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News for 110799

  Emergency FidNet Funding Canceled

contributed by Evilwench
After the the House Appropriations Committee eliminated funding for the proposed Federal Intrusion Detection surveillance system (FIDNet), the White House found other funding through a $611 million mid-year fiscal 2000 budget amendment. Now less than one week before the Clinton Administration's proposed network security plan is slated to be unveiled, Congress has refused the request to provide the $39 million to fund the project. The proposed FIDNet system will be run by the General Services Administration who hopes that supplemental funding for FIDNet will be found by January but will go ahead with the plan regardless if specific money is allocated.

Government Executive Magazine

  Cyberattacks Against DOD up 300 Percent

contributed by Weld Pond
Lt. Gen. David Kelley, the director of the Defense Information Systems Agency, has said that the number of cyber attacks reported this year against the Defense Department's information networks has more than tripled compared with last year. The number of cyber attacks or unauthorized intrusions into DOD networks and systems went from 5,844 in 1998 to 18,433 so far during 1999.

Federal Computer Week

  White House Says US Vulnerable to Cyber Attack

contributed by de4th
Richard Clarke, a National Security Council advisor, has warned against the loss of electricity, transportation, or telecommunications due to information warfare. He said that many people where still in denial and that it was time to wake up to reality.

Nando Times

  Russia Withholding Information on Computer Attacks

contributed by William Knowles
U.S. Government computer experts have traced the code named Moonlight Maze attack to Internet service providers linked to Russia's Academy of Sciences, a government-funded group involved in research projects with military and civilian applications. Russian officials however aren't coming clean with information regarding these attacks leaving some investigators to wonder why?

Reuters - Via Excite

  Who is Richard Smith?

contributed by EvilWench
Richard Smith identified the author of the Melissa virus, uncovered Microsoft's suspicious registration practices, he discovered the presence of unique identifying numbers in digital documents and this week, he revealed RealNetworks' sneaky data-gathering practices. (While we like and applaud what Mr. Smith has done we're not sure he rates the label of "living, national treasure".)


  Federal Guidelines for Searching and Seizing Computers

contributed by newbie
Worried about being busted? Scared that the feds may come and take all of your computers? Is that Thermite bomb really necessary? This may be of interest, the Federal Guidelines for Searching and Seizing Computers.

Department of Justice

  Canadian Defense Site Defaced

contributed by Evil Wench
The Department of National Defense Web site was defaced last Monday night. The National Investigative Service is attempting to locate the perpetrators. Officials said that no sensitive information was accessed.

Globe Technology

  Defacement of South Africa Statistics Site Investigated

contributed by Alien Plague
An investigation into the latest attack on South Africa's Statistics web site has revealed that the assault originated from a dial-up user in the US in the early hours of Wednesday morning. This is the second time in two months the site has been defaced, despite the fact that a private company was called in to provide a firewall and surveillance after the first defacement.

Africa News

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