Welcome to the site where you can get VDAT, the virus scene database.
Virus DATabase (VDAT) is not exactly a zine, but a virus knowledge base with tutorials, source codes, interviews, group information and other. VDAT has been for long time the standard reference base and the scene's 'Who's who." It was for long time free accessible for everyone, but now Cicatrix, the dude behind VDAT, has decided to change the policy. Starting with VDAT 2.000.1 this unique piece of information is now just for the insiders - you need to have key, or you can access just a few areas. The reason why was obvious - too much negative reactions from certain assholes. Original VDAT's homepage no longer exists, however official VDAT distro site is now hosted on coderz.net. Most of the people respected the decision of making recent VDAT not publicly readable. Needless to say this valuable piece of information was still accessible - with the release of new version, the keyfile for old version was released. But when the actual VDAT key leaked to public Cicatrix decided to discontinue VDAT updating it only for his own purposes.
(From Knowdeth:)
As of 9/19/00, the Vx scene has lost a great tool and program. VDAT 2000.2 has been removed from the homepage of VDAT created by Cicatrix. A sad day in the Vx scene. Killed by popular demand the site says. I believe if it can be killed by popular demand then it can be back. Many of you have said "The information isn't correct." Well, personally I myself have spoken to Cicatrix on incorrect information and it does get fixed. If you don't have the guts to tell Cicatrix its wrong why even bother? It's no reason to downgrade a wonderful product that someone puts out with his free time. It is a free time project by a collector. No more no less. "Why the key?" That again is to keep the scene more up to date than the average Joe. As you seen, VDAT 2000.1 was released with key soon as 2000.2 came out. I've also heard "It's our code." Well, I myself am a coder. I see any virus/product without copyright GPL as GPL, he has the right to reprint and post that source as he see's fit. Any kit and so on has the right to have anyone give a review. That's what VDAT is. If you do not like that, don't publish your work where it can be GPL'd or under review.
There is no reason to gripe at someone that gives us his time for free. If you don't like it, don't read it, don't ask for a key. It's that simple. As for the rest of us let us enjoy the product that Cicatrix makes.
I am saddened to say I have had to reject a person from having there name on the list. I know they will come to see if there name is here and It won't be. :-( I do this because this page was not meant for a flame war or mud slinging contest. It is here to support Cicatrix, VDAT, no more no less. I will not have what I say with my own personal feelings used to sling mud against anyone or have words put in there mouth. It's time to grow up. I will not have someone I know does not support VDAT have there name on the list of supporters. It does not work that way. This is common respect which we all should have for each other. I will not name names. If you feel I am in the wrong I can remove your name at request but I do ask people to do whats in there heart. You cannot be a builder and a destroyer at the same time. The return of VDAT is the final goal.
Remember Cicatrix dream.
These are my own personal feelings. All I ask of you is please support VDAT. Cicatrix worked hard to give us a gift. Don't let it be destroyed.
If you would like to add anything: (Commentary/Questions for the support of VDAT etc. please mail me)
- Knowdeth [Metaphase VX Team & NoMercyVirusTeam]
Welcome to the revamped "Who and What" of the virus scene. After several DOS versions of VDAT this is the first WIN/HTML version. Of course every "first" version has its bugs, so don't expect this version to be flawless. Let me know if something is totally out of wack. For those that see VDAT for the first time below the intro of the DOS versions. This initial HTML release will just be a conversion from the DOS ASCII version. Later releases will include more graphics and more sophisticated HTML features.
"For years I've been reading .DOC .TXT and .ASC files about the virus and anti-virus scene. Those files are by now spread out across a lot of my diskettes and whenever I wanted to read something a second time I knew I had, I of course couldn't find it and ended up downloading it again. Finally I was sick and tired of it and came up with a solution. I combined everything in a hypertext format which I now keep on my harddrive. The initial release took me about a month and a half but hey, it's an improvement and I enjoyed doing it. Anyway, why keep it to myself? Here it is, use it if you want to, otherwise: trash it!"
For Release 2.0, VDAT required a key file (or crack) for access to certain menus:
It was not well received, LOL!
VDAT for DOS has been discontinued. I found it impossible to keep both versions up-to-date within my available spare time (Yes, it is still a hobby).
I know some of you DOS gurus are going to be disappointed but since the HTML version is easier to convert to a subsequent "online" version this was the way to go.
