so fast. Expect something in a few weeks.

January 4th, 2003, 17:16
We should also have an option in OllDbg to go directly to MSDN web site by selecting the right API.
This should be part of the version 1.09.