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The year 2003 at searchlores
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Autumn 2003 
  1. [io13.htm]: Announcing a Xmas present for seekers :-)
  2. [rabbits.htm]: Catching web-rabbits (Catching the rabbit's ears & pulling files out of the hat )
    by VVAA, (Advanced & Qwasy magical Web searching tricks) Updated again! (serialz)
  3. [images.htm]: Searching images on the wide web
    by fravia+, part of the [targets.htm], section. Updated!
  4. [laws.htm]: Searching laws on the wide web
    by fravia+, part of the [targets.htm], section. New!
  5. [books.htm]: Searching books and texts on the wide web, part of the [targets.htm], section. New!
  6. [proxpara.htm]: Proxy paradise revisited (How to take advantage of badly configured proxies)
    by fjrp2, part of the [Essays about proxying].  "Updated & somehow corrected one year later, so that people can learn"
  7. [aznetcat.htm]: A big addition to The awesome netcat utility "
    by KIVILCIM Hindistan, part of the [ideale.htm], section. Updated!
  8. Ebook webbits: ebook_21, an unabridged discussion. Part of [Catching web-rabbits]: (Catching the rabbit's ears & pulling files out of the hat ), itself part of the [Essays]. Pearls of ebook seeking wisdom
  9. An addition by Mordred to the [ar1essay.htm]: The "index +of" seekers' trick by aapje & ritz, part of the [essays]. IIS seeking galore
  10. [london/lea2tra.htm]: Learning to transform questions into effective queries
    by fravia+, part of the [Essays], and of the [evaluation] section.
    7 questions: quis, quid, ubi, quibus auxiliis, cur, quomodo, quando? Updated: elementary searching lore apllied
  11. New additions to the Library, that will fill the reading wants of any keen, seeking-minded searcher.
  12. ... as usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [tadimens.htm] ~ [info.htm] (new disclaimer) ~ [softreve.htm] ~ [faq.htm] ~ [srtools.htm] ~ [trolls.htm] ~ [specs.htm] ~ [index.htm] (forces of good) ~ [usenet.htm] ~ [targets.htm] ebook webbits ~ [rabbits.htm] ~ [specdba.htm] ~ [pdffing.htm] ~ [links.htm] ~ [welcome.htm] ~ [pepldoin.htm] ~ [welcome.htm] ~ [links.htm] ~ [targets.htm] ~ [mirrors.htm] ~ [filesearch.htm] ~ [teoma.htm] ~ [frav_eu1.htm] ~ [fu_speci.htm] ~ [to_do.htm] ~ [epanalep.htm] ~ [exegesis.htm] ~ [introd.htm] ~ [google.htm] ~ [hotbot.htm] new! ~ [main.htm] ~ [further.htm] ~ [regional.htm] ~

July 2003 Holy holydays!... See you in september!
  1. SLS! linguistic station: The seekers' linguistic station will fill the linguistic wants of any keen, seeking-minded searcher... (in fieri, needs your own contributions)
    "Fravia's linguistic section is an ember glowing deep within the dark web, ready to set aflame the hungry heart of the seeker chilled by the cold wind of linguistic incomprehension"
  2. New additions to the Library, that will fill the reading wants of any keen, seeking-minded searcher.
  3. ... as usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [stego.htm] ~ [seachal3.htm] ~ [tuttiope.htm] ~ [irc.htm] ~ [fechal1.htm] ~ [local.htm] ~ [main.htm] ~

June 2003 
  1. SLS! linguistic station: The seekers' linguistic station will fill the linguistic wants of any keen, seeking-minded searcher... (in fieri, needs your own contributions)
    "Fravia's linguistic section is an ember glowing deep within the dark web, ready to set aflame the hungry heart of the seeker chilled by the cold wind of linguistic incomprehension"
  2. [aznetcat.htm]: The awesome netcat utility "Oldie but goldie... some readers will learn a lot, here, maybe too much. Well, seekers must know how to punish and how to retaliate, at times." by Angela Zaharia, part of the [ideale.htm], section. Updated!
  3. [azfishre.htm]: Review of file-sharing programs "There are numerous file-sharing programs and utilites out there available. They are like strong weed, the more the goverment, big corporations, etc try to kill them, the more will appear, and they will be harder and harder to kill" by Angela Zaharia, part of the [undergro.htm] and of the [essays] sections. Updated!
  4. [ra_task.htm]: Solving an ochre colored "image searching" riddle (and challenge)
    by RA
    (Searching an image without knowing its name)
  5. New additions to the Library, that will fill the reading wants of any keen, seeking-minded searcher.
  6. ... as usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [specs.htm] ~ [mirrors.htm] new in Russia! ~ [irc.htm] ~ [welcome.htm] the proverbs! ~ [tools.htm] ~ [links.htm] ~ [targets.htm] the books & texts section ~ [frav_eu1.htm] ~ [realicra/hp_slobo.htm] Addendum ~ [main.htm] ~ [google.htm] ~ [seachal1.htm] ~ [fechal1.htm] ~ [tools.htm] ~ [mordred7.htm] ~ [regional.htm] ~ [antiadve.htm] ~

