What explosive legal trial — now going on — that the American Media is doing it’s utmost to ignore? One that puts that Scooter Libby/Valerie Plame business to utter shame and you may not have heard much at all about it (which is not surprising). And what’s the connection to a Congressional Bill, that was just passed by the House, which may have serious repercussions for Free Speech rights of all Americans? A spy case that’s now revealing some seriously sleazy, back-room machinations of the long, Lobbying arm of a small Mideast Foreign government.
Here’s a brief run-down:
In May of 2005, Lawrence Franklin, passed classified memoranda, some pertaining to Iran, to two senior members of AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee), Policy Director Steve Rosen and Senior Iran-Analyst, Kieth Weissman. These men then passed on these materials to people only identified as agents for a foreign government but everyone knows to be Israeli Embassy people. All of this appears to have occured during a long, on-going FBI investigation of AIPAC of such a nature that we can only guess at.
Franklin obtained this material while working for the Jew Neocons Paul Wolfowitz and Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Douglass Feith, while working in Rumsfeld’s Pentagon Office of Special Plans. Feith also had Franklin meet with people from the Iran-Contra scandal. Franklin was sentenced to 12 years, 7 months, just last year, for passing on these secrets.
Now, the defense for these two former AIPAC employees, Rosen and Weisman, are now claiming that they did all this for Patriotic reasons! That’s right, they now say that they only “mishandled information” a little but it was all with the knowledge of White House officials and was all just so OK, since it was for the Sacred State of Israel. In fact, the Judge is going along with this and has allowed subpoenas of White House people including, get this, Condoleeza Rice. This is somewhat amazing since this kind of thing almost never happens and is being mostly ignored by the mainstream press. Have you seen anything at all about it on the network news or cable talk shows?
Basically, all this is saying — that these two AIPAC people are either, #1: guilty of spying or #2: that this country does indeed have some serious Zionist back and forth crap going on in Washington –big time. And with what I’m about to talk about, I think that a “Number 2″ might just be an accurate description.
All of the aspects to this case point to some very ugly things just under the surface and no wonder the mainstream press is being exceedingly cautious over the whole affair– remember, it’s all a Jew thing — and one mustn’t embarrass or piss off the Corporate owners. And another thing to remember, is that former AG Alberto Gonzalez was looking to use this exact same AIPAC spy case as some kind of precedent to silence uncontrolled reporting or maybe any whistle-blowers or insiders who might spill the beans, by toughing up the law, in some sneaky way, to the harsh degree that they have in Great Britain with the Official Secrets Act. He got himself in a little hot water, too over it.
But now it’s just come out that a Congresswoman from California, this Jew named Jane Harman, one of the few Democrats publicly friendly with Bush (but that’s all for BS show, anyways), had been doing whatever she could to get the Justice Department to slap the wrists of these two high-level AIPAC spies — and all this (and maybe much more) to get the coveted Chairmanship to the Intelligence Committee of Congress!
Not only that, she’s also the sponsor for the just passed Bill HR-1955 (Senate S-1959), the “Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007,” which looks to be some kind of flanking move on our First Amendment Rights, one that may silence the growing crescendo on the Internet and Patriot Radio over what really is going on in Washington with AIPAC, Israeli-Firster Neocons and all of the evident 9/11 lies. This Harman Jewess was under investigation by the FBI in 2006 for brokering political deals for AIPAC, in exchange for enlisting powerful donors so she could get the position of Chair to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (which went to another).
But she’s still on the job as a Jewish Congresswoman and is one of the sponsors of a Bill that may very well mean any of us could be targeted for what we’ve got to say about it all. Talk about total BS. Here’s someone who finagled her way out of an FBI investigation, tried to get spies off and now she’s passing bills aimed at the American’s right to Free Speech!
This FBI investigation of Harman disappeared when she used her Bush connections to 9/11 Insider Ted Olson. Remember him? He’s the guy with the mystery phone calls from his wife, Barbara Olson, aboard a plane taking a nose-dive into the Pentagon. Seems like on the afternoon of his wife’s death, he pulls it together enough to call CNN to get the news out into the public, that Arab terrorists had hijacked the plane with box cutters. Now, questions have come up on how such calls where made from a plane with supposedly no in-flight phones and he’s changed his story several times.
Be that as it may, Ted Olson was also one of Bush’s lawyers for the disputed 2000 Election case that put him into office. He also represented the infamous spy for Israel, Jonathan Pollard, who may in fact, have been in cahoots with Scooter Libby, as well!
