Over the years there have been a few great groups
directed towards reverse engineering. They have come
and gone, and new ones have risen up. A few stood
out from the crowd, but always in time they took
their place among the rest, except with their sites
being mirrored and their knowledge they brought to
the people stored for a time.
When we came together as a group, RET was nothing
more than an idea, but over the last while, we have
become stronger and stronger as a group and are well
on our way to producing a great amount of very
useful tools and information.
Our goal is to always move one step further than the
rest of the knowledge out there so that we might
increase our understanding and the understanding of
people around us.
Welcome to the Reverse Engineering Team.
You are free to gather whatever information suits
your fancy from us and contribute what you like to
the dicussions on our boards. If you have an idea
bring it forth, and we'll discuss it, have fun, and
never stop learning.
~The Reverse Engineering Team ~