The Hutchison Effect
    Collection of Documents and Audio Relating to John K. Hutchinson's Work    

  1. The Hutchinson Effect  A semi-official website for John K. Hutchinson.
  2.  Counterfeit website hi-jacked from John Hutchinson by Ace Baker.  Scam site - don't give them any money!
  3. Waiting on the Edge of Forever  Blog
  4. hutchisoneffectfolks  Blog
  5. MySpace Page
  6. YouTube Channel - #1
  7. YouTube Channel - #2
  8. YouTube Channel - #3
  9. DailyMotion Channel
  10. Facebook Page
  11. eBay Page  Sells "effect" artifacts.
  12. Large Collection of "Hutchinson Effect" Related Videos  by Dr. Robert W. Koontz, Jr.
  13. Large Collection of "Hutchinson Effect" Related Documents  by Dr. Robert W. Koontz, Jr.
  14. You're on Your Own When You Violate the Laws of Physics (and Don't Take Notes)  R&D Innovator, Vol. 4, No. 5 (May 1995)  (Mirror)
  15. Anti-Gravity Inventor's Balcony Stuff Not Appreciated by...?  by Sterling D. Allan
  16. The Hutchison Effect - An Explanation  by Mark A. Solis
  17. Mirror of John Hutchison's Geocities Webpage
  18. Excerpt from "Free Energy - The Race to Zero Point"  (16.7 WebM)
  19. Hutchinson Effect - Classic Footage  From American Anti-Gravity  (2.7M WebM)
  20. Interview with Nick Cook  The author of the book The Hunt For Zero Point" (ISBN: 0712669531)  (1.1 WebM)
  21. Tech TV's - "Invent This" Segment  Watch John Hutchison on Tech TV's "Invent This" show off his "weird and wonderful world of technology" and shows off his Crystal Power Cell.  (13.3M WebM)  Show Info)
  22. Biographical Information on John Hutchison
  23. John Hutchinson Media Interviews/TV Shows/Publications
  24. The Hutchison Effect  by Charles A. Yost
  25. The Hutchison Effect: A Lift, Disruption and Luminous Energy System
  26. The Strange - 12/15/97  The Poltergeist Machine from NEXUS Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 1
  27. John Hutchison, The Wild Scientist From Vancouver
  28. The Hutchison Effect: A Key to the Bermuda Triangle in Vancouver?
  29. The Dirt Cheap Rocks of John Hutchison
  30. RWG Research: John Hutchison
  31. Hutchison Effect: John Hutchison Home Interview  (YouTube)
  32. Hutchison Effect: John Hutchison Interview with Elaine Smitha - Part 1  July 29, 1994  (YouTube)  (Part 2)
  33. John Hutchison Interview with Art Bell (2002) - The Hutchison Effect  (YouTube)
  34. The Original 'Hutchison Effect' Footage  (YouTube)
  35. Discussion of 'Hutchison Effect Replications' with John Hutchison  (YouTube)

(This is a mirror of original


This is the semi-official website for John Hutchison!

It has been funded and created by Andrew Johnson, with John's agreement, but he has not overseen everything that has been put on here (at least not yet).

This website was created when it was realised that one of John's old Websites has effectively been "sold off" to a debunker by the name of Ace Baker.  He is now listed as a contact here - though the Website still has the original content - which is all rather strange...  If you want to find out the reasons for this, I am sure you are capable of doing so...

I know how much work goes into creating a website, and the previous website, did have quite a bit of work into it, though, like this site, articles were reproduced and copied from elsewhere.

John's Blogs

You will be able to see John's own posts, notes and pictures on his own Official Blogs and his Myspace accounts - use the links in the menu to get to these!

A Note to and about "Debunkers"

From the evidence you will find on these pages, you should conclude that what John Hutchison has been doing is real, but is not well understood in the realm of conventional science.  It is untrue to say that mainstream scientists dismiss John's results - you will see here documents which show that people like Ken Shoulders, George Hathaway and Hal Puthoff have all taken a keen interest in and endorsed John's experiments.  However, as with other real, but unusual phenomena, whatever amount of evidence is presented to a skeptic or debunker, it is dismissed, as the cognotive dissonance and highly restrictive world view take precedence over the open-ended study and analysis of the phenomena.

The "Wikipedia Challenge"

"Establishments" such as Wikipedia help to obscure and obfuscate the full knowledge of what John has achieved and you will likely be able to prove this to yourself.  For example, take some of the documents shown below and try to link them to this Wikipedia Article about John Hutchison.  It is highly likely that within about 48 hours, your edits will be removed and you may even get blocked from the site if you repeatedly attempt to re-apply your changes.  It's a "real-time" cover up...