In this archive you'll find the second release of the Windows (HTML) version of VDAT.
This release is a so called 'stand alone' version and does not require a Web/HTML browser.
The browser allows many user inputs to change the page layout. Additionally it will allow defining a default Web browser so that any HTTP links will work using the selected browser.
It was developed and optimized for a 800x600 screen size but should work perfect in other resolutions, font sizes can be changed to optimize the layout.
The optimum result is with the following page layout (menu):
View - Proportional Font - Verdana (Regular/13) View - Fixed Font - Lucida Console (Regular/13) Screen size: 800x600Nice-to-Know Features of the Shell
- Option of multiple open windows (starting a new copy by 'New Window')
- Option of 'Print All' prints all pages in the database. (CAUTION: uncompiled it is 5+ MB so you'll need some paper)
- 'Find' function
- Redefinable link, text and background colors. (Not recommended, why? Because I would have given it another color if thought it worked better)
- Single (HTML) page print option
- Resizable windows, resizable/changable fonts
- Scroll down page history
- Definable Web Browser (for external sites)
- Selectable 'Toolbar' and 'Status Bar'
I would appreciate any inputs or comments that would result in a better product next time.
VDAT for Windows - Release 1.0:
VDAT for Windows - Release 1.1:
VDAT for Windows - Release 1.2:
VDAT for Windows - Release 1.3:
Added to virus author list - Incorporated new found info :)
VDAT for Windows - Release 1.4:
As always added to virus author list and incorporated new found info all over.
VDAT for Windows - Release 1.5:
As always added to virus author list and incorporated new found info all over.
VDAT for Windows - Release 1.6:
As always added to virus author list and incorporated new found info all over.
VDAT for Windows - Release 1.7:
Welcome to this release of VDAT. A lot has happened during and since the last release and with this editorial I will elaborate on the why and how of what happened.
VDAT has existed in one form or another since August 1995. It started out as an "see if I can do this" exercise of arranging diskettes full of viral information into one coherent, easily accessible file. This information was a by-product of my main activity, collecting computer viruses. It still is my main activity today although I sometimes find that VDAT uses a lot of the available spare time.
I am the first to acknowledge that the first couples of releases were pretty lame but I think I managed to improve the product with every release. Somewhere during this process I decided that the DOS hypertext version I was releasing was just not good enough for some graphic features I wanted to include. Also it was a pain in the butt to update.
When I started looking for an equivalent Windows based hypertext tool I came across a small database created with InfoCourier. After trying out the trial version for some time I concluded that using HTML was not only easy but a lot of HTML editing tools were available which made updating VDAT a lot less complicated. So I bought (no kidding) the full version of InfoCourier and started the conversion of VDAT for DOS to VDAT for Windows.
Version 1.9 for DOS and version 1.0 for Windows were each other's equivalent and although some people asked me to maintain a DOS version soon I noticed keeping both updated was just not feasible and I decided to discontinue the DOS version.
In the mean time the "phenomenon" of VDAT was finding it's way to more users, both in the VX scene and the among the general computer user. Most reactions I got were supportive and many people supplied me with material I could use for VDAT.
While keeping VDAT updated I was still very much into collecting viruses. The same way I wanted my viral information to be "organized" I had a system of collecting viruses. For my own purposes I created small subcollections that were often built around one single subject, either a particular VX group or a some specific virus technology like polymorphic engines. When I started making these collections available through a limited access website a lot of people contacted me with either requests or offers for trade.
Originally my main supply for new viruses were well known VX BBSes like Arrested Development, Chiba City, Black Axis and WCIVR. With the spread of Internet and the World Wide Web computer viruses were readily available for anyone who knew were and how to look.
All this created a nice flow of new stuff that allowed me to release updates to my collections every once in a while. Although these collections and their updates were created for my own purposes many fellow collectors and maybe some newbie virus writers seem to enjoy them too. After a period of limited access I decided to make everything I produced available to whoever wanted it although I found that 10 MB was not enough to run a satisfying website. My ISP during that period was very "open" about all this and I never had any complaints or requests to remove my virus files even though I had expected them.
Since I had a "normal" job too and all this computer virus collecting was just a hobby not a lot of time was left to give my website the look I wanted it to have. All over the Web new virus sites popped up and died out, most with better looks than mine had. For a while the WCIVR had a gigantic number of computer viruses available for download, initially for free later they started using ratios. These were the fun times for collecting viruses.
