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- A.J. Liebling


News for 082799

  Mitnick in Car Accident

contributed by maverick212
While being transported from the San Bernardino Jail to the Los Angeles Metropolitan Detention Center the vehicle Kevin Mitnick was riding in was involved in a multi car pile up. The accident occurred on Highway 60 between 8:30 and 9 a.m.. Kevin was thrown against a metal divider within the vehicle and suffered minor head and neck injuries. Although Kevin and the other prisoners were shackled in chains no seat bealts were used. After the accident Kevin was transported back to the San Bernardino Jail.


  Hong Kong Police Create Computer Crime Squad

contributed by Code Kid
The Hong Police have announced plans to form the Computer Crime Investigation Cadre to help tackle computer crime at district levels. Members of the squad will be selected from officer training course being run by the Commercial Crime Bureau.

South China Morning Post

  Outlook Holes Demonstrated at USENIX

contributed by Weld Pond
Richard Smith, president of Phar Lap Software, recently gave a presentation at the 8th Usenix Security Symposium detailing over a dozen major holes in Windows Outlook. Some holes would give infocriminals complete access to your desktop computer.


  Feds Overflowing with Siezed Equipment

contributed by netmask
Hundreds of computer systems are piling up and cases are going untried because the FBI lacks the resources to examine confiscated equipment. Under federal law investigators may keep property seized as possible evidence until the statute of limitation for the given crime expires, generally five years for computer crime cases.

New York Times- Registration Required

  Triads Linked to Info Vandalism - Alleged CoverUp by RCMP

contributed by Hex_Edit
Classified documents from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police allege that Chinese nationals with links the Triads, (Chinese Mafia) have broken into the computer system at Canadian High Commission in Hong Kong. The Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System is supposed to have had over 788 files deleted. The intrusions may have taken place as long as seven years ago. It is believed that the RCMP is covering up the events.

National Post
Vancouver Province

  DoD Preps to Fight InfoCriminals Both Foreign and Domestic

contributed by mmuliin3
The Joint Task Force on Computer Network Defense came to full strength in June and is in now ready monitor the nations defense networks for cyber attack regardless of where that attack may originate from. The JTF-CND works out of Global Network Operations and Security Center at Defense Information Systems Agency headquarters in Arlington, Va. and is under the control of Space Command. (Interesting quote in this article "We don't get real worried about Web page hacks," said Army Col. Larry Frank, chief of operations. "That's an appearance issue." - Somehow I don't think he gets it.

Government Computer News

  Another Big Hole Found in NT

contributed by newbie
NTA Monitor Ltd has discovered that Windows NT with SP4 is vulnerable to Predictable IP Sequence Numbering, also known as IP Spoofing. IP Spoofing is a technique used to to make it appear that a user has a different IP address than he is supposed to have.

NTA Monitor

  Korea to Block All Porn

contributed by Lamer
The Commission on Youth Protection in South Korea yesterday said it will ask to have the 26 local Internet service providers (ISPs) to ban access to all pornography. ISPs defying the government ban will be punished with up to two years in prison or 20 million won in fines, plus the cancellation of their business licenses.

The Korea Herald

  Grammatically Challenged InfoCriminal Defaces Site

contributed by Weld Pond
The Tucson Unified School District's web site was defaced by what reporters have called a 'grammatically challenged' individual. The defacement left obscenities, misspellings, and grammar errors throughout the page. Local officials are investigating.

Arizona Daily Star

  Bank Emails Virus to Investors

contributed by Yazmon
Last Friday Fuji Bank Ltd in Japan accidently emailed a computer virus to a few global investors. A spokesperson for Fugi said that the email came from a machine that is not normally used and therefore was outside what they normally monitor. The virus, on the 14th day of each month would display the message "big stupid jerk".

Financial Times

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Last Updated: 12/11/00 at 16:00

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Department of Civil Aviation, United Arab Emirates (
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