John's Life and Experiments

John Hutchison's life changed drastically in 1979 when, upon starting up an array of high-voltage equipment (which he was using to investigate phenomena produced many years previously by Nikola Tesla), he felt something hit his shoulder.  He threw the piece of metal back to where it seemed to have originated, and it flew up and hit him again.  This was how he originally discovered fundamental frequencies can shield gravity.  When his Tesla coils, electrostatic generator, and other equipment created a complex electromagnetic field, heavy pieces of metal levitated and shot toward the ceiling, and some pieces shredded.  Upon analysis and thorough investigation, the Canadian government dubbed this phenomenon the Hutchison-Effect.  Read his story below....

In the years from and after 1979, many members of the so-called and aptly named Military-industrial-complex (MIC), visited his lab, corresponded with him and/or in a variety of other respects observed his work and his inventions.  Below, Figure 4 and Figure 5 are examples of correspondence John has received from these individuals or organizations.

His work has been classified as a matter of National Security by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (See Figure 2).  In the course of his research, John has come across many effects, some of which are described below.


Holes are found to appear in glass - and commonly a white outer layer of material forms.  John has witnessed slow fusing/melting together of rubber and steel samples and he has witnessed effects on aluminum blocks, which have turned to dust or, white powder has shot out and later settled on some of the samples.  (You can see photos and videos of some of these samples from links on this site)

John has witnessed the tops of steel bars turn to dust and white powders as well as chrome plating being "blown off" other samples.  At various times since 1980, John has witnessed anomalous effects of foaming water in some experiments.  John has other samples of dissimilar materials, such as wood and metal, that have fused together during experiments.

John has also witnessed dissimilar materials fusing together into "globs" and, in about 80% of cases, the effects of lift and ballistic lifts, sometimes to an unknown height or movement to an unknown distance.  These lift effects have been seen to occur with objects of only a few grams (ounces) in weight to approximately 750 kg (1500 lbs).  This has been in cases where the total energy input to his set of test equipment has been between 75 watts and 4000 watts (4 kW), at 110 volts, depending on the equipment and the test being done.  The results have been reported on CTV (Canadian Television) news and by Government personnel.

Many of his experiments have caused effects at a distance - such as levitation of objects, vibration of objects and other effects.  On some occasions, effects have been seen at around 300 feet away from the main area of experimentation, one such case being in December 2007 when plumbing on the ground floor of the building his experiments were being performed in failed and caused minor flooding and that part of the building had to be evacuated.

In 1981 he witnessed a persistent white fog effect in some experiments and this has appeared in subsequent experiments in 1984 and 1985.


In 1979, Mark Murphy and another individual, Mr. Murphy of Canadian Pacific Air, lived in the same building as his lab at 1458 East 29 Street, Lynn Valley, North Vancouver and they witnessed levitations of and effects on samples.  During 1980 Bill Ross (a civilian) and Mel Winfield (of Vancouver) also visited his lab at 1458 East 29 Street and they observed and took photos of levitations.  These photos were later published in Dr. Winfield's book "The Science of Actuality."  

In 1981, Philip Deldebbio of Brewster New York, owner of the Hipotronics company, along with his secretary witnessed steel turn into dust and they handled the samples.  Also in 1981, George Hathaway and Alex Pezarro caught some of these events on 8 mm film.

IBM engineers, including Brian Borrodale visited him and observed his experiments, and later a Mrs. Murphy (wife of Mr. Murphy) of the Alex Pezarro's Washington State group also visited and observed results.  Members of an organization called the San Diego Laser Group visited him in approximately 1981 and saw the results of experiments.

In about 1982, Alex Pezarro had a meeting in Washington D.C. with generals and John was told they wanted to go directly to Ronald Reagan to discuss setting up a research project, but it was decided at that time to ask another team to do further investigation.  In 1982, he moved his lab to 142 Riverside Drive, North Vancouver.

1983 - Los Alamos Team

In 1983, a group from Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL) contacted him on behalf of the U.S. Government.  At that time, the following individuals were involved: Flynn Marr (Lawyer) Joanne Maclusky (Lawyer for Pharos Technologies), George Hathaway (Scientist), Alex Pezzaro, Col. John Alexander, Bob Friedberge and John Rink.  Also at that time, he gave private demonstrations to Edna Drake and Bill Ross (who were civilians).