All my efforts of keeping my collections, my website and VDAT updated were decreasing the available time for keeping my virus collection up to date. Although I still collected viruses I could find no time to ID, scan and organize them properly. Also the increasing numbers of different viruses played havoc with my initial method of organizing my collection, it was all very time consuming.
Although most reactions to my efforts were positive the number of negative reactions was increasing. Apparently some people felt that their intellectual property was violated when I decided to include some of their material in one of my collections. The lack of time, the collection that was in disarray, the effort of updating an unsatisfying website, the lack of available webspace and the increasing number of negative reactions caused me to rethink my goals. After an interim period of a website with only VDAT available I decided to fully pull the plug. The only thing I was going to release publicly in the future was VDAT and that would have its own website. To the contrary to what most people thought the negative reactions were not the sole reason for me quitting my site, they were just the last straw
In the wake of all this I was flooded with e-mail and although I must say all of them were supportive some thought I was "giving in" and that I should "stand up" to the negative reactions. Like I mentioned the above, these reactions were not the main reason just the straw that broke the camel's back.
After the demise of my main website I finally had some time to rearrange my virus collection. While doing so I found out that the lack of attention to my collection had caused me to fall behind in the numbers of viruses I had collected and I frantically looked for the missing material. Luckily some of my more solid contacts from the past came through and helped me out bringing my collection back up to speed.
The main emphasis of my hobby is again collecting viruses and a by-product is the continued release of VDAT. My subcollections and their updates have stopped, maybe not forever but certainly for the near future. If they ever are reinstated they will not be available to the general collector but only to a select few.
In the years I have been collecting viruses I have never been a member of a group. I always thought that maintaining the "middle-of-the-road" and being an independent produced the best results. Being a member of a particular group tends to limit access to work from another group. After the death of my website I found that at a certain point in one's virus collection it is impossible to add a substantial number of new viruses without being part of a certain traders world. That is why I decided for, and requested, membership of VTC (Virus Trading Center), the only such group around. Many of the members I knew from the past and although some have been members of virus writing groups none are actively producing viruses. I must say that it was a good move, the exchange of new virus material is solid and worthwhile.
So with my collection back on rails I found time again for this release of VDAT. VDAT also will need some changes in the future and I have been thinking about many possibilities. One of them is the use of the successor to InfoCourier called WebCompiler 98. Made by the same author and company as InfoCourier WebCompiler makes a big jump in available features, e.g. the use of frames, animated graphics and many more exciting possibilities. Something I wanted to do for this VDAT, a virus graphics gallery, will be postponed until the WebCompiler version because of that. Also the final compiled product is faster (it is 32-bit) and smaller than its predecessor. All of this of course comes for a price and some of you will call it a drawback.
WebCompiler 98 is largely based on the Internet Explorer 4 core engine and because of that will require the user to have one of the following software configurations: Windows 95 + IE4, Windows 98, Windows NT4 + IE4 or Windows NT5 (Windows 2000). I know this will go against the grain of a lot of people that are not exactly supporters of anything containing the Microsoft logo so I have not made up my mind yet. Maybe I will create two versions (16-bit and 32-bit) but that would just be a repeat of the DOS version and the initial Windows version tale.
Except for WebCompiler 98 I have not found a worthy successor to InfoCourier and I think that in the HTML world of today frames, animated graphics and other fancy features are a must. So just like computer viruses are moving to the 32-bit plane I think VDAT will eventually migrate to the same plane. This might cause some users to turn their backs on VDAT just because their software does not support it anymore but I'm sure they will follow later on.
Another wish I have had since the initial release of the HTML version of VDAT is a web version of the program. It would be very easy to transfer VDAT to a website since everything is in HTML anyway. There are a couple of reasons why it has not happened. The uncompiled size of VDAT is approaching 13 MB on its way to 14 MB and it is hard to find free web space that size. Also some of the contents of VDAT will be considered too explicit by some webspace providers. Viral technology is still frowned upon or even considered illegal in some parts of this world. Maybe somewhere in the future I will find a generous, open-minded provider that will allow the online version of VDAT to be posted. Until that time the compiled version will have to do.
