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h1 sym4nt3c.
bl0wn3d. heh.

hum... first off, we 0wn yer ass symantec. dududuh

I mean, we really 0wn yer ass, coz 0ur bl0w0rm[bl0w0rm-v1.bin.gz - MISSING] is h3r3, HAHAHAHA!@#
So, h0h0h0, 0ur w0rm iz spreading around your netw0rk and infecting yer f1lez, since about 2 months ago. phear.

our advicez: reinstall all the shit and take care, or we're gonna own ya again.

wh0 bl0w3d n0rt0n's azz?

look out!@# fbi is /whois'ing all these nicks HAH


greetz: fl3m, aquele outro grupo, os manowz do r00t, e a td mundo que acredita no bl0w =)

phuckz: BRAZIL GOV, FHC, ACM, aqueles CUZOES do brasil que falam merda da gente mas so sabem falar mesmo, a imprensa, NAZIS/SKINHEADS, O GLOBO, roberto marinho e essa laia que nao vale a pena citar aqui.

bl0w up rc5 shit!@#