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News for 081799

  Packet Storm Moves to Kroll-O'Gara

contributed by jkw
As mentioned in the HNN rumors section last week Ken Williams has sold the rights to Packet Storm Security to Securify, the Information Security Group of The Kroll-O'Gara Company. Ken Williams will no longer be running the site and has accepted a different job within the Information Security industry. Securify hopes to have the site operational and online sometime in September.

Old PSS - With Letter from Ken Williams and Securify Press Release

Late Update
Wow, this made it into the New York Times.

NY Times - Registration Required

  Warez Groups Hit With Racketeering Charges

contributed by Debris
Class, Paradigm, and Razor 1911 have been hit with a federal racketeering suit filed by the Interactive Digital Software Association, which is made up of six independent publishers. The IDSA has brought a wide range of charges against dozens of people across the country including copyright and trademark piracy, counterfeiting, and racketeering.


  Public UK Sites Susceptible to Attack

contributed by infowar
At DNSCon, held over the weekend in Blackpool England, the public web sites of the Royal Mail and the Scottish Executive where named as being vulnerable to attack. Both sites were labeled as running unpatched versions of Microsoft IIS4. Both sites have since been notified. Con organizers claimed that this implied unacceptable failures in management procedures under the Data Protection Act. A call was also made at the con for a national UK 'Infowar Hotline' to be established where members of the public can safely report on weaknesses in the UK's national Internet and Telecomms infrastructure.

DNS Con Press Release

  Mitnick Prosecutor Moving to Private Practice

contributed by Ted
After successfully prosecuting Kevin Poulsen, Ron Austin, Justin Petersen, Lewis DePayne and Kevin Mitnick, the federal prosecutor David Schindler will be moving on to private practice. While none of his cyber crime cases actually went to trail he did manage to get guilty pleas from all of them.

LA Times

  NIPC Head Talks About FidNet

contributed by Weld Pond
Richard Clarke, the National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection and Counterterrorism, says that the recent hysteria over the proposed FIDNet is unwarranted. The proposal calls for the GSA to control the IDS network and not the FBI as previously thought. He said that once lawmakers actually read the proposal and understand how it works opposition will fade away.

NY Times - registration required

  Crypto-Gram Reviews BO2K

contributed by dienadel
The August edition of Crypto-Gram Newsletter is out, with a great story about BO2K: "Perfectly respectable programs, like pcAnywhere or Microsoft's own Systems Management Server (SMS), do the same thing. They allow a network administrator to remotely troubleshoot a computer." A lot of news and a review of Web-Based Encrypted E-Mail.

August Crypto-Gram

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