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News for 052899

  FBI Raids Suspected Crackers.

contributed by darkscent
It is often difficult to separate the fact from the fiction, rumors, supposition, and unsubstantiated allegations that fly around the net when big news breaks. This is what HNN has been able to verify so far. Yesterday morning at aprox 6:00 am CST the FBI executed nine search warrants in Houston, Seattle and various California locations. HNN believes that some of those who where raided where iCBM, MostHated, loophole, Spaceg0at, soulblazer, fryz, vallah and Cl0pz. HNN has not learned of any arrests that have been made. While the FBI has not revealed why the search warrants were executed it is believed to have some relation to the recent crack of HNN has received no confirmation of Most Wanted lists or FBI Directives, rumors of which have been floating around the net.


In response to the recent raids several other members of gH (Global Hell) as well as other groups such as Team spl0it have attacked numerous web sites, (estimates range from between 40 and 100). The FBI has admitted to receiving a major Denial of Service attack, and the US Senate web site was defaced for a few minutes. In an interview with MSNBC MostHated said "The retaliation has to stop." HNN received an email from "Israeli Ghost" claiming responsibility for the FBI DoS attack. HNN was also able to snag the US Senate web page defacement before it was restored.

Nando Times
Israeli Ghost Email[ghost.html - MISSING]
HNN Defaced Pages Archive

Last week, a gH member Zyklon (Eric Burns), was indicted in connection with three separate attacks on Virginia area systems owned by Computer Tech Services, Issue Dynamics, and Electric Press which housed the web site of the United States Information Agency. The Seattle Times has run a biographical piece on Zyklon. The story has quotes from his classmates and parents.

Seattle Times
Zyklon's Indictment

  Five Busted in Florida

contributed by squid stupid
It has been hard to nail down specific information but a few local news outlets in Florida are reporting that four students of Flagler Palm Coast High School may face a slew of criminal charges for unlawful computer access. The suspects have been accused of deleting grade files and compromising exams on their school computer system.

Yahoo News

If anyone has a better link please submit it.

  Danes Finger Swede for Cracking 12,000 Systems

contributed by Phoz
The Danish Police Computer Crime Unit have exposed a 17-year old from Sweden claiming that he broke into at least 12,000 computers worldwide, including military, bank, and university owned systems. The reports indicate that he used an automated version of a BIND vulnerability to gain access and has been compromising systems since early 1997. Translated News Reports.

  EFA Plans Net Censorship Demonstrations

contributed by photon
The Electronic Frontiers Australia have announced several protest events to take place on Friday May 28. Local groups around Australia have been urged to co-ordinate protests against government censorship. Australia's proposed internet censorship legislation passed the Senate on Wednesday, and is expected to pass through the House of Representatives some time next week.

Electronic Frontiers Australia
Broadcasting Services Amendment (Online Services) Bill 1999
List of Australian Representatives
Sydney Morning Herald

  Back Orifice, NetBus, and now BackDoor-G

contributed by N4vi11Us
Yet another Trojan horse that leaves MS Windows systems wide open has been discovered. This new backdoor tool is similar to Back Orifice or NetBus. NetBus is now a commercial shareware product. Back Orifice has undergone a major rewrite and a new version, BO2K, is expected to be released at this years DefCon hacker convention. Once a a system has had any one of these programs installed they become wide open to unknown remote users who have complete control over the system.

ZD Net

  Melissa will not Die

contributed by nVirb
Variants of the word Macro virus known as Melissa continue to appear. This time the mutant disguises itself in a '.rtf' named document as opposed to '.doc' which helps to hide it from anti-virus software. It has been speculated that Melissa and a virus known as CAP discovered in 1997 may have met in the wild and mutated together.

PC World

  Design Principals for Tamper-Resistant Smart Card Processors

contributed by Silicosis
The Advance Digital Security Research Department of the University of Cambridge Computer Laboritory has released an excellent paper on the security weaknesses of smart cards and describes several methods of extracting protected data and software from smart card processors. Anyone who has been doing any smart card hacking should probably read this.

Design Principals for Tamper-Resistant Smart Card Processors

  The Internet a Tool of War?

contributed by simonsays
Should the United States use the Internet as a tool of war? A page has now been set up where you can email the President with your concerns in response the allegation that the CIA will break into various banks to mess with official Yugoslavian bank accounts.

contributed by Anonymous
The following websites have been reported as cracked

buffer overflow

c o n s
a b o u t
p r e s s
s u b m i t
s e a r c h
c o n t a c t


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