new: Win32 File Format started 1.04

mammon_'s tales to his grandson

Mammon_'s Tale To His Grandson: a small joke for Gurdjieff fans, plus a series of essays on topics important in reverse engineering. The intent of the information provided herein is to inform the uninitiated on such esoteric matters as assembly language programming and decompilation, as well as to supply the experienced reader with both reference material and transcripts of work currently being done...chapter iv being more or less a journal of "reversing" activity. Additional information on these subjects can be obtained from Fravia, Greythorne, and Lord Caligo; more conventional topics are discussed on the DCC homepage, the Decompiling Page, Georgia Tech's Reverse Engineering Group, and Schulman's Unauthorized Windows 95 page.

Local Contents:

  1. Of The Engine Reversi

    A brief introduction into the art and science of Reverse Engineering

  2. Registers, Memory, and how Assembly Language came to Mankind

    An overview of the basic knowledge needed to understand assembly language.

  3. Mankind comes into the Ice Age,

    A concise reference to the Soft-Ice debugger, including practice exercises

  4. On the fruits of labor

    Various Reverse Engineering projects:

    1. Project1: Notepad.exe (changing Notepad's screen font through W32Dasm)
    2. Project2: Netscape.exe (changing Netscape's Directory Buttons with BRW)
    3. Project3: Explorer.exe (examining Explorer's resources via Hiew)
    4. Project4: JRT3230.dll (modifying internal Java functions using IDA)

  5. Breathing Life into Dead Listings

    An introduction to disassemblers and other passive-examination tools.

  6. Illustrations of an skeleton

    An introduction to the Win32 File Structure

Future plans include ...write if any of these topics demands immediate attention.

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