Is this how people react when they think you’ve turned “Nazi” on them?
By Phillip Marlowe
A lot of talk has gone on about the Jew and just what he’s been up to in the world these days (and for a long, dam time). All kinds of theories and crazy talk, as some might try to call it. But what if there was a hidden truth behind it all, but in a much different way than you’d normally expect? Maybe, from the outside, it appears like some sinister “Sci-Fi” plot but may be something surprisingly less insidious –as such things go– but in a way that is unexpected. One that can absolve, to a degree, both of our races at the root level and serve well as an explanation that fits both history and current events. And all that without having to wear a tin-foil hat!
Speaking of tin-foil hats: Sometimes the whole thing does seem like an “Alien Race” has been gradually infiltrating us, like we all fell asleep and the plot to the movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” is taking place for real, in America. Oh, I know that it sounds crazy, but bear with me here. And, yeah, you’re right, I am cheaply using this movie analogy, to get your attention (and to read this). But it’s appropriate since Halloween is today and besides, it was a great movie (all of them).
But back to my little conjecture: To a lot of people – for very good reasons – the Jew appears to be have purposefully taken control over some critical junctures in our society, economy, media and politics. This has lead to serious questions for many – in various quarters – and can’t be made out as common cause for the lunatic fringe at all, anymore. Hence, all the Jew talk in so many circles.
One very important example, is the media, because strategically from there they can readily mask themselves and prevent any negative information coming out; while at the same time brain-wash all of us into accepting the social engineering that attacks our family values; distracts us with on-going racial frictions; erodes the European White races by celebrating any miscegenations with non-whites; and even go so far as cajoling the young, when possible, to consider joining the Pink Team – so as to not reproduce at all. All of this may be some kind of slow genocide being inflicted on the source of the Jew’s greatest, but suppressed hatred: the Aryan White Man.
And that’s what it might be: A deep-down, unconscious, fear and loathing of the Aryan White, one that has manifested itself down through the centuries and constantly reinforced by both of us. The Jew unconsciously tries (overtly at times) to get back at us in subtle ways and we react in predictably less subtle and in more militant ways. This has been going on-going, for so long, that the Jew has internalized it as part of their psyche and each of them acts accordingly. The White Aryan has internalized it, as well, with his racial dislike of the Jew and his conscious, well-founded suspicions. It’s become a mutually reinforcing paranoia, for Jew and Aryan, alike.
Make note on how the Jew feels that he must always fight for the little guy, the downtrodden and the oppressed, all the time, but what they’ve really been fighting for, is for themselves, all along. And on and on it continues; with the Jew always in conflict with us, since he wants what he thinks is best for Humanity but in reality he’s just acting out in his own best interest by subconsciously projecting himself onto other minority groups in opposition to the white race.
Look at how the Jews always gravitates to causes that protect other races from the evil Goyim – the real fixture of their subconscious fears? Look at how Gentiles generally ignore things until we suddenly get fed up and explode? And why is the Jew so heavily represented in the field of Psychology, with people like Sigmund Freud and Adolf Meyer? Why do so many Jews take part in left-wing causes like Abbie Hoffman and Alan Ginsburg?
And conversely, why do Aryans excel in military things so much? Oh, I know they are exceptions to all of this. But for good reasons. Look at the militarization of Jews in Israel, where they’ve had to rapidly develop these skills for the geopolitical environment they’re in, yet if you think about it, you’ll see a general pacifism over the centuries, as well as a reluctance to serve in the US military. And why do some Gentiles act in a similar ways as the Jew, by engaging in activism that is racially self-destructive and follows the Jew role? Because they’ve accepted and internalized the Jewish views on whites and have subconsciously made it their own!
Now, don’t casually discount all this. One, it explains a lot and two, neither one of us has to really feel responsible for the whole dam thing. No secret handshakes or conspiracies need exist (the North American Union excepted). No one needs to fear that they’re some kind of evil “Aliens” all the time (except for you Bilderbergers– we know who you are!).