During the work with the Los Alamos Team, Starlite Lighting, who resided in the industrial premises adjacent to the lab witnessed effects in their own warehouse.  Experiments performed with the Los Alamos team were videotaped, but John has been told, following requests, that these tapes are no longer available.

During experiments performed with the Los Alamos team, large effects took place outside the target areas such as mirrors breaking, fires starting and there were unusual effects with the lights and other things.  Col. Tom Bearden said the project with the Los Alamos team was sabotaged by either Bob Freeman or Bob Friedberg.

In 1983, John moved his lab again - to 3744 East Hastings Street where John gave a demonstration to Alyn Edwards - a newscaster for BCTV.  John also gave demonstrations to a Cameraman for the Tony Parsons News Hour and Grant Fredricks of CKVU TV news now (Global TV).

In the period 1983-84 John worked with the Pharos Technologies/INSCOM Team which included General Albert Stubbeline, Major Ed Dames, Dave Porter and others who were based in Washington D.C. (See Figure 1).

Figure 1

Around 1984, information was presented to Ed Murand of the Iranian embassy and Henry Kissinger of the USA government in an effort to get financial support for Mel Winfield at a level of $500,000, to fund research into the effects already observed in other experiments.  But Col John Alexander stepped in to prevent funding being given.

In 1985, John completed 2 days of controlled experiments for Col. John Alexander, who was representing interests in Washington D.C. Again, video recordings were made but this time, the report he produced was not classified, and John has copies of the report and the video recordings.  Also In 1985, John gave demonstrations for George (Jack) Houck of McDonnell Douglas and around this time, John witnessed some metal samples giving off a grey mist during some experiments.


Also in 1985, Alex Pezzaro was present for some of the tests and Danny Bottemly was present for others.  In these tests, we witnessed molten, yet cold, metals and we saw samples bend into weird shapes and on some occasions, whole samples disappeared and reappeared.  At around this time, a University of British Columbia Professor also attended one of the demonstrations, but left in a state of utter confusion and disbelief.

George Hathaway and Norman Hathaway witnessed or filmed further demonstrations or experiments at around this time.  Mr. Dennis Edmonson of NASA discussed the possibility of obtaining $5 million in research funding being made available from NASA or Boeing.  Also in 1985, CKVU T.V. filmed experiments for the news hour and we also witnessed a mid-air "aurora"-type effect.

In 1986, Richard Sparks was his agent for SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) for the US DoD.  His privacy coordinator for the CIA the was John M Wright.  Also Col. Rogers was involved in trying to help retrieve documents concerning his work.  On March 24, 1986, on the orders of Erik Neilson, Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, the Canadian DND Director of Scientific Technical Intelligence Dr. Lorne A. Kuehne came to his lab with Dr. Wilson and Dr. Lokken of the Defense Region Establishment Pacifica (DREP) to investigate his work.  George Hathaway also assisted in these demonstrations and filmed the experiments using 5 different cameras, though he later stated that none of these films or photographs came out.  This phase of research was supported in Ottawa by Dr. Earl Ledger, Tim Deer, Dr. Laurie, Mr. Szabo, Col. Larson along with Ed Bishop, Brian Wallace and Bob Guyruski.

John has documentation that "Car Check" of Canada was established as a front-company for the Canadian based research, and all results were classified and remain so.

In 1986, the Max Planck institute in Germany undertook tests on his metal samples.  Their tests showed anomalous properties of the crystal structure of the samples.  The crystalline structure was "changing very rapidly over time."

In 1987 John moved to 560 Cambe Street, by invitation of George Lisa case and Alik Sheresesky of Owl Industries.  Boeing Aerospace Corporation provided $80,000 of funding for experiments through Eronn Kovacks.  Also in 1987, Electra Briggs (Philadelphia) has or had case loads of files, taped conversations original videos pertaining to this research which were never returned.  Also in 1987, George Lisacase made his own film of effects in his lab - including the levitation of a 1500lb transformer and nails floating through the walls.

Again in 1987, we saw fuming effects that we called "Carl the ghost."  This effect happened frequently and has been recorded both on videos and 8 mm film and Cal Barton of CBC Night Final News broadcast a report about our experiments around this time.

Again in 1987, Dr. Peter Kokoshinegg and his wife Dr. Margarita Kokoshinegg (of Austria) advised him to "get out" of the Boeing Group. and around this time, Roland Bredow took many photos of a "fuming type of energy" over an 18-month period and as many as 4000 photos of experiments have been kept by the Max Planck institute.

