~ Regional search engines ~
         Petit image    Regional
Updated December 2004
[Regional search engines of choice]
[The searching value of Subsidiarity]
[Google's regional masks]
[List of International search engines]  
[SLS: Seekers' Linguistic Station]  

    main search engines    usenet    live    compound    local    Bk:flange of myth    

(For regional searching purposes you may also enjoy Das grosse européenne belllissimo search and some of the tools listed in our Seekers' Linguistic Station)

An interesting (albeit small) search engine for regional clues: wotbox

Regional search engines
Searching our signal where the noise does not await us


French engines
Buscadores hispanos
Motori di ricerca italiani
Greek search engines
Deutsche Suchmaschinen

Russian      [Yandex]   [Rambler]   [Russky FTP-search]   [Tela]   [Delphi]  
Japanese    [RCAUU]   [ODIN]   [DragonNext]   [GOO]   [Naver]    
Chinese    [Baidu]   [Sohu]   [Sina]    
[Thailand] search engines   [Vietnam] search engines  
African       [Aardvark]          Indian       [Zatka]        [Other Indian search engines]
Elsewhere                [Khoj (Sify)]   [Israeli Search Engines]   [Australian]  

How to find messageboards
"For instance Brazilian" by Nemo

For instance Brazilian

try this query on Yahoo:

region:northamerica feature:form california re (brasil OR brazil) (title:forum OR title:message-board OR title:messageboard OR title:portal)

A brief query's explanation:

See my Inktomy's search syntax to know how to search on Yahoo (yes, Yahoo is a disguised Inktomi:).


The searching value of Subsidiarity 

So-called "regional" search engines are extremely important for fetching info. Most 'main' search engines à la google DO NOT index the most interesting parts of the web: they index commercial over educational sites, 'popular' sites (read sites loved by the zombies) over relatively unknown jewel-sites and US sites over European sites. Well, this section should allow you - at least - to compensate for this last disadvantage.

You want a quick example of what I mean? Try this german engine, for instance.

Foreign-language savvy searchers, like us, have an ENORMOUS advantage, vis-à-vis linguistic impaired (syntactically inconvenienced? cosmpolitanically challenged? :-) Internauts, obviously. Yet you should never underestimate the incredible wealth of knowledge that you can gather from 'alien browsing' EVEN IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND a word of a given language. (You may need & enjoy the help of our SLS: Seekers' Linguistic Station,by the by).

To begin with, the html language of choice is everywhere english, of course, so in a site written in, say, polnish, you may hover your cursor over a link named "Szukaj" and discover that it brings you to a "search.htm" page... duh.
The same 'source snooping' can find useful applications onto a japanese, tuwanian or chinese site, of course... (note that some knowledge of the main search terms could come handy, by the by.

Note also that there are a lot of automated translation tools and facilities as well, on the web, that you can use if necessary.
But there is MUCH more: knowing how to search, how to stalk and -especially- how to comb the web you'll also easily find out WHERE you can get a quick (and good) translation of a given language, no matter how 'queer', from a fellow human, maybe found on usenet (and if you know how to evaluate your quarries you may even find a good expert for such task).
Moreover the different conditions (ethical, political, onthological) existing in the different parts of our planet (notwithstanding the heavy-handed attempts to transform us all in a bunch of cloned Euro-American zombies who drink the same coke with the same bottles, wear the same shirts, and the same shoes and sit ritually in the same McDonald's in order to perform their compulsory "reverse shitting") will GUARANTEE that some of the most juicy targets of your searches will anyway be 'abroad'... whatever such a word should mean on our cosmopolitan web :-).

Qui aimes-tu le mieux, homme énigmatique, dis? Ton père, ta mère, ta soeur ou ton frère ?
- Je n'ai ni père, ni mère, ni soeur, ni frère.
- Tes amis?
- Vous vous servez là d’une parole dont le sens m'est restée jusqu'à ce jour inconnu.
- Ta patrie?
- J'ignore sous quelle latitude elle est située.
- La beauté?
- Je l’aimerais volontiers, déesse et immortelle.
- L’or?
- Je le hais comme vous haïssez Dieu.
- Eh ! qu'aimes-tu donc, extraordinaire étranger?
- J'aime les nuages... les nuages qui passent... là-bas... là-bas... les merveilleux nuages !

