DiSclAimEr: We ArE on Dah ConQuESt To gEt 0WnEd- All KiddIr pr0n AnD
FarMseX GraFix Are cOpyRIghTEd by AnTI0NlinE And jay Pee, AnY vIolAtioN
AnD We S1Ck Jay Pee On Jew!!!
GreetZ: {I-l}, s1l1C0s1s, RedEmpt1on , w1Z , sn1p3r
Leg1oN2o0o , HcV , eCh0 ,Reaper in H1s CreW, r0xburn , Bash , 0pt1k , Ez, spym0Dem, KNight oF mISts,
r00t , f1sh , 4ll Th3 Wh0r3s That Sta1r At my Ass And All ThAT gEt hEAd in DaH
0Val oFf1cE, aNd AlL DoZe 1 F0rGoT .. FuCk kEviN mITnIck And HIs ANal Fu FigHTer jAy pEe!!
(c) Us jew kn0w who (c)
th1s Sh1t jUst G0t Un TradeMarked??.. HcV said just r00t 1t....