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A New Era

Written By: evenprime

It is customary to do some reflection this time of year, and I've been doing a little thinking about Y2K. I suppose that makes sense, since it was the part of computing that got the most media coverage the past year. It looks like the date change caused very few problems, and most of those were extremely minor. Still, there are lessons that can be learned from the things that did happen.

It took a lot of time, effort and money to ensure that the date change was uneventful. One thing to learn from Y2K is that it is difficult to fix a program after it is developed and implemented. Getting all the bugs out of a piece of software that's currently in production usually requires having an outside set of eyes look at the code, as the Social Security Administration recently found out. The application of this principle to the open source movement is evident [1], but even closed source developers can benefit by having their work audited by someone outside the development team, or better yet, outside the company. The DVD Copy Control Association have amply demonstrated the dangers [2] of trying to locate your own design flaws instead of letting someone else examine your work.

Look back at how programming has been done, and at what it has achieved. Date related bugs were everywhere, and had to be fixed. Security bugs are still everywhere. Unchecked input to static buffers, race conditions, and programs that are installed with too many privilege are all around us. All these things come from the same source: a method of software development that focuses on immediate results. It seems like the only concern most developers have is that the program they write works today, in our current network environment, with the input they expect it to receive.

That's a flawed way to look at software use. Y2K has taught us that the things we write will be used far longer than we expect. Users ensure that our programs will receive input that is not what we anticipated. [3] This may be true even if our intended users are not looking for bugs. :) I once wrote a user management script that, due to not checking operator input, was capable of preventing the entire user population from getting to applications necessary for their jobs. A beginner's mistake, but one that showed me how important it is to design programs so that they fail gracefully.

The software problems we have are not new. Lions wrote about race conditions back in 1977 [4]. Dr. Mudge was writing about buffer overflows back in 1995. [5] Where has this gotten us? Last week bugtraq readers were informed of a root compromise via a race condition, and there were six security-related buffer overflows. There are tools [6] and techniques [7] out there to assist in secure programming, but very few people use them, so we keep seeing the same types of mistakes.

Politicians have noticed the net, and they tend to think it is fairly important stuff. They have been tossing around terms like "Information Super-highway". Presidential Directives [8] have declared computer networks to be part of "America's Critical Infrastructure". The FBI has set up the National Infrastructure Protection Center to guard our networks. Infrastructures are things that are built to last, and when people begin comparing our computer programs to them, we ought consider the assumptions being made by the users. The highway analogy is kind of interesting; the engineers responsible for highways add saftey berms and guard rails to their designs, and they don't run the roads over quicksand. They try to incorporate safety into the design while it is still in the planning stages.

If the rest of the world thinks that we are designing an infrastructure, this industry needs to step back and look at what it is doing. Y2K has taught us that we may be using today's programs for a long, long time, so perhaps we should begin to develop with a different emphasis. This is a good time to consider abandoning the "functionality first" way of doing things and adopting a "durability first" mind set.

After all, a new millennium seems like a good time to begin a new era of software developemnet.

1. "Open source keeps designers honest. By depriving them of the crutch of obscurity, it forces them towards using methods that are provably secure not only against known attacks but against all possible attacks by an intruder with full knowledge of the system and its source code. This is real security, the kind cryptographers and other professional paranoids respect." - ESR cathedral-bazaar/cathedral-bazaar.html

2. "The lesson: This is yet another example of an industry meeting in secret and designing a proprietary encryption algorithm and protocol that ends up being embarrassingly weak. I never understand why people don't use open, published, trusted encryption algorithms and protocols. They're always better." - Bruce Schneier #DVDEncryptionBroken

3. "Security engineering involves making sure things do not fail in the presence of an intelligent and malicious adversary who forces faults at precisely the worst time and in precisely the worst way." - Bruce Schneier #WhyComputersareInsecure

4. The code for "swap has a number of interesting features. In particular it displays in microcosm the problems of race conditions when several processes are running together....What happens next depends on the order in which process A and process B are reactivated. (Since they both have the same priority, "PSWP", it is a toss-up which goes first.)
Lions, J., 1977. p. 15-2, "A commentary on the UNIX operating system"




8. (#62 & #63)

buffer overflow

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