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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 120299

  Zero Knowledge Ships Freedom, Finally

contributed by Jordan
After what seemed like an agonizingly long beta period Zero Knowledge Systems has finally shipped Freedom 1.0. Freedom works seamlessly alongside your favorite browser and other Internet applications. You can surf the web, send email, chat, telnet, and participate in newsgroups as you normally would, only now with complete confidence that your personal information is not being collected without your consent. Freedom identifies you on the net with a 'nym' that you choose. There can be only one 'nym' so unless you want something like 'Tom4538720' you should reserve yours today.

Freedom 1.0

  OpenBSD 2.6 Ships

contributed by Theo
What is probably the most secure operating system available has shipped its new version. OpenBSD 2.6 is a FREE, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system. It emphasizes portability, standardization, correctness, proactive security and integrated cryptography. Some of the new features include the addition of ssh (OpenSSH) and Perl 5.005_03 to the base system, reliability patches for the PowerPC port, improved support for ext2fs, USB support, a faster install process and a lot more.


  Videon Was Warned of Data Loss

contributed by dj.tazz and P_Simm
The Canadian ISP, Videon, was warned that it had left its customer database available on the web for all to see. Days later, after the database had made the rounds on the net the security issue was resolved. Customers however where never notified by the company. They did not find out about the problem until weeks later when it appeared in the local newspaper. Videon has confirmed that they received the emailed warning and failed to act in a timely manner to prevent the loss of customer account numbers, names, addresses, phone numbers, user names and passwords.

Winnipeg Free Press

  German Digital Signature Chip Broke

contributed by cripto
After months of intense lobbying for a secure system and only days after being ratified by the European Union the German Digital Signature has been broken. The digital signature card, developed by Siemens, is to be used in cashless payment systems and access control systems. With data dumps of the SLC44/66 chip and information explaining its design floating around the Internet anyone using the so-called Geldkarte system stands the risk of having money transferred without their knowing it.

The UK Register

  IETF Members Under Investigation For Treason

contributed by Weld Pond
Some members of the Internet Engineering Task Force seem to be under investigation by the DOJ and FBI. The reason for the investigations seems to be the desire to include encryption and exclude back door capabilities in new protocols proposed by the IETF. The investigations are centered around treason charges.

NT Security
ZD Net

  Jane's Releases Cyberterrorism Report

contributed by turtlex
Jane's Information Group has released its much anticipated report on cyberterrorism. While the actual information in the article seems rudimentary and crude its conclusions about the possibility of a full out terrorist attack over the internet being extremely remote seem dead on. (Warning this is an extremely long and dry article that presents litte new information.)

Jane's Defense Weekly

  Car Radio Listening Habits Being Gathered

contributed by Evil Wench
Think your safe from the prying eyes of the data collector when you're peacefully driving your car and listening to the radio? Think again. New technology being tested in Atlanta, Toronto, Los Angeles and Phoenix can remotely determine what radio station you are listening to in your car. Small shoebox-size electronic sensors posted on billboards and light poles can listen to the signal from the oscillator in the car radio, determine the frequency and log the information in a central database. This information is then made available to subscribing radio stations in real time to help in determining ratings numbers. (Even though this system does not collect demographic data, can't collect AM yet, and doesn't listen to homes or businesses, it is still scary as hell.)

The Atlanta Journal Constitution

  CVE by Mitre Goes Online

contributed by Weld Pond
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures database run by Massachusetts defense contractor Mitre has gone online. The database hopes to help standardize computer security terms and set a common vocabulary for building more secure systems. The database hopes to contain all known system vulnerabilities. (It is unlikely that any of the big 5 security companies will give up new vulnerabilities that only they know about for their competitors to find in this database. The database is already missing some key advisories that have been publicly released.)

The Boston Globe
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures Database

contributed by Pammyleey
More Busts Reported
Yesterday we had an unconfirmed report that Darkness, a member of the group [sSh], had been raided. It looks like a simultaneous raid also snagged YTCracker. It has been reported to us that he was charged with 4 counts of computer fraud and has been given a court date of December 15. (If anyone can confirm this information with links to news articles we would appreciate it.)

Late Update 1240EST
We have received word that YTCracker has not been arrested. The raid and arrest of Darkness is still unconfirmed.

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