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View Full Version : Never break on EOP

February 16th, 2005, 14:06
Please see the article in the follwing address.
Olly could not break on OEP and directly runs the proggy.


Here is another trick for killing Ring-3 debuggers !!

February 16th, 2005, 23:50
hehe it has been documented already some where i even have a post about about this phenomena in this forum on some queer post
i think i replied it in regard to 1bitshort's query
and lately this was again pointed out by
nicolez brulez of armadillo (in his paper to honeynet scan of the month 33
results ) he actually thought it will stop olly somehow loading the app
but ollydbg loads the application and executes it without stopping
on ep (the reason he states for his thinking is
about modifiaction to LoaderFlags and Rva Entries in the pe-header

but i beleieve they are not the only problems i have seen apps
which dont have this modification but still execute the said application
probably there are more issues out there apart from these modification

anyway to counter the above problem one can physically modify the

entry point bytes 0xeb 0xfe (infinte jump)
and load the exe when it has completely loaded (ignore the warning about not valid blah blah )
press f12 and pause the application
it will stop in the infinite jumps modify the bytes back to original values
and then you can find all of the string referances and import names all such s***

have fun

June 7th, 2005, 11:46
what is the trick? the url has gone..