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News for 103099

  Cops Receive Info on Internet Crime Fighting

contributed by Evil Wench
An all-day seminar on "Law Enforcement and the Internet" was recently held in New York and sponsored by Law Enforcement Internet Intelligence Report. The seminar covered topics such as tracking e-mail messages to how to spot malicious activity to the legal pitfalls in preparing subpoenas and search warrants.

APB Online

  LSU Experiences DOS Attack

contributed by Weld Pond
A compromised student computer in Kirby-Smith Hall of Louisiana State University is being blamed for deprivation of service problems on some of LSU's systems. (If you want to laugh read some of the quotes in this article attributed to LSUPD Capt. Mark Shaw. It is good to know he is on the case.)

Excite News

  Oklahoma Paging System Vandalized

contributed by Weld Pond
Details are sketchy but a vandal broke into a MetroCall paging system in Oklahoma and sent out a page that somehow triggered dozens of others. (Of course they don't use the word vandal this guy had to be a 'hacker'.)

Excite News

  You Thought You Were Safe

contributed by Ender Wiggin
Brian Martin talks about the fact that nothing computerized is safe -- not your Dreamcast, your Palm Pilot, your word processing program or your telephone. He says "Security is all-inclusive, no longer a realm of obscure networks or sensitive databases full of nuclear codes and credit card numbers."


  The Weather Channel and Four More .gov/.mil Sites Defaced

contributed by Space Rogue
Yesterday was another busy day for those defacing web sites. Web sites owned by the Navy and the Marine Corps where hit as was The Weather Channel. Groups and people such as Narcissus, High-Tech Hate, fuqraq, flipz, p4riah, Pakistan Hackerz Club and others have claimed responsibility. (Unfortunately most of these pages are not anything to look at which is why we have not been mirroring them. We did grab a few.)

HNN Defaced Pages Archive
Attrition Web Mirror

  Hole Found in Mac OS 9

contributed by wh4cked
What is believed to be the first security vulnerability found in MacOS 9 has been posted. MacOS 9 has been shipping for less than one week and is the first version of MacOS to support multiple users. The vulnerability allows one user to bypass the Console Lock feature and gain access to another users files. (This is a wicked simple hole, it is very surpriseing that this problem was not discovered during testing.)

Security Focus

  Nerds Will Fight Next World War

contributed by no0ne
The Economist has an article on how computers are being used as a weapon and how it has changed the way politics, propaganda and other agendas and objectives are being pushed in Asia. This is mostly fear mongering so if you're busy today don't bother.

The Economist

  Time Spreads Cable Modem FUD

contributed by InfinityMatrix
In the November 1st Issue of Time Magazine, the Technology section highlighted the Cable modem issue. The author, Chris Taylor, states that "most common attack reported by hacker watchers makes use of a Trojan Horse." It goes on further spreading FUD, "If you've hooked up a microphone, the remote-access hacker can listen to your conversations in real-time. If you own one of those little monitor-top video cameras, he can watch you like Big Brother." (A cable modem is no more dangerous than a regular modem. The fact that you have an insecure machine connected directly to the internet is the problem. Not the cable modem. Stop blaming the technology for a personal problem.)

  Buffer Overflow Found in Instant Lunch

contributed by Dr. Mudge
A very large and serious security issue has been uncovered involving a buffer overflow with Maruchan's Instant Lunch. Instant Lunch is a dried soup product relied on by many people for nourishment. If the documentation for its use is followed a possible buffer overflow may result seriously injuring the user. Other products, such as Cup O Noodles, may also be affected.

Instant Lunch Advisory

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Last Updated: 10/10/00 at 23:45

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RCSUSA, Inc. (
Muenchner Symphoniker e.V. (
DATA Software, s.r.o. (
Arpao Servicos de Informatica Ltda (
Scania Slovenija, d.o.o. ( (
Games Workshop ( (
Gustavo Castillo (
Sexy Blonde Cam (
Estudio Charne (AR) (
Guia Virtual (
BYT Informatica (
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