I’m aware that similar ideas have been propounded like this, in the past. The Professor Revilo P. Oliver thought it to be a Darwinian thing, that the Jew had evolved into a race much like a pack of wolves and succeeded, in a evolutionary way, by subconsciously acting in concert with one another and using that to gain the advantage on a host population. Read More Here
My thesis is that it derives from a primordial fear, like the rush we sometimes feel from a good science fiction movie, one that causes us and them to strike back at an age-old nemesis or to look for some kind of security blanket. Also, the conscious mind is factored into this; by self-censoring the more obvious actions yet still explaining the self-defeating efforts that are seen, such as in supporting illegal immigration into the host countries that on the surface appears to negatively affect them, as well as us. This influx of non-whites subconsciously becomes the security blanket that further insulates and hides the Jew from his greatest fear: The Evil White Man.
Are we looking at some strange, hidden dance going on across the centuries? A destructive relationship, between two people on this planet, one rooted in our sub-cortex and collective subconscious “Id” and that Id is racially antagonistic to one another. And we’ve had no idea that it’s something like this has been behind everything, all along? A hidden racial psychosis that we both share from the misty reaches of time: The Jew, collectively, works to subvert and undermine his inner demon and the Aryan gets fed-up with it all and strikes back. This destructive symbiosis, between our two races of men, has been the real, actual source to much of Human history and misery across time.
Maybe, if we put that tin-foil hat back on for a minute, and think outside the box, we can see things in another light. Let’s say you belong to some Alien Race and you were studying us for some off-world Anthropology course and now have to come up with a conclusion for your thesis on the Earthlings, a final summation on their psychology that can explain why they’ve killed millions of themselves in wars over the centuries and have so many issues with class and race warfare all the time.
Just an idea that may explain it all. Sorry you were expecting some kind of Jew/Pod-People theory. And you can take off those tin-foil hats, now.
Comments feed for this article
October 31st, 2007 at 8:41 pm
Kinsman Victor
Hello I.M. Nice article. Your analysis of Jewish tactics is so impressively acute and stimulating. Just excellent.
October 31st, 2007 at 11:26 pm
Johnny Yuma
Thanks for the invite.. I ‘ve saved you to favs and will drop in from time to time.
November 1st, 2007 at 2:14 am
YESSSSS! Thanks MUCH for the invite, INCOG MAN How did I get so lucky?
You’re spot-on with this article (and your “About Me” thoughts) and you say it like a man who’s not going to apologise for anything. Thank God.
Cheers on the blog! I shall crash this party often
November 1st, 2007 at 2:35 am
brilliant post. I find that social/work contact with these people also increases the accuracy of this analysis. every one i met had done some form of military service in Israel. In Europe the jews are now at the forfront against muslim immigration because their acts of aggression have turned the immigrants in western countries against them (specifically in the UK & France). The first people to “wake me up” were muslim, then we had Aghanistan and Iraq. Needless to say that was a strong awakening.
Next it was buddies from the ex-Soviet Bloc who made it quite clear who was plundering what in their countries. Meeting people/travelling for work and discussing “taboo” subjects all draws the same logical conclusion: things reported in the mainstream media are not as they seem. The mainstream media is like a puddle on a lane way. The truth is deep, deep like the Atlantic Ocean. And it’s high time people turned off the Tv set and read instead!
November 4th, 2007 at 9:40 pm
This world is so sick now, that if God sees fit to end it with the help of man’s bombs or what-not, it is deserved. Those of us who know this stuff is against Him will be glad to leave it all behind and go with God. That ‘Last Supper’ pic you posted is very vile. They mock our faith, the Bible, and Jesus. They will pay. I don’t know if we can ever get this world back. The jew have really done their job, haven’t they? They bring this filth to our world and to the children. Sometimes I feel like I am living in a nightmare. I hate what has happened to the world in the last 60 years or so. It is only going to get worse too.
Keep writing. At least you tell it like it is.
November 4th, 2007 at 10:33 pm
Gee, my comment above was supposed to go on the article about the ‘Perverted homos’! I don’t know how it got under this one. I must have hit a button. My apologies!