This concludes my rant about some of the things that happened the last couple of months, I hope I have cleared things up a little for all of you that still had questions. Feel free to e-mail me with questions, positive or even negative suggestions for either VDAT or collecting computer viruses in general. You can reach me at cicatrix@xs4all.nl The Virus Trading Center can be found at http://www.virusexchange.org/vtc So lonng. - Cicatrix, January 1st 1999
As always added to virus author list and incorporated new found info all over.
VDAT for Windows - Release 1.8:
But regardless of that a new release of VDAT. A lot a new information has been added and as I predicted, VDAT is getting bigger and bigger. I have had some reactions and suggestions regarding this size issue. One of them suggested deleting many of the lame and ripped off tutorials which, I agree, would reduce the size of the final product quite a bit. The same person suggested deleting interviews with "morons which haven't done shit for the scene." I must say I agree to a large extent with his views on the quality of some of the material addressed. But it is not my intent to make VDAT some kind of Master Tutorial for which I will apply some quality filter to new material. As I explained many times before, VDAT is a database of computer virus related material. That means good or bad, right or wrong, grammatically correct or not, anything can be included. One filter I do apply is version related. I will update material like Wildlists or other specific material that is updated regularly. This is applies to material that is of no use when newer information is available. I know there are some grey (or gray depending on which side of the Atlantic you're on) areas but than it is easy, in the end there is only one person that determines what will be in VDAT and you all know who that is.
Something I want to reitterate is that VDAT is not meant to rob anyone, VX or AV, of their intellectual property. It is meant solely as a database of virus scene facts. Where possible I leave names of authors or origins in place for all to read. I'm not looking to take credit for someone else's work.
VDAT should be available online (on a trial basis) at http://c5.hakker.com/vdat. The online version reflects compiled version 1.7 and should be identical. The intent is NOT to update the online version between compiled releases, that would mean too much effort and spare time I do not have. Also as of compiled version 1.8 the online version will always lag one release. This is done to leave some incentive to get the latest version, don't ask me why, it doesn't make me any richer but it is what I want to do.
Recently members of VTC have been actively looking for additional material like specific virus engines, kits and tools that were either not in their collection or not in VDAT. Some "WANTED" lists have been passed around and I must say that the initial response was promising. So if you have some viral material (engines, kits, tools) that is on the WANTED list or something that is NOT included in VDAT contact one of the VTC members and we will make it worth your while. For a recent WANTED list visit Tally's Virus Link Reference at http://www.virusexchange.org/tally. For the latest Virus links visit the same site or check out the internal VDAT version. - Cicatrix, April 1999
As always added to virus author list and incorporated new found info all over.
VDAT for Windows - Release 1.9:
As always added to virus author list and incorporated new found info all over.
VDAT for Windows - Release 2.000.0:
As always added and incorporated new found info all over.
VDAT for Windows - Release 2.000.1:
As always added and incorporated new found info all over.
VDAT for Windows - Release 2.000.2:
As always added and incorporated new found info all over.
VDAT for DOS - Release 1.0 (August 1995)
Initial release August 1995
VDAT for DOS - Release 1.1 (September 1995)
