They are divide in categories:

Debuggers Dissemblers&Editors Usefull utilities Other files

Softice 3.24 Win95 This is surely the best debugger ever created,and this is also the newer version.
Softice 3.24 WinNT Like above but for Win95.
TRW 0.73 An alternative debugger from Liu Tao
Softice 3.23 Win95 Telling the truth I found this version a little bugged, but it's good as other ones.
Softice 3.22 Patch Win95 This is a patch that upgrade version 3.2 for Win95 to version 3.22.
Softice 3.2 Win95 A very good version of this wonderful debugger.
Softice 3.2 WinNT As above but for WinNT users.If you have problems installing it,use this patch
Softice 1.52 Win3.x This is the last version of Softice for win3.x users.
Softice 2.80 Dos This is the last version of Softice that only run under dos.
Softice's tool A tool created by Lordbyte and The_Owl,useful against anti SI protection.Only for 3.22-3.23.
Softice's commands Ref This is a pdf file that explains all commands of this debugger.
Hedit 2.1 A good Windows hex-editor.  (Crack)
Hacker's View 6.00 A Very good DOS hexeditor.
W32Dasm 8.93 A very good windows disassembler with a lot of crackers friendly functions.
Brw 4.5 A good resource editor by Borland.
ResEdit 1.0 Another very good resource editor this time from Symantec.
Filemon 95 A tool that watch for you which files a program looks for.
Regmon 95 This tools checks which registry entries are watched by a program your studying.
Vxdmon This time vxd files are checked.
Sinfo 2.04 System information 2.04,It gaves you infos about any running window.
TheCustomizer A tool that have all the function of Sinfo more some others
FrogsICE v0.11b An utility to detect anti Softice tricks
VB3 Decompiler This is a very useful tools to crack vb3 programs.With this program you can view the vb source.
VB 4 Decompiler The same as above but for the fourth version of VB.
ProcDump 1.40 The last version of this very useful universal unpackers from UCF.
File Compare by Plushmm & The+Q An utility that compares the differences between two files, and it also can generate patch output.
Nag Kill by Plushmm & Iczelion This win32asm can remove the most common nag screens easily.
Exe2dpr A decompiler for Delphi, can decompile 50%-90% of code.
isDcc v1.22 A DOS installshield script decompiler.
Wisdec 1.0beta This tool consists in a good Decompiler of installshield scripts for windows
DongleSpy 1.0 A dongle-spying utility.Works with applications protected with Rainbow Technologies SentinelSuperPro hardware key.
Byte Hunter 1.3 2.0 An advanced Patch engine, this can make patches that work on more versions.By PC
PeBrowse An interesting tool to get all the infos you need about a Pe file.
Patching Engine v2.01 By Flu[X], a very good patching engine!
Launcher Generator V. 0.25 An utility from T3X to create process patcher.
CodeFusion Wizard Version 2.30 A patcher with a lot of functions (like search and replace)
R!SC's Process patcher v1.2i This utility creates process patchers
RTD patch engine Dos A good Patch engine made by RTD for Dos
RTD patch engine Win The same program but with creates windows patch

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