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Art of Assembly Language: Chapter Ten

Chapter 10 - Control Structures
10.0 - Chapter Overview
10.1 - Introduction to Decisions
10.2 - IF..THEN..ELSE Sequences
10.3 - CASE Statements
10.4 - State Machines and Indirect Jumps
10.5 - Spaghetti Code
10.6 - Loops
10.6.1 - While Loops
10.6.2 - Repeat..Until Loops
10.6.3 - LOOP..ENDLOOP Loops
10.6.4 - FOR Loops
10.7 - Register Usage and Loops
10.8 - Performance Improvements
10.8.1 - Moving the Termination Condition to the End of a Loop
10.8.2 - Executing the Loop Backwards
10.8.3 - Loop Invariant Computations
10.8.4 - Unraveling Loops
10.8.5 - Induction Variables
10.8.6 - Other Performance Improvements
10.9 - Nested Statements
10.10 - Timing Delay Loops
10.11 - Sample Program

Copyright 1996 by Randall Hyde

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Chapter 10 Control Structures

A computer program typically contains three structures: instruction sequences, decisions, and loops. A sequence is a set of sequentially executing instructions. A decision is a branch (goto) within a program based upon some condition. A loop is a sequence of instructions that will be repeatedly executed based on some condition. In this chapter we will explore some of the common decision structures in 80x86 assembly language.

10.0 Chapter Overview

This chapter discusses the two primary types of control structures: decision and iteration. It describes how to convert high level language statements like if..then..else, case (switch), while, for etc., into equivalent assembly language sequences. This chapter also discusses techniques you can use to improve the performance of these control structures. The sections below that have a "*" prefix are essential. Those sections with a "o" discuss advanced topics that you may want to put off for a while.

* Introduction to Decisions.

* IF..THEN..ELSE Sequences.

* CASE Statements.

o State machines and indirect jumps.

* Spaghetti code.

* Loops.

* WHILE Loops.

* REPEAT..UNTIL loops.


* FOR Loops.

* Register usage and loops.

o Performance improvements.

o Moving the termination condition to the end of a loop.

o Executing the loop backwards.

o Loop invariants.

o Unraveling loops.

o Induction variables.

10.1 Introduction to Decisions

In its most basic form, a decision is some sort of branch within the code that switches between two possible execution paths based on some condition. Normally (though not always), conditional instruction sequences are implemented with the conditional jump instructions. Conditional instructions correspond to the if..then..else statement in Pascal:
 	IF (condition is true) THEN stmt1 ELSE stmt2 ;
Assembly language, as usual, offers much more flexibility when dealing with conditional statements. Consider the following Pascal statement:
 	IF ((X<Y) and (Z > T)) or (A <> B) THEN stmt1;
A "brute force" approach to converting this statement into assembly language might produce:
                mov     cl, 1           ;Assume true
                mov     ax, X
                cmp     ax, Y
                jl      IsTrue
                mov     cl, 0           ;This one's false 
IsTrue:         mov     ax, Z
                cmp     ax, T
                jg      AndTrue
                mov     cl, 0           ;It's false now 
AndTrue:        mov     al, A
                cmp     al, B
                je      OrFalse
                mov     cl, 1           ;Its true if A <> B 
OrFalse:        cmp     cl, 1
                jne     SkipStmt1
        <Code for stmt1 goes here>
As you can see, it takes a considerable number of conditional statements just to process the expression in the example above. This roughly corresponds to the (equivalent) Pascal statements:
                cl := true;
                IF (X >= Y) then cl := false; 
                IF (Z <= T) then cl := false; 
                IF (A <> B) THEN cl := true; 
                IF (CL = true) then stmt1;
Now compare this with the following "improved" code:
                mov     ax, A 
                cmp     ax, B 
                jne     DoStmt 
                mov     ax, X 
                cmp     ax, Y 
                jnl     SkipStmt 
                mov     ax, Z 
                cmp     ax, T 
                jng     SkipStmt 
        <Place code for Stmt1 here>

Two things should be apparent from the code sequences above: first, a single conditional statement in Pascal may require several conditional jumps in assembly language; second, organization of complex expressions in a conditional sequence can affect the efficiency of the code. Therefore, care should be exercised when dealing with conditional sequences in assembly language.

Conditional statements may be broken down into three basic categories: if..then..else statements, case statements, and indirect jumps. The following sections will describe these program structures, how to use them, and how to write them in assembly language.

