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News for 101700

  Digital Angel or Digital Devil in Disguise?

contributed by weld pond
Here is one of those cases where truth is stranger than fiction. Digital Angel, a product of Applied Digital Solutions, will be released at the end of October. From a technical aspect, the product should be applauded for all the interesting things it claims to be capable of doing. That's great and all but then it's time to take a step back and ponder the potentially negative effects a product like this could have on society. I mean really - anything that involves planting a computer chip into your head for tracking purposes can not be good.

Fox News

  Online Anonymity Challenged

contributed by harvest
After several derogatory remarks and personal defamations were posted anonymously on the Internet by various individuals, Erik Hvide, former CEO of Hvide Marine, filed suit claiming the messages had damaged his company's reputation. In a massive blow to freedom of speech advocates everywhere, a Florida appeals courts appears to agree with Hvide, going so far as to issue a ruling that demands all ISPs must divulge identity information in cases of defamation.

The New York Times

  Public Doubts Government Computer Security

contributed by harvest
Not surprisingly, a poll conducted by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) has shown that 80% of those surveyed have low confidence in the government maintaining security and privacy on the Internet. And rightly so according to the results of the GAO investigations. Many also expressed doubts over the security of legalized digital signatures and supported the appointment of a top ranking executive to handle computer security issues.

Reuters via ZDNet

  NSA Fights for the U.S. in Cyberspace

contributed by pyle
Leader of the U.S. National Security Agency, Air Force Lt. Gen. Michael Hayden, equates information with land, air and sea as a location America must keep itself secure in but at the same time realize it is a place that has the potential to become a battlefield. NSA's largest concern at the moment is protectecting U.S. telecommunications from malicious attacks.

Reuters via Wired

  House & Senate Shortchange Cyber Security Initiative

contributed by weld pond
The government is scrambling to determine how much funding will be ponied up for the aggressive cyber security program proposed by the Clinton administration at the beginning of this year. So far, few factions seem to want to contribute to Clinton's $138.4 million dollar program. That and the lack of legislative time left in the current term has even the quintessential optimist doubting whether or not anything will actually be accomplished.

The Washington Post

  Censorware Bill Proposed in Congress

contributed by harvest
Republicans in the House and Senate have amended an appropriations spending bill that may be voted on later this week to mandate filtering software on all school and library computers. Although the bill makes no provisions for funding for the software, those who do not comply could risk losing future federal funding for web access. Strange but true -conservative groups, library and teacher associations, and the ACLU are all opposing the effort.

AP via CNN

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