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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 102699

  Congressman Lobbies IETF For Privacy

contributed by Brian Oblivion
Representative Bob Barr (R-Georgia) has sent a letter to the chairman of the Internet Engineering Task Force supporting freedom and privacy. He urged the IETF not to assist law enforcement by providing a surveillance architecture in the new Internet technology. The FBI has requested that such technology be built into the new technology to aid in legal wiretaps.


  Cable + Wireless Security Compromised

contributed by Lady Sharrow
Cable & Wireless Communications, a major ISP in England, has had its security breached. A database containing the personal information of 150,000 users was reportedly compromised. The database included e-mail addresses, passwords and telephone numbers. Cable & Wireless is unsure how the breach occurred but is investigating.

UK Telegraph

  Yugo Cyber War Not As Widespread As First Thought

contributed by Evil Wench
Recent statements by high level military officials regarding the use of electronic techniques during the US - Yugoslavian war have increased conjecture as to what actually occurred. Rumors have spread about everything from implanting viruses to draining bank accounts. However, according to the commander of U.S. air forces in Europe cyber attacks were mainly focused on military air defense systems.
This article goes on to explore the legal aspects of attacks on other countries computer systems and claims that Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti in 1994 was the first American penetration of foreign computer networks.

Washington Post

  England To Launch High Tech Crime Unit

contributed by no0ne
Expected to be formed in London next year is an anti-computer crime team that will be composed of specialist police officers, security people from both the MI6 and MI5, and experts from academy and industry. This team will be called the "High Tech Crime Unit", the team will have units to cover various computer crimes that span from computer intrusion, pornography, counterfeiting, and fraud.

The London Independent

  First Project Macro Virus Discovered

contributed by nvirB
Corner is suspected to be the first virus to infect MS Project files. This macro virus can travel between MS Word and MS Project. It does not have a malicious payload and does nothing but replicate. Corner even has a nice little poem at the end of its code. The poem is from Joy Division's song "Twenty-four hours", taken from their 1980 album titled "Closer".

Data Fellows

  Microsoft Web Page Defaced

contributed by Space Rogue
The web site for Microsoft's Conference Management Server was defaced late Sunday evening and was still not fixed over 24 hours later. The defacement consisted of two seperate index files and was not one of the main pages. This defacement joins several military severs that have recently been defaced including US Army Reserve Command, White Sands Missile Range, Navy Management System Support Office, Department of Veterans Affairs and others.

Attrition Mirror

  Rubi-Con Wants You!

contributed by locutus
Rubi-Con organizers have issued an official call for speakers. Rubi-Con 2000 is scheduled for April 28-30, 2000 in Detroit Michigan. Speakers even get free goodies like extra free passes for your friends and a free t-shirt. WooHoo!


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