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News for 061799

  IIS Hole Continues to Make News/Fix Available

contributed by Marc
The major hole publicly announced yesterday by eEye Digital Security Team in Microsofts Internet Information Server is continuing to make news.

Internet News
ZD Net

eEye Releases Fix
Microsoft has issued a workaround for this bug however it does break functionality such as /iisadmpwd/. eEye Digital Security Team has released their own fix that resolves the problem and preserves functionality. It limits .htr requests to 200 characters, and logs the IP address of the person trying the overflow. This is a great deal better then the current recommendation from Microsoft which is to just remove the .htr ISAPI filter.

eEye Digital Security Team

CERT Advisory Released
A day late and a dollar short CERT (Computer Emergancy Responce Team) has released an advisory concerning this major problem. Unfortunatly they forgot to credit who found the problem.


Irresponsible Security Companies
This article on C|Net questions whether eEye did the right thing by releasing their advisory before Microsoft was ready with their patch. A quote in the article from a Microsoft representative called this "contrary to all of the normal rules of responsible security professionals." [rant on] Bullshit. The company that has shown the public how irresponsible they are is Microsoft. Microsoft knew about this problem for a week but did nothing until it was released to the public. It is extremely likely that someone else found this hole and did not tell anyone. They could have used this problem to install back doors on most of the servers in the world without anyone knowing. Microsoft could have stopped this action a week earlier and didn't. Microsoft is the one who is not acting like a 'responsible security professional'.[/rant off]


  World Braces for International Day of Action

contributed by barbie
Officials in Australia and around the world are bracing for International Day of Action on June 18th known as J18. June 18 is also the same day as the G8 meeting in Cologne, Germany. J18 organizers are calling for disruption of financial centers, banking districts and multinational corporate power bases. Examples of possible activities include picketing, street parties, leafleting, rallies, marches, strikes, carnivals, and of course 'hacking'.

Australian Financial Review
Australian Financial Review - Yes, there are two stories

  ECD Targets Mexican Government

contributed by stealth
The people at Electronic Civil Disobedience are planning a virtual 'sit-in' in protest of the treatment of the Zapatistas by the Mexican government. The sit-in will basically be a DoS attack against several Mexican government internet sites. This demonstration is planned to take place on June 18 from 10:00am to 4:00pm Mexico City time.

Electronic Civil Disobedience

  Cyber Attacks in Australia Double

contributed by Code Kid
The Australian Computer Emergency Response Team (AusCERT) is claiming that cyber attacks in Australia have doubled over the last year. They claim that there has been a sharp rise in DoS attacks and recommend that companies have strong security and policies in place.

Sydney Morning Herald
Australian Computer Emergency Response Team

  SmartCards Next Stop for Internet Crime

contributed by chippy
The Australian Institute of Criminology has released a report that claims that SmartCards will be the next stop for high-tech criminals. These new crimes will force officials to develop new forensic processes and tool to be able to extract data from such small storage devices.

Australian Financial Review
Australian Institute of Criminology

  Internet Was Designed without Security

contributed by Weld Pond
Why are viruses and 'evil hackers' seemingly running rampant all over the internet? Because in the beginning it was designed that way. Take a romp through the early formative years of the net, all in six or seven paragraphs.

Washington Post

  Original Apple I On the Auction Block

contributed by Cuda
What is being called the first Apple I ever sold will soon be sold via auction. The Auctioneers are expecting bids to go well over $40,000. One of of approximately 200 that where ever built this one includes original documentation including the original 8-page manual. The auction company will accept absentee bids online. Better hurry. The live bidding starts on Tuesday June 29, at 11 a.m

La Salle Auctions

contributed by Anonymous
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