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News for 100700

  Same Hunter, Different Bug

contributed by pyle
Georgi Guninski has done it again folks. He has found another hole in the Microsoft IE 5.5 browser little more then a week after he issued his initial advisory regarding the same product. It is believed this hole has the potential to allow an infiltrator complete access to all parts of the computer. Guninski released the advisory to BugTraq early yesterday.


  Security Hole Found in OpenBSD

contributed by weld pond
The OpenBSD project is a volunteer run, cost free project aiming to produce an operating system that is both UNIX-like and multi-platform 4.4BSD-based. Considering how much emphasis OpenBSD places on security (only essential services of the system are enabled before being sent, a process they call "security by default"), it was surprising to learn they have fallen victim to the format string overflow problem. If OpenBSD, arguably the most proactively secure open source Unix operating system, contains vulnerabilities because of this problem, you can rest assured that many other OSes have more of the same. Don’t be surprised to see these format string vulnerabilities cropping up everywhere.

OpenBSD Website

  Sex Site Scammers May Face Charges

contributed by laney
If you find unexpected long distance charges on your telephone bill and you have recently accessed pornographic material over the Web, you may be one of many victims of an international dial up scam. Two suspects from the UK had their assets frozen while this mess gets sorted out. It appears that after a software download, surfer’s dial-up was disconnected then reconnected in Madagascar. Apparently, the classic phone scam has just gone digital.

Reuters via Wired
The Register

  FEDS May Pursue NJ Stock Fraud Teen

contributed by laney
Although he has settled his civil lawsuit with the SEC, Jonathan G. Lebed may soon face criminal charges for the online stock fiasco he perpetuated when he was merely 15. If they do in fact come to pass, Lebed would be the first juvenile to face these types of charges.

Bloomberg via USA Today
NY Post

  Technology Keeps Congress Busy

contributed by laney
Congress scrambles to wrap up looming technology bills before the session ends. There are only a few days left but an enormous amount of fine print to sort through. It will be interesting to see if anything worthwhile will get accomplished.


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Last Updated: 01/07/01 at 17:15

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