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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling




NATIONWIDE CONTACT: Emmanuel Goldstein, 917-945-2600

On Friday, June 4 at 2 pm, demonstrations will take place outside federal courthouses nationwide to protest the continued incarceration of Kevin Mitnick, imprisoned without bail in a pre-trial facility in Los Angeles for over four years.

The demonstrations are being organized by the FREE KEVIN movement and seek to shed light on the many injustices of this case.

They include:

--) Mitnick's denial of a bail hearing, something even a terrorist is given.

--) The inability of Mitnick's defense to have access to the evidence against him, making it impossible for them to mount an adequate defense.

--) The highly dubious claims of certain cellular phone companies in letters obtained by us which state that Mitnick's mere glancing at their source code cost them hundreds of millions of dollars. These losses were never reported to their stockholders as required by the SEC.

--) When the media started to report on these disclosures, the court's response was to prevent any further documentation from being released.

Throughout this ordeal, Mitnick has never been accused of doing anything malicious, profiting in any way from his talents, or being a violent criminal. Yet, since February 15, 1995 he has been locked away with some of the most dangerous people around.

Our demonstrations will take place to spread the word and put pressure on the appropriate authorities to end this nightmare once and for all. Even those who think Mitnick is guilty of everything he's been accused of are outraged by his continued incarceration. On June 14, the judge in his case will have the option of recommending his immediate release to a halfway house or extending his prison term even longer.

For more information on the Mitnick case, check For more information on the demonstrations, contact one of the above people or check

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