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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 102299

  Virus and Marines Fight It Out In the Pentagon

contributed by keydet89
An unknown virus that has not been seen before has attacked US Marines Corp computers. The infestation has been limited to the Pentagon and the Navy Annex. It is unknown how the infection began.


  LAPD Abuse Wiretapping Power

contributed by Alien Plague
The LA Public Defenders Office is charging that the LAPD has committed widespread illegal wiretapping and that the District Attorney is covering it up. One wiretap covered a cellular phone company, it monitored over 250 cell phones and lasted for two years but was reported as one wiretap. Another case involved the wiretapping of a pay phone, monitoring thousands of innocent peoples phone calls. Privacy advocates, such as the EFF and EPIC, are arguing that there is a need for encrypted communications to protect Americans from similar official, but illegal, surveillance.

ZD Net

  Three Blind Men Await Trial in Israel For Computer Crime

contributed by Space Rogue
Three blind men in Isreal have been charged with breaking into a military switchboard and making long distance calls. The men, blind since birth, where arrested back in July and the case is finnally coming to trail. This is the first case involving computer fraud to be tried in Isreal.


Globe Technology - July 2nd Edition
HNN Archive for July 7, 1999

  ARM Target of Cyber Attack

contributed by tall.drink
The Australian Republican Movement has been the victim of threats and possible cyber attack. A 20-page fax threatening the 200 staff and supporters of the ARM declared "info-war" and claimed to control all the electronic equipment in the office. 20 minutes after receiving the fax the ARM's call center was 'disabled', email was 'jammed', and computer systems shut-down. It is thought that the Empire Loyalist Movement may be responsible but they are denying any involvement. (From the piddly amount of information in these articles this looks like more of a propaganda move than a legitimate cyber attack.)

Sydney Morning Herald
Technology News
Australian Broadcasting
Australia News

  Military Unit Formed For Domestic Deployment

contributed by Brian Oblivion
Congress is seeking a broader use of U.S. military forces in a domestic law enforcement role including a new unit for deployment in assisting civilian officers during a terrorist attack. This appears to be in direct violation of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act, which prohibits federal troops from participating in domestic law enforcement activities.

"The American people should not be concerned about [U.S. military forces on the streets of U.S. cities]. They should welcome it." - Defense Secretary William Cohen

World Net Daily

  cDc Interview Posted On Slashdot

contributed by Space Rogue
We don't have a URL yet but Slashdot should be posting the results of its email interview with the Cult of the Dead Cow sometime on Friday. Should be worth a read.


  Buffer Overflow in Communicator May Allow Code to Run

contributed by Weld Pond
Another buffer overflow in the Windows version of Netscape Communicator has been discovered. This one deals with incorrect bounds-checking in dynamic font support. Example exploit code is available and confirms the overflow on NT 4.0 using Netscape 4.61 and 4.7. It should be possible use this exploit to execute arbitrary code.

White Hats

  Japanese Firms Announce Security Standard

contributed by no0ne
Last Monday Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Hitachi Ltd. and Fujitsu Ltd. announced that they have developed a common hardware and software configuration that will keep intruders from breaking into corporate information systems. (Nothing at all is said about whatever this magical technology is. Just the fact that it will hopefully be adopted as the global standard for preventing unauthorized access.)

Yahoo News

  Scam Artists in Australia Labeled 'Hackers'

contributed by darklynk
Using bogus credit card numbers teenagers from the South West district of Australia gained access to Telstra's Big Pond Internet Service. The teenagers from Bunbury and Collie SW, are facing major fraud charges today after being targeted by detectives investigating a national internet and credit card scam. (Credit Card Fraud != Hacking)

Southwestern Times

  SiteScooper Now Supports HNN

contributed by Justin
Sitescooper automatically retrieves the stories from HNN (and other web sites), trims off extraneous HTML, and converts them into formats you can read on your Palm computing device for later reading on-the-move.


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