And Jane Harman is also big with the Jewish Institute of National Security (JINSA — I have a post here on them) that slimey nest of big-time Jew Neocons who awarded her the “Scoop Jackson Award.” And her husband, Sidney, is Chairman of the board to a group called “Business Executives for National Security” and is, of course, a long-time member for the nefarious globalist group: The Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). Are we getting the picture, here?
Now, you might just dismiss all of this as mere coincidence and no biggy (just how many coincidences does it take for you?) but have you stopped and considered all the lines of congruence to the whole thing? How about the fact that little of it is being investigated and reported by the mainstream press (outside of a few highly circumscribed Washington Post and a Time magazine article)? Why is the sponsorship’s of this Bill by the AIPAC-owned Jane Harman or even the facts about the bill itself, not even touched by all the talking heads these days?
And just what are the ramifications to this bill (HR-1955 or S-1959) for all Americans — not only to all those radical, Jihadis Muslims, we have running amok, close to our nation’s airports?
This bill seeks to set-up an organization that can decide who and what groups in this country may be prone to what they call “Violent Radicalization” or “Ideologically-based Violence.” Which is what most people would call “Thought Crime.” That’s right, whatever they deem dangerous they can outlaw. Now, the first thing they’ll say is that it’s just to protect us (as they always do) and that the real main target is “Islamo-Fascist” Muslims. Read this:
First let’s take a look at the definitions of violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism as defined in Section 899A of the bill.The definition of violent radicalization uses vague language to define this term of promoting any belief system that the government considers to be an extremist agenda. Since the bill doesn’t specifically define what an extremist belief system is, it is entirely up to the interpretation of the government.Considering how much the government has done to destroy the Constitution they could even define Ron Paul supporters as promoting an extremist belief system. Literally, the government according to this definition can define whatever they want as an extremist belief system.
Essentially they have defined violent radicalization as thought crime. The definition as defined in the bill is shown below.
(2) VIOLENT RADICALIZATION- The term `violent radicalization’ means the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideologically based violence to advance political, religious, or social change. Source: Blacklisted News
But this Bill also makes hints about the Internet and Webmasters and can just as easily be turned against any growing Patriot movements or on Free Radio across America. Whatever politically dangerous subject matter to them such as Anti-War or Border Security. Or to just plain silence any talk about the Jews, just like they did to the Canadian people.
Now, I fully realize that such a course of action against Free Speech is unconstitutional and all, but remember that these things are being done like now –- so all the logistics, organization and infrastructure will be inplaced and one step closer to what may be unthinkable today, but could happen tomorrow with a snap of a finger. And by then, things will be much, much tougher to deal with.
Here, we have the Jew Senators Schumer and Feinstein getting in the Orthodox, Zionist Michael Mukasey (just welcomed in by Bush today) as Attorney General, his good buddy Zionist Michael Chertoff, who as Homeland Security Czar will oversee key parts to HR-1955 and we have our brave and free media keeping you quite in the dark about any and all of this. That’s how they do it: They know that the media can’t touch them so they can freely get away with what they want.
Keep in mind that the Jews are the ones that are behind all of this Immigration mess, turning our country into the world’s biggest flop house; and by sucking us into his religious wars with his hated nemesis, the Arab; all his social engineering gambits like the failed “Diversity” experiment; and the sickeningly immoral Homosexual right’s movement. All things that put all of us white people, in long-term danger.
And they want, desperately, to find any possible way of shutting us all up about it — just like they did in other Western nations, where you can’t say a dam word about them and what they do or you risk some serious legal troubles.
You won’t be able to question anything like AIPAC, any of his lefty social changes, historical facts, what your children are seeing and learning in the schools, what religious beliefs you can hold. You think I exaggerate? Look into it and you’ll see. You can easily spend a few minutes going through my other links box on your left or read some of my other posts. It should be important enough for you to at least look into it for a bit!
People, we’ve got some Jews taking a serious “Number 2″ on this country’s sovereignty and future, anymore. You had better start paying some attention to all of this — and fast.
– Phillip Marlowe
More: Rob Bishop Article Check out Jane Harman, Jew Traitor to America: Bona Fide Jewish Plot
The trial has been put on indefinite hold because the prosecutor retired and went to work for some Jew law firm. Can you believe that? All the Jew criminals walk free.
Our country is under Jew control in one fashion or another, whether you know it or not!
Comments feed for this article
June 11, 2009 at 11:06 pm
Fleur de lis
Incog, your the best! Reading some of your older posts and copying them for posterity if you know what I mean.
June 11, 2009 at 11:32 pm
Steve in TN
Those fuckers literally make me sick.
Thanks Incogman. You knocked that one out of the park.