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un1x b0wl1ng t34m pr3z3ntz...

IACSP - th3 1nt3rn4t10n4l ass0c14t10n f0r c0unt3rt3rr0r1zm 4nd s3kur1ty "pr0f3ss10n4lz"

b0wl3rz 1n th3 pr3zz.

y0h b1tch3z..

th3 m1ndl3ss 4buz3 4nd 1nt1m1d4t10n 0f c0unt3rz muzt b3 st0pp3d 4t 4ll c0zts.
0rg4n1z4t10nz such 4s th3 1nt3rn4t10n4l 4ss0c14t10n f0r c0unt3r t3rr0r1zm 4r3
s4d1st1c g0dl3ss b4st4rdz wh0 g41n 0rg4sm1c pl34sure fr0m the suff3r1ng 4nd t0rm3nt
0f d3f3nc3l3zz cgi skr1ptz.

th3 un1x b0wl1ng t34m c4nn0t st4nd 1dly by 4nd l3t th1z h4pp3n. Th3r3f0re, w3
4r3 br1ng1ng the ruckuz t0 4ll y0u m0th3rfuqrz.

www.iacsp.com w4z br0ught t0 y0u by th3 l3tt3rz e, l, 4nd the numb3r 8.
pl34ze s3nd y0ur k0d3z 4nd us3d r34ld0llz t0 b0wl3rz@hotmail.com.

www.iacsp.com w4z 4 pr0duct10n 0f s3v3nt3nspl1ff 4nd UBT Pty Ltd.

sh0utz t0 p0ld3r, p33z3d3nn, und3rsk0r3 3mm, str1k3, sg1j03, gutt3rb4llz 4nd w4ht.

r3zt 1n p34c3 t0 LOQ... w3'll m1ss y0u d00d. IPL roqz 0ur w0rld.

th4tz 1t.. g0 h0me.