Second release September 1995 Additions: - Interview with Robert Slade - Large virus tutorial section - Dark Angel / Rock Steady / Black Wolf / Ratboy / VLAD / Digital Anarchy and others Updates: - Wildlist August 1995 - Cicatrix subcollections list - Incorporated new VX releases - zines - Polymorphic engines - Added to virus author list - Incorporated new found info :) Fixes: - Linked/deleted several hyperlinks - Corrected some taipohs
VDAT for DOS - Release 1.2 (November 1995)
Third release November 1995 Additions: - Essays: - Viruses and Windows 95 - Virus Awareness - Scanners of the year 2000: Heuristics - Tutorial: - Memory Resident Viruses Updates: - Wildlist October 1995 - Cicatrix subcollections list - Incorporated new VX releases - zines - Polymorphic engines - Added to virus author list - Incorporated new found info :) Fixes: - Corrected Dark Angel links in Tutorial section - Linked/deleted several hyperlinks - Corrected some taipohs (oops)
VDAT for DOS - Release 1.3 (December 1995)
Fourth release December 1995 Additions: - Essays: - Macro Viruses (Data Fellows) - MS-Word Macro Viruses (Solomon) - CARO virus naming - Goat / Bait Files (Muttik) - False Authority Syndrome - Legal Issues: - German Computer Crime Law - Swiss Computer Crime Law - Computer Virus Liability - Miscellaneous: - Selected bibliography - Abbreviations Updates: - Wildlist November 1995 - Virus-L FAQ 2.00 (updated October 1995) - Cicatrix subcollections list - Incorporated new VX releases - zines - Polymorphic engines - Added to virus author list - Added to Terms & Definitions - Infection Marker - Virus Glut - Macro Virus - Goat / bait file - Multi Platform Virus - Cavity Virus - Intended Virus - Added to Anti-Virus section - Selected Anti-Virus programs - Anti-Virus contact list - Incorporated new found info :) Fixes: - Alphabetized several menu's - Linked/deleted several hyperlinks - Corrected some more taipohs
VDAT for DOS - Release 1.4 (January 1996)
Fifth release January 1996 Additions: - Interviews: - Lord Zero - Metabolis - The Unforgiven - Blonde - Pottie Rottie - Rajaat - Qark - Essays: - Heuristic Scanners: Artificial Intelligence (Zwienenberg) - Virus Detection - The 'Brainy Way' - The Evolution Of Polymorphic Viruses (Skulason) - Legal Issues: - Catching Virus Writers (Jim Bates) - Italian Computer Crime Law - Miscellaneous: - Anti-Virus Scanner Review 1995 (Tampere) - Tutorials: - Document Macro Viruses (Joel McNamara) - Sepultura's Post-Discovery-Strategies: - Polymorphism - Anti-Bait Techniques - Anti-Debug Techniques - Size Stealth (Blonde/The Unforgiven) - Full Stealth (Blonde/The Unforgiven) - Virus Creation Tools: - Windows Virus Engine (Stalker-X) Updates: - Cicatrix subcollections list - Incorporated new VX releases - zines - Insane Reality #7 - Polymorphic engines - EVOL-1 - TCE 0.4 - PME Win 0.0 - Added to virus author list - Incorporated new found info :) - Rearranged "Essays & Papers" section Fixes: - Linked/deleted several hyperlinks - Corrected still some more taipohs
VDAT for DOS - Release 1.5 (March 1996)
Additions: - Added to Anti-Virus section: - Virus Scanners Tests - A January 1996 Scanner Review - Added to Terms & Definitions - File Jumper - Runtime Virus - Essays: - MS-Word Macro Viruses (Solomon) (Updated January 1996) - MS-Word/Ami Pro Macro Viruses (Data Fellows) (Updated February 1996) - Humor and Computer Viruses - MS Word Macro Viruses FAQ 1.0 (Richard John Martins) - Miscellaneous: - Viruses On The Information Super Highway (BBS's, WWW, FTP) - Tutorials: - Infecting Windows 95 - MCB Stealth (Darkman) - Defeating Anti-Virus Software - Kohntark's Anti-TBAV techniques - Several VLAD Anti-TBAV techniques - Anti-VSAFE - Anti-Anti-virus tricks (Mnemonix) - Resist (Mouth Of Sauron) - Single Step Tunneling (Dark Fiber) - Advanced Bait Detection (Coke/VLAD) - The Virus Writer's Handbook (Terminator Z) - Virus Creation Tools: - Batch Virus Generator (Wavefunc) - Executioner's Virus Generator (EVG) - Virus Engines & Tools - VSTE (VLAD Surface Tunneling Engine) - Rhince 2.0 - STE/FTE (Dark Fiber) Updates: - Wildlist February 1996 - Cicatrix subcollections list - Incorporated new VX releases: - zines - VLAD #6 - Polymorphic engines - VIP (VLAD Infinite Polymorphic) - Added to virus author list - Incorporated new found info :) Fixes: - Linked/deleted several hyperlinks - Corrected still some more taipohs