In Germany Seimens Laboratories, BAM labs and Berlin University have also done tests on his work, but that communication between them was very limited.  By this point, many articles had been written discussing aspects of his work, such as those in Esquire Magazine and in other publications in Germany, Japan and the U.K.

Some time in the period 1987-1989, John was told by Alik Sheresesky and George Hathaway that while at the lab at 13 street, most of the above the building vanished.  The insurance companies also said that this had happened.

In 1989, John was contacted by Prince Hans Adam Liechtenstein expressing an interest in his experiments and research.  John has been in communication with him since that time.  Also, in 1989, John had taken a trip to Germany, to do some work at the Max Planck Institute.  John planned to have equipment shipped over there, but during his time away, government officials took the lab equipment while it was in transit and while it was in the previous lab installation.  Lawyers Hogson and Kowasky worked on his behalf to get the equipment shipped safely by Rolf Kiperling.

Judge Paris set up a B.C. Supreme Court order to protect the lab equipment.  The Vancouver Sun ran the story of the lab equipment seizure on the cover of the Feb 22, 1990 edition.  At this time, Henry Champ of NBC got involved in covering the story while John was in Germany.

Around this time, George Hathaway, Col. John Alexander and some people at Sandia Labs (USA) and Washington D.C. were still involved in analyzing his experiments, but they did not intervene in the seizure of the lab equipment.  George Lisacase formed a company called Pinnacle Oil International and he stole some of the energy cell technology John had developed and used it for oil prospecting.  George Lisacase also has/had videos of levitation demonstrations as well as photos of free energy tests and experiments.

In 1991, a documentary film featuring Hutchison Effect experiments aired in 80 countries.  Also around 1991, an article on the Hutchison Effect was published in several places - Raum und Zeit [Space and Time], the Newsletter of the Planetary Association for Clean Energy, the Electric Spacecraft Journal, Extraordinary Science, and a publication called Space Power.  On April 6, 1993, TVASAHI in Japan aired an interview with him.

Also in 1993, Nobuo Yokoyama, as part of the Tokyo Free Energy Project, published a Japanese book about the Hutchison Effect.

In 1996, a new set of laboratory equipment was assembled with electric and electronic gear salvaged from Canadian Navy vessels.  Also around 1996 actress Caroline Allart felt the force fields from his experiments with Barium Titanate samples.

In 1997, more levitation experiments were demonstrated to members of the company "Harry Delighter Productions" and they put these in a video called "Free Energy - The Hunt for Zero Point."  In year, 2000 his premises were raided by the local New Westminster Police Department and other people with them photographed things in his apartment during the raid.

In year 2000, Jim Cherry of World Wireless Productions (for Miramax motion pictures) witnessed the effect of the floor of his apartment starting to buckle or roll.  This event was also recorded on video.  Jim Cherry was with a team that included a Newsweek reporter and one from TIME Magazine.

On April 29, 2001, some demonstrations of free energy experiments/technology were given to Hiroshi Yamabe of Japan and Thomas Messer of Germany.  And in 2003, more demonstrations were given to Gryphon Productions TV for their Beyond Invention series and Wesley Baker was interviewed in the program, as he had witnessed similar demonstrations given by him in the 1980's.

In the period 2004-2005, Bruce Burgess of Blue Book Films worked on another film project with him.  Also in the period 2004-2005, John made attempts to retrieve copies of official reports about his experiments through FOIA requests in Canada and the USA, but nothing of value was released to him.

In 2005, Lama Lee, who lived quite close to him, reported to news crews about metal ornaments "dissolving" in her apartment, near the time John had done some of his experiments.  Mayor M. Wright of New Westminster visited his apartment because he said he had got reports of concrete breaking or cracking and citizens being in distress, apparently following some of his experiments.

In April 2005, John spoke on Art Bel's U.S. Coast to Coast AM radio show and discussed the likelihood of the replication of his technology by other groups within the military.  Between June 2004 and April 2005, John experienced a significant increase in enquiries from a number of organizations such as NASA, the Pentagon, and from SAIC.  Some of them requested John send videos.  Still in 2005, Japan TV aired a program called "x51. files" which included videos of his experiments.  Also, around this time Harold Berndt of Surrey, B.C. filmed some demonstrations of effects and posted a video on the American Antigravity Website.  Also in 2005, John sent a video to the Air Force Division of the Pentagon and John sent one to NASA.