10.2 IF..THEN..ELSE Sequences

The most commonly used conditional statement is theif..then or if..then..else statement. These two statements take the following form shown below:

The if..then statement is just a special case of the if..then..else statement (with an empty ELSE block). Therefore, we'll only consider the more general if..then..else form. The basic implementation of an if..then..else statement in 80x86 assembly language looks something like this:

        {Sequence of statements to test some condition}
                Jcc     ElseCode 
        {Sequence of statements corresponding to the THEN block} 
                jmp     EndOfIF 

        {Sequence of statements corresponding to the ELSE block} 

Note: Jcc represents some conditional jump instruction.

For example, to convert the Pascal statement:
	IF (a=b) then c := d else b := b + 1;
to assembly language, you could use the following 80x86 code:
                mov     ax, a
                cmp     ax, b
                jne     ElseBlk
                mov     ax, d
                mov     c, ax
                jmp     EndOfIf 

                inc     b 
For simple expressions like (A=B) generating the proper code for an if..then..else statement is almost trivial. Should the expression become more complex, the associated assembly language code complexity increases as well. Consider the following if statement presented earlier:
	IF ((X > Y) and (Z < T)) or (A<>B) THEN C := D;
When processing complex if statements such as this one, you'll find the conversion task easier if you break this if statement into a sequence of three different if statements as follows:
	IF (A<>B) THEN C := D
	IF (X > Y) THEN   IF (Z < T) THEN C := D;
This conversion comes from the following Pascal equivalences:
	IF (expr1 AND expr2) THEN stmt;
is equivalent to
	IF (expr1) THEN IF (expr2) THEN stmt;
	IF (expr1 OR expr2) THEN stmt;
is equivalent to
	IF (expr1) THEN stmt;
	IF (expr2) THEN stmt;
In assembly language, the former if statement becomes:
                mov     ax, A 
                cmp     ax, B 
                jne     DoIF 
                mov     ax, X 
                cmp     ax, Y 
                jng     EndOfIf 
                mov     ax, Z 
                cmp     ax, T 
                jnl     EndOfIf 
                mov     ax, D
                mov     C, ax 
As you can probably tell, the code necessary to test a condition can easily become more complex than the statements appearing in the else and then blocks. Although it seems somewhat paradoxical that it may take more effort to test a condition than to act upon the results of that condition, it happens all the time. Therefore, you should be prepared for this situation.

Probably the biggest problem with the implementation of complex conditional statements in assembly language is trying to figure out what you've done after you've written the code. Probably the biggest advantage high level languages offer over assembly language is that expressions are much easier to read and comprehend in a high level language. The HLL version is self-documenting whereas assembly language tends to hide the true nature of the code. Therefore, well-written comments are an essential ingredient to assembly language implementations of if..then..else statements. An elegant implementation of the example above is:
; IF ((X > Y) AND (Z < T)) OR (A <> B) THEN C := D;
; Implemented as: 
; IF (A <> B) THEN GOTO DoIF; 

                mov     ax, A
                cmp     ax, B
                jne     DoIF


                mov     ax, X
                cmp     ax, Y
                jng     EndOfIf 


                mov     ax, Z
                cmp     ax, T
                jnl     EndOfIf 

; THEN Block: 

DoIf:           mov     ax, D
                mov     C, ax 

; End of IF statement 

Admittedly, this appears to be going overboard for such a simple example. The following would probably suffice:
; IF ((X > Y) AND (Z < T)) OR (A <> B) THEN C := D; 

; Test the boolean expression: 

                mov     ax, A
                cmp     ax, B
                jne     DoIF
                mov     ax, X
                cmp     ax, Y
                jng     EndOfIf 
                mov     ax, Z
                cmp     ax, T
                jnl     EndOfIf 

; THEN Block: 

DoIf:           mov     ax, D
                mov     C, ax

; End of IF statement 

However, as your if statements become complex, the density (and quality) of your comments become more and more important.
10.0 - Chapter Overview
10.1 - Introduction to Decisions
10.2 - IF..THEN..ELSE Sequences
10.3 - CASE Statements
10.4 - State Machines and Indirect Jumps
10.5 - Spaghetti Code
10.6 - Loops
10.6.1 - While Loops
10.6.2 - Repeat..Until Loops
10.6.3 - LOOP..ENDLOOP Loops
10.6.4 - FOR Loops
10.7 - Register Usage and Loops
10.8 - Performance Improvements
10.8.1 - Moving the Termination Condition to the End of a Loop
10.8.2 - Executing the Loop Backwards
10.8.3 - Loop Invariant Computations
10.8.4 - Unraveling Loops
10.8.5 - Induction Variables
10.8.6 - Other Performance Improvements
10.9 - Nested Statements
10.10 - Timing Delay Loops
10.11 - Sample Program

Art of Assembly: Chapter Ten - 27 SEP 1996

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