t00L t1m3 w1Th Ice-9

Cheap Source Code and Scripts

It has come to my attention that some, if not most of the source code in this section is incomplete. It seems that cut & paste doesn't work as well as I would like... No matter, I will be updating the code here soon.... Sorry..

This area is more geared to the beginning hacker as opposed to someone thats been doing this for a while. Although its widely considered "cheap," its always good to have the basic tools onhand when hacking a system. These tools are very easy to use and understand, provided you have a working knowlege of unix and it's services. Therefor, I do NOT offer support in any way for these tools. If you can't fugure it out, you shouldn't be using them. Also, because I am lazy, I am only offering them in plain text source code. You can feel free to load them to disk and use them. Maybe later I will include an automatic ftp link. If this page gives you any problems, or if there's something you'd like to see here, drop me a line...

Click HERE for tools you can save to disk! Click HERE for nasty tools!

  • If at this point you're feeling kinda' clueless, I have decided to include the 2600 HackFaq for your educational pleasure. Its rather large...

    Like I said, these tools are not "suP3r k-raD t00Lz", but they do come in handy. I will be changing them out from time to time to facilitate putting more on here. Also, in the near future I will probably make links to ftp.

    If you have anything to add to this page, send me email at
    Or use this cheap form...