VDAT for DOS - Release 1.6 (June 1996)
Additions: - Essays: - Added FAQ section - Alt.comp.virus FAQ 1.02 (5 May 1996) - MS Word Macro Viruses FAQ 2.0 (Richard John Martins) (Updated March 1996) - MS-Word Macro Viruses (Data Fellows) (Updated March 1996) - MS-Word Macro Viruses (Solomon) (Updated March 1996) - Computer Virus Funny Business With WINWORD Documents (Crypt March 1996) - Java Viruses - Real ? (Crypt March 1996) - Legal Issues: - Alt.comp.virus FAQ 1.02 part 3 of 4 (Legal Issues) - Virus Creation Tools: - Virus Maker 1.0 (VMK) Updates: - Wildlist May 1996 - Cicatrix subcollections list - Incorporated new VX releases - groups - Dark Conspiracy - zines - VLAD "April Fool's" - Crypt #36 - PlasmaMag #1 - Nemesis #1 - Added to virus author list - Incorporated new found info :) Fixes: - Linked/deleted several hyperlinks - Corrected still some more taipohs
VDAT for DOS - Release 1.7 (September 1996)
Additions: - Essays: - The Underground MS Word 6.X Macro Virus FAQ (Aurodreph) - Alt.comp.virus FAQ 1.02b (Updated August 1996) - MS-Word Macro Viruses (Data Fellows) (Updated July 1996) - MS-Word Macro Viruses (Solomon) (Updated August 1996) - Viruses in Chicago: The Threat to Windows 95 - Legal Issues: - Alt.comp.virus FAQ 1.02b part 3 of 4 (Legal Issues) (Updated 16 August) - Canadian Computer Crime Law - Miscellaneous: - Anti-Virus Scanner Review (Tampere) (Update 1996) - Viruses On The Information Super Highway - Java Security - Java Security: Whose Business Is It? - Hostile Applets On The Horizon (Mark D. LaDue) - Java and Javascript Vulnerabilities (CIAC) - Tutorials: - Macro Virus Tutorial (Dark Night) - The Underground MS Word 6.X Macro Virus FAQ (Aurodreph) - Virus Creation Tools: - Ye Olde Funky Virus Generator (YOFVG) - Macro Virus Development Kit (MVDK) Updates: - Wildlist July 1996 - Cicatrix subcollections list - Incorporated new VX releases - groups - SGWW - VBB - VOFCA - zines - Infected Voice - VBB Magazine - Discontinued Bulletin Board and WWW addresses - Added to virus author list - Incorporated new found info :) Fixes: - Replaced all tildes (~ ASCII 126) in HTTP addresses with � (ASCII 247) Played havoc with some hyperlinks - Linked/deleted several hyperlinks - Corrected still some more taipohs
VDAT for DOS - Release 1.8 (December 1996)
Additions: - Interviews - Rogue Warrior - Added a Shortcut Menu to the Main Menu to collate the following subjects: - Macro Viruses - Windows 3.1 / 95 and Viruses - Polymorphism and viruses - Frequently Asked Questions - Essays: Recent: - Antiviral Software Evaluation FAQ (Robert M. Slade) (10/96) - Alt.comp.virus FAQ 1.02e (Updated 14 October 1996) - Macro Viruses Information (Symantec) 9/96 - What's NOT a virus (Chengi Jimmy Kuo / McAfee) - Windows 95 and viruses (Dr. Solomon) - Understanding Virus Behavior in 32-Bit Operating Environments - Computer Viruses: An Executive Brief. (Symantec) - MS-Word Macro Viruses (Solomon) (Updated September 1996) - MS-Word Macro Viruses (Data Fellows) (Minor update November 1996) - A Biologically Inspired Immune System for Computers.