Google regional searches ~ Searching signal where the noise does not awaits us

Regional google directories   
Subsidiarity Googles
EU:  DEU    FRA    ITA    BE/NL    UK    AUT    IRL   
FAR EAST:  KOREA    JAPAN    NewZealand   


Euroseek, not bad at all, search for [fravia] (for instance :-) and see how the results are cleverly parsed. Note also the "any region" specific options.
Choose your own language to use with EuroSeek:   
 Search in in    


Arianna -- Il motore di ricerca italiano

Greek search engines

Forthnet: http://search.forthnet.gr/

  web      news      directory

Phantis: http://www.phantis.com/

Search for  
Group results by site is    Advanced Search


A Romanian search engine... cauta!
Cum sa caut? Despre H2.RO    
Afiseaza si rezultatele similare

You wanna szukac?
(chcesz szukac or chcesz znalezc?)

Special Polska page


A small translator (check also Seekers' Linguistic Station): http://www.nifty.com/globalgate/

An incredible translator!
Try it for instance onto http://www.shirofan.com/ See? It "massages" WWW pages and places "popup translations" from the EDICT database behind the Japanese text!


RCAAU -- Discovery System for WWW Resources (Result includes Japanese characters.)
are included,
without (NOT conditions).
Exact Beginning URLs will be shown.

ODIN -- good for finding japanese sites of interest ^-^)
DragonNext (DragonField)

DragonNext -- good for finding japanese sites of interest ^-^)

GOO -- good for finding japanese sites of interest ^-^)



Chinese search engines

The powerful chinese Google alternative... with CACHE!
"...the world's second largest independent search engine..."

DIQU BAIDU (regional)

Has a directory search function as well...

Sohu Portal
Help Add your site Zt_Search_Sohu


Thailand search engines

Vietnam search engines

Saigon.com at http://www.saigon.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi

Search for:
Results per page: Output format: Match: Search for: through: in:

African search engines


Aardvark, a south african search engine (with javascript functions)

Russian search engines

Maybe the best russian search engine

Check the help file for some interesting nifty features like NEAR operators (/) with pre-fixed proximity counters


Rambler, a good russian search engine
Russky FTP

Yumm! You can find wonders in Russia :-)
[advanced search!]  [Russian version]

Tela english
Tela: slow but sturdy russian search engine
Visit tela_keywords.html

Boolean operator: OR AND NEAR
How many return docs?    


Delphi, a good russian (actually latvian) search engine
Khoj (now Sify)

KHOJ INDIA DIRECTORY - The Great Indian Search Engine: khoj means search in Hindi

Another Hindi search engine

Some other indian search engines:

123-India  a2z-India  Indian Alta  Indian Yahoo!  India-Construction  india-info  India-Seek  Indias-Web  INDO-link  indya  Jadoo  Khoj  Locate-India  Indian Lycos  Indian MSN  Samilan  Sawaal  Search - India  Sify  silicon india  Surf India  TARAhaat 

Israeli Search Engines

According to nonetheless than +ORC, if you need really 'nasty' software you either visit the developers in Bern or you visit the developers in Tel Aviv :-)
Maybe you can postpone these visits and try searching for your target on the web first...

Googgle Hebrew Search

walla israel: powered by FAST, a good index, a quick engine. Search the web in Hebrew (or the "hebrew web" in english)!


German Search Engines

http://www.wseeker.com the best, by far.
Try for instance "suchen im internet"
Suche:  Seiten auf Deutsch Websuche

http://www.abacho.de/      Die starke Suchmaschine. Mit Meta-Suche, Profi-Suche, Bilder-Suche, Life-Suche.

Tipp: Mit ODER suchen Sie nach einem oder beiden Suchbegriffen (wissen ODER news)

http://www.abacho.de/         Suche:     in  


  Web-Seiten  Video  Audio  Bilder  Produkte

Austrian, almost german:-)




 Oz & Kiwi   World 

Local advantages ~ different social models

He he, some data are more fun than others...

   Where do you think clever humans prefer to work?

All the above is in fieri, of course, it represents a choice, and many more regional search forms will be added in due time. Awaiting feed-back, corrections, advices, ad hoc translations (and new interesting and useful engines) from my foreign-language savvy readers...

Petit image
Bk:flange of myth
(c) 1952-2032: [fravia+], all rights reserved, one or two wrongs reversed