Softice Stuff
Anti Softice Defeating BiSHoP
Anti Softice more TheOwl
Extending Softice for Win95...big essay Iceman
Softice 3.0...quick reference ZeroDay
Softice 3.01 to install Heres
Softice 3.01...cracking it! Frog's Print
Softice 3.01...extending trial without cracking Frog's Print
Softice 3.01...cracking it! (another approach) +Rcg
Softice 3.01 the checksums work IgNorAMUS
Softice 3.10...virtual device cracking +Rcg
Softice 3.20 Commands +Vip-Vop
Softice...a simple guide dRaGOn
Softice...a good overview LW2000
Softice...basic tut SiONiDE
Softice Breakpoints +Greythorne
Softice Breakpoints Lord Anshar
Softice Command Reference Numega
Softice Commands...a big list dunno
Softice...conditional breakpoint settings & macros Rhayader
Softice Detecting...antidebugging (part 1) Lockless
Softice Detecting...antidebugging (part 2) Lockless
Softice...everything you need to know (and more) Mammon
Softice...find serials using the hmemcpy function Volatility
Softice for Beginners...basic tips & help The Sandman
Softice...for newbies CoRN2
Softice Initialization String...setting up ?ferret
Softice Install...for beginners (with pics) i_magnus
Softice...installing on WinME I Forget who put this together
Softice Internals +Spath
Softice...isnt just bpx hmemcpy NoodleSpa
Softice Manual...Ch 1-13 Numega
Softice Manual...for softice 2.8 Numega
Softice Manual...for softice/w Numega
Softice NT...cracking of winice for NT BOZO
Softice NT...another Birdy Harry
Softice Reference 1.10 c4ffeine??
Softice's Backtrace Buffer...& some advanced commands Lord Soth
Softice Setup Info...basic tips & help +Greythorne
Softice...the very basics (with pics) CrackZ
Softice Tips Rhayader
Softice Tut...basic Icedragon
Softice Tut...covers everything PhotoPaul
Winice Dumper & usage TheOwl
Using SoftICE...december 2004 Compuware
Using SoftICE...july 1998 NuMega
The Big SoftICE How-To...a step-by-step guide Frank Boldewin
SoftICE french Falcon
Tutorial on Key Generators...making keygens for Ize and Swiftsearch raZZia
Reverse Engineering in Computer Applications...HSSP course notes for C-01B Reverse Engineering in Computer Applications, 2001 hemligt
SoftICE 4.05 Patch...for Windows XP compatability numega