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please read the rules - you automatically agree to them if you download anything!
please also read important message concerning running my progs under WinNT

you may think whatever you want about this site, but you should know that
i hate all the javashit, banners and pictures even (ones that plain text can describe),
so you won't find anything like that here

everything here is in win32asm; for win95/98/nt, but may also work with linux's wine
[thoroughly tested on 95 only!]

well i'm alive but a little busy right now...
i'm not planning to continue on the patcher project unless i see any demand for it from you guys out there, so if you want it better than it is, write me what you would improve etc. - right now i stopped half way re-doing it into a dialog application - btw any possible help would be (of course) appreciated


useful utilities

  • patcher
  • - compares and patches files
  • wipe.reloc
  • - makes PEs smaller by removing relocations section
  • timestamper
  • - sets file times
  • start-screen-saver
  • - simply starts the windows screensaver
  • notescrap
  • - allows you to make notes without a need to save them manually
  • tinystub
  • - replaces the PE dos stub with a really small one

    crayzee's patcher


  • updates (new features)
  • download (latest version 1.30 with sources)
  • older source files
  • online help
  • patch script files page

  • What is this good for?
    it's good for many things, for example if you are:
  • a cracker
  • you can spread just the minipatcher or the patch script file when you crack something
  • a programmer
  • you can sign your programs at specified offsets automatically after easily creating a script
  • you can release updates or bugfixes for some older versions of your program

  • if you still don't know what's the patcher good for, then look either at the online help or at the patch script files page

    Future plans
  • improving the minipatcher (some infos, authenticity signs etc.)
  • making some less space-wasting structure of the script (some compression would help)

  • crayzee's wipe.reloc

  • updates (new features)
  • download (latest version 1.34 with sources)
  • older source files

    What is this good for?
    this utility makes PE files (=windows 32-bit executable files) smaller by aligning them and (if not processing a dll) removing the .reloc section, which is not needed in exe PE files because they are always loaded to their original imagebase address... this does not compress the file, therefore it does not really extend the loading time of the processed file!
    a bug that prevented the processed files from running under WinNT has been fixed in version 1.33. since most of my programs released have been processed with older versions of wipe.reloc, they probably don't run under NT. i do not have time to re-package them, so you can just apply wipe.reloc on them and they'll at least launch [don't know whether they'll run ok;) ]...
    it really works like virogen's vgalign, even better, but it may contain bugs so please report any immediately!
    use it at your own risk!
    the wipe.reloc was originally and entirely *my* idea. later, i added the align capability - i think the first one that came up with this was virogen - i don't think i would have come up with such a brilliant thing. anyhow, people are now using wipereloc as a feature in their utilities without mentioning whose idea it was - that kinda bothers me...

    crayzee's timestamper

  • updates (new features)
  • download (latest version 1.11 with sources)
  • older source files

    What is this good for?
    it's an utility for setting file times (creation, last write and last access). you can set the time manually (enter the values) or get it from another file or from a "timestamp" file, which you can create as well ;). this is very useful if you don't want anyone to know that you have modified some file or if you want to "stamp" your files with a specific time...

    crayzee's start-screen-saver

  • download (initial version 1.00 with sources)

    What is this good for?
    this little utility starts the windows screensaver
    it isn't anything *great* but it may be useful if you're going away and don't trust windows that they will surely start the screensaver ;)

    crayzee's notescrap - COOL!

  • updates (new features)
  • download (newest version with sources)
  • older source files

    What is this good for?
    this little thing solves your top-of-the-desk-full-of-little-scraps-with-short-notes problem
    it allows you to write short notes and save them immediately without having to think about a place to put them to; read them by clicking on the system tray icon
    further info in the download package... this is a must-have thing! ;)

    Future plans
  • adding a search engine
  • adding a windows saving ability
  • implementing some encryption (because the scrap file is easily readable)

    crayzee's tinystub

  • updates (new features)
  • download (latest version 1.10 with sources)
  • older source files

    What is this good for?
    this utility replaces the PE dos stub with a really tiny one (12 or 64 bytes - you can choose). if trying to run from DOS, the 12-byte stub makes it say "Cannot execute", and the 64-byte stub actually displays a short message "Win32 reqd.", not disrupting the system at all!
    it doesn't really make the file smaller but after aligning it with wipe.reloc it should be slightly smaller.
    if you have used the 12-byte stub and changed your mind, don't worry, you can run it again and it also may work even after aligning the file with wipe.reloc. if there is no space to extend the stub from 12 to 64, you won't loose your file, you'll just get an error message!
    anyway, it may contain some bugs so please report any immediately! use it at your own risk!
    similar to the wipe.reloc issue, the idea of replacing the stub with a 12- and 64-byte stub was mine. it sucks when people use your ideas and you don't get any credit for it...

    funny stuff

    here are some nice progs so u'll be able to scare your "friends" and enemies...
    they were tested on win95 and some also on 98, be sure they work there and that they'll scare the shit out of anybody or at least get them pissed off well:)
  • view the funny stuff page where u can dl those progs

  • look at funny pictures too

  • contact me

    best viewed with open eyes

    page created 03/09/1999
    last update 08/05/2001

    (c) by crayzee