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- A.J. Liebling


News for 022299

  US searching for Thai Cracker

contributed by 451aN 80y
The US is seeking assistance from Thailand authorities in tracking down a cracker who attempted to break into U.S. military computers from a public Internet terminal at December's Asian Games in Bangkok.

Nando Times

  No Privacy

contributed by Simple Nomad
Monday night, Scott McNealy, Sun CEO, told a group of reporters that "You have zero privacy anyway, Get over it." This is true. Most Americans have absolutely no privacy. Unless you actively take steps to protect yourself by not giving away your most valuable assest, your personal information, you have no privacy. Why? Because most people just give it away. Once it is gone it is almost impossible to get back. How many people give out their Social Security number to anyone who asks without a second thought. Think how many people give away their name, address, phone number, buying habits etc, for a few pennies savings on their groceries? Americans think they value their privacy but for the most part they don't care.


  Inferno 2.0 vulnerable

contributed by Conde Vampiro
A denial of service problem has been found in Inferno 2.0. A program written in Limbo can produce a denial of service consuming all the memory of the computer. The Inferno's commands to prevent this DoS are not able to stop this attack.

JJF Hacker Team - Spanish (Use Babelfish)

  Hacking 101 v2

contributed by Karma
Karma is pleased to announce that "Hacking 101 v2" has been released. Hacking 101 is text file that covers all the basics. This site is a little on the slow side though.


  Bugs in your laptop

contributed by hurtz
IBM has shipped the first laptops protected by a radio frequency device, The new ThinkPad 770Z and 600E come equipped with a small transmitter that will sound an alarm when removed from a secure location. This system also promotes better inventory management by broadcasting its model numbers, serial numbers, processor speed, hard disk drive size and memory, to a hand held scanner held near the laptop.

PC World

  Indonesian update

contributed by Space Rogue
(We know this is old news but as the first possible case of state sponsored cyber terrorism. It is important.)

The Indonesian Embessy in London has denied the accusations of an Irish ISP that claims it was attacked. Connect-Ireland had accused the Indonesian government of a coordinated Cyberattack. The reason given for the attack was that the Irish ISP hosted the virtual top level domain for East Timor (.tp). East Timor has been under Indonesian rule for several years.

ZD Net

Telepolis - German

contributed by Narc0
ISP Cracked
HNN received this email early this morning
I recently cracked a large ISP. Many of their boxes were open to the PHF attack, and they have very insecure passwords, after successfully gaining almost 90% of the passwords to all of their users, I decided to call them and let them know just how vulnerable they were. I showed them how to get their passwords, and how I cracked them. They then proceeded to accuse me of all of this illegal shit, and that is when I hung up.


We have NO confirmation of the above statements.

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Last Updated: 12/17/00 at 13:45

Department of Veterans Affairs (
Horizon Capital Bank (
J.J. Smith Foundation (
Apmanta Gov (EC) (
Chung Ang University, Korea (
Malaysian Rubber Board (
society halls (
State of Washington (
AMTEL Slovensko Ltd. (
Hit Hive (
Software GW (
U.S. Navy Medical (
The Communications Center (
A. Eric Olson (
Alloy Computer Products (
Ian Oliver (

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