(Jeffrey O. Kephart) - End of the Equilibrium in the AV industry. (Suu Moo Yang) - An Idiot's Guide to computer viruses. (Greg Miskelly) - Java Security: Frequently Asked Questions. (8/96) - Java Applet Security: Frequently Asked Questions. (Sun) (6/96) - Concept: Understanding the virus and its impact. (Wells) (7/96) - Anti-Virus in the Corporate Arena. (Overton) Golden Oldies: - Bulgarian and Russian Virus Factories. (Bontchev) - Establishing Ethics in the Computer Virus Arena. (Ferguson) - A Discussion of Polymorphism. (Watson) - Computer Virus Myths (October 1993) (Rosenberger) - Legal Issues: - Alt.comp.virus FAQ 1.02e part 3 of 4 (Legal Issues) (Updated 14 October) - Miscellaneous: - People at alt.comp.virus (Dr. Solomon) - Tutorials: - Methods Behind A Polymorph Engine (Black Baron) - Batch Viruses and ANSI Bombs (Zep) - Overwriting viruses (Stealth Warrior) - Appending .COM viruses (Stealth Warrior) - How to infect DOS32 protected mode .EXE files (Dark Fiber) - Word macro viruses (Bozo) - Mutation Engines (JHB) - Single Step Mode Tunneling (Methyl) - Infection on Compression (MGL/SVL) - Boot Sector Infection (Qark) - Virus Engines & Tools: - APME - AWME - CLME - DKME - EMME - EVI - MME - NIK - TTPEB - SPM - Virus Creation Tools: - MVDK 1.0 (Macro Virus Development Kit) - WMVCK 1.1 (Word Macro Virus Creation Kit) - SiCem - AWVCK (Anti Web Virus Creation Kit) - VF (Virus Factory) Updates: - Wildlist October 1996 - Cicatrix subcollections list - Windows Viruses - Incremental update 10/96 - Incremental update 11/96 - Incremental update 12/96 - Incorporated new VX releases - groups - Alliance - IR/G - IKX - zines - Crypt Newsletter #39 - Plasma Mag #2 - Infected Voice (Russian) #1 thru #9 - God@rky's Virus Heaven Newsletter - VLAD magazine #7 - Xine #1 - Added to virus author list - Incorporated new found info :) Fixes: - Linked/deleted several hyperlinks - Corrected still some more taipohs
VDAT for DOS - Release 1.9 (March 1997)
Additions: - Added to Anti-Virus section: - Virus Scanners Tests - VTC University of Hamburg PC Scanner Test 97-02 - Interviews - Bozo (IKX) - Quantum - Alan Solomon - Fridrik Skulason - Mark Ludwig (2) - Essays: Recent: - Modern Methods of Detecting and Eradicating Known and Unknown Viruses - Infecting People - A Moral Issue? (Liquid Jesus) - Generic Disinfection (Peter Szor) - Alt.comp.virus FAQ 1.02f (Updated 29 November 1996) Golden Oldies: - Unarmed and Dangerous (Ian Douglas, 1994) - Analysis and Maintenance of a Clean Virus Library (Bontchev) - Legal Issues: - Alt.comp.virus FAQ 1.02f part 3 of 4 (Legal Issues) (Updated 29 November) - Miscellaneous: - Tutorials: - Protecting Your Infection (Sepultura) - EXE Appending Virus (Stealth Warrior) - Anti-anti-virus tutorials: - Chilling Fridrik - AVP 2.2 Naked - Miscellaneous Tutorials: - Batch Viruses by Wavefunc Issue #3 - Hidden Strengths of the DOS Batch Language - Compatable, Resident Windows 95 Viruses - Guide to improving Polymorphic Engines (Rogue Warrior) - Argument for slow infection and slow polymorphism (Rogue Warrior) - Upper memory residency (IntrusO) - The SFT Tutorial (MGL/SVL) - Macro Virus Tutorials: - Neophyte's Macro Virus Tutorial - Virus Engines & Tools: - VTME - Amber - FMEB - MDevice - BWME (classic missed in earlier versions of VDAT) - NAE - SPE(WW) - SMPE - RTFM 1.2 - Virus Creation Tools: - Dark Slick's Virus Generator (DSVG) - Demolition Kit (DK) - Resi Duo - Incredible Batch Bug Maker (IBBM) - Replicating Batch Maker (RBM) - SkamWerks Labs Word Concept Construction Kit - CVEX Virus Maker Updates: - Wildlist December 1996 - Cicatrix subcollections list - Batch File Viruses - Incremental update 01/97 - Incremental update 02/97 - Incremental update 03/97 - Incorporated new VX releases - groups - Death Virii Crew (DVC) - Computa Gangsta's - Diabolical Kreations - 29A - Living Turmoil/Ruthless Stealth Angels (LT/RSA) - SLAM - Seoul Virus Society (SVS) - Corean Virus Club (CVC) - zines - Censor (Rabid) - ARCV Newsletter - Infected Voice #10 - Chaos AD - God@rky's Virus Heaven Newsletter #2, #3 - 29A - Da Holocaust Chronical's (DHC) - Turmoil - Virogen's Code Journal (classic missed in earlier versions of VDAT) - Sentinel Anarchist - Resi Duo - TPVO / OVEL Magazine - SLAM Magazine - Infected Moscow - Virus World - Added to virus author list - Incorporated new found info :) - Reflects information of changes and/or mergers of groups. Fixes: - Linked/deleted several hyperlinks - Corrected still some more taipohs