In 2006, a group from National Geographic TV filmed odd vibrations and fires during his experiments.  Also near that time, Nancy O'Donnell, a TV director and others from Chinese TV saw and/or filmed melting rubber and steel during his experiments.  In 2006, several other groups filmed effects on Redbull cans and other effects on a toy ship.  These effects included "lightning bolts" and water foaming.  Again in 2006, videos of his experiments were shown to 400 staff officers at the Pentagon and it received standing ovation.

On Dec. 22, 2006, John Ealer of Motion Picture Productions came to film his experiments for a program called "Earth's Black Holes" (which was aired on the History Channel in January 2008).

In November 2007, John was visited by Dr. Ludwick of Germany, Jeane Manning, Peter Scholls and others and they took more videos of his experiments.


Other scientists or well-known figures who have expressed interest in his work, and/or offered letters of recommendation include Dr. Yaho, Caroline Sutherland, Joe Clark, Dr. Hal Puthoff (See Figure 8), Dr. Robert W Koontz (See Figure 9) and MP Chuck Cook (See Figure 2 and Figure 3).

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9


  1. American Antigravity Podcast with Tim Ventura  Discussing the Hutchinson Effect.  From 2004 or 2005  (9.0M MP3)
  2. American Antigravity Podcast with Tim Ventura  With Ted Gagnon.  From 2004 or 2005  (10.3M MP3)
  3. American Antigravity Podcast with Tim Ventura  With Col. John Alexander talks about his work with John Hutchison.  April 26, 2004  (668k MP3)
  4. CFRB Toronto with Richard Syrett  February 4, 2008  (2.0M MP3)
  5. CFRB Toronto with Richard Syrett  February 18, 2008  (3.7M MP3)
  6. Cosmic Horizons  June 19, 2008  (9.6M MP3)
  7. KLSX LA - Fortune Market Radio  February 9, 2007  (7.3M MP3)
  8. Kevin Smith Show  October 2, 2008  (14.1M MP3)
  9. Truth Quest with Melodee and Dr. E. Karlstrom  August 14, 2009  (22.1M MP3)
  10. We Ourselves with Dr. Judy Wood  January 18, 2008  (37.4M MP3)
  11. Ralph Winterrowd Show  With Dr. Judy Wood discussing 9/11 and free energy.  April 4, 2010  (16.2M MP3)
  12. Black Op Radio #163  (10.9M MP3)  (Website)
  13. Progressive Technology Hour  November 1, 2008
  14. Dynamic Duo with Jim Fetzer - #1  February 28, 2008
  15. Dynamic Duo with Jim Fetzer - #2  With Dr. Judy Wood discussing Hurricane Erin.  June 26, 2008  (12.1M MP3)
  16. Coast to Coast AM with George Noory  Discussing the "Ark of the Covenant" project.  May 18, 2004
  17. Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell  Discussing the 'Hutchison Effect' with David Sereda.  June 4, 2005  (YouTube)  (Show Notes)
  18. Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani  December 12, 2007  (15.1M MP3)
  19. WBAI - In Other News  January 2, 2012  (14.2M MP3)
  20. The Midnight Rider  (17.7M MP3)
  21. Energy Issues with Doug Herrick  May 10, 2011  (21.6M MP3)
  22. CBC Radio: Out of Their Minds  August 2, 2011  (4.0M MP3)


  1. A Mind/Brain Matter Model Consistent with Quantum Physics and UFO Phenomena  by Thomas E. Bearden, 1979  (ADA068988)  (3.4M PDF)
  2. John Hutchinson Affidavit  Dr. Judy Wood vs. Applied Research Associates  (Docket No. 07-CV-3314-GDB)  (1.5M PDF)
  3. "Hutchinson Effect" FOIA Requests by Brian Allan  (5.2M PDF)
  4. The Hutchinson Effect Apparatus  Electric Spacecraft Journal, Issue #9, 1993  (7.1M PDF)
  5. Collecton of Letters Relating to the "Hutchinson Effect Experiments  (2.6M PDF)
  6. The Hutchinson File  Compiled by Pelayo Calante adn A. Michrowski  (11.4M PDF)
  7. The Hutchison Effect - A Lift and Disruption System  by George D. Hathaway  (4.4M PDF)
  8. The Ultimate Hutchison  by Tim Ventura  (586k PDF)
  9. Preliminary Analysis Report on Utah Uraninite Sample  Before and after exposure to scalar wave device invented by John Hutchinson, by Steve Colbern  (215k PDF)

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