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View Full Version : To the kids that keep posting crack requests

October 1st, 2003, 09:10
It seems like every week now some kid comes here asking how to crack a program, and despite TBD's polite and very reasonable requests not to post such things, they continue.

Folks, we often take for granted the things we appreciate the most. This forum is a great resource for all users of OllyDbg - an excellent debugger (I still can't believe that we're all allowed to use it for free), and people should respect Oleh for his creation and generousity - he hasn't made a single cent out of any of us, yet all of us have been helped many a time by Oleh's program.

While some kids think that debuggers are only for cracking, a lot of people here actually have legitimate uses for debuggers like OllyDbg, and their posts do nothing but degrade this forum and even put the livelihood of this forum at risk, legally and otherwise.

If you do have crack-related questions, there are thousands of places on the web to go to so it's not like you're without a place to go, but please don't abuse this forum - it's too good for that.

Thanks for your time, and thanks for contributing to this forum to help make it what it is. Let's keep it that way.

October 2nd, 2003, 00:48
He will sell after v2 is stable i bet.

October 2nd, 2003, 03:33
I wouldn't blame him if he did
(It's worth paying for!!!)

October 2nd, 2003, 03:35
The only problem is that debugger programs attract crackers for obvious reasons, so if Oleh did sell it it would only be a matter of time before somebody released a crack.
I'd pay for a registered version of OllyDbg because it's quality software, written by a clearly dedicated author!

October 2nd, 2003, 06:59
I meet Olly twice and from what I spoke with him, he doesn't plan to make it commercial.
... but of course donations doesn't hurt anyone

October 2nd, 2003, 08:21
He's a very generous person

October 2nd, 2003, 12:37
Nahh, he's just making the ultimate cracking program. Can't say I blame him, but he knows full well that because of this he can't sell the program because of the obvious intent.

Which is why I'm puzzled at Ollydbg messageboards not allowing cracking posts, when the program itself has been made with cracking in mind.

October 2nd, 2003, 15:59
Have you thought to inform datarescue and numega they will be unable to sell their products because of "obvious intent"?.

October 2nd, 2003, 17:16
Yes, I've been trying to get IDA Pro banned for some time now. Unfortunately, all I got was them agreeing to remove a few features that were not needed for the purposes in which they intended the program to be used.

October 18th, 2003, 12:20

Seems to me everybody here is more paranoid than a Mathematician. No one is going to close this forum down because some kid is asking how to crack the latest Shareware piece of dreck. The truth is, with all these hot debuggers, and all these whiz kid crackers, sales of our Shareware go up every quarter. This is true of every other software vendor I know. All the programmers I know are flattered that anyone is even looking at their latest monstrosity. All the programmers over here have tried their hand at a little cracking now and then. So don't take yourself so seriously, We don't care!

P.S. Personally We admire this Oleh guy very much, for his generosity.


October 26th, 2003, 08:16
I've been trying to get IDA Pro banned for some time now
What do you think ppl at Symantec, F-Secure etc use to disassemble virii?

all I got was them agreeing to remove a few features
OMG. What features did we miss because of you? As a registered
IDA user I've only seen features added, not removed. I will
complain to Pierre that they let idiots influence their software.

February 13th, 2004, 00:05
The irony in this is, the people like the " mr ban " up there are driven only by personal and monetary gain. Have you noticed that all the money driven companies are so vocal in trying to stop well written programs or so called " crackers"; when in fact if they put that much energy into their protection schemes and less on badgerring us .......................Keep up the great work oleh very well written program and a very nice site ....kudos brudder.

March 25th, 2004, 14:08
can you crack this file for me : http://www.....

just kidding but hi, im new to the forum and olly, but i look forward to learning with you all.

And anonymous, i know how you feel, i hate it 2.
There should be a big header at the top saying, we wont crack for you! Or something that notify the those rotten people about posting crack requests.