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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 110999

  Sony Reveals Addresses of 2.5 Million Subscribers

contributed by no0ne
E-mail addresses of subscribers to Sony Music's Infobeat service were exposed to advertisers, a result of a software flaw. Advertisers were able to see the e-mail addresses of those subscribers who have clicked at certain advertisements sent through Sony's mailing list. Sony claimed that all of the advertisers where contacted and that none of them collected or used this information in anyway.(Yeah right. Yo, TrustE, time for yet another investigation?)

ZD Net

  TrustE to Rethink Charter

contributed by turtlex
After realising that the recent privacy fiasco perpetrated by Real Networks was outside of its joursidiction the industries self appoited privacy guardian will rethink its charter. TrustE says that itcan only investigate web sites that violate privacy issues and not music applications that work over the internet.


  Russians Exploited SIPRnet Gateways

contributed by evenprime
So what exactly did the Russians get during Moonlight Maze? Where classified systems compromised? SIPRNet Breached? Passwords stolen? Why was all of DOD asked to change their passwords a few months back? It looks like Moonlight Maze had a bigger impact on US systems than originally revealed. Unauthorised connections between NIPRNet andSIPRNet may have leadtoa wider intrusion than the public was lead to believe. (Hmmm, no classified information? I wonder.)

PBS - The Pulpit, by Robert X. Cringely

  FBI Director Calls For International Cooperation on Online Crime

contributed by evenprime
FBI Director Louis Freeh says that tracking computer criminals should become a matter as important as foreign policy, defense, or economic issues. He is calling for increased cooperation between countries to track down and prosecute internet criminals.

Rueters - Via ZD Net

  Lebanon Outlaws Voice Over IP

contributed by skoubidou
Last January the The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications in Lebanon banned ISPs from offering Voice over Internet services including video conferencing. This forces people in Lebanon to use the state run telephone service which charges up to 10 times the rate that the ISPs did.

Lebanese Daily Star

Late Update 0935EST
In responce to the above action a private web site has been set up to detail how to work around the governments ban.

Internet Telephony in Lebanon

  Bond Fans Could Not Wait

contributed by no0ne
The new James Bond movie "The World Is Not Enough" is now available on the net, for free. UPI,the films legal distributors, have launched an investigation to find out how a film collectors' club got hold of the video-quality copy and released on the Internet over a week before its official release.

The Straits Times

  Masquerade Attack Discovered for Outlook

contributed by Evil Wench
By changing the three letter extension on an email attachment it is easy to bypass MS Outlooks security features. Email attachments with the extension to .gif or .doc are ignored by Outlook and allowed to pass through its filtering system.


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