Mai 2003 
  1. New additions to the Library, that will fill the reading wants of any keen, seeking-minded searcher.
  2. [source_3.htm] ~ Sourcerer ~ Javascript protections busting. A presentation of the tool [Sourcerer version 1]: This is version 1.0 of this javascript decrypter, the sources are included. Written and coded by Mordred, "Here's what we do. Go to one of those annoying web sites that use JavaScript to encrypt content. Rightclick on the browser window, and choose "View source". Mm, yeah ... tons of crap. Now open the same URL in Sourcerer (copy & paste the URL - that's the only way which is anyway the fastest, so get used to it). Choose Save source and open the result in your text editor. That's about how you use Sourcerer" Magic tool for seekers, part of the [tools] section.
  3. [lipirads.htm]: Anonymous Authentication - or - Where the ADS are
    by Will Lipira, part of the [Searching essays] and of the [Antiadvertisement Lab]. "I decided to go back into my hosts file and peruse a few more intrusive advertising sites. Every single bloody one I checked used IIS (I checked about 30 or so)" HOST MAGIC!
  4. [whatis03.htm]: An ochre colored "image searching" riddle (and challenge)
    by fravia+
    (will be part of the [Searching essays] once solved)
    "Hope this will be difficult enough to satisfy the most spiteful seekers"
  5. ... as usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [links.htm] ~ [google.htm] ~ [faq.htm] ~ [info.htm] ~ [compound.htm] ~ [pdffing.htm] ~ [main.htm] ~ [local.htm] ~ [tools.htm] ~ [basic.htm] ~ [advanced.htm] ~ [classroo.htm] ~ [further.htm] ~ [irc.htm] ~

March & April 2003 (still mining reliable Info on the Iraq invasion)
  1. The new file searching section! By Kane  (still in fieri)
    Topics: FTP, IRC, P2P, Usenet, Underground, Targets
  2. [cinix_fla.htm]: Password Busting: SWF Protections (Getting access in a flash)
    by Cinix, part of the [Searching essays] and of the [Passwords lore]. "In 97% of the cases a simple text-scan will give you the unencrypted password, username or a backdoor url... since most protections have them hardcoded inside the Flash" Updated!
  3. [shino_an.htm]: Anonymous E-mail using remailers
    by shinohara
    "A person should learn how to use remailers to send E-mail anonymously. If you just want to send simple E-mail anonymously (no attachments, only text) and not expect an answer, you can do that by using free Web based remailers"   part of the [Anonymity lore for beginners] section.
  4. [realicra/propawar.htm]: War propaganda: fundamentals
    by fravia+, (applied exegesis in the context of the USA colonisation of Iraq) part of the [reality cracking] section, and of the [propaganda reversing] subsection. Updated!
  5. [rabbits.htm]: Catching web-rabbits (Catching the rabbit's ears & pulling files out of the hat )
    by VVAA, part of the [Essays]. Advanced Web searching tricks ~ Updated again!
  6. New additions to the Library, that will fill the reading wants of any keen, seeking-minded searcher.
  7. ... as usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [stego.htm] ~ [pdffing.htm] tools ~ [tools.htm] ~ [fu_softi.htm] ~ [fast.htm] ~ [targets.htm] ~ [faf_task.htm] image searching ~ [main.htm] ~ [specs.htm] searchlore's sitemap ~ [teoma.htm] ~ [local.htm] webrings section updated ~ [pdasearch.htm] small is beautiful ~ [links.htm] ~ [pepldoin.htm] ~ [compound.htm] ~ [italiote.htm] ~ [srtools.htm] ~ [seachal3.htm] ~ [fu_speci.htm] ~ [google.htm] ~ [password.htm] ~ [realicra/propawar.htm] ~ [fu_sussi.htm] ~ [links.htm] ~ [son_font.htm] ~

February 2003 (Bad month for Europe)
  1. Opening the Library, that will fill the reading wants of any keen, seeking-minded searcher.
  2. [cinix_fla.htm]: Password Busting: SWF Protections (Getting access in a flash)
    by Cinix, part of the [Searching essays] and of the [Passwords lore]. "In 97% of the cases a simple text-scan will give you the unencrypted password, username or a backdoor url... since most protections have them hardcoded inside the Flash" searching hidden entrances!
  3. [irc.htm]: Internet Relay Chat lore
    by Kane, a new Section! "Searching through the line noise of one million conversations per second"
  4. [irc_kane.htm]: Internet Relay Chat Anonymity
    by Kane, part of the [essays] and of the [Anonymity lore for beginners].   Primary goal: being anonymous while searching for files on IRC. Secondary goal is to allow you to stay anonymous while searching for information by whatever means necessary, be that trolling or stalking or other methods. searching in the shadows
  5. [son_font.htm]: An essay on identifying and getting ahold of fonts
    by sonof, part of the [Essays], of the [pdf], and of the [Targets] sections.
    With a script to extract fonts from pdf files
  6. [london/lea2tra.htm]: Learning to transform questions into effective queries
    by fravia+, part of the [Essays], and of the [evaluation] section and of my London workshop preparation.
    7 questions: quis, quid, ubi, quibus auxiliis, cur, quomodo, quando? elementary searching lore
  7. [nemo_SEO.htm]: Search Engines Anti-Optimization (Get your own stop words!)
    by ~S~ Nemo, updated part of the [Essays]. advanced Web-searching tricks
    Bookmarklets to the rescue! "The idea is to build a list of the words appearing in the search results, with their relative frequency, so that you can spot at once the most unwanted keywords... Ironically the SEO-webmaster's obsession to optimize their webpages, using every possible keywords associated to their content, simplifies our task: avoiding them" :-)
  8. ... as usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [google.htm] ~ [local.htm] ~ [tuttiope.htm] ~ [password.htm] ~ [common.htm] ~ [internationalsearchengines.htm] ~ [regional.htm] ~ [tools.htm] ~ [classroo.htm] ~ [advanced.htm] ~ [links.htm] ~ [fobegano.htm] ~ [compound.htm] ~ [pdffing.htm] ~ [pepldoin.htm] ~ [usenet.htm] ~ [io13.htm] ~ [info.htm] ~ [introd.htm] ~ [fast.htm] ~ [connecti.htm] ~ [specdba.htm] ~ [oldiegoo.htm] ~ [main.htm] ~ [euroiraq.htm] (part of Lab 3) ~ [surplus1.htm] (part of Lab 3) ~ [seachal3.htm] ~ [stego.htm] (a new section) ~

January 2003 (the month of the "pouches")
  1. [nemo_SEO.htm]: Search Engines Anti-Optimization (Get your own stop words!)
    by ~S~ Nemo, part of the [Essays]. Advanced Web searching tricks
    Bookmarklets to the rescue! "The idea is to build a list of the words appearing in the search results, with their relative frequency, so that you can spot at once the most unwanted keywords... Ironically the SEO-webmaster's obsession to optimize their webpages, using every possible keywords associated to their content, simplifies our task: avoiding them" :-)
  2. The first Magical pouch: "Why do we use which main search engine?",
    a PHP-LAB production: a messageboard system that wont disappear below the horizon.
    "One of the major problems with messageboards is the "disapearing horizon", or "page waterfall"... once a thread falls to the next page, it's as dead as a dodo, with some exceptions that confirm this rule... hence our 'pouches'"
  3. [loki_mil.htm]: Fishing for troubles (About the careless spreading of field manuals and other military documentation on the web)
    by ~S~ Loki, part of the [Essays]. Searching power!
    "Most of the information isn't really hidden. It's there, not so far from us, but under a ton of noisy, unrelated, data. The major difficulty you face while hunting data is not of technical type, but is more cognitive. You are limited by your IMAGINATION"
  4. [realicra/pharmacopia.htm]: Observations on Pharmaceutical Company selling practices    "this is such a realm of backroom deals and backscratching that would blow your mind"
    by Phaedrus, part of the [reality cracking] section.
  5. [tipstolinux.htm]: Tips and instructions to people wanting to switch to GNU-Linux
    "I am writing this article to teach ordinary people what to do and NOT DO if they want to switch to Linux"
    by Angela Natiash, Part of the Basic help section.
  6. [angewalk.htm]: How to walk the 'net without kicking yourself later...
    " Yes, a simple FAQ on "how to behave" while online certainly is needed... This is the first draft, by all means incomplete"
    by Angela Natiash, part of the [Elementary anonymity steps for beginners].
  7. [realicra/dissdell.htm]: Dissecting DELL : The REAL Story (The pleasures of outsourcing)
    by Slobotron, part of the [reality cracking] section.
  8. ... as usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [pepldoin.htm] ~ [nomomen.htm] the 'caravaggio' example ~ [info.htm] ~ [realicra/exegesis.htm] ~ [rea_kane.htm] "supercookie" ~ [main.htm] ~ [google.htm] everything on google, and then some ~ [fast.htm] ~ [dq_ospc.htm] ~ [targets.htm] ~ [links.htm] magical pouches ~ [tools.htm] ~ [trolls.htm] ~ [critics.htm] ~ [others.htm] ~ [tadimens.htm] ~

Whanna more?
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