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View Full Version : Quality of WinLicense

January 31st, 2007, 07:26

first of all: I don't want to crack software!
But I have to evaluate the quality of exe-protectors :-(
So I felt over to WinLicense from Oreon http://www.oreans.com/winlicense.php.

Does anybody know how good the quality of this product is compared to game-protectors on DVD.
Or if there are similar products, which are better ?

I know everything is crackable - but it depends of the effort.

I appreciate any information



February 2nd, 2007, 03:02
Hi, I found two more products for this area:
- CodeArmor from vilabs (http://vilabs.com/)
- Vatari from Vatari (http://www.vatari.com)

Does anybody has experiences with these products ?



February 2nd, 2007, 19:21
vilabs = too much talk
vatari = do they really have a product there?

Sometimes protection will bother your users (like no Vista support, no 64bit support etc).
I like the idea in some games that detect if they are copies and disable some functions, like "The Godfather